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Anorexia nervosa: An Indian perspective



Anorexia nervosa is a condition thought to be associated with the western culture. However, the recent publication of a case series from Asia suggests that it is a syndrome related to a changing culture. We present a detailed clinical form of this syndrome based on descriptive analysis of 2 cases of anorexia nervosa. Both these patients were adolescent, school-going girls from middle socioeconomic class of urban background. They were pre-morbidly non-obese and did not have any pressures to pursue slimness for beauty. However, there was an identifiable psychosocial stressor as a precipitant in both of them. Both the patients had symptoms of refusal to eat followed by weight loss. We could not identify any risk factor in our patients for anorexia nervosa. Our report illustrates the differences in developmental and psychodynamic issues related to the development of anorexia nervosa, though the clinical symptoms may be similar.
Clinical Case Report
Neuropsychiatry and Headache Clinic, Pratap Nagar, Metro Pillar 129,
Delhi 110007, India
Children First, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, India
Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Glen Oaks, NY 11004, USA
D. LOHIA Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi 110002, India
A. AGGARWAL, R. C. JILOHA Department of Psychiatry
Correspondence to D. N. MENDHEKAR;
Anorexia nervosa: An Indian perspective
Anorexia nervosa is a condition thought to be associated with
the western culture. However, the recent publication of a case
series from Asia suggests that it is a syndrome related to a
changing culture. We present a detailed clinical form of this
syndrome based on descriptive analysis of 2 cases of anorexia
nervosa. Both these patients were adolescent, school-going
girls from middle socioeconomic class of urban background.
They were pre-morbidly non-obese and did not have any
pressures to pursue slimness for beauty. However, there was
an identifiable psychosocial stressor as a precipitant in both of
them. Both the patients had symptoms of refusal to eat
followed by weight loss. We could not identify any risk factor
in our patients for anorexia nervosa. Our report illustrates the
differences in developmental and psychodynamic issues related
to the development of anorexia nervosa, though the clinical
symptoms may be similar.
Natl Med J India 2009;22:181–2
There has been a recent spurt in the recognition of patients with
anorexia nervosa (AN) in non-western countries, with one study
reporting the prevalence of women at risk of developing eating
disorders to be 7.4%.1 This suggests that the western concept of
equating beauty with being slim is being accepted in some Asian
countries such as Thailand.2 Though there are few published
reports,3–7 a qualitative study probing the clinical form is lacking
in the Indian literature. We focus on the clinical pattern of AN in
India by providing a descriptive analysis of 2 cases.
Case 1
A 15-year-old girl, student of class X, living with her adoptive
parents but unaware of her adopted status, belonged to an urban
family of middle socioeconomic status. She presented with a 15-
© The National Medical Journal of India 2009
month history of a change in eating habits. Just before the onset
of her illness, her adoptive mother was diagnosed with
hypertension, which needed dietary restrictions. The mother
perceived a change in eating habits around this time as the patient
started asking for a piece of sweetmeat every day. After a few
weeks, she started demanding one or more ice-cream scoops/
sweetmeat everyday. A few weeks later, she started reporting
abdominal pain after ingestion of one of these items and therefore
stopped having them altogether. After about 6 months, she started
complaining of abdominal pain upon eating any kind of solid
food, subsequently decreasing her food intake. She started having
an essentially liquid diet and, as a result, her weight decreased. At
the same time, she started getting complimented by her friends
and neighbours for looking slim and attractive. Over a few
months, her ingestion of liquids, especially those with a high
calorie content such as cold drinks, also decreased, and by this
time (about 4 months before presentation), she weighed 30 kg.
The parents perceived her weight loss to be around 40% as
evidenced by marked loosening of her clothes and comparison
with her older photographs. She avoided all sweets, oily food,
fruits and even beverages. Over 6 months after the onset of her
symptoms, she also began taking immense pleasure in making
elaborate meals for her family, which was beyond her regular
fondness for cooking. There was no associated history of purging,
binge eating, or use of laxatives or emetics. There was no significant
personal or family history other than her adoptive status, of which
the patient was not aware. She was treated by the parents as their
own child.
A work-up for organic causes of weight loss was negative.
