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Graded gw-Prime Submodules

Graded gw-Prime Submodules
Department of Mathematics
Yarmouk University
Irbid, Jordan
Abstract—Let Gbe a group with identity e,Ra commutative
G-graded ring with unity 1and MaG-graded R-module. In this
article, graded gw-prime submodules of Mare defined. This class
of graded submodules is a generalization of graded weakly prime
submodules. A graded R-module Mis said to be graded gw-
prime if whenever Lis a graded R-submodule of Mand x, y
h(R)such that xyL ={0}, then either x2L={0}or y2L={0}.
A graded R-submodule Nof Mis said to be graded gw-prime
if M/N is a graded gw-prime R-module, i.e., if whenever Lis a
graded R-submodule of Mand x, y h(R)such that xyL N,
then either x2LNor y2LN. Also, we introduce the concept
of graded valuation modules; let RbeaG-graded domain with
quotient field Fand MaG-graded torsion free R-module. For
yFwhere x, y h(R)and for sh(M), we write bs M
if there exists th(M)such that xs =yt. Then Mis said to be a
graded valuation R-module if for each b=x
yK(x, y h(R)),
we have either bM Mor b1MM. After studying general
properties of graded gw-prime submodules, their relation with
graded valuation modules are examined.
Index Terms—Graded gw-prime modules, graded gw-prime
submodules, graded weakly prime submodules, graded valuation
Let Gbe a group with identity e,Ra commutative G-
graded ring with unity 1and MaG-graded R-module. Graded
prime submodules have been introduced by S. E. Atani in
[9] and then studied extensively by many authors as ( [3],
[4], [8], [16]). A graded R-submodule Nof Mis said to be
graded prime if whenever rh(R)and xh(M)such
that rx N, then either xNor rM N. In recent
years, several generalizations of graded prime submodules are
obtained, see ( [1], [5], [6], [7], [11], [12]). Among those gen-
eralizations, the concept of graded weakly prime submodules
distinguishes itself with its useful properties. Graded weakly
prime submodules are first introduced by S. E. Atani in [10].
A graded R-submodule Nof Mis said to be graded weakly
prime if whenever Lis a subset of Mand a, b h(R)such
that abL N, then either aL Nor bL N. For a
generalization of graded weakly prime submodules, the reader
is referred to [2].
In this article, we follow [13] to define graded gw-prime
submodules. A graded R-module Mis said to be graded gw-
prime if whenever Lis a graded R-submodule of Mand x, y
h(R)such that xyL ={0}, then either x2L={0}or y2L=
{0}. A graded R-submodule Nof a graded R-module Mis
said to be graded gw-prime if M/N is a graded gw-prime
R-module. This definition can be explained as such: A graded
R-submodule Nof a graded R-module Mis said to be graded
gw-prime if whenever Lis a graded R-submodule of Mand
x, y h(R)such that xyL N, then either x2LNor
Also, we introduce the concept of graded valuation modules;
let Rbe a G-graded domain with quotient field Fand Ma
G-graded torsion free R-module. For b=x
yFwhere x, y
h(R)and for sh(M), we write bs Mif there exists
th(M)such that xs =yt. Then Mis said to be a graded
valuation R-module if for each b=x
yK(x, y h(R)), we
have either bM Mor b1MM.
General properties of graded gw-prime submodules are
investigated. Also, the relation between graded gw-prime
submodules and graded valuation modules is examined.
We start by recalling some background material. Let Gbe
a group with identity eand Ra commutative ring with a
nonzero unity 1. Then Ris said to be G-graded if R=
with RgRhRgh for all g, h Gwhere Rgis an additive
subgroup of Rfor all gG. The elements of Rgare
called homogeneous of degree g. Consider supp(R, G)=
{gG:Rg=0}.IfxR, then xcan be written as
where xgis the component of xin Rg. Moreover, Reis a
subring of Rand 1Reand h(R)=
Let Ibe an ideal of a graded ring R. Then Iis said to be
graded ideal if I=
(IRg), i.e., for xI,x=
where xgIfor all gG. An ideal of a graded ring need
not be graded (see [15]).
Assume that Mis an R-module. Then Mis said to be G-
graded if M=
Mgwith RgMhMgh for all g, h G
where Mgis an additive subgroup of Mfor all gG. The
elements of Mgare called homogeneous of degree g. Also,
we consider supp(M,G)={gG:Mg=0}. It is clear
that Mgis an Re-submodule of Mfor all gG. Moreover,
Let Nbe an R-submodule of a graded R-module M. Then
Nis said to be graded R-submodule if N=
i.e., for xN,x=
xgwhere xgNfor all gG.An
R-submodule of a graded R-module need not be graded (see
2019 International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering (MACISE)
978-1-5386-9204-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/MACISE.2019.00007
If Mis a G-graded R-module and Nan R-submodule
of M, then M/N is a G-graded R-module by (M/N)g=
(Mg+N)/N for all gG.
