Conference PaperPDF Available

A Survey on Decentralized Application based On Blockchain Platform

A Survey on Decentralized Application based On
Blockchain Platform
Dr. Rajkumar Banoth Associate Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
Marwadi University
Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Maharshi B. Dave Mtech Scholar
Department of Cyber Security
Marwadi University
Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Abstract Blockchain is distributed network technology
which stores information in decentralized manner. Blockchain
makes transaction transparent and provides e nhanced security
using cryptography. It has some properties including
immutability, decentralization and auditability which makes
transaction tamper proof and more secure. Decentralization is
becoming popular way to develop applications and for data
management. This paper has conducted a survey on the working
of decentralized application based on Ethereum. Further, this
research study has also analyzed the working of smart contract
in Blockchain. Apart from that, InterPlanetary File S ystem is
used to for storing and accessing files in a distributed system.
Moreover, this research study has covered different tools and
techniques , which are used to de velop DApps based on Ethereum
KeywordsBlockchain, Ethereum, Smart contract,
Decentralization, InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).
Bloc kchain technology is peer-to-peer network-based
technology. Blockchain is a distributed ledger of
transaction[1]. Blockchain is works in decentralized manner so
there is no central authority. Every node in network frequently
synchronizes the distributed ledger. It uses the cryptography
for enhanced security purpose. Blockchain us es cryptographic
hash mechanism, so that data stored in block cannot be
modified. If one block’s data is modified then afterward every
block’s data should be recalculated with new has h value. This
immutability feature is one of the fundamental application of
Bloc kchain. Blockchain supports transparent and immutable
trans action which are also easy to audit[2].
There are several types of blockchain, It can be public,
private, per miss ioned or consortium[2]. Bitcoin is an example
of public blockchain where anyone can mine the block and also
make transaction and join the network. Whereas in private
blockchain there will be one organization which will be
responsible to govern the transactions and controlling who is
allowed to join network. Pe rmissioned blockchain is generally
setup for single business where participants need permiss ion to
join the network. When multiple organization come up together
and decides to implement blockchain, then responsibilities will
be shared among them to maintain the blockchain it is called
consortium blockchain.
Ethereum is blockchain platform which enables developers
to develop decentralized apps [3]. Ethereum Blockchain is
capable of simulating bus iness logics, allowing developers to
write smart contracts to develop decentralized application in
which they can create certain rules for ownership and
transaction formats. S mart contract is a piece of code which
can be automatically e xecute if certain conditions are met[4].
Solidity is a widely used programming language for writing
smart contracts in Ethereum. EVM (Ethereum Virtual
Machine) provides all the necess ary functionality to run a
smart contract in Ethereum. InterPlanetary File Sys tem (IPFS)
is a distributed file system for peer-to-peer network. It
generates unique hash for every file which are uploaded and
also modifies hash value each time when file gets updated [1].
Distributed file system is having several issues related to
security and privacy. This issues arise mainly because data is
being stored on different nodes in distributed file system rather
than single device. IPFS is using transport-encryption. It means
data is s ecured while it is moving between the nodes. A best
possible way for securing data is to encrypt the data before
uploading it to IPFS.
A. Ethereum
Ethereum is a blockchain which provides developer to
develop decentralized applications by running programming
code using EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine).
B. Smart Contract
Smart contract is the business logic, it is a piece of code
written by develop er which e xecutes on top of Ethereu m
blockchain when certain conditions are met [5].
C. InterPlanetary File System
InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a distributed file
storage system for storing and accessing files in distributed
network. IPFS employs content address ing to identify stuff
bas ed on what it contains rather than its physical location.
IPFS generates hash value of every file wh ich is being
D. Solidity
Solidity is a wide ly used programming language to write
smart contracts on top of Ethereum blockchain.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AZ5-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-7884-7
978-1-6654-7884-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 1171
2022 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS) | 978-1-6654-7884-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICSCDS53736.2022.9760861
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at San Antonio. Downloaded on August 22,2022 at 22:32:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
E. Remix
Remix is a s oftware that combines standard developer
tools into a s ingle graphical user interface (GUI) for deploying
and compiling Ethereum Blockchain s mart contracts.
