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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Reduction of Secondary Brain Damage in Head Injury: An Animal Model of Brain Contusion

  • Israel Naval Medical Institute


Cerebral contusions are one the most frequent traumatic lesions and the most common indication for secondary surgical decompression. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiology of perilesional secondary brain damage and evaluate the value of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in the treatment of these lesions. Five groups of five Sprague-Dawley rats each were submitted to dynamic cortical deformation (DCD) induced by negative pressure applied to the cortex. Cerebral lesions produced by DCD at the vacuum site proved to be reproducible. The study protocol entailed the following: (1) DCD alone, (2) DCD and HBOT, (3) DCD and post-operative hypoxia and HBOT, (4) DCD, post-operative hypoxia and HBOT, and (5) DCD and normobaric hyperoxia. Animals were sacrificed after 4 days. Histological sections showed localized gross tissue loss in the cortex at injury site, along with hemorrhage. In all cases, the severity of secondary brain damage was assessed by counting the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) and caspase 3-positive cells in successive perilesional layers, each 0.5 mm thick. Perilesional TUNEL positive cells suggested the involvement of apoptosis in group 1 (12.24% of positive cells in layer 1). These findings were significantly enhanced by post-operative hypoxia (31.75%, p < 0.001). HBOT significantly reduced the severity and extent of secondary brain damage expressed by the number of TUNEL positive cells in each layer and the volume of the lesion (4.7% and 9% of TUNEL positive cells in layer 1 in groups 2 and 4 respectively, p < 0.0001 and p < 0.003). Normobaric hyperoxia also proved to be beneficial although in a lesser extent. This study demonstrates that the vacuum model of brain injury is a reproducible model of cerebral contusion. The current findings also suggest that HBOT may limit the growth of cerebral contusions and justify further experimental studies.
Volume 21, Number 1, 2004
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Pp. 41–48
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Reduction of
Secondary Brain Damage in Head Injury:
An Animal Model of Brain Contusion
Cerebral contusions are one the most frequent traumatic lesions and the most common indication
for secondary surgical decompression. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiology
of perilesional secondary brain damage and evaluate the value of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
in the treatment of these lesions. Five groups of five Sprague-Dawley rats each were submitted to
dynamic cortical deformation (DCD) induced by negative pressure applied to the cortex. Cerebral
lesions produced by DCD at the vacuum site proved to be reproducible. The study protocol entailed
the following: (1) DCD alone, (2) DCD and HBOT, (3) DCD and post-operative hypoxia and HBOT,
(4) DCD, post-operative hypoxia and HBOT, and (5) DCD and normobaric hyperoxia. Animals were
sacrificed after 4 days. Histological sections showed localized gross tissue loss in the cortex at in-
jury site, along with hemorrhage. In all cases, the severity of secondary brain damage was assessed
by counting the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling
(TUNEL) and caspase 3–positive cells in successive perilesional layers, each 0.5 mm thick. Perile-
sional TUNEL positive cells suggested the involvement of apoptosis in group 1 (12.24% of positive
cells in layer 1). These findings were significantly enhanced by post-operative hypoxia (31.75%, p ,
0.001). HBOT significantly reduced the severity and extent of secondary brain damage expressed
by the number of TUNEL positive cells in each layer and the volume of the lesion (4.7% and 9%
of TUNEL positive cells in layer 1 in groups 2 and 4 respectively, p,0.0001 and p,0.003). Nor-
mobaric hyperoxia also proved to be beneficial although in a lesser extent. This study demonstrates
that the vacuum model of brain injury is a reproducible model of cerebral contusion. The current
findings also suggest that HBOT may limit the growth of cerebral contusions and justify further ex-
perimental studies.
Key words: apoptosis; cerebral contusion; head injury; hyperbaric oxygen; secondary brain damage
1Division of Neurosurgery and Acute Brain Research Laboratory, Rambam Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, The Tech-
nion, Haifa, Israel.
2Department of Pathology, Rambam Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Haifa, Israel.
3Israel Naval Medical Institute, Marine Corps, Israel Defense Force, Haifa, Israel.
CERE BRA L CONT USIO NS AR E ONE of the most common
clinical findings following traumatic brain injury
(TBI) and are responsible for significant mortality (Teas-
dale and Mathew, 1997). Cerebral contusions most often
occur on the basal aspect of frontal and temporal lobes
and are commonly related to differential motion of the
brain over the skull base during dynamic loads to the head
(Gennarelli 1993). Despite multiple forensic and radio-
logical studies characterizing their epidemiological and
pathological aspects, cerebral contusions remain a seri-
ous threat due to their unique evolving clinical course.
Relatively little is known about the mechanisms under-
lying growth of cerebral contusions. Pathologically cere-
bral contusions are characterized as a central area of he-
morrhagic necrosis surrounded by a perilesional region
often referred to as the traumatic penumbra in which both
excitotoxic and ischemic events eventually lead to de-
layed neuronal death. As such, cerebral contusions offer
a suitable lesion for the investigation of the adverse con-
sequences of secondary traumatic brain damage. Patho-
logically, cerebral contusions share several similarities
with ischemic stroke, characterized as well by central
necrosis and perilesional penumbra (Leker and Shohami,
2002). Ischemic as well as post traumatic penumbra are
characterized as potentially viable tissue exposed to sec-
ondary deleterious events wherein energy failure is
prominent. In this regard, increasing attention has been
recently drawn to the beneficial effect of hyperbaric oxy-
gen therapy (HBOT) for the reduction of delayed neu-
ronal death (Neubauer et al., 1994). However, conflict-
ing results regarding the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen
have also been reported (Nighoghossian and Trouillas,
1997). In spite of a few, supportive laboratory (Calvert
et al., 2002; Wada et al., 2000) and clinical studies
(Neubauer et al., 1994; Rockswold et al., 2001) the over-
all protective influence of HBOT remains controversial.
In the present study, we attempted to evaluate the po-
tential value of HBOT as a treatment for reduction of sec-
ondary traumatic brain damage in a rat model of focal
cerebral contusion.
Model of Traumatic Brain Injury
The technique of cortical dynamic deformation (DCD)
is based on that thoroughly described by Shreiber et al.
