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Enhancing the performance of renewable biogas powered engine employing oxyhydrogen: Optimization with desirability and D-optimal design

Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
Available online 10 February 2023
0016-2361/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Enhancing the performance of renewable biogas powered engine
employing oxyhydrogen: Optimization with desirability and
D-optimal design
Prabhakar Sharma
, Dhinesh Balasubramanian
, Chu Thanh Khai
Inbanaathan Papla Venugopal
, Mansoor Alruqi
, Femilda Josephin JS
, Ankit Sonthalia
Edwin Geo Varuvel
, Esmail Khalife
, R. Ravikumar
, Makatar Wae-Hayee
Mechanical Engineering Department, Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University, Delhi 110089, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India
Faculty of Technology, Dong Nai Technology University, Bien Hoa , Dong Nai, Viet Nam
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Shaqra University, Al Riyadh 11911, Saudi Arabia
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Automobile Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, NCR Campus, Modi Nagar, 201204, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istinye University, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Civil Engineering, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, CHRIST University, Bengalore, India
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand
The performance and exhaust characteristics of a dual-fuel compression ignition engine were explored, with
biogas as the primary fuel, diesel as the pilot-injected fuel, and oxyhydrogen as the fortifying agent. The trials
were carried out with the use of an RSM-based D-optimal design. ANOVA was used to create the relationship
functions between input and output. Except for nitrogen oxide emissions, oxyhydrogen fortication increased
biogas-diesel engine combustion and decreased carbon-based pollutants. For each result, RSM-ANOVA was
utilized to generate mathematical formulations (models). The output of the models was predicted and compared
to the observed ndings. The prediction models showed robust prediction efciency (R
greater than 99.21%).
The optimal engine operating parameters were discovered by desirability approach-based optimization to be 24
crank angles before the top dead center, 10.88 kg engine loading, and 1.1 lpm oxyhydrogen ow rate. All
outcomes were within 3.75% of the models predicted output when the optimized parameters were tested
experimentally. The current research has the potential to be widely used in compression ignition engine-based
transportation systems.
1. Introduction
The world is undergoing unprecedented levels of human develop-
ment and advancement, which has stretched human activities to
encompass all parts of the ecosystem. To safeguard the environment and
human life, however, human activities and natural resources must both
function ethically and sustainably [1]. The global community has wit-
nessed several signicant monuments of international policy that have
shaped the global environment, especially the 2030 Agenda for Sus-
tainable Development and Paris Agreement on Climate Change (PACC)
[2]. The latter has established seventeen sustainable development goals
(SDGs) as a global platform and a roadmap for peace and prosperity for
people and the planet. The United Nations adopted these goals. The fast
growth of the worlds population, as well as the advancement of in-
dustrial technology, have both contributed to the accumulation of
greenhouse gases (GHGs), which has caused climate change [3].
According to the ndings of the 1.5 C Global Warming Special Study
conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
the planet must maintain a temperature rise of no more than 1.5 C to
avoid having negative effects on populations and ecosystems. This aim is
still attainable, but it requires the world to reach a level of net-zero
* Corresponding authors: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India (D. Balasubramanian).
E-mail addresses: (P. Sharma), (D. Balasubramanian).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
Received 1 August 2022; Received in revised form 27 December 2022; Accepted 20 January 2023
Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
emissions by the year 2050 and calls for strong, rapid, and long-term
action on the international climate front [4,5]. The PACC was agreed
upon by 195 nations in 2015, and the framework for the COP24 summit,
which went into force at the beginning of 2019, was the rst step toward
a worldwide revolution in the way energy is generated [6]. To delay or
halt the course of climate change, we must swiftly shift away from fossil
fuels and toward clean, sustainable, and renewable energy sources [7].
Incorporating waste-to-energy (WtoE) into waste management is
widely considered to be a feasible option today, as a result of the many
decades of research and industry activities that led to this conclusion. It
gives a variety of advantages [8]. The use of WtoE to replace fossil fuels
in a variety of settings may qualify it as a source of energy that is only
partially replenishable. WtoE systems refer to any approach that gen-
erates any kind of energy, such as electricity or fuels, from a waste-based
feedstock This includes producing biogas [9]. The development of bio-
energy relies heavily on the use of primary feedstock such as dairy
waste, agricultural waste, and municipal solid waste. Carbon dioxide
) and Methane (CH
) are the primary components of biogas, which
are created as a by-product of the digestive process, also known as the
decomposition of organic waste. Because the feedstock that is required
for the generation of biogas is anticipated, these processes are appro-
priate in a great number of nations throughout the world [10].
Municipal waste naturally undergoes the process of biological
dissociation, resulting in the production of biogas. The biogas produced
has the potential to become an alternative energy source that can power
remote communities in areas of the world that are not linked to the grid.
It is also suited for grid decentralization [11]. In response to the rising
cost of fossil-based fuels and the pollution caused by ICEs that utilize
them, researchers from all over the world are focusing their efforts on
fuel additives and alternative fuels [12]. The vast majority of emissions,
including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons, can be
traced back to carbon, which is present in the bulk of hydrocarbon fuels.
As a consequence of this, an alternative fuel that does not include carbon
would be fantastic for lowering these toxic emissions, which have
disastrous repercussions not only for the health of humans but also for
the health of the environment [13]. One example of an alternative fuel
additive is oxy-hydrogen gas. This gas is produced by the electrolysis of
water and has the potential to improve engine performance while
simultaneously lowering exhaust emissions [14]. This gas has tradi-
tionally been used in a number of applications such as air conditioners,
hazardous waste annihilation, fruit drying, welding, and heating. The
fundamental reason for its extensive use is its greater energy level as
compared to a gaseous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen [15,16].
According to a study on the use of biogas in CI engines, it was
determined that various engine operating factors greatly impact engine
emission and performance. As a consequence, adjusting these factors can
result in signicant improvements in both engine efciency and pollu-
tion levels [17,18]. Experiments were conducted by modifying the pa-
rameters one by one; nevertheless, the multivariable assessment may be
an effective strategy for gaining a thorough knowledge of the DF en-
gines properties. Non-linear approaches that may be utilized for
multivariate analytic study include machine learning, statistical
methods of optimization, and model prediction [19].
