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Information on Ankle Angle from Intramuscular EMG Signals during Development of Muscle Fatigue in an Open-Loop Functional Electrical Stimulation System in Rats


Abstract and Figures

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is one method available for rehabilitation of spinal cord injured subjects. Although FES is used in the clinic today, reliable and robust feedback for a closed-loop system is limited. The objective was to examine if intramuscular electromyographic (iEMG) recordings (of tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis) can provide reliable information of functional movement (i.e. ankle angle) during development of fatigue. Four longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes (LIFEs) were implanted in two fascicles of the sciatic nerve in three adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Open-loop FES was applied to produce rhythmic ankle movement. The FES stimulation pulse widths and amplitudes were determined for the individual rats based on the strength duration curve. Each frequency (30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 Hz) was applied to perform 100 step cycles followed by a 15 min rest period. Kinematic information on the ankle angle and iEMG were recorded simultaneously. The results showed that the ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude decreased when the muscles fatigued. A correlation between the ankle angle and iEMG was present, which indicates that iEMG information can be used as feedback for a closed-loop system. The correlation was higher at higher stimulation frequencies (>0.76 at stimulation frequencies above 40 Hz).
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W. Jensen et al. (eds.), Replace, Repair, Restore, Relieve – Bridging Clinical
and Engineering Solutions in Neurorehabilitation, Biosystems & Biorobotics 7,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08072-7_78, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
Information on Ankle Angle from
Intramuscular EMG Signals during
Development of Muscle Fatigue in an
Open-Loop Functional Electrical Stimulation
System in Rats
Line E. Lykholt1, Sahana Ganeswarathas1, Anil K. Thota2,
Kristian Rauhe Harreby1, and Ranu Jung2
1 Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction (SMI),
Department of Health Science and Technology (HST),
Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark
2 Adaptive Neural Systems Laboratory,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Florida International University, USA
Abstract. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is one method available for
rehabilitation of spinal cord injured subjects. Although FES is used in the clinic
today, reliable and robust feedback for a closed-loop system is limited.
The objective was to examine if intramuscular electromyographic (iEMG) re-
cordings (of tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis) can provide reliable
information of functional movement (i.e. ankle angle) during development of
Four longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes (LIFEs) were implanted in two fas-
cicles of the sciatic nerve in three adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Open-loop FES was
applied to produce rhythmic ankle movement. The FES stimulation pulse widths
and amplitudes were determined for the individual rats based on the strength dura-
tion curve. Each frequency (30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 Hz) was applied to perform 100
step cycles followed by a 15 min rest period. Kinematic information on the ankle
angle and iEMG were recorded simultaneously.
The results showed that the ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude decreased
when the muscles fatigued. A correlation between the ankle angle and iEMG was
present, which indicates that iEMG information can be used as feedback for a
closed-loop system. The correlation was higher at higher stimulation frequencies
(>0.76 at stimulation frequencies above 40 Hz).
1 Introduction
Injury to the spinal cord may cause permanent loss of voluntary motor function
and sensation below the level of the lesion. Functional electrical stimulation (FES)
530 L.E. Lykholt et al.
is a technique that has been used for many years for the rehabilitation of subjects
with spinal cord injury. [1], [2], [3]
The aim of the FES is to electrically activate the paralyzed muscles in a con-
trolled way to restore motor function. FES can be applied to the subject using an
open-loop (feedforward) or a closed-loop (feedback) control strategy. [1], [2], [3]
FES is commonly applied in the clinic in an open-loop mode that operates with
fixed stimulation parameters. A clear advantage is that the paradigm is simple and
easy to use. However, prolonged stimulation leads to muscle fatigue. An appropri-
ate closed-loop stimulation strategy could alleviate this problem. However,
closed-loop FES systems are dependent on feedback from the part of the body that
is controlled, and the availability of sensors and signals to provide a reliable feed-
back signal from the controlled limb or organ is therefore essential. [1], [2], [3]
One source of feedback can be achieved by recording kinematic data that pro-
vides information on the joint angles. Kinematics would reveal when fatigue oc-
curs. [1], [4] However, the recording of kinematic information requires specialized
equipment and is a highly time consuming procedure, which is not suitable for
daily use in the clinic or at home. Therefore it will be important to have access to
another source of information. Information on movement and muscle fatigue can
also be obtained through electromyography (EMG) recordings. The use of EMG
recordings would be relatively easy to implement in the clinic or in a portable
system since it is cheap, quick to setup and is used routinely today. Surface EMG
has the advantage of being easy to record but suffers from cross talk and the daily
need to don and doff the electrodes. An alternative signal source is the use of
intramuscular EMG (iEMG), which is a more invasive technique. This may help
overcome some of the drawback associated with surface EMG. Previous studies
show that it is possible to extract information from the iEMG related to the force
during movement [5].
