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Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK) 2(2) (2018) 04-08
Cite The Article: Rajendra Kumar (2018). Comparison Of Instruction Scheduling And Register Allocation For Mips And Hpl -Pd Architecture For Exploitation Of Instruction Level
Parallelism .
Engineering Heritage Journal
, 2(2) : 04-08.
Print ISSN : 2521-0904
Online ISSN : 2521-0440
Article History:
Received 12 November 2017
Accepted 12 December 2017
Available online 1 January 2018
The integrated approaches for instruction scheduling and register allocation have been promising area of research for
code generation and compiler optimization. In this paper we have proposed an integrated algorithm for instruction
scheduling and register allocation and implemented it for compiler optimization in machine description in trimaran
infrastructure for exploitation of Instruction level parallelism. Our implementation in trimaran infrastructure shows
that our scheduler reduces the number of active live ranges dealt with linear scan allocator. As a result only few spills
were needed and the quality of the code generated was improved. For our experiments we used 20 benchmarks
available with trimaran infrastructure for HPL-PD architecture. We compare some of these results with results
obtained by Haijing Tang et al (2013) performed by LLVM compiler on MIPS architecture. For our experimental work
we added machine description (MDES) targeted to HL-PD architecture. The implemented algorithm is based on
subgraph isomorphism. The input program is represented in the form of directed acyclic graph (DAG). The vertices of
the DAG represent the instructions, input and output operands of the program, while the edges represent dependencies
among the instructions.
ILP, Instruction Scheduling, Register Allocation, Trimaran Simulator, Parallelilsm.
China For exploitation of instruction level parallelism through compiler
optimization it is very important to consider the code optimization and
code generation phases efficiently. Instruction scheduling and register
allocation have great importance in code generation [1]. Recent studies
show a lot of efforts on integrated approaches for instruction scheduling
and register allocation [2,3]. The combinations of instruction scheduling
and register allocation have been discussed in section 3. The key aspect of
proposed technique is the modeling of the hardware resources by
redefining the MDES of trimaran infrastructure and comparison of results
with LLVM compiler [4].
The algorithm is implemented for instruction scheduling and register
allocation based on subgraph isomorphism theory on the trimaran
compiler for HPL-PD architecture [5,6]. For the purpose of feasibility and
flexibility, the integrated approach is designed for the HPL-PD architecture
on the trimaran compiler. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents related work, Section 3 presents use of instruction scheduling
and register allocation, Section 4 presents HPL-PD Architecture, Section 5
presents proposed algorithm for instruction scheduling and register
allocation, Section 6 presents MDES description steps, Section 7
represents the Experimental results, Section 8 represents the comparison
of some of the results with MIPS architecture on LLVM compiler, Section 9
represents the conclusion and future scope [7,8].
The advantage of register allocation is the speed. Some researchers
pointed that Register allocation is the optimization technique that can
increase efficiency of algorithm upto 250% [9]. As the computers have
limited number of CPU registers therefore it is not possible to assign all
variables to the registers. A 32-bit variable spilled to memory avails an
allocation of 32 bit of stack space. Such variable has a much slower
processing speed then a variable in register. Another researchers pointed
that the spill free register allocation is an NP-Complete problem [10]. They
proved that any graph is the interference graph of a program. Graph
coloring and Linear scan approaches have been used for register
allocation. In a study, the researchers added a recent work to Linear Scan
algorithms called Extended Linear Scan [11]. It applies copy and swap
instructions along the source program and uses minimal number of
registers to compile the program.
The graph coloring is seen as the optimal approach for register allocation
[12]. It has been adopted by several modern compilers like LLVM and
Trimaran. A simpler approach linear scan has also been used for the same.
The fact by which the minimal coloring to a graph was proved to be NP-
Complete [13]. Subgraph isomorphism is defined as a generalization of
graph isomorphism problem which asks whether a graph G isomorphic to
graph H. A group researcher also computed a subgraph isomorphism
problem that has a query complexity of (n3/2) [14]. Subgraph
isomorphism is seen as a very general form for pattern matching and it
provides a platform for several important graph problem, like Hamiltonian
paths, shortest path, cliques, etc [15-17].
