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Executive Summary Dyscalculia is a special type of mathematics learning difficulty. It is mainly related to performing arithmetic calculations that affect the difficulty of machining and quantity and affect common mathematics education, especially at the level of basic schools and each person's life. Therefore, this is considered a serious problem in mathematical studies at the school level. This study explores teachers' and students' awareness of dyscalculia in the Panchtar district. Especially, this study explores the status of the dyscalculic students of the basic level school in the Pandcutar district, exploring the knowledge of teachers regarding dyscalculia in terms of sex, school types, educational qualifications, and teaching experiences. The study is a descriptive survey design. It consisted of 160 primary school teachers and 400 students of grade VI from the Panchtar district. Samples for the study were chosen by employing a simple random sampling procedure. The tool for collecting data was developed concerning teachers' perceptions of dyscalculia for the study. Similarly, in order to collect data related to dyscalculia, a dyscalculia screening test was developed and conducted for students. Thus, the collected data has been explained using descriptive as well as inferential statistics. The awareness of the teachers regarding dyscalculia was found very low. The awareness of teachers concerning their gender, the type of school, and qualifications were not found significant except for their teaching experience. The teaching experience of more than five years of teaching at the basic level was found more significant than a teaching experience of teaching less than five years concerning the awareness of dyscalculia. The result shows that 6.8% of students have been found dyscalculic studying at the basic level. According to the study results, it can be concluded that the state of awareness or knowledge of teachers about dyscalculia is alarming state. Similarly, at the basic level, the status of learners with dyscalculia shows a stable status compared to international acceptance. It also shows that there is a relationship between teaching experience and knowledge of dyscalculia. In this study, in order to improve teachers' knowledge of dyscalculia, it was recommended to introduce a dyscalculia-related course to the training courses for present and prospective teachers. Likewise, teachers' knowledge of dyscalculia must be included in the academic course to correctly identify, guide, and intervene in dyscalculic students. Similarly, the concerned administrative/educational authorities should pay special attention to providing basic-level teachers with the necessary knowledge about dyscalculia in order to create an appropriate environment for teaching and learning mathematics and to overcome dyscalculic students.
A Mini-Research Report
Submitted to the
Research Directorate, Rector's Office
Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu
Rajendra Kunwar
Reader, Mathematics Education
Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus, Ilam, Nepal
March, 25
I hereby declare that this Mini-Research Report entitled "Teachers' Awareness
and the Condition of the Student Dyscalculia" submitted to the office of Research
Directorate, Rector's Office Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal is an
entirely innovative work. The findings and conclusions embodied in this research are my
work, and they have not been submitted anywhere else for the academic award of any
degree or any other reason, except the work of my published article. I have made due
acknowledgments to all ideas and information borrowed from different sources in the
course of writing this dissertation. I shall be exclusively responsible if any evidence is
found aligned with my research report.
Rajendra Kunwar,
March, 25
The undersigned certified that we read, approved, and recommended Research
Directorate, Rector's Office, Tribhuvan University for accepting a Mini Research Report
entitled "Teachers' Awareness and the Condition of the Student Dyscalculia" by Rajendra
Kunwar, Reader of Mathematics Education, Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus, Ilam,
Tribhuvan University.
Evaluation Committee:
Prof. Umesh Kumar Mandal, PhD ……………………………
Executive Director Signature
Research Directorate, Office of the Rector
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu
External Examiner
Name: Binod Prasad Dhakal, PhD …………………………..
Designation: Professor Signature
Address: Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
I would like to express my gratitude to the proposal reviewers of this research
work, who pointed out the weakness of this study and suggest me the appropriate way to
conduct this research work. I would like to acknowledge Research Directorate, Rector's
Office Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur for providing me the research grants for
conducting this research. Similarly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to
Executive Director, Prof, Dr. Umesh Kumar Mandal for his support, coordination, and
due management.
I would like to extend my gratitude to the external examiner, Prof Dr. Binod
Prasad Dhakal, and the internal experts for their meticulous study of this report and
critical as well as constructive comments for the betterment of this report.
I am indebted to all the basic level school headteachers who provided me the time
for responding to the questionnaire to both teachers and students. Similarly, all the
teachers and students who participated in this study, directly and indirectly, are also part
of my appreciation and I would like to express my sincere thanks to them.
My special thanks go to my late life partner Mrs. Hemlata Upreti for her
encouragement and kind cooperation in every step of this research work. I also express
my sincere thanks to all my friends who gave me valuable input about this research study.
Rajendra Kunwar
Table of Contents
Certification Sheet……………………………………………………..….
Table of Content…………………………………………….……..……...
List of Tables…………………………………………….….……………..
List of Figure ………...…………………………………….……….……..
List of Appendices..……………………………….………………….…...
List of Abbreviations…...……………………………………………….……
Executive Summary…………………………………………………….…
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION…..……………………………..……..
1.1 General Background…………...…………………………………
1.2 Statement of the Problem………………………………….…..…
1.3 Rationale of the Study………………………………………….…
1.4 Objectives of the Study……………………………………….…..
1.5 Hypothesis of the Study……………………………….……….....
1.6 Delimitations of the Study……………………………………..…
1.7 Operational Definitions of the Terms…………..……….…….….
2.1 Review of the Empirical Literature…………………….…………
2.2 Learning Difficulty and Dyscalculia……………………..…….
2.2.1 Learning Difficulty…………………………………...……
2.2.2 Dyscalculia……………………………………..……….
2.2.3 Characteristics of dyscalculia…..…………………...….
2.3 Dyscalculia and Educational interference……………….…….
2.3.1 Causes of Dyscalculia………………....……..…...
2.3.2 Common Difficulties of dyscalculia…………....……....
2.3.3 Symptoms of Dyscalculia…………………........……
2.3.4 Support to Children with Dyscalculia…….………...….….
2.3.5 Prevalence of Dyscalculia...………..…..……….………
2.4 Perception and Awareness of the Teacher about Dyscalculia……
2.5 Research Gap…………......……………………………………...
2.6 Conceptual Framework……………………………………......
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY............…………………………….
3.1 Research Design…………......………………………….….…….
3.2 Population and Sample………………………......………….……
3.3 Research Procedures…………………………........……….…….
3.4 Tools Construction……………..……….………………..………
3.5 Data Collection Procedures………….....…………..……….
3.6 Data Analysis Procedures……………………………...………
4.1 Teachers' Awareness about Dyscalculic Students……......……
4.2 Teachers' Awareness about Dyscalculia in terms of Demographic
4.3 Dyscalculic Students Status…….………..………...............…..…
5.1 Summary…………………………………....….…………….…...
5.2 Conclusions…………………….……………….………….……..
5.3 Policy Implementation…….………………….………….….……
APPENDIX 1………………………………………………………………
APPENDIX: 2……...………………………………………………………
List of Tables
Table 1:
Factors and Items related to Dyscalculia Awareness Test ……………..……
Table 2:
Factor-wise Internal Consistency …………………..………………………..…
Table 3:
Factors of Dyscalculia Status Test …………………………………..…...….
Table 4:
Internal Consistency of the Dyscalculia Status Test ………….………..…….
Table 5:
Teachers' Awareness about Dyscalculic Students …….……………….......
Table 6:
Association of Basic Level Teachers' Awareness regarding their
Demographic Variables ………………………………………………………….
Table 7:
Students Dyscalculia Screening Test Scores ..……….…………….……..…
List of Figures
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework ……………………………………….…………… 29
Figure 2: Sequential Steps of the Study……………………………………………. 32
List of Appendices
Dyscalculia Status Test (DST)………..…….………………………..…
Dyscalculia Awareness Test (DAT)………………….………..…….
Central Bureau of Statistics
Dyscalculia Awareness Test
DoE :
Department of Education
Dyscalculia Status Test
Education Review Office
Knowledge of Content and Students
Knowledge of Content and Teaching
MoE :
Ministry of Education
National Assessment of Student Achievement
Subject Matter Knowledge
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Executive Summary
Dyscalculia is a special type of mathematics learning difficulty. It is mainly
related to performing arithmetic calculations that affect the difficulty of machining and
quantity and affect common mathematics education, especially in the level of basic
schools and each person's life. Therefore, this is considered a serious problem in
mathematical studies at the school level. This study explores teachers' and students'
awareness of dyscalculia in the Panchtar district. Especially, this study explores the status
of the dyscalculic students of the basic level school in the Pandcutar district, exploring
the knowledge of teachers regarding dyscalculia in terms of sex, school types,
educational qualifications, and teaching experiences.
The study is a descriptive survey design. It consisted of 160 primary school
teachers and 400 students of grade VI from the Panchtar district. Samples for the study
were chosen by employing a simple random sampling procedure. The tool for collecting
data was developed concerning teachers' perceptions about dyscalculia for the study.
Similarly, in order to collect the data related to dyscalculia, a dyscalculia screening test
was developed and conducted for students. Thus, the collected data has been explained
using descriptive as well as inferential statistics. The awareness of the teachers regarding
dyscalculia was found very low. The awareness of teachers concerning their gender, the
type of school, and qualifications were not found significant except for their teaching
experience. The teaching experience of more than five years of teaching at the basic level
was found more significant than a teaching experience of teaching less than five years
concerning the awareness of dyscalculia. The result shows that 6.8% of students have
found dyscalculic studying at the basic level. According to the study results, it can be
concluded that the state of awareness or knowledge of teachers about dyscalculia is an
alarming state. Similarly, at the basic level, the status of learners with dyscalculia shows
a stable status compared to international acceptance. It also shows that there is a
relationship between teaching experience and knowledge of dyscalculia.
In this study, in order to improve teachers' knowledge of dyscalculia, it was
recommended to introduce a dyscalculia-related course to the training courses for present
and prospective teachers. Likewise, teachers' knowledge of dyscalculia must be included
in the academic course to correctly identify, guide, and intervene the dyscalculic students.
Similarly, the concerned administrative/educational authorities should pay special
attention to providing basic level teachers with the necessary knowledge about
dyscalculia in order to create an appropriate environment for teaching and learning
mathematics and to overcome dyscalculic students.
