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Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence in Modern Society

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The world today is mainly being controlled by technology. Technological evolution has taken place over the last couple of decades. New ways of doing things have been invented, making work more comfortable and improving things' efficiency. It is in recent years that Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things technologies have emerged. These technologies have affected the way business is being done, the way the previous tasks that relied on humans are being done through technological devices. Tasks are being done more efficiently using these devices, reducing the human errors that were an issue when these technologies were not there. Artificial Intelligence and IoT technologies are making previously difficult tasks to do much more manageable and doable-for instance, controlling traffic and knowing whether a patient has taken medicine while at home. It was not easy to reduce traffic jams, but it is not easier to minimize traffic with sensors that sense road conditions. Doctors in their working space cannot tell whether a patient has taken medicine or not. But with sensors, IoT, doctors or caregivers can now tell when a patient needs medical help or when they have not taken prescriptions. Just a device sensing the body changes and sending signals is what has made all these possible. Cities are now inventing ways of reducing the work done while at the same time increasing the efficiency and quality of the job done. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things have eased performance in the health industry, transportation industry, and farming industry. To add to this, Wearable devices, which are computer devices that humans can wear, for example, a wrist watchable to sense and send signals, are being used to enable the Internet of Things. The following information majors on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things technologies. The discussion looks at how they have improved lives in modern society and how these technologies can help America. © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence in
Modern Society
Ravi Teja Yarlagadda
Sr. DevOps Engineer & Department of Information Technologyy,
The world today is mainly being controlled by technology. Technological evolution has taken place
over the last couple of decades. New ways of doing things have been invented, making work more comfortable
and improving things' efficiency. It is in recent years that Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things
technologies have emerged. These technologies have affected the way business is being done, the way the
previous tasks that relied on humans are being done through technological devices. Tasks are being done more
efficiently using these devices, reducing the human errors that were an issue when these technologies were not
Artificial Intelligence and IoT technologies are making previously difficult tasks to do much more
manageable and doablefor instance, controlling traffic and knowing whether a patient has taken medicine
while at home. It was not easy to reduce traffic jams, but it is not easier to minimize traffic with sensors that
sense road conditions. Doctors in their working space cannot tell whether a patient has taken medicine or not.
But with sensors, IoT, doctors or caregivers can now tell when a patient needs medical help or when they have
not taken prescriptions. Just a device sensing the body changes and sending signals is what has made all these
Cities are now inventing ways of reducing the work done while at the same time increasing the
efficiency and quality of the job done. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things have eased performance
in the health industry, transportation industry, and farming industry. To add to this, Wearable devices, which
are computer devices that humans can wear, for example, a wrist watchable to sense and send signals, are
being used to enable the Internet of Things. The following information majors on Artificial Intelligence and
Internet of Things technologies. The discussion looks at how they have improved lives in modern society and
how these technologies can help America.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Security
Artificial intelligence involves computer devices learning human ways and trying to function as
humans. These computer devices go through a series of processes to attain a level where they serve as humans.
They are taught, learning process, reasoning, making inferences from data, and coming up with solutions.
Artificial intelligence involves devices being subjected or introduced to specific data and being shown what the
data means. They are given new data to determine what the information means based on the preference of
developing the Artificially Intelligent device. Artificial Intelligence is being used in many fields (Bughin,
Hazan, Ramaswamy, Chui, Allas, Dahlstrom, & Trench, 2017). © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
An example of commonly used artificial intelligence technology is biometric recognition. People are
now using parts of the body that are unique for everyone, such as the eye retina, cornea, and fingerprints. The
artificially intelligent device takes in the biometric data, and when they learn the specific data, they use it to
base their responses when subjected to similar data. They can tell whether it is the original data that was used
or it is new data. Artificial Intelligence is being used to secure data, performing tasks that cannot be done by
humans like in space exploration, in agriculture, healthcare, by the government, banking and finance, and
gaming, among others.
Internet of Things involves connecting objects that are used daily to the internet. These devices are
made with sensors which assess the surrounding and under certain conditions send signals to another device no
matter how far apart the machines are. However, some devices have limited signal detection, for example,
Internet of Things devices that rely on Bluetooth signals. For instance, walkie-talkies might go for a specific
distance before disconnecting. Internet of Things had come to perform functions that required a lot of human
effort before the technology camefor instance, detecting when a chronic patient is in danger or detecting a
disease like cancer before cancer grows. It is now possible to notice certain things before they happen.