Integer programming based optimal register allocation algorithm have
been developed for regular architecture. The recent research on register
allocation is based on SSA-form [18,19]. The interference graphs of SSA-
form can be colored in polynomial time. SSA (Static Single Assignment) is
defined as the property of an intermediate presentation which requires
every variable to be assigned only once. Ever variable is to be defined
before it is used. The LLVM and trimaran compiler infrastructure use SSA
form for all scalar register values in their primary code representation.
Some researchers presented steps to convert the intermediate
representation in to SSA form [20]. SSA form is optimal and has no
unnecessary terms.
Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK)
Rajendra Kumar*
Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut (India)
*Corresponding Author Email:
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK) 2(2) (2018) 04-08
Cite The Article: Rajendra Kumar (2018). Comparison Of Instruction Scheduling And Register Allocation For Mips And Hpl -Pd Architecture For Exploitation Of Instruction Level
Parallelism .
Engineering Heritage Journal
, 2(2) : 04-08.
Several instruction scheduling has been developed and implemented
recently. An instruction scheduling algorithm for the TRIPS architecture is
presented presented as an integrated algorithm for instruction selection
and register allocation but focused on instruction set with mixed
instruction formats for 16- and 32-bit instructions on the ARCompact ISA
[21,22]. They got a good code reduction of 16.7% and also a performance
gain of 17.7%. This contribution differs from this work because they have
an instruction set architecture with two representations of the same
instruction and focused on selecting the best one for each case.
An interesting way to see register allocation is as a Multi-Flow of
Commodities (MFC) problem. This idea was introduced in order to
perform local register allocation [23]. Local allocation is the version of
register allocation that is restricted to basic blocks only, in contrast to
global register allocation, that is concerned about the whole program. A
study discussed that Spill Free Register Allocation has polynomial time
solution for SSA-form programs, but it is NP-complete for programs in
general [24]. An important breakthrough in register allocation happened
in 2005, when three different research groups, proved independently that
the interference graphs of programs in Static Single Assignment (SSA)
form are chordal [25-27]. A researcher mentioned that this result is
important because chordal graphs can be colored in polynomial time [28].
Some researcher implemented various groups code generators
integrating optimal instruction selection, instruction scheduling and
register allocation, based on formulations such as integer linear
programming [29].
3.1 Instruction Scheduling
In VLIW ILP compilers schedule various operations on two different
functional units. The VLIW compilers perform all the scheduling and
translation at compile time. For instruction scheduling, it is assumed that
all the functional unit of same kind and have the same latency [30-32]. The
VLIW compilers read the program in HLL and translate the complex
operations into micro-operations supported by the processor. The next
task for the complier is to check the data and control dependencies among
the operations and the compiler selects which operations can be executed
in parallel.
The conventional algorithms for list scheduling attempts to select the first
freely available functional unit to schedule an operation. But in modern
commodity of processors, the functional units of same kind may have
different latencies. As a result, conventional instruction scheduling
algorithm may not produce good performance, at least not if integrated
with register allocation [33].
3.2 Register Allocation
The various schemes for register allocation include: Region based, linear
scan, graph coloring, integer programming, SSA-form, etc. The primary job
of a register allocator is to assign the many temporals to a small number
of CPU registers and to assign the source and destination of a move of same
register if possible so that the move can be deleted. In optimizing compiler,
the register allocation is the process of assigning large number of program
variables on to a limited number of CPU registers. The register allocation
can be locally as well as globally. When it is done over a basic block then it
is local register allocation and when it is applied to whole function or a
program then it is called global register allocation.
A special category called inter-procedural register allocation also exists
when register allocation is done across the function boundaries. In
trimaran infrastructure, mainly three register allocation schemes are
used: IMPACT Register allocation, Linear Scan, and Region Based. This
paper opted Linear Scan approach integrated with Fast Instruction
Scheduling (FIS). The integrated approach was implemented using
subgraph isomorphism.