Keywords: Disabilities, dyscalculia, interference, students' status, teachers' awareness
1.1 General Background
Mathematics is considered a difficult subject because of its abstract nature. The
complexity of learning mathematics is a global problem. This is a very important and
necessary subject connected with daily life in school education. Many students believe
that they are unique or even glowing to carry well with math and science (Hong & Lin-
Siegler, 2012). Likewise, many people believe that they can only learn mathematics from
"mathematicians", which qualify for the fundamental concept of mathematics that
requires congenital quality, which requires congenital quality with a light or talented
nature flame (Lahey, 2014; Rattan et al., 2012). In a nutshell, it is a myth that only bright
people can do well in mathematics. With a lack of this feature, it seems that there is a
considerable consequence in the field of education and specialization of students
(Chestnut et al., 2018). Each student can be experienced in mathematics by implementing
proper efforts and strategies as well as related education guidelines (Boilers, 2016,
Gustin, 2018).
As a result, mathematics has been given proper attention to acquiring efficiently
in school education. The expected results of mathematics cannot be achieved till today,
and students' negative attitudes cannot decrease in learning mathematics. The teacher can
play a very significant role to inspire the students and generate a positive attitude and
belief toward mathematical studies in basic level education. Teachers' skills and abilities
contribute to the quality of education and affect students' speech (Yunianto et al., 2021).
They can assist the learner by providing rigorous educational intervention with their
learning difficulties or disability present in the learners' personality as the
neuropsychological and cognitive profile, poor linguistic skills, and lack of precondition
skills for learning mathematics, learning difficulties, or disabilities (Sharma, 2020).
Therefore, in order to reduce negative attitudes toward mathematics learning and to
improve mathematics performance, teaching methods and interventions that go beyond
traditional classroom instruction are required. They should focus on the right practices
and the best way to achieve the intended results. These interventions reflect the properties
of complexity, are based on sound principles for effective, well-organized, and well-
designed, and must be rooted in favorable principles of learning mathematics, reflecting
the character of difficulty and focused on the practices that convey outcomes envisioned
(Sharma, 2020). The educational difficulty is a problem associated with the ability to
handle the functions and information of the brain. Students with learning difficulties
cannot learn quickly as ordinary fellows or classmates. Difficulty in learning mathematics
generally affects a student's understanding of numbers, symbols, and mathematical
calculations. This problem in teaching mathematics is known as dyscalculia (Sharma,
In the Nepalese context, learning disabilities are also a serious condition in terms
of policy development, management, and academic priorities in school-level education.
About 97,000 children with disabilities in Nepal are enrolled in regular schools, and the
number of children who are unable to attend school because of a disability is unknown
(DoE, 2014). Students with math learning disabilities are also treated as regular students.
The population census of Nepal reported that 1.93% of the entire population was reported
to have a kind of disability in Nepal (CBS, 2014). The student having a learning
disability in grades 1 to 8 is 2.13% of the total admitted in the year 2017 (MoE, 2018).
The Nepal Constitution, 2072, has provisioned primary education as the
fundamental right free and compulsory for every person and free secondary education
and free education for disabled people. In the same way, Nepal has adopted the act of
Disability Rights and the policy for Inclusive Education for disabled people in 2017. This
policy has also been provisioned to educate every child with learning disabilities
independently with no discrimination. Nepal’s Disability Rights Act (2017) has
provisioned specific teacher training that teaches disabled learners to promote their
access and quality education. Similarly, it has also emphasized developing professional
teachers who specialize in discipline and management of the classroom. However, a large
number of students are performing very poor performance in mathematics (NASA 2019),
and student achievement in mathematics has been declining over the years. Therefore, in
mathematics, it is necessary to enlighten the confidence, self-efficacy, and self-esteem of
the students having disabilities for the best performance.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In Nepal, the school level education concerning mathematics teaching and
learning, years of experience as a teacher educator, the researcher's observation shows
that the traits of the learner mostly reveals as dependent on the teacher, note-taking, rote
learning, low entertainment in interaction with classmates and teachers. Most of the
learners do not take part in active participation and they usually like to be passive
learners. Regardless of considerable efforts in training teachers, and the continual
appraisal of student achievements (MOE, 2017), improvement in students' outcomes in
learning mathematics is not enhanced significantly at the school level of education. The
effects of teacher training or students' expertise for student achievements did not lead to
school-level education (Gautam, 2016).
This issue, however, may not be able to address the desired improvement of the
students' outcomes implies the other factors may also have affected the improvement of
the student achievement in mathematics. There was no research on the knowledge of
dyscalculia among teachers and the status of dyscalculia in basic level schools in the
context of Nepal. Therefore, students can see a question that is considered to be improved
the results of the students in learning mathematics in school education. Likewise, the
awareness of the teachers regarding dyscalculia is the same important issue that solves
issues related to students' poor performance in mathematics.
In short, this study dedicates to exploring the awareness of the basic level of
school teachers about dyscalculia concerning the students studying at the basic level. In
addition, it also responds to the condition of the teachers' awareness in terms of school
type, gender, qualifications of the teacher, and the experiences of teaching. Therefore,
this study tries to assess the awareness of teachers about dyscalculia in terms of their
school type, gender, qualifications of the teacher, and the experiences of teaching and the
status of dyscalculic students at basic level schools in Nepal.
1.3 Rationale of the Study
The dyscalculic students are undergoing constant difficulty in solving basic
arithmetic operations. Such specific learning issues are showing continuous and extreme
difficulties in mathematics learning, but they function well while learning in other areas.
It is heterogeneous learning destruction that affects numerical and/or arithmetic
functioning at behavioral, psychological, and neuronal levels (Kucian & Von Aster,
2015). Furthermore, it is also claimed that the person defined in this disorder may handle
various numerical technologies, including technology, values, arithmetic processes,
transcoding, and spatial numbers between words, numbers, and values. It affects the child
mostly in the early stage and fundamental concepts of learning mathematics (Hornigold,
2015). In the first grade, students can create a negative attitude toward calculating
numbers and gradually develop anxiety towards mathematics.
In addition, it seems that there is not much attention to the delivery in class that is
used in teaching and learning for the students who are experiencing difficulties in
mathematics (Khine, 2016). Alternatively, the achievement of students in mathematics
decreases gradually when students are promoted to the succeeding grades. The numerical
information is equally essential and important for every context and situation throughout
life to grasp the situation, inquire about the information and solve the problem. However,
there are many students who can explore mathematics, particularly arithmetic, and have
difficulty fighting with the most basic numerical computations and operations. The low
performance and anxiety of the students in mathematics at the basic level is the main
problem that may cause due to dyscalculia. Such mathematical difficulty has not been
studied especially in the Panchthar district. Therefore, this study examines the
information on the awareness of teachers about dyscalculia and the status of dyscalculic
students at the basic level in the Panchthar district. In addition, it helps the teachers,
school leaders, educational managers, and policymakers to address the problem regarding
teachers' awareness of dyscalculia and provide student support for dyscalculic students.
Furthermore, it could help the dyscalculic learner to overcome their difficulties
and get the benefit, rather than suffer in their life span. Similarly, it helps to provide
essential support and other resources to make classroom instruction effective (Graws,
2018). Likewise, this study also provides a database for local governments and
appropriate training for math teachers that are needed to meet the variety of needs of
these particular students. The study can be a landmark in mathematical research as well
as special education in the context of Nepal.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are as follows:
i) To explore the teachers' awareness and condition of the students about
dyscalculia at basis level school students.
ii) To examine the teachers' awareness regarding dyscalculic students at the basic
level in terms of gender, type of school, teachers' qualification, and
experiences of teaching.
1.5 Hypothesis of the Study
H01: There are no significant impact on their level of awareness regarding
dyscalculia of the basic level school teachers in terms of gender, type of
school, teachers' qualification, and experience of teaching.
1.6 Delimitations of the Study
The delimitations of the study are stated as below:
The participants for the study were limited to basic level community and
institutional schools students and the concerned mathematics teachers
teaching in the selected schools.
The study is limited to 120 community schools teacher and 40 institutional
schools teacher in the Panchthar district.
In this study, 160 basic level school teachers and 400 students of grade VI
were selected from the Panchthar district.
The study is limited to the demographic variables; gender, types of school,
educational qualifications, and teaching experience.
The tool to measure the dyscalculic students, the self-assessment tool,
Dyscalculia Status Test (DST) questionnaire was used.
The mathematics teacher's awareness of dyscalculia was measured by using
Dyscalculia Awareness Test (DAT).
1.7 Operational Definition of the Terms
Basic Level
In this study, the basic level refers to schools running from 1st to 8th grade. In
the Nepali context, some schools are operated from grades 1 to 3 and some schools are
running grades 1 to 5. Therefore, students and teachers in this school are related to the
basic level. It is also a primary level in some other countries.
Basic Level School
In this study, the school runs from grade 1 to 8 and is either funded by the Nepal
government, private companies, institutions, or non-government organizations, and
implementing the curriculum of the Nepal government is considered as the basic level
In this study dyscalculia or mathematics learning disability refers to the specific
learning disability involving innate difficulty or due to the inborn characteristics of the
learner in learning or comprehending mathematics, especially in learning arithmetic.
Dyscalculia Status Test
It is a kind of instrument that identifies dyscalculic tendencies in the learners and
helps to recommend intervention strategies to support the dyscalculic learner. It helps to
screen those learners who show some signs of difficulty in learning mathematics.
Similarly, it helps the teachers to distinguish between those individuals who have poor
mathematics attainment and those whose difficulties are associated with dyscalculia.
This chapter provides an overview of the relevant theoretical literature for the
research. The main goal of the consideration of literature is to find the gap in research
and develop conceptual and theoretical foundations and create existing research
knowledge. The review of the literature is locating, receiving, and evaluating the criteria,
and process in a similar research area. The main purpose of reviewing the relevant
literature is to get some ideas to develop research and methodologies to see new
contributions to researching and developing some knowledge in the field. So, this is an
essential part of the study. Critical literature reviews will help the researchers to develop
and understand a thorough understanding of previous research works related to the
current research. This chapter deals with the theoretical review of the literature as well as
an empirical review.