Lemma 1.1: ( [14], Lemma 2.1) Let Mbe a graded R-
1) If Iand Jare graded ideals of R, then I+Jand IJ
are graded ideals of R.
2) If Nand Kare graded R-submodules of M, then N+K
and NKare graded R-submodules of M.
3) If Nis a graded R-submodule of M,rh(R),x
h(M)and Iis a graded ideal of R, then Rx,IN and
rN are graded R-submodules of M.
Lemma 1.2: ( [16], Lemma 1) Let Mbe a graded R-module
and Na graded R-submodule of M. Then (N:RM)=
{rR:rM N}is a graded ideal of R.
In this section, we introduce and study graded gw-prime
Definition 2.1: Let Mbe a graded R-module. Then Mis
said to be graded gw-prime if whenever Lis a graded R-
submodule of Mand x, y h(R)such that xyL ={0},
then either x2L={0}or y2L={0}. Let Nbe a graded
R-submodule of M. Then Nis said to be graded gw-prime
if M/N is a graded gw-prime R-module, i.e., if whenever L
is a graded R-submodule of Mand x, y h(R)such that
xyL N, then either x2LNor y2LN.
Theorem 2.2: Let Mbe a graded R-module. Then Mis a
graded gw-prime R-module if and only if whenever x, y
h(R)and sh(M)such that xys =0, then either x2s=0
or y2s=0.
Proof 1: Suppose that Mis a graded gw-prime R-module.
Let x, y h(R)and sh(M)such that xys =0. By Lemma
1.1, L=Rs is a graded R-submodule of Msuch that xyL =
{0}and then either x2L={0}or y2L={0}which implies
that either x2s=0or y2s=0. Conversely, Let Lbe a graded
R-submodule of Mand x, y h(R)such that xyL ={0}.
Then for each sL,wehavexys =0. Since sLand Lis
a graded R-submodule of M,s=
sgwhere sgLfor all
sg=xys =0∈{0}. Since
xysgh(M)for all gGand {0}is a graded R-submodule
of M,xysg=0for all gG. By assumption, for all gG,
either x2sg=0or y2sg=0. Let N=
and K=
{sg}. Then Nand Kare graded R-
submodules of Mwith L=NK. So, we have either N
Kor KN. Suppose that NK. Then L=Kand then
y2sg=0for all gGwhich implies that y2s=y2
y2sg=0for all sLand hence y2L={0}. Similarly,
if KN, then x2L={0}. Thus, Mis a graded gw-prime
Corollary 2.3: Let Mbe a graded R-module and Ka
graded R-submodule of M. Then Kis a graded gw-prime
R-submodule of Mif and only if whenever x, y h(R)
and sh(M)such that xys K, then either x2sK
or y2sK.
Let Rbe a G-graded ring and Ia graded ideal of R. Then
the graded radical of Iis denoted by Gr(I)and it is defined to
be the set of all xRsuch that for each gG, there exists a
positive integer ngsatisfies xng
gI. One can see that if xis a
homogeneous element, then xGr(I)if and only if xnI
for some positive integer n. Graded prime ideals have been
introduced and studied by M. Refai, M. Hailat and S. Obiedat
in [17]. A proper graded ideal Pof a graded ring Ris said
to graded prime if whenever a, b h(R)such that ab P,
then either aPor bP. Let Nbe a graded R-submodule
of a graded R-module M. Then by Lemma 1.2, (N:RM)is
a graded ideal of R. The next theorem proves that if Nis a
graded gw-prime R-submodule of M, then Gr((N:RM)) is
a graded prime ideal of R.
Theorem 2.4: Let Nbe a graded R-submodule of a graded
R-module M.IfNis a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M,
then Gr((N:RM)) is a graded prime ideal of R.
Proof 2: Let a, b h(R)such that ab Gr((N:RM)).
Then anbnMNfor some positive integer n. Since Nis
graded gw-prime, either a2nMNor b2nMNwhich
implies that either aGr((N:RM)) or bGr((N:RM)).
Hence, Gr((N:RM)) is a graded prime ideal of R.
For G-graded R-modules M(1) and M(2),anR-
homomorphism f:M(1) M(2) is said to be graded R-
homomorphism if f(M(1)
gfor all gG( [15]).
Theorem 2.5: Let f:M(1) M(2) be a graded R-
1) If Nis a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M(2), then
f1(N)is a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M(1).
2) If fis surjective and Na graded gw-prime R-
submodule of M(1) such that Ker(f)N, then f(N)
is a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M(2).
