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A Study on Big Data Analytics, Approaches and Challenges

  • Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai


Big data is new paradigm that has been researched in recent years. We have reached in era of interconnectivity among different organization to predict and make decisions in time changing environments. We describe how the big data analytics can prove beneficial for this motive. We see what are steps to approach big data analytics. We also describe what are challenges for applying big data.
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2016
Copyright to IJIRCCE DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016. 0411195 20306
A Study on Big Data Analytics,
Approches and Challenges
Shweta S. Lokhande1, Prof. Rahul Patil2
M.E Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India.1
Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra,
ABSTRACT: Big data is new paradigm that has been researched in recent years. We have reached in era of
interconnectivity among different organization to predict and make decisions in time changing environments. We
describe how the big data analytics can prove beneficial for this motive. We see what are steps to approach big data
analytics. We also describe what are challenges for applying big data.
KEYWORDS: Big data; Big data analytics; Traditional analysis; Big data analysis; Challenges in big data analytics;
An increasing data is being generated every day. The era of such huge amount of data has emerged as a concept called
Big data. Big data is heterogeneous and massively generated data. It is voluminous semi-structured or structured data
evolving with time. Business routinely collect terabyte of data for analysis. The numbers grows on increasing as
corporate allow event logging in more sources, hire more employees, deploy more devices, and run more software.
Existing analytical techniques don’t do paintings nicely at large scales and typically produce so many false positives
that their efficacy is undermined. New termed are coined to handle such data called big data analytics. The big data
analytics is far and vast concept .All the drawbacks confronted in traditional analytics are conquered in big data
From beyond few years there has continued to be no field such as medicine, academics, weather, economy, science that
haven’t explored big data analytics. Many political events has benefit victory due to analytics of messages from social
media websites. The media has reached on pinnacle T.R.P.s due to evaluation of huge facts through BIG Data
analytics.. Many studies and researched has boosted velocity due to big data analytics .
The big data analytics along with IoT is used to build smart city with a motive to preserve and revitalize culture[1] .The
medical technological know-how cold make use of Big data analytics for pharmaceutical studies to cure illnesses like
diabetes, most cancers and so forth[16]. The internet technology used with big data analytics give us self explanatory
records rather than easy textual content about surroundings [11].
Due to intercommunication between records, big data analytics is used for Fraud detection. Quick action and accurate
decisions in actual time had been feasible because of big facts analytics.
Facebook analytics make use of user data to analyze active users and fan pages. This tool is also used to track
interaction between the active users[19].The entrepreneurs make use of Google analytics to track their websites, blogs,
viewer etc.[20].
The social analytics in conjunction with big data analytics help us to find context of data being analyzed.
Accordingly Big data analytics is boon on this fast and vast growing industries of data.
This article is organized as follows. Section II defines Big data. In section III we put a light on what is Big data
analytics and its purpose. The section IV presents a comparative study between Traditional analytics and Big data
analytics. In section V we are going to study the steps to approach Big data analytics. Section VI present challenges in
implementing Big data Analytics. Conclusion of this paper is being presented in section VII.
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2016
Copyright to IJIRCCE DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016. 0411195 20307
The Big data is defined as data sets which are so large that traditional technologies unable to process. The amount or
size of big data weigh from terabytes, zettabytes , yottabytes and so on. The era of big data started early in 2000s due
to introduction of fast and powerful technologies. The one more reason is emergence of storage technologies as the
result digital dawn .The data comes in unique formats and nature. The data produced from cell phones, bank
transactions, weather senescing devices, log files, text documents, social networking, videos can be structured, semi
structured, or unstructured. We need different technologies and methods to process this data. Thus data generated is of
different variety. The data generation is growing exponentially with time. The data gathered from social media is best
example of data generated with high speed. Hence it is said that big data is of high velocity. The name as big data,
gives us an idea that the size and amount is large .The high variety and high velocity is leading in high volume of data.
Thus big data is characterized as 3Vs i.e. VOLUME, VELOCITY & VARIETY
The data produced sometimes is unimportant. The sampled data may or may not contain the desired information. Hence
we need to aggregate or summarized data to suffice the collected data. We need to perform various data pre processing
steps, analyse the data and present it into understandable forms .However when information is in large quantity ,of
various variety, and growing with excessive speed, Big data analytics comes into rescue.
Big data analytics is the manner of examining large data sets to reveal undiscovered patterns, unknown correlations,
trends persisting in market, customer preferences and other useful business information. The analytical findings can be
fruitful into extra powerful marketing, new revenue opportunities, better customer service, stepped forward operational
efficiency, competitive advantages over rival organizations and other business benefits.