2.1 Review of Empirical Literature
The term “learning disability” was first used by Samuel A. Kirk (1963) to refer to
a group of adolescents who did not achieve academic achievement despite having an IQ
above the average range. He did this at a parent meeting in Chicago, Illinois, to organize
an effective lobbying group to represent children across the United States. Then the term
was adopted and widely used in different countries of the world.
As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the term dyscalculia is
becoming increasingly synonymous with the term "mathematical learning disorder".
Therefore, the main focus of this literature review is in the center to understanding how to
understand mathematical disorders or impact and affect students learning. As a result, this
study specifically focused on teaching and studying students in the field of education. As
described earlier, when Ladislav Kostos started in 1974 (Soares & Patel, 2015), it was
determined to be a structural disorder of mathematical abilities which is not a
mathematical or congenital disorder of these parts of the brain, there is no mature
mathematical ability with a genetic or congenital disorder.
2.2 Learning Difficulty and Dyscalculia
Learning difficulty is used to articulate the general learning problems in the field
of education. So, the term also represents learning difficulties concerning learning
mathematics. In this study, the term is used as the problem of mathematics learning. The
specific term 'dyscalculia' is used for mathematical learning disorders. Conversely, the
meaning of these two terms is not the same, but both of these terms are used in the field
of education.
The difficulty of learning is located outside the child, not a child that is caused by
a child, such as physical, educational, emotional, or environmental factors, and effective
educational interventions improve major academic skills such as reading, writing, and
computation. They will also lead to the achievement level of the learner. On the other
hand, dyscalculia is a term used for disability in learning and is located in the
development of a child as the cause of neurological origin. This is a lifetime and global
and can be mitigated with self-improvement and intervention (Hornigold, 2015). This is a
kind of learning difficulty that students experience difficulties in their learning. For
example, read the mathematical structure, symbols, and computation parts of the problem
related to mathematics. Nonetheless, dyscalculic children can have special problems in
mathematics and they can do well in other areas of learning.
2.2.1 Learning Difficulty
The difficulty of learning mathematics has a variety of forms, such as learning
procedures, conceptual processes of fundamental concepts, or both. Some may have
difficulties in the subject of arithmetic, algebra, or geometry (Chinn, 2016). Some
students can exhibit some common mathematical difficulties with numerical and
arithmetic deficiencies such as counting and calculations (Gornigold, 2015). The
difficulty of learning mathematics caused by environmental factors (poor attendance,
poor teaching methods, lack of practice, poor curriculum, poor standard of mastery, etc.)
is much higher (Sharma, 2020). Likewise, some people have difficulties in learning
mathematics involving lagging in learning numbers, confusion in digits of numbers,
problem-solving difficulty, grasping the mathematical language, and forgetting the basic
concepts of mathematics (Courtade, Test, & Cook, 2015).
Difficulties in mathematics learning may be overcome with the help of
appropriate intensive educational intervention within a particular time. Learning
difficulties can be improved as a result of effective educational intervention due to
specific reasons such as physical, educational, emotional, or environmental factors.
People who exhibit difficulty in learning mathematics may not be violated by their
intellectual capacity rather, the problem of training may be the result of inadequate design
of teaching in curricular materials (Carnine, Jitendra, & Silbert, 1997). Mathematics
learning difficulties belong to the achievement of the students with poor mathematics
performance due to a variety of factors such as poor guidelines of teaching and other
environmental factors that are related to an intrinsic weakness in cognition of
mathematical problems not attributable to environmental causes or socio-cultural (Soares
et al., 2018). At some point in mathematics education, several common difficulties in
mathematics such as remembering number facts and tables, calculating numbers,
fractions, decimals, percentages, etc. may occur. In most cases, this difficulty can be
overcome by a little additional support and appropriate intervention. These mathematical
difficulties do not necessarily imply dyscalculia (Hornigold, 2015). However, children
respond positively when taught using student-friendly methods and effective models
(Shalev, 2004).
2.2.2 Dyscalculia
The term "dyscalculia" probably refers to difficulty in understanding and
remembering the process. The word dyscalculia has both Greek and Latin origins. The
Greek prefix "dys" means "bad" and "calculia" from the Latin "calculare" means count
(Khing, 2016). Literally, dyscalculia is related to counting or calculating badly. The term
was determined by the complexity of mathematics but has a specific part of the brain
involved in mathematics knowledge by Kisc (1974), which is involved in mathematics
It is used to describe special difficulties with mathematics, and it is more likely to
get the necessary concepts to support the performance skills of mathematical procedures
(Glynis, 2013). Researchers have commonly agreed that dyscalculia is a brain-based state
and has generally affected by genetics, environment, brain differences, and working
memory (Hornigold, 2015). This entry combines several areas of study. If one aspect is
not understood, it can affect other areas as well. According to Hornigold (2015), about
25% of students in a class are likely to struggle with mathematics problems at some stage
of their learning. He says common difficulties in math are memorizing number facts and
timetables, counting backward step by step, learning to tell time, and counting with
money, fractions, decimals, and percentages. In most cases, these difficulties can be
overcome with additional support and intensive intervention. When applying our minds
to solve mathematical problems, mathematics cannot be separated from specific cognitive
processes (Sharma, 2020).
Several people have mixed feelings about learning mathematics. Several students
view mathematics as a boring and distracting subject (Colgan, 2014), and they hate it and
try to avoid it as a cause of their fear and anxiety. Mathematics is a really difficult
subject, uninteresting, inaccessible, and only for "nerds". It's not for the cool learner,
engages people, nor is it for girls (Boaler, 2016). A large number of students from a
wider range are struggling to understand complex concepts in mathematics (Brown et al.,
2008). Likewise, some students are facing extremely difficult mathematics (Butterworth,
2003). It can be a very interesting and exciting subject for students who enjoy learning
(Fu Sai, & Chin Kin, 2017). Conversely, it can be a frustrating subject for many children
who have trouble with calculation and mathematical application (Chinn, 2015).
Therefore, children with dyscalculia do not like to study and enjoy learning mathematics.
According to Wadlington & Wadlington (2008), dyscalculia is a specific type of
mathematics learning difficulty that affects human mathematical abilities. This is a
neurological mathematical ability, and in recent years, researchers have begun to find a
great correlation between the Neurological aspect and dyscalculia (Kucian & Von Aster,
2015; Soares & Patel, 2015). Dyscalculia is often considered a mathematical disorder or
mathematical learning disorder (Devine, et al., 2013; Soares & Patel, 2015). As shown in
Kucian and Von Aster (2015), the common range of dyscalculia is 3-6% and exists a
greater prevalence in women though there do seem to be opposing findings. Likewise,
Hornigold (2015) and Hudson and English, (2016) argue that about 6% of the population
has dyscalculia which affected equally both girls and boys. However, according to a
recent report published by Sharma (2020), the specific learning difficulty in mathematics
among school-age students is 6-8% which was also incorrigible to Adilla & Roselli
(2002). This shows that the number of dyscalculic learners has also increased in recent
Dyscalculia is also known as "number difficulty", "bad in mathematics" or
"number blindness". This is certainly a difficulty with numbers, but it is a much deeper
problem than a lack of knowledge of mathematics (Hornigold, 2015). He goes on to say
that this is a special difficulty with numbers, not all branches of mathematics. It is also a
challenge that can be mitigated with special support and interference. Children with
dyscalculia have two types of problems related to reasoning and mathematical
computation (Khing, 2016). Problems related to mathematical calculations make solving
mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
These math problems usually start at the beginning level and continue at the secondary
level. However, this is a lifelong problem and its effects should not be undervalued
(Hornigold, 2015). Mathematical reasoning problems affect solving mathematical
reasoning problems.
Dyscalculic learners have problems with abstract notions of time and direction.
Dyscalculia is not solely the result of inadequate teaching methods, sensory disturbances
(Rubinsten & Henik 2009; Rubinsten & Tannock 2010), cultural aspects, medical
conditions (Shalev & Von Aster 2008), lack of motivation, or other factors. It can affect
learning (Geary, 2006). Specific interventions, including individual training (Butterworth,
2003; Re et al. 2014), the use of a multi-level approach (Attwood, 2010), information
communication technology (Butterworth, 2003), and differentiated evaluation has a
positive impact on dyscalculic students (Little, 2009).
Dyscalculic people have problems based on difficulty with abstract concepts of
time and direction. Dyscalculia is not only a consequence of any inappropriate teaching
methods, sensory difficulties (Rubinsten & Henik 2009; Rubinsten & Tannock 2010),
cultural aspects, medical conditions (Shalev & Von Aster 2008), lack of motivation, or
other factors that may affect learning (Geary, 2006). Specific intervention techniques
including individualized teaching (Butterworth, 2003; Re et al. 2014), the multisensory
approach (Attwood, 2010), the use of information and communication technologies
(Butterworth, 2003), and differentiated assessment (Little, 2009) have demonstrated
positive effects on students with dyscalculia.
2.2.3 Characteristics of Dyscalculia
Dyscalculia is considered synonymous with the disorder of mathematics or
arithmetic learning disorder (Devine, et al., 2013; Romaa & Gowramma, 2002; Sares &
Patel, 2015). Kucian and Von Aster (2015) report that the perspective affecting
the numerical and/or arithmetic functions of behavior, psychological, and nervous system
levels is violating heterogeneous learning. In addition, arithmetic difficulties are believed
to be reflected in different dignity in each learner. Those defined as these mathematical
disorders can fight the development of various numerical technologies, including
calculation technology, size, arithmetic process, word, number, transcoding between the
numbers and values, and spatial numbers.
In addition, these individuals may have difficulties with spatio-temporal working
memory or more general skills such as working memory, including attention processing.
Ladislav Kosc made an important contribution to the study of the heterogeneity of
dyscalculia. In his article "Developmental Dyscalculia" (1974), he discussed six different
classifications of dyscalculia: (a) verbal, (b) prognostic, (c) lexical, (d) graphical, (e)
ideognostical, and (f) operational.
