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Since the WHO declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a pandemic, huge efforts were made to understand the disease, its pathogenesis, and treatment. COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV2), which is closely related to SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). This article attempts to provide a timely and comprehensive review of the coronaviruses over the years, and the epidemics they caused in this century with a focus on the current pandemic COVID-19. It also covers the basics about the disease immunopathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options. Although almost every single week new clinical findings are published, which change our understanding of COVID-19, this review explores and explains the disease and the treatment options available so far. In summary, many therapeutic options are being investigated to treat and/or ameliorate the symptoms of COVID-19, but none is registered and no sufficient data to support immune-based therapy beyond the context of clinical trials. For that, strengthening our immune system is the best defense at this time.
COVID-19: Between Past and Present
Areej M. Assaf, Randa N. Haddadin, and Amal A. Akour
Since the WHO declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a pandemic, huge efforts were made to
understand the disease, its pathogenesis, and treatment. COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV2), which is closely related to SARS-associated coronavirus
(SARS-CoV). This article attempts to provide a timely and comprehensive review of the coronaviruses over the
years, and the epidemics they caused in this century with a focus on the current pandemic COVID-19. It also
covers the basics about the disease immunopathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options. Although
almost every single week new clinical findings are published, which change our understanding of COVID-19,
this review explores and explains the disease and the treatment options available so far. In summary, many
therapeutic options are being investigated to treat and/or ameliorate the symptoms of COVID-19, but none is
registered and no sufficient data to support immune-based therapy beyond the context of clinical trials. For that,
strengthening our immune system is the best defense at this time.
Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV2, immunopathology, therapy, cytokine storm, coronavirus
On the last day of the 2019 year, December 31, China
reported a cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown eti-
ology to the WHO office in China. The cases were reported
from the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, China. With time,
the disease spread in China and other countries affecting
thousands of people (117). In January, the Chinese authorities
identified the virus as a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and
sequenced its genome. Later, the virus was officially named
On January 30, 2020, the WHO considered the outbreak as
‘‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ (117)
and on February 11, the disease caused by the virus was
named COVID-19, short for ‘coronavirus disease 2019’
(119). Within 3 months, the disease spread to 117 countries
and territories, affecting more than 125,000 patients and
claimed the lives of more than 4,600 persons. This had urged
the WHO on March 12 to declare the disease a pandemic
(118). By the mid of August 2020, more than 21 million
people were affected by the disease and the deaths surpassed
760,000 (World Health Organization. COVID-19 Dashboard. Accessed August 17, 2020).
The aim of this review is to provide a timely and com-
prehensive review of human coronaviruses over years, and
the epidemics they caused in this century with a focus on the
current pandemic, COVID-19. Also, to cover the basics
about the disease immunopathogenesis, diagnosis, progno-
sis, and treatment options. Due to the variable clinical
findings in the clinical data of infected patients, we hope, in
this review, to help in exploring and explaining the disease
and the treatment options available so far.
Coronaviruses Background, Origin, and Reservoirs
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that belong to Cor-
onaviridae family. The name corona comes from the resem-
blance to solar corona or the crown. This halo appearance is
given by the S protein spikes projecting from the envelope
when visualized by electron microscope (42). Members of
this family are enveloped nonsegmented positive-sense
single-strand RNA viruses, with large RNA genome. Ac-
cording to the International Committee on Taxonomy of
Viruses (ICTV), this family has two subfamilies, Orthocor-
onavirinae and Letovirinae (57). The Orthocoronavirinae
previously known as Coronavirinae has four genera, Alpha-
coronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus,and
Deltacoronavirus. Orthocoronavirinae has the largest iden-
tified RNA genome containing about 32 kb (42,89).
Viruses in the genera Alphacoronaviruses and Betacor-
onaviruses infect mainly mammals, Gammacoronavirus in-
fects avians, and viruses belonging to the Deltacoronavirus
were found in both mammals and avian species (89). In the
past it was thought that coronaviruses of animals cannot be
Department of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Volume 00, Number 00, 2020
ªMary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Pp. 1–13
DOI: 10.1089/vim.2020.0102
Downloaded by from at 10/19/20. For personal use only.
transmitted to humans. But the outbreaks and pandemics in the
last two decades by these viruses showed that they are po-
tential zoonotic pathogens, where a spillover occurs from
animals to humans. This made the animals as reservoir hosts.
Numerous animal species can harbor these viruses such as
bats, rodents, lagomorphs, and other vertebrates (8).
Human coronaviruses
Human coronaviruses (HCoV) were first identified in
1962 (59). HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43 were the first to
be identified. Later, in the early years of the 21st century,
another two HCoV were identified, HCoV-NL63 and
HCoV-HKU1 (42,57). 229E and NL63 are alphacor-
onaviruses, whereas OC43 and HKU1 are betacoronaviruses
(42,57,76). These viruses were found to be globally dis-
tributed and circulating worldwide, that is, they are endemic
to human population (42). They cause mild-to-moderate
upper respiratory tract infections and considered the second
most common cause of coryza or common cold, where 15–
30% of respiratory tract infections are linked to them (42).
In some cases, lower respiratory tract infections such as
bronchitis or pneumonia may occur but these are linked to
immunocompromised patients and elderly (60). The preva-
lence of these human species varies depending on the time
of the year and the geographic region.
In the last two decades three new HCoV emerged: SARS-
CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respi-
ratory syndrome), MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that
causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), and the most
recent SARS-CoV2 (the novel beta coronavirus that causes
coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19). Unlike the pre-
vious viruses, these three species caused severe respiratory
illnesses that affected the lower respiratory tract and resulted
in fatalities. They spread worldwide causing epidemics and
the current pandemic. Since the emergence of these epi-
demics, attention has been paid to coronavirus ability to
transfer from wildlife animals to domestic animals or to
humans (79).
SARS outbreak, symptoms, and epidemiology
In the mid November 2002, severe cases of respiratory
illnesses appeared in Guangdong Province, China. In
February 2003, an official report was received by WHO
about atypical pneumonia affecting 305 persons and resulted
in 5 deaths (122). WHO named the outbreak as SARS and
issued emergency travel recommendations to alert health
authorities and the public to a worldwide threat to health
(122). Within a few months, the illness spread to more than
25 countries in North America, South America, Europe, and
Asia, including Canada, which was considered a hotspot of
the illness outside Asia (76). The outbreak affected 8,098
patients worldwide and claimed the lives of 774 with a
mortality rate of 9% (19).
SARS is presented with high fever (more than 38C),
headache, body aches, and general feeling of discomfort.
Some patients show mild respiratory symptoms. Within a
week, patients develop dry cough then the severe disease
progresses rapidly to respiratory distress, which requires
intensive care. Most of these patients develop severe
pneumonia and 10–20% develop diarrhea (19,121).
In March 2003, one laboratory each in Hong Kong, Ger-
many, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), USA, almost simultaneously were able to isolate the
virus that caused the SARS (65). The virus genome was
sequenced and revealed that it is a new HCoV (35,65). The
virus was named SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-
CoV), which is a betacoronavirus.
Members of betacoronaviruses are clustered into four lin-
eages, A, B, C, and D. SARS-CoV belongs to B lineage. It is
thought to be originated from bat coronaviruses, which spilled
over to humans (55,121). Bats were found to host several
strains of coronaviruses and many of these are genetically
related to SARS-CoV. Their spike proteins are similar to those
of SARS-CoV and they use the same receptors to enter host
cells (121). However, it is thought that there are intermediate
hosts between bats and humans. Civet cats were suspected as
an intermediate host and transmission host. When the outbreak
started from a wet market in Guangdong Province, SARS-
CoV was isolated from civet cats. Chinese health officials
ordered massive culling of these cats and other mammals to
contain the spread of the outbreak (87).
MERS outbreak, symptoms, and epidemiology
Ten years after the emergence of SARS, in June 2012, a
man in Saudi Arabia died from severe pneumonia and renal
failure (31). A novel coronavirus was isolated from his
sputum. In the meantime, several other cases were retro-
spectively identified from patients in Jordan, which had
occurred in April 2012. The virus was called MERS cor-
onavirus (MERS-CoV) (31,123). Within one year, the virus
affected eight countries, the majority in the Middle East and
some European countries. During that year, 64 laboratory
confirmed cases were reported, with 60% mortality (123).
All the cases were linked to people traveling or residing in
the Arabian Peninsula or countries near it. In 2015, the
largest outbreak outside the Arabian Peninsula occurred in
the Republic of Korea.