The Internet of Things is mainly based on sensors where sensors are specified to sense certain things
like motion or change in temperature. Once they detect the specifications, they send signals to computer
devices where the action is then taken based on the message. For instance, a doctor can see when a patient is in
danger. When a patient is wearing a wearable device that can determine pressure or heart rate, a doctor can
know when a patient has a heart attack, and they can check on the patient and treat them if necessary. Before
the Internet of Things technology, such problems were detected when the patient had an attack.
Literature Review
2016: the year AI came of age by Alex Hern
Artificial Intelligence was merely a talk of what it is supposed to look like or how it will do things. But
during this particular year, things changed. The concept of AI was brought to life at an alarming speed where
artificially intelligent devices came to life. People began grasping the concept through real-life situations where
AI was being used. However, this does not mean that this was the year that AI started. In 2011, Apple
introduced Siri, a virtual assistant, which was the first time this was introduced to the world. The technology is
based on artificial neural networks learning to come up with inferences and solutions to problems. As Alex
says in his article, AI technology is not stopping, but it will keep progressing with new developments and
From the article, Alex shows how Google and Apple have advanced AI technology through image
recognition. He looks at the fact that machine vision technology is the basis of artificial intelligence, which
gave birth to self-driving cars and the ancient Go board game. 2014 become the year where artificial
intelligence mimicked human players in the Go board game. Being a success, this game acted as a motivating
factor for the London research lab. Google also started advancing the technology through translation services.
Through neural-based learning, Google has made efforts to enable speech synthesis. Also, Google made the
smart home device which is AI-powered which was the beginning of most AI voice technologies.
As the years' progress, more companies will be embracing this technology, which will require more
data to ensure that the algorithms made give the best outcomes. However, this technology is beneficial to some
fields, while in some, the possibility of it being used is almost null. Alex's article focuses on how Artificial
Intelligence technology will be heading in the future. As Alex states in his article, the technology is likely to
keep its upward advancements with more fields joining the world of artificial intelligence technology.
The Internet of Things: Are you ready for whats coming? By Ted Saarikko, Ulrika H. Westergren,
Tomas Blomquist © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
With the introduction of IoT, the technology took some time before coming to reality. After the
technology took off, different objects have been connected to the internet where they have completed the
Internet of Things connections to the internet. The advancement of this technology has been rampant, and as a
result, the wireless infrastructure has significantly grown. Improvements on network types have improved due
to the ability the create interfaces between middleware which have enabled accommodation of standards,
seamless connectivity, and formats. This article focuses on the journey that the internet of things technology is
making over the next couple of years and how it has been in the previous years.
Internet of things involves the connection of sensors to objects, or things and these sensors are
connected to other computer devices where they can send signals based on how they have been programmed
(Wu, Lu, Ling, Sun, & Du, 2010). It is no surprise that this technology can have every object connected to the
internet. As the article argues, if a whole city can connect to the internet through different things connecting to
the internet, how hard will it be for other day-to-day objects to be connected to the internet? The connection of
numerous objects to the internet is possible.
Internet of things is helping in the digitization of business models. Products manufactured in businesses
can be supplemented with sensors. These sensors can then be used to make communications on different
conditions and the environment where these products are. This has helped these products, for instance, cars
with sensors and make alerts in times of danger, to gain a competitive advantage over other similar products.
For instance, people will opt for the products with the sensors compared to those that don't because they are
much safer. Therefore, the incorporation of sensors in the products is helping in the digitization of business
According to the article, the internet of things is creating value for products that attract more customers.
Products lose value with time, for instance, as a result of wear and tear. With time, these products lose value,
and customer interest in the products reduces with time. However, for a market to improve the value of
products, they are using the new technology, the internet of things, to ensure that they have attracted many
people to the products. Adding motion sensors, for instance, in street lights, has attracted several customers.
For security light and conservation of energy, people don't have to keep the lights outside, but when motion
sensors detect movement, they light up during the night. These products have gained preference since they are
economical as well as helpful. They are results of value creation to the street lights that were used before.
The Internet of things comes with several other services, such as business digitization, value creation of
products, and service orientation. These have taken the central position in the internet of things technology.