Verbal dyscalculia is an impaired ability to verbally express mathematical terms
and relationships, such as numbers and quantities of objects, numbers, arithmetic
symbols, and mathematical operations. Children with this type of dyscalculia are more
likely to have difficulty with numbers when presented orally. Practognostic dyscalculia is
a violation of mathematical operations with real or depicted objects. These mathematical
manipulations involve listing and comparing quantity estimates. Children with this type
of dyscalculia are more likely to have difficulty listing, comparing, and manipulating
mathematical equations. Vocabulary dyscalculia is a violation of reading mathematical
symbols (numbers, arithmetic signs, and written mathematical operations). Children
fighting with these disorders may have problems reading and understanding mathematical
symbols, numbers, mathematical expressions, and/or equations. Graphics dyscalculia is a
disorder that manipulates mathematical symbols in writing. Children with graphical
dyscalculia will have a problem with written problems or using the right mathematical
symbols. They may also not be able to copy even if they cannot create or write numbers.
Ideognostical dyscalculia is mainly related to understanding mathematical ideas and
relations and doing mental calculations. Students who are having difficulty with
ideognostical dyscalculia feel difficult to perform mental operations and memorize
mathematical concepts after studying. Computational dyscalculia is the inability to
perform mathematical operations. Children with computational dyscalculia have
difficulty performing written or oral mathematical calculations. A common case is the
compatibility of operations such as performing addition instead of multiplication.
Subtract instead of the divide, or replace more complex tasks with simpler ones.
Geary (2003) divided dyscalculia into three subtypes: (a) semantic memory, (b)
procedural memory, and (c) visuospatial memory. A defining feature of semantic
memory is a defective reproduction of basic arithmetic facts. Also, the error level is
higher when retrieving facts, and when facts are retrieved correctly, they are often
accidental. Procedural subtypes include poorly developed procedures, frequent errors in
performing procedures; lack of understanding of the concepts behind procedural uses,
and difficulties in sequencing multiple steps in a complex procedure. The visual-spatial
subtype presents difficulties in spatially representing numerical and other forms of
mathematical information and relationships.
There can be misinterpretations and misunderstandings of spatially represented
information, including column inconsistencies, positional value errors, and/or geometric
problems (Mather, Goldstein & Eklund, 2015). The features of dyscalculia are very
diverse. According to Soares and Patel (2015), there is no single sign of dyscalculia, and
symptoms can present at any age and are often mediated by the degree and nature of
learning. 'Appendix A' provides an overview of the various characteristics and symptoms
of the dyscalculia identified in the literature.
2.2 Dyscalculia and Educational Interference
Butterworth and Laurillard (2010) reported that in research regarding neurological
studies, some students have a basic deficit of digital processes that are projected or
compared on behalf of value. However, these results do not define the educational
interference required to help such students. Therefore, it is important to focus on the main
goals of improved performance for all children who are experiencing difficulties with
unbalanced arbitration and information.
Soares and Patel (2015) indicate that intervention using direct instruction have
confirmed to be the most successful while teaching basic mathematics skills. They further
state that these are the most efficient mediators using direct instructions to teach basic
mathematics. In addition, computer education may be useful for motivating students, but
it cannot be enough to address the child's major mathematics learning difficulties.
Additionally, interference, accommodations, and modifications are suggested for students
suffering from dyscalculia including (a) It is recommended to arrange and modify
students who violate problems with a few steps for small stages and manageable
conditions b) make use of markers or highlighter to highlight important information; (c)
make use of flashcards to assist for better memorization; (d) decrease the assignments in
both time and amount; (e) focus on the revision of the prior subject matter while starting
a new topic.
2.2.1 Causes of Dyscalculia
The possible causes of dyscalculia are not fully fixed. Nonetheless,
researchers agree that the discount is usually a cerebral state. As suggested by Hornigold
(2015), possible causes of dyscalculia are discussed below.
Genetics. Research shows that students with dyscalculia often have siblings or
parents with similar math problems. Therefore, it is believed that dyscalculia is inherited
(Shalev et al., 2001).
Brain difference. MRI scans were used to identify areas of the brain thought to
be causing dyscalculia. There appears to be a difference in the surface area, thickness,
and volume of the parts of the brain used for memory and task tracking. (Castelli et al.,
Environment. There is some evidence that dyscalculia is associated
with exposure to alcohol in the womb. Prematurity and low birth weight can also cause
dyscalculia (Murphy et al, 2006).
Working memory. Working memory plays a massive role in planning and
organizing, as well as shaping the mind. Therefore, poor working memory can cause
many of the difficulties seen in students with dyscalculia (Hornigold, 2015).
2.2.2 Common Difficulties of Dyscalculic Learners
According to Hornigold (2015), students with dyscalculia may have complexity in
some areas of mathematics that are listed below. These are also known as the general
difficult area in mathematics.
Estimation. The ability to distinguish whether an answer is reasonable or not.
Short, and long-term memory. Memory is related to difficulty while
remembering mathematical procedures.
Time. Many children have difficulty telling the time, but for students with
dyscalculia, this can persist. They may also have trouble understanding the passage of
time. So they don't know if a minute or an hour has passed or estimation of numerical
Assessing numerical quantity. If a dyscalculic student is given two numbers, it
will be difficult to determine which of them is numerically larger.
Money. This can be a severe difficulty and is often caused by misconceptions
about the place value.
Performing calculations. Both in the right choice of numerical operations and
their correct application.
Sequencing and pattern recognition. The world of mathematics is full of
patterns, and the ability to see, predict and repeat patterns. It is a key skill in mathematics.
However, students with dyscalculia may not notice it immediately.
Counting backward and counting step by step. At the most basic level,
counting forward is repeating a series of words. In general, we have more experience
with forwarding computation than reciprocal. A dyscalculic student cannot count
Direction. It is related to the difficulty to understand spatial directions, and left-
right confusion, making it difficult to read maps and follow directions.
2.2.3 Symptoms of Dyscalculia
Students with dyscalculia may experience math problems in a variety of ways.
Symptoms may vary from person to person. And they may look different at different
stages of learner development. Dyscalculic Students have some common symptoms of
dyscalculia. Some of the common symptoms of dyscalculia include:
Often confuse their work because it is difficult to understand the arithmetic
symbols, ÷, +, , , < and >.
Difficult to grasp the meaning of quantity or concept like biggest vs. smallest
Difficult to count money and make changes.
Difficult with timetables.
Difficult to learn and understand the basic knowledge of arithmetic like
multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division. They may find it difficult to
understand the words "plus" "add together".
Counting problem.
Problems with insight mental arithmetic.
Dislike arithmetic calculation and estimations.
Uncertainty with digits hundred and thousand, fractions, and decimals.
May reverse or transpose numbers e.g., 12 for 21, 9 for 6, 465 for 645, etc.
Very poor common sense of mathematical concepts, rules, formulas, and
Trouble grasping the mechanics of a calculator.
A commonly noted symptom is that people suffering from dyscalculia can do
well in science, geometry, and another subject, particularly where formulas and
calculation do not involve.
Difficult to keep score during games.
Confusion with the concepts of money, area, weight, distance, year, days of the
week, etc.
Makes more common errors in arithmetic problems.
2.2.4 Support to Children with Dyscalculia
Students with dyscalculia face a variety of challenges, using math in many daily
activities outside of the classroom as well. Students with dyscalculia can often get lost
and confuse left and right, even in familiar situations. The negative impact of dyscalculia
exceeds their estimates. Many children with dyscalculia can feel self-conscious or avoid
relation to the learning disability. Even other teachers can simulate to try to understand
mathematical concepts, and they can be inappropriate because they feel difficult to work
with these tasks. Hudson & English (2016) pointed out that teachers should be sensitive,
better understood, and helpful to those learners with dyscalculia and not think they are
dull or lazy. Cornigold (2015) suggests that the abstract concept, such as the place value
and the value of the numeric line, suggest that the abstract concepts are gradually
considered using specific material and visual expressions. According to what is right,
educators or teachers must be aware of dyscalculia to meet the learning needs of students
in the classroom.
It is also important to recognize the challenges of dyscalculia and provide students
with the support they need to overcome. It can also be necessary to give them and their
parents a reason to fight. Once a child is diagnosed, they can learn more about the
disorder and begin to understand themselves. Communication with parents about children
with dyscalculia is also an important part of the support. If parents do not know or
understand their child's condition, they can punish their child for their poor mathematics
performance. Notifying parents about their child's dyscalculia is essential so that they can
encourage them to find tutoring, prepare learning materials, and can help them for
making better performance.
Many children with dyscalculia do not understand why certain tasks are difficult.
Talking about learning disabilities can help them become more aware of learning. They
should be motivated and inspired about learning even if a child with dyscalculia is
priceless or they don't fully complete a task. They can make more active and positive
towards learning by praising them such as well done, good, you can do more next time,
etc. Some children with dyscalculia may neglect various learning activities due to a lack
of adequate education, motivation, and praise. Without proper education, these children
can eventually feel isolated and alone. A good teacher can be a positive force in their
lives and can inspire them to keep learning no matter how difficult math maybe.
In this way, teachers can effectively help and transform students with dyscalculia.
So, if the teacher has a proper plan and strategy for teaching dyscalculic children and
implements it in a variety of ways to help students with dyscalculia, the dyscalculic
students can do math very well. So, a teacher can help and change the learner with
dyscalculia effectively. A good teacher can become a positive energy in their life, and
encourage them to keep learning, no matter how difficult mathematics might be for them.
The following activities may help to support students with dyscalculia.
Provide more time. Providing more time for learning mathematics also helps the
student learn by relaxing. So, let them find their answers providing enough time. So it is
needed to allocate more time to testing. Similarly, priority should be given to praising the
correct answer over the quick one.
Reduce homework. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it can be helpful for
students with dyscalculia to do less homework because it takes longer. They will be able
to practice the same concept in 2 tasks instead of 4 with less frustration. So it is better to
provide relevant tasks but less so that they do not feel anxiety.
Moderate memorization. We generally expect that all children are expected
to recognize their basic mathematical facts, but this is not reasonable for those who are
with dyscalculia. Rote memorization does not work for them instead other exploring
methods such as visualization, repeating, and modeling can help them better learn
Use different methods and aids. All students benefit from a variety of teaching
and learning methods. Try number lines, math manipulation, color coding, and interactive
games. When a student struggles to understand mathematics, the use of different methods
and materials can help them find the appropriate way of understanding mathematical
concepts. Similarly, the use of a calculator or possibly an open book test, and different
teaching aids especially, while teaching concepts could be better for the dyscalculic
Provision of the tutor. Students with dyscalculia can get help from a tutor, but it
is best to find someone who understands and has worked with students with learning
disabilities. Classroom teachers can work with tutors to apply methods that work, both in
the classroom and beyond.