Until now, the disease is still under surveillance. By
November 2019, 27 countries have reported cases of this
disease and the total number of cases reached 2,494, with
858 deaths (34.3%) (124). Although some of the infected
people are asymptomatic, most of the patients presented
with fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Some also had
diarrhea and nausea or vomiting. The symptoms take 2–14
days to appear. Many patients develop severe complications,
such as pneumonia and kidney failure (18,56). Patients with
severe illness require support in intensive care and those
who had respiratory failure require mechanical ventilation.
More than 30% of the patients died. The majority of those
who died had pre-existing medical conditions, such as dia-
betes, cancer, chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease,
and chronic kidney disease (18,56).
Several studies suggested that the disease is transmitted
through animal–human contact and less frequently through
human–human contact (8). The later was mostly seen in
hospitals. In general, the infected people had close contact
with ill people (124).
After reporting cases and isolating the virus, the search for
the virus reservoirs commenced. Bats were suspected and
surveyed with many other animals. MERS-CoV was geno-
typically linked to the betacoronavirus lineage C viruses
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identified in bats (8). But, no decisive evidence was found to
prove that bats are the natural reservoirs of the virus. How-
ever, serological screening showed that dromedary camels
have high MERS-CoV antibodies. In addition, MERS CoV
and other coronaviruses related to MERS-CoV lineage were
detected in many cases in dromedary camels in the Middle
East and many parts in Africa (18,26).
Coronavirus disease-2019
Until this date (August, 2020), COVID-19 is still spreading
in the globe at different rates. In some countries the number of
new cases is declining, in others it is ascending. The disease
presents with variable signs and symptoms and the symptoms
range from no symptoms or mild flu-like symptoms to acute
respiratory distress and multiple organ dysfunction. This will
be discussed in more details in immunopathogenesis and
clinical presentation of SARS-CoV2 section.
The origin of the of SARS-CoV2 is still under investi-
gation. Two scenarios were proposed for its origin, (i)
Natural selection in an animal host followed by zoonotic
transfer or (ii) Zoonotic transfer followed by natural selec-
tion in humans (4). Full-length genome sequencing of the
viruses isolated from five patients in China showed that the
viruses are identical and share 80% nucleotide sequence to
SARS-CoV. Phylogenetic analysis of the virus showed that
it is a lineage B betacoronavirus closely related to a SARS-
like coronavirus in bats. The resemblance was 96% in nu-
cleotide sequence, which suggests that SARS-COV2 could
have been emerged from bats, which makes bats as a likely
reservoir host for the virus, however, it is not known yet if
there is an intermediate host for this virus (132).
To date, it is known that the virus can be transmitted mainly
through small respiratory droplets (sneezing or coughing) or
through close contact (nearly 6 feet) (17). The respiratory
droplets are either inhaled or landed on surfaces that are con-
tacted by people who touch their eyes, nose, or mouth (17,36).
The virus seems to be transmitted easily and sustainably from
human to human (community spread) through the respiratory
routes. Recently, growing evidence suggests the possible
transmission of the virus through aerosols, which was seen in
crowded and closed settings with inadequate ventilation
(80,81). This has driven the WHO to urgently request more
investigational studies about this route of transmission (120).
Role of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2
in COVID-19 Pathogenesis
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) is a type I
transmembrane zinc metalloenzyme and carboxypeptidase
with homology to ACE that is an essential regulator of heart
function (30). It was found to be highly expressed in many
cells like alveolar epithelial type II cells of lung, esophagus
upper and stratified epithelial cells, nasal epithelial cells,
colon, myocardial cells, kidney proximal tubule cells, epi-
thelia of the small intestine, testes, and bladder urothelial
cells (127,131,135).
The ACE2 gene is located on chromosome Xp22, spans
39.98 kb of genomic DNA, encoding a protein of 805 amino
acids, and contains 20 introns and 18 exons (107). Its ex-
pression was found to be associated with age, but not sex or
race. Its expression was positively correlated with age
among middle-aged and older adults, whereas no significant
difference was found among individuals of East Asian,
African or European ancestry (24).
The ACE2 gene exhibits a high degree of genetic poly-
morphism (15,74). A very recent study by Cao et al., in-
vestigated the allele frequency (AF) differences between
East Asian, European, African, South Asian, and admixed
American (15). Their findings suggested that the genotypes
of ACE2 gene polymorphism among East Asian population
may be associated with higher expression levels of ACE2.
Also, moderate difference was shown in AFs of genetic
analysis of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) be-
tween South Asians and East Asians, which suggests the
potential difference of ACE2 expression in different popu-
lations and ethnicities in Asia and the diversity of ACE2
expression pattern in populations (15).
ACE2 has been found to be a receptor for the entry of the
novel human pathogenic coronaviruses SARS-CoV and
SARS-CoV2 with an increasing evidence of its role in its
pathogenesis (88,132). The suggested mechanism for the viral
entrance involves binding of its spike proteins, S-protein,
which are located on the coat of the virus, with ACE2 re-
ceptors, which are normally found on the epithelial cells of
different organs (66). This binding is proteolytically processed
by type 2 transmembrane protease, TMPRSS2, which would
lead to the cleavage of ACE2 and the activation of the spike
protein, thus, facilitating virus entry and replication (53).
Many similarities were found between the original SARS-
CoV and the new virus (SARS-CoV2). Both share 76.5%
identity in amino acid sequences with a high degree of ho-
mology (66,125). Although studies showed that SARS-CoV
spike protein has a strong binding affinity to human ACE2,
recent studies suggested that SARS-CoV2 recognizes human
ACE2 more efficiently, increasing the ability of SARS-CoV2
to transmit from one person to another (85,125).
Lung appears to be the most vulnerable target organ for
SARS-CoV2 and according to Zhang and his team, they re-
cently indicated that it could be due to the vast surface area of
the lung making the lung highly susceptible to inhaled viruses
in addition to other biological factors (128). Zhao et al. (131)
demonstrated that 83% of ACE2-expressing cells in adults
were in alveolar epithelial type II cells (AECII), which can
serve as a reservoir for viral invasion. Their gene ontology
enrichment analysis showed that the ACE2-expressing AECII
have high levels of multiple viral process-related genes, in-
cluding regulatory genes for viral processes, viral life cycle,
virion assembly, and regulation of viral genome replication,
suggesting that the ACE2-expressing AECII facilitate cor-
onaviral replication in the lung (131).
In a previous study on SARS-CoV infection, ACE2 ex-
pression was found to be positively correlated with the dif-
ferentiation state of human airway epithelia. Undifferentiated
cell expression ACE2 was poorly infected with SARS-CoV,
whereas the well-differentiated cells expressed more ACE2
and were readily infected (135).
Studies suggested that the susceptibility, symptoms, and
outcome of COVID-19/SARS-CoV2 infection might be
correlated with the state of cell differentiation of human
airway epithelia, expression level, and expression pattern of
human ACE2 in different tissues (15,135,128). The ex-
pression level of ACE2 receptors was found to be increased
in hypertension and diabetic patients treated with ACE in-
hibitors and angiotensin II type-I receptor blockers (44,66,110).
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Several hypotheses were published regarding the rela-
tionship between diabetes and hypertension treatment with
ACE2-stimulating drugs, and the increase in ACE2 ex-
pression, and their role in increasing the risk of developing
severe and fatal COVID-19. However, limited evidence
showed changes in ACE2 levels expressed in serum or
pulmonary samples (88). These hypotheses were recently
refuted by the European Society of cardiology indicating
that there is no scientific base or evidence to support (91).
Other very recent studies found an ACE2 genetic predis-
position for the increased risk of SARS-CoV2 infection.
ACE2 genetic polymorphisms have been linked to diabetes
mellitus, cerebral stroke, and hypertension (39). A previous
study found a high degree of genetic heterogeneity among
ACE2 polymorphisms that are linked to type 2 Diabetes (70).
Smoking, which in the developed world is the primary
etiological factor behind chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), is considered as a factor to increase vul-
nerability to respiratory viruses like SARS-CoV2 (10).
Smoking was found to upregulate ACE2 receptors on the
airway epithelium. Guoshuai Cai (2020) recently reported
significantly a higher ACE2 gene expression in smoker
samples compared with nonsmoker (11). Consequently, the
increased number of ACE2 is expected to facilitate infection
with SARS-CoV2 (10,15).