The big data analytics has been used to answers some questions:
A. What happened?
B. Why happened?
C. What is likely to happen?
D. What should be done about it?
To understand big data analytics and answer above questions with help of we take an example of a cosmetics
promoting enterprise.
A. What happened?
After analysing a sales report of cosmetics over a defined period, it appears evidently that there has been decline in
sales of product. Thus we get clarity of reduction in sales.
B. Why happened?
The analytics achieved on purchaser critiques, market conditions, it should come with reasons in fall of product
income. The solutions could be high charge of merchandise, arrival of new manufacturers, client dissatisfaction and so
C. What is likely to happen?
This stage of analysis is called as prediction stage. Big data analytics are typically used for predicting an occasion. As
according to our case we can are expecting that income could attain at top heights in upcoming days or there can be
again fall of sales.
D. What should be done?
The big data analytics carried out over sales can supply us idea to approximately the measures to be taken for
enhancing product.
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2016
Copyright to IJIRCCE DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016. 0411195 20308
In the traditional analytics data to be processed is known beforehand. The data mostly comes in shape of tables i.e.
data is structured. The data from textual content, Pdfs that are broadly speaking unstructured or semi established can
not be managed and subsequently cannot be stored in shape of rows and columns. The RDBMS is a tool used for
processing such data. The data follows strict schemas with complicated relationships. The conventional analytical tools
and strategies fail to handle big data. The data which is generated varies from gigabytes to yotta bytes is not able to
store using traditional data storage systems. The shifting of such data reasons a bottle neck. The single processor could
not able to system such huge data. So handling, managing, processing the big data by means of traditional system is
challenging. Consequently traditional analytics has some limitations which have been conquer with the aid of BIG
Data Analytics.
In big data analytics, data to be analyzed may be static or dynamic in nature. The data is constantly being generated
over internets and data stored on disks are both considered while analysis. The parallel processing systems are used to
process data in big data analytics.. The records saved at extraordinary vicinity is also used for evaluation. The tools like
R, HADOOP and Map Reduce are used for this purpose. . The big data analytical methods can analyze data of any
form. The schema used to store data is kept flat. The interrelationship among them are few and kept simple. The data
structure like Graphs are used to represent data. Therefore big data analytics proves more powerful than traditional
data analytics.
The analysis of big data can be performed as follows:
A. Collection
B. Organization
C. Analysis
D. Visualize
E. Learn, Adapt, Rebuild
Fig.1. Steps to approach big data analytics.
Learn, adapt and rebuild
bussiness domain. Build mathematical
select right tools for
storage. aggergate the data
identify data sources select right tool for
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2016
Copyright to IJIRCCE DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016. 0411195 20309
It is basic steps for performing analytics. The data on which analytics is performed must be collect from different
sources. Figuring out proper supply can help to particular analysis. One should select right gear and techniques to
acquire records.. One can collect data over internets, customer forms, interviews or interrogation, proper feedbacks etc.
Selection of right tools can help to save times.
The data collected need to be organized in proper forms. The data must be cleaned before organization. The data
organization or modeling can be like data ware houses and schematics webs.
Understand business domain:
The knowledge of business for which analytics is done , can help to guide analytics for desired results. The
understanding of commercial enterprise for which analytics is computed, can help to manual analytics for desired
consequences. One must have a good studies or look at should be carried before analytics. for example to perform
affected person fitness analysis, one have to be aware of his preceding fitness records, scientific time period expertise,
etc. The domain knowledge and application knowledge proves beneficial for designing algorithms and set methods for
analytics [12].It becomes unclear to find effective measure, if we do not have properly identifying correct tools and
The identification of tools and technique foster the analytics. The tools depending upon the application such as
desktop, clouds must effectively selected. The data analyst must cleverly choose the architecture for analysis. For e.g.
statics analytics can be carried out with help of R or MATLAB where as dynamic analysis which occurs in changing
environment can be carried in HADOOP architecture. The overview of tools[10] provide us with performance of
various tools available for Big data analytics which can be help to save computational time and cost.
The building of mathematical functions:
To carry out analysis we need to follow specific algorithms. This algorithms optimize the results .One can yield
better performance of system using correct mathematical functions and algorithms.
As the data set is very large, one can frequently zoom and note each detail. The table layout doesn’t show useful at
such example.. The visual aids or demo graphs like pie charts, which are beyond static dash board where users can
note and can drag any widgets[5] are used as visualization tools. Visualization provide a way to maintain context by
showing co-related variable .It is relevant to display relation of various streaming data and came help to identify
The analytics over huge information help us to analyze the causes effects over an occasion. You can come up with
decisions and predictions using the result of evaluation.
The new technologies can be used to adapt the upon the results or decision. Accordingly, the technique of
collection, organization , and analytics goes on and on. depending upon the consequences or choice , we want to
rebuild the strategies .