Response surface methodology (RSM) is an excellent tool for design
of experiments (DoE). It helps in investigating the combined impacts of
operational factors on the output responses [41]. It is one of the ap-
proaches that fall under this category. This multi-input/output statistical
strategy concurrently augments the combined impacts of several
different parameters as well as the interacting inuences of the variables
to produce the greatest possible performance from the system [20]. The
key advantage of employing this method over comprehensive factorial
design experimentation is that it includes fewer experiments and takes
less time. Though various studies applying RSM in internal combustion
engine applications have been published, relatively limited study has
been done on the combined impacts of biogas-oxyhydrogen blends and
operational parameters such as load, oxyhydrogen ow rates (OFR), and
diesel injection timings. This provides an opportunity for the current
Several experts have recently reported on the benets of using
oxyhydrogen in internal combustion engines (IC) engines. Paparao and
Murugan [21] explored the working of a CI engine powered with
Jatropha-diesel blends as injected fuel while oxyhydrogen (HHO) as the
main fuel. The study reported improvement in Heat release rate (HRR)
and brake thermal efciency (BTE) 5.2% and 1.1%, respectively. The
unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC), and smoke emissions are reduced by
approximately 33% and 18.5%, respectively. Tuccar [22] employed the
HHO gas and Foeniculum Vulgare oil biodiesel to run a CI engine. The
impact of this novel fuel combination on noise, vibration, and emission
was studied. The ndings demonstrated a reduction in the overall noise
and vibrations produced by the engine. Furthermore, a reduction in CO
emissions and a rise in NOx were reported. The important studies in this
domain are listed in Table 1:
The biogas-powered engine had been gaining increased attention
from researchers owing to its reduced exhaust emission compared to a
diesel engine. Biogas can be employed in the existing CI engine in dual
fuel mode without considerable hardware modication. This preposi-
tion makes it an attractive option considering the circular economy
aspect in terms of waste to energy and reuse concept. Goga et al. [28]
reported that the introduction of biogas in CI engines leads to BTE
reduction of up to 14.68% with increased CO and HC emissions by
45.58% and 17.74%, compared to diesel-only mode. Similar results were
reported by Nayak et al. [29] depicting a reduction in BTE and an in-
crease in the CO and HC emissions. The authors reported that advancing
the biodiesel injection timing could compensate for the reduction in BTE
while improving exhaust emission. In addition to these several other
studies reported the reduction in BTE as well as power derating from
using biogas as fuel [8,30].
PCP Peak cylinder pressure
OFR Oxyhydrogen ow rate
CO Carbon monoxide
BTE Brake thermal efciency
NOx Nitrogen oxides
CI Compression ignition
DC Direct current
CO2 Carbon monoxide
UHC Unburnt hydrocarbon
ppm Parts per million
SDG Sustainable Development goal
HHO Oxyhydrogen
RSM Response surface methodology
SI Spark ignition
ANOVA Analysis of variance
KOH Potassium hydroxide
Lpm Liters per minaret
HP Horsepower
CA bTDC Degree crank angle before top dead center
SS Stainless steel
APC Argon power cycle
OFR Oxyhydrogen ow rate
PIT Pilot injection timing
R2 Coefcient of determination
P. Sharma et al.
Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
1.1. Contribution of the present study
The various measures used by researchers to enhance BTE and
braking power have been conned to changing operational factors such
as injection time and pressure, which results in only moderate
improvement. The use of hydrogen as an additive to biogas remains an
expensive endeavour due to storage and safety considerations [42]. The
usage of a low-cost technology known as a dry cell oxyhydrogen
generator has shown to be an appealing choice in a biodiesel engine.
However, it had not been investigated to improve the combustion and
emission of a biogas-powered engine in DF mode. As a result, there is a
research void in this area. The proposed research is an innovative
attempt to solve this research gap by investigating the use of a low-cost
device for manufacturing HHO for blending with biogas in the engine
induction system.
Based on literature in the biogas-powered engine domain, it is
possible to infer that analyzing a large number of input elements pro-
vides more insight into an engines operating conditions. These multi-
variable optimizations and regression methods determine the optimal
combination of input elements to achieve the desired engine output.
However, there is only a little number of multivariate analyses of a DF
engine utilizing RSM described in the linked scholarly literature.
Furthermore, no literature on the employment of RSM for analyzing
biogas-diesel fortied with oxyhydrogen as gaseous additive powered
engines with three distinct input parameters, namely engine load,
oxyhydrogen ow rates, and pilot injection timing, was found. Given
this gap, the present study uses D-optimal design-based RSM for
analyzing the combined inuence of independent control factors (engine
load, oxyhydrogen ow rates, and pilot injection timing) on engine
performance and tailpipe emission. Regression models are used to
forecast output responses for all input variable combinations. Using the
desirability method, the research also investigates the optimal combi-
nation of input criteria for reducing pollutants and maximizing engine
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Engine setup
Fig. 1 depicts the test engines schematic, complete with all in-
strumentations and accessories. Table 2 provides the technical specs for
the test engine and loading units. Apex Innovations, Pune supplied the
whole test engine facilities while the test engine was from M/s Kirloskar
Brothers ltd. The engine load was varied by employing an eddy current-
based dynamometer. The computerized test bench has the provision to
vary the engine load by controlling the electric supply to the dyna-
mometer. A U-tube type manometer is tted beside the airbox right
before the engines intake manifold to determine the air supply to the
engine cylinder. To monitor the fuel ow into the engine, a glass burette
with a digital stopwatch was used. The temperature of the exhaust gas
was monitored using a K-type thermocouple inserted at the starting
point of the exhaust pipe. The speed of engine speed is measured using a
non-contact type speed sensor mounted on the dynamometer shaft end.
A Type S bean load sensor was used to measure the engine loads.
2.2. Oxyhydrogen generation
Oxyhydrogen is a mixture of oxygen gas and diatomic hydrogen gas.
An oxyhydrogen gas generator, also known as an electrolytic cell, uses
an electric current to create HHO gas. Water is electrochemically con-
verted into oxygen and hydrogen as a result of ionization interactions,
leading to the formation of HHO. In the present investigation, a 31 plates
HHO gas generator was employed to fortify the biogas. A ashback
arrestor connects the wet cell generator to the engine intake manifold.