Differences in ACE2 coding variants among different
populations suggest that the diverse genetic basis might
affect ACE2 functions among populations which could af-
fect the association between ACE2 and S-protein in SARS-
CoV2. Therefore, the state of cell differentiation and ACE2
expression levels are both important determinants of the
susceptibility of human airway epithelia to infection. The
expression level and expression pattern of human ACE2 in
different tissues and populations might be critical for the
susceptibility, symptoms, and outcome of SARS-CoV2 in-
fection. In summary, differences in immunity, ACE2 gene
expression, age, or even genetic background may contribute
to the different susceptibility to and severity of SARS-CoV2
Immunopathogenesis and Clinical Presentation
of SARS-CoV2
The immunopathology of the novel SARS-CoV2 is still
under investigation. Although, it can activate both innate and
adaptive immunity, an uncontrolled and impaired immune
response might occur leading to harmful tissue damages lo-
cally and systemically. Since the start of the pandemic, sev-
eral hypotheses have been suggested describing the
interaction of the immune system with the virus in the de-
velopment of the disease and its most severe forms, where
cytokine storm had the most important role (6,86). While
trying to restore hemostasis after infection, inflammation
happens, which can be very harmful if not controlled (6,86).
As the virus name indicate, SARS-CoV2 affects the lungs
leading in some cases to SARS. On the other hand, it had a
probable asymptomatic incubation period between 2 days
and 2 weeks, where the virus can be transmitted (23,44,111).
In some cases a period of 2–3 weeks was observed between
developing symptoms and the final clinical outcome (108).
According to the clinical studies of hospitalized COVID-19
patients, most frequently they show symptoms associated
with viral pneumonia, fever, sore throat, cough, myalgia,
and fatigue (23,51). In addition to that, a few cases showed
severe-to-critical complications, where most of them did not
develop severe clinical manifestations in the early stages of
the disease, but at the later stage. They showed respiratory
failure requiring mechanical ventilation, septic shock, or
other organ dysfunction or failure requiring intensive care at
the hospital (108).
By the end of the third month of the pandemic, a group
of European physicians submitted a letter to the American
Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, show-
ing discrepancies in patients with COVID-19 presenting
an atypical form of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
(ARDS) recommending to avoid jumping to unnecessary
mechanical ventilation (46).
Recent clinical reports described destructive damages in
the cardiovascular system, kidneys, gut, and brain (109).
Significant observations were also reported showing the
tendency of the patients to form clots in blood leading to
vessel obstruction, which might result in pulmonary embo-
lism or large vessel ischemic stroke, in addition to forming
ischemic fingers and toes (109).
A recent study indicated that the chance of survival fol-
lowing SARS-CoV2 infection in people 60 years of age and
older is *95% in the absence of comorbid conditions. But the
chance considerably decreased in patients with health condi-
tions and continues to decrease with age beyond 60 years
(94,96,103). From the experience of scientist and clinicians in
COVID-19, not all people exposed to SARS-CoV2 are in-
fected and relatively a small proportion of infected patients
develop severe respiratory syndrome (51).
According to Wang et al. SARS-CoV2 infection can be
divided into three stages: an asymptomatic stage with or
without viral detection, where the patients might spread the
virus unknowingly, a nonsevere symptomatic stage with
viral presence and a severe respiratory symptomatic stage
with high viral load, which occurs in about 15% of the
confirmed cases (45,111). However, transmission of the
virus might occur from presymptomatic patients, where they
are infected but did not develop symptoms yet (114). This
variation in response to the viral infection is one of the main
concerns to scientists and clinicians where the overall im-
munity of the infected patients cannot explain the differ-
ences in disease presentation.
Innate and adaptive immunity
in COVID-19-infected patients
Limited information is available regarding the immuno-
logical response to SARS-CoV2 in infected patients. Thus,
to understand its immunological response, we have returned
to previous studies on SARS-CoV in addition to the current
findings about SARS-CoV2 patients. Generally, the innate
immune system is the first to respond after viral infection. It
recognizes the virus through pattern recognition receptors
(PRRs) like Toll-like receptor (TLR) (2,73). This leads to
the activation of different pathways where the virus induces
the expression of inflammatory factors and the synthesis of
type I interferons (IFNs) limiting its spread and accelerating
macrophage phagocytosis of viral antigens (2). However,
the nucleocapsid protein (N) of SARS-CoV can help the
virus to escape immune responses (73).
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Recently lots of efforts and studies were done trying to
understand the immune response to SARS-CoV2. Innate
immunity was linked with the development of the cytokine
storm and found to be responsible for boosting more severe
forms of the disease (6). When the virus infects the upper and
lower respiratory tract it either causes a mild or a highly acute
respiratory syndrome. This critical and fatal outcome is due to
the release of interleukin (IL)-1band IL-6 proinflammatory
cytokines after SARS-CoV2 binds to TLRs leading to the
activation of the immune response (6,86). Those stimulated
proinflammatory cytokines in addition to tumor necrosis
factor (TNF) mediates lung inflammation, fever, and fibrosis
(86). Therefore, harmful tissue damage both at the site of
virus entry and at systemic level might occur.
The adaptive immune response activates CD4
and CD8
T lymphocytes, which play a critical role in clearing the
virus by eliminating virus-infected cells. CD4
helper T
cells can direct the cytotoxic T cells and B cells and enhance
their function to eliminate the virus (78,133). Activated
cytotoxic T cells will directly kill infected cells by
secreting molecules like granzymes, perforin, and IFN-cto
eradicate the virus, whereas CD4
T cells will stimulate B
cells to produce antibodies specific to the virus (105).
The early stage defense antibodies produced after almost 1
week of SARS-CoV2 viral infection are the neutralizing IgM
antibodies. They are relatively efficient in fully blocking viral
entrance into the host cells, limiting the infection, and are
considered as a critical immune player for protection against
viral diseases. Then, the class switch, where high-affinity IgG
antibodies are developed for the long-term immunity and im-
munological memory (67). Subsequently, cellular immunity
will be mediated by T lymphocytes. This adaptive immune
response is directed by T helper cells, where cytotoxic T cells
will then play a vital role in the destruction and clearance of the
viral infected cells (67). However, T cell exhaustion might be
induced due to viral persistent stimulation that leads to the loss
of the cytokine production ability and reduced functions (43,83).
On the other hand, in patients with severe SARS-CoV
infection, a delayed adaptive immune response development
and prolonged viral clearance were noticed (14). Also, in a
previous study measuring the T cell responses in patients
with MERS-CoV infection, all tested MERS survivors de-
veloped both CD4
and CD8
T cell responses, and patients
with mild or subclinical illness developed prominent virus-
specific CD8
T cell response (129).
In this rapidly evolving field, researchers reported that indi-
viduals with positive SARS-CoV2 polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) results were able to develop IgM, IgA, and IgG anti-
bodies against SARS-CoV2 surface spike and nucleocapsid
proteins within 1–2 weeks after havingsymptoms and continue
elevation after initial viral clearance (97). According to Seow
et al., patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms showed higher
levels of antibodies compared with those with mild disease (97).
They also showed that their levels began to decline 20–30 days
post onset of symptoms and sometimes nearly to undetectable
levels in less than 2 months after symptoms appeared.
The length of the antibody-specific response to SARS-
CoV2 is still unknown. On the other hand, the antibodies
produced in patients infected with SARS-CoV or MERS-
CoV coronaviruses were found to wane over time ranging
between 12 and 52 weeks from the onset of the disease,
while homologous reinfections were detected (58).
As the antibody levels declined with time, it was impor-
tant to identify antigen-specific T cell responses in COVID-
19 patients. Recently, physicians and scientists were able to
detect and characterize some of SARS-CoV2 T cell re-
sponses in humans (98). Nevertheless, they are still uncer-
tain about the role of the adaptive immunity in the disease,
whether it is protective or pathogenic or both depending on
the time, composition, or magnitude of the adaptive re-
sponse. According to Blanco-Melo et al. an early CD4
T cell response against SARS-CoV2 can be protec-
tive, but it is difficult to have an early response due to the
efficient innate immune evasion mechanisms of SARS-
CoV2 in humans (7). On the other hand, in the presence of
sustained high viral load in lungs, late T cell response may
increase the pathogenic inflammatory outcomes (52).
Cytokine storm mechanism in COVID-19
Although cytokines are known to play an important role
in immunopathogenesis during viral infection, overreactive
and dysregulated immune responses were observed in
SARS-CoV2 patients leading to organ damages (6,86). This
was also observed in the previous human coronaviruses,
SARS and MERS, where they might enhance an over-
reactive immune response leading to the production of cy-
tokine storm that can cause severe damages to the lungs
causing ARDS and to other organs, which might lead to
multiorgan failure and even death (20).