She weighed 26 kg (body mass index [BMI]=10.2), and had
amenorrhoea for the past 4 cycles. She appeared cachectic, pale,
with lanugo hair over her face. She had prominent bones with a
maxillary prominence. Her secondary sexual characteristics were
poorly developed. She did not consider her weight abnormally
low or her appearance too thin. Her higher mental functions were
within normal limits.
The patient was started on supervised feeding of oral foods,
given frequently in small quantities. The need for continuous
vigilance was emphasized. A good therapeutic alliance was
established with the patient. The patient gradually started gaining
weight (3 kg over 4 weeks). Despite detailed evaluation, no
evidence of weight phobia or preoccupation with pursuit of
thinness was found. Gradually, she re-started monitoring her
weight as well as caloric count but again decreased her food intake
after reaching a weight of 31 kg. This time, she repeatedly
verbalized not wanting to gain more weight, as she perceived
herself to be well and healthy. Her weight stabilized for a while,
but again started decreasing. At this time the patient was lost to
follow up.
Case 2
A 15-year-old girl, student of class IX, resident of an urban area,
of middle socioeconomic status, presented with an 18-month
history of an eating disorder. The onset could be traced to a period
when the patient’s elder sister had a love marriage with a boy of
a different caste, going against the wishes of the family and
prevailing social norms. This marriage led to a social boycott of
the family. Since then, she gradually started decreasing cereals
from her diet as she did not feel like eating them.
In the initial 6 months, her weight decreased to 30 kg. She
increasingly began insisting on doing physically strenuous
household chores all by herself, and would exercise daily. The
patient gave no other reason for not eating other than ‘not feeling
like’ eating certain items. Subsequently, she developed
amenorrhoea and her weight decreased to 26 kg (BMI=11.1). She
began complaining of nausea and abdominal pain. However, she
did not acknowledge that she was underweight; in fact, she
insisted that she was not thin enough.
She was admitted to a psychiatric unit 6 months before being
seen by us, where she received parenteral nutrition, gaining 2 kg
over 4 weeks. She began accepting cereals, vegetables and fruits,
but still avoided oily preparations. Over the next 6 months, she
slowly gained weight (33 kg), but subsequently began reporting
‘feeling fat’, and expressed a desire to decrease her diet. Her
weight started decreasing again and she presented to us when her
weight was 28 kg with a refusal to acknowledge that she was
underweight or ‘thin enough’. Her personal history was non-
On examination, she appeared cachectic, with facial lanugo
hair and poorly developed secondary sexual characteristics. The
patient was started on supervised feeding regimen consisting of
oral foods in small quantities. Initially the patient refused to
acknowledge having any problems, giving no reason for not
eating, except for vague abdominal pain as the reason. However,
after several sessions, a reasonable therapeutic alliance was
established, and the patient reported a dread of becoming fat as the
reason for refusal of food. She also appeared distressed because
of her sister marrying against the wishes of the family. She was
asked to self-monitor her food intake, and given appropriate
nutritional advice for calories needed. The interpersonal issues
were discussed during family meetings.
Over 6 weeks, the patient gained weight steadily, weighing
33 kg at the time of discharge. Her fear of becoming overweight
remained unchanged though her intake improved. At follow up
after 6 months, the patient had resumed menstruating and weighed
40 kg. She recently started reporting uneasiness at her ‘excessive’
weight while maintaining her earlier conviction that she was not
thin enough.
These 2 patients share some characteristics: both are adolescent,
school-going girls from middle socioeconomic urban background
without a family history of any psychiatric disorder. Both had
been interpersonally compliant, pre-morbidly non-obese without
apparent pressure to pursue slimness for beauty or any other
reason. Their families did not list any problem in psychosocial
development nor reported any ties with the fashion world or any
belief of being slim. Clinically, they had similarities in symptoms
of refusal to take normal food, weight loss and ritualistic dietary
habits. Both had a discernible psychosocial stressor evident as a
precipitant for refusing to eat with a hint of concern about body
image. However, the patients themselves did not acknowledge it
initially. This may partly be explained by the ambivalence and
denial frequently leading those with AN to minimize their
symptoms. At the same time, initial preoccupation with calorie
intake and later revelation of weight phobia could be due to
greater exploration over time on our part or improved rapport with
the patients. This suggests that clinical symptoms of AN in India
may not be different from AN in western countries and it may not
be a strictly western culture-bound syndrome.