There is today limited knowledge on whether information on joint angles may
be extracted from iEMG during normal movement and how muscle fatigue may
influence this.
The objective of this study was therefore to examine if information extracted
from iEMG recordings can provide reliable information on a functional movement
and during development of muscle fatigue in a rat model.
To investigate the objective, FES using longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes
(LIFEs) was used to produce a cyclic movement of the hindlimb of the rat while
recording iEMG. The FES was applied in an open-loop mode to induce muscle
fatigue over time. Kinematic data was also recorded as a reliable measure of the
2 Methods
Data was obtained from three adult healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats (294-615
g). The experimental procedures were approved by Florida International Universi-
ty Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Information on Ankle Angle from Intramuscular EMG Signals 531
Animal Preparation
After induction of anesthesia with isoflurane gas (5 %), a single injection of So-
dium Pentobarbital (40 mg/kg ip) was given. Anesthesia was maintained with
isoflurane (0.5-2.0 %), throughout the experiment. The level of anesthesia was
assessed with toe pinch, and observation of eye blink and the respiration rate. To
prevent dehydration regular subcutaneous injections of isotonic saline in the dorsal
cavity were administered.
The left sciatic nerve was exposed and four single channel LIFEs were inserted
into the fascicles innervating the Tibialis Anterior (TA) and Gastrocnemius Me-
dialis (GM) muscles. The TA and GM are the main muscles involved in the
movement of the ankle and can be activated from one nerve. To verify that the
electrodes were placed correctly inside the fascicles, electrical stimulation was
applied while observing TA and GM muscle twitch. The LIFEs were sutured to
the epineurium and the incision was closed.
Table 1 Applied LIFE stimulation parameters
Amplitude (ߤܣ) Pulse width (ߤݏ)
Rat 1: GM 50 30
Rat 1: TA 30 30
Rat 2: GM 50 60
Rat 2: TA 250 100
Rat 3: GM 30 40
Rat 3: TA 20 30
Experimental Setup and Data Acquisition
The rat was placed in a prone position on an elevated platform so that the hin-
dlimbs were hanging freely.
3-D kinematic data was recorded by a Peak Motus System (Peak Performance
Technologies, Inc. Centennial, CO) by placing cone shaped three-dimensional
reflective markers on the hip, knee, ankle and toe. The system included two infra-
red cameras focused on the rat at an oblique angle of approximately 45° each. The
kinematic data was sampled at 60 Hz.
To record differential iEMG, two stainless steel fine wire electrodes were in-
serted with an average interelectrode distance of 3.5 mm in the TA and GM mus-
cles. The reference electrode was placed under the skin at the back of the rat. The
iEMG data was amplified (A-M systems Model 1700, gain = 100) filtered (band
pass: filter 100 Hz -10 kHz, notch filter at 60 Hz), sampled (10 kHz, NI USB-
6259, National Instruments, USA) and saved in a PC using a custom LabView
To determine the stimulation pulse width and amplitude a strength duration curve
was first established by consecutively stimulating the four implanted LIFEs with
different pulse widths (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 µs)
532 L.E. Lykholt et al.
while increasing the stimulation pulse amplitudes until a muscle twitch was seen. A
pulse width and 1.5 times the amplitude at rheobase were selected for stimulating
the fascicles (see Table 1).
To determine the stimulation frequencies the muscle contraction was visually
observed. The stimulation frequency was chosen such that it provided a fused
contraction, which was later confirmed from kinematic data.
The open-loop stimulation was applied to the fascicles innervating TA and GM
muscles alternately to produce a rhythmic movement. One hundred step cycles
were performed at each stimulation frequency (30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 Hz) followed
by a 15 min period of rest. Kinematic data from ankle movement and correspond-
ing iEMG were recorded simultaneously.
