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Effective management techniques are required for the widespread chronic respiratory disease known as asthma in order to reduce its negative effects on public health. Smart inhalers are a prime example of how the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has sparked creative solutions. In this essay, the seamless integration of IoT technology is used to elaborate on the transformational potential of smart inhalers in improving asthma management. The traditional approach to managing asthma relies on individualised prescription regimens that must be consistently followed. But obstacles including patient forgetfulness and insufficient real-time monitoring frequently prevent effective adherence, aggravating symptoms and lowering quality of life. Smart inhalers are the result of the confluence of IoT technology with asthma therapy, signalling a paradigm change. Smart inhalers, driven by IoT, offer a wide range of characteristics and signal a paradigm change in the treatment of asthma. (1) These gadgets can monitor medicine use, inhaler technique, and environmental triggers in real time since they include sensors and connection. Personalised therapy modifications are made possible by the real-time data creation that gives healthcare professionals insights into patient behaviour, adherence trends, and symptom development. The ability of smart inhalers to revolutionise medication adherence is one of their main benefits. (2)Patients are better able to maintain their regimens when they receive prompt guidance on how to use an inhaler and reminders to take prescription drugs as directed. The resultant decline in emergency room visits, hospital admissions, and asthma attacks is evidence of these devices’ effectiveness. Healthcare professionals are empowered to quickly react and prevent the progression of symptoms thanks to the real-time data stream from smart inhalers. (3)Asthma care has advanced dramatically with the introduction of IoT-enabled smart inhalers, which are expected to improve asthma sufferers’ medication compliance, symptom management, and overall quality of life. Predicted developments in smart inhaler technology, including artificial intelligence and predictive analytics, portend improved personalisation and therapeutic efficacy as the IoT environment changes. The promise of smart inhalers to reshape asthma care resonates deeply with the principles of patient education, engagement, and interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and technology developers, setting a promising trajectory for respiratory healthcare. (4)
Research Paper Education E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 1 | Jan 2024
Rakesh Margam
Governors State University
Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition marked by reversible
airow restriction and airway inammation, continues to pose
a serious threat to global public health. The prevalence of it
and how it affects people’s quality of life have sparked ongoing
attempts to improve treatment plans and management tactics.
Various pharmacological treatments have been developed
throughout time thanks to advances in medical research, but
strong adherence to prescribed treatment plans is also essential
for optimum asthma control (5). Despite the existence of
efcient therapy choices, maintaining constant adherence is
still a signicant obstacle in the management of asthma. The
multifaceted nature of non-adherence includes amnesia, a
lack of symptom awareness, a lack of knowledge of treatment
regimens, and reported adverse effects. Poor adherence has
far-reaching effects, frequently leading to uncontrolled asthma
symptoms, higher healthcare costs, and a worse quality of
life overall (6). The incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT)
technology into healthcare solutions gives a fresh viewpoint on
improving asthma treatment in the context of this environment.
IoT, which is dened by the internet-based interconnection of
gadgets, has sparked creative interventions in a variety of elds.
One of the most important advancements in the eld of asthma
care is the introduction of smart inhalers (7). As revolutionary
tools in the treatment of asthma, smart inhalers are a symbol
of the fusion of medical research with IoT. These gadgets are
made to deal with the many issues that lead to inadequate
asthma control and adherence. Smart inhalers have the ability
to transform the established paradigms of asthma therapy
by seamlessly integrating IoT capabilities (8). The capacity
of smart inhalers to enable real-time monitoring of crucial
aspects of asthma therapy is essential to their effectiveness.
These devices can monitor medication use, inhaler technique,
and environmental triggers in real time since they are tted
with sensors and networking features (9). These devices
produce signicant data because they give medical personnel
new perspectives on patient behaviour, adherence patterns,
and symptom progression. The ability to adapt treatments,
personalise therapeutic changes, and proactively manage
patients’ asthma diseases is made possible by this real-time
information for healthcare professionals (10). The potential for
smart inhalers to completely change drug adherence is one of
their most exciting features. The interactive features of these
devices, which provide instructions on using an inhaler and
Effective management techniques are required for the widespread chronic respiratory disease known as asthma in order to reduce
its negative effects on public health. Smart inhalers are a prime example of how the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT)
technology has sparked creative solutions. In this essay, the seamless integration of IoT technology is used to elaborate on the
transformational potential of smart inhalers in improving asthma management. The traditional approach to managing asthma relies
on individualised prescription regimens that must be consistently followed. But obstacles including patient forgetfulness and
insufcient real-time monitoring frequently prevent effective adherence, aggravating symptoms and lowering quality of life. Smart
inhalers are the result of the conuence of IoT technology with asthma therapy, signalling a paradigm change. Smart inhalers,
driven by IoT, offer a wide range of characteristics and signal a paradigm change in the treatment of asthma. (1) These gadgets
can monitor medicine use, inhaler technique, and environmental triggers in real time since they include sensors and connection.