During operation, the generator can produce up to 2 lpm of HHO. A
ashback arrestor was tted in the fuel line in the case of a backre to
ensure that the ame didnt return to the gas supply system. The main
characteristics of the test HHO gas generator and test fuels used in the
present study are listed in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.
2.3. Soft computing approach
2.3.1. D-optimal design
A scientic approach to the design of experiments (DoE) results in a
fewer number of experimental runs. In the present work, the Design-
Expert was employed for DoE, analysis of variance (ANOVA), develop-
ment of correlation expressions, and optimization. The RSM is a
powerful mathematical program and an outstanding optimization tool
[32]. It may assess the empirical link between many factors. In this
work, the D-optimal modeling technique was used due to its simplicity,
practicality, efciency, and low number of test runs. The factors
considered in the study were denoted by x1,x2,x3,⋯⋯., xn and where
the number of factors is denoted with n. The model can be expressed in
form of main effects and a combination of main effects and interactions
herein, the Y denotes the response of the model while the intercept
factor is denoted with βo, the single term of β like β1,β2,β3,,βn shows
the main effect terms (Eq. (1)) while the Eq. (2) shows the second-order
terms depicting the interaction. Given so we also presume that almost all
Table 1
Related studies on biogas powered engine.
Reference Type of fuel Experiential/
et al. [23]
Moringa Oleifera +
diesel +
Experimental (i) BSFC reduced
compared to
6% reduction in
emission at low
Kazim et al.
Diesel +
Experimental Both torque and
efciency improved
et al. [25]
Gasoline +
Experimental (i) 5 to 7%
improvement in BTE
Up to 11%
reduction in CO
Bhave et al.
Diesel +
Experimental (i) Up to 37.5%
reduction in CO
7.41% increase in
Paparao et al.
Jatropha biodiesel
+diesel +
Experimental (i) 1.1%
improvement in BTE
Up to 19.6%
increase in NO
29.4% reduction in
CO emission
and Ismail
Diesel +
Experimental Increase in BTE and
emission was
Present study Biogas +diesel +
oxyhydrogen in dual
fuel mode
Experimental +
(i) Increase in BTE.
Marginal increase in
P. Sharma et al.
Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
n variances are independently uniformly distributed random factors
with zero mean and variance
2 , the optimal linear neutral estimator for
the factors β,is the standard least estimator [34].
β=(XTX)1XTY and its variancecovariance matrix form is
2(XTX)1 and its inverse
2(XTX)is the Fisher information matrix,
which describes the experimental designs informativeness on the
parameter estimates under study. The independent control variables in
this research were engine load, oxyhydrogen ow rate, and pilot injec-
tion timing. The response parameters were engine performance pa-
rameters (BTE) and tailpipe emission (NO
, CO, and HC). The D-optimal
design was employed to carry out 20 experimental runs. The motive for
choosing a D-optimal design was that conventional factorial designs
require a greater number of runs to achieve the same outcomes as D-
optimal ones [35]. Moreover, the design space in conventional factorial
designs is restricted, and it contains some factors that are either
impractical or difcult to implement. D-optimal-based designs are more
viable, simpler to execute, and dependent on linear optimization [36].
The designed array developed following the D-optimal design is shown
in Table 4.
2.3.2. Data analysis using ANOVA
ANOVA is a technique to determine if the average of two data groups
differs. Samples are used in inferential analysis to infer sample size.
ANOVA and other statistical methods help one to nd if sample out-
comes are pertinent to data groups. F-value assesses both, the variation
among groups and variance within the groups. A greater F-value value
shows if the variance in the group dominates the group variation. The p-
value may be used to assess if variances among a few of the data means
are statistically substantial [37,38].
Table 5 reveals that the F-value was 1439.96 for the BTE model. This
high value suggests that it was noteworthy to warrant attention. Simi-
larly, the p-values <0.0500 suggest the model terms of the BTE model
are signicant. The model variables L, P, O, LO, P
, and O
were crucial
in this condition.
Table 6 shows the outcome of the ANOVA nding in the case of
emission data. The F-value of the CO model was 175.73, indicating that
it is signicant enough. The NO
model relies heavily on the model
variables L, P, O, LP, PO, L2, P2, and O2. The F-value of 155.66 in the
instance of the CO emission model indicates that the model was
Fig. 1. Schematics of test set up.
Table 2
Test engine specications of the engine.
Name Specication
Supplier and
Apex innovations and M/S
Stated fuel Diesel
Speed (rpm) 1500 ±50, constant speed
Test Engine Bore ×stroke (m) 0.0875 ×0.11
Rated power 7HP, 5.2 kW
Ratio of compression 17.5
Number of strokes &
4 & 1
Number of plates 31
Plate material SS 316
Electric current ratings 13 Ampere
Voltage 12/24 Volts
Peak output 2 L per minute
Gasket Rubber (Neoprene)
End plate material Nylon
Table 3
Main characteristics of the test fuel.
Characteristics Biogas Diesel Oxyhydrogen [26,31]
Kinematic viscosity (@40 C) 2.67
Cetane number 47
Cold-lter plugging index (C) 0.4
Flash point (C) 117
Lower heating value (MJ/kg) 21.12 42 21.995
Density (kg/m
) @ 15 C 0.91 846 0.49115
P. Sharma et al.
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signicant enough to warrant attention. The CO emission was shown to
be inuenced by all of the primary effects (L, P, O, L
, P
, and O
) as well
as interaction factors (LP, PO, and OL). The F-value of 139.38 in the
instance of the HC model suggests the produced model was notable. The
model parameters L, P, O, LP, OP, OL, L
, P
, and O
were crucial for the
development of the HC model.