Previous in vitro studies at the early stage of SARS-CoV
infection showed a delay in the release of cytokines and che-
mokines at the respiratory epithelial cells, dendritic cells, and
macrophages (25,64). Whereas at later stages, cells secrete low
levels of the antiviral factors, interferons (IFNs), and high
levels of proinflammatory cytokines [IL-1b, IL-6, and TNF and
chemokines (C-C motif chemokine ligand (CCL)-2, CCL-3,
and CCL-5)] (28,67), where they contribute to the occurrence
of ARDS in SARS-CoV patients (14). These findings sup-
ported the view that high viral load and cytokine/chemokine
dysregulation can cause the cytokine storm, which is accom-
panied with immunopathological changes in the lungs.
The severe systemic elevation of the proinflammatory
cytokines leading to cytokine storm in COVID-19 infections
was mostly noticed in elderly critical adults (77). Meftahi
et al. reported that balance between proinflammatory and
anti-inflammatory immune responses is needed to limit the
progression of COVID-19 infection. Healthy adults showed
this balance in the cytokine network and were able to shut
down immune activity at the right time. Whereas, elderly
patients did not show the same balanced immune response
as a young adult (77).
Laboratory findings in COVID 19
In the previous studies for the acute phase of SARS-CoV
infection, lymphocytopenia, mainly T lymphocytes, was
observed, and both CD4
and CD8
T lymphocytes were
decreased (68). In SARS-CoV2-infected patients, studies
showed a normal leukocyte, platelet count, and lymphocy-
topenia at the early stage of the disease. Upon admission,
lymphocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia were
observed (51,111). Diao et al., showed that CD4
and CD8
T cells were dramatically reduced in COVID-19 patients,
especially among elderly patients and those needed the
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intensive care unit (33). According to Zhou et al., age,
lymphopenia, leucocytosis, and elevated ALT, lactate de-
hydrogenase, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I, creatine
kinase, d-dimer, serum ferritin, IL-6, prothrombin time,
creatinine, and procalcitonin were associated with death in
severe cases of COVID-19 patients (128).
Selected Potential Pharmacotherapeutic Options
for Treating COVID-19
To this date, there are no drugs that have proven effective
for the management of COVID-19 (38,126). So, there is a
crucial need to look for therapeutic options to control virus
entry, replication and/or spread. Developing new drugs that
target various steps of the viral infection would be the op-
timum choice, however, the later would not be practical in
lieu of urgency to find a treatment for this pandemic in-
fection. Therefore, screening of the existing drugs with
potential antiviral effect can hopefully create new thera-
peutic options, while bypassing much of the costs and time
involved with having a new drug available in the market.
We have done an online search on PubMed and Web of
Science with the keywords of SARS, MERS, and cor-
onaviruses, treatment, and prevention. The followings sum-
marize some of the proposed therapeutic options available
for the treatment of this novel coronaviruses.
Small molecules
Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine and other antimalarial
agents. As mentioned in the Role of Angiotensin-
Converting Enzyme 2 in COVID-19 Pathogenesis section,
ACE2 receptor is the site of binding of SARS-CoV, which
mediates its entry into the cell through binding with spike
(S) protein (66). Thus, blocking the binding of S protein to
ACE2 would be a key for the treatment of SARS-CoV2
Chloroquine interferes with the glycosylation of cellular
receptor of SARS-CoV2, ACE2, and thus prevents viral entry
(72). It also works by increasing the pH in mammalian cell
lysosomes, which will subdue viral replication (72). Recently,
it was shown that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can
reduce the production of various proinflammatory cytokines,
such as IL-1, IL-6, interferon-a, and tumor necrosis factor,
which are involved in the cytokine storm. These immuno-
modulatory effects potentiate the antiviral effects of these
agents in the treatment of COVID-19 (130).
It was anecdotally reported that this antimalarial drug has
antiviral effect probably due to its ability to inhibit viral
entry and/or replication. Chloroquine showed in vitro ac-
tivity against SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV (112), in addi-
tion, its less toxic derivative, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ),
showed an in vitro activity against the novel SARS-CoV2
(72). Clinically, however, there is still a controversy about
the clinical efficacy and safety of chloroquine or HCQ.
Cortegiani et al. summarized 23 clinical trials in China that
have pending approval or already recruiting patients (27),
which are using chloroquine with or without other agents.
Awaiting the efficacy and safety results from these trials,
scrutiny should be exercised upon clinically utilizing this
drug (27). Two debatable French studies by Gautret et al.
(47,48) showed a reduction of viral load when HCQ used in
combination of hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin in
patients with COVID-19 25% (74) at day 6 of treatment, and
93% of patients had negative PCR test after 8 days. In spite
of promising results, those studies suffered from small
sample size (48) and the lack of a control group (47).
Conversely, a recent study from China in 30 individuals
with COVID-19 found no difference in the rate of virologic
clearance nor clinical improvement after 5 days of using
HCQ compared with placebo (22).
Even more, a phase 2b randomized controlled trial (RCT)
in 81 patients with severe COVID-19 infection showed that
lethality rate was significantly higher in the high-dose group
when compared with low-dose group (39% vs. 15%, re-
spectively), which warranted the cessation of the high dose
immediately (CloroCovid-19) (9). Due to inconsistencies in
the abovementioned results, timely results from studies with
larger sample size, and in patients with severe COVID-19
are pivotal to dictate the drug’s utilization worldwide.
A total of 1,542 patients were randomized to hydroxy-
chloroquine and compared with 3,132 patients randomized
to usual care alone. Interestingly, preliminary (unpublished)
results showed that there was no significant difference in the
28-day mortality (25.7% hydroxychloroquine vs. 23.5%
standard care), as well as the lack of beneficial effects on
hospital stay duration or other outcomes (63,104). In addi-
tion, the interim results from solidarity trial, which was
established by the WHO, showed that hydroxychloroquine
and lopinavir/ritonavir did not provide a significant reduc-
tion in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients
when compared with standard care. Therefore, WHO dis-
counted both treatment arms immediately (116). These
preliminary results dampened the initial enthusiasm toward
Another antimalarial drug, arbidol, was also tested against
other antiviral agents (32,69,115,134). One study retrospec-
tively analyzed data from fifty patients who were randomized
to receive arbidol (n=17) versus the antiviral lopinavir/rito-
navir (LPV/r) (n=34) (134). In the arbidol arm, no viral load
could be detected in pharyngeal swab after 2 weeks of treat-
ment, whereas it was found in 44.1% of patient in the LPV/r
group. Furthermore, a cohort study showed that LPV/r com-
bined with arbidol versus LPV/r alone showed more favorable
outcomes in terms of absence of viral load after weeks, as well
as improvement of chest CT scan (32).
Despite these promising results, the latest observational
cohort study (32) showed that there was no evidence to prove
that LPV/r and arbidol could shorten the negative conversion
time of novel coronavirus nucleic acid in pharyngeal swab nor
improve the symptoms of patients. Furthermore, the combi-
nation usage of LPV/r and arbidol has no benefit of improving
the disease, while posing more adverse effects when com-
pared with conventional therapy (115).
Remdesivir. This drug was originally developed for
Ebola, as well as other single-strand RNA viruses, including
coronavirus-related viruses, SARS (112) and MERS (49).
Remdesivir (RDV) gets incorporated into viral RNA, and
targets RNA polymerase thereafter, and thus inhibits viral
replication. RDV has shown to inhibit coronavirus replica-
tion in cell culture and animal models (16,112). Accord-
ingly, it is very plausible that this drug would work in
clinical settings (3,16). There are still pending multiple
clinical trials with larger sample size, with a target of
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thousands patients. Until data from such trials are published,
we need to interpret results about RDV efficacy and safety
very cautiously (37,84,102).
Presently, there have been published results about the
compassionate use of RDV in treating patients hospitalized
for COVID-19 (50). Clinical improvement in oxygen-
support class was observed in 68% (36/61) of patients, 47%
(25/61) of patients were discharged, and mortality was 13%
(7/61). While results from this study is promising, this study
lacked a control arm and is underpowered (49). Therefore,
the efficacy and safety of RDV should be further evaluated
with randomized, placebo-controlled trials.
On a larger scale, a multicenter, placebo-controlled RCT,
which recruited 237 patients with severe COVID-19 symp-
toms, recently evaluated the efficacy and safety of RDV
(113). Patients were randomized in a 2:1 ratio either to re-
ceive IV RDV (200mg on Day 1 followed by 100mg for
days 2–10) versus placebo. There was no statistical difference
in time to clinical improvement in both groups, as well as
adverse events and mortality rate. However, more patients in
the RDV group discontinued the drug due to adverse events
(12%) compared with placebo (5%), and the trial was
therefore stopped before the intended sample size is reached
(113). While the later study was a well-designed RCT to
evaluate efficacy and safety of RDV, it is still too early to
judge the success or failure of RDV from this study. First, the
intended sample size was 453 and since the trial was stopped
early, this lead to underpowered results. Second, there is no
consensus on what is minimally accepted clinical improve-
ment difference, since this was the first RCT evaluating RDV.