Personalised therapy modications are made possible by the real-time data creation that gives healthcare professionals insights
into patient behaviour, adherence trends, and symptom development. The ability of smart inhalers to revolutionise medication
adherence is one of their main benets. (2)Patients are better able to maintain their regimens when they receive prompt guidance
on how to use an inhaler and reminders to take prescription drugs as directed. The resultant decline in emergency room visits,
hospital admissions, and asthma attacks is evidence of these devices’ effectiveness. Healthcare professionals are empowered
to quickly react and prevent the progression of symptoms thanks to the real-time data stream from smart inhalers. (3)Asthma
care has advanced dramatically with the introduction of IoT-enabled smart inhalers, which are expected to improve asthma
sufferers’ medication compliance, symptom management, and overall quality of life. Predicted developments in smart inhaler
technology, including articial intelligence and predictive analytics, portend improved personalisation and therapeutic efcacy
as the IoT environment changes. The promise of smart inhalers to reshape asthma care resonates deeply with the principles of
patient education, engagement, and interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and technology
developers, setting a promising trajectory for respiratory healthcare. (4)
KEYWORDS: IoT, Inhalers, EHR
Copyright© 2024, IERJ. is open-access article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License which permits Share (copy and redistribute the material in
any medium or format) and Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) under the Attribution-NonCommercial terms.
International Education & Research Journal [IERJ] 59
remind users to take their medications, can greatly increase
patient engagement and adherence (11). When patients receive
fast instructions on how to use an inhaler and reminders to take
prescription medications as prescribed, they are better able to
stick to their regimens. The decrease in emergency department
visits, hospital admissions, and asthma episodes that followed
is proof of the efciency of these devices (12).
Technology Overview of IoT and Smart Inhalers
With its linked network of gadgets, the Internet of Things
(IoT) has emerged as a revolutionary force, revolutionising
businesses and domains. Its use in healthcare, especially in the
treatment of chronic diseases, has drawn a lot of interest. In this
perspective, IoT-enabled smart inhalers stand as a paradigm-
shifting innovation with the power to completely transform the
way asthma is treated and managed (13). IoT is fundamentally
about connecting physical items to one another via the internet
so they can exchange, store, and process data. The seamless
exchange of real-time information in the healthcare industry has
signicant consequences for diagnosis, treatment, and patient
outcomes. By bridging the gaps between patients, healthcare
professionals, and medical equipment, Internet of Things
(IoT) technology can open the door for more proactive and
individualised treatments in the context of managing asthma
(14). The result of this union of IoT and healthcare are smart
inhalers, which represent the fusion of medical innovation
and technology advancement. These gadgets are intended to
continuously monitor, record, and send vital information on the
usage of inhalers, medication compliance, and environmental
triggers. The design of smart inhalers includes a number of
essential elements that support their ability to evolve (15). The
built-in sensors are essential to how smart inhalers work. These
sensors pick up a variety of information, including when the
inhaler is activated, how much force is used during inhalation,
and when the drug is administered. Healthcare professionals
are now able to assess adherence and inhaler technique with
previously unheard-of precision because to the accuracy and
neness of sensor data (16) Smart inhalers’ networking features
are essential for facilitating the smooth transfer of data to
centralised platforms or the systems of healthcare providers.