F. Metamask
Metamask is an e-wallet used in browser as an extension
which keep records of transaction of Ethereum Blockchain.
A. Implementation of DApp based on Ethereum Blockchain
For implementation, they have used Ethereum blockchain
and developed an e-voting app using smart contract on top of
Ethereum network us ing E-wallets[3]. Ethereu m provides
many s ervices and solutions and also easy to use development
tools and smart contract. To deploy and compile the smart
contract, every node in the network executes the contract and
for that they have to invest s ome ether. Gas amount is needed
to execute smart contract[4]. There is must that every vote is
real and each person should only be allowed to vote once. This
is preserved by immutability of blockchain. Once a person has
voted then no one can alter the data.
Because the Ethereum main network utilizes the original
Ethereum, which is e xpensive, s o they have used the test
network, also known as the truffle network, for this
experiment[4]. There are various test networks on the market,
but Truffle is the mos t popular since it is eas y to use and
implement smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
Furthermore, it a llows users to choose between a public and
private blockchain network. Ganache will provide a platform
for Ethereum blockchain development. It will supply ten
accounts, each with 100 Ether, allowing for s imple blockchain
setup and transactions. Remix IDE is a web and desktop
programme that is free s ource, it allows you to create Solidity
smart contracts directly in your browser. Remix IDE inc ludes
mo dules for s mart contract testing, debugging, and
deployment, among other things. They have combined all the
different functions like candidate, vote etc. In one main
contract called Election. It generates unique id for every user
and maps it to every candidate. Once the candidate has used
their voting privilege using their unique id they cannot vote
again[3]. For voting voter has to pay some gas amount in here
they have used Metamas k extension, Metamask enables users
to visit blockchain via a web browser. When a user votes, a
certain a mount of gas is paid, and the transaction is completed,
all other nodes in the blockchain are notified [3].
B. Secure Data storage based on Blockchain and ACL system
using IPFS
In this paper, they have proposed a multi-us er system
prototype for file management, to provide a s ecure distributed
file storage system, blockchain technology is being used. They
have created web portal from which user can upload data and
then data will be encrypted and secret key of particular data
will be provided to the user, us ing that secret key us er can
acces s the data later[6].
AES256 (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm is used
to encrypt the data. With brute-force approaches , AES 256 is
almost unbreakable. While a 56-b it DES key can be cracked in
about a day, AES256 has 1.1 × 1077 potential key
combinations , which would take 3. 31 x 1056 years to crack
using today's computing capability. There a re three different
modules in this proposed system first is User, second Admin
and third is Organization. IPFS distributed cloud storage is
used to manage and s tore data[7]. User have to be registered,
then select the document type and browse the document from
local storage to upload. Then s elected document will be
encrypted using AES256 a lgorithm with randomly generated
key[6]. The hash of the encrypted document will be returned
after it is uploaded to the IPFS d istributed cloud. Paralle l, the
smart contract is also invoked, and the returned hash will be
stored on blockchain with s ome minimal fees. These all hashes
are also stored on the smart contract. On successfully
uploading of document, a rece ipt will be generated which is
stored on firebase databas e along with returned hash.
C. E-documents storage using Blockchain
Generally, any document which is prepared for official us e
will be in printed form. However it’s far better to s tore and
share electronic documents . The same content can be accessed
by using computer or mobile, it is called as E-documents [8].
The proposed system us es blockchain to keep the documents
secure and always available via internet. Initially every node
will be independent. After the connection between all the
nodes in blockchain, Peer-to-Peer connection will be
establis hed. This will be done using third party hardware which
they have termed as the bottle-server. The bottle-server is
responsible for verification of authorized node and also it will
be having some threshold amount for incoming connections.
Authorized nodes are the only ones which can enter the
data into the blockchain network. A soft copy of document will
be made and s ent it to blockchain network by authorized node.