Fig. 1 Shows the range of movement of the ankle angle and iEMG amplitude envelope over
time for the GM muscle. The maximal range of ankle angle and iEMG amplitude envelope
was normalized to 100 %. A gradual decrease in the ankle angle and iEMG was observed
for the GM over time.
Data Analysis
The kinematic markers were identified using the Peak Motus software. The data
were digitized and filtered with a fourth-order band-pass Butterworth filter [6]. To
find the range of movement for both the GM and TA individually the maximum
range of the movement (maximal extension to maximal flexion) was calculated for
each cycle.
To obtain the iEMG amplitude envelope to investigate when the amplitude de-
creased, the iEMG amplitude was full wave rectified and low-pass filtered (3rd
order low-pass Butterworth filter with 0.5 Hz cut off frequency). The maximal
range of ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude envelope were normalized to 100 %
and an average of the normalized data obtained for the three rats. These averaged
data were used for the rest of the data analysis. Fatigue was defined as a decrease
Information on Ankle Angle from Intramuscular EMG Signals 533
Fig. 2 Shows the range of movement of the ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude envelope
over time for the TA. The maximum range for ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude
envelope were normalized to 100 %. A correlation between the two signals can be ob-
served. The decrease in the iEMG and ankle angle can be observed for the TA after 10-15 s
indicating presence of fatigue.
in the ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude envelope. A correlation coefficient
was calculated between the iEMG and ankle angle for both muscles for each fre-
3 Results
The movement produced by the GM muscle for all the stimulation frequencies
was in the range of 5-100 % of the maximum ankle angle, see Fig 1. The ankle
angle increased during the first step cycles (approximately 10 s). After this it de-
creased during the rest of the step cycles. The response after 60 Hz decreased
more rapidly than the other frequencies. The iEMG amplitude decreased conti-
nuously and rapidly for approximately the first 25 s (40-60 %). After this the rate
of the decrease was less for the rest of stimulation (30-40 %).
Table 2 Correlations coefficients between ankle angle and iEMG for GM and TA for the
different LIFE stimulations
30 Hz 0.36 0.22
40 Hz 0.63 0.95
50 Hz 0.77 0.96
60 Hz 0.85 0.96
70 Hz 0.85 0.96
534 L.E. Lykholt et al.
The movement produced by the TA muscle for all the stimulation frequencies
was in the range of 65-100 % of the maximum ankle angle, see Fig 2. The ankle
angle increased for the first 10 s. After this there was a decrease from 10-25 s
thereafter a plateau was reached for the rest of the step cycles (65-85 %). The
iEMG amplitude was found to be stable for the first 10 s. After this the 50, 60 and
70 Hz response rapidly decreased from 10-30 s (30-60 %), while the 30 Hz re-
sponse produced no changes for the rest of the step cycles (80 %). The 40 Hz
response also had a different tendency where it decreased less compared to 50, 60
and 70 Hz response (85 %). After this a plateau was reached for the 50, 60 and 70
Hz response (30-50 %). Here the 40 Hz response still decreased and did not reach
a plateau (60 %). The ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude demonstrated similar
To quantify the degree of correlation between the ankle angle and the iEMG,
the correlation coefficient between the ankle angle and the iEMG data were calcu-
lated (see Table 2). In the case of the GM muscle, it was observed that the higher
the stimulation frequency that was applied, the higher the correlation observed
(mean and standard deviation of 0.76 +/- 0.1 for 40 HZ – 70 Hz frequencies). In
the case of the TA muscle the same tendency was observed, i.e. coefficients for
the TA was high for the 40, 50, 60 and 70 Hz (0.95 +/- 0.1). This indicated that
there was a good correlation between the ankle angle and the iEMG amplitude
except when applying 30 Hz stimulation.
4 Discussion
In the current study the ankle angle was measured with kinematic data. This was
compared to the iEMG amplitude to examine the correlation between these. The
results showed that there was a correlation between the ankle angle and the iEMG.
The correlation was higher for the TA than the GM.