(Shreiber et al., 1999). Sprague-Dawley rats weighing
370–430 g were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection
of chloral hydrate 40% (1 mg/kg). During surgery, core
temperature was maintained by surface heating. A scalp
incision was performed, and a 5-mm-diameter burr hole
was drilled in the left parietal region. Under magnifica-
tion, the dura was torn and a hollow screw was connected
to the burr hole sealed with bone wax (Fig. 1). A nega-
tive pressure of 400 mbar (0.605 ATA) was applied to
the cortical surface for 10 sec by a digitally controlled
vacuum pump through the screw. The skin was then su-
tured and the animal allowed to resume normal activity
for 3 days. The experimental procedure was approved by
the Animal Care Committee of the Israel Ministry of De-
fence, and the rats were handled in accordance with in-
ternationally accepted humane standards.
Twenty-five rats were divided into five groups as fol-
lows: (1) DCD alone, (2) DCD and HBOT, (3) DCD-hy-
poxemia, (4) DCD-hypoxemia and HBOT, and (5) DCD
and normobaric hyperoxia.
In order to assess the clinical relevance of the model
and the impact of posttraumatic hypoxemia on secondary
brain damage, prepared animals were exposed to mild
hypoxemia. Animals were placed in a closed chamber
filled and constantly flushed with an air mixture designed
to produce a mild hypoxemia defined by oxygen satura-
tion (SaO2) ranging between 82% and 86% at atmos-
pheric pressure (Arieli et al., 1994). Exposure to hypox-
emia continued for 60 min and was carried out under
continuous SaO2monitoring (Datex Engstrom Instru-
ments, Finland) and the air mixture by means of mass
spectrometer (QP 9000, Morgan Medicals, Rainham,
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and
Normobaric Hyperoxia
Treated animals were placed in a 150-L pressure cham-
ber (Roberto Galeazzi, La Spezia, Italy) and received
HBOT 3 h after injury and thereafter twice every day for
three consecutive days. During each treatment 100% oxy-
gen was delivered at 1 absolute atmosphere (ATA) for
normobaric hyperoxia and 2.8 ATA for HBOT during
two consecutive sessions of 45 min each. Between the
two sessions, a pause of 5 min was made, during which
oxygen was replaced by room air in order to prevent oxy-
gen toxicity and its complications. During HBOT, ambi-
ent temperature was monitored and maintained at 25°C.
Air mixture and humidity were continuously monitored
as well.
Pathological Assessment
At the fourth post-operative day, the animals were re-
anesthetized and transcardially perfused with heparinized
saline, 10% sucrose in a buffered saline and 4% buffered
FIG. 1. TUNEL-positive cells were divided into two groups: type I characterized by densely stained cells retaining their pre-
vious nuclear shape (arrow) and type II identified by nuclear staining with chromatine condensation (arrow head). Since type I
cells are usually considered to be non-apoptotic cells, only type II were taken into account for analysis.
FIG. 3. Caspase-3 staining could be found in few glial cells with pyknotic nuclei though most prominently in macrophages sur-
rounding the necrotic area (arrows).
FIG. 2. Macroscopic appearance of the focal injury produced by the dynamic cortical deformation model in a coronal section.
formaldehyde. Brains were post fixed by immersion into
4% buffered formaldehyde for 72 h and then removed
from the skull. Brains were sectioned through the area of
the produced lesion and embedded in paraffin. Histolog-
ical sections of 5 mm in thickness were cut through
mounted brain cross-sections and stained in hematoxylin
and eosin.
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP
nick end labeling (TUNEL) assays were used for quanti-
tative evaluation of the post-traumatic penumbra. For this
purpose, paraffin sections were stained by in-situ cell death
detection kit (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Ger-
many) according to manufacturer’s protocols. TUNEL-
positive cells were then divided into two groups accord-
ing to previous studies (Smith et al., 2000; O’Dell et al.,
2000): type I characterized by densely stained cells re-
taining their previous nuclear shape and type II identified
by nuclear staining with chromatin condensation (Fig. 1).
Since type I cells are considered to be non apoptotic cells,
only type II were analysized. Positive cells were counted
in five successive perilesional layers each 0.5 mm wide,
using an ocular micrometer. For each layer, the number of
positive cells was expressed as a percentage of the total
positive cells within the same layer as an attempt to nor-
malize the possible variations in cell density in different
layers and different areas. Cells were counted in two con-
secutive sections for each animal. In order to provide fur-
ther evidence for apoptosis as part of the secondary cell
death, paraffin sections were also stained for active Cas-
pase 3 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) according to
manufacturer’s protocols with microwave antigen retrieval
(5 min at 95°). To demonstrate the neuronal, glial or
macrophage origin of the cells, consecutive sections were
stained for immunohistochemical markers Synaptophisin
(Zymed, San Francisco, CA), GFAP, and CD68 (DAKO,
Carpinteria, CA).
Statistical Analysis
TUNEL-positive cell indices in the different groups
were compared separately for each layer using Student’s
ttest and analysis of variance (ANOVA). A pvalue of
less than 0.05 was considered be statistically significant.
Structural Changes
Cortical dynamic deformation model produced a wedge-
shaped, highly reproducible lesion involving the parietal
cortex and the subcortical white matter (Fig. 2). Grossly,
the lesion was characterized by central cavitation en-
compassed by a zone of hemorrhagic necrosis ranging in
diameter from 2.5 31.0 to 4.2 31.7 mm. This zone was
well delineated from the surrounding tissue. Microscop-
ically, the necrotic area was surrounded by a rim of
macrophages. Fresh hemorrhage was routinely present
within and around the necrotic area. Few neurons and
glial cells with pyknotic nuclei were usually found adja-
cent to the area of necrosis. No structural damage, how-
ever, could be discerned remote from the injury site be-
yond 2.5 mm.
TUNEL a ssay. The number and dispersion of
TUNEL-positive cells are summarized in Table 1. Sec-
ondary cell death is expressed in each group by the
mean TUNEL-positive cell index for each layer. In an-
imals exposed to DCD only, the TUNEL-positive cell
index was 12.2% in the first layer, whereas no TUNEL-
positive cells could be found beyond 1.5 mm from the
injury focus.
Caspase assay. At the fourth post-operative day, Cas-
pase-3 staining could be found in scattered glial cells with
pyknotic nuclei prominently in macrophages surround-
ing the necrotic area (Fig. 3). Accordingly, no quantita-
tive analysis were performed using the TUNEL assay.