This e-copy will be synchronized in every nodes in the
blockchain network. The owner will get document code which
is generated by SHA-256 hashing algorithm. The us er will
access the API for document retrieval. One Time Pas s word
verification method is used to access the particular
D. IPFS and Block chain-based file storage and access
IPFS (InterP lanetary File System) is a file s torage system
that is dispersed across multiple co mputers . It addresses the
Fig. 1. Remix IDE
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AZ5-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-7884-7
978-1-6654-7884-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 1172
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at San Antonio. Downloaded on August 22,2022 at 22:32:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
present file storage system's security, reliability, and scalability
issues [9]. IPFS provides high throughput for accessing file
storage [10]. In the mining operation, the previous hash will be
added to the new block and The minor who calculates the
block hash first will share it with other blockchain nodes. The
authenticity of the block will then be verified by other nodes.
The image files were s tored in the IPFS distributed file system
using ipfsapi. The SHA-256 algorithm will be used to generate
the hash value and for convers ion of the message digest to hex
format, the salting procedure is utilised. The Message Diges t
(MD) and Hash values are combined to form a hash of content-
address , which will be stored into the blockchain network.
The IPFS creates 46 byte long hash so the storage space is
less consumed compared to the traditional file storage
system[7]. In this proposed system miners will collect the
transactions and valid ones will be mined and stored into IPFS
distributed network and new block will be generated into the
Blockchain network. A unique hash will be provided by the
IPFS for the stored transactions. Using this unique hash one
can access the transaction.
E. Freelancing platform on top of Ethereum
Ethereum public blockchain makes freelancing platform
more transparent. Blockchain is a trus tless system where nodes
do not know each other s ame as freelancing where e mployers
do not know the freelancer, they just get their information like
what technical expertise they have, by looking up their profile.
By implementing blockchain in freelancing s ystem it is eas y to
assign and maintain f reelancing wor k as well as payment
process [11].
The user can be either employer or freelancer. The process
starts from registering themselves by visiting website. Website
is running on Ethereum so for registration they have to use
their Ethereum blockchain address. After registering one can
post a job or can apply for the open jobs. Employer can choos e
the freelancer by reviewing their previous projects and ratings.
Once employer decide and s elect freelancer the ethers will be
debited from e mployer’s account and when job gets done and
employer confirms that job is completed, the ethers will be
trans ferred to freelancer’s account. Ethereum blockchain
ma kes this payment process easy and more transparent. It
eliminates the third party from the payment process. If the
freelancer cancels the job, the ethers will be credited to
employer’s account and the job will be open to other
freelancer. For this decentralized s ystem smart contract is used
for peer to peer trans action.
The proposed methods are based on decentralized network
and distributed file system, there are many advantages in
decentralized network environment but it also has certain
limitations. In current scenario Decentralized applications
(dApp) infras tructure is hard to maintain and develop in large
scale, because every peer in the network needs to upgrade their
node software, maintenance, debugging, and updates become
mo re d ifficult [13]. In Decentralized Apps, traditional security
will not be effective. Because Decentralized Apps run
differently and in a different context, it's necessary to adopt
dApp-specific s ecurity solutions .
In recent years Blockchain gained attention of all
developers to develop decentralized applications and integrate
the distributed file storage system. This res earch study has
success fully presented a survey on Dapps built on the
Ethereum Blockchain and a document s haring platform based
on the IPFS distributed file system. The proposed study has
also covered the tools required to build a private Ethereum tes t
network. The traditional file sys tem storage lacks security,
integrity and reliability, To improve this poss ible method is to
use P2P connection based distributed IPFS file storage system.
We have incorporated a technique to use the IPFS storage
system to build a document storage and access system on top
of Blockchain.
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Fig. 2. Decentralized freelancing platform diagram
Ethe reum
Te st
ne twork
Sm art
con tract
Crypto -
graphi c
Alg ori th
Has hing
Alg orith
[12 ] Geth &
Remix IDE
So lidity Meta
Ellipt ic
[4] T ruffle,
Ganache &
Remix IDE
So lidity NA NA NA
[3] T ruffle,
Ganache &
Remix IDE
So lidity Meta
[11 ] NA So lidity Meta
[1] NA NA NA NA SHA256
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AZ5-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-7884-7
978-1-6654-7884-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 1173
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at San Antonio. Downloaded on August 22,2022 at 22:32:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AZ5-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-7884-7
978-1-6654-7884-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 1174
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at San Antonio. Downloaded on August 22,2022 at 22:32:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
... The transaction verification process is called the consensus mainly due to the requirement that the users' majority must agree upon its validity [8,18,19]. In terms of consensus, three general types of blockchain systems have arisen, namely, public, consortium, and private networks [1,4,11,18,[20][21][22]. ...