Multi-sensory teaching. Information enters the brain through three main
channels: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Many students with learning difficulties have
a weakness in one or more of these channels. Learning in a multisensory way using all
three channels at the same time would be helpful because the weaker channels are
supported by the stronger ones.
Use of concrete materials. Concrete material indicates the tangible
representations of the problems at hand. As emphasized by Jerome Bruner (1966), it
provides a convenient way for students to visually recognize concepts and evaluate and
validate reasoning. Using specific materials to develop number sense and comprehension
helps children with dyscalculia move from rote learning to memorization and develop
more effective cognitive strategies.
Making the learning environment fun. Mathematics can be learned effectively
while having a fun learning environment. In many classrooms, teachers' willingness to
use games or a variety of teaching methods in their classrooms can be the key to success
in improving the school environment and students' attitudes toward learning mathematics
(Afari, 2012). So, a fun math game or fun learning environment will help students refresh
and exercise their brain, which also helps to develop their memory.
2.2.5 Prevalence of Dyscalculia
According to dyscalculia studies, the prevalence in school-age children is
(314)% (Soares & Petel, 2015). However, it is difficult to draw conclusions without an
accurate definition and diagnostic criteria. Devine, et al., (2013) reported that the
prevalence approximations range from (1.3-10.3)% with a mean approximation of about
(5-6)%. They also account that this inconsistency is possibly due to the diverse diagnostic
criteria employed to characterize developmental dyscalculia. The diverse diagnostic
criteria employed within the study include:
a) The utilization of IQ and difference achievement scores looking at “the
performance of mathematics that is considerably below what would be
expected given general intelligence".
b) The utilization of performance cutoff scores on standardized tests where the
criteria differ from the performance below the 3rd percentile up to
performance below the 25th percentile,
c) The use of a two-year achievement delay in which performance is equal to or
below the average level of the children who are younger by two years, and
(d) The classification of children who have revealed confrontation to math
Additionally, as stated by Kucian and von Aster (2015), the prevalence range lies
between 3-6% and there exists a greater occurrence among females than males. Devine et
al. (2013), accounted that earlier research results have not been found consistent. In their
study regarding the occurrence of 766 school-age students, Dirks et al. (2008) found that
the occurrence of girls in developmental dyscalculia was found greater than boys.
Barbaresi et al. (2005), found that employing public and private school students, the
occurrence of boys in developmental dyscalculia was also found higher than in girls.
Hornigold (2015); Hudson & English (2016) state around 6% of the population has been
affected by dyscalculia equally by gender. As described by Sharma (2020), the
occurrence of dyscalculia in the school-age population is about 6 to 8 percent also
conformed to Ardilla & Roselli (2002).
Nevertheless, a current study conducted on the primary level students in India
revealed that 9% of students were found to have dyscalculia (Jeya & Albina, 2019).
Similarly, a study conducted by Ahakari (2014) at the community schools situated in a
rural area in Chuhandada VDC of Terhathum district, Nepal has resulted that the
prevalence range of the dyscalculic student was found 6.67%. In this study, 45 students
from grades four and five were chosen from two schools. Likewise, most of the
concerned teachers were also unaware and found that they have never heard of the term
'Dyscalculia' however they were found treating the dyscalculic students in their respective
2.3 Perception and Awareness of the Teacher about Dyscalculia
The teachers' professional proficiency plays a vital role in teaching and learning
in school-level education. A case study research conducted in South Korea revealed that
teachers with sufficient subject matter knowledge (SMK) of a certain competence/ topic
faced challenges in integrating knowledge of content and students (KCS) and knowledge
of content and teaching (KCT) on the topic (Lee et al., 2018). Studying the knowledge of
the mathematics teacher in Indonesia for the content and students for the content and
students found that the teachers have limited knowledge about student support and
enhancing possible strategies to improve their errors (Yunianto et al (2021)). This
evidence shows that sufficient knowledge of content, students, and teachings for teachers
is essential to address the learning problems of the students.
Therefore, teachers need knowledge and recognition of students who are
especially poor regarding knowledge and perception. Thus, it is important to carry out
effective teaching. As described by Paula et al., (2016), each teacher should use
appropriate educational methods with appropriate knowledge and education practices for
the successful intervention of the students with a learning disability. The basic level
teachers play an important role when the difficulty associated with dyscalculia is detected
early and promotes intensive interference. The teachers with proper knowledge
of identifying dyscalculic students and intervention strategies help students get their
abilities at the basic level. Likewise, the assessment and recovery of an ominous child are
closely related because it must install an attachment of children and disadvantages before
taking corrective action. Dyscalculic Students' timely screening may have two-way
advantages. Meanwhile, it can be facilitated by interference throughout the passage by
the qualified teacher (Hornigold, 2015).
On the other hand, they can treat them with multi-seeded teachings strategies
using both the three-channel visual, auditory, and Kinestics at the same time by the same
class teacher. Using various methods with technical support or device, and accurate
materials can be helpful for better learning. According to Hornigold (2015), information
is provided, and the more information is presented, the more likely we need to remember.
Therefore, the teacher with knowledge of dyscalculia can help the students by making a
detailed plan of action for better learning.
2.4 Research Gap
The literature considered in this study also shows that almost all studies have been
performed outside Nepal. The results obtained in the research performed in the outside
country may also be a signal for predominant situations in this context. However, clearly,
a variety of ideologies, comments, faith systems, overall development status, social
harmony, social-political conditions, and customs and value systems may differ from
understanding the prevailing condition of the education system.
As a result, the major gaps observed from the considering literature are in the fact
that there are some studies related to dyscalculia in different contexts and regions, but in
this field, there have been found no studies conducted in this area, and such social-
politico-educational condition in the context of Nepal. Therefore, this study was an
attempt to overcome the gap that identifies information regarding awareness of teachers
about student dyscalculia associated with the basic schools of Nepal and the information
regarding dyscalculic students' status at basic level schools.
2.5 Conceptual Framework
This section describes the conceptual basis for research. This applies to the
concept of researchers performing the study systematically. The conceptual structure
provides research an idea to organize the research in a logical structure and also provides
the images or visual displays of the research (Grant & Osanloo, 2014). The conceptual
framework of the study is based on research topics, areas, objectives, and hypotheses of
the research. The conceptual framework of this study has been shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Teachers' Awareness about
Dyacalculic Students
Teachers' Awareness about
Dyacalculia regarding
Demographic Variables
Status of Dyscalculic
Condition of Dyscalculia
3.1 Research Design
The study was conducted by using a quantitative survey research design to
investigate the teachers' awareness regarding dyscalculia and the condition of dyscalculic
students studying at the basic level schools of the Panchthar district.
3.2 Population and Sample
This study adopts multi-stage sampling methods to collect the sample of students
studying at basic level schools. To investigate the condition of the teachers' awareness
regarding dyscalculia and also to find the status of dyscalculic students studying in both
community and institutional schools at the basic level in Panchthar District, a total of 160
basic level school teachers were selected. In the course, all the basic level schools from
Panchthar districts that are located on the motor-accessible roadside were selected
purposively to select the sample of the study. Thus, 120 basic level community school
teachers from Panchthar districts were selected randomly. Similarly, 40 basic level
institutional school teachers were selected consisting of the Panchthar district. Thus
collected 160 basic level school teachers, 120 teachers were selected from the community
schools, and the remaining 40 teachers were selected from institutional schools.
Likewise, 400 low achieving mathematics students studying in grade VI from Panchthar
districts were selected to find the number of dyscalculic students. In this process, the lists
of the low achieving students in mathematics in their preceding grade were prepared
before selecting the students for the study. The students scoring below 50% marks in
mathematics in the preceding grade in the respective schools depending on their secured
marks were listed for selecting the sample. Then by using a simple random sampling
process, the required numbers of low achieving students were selected.
The main purpose of selecting low achieving students in mathematics for the
study was just for data reduction or to filter the dyscalculic student for the study. There is
a range of methods and tools that can be utilized to screen dyscalculic students. There are
diverse tools that have been used conventionally to screen dyscalculic learners such as
observation forms, checklists, error analysis, screening tools, observing learning styles,
informal judgment, etc.
In this current situation, computer-assisted diagnostic assessment tools are used
effectively. However, taking into consideration of the condition and context of the basic
level school, a self-constructed screening tool was utilized to screen the dyscalculic
learner for this study. It was only focused to select dyscalculic students who can achieve
low mathematics achievement, mainly in the processing of numbers and quantities, basic
arithmetic operations, and solving word problems (Haberstroh & Schulte-Korne, 2019).
The consent from the school administration selected schools teachers and the students
were taken before employing the instrument for the survey. A learning difficulty
screening test was used to collect the data concerning dyscalculic students studying at the
basic level. The data related to the students' status of dyscalculia were collected with the
help of the concerned basic level school teachers. Alternatively, the mathematics learning
difficulty instrument was administered by the investigator himself to the selected basic
level school teachers to collect the information regarding teachers' awareness of student
3.3 Research Procedure
The research study has been conducted using the quantitative survey research design.
This study is designed equally to develop tools and verification processes. The study
was performed in a sequential order to achieve the results shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Sequential Order of the Study
3.4 Tools Construction
The instrument to collect the data for this study, a self-developed Dyscalculia
Awareness Test (DAT) was utilized to compute the basic level of school teachers'
awareness of dyscalculia. The DAT was constructed by exploiting the five factors related
to the knowledge dimensions of dyscalculia. The factors that consisted in DAT are the
meaning and concept of dyscalculia, causes of dyscalculia, characteristics of dyscalculia,
Data on teachers' awareness about dyscalculia to the basic level
students were collected by DAT tool from
160 basic level
Data on basic level dyscalculic students were collected using the
DST tool from 400 low achieving students.