These gadgets provide a connection between the patient and
their care team using Bluetooth or other wireless communication
protocols. This connection allows for timely interventions in
addition to real-time data monitoring. Automated alerts can
be sent off to provide instructions or reminders, for example,
when a patient forgets a dosage or uses improper inhaler
technique [ref 5]. Smart inhalers have more data processing
power than just data transfer. The acquired data is processed by
sophisticated algorithms to yield insightful ndings. Healthcare
professionals are now better equipped to decide whether to
modify a patient’s therapy or implement interventions thanks
to these insights, which range from adherence habits to
environmental triggers. This abundance of data also makes it
possible to spot patterns, catalysts, and connections that may
otherwise go overlooked (12). IoT-enabled smart inhalers
provide a variety of unique characteristics in comparison to
conventional inhalers. Traditional inhalers have no built-in
mechanism for data collection or patient engagement; their
sole function is to deliver medications. Smart inhalers, on the
other hand, close this gap by encouraging ongoing interaction
between patients and their treatment plans. Smart inhalers
increase patient accountability and empowerment by providing
real-time feedback, reminders, and personalised insights (17).
IoT-enabled smart inhalers provide several advantages. Through
better medication adherence and inhaler technique, they enable
individuals to take charge of their own health. With real-time
data at their disposal, healthcare professionals may personalise
actions, enhance treatment regimens, and reduce exacerbations.
The end result is a paradigm change in asthma therapy from
reactive to proactive, leading to improved patient outcomes and
less strain on healthcare systems (18).
Benets of Smart Inhalers
Integration of remote monitoring and telemedicine: Smart
inhalers make it possible to remotely monitor patients’ asthma
management, which is especially useful in circumstances
when face-to-face visits are difcult. Through linked
platforms, healthcare clinicians may view patient inhaler usage
information and symptom trends. With the use of this capacity,
doctors may conduct virtual consultations without the need
for in-person meetings in order to monitor patients’ progress,
modify treatment plans, and offer timely advice (8).
Patient Empowerment and Education: With the use of smart
inhalers, patients may take an active role in managing their
asthma. These devices’ real-time data serve as teaching
resources, showing how inhaler use, symptom management,
and triggers are closely related. Patients are encouraged to
follow their treatment plans and alter their lifestyles in order to
better manage their conditions thanks to this visible feedback.
Enhanced self-efcacy and patient participation ultimately
result in better long-term results (18).
Population-Level Insights and Research: The compiled
information from several smart inhaler users can provide
insightful information at the population level. Researchers
can examine this data to nd trends, connections between
symptoms and triggers, and the efcacy of various treatment
approaches. These revelations aid in the creation of evidence-
based guidelines for the management of asthma and promote
asthma research (19).
Healthcare Cost Reduction: The use of intelligent inhalers
has the potential to lower healthcare expenses related to
the treatment of asthma. These devices can help avoid
exacerbations and lessen the need for hospital stays and ER
visits by encouraging adherence and proactive treatment. Cost
reductions for individuals and healthcare systems are made
possible by better illness management and lower healthcare use
Long-Term Health Monitoring: In addition to aiding in the
management of asthma, smart inhalers can also contribute to
long-term health monitoring. These gadgets’ built-in technology
may be enhanced to track other chronic ailments, enabling a
wholistic approach to healthcare. This potential expansion of
application highlights the adaptability of IoT-enabled devices
in enhancing patient wellbeing in general (21).
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Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 1 | January 2024
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Challenges and Considerations
Data security issues and privacy concerns: The use of IoT
technology in healthcare poses signicant privacy issues with
regard to the gathering, storing, and sharing of patient data.
Smart inhalers regularly collect critical health information, thus
it is crucial to provide strong data security and compliance with
privacy laws. Patients must have faith that their information
will be protected from theft or unauthorised access (22).
Patient Learning Curve and Usability: Although smart inhalers
have a lot to offer in terms of advantages, patients may need
some time to become used to using them correctly. It could take
some time for patients used to conventional inhalers to grasp
the features, such as device pairing, data interpretation, and app
navigation. Healthcare professionals are essential in assisting
patients with this shift by educating them and addressing any
problems they may run into (23).
Standardisation and interoperability: For smart inhalers to
reach their full potential, compatibility with current healthcare
infrastructure is crucial. To give a complete picture of a patient’s
health, this involves integration with electronic health records
(EHRs) and other medical equipment. To facilitate smooth
data interchange and cooperation among many healthcare
stakeholders, standardisation of data formats, communication
protocols, and interfaces is required (24).
Accessibility and Health Disparities: The use of smart inhalers
raises questions about who should have access to these tools
on an equal basis. For some communities, socioeconomic
inequalities may restrict access to IoT-enabled healthcare.