Hypoxemia caused a profound lesion enhancement,
with a significant increase in the TUNEL-positive cell in-
dex in each layer, expanding from 12.2% to 31.8% (p,
0.02) with an enlargement of the damaged area to cover
five successive layers–that is, 2.5 mm (Table 1).
HBOT induced a significant decrease in both the ra-
dius and severity of brain damage following DCD
(Table 1, p,0.002). The lesion surface was signifi-
cantly reduced from 5.9 62.2 mm2in non-treated an-
imal s to 2.3 60.6 mm2(p,0.02) in treated animals.
In animals exposed to post-traumatic hypoxemia, re-
duction of lesion volume and severity by HBOT was
even more pronounced than after DCD alone. The
TUNEL-positive cell index in the first layer was re-
duced by 53% in the former group (DCD alone, p,
0.002) and 71.7% in the latter (Table 1, p,0.02). In
animals treated by normobaric hyperoxia, a similar
trend of reduction in the number of TUNEL-positive
cells in the different layers could be demonstrated, al-
though to a lesser extent than seen with HBOT (9.3%
at 0.5 mm, p,0.001, Table 1).
Cerebral contusions are one of the most common clin-
ical findings following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and
are responsible for significant mortality (Teasdale and
Mathew, 1997). Among those patients harboring CT find-
ings compatible with cerebral contusions on admission,
many show progressive clinical deterioration. This neg-
ative neurological trend is commonly associated with a
significant growth of the contusion on follow-up imag-
ing studies (Kobayashi et al., 1983). Most authors have
argued that perilesional ischemia, either induced by re-
duced cerebral perfusion pressure (Bullock et al., 1992;
Roper et al., 1991) or vascular injury (Matthews et al.,
1995) is likely to account for contusion growth although
the mechanisms underlying evolving contusions remain
speculative in nature, hence the need for further investi-
In an attempt to create an animal model of focal cere-
bral contusion without associated diffuse brain injury,
Shreiber et al. (1999) showed that cerebral lesions pro-
duced by a transient non-ablative vacuum pulse applied
to the exposed cerebral cortex were structurally similar
to those observed in clinical conditions. As such and de-
spite the obvious disparity with the clinical situation, the
model described by these authors seems to be a valid lab-
oratory model for studying cerebral contusions and as-
sociated evolving damage. In our study, DCD yielded
findings similar to that reported by Shreiber et al. (1999).
Both macroscopic appearance of hemorrhagic necrosis
and microscopic findings of pyknotic neurons and ery-
throcytic and macrophagic infiltrates were close to that
of the clinical situation. A perilesional penumbra could
be clearly delineated and differentiated from spared sur-
rounding brain tissue justifying the selection of this
model for the investigation of focal traumatic brain in-
jury. The validity of the model was further supported by
the profound worsening of pathogical findings noted in
animals exposed to secondary hypoxia as previously re-
ported in numerous clinical studies (Puka-Sundvall et al.,
1997; Calvert et al., 2002).
In order to quantify and investigate secondary cell
death, the TUNEL method was used. Indeed, attention
has recently been drawn on TUNEL-positive staining of
cerebral contusions in both laboratory and clinical set-
tings (Smith et al., 2000; Ng et al., 2000; O’Dell et al.,
2000). Since the report of Gavrieli et al. (1992), DNA
fragmentation as determined by the TUNEL method has
been linked to programmed cell death and increasing ev-
idence has been accumulating on the involvement of the
apoptotic process in the delayed post-traumatic neuronal
death (Ng et al., 2000; O’Dell et al., 2000; Smith et al.
2000). As such, the present findings further corroborate
that apoptosis may contribute to secondary brain damage
Radius from the focus of injury 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 1.5 2
Percent of apoptotic cells 12.2 6.4 1.6 0 0 4.70 0 0
Standard deviation 1.2 2.9 1.5 0 0 3 00 0
DCD 1Hypoxia DCD 1Hypoxia 1HBOT
Radius from the focus of injury 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 1.5 2
Percent of apoptotic cells 31.826.817.5 4.3 0 9 2.
0.5 0
Standard deviation 12.6 11.4 9.3 4.3 4.2 7 2.8 1 0
DCD 1Normobaric hyperoxia
Radius from the focus of injury 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Percent of apoptotic cells 9.3 o+3.7o+0.7 0 0
Standard deviation 1.9 1.7 0.7 0 0
This table summarizes the percentage of TUNEL type 2 positive cells (apoptotic cells) in the perilesional area for the five groups.
This area was divided into five consecutive layers of 0.5 mm in width.
p,0.001 comparison between DCD and DCD 1HBOT at the first layer.
p,0.001 comparison between DCD and DCD 1hypoxia at the first and second layer.
p,0.001 comparison between DCD 1hypoxia and DCD 1hypoxia 1HBOT at the first three layers.
+p,0.001 comparison between DCD and DCD 1normobaric oxygen therapy in layer 1 and 2.
in cerebral contusions. TUNEL staining, however, may
not be necessarily conclusive of apoptosis as the cause
of delayed neuronal death and several studies have pro-
vided evidence that positive TUNEL staining can also be
associated with necrotic process (Charriaut-Marlangue
and Ben-Ari, 1995; Gwag et al., 1997; Zipfel et al., 2000).
In this regard, the presence of Caspase-3–positive cyto-
plasmic inclusions in macrophages in the present model
reinforces the involvement of apoptosis in secondary neu-
ron death, assuming that those inclusions are secondary
to phagocytosis of dying cells by stained macrophages.
Considering the late involvement of Caspase-3 in the
apoptotic process, it seems safe to assume that necrosis
is not responsible for death in such instance. This find-
ing, however, does not allow a relative quantification of
apoptosis vs. necrosis, as the histological assessment was
relatively late in respect to the Caspase-activity time
course. It has been shown that Caspase-3 activity fol-
lowing brain injury peaks at 6 h after injury and resolves
within 72 h (Beer et al., 2000; Keane et al., 2001). In the
present study, pathological evaluations were made on the
fourth day of injury so that only sparse activity could be
revealed, prominently in macrophages.