However, for one to have a successful internet of things technology in their businesses, they have to keep in
mind a few things related to the internet of things in business application. Although applying IoT in businesses
might be a significant success, it can also be a fail if care is not taken. One has to understand the best models to
use and the best way to use the technology. For example, one has to decide on whether to automate or
As technology is advancing, big data issues have arisen, which has necessitated the need for data
analysis techniques that are accurate and fast enough to go through the numerous data. Therefore, the internet
of things can be used with artificial intelligence to create more and better systems that make work easier in a
different field where these technologies can be applied. The article concludes with the fact that the internet of
things is here to help in a different field, but the right choices should be made to ensure the best models and
strategies in businesses are used (Saarikko, Westergren, & Blomquist, 2017).
Internet of Things and how it has Changed Lives in the Modern Society
Internet of Things involves the connection of things to the internet and sensors that sense the
environment and act accordingly. For instance, devices with sensors can sense a patient's blood pressure and
know whether the patient is in danger, then send signals to a care provider notifying them that the patient is in
danger. Internet of Things has changed lives in modern society through smart cities, smart agriculture, ensuring
patient safety through wearable devices, fighting breast cancer, and reducing food wastage (Prathibha, Hongal, © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
& Jyothi, 2017). In some cases, cities have implemented Internet of Things technology in the whole cities
where transportation is monitored through the Internet of Things. Monitoring of the traffic has ensured
convenience and faster transportation systems (Wortmann & Flüchter, 2015).
Smart cities are cities that have incorporated IoT technology in daily city life. With most people
moving to cities, serious implications such as sudden weather changes and climate changes as the rise in sea
levels prove this. However, smart cities have been able to reduce this by ensuring that most activities use the
information of things technology to perform daily tasks. For instance, IoT helps in monitoring traffic in these
smart cities. This has significantly helped in reducing air pollution in the cities.
Also, smart cities have a feature that uses light sensors where when the sun is up, street lights switch
off, and when the sun is down, the lights light up. This has helped in conserving energy and has improved
efficiency in the lighting up of the cities. Automated street lights have reduced several risks that would lead to
dark streets. For instance, there is no need to worry if the one in charge of lighting the street lights does not
show up because the lights will automatically switch themselves on and off whether they are being monitored
or not: unless they have a technical issue. Other smart city features are smart water treatment, digital bus
routes, and smart packing motors (Perera, Zaslavsky, Christen, & Georgakopoulos, 2014).
Examples of smart cities include the following. Chicago is using Array of Things which acts as the
city's fitness tracker. That is, the city has sensors that ensure that the city is notified on issues related to traffic
and changes in weather. Las Vegas also uses sensors to keep track of air conditions and traffic flow in the city.
They notify the population of the air condition and when the quality of air is low. This ensures that the
population takes caution in preventing being affected by air pollution. Another city is Seoul in South Korea,
where the whole city is a single network that uses sensors or, in other words, Internet of Things infrastructure
to manage the whole city. IoT in this city ensures that the city experiences efficient transport systems and
quality building infrastructure.
IoT has also helped improve public health by improving air and water cleanliness (Boulos & Al-
Shorbaji, 2014). Water and air pollution have caused the death of people, which is quite sad. Cities like Delhi
and Beijing have been victims. These two cities are fighting poor air and water cleanliness by using sensors
that detect when air conditions and water conditions are dangerous. They then use this information to inform
the residents of the dangers until conditions are back to normal. Another city that is using sensors to detect air
condition in London. The city uses sensors on bicycles, and when the air conditions are poor, the sensors send
signals giving notification about the condition.
Another example of IoT in modern society is through smart agriculture (Dlodlo & Kalezhi, 2015). In
the agriculture sector, IoT is helping improve the quality of farm produce. Sensors are being used to detect
environments that are suitable for the growth of certain crops. Also, sensors are being used to check the
weather conditions at a particular time to determine the perfect time to transport perishable products. For
instance, when certain perishable goods are being transported, the humidity levels should be high, while some
require low humidity to extend the life shell. IoT ensures that there is the detection of the weather, and from
the information, farmers can determine when to transport their farm produce. This has been an advantage since
it has helped reduce losses in cases where produces have gone bad due to the weather.
Internet of things is also being used to fight breast cancer. Usually, breast cancer is detected when it has
already grown to a certain stage. However, IoT has enabled a way where the possibility of cancer is detected
early enough and time taking action. It is easy to detect whether a person from a family that has a breast cancer
history is developing cancer in modern society. Through bras with sensors, a doctor can note temperature
changes and other unusual changes in the person and take necessary actions.