As an example, a below code is:
Z = A(i)
T = A(i+1+N)
The intermediate code (basic block) for above source code is:
Figure 1: Basic Block
This basic block has six instructions with one two-stage pipeline and two
physical registers. Figure 2 is the dependence graph for above basic block
(Figure 1):
Figure 2: Dependence Graph
The association of instruction scheduling and register allocation has been
implemented in three ways: Instruction scheduling followed by register
allocation, register allocation followed by instruction scheduling, and
integrated Instruction scheduling and Register allocation.
3.2.1 Instruction Scheduling Followed by Register Allocation
In this scheme the priority is given to instruction scheduling over register
utilization for exploitation of ILP. In modern RISC processors, if only one
approach has to be chosen over instruction scheduling and register
allocation, this scheme is preferred. Figure 3 shows the schedule
generated by this approach. There is no idle slot and completion is done in
6 cycles.
Figure 3: Instruction Scheduling followed by Register Allocation
3.2.2 Register Allocation Followed by Instruction Scheduling
In this scheme the priority is given to register utilization over instruction
scheduling for exploitation of ILP. It was most common approach in early
compilers but now-a-days it is not used as the sufficient numbers of
registers are available because of reduced cost of hardware. Below figure
shows the schedule and register allocation for this scheme. There are no
spills during register allocation.
Figure 4: Register Allocation followed by Instruction Scheduling
Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK) 2(2) (2018) 04-08
Cite The Article: Rajendra Kumar (2018). Comparison Of Instruction Scheduling And Register Allocation For Mips And Hpl -Pd Architecture For Exploitation Of Instruction Level
Parallelism .
Engineering Heritage Journal
, 2(2) : 04-08.
3.2.3 Integrated Instruction Scheduling and Register Allocation
This approach deal with issues related to instruction scheduling and
register allocation both. The solution chose to move V5 closer to V6 but
does not move V3 closer to V2. Thus, there is one idle slot in the schedule
and no spill at all.
Figure 5: Integrated Instruction scheduling and Register allocation
This work is focused on instruction scheduling and register allocation for
HPL-PD architecture. HPL-PD is a parametric processor architecture
accepted for research in Instruction Level parallelism [31]. The
architecture is parametric in the sense that it admits hardware of different
specifications and scale exclusively the nature and amount of ILP that can
be exploited. HPL-PD implementation provides the merits and demerits of
each implementation as well. Figure 6 illustrates an overview of HPL-PD
datapath [30]. The code generation for this architecture has been a
challenge since there are dedicated functional units associated to the
register banks.
Figure 6: The HPL-PD Datapath
Figure 7 is the Base Graph of HPL-PD processor. In this ABG (Abstract Base
Graph), the base files are represented by rectangles and the circles
represent the functional units.
Figure 7: The Base Graph of HPL-PD Processor
HPL-PD version 1.1 is used for experiments. This version has five new
integer operations namely: ABS, MIN, MINL, MAX and MAXL. The
conversion operations, hold by the architecture are CONVLWS, CONVLWD,
CONVLSW and CONVLDW. A number of few MOVE operations are
included. Some of them are MOVEGBP, MOVEB, MOVEGCM. HPL-PD is a
meta architecture, as a result it encompasses a space of machines each of
which can have different amount of ILP and a different ISA (Instruction Set
Architecture). Architectures lying in HPL-PD space consists of a set of
registers, functional units connected to those registers and a hierarchical
memory system.