Step 5: Discussion &
Research Design: Quantitative Survey Research Design
Step 1: Population and
Select 160 basic school teachers from community and
institutional schools of Panchthar District through random
Select 400 low achieving students of grade VI in mathematics
from the community and institutional school
Step 2: Tools
Construction and verification of Dyscalculia Awareness Test
(DAT) to investigate teachers' awareness about dyscalculia
Construction and verification of Dyscalculia Status Test (DST)
to investigate status of the dyscalculic students
Step 3: Data Analysis
Descriptive analysis: i) Teachers' awareness score about dyscalculia
ii) Students' dyscalculic screening test scores
Inferential analysis: i) Association of teachers' awareness in
terms of demographic variables
Step 4: Data Collection
Discussion on the result of related prior study and conclusions
Topic: Teachers'
Awareness and the Condition of the Student Dyscalculia
the effect of dyscalculia, and interference strategies used in dyscalculia. In the beginning,
25 items containing 5 items from each factor were constructed. All the items and the
factors of the instrument were reviewed by the experts related to the field of education
and senior teacher of mathematics education from university about the adequacy,
weightage, and relevancy of the items in every factor. The instrument was first translated
into Nepali and was then administered to a pilot group of 25 basic-level school teachers.
The group of pilot teachers was from Ilam municipality. After completing the piloting,
some of the overlapping items were discarded and some items were revised while
preparing the final version. As a result, the final form of the instrument consisted of
altogether 18 items.
The final modified version of the instrument was also reviewed by the senior
research scholar of mathematics education. Accordingly, some amendments were done
according to their additional suggestions. At last, the first factor 'meaning and concept of
dyscalculia' comprises two items, and the remaining other four factors 'causes of
dyscalculia', 'characteristics of dyscalculia', 'effects of dyscalculia', and interference
strategies of dyscalculia' comprise four items from each (Table 1). The instrument was
divided into two parts. The first part was covered by demographic variables that are
gender, teacher training, and teaching experience of the teacher. Similarly, the second
part was covered by 18 items concerning the 5 different dyscalculic factors. All the items
in the instrument were based on a 3-point Likert scale: (3) adequate, (2) moderate, and
(1) inadequate. The validity of the instrument was established through the consultation
and review of the different experts in the related field.
Table 1: Factors and Items related to Dyscalculia Awareness Test
Factors about Dyscalculia
Factor wise Items
No. of Items
Meaning and concept of dyscalculia
1, 9
Causes of dyscalculia
7, 8, 10, 17
Characteristics of dyscalculia
4, 11, 14, 15
Effects of dyscalculia
5, 12, 13,16
Interference strategies of dyscalculia
2, 3, 6, 18
Total no. of questions
The Cronbach Alpha was calculated to establish the reliability of the instrument
(DAT) and it was found to be 0.84. The values of alpha factor-wise are also presented in
Table 2. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was found to be sufficient since the
value of alpha greater than 0.60 is considered sufficient (Nunnally, 1967). This shows
that the instrument can be considered better to employ for the survey data. The higher
score shows a higher level of teachers' awareness of dyscalculic students and vice versa.
Table 2 shows the reliability of the factors related to the teacher awareness of dyscalculia
in different dimensions.
In the same way, to calculate the status of dyscalculic students studying at the
basic level, a well-constructed and tested instrument is necessary. Such dyscalculic
learners can be calculated by using different types of tools like computer-assisted
tools/tests, quantitative surveys instruments, and different qualitative survey instruments.
Mainly, self-assisted tools and other assisted tools can be used to survey the data related
to this problem. In modern times, the computer-assisted tool can be used as the best self-
assisted tool by the students themselves. It is quite easier and more effective to count time
and effective to visualize the figure, picture, graph, charts, and symbols. Nevertheless,
observing our real situation, we are very outside to fully adopt the computer-assisted
instrument by means of access and skill to handle such essential resources and
technology to adopt for screening the status of basic level students' dyscalculia all over
the country. Therefore, in this study, the self-constructed instrument, Dyscalculia Status
Test (DST) was developed and used to calculate the number of dyscalculic students at the
basic school level. The instrument, DST was also based on the five factors related to the
characteristics and symptoms of dyscalculia (Table 3).
Table 2: Factor-wise Internal Consistency
Factors Related to Dyscalculia
No of Items
- Value
Meaning and concept of dyscalculia
Causes of dyscalculia
Characteristics of dyscalculia
Effects of dyscalculia
Interference strategies of dyscalculia
Total no. of questions
The instrument DST constructed for calculating dyscalculic students' status
consists of 24 items with five factors given in Table 3. The test items consisted in DST
were related to examining the characteristics and symptoms of dyscalculic students
such as counting backward numbers and sequences, applying the formula, time and
direction, dot enumeration & number comparison, symbolic abstraction, computational
skill, problem solving /word problem, mathematical facts, writing and visual-spatial.
Table 3: Factors of Dyscalculia Status Test
Factors of
Item No.
No. of
Sequencing and
Counting backward numbers
Recalling number in sequences
Applying formula
Visual perception
and processing
Time and direction
Dot enumeration & number
1, 2, 3
Memory retention
Symbolic abstraction, recall &
recognize numbers
Computational skill
5, 9, 10, 18,
22, 23, & 24
Abstract reasoning
Problem solving/word problem
Mathematical facts
11, 12, 13, 15,
19, 16, 17 &
Motor skills
7, 8
In the first stage, 34 items were assembled in the instrument. In which, 22 items
were multiple-choice items and 12 were close-ended type items. For the establishment of
the reliability and validity of the instrument, it was calculated by piloting with a group of
20 students studying in grades six in Ilam municipality. The discrimination index and
level of difficulty were also calculated using item analysis for the multiple-choice type
items and the validity of the close-ended type items was also established. Since the
instrument is also based on the time limit or the answers of the instrument are also based
on time, the normal time for completion of the instrument was also determined at the time
of piloting and was fixed to 30 minutes for the test administration. It is also the same as
the time determined by Butterworth (2005) while screening the dyscalculic students aged
from 6-14 years. Thus, the administration time was determined to be 15-30 minutes.
The instrument was also reviewed by the senior high school mathematics teacher
and professor of mathematics education and at last, 8 weak and overlapping items were
omitted from the instrument. As a result, the final version of the instrument consisting of
26 items having 17 multiple-choice items and 9 close-ended items was determined based
on different 5 factors as given in Table 4. The total marks of the instrument DST were
assigned 32. In the same way, Cronbach alpha was also estimated and the factor-wise
internal consistency was also calculated and found to be positive and sufficient (Table 4).
Hence, the instrument ensured the standardization process and the content validity was
also recognized with the consultation of the experts in the related field.
Table 4: Internal Consistency of the Dyscalculia Status Test
Factors of Dyscalculia
No. of Items
Alpha () - Value
Sequencing and recognizing patterns
Visual perception and processing
Memory retention
Abstract reasoning
Motor skills
3.5 Data Collection Procedure
Regarding the data collection, the data associated with the basic level school
teachers' awareness of dyscalculic students were collected by using the tool, DAT on the
160 selected basic level school teachers teaching from both community and institutional
schools located in Panchthar District, Province No. 1 Nepal. Likewise, the data related to
the status of the dyscalculic students studying at the basic level were collected by
utilizing the instrument DST on the 400 low achieving students selected purposively and
studying in grade VI in the Panchthar district. Therefore, the data concerning the teacher
and the students about the awareness of the teacher about dyscalculia and the status of the
dyscalculic students were collected by employing the self-developed instrument by the
3.6 Data Analysis Procedures
In this study, the data achieved from the quantitative survey are analyzed
employing both descriptive and inferential statistics. While analyzing by descriptive
statistics, means, standard deviations, and percentages were calculated and analyzed. The
Chi-square test was used to analyze inferentially. The SPSS version 22 was used to
calculate and analyze the collected data. Percentage and frequency distribution were used
to establish the teachers' level of awareness toward dyscalculia and dyscalculic students
and also to examine the status of students' dyscalculic students. Similarly, a Chi-square
test was employed to find the basic level of school teachers' awareness concerning the
demographic variables such as gender, types of school, qualifications, and teaching
4.1 Teachers' Awareness of Dyscalculic Students
The awareness of the teachers about their dyscalculic students in the given five
knowledge domains has presented in Table 5. Table 5 illustrates the score of each
knowledge domain concerning the awareness of the teacher about their dyscalculic
students. The first factor, 'meaning and concept of dyscalculia' shows that 13 teachers
were found at a good level, 102 teachers were found at an average level and the
remaining 45 teachers were found at a poor awareness level. In the second factor 'causes
of dyscalculia', 12, 101, and 47 teachers were found at good, average, and poor levels of
awareness. The level of teachers' awareness in the factor 'characteristics of dyscalculia',
38, 94, 28 teachers were found at good, average, and poor levels respectively. In the same
way, in the fourth factor, 'effects of dyscalculia', 47, 93, and 20 the awareness levels of
the teachers were found at a good, average, and poor levels respectively. In the fifth
factor, 'interference strategies of dyscalculia', 33, 82, and 45 teachers were found to be
aware at good, average, and poor levels respectively. This consequence shows that the
majority of the teachers were found to be at the average level of awareness regarding
dyscalculia. In the same way, a small number of teachers, (17.87%) were found at a good
level of knowledge regarding teacher awareness of dyscalculic students. Also, no one
factor of knowledge regarding teacher awareness was found at a good level.
The scenario of the teachers' awareness about dyscalculia and their dyscalculic
children at the basic level shows a very poor condition. This result confirmed that the
basic level schools teachers' had average knowledge of awareness regarding dyscalculia
which also proved the results of Kamala & Ramganesh (2013). This study illustrates that
a large number of teachers have no good level of awareness regarding dyscalculia. This
result is consistent with the previous research by Ghimere (2017), which elucidate that
more than half of the primary school teacher, 79 (52.67%) had moderately adequate
knowledge and nearly half 71 (47.33%) had inadequate knowledge regarding learning
In the same way, as depicted by Fu Sai, & Chin Kin, (2017), the teachers in
Malaysia have a low level of awareness about dyscalculia, 57.5 % of the teacher did not
know about dyscalculia and they also had limited knowledge regarding the characteristics
of dyscalculia and it is also found that the topic of dyscalculia is hardly ever been
discussed in the field of teaching. The same findings were also established by Dias et al.,
(2013) that the teachers teaching at the primary level had very poor specific knowledge
regarding dyscalculia. The finding concerning this topic, Sawhney & Bansal (2014);
Shari & Vranda (2016); Karasakal (2018) also confirmed that the teachers were found to
be very poor regarding awareness of dyscalculia. As a result, it can be said that there is a
special need for the teachers of mathematics to fulfill the gap in required knowledge,
supports, and/or resources and also needed to provide effective teaching to students
identified with mathematical learning disabilities (Graves, 2018).