Lastly, in modern society, IoT has helped improve patient safety (Bui & Zorzi, 2011). The use of
wearable devices has helped in detecting patient conditions and taking actions where necessary. Wearable
devices are devices with IoT technology, and they are worn in the human body, for example, a watch with IoT
technology. In modern society, a doctor can detect when a patient has not taken medication by tracking a
patient's progress. Detection of a patient's progress can be done using sensors that detect temperature, heart © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
rate, and blood pressure. When they reach a certain point, either low or high, signals are sent by the sensors to
the caregiver or the doctor. From there, action can be taken on whether to call the patient in or inquire about a
thing like if they have taken medication (Ashton, 2009).
Artificial Intelligence and how it has Changed Lives in the Modern Society
Artificial intelligence involves integrating information, learning patterns in the data, analyzing
information, and using the learned patterns to come up with better solutions. These patterns have been used in
several fields to ensure that the correct predictions are made. AI involves robotics, deep learning, and machine
learning (Garcia, Jimenez, De Santos, & Armada, 2007). Artificial intelligence depends on learning data
patterns, and when new data is introduced to the machines, they can be able to determine the patterns and make
predictions (Reitman, 1984). AI has changed lives in modern society in the following ways.
Prediction of diseases in patients. In this category, a dataset of many patients is recorded, and patterns
are identified. Then, the best method of classifying the diseases is made. For a patient's disease to be predicted,
that data is fed to the system or machine. From the data that has previously been fed to the system, the system
determines the possibility of disease in the new patient data. Based on the patient's health records or the
patient's condition, the system can predict which disease a patient has. Predicting patient disease is how AI is
increasing efficiency in the healthcare department (Russell & Norvig, 2002).
AI has changed society through automated household electronics like DVR, automated thermostats, and
television recording devices. These devices can be set to record certain shows and make predictions on what a
user might enjoy watching based on data that has been previously collected from the users watching patterns.
In line with this is energy conservation. AI has been used to determine a user's energy use pattern or when the
owner is not around. Then the system reduced the power consumption in the house, which has helped conserve
energy and reduce bills.
AI has been used to improve and increase efficiency in the communication field. When a person makes
a call, the voice signals have been recorded by the AI systems. Then the systems track the origin of the voice
signals. This has helped understand where the person is coming from, which has enabled people in call centers
to gather information about the person. This has helped increase efficiency by creating rapport between the
caller in the communication center and the receiver. An example is when the police are tracking a person, and
the person makes a call. The signals are detected, and once the system recognizes the voice, it becomes easier
to trace the voice owner.
AI has been used in modern society to work in risky and dangerous places for humans to work.
Although robots use cameras and sensors to perform their tasks, some environments put human health and
safety in danger, making the robots working in these conditions better off compared to humans. For instance,
in mines, people are at the risk of being buried by the earth or stones. In factories that use big machines,
humans are at risk of being amputated or even killed. In tasks that require repetitive functions, humans
working on these conditions might be subjected to muscle fatigue which is a case where robots are used; they
are not subjected to fatigue.
Also, AI has come to ease tracking records in banking systems. Before AI technology came, it was
difficult to determine whether a transaction has gone through fraud actions. With AI, it is easier to detect
unusual activities or questionable activities and track the activities down. Besides this, the systems have been
reducing banks' risks, that is, reduction of risks in the banking sector. It has also improved the marketing sector
by making predictions (Siau & Yang, 2017). © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
How this Research is going to Help America
Based on the Internet of Things, this research is going to help with cases of pollution. As most people
are living in the city, cases of air pollution, water pollution are frequent. As a result, air pollution has been an
effect on the city people. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things will reduce pollution and sudden
weather and climate changes in America. Reducing traffic will help prevent pollution. Also, artificial
intelligence and the internet of things will help increase public health since devices can sense and notify people
when pollution levels are high, which will help the residents take caution (Bao & Chen, 2012).
In the health industry, these technologies will help America ensure that patients get quality services by
increasing their safety (Bandyopadhyay & Sen, 2011). Their safety will be increased by ensuring that the
caregivers or doctors are timely alerted when they are in danger or do not follow certain protocols. In turn, this
will help reduce the number of sudden cases that go unnoticed. The internet of things will do for America is
helping in the fight against breast cancer. The bras that have sensors can be used on people with breast cancer
history in their family. The bras can help doctors identify signals that might be indicators of growing cancer.