3. Results and discussion
A compression ignition (CI) engine was employed in this study in a
dual-fuel model with biogas-HHO-diesel. To boost efciency and reduce
carbon-based emissions, a low-cost technology for creating oxyhydrogen
gas was used to fortify the biogas-diesel combination. The experimental
investigation was carried out using the D-optimal design, which was
followed by model construction and optimization. The ternary fuel-
driven engines thermal performance (BTE) and tailpipe emissions
, HC, and CO) were all tested. The ANOVA was employed initially
to build the connection function among parameters in the form of
algebraic expressions to serve as a prognostic model. The created models
are explained in the following paragraphs:
3.1. Engine performance models
3.1.1. BTE modsel
Fig. 2(a-b) depicts the inuence of oxyhydrogen fortication on
biogas-diesel oil-powered CI engines thermal efciency using two sur-
face diagrams. The current research sought to investigate the impacts of
three independent control variables (load on engine, oxyhydrogen ow
rates, and PIT) on the dependent response output i.e., BTE. The surface
diagrams depict the inuence of the control factors on the dependent
response factors in an improved way compared to the single factor at a
time (SFAT) graph. As SFAT illustrates the inuence of one factor on one
output variable and does not reveal the interaction effects of input pa-
rameters. As a consequence, surface diagrams are more suited for dis-
playing the ndings. The ndings must be considered with the outcomes
of the ANOVA in the Table 5. Because oxyhydrogen has a larger caloric
value and a quicker ame speed than biogas, using it in the present test
engine framework improves thermal efciency [39]. When added to the
diesel-biogas mix, HHO gas improves the braking power of the engine.
Among all three control factors, the load on engine showed the
highest inuence (64.85%) on BTE (Fig. 2 and Table 5), followed by PIT
(4.15%) and oxyhydrogen ow rates (2.38%). The remaining contri-
bution is attributed to interactive terms. The governor supplies a greater
quantity of fuel to maintain engine speed as the engine load rises. Higher
BTE with increased engine load is caused by a faster rate of fuel com-
bustion. The FIT given by the manufacturer was 23 CA bTDC. An
advance in PIT toward the higher range led to marginal improvement in
BTE. It allowed extra time for the combustion to complete. The inter-
action effect of PIT and load, as shown in Fig. 2(a), demonstrates that the
maximal BTE could be attained at 13 kg engine loading and 25 CA
bTDC PIT. Likewise, Fig. 2(b) shows that elevated engine load and
greater HHO ow contributed to improved BTE. Eq. (3) depicts the
quadratic equation for calculating BTE (%) using the independent con-
trol factors. Eq. (3) was employed to predict the BTE and the predicted
values are compared in Fig. 2(c). As almost all the data points are near to
the best t line, there is a high degree of correlation between experi-
mental and predicted values (45line).
Table 4
D-optimal-based design array.
Engine load,
1 10 26 0.3 21.35 161 120 109
2 10 23 0.3 20.14 164 125 114
3 6 20 0.7 13.75 131 144 136
4 10 26 1.1 24.41 195 115 106
5 10 26 1.1 24.4 195 116 106
6 6 26 0.3 15.45 127 143 135
7 14 23 0.7 27.98 274 142 133
8 14 20 1.1 26.21 225 135 126
9 14 23 0.7 27.95 275 142 133
10 14 23 0.3 26.47 228 144 135
11 10 20 0.7 20.19 165 126 115
12 14 20 0.3 24.78 215 150 141
13 6 23 0.3 14.14 127 147 140
14 14 26 0.3 27.89 224 144 132
15 10 23 0.3 20.12 165 125 114
16 6 26 0.7 17.18 146 135 126
17 6 20 0.3 12.14 118 155 147
18 14 23 0.7 27.96 272 141 132
19 6 23 1.1 17.32 146 125 116
20 10 20 0.7 20.2 161 126 115
Table 5
ANOVA results for performance characteristics.
Parameter BTE
Source SoS Value F p-value
Model 522.04 1439.96 <0.0001
L 345.22 8570.15 <0.0001
P 27.27 676.9 <0.0001
O 16.16 401.15 <0.0001
LP 0.002 0.0492 0.829
LO 0.6061 15.05 0.0031
PO 0.168 4.17 0.0684
0 0.0004 0.9846
0.3753 9.32 0.0122
0.6562 16.29 0.0024
Error 0.4028
Cor Total 522.44
Table 6
ANOVA results for emission characteristics.
Parameter NO
Source SoS Value F p-value SoS Value F p-value SoS Value F p-value
Model 48908.95 175.73 <0.0001 2639.16 155.66 <0.0001 2985.15 139.38 <0.0001
L 31721.97 1025.78 <0.0001 45.95 24.39 0.0006 30.92 12.99 0.0048
P 2030.97 65.67 <0.0001 43.15 22.9 0.0007 42.21 17.74 0.0018
O 1164.71 37.66 0.0001 492.64 261.51 <0.0001 469.75 197.39 <0.0001
LP 51.17 1.65 0.2273 22.41 11.9 0.0062 16.08 6.76 0.0265
LO 276.77 8.95 0.0135 64.38 34.17 0.0002 99.35 41.75 <0.0001
PO 543.35 17.57 0.0019 74.21 39.4 <0.0001 112.67 47.35 <0.0001
1478.76 47.82 <0.0001 1571.5 834.19 <0.0001 1888.53 793.58 <0.0001
956.4 30.93 0.0002 32.27 17.13 0.002 23.94 10.06 0.01
1312.01 42.43 <0.0001 14.39 7.64 0.02 12.3 5.17 0.0463
Error 309.25 18.84 23.8
Cor Total 49218.2 2658 3008.95
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BTE = 26.29 +1.67L+1.99P+5.73O0.0015L×P0.198L
herein, the acronym BTEstands for brake thermal efciency, PITfor
the timing of pilot injection, ofor rate of oxyhydrogen ow, and lfor
the load.
3.2. Exhaust emission models
3.2.1. No
emissions model
The oxides of Nitrogen (NO
) have been considered harmful airborne
contaminants, and the diesel combustion contributes signicantly to
emissions. Because of increasingly rigorous emission rules, great
effort is being made to eliminate or reduce NO
emissions from com-
bustion engines. Owing to the complexity and unknown chemical
species involved in its synthesis, the development of kinetic model of
emission remains a complex phenomenon [43]. The parametric
modeling described in this paper provides a simpler machine-specic
option. It does, however, provide a foundation for developing a model
that may then be utilized for optimization. This reduces NO
by adjusting the operating settings to a need-based optimal range. Eq.