To avoid exacerbate already existing health inequities, smart
inhalers must be available and inexpensive to all patients,
regardless of their socioeconomic situation (25).
Data Overload and Interpretation: The constant stream of data
produced by smart inhalers has the potential to be too much for
both patients and medical professionals to handle. User-friendly
interfaces and analytics tools are necessary to transform this
data into insights that can be put to use. Healthcare professionals
require training in efcient data interpretation and integration
into clinical decision-making procedures (26).
Regulation and Ethical Issues: The regulatory environment for
IoT-enabled medical devices is changing, and compliance with
applicable laws is crucial to ensuring patient safety and device
effectiveness. To establish a balance between technological
innovation and patient rights, ethical issues like data ownership,
permission, and patient autonomy must also be taken into
account (27).
Table 1- Summary of Benets and Challenges
Case Studies and Research Findings
Improvements in Medication Adherence and Asthma Control:
In a research by (28), individuals who used smart inhalers
demonstrated appreciably greater medication adherence and
asthma control than those who used conventional inhalers.
Real-time feedback on inhaler technique and drug use was
supplied by the smart inhalers, which improved adherence and
lessened symptoms.
Personalised treatment plans and symptom tracking: A case
study by (29) showed that smart inhalers made it easier for
patients to keep track of their symptoms and triggers. The
data was utilised by healthcare professionals to develop
individualised treatment strategies that improved symptom
management and decreased asthma are-ups.
Early Exacerbation Detection and Timely Interventions:
According to research by (30), smart inhalers enable early
exacerbation detection by keeping track of changes in
drug consumption and symptom patterns. When patients’
circumstances deteriorated, medical professionals got signals,
enabling prompt actions and averting severe asthma episodes.
Health Insights and Remote Patient Monitoring: (31)’s study
from 2021 looked into the usage of smart inhalers for remote
patient monitoring. Without the need for regular in-person visits,
patients in remote locations were able to communicate their
inhaler usage data with healthcare professionals, improving
health insights and adjusting treatment strategies.
Data-Driven Decision Making and Adherence Feedback: (18)
showed that patients with smart inhalers may now make data-
driven decisions regarding their asthma care. Patients got
feedback on their compliance and reminders, which made it
easier for them to stick to their recommended drug schedules
and improved overall illness management (32).
Enhancement of Quality of Life and Long-Term Management:
Patients who used smart inhalers reported higher quality of
life as a result of improved symptom management and fewer
hospitalisations, according to a longitudinal research by (33).
The study focused on the function of intelligent inhalers in
managing asthma over the long term and enhancing patients’
general wellbeing.
Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 1 | January 2024
Table 2- Key Findings
Patient Education and Engagement: Using Smart Inhalers
to Improve Asthma Management
In the eld of healthcare, patient involvement and education
are essential elements for effective illness treatment. The
introduction of cutting-edge technology, such Internet of Things
(IoT)-enabled smart inhalers, has created new opportunities for
improving patient education and involvement in asthma care.
Treatment adherence, symptom management, and general
quality of life can all be enhanced by educating patients about
the advantages and proper use of smart inhalers.
Importance of Patient Education: To get the best results with
asthma, a chronic respiratory disorder, attention must be taken
in managing it. The importance of persistent inhaler use,
good inhalation technique, and symptom monitoring may go
unappreciated by many patients. An essential component of
resolving these issues is patient education. With the introduction
of smart inhalers, a rare opportunity to spread awareness about
their capabilities, benets, and integration into daily activities
Patient Empowerment through Education: Educational
programmes for patients using smart inhalers can cover
a variety of topics. The real-time monitoring capabilities,
networking options, and data insights that these devices provide
should be explained to patients. It’s essential to provide clear
instructions on how to analyse data and sync the device with
mobile applications. Patients should also be made aware of the
possible advantages of better medication adherence, symptom
tracking, and customised therapy modications based on the
data produced by the smart inhalers.
Strategies for Patient Engagement: Encouraging active
involvement and well-informed decision-making are key
components of patient engagement promotion. To do this,
healthcare practitioners might use a variety of tactics:
Information that is specically tailored to each patient, taking
into account their preferences and preferred learning methods,
can improve comprehension and engagement.