Comparison of results with Other Studies
Previous studies from E. A. T. De Laat et al., S. G. Boe et al., J. R. Potvin et al.
revealed that the relation between muscle force and amplitude is present and that
the variable used for this was root mean square amplitude. Here they were looking
at the linear force and root mean square amplitude using surface electrodes. [7],
[8], [9]
Methodological Considerations
With the use of an animal model instead of a human model the physiological in-
fluences are not the same. When a human walks normally there is a force applied
to the leg due to maintaining balance and standing upright. In this experiment, this
was not taken into account since the leg of the rats was hanging freely and no
external force was applied.
Information on Ankle Angle from Intramuscular EMG Signals 535
The markers were placed by visual inspection of the animal’s anatomical struc-
ture. Placement of the markers may therefore have varied slightly from animal to
animal. During the offline digitization of the kinematic video data it was possible
that some degree of error was present in the marker identification because of in-
distinct images. Especially the toe marker was difficult to distinguish in the video
during the extension phase of the movement.
During the stimulation the frequency was changed from 30-70 Hz. The stimula-
tion was done in that same order during all of the experiments. It is not possible to
judge if a particular stimulation frequency caused some cumulative influence on
the next stimulation sequence. This could be solved by randomization.
A factor that may have had an influence on the results is potentiation. This oc-
curs during continuous stimulation and also has a tendency to happen in fast
twitch fibers, and causes a positive staircase phenomenon [10]. This could likely
explain that some of the kinematic data had a tendency to not reach a maximum of
100 % just after the stimulation onset. Here the maximum movement range was
not reached until approximately 10 s after the onset of the stimulation.
5 Conclusion
In the present study it was investigated if information extracted from iEMG could
provide reliable information on a functional movement (i.e. the ankle angle) dur-
ing development of muscle fatigue. A higher degree of correlation was found
between iEMG and ankle angle when stimulation frequencies above 40 Hz were
applied to produce muscle contractions. Also, the results indicate that TA may be
a more reliable source of feedback than the GM since the TA had higher correla-
tion coefficient than the GM (GM: average of 0.76 +/- 0.01, TA: 0.96 +/- 0.01).
Further research should focus on developing an animal model where the corre-
lation coefficient would be higher. In a future perspective the improvement would
be beneficial for the clinical rehabilitation with the FES for subjects with spinal
cord injury.
Acknowledgment. We would like to thank Ph.D. student Ricardo Siu for manufacturing
the LIFEs. Supported in part by R01-EB008578 to Ranu Jung.
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... It has been established that a second-order low-pass filter is sufficient for estimating muscle tension from EMG signals [8][9][10]. In addition, some researchers have examined the relationship between EMG signals and muscle fatigue [11,12]. The mean frequency or median frequency in raw EMG signals has been used to estimate muscle fatigue [13]. ...
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This study suggested a new EMG-signal-based evaluation method for knee rehabilitation that provides not only fragmentary information like muscle power but also in-depth information like muscle fatigue in the field of rehabilitation which it has not been applied to. In our experiment, nine healthy subjects performed straight leg raise exercises which are widely performed for knee rehabilitation. During the exercises, we recorded the joint angle of the leg and EMG signals from four prime movers of the leg: rectus femoris (RFM), vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and biceps femoris (BFLH). We extracted two parameters to estimate muscle fatigue from the EMG signals, the zero-crossing rate (ZCR) and amplitude of muscle tension (AMT) that can quantitatively assess muscle fatigue from EMG signals. We found a decrease in the ZCR for the RFM and the BFLH in the muscle fatigue condition for most of the subjects. Also, we found increases in the AMT for the RFM and the BFLH. Based on the results, we quantitatively confirmed that in the state of muscle fatigue, the ZCR shows a decreasing trend whereas the AMT shows an increasing trend. Our results show that both the ZCR and AMT are useful parameters for characterizing the EMG signals in the muscle fatigue condition. In addition, our proposed methods are expected to be useful for developing a navigation system for knee rehabilitation exercises by evaluating the two parameters in two-dimensional parameter space.