This will result in timely identification of growing cancer which can help in early treatment and prevention.
On the other hand, artificial intelligence will help solve problems that were not previously beyond
human ability (Brunette, Flemmer, & Flemmer, 2009). For instance, AI can be used to predict certain disease
types in a patient. This will help the American population since it will increase efficiency in the health care
department. Prediction of patient diseases will be possible, which will encourage timely treatment or
prevention of the disease. Also, this form of advancement will help in making recommendations on which
doctor to see. For instance, when the system recognizes the disease, it can then recommend which doctor to
Another way AI will help the American population is through voice tracking. AI technology can be
used to track voice signals. For instance, a lost person like a criminal can be tracked using their voice. Also, a
lost person may happen to make a call, and the voice can be used to track the location where the signals are
coming from and recognize the owner of the voice. Also, AI can help in making matches of a person and
checking the person's data. For instance, a person might be caught on CCTV cameras, and the police might be
interested in this person. They can use their database to run the picture, and the system can try to make matches
until the person's information is found.
Another way that AI can help the American population is through robots doing difficult and risky jobs.
Some jobs are risky for human health and safety. For instance, in large mines and some factories that use big
machinery or dangerous gases, humans working in these conditions might be in great danger both in health
matters and physically. Therefore, rather than sending humans to these dangerous places, robots can work in
these harsh conditions. Although there are also risks involved, the robots are better working in these conditions
rather than humans.
Another way this research can help in America is through banking systems where the AI systems can
determine the people to loan and the ones not to loan (Bahrammirzaee, 2010). Based on customer details, the
systems prioritize who to offer loans. Also, AI can monitor credit card transactions in cases where it is difficult
for humans to keep track of the transactions and identify theft or fraud cases. In general, this research can help
understand the concepts in the internet of things and artificial intelligence and how the two technologies can be
applied in different fields to improve efficiency.
In general, as the years go by, technological advancements are being made with either introduction of
new things or the enhancement of what already exists. Before the invention of artificial intelligence and the
internet of things technologies, things were still done but not with the efficiency that these technologies have
brought. With these technologies, it is possible to have more efficient cities, improved farming, efficiency and
performance improvement in the health industry, transportation, and reduce climatic changes. It is easier to
detect things on time and take necessary actions that were not easy before these technologies came to life. © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
These technologies have not only come to help with human activities but the environment as well (Schulte, P.,
& Liu, G. (2017).
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... Apart from that, the devices are capable of bringing efficient and effective information more quickly. Thereafter, the devices of the internet of things are quicker than humans and this is beneficial for the development of the productivity of a company or business [10]. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is used to control the devices properly and the usage of the internet of things is increasing day by day in the system of artificial intelligence. ...
... In order to develop and modify the business environment positively, the IoT based organizations need to install their advantages in the small villages also [8]. In addition, this system needs to be more updated so that it will balance the risk of bid sized data analysis process [9][10][11]. Moreover, within a few transformations and improvements in technology and system, this network system can sustain for the long term in order to increase economic revenue of India. ...
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IoT is a network of devices that emerge with connectivity, software, and exchange data. Performing on the internet is constantly converting from the “Internet of computers (IoC)” to the “Internet of things (IoT)”. Especially in the business world, the adoption of IoT is becoming highly required in order to protect data and resources. In the case of coming and collecting multiple essential data makes the device difficult to store them, so in that scenario, IoT Device is considered as effective. As IoT is capable of sharing vital data through a wireless network, the data remains safe and protected. All the processes of business and its development underlying the procedure of data exchange along with gathering. In this scenario, IoT has the ability to handle the data and record the pattern of the business process. In addition, customer interaction with the devices also can be managed by the IoT network. The business process can be effectively preceded with the help of IoT technology. In the business process, better information with high quality, productivity can be balanced in order to draw the attention of the consumers with this advanced technology system. IoT devices have many benefits, which can improve the business value, and it is described in the discussion part of the research work. In this study, primary along with secondary data analysis have been conducted based on a thematic approach and in that regard, four themes have been prepared and discussed in accordance with different research objectives. The study concluded about the business development by using IoT devices and highlighted the future scope of the research. Here, in this research, the descriptive method was applied to analyze the primary and secondary data. Thematic analysis of the data has become beneficial in getting the best understanding of the topic. Moreover, this study will be helpful for business leaders to understand both the positive and negative approaches of this network system.