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
shown in the present study is somewhat ambiguous. Links
to necrosis, have been claimed by several authors fol-
lowing both head injury and ischemic stroke (Veltkamp
et al., 2000; Rockswold et al., 2001). The energy failure
characterizing the ultra-early phase following acute brain
injury fits with the potential benefit of HBOT. Cerebral
blood flow has been documented to be significantly re-
duced in the initial post-traumatic period both in animal
models (Thomale, 2002; Eriskat et al., 1997) and in hu-
mans (Martin 1997). Compromised oxygen delivery may
subsequently result in impaired mitochondrial respira-
tion leading in turn to increased lactate production and
reduced ATP production (Zauner, 2002; Inao et al.,
1988; Goodman et al., 1999; Krishnappa et al., 1999).
Energy failure may eventually account for increased
membrane permeability, massive calcium entry and fi-
nally neuronal death (Faden et al., 1989; Choi, 1988).
In hyperbaric conditions, oxygen concentration in the
cell vicinity is markedly increased due to improved dif-
fusion gradient (Davis et al., 1973; Hunt et al., 1978).
Another possible explanation for anti-necrosis effect of
HBOT in head injury is the redistribution of cerebral
blood flow. Several authors noted a decrease in cere-
bral blood flow in hyperbaric conditions and have re-
lated this decrease either to vasoconstriction (Dem-
chenko et al., 1998; Kohshi et al., 1991) or nitric oxide
inactivation (Demchenko et al., 2000). Since both mech-
anisms would imply normal autoregulation, relative post
traumatic vasoparalysis may result in redistribution of
CBF towards injured areas. Oxidative stress with para-
doxical antioxidant effect have been also advocated to
explain the protective effect of HBOT in acute brain in-
jury. In an animal model of ischemic stroke, Wada et
al. demonstrated a protective effect of repeated HBOT
exposure and related this improved tolerance to is-
chemia to increased production of manganese superox-
yde dismutase (Mn-SOD), most likely due to the initial
oxidative stress induced by HBOT (Wada et al., 2000).
Over expression of antioxidants such as superoxide dis-
mutase may in turn result in reduced excitatory-induced
brain damage. In rat hippocampal slices exposed to hy-
poxia, Pellegrini-Giampietro et al. showed that gluta-
mate release could be significantly reduced by super-
oxide dismutase (Pellegrini-Giampetro et al., 1990).
In contrast to the current communication, the protec-
tive effect of HBOT has not been attributed to reduced
apoptosic activity as suggested by the findings of the
present study. In this regard, although apoptosis and
necrosis are commonly considered two distinct patho-
logical entities, they are intimately interconnected
(Kane et al., 1993). Several insults may trigger both
death mechanisms and each mechanism may influence
the course of the other. For instance, release of cy-
tochrome c, a compound involved in the intrinsic apop-
tosis pathway, has been shown to be associated with in-
creased free radical production (Murphy, 1999).
Conversely, overexpression of Bcl-2, a gene associated
with anti-apoptotic activity, has been found to be re-
sponsible for decrease of superoxide production (Cai
and Jones, 1998) and to protect from free radical-in-
duced damage (Kane et al., 1993). Interestingly, Wada
et al. showed that repeated exposure to HBOT in ger-
bils resulted in Bcl-2 over expression in addition to the
antioxidative effect previously discussed (Wada et al.,
2000). As such, the reduced apoptosis in our model may
have been linked to a decreased production of free rad-
icals via either improved membrane integrity, reduced
calcium entry, improved energy balance or enhanced
antioxidant production (Lewen et al., 2000).
Although the mechanisms by which HBOT may be
beneficial remain speculative, the results of the present
study demonstrate a definite reduction of the extent and
severity of secondary brain damage through this ap-
proach. Indeed, treated animals revealed lesions less than
half the surface area of non-treated animals, with the
number of TUNEL positive cells declining to one third
of that observed in non-treated animals. Although high
pressure HBOT was used in this study, normobaric hy-
peroxia also proved to be beneficial. This observation
supports previous studies of normobaric hyperoxia in is-
chemia (Singhal et al., 2002), suggesting that less rigor-
ous HBOT approaches may prove useful in the clinical
setting, making the implementation of HBOT easier in
critically ill patients.
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Address reprint requests to:
Jean F. Soustiel, M.D.
Division of Neurosurgery and Acute Brain Injury
Research Laboratory
Rambam Medical Center
The Technion
P.O. Box 9602
Haifa 31096, Israel
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... HBOT intervention was executed per our previous works [30,42] in a hyperbaric research chamber for small animals (hipertech Inc., Istanbul, Turkey). After placing the CCI-HBOT group in the chamber, the chamber was flushed with 100% oxygen until it was full, with oxygen monitored using Servomex Oxygen Analyser 570A (Servomex group, Egham, UK). ...
... TBI is frequently a complex and devastating condition that lacks a definitive cure. Despite years of research, the focus remains on finding effective therapeutic interventions to modulate the secondary brain damage that develops after the primary mechanical impact [42]. The current study highlights several cellular and molecular factors involved in secondary brain damage. ...
... Thus, we found that TBI led to spatial learning and motor dysfunction, which were associated with elevated levels of apoptosis, overactivation of glial cells, neuronal loss, and mitochondrial dysfunction in the injured hemisphere. Critically, however, we found that HBO treatment, which has been reported to exert anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects, significantly modulates the secondary brain damage, probably through reducing hypoxia and ROS production and increasing the oxygen content in circulation and tissue perfusion [42,47,48]. ...
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in young adults, characterized by primary and secondary injury. Primary injury is the immediate mechanical damage, while secondary injury results from delayed neuronal death, often linked to mitochondrial damage accumulation. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been proposed as a potential treatment for modulating secondary post-traumatic neuronal death. However, the specific molecular mechanism by which HBOT modulates secondary brain damage through mitochondrial protection remains unclear. Spatial learning, reference memory, and motor performance were measured in rats before and after Controlled Cortical Impact (CCI) injury. The HBOT (2.5 ATA) was performed 4 h following the CCI and twice daily (12 h intervals) for four consecutive days. Mitochondrial functions were assessed via high-resolution respirometry on day 5 following CCI. Moreover, IHC was performed at the end of the experiment to evaluate cortical apoptosis, neuronal survival, and glial activation. The current result indicates that HBOT exhibits a multi-level neuroprotective effect. Thus, we found that HBOT prevents cortical neuronal loss, reduces the apoptosis marker (cleaved-Caspase3), and modulates glial cell proliferation. Furthermore, HBO treatment prevents the reduction in mitochondrial respiration, including non-phosphorylation state, oxidative phosphorylation, and electron transfer capacity. Additionally, a superior motor and spatial learning performance level was observed in the CCI group treated with HBO compared to the CCI group. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that HBOT during the critical period following the TBI improves cognitive and motor damage via regulating glial proliferation apoptosis and protecting mitochondrial function, consequently preventing cortex neuronal loss.