Favipiravir. Favipiravir, another RNA polymerase in-
hibitor, marketed as Avigan, developed by Fujifilm, Toya-
ma, in Japan is being tested for efficacy and safety in China.
Previous studies showed that favipiravir, the anti-influenza
drug, inhibits SARS-CoV2 in some cultured cells and pro-
tects mice against Ebola (101). So far, favipiravir was
compared with the anti-HIV combination lopinavir in 80
patients in a nonrandomized trial. On day 1, the intervention
arm took 1,600 mg of favipiravir twice (in two separate
doses), in addition to inhaled interferon. On day 2 until the
end, the dose was reduced to 600 mg twice daily, and they
kept taking inhaled interferon. The control group received
lopinavir/ritonavir for 14 days at a dosage of 400 mg, then
100 mg, twice daily, with inhaled interferon (12).
The preliminary results showed that favipiravir may po-
tentially be superior to lopinavir/ritonavir, as evidenced by
better chest X-ray images and thus lung improvement in the
intervention group, an effect that was interestingly inde-
pendent of viral load reduction effect. No significant adverse
reactions were noted in the favipiravir treatment group, and
it had significantly fewer adverse effects than the lopina-
vir/ritonavir group. In addition, a recent preprint showed
that this drug is superior to arbidol in terms of latency to
relief fever and cough, but did not significantly improve
clinical recovery rate after 1 week of treatment (21).
Prodrug EIDD-2801. Base-modified nucleoside analog,
beta-D-N(4)-hydroxycytidine (NHC), has shown potent an-
tiviral activity against wide spectrum of viruses, such as
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV), influenza A virus (IAV), influenza B
virus (IBV), chikungunya virus (CHIKV), and CoVs, plau-
sible through inducing mutagenesis in the viral RNA (92).
The novel broad-spectrum antiviral drug was tested in
mouse pathogenesis models of SARS-CoV2 and MERS-
CoV for both prophylactic as well as therapeutic use (100).
This drug was shown to reduce viral load in the lungs and to
improve the pulmonary function, provided its use within 24–
48 h of the symptoms’ initiation. Very recently, this drug
passed phase 1 trial and was found to be safe, and therefore
Ridgeback biotherapeutics, a majority-women-owned bio-
technology company, announced the commencement of two
phase 2 trials to test the efficacy of EIDD-2801 as an anti-
viral medication for COVID-19 in newly diagnosed and
hospitalized patients, respectively (95).
It was found that patients who had higher concentrations
of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, were more
likely to be admitted to an intensive care unit, namely,
G-CSF, IP-10/CXCL10, monocyte chemoattractant protein
1 (MCP1), and TNFa, as well as elevated cytokines from T
helper 2 cells such as Interleukin (IL)-4 and reduced IL-10
(34,71). Therefore, it is tempting to assume that interfering
with these inflammatory pathways can potentially amelio-
rate symptoms of COVID-19.
IL-6 inhibitors. Genentech
, with collaboration with the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), commenced a ran-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 clinical
trial to examine the safety and efficacy of tocilizumab in
addition to standard care in hospitalized adult patients with
severe COVID-19 pneumonia compared with placebo plus
standard care. The primary and secondary endpoints of the
study include clinical status, mortality, mechanical ventila-
tion, and ICU variables (41). Two trials are held to test the
efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in the management of
COVID-19. A 150-patient unblinded RCT is assessing to-
cilizumab in combination with favipiravir, compared against
each drug alone, with time clinical cure rate as the major
outcome (NCT04310228) (40).
Another Chinese multicenter RCT trial with 188 patients
is assessing tocilizumab alone versus standard care in pa-
tients with severe COVID-19 and elevated IL-6 levels
(ChiCTR2000029765) (1). An open-label, noncontrolled,
nonpeer-reviewed study was conducted in China in 21 pa-
tients with severe respiratory symptoms related to COVID-
19. In addition to standard care (including lopinavir and
methylprednisolone), patients received a single dose of in-
travenous infusion with 400 mg tocilizumab. There was a
clinical improvement as patients had less oxygen require-
ments, normalized lymphocyte counts, and 19 patients were
discharged after about 2 weeks of tocilizumab treatment
(82). It is noteworthy that this study had a small sample size
and no control arm, therefore, results should be interpreted
with extreme caution.
Sarilumab, and leronlimab are other IL-6 inhibitors,
which are being evaluated in critically and severely ill
COVID-19 patients. Sarilumab is tested in a phase 2/3 trial,
which is multicenter, double-blind, trial with an adaptive
design, which is anticipated to enrol around 400 patients.
The evaluation of outcomes will occur on two stages. In the
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first one, the effect of sarilumab on fever and the need for
supplemental oxygen will be examined. The second, will
assess longer-term outcomes, such as mortality and the need
for mechanical ventilation, supplemental oxygen, and/or
hospitalization (93).
Leronlimab, a chemokine receptor type 5 antagonist, will
also be evaluated in a phase 2b/3 trial (106). As of mid-April,
one severely ill COVID-19 patient and 15 mild/moderate pa-
tients were enrolled. The mortality rate will be assessed at 2
and 4-week intervals. An interim analysis will be performed
on the first 50 patients. This agent has been granted a Fast
Track designation from the FDA for two potential indications
of COVID-19. The drug was chosen based on preliminary
results, in eight severely ill COVID-19 patients who demon-
strated a significant improvement in several important im-
munologic biomarkers after a 3-day course of Leronlimab.
Patient test data reveal reduction in cytokines, IL-6, and a
pattern of normalization of the CD4/CD8 ratio (106).
Interferon-beta. Interferon-beta (INF-b) is an endoge-
nous protein, which coordinates the antiviral response.
Studies showed that deficiency in IFN-bproduction in-
creases the odds of a more severe lower respiratory tract
disease during respiratory viral infections, especially in
those at risk. Interestingly, viruses, including coronaviruses
such as SARS-CoV (5) and MERS-CoV, (99) have devel-
oped mechanisms, which suppress endogenous INF-bpro-
duction that augments the virus’s ability to escape the innate
immune system. It is therefore expected that the addition of
exogenous INF-bbefore or during viral infection of the
lower respiratory system would either prevent or greatly
diminish cell damage and viral replication, respectively.
, a respiratory drug development company,
developed IFN-b-1a for direct delivery to the lungs through
nebulization. It is pH neutral, and is free of mannitol, argi-
nine, and human serum albumin, making it suitable for in-
haled delivery direct to the site of action. With collaboration
of the National Institute of Health (NIH), Synairgen have
shown that INF-bcould protect against SARS-COV2 infec-
tion of lung cells in vitro (75). Very recently, a double-blind,
placebo-controlled Phase 2 trial in COVID-19 patients is
taking place. It is anticipated to recruit 100 COVID-19 pa-
tients, will take place across a number of NHS trusts, and has
been adopted by the NIH Research (NIHR) Respiratory
Translational Research Collaboration, which consists of
leading centers in respiratory medicine in the UK (2).
Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor alpha
monoclonal antibody (Mavrilimumab). Granulocyte/macro-
phage colony-stimulating factor alpha (GM-CSFRa)works
upstream of interleukin-6 in the pathophysiology of the hy-
perinflammation associated with severe pneumonia of
COVID-19 (71). Mavrilimumab, an investigational fully hu-
man monoclonal antibody that inhibits GM-CSFRa,isnow
being tested in uncontrolled, single-center pilot study (61).
Patients with severe pneumonia from COVID-19, defined as
acute respiratory distress, fever, and clinical and biological
markers of systemic hyperinflammation status were treated
with a single intravenous dose of mavrilimumab.
To date, six patients have been treated with this drug.
While being well tolerated, all patients showed an early
resolution of fever and improvement in oxygenation within
1–3 days. Interestingly, none of these patients has pro-
gressed to require mechanical ventilation and half of them
were discharged within 5 days (61).
Dexamethasone. Dexamethasone is a synthetic sys-
temic glucocorticoid, which is known for its potent anti-
inflammatory effect (62). Dexamethasone acts by suppressing
proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, TNF, and
IFN-c, all of which are linked to COVID-19 severity. In vitro
studies showed that dexamethasone protected alveolar cells
from destruction by proinflammatory cytokines (62).