Traditionally, cases of AN from India surmised lack of the
fundamental characteristic, that AN is not accompanied by a ‘fear
of fatness’ or desire to be thin,4 but rather by a desire to fast for
religious purposes or eccentric nutritional values.8 Fear of fat,
which is a feature of AN, occurs in the context of a culture that
values slimness. As India becomes more industrialized, weight
phobia may become increasingly common. Furthermore, Asian
women who have lived in the West and developed AN also show
weight phobia.9 A case of restrictor AN in a 13-year-old girl raised
in a traditional, sheltered Muslim home in Pakistan has been
reported.10 This disorder developed due to family concerns and
preoccupations about weight and appearance, and desire to be
attractive. The western media might have a profound negative
impact upon body image and attitude towards eating in traditional
societies in which eating disorders have been thought to be rare.11
In contrast, an Iranian survey reported that women in Tehran who
were more interested in the western culture were more likely to be
satisfied with their body shape, which suggests that the hypothesis
of cultural effects on eating disorders may be limited.12
The risk factors for AN include early feeding difficulties,
symptoms of anxiety, perfectionist traits, and parenting styles, but
none of these can be considered to have been conclusively
demonstrated in our patients.13,14
These cases illustrate that although symptomatology may be
similar to that of western AN, psychosocial developmental and
psychodynamic issues may not be similar to those in the western
culture as our patients developed AN as an unexpected crisis in
response to a psychosocial stressor without any risk factors for AN.
In India, due to economic reforms, increased societal pressure
and media bombardment that ‘slim is beautiful’, we are likely to
see an increase in the number of patients with AN in the future.
1 Ho TF, Tai BC, Lee EL, Cheng S, Liow PH. Prevalence and profile of females at risk
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2 Jennings PS, Forbes D, McDermott B, Hulse G, Juniper S. Eating disorder attitudes
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4 Khandelwal SK, Sharan P, Saxena S. Eating disorders: An Indian perspective. Int J
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6 Chadda R, Malhotra AG, Bambery P. Socio-cultural factors in anorexia nervosa.
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7 Avasthi A, Punnet, Das MK, Gupta S. Integrative approach to the management of
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8 Castillo RJ. Eating disorders. In: Castillo RJ (ed). Culture and mental lllness: A client-
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9 Mumford DB, Whitehouse AM, Platts M. Sociocultural correlates of eating disorders
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10 Yager J, Smith M. Restricter anorexia nervosa in a thirteen-year-old sheltered
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11 Becker AE, Burwell RA, Gilman SE, Herzog DB, Hamburg P. Eating behaviours and
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... were from middle adolescent age (14)(15)(16) and 291(77.6%) were from late adolescent age (17)(18)(19) . ...
... cases were from middle adolescent age (14)(15)(16) and 329(87.7%) cases were from late adolescent age (17)(18)(19) . ...
... early adolescent age (10-13) was 3(0.8%) for male and 1(0.2%) for female; middle adolescent age (14-16) male were 59(15.7%) and female were 23(6.1%) and late adolescent age (17)(18)(19) 155(41.3%) Were male & 134(35.73%) ...
Background : Eating disorder is serious condition related to persistent eating behavior that negatively impact one's health, emotion, and ability to function in important area of life. To study eating behavior disorder in school goingAims: and non-school going adolescents. This study was conducted from 2019 among a adolescents aged 11–19 yearsMaterial and methods: selected from Government & private school and school going children from Madhav dispensary pediatric OPD and non-school going from slum, street, shops, hotels, garage in the city of Gwalior M.P. The survey interview will be structured to cover ve questionnaries components, assessing. Community based cross-sectional study. 375 school & 375 non-school going children.STUDY DESIGN: SAMPLE SIZE: Statistical analysis: SPSS software. Total No. of male 273 (72.8%) and female 108(27%) school going and 230(61.3%)Results and conclusion: male and 145(27.2%) female in non school going. In school going alcohol abuse cases 8 (2.1%) and no female and 7 male (1.8%) and 60 female (4.3%) in female of non school going. 1 case of Bulimia Nervosa in male and 7 female (1.8%) in school going while non school 5 male (1.3%) and 5 female (1.3%). In school adolescent maximum number of adolescents in late group who have suffered of alcohol abuse, bulimia nervosa, panic attack, alcohol tried and cigarette smoking, heard about alcohol abuse & cigarette smoking by peers, desired to weight gain is also more common in males, while in females anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, depression, alcohol tried, cigarette smoking, heard about alcohol abuse & cigarette smoking by peers and desire to lose weight were reported signicantly. In Non-school going adolescent in both middle and late female were using more alcohol then male and in bulimia nervosa was equal in both males and females, anorexia nervosa was common in females and panic attack were more in males
... EDs in India are relatively uncommon and their clinical presentation differ in terms of severity and nature. [2,[30][31][32] With various psychological factors put forward for the same; the most critical factor is differences in attitude toward body shape and appearance. [2,33] Because EDs are culturally distinctive, several experts have underlined the importance of researching views about these diseases in nonwestern cultures. ...