... HBOT, in which patients are exposed to 100% oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure, has beneficial effects in treating pain disorders, including inflammatory pain, fibromyalgia, and migraine [27]. In addition, previous evidence has shown that HBOT exerts neuroprotective effects (anti-apoptotic) by reducing inflammation, hypoxia, edema, oxidative burden, and downregulating TRPV1 signaling [8,[28][29][30]. Interestingly, the anti-apoptotic mechanisms of HBOT might involve protecting mitochondrial permeability and reducing the release of Cytochrome c (Cytc), which ultimately suppress the apoptotic pathways mediated by the mitochondria [15]. ...
... Then, the pressure was increased at a rate of 0.1 atmospheres absolute (ATA)/minute to the desired pressure (2.5 ATA) and maintained for ninety minutes, during the treatment animal status was monitored by the experimenter. The current treatment protocol and ATA-pressure were based on previous studies [30]. ...
... Our results support this hypothesis. Thus, we found that HBO treatment which has been reported to exert antiinflammatory effects via reducing hypoxia, oxidative burden, and increasing the oxygen content in circulation and tissue perfusion [30,44,45] strikingly reduces the number of macrophages in the DRG, microglia and MMP-9 in the spinal cord after sciatic nerve injury. Moreover, diminished transcription levels of inflammatory cytokines in the DRG and spinal cord after nerve injury were observed in the SNC (HBOT) group compared to the untreated group. ...
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Background Peripheral nerve injury can cause neuroinflammation and neuromodulation that lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal apoptosis in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and spinal cord, contributing to neuropathic pain and motor dysfunction. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been suggested as a potential therapeutic tool for neuropathic pain and nerve injury. However, the specific cellular and molecular mechanism by which HBOT modulates the development of neuropathic pain and motor dysfunction through mitochondrial protection is still unclear. Methods Mechanical and thermal allodynia and motor function were measured in rats following sciatic nerve crush (SNC). The HBO treatment (2.5 ATA) was performed 4 h after SNC and twice daily (12 h intervals) for seven consecutive days. To assess mitochondrial function in the spinal cord (L2–L6), high-resolution respirometry was measured on day 7 using the OROBOROS-O2k. In addition, RT-PCR and Immunohistochemistry were performed at the end of the experiment to assess neuroinflammation, neuromodulation, and apoptosis in the DRG (L3–L6) and spinal cord (L2–L6). Results HBOT during the early phase of the SNC alleviates mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity and motor dysfunction. Moreover, HBOT modulates neuroinflammation, neuromodulation, mitochondrial stress, and apoptosis in the DRG and spinal cord. Thus, we found a significant reduction in the presence of macrophages/microglia and MMP-9 expression, as well as the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFa, IL-6, IL-1b) in the DRG and (IL6) in the spinal cord of the SNC group that was treated with HBOT compared to the untreated group. Notable, the overexpression of the TRPV1 channel, which has a high Ca²⁺ permeability, was reduced along with the apoptosis marker (cleaved-Caspase3) and mitochondrial stress marker (TSPO) in the DRG and spinal cord of the HBOT group. Additionally, HBOT prevents the reduction in mitochondrial respiration, including non-phosphorylation state, ATP-linked respiration, and maximal mitochondrial respiration in the spinal cord after SNC. Conclusion Mitochondrial dysfunction in peripheral neuropathic pain was found to be mediated by neuroinflammation and neuromodulation. Strikingly, our findings indicate that HBOT during the critical period of the nerve injury modulates the transition from acute to chronic pain via reducing neuroinflammation and protecting mitochondrial function, consequently preventing neuronal apoptosis in the DRG and spinal cord.
... (continued) of oxygen in brain tissue by $3 and $6.5 fold, respectively. 40 In a rat dynamic cortical deformation (DCD) model, HBO therapy restored mitochondrial transmembrane potential, prevented caspase-3 and -9 activation and reduced neutrophil infiltration and matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression leading to neuroprotection. 40,41 In rats subjected to weight-drop head injury, HBO therapy led to inhibition of TLR4/NF-kB activation and lowered the expression of TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-1b leading to less inflammation. ...
... 40 In a rat dynamic cortical deformation (DCD) model, HBO therapy restored mitochondrial transmembrane potential, prevented caspase-3 and -9 activation and reduced neutrophil infiltration and matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression leading to neuroprotection. 40,41 In rats subjected to weight-drop head injury, HBO therapy led to inhibition of TLR4/NF-kB activation and lowered the expression of TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-1b leading to less inflammation. 42 Moreover, improved angiogenesis, neurogenesis, and mitochondrial function were observed in the perilesional cortex of rats treated with HBO following FPI. ...
Heterogeneity and variability of symptoms due to the type, site, age, sex, and severity of injury make each case of traumatic brain injury (TBI) unique. Considering this, a universal treatment strategy may not be fruitful in managing outcomes after TBI. Most of the pharmacological therapies for TBI aim at modifying a particular pathway or molecular process in the sequelae of secondary injury rather than a holistic approach. On the other hand, non-pharmacological interventions such as hypothermia, hyperbaric oxygen, preconditioning with dietary adaptations, exercise, environmental enrichment, deep brain stimulation, decompressive craniectomy, probiotic use, gene therapy, music therapy, and stem cell therapy can promote healing by modulating multiple neuroprotective mechanisms. In this review, we discussed the major non-pharmacological interventions that are being tested in animal models of TBI as well as in clinical trials. We evaluated the functional outcomes of various interventions with an emphasis on the links between molecular mechanisms and outcomes after TBI.
... Some of these effects include increased vascular density of contused hippocampi, reduced secondary cell death and reactive neuroinflammation, maintained integrity of mitochondrial membranes, and reduction in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. [89][90][91][92] A meta-analysis of four studies provided 238 enrolled participants within an age range of 23-44 years. 93 Participants were placed into low and high oxygen dose groups and underwent 30-40 sessions of 60-90-minute therapies. ...