Digital platforms: By utilising patient portals, online resources,
and mobile applications, it is possible to promote ongoing
contact while giving patients access to learning tools and a way
to monitor their progress.
Interactive Tools: Gamication components, tests, and
interactive tutorials may make learning fun and entice patients
to explore the capabilities of smart inhalers.
Feedback and Support: Promoting open communication among
patients about their experiences, worries, and inquiries fosters a
relationship between patients and healthcare professionals.
Personalised Care Plans: Giving patients the tools to actively
manage their conditions by working together to establish
personalised treatment plans based on information obtained
from smart inhalers.
Patients who are informed and involved are crucial to
getting the best possible health outcomes and managing
chronic illnesses like asthma. Healthcare professionals are
identifying a way to signicant gains in medication adherence,
symptom management, and overall quality of life for people
with asthma by using the potential of smart inhalers and
combining them with extensive patient education initiatives.
The fact that patients who are knowledgeable about their
ailment and available treatments are more likely to follow
their prescribed regimens and adopt healthy behaviours is a
cornerstone of this improvement. By providing patients with
real-time information into their drug consumption habits,
inhaler technique, and symptom management, the integration
of smart inhalers with patient education techniques addresses
this basic component. Patients are empowered to take control
of their asthma treatment journey and make decisions that have
a positive inuence on their health when they have fast access
to relevant data. A number of promising results that have the
potential to revolutionise asthma treatment have been produced
by the combination of patient education and smart inhaler
technology. The signicant increase in medication adherence
rates is the most important of these results. Patients are better
able to adhere to their treatment programmes when they get
individualised advice and reminders about their recommended
dosages. In addition to improving the effectiveness of the
recommended drugs, this transition from passive adherence to
active involvement reduces the hazards related to inconsistent
prescription usage. Smart inhalers and patient education work
together to improve symptom management and quality of life in
addition to medication adherence. With real-time information
at their disposal, patients may quickly spot changes from
their baseline health condition, enabling immediate actions to
address newly appearing symptoms or triggers. This proactive
approach not only helps patients control their symptoms more
effectively, but it also fosters a sense of empowerment in them,
allowing them to live more fullled lives despite having been
diagnosed with asthma. Additionally, patient involvement
through education has the potential to advance early asthma
exacerbation identication, a crucial component of asthma
care. Smart inhalers can detect tiny changes that can be signs
of an imminent exacerbation by continually monitoring usage
patterns and symptom changes. With the use of this real-time
International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]
Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 1 | January 2024
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information, healthcare professionals can act quickly to stop
the exacerbation from getting worse and perhaps even avoid
the need for emergency treatment. The combination of patient
education and smart inhalers supports a larger objective of
lowering healthcare use and related costs by encouraging this
proactive approach. The combination of patient education
programmes and smart inhalers has the potential to completely
alter asthma care. Patients who are informed and involved
are more likely to experience positive effects, such as better
symptom management and drug adherence, as well as earlier
exacerbation identication and increased quality of life. The
combination of patient education and smart inhaler technology
is emerging as a potent strategy that not only addresses
clinical outcomes but also fosters a sense of self-efcacy and
empowerment among patients as healthcare providers continue
to explore novel ways to empower people with asthma.
Future Directions: Adapting Smart Inhaler Technology to
Transform Asthma Management
With smart inhaler technology continuing to progress and
offering a wide range of possible innovations that hold the
promise of bettering patient outcomes and healthcare delivery,
the landscape of asthma management is set for major change. A
new age of individualised and data-driven asthma care is about
to begin with the integration of smart inhalers with electronic
health records (EHRs) and the use of articial intelligence (AI)
for predictive analytics. Smart inhaler integration with EHRs
is a logical step in the direction of more all-encompassing and
thorough patient care. EHRs act as databases for patient health
data, documenting a thorough medical history spanning several
healthcare settings. Healthcare professionals get a complete
picture of a patient’s asthma journey by seamlessly integrating
smart inhaler data with EHRs. By combining real-time inhaler
usage trends, symptom information, and environmental triggers
with a patient’s medical history, this integration enables doctors to
more precisely adapt treatment programmes. As a result, asthma
management becomes more individualised, and healthcare
professionals are better equipped to make choices that are in
line with each patient’s particular requirements and difculties.