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The long-term objective of this work is to understand the mechanisms by which electrical stimulation based movement therapies may harness neural plasticity to accelerate and enhance sensorimotor recovery after incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). An adaptive neuromuscular electrical stimulation (aNMES) paradigm was implemented in adult Long Evans rats with thoracic contusion injury (T8 vertebral level, 155+/-2 Kdyne). In lengthy sessions with lightly anesthetized animals, hip flexor and extensor muscles were stimulated using an aNMES control system in order to generate desired hip movements. The aNMES control system, which used a pattern generator/pattern shaper structure, adjusted pulse amplitude to modulate muscle force in order to control hip movement. An intermittent stimulation paradigm was used (5-cycles/set; 20-second rest between sets; 100 sets). In each cycle, hip rotation caused the foot plantar surface to contact a stationary brush for appropriately timed cutaneous input. Sessions were repeated over several days while the animals recovered from injury. Results indicated that aNMES automatically and reliably tracked the desired hip trajectory with low error and maintained range of motion with only gradual increase in stimulation during the long sessions. Intermittent aNMES thus accounted for the numerous factors that can influence the response to NMES: electrode stability, excitability of spinal neural circuitry, non-linear muscle recruitment, fatigue, spinal reflexes due to cutaneous input, and the endogenous recovery of the animals. This novel aNMES application in the iSCI rodent model can thus be used in chronic stimulation studies to investigate the mechanisms of neuroplasticity targeted by NMES-based repetitive movement therapy.
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Neuromotor therapy after spinal cord or brain injury often attempts to utilize activity-dependent plasticity to promote functional recovery. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation that activates paralyzed or paretic muscles may enhance passive assistance therapy by activating more muscle mass and enriching the sensory pattern with appropriately timed muscle spindle activation. To enable studies of activity-dependent plasticity, a rodent model for stimulation-assisted locomotor therapy was developed previously. To be effective, however, such a system must allow lengthy sessions of repetitive movements. In this study, we implemented an adaptive pattern generator/pattern shaper (PG/PS) control system for a rodent model of neuromotor therapy and evaluated its ability to generate accurate and repeatable hip movements in lengthy sessions by adjusting the activation patterns of an agonist/antagonist muscle pair. In 100-cycle movement trials, the PG/PS control system provided excellent movement tracking (< 10% error), but stimulation levels steadily increased to account for muscle fatigue. In trials using an intermittent movement paradigm (100 sets of five-cycle bouts interspersed by 20-s rest periods), excellent performance (< 8% error) was also observed with less stimulation, thus indicating reduced muscle fatigue. These results demonstrate the ability of the PG/PS control system to utilize an agonist/antagonist muscle pair to control movement at a joint in a rodent model. The demonstration of repeatable movements over lengthy intermittent sessions suggests that it may be well suited to provide efficient neuromotor therapy.
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The incidence of nerve injuries in primary shoulder dislocation and humeral neck fracture is uncertain. We made a prospective study of 101 patients, using clinical examination and extensive electrophysiological assessment when there was suspicion of nerve damage. We found electrophysiological evidence of nerve injury in 45%, most involving the axillary, suprascapular, radial and musculocutaneous nerves. There were significantly more nerve injuries in older patients and those with a haematoma. Most patients recovered partially or completely in less than four months, and only eight had persistent motor loss. Early diagnosis and physiotherapy are recommended.
Objective. To determine incidence and gravity of nerve injury after primary shoulder dislocations and humeral neck fractures. Design. Prospective follow-up study. Setting. Leyenburg Hospital, the Hague, the Netherlands. Method. 101 patients with a shoulder dislocation or humeral neck fracture were examinated clinically. Special attention was paid to function, muscle force and indications for nerve injury. In patients with suspicion of nerve injury or if clinical testing could not be performed due to severe pain an extensive electrophysiological assessment was carried out. Patients were treated with immobilisation for one to four weeks. Thereafter passive and active exercises, if necessary with the aid of a physiotherapist, were prescribed. Results. In 45/101 (45%) of the patients an axonal nerve lesion was found. In elderly patients (>65 years) the frequency was 54% (34/63). The nerves most frequently affected by neuropathy were the axillary, suprascapular, musculocutaneus and radial nerves. The ratio of nerve lesions in the fracture and dislocation groups was 53%:34%. Patients with haematoma or with paresis of the deltoid muscle had a significantly higher frequency of nerve palsy. The presence of sensory loss or muscular atrophy was not associated with a higher frequency of nerve lesions. At the mean follow-up of four months most patients had recovered well clinically. Conclusion. Almost half of the patients had electromyographically confirmed nerve lesions. Early diagnosis (with EMG in patients who need a well functioning shoulder) and an early start of active exercise supervised by a physiotherapist are of great value for recovery.