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Sports-related concussions (SRC) are a common injury among athletes. Despite our growing understanding of concussion pathophysiology, comprehensive rehabilitation programs remain a clinical challenge. The accepted view of SRC rehabilitation emphasizes physical and cognitive rest. However, some conflicting studies report rest may facilitate prolonged symptoms. In this review article, we report on alternative SRC rehabilitation strategies to address the complex symptom variations, including physical activity, neuro-visual training, vestibular training, music therapy, speech-language therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy. The mass of published works supports the utility of these alternative therapies to aid recovery, but more research is vital to clarifying these relationships. In this review, we explore the relationships between symptoms and therapies. As there is a growing body of evidence to support these alternative therapies, many questions remain when concerning the role these alternative methods play in the bigger picture of standardizing a thorough SRC rehabilitation program.
... Research into the applications of HBOT in TBI dates back to the 1960s, when Coe and Hayes reported neuroprotective effects in rats subjected to experimental brain injury [14]. Subsequent studies have since found benefits related to a reduction in cerebral edema, intracranial pressure (ICP), apoptosis, and inflammation while increasing brain tissue pO 2 , cerebral glucose utilization, vascular density, and synaptic remodeling, each of which has effects on improved functional and cognitive outcomes [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. ...
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) results from direct penetrating and indirect non-penetrating forces that alters brain functions, affecting millions of individuals annually. Primary injury following TBI is exacerbated by secondary brain injury; foremost is the deleterious inflammatory response. One therapeutic intervention being increasingly explored for TBI is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which is already approved clinically for treating open wounds. HBOT consists of 100% oxygen administration, usually between 1.5 and 3 atm and has been found to increase brain oxygenation levels after hypoxia in addition to decreasing levels of inflammation, apoptosis, intracranial pressure, and edema, reducing subsequent secondary injury. The following review examines recent preclinical and clinical studies on HBOT in the context of TBI with a focus on contributing mechanisms and clinical potential. Several preclinical studies have identified pathways, such as TLR4/NF-kB, that are affected by HBOT and contribute to its therapeutic effect. Thus far, the mechanisms mediating HBOT treatment have yet to be fully elucidated and are of interest to researchers. Nonetheless, multiple clinical studies presented in this review have examined the safety of HBOT and demonstrated the improved neurological function of TBI patients after HBOT, deeming it a promising avenue for treatment.
... Histones are structural proteins in nuclei, an important factor in inflammation caused by hypoxia and ischemia [185]. In addition, HBOT inhibits the apoptotic mechanisms in neuronal cells and preserves the properties of mitochondrial membranes, reducing secondary damage [186,187]. Of course, the clinical effectiveness of HBOT is still controversial. ...
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Organism survival depends on oxygen delivery and utilization to maintain the balance of energy and toxic oxidants production. This regulation is crucial to the brain, especially after acute injuries. Secondary insults after brain damage may include impaired cerebral metabolism, ischemia, intracranial hypertension and oxygen concentration disturbances such as hypoxia or hyperoxia. Recent data highlight the important role of clinical protocols in improving oxygen delivery and resulting in lower mortality in brain-injured patients. Clinical protocols guide the rules for oxygen supplementation based on physiological processes such as elevation of oxygen supply (by mean arterial pressure (MAP) and intracranial pressure (ICP) modulation, cerebral vasoreactivity, oxygen capacity) and reduction of oxygen demand (by pharmacological sedation and coma or hypothermia). The aim of this review is to discuss oxygen metabolism in the brain under different conditions.
... Although HBOT had no effect to treat cognitive, or fine motor deficits associated in patients with mild TBI and post-concussive symptoms [32,34]. Some animal studies revealed that HBOT had the beneficial effect of on the injured brain and improved cognitive function [35][36][37][38]. Till now, little is known about the effects of HBOT on time course of oxidative stress concentration and soluble endothelial adhesion molecules changes in acute TBI patients. ...
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Background: Serum concentrations of adhesion molecules and oxidative stress is thought to participate in the pathobiology of secondary brain injury after acute traumatic brain injury (TBI). We aimed to study the hypothesis that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) both improves the adhesion molecules levels and antioxidant capacity. Methods: Thirty blood samples from ten patients after acute TBI were obtained after injury and before and after HBOT. Four patients received early HBOT started two weeks after injury, four patients received late HBOT started ten weeks after injury and two patients did not receive HBOT and served as control in this study. The HBOT patients received total 30 times HBOT in six weeks period. Results: Those serum biomarkers in patients with TBI had not significantly difference in glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), soluble intercellular cell adhesion-molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) concentrations on admission between early HBOT, late HBOT, and control group (p = 0.916, p = 0.98, p = 0.306, and p = 0.548, respectively). Serum GSH levels were higher at 10 weeks after injury in the early HBOT group than in the late HBOT group and control group (mean, 1.40 μmol/L, 1.16 μmol/L, and 1.05 μmol/L, respectively). Then the serum GSH level was increased at 18 weeks after injury in the late HBOT group (mean, 1.49 μmol/L). However, there was only statistically significant difference at Weeks 18 (p = 0.916, p = 0.463, and p = 0.006, at Week 2, Week 10, and Week 18, respectively). Serum TBARS levels were decreased at 10 weeks after injury in the early HBOT group than in the late HBOT group and control group (mean, 11.21 μmol/L, 17.23 μmol/L, and 17.14 μmol/L, respectively). Then the serum TBARS level was decreased at 18 weeks after injury in the late HBOT group (mean, 12.06 μmol/L). There was statistically significant difference after HBOT (p = 0.98, p = 0.007, and p = 0.018, at Week 2, Week 10, and Week 18, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference between the three groups on sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 levels from Week 2 to Week 18. Conclusions: HBOT can improve serum oxidative stress in patients after TBI. These molecules may be added as evaluation markers in clinical practice. Perhaps in the future it may also become part of the treatment of patients after acute traumatic brain injury. Further large-scale study may be warrant.
... 66 Assessment of the apoptotic cell number revealed that HBOT attenuated secondary brain damage in an experimental transient brain injury (TBI). 67 To elucidate the timing and mechanisms of HBO protection following cerebral ischemia, Veltkamp et al. 68,69 examined the early in vivo effects of HBO by repetitive magnetic resonance imaging and BBB permeability for sodium fluorescein 2 hours after transient focal ischemia. The results showed that HBO significantly decreased abnormal diffusion weighted imaging signal volume, lesion size on T2-weighted images, BBB permeability on T1weighted images, and vasogenic edema assessed on T2weighted images and histologic sections after 24 hours. ...