... resulting enhancements in terms of security, privacy, efficiency of data transfer, and automation will continue to have a profound impact on the global banking and financial systems. Thus, given the current trends and observations, it is realistic to predict that cryptocurrencies, digital currencies, Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other blockchain assets and products will have an inevitable social, financial, and cultural role in modern societies (Yarlagadda, 2018). ...
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Based on a multi‐attribute assessment of the environmental impacts and challenges associated with global Bitcoin (BTC) mining activities around the globe, we call for urgent action by the scientific, policy, and advocacy communities. The worldwide BTC mining network consumed 173.42 TWh of electricity during the 2020–2021 period, bigger than the electricity consumption of most nations. The mining process emitted over 85.89 Mt of CO2eq in the same timeframe, equivalent to the emission caused by burning 84 billion pounds of coal or running 190 natural gas‐fired power plants. The environmental footprint of BTC mining is not limited to greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020–2021, the global water footprint of BTC mining was about 1.65 km³, more than the domestic water use of 300 million people in rural Sub‐Saharan Africa. The land footprint of the global BTC mining network during this period was more than 1,870 square kilometers, 1.4 times the area of Los Angeles. These striking numbers highlight the heavy reliance of the BTC network on fossil fuels and natural resource‐intensive energy sources, resulting in major but unmonitored and unregulated environmental footprints. To mitigate the environmental costs of BTC mining, immediate policy interventions, technological advancements, and scientific research are crucial. Proposed measures include enhanced transparency, economic and regulatory tools, developing energy‐efficient alternative coins, and the adoption of greener blockchain validation protocols.
... T HE advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has enabled increasingly complex tasks, such as 3D protein structure estimation and plasma control in nuclear fusion reactors [1], [2]. Adjoining this development, the Internet of Things (IoT), utilizing microcontrollers and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), has become a vital part of applications in livestock, wild-life monitoring, robotics and manufacturing [3]. By 2025, it is estimated that 100 billion IoT devices will generate an economic impact of 11 trillion USD [4]. ...
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The growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors has given rise to a synergistic paradigm known as AIoT, wherein AI functions as the decision-maker and sensors collect information. However, a substantial proportion of AIoT rely on cloud-based AI, which process wirelessly transmitted raw data, increasing power consumption and reducing battery life at sensor nodes. Edge-AI has emerged as a promising alternative, implementing AI directly on sensor nodes, eliminating the need of raw data transmission. Despite its potential, there is a scarcity of hardware architectures optimized for resource-constrained platforms, such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), particularly for low-frequency sensors. This work presents a shared-scale integer-only Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) implemented on a Lattice ICE40UP5K FPGA using a resource-minimized Time and Layer-Multiplexed hardware architecture. This architecture adopts real-time processing, setting clock frequency to complete a single RNN timestep preceding the next sensor sample, reducing power consumption significantly. Measurements on this FPGA implementing our proposed architecture applied to a pre-trained RNN on cow behavior show a power consumption of 360 μW at a clock frequency of 146 kHz and negligible accuracy loss at 8-bit bitwidth. This finding suggests that our methods lead to the most accurate implementation of animal behavior estimation with a power consumption below 500 μW on an FPGA. The implementation in Systemverilog and Python code is publicly available, enabling adaptation of the RNN for various tasks involving low-frequency sensors on resource-constrained FPGAs, thereby contributing to the further advancement and democratization of Edge-AI solutions.
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The privacy and security of patients' health records have been an ongoing issue, and researchers are in a race against technology to design a system that can help stop the compromising of patient data. Many researchers have proposed solutions; however, most solutions have not incorporated potential parameters that can ensure private and secure personal health records management, which is the focus of this study. To design and develop a solution, this research thoroughly investigated existing solutions and identified potential key contexts. These include IOTA Tangle, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), IPFS protocols, Application Programming Interface (API), Proxy Re-encryption (PRE), and access control, which are analysed and integrated to secure patient medical records, and Internet of Things (IoT) medical devices, to develop a patient-based access management system that gives patients full control of their health records. This research developed four prototype applications to demonstrate the proposed solution: the web appointment application, the patient application, the doctor application, and the remote medical IoT device application. The results indicate that the proposed framework can improve healthcare services by providing immutable, secure, scalable, trusted, self-managed, and traceable patient health records while giving patients full control of their own medical records.