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Introduction: Indians are experiencing nutritional and lifestyle transitions due to globalization and westernization. The study aimed to find out the current eating patterns and body shape concerns and various factors that influence eating behaviors and body shape concerns of late-adolescent girls. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 230 undergraduate adolescent girl university students from 12 departments in the age group of 17–19 years. Eating attitude and body shape concerns of adolescents were determined by using the standard eating attitude test-26 (EAT-26) and body shape questionnaire (BSQ-34). Results: The duration of the study was 6 months and participants were selected by simple random sampling. The mean age of the study subjects was 18.52 (±0.63) years. The majority of subjects had an urban background (85%). Less than half had an exercise routine (44%) which was followed daily. As per body mass index (BMI) distribution, 19.57% were underweight, 11.3% were overweight and only 2.17% were obese. An unfavorable eating attitude was found in 18% of subjects whereas 38.2% had mild to the marked concern of body shape. There was a significant positive correlation between BSQ with BMI (r = 0.387, P ≤ 0.01) and BSQ-34 with EAT-26 (r = 0.367, P ≤ 0.01). Conclusion: Current study shows that late adolescent urban females are susceptible to eating disorders and are body image conscious. Institutional mechanisms should be brought in place to address the need of improving their eating habits and modification of lifestyle.
... Inclusive Criteria  All participants should be adolescent girls i.e. age group [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] year  Girls with the symptoms of eating disorder Exclusive criteria  Girls above the age group of 20 years cannot participate in this study  Girls with severe psychological problem cannot participate ...
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Background: Eating disorder is very common among western countries but now-a-days it is introducing in India too due to the effect of globalization, Media, Magazine and tendency to have a perfect body shape which results in different health hazards. Aims: To examine the effect of yogic practises on eating disorder cognitions among adolescent girls in India. Method: All subjects (11 to 19 years) were taken from Tata Nagar (Jharkhand). Firstly 120 subjects selected for the study from 1056 subjects. Randomly they were divided into two groups, 40 subjects for control group and 80 subjects for experimental group. During yogic intervention most of subjects left the group for their personal reason. Lastly the experiment carried out on 40 subjects. Results: Significant effects of yogic practises on experimental group were found and no effect was found on the subjects who belonged to control group. Conclusions: These finding demonstrated that the effect of yoga has a positive impact on eating disorder cognitions among adolescent girls in India.
... This might manifest itself in a variety of ways, including shifts in attitude and academic performance, flattened or absent emotions, and more time spent alone or withdrawing from friends. They may appear sad, dejected, frightened, ashamed, embarrassed, or depressed, or they may display insignificant feelings [32] [33]. ...
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Eating disorders manifest themselves in a range of mentally, bodily, and behavioral factors all play a role in manifestation. Teenagers worldwide develop moderate to severe disordered eating behavior due to their extreme concern with body heaviness or preoccupation with thinness. Eating disorders often begin between the ages of 12 and 13, with eating or intake disorder specialist noting an increase in the analysis of children or youthful as five or six years old. Parents, family, and school employees should be alert of the symptoms and risk factors of eating disorders to intervene early to assure the best likely result for the young person afflicted. This paper aims and objectives are the systematic way to diagnose and treat eating disorders in children and adolescents. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are the two most frequent eating disorders, both of which are characterized by a great dread of becoming overweight or obese, as well as a pursuit of an unattainable ideal of thinness.