The concepts of subgraph isomorphism library is used to design the
algorithm and used trimaran infrastructure for implementation of
algorithm in association with redefining the machine description [32]. The
implementation of this algorithm is attempted as a new pass on the
1. Input the program in C language
2. Split the program into basic blocks
3. Construct the DAGs from the basic blocks and base graphs.
4. For each DAG D and base graph B
(a) Compute the unrolling for B
(b) Create unrolled base graph
(c) Perform subgraph matching between D and B
5. If subgraph matching between D and B = false
a) if B is not large enough then increase the unrolling factor by 1 and goto
4 (b) if there exists a spill then include vertices representing STORE and
LOAD from memory, and update DAG D with vertices and goto 4 (c)
c) if matching is not found after 5 (a) and 4 (b) then
break up the DAG D under matching, and goto 4 (c)
5. Furnish the scheduled and register allocated instructions for each basic
Above describes the main steps of proposed algorithm. It takes a C
program and converts into basic blocks. Then the algorithm receives the
DAG from the basic block. The Base Graph size then calculates the
unrolling factor. Larger is the size of unrolling factor, higher is the
exploitation of ILP. The unrolling factor is passed to procedure named
Graph Creator. Then the subgraph matching is performed. It may be
possible that the matching is not found then the subgraph isomorphism
runs a specific procedure depending upon the result of matching. If finally,
the matching is not found as per the time constraints, the algorithm breaks
up the DAG and repeats the matching step. Once the matching is found, the
trimaran performs a task of code emission with CPU registers.
For implementation of HPL-PD instruction scheduling and register
allocation, the inputs are DAGs, which are generated by Trimaran
compiler. An internal procedure builds HPL-PD architecture base graph
that accepts DAGs as input and produces ABG.
The MDES (Machine DEScription) model in trimaran infrastructure
provides the flexibility to develop a machine description for HPL-PD group
of processors in high level language to be translated into equivalent low-
level representation used by the compiler at later stage. The purpose of
low level representation is to allow the compiler to check the execution
constraints efficiently. The HPL-PD machine description is bound to follow
a well-defined format called HMDES (High level Machine DEScription).
After the processing of macro and compilation of high level machine
description (here, P. hmdes2), the corresponding low-level machine
description (here, P. lmdes2) is loaded to read the LMDES specification and
constructs the internal data structures of the MDES database. The
information contained within the machine description is made available
to various modules of trimaran infrastructure. For optimization of
compiler, a machine description database specifies the following to the
1. A meta grammar
2. An internal data structure for instruction format tree.
3. Explicitly scheduled resources.
4. The resource usage behavior of each operation.
5. Latency description.
The high-level description is for user’s convenience and the compiler
performs the activities at low level description. Following script is
applied for converting high level description (*. hmdes2) into low
level description (*. lmdes2):
1. Run the hc script /* conversion into *. lmdes2 */
2. Run hmdesc /*Generation of customized file for IMPACT user
interface to MDES Module. */
3. Processing and compilation of MDES file called by hc and hmdes
scripts by using the binaries md_processor, md_compiler and
The back-end source files in MDES are integrated in ELCOR. The ELCOR
Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK) 2(2) (2018) 04-08
Cite The Article: Rajendra Kumar (2018). Comparison Of Instruction Scheduling And Register Allocation For Mips And Hpl -Pd Architecture For Exploitation Of Instruction Level
Parallelism .
Engineering Heritage Journal
, 2(2) : 04-08.
side MDES source is implemented by following steps:
1. Define internal data structure created in mdes. *
2. Define the function for loading *.lmdes2 file in mdes_reader.cpp
3. Include the object files of the ELCOR side of the MDES library
The front end side MDES source is integrated in libmspec.a library that
contains the object modules. The directory
TRIMARAN_HOME/impact/src/machine contains all the files related to
high level machine description.
In this section the summery of experiments is presented. The
experimental setup is prepared as integrated approach for instruction
scheduling and register allocation. The table below shows the number of
emitted instructions and registers usages for each benchmark. The
experiments performed using the basic and greedy registers allocators
and fast scheduling algorithm for trimaran compiler (version 4.0) on
Ubuntu 10.10.
Table 1: Summary of Instruction Scheduling and Register Allocation
Figure 7 shows the comparison of emitted instruction between Trimaran
and LLVM. The experiments show that the emitted instruction by trimaran
on HPL-PD produce better results than the LLVM on MIPS. The number of
emitted instructions are more in Trimaran than LLVM. The scheduler
performance gain of proposed approach can be observed for all the
benchmarks used for Trimaran on HPL-PD than the LLVM on MIPS.
Figure 7: Comparison of Emitted Instructions
The figure 8 shows the register usages for both the compilers. Here
observations are that less number of registers used by HPL-PD than MIPS.
The integrated approach for Trimaran using subgraph isomorphism leads
to fewer registers for all the evaluated benchmarks.