... Figure 1 depicts a subset of those characteristics that are well documented in the existing literature and are briefly analyzed within the subsequent paragraphs. Blockchain operates within a decentralized paradigm, enabling a network of individuals or organizations to securely record transactions [19,69]. An innovative facet introduced by blockchain is its capacity to facilitate secure agreements between multiple entities over public networks, without the need for third-party intermediaries [71]. ...
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In decentralized systems, the quest for heightened security and integrity within blockchain networks becomes an issue. This survey investigates anomaly detection techniques in blockchain ecosystems through the lens of unsupervised learning, delving into the intricacies and going through the complex tapestry of abnormal behaviors by examining avant-garde algorithms to discern deviations from normal patterns. By seamlessly blending technological acumen with a discerning gaze, this survey offers a perspective on the symbiotic relationship between unsupervised learning and anomaly detection by reviewing this problem with a categorization of algorithms that are applied to a variety of problems in this field. We propose that the use of unsupervised algorithms in blockchain anomaly detection should be viewed not only as an implementation procedure but also as an integration procedure, where the merits of these algorithms can effectively be combined in ways determined by the problem at hand. In that sense, the main contribution of this paper is a thorough study of the interplay between various unsupervised learning algorithms and how this can be used in facing malicious activities and behaviors within public and private blockchain networks. The result is the definition of three categories, the characteristics of which are recognized in terms of the way the respective integration takes place. When implementing unsupervised learning, the structure of the data plays a pivotal role. Therefore, this paper also provides an in-depth presentation of the data structures commonly used in unsupervised learning-based blockchain anomaly detection. The above analysis is encircled by a presentation of the typical anomalies that have occurred so far along with a description of the general machine learning frameworks developed to deal with them. Finally, the paper spotlights challenges and directions that can serve as a comprehensive compendium for future research efforts.
... Decentralized identity [4,5,15,22,24,25] is yet another hot topic in the Blockchain world, as it relies on granting users unrestricted access to the network. For a more comprehensive survey on decentralized applications please see [3]. ...
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The emergence of crypto currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have shown the value in decentralized technologies. The idea of having 24/7 access to programmable money peaked the interest in the field, and as a by-product, came the realization that the same core technologies that enable programmable dog money, can enable highly-available DNS services, highly-available storage services, 24/7 asset exchanges, and peer-to-peer marketplaces to name a few. This paper explores the use of smart contracts in multi-cloud environments in order to facilitate business processes across multiple providers speaking different languages in terms of policies, best practices, APIs, and SLAs.
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The use of advanced technologies has increased drastically to maintain any sensitive records related to education, health, or finance. It helps to protect the data from unauthorized access by attackers. However, all the existing advanced technologies face some issues because of their uncertainties. These technologies have some lapses to provide privacy, attack-free, transparency, reliability, and flexibility. These characteristics are essential while managing any sensitive data like educational certificates or medical certificates. Hence, we designed an Industry 5.0 based blockchain application to manage medical certificates using Remix Ethereum blockchain in this paper. This application also employs a distributed application (DApp) that uses a test RPC-based Ethereum blockchain and user expert system as a knowledge agent. The main strength of this work is the maintenance of existing certificates over a blockchain with the creation of new certificates that use logistic Map encryption cipher on existing medical certificates while uploading into the blockchain. This application helps to quickly analyze the birth, death, and sick rate as per certain features like location and year.