Preliminary results from the RCOVERY Trial showed
that dexamethasone reduced the mortality rate in hospital-
ized COVID-19 patients when compared with those given
usual care (54). Indeed, 454/2,104 (21.6%) patients allo-
cated dexamethasone and 1,065/4,321 (24.6%) patients
allocated usual care died within 28 days (age-adjusted
rate ratio =0.83; and 95% confidence interval 0.74–0.92;
p<0.001), which was dependent on the level of respiratory
support at randomization. Thus, the significant reduction in
mortality in the dexamethasone group was mostly signifi-
cant among those receiving invasive mechanical ventilation
or oxygen at randomization, but not among patients not
receiving respiratory support (54).
Plasma of recovered COVID-19 patients
Plasma from patients who recovered from COVID-19
contains the SARS-CoV2-specific neutralizing antibodies,
which could infer a passive immunity to the recipients. The
later can be utilized to produce two potential therapeutic
modalities: convalescent plasma and hyperimmune immu-
noglobulins. A recent Cochrane living review summarized
20 studies, including one RCT, 3 nonrandomized controlled
trials, and 16 non-randomized noncontrolled trials. Collec-
tively, the controlled trials showed that there was a low-
certainty evidence about the effectiveness of these therapies
in reducing all-cause mortality, time to death, or even im-
provement of clinical symptoms, as assessed by the need of
respiratory support.
For the safety, the majority of evidence comes from the
uncontrolled trials. These studies reported side effects, in-
cluding death, anaphylaxis, dyspnea, and lung injury, but
most of them were found to be transfusion related. So until
more properly designed studies are available plasma-derived
therapies cannot be reliably recommended for the manage-
ment (90).
Conclusions and Future Insights
In this review we tried to explore and explain the disease
in a timely and comprehensive manner over the years.
During those years, lots of challenges faced the scientists
and researchers. Complete understanding of the viral
mechanism of action and the process and mechanism of the
immune system in the presence of the virus is needed to
determine the potential therapeutic options for SARS-CoV2
and all were and are still being investigated globally.
Future studies should focus on targeting more sites of
viral entry and replication, which was the basis for inves-
tigating drugs like hydroxychloroquine and RDV, respec-
tively. For instance, it was found that the spike glycoprotein
of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV2 contains a multibasic
Downloaded by from at 10/19/20. For personal use only.
furin-like cleavage site, which was lacking in other related
SARS-like coronaviruses (28). These viral fusion proteins are
activated by proteases in the host cell, therefore, any modi-
fications in the cleavage site/s with proteolytic activity will
alter the spike glycoprotein, which will ultimately dictate
viral membrane fusion, entry, and hence the tropism of the
host cell (28).
Furin is a convertase enzyme that is highly expressed in
lungs, so the novel SARS-CoV2 may successfully exploit
this convertase to activate its surface glycoprotein. Thus, the
inhibition of this enzyme might represent a novel target for
antiviral therapy. Inhibition of furin had shown to inhibit
proinflammatory and matrix protein production, such as
TGF-b, platelet-derived growth factor, TNF-a-Converting
Enzyme, and MMP2 in in vitro models (29) and conse-
quently reducing proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-
1b), while increasing the anti-inflammatory IL-10 and IL-4,
in vivo (29).
Many furin inhibitors have been previously suggested in
literature to treat various diseases such as cancer as well as
bacterial and viral infections. Nevertheless, while furin can
have a role in controlling inflammation through its im-
munomodulation function, which can be very beneficial
when treating immune-related diseases like COVID19, it
might also cause long-term adverse effects if used long
term. Therefore, more studies should be done to evaluate
their safety and efficacy (29).
Furthermore, phenotypic screening strategy could be
used, which includes the identification of molecules with
particular biological effects in cell-based assays or animal
models. This might entail screening large libraries of
chemical compounds in automated high-throughput cel-
lular assays that measure the levels of various proteins
or effects on characteristics, such as cell proliferation.
For example, just recently, the antiparasite ivermectin
was found to inhibit SARS-CoV2, when added to Vero-
hSLAM cells 2 h postinfection with SARS-CoV2 and
cause around *5,000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h.
These interesting results merit further evaluation of this
medication (13).
Thereafter, finding the right animal model would be
crucial, which might be a challenge for this virus, which
exhibited various responses in different species. For exam-
ple, dogs and cats seem to handle this virus very well. But
either way, this process will take years, so the best we can
do is to repurpose existing medications for treatment of
COVID-19, while waiting for the vaccines.
In conclusion, according to results from the most recent
studies, antiviral and antimicrobial agents have limited use
in the management of coronavirus. RDV is only re-
commended by CDC in severe cases of COVID-19, and the
use of high-dose chloroquine is discouraged. Likewise, there
are still no sufficient data to support immune-based therapy
beyond the context of clinical trials.
Author Disclosure Statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Funding Information
No funding was received for this article.
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Address correspondence to:
Prof. Areej M. Assaf
Department of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy
The University of Jordan
Amman 11942
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... Admittedly four weeks is not a large gap, and so major psychometric changes might not be expected. However, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic there has a been a steady, rapid stream of developments regarding the threat level, appropriate safety behaviors, vaccine availability, that give rise for hopes for effective treatment options of the COVID-19 [14]. The dynamically changing nature of pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options in the COVID-19 pandemic [14] may, therefore, encourage researchers to use shorter intervals between assessments in future studies to capture how the rapidly changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic may affect stress and anxiety related to the COVID-19. ...
... However, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic there has a been a steady, rapid stream of developments regarding the threat level, appropriate safety behaviors, vaccine availability, that give rise for hopes for effective treatment options of the COVID-19 [14]. The dynamically changing nature of pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options in the COVID-19 pandemic [14] may, therefore, encourage researchers to use shorter intervals between assessments in future studies to capture how the rapidly changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic may affect stress and anxiety related to the COVID-19. ...
... Further, in the current investigation we used a 4-week between assessments, which is relatively short. Future research would benefit from employing both much shorter and longer intervals to better understand how the measurement and manifestation of COVID-19 stress changes over different stretches of time in the context of a rapidly changing pandemic [14]. ...
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The COVID Stress Scales (CSS) were developed to measure stress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To further investigate the psychometric properties of the CSS, we used data collected in Poland across two waves of assessment (N = 556 at T1 and N = 264 at T2) to evaluate the factor structure, reliability (at the item and scale level), measurement invariance (across the Polish and Dutch translations of the CSS, and time), over time stability, and external associations of the Polish-language version of the CSS (CSS-PL). Overall, results suggest that the CSS-PL is psychometrically robust, largely invariant across the countries and time-lags considered. The CSS-PL was also positively related to other measures of COVID-19 fear, health anxiety, obsessive compulsive symptoms, anxiety, depression, and intent to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. This study thus provides considerable information about the CSS’s items and scales, and lays the foundation for future investigations into COVID stress across time and different populations.
... Meanwhile, in the United States, the first case in point of a man returning to Washington from Wuhan surfaces, prompting the declaration of a public health emergency [5]. ...
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Nosebleed or epistaxis is one of the most common forms of presenting an emergency in the ENT field. Since March 11, 2020, the World Health Organisation has proclaimed COVID-19 a global pandemic, and the world has been closed down. The main objective of the study is to analyse and compare the dynamics of epistaxis aetiology among the cases that required hospitalisation in the pre-pandemic period and the period of the COVID 19 pandemic. The study is multicenter retrospective from October 2018 to May 2022, including 380 cases of hospitalised epistaxis, with the mention that March 2020 is considered the beginning of the pandemic period. 60.8% of the patients enrolled in the study in the pre-pandemic period (60.8%) and 39.2% in the pandemic period. Differences between groups were not statistically significant between study entries (pre-pandemic vs. pandemic) and age (p=0.331), gender (p=0.916) or existence of local causes for epistaxis (p=0.895). Patients with general causes for epistaxis were more frequently enrolled in the pandemic period, while patients without general causes for epistaxis were more frequently enrolled in the pre-pandemic period. Patients with a hospitalisation period of more than 5 days were more frequently enrolled in the pre-pandemic period while patients with a hospitalisation period of 3 to 5 days were more frequently enrolled in the pandemic period. Also, patients with idiopathic epistaxis were more frequently enrolled in the pre-pandemic period. Based on the results presented in our study, the period of the Covid 19 pandemic directly influenced both the number of patients and the period of hospitalisation.