... One of the oldest human inventions is the clock. It is used to measure, keep, and indicate time (Yarlagadda, 2018). Clock measures intervals of time shorter than the year, month, or day. ...
Research has been going on for a lengthy time on digital clocks but with restraints to auto-updating based totally on location. The objective of the paper is to produce a portable and accurate auto-update digital watch (clock) that shows the real time and the current location of the user with the aid of crystal oscillator to generate clock pulses which interfaced with the GPS modules with organic light-emitting diode (OELD). The system was able to automatically update the co-ordinate of locations whenever the user moves from one place to another, It also auto-update time whenever the battery is removed and reinserted or when switched OFF and then switch ON after sometime. It also eliminate the stretch associated with time adjustment whenever the battery is down and replaced or when the watch is switched OFF and then ON. It performed satisfactorily and as a result, the system can be adapted and integrated to the new technology of modern watch as it can be adopted by the user to locate his/her position at any point in time.
... With increasing the value of AI the public security is decreasing day by day. According to Yarlagadda (2018), AI also used to secure the data. Most of the people are using social media and many AI based applications. ...
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Artificial intelligence is the most widespread and detailed general companion which is more commonly associated in the industry 4.0. The value of artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry over the next decade cannot be overstated. The greatest opportunity lies in the massive amount of data that auto suppliers and manufacturers amass but do not currently use effectively. This research project aims to investigate the impact of the introduction of AI technology on the Indian Automobile Industry, specifically looking at the
... In addition, another thing that contributes to the popularity of IoT technology is its ability to provide services and be served by the network. Lastly, the combination of IoT with various other fields of science further adds to the increasing use of IoT in various sectors such as merging IoT with artificial intelligence (Yarlagadda 2018), IoT and Blockchain (Fernández-caramés dan Member 2018)where many of our daily objects will be interconnected and will interact with their environment in order to collect information and automate certain tasks. Such a vision requires, among other things, seamless authentication, data privacy, security, robustness against attacks, easy deployment, and selfmaintenance. ...
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Internet of things (IoT) brings disruption to services in society including education. New platforms in educational services made possible by the internet of things have changed the way of teaching and learning activities. The question was how schools provide services to their stakeholders. This disruption was accelerated with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article aims to identify the social dimensions of education and their characteristics caused by the disruption of IoT technology and COVID-19. It examines social dimensions from the point of view of social intelligence, which comprises of three dimensions, namely social sensitivity, social insight, and social communication. In doing so, this study used a qualitative method based on a survey that involved respondents and their experience of learning through the IoT platforms. The results of this study indicate that social sensitivity and social communication were the most problematic social dimensions in learning and teaching activities through the IoT platforms. On the other hand, social insight was a very good dimension experienced by students in learning and teaching activities through IoT and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The internet's workings have undergone a transformation from an Internet of Computers (IoC) to an Internet of Things (IoT). Additionally, as a result of the integration of numerous aspects like infrastructure, embedded technology, smart objects, people, and physical environments, massively interconnected systems, often referred to as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), are forming. The next smart revolution may be brought about by IoT and CPS combined with Data Science (DS). The challenge posed by the rapid expansion of data generation is how to effectively handle and process the large volumes of information, given the current limitations in computational capacity. An answer to this issue has shifted the focus of researchers over DS and Artificial Intelligence (AI). IoT with AI can therefore lead to a significant and advanced role in the development of the smart world. This is not just cost-effective, smart work, less human interaction, or following any smart activity for a better and developed world, it is more than that; it is enhancing human lives. But it has been seen that IoT is facing many issues, such as safety and ethical dilemmas. In the end, what matters is how the general public views IoT with AI—whether they see it as a benefit, a burden, or a threat.KeywordsArtificial IntelligenceHealthcareInternet of ThingsArtificial Intelligence of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) allows city officials to monitor the city in real time and communicate smoothly with the community. Smart cities need to provide the best possible service to their citizens on the most basic infrastructure. A successful smart city should make any service available to all in general and equally. In this paper, an artificial intelligence (AI) based smart sustainable IoT model was proposed to enhance the different services in the smart city environment. Where the list of services has begun to play a vital role in the construction of smart cities. The service tracks route priority and non-priority services to various locations. The proposed model provides a prominent place for both services. At a cut-off level, the proposed model achieved 94.97% of service recognition, 3.3% of service rejection, 94.06% of service accuracy, 95.86% of service precision, 94.34% of service recall, and 95.68% of F1-Score while compared with the existing models.KeywordsSmart citiesElectronic methodsSensorsInternet of thingsArtificial intelligencePriority routing
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Are you ready for what’s coming? As senior managers look to connect products, processes, and services to the growing field of the Internet of Things (IoT), this is an important preliminary question. Leveraging the IoT for firm benefit involves revisiting certain ideas that may have gone unquestioned for a long time. In this article, we begin by reviewing the complexity of the IoT, the complexities of an increasingly interconnected environment, and the increasing need to develop partnerships in order to create innovative solutions. We then offer practical insights from a case in which three actors with reciprocal specialties cooperated to create an IoT solution in the form of a connected appliance. While a shared spirit of optimism prevailed throughout the endeavor, reaching the finish line meant jumping a few hurdles along the way. Finally, we describe a number of fundamental issues related to business models, partnership strategy, data ownership, and technology diffusion that every enterprise should address before diving headfirst into the Internet of Things.