... Although symptomatology may be similar to that of Western AN, psychosocial developmental and psychodynamic issues may not be similar as AN may develop as an unexpected crisis in response to a psychosocial stressor without any risk factors for AN. [13,29] [3] Small study limited to medical students A study of Burden of Anorexia Nervosa in India Mohandoss 2018 [4] Small study limited to nursing students What keeps maya from eating? A case study of disordered eating from North India Ahlin 2018 [5] Single-case study cannot be generalized Study limited small number of students in one college Eating disorders in women Sharan and Sundar, 2015 [13] Review on ED in women in India A comparison of eating disorder patients in India and Australia ...
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Eating disorders (EDs) are disabling, deadly, and costly mental disorders that considerably impair physical health and disrupt psychosocial functioning. Disturbed attitudes toward weight, body shape, and eating play a key role in the origin and maintenance of EDs. As EDs are under-researched, there is a great deal of uncertainty as to their pathophysiology, treatment, and management. Future challenges, emerging treatments, and outstanding research questions are addressed in this review.
Experiment Findings
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The present study is undertaken to assess the extent of impact of advertisement on eating habits of adolescent of Jabalpur city. A total of 100 adolescent girls were surveyed and found that maximum girls watch television as a source of advertisement followed by newspaper and magazine. College going girls were more affected from the newspaper. Greatest inclination towards the advertised products was seen due to Television in 15-17 age groups. Consumption of chocolates was highest second was noodles and then patties. Strong positive relationship was found between number of advertisement and number of girls consuming the products which is significant at 0.01 level. Co-relation between most watched media, maximum number of advertisement with highest consuming food products by the teenage girls was positively co-related. Maximum awareness of food quality (34% girls) was noted in the 15-17 year group as compared to other age group. Therefore, it can be concluded that food advertising communicates powerful food consumption cues without much knowing about its quality.
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Background: Eating disorders describe illnesses that are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about bodyweight or shape. Female college students have been reported to be more keen to have a thinner figure than their male counterparts in both Western and Asian settings. This study aims to find the prevalence of eating disorders and body shape concerns among female undergraduate medical students in South India. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used to collect data from female undergraduate medical students of a private medical college in south India. Study instruments include a semi-structured pro forma, Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q 6.0), and Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ 34). Descriptive analyses of sociodemographic variables and scores in the questionnaires were carried out. Results: One hundred and ninety-nine female students participated in the study were included for analysis. The mean age of the students was 20.4 years. Mean body mass index (BMI) score was found to be 23.78. On EDE-Q, 13.6% of students scored more than 5 suggesting presence of eating disorder. 61.9% had mild-to-moderate concerns on their body shape while 9% had severe concerns. BMI and body shape concerns positively correlated with subscales of eating disorder. Conclusion: This study showed significant presence of eating disorder symptoms and body image dissatisfaction among female college students. Addressing this subset of population with regards to these concerns may help prevent onset of mental health and behavioral problems in future.
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Sociocultural forces play a significant role in the etiology, structure, and treatment of mental disorders. With the publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) and its emphasis on cultural information, the biomedical paradigm can no longer be recognized as a sufficient explanation for mental illness, nor as an adequate theoretical basis for treatment. This book presents a client-centered model of assessment and diagnosis based on a holistic paradigm that integrates known biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. Cross-cultural studies and their implications for the assessment and diagnosis of mental illness provide the basis for understanding this new direction in clinical practice. This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in anthropology, psychology, psychiatry, nursing, and social work programs. It can be used as a primary text in courses on culture and mental illness or as a supplementary text in abnormal psychology courses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Socio-cultural factors are one of the important variables involved in development of anorexia nervosa. The prevalence of the illness has shown a definite increase in last few decades. Certain other important sociocultural variables like familial interaction patterns, parental attitude towards weight control, desirability for slimness and thinness also have a deciding role. Stress of any kind can act as a precipitating factor. We report here a patient of anorexia nervosa, in whom the above mentioned factors, accompanied by a recent stress played an important role in the development of illness. Role of socio-cultural factors in the genesis and management of anorexia nervosa have been discussed.
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In-patient management with initial focus on weight restoration for an emaciated young girl with anorexia nervosa is reported. Integrative approach to management of this case yielded gratifying results which are maintained beyond one year after-discharge period.