(4) was derived in this work to estimate NO
NOx = 685.04 17.95L+73.26P28.54O+0.24L×P+4.24
Herein, the acronym NO
stands for nitrogen oxide monoxide, PITfor
the timing of pilot injection, o for rate of oxyhydrogen ow, and l
denotes load on the engine.
Fig. 3(a) shows variation in the NO
emissions vis-`
a-vis engine
Fig. 2. Model of BTE; (a) 3-D surface plots for PIT vs load; (b) 3-D surface plots for rate of oxyhydrogen ow vs load; (c) Model predicted vs observed.
P. Sharma et al.
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loading and PIT. Among the control factors, the load on engine had the
most signicant inuence on NO
emissions. This was validated by
ANOVA results as shown in Table 6. The data analysis shows the engine
load had almost 64.86% inuence over NO
type emission. On higher
load, the greater cylinder pressure and temperature led to elevated NO
generation. This was attributed to the oxidation of nitrogen at elevated
cylinder temperatures, forming oxides of nitrogen oxides [44]. The
addition of oxyhydrogen and increase in NO
were shown to be directly
linked in the Fig. 3(b). The impact of PIT variation on NO
emissions was
quite modest. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the highest NO
emissions were
recorded at advanced PIT (25CA bTDC) and 100% load. The surface
diagrams show the cumulative inuence of operational settings. The
lowest NO
emission levels were reported at 6 kg engine loading, 20
injection advance, and 0.3 lpm rate of oxyhydrogen ow. Eq. (4) was
used to predict the emission of NO
emissions values over different
settings of engine operation. The comparison of model forecasted and
actual NO
values is depicted in Fig. 3(c). A robust prediction efciency
was observed in the results.
3.2.2. CO emission model
The variations in CO emission values with engine loading and PIT
change are depicted in Fig. 4(a). The data acquired in the experimental
phase shows that the load on the engine had the most substantial in-
uence on CO emission. The ANOVA outcomes (ref Table 6) show that
engine load and its quadratic component contributed to almost 61.28%
of CO emissions. However, the effects of engine load were not
Fig. 3. Model of NO
; (a) 3-D surface plots for PIT vs load; (b) 3-D surface plots for rate of oxyhydrogen ow vs load; (c) Model predicted vs observed.
P. Sharma et al.
Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
proportional, as shown by ANOVA ndings, because the second order
component was signicantly bigger compared to the main effect term. It
was observed that CO emission rst fell up to 10 kg engine load before
rising again. Similar tendencies were seen in the case of PIT. At 23.5 CA
bTDC, the CO emission was the lowest. The joint effects of load in engine
and PIT, as shown in Fig. 4(a) suggest that the least CO was observed
around 10.5 kg engine load and injection advance at 23 CA bTDC. The
change in rated PIT affected the delay in ignition, resulting in poor
combustion. Aside from the late initiation of fuel mixture burning in
cracks, incomplete combustion is also a signicant reason of CO emis-
sion [45]. Because more oxygen had been made available in the cylinder
during combustion, the levels of CO decreased, making the mixture lean.
The fortication of biogas with oxyhydrogen resulted in decreased CO
emissions overall (Fig. 4(b)). Additionally, the presence OH radical in
HHO is a potent oxidizer, leading to higher combustion temperature,
promoting CO to CO
conversion in the presence of oxyhydrogen.
Hence, the overall CO emission was decreased.
As indicated in Eq. (5), the correlation between CO and independent
control variables is shown as:
CO =516.96 29.034L18.26P86.1O+0.16L×P+2.04L
herein, the letters COstand for carbon monoxide, PITfor the timing
of pilot injection, ofor rate of oxyhydrogen ow, and ldenotes load
Fig. 4. Model of CO; (a) 3-D surface plots for PIT vs load; (b) 3-D surface plots for rate of oxyhydrogen ow vs load; (c) Model predicted vs observed.
P. Sharma et al.
Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
on the engine.
Fig. 4(c) shows a comparative analysis between model-predicted and
observed CO levels. The ndings revealed a strong predictive efcacy.
3.2.3. HC emissions model
Based on the design matrix, the observed data of HC emissions was
used to construct a quadratic equation, as depicted in Eq. (6):
HC =505.34 31.28*L16.53*P106.98*O+0.135*L*P
wherein, the abbreviation HCstand for unburned hydrocarbon emis-
sion, prepresents pilot injection timings, orate of oxyhydrogen ow,
and ldenotes load on engine
Fig. 5(a) shows the impact of PIT and load changes on the HC
emissions. A signicant of engine load over HC emissions were
observed. The ANOVA outcomes listed in Table 5 also show that the
second order term of engine load contributed 63.26%, and the same is
reected in the parabolic nature of the surfaces diagrams shown in Fig. 5
(a) and Fig. 5(b). The inuence of engine load, on the other hand,
resulted in a drop in HC emissions only up to 10 kg engine load. On
increasing the engine load, the HC emissions again augmented up to the
full load position. The lowest emission has been observed at a 10 kg load
with 25 CA bTDC as shown in Fig. 5(a). Any alterations to the PIT were
found to change the ignition timing and thus causing combustion delays,
resulting in poor combustion [46,47]. Incomplete combustion owing to
delayed fuel combustion is a major cause of HC emissions [48,49].
Fig. 5. Model of HC; (a) 3-D surface plots for PIT vs load; (b) 3-D surface plots for rate of oxyhydrogen ow vs load; (c) Model predicted vs observed.
P. Sharma et al.
Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
HC levels decreased when higher amount of oxygen was available in
the cylinder as a result of oxyhydrogen induction. The presence of
higher-quality fuel and more oxygen particles aids in the decrease of HC
during operation of engine [50]. The interaction impacts of load and rate
of oxyhydrogen ow is depicted in the Fig. 5(b). Enhancing load on
engine with rate of oxyhydrogen ow helped to reduce HC emissions.
Greater HC reduction was observed during incidence of elevated cylin-
der temperature, which stimulates better combustion. The HC emissions
were predicted using Eq. (6). The observed UHC emission levels are
compared to the predicted HC values in Fig. 5(c). The D-optimal based
HC model was shown to be successful in forecasting HC emission levels.