With its ability to analyse data and recognise patterns, articial
intelligence has a lot of potential in the eld of smart inhalers.
Healthcare professionals may forecast patterns in asthma
exacerbations and treatment response by utilising AI-driven
predictive analytics. AI algorithms may examine previous data
to nd early indicators of decreasing asthma control, allowing
for prompt interventions to prevent exacerbations and improve
treatment plans. This preventative approach not only lessens
the stress on patients but also lowers the need for emergency
treatment and its accompanying expenses. The capabilities and
accessibility of smart inhalers continue to reach new heights
thanks to ongoing research and development initiatives. New
developments in sensor technology promise to improve the
precision and depth of the data that these devices collect. With
improved sensor capabilities, inhaler technique, medicine
compliance, and symptom changes may all be tracked more
precisely. The user experience and design of smart inhalers
are also being improved, which increases patient involvement
and acceptability, further encouraging their adoption in normal
asthma care. In addition, the democratisation of smart inhaler
technology is a further factor inuencing its course in the
future. To ensure that the advantages of IoT-driven asthma
care are not limited to a small group of people, researchers are
looking into methods to make these devices more accessible
to a variety of demographics. The potential for smart inhalers
to close gaps in healthcare inequalities is highlighted by the
inclusion that extends to communities that may encounter
obstacles like restricted access to technology or healthcare
services. The development of smart inhaler technology will
be important to the management of asthma in the future. For
improving individualised asthma management, smart inhaler
integration with EHRs and the use of AI-driven predictive
analytics offer enormous promise. The trajectory of asthma
care is changing towards a more patient-centric, data-driven,
and proactive paradigm as research and development initiatives
keep innovating and democratising these technologies. Asthma
patients’ lives are about to undergo a revolution thanks to the
convergence of developing smart inhaler technology and the
need for better patient outcomes, which places this sector at the
forefront of healthcare innovation [36].
Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology with asthma
management has become a transformational force in the
constantly changing world of healthcare. IoT-enabled smart
inhalers have the potential to completely change how asthma
is managed by providing individualised, data-driven solutions
that empower patients and improve healthcare practitioners’
capacity to give the best possible treatment. The complex
interactions between IoT-enabled smart inhalers and asthma
management have been covered in this paper. We have shed
light on how these devices are altering how patients and
healthcare professionals approach the treatment of asthma,
from their technological foundations to actual case studies.
The advantages of personalised treatment regimens, real-time
drug monitoring, and early intervention techniques highlight
the favourable effects that smart inhalers may have on patient
outcomes, such as increased adherence, symptom management,
and quality of life. The trip doesn’t nish here, though. It is
crucial to understand that the potential of smart inhalers is
vast and dynamic as we approach a new age in healthcare. The
continuing research, innovation, and cooperation throughout
the healthcare ecosystem are essential to the success of these
IoT-enabled devices. While the available data supports their
effectiveness, continuous research and practical use will further
prove their worth and improve best practises. Additionally, the
adoption of smart inhalers necessitates coordination between
patients, healthcare professionals, technology creators, and
politicians. We can solve issues with privacy, patient education,
interoperability, and accessibility by establishing an ecosystem
of support. This collaborative attitude will spur the broad use of
smart inhalers, guaranteeing that all asthma sufferers, regardless
of their demographic or socioeconomic background, may benet
from them. In summary, the integration of IoT technology with
asthma therapy via smart inhalers is an exciting advance in
patient-centric care. These devices are revolutionising asthma
management due to their potential to improve drug adherence,
symptom monitoring, and therapy customisation. Looking
ahead, the call to action is quite clear: keep pushing the limits
Research Paper E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 1 | January 2024
of innovation, carrying out rigorous research, and encouraging
cooperative relationships. By doing this, we can fully utilise the
benets of IoT-enabled smart inhalers, thereby enhancing the
lives of many people with asthma and establishing a standard
for how technology can revolutionise healthcare.
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Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic conditions in pediatric practice, with increasing prevalence hampered by poor socioeconomic impacts, leading to major public health issues. Considered as a complex heterogeneous syndrome, not a single disease, the management of the disease is a real challenge, impacting medical staff, patients and caregivers. Over the decades, a significant number of diagnostic and treatment regimen have been developed to achieve good standards, sustaining balanced control of the disease. This paper attempts a review on the establishment of new trends in the management of bronchial asthma in the pediatric age group.