Proof 3:
1) Let a, b h(R)and mh(M(1) )such that abm
f1(N). Then f(m)h(M(2))such that abf (m)=
f(abm)N. Since Nis graded gw-prime, either
a2f(m)Nor b2f(m)Nwhich implies that either
a2mf1(N)or b2mf1(N). Hence, f1(N)is
a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M(1).
2) Let a, b h(R)and mh(M(2) )such that abm
f(N). Then there exists tNsuch that f(t)=abm.
Since fis surjective, there exists sh(M(1))such that
f(s)=mand then f(abs)=f(t)which implies that
tabs Ker(f)Nand hence abs N. Since
Nis graded gw-prime, either a2sNor b2sN
and then either a2m=a2f(s)=f(a2s)f(N)or
b2mf(N). Hence, f(N)is a graded gw-prime R-
submodule of M(2).
Corollary 2.6: Let Mbe a graded R-module and N,K
graded R-submodules of Msuch that NK. Then Kis a
graded gw-prime R-submodule of Mif and only if K/N is
a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M/N.
Proof 4: Apply Theorem 2.5 on the graded R-
homomorphism f:MM/N defined by f(x)=x+N.
For G-graded R-modules M(1) and M(2),M(1) ×M(2) is
a graded R-module by (M(1) ×M(2))g=M(1)
all gG( [15]).
Corollary 2.7: Let M(1) and M(2) be G-graded R-modules,
Na proper graded R-submodule of M(1) and Ka proper
graded R-submodule of M(2).
1) N×M(2) is a graded gw-prime R-submodule of
M(1) ×M(2) if and only if Nis a graded gw-prime
R-submodule of M(1).
2) If N×Kis a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M(1) ×
M(2), then Nis a graded gw-prime R-submodule of
M(1) and Ka graded gw-prime R-submodule of M(2).
Proof 5: Apply Theorem 2.5 on the projection f1:M(1) ×
M(2) M(1) and f2:M(1) ×M(2) M(2).
Theorem 2.8: Let M(1) be a G-graded R(1)-module, M(2) a
G-graded R(2)-module, Na graded R(1) -submodule of M(1),
Ka graded R(2)-submodule of M(2) ,R=R(1) ×R(2) and
M=M(1) ×M(2).
1) N×M(2) is a graded gw-prime R-submodule of Mif
and only if Nis a graded gw-prime R(1)-submodule of
2) If N×Kis a graded gw-prime R-submodule of M,
then Nis a graded gw-prime R(1)-submodule of M(1)
and Ka graded gw-prime R(2)-submodule of M(2) .
Proof 6:
1) Suppose that N×M(2) is a graded gw-prime R-
submodule of M. Let x, y h(R(1))and th(M(1))
such that xyt N. Then (x, 1),(y, 1) h(R)and
(t, 0) h(M)such that (x, 1)(y, 1)(t, 0) N×M(2)
and then either (x2t, 0) N×M(2) or (y2t, 0)
N×M(2) which implies that either x2tNor y2tN.
Hence, Nis a graded gw-prime R(1)-submodule of
M(1). Conversely, let (x1,x
(s, t)h(M)such that (x1,x
2)(s, t)N×
M(2). Then x1,y
1h(R(1))and sh(M(1) )such
that x1y1sNand then either x2
1sNor y2
which implies that (x1,x
2)2(s, t)N×M(2) or
2)2(s, t)N×M(2). Hence, N×M(2) is a graded
gw-prime R-submodule of M.
2) Similar to (1).
A graded R-submodule Nof a graded R-module Mis said
to be homogeneous cyclic if N=Rx for some xh(M).
Theorem 2.9: Let Mbe a graded R-module. Then every
homogeneous cyclic graded R-submodule of Mis gw-prime
if and only if every graded R-submodule of Mis gw-prime.
Proof 7: Suppose that every homogeneous cyclic graded
R-submodule of Mis gw-prime. Let Nbe a graded R-
submodule of M. Assume that a, b h(R)and th(M)
such that abt N. Then abt =nfor some nN. Since
a, b h(R)and th(M),there exist g, h, z Gsuch
that aRg,bRhand tMzand then abt Mghz
which implies that abt =(abt)ghz =nghz and hence
abt Rnghz. Since Rnghz is a gw-prime R-submodule of
M, either a2tRnghz or b2tRnghz. Since nNand
Nis graded, nghz Nand then Rnghz N. So, we have
either a2tNor b2tN. Hence, Nis a graded gw-prime
R-submodule of M. The converse is clear.
Definition 2.10: Let Rbe a G-graded domain with quotient
field Fand MaG-graded torsion free R-module. For b=x
Fwhere x, y h(R)and for sh(M), we write bs M
if there exists th(M)such that xs =yt. Then Mis said
to be a graded valuation R-module if for each b=x
(x, y h(R)), we have either bM Mor b1MM.