3.3. Statistical evaluation of the models
Three statistical indices R
, adjusted R
, and predicted R
employed in the present study to evaluate the developed models. The
coefcient of determination (R
) measures the amount of variation
explained by a regression model. A regression models R
is positive if
the models forecast is better than the mean of the given y values;
otherwise, it is negative. When we add new predictors to a multiple
regression model, R
increases or remains constant, even if the new
predictors are unrelated to the target variable and provide no value to
the models predicting power. R- squares disadvantage is reduced with
adjusted R-squared. It increases only if the extra predictor improves the
models prediction power. The adjusted R
drops as independent and
irrelevant components are added to a regression model. The predicted
evaluates how well a regression model predicts the responses of new
data. When the model ts the original data but is less capable of pro-
ducing effective predictions for further observations, this value is
higher. The R
, adjusted R
, and predicted R
of all ve models devel-
oped in the present study are shown in Fig. 6. The high values (greater
than 0.9258) of these indices in all cases show the robust forecasting
capability of the RSM-based D-optimal design.
3.4. Desirability-based optimization
A desirability technique was employed in the present research to
optimize independent control parameters (namely engine load, oxyhy-
drogen ow rates, and pilot injection timing) for the best combination of
output parameters (viz. BTE, NO
, carbon mono oxide, and HC). Using
Design-Expert commercial software, all inputs were converted to a
dimensionless value of desirability (z) ranging from 0 to 1. The value of
desirability as z =0 implies an unacceptable result, while z =1
represents an exceedingly good response. Depending on the criteria of
the issue, the goal of each result is to minimize or maximize, the range,
goal, and/or equal to. In the present study, all three control factors were
kept within range while the BTE was desired to be maximum. The
exhaust emission indices were dened to be minimum. Table 7 lists the
desirability determined for each variable in the current study.
The implementation of the multi-input/output optimizations tech-
nique employing the desirability technique entails combining many
outputs into a dimensionless entity of performance known as the func-
tion of desirability (FD). Fig. 7(a) displays the desirability values ach-
ieved in this investigation.
The desirability-based optimized engine operating parameters ach-
ieved were 10.88 kg engine load, 24 CA bTDC PIT, and 1.1 lpm rate of
oxyhydrogen ow. The performance output of the study was 24.47%
BTE, 204.32 ppm NO
, 113.63 ppm CO, and 103.83 ppm HC emissions,
at the optimized setting.
3.5. Experimental validation
After the optimal parameters of engine operation were determined
using ANOVA and desirability, the model output was veried using lab-
based testing. The engine was operated at an ideal operating congu-
ration, and the performance was recorded. Table 8 displays the optimum
operating parameters, model optimized output, test results, and errors in
the model projected output. The predicted values of the model were
determined to be within 3.75% of the actual value, demonstrating a
reliable modelling strategy.
4. Conclusions
The combustion and emission characteristics of a dual-fuel CI engine
with biogas as the primary fuel, diesel as the pilot-injected fuel, and
oxyhydrogen as a fortifying agent were investigated. The trials were
conducted using an RSM-based D-optimal design. The correlation
function between control variables and output was created using
Fig. 6. Statistical indices.
Table 7
Control factor Response variables
Parameter Engine
Desire In range In range In range Max. Min. Min. Min.
P. Sharma et al.
Fuel 341 (2023) 127575
ANOVA. The key ndings of the study were as follows:
o The inclusion of oxyhydrogen enhanced the combustion in biogas-
diesel fuelled engines. Improved fuel economy and reduced
carbon-based emission levels were observed with a marginal in-
crease in NO
o RSM-ANOVA was used to create mathematical expressions (models)
for each outcome. The models were used to forecast output and were
compared to observed results. All of the models showed robust pre-
diction efciency (R
greater than 99.21%).
o The optimal engine operating parameters achieved through
desirability-based optimization were 24crank angles advance,
10.88 kg engine loading, and 1.1 lpm rate of oxyhydrogen supply.
o Experiment testing corroborated the optimized settings, and all
outcomes were within 3.75% of the model-forecasted output.
Present study has the prospects to be widely utilised in diesel engine-
fueled transportation systems. The economic elements should be
examined as a future scope for the present study.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
No data was used for the research described in the article.
The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientic Research
at Shaqra University for supporting this work.
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Further reading
[40] Sharma P. Articial intelligence-based model prediction of biodiesel-fueled engine
performance and emission characteristics: A comparative evaluation of gene
expression programming and articial neural network. Heat Transfer 2021;50:
P. Sharma et al.
... They found a reduction in harmful emissions using this combination of fuel as compared to pure gasoline. A dual-fuel CI engine's performance and exhaust features were investigated using biogas as the main fuel, diesel as the pilot-injected fuel, and oxyhydrogen as the bolstering agent by Sharma et el [16]. The trials were conducted using a D-optimal RSM-based design. ...
Full-text available
Hydrogen has been identified as a clean and renewable energy source that has a significant potential to replace fossil fuels. The effective production of hydrogen on a commercial scale, however, presents a vital obstacle in today's world. Water splitting electrolysis, which offers high energy conversion and storage capabilities, has emerged as a promising approach for achieving the efficient hydrogen production to address this issue. This experimental research focuses on the production of hydrogen-oxygen gas through the electrolysis process. HHO gas provides promising benefits in terms of better combustion and lower emissions. Therefore, it also focuses on how best HHO gas can be utilized in diesel engines to improve the performance and to reduce the emissions. HHO gas produced at 60 L per hour through electrolysis process is mixed with air in a mixing chamber. Also, Palm munja methyl ester of 10% and diesel fuel of 90% was volumetrically blended to get B10 biodiesel. Therefore, totally four test fuels (Diesel, Diesel + HHO, B10, and B10 + HHO) were tested on a single-cylinder Kirloskar water-cooled direct injection diesel engine under different engine speeds ranging from 1447 to 1550 rpm. The engine injector pressure was varied from 200, 220, and 240 bar during the experiments with an interval of 20 bar. The engine has been modified for hydrogen and oxygen inlet at the entrance manifold 6 cm away at an angle of 30°. The results shows that at 200 bar injection pressure with B10 + HHO blend exhibits better performance and released lower emissions. The performance results also show that the brake thermal efficiency was improved up to 14.16%, and the brake power was increased by 3.22%, while the brake-specific fuel consumption is reduced by 11.53%. The emission results show that CO, HC, NOx, and CO2 emissions were reduced by 20.87%, 11.47%, 1.96%, and 5.22%, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that B10 + HHO provides better performance and the lowest emissions compared with other blends.