Figure 8: Comparison of Register Utilization
The comparison of integrated approach for instruction scheduling and
register allocation between LLVM and trimaran compilers has been
presented in this paper. The comparison was based on matching the DAGs
to the base graph on LLVM and Trimaran compiler. The matching result is
in the form of subgraph of the base graph isomorphic to the input DAG that
represents the allocated resources to run the DAG. In this paper it is shown
that proposed algorithm allocates fewer registers per benchmark and
spills fewer temporaries. The fast and basic strategy provided better
results than isomorphism strategy lying in the range 05 ms 20 ms. The
average compilation time achieved was 49 ms for isomorphism and 37 ms
for fast and basic strategy. On average spill codes generated for the all
benchmarks were 0.03% dynamically and 0.05% statically.
The Intel/Itanium processors are HPL-PD based. The optimization and
analysis models can be improved with HPL-PD processors. HPL-PD
configurations can widely be used in computer architecture research. It
can provide ideal simulation environment for machine learning. As future
work, some new parameters can be included for analysis for base graph
heuristic. Evaluation of the scheduling algorithm may be introduced under
the architectures based on multiple processing elements dynamic
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To study the force and deformation characteristics of subsea mudmat-pile hybrid foundations under different combined loads, a project at a water depth of 200 m in the South China Sea was studied. A numerical model of a subsea mudmatpile hybrid foundation is developed using the numerical simulation software FLAC3D. The settlement of the seabed soil, the bending moments of the mudmat, and the displacements and bending moments along the pile shaft under different load combinations, including vertical load and horizontal load, vertical load and bending moment, and horizontal load and bending moment load, are analyzed. The results indicate that settlement of the seabed soil is reduced by the presence of piles. The settlement of the mudmat is reduced by the presence of piles. Different degrees of inclination occur along the pile shaft. The angle of inclination of pile No. 1 is greater than that of pile No. 2. The dip directions of piles No. 1 and No. 2 are identical under the vertical load and bending moment and are opposite to those under the other combined loads. The piles that are located at the junctions between the mudmat and the tops of the piles are easily destroyed.
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Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) is not the new idea. Unfortunately ILP architecture not well suited to for all conventional high level language compilers and compiles optimization technique. Instruction Level Parallelism is the technique that allows a sequence of instructions derived from a sequential program (without rewriting) to be parallelized for its execution on multiple pipelining functional units. As a result, the performance is increased while working with current softwares. At implicit level it initiates by modifying the compiler and at explicit level it is done by exploiting the parallelism available with the hardware. To achieve high degree of instruction level parallelism, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the technique of speculative execution control dependence analysis and to follow multiple flows of control. The researchers are continuously discovering the ways to increase parallelism by an order of magnitude beyond the current approaches. In this paper we present impact of control flow support on highly parallel architecture with 2-core and 4-core. We also investigated the scope of parallelism explicitly and implicitly. For our experiments we used trimaran simulator. The benchmarks are tested on abstract machine models created through trimaran simulator.
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Clustering has become a common trend in very long instruction words (VLIW) architecture to solve the problem of area, energy consumption, and design complexity. Register-file-connected clustered (RFCC) VLIW architecture uses the mechanism of global register file to accomplish the inter-cluster data communications, thus eliminating the performance and energy consumption penalty caused by explicit inter-cluster data move operations in traditional bus-connected clustered (BCC) VLIW architecture. However, the limit number of access ports to the global register file has become an issue which must be well addressed; otherwise the performance and energy consumption would be harmed. In this paper, we presented compiler optimization techniques for an RFCC VLIW architecture called Lily, which is designed for encryption systems. These techniques aim at optimizing performance and energy consumption for Lily architecture, through appropriate manipulation of the code generation process to maintain a better management of the accesses to the global register file. All the techniques have been implemented and evaluated. The result shows that our techniques can significantly reduce the penalty of performance and energy consumption due to access port limitation of global register file.