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Anorexia nervosa is regarded a s a typical culture bound syndrome, and its existence is negligible in nonwestern countries due to protective biological and socio-cultural factors. Most of the cases reported from nonwestern countries are atypical in presentation with lack of body image disturbances. Recent studies showed that anorexia nervosa is no more culture bound, in fact it is a "culture change syndrome" due to westernization and no differences are seen in the phenomenology of anorexia nervosa between the two cultures. We report a typical case of anorexia nervosa of binge eating and purging type associated with body dysmorphophobia in an adolescent girl.
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There are no published studies evaluating the impact of introduction of television on disordered eating in media-naïve populations. To assess the impact of novel, prolonged exposure to television on disordered eating attitudes and behaviours among ethnic Fijian adolescent girls. A prospective, multi-wave cross-sectional design was used to compare two samples of Fijian schoolgirls before and after prolonged regional television exposure with a modified 26-item eating attitudes test, supplemented with a semi-structured interview to confirm self-reported symptoms. Narrative data from a subset of respondents from the exposed sample were analysed for content relating television exposure to body image concerns. Key indicators of disordered eating were significantly more prevalent following exposure. Narrative data revealed subjects' interest in weight loss as a means of modelling themselves after television characters. This naturalistic experiment suggests a negative impact of television upon disordered eating attitudes and behaviours in a media-naïve population.
Objective The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) as well as the prevalence of weight concerns and weight loss behaviors among schoolgirls in Tehran, Iran.MethodA two-stage approach was used. We screened a large sample of adolescent girls aged 15–18 (n = 3,100) with a Persian translation of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). Girls who screened positively were further evaluated with the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Inventory and a supplementary clinical interview.ResultsResults showed a lifetime prevalence of 0.9% for AN, 3.2% for BN, and 6.6% for the partial syndrome. Body dissatisfaction and a desire to be thin were common in this population.DiscussionThis study suggests that the prevalence of eating disorders among female adolescents in Teheran is comparable to prevalence rates reported by studies in Western societies, and somewhat higher than what has been reported in other non-Western societies. © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 28: 265–271, 2000.
A survey of 204 south-Asian and 355 Caucasian schoolgirls was conducted in Bradford using the EAT-26 and the BSQ. At interview, seven Asian girls and two Caucasian girls met DSM-III-R criteria for bulimia nervosa, yielding a prevalence of 3.4% and 0.6% respectively. One Asian girl met DSM-III-R criteria for anorexia nervosa. Factor analyses of the EAT and BSQ supported their cross-cultural conceptual equivalence in this south-Asian population. Among the Asians, high EAT and BSQ scores were associated with a more traditional cultural orientation and not with greater Westernisation. It is probable that these findings reflect the cultural and familial difficulties faced by these Asian girls growing up in Britain.
Anorexia nervosa and related eating disorders are rare in non-western cultures. In India the information regarding these disorders is very limited. The authors describe five cases of young women who chiefly presented with refusal to eat, persistent vomiting, marked weight loss, amenorrhea and other somatic symptoms. They did not show overactivity or disturbances in body image seen characteristically in anorexia nervosa. Though finally diagnosed and treated as cases of eating disorder, they presented considerable difficulty in diagnosis. The paper discusses the reasons for the seeming rarity of anorexia nervosa in India and sociocultural reasons for its atypical presentation.
An academically perfectionistic and interpersonally compliant 13-year-old girl raised in a traditional, sheltering Muslim home in Lahore, Pakistan developed restricter anorexia nervosa in the context of being teased about her weight by her closest friend and younger brother, and in a context of family weight preoccupation. Similarities to current pathogenetic hypotheses among Western adolescents are discussed.
The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) as well as the prevalence of weight concerns and weight loss behaviors among schoolgirls in Tehran, Iran. A two-stage approach was used. We screened a large sample of adolescent girls aged 15-18 (n = 3, 100) with a Persian translation of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). Girls who screened positively were further evaluated with the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Inventory and a supplementary clinical interview. Results showed a lifetime prevalence of 0.9% for AN, 3.2% for BN, and 6.6% for the partial syndrome. Body dissatisfaction and a desire to be thin were common in this population. This study suggests that the prevalence of eating disorders among female adolescents in Teheran is comparable to prevalence rates reported by studies in Western societies, and somewhat higher than what has been reported in other non-Western societies.