The aviation sector has been one of the most significant contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; there is an urgent need to transition from traditional fossil-based jet fuel to sustainable aviation fuel to meet net-zero targets by 2030. The use of renewable aviation fuel may be regarded as the most effective option for reducing GHG emissions in the aviation sector while allowing for long-term growth. In this study, the microalgae oil was transformed to develop hydrocarbons with the boiling point range of jet fuel. Following the transesterification of algal oil fatty acids to algal oil methyl ester, fractional distillation was carried out. The Box-Behnken technique was used to design experiments for efficient resource utilization by minimizing the number of tests during transesterification. The quantitative relationship function between input (molar ratio of methanol to oil, catalyst concentration, and temperature) and % yield of methyl ester as an output of the process was developed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system) was utilized to develop a prognostic model with good prediction effectiveness. MORSM (multi-objective response surface methodology) was also used to build a prediction model using correlations. A set of statistical indicators and Theil's U2 were used to examine the prediction efficacy and model uncertainty of ANFIS and MORSM. On both statistical indices and Theil's U2, the ANFIS-based model outperformed. To get the best results, the desirability approach was used to improve operating parameters. According to the desirability approach, the best operating parameters were catalyst concentration at 2.09%, methanol to oil ratio at 9.17%, and temperature at 60.49 • C, which resulted in the greatest yield of 91%.
The current study explores and improves the effects of engine load, injection time, and oxyhydrogen fuel flow rate on the combustion and emissions characteristics of a diesel engine. Experiment with the combustion and exhaust characteristics of a medium-sized diesel engine working in tri-fuel mode using microalgae oil methyl ester-diesel blends as injected fuel and an oxyhydrogen gas combination as inducted fuel. The Box-Behnken design (BBD) was used to reduce the number of testing. The parameters and proposed attributes were calculated utilizing response surface techniques and BBD-generated quadratic models. The response surface analysis displayed the patterns of input interactions on the output using surface diagrams. The desirability-based optimization revealed the optimal engine operating parameters as 22.92° crank angles advance, 76% engine load, and 0.92 L per minute oxyhydrogen flow rate. At these optimized operating ranges, the performance and combustion output of the study was 30.8 % brake thermal efficiency (BTE), 0.3 kg/kWh brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), and 65.6 bar peak cylinder pressure (PCP). On the emission front, the CO emission was 0.0107%, UHC was 26 ppm, and NOx was 853 ppm. The optimized values were validated through experimental testing, and all the results were within 7% of the model-predicted output. The addition of oxyhydrogen significantly improved the combustion of an algal biodiesel-diesel-oxyhydrogen-powered diesel engine in terms of fuel efficiency and fuel consumption and lower carbon-based emission levels except for nitrogen oxide emissions.
The current study aims to optimize the osmotic dehydration parameter of a food product by adjusting the quantities of several osmotic agents. In this study, a cube-shaped Zucchini is utilized as an example food product. Maltose, fructose, lactose, and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) were used as osmotic agents at varying concentrations (30%, 40%, and 50%) at a temperature of 26 °C. The Dimensionless moisture content (DMC), Water loss (WL), and Solid gain (SG) were chosen as performance parameters. Using the dataset collected from the experiments, the D-optimal approach-based design was used for the design of the experiment (DoE). The response surface methodology (RSM) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for each osmotic agent to build prediction models in the form of simple mathematical expressions. The resulting prognostic model was evaluated using several regression and error indices. The model's regression coefficients were admirable, with R ranging from 0.988 to 0.9938 and R² ranging from 0.9761 to 0.9878. As assessed by mean squared error, the predicted error varied from 0.001 to 0.0415. The D-optimal and RSM-based prognostic model is demonstrated as a robust prognostic model due to improved regression indices and fewer model errors. The desirability technique was employed for parametric optimization to achieve the best outcomes. Lactose yielded the best water loss of 5.88 g/g idm, a good solid gain of 0.872 g/g idm, and dimensionless moisture content of 0.704 g/g idm.
Nanofluids have gained significant popularity in the field of sustainable and renewable energy systems. The heat transfer capacity of the working fluid has a huge impact on the efficiency of the renewable energy system. The addition of a small amount of high thermal conductivity solid nanoparticles to a base fluid improves heat transfer. Even though a large amount of research data is available in the literature, some results are contradictory. Many influencing factors, as well as nonlinearity and refutations, make nanofluid research highly challenging and obstruct its potentially valuable uses. On the other hand, data-driven machine learning techniques would be very useful in nanofluid research for forecasting thermophysical features and heat transfer rate, identifying the most influential factors, and assessing the efficiencies of different renewable energy systems. The primary aim of this review study is to look at the features and applications of different machine learning techniques employed in the nanofluid-based renewable energy system, as well as to reveal new developments in machine learning research. A variety of modern machine learning algorithms for nanofluid-based heat transfer studies in renewable and sustainable energy systems are examined, along with their advantages and disadvantages. Artificial neural networks-based model prediction using contemporary commercial software is simple to develop and the most popular. The prognostic capacity may be further improved by combining a marine predator algorithm, genetic algorithm, swarm intelligence optimization, and other intelligent optimization approaches. In addition to the well-known neural networks and fuzzy- and gene-based machine learning techniques, newer ensemble machine learning techniques such as Boosted regression techniques, K-means, K-nearest neighbor (KNN), CatBoost, and XGBoost are gaining popularity due to their improved architectures and adaptabilities to diverse data types. The regularly used neural networks and fuzzy-based algorithms are mostly black-box methods, with the user having little or no understanding of how they function. This is the reason for concern, and ethical artificial intelligence is required.