The study compares the performance of different combinations of nine features extracted from intramuscular electromyogram (EMG) recordings for the estimation of grasping force within the range 0–100% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Single-channel intramuscular EMG was recorded from the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) muscle from 11 subjects who exerted three force profiles during power grasping. The ability of the features to estimate force with a 1st order polynomial (poly1) and an artificial neural network (ANN) model was assessed using the adjusted coefficient of determination (R2). Willison amplitude (WAMP) and root mean square (RMS) showed the highest R2 (∼0.88) values for poly1. The performance of all the features to predict force significantly increased (P < 0.01) when an ANN was applied. In this case, the Modified Mean Absolute Value (MMAV) demonstrated the best performance (∼0.91). The results showed that a single channel intramuscular EMG recording represents the entire grasping force range (0–100% MVC) measured from the FDP muscle. The association between EMG and force depends on the features extracted and on the model.
The long-term objective of this work is to understand the mechanisms by which electrical stimulation based movement therapies may harness neural plasticity to accelerate and enhance sensorimotor recovery after incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). An adaptive neuromuscular electrical stimulation (aNMES) paradigm was implemented in adult Long Evans rats with thoracic contusion injury (T8 vertebral level, 155+/-2 Kdyne). In lengthy sessions with lightly anesthetized animals, hip flexor and extensor muscles were stimulated using an aNMES control system in order to generate desired hip movements. The aNMES control system, which used a pattern generator/pattern shaper structure, adjusted pulse amplitude to modulate muscle force in order to control hip movement. An intermittent stimulation paradigm was used (5-cycles/set; 20-second rest between sets; 100 sets). In each cycle, hip rotation caused the foot plantar surface to contact a stationary brush for appropriately timed cutaneous input. Sessions were repeated over several days while the animals recovered from injury. Results indicated that aNMES automatically and reliably tracked the desired hip trajectory with low error and maintained range of motion with only gradual increase in stimulation during the long sessions. Intermittent aNMES thus accounted for the numerous factors that can influence the response to NMES: electrode stability, excitability of spinal neural circuitry, non-linear muscle recruitment, fatigue, spinal reflexes due to cutaneous input, and the endogenous recovery of the animals. This novel aNMES application in the iSCI rodent model can thus be used in chronic stimulation studies to investigate the mechanisms of neuroplasticity targeted by NMES-based repetitive movement therapy.
1. Potentiation of the isometric twitch tension was compared during and after the staircase and after tetanic stimuli in the fast‐twitch extensor digitorum longus muscle of adult Lewis rats at 37‐38°C. 2. With up to 250 stimuli the potentiation rose with an increase in both the frequency and number of stimuli in the staircase (2‐5/sec) and the tetanus (100‐167/sec). After a tetanus of 375 stimuli (125/sec) the potentiation was smaller. The potentiation 2 sec after a tetanus of 250 stimuli (167/sec) was + 132 ± 5% ( n = 21, s.e. of mean) which was greater ( P < 0·001) than at the 250th stimulus at 5/sec, +92±3% ( n = 21, s.e. of mean). 3. After the staircase the decay of potentiation was initially slow and later more rapid. This was taken to indicate both the recovery of a process that diminished twitch tension and the decay of a process causing potentiation. After 250 stimuli (5/sec) the rate of decay of the processes causing diminution and potentiation had time constants of 34·5 ± 3·8 sec ( n = 18, s.e. of mean) and 102·2 ± 6·6 sec ( n = 20, s.e. of mean) respectively. Compared with the potentiation, the process causing diminution became relatively more pronounced the greater the frequency of stimuli. 4. The decay of post‐tetanic potentiation showed an initial rapid and a later slower phase of decay. After a tetanus of 250 stimuli (167/sec) the rates of decay had time constants of 5·7 ± 0·8 sec ( n = 16, s.e. of mean) and 113·5 ± 8·7 sec ( n = 19, s.e. of mean) respectively. 5. Compared with the unpotentiated response the time course of the twitch was shortened initially in the staircase and when the post‐tetanic potentiation was low. The contraction time was then increasingly prolonged the greater the potentiation and the greater the number of stimuli in the staircase and in the tetanus. The half‐relaxation time was the more prolonged the greater the number of stimuli. 6. Potentiation can be described in terms of a two‐compartment model of processes which show saturation. Both compartments were activated in a tetanus whereas only the compartment with a slow rate of decay was activated in the staircase. It is speculated that the two compartments are related to the excitation—contraction coupling. The process that caused diminution of twitch tension during the staircase may be due to fatigue. It is suggested that the energy consumption in 250 twitches is about 10 times greater than in a tetanus of 250 stimuli which may explain the presence of fatigue after the staircase whereas it was absent after the tetanus.