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instruction-level parallelism, parametric architecture, EPIC, VLIW, superscalar, speculative execution, predicated execution, programmatic cache control, run-time memory disambiguation, branch architecture HPL-PD is a parametric processor architecture conceived for research in instruction-level parallelism (ILP). Its main purpose is to serve as a vehicle to investigate processor architectures having significant parallelism and to investigate the compiler technology needed to effectively exploit such architectures. The architecture is parametric in that it admits machines of different composition and scale, especially with respect to the nature and amount of parallelism offered. The architecture admits EPIC, VLIW and superscalar implementations so as to provide a basis for understanding the merits and demerits of these different styles of implementation. This report describes those parts of the architecture that are common to all machines in the family. It introduces the basic concepts such as the structure of an instruction, instruction execution semantics, the types of register files, etc. and describes the semantics of the operation repertoire.
Graphs are used as models in a variety of situations. In some cases, e.g. to model images or maps, the graphs will be drawn in the plane, and this feature can be used to obtain new algorithmic results. In this work, we introduce a special class of graphs, called open plane graphs, which can be used to represent images or maps for robots: they are planar graphs embedded in the plane, in which certain faces can be removed, are absent or unreachable. We give a normal form for such graphs and prove that one can check in polynomial time if two normalised graphs are isomorphic, or if two open plane graphs are equivalent (their normal forms are isomorphic). Then we consider a new kind of subgraphs, built from subsets of faces and called patterns. We show that searching for a pattern in an open plane graph is tractable if and only if the faces are contiguous, that is, we prove that the problem is NP-complete otherwise.
The class of k-ary n-cubes represents the most commonly used interconnection topology for distributed-memory parallel systems. A k-ary n-cube is bipartite if and only if k is even. In this paper, we consider the faulty k-ary n-cube with even k>=4 and n>=2 such that each vertex of the k-ary n-cube is incident with at least two healthy edges. Based on this requirement, we prove that the k-ary n-cube contains a hamiltonian path joining every pair of vertices which are in different parts, even if it has up to 4n-5 edge faults and this result is optimal.
Conference Paper
As register allocation is one of the most important phases in optimizing compilers, much work has been done to improve its quality and speed. We present a novel register allocation architecture for programs in SSA-form which simplifies register allocation significantly. We investigate certain properties of SSA-programs and their interference graphs, showing that they belong to the class of chordal graphs. This leads to a quadratic-time optimal coloring algorithm and allows for decoupling the tasks of coloring, spilling and coalescing completely. After presenting heuristic methods for spilling and coalescing, we compare our coalescing heuristic to an optimal method based on integer linear programming.
In this paper, we develop approximation algorithms for a few node deletion problems when the input is restricted to be a bipartite graph. We look at node deletion problems for non-trivial properties which can be characterized by forbidden structure which has a bounded intersection with both the bipartitions. The approximation factors obtained directly depend upon the size of the largest such intersection. Special instances of this general problem include problems such as the Minimum Chain Vertex Deletion, Minimum Dissociation Vertex Deletion, Minimum Bipartite Claw Vertex Deletion, Minimum Bi-complement Vertex Deletion and Minimum Bipartite Threshold Vertex Deletion problems. The algorithms are based upon the techniques of linear programming and iterative rounding. We also use the node deletion algorithms to marginally improve the trivial approximation factor for complementary problem of determining the size of the maximum sized vertex induced subgraph lying in the given graph class and prove the APX-completeness of all of these problems.
Keywords and SynonymsVertex coloring Problem DefinitionA k-coloring of a graph \( G=(V,E) \) assigns one of k colors to each vertex such that neighboring vertices have different colors. This is sometimes called vertex coloring.The smallest integer k for which the graph G admits a k-coloring is denoted χ(G) and called the chromatic number. The number of k-colorings of G is denoted P(G;k) and called the chromatic polynomial.Key ResultsThe central observation is that χ(G) and P(G;k) can be expressed by an inclusion–exclusion formula whose terms are determined by the number of independent sets of induced subgraphs of G. For \( X\subseteq V \), let s(X) denote the number of nonempty independent vertex subsets disjoint from X, and let sr(X) denote the number of ways to choose r nonempty independent vertex subsets \( S_1,\ldots,S_r \) (possibly overlapping and with repetitions), all disjoint from X, such that ...