Rasa Subačienė

Rasa Subačienė
Vilnius University · Department of Accounting and Auditing



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Publications (43)
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In recent years, economic uncertainty has been heightened, including as a result of the economic shocks generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia–Ukraine War, and the unstable international political situation. These had a global impact on various spheres and influenced all economic processes. However, the lack of available data has made it di...
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Ukraine’s course towards sustainable development requires the implementation of modern practices of interaction in the triangle of the state, business and society. There is a need to develop institutional mechanisms for harmonization and strengthening comparability of corporate reporting at the international level in the context of the sustainable...
Capital structure’s formation and management decisions are one of the most important instruments to corporate financial management, enabling relevant business perspectives. The challenges of recent years and the increasing uncertainty in the economy make it necessary to assess how changes in capital structure are influenced by external and internal...
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Rapid changes in the economic environment, the development of new technologies, and global crises have an impact on and produce new requirements for many professions, including accounting specialists. An analysis of the competencies necessary for the modern accounting specialist provides insights into the required abilities from a labour market per...
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Salaries and wages are widely analysed in legal, economic and social dimensions. Remuneration reflect many aspects, therefore, they play a significant role for the individual, for whom it is often the main source of livelihood, for the company, for which the compensation of the employee's work is both business expenses and elements of business exec...
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The ever-changing economic environment changes the business conditions and performance and requires to reflect the changes on accounting information of legal entities. The development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a dynamic and complex process, which helps to provide fair and true information on legal entities. Although,...
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The book includes the abstracts of presentations of fourth international scientific conference “Accounting, Audit, Analysis: Transformation of Science and Business in New Economic Reality” dedicated to the evaluation of the transformation and perspectives of science and business of accounting, audit and analysis in new economic reality.
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The emergence and popularity of the cryptocurrency has caused a great deal of controversy in the scientific community over market development opportunities, further use of virtual money, and its integration into traditional accounting systems. The global financial market creates many opportunities to use electronic and virtual money for various typ...
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Accounting provides around 80 % of information of any type and sort of activity of legal entity and significantly influences the decisions of accounting information users. The accountant profession, which had faced many challenges over the past few years, now is proving to be no exception. The article looks at both theory and practice and attempts...
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The article deals with the investigation of acquisition cryptocurrency in time retrospective and aspects of its usage taking point to the change of the value and number of transactions by the most popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin, its usage, comparing with the most popular payment platforms and resources consumed per transaction. The methods of analy...
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Integrating a behavioral aspect when developing the structure of a controlling system oriented towards increasing a company’s value
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Every company, regardless of the type or size of business is aiming to achieve the best results. These results are usually related to the profit and the ways to improve it. However, profit line in absolute terms is not sufficient enough as an indicator of the company's performance. Therefore, instruments expressed in profitability ratios are used....
[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Dvidešimt pirmo amžiaus pagrindiniu požymiu galima būtų įvardinti nuolatinę transformaciją, apimančią visas sritis. Ypatingai greitai tobulėja ir keičiasi atsiskaitymų ir pinigų sritis. Technologijų evoliucija ir tobulėjimas lėmė naujų transakcijų būdų atsiradimą, internete, mobiliuos...
Recent trends of overall digitalisation challenges to find new approaches and improvement of information formation systems in different spheres. The trends also make impact on the tendency to develop common stereotypes of methods, accounting procedures, reporting forms, etc. which may be called identification. The identification of accounting syste...
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The increasing interest in social enterprises is related to the specifics of their business activities, which not only involve the most vulnerable part of the society, but also offer greater opportunities for the socialisation of the disadvantaged. As a rule, social enterprises may be entitled to some tax exemptions or may apply for the specific st...
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From a scientific point of view, the analysis of the controlling concept and specification of the definition of controlling, taking changing economic, social and cultural conditions into account, are important in order to disclose the meaning and importance of controlling, to identify the object, functions, tasks of controlling and its place in the...
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Accounting forms a significant part of information on any enterprise and plays the most important role in different levels of enterprise’ management as well as in country’s. Accounting information is used by various information users, whose decisions may influence various spheres: from performance of enterprises to proceeding the state policy. Its...
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[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Buhalterinės apskaitos teorija yra tam tikrų teiginių, liečiančių ūkinių operacijų apskaitą, sistema ir jų abstraktus mokslinis aiškinimas. Straipsnio tikslas – ištirti lietuvių autorių nuomones ir jų suformuluotus teiginius svarbiausiais buhalterinės apskaitos teorijos klausimais. St...
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The accounting standards provide options for different accounting methods to be deployed in accounting of certain assets. However, in other cases, only one of the specified methods should be applied. The forest (stands), the main resource of forestry enterprises, is also attributed to this category of assets, which, according to the standard IAS 41...