The world has been facing a pandemic for the past 2 years. COVID-19 still leads to millions of deaths worldwide , while deteriorating the global economy. The need for therapeutic targets, thus, remains. Interestingly, red blood cells, apart from gas exchange, also serve as modulators of innate and adaptive immunity. This function is accommodated mainly by surface molecules (proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates) and increased antioxidant capacity. However, under the circumstances of a disease state, red blood cells can become proinflammatory cells. Recent evidence has shown that, in the context of COVID-19, erythrocytes present protein oxidation, decreased antioxidant capacity, increased glycolysis, altered membrane lipidome, increased binding of Cytosine-Guanine (CpG) DNA and complement proteins, and low CD47 levels. These changes lead to an erythrocyte-dependent inflammation, which possibly participates in the hyperinflammation status of COVID-19. The current knowledge for the dysfunction of red blood cells during COVID-19 implies that the BAND3 protein and toll-like receptor 9 are potential therapeutic targets for COVID-19.
Background Lack of definitive cure for COVID-19 and the late introduction of a vaccine were responsible to push the general public to look for a remedy to treat or prevent COVID-19. The objective of this study was to evaluate patterns and factors that affect self-medication practices in Jordan during the pandemic. Methods This was a cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire that was developed, piloted and distributed to the general public via various social media platforms. The questionnaire assessed the type of drugs and treatments used to self -medicate, the reasons behind their self- medication, and the factors affecting their practices. Results A total of 1179 participants (females 46.4%) with a mean age of 32 (SD=12.5) completed the questionnaire. The overall prevalence of the use of at least one product to treat or prevent COVID-19 was 80.4 %. The most commonly used products to self-medicate were vitamin C (57.6%), followed by paracetamol (51.9%), zinc (44.8%) and vitamin D (32.5%). Female gender (odds ratio [OR]) = 1.603, working in the medical field (OR =1.697), and history of COVID-19 infection (OR =2.026) were variables associated with self-medication. The most common sources of participants’ information about drugs to prevent or treat COVID-19 were newspapers (n=519, 44.0%), followed by pharmacists (43.4%), friends (33.8%) and internet searching such as Google (30.7%). Conclusion This study identified the main drugs and supplements used during COVID-19 and the motives behind their use. It also identified the most influential source of information on the public during the pandemic. Self-medication can lead to worsening of the patient’s health and delay seeking medical advice from healthcare professionals. Efforts should be done to help mitigate risks of self-medications by active involvement of pharmacists and other members of healthcare team to refute false claims about drug, especially in the media.
Background Lack of definitive cure for COVID-19 and the late introduction of a vaccine were responsible to push the general public to look for a remedy to treat or prevent COVID-19. The objective of this study was to evaluate patterns and factors that affect self-medication practices in Jordan during the pandemic. Methods This was a cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire that was developed, piloted and distributed to the general public via various social media platforms. The questionnaire assessed the type of drugs and treatments used to self -medicate, the reasons behind their self- medication, and the factors affecting their practices. Results A total of 1179 participants (females 46.4%) with a mean age of 32 (SD=12.5) completed the questionnaire. The overall prevalence of the use of at least one product to treat or prevent COVID-19 was 80.4 %. The most commonly used products to self-medicate were vitamin C (57.6%), followed by paracetamol (51.9%), zinc (44.8%) and vitamin D (32.5%). Female gender (odds ratio [OR]) = 1.603, working in the medical field (OR =1.697), and history of COVID-19 infection (OR =2.026) were variables associated with self-medication. The most common sources of participants’ information about drugs to prevent or treat COVID-19 were newspapers (n=519, 44.0%), followed by pharmacists (43.4%), friends (33.8%) and internet searching such as Google (30.7%). Conclusion This study identified the main drugs and supplements used during COVID-19 and the motives behind their use. It also identified the most influential source of information on the public during the pandemic. Self-medication can lead to worsening of the patient’s health and delay seeking medical advice from healthcare professionals. Efforts should be done to help mitigate risks of self-medications by active involvement of pharmacists and other members of healthcare team to refute false claims about drug, especially in the media.
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In a historical context, the term Libya has a really long tradition. Herodotus, for example, used it to describe an area that covers the Northern part of Africa between the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Red Sea in the east. At that time, Libya was known to be a separate continent, the third one besides Europe and Asia.
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The map “Important Caravan Tracks and Oases” offers an overview of the progression of the most significant caravan and pilgrim routes and local trading routes. It reveals the location of the most important oases in present-day Libya.
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This open access book provides a multi-perspective approach to the caravan trade in the Sahara during the 19th century. Based on travelogues from European travelers, recently found Arab sources, historical maps and results from several expeditions, the book gives an overview of the historical periods of the caravan trade as well as detailed information about the infrastructure which was necessary to establish those trade networks. Included are a variety of unique historical and recent maps as well as remote sensing images of the important trade routes and the corresponding historic oases. To give a deeper understanding of how those trading networks work, aspects such as culturally influenced concepts of spatial orientation are discussed. The book aims to be a useful reference for the caravan trade in the Sahara, that can be recommended both to students and to specialists and researchers in the field of Geography, History and African Studies. Link:
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Antibody (Ab) responses to SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in most infected individuals 10-15 days following the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. However, due to the recent emergence of this virus in the human population it is not yet known how long these Ab responses will be maintained or whether they will provide protection from re-infection. Using sequential serum samples collected up to 94 days post onset of symptoms (POS) from 65 RT-qPCR confirmed SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals, we show seroconversion in >95% of cases and neutralizing antibody (nAb) responses when sampled beyond 8 days POS. We demonstrate that the magnitude of the nAb response is dependent upon the disease severity, but this does not affect the kinetics of the nAb response. Declining nAb titres were observed during the follow up period. Whilst some individuals with high peak ID 50 (>10,000) maintained titres >1,000 at >60 days POS, some with lower peak ID 50 had titres approaching baseline within the follow up period. A similar decline in nAb titres was also observed in a cohort of seropositive healthcare workers from Guy′s and St Thomas′ Hospitals. We suggest that this transient nAb response is a feature shared by both a SARS-CoV-2 infection that causes low disease severity and the circulating seasonal coronaviruses that are associated with common colds. This study has important implications when considering widespread serological testing, Ab protection against re-infection with SARS-CoV-2 and the durability of vaccine protection.
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Purpose: Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is an acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is emerged in Wuhan, and recently become worldwide pandemic. Strangely, ample evidences have been shown that the severity of COVID-19 infections varies widely from children (asymptomatic), adults (mild infection), as well as elderly adults (deadly critical). It has proven that COVID-19 infection in some elderly critical adults leads to a cytokine storm, which is characterized by severe systemic elevation of several pro-inflammatory cytokines. Then, a cytokine storm can induce edematous, ARDS, pneumonia, as well as multiple organ failure in aged patients. It is far from clear till now why cytokine storm induces in only COVID-19 elderly patients, and not in young patients. However, it seems that aging is associated with mild elevated levels of local and systemic pro-inflammatory cytokines, which is characterized by "inflamm-aging". It is highly likely that "inflamm-aging" is correlated to increased risk of a cytokine storm in some critical elderly patients with COVID-19 infection. Methods: A systematic search in the literature was performed in PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, as well as Google Scholar pre-print database using all available MeSH terms for COVID-19, Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, senescent cell, cytokine storm, inflame-aging, ACE2 receptor, autophagy, and Vitamin D. Electronic database searches combined and duplicates were removed. Results: The aim of the present review was to summarize experimental data and clinical observations that linked the pathophysiology mechanisms of "inflamm-aging", mild-grade inflammation, and cytokine storm in some elderly adults with severe COVID-19 infection.
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The recent COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our lives and has rapidly expanded to reach more than 4 million cases worldwide by May 2020. These cases are characterized by extreme variability, from a mild or asymptomatic form lasting for a few days up to severe forms of interstitial pneumonia that may require ventilatory therapy and can lead to patient death.Several hypotheses have been drawn up to understand the role of the interaction between the infectious agent and the immune system in the development of the disease and the most severe forms; the role of the cytokine storm seems important.Innate immunity, as one of the first elements of guest interaction with different infectious agents, could play an important role in the development of the cytokine storm and be responsible for boosting more severe forms. Therefore, it seems important to study also this important arm of the immune system to adequately understand the pathogenesis of the disease. Research on this topic is also needed to develop therapeutic strategies for treatment of this disease.
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The recent COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our lives and has rapidly expanded to reach more than 4 million cases worldwide by May 2020. These cases are characterized by extreme variability, from a mild or asymptomatic form lasting for a few days up to severe forms of interstitial pneumonia that may require ventilatory therapy and can lead to patient death. Several hypotheses have been drawn up to understand the role of the interaction between the infectious agent and the immune system in the development of the disease and the most severe forms; the role of the cytokine storm seems important. Innate immunity, as one of the first elements of guest interaction with different infectious agents, could play an important role in the development of the cytokine storm and be responsible for boosting more severe forms. Therefore, it seems important to study also this important arm of the immune system to adequately understand the pathogenesis of the disease. Research on this topic is also needed to develop therapeutic strategies for treatment of this disease.