Theorem 2.11: Let Rbe a G-graded domain and MaG-
graded torsion free R-module. If every homogeneous cyclic
graded R-submodule of Mis graded gw-prime, then Mis a
graded valuation R-module.
Proof 8: Let Fbe the quotient field of Rand b=x
where x, y h(R). Suppose that mM. Then m=
where mgMgfor all gG.IfbmgMfor all gG, then
bm Mand hence bM M. Assume that bmg/Mfor
some gG. Then for all th(M),wehavexmg=yt.
Now, N=Rxymgis a homogeneous cyclic graded R-
submodule and hence graded gw-prime R-submodule. So,
either Rx2mgNor Ry2mgN.IfRx2mgN,
then there exists ch(R)such that x2mg=cxymg. Since
Mis torsion free and Ris a domain, xmg=cymgwhich
is a contradiction. Hence, Ry2mgNwhich implies that
y=sx for some sh(R)and then b1=y
x=sand hence
b1M=sM M. Therefore, Mis a graded valuation R-
We close our article with an example shows that the
converse of Theorem 2.11 is not true in general.
Example 2.12: Let R=Z,M=Z(p)×Z(p)where Z(p)=
yQ:pdoes not divide ywhere pis a prime number. If
G=Z2(the group of integers modulo 2), then Ris trivially
G-graded by R0=Zand R1={0}. Also, Mis G-graded by
M0=Z(p)×{0}and M1={0Z(p). Let bQ. Then b=
βfor some α, β R0h(R)with gcd(α, β)=1. Assume
that mM. Then m=(
y2)for some x1,x
such that pdoes not divide y1and does not divide y2. Note
that m=m1+m2where m1=(
y1,0) M1h(M)and
y2)M2h(M).Ifbm1Mand bm2M,
then bm Mand then bM M. Suppose that bm1/M.
Then pdivides βand since gcd(α, β )=1,pdoes not divide
αand hence b1m1Mand b1m2Mwhich implies that
b1mM. Similarly, if bm2/M. Hence, b1MM. So,
Mis a graded valuation R-module. Now, N=6
1,0)is a homogeneous cyclic graded R-submodule of M
such that 2,3h(R)and (1
1,0) h(M)with (2)(3)(1
Nbut 4( 1
1,0) /Nand 9( 1
1,0) /N. Hence, Nis not a graded
gw-prime R-submodule of M.
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Let G be a group with identity e. Let R be a G-graded commutative ring and M a graded R-module. In this paper, we introduce the concept of graded quasi-prime submodules and give some basic results about graded quasi-prime submodules of graded modules. Special attention has been paid, when graded modules are graded multiplication, to find extra properties of these submodules. Furthermore, a topology related to graded quasi-prime submodules is introduced.
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Let G be a group with identity e: Let R be a G-graded commutative ring and M a graded R-module. In this paper, we introduce several results concerning graded classical prime submodules. For example, we give a characterization of graded classical prime submodules. Also, the relations between graded classical prime and graded prime submodules of M are studied. Keywords: Graded submodules, graded prime submodule, graded classical prime submodule.
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Let G be a group with identity e. Let R be a G-graded commutative ring and M be a graded R-module. In this paper, we introduce the concepts of graded 2-absorbing and weakly graded 2-absorbing submodules and study some of their properties.
In this work, gw-prime submodules of a module over a commutative ring with identity are defined. This class of submodules is a generalization of weakly prime submodules. After examining general properties of gw-prime submodules, their relation with valuation modules are investigated.
Let R be a G-graded ring and M be a G-gr-R-module. In this article, we introduce the concept of graded weakly classical prime submodules and give some properties of such a submodule.
Let G be a group with identity e. Let R be a G-graded commutative ring and M a graded R-module. In this paper, we introduce several results concerning graded semiprime submodules. And we introduce the concept of graded semi-radical of graded submodule in graded module and give a number of its properties.
Let G be a group, R be a G-graded ring and M be a G-graded R-module. In this article, we introduce the concept of graded almost 2-absorbing submodules and introduce several properties for such submodules. A proper graded R-submodule N of a graded R-module M is said to be a graded almost 2-absorbing submodule if whenever a, b ∈ h(R) and m ∈ h(M) such that abm ∈ N − (N :R M)N, then ab ∈ (N :R M) or am ∈ N or bm ∈ N. Also, we introduce the concept of graded almost 2-absorbing ideals and introduce some properties of such ideals. A proper graded ideal P of a graded ring R is said to be a graded almost 2-absorbing ideal if whenever a, b, c ∈ h(R) such that abc ∈ P − P2, then ab ∈ P or bc ∈ P or ac ∈ P.
Let G be a multiplicative group. Let R be a G-graded commutative ring and M a G-graded R-module. Various properties of graded prime submodules and graded primary submodules of M are discussed. We also discuss the graded radical of graded submodules of multiplication graded R-modules.