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Over the past few decades, technology and improvements in artificial intelligence have dramatically changed major sectors of our day-to-day lives, including the field of healthcare. E-health includes a wide range of subdomains, such as wearables, smart-inhalers, portable electronic spirometers, digital stethoscopes, and clinical decision support systems. E-health has been consistently shown to enhance the quality of care, improve adherence to therapy, and allow early detection of worsening in chronic pulmonary diseases. The present review addresses the current and potential future role of major e-health tools and approaches in respiratory medicine, with the aim of providing readers with trustful and updated evidence to increase their awareness of the topic, and to allow them to optimally benefit from the latest innovation technology. Collected literature evidence shows that the potential of technology tools in respiratory medicine mainly relies on three fundamental interactions: between clinicians, between clinician and patient, and between patient and health technology. However, it would be desirable to establish widely agreed and adopted standards for conducting trials and reporting results in this area, as well as to take into proper consideration potentially relevant pitfalls related to privacy protection and compliance with regulatory procedures.
The health of a nation's population is a leading indicator of that nation's level of economic output. When it comes to the provision of medical services, the effectiveness of various health care facilities is directly proportional to the state of patients' health. The medical records of patients require special attention because they are a vital part of the treatment audit trail prior to the implementation of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, patients' records were organized and archived through a record management system in a designated storage facility. The paper-based records were susceptible to inaccuracies resulting from illegible handwriting and occasionally proved inadequate in the context of prescriptions. In spite of its benefits, the EHR system introduced a new level of vulnerability by making it possible for dishonest individuals to gain access to the digital records including patients' personal information. This research paper's major goal is to conduct a study on the value of cybersecurity in EHRs, the difficulties associated with healthcare data vulnerability, and the significance of cybersecurity in those contexts. A survey method was used as the methodology for this research. The questionnaire was sent out to 196 respondents who are knowledgeable with EHR and work in the healthcare sector in a variety of places around the United States. According to the conclusions of this survey, all of the respondents (98%) were in agreement that significant components that need to be adopted to secure the EHR system include correct disposal of media, ownership of privileged accounts, periodic system audits, and identification and authentication mechanisms.
This article explores the transformative impact of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) on patient care and hospital revenue. EHRs have revolutionized healthcare by providing instant access to comprehensive patient information, leading to improved diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and better patient outcomes. Furthermore, EHRs facilitate streamlined communication and collaboration among healthcare teams, ensuring coordinated care and timely specialist consultations. The vast amount of data generated by EHRs enable data-driven decision-making, allowing healthcare organizations to identify patterns, optimize treatments, and enhance patient safety. Additionally, EHRs automate billing processes, reducing errors and improving revenue cycle management, ultimately maximizing hospital revenue. By embracing EHR systems, healthcare providers can deliver exceptional care, streamline operations, and achieve financial sustainability in today's complex healthcare landscape. Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Patient care, Hospital revenue, streamlined communication, Data-driven decision making.
Interoperability in healthcare has emerged as a powerful force driving transformative changes in the industry. The seamless exchange of data among diverse healthcare systems and applications is revolutionizing patient care, clinical efficiency, and medical research. This article explores the critical role of interoperability in advancing data exchange, empowering healthcare professionals with comprehensive patient information, and fostering patient engagement. It delves into the advantages of interoperability, such as improved patient care, enhanced clinical efficiency, and facilitated medical research. However, challenges, including standardization, data security, and technical integration, must be addressed for widespread adoption. The article envisions a future where interoperability, alongside Inter-net of Medical Things (IoMT), precision medicine, and artificial intelligence (AI), will pave the way for a more efficient, precise, and patient-centric healthcare landscape. As interoperability continues to shape the future of healthcare, the industry moves closer to achieving its vision of a healthier and happier world. Interoperability, Healthcare, Data exchange, Clinical efficiency, Patient care.