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Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of patients with moderate coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods: We prospectively enrolled 30 treatment-naïve patients with confirmed COVID-19 after informed consent at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. The patients were randomized 1:1 to HCQ group and the control group. Patients in HCQ group were given HCQ 400 mg per day for 5 days plus conventional treatments, while those in the control group were given conventional treatment only. The primary endpoint was negative conversion rate of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid in respiratory pharyngeal swab on days 7 after randomization. This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and registered online (NCT04261517). Results: One patient in HCQ group developed to severe during the treatment. On day 7, nucleic acid of throat swabs was negative in 13 (86.7%) cases in the HCQ group and 14 (93.3%) cases in the control group (P>0.05). The median duration from hospitalization to virus nucleic acid negative conservation was 4 (1,9) days in HCQ group, which is comparable to that in the control group [2 (1,4) days, Z=1.27, P>0.05]. The median time for body temperature normalization in HCQ group was 1 (0,2) day after hospitalization, which was also comparable to that in the control group [1 (0,3) day]. Radiological progression was shown on CT images in 5 cases (33.3%) of the HCQ group and 7 cases (46.7%) of the control group, and all patients showed improvement in follow-up examinations. Four cases (26.7%) of the HCQ group and 3 cases (20%) of the control group had transient diarrhea and abnormal liver function (P>0.05). Conclusions: The prognosis of COVID-19 moderate patients is good. Larger sample size study are needed to investigate the effects of HCQ in the treatment of COVID-19. Subsequent research should determine better endpoint and fully consider the feasibility of experiments such as sample size.
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SARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus that is the causative agent of coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19). As of 17 April 2020, it has infected 2 114 269 people, resulting in 145 144 deaths. The timing, magnitude and longevity of humoral immunity is not yet understood for SARS-CoV-2. Nevertheless, understanding this is urgently required to inform the likely future dynamics of the pandemic, to guide strategies to allow relaxation of social distancing measures and to understand how to deploy limiting vaccine doses when they become available to achieve maximum impact. SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh human coronavirus to be described. Four human coronaviruses circulate seasonally and cause common colds. Two other coronaviruses, SARS and MERS, have crossed from animal sources into humans but have not become endemic. Here we review what is known about the human humoral immune response to epidemic SARS CoV and MERS CoV and to the seasonal, endemic coronaviruses. Then we summarize recent, mostly non-peer reviewed, studies into SARS-CoV-2 serology and reinfection in humans and non-human primates and summarize current pressing research needs.
Background: Convalescent plasma and hyperimmune immunoglobulin may reduce mortality in patients with viral respiratory diseases, and are currently being investigated in trials as potential therapy for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A thorough understanding of the current body of evidence regarding the benefits and risks is required. OBJECTIVES: To continually assess, as more evidence becomes available, whether convalescent plasma or hyperimmune immunoglobulin transfusion is effective and safe in treatment of people with COVID-19. Search methods: We searched the World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Global Research Database, MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane COVID-19 Study Register, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Research Article Database and trial registries to identify completed and ongoing studies on 19 August 2020. Selection criteria: We followed standard Cochrane methodology. We included studies evaluating convalescent plasma or hyperimmune immunoglobulin for people with COVID-19, irrespective of study design, disease severity, age, gender or ethnicity. We excluded studies including populations with other coronavirus diseases (severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)) and studies evaluating standard immunoglobulin. Data collection and analysis: We followed standard Cochrane methodology. To assess bias in included studies, we used the Cochrane 'Risk of bias' 2.0 tool for randomised controlled trials (RCTs), the Risk of Bias in Non-randomised Studies - of Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool for controlled non-randomised studies of interventions (NRSIs), and the assessment criteria for observational studies, provided by Cochrane Childhood Cancer for non-controlled NRSIs. We rated the certainty of evidence using the GRADE approach for the following outcomes: all-cause mortality at hospital discharge, mortality (time to event), improvement of clinical symptoms (7, 15, and 30 days after transfusion), grade 3 and 4 adverse events (AEs), and serious adverse events (SAEs). Main results: This is the second living update of our review. We included 19 studies (2 RCTs, 8 controlled NRSIs, 9 non-controlled NRSIs) with 38,160 participants, of whom 36,081 received convalescent plasma. Two completed RCTs are awaiting assessment (published after 19 August 2020). We identified a further 138 ongoing studies evaluating convalescent plasma or hyperimmune immunoglobulin, of which 73 are randomised (3 reported in a study registry as already being completed, but without results). We did not identify any completed studies evaluating hyperimmune immunoglobulin. We did not include data from controlled NRSIs in data synthesis because of critical risk of bias. The overall certainty of evidence was low to very low, due to study limitations and results including both potential benefits and harms. Effectiveness of convalescent plasma for people with COVID-19 We included results from two RCTs (both stopped early) with 189 participants, of whom 95 received convalescent plasma. Control groups received standard care at time of treatment without convalescent plasma. We are uncertain whether convalescent plasma decreases all-cause mortality at hospital discharge (risk ratio (RR) 0.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.22 to 1.34; 1 RCT, 86 participants; low-certainty evidence). We are uncertain whether convalescent plasma decreases mortality (time to event) (hazard ratio (HR) 0.64, 95% CI 0.33 to 1.25; 2 RCTs, 189 participants; low-certainty evidence). Convalescent plasma may result in little to no difference in improvement of clinical symptoms (i.e. need for respiratory support) at seven days (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.30 to 3.19; 1 RCT, 103 participants; low-certainty evidence). Convalescent plasma may increase improvement of clinical symptoms at up to 15 days (RR 1.34, 95% CI 0.85 to 2.11; 2 RCTs, 189 participants; low-certainty evidence), and at up to 30 days (RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.88 to 1.43; 2 studies, 188 participants; low-certainty evidence). No studies reported on quality of life. Safety of convalescent plasma for people with COVID-19 We included results from two RCTs, eight controlled NRSIs and nine non-controlled NRSIs assessing safety of convalescent plasma. Reporting of safety data and duration of follow-up was variable. The controlled studies reported on AEs and SAEs only in participants receiving convalescent plasma. Some, but not all, studies included death as a SAE. The studies did not report the grade of AEs. Fourteen studies (566 participants) reported on AEs of possible grade 3 or 4 severity. The majority of these AEs were allergic or respiratory events. We are very uncertain whether convalescent plasma therapy affects the risk of moderate to severe AEs (very low-certainty evidence). 17 studies (35,944 participants) assessed SAEs for 20,622 of its participants. The majority of participants were from one non-controlled NRSI (20,000 participants), which reported on SAEs within the first four hours and within an additional seven days after transfusion. There were 63 deaths, 12 were possibly and one was probably related to transfusion. There were 146 SAEs within four hours and 1136 SAEs within seven days post-transfusion. These were predominantly allergic or respiratory, thrombotic or thromboembolic and cardiac events. We are uncertain whether convalescent plasma therapy results in a clinically relevant increased risk of SAEs (low-certainty evidence). Authors' conclusions: We are uncertain whether convalescent plasma is beneficial for people admitted to hospital with COVID-19. There was limited information regarding grade 3 and 4 AEs to determine the effect of convalescent plasma therapy on clinically relevant SAEs. In the absence of a control group, we are unable to assess the relative safety of convalescent plasma therapy. While major efforts to conduct research on COVID-19 are being made, recruiting the anticipated number of participants into these studies is problematic. The early termination of the first two RCTs investigating convalescent plasma, and the lack of data from 20 studies that have completed or were due to complete at the time of this update illustrate these challenges. Well-designed studies should be prioritised. Moreover, studies should report outcomes in the same way, and should consider the importance of maintaining comparability in terms of co-interventions administered in all study arms. There are 138 ongoing studies evaluating convalescent plasma and hyperimmune immunoglobulin, of which 73 are RCTs (three already completed). This is the second living update of the review, and we will continue to update this review periodically. Future updates may show different results to those reported here.
T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 was observed in unexposed people; however, the source and clinical relevance of the reactivity remains unknown. It is speculated that this reflects T cell memory to circulating ‘common cold’ coronaviruses. It will be important to define specificities of these T cells and assess their association with COVID-19 disease severity and vaccine responses. Recent studies have shown T cell reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 in 20–50% of unexposed individuals; it is speculated that this is due to T cell memory to common cold coronaviruses. Here, Crotty and Sette discuss the potential implications of these findings for disease severity, herd immunity and vaccine development.