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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, intermittent breathing of 100% oxygen at a pressure upper than sea level, has been shown to be some of the neuroprotective effects and used therapeutically in a wide range of neurological disorders. This review summarizes current knowledge about the neuroprotective effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with their molecular mechanisms in different models of neurological disorders.
... HBO has a significant effect on decompression sickness, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, and anaerobic infections (17)(18)(19). HBO has the following characteristics: it is beneficial to improve tissue hypoxia; it has significant curative effect on decompression sickness and thrombosis; it can reduce tissue edema, and brain edema can be controlled; and it can inhibit the growth of some aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (20,21). Results of this study showed that levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group after treatment (P<0.001). ...
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Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on postoperative rehabilitation of brain tumors and effects on tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were explored. A retrospective analysis of 132 patients with brain tumors treated in the People's Hospital of Rizhao from October 2014 to October 2017 was performed. There were 62 patients in the observation group and 70 patients in the control group. Patients in the control group were treated with conventional drugs, and patients in the observation group were treated with HBO on the basis of conventional drug therapy. Levels of serum TNF-α and IL-6 were measured by ELISA before and after treatment. Cerebral arterial flow velocity and spasticity were measured by cranial color Doppler ultrasonography. Neurological function deficit (NFD) and activities of daily living (ADL) were used to evaluate the clinical recovery of the patients. Clinical efficacy was compared and analyzed. There were no significant differences between the two groups before treatment (P>0.05). After treatment, serum TNF-α and IL-6 levels were significantly lower than pretreatment levels (P<0.05), and serum TNF-α and IL-6 levels in the observation group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). Cerebral arterial flow velocity in observation group after treatment was significantly lower than that in the control group. The number of patients with cerebral arterial spasm after treatment in the observation group was significantly smaller than that in the control group. NFD scores in the observation group were lower than those in the control group after treatment. After treatment, ADL scores in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The comprehensive treatment effect of HBO is significant. It can inhibit the expression of inflammatory factors in serum and reduce cerebral arterial flow velocity and effectively reduce the number of patients with cerebral arterial spasm. It can reduce NFD and improve the quality of life of patients. Therefore, it is worthy of clinical popularization.
Despite multiple prior pharmacological trials in traumatic brain injury (TBI), the search for an effective, safe, and practical treatment of these patients remain ongoing. Given the ease of delivery and rapid absorption into the systemic circulation, inhalational gases that have neuroprotective properties will be an invaluable resource in the clinical management of TBI patients. In this review, we perform a systematic review of both preclinical and clinical reports describing inhalational gas therapy in the setting of TBI. Hyperbaric oxygen which has been investigated for many years, and some of the newest developments are reviewed. Also, promising new therapies such as hydrogen gas, hydrogen sulfide gas, and nitric oxide are discussed. Moreover, novel therapies such as xenon and argon gases and delivery methods using microbubbles are explored. Key Words: traumatic brain injury, head trauma, oxidative stress.
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Programmed cell death (PCD) plays a key role in developmental biology and in maintenance of the steady state in continuously renewing tissues. Currently, its existence is inferred mainly from gel electrophoresis of a pooled DNA extract as PCD was shown to be associated with DNA fragmentation. Based on this observation, we describe here the development of a method for the in situ visualization of PCD at the single-cell level, while preserving tissue architecture. Conventional histological sections, pretreated with protease, were nick end labeled with biotinylated poly dU, introduced by terminal deoxy-transferase, and then stained using avidin-conjugated peroxidase. The reaction is specific, only nuclei located at positions where PCD is expected are stained. The initial screening includes: small and large intestine, epidermis, lymphoid tissues, ovary, and other organs. A detailed analysis revealed that the process is initiated at the nuclear periphery, it is relatively short (1-3 h from initiation to cell elimination) and that PCD appears in tissues in clusters. The extent of tissue-PCD revealed by this method is considerably greater than apoptosis detected by nuclear morphology, and thus opens the way for a variety of studies.
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The ultrastructural features of cerebral contusion seen three hours to 11 days after head injury were studied in 18 patients undergoing surgery. Massive astrocytic swelling ("cytotoxic" oedema) was seen three hours to three days after injury, maximal in perivascular foot processes, and compressing some of the underlying capillaries. The tight junctions were not disrupted. Neuronal damage was most marked three to 11 days after injury. The pathophysiological mechanisms leading to oedema formation and neuronal degeneration are discussed.
DETECTION of DNA fragments in situ using the terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated biotin-16-dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL assay) is now commonly used to investigate apoptosis. Previous reports suggested that physiologically appropriate death is due to apoptosis and that pathological mechanisms involve necrosis. Strong evidence of apoptosis, following ischaemia and epilepsy, has been recently provided by combining genomic DNA gel electrophoresis, light and electron microscopy and in situ DNA-break labelling. However, only an observation in light microscopy with high magnification permits the detection of chromatin condensation and apoptotic bodies. We report that a positive TUNEL assay reaction should not be considered as a specific marker of apoptosis but can also indicate necrotic cell death.
Programmed cell death (PCD) plays a key role in developmental biology and in maintenance of the steady state in continuously renewing tissues. Currently, its existence is inferred mainly from gel electrophoresis of a pooled DNA extract as PCD was shown to be associated with DNA fragmentation. Based on this observation, we describe here the development of a method for the in situ visualization of PCD at the single-cell level, while preserving tissue architecture. Conventional histological sections, pretreated with protease, were nick end labeled with biotinylated poly dU, introduced by terminal deoxy-transferase, and then stained using avidin-conjugated peroxidase. The reaction is specific, only nuclei located at positions where PCD is expected are stained. The initial screening includes: small and large intestine, epidermis, lymphoid tissues, ovary, and other organs. A detailed analysis revealed that the process is initiated at the nuclear periphery, it is relatively short (1-3 h from initiation to cell elimination) and that PCD appears in tissues in clusters. The extent of tissue-PCD revealed by this method is considerably greater than apoptosis detected by nuclear morphology, and thus opens the way for a variety of studies.