4.2 Teachers' Awareness of Dyscalculia in terms of Demographic Variables
(Gender, Types of School, Educational Qualifications, and Teaching Experiences)
The association between the basic level school teachers' awareness about
dyscalculia with their demographic variables, Table 6 visualize the associations of the
demographic variables regarding dyscalculia using Chi-square analysis. The association
of the teachers by their gender, the value of Chi-square test was found χ2 = 0.46 and
p = 0.576 at 0.05 significance level, where p > 0.05. This shows that there is no
statistical significance difference in association by gender regarding the awareness of
dyscalculic students. In the same way, the value of Chi-square test in terms of school
type, χ2 = 0.41 and p = 0.523 at 0.05 significance level, p > 0.05 and in the factor
'educational qualification', the value of Chi-square, χ2 = 0.26 and p = 0.643 at 0.05
significance level where p > 0.05. The results of both factors indicated that the teachers
by types of school and their educational qualifications were not found significant
statistically. It means that the school type and qualifications of the teacher do not impact
the awareness regarding dyscalculia.
Table 5: Teachers' Awareness about Dyscalculic Students
Knowledge Domain/ Factors
Knowledge Level
Meaning and concept of dyscalculia
Causes of dyscalculia
Characteristics of dyscalculia
Effects of dyscalculia
Interference strategies of dyscalculia
Thus, the null hypothesis that whether the demographic variables: gender, types
of school, and educational qualifications of basic level school teachers have no
significant impact on their level of awareness regarding dyscalculia is accepted.
Therefore, there is no difference in the teachers' level of awareness about dyscalculia due
to the impact of these variables. Nonetheless, the experiences of the teacher at the basic
level of more than 5 years of teaching experience, the value of the Chi-square test, χ2 =
6.17 and p = 0.017 at 0.05 significance level where p < 0.05. This shows that the teaching
experiences of the teacher have a greater impact or association with the awareness of the
teacher regarding dyscalculia. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted and found
significantly different in their level of awareness about dyscalculia. Therefore, the
teaching experience of the teacher has a significant impact on the teachers' awareness of
dyscalculia. This result indicated that more experienced teachers are found comparatively
more aware of dyscalculia.
The findings of the basic level teachers' awareness regarding dyscalculia
concerning the demographic variables gender, types of school, and educational
qualification found equivalent to the findings of the earlier research study by
Lingeswaran (2013); Ghimere (2017), that the association between the awareness of the
teachers of primary school and their demographic variables: gender, educational
qualifications, types of school and teaching experience about learning disabilities were
found to be not significant statistically. Likewise, the variable years of teaching
experience were found to be significant regarding their level of awareness about
Therefore, the findings are found to be consistent with the earlier research study
by Hudson & English (2016); Wong et al. (2016) that the effect of dyscalculia was found
to be equal by gender. However, the findings of the study were found to be contrary to
the results of Alahmadi et al., (2019).
Table 6: Association of Basic Level Teachers' Awareness regarding their Demographic
Level of
Test Statistics
Chi Sq.
χ2 = 0.46
p = .576
School type
χ2 = 0.41
p = 0.523
χ2 = 0.26
p = 0.643
Above SLC
Below 5
χ2 = 6.17
p = 0.017
Above 5
P at 5% Significance Level
4.3 Dyscalculic Students Status
To calculate the students' status regarding dyscalculia, the test scores of DST of
basic level students studying in grade VI were arranged in the form of continuous series
at the 8 units interval score considering the obtained range of scores. The obtained scores
were equally partitioned into 4 equal ranges of intervals or 25% in percentile. Belonging
to Chinn (2015), achievement scores division into a percentile, the achievement scores
were divided into percentiles considering the rule: the achievement level below the 25th
percentile has been considered as low achievement, achievement between the 25th and
75th percentile score as average achievement and the score above 75th percentile has been
considered as high achievement scores. Table 7 depicts the status of basic level students'
scores at grade VI in the DST test carried out by the investigator.
The scores of the students obtained by DST, Table 7, illustrate that 25.2% of the
students were found to be obtained high-level scores. Similarly, 68.20% of students were
found at the average level or medium level of the score, and 6.6% of students obtained a
low level the score on the test. These test scores signify that a large number of the
students belong to the average or medium achievement level. In the same way, about one-
fourth of the students were found to be placed at a high-level achievement score, and a
very low number of students (6.6%) were found to be secured a low level of
achievement. Therefore, the students achieving below the 25th percentile rank or
achieving low levels of achievement can be categorized as dyscalculic students.
Hence, it can be concluded that 6.6% of the students studying at basic level
schools in Nepal are found to be dyscalculic. The data regarding dyscalculic students
shows that the prevalence of dyscalculic students in the context of Nepal is moderate in
comparison to the international context. It is also consistent with the result (6.67 %) of
Adhikari (2014). It is also equivalent to most of the international findings regarding
dyscalculic students. This result is likely equivalent to the occurrence range of 3-6% of
Kucian and von Aster (2015); around 6% of Hornigold (2015); (Hudson & English,
2016). As stated by Sharma (2020), the prevalence of dyscalculia in the school-age
population is about 6-8% also conformed to Ardilla & Roselli (2002). Nevertheless, a
current study conducted in India at the primary schools revealed that 9% of students were
found to suffer from dyscalculia (Jeya & Albina, 2019). Another study conducted in
Malaysia at primary schools found 5.5% suffered from dyscalculia (Wong et al., 2014).
The result obtained by computer-assisted screener, Babtie & Butterworth (2010);
Thompson (2017) found 5% of dyscalculic students study at the primary level.
Taking into consideration the above findings regarding the status of dyscalculic
students, it can be noted that, the prevalence range of dyscalculic students studying at the
primary level lies between the ranges of 3-9%. Finally, the status of the dyscalculic
students studying at the basic level school of Nepal lies between the range of the above
discussed national and international studies.
Table 7: Students Dyscalculia Screening Test Scores
Range of Scores
No of Students
Students in Percentage
Level of Score
0 8
Low Level
8 16
Average Level
16 24
24 32
High Level
5.1 Summary
Mathematics is the combination of different areas and subjects comprising
numerous diverse branches of mathematics. Thus, each and every aspect of the different
areas have a mutual relation and are interdependent. So, the knowledge of one can affect
to learn or understand the other areas. Mathematics is considered a difficult subject due to
its nature, abstractness, poor mathematics background, attitude, belief toward
mathematics, etc. These difficulties can be defeated by implementing the appropriate
additional support and some efficient interference. Such a type of mathematics learning
difficulty does not inevitably signify dyscalculia. It is a specific type of difficulty in
learning mathematics that affects a person's ability to learn mathematics throughout
his/her life. It is also known as a more profound rooted setback compared to being simply
poor or bad in mathematics. They show continual and intense difficulty in learning
mathematics. The learner with dyscalculia can assist by providing individually the
rigorous teaching-learning approaches to make them able to attain their capacity level.
Dyscalculia is spotted in primary school. In the Nepali context, there are a few
studies related to learning disabilities however, a special focus has not been given to
dyscalculia. Therefore, the teachers can play an important role to detect the dyscalculic
students and assist them by providing different proper learning strategies to defeat their
difficulty in learning mathematics and to take pleasure in, rather than endure, the moment
they expend in the world of mathematical. This study concerning the teachers' awareness
of the students suffering from dyscalculia relating to five factors of teacher awareness
disclosed that the major part of the teachers was found at the average awareness level.
Unfortunately, a small number of teachers were found at a good level of awareness in
every five factors of awareness. It means that large numbers of students are bearing
trouble learning mathematics due to dyscalculia and they are far beyond getting special
help and support from their teacher due to the absence of teacher awareness regarding
dyscalculic students. It is also established that there is no connection within the
demographic variables related to teachers: gender, types of school, and the teachers'
educational qualification concerning the basic level of teachers' awareness of student
dyscalculia. On the other hand, the experience of teaching was established as a significant
indicator of the teachers' awareness of dyscalculia. It signifies that more teaching
experiences lead to more awareness of the teacher regarding dyscalculia. The relation
also reveals that either almost all of the teachers are not participating in the pre-service or
in-service training course or the subject matter related to dyscalculia has not been
incorporated in the course of teacher training. Equally, the reason is the low level of
teacher awareness regarding dyscalculia may have not introduced the subject matter in
the academic courses too.
Thus, it can be concluded that the status of dyscalculic students studying at the
basic level is found to be similar to the global situation of dyscalculic students.
Nevertheless, to address the prevailing situation concerning the problems of dyscalculia,
more focused attention should be set out to address the teachers' awareness regarding
dyscalculia in the basic level teachers of Nepal. Similarly, a proper learning mathematics
environment should be created, and also the teachers' should be sharpened to defeat the
problem of dyscalculia and make mathematics learning joyful for each and every learner.
5.2 Conclusions
The study can be accomplished that the situation of the teachers' awareness of
dyscalculia is a distressing circumstance. Similarly, the dyscalculic students should be
provided special attention, support, and intervention to overcome their learning
difficulties regarding dyscalculia. Thus the concerned authority needs to focus on training
the teacher about learning difficulties and learning disabilities, to promote teachers'
awareness and sense of efficiency to recognize possible signals of the dyscalculic learner.
In addition, the topic similar to dyscalculia, learning disability, and other recent
information be supposed to integrate with the curriculum of academic and nonacademic
courses prepared for the teacher education.