The human upper airway is comprised of many anatomical volumes. The obstructions in the upper airway volumes are needed to be diagnosed which requires volumetric segmentation. Manual segmentation is time-consuming and requires expertise in the field. Automatic segmentation provides reliable results and also saves time and effort for the expert. The objective of this study is to systematically review the literature to study various techniques used for the automatic segmentation of the human upper airway regions in volumetric images. PRISMA guidelines were followed to conduct the systematic review. Four online databases Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed, and JURN were used for the searching of the relevant papers. The relevant papers were shortlisted using inclusion and exclusion eligibility criteria. Three review questions were made and explored to find their answers. The best technique among all the literature studies based on the Dice coefficient and precision was identified and justified through the analysis. This systematic review provides insight to the researchers so that they shall be able to overcome the prominent issues in the field identified from the literature. The outcome of the review is based on several parameters, e.g., accuracy, techniques, challenges, datasets, and segmentation of different sub-regions. Flowchart of the search process as per PRISMA guidelines along with inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Background: The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) and National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) recently made paradigm-shifting recommendations regarding inhaler management in asthma. GINA now recommends that combination inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)-formoterol inhalers replace short-acting β-agonists as the preferred reliever therapy at all steps of management. While the most recent NAEPP guidelines did not review reliever ICS-formoterol usage in mild asthma, they similarly recommend single maintenance and reliever therapy (SMART) at Steps 3-4 of asthma management. Despite these recommendations, many clinicians-particularly in the United States (US)-are not prescribing new inhaler paradigms. Clinician-level reasons for this implementation gap remain largely unexplored. Objective: Guided by a dissemination and implementation science framework, we conducted in-depth interviews of clinicians regarding the facilitators of, and barriers to, prescribing reliever ICS-formoterol in mild asthma and within SMART. Methods: Community and academic primary care providers, pulmonologists, and allergists who reported regularly caring for adults with asthma were interviewed. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, qualitatively coded, and analyzed using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Interviews were continued until theme saturation. Results: Among 20 interviewed clinicians, only 6 clinicians described regularly prescribing ICS-formoterol inhalers as a reliever inhaler (either alone or within SMART). Significant barriers to new inhaler approaches included concerns surrounding a lack of Food and Drug Administration labeling for ICS-formoterol as a reliever therapy, a lack of awareness regarding a patient's formulary-preferred ICS-long-acting β-agonist choices, the high cost of combination inhalers, and time constraints. Facilitators to utilizing new inhaler approaches included clinicians' beliefs that the latest inhaler recommendations are simpler, more congruent with real-world patients' behavior, and that a potential change in management strategy would offer a valuable opportunity for shared decision making. Conclusions: While new guidelines exist in asthma, many clinicians described significant barriers to utilizing them including medico-legal issues, pharmaceutical formulary confusion, and high drug costs. Nonetheless, most clinicians believed the latest inhaler approaches would be more intuitive for their patients and offer an opportunity for patient-centered collaboration and care. Stakeholders may find these results useful in future attempts to increase the real-world adoption of recent asthma recommendations.
Although AI-enabled customer relationship management (CRM) systems have gained momentum in healthcare to enhance performance, there is a striking dearth of knowledge on how such capabilities are formed and affect service innovation. The study adopted a mixed-method approach to investigate the underlying phenomena. This research infused resource-based theory, dynamic capability theory, and theory of productivity paradox to investigate how healthcare in India acquires AI-enabled CRM capabilities and enhances service innovation. We identified the facets of AI-enabled CRM capabilities using a case study and developed a framework for AI-enabled CRM capability and service innovation. This study noticed that customer service flexibility (CSF) is a missing link in this relationship. The findings of the quantitative study employing PLS-SEM reveal the linear relationships between AI-enabled CRM capability, CSF, and service innovation. This study explains the formation of AI-enabled CRM capabilities to fill the research gap and direct innovative performance in healthcare, which is an immediate need to sustain in a volatile environment. This study provides theoretical implications to enhance the research stream and practical implications for decision-makers.
Herein, we report the development and optimization of ARI™, a smart pMDI inhaler device with integrated spacer functionality. The design was initially optimized using in silico experiments, and then its aerosol performance was validated using in vitro cascade impaction experiments using Symbicort as a model inhaler. The optimum design for the ARI™ device used a converging–diverging nozzle to improve the airflow and optimize the mixing between the inhalation air and the propellent jet. Additionally, ARI™ showed better aerosol performance by significantly reducing the deposition in the induction port while maintaining the respirable fraction at around 45–55% compared to around 55% for the unmodified symbicort inhaler and 27–43% for the inhaler with the OptiChamber spacer.