Raymond Nkwenti Fru

Raymond Nkwenti Fru
Sol Plaatje University | SPU · Faculty of Education

PhD; M.Ed; B.Ed Hons; Dip


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Dr Raymond Nkwenti Fru currently works at the Faculty of Education, Sol Plaatje University as a Senior lecturer in History and Social Science Education. His research interest is in the area of school textbook analysis and other contentious and controversial discourses in History/Social Science Education
Additional affiliations
June 2019 - August 2020
University of the Free State
  • Lecturer
July 2014 - June 2019
National University of Lesotho
  • Senior Lecturer
January 2011 - June 2014
University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Lecturer
January 2013 - June 2016
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field of study
  • History Education
January 2011 - May 2012
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field of study
  • History Education
August 2009 - November 2010
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field of study
  • History Education


Publications (30)
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The so-called brain drain is a topical issue globally, and especially in Africa, where the phenomenon is multifaceted. Inspired by similar trends reported for Africa, this conceptual paper highlights the case of Cameroon by exploring the structure of academic staff recruitment by state universities, which is managed through a highly centralised bur...
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There have been serious efforts across countries to make history education more relevant. One such global effort is the integration of citizenship values into the history curriculum and syllabus of schools. Despite the successes of this initiative in some contexts, others have received it with mixed feelings thereby problematising its implementatio...
This article explores the representation of identity in selected Anglophone and Francophone Cameroonian history textbooks via their coverage of the reunification of Cameroon. A far-reaching effect of the 1916 Anglo-French partition of German Cameroon and of the reunification of the territory in 1961 is that, in spite of the plurality of precolonial...
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The status of History education within a Social Science education framework of the Lesotho educational system is a cause for concern. In an attempt to foster the development goals of the Kingdom of Lesotho, education and especially Social Science education were identified as a major role player. In spite of this realisation, History education, and...
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Since the turn of the century, debates around the teaching and representation of the re-unification of Cameroon have dominated national headlines. History education has been highly instrumental in fanning the flames of this controversy through conflicting historical interpretations. A significant aspect of this controversy is the fact that the hist...
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The teaching of environmental education in the South African classroom is challenging. Although the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) provides for the integration of environmental education across subjects and grades, there are contextual limitations that educators (in the case of this study geography educators) face when having to...
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This study investigated the challenges facing entry-level students at Sol Plaatje University. Research has underscored the inequalities and socio-cultural and economic disparities between students at universities. In the case of South Africa, these inequalities are particularly prevalent because of the legacy of apartheid. There is therefore a need...
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This is an interview I granted to UNESCO - International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) on the occasion of the International Day of Education on January 24, 2024 with the theme "empowering teachers for all learners to thrive"
History education has always been a highly contested terrain especially in contexts whose pasts are marred by huge controversial, sensitive and emotive moments. This reality is more significant in the African continent, where issues such as slavery, colonisation, decolonisation, the partition of Africa; border crises; complexity of identity; race;...
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Environmental education is taught within the geography curriculum in the basic education system of South Africa. However, owing to various contextual challenges faced in 21st century South African schools, the teaching of environmental education has remained largely paper based. This poses a challenge to educators who are assigned the responsibilit...
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The primary objective of this study was to report on a series of workshops that were held in three institutions of higher learning on resilience, peace-building and prevention of violence using transformative pedagogies (TP). This progressive approach to teaching and learning is known as an activist approach and it is a reaction to the traditional...
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French language as a subject was formally re-injected in the mainstream schools as a pilot project in 2009 in Lesotho. This language, which was initially introduced in schools in 1868 and whose popularity decreased following the missionaries' departure from Lesotho, is viewed by the Ministry of Education and Training as an instrumental tool in prom...
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In this presentation, we explored the experiences of selected victims of the Malay camp forced removals of the early to mid 20th century in Kimberley
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Since the 1961 reunification of French and British Southern Cameroons, discourses of marginalisation, assimilation, "francophonisation", "frenchification" and internal colonisation have emerged in public and academic circles to describe the plight of the minority Anglophone population of Cameroon in the reunified country. An important element of th...
Universities throughout the world are tapping into the benefits of integrating ICTs into teaching and learning. Many studies have since focused on how ICTs are used for teaching in the universities. This chapter reports the views and perspectives of students in one Lesotho University regarding their integration of ICTs into learning. The chapter em...
A fundamental aspect of human existence over time and space has been the constant desire to improve on the human condition. This desire has manifested formally, through formal education or schooling, and informally. Being a structured model of education, the curriculum has tended to serve as a major tool to drive the process of formal education. I...
Conference Paper
The phenomenon of reunification in Cameroon is as controversial and contested as are discourses around the nature of history textbooks. Since the turn of the new century, debates around the teaching, representation and even the constitutional legality of the current status of the reunified former United Nations trusteeship territories of French and...
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p> It is no secret that history education in many parts of the world is facing immense challenges. This academic discipline has never been under more pressure to justify its place in the curriculum of many educational systems. While some systems such as South Africa have overtly downplayed the importance of the discipline through unfavorable curric...
Conference Paper
Five decades after the reunification of the former UN trusteeship territories of French and British Cameroons on October 1st 1961, to form a single nation, the phenomenon remains a hotly contentious and controversial discourse in Cameroonian society. Most often than not, the tensions around discourses on reunification have resulted in activities th...
A post-conflict society like South Africa requires a robust appreciation of its tangible and intangible heritage resources as a contribution to social cohesion, societal harmony and nation building. The role of education and history education in particular to achieve this endeavour cannot be over emphasised. With history textbooks having a document...
A post-conflict society like South Africa requires a robust appreciation of its tangible and intangible heritage resources as a contribution to social cohesion, societal harmony and nation building. The role of education and history education in particular to achieve this endeavour cannot be over emphasised. With history textbooks having a document...
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Using the interpretivist paradigm and approached from a qualitative perspective, this case study produced data on three purposively selected contemporary South African history textbooks with regards to their representation of heritage. Lexicalisation, a form of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), was used as method to analyse the pre-generated data...
Conference Paper
Many controversial discourses have often emerged in countries that have either been through reunification in their political pasts or that are still on that course. This paper starts off with a conceptual understanding of reunification. It then argues that in contrast to the euphoria that usually characterise the immediate aftermath of this event,...
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Drawing on two research questions, this study presents an understanding of the nature of heritage in selected contemporary Grade 10 South African history textbooks, and elucidates factors responsible for the depiction of heritage in a particular way. The context that informed this study was that of South Africa as a post-conflict society. Using th...


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