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In a research community, data sharing is an essential step to gain maximum knowledge from the prior work. Existing data sharing platforms depend on trusted third party (TTP). Due to the involvement of TTP, such systems lack trust, transparency, security, and immutability. To overcome these issues, this paper proposed a blockchain-based secure data sharing platform by leveraging the benefits of interplanetary file system (IPFS). A meta data is uploaded to IPFS server by owner and then divided into n secret shares. The proposed scheme achieves security and access control by executing the access roles written in smart contract by owner. Users are first authenticated through RSA signatures and then submit the requested amount as a price of digital content. After the successful delivery of data, the user is encouraged to register the reviews about data. These reviews are validated through Watson analyzer to filter out the fake reviews. The customers registering valid reviews are given incentives. In this way, maximum reviews are submitted against every file. In this scenario, decentralized storage, Ethereum blockchain, encryption, and incentive mechanism are combined. To implement the proposed scenario, smart contracts are written in solidity and deployed on local Ethereum test network. The proposed scheme achieves transparency, security, access control, authenticity of owner, and quality of data. In simulation results, an analysis is performed on gas consumption and actual cost required in terms of USD, so that a good price estimate can be done while deploying the implemented scenario in real set-up. Moreover, computational time for different encryption schemes are plotted to represent the performance of implemented scheme, which is shamir secret sharing (SSS). Results show that SSS shows the least computational time as compared to advanced encryption standard (AES) 128 and 256.
Conference Paper
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Large files cannot be efficiently stored on blockchains. On one hand side, the blockchain becomes bloated with data that has to be propagated within the blockchain network. On the other hand, since the blockchain is replicated on many nodes, a lot of storage space is required without serving an immediate purpose, especially if the node operator does not need to view every file that is stored on the blockchain. It furthermore leads to an increase in the price of operating blockchain nodes because more data needs to be processed, transferred and stored. IPFS is a file sharing system that can be leveraged to more efficiently store and share large files. It relies on cryptographic hashes that can easily be stored on a blockchain. Nonetheless, IPFS does not permit users to share files with selected parties. This is necessary, if sensitive or personal data needs to be shared. Therefore, this paper presents a modified version of the InterPlanetary Filesystem (IPFS) that leverages Ethereum smart contracts to provide access controlled file sharing. The smart contract is used to maintain the access control list, while the modified IPFS software enforces it. For this, it interacts with the smart contract whenever a file is uploaded, downloaded or transferred. Using an experimental setup, the impact of the access controlled IPFS is analyzed and discussed.
Lawful evidence management in digital forensics is of paramount importance in police investigations because such evidence is used to convict suspects of crimes. Existing studies have adopted cloud computing to collect evidence and then leveraged blockchain to support the transparency, immutability, and auditability of the evidence. Unfortunately, such studies only rely on a weak security model and do not cover the entire life cycle of the evidence or address the key privacy issues, i.e., witness privacy in evidence collection and juror privacy in court trials. In this work, we propose LEChain, a blockchain-based lawful evidence management scheme to supervise the entire evidence flow and all of the court data (e.g., votes and trial results), extending from evidence collection and access during the police investigation to jury voting in the court trials. Specifically, we utilize short randomizable signatures to anonymously authenticate witnesses’ identities to protect the witness privacy. Then, we leverage fine-grained access control based on ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption for evidence access. Next, we design a secure voting method to protect juror privacy. In addition, we build a consortium blockchain to record evidence transactions. Finally, we formally analyze the security and privacy of LEChain and evaluate its computational costs and communication overhead by implementing a prototype based on a local Ethereum test network.
Conference Paper
Blockchain technology is being used in many areas, during last few years. Furthermore, different application opportunities are still been investigated. Blockchain relies on and permits to implement the concept of Decentralized Application (DApps). This makes the applications more transparent, distributed and flexible. The complexity of blockchain and its integration problems require expertise that differs from traditional application development approaches. Within this context, this paper presents our experience in building a DApp with one of the most popular blockchain based platforms called Ethereum (PDF) Building A Decentralized Application on the Ethereum Blockchain. Available from: [accessed Oct 20 2020].
Blockchain Based Secure Data Storage and Access Control System Using Ipfs
  • S Desai
  • R Shelke
  • O Deshmukh
  • H Choudhury
  • P S S Sambare
S. Desai, R. Shelke, O. Deshmukh, H. Choudhary, and P. S. S. Sambare, " Blockchain Based Secure Data Storage and Access Control System Using Ipfs," vol. 7, no. 19, pp. 1254-1260, 2020.