Raquel Herrera

Raquel Herrera
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | UOC · Information and Communication Sciences Studies



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Doctora en Comunicación Social. Investigadora y profesora de Comunicación Digital Cultural ::: PhD in Social Communication. Researcher and professor of Digital Cultural Communication Other professional profiles http://about.me/raquelherrera https://uoc.academia.edu/RaquelHerrera# https://www.linkedin.com/in/raquelherreraferrer/en
Additional affiliations
July 2011 - July 2011
Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies
  • Associate Professor (Profesora Invitada)
  • Professor of Journalism and Innovation at Institut d'Educacio Contínua (UPF)
February 2008 - present
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Associate Professor (Profesora Consultora)
  • E-learning Professsor regarding Structure of Communication: preparation of materials, exercises and management of virtual classrooms.


Publications (30)
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Adjunto el primer capítulo de mi libro Érase unas veces: filiaciones narrativas en el arte digital (UOC Press, 2015). http://www.slideshare.net/tfugit/erase-unas-veces-primer-captulo “Érase una vez” ha sido la fórmula tradicional para contar una historia desde el principio de los tiempos. Pero, ¿qué ocurre con los relatos cuando se cuentan por ord...
(Descarga en http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/145836/trhf.pdf?sequence=1) Esta investigación analiza las Obras Narrativas Digitales, o creaciones basadas en tecnologías digitales que presentan narración y narratividad. En primer lugar, la tesis desarrolla una descripción de las Filiaciones o genealogía de las Obras Narrativas Digitales, e...
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(El artículo íntegro puede consultarse en https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CDMU/article/view/50627) Caracterización, funciones y componentes de las redes sociales visuales. Presentación de una matriz de análisis de redes sociales visuales y aplicación de la misma a un análisis comparativo de las tres principales de tales redes: Pinterest, Tumblr...
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(Véase al artículo completo en http://revistesdigitals.uvic.cat/index.php/obradigital/article/view/64) El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar narrativamente las infografías y visualizaciones. Tras aportar definiciones específicas de “infografías y visualizaciones” y “narrativa” en el contexto digital, la exploración heurística mediante la he...
This chapter delves into four paths of digital narrative in creation: time lapses, appropiations and remixes, visualizations and social media
This article explores split screens in creation from analogical to digital examples to show its use as an emotional device http://textosred.blogspot.com.es/2012/07/coordinadores-mariel-manrique-hernan_10.html
Conference Paper
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Keynote speaker on these conference at the Col.legi de Periodistes de Catalunya, regarding the changes journalists and audiences are facing regarding communication and cultural heritage
Conference Paper
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Presentation summarizing my teaching and reflections on the intersection between innovation and journalism
Conference Paper
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Presentation regarding the innovative traits of journalism as a trandiscipline
Conference Paper
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Presentation regarding the innovation strategies in character development and social networking by USA Network's TV series
Conference Paper
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Full paper presented regarding the innovative traits and character development in USA Network's TV series
Conference Paper
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Workshop on the ways journalism and innovation are currently intertwined, and how that affects professional and amateur journalism
Conference Paper
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Workshop on the cultural applications of Twitter to the new media resources account NewMediaFix
Article classifying the main types of digital narrative between 1994 and 2011 http://www.upf.edu/hipertextnet/numero-9/taxonomia-narrativa-digital.html
Conference Paper
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Presentation of my groundwork research for my PhD dissertation at my university.
Conference Paper
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Presentation summarizing key artworks representing the transition from analogical to digital narrative
Conference Paper
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Characterization of how art critcism and web 2.0 might intertwine
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This was my Master's dissertation serving as groundwork for my PhD dissertation, It presents the landscape of digital culture theories and authors to later delve into theories and authors regarding digital narrative.
Conference Paper
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Presentation of the groundwork research for my PhD dissertation
Conference Paper
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Workshop on digital artworks dealing with narrative aspects
Conference Paper
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Theoretical coordinator's presentation text for the festival Camargo Cibernético VERSIÓN 2.1. Las dinámicas artísticas desarrolladas con herramientas electrónicas. El arte revisado.
Article explaining the main artworks transitioning from analogical to digital narratives. Based on my presentation Narrativas 2.0. http://www.untref.edu.ar/cibertronic/interactividad/nota18.html
Conference Paper
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Presentation on the intersection between Digital Art and narrative forms
Conference Paper
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Presentation on artworks which use web 2.0. technologies
Article regarding three key Spanish net art works which present narrative aspects. This article was originally written in Catalan.
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This essay, which was awarded both the Joven de Comunicación and the Espais a la Crítica d'Art Inèdita awards, deals with the transfromations of storytelling in digital creation, firstly with CD-ROMs and afterwards with the proliferation of Internet.
Conference Paper
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Presentation regarding five key aspects of digital narratives. This isi a version of the last chapter of my book Tempus fugit el interactivo


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