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Controlling system oriented towards organizational increase of value is attributed a wide variety of functions. Systematization of these functions is an important issue of controlling theory and practice. The aim of the article is to identify and systematize the functions of the controlling system. In order to achieve this aim, the analysis of cont...
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The development of an accountants profession is quite a widespread subject in scientists researches in different countries. It topicality has especially been underlined recently in connection with international conditions affecting the above profession, for example, Framework for International Education Standards for Professional Accountants and As...
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The profession of the accountant has many aspects. Accountants shape the largest amount of information in an enterprise and play an important role in the enterprise's activity. This profession is highly regulated, very responsible and usually includes a wide range of topics: including but not limited to different spheres of accounting, formation of...
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Finansinės ir mokestinės apskaitos informacijos pateikimas ir derinimas daugeliu atvejų yra pakankamai sudėtingas dėl šioms apskaitos rūšims keliamų skirtingų reikalavimų ir tikslų. Finansinės apskaitos sritį reglamentuoja verslo apskaitos standartai, mokestinės – daugiausia pelno mokesčio įstatymas. Todėl šių teisės aktų nuostatos formuoja jų taik...
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Straipsnyje nagrinėjama vienos is svarbiausių valdymo apskaitos sricių – atsakomybės apskaitos sandaros ir jos informacijos naudojimo įmonėse problema. Pateikiami nauji atsakomybės apskaitos ir atsakomybės centrų apibrėžimai bei pavyzdinė atsakomybės apskaitos sandaros schema. Isskiriami sie atsakomybės apskaitos sandaros elementai: organizacinė va...
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The aim of this paper is to analyse how European Initiative on accounting administrative burden release will influence Lithuanian small and medium companies’ performance measurement. Analysis of related literature, information comparison and generalization are used for European Union directives and Lithuanian information infrastructure overview. Em...
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Straipsnyje analizuojama Vakarų šalių įmonėse paplitusi, bet Lietuvoje retai taikoma operatyvinio ir strateginio kontrolingo sistema, kuri, integruodama apskaitą, planavimą, kontrolę, analizę ir kitas organizacijos veiklos sritis į vieną visumą, aprūpina vadovus reikalinga informacija siekiant įmonės tikslų bei kompleksiškai sprendžiant jos problem...
Šiuolaikinėje ekonomikoje smulkusis ir vidutinis verslas (toliau - SVV) vaidina svarbų vaidmenį. SVV subjektai yra gausiausia šalies socialinė ekonominė grupė. Artimiausios ES prognozės numato SVV augimą visuose veiklos sektoriuose, lygiagrečiai dėl ES iniciatyvos SVV atžvilgiu mažės finansinių duomenų prieinamumas. Lietuvoje atliekamas SVV išorini...
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Tax incentive is optional but highly important element of taxation, used in order to achieve different goals. On the one hand, tax incentives form tax expenditures and thus reduce budget revenue; on the other hand, they influence behavior of persons and businesses and may have positive or negative social and economic effect. This article analyzes t...
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Global economic crisis reached Lithuania in 2008, as a response to ongoing economic downturn, the government of the Republic of Lithuania introduced tax reform. Analysis of factors determined by the tax reform will be presented in the article. However, main arguments will concentrate on evaluation of companies activities and results as business is...
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The tax systems of the European Union countries differ in many features. However, for taxing personal income, many EU countries use the method of progressive taxation. Progressive taxation is aimed to shift the tax burden from those with a relatively low income to those whose income is sufficiently high. Such personal income taxation system creates...
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Evaluation of financial position and operating effectiveness of a company is a relevant problem Therefore, separate aspects of a company’s activity may be measured in different approaches. The purpose of the article is to present the system of a pyramidal analysis of the net profitability ratio and to evaluate the net profitability of travel organi...
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Pusę Lietuvos miškų sudaro valstybiniai miškai, kuriuos patikėjimo teise valdo, prižiūri, tvarko ir ūkinę – komercinę veiklą juose vykdo valstybės įmonės – miškų urėdijos. Tačiau atsižvelgiant į galiojančias Lietuvos Respublikos miškų įstatymo nuostatas tokie miškai neįtraukiami į miškų urėdijų apskaitą ir negali būti atspindėti jų finansinėse atas...
Apie finansinės ir mokestinės apskaitos skirtumus diskutuojama įvairiuose lygmenyse, tačiau šių apskaitos rūšių skirtumų, o tuo pačiu ir nepatogumų, vedant įvairių sektorių įmonių apskaitą, problematika vis dar lieka aktuali. Tai sąlygoja skirtingi finansinės ir mokestinės apskaitų tikslai ir uždaviniai, kuriuose atsispindi teisės aktų, reglamentuo...
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The problem of solvency, which has been dealt with in many authors’ works, is exceptionally topical nowadays when settlements among companies are performed not in a timely manner, disturbing business possibilities to remain active in the times of economic recession. Solvency represents a company’s ability to cover current and non-current liabilitie...
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Darbuotojų profesinio ugdymo sąnaudų valdymo problema yra labai aktuali dinamiško ir konkurencingo verslo sąlygomis. Sprendžiant šią problemą tiesiogiai susiduria įmonių vadovų ir darbuotojų interesai: įmonių vadovai, stengdamiesi mažinti darbuotojų profesinio ugdymo sąnaudas, gali prarasti visus geriausius savo specialistus. Straipsnyje nagrinėjam...
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Darbo sąnaudų problema yra labai aktuali ekonominė problema visose be išimties rinkos ekonomikos šalyse. Sprendžiant šią problemą tiesiogiai susiduria darbdavių ir darbuotojų interesai. Darbo sąnaudos tai imonės patirtos sąnaudos, samdant darbuotojus, kurie atlieka jiems patikėtas funkcijas, siekiant numatytų įmonės tikslų. Jos parodo ivairių išorė...
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Straipsnyje aptariamas darbo užmokesčio sąnaudų efektyvumo įvertinimas, remiantis 21 šalies apdirbamosios pramonės įmonės empiriniais duomenimis. Apžvelgiami kai kurie pelningumo rodikliai, pateikiami nauji jų skaičiavimo būdai, nustatant pajamų uždirbimo bei darbo užmokesčio ir visų sąnaudų santykio optimalias ribas, reikalingas darbo užmokesčio s...
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Straipsnyje aptariamas darbo ir jo apmokėjimo ryšys, darbo užmokesčio sistemos ir formos bei jų raida. Apžvelgiamas darbo užmokesčio formų ir sistemų priklausomumas nuo įvairių veiksnių: darbo turinio, socialinių sąlygų, įvairių socialinių ir kitų grupių požiūrio į darbą, gamybinių santykių išsivystymo lygio ir kt. Nagrinėjamas darbo užmokesčio mod...


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