This study focused on optimizing operation parameters of a diesel engine powered with ternary blends of oxygenated additive (Solketal)-biodiesel (originated from waste cooking oil)-diesel. Different ratios of the ternary blend were used to fuel the test engine at various compression ratios, fuel injection pressures and injection timings. The experimental data were used for RSM-based model prediction, establishing the relation function, and optimization. The RSM-based prognostic model was evaluated with statistical regression indices such as Pearson’s coefficient (0.9695 – 0.9858) and coefficient of determination (0.9401 – 0.9717), showing highly robust predictive models. Besides, root mean square error (0.002 – 1.74) and mean absolute percentage deviation (0.3–0.9%) of the predictive model were low. The optimized values of CR, FIP, FIT, and Solketal content in the ternary blend was 17.8, 270 bar, 27obTDC, and 9.5%, respectively. The model predicted and observed outputs were within 8%, indicating that the used model in this study is robust to predict output at this optimized condition with 29.4% of brake thermal efficiency, 0.396 kg/kWh brake-specific fuel consumption, 0.39% of carbon monoxide, 228 ppm of nitrogen oxides, and 52 ppm of unburnt hydrocarbon. Generally, using the Solketal oxygenated additive could improve engine performance and reduce harmful emissions.
The present study investigates the possibility of increasing efficiency and lowering pollutant emissions from a syngas-powered engine by modulating operational parameters such as engine load and syngas composition. Although artificial intelligence-based technologies are becoming more common for modeling single-fuel mode engines, they are rarely employed to simulate a dual-fuel syngas/diesel engine. In the first of its kind Endeavor in the area of syngas fueled engines, a hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)-response surface methodology (RSM) is investigated. The performance of syngas (H2+CO), a novel synthetic gaseous fuel, was studied in four different combinations. ANFIS and RSM-based prediction models were developed using engine performance and emissions data collected over the whole load range. While ANFIS surpassed RSM in model prediction, RSM was useful in establishing mathematical links between engine input and output. The ANFIS model developed had a good correlation between R (0.996–0.9998) and R2 (0.992–0.9972), as well as low model errors as determined by the root means square error range (0.0086–5.936) and mean absolute percentage error range (0.0028–0.0194). Theil's U2 was used to calculate the model's uncertainty, which was estimated to be 0.0065–0.0439. The superior forecasting abilities of ANFIS models were proved by low errors and uncertainty. The performance of the syngas-powered engine was optimized using the desirability approach to achieve optimum efficiency while emitting the least amount of pollution. The ideal engine load and syngas compositions for maximum production were 67.99% engine load and 72.4:27.6 as H2:CO syngas mix.
Oxy-hydrogen gas (HHO) is a carbon-free fuel, which is produced by the water electrolysis process. It can be used as an alternative to hydrogen since the current global hydrogen production and storage may not meet the required demand for transportation applications. This research work investigates the engine behavior of a compression ignition (CI) engine operated in dual-fuel mode by inducting HHO as a primary fuel and injecting two different pilot fuels viz., diesel, and JME20 (a blend composed of 80% diesel with 20% Jatropha methyl ester) at optimized engine conditions. The results revealed that; heat release rate, brake thermal efficiency, exhaust gas temperature, and nitric oxide emission are found to be higher about 5.2%, 1.1%, 18.6%, and 19.6% respectively, while unburnt hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and smoke emissions are reduced by about 33.3%, 29.4%, and 18.7% respectively in Opt.JME20 + HHO operation compared to that of the baseline data at maximum load.
Renewable sources of energy help mitigate the environmental concerns associated with fossil fuel combustion and in meeting the ever-increasing energy demand. The use of HHO gas in I.C. Engines becomes promising in this context. HHO gas is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 2:1, produced by the electrolysis of water. In this research, alkaline electrolysis was used for producing HHO gas using KOH as an electrolyte. This HHO gas was introduced in the intake manifold of the C.I. engine, making it operate in dual-fuel mode. The effects of HHO gas addition on engine performance and emissions were investigated. The variation of diesel injector protrusion (DIP) by +/− 1 mm from its normal position was also studied. This was achieved using washers of varying thicknesses. Three different HHO gas injection locations, namely port, manifold, and upstream, were compared to determine the most suitable position. The simultaneous evaluation of the effects of DIP and HHO injection location makes this study unique. BSFC, peak pressure, HC, CO, CO2 and smoke emissions were observed to be lower, while BTE, NOx and O2 emissions were enhanced for the optimum condition of + 1 mm DIP, PI with 1.63 LPM of HHO gas.
In automotive applications, artificial neural network (ANN) is now considered as a favorable prediction tool. Since it does not need an understanding of the system or its underlying physics, an ANN model can be beneficial especially when the system is too complicated, and it is too costly to model it using a simulation program. Therefore, using ANN to model an internal combustion engine has been a growing research area in the last decade. Despite its promising capabilities, the use of ANN for engine applications needs deeper examination and further improvement. Research in ANN may reach its maturity and be saturated if the same approach is applied repeatedly with the same network type, training algorithm and input–output parameters. This review article critically discusses recent application of ANN in ICE. The discussion does not only include its use in the conventional engine (gasoline and diesel engine), but it also covers the ANN application in advanced combustion technology i.e., homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine. Overall, ANN has been successfully applied and it now becomes an indispensable tool to rapidly predict engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Practical implications and recommendations for future studies are presented at the end of this review.
Background Biogas is one of the promising renewable energy sources that successfully implemented at domestic and industrial scales. This work presents a preliminary evaluation of the role and contribution of biogas as a sustainable energy source towards achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Methods This work summarizes the common feedstock and impurities in the biogas as well as the advantages and disadvantages of biogas compared with fossil fuels. Challenges and barriers associated with biogas production in developing and developed countries were elaborated and connected with SDGs. Finally, the relation between the circular economy, biogas, and related SDGs was presented. Significant findings The biogas has been found to have direct impacts and contributions to 12 out of the 17 SDGs. The main contributions of the biogas come from its ability to increase renewable energy, reduce climate change, enhance the waste management process, and create jobs. A set of 58 indicators was provided as a guideline for the stakeholders within the biogas industry to extend the benefits of the biogas toward the achievement of the SDGs and minimize any possible trade-off. The results of this work will help the different players within the biogas industry to form policy to ensure that biogas contribution to the SDGs is maximized.