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2016
Copyright to IJIRCCE DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016. 0411195 20310
We need to cope up with numerous demanding situations to realize its true potential, although the application of
big data analytics to security problems has significant promise .As per requirements are generated for sharing the data
among the industries, privacy is main concern, as sharing data goes against the privacy policy of companies.
Advancements in big data analytics, have given us tools to extract and correlate this data, making privacy violations
easier. Therefore, development must be done in big data applications with an understanding of privacy principles and
recommendations though privacy regulation exists in some sectors. As the application of big data analytics to security
problems has significant promise, many parties, including industry that can use our information for marketing and
advertising, government, and sophisticated criminals like intruder or attacker are attracted to large storage of data.
Therefore, the role of big data application architects and designers is to be proactive in creating safeguards to prevent
abuse of these big data stores[15].
As IoT is best source of big data, the hardware cost become burden. More and more data storage technologies need
to build to store large data sets as data generation is a continues process .Along with this, processor architecture need
to be revised to turned them to handle such big data. The analytical tools are made powerful to produce correct and
accurate results. The visualization tools must deliver the results in user understandable forms.
As surveyed [4], the leading barriers to big data analytics are inadequate staffing and skills. After all, many
organizations are still new to big data analytics and their skill sets are not quite the same as that for business
intelligence and data warehousing, for which most organizations have developed their skills. Problems with database
software can form a bottle neck to big data analytics. Issues arise when the current database software lacks in-database
analytics , has scalability problems with big data that are they can’t process analytic queries fast enough , or cannot
load data fast enough .
The goal of this paper is to describe, and mirror on big data analytics. The paper firstly defines what is meant by big
data. We presented various definitions of big data, highlighting the fact that size is only one dimension of big data
along with this, other dimensions such as velocity and variety are equally important. The paper’s primary cognizance
has been on analytics to advantage legitimate and valuable insights from large information. We additionally researched
the difference between conventional analytics and large records analytics. The steps to approach analytics has been
explained in this paper. The challenges are addressed which might be faced even as imposing big data analytics.
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ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2016
Copyright to IJIRCCE DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016. 0411195 20311
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Modeling tools and operators help the user / developer to identify the processing field on the top of the sequence and to send into the computing module only the data related to the requested result. The remaining data is not relevant and it will slow down the processing. The biggest challenge nowadays is to get high quality processing results with a reduced computing time and costs. The processing sequence must be reviewed on the top, so that we could add one or more modeling tools. The existing processing models do not take in consideration this aspect and focus on getting high calculation performances which will increase the computing time and costs. In this paper we provide you a study of the main modeling tools for BigData.
Increasing web services day by day and huge volume of data is also increasing exponentially. Processing a large amount of data efficiently can be a substantial problem. Currently, the method for processing a large amount of data comprises adopting parallel computing. Big data is an all-encompassing term for any collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process them using traditional data processing applications. The challenges comprise analysis, capture, creation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and privacy violations. With pervasive sensors continuously collecting and storing enormous amounts of information leads to data flood. Learning from these large volumes of data is expected to bring significant science and engineering advances along with improvements in quality of life. However, with such a big blessing come big challenges. Billions of Internet users and machine-to-machine connections are producing a huge volume of data growth. Utilizing big data requires transforming information infrastructure into a more flexible, distributed, and open environment. In this paper, a survey has been prepared about the techniques available for optimization in big data with the presence of swarm intelligence. Using mathematical model based algorithm for optimization (Swarm Intelligence) in big data will yield better performance while handling of dynamic data in the non-stationary environments and dynamic environments.
Big data is changing the landscape of security tools for network monitoring, security information and event management, and forensics; however, in the eternal arms race of attack and defense, security researchers must keep exploring novel ways to mitigate and contain sophisticated attackers.
Big data is useful for HCI researchers and user interface design. As one example, A/B testing is a standard practice in the usability community to help determine relative differences in user performance using different interfaces. This can help product teams discover large, real-world usability issues while supplementing laboratory techniques that tend to focus on smaller, more isolated problems. Other companies use the data more directly to modify their offerings. The online game company Zynga creates games and studies data on how its audience plays them in order to update the games immediately. The work creates a strong need to preserve institutional memory, both by tracking the origins of past decisions and by allowing repeatability across analyses. New data may well be constantly streaming in, so that the processing system needs to make decisions about which part of the stream to capture.
Big Data Analytics-Key Technologies ans Challenges
  • Hu Shuijing
Hu Shuijing,"Big Data Analytics-Key Technologies ans Challenges", 2016 International Conference on Robots & Intelligent System, 978-1-5090-4155-8/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE,DOI 10.1109/ICRIS.2016.30.