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AI, robotics, and machine learning are impacting the field of sales and marketing in an unprecedented way. A perfect storm is brewing! On one hand, online retail stores like Amazon are crushing the bricks and mortar stores. Sales and marketing professionals in bricks and mortar stores are facing a grim future. On the other hand, AI, robotics, and machine learning are replacing sales and marketing professionals in online stores. In fact, salespersons and marketers are predicted to be among the first to be replaced by robots. In a face-to-face environment, human may still prefer to interact with another human. In a virtual environment or a non-face-to-face context, human would care less about who or what is on the other end of the line or responding to his/her online queries. This research will be a longitudinal case study to analyze the evolving nature of sales and marketing field.
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Rural areas in South Africa and Zambia face a number of similar issues in the domains of agriculture, connectivity, water, transport, health and education etc., which calls for potentially similar solutions to be directed towards solving these issues. The intention of this research is to investigate the potential contributions of internet of things technologies (IoT) towards poverty reduction in these rural areas, in line with the needs identified in these communities and with emphasis on agriculture. The paper identifies examples of IoTs to mitigate the agricultural needs of these communities for the domains of crop farming, weather forecasting, wildlife management, forestry, livestock farming, market identification and rural financing.
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The world population is growing at a rapid pace. Towns and cities are accommodating half of the world's population thereby creating tremendous pressure on every aspect of urban living. Cities are known to have large concentration of resources and facilities. Such environments attract people from rural areas. However, unprecedented attraction has now become an overwhelming issue for city governance and politics. The enormous pressure towards efficient city management has triggered various Smart City initiatives by both government and private sector businesses to invest in ICT to find sustainable solutions to the growing issues. The Internet of Things (IoT) has also gained significant attention over the past decade. IoT envisions to connect billions of sensors to the Internet and expects to use them for efficient and effective resource management in Smart Cities. Today infrastructure, platforms, and software applications are offered as services using cloud technologies. In this paper, we explore the concept of sensing as a service and how it fits with the Internet of Things. Our objective is to investigate the concept of sensing as a service model in technological, economical, and social perspectives and identify the major open challenges and issues.
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The Internet of Things is a technological revolution that represents the future of computing and communications. It is not the simple extension of the Internet or the Telecommunications Network. It has the features of both the Internet and the Telecommunications Network, and also has its own distinguishing feature. Through analysing the current accepted three-layer structure of the Internet of things, we suggest that the three-layer structure can't express the whole features and connotation of the Internet of Things. After reanalysing the technical framework of the Internet and the Logical Layered Architecture of the Telecommunication Management Network, we establish new five-layer architecture of the Internet of Things. We believe this architecture is more helpful to understand the essence of the Internet of Things, and we hope it is helpful to develop the Internet of Things.
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We propose a dynamic trust management protocol for Internet of Things (IoT) systems to deal with misbehaving nodes whose status or behavior may change dynamically. We consider an IoT system being deployed in a smart community where each node autonomously performs trust evaluation. We provide a formal treatment of the convergence, accuracy, and resilience properties of our dynamic trust management protocol and validate these desirable properties through simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our dynamic trust management protocol with a trust-based service composition application in IoT environments. Our results indicate that trust-based service composition significantly outperforms non-trust-based service composition and approaches the maximum achievable performance based on ground truth status. Furthermore, our dynamic trust management protocol is capable of adaptively adjusting the best trust parameter setting in response to dynamically changing environments to maximize application performance.