Fifteen male subjects performed a repetitive elbow flexion/extension task with a 7-kg mass until exhaustion. Average joint angle, angular velocity, and biceps brachii surface electromyographic (EMG) amplitude (aEMG) and mean power frequency (MPF) were calculated with each consecutive 250-ms segment of data during the entire trial. Data were separated into concentric or eccentric phases and into seven 20 degree-ranges from 0 to 140 degrees of elbow flexion. A regression analysis was used to estimate the rested and fatigued aEMG and MPF values. aEMG values were expressed as a percentage of amplitudes from maximum voluntary contractions (MVC). Under rested dynamic conditions, the average concentric aEMG amplitude was 10% MVC higher than average eccentric values. Rested MPF values were similar for concentric and eccentric phases, although values increased approximately 20 Hz from the most extended to flexed joint angles. Fatigue resulted in an average increase in concentric and eccentric aEMG of 35 and 10% MVC, respectively. The largest concentric aEMG increases (up to 58% MVC) were observed at higher joint velocities, whereas eccentric increases appeared to be related to decreases in velocity. Fatigue had a similar effect on MPF during both concentric and eccentric phases. Larger MPF decreases were observed at shorter muscle lengths such that values within each angle range were very similar by the end of the trial. It was hypothesized that this finding may reflect a biological minimum in conduction velocity before propagation failure occurs.
An adaptive feedforward control system has been evaluated for use in functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) systems. The control system, which utilizes neural network techniques, was used to generate isometric muscle contractions to track a periodic torque trajectory signal. The evaluation of the control system was performed using percutaneous intramuscular electrodes to stimulate the quadriceps muscles of spinal cord injured adolescents. Results of the evaluation indicate that the control system automatically customized its parameters for controlling isometric muscle torque in a particular muscle and that the parameters were adapted on-line to account for changes in muscle properties due to fatigue. This study demonstrates that this control system may play an important role in the development of practical FNS systems that are capable of automatically adjusting stimulation parameters to fit the needs of a particular individual at a given time.
Rodent models are being extensively used to investigate the effects of traumatic injury and develop and assess the mechanisms of repair and regeneration. We present quantitative assessment of two-dimensional (2D) kinematics of overground walking and for the first time three-dimensional (3D) joint angle kinematics of all four limbs during treadmill walking in intact adult female Long-Evans rats. Gait cycle with subphases and intralimb and interlimb cyclograms are presented. Phase relationships between joint angles on a cycle-by-cycle basis and interlimb footfalls are assessed using a simple technique. Electromyogram (EMG) data from major flexor and extensor muscles for each of the hindlimb joints and elbow extensor muscles of the forelimbs synchronized to the 3D kinematics are also obtained. Overground walking kinematics, provides information on base of support, stride length, and hindfoot rotation. Treadmill walking kinematics indicate primarily monophasic angle trajectories for the hip and shoulder joints, weak double peak patterns for the knee and elbow joints, and a prominent double peak pattern for the ankle joints. Maximum flexion of the knee during swing precedes that of the ankle, which precedes that of the hip. A mild exercise regimen over 8 weeks does not alter the kinematics. EMG activity indicates specific relationships of the neural activity to joint angle kinematics. We find that the ankle flexors as well as the hip and elbow extensors maintain constant burst duration with changing cycle duration. Data and techniques described here are likely to be useful for quantitative assessment of altered gait and neural control mechanisms after neurotrauma.