Caspase and inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) expression was examined in rats subjected to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) using a parasagittal fluid-percussion brain insult (1.7 to 2.2 atm). Within 1 hour after injury, caspase-8 and -9, two initiators of apoptosis, were predominantly expressed in superficial cortical areas adjacent to the impact site and in the thalamus. Caspase-3, an effector caspase, was evident at 6 hours throughout the traumatized cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Moreover, the authors observed that XIAP, cIAP-1, and cIAP-2, members of the IAP family, were constitutively expressed in the brain. Colocalization of XIAP-immunolabled cells with cell-specific markers indicated that XIAP is expressed within neurons and a subpopulation of oligodendrocytes. Immunoblots of brain extracts revealed that the processed forms of caspase-8, -9, and -3 are present as early as 1 hour after trauma. The appearance of activated caspases corresponded with the detection of cleavage of XIAP into fragments after injury and a concomitant increase in the levels of cIAP-1 and cIAP-2 in the traumatized hemispheres. The current data are consistent with the hypotheses that caspases in both the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways are activated after moderate TBI and that IAPs may have a protective role within the brain with alterations in levels and cleavage of IAPs that contribute to cell death in this setting.Keywords: Apoptosis, Caspases, IAPs, Traumatic brain injury
Recent studies suggest that normobaric hyperoxia can be beneficial, if administered during transient stroke. However, increased oxygenation theoretically may increase oxygen free-radical injury, particularly during reperfusion. In the present study, the authors assessed the benefit and risks of hyperoxia during focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. Rats were subjected to hyperoxia (Fio2 100%) or normoxia (Fio2 30%) during 2-hour filament occlusion and 1-hour reperfusion of the middle cerebral artery. At 24 hours, the hyperoxia group showed 70% (total) and 92% (cortical) reduction in infarct volumes as compared to the normoxia group. Levels of oxidative stress were evaluated using three indirect methods. First, since oxygen free radicals increase blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage, Evan's blue dye extravasation was quantified to assess BBB damage. Second, the expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a heat shock protein inducible by oxidative stress, was assessed using Western blot techniques. Third, an immunoblot technique ("OxyBlot") was used to assess levels of protein carbonyl formation as a marker of oxidative stress-induced protein denaturation. At 24 hours, Evan's blue dye extravasation per average lesion volume was similar between groups. There were no significant differences in HO-1 induction and protein carbonyl formation between groups, in the ipsilateral or contralateral hemispheres, at 6 hours and at 24 hours. These results indicate that hyperoxia treatment during focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion is neuroprotective, and does not increase oxidative stress.
Based on recent evidence that nitric oxide (NO•) is involved in hyperoxic vasoconstriction, we tested the hypothesis that decreases in NO• availability in brain tissue during hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) exposure contribute to decreases in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). rCBF was measured in rats exposed to HBO2 at 5 atmospheres (ATA) and correlated with interstitial brain levels of NO• metabolites (NOX) and production of hydroxyl radical (•OH). Changes in rCBF were also correlated with the effects of NO• synthase inhibitor (-NAME), NO• donor PAPANONOate, and intravascular superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) during HBO2. After 30 min of O2 exposure at 5 ATA, rCBF had decreased in the substantia nigra, caudate putamen, hippocampus, and parietal cortex by 23 to 37%. These reductions in rCBF were not augmented by exposure to HBO2 in animals pre-treated with -NAME. After 30 min at 5 ATA, brain NOX levels had decreased by 31 ± 9% and correlated with the decrease in rCBF, while estimated •OH production increased by 56 ± 8%. The decrease in rCBF at 5 ATA was completely abolished by MnSOD administration into the circulation before HBO2 exposure. Doses of NO• donor that significantly increased rCBF in animals breathing air had no effect at 5 ATA of HBO2. These results indicate that decreases in rCBF with HBO2 are associated with a decrease in effective NO• concentration and an increase in ROS production in the brain. The data support the hypothesis that inactivation of NO• antagonizes basal relaxation of cerebral vessels during HBO2 exposure, although an effect of HBO2 on NO• synthesis has not been excluded.
Unanesthetized rats were exposed 1 h to 100% oxygen at 60 psig (5 atmospheres absolute). Utilizing platinum semimicroelectrodes, oxygen tension was recorded from the globus pallidus and the neostriatum. Oxygen tension increased from control values (room air at ambient pressure) during the exposure period in both experimental groups. In the globus pallidus, oxygen tension reached the first stable peak in an average of 27.8 min, whereas in the neostriatum the first stable peak was reached in an average of 3.0 min. The results of this study suggest a correlation between oxygen tension and pathologic changes observed in the basal ganglia.
Focal post traumatic mass lesions such as contusions and intracerebral haematomas are common, and often difficult for neurosurgeons to manage, because little is known of their pathophysiology. We have mapped cerebral blood flow, and studied small vessel ultrastructure at different time points within the first three weeks of head injury, in patients with these lesions. A zone of ischaemic brain is always present around these lesions, and persists for weeks or months. This accords with astrocyte swelling and microvascular compression seen on electron microscopy. Focal zones of hyperaemia were also present in 42% of patients, within the first two weeks of injury, and this appeared only within apparently normal tissue as judged by late MRI or CT.
The responses of intracranial pressure (ICP) to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy and arterial gas pressures were investigated. ICP was measured through a ventricular or spinal drainage catheter in patients with brain tumor or cerebrovascular disease. Changes in ICP, heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (ABP), and transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PtcCO2) or oxygen (PtcO2) were recorded continuously during air or 100% O2 breathing at 1 and 2.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA). HR and PtcCO2 decreased and mean ABP was unchanged during HBO inhalation. ICP was reduced at the beginning and tended to increase gradually during HBO inhalation. The change from air to O2 without altering respiratory frequency and volume caused a gradual increase of ICP and PtcCO2 with a transient ICP reduction in an artificially respirated patient. Intentionally reduced respiration to maintain PtcCO2 at the value at 2.5 ATA with air caused the ICP to return to near the value at 2.5 ATA with air even during HBO inhalation. These findings suggest that reduced ICP is initially due to direct cerebral vasoconstriction caused by hyperoxia and is maintained mainly by induced hypocapnia during HBO inhalation. Care is required when giving HBO therapy to patients with a high ICP and/or who are respirated artificially.