5.3 Policy Implementation
The study focused on the teachers' knowledge about dyscalculia and the students'
status concerning dyscalculia. It also focuses on the effect of demographic variables:
gender, school type, educational qualification, and teaching experiences concerning
teachers' knowledge about dyscalculia. In this background, the study findings and
conclusions, the following policy implementations have been suggested to the concerned
authority and institutions.
5.3.1 For the Institutions
i) The secondary level mathematics teacher should provide pre-service and
in-service teacher training to make credible for their effective classroom teaching,
motivating students and encouraging them for active participation in classroom
ii) The Education Review Office (ERO), teacher training centers, and other
educational research centers should study this topic on a large scale and find out
its effect on mathematics learning and achievements in school-level education.
iii) The school authority and local level government must put in measures like
preparing, providing, and using effective teaching-learning materials for the
teachers to reduce the learner's negative perception of mathematics.
iv) Schools should provide a regular facility of guidance and counseling to the
students who have different mathematics learning difficulties for timely
addressing their problems.
v) There should be an in-service program and orientation for the teachers to update
their knowledge regarding mathematics difficulties and dyscalculia.
vi) There should be needed an awareness program for the teachers and parents about
this type of mathematics learning difficulty as dyscalculia.
5.3.2 For the Teachers
i) The students should be treated using different intervention/strategies for all basic
level schools to make the basic concepts of mathematics clear.
ii) The students' who are dyscalculic and are very poor in mathematics are needed to
provide remediation.
iii) There should be moral and physical support for the children who were afflicted
with this difficulty.
The research is supported by Research Directorate, Rector's Office, Tribhuvan
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Directorate, Rector's Office, Kathmandu for the financial as well as
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Appendix 1: Dyscalculia Status Test (DST)
    
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Appendix 2: Dyscalculia Awareness Test (DAT)
Name of the Teacher: Sex:
Name of the School: Qualifications:
Training: Experiences:
School Type: Government/Private
Read the following questions related to dyscalculia and write inside the box with the
alphabet indicating to what degree you have got the knowledge about it. Use the
following response scale codes to respond to each item in the alongside box.
Aadequate, Bmoderate, Cinadequate
I have enough knowledge regarding the meaning and definition of
The problem regarding dyscalculia and the intervention techniques was
discussed during my in-service training.
I know about the intervention strategies about the dyscalculic learner.
I have been already treated with the dyscalculic learner during my
professional career.
I know well about the effect of dyscalculia in learning mathematics.
I have got teaching experience with the pupil suffering from dyscalculia in
my school/class.
A student without any previous school problems suddenly performs much
worse when mathematics is introduced due to the cause of dyscalculia.
Home and school environment is the main cause of the dyscalculia.
The feeling of difficulties of the students about comparing objects by using
concepts like bigger/smaller and more/less is due to the cause of dyscalculia.
Language problem is the main cause of dyscalculic learner.
A pupil appears to be distracted to learn during the class of each subject and
sometimes he appears to be frustrated and nervous due to dyscalculia.
Dyscalculic pupil has difficulty with measures such as weight, distance, and
A student can solve numerical problem accurately but take more than enough
time due to the dyscalculic effect.
Dyscalculic students can solve the problem related to sequencing elements
such as dates, cardinal and ordinal numbers easily.
Discomfort, anxiousness, fear and behavioral changes are the causes of
Teacher is most responsible person to treat and improve their learning of the
dyscalculic learner.
Poor achievement in mathematics can cause dyscalculia to every student.
Special support and intensive intervention is needed to improve the students
learning mathematics.
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Measuring teachers' skills and competencies is necessary to ensure teacher quality and contribute to education quality. Research has shown teachers competencies and skills influence students’ performances. Previous studies explored teachers’ knowledge through testing. Teachers' knowledge of the topic of area-perimeter and teaching strategies has been assessed through testing. In general, items or tasks to assess mathematics teacher knowledge in the previous studies were dominated by subject matter knowledge problems. Thus, it seems that the assessment has not fully covered the full range of teacher knowledge and competencies. In this study, the researchers investigated mathematics teachers’ Knowledge of Content and Students (KCS) through lesson plans developed by the teachers. To accommodate the gap in the previous studies, this study focuses on KCS on the topic of area-perimeter through their designed lesson plans. Twenty-nine mathematics teachers attended a professional development activity voluntarily participated in this study. Two teachers were selected to be the focus of this case study. Content analysis of the lesson plan and semi-structured interviews were conducted, and then data were analyzed. It revealed that the participating teachers were challenged when making predictions of students' possible responses. They seemed unaware of the ordinary students' strategies used to solve maximizing area from a given perimeter. With limited knowledge of students' possible strategies and mistakes, these teachers were poorly prepared to support student learning.
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Background: 3-7% of all children, adolescents, and adults suffer from dyscalculia. Severe, persistent difficulty performing arithmetical calculations leads to marked impairment in school, at work, and in everyday life and elevates the risk of comorbid mental disorders. The state of the evidence underlying various methods of diagnosing and treating this condition is unclear. Methods: Systematic literature searches were carried out from April 2015 to June 2016 in the PsycInfo, PSYNDEX, MEDLINE, ProQuest, ERIC, Cochrane Library, ICTRP, and MathEduc databases. The main search terms on dyscalculia were the German terms "Rechenstörung," "Rechenschwäche," and "Dyskalkulie" and the English terms "dyscalculia," "math disorder, and "math disability." The data from the retrieved studies were evaluated in a meta-analysis, and corresponding recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of dyscalculia were jointly issued by the 20 societies and associations that participated in the creation of this guideline. Results: The diagnosis of dyscalculia should only be made if the person in question displays below-average mathematical performance when seen in the context of relevant information from the individual history, test findings, clinical examination, and further psychosocial assessment. The treatment should be directed toward the individual mathematical problem areas. The mean effect size found across all intervention trials was 0.52 (95% confidence interval [0.42; 0.62]). Treatment should be initiated early on in the primary-school years and carried out by trained specialists in an individual setting; comorbid symptoms and disorders should also receive attention. Persons with dyscalculia are at elevated risk of having dyslexia as well (odds ratio [OR]: 12.25); the same holds for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and for other mental disorders, both internalizing (such as anxiety and depression) and externalizing (e.g., disorders characterized by aggression and rule-breaking). Conclusion: Symptom-specific interventions involving the training of specific mathematical content yield the best results. There is still a need for high-quality intervention trials and for suitable tests and learning programs for older adolescents and adults.
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In Sabah, it was reported that the prevalence rate 5.5% of the primary school students in Sabah suffered from Dyscalculia using the computer-based Dyscalculia screener by measuring pupils’ response accuracy and response time to test items. (Wong, 2014). This research probes into the awareness of Dyscalculia among educators in Sandakan district, Sabah. An online Dyscalculia questionnaire is employed in this study to collect the relevant data which will be analysed by using the descriptive statistics. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of awareness for Dyscalculia which involved 80 educators from different primary schools in Sandakan, Sabah. The results show that 57.5% of the respondents in Sandakan do not know Dyscalculia.
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A common misconception about math is that it requires raw intellectual talent or "brilliance." Only students who possess this sort of brilliance are assumed to be capable of success in math-related subjects. This harmful myth has far-reaching consequences for the success of girls and children from ethnic-minority backgrounds in these subjects. Because women and minorities are stereotyped as lacking brilliance, the myth that success in math requires this trait is a barrier that students from these groups have to overcome. In the first part of this paper, we detail the pervasiveness of this myth and explore its relation to gender and race gaps in math and beyond. In the second part, we highlight some potential sources of this myth in children's everyday experiences and offer some strategies for debunking it.
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p> Background: Learning disability refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by difficulty in reading, writing, spelling and reasoning ability. It usually show up when a child has difficulty reading, speaking, writing, figuring out a math problem, communicating with parents or paying attention in class. Children with learning disability can succeed in school and can have successful career in life if right support and intervention is provided to them. Material & Methods: Quantitative approach with Descriptive crosssectional design was used to assess the knowledge of primary school teachers. A structured knowledge questionnaire was developed focusing on learning disabilities. The study was carried out in 16 schools of Dharan, Nepal. About 150 primary school teachers were selected by convenience sampling technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect needed data on knowledge of primary school teachers. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Majority, 79 (52.67%) of the primary school teachers had moderately adequate knowledge and 71 (47.33%) had inadequate knowledge regarding learning disabilities. There was a significant association of knowledge of primary school teachers with demographic variables such as class involved in teaching. Conclusion: The school teachers have inadequate knowledge regarding learning disabilities. The teachers play an important role in identifying learning disabilities in school children at initial state. The children with learning difficulties should be helped at early stage and proper training and guidance should be provided to them. Journal of Nobel Medical College Volume 6, Number 1, Issue 10 (January-June, 2017), Page: </p
It is clearly understood that technology oriented education on special training is neither sound nor adequate when considered from the literary point of view in our country. Limited studies held in country not only support this point of view but also demonstrate the lack of resource and studies carried out in this area. During the designing and developing process one of the qualitative methods called the design base research but then completing the design and development process, a common academic way of evaluation the single subject research method have been implemented in order to test the forcibleness of the work in the respect of special training and education. The study carried out through nine special training tutors and ten mentally disabled students. The following as a pilot study, the efficiency process has been accomplished through three teachers and three students. The feedback forms used to get the remarks of the teachers and through the use of the content analysis method the data resolved, during the phase of evaluation of the software. In respect of the analyses carried out, the practice has been considered as rather effective and applicable and useful by the teachers attended this pilot case study. The process confirming the results of the case study carried out by the teachers, according to the afore stated study, the results have been successful and the targeted notions have also been learned, which made the students feel that all these practices worked! It could easily be said that the software developed is both useful and applicable, moreover, the trainings committed conveniently have rather been effective.
Math skills are necessary for success in the childhood educational and future adult work environment. This article reviews the changing terminology for specific learning disabilities (SLD) in math and describes the emerging genetics and neuroimaging studies that relate to individuals with math disability (MD). It is important to maintain a developmental perspective on MD, as presentation changes with age, instruction, and the different models (educational and medical) of identification. Intervention requires a systematic approach to screening and remediation that has evolved with more evidence-based literature. Newer directions in behavioral, educational and novel interventions are described.