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Contesting crop sciences: A Study on understanding the contexts of alternative knowledge claims and institutional responses

Project Report
Contesting crop sciences: A Study on understanding the contexts of
alternative knowledge claims and institutional responses
C. Raghava Reddy
Department of Sociology
Prajit K. Basu
Department of Philosophy
Submitted to
Chief Coordinator
Research Projects
UPE- Phase 2
University of Hyderabad
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 2
Contesting crop sciences: A Study on understanding the contexts of alternative
knowledge claims and institutional responses
Agriculture, one of the oldest practices of human civilization, epitomizes man’s
relationship with nature. It encapsulates a set of technologies which manifest man’s
understanding of nature. Cultivation, as explained by Aristotle, ‘is a practice that helps nature
to produce more perfectly or abundantly things which she could produce herself’ (Mitcham,
1978: 243). It was believed that ‘in farming, although man performs all kinds of preparatory
tasks, such as clearing, plowing and sowing, nature itself has to do the rest. Once his
preparatory tasks are done, man can only sit down and wait. It is the inner growing power of
living nature which performs the work’ (ibid: 243). However, over the years human beings
evolved a set of practices which help them in manipulating the physiological features of crop
growth thus limiting the rope of nature. These practices have co-evolved on the basis of
cumulative knowledge and the knowledge thus accrued was shared between the members of
the community.
Until the advent of science of crop production, farming progressed by imitation.
Improvements in practices of crop cultivation were isolated random accidental improvisations
which spread through word of mouth and established as practices. The occurrence of these
accidental inventions and innovations in agriculture were sporadic and spatial and
communities worked hard in the adaptation and adoption. These improvisations added to the
cumulative knowledge in agriculture and were passed on from generations to generations.The
knowledge of cultivation practices has been transformed with the scientific understanding of
crop physiology, soil, and nature’s role in food production. Modern science through its
principles evolved certain standard practices which proved to be advantageous than the
practices hitherto used by farmers. Thus, over a period, community knowledge has been
replaced by scientific knowledge and science began to guide crop production. The examples
of hybrids of yester years and genetic engineering of today showcase the scientific
advancement in agriculture. At the same time, scientific knowledge in agriculture evolved
into a discipline of its own handling the tasks of production and problems of crop cultivation.
The science of agriculture fast became a tool of state in serving the purpose of meeting the
food needs of population and in contributing to nation’s economy. The role of science in
agriculture began to increase with the attention of nation-states to achieve food self
sufficiency and derive advantages in the evolving world market.
Crop science, since its formal accreditation as scientific knowledge by the modernists,
overwhelmed other approaches towards crop production across globe. Heralding on
modernist programme, public institutions in India, during the green revolution phase, pushed
western ideology and methodology in crop science research for a long time. In the process of
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working for the goals of the nation, the state institutions not only delivered what was needed
but also grew in strength exemplifying the potential of state-science interface for society. The
critical appraisal of science of crop production began to arise in the post-liberalized regime in
India. The agrarian crisis witnessed in India in the post 1990s is largely attributed to the
withdrawal of state from research and extension, opening up of private partnerships in crop
science research, policy provisions for private investments in plant breeding with adequate
market safeguards for such investments. Also the public research in crop sciences was
severely affected by the apathetic attitude of the state towards agriculture which started to
believe that agriculture was a ‘private good’. Private investments in crop science research
came into those crops which offer remunerative returns and focused on those categories of
farmers who can afford to invest. The capitalist tendencies in agriculture research intensified
the maladies of agriculture inherent within and effects were more prominent on the
vulnerable sections of farmers than before.
This resulted in serious and critical appraisals of policy shifts and the aftermaths in
agriculture across globe, including India. Locating the arguments in the small and marginal
farmer context the critiques of research and development in crop sciences in the post
liberalization era began to offer alternative paradigms. Non-essentialist, sustainable and
economically viable alternatives to the mainstream explanations of crop production started to
emerge. Non-pesticidal management, biological and genetic diversity, sustainable practices,
biosafety are some of the key notions that gained ground in the discourse on alternatives in
crop science. More critical of biosafety of genetically modified seeds, external chemical
intensive agriculture, capital intensive crop production practices, the advocates of alternate
practices focused attention at building science of crop production that is farmer friendly
rather than market friendly. Serious questioning of the assumptions of mainstream crop
science like soil, plant and pathogens led to alternative paradigms. For example, ‘system of
rice intensification’ (SRI) as an approach of rice cultivation emerged in the precincts of civil
society organizations and offers alternative to the green revolution based seed-irrigation-
fertilizer intensive cultivation (Prasad, 2006).
Modernity entails scientific rationality that offers empiricist explanations of worldly
phenomena, including crop production. Situated in rational approach, crop sciences focused
primarily on productivity and attempts made by the researchers in crop sciences in that
direction have been met with results that range from progressive to retrogressive. Moving
beyond the linear model of modern science paradigm, alternatives to standard crop
production have started to emerge outside the scientific realm. Examples of SRI, organic
farming, Low External Input Cultivation present the growing discontentment among the
stakeholders over the claims of progress scientists of crop production have been making.
Civil Society Organizations, farmer groups and environmentalists began to critically evaluate
the science of crop production. The present study aims at understanding the perceptions of
agricultural scientists in the light of a) emerging alternatives to the dominant agricultural
paradigm and b) the contemporary status of agriculture in the country. Through the case
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study on SRI it also attempts analysing the trajectory of a civil society innovation into the
scientific space and contestations in crop sciences from the ‘sociology of science’
Science and agriculture
The entry of science into agriculture, particularly into crop production, began in
Europe in the first half of the nineteenth century. ‘The application of science in agriculture
began in 1834 when Boussingault laid the foundations of agricultural chemistry’ (Howard,
1940: 146). Boussingault, a French chemist, was the first researcher in agriculture to devise a
theory on plant nutrition which was labelled as humus theory. Humus theory, which
explained the role of humus as source of plant nutrients, was later on demolished by the
mineral theory of plant nutrition proposed by Liebig (McCosh, 1984: 131). The mineral
theory with its strong foundation in chemistry in fact carried agriculture science into the fold
of chemistry (Howard, 1940: 147). With the scientific establishment of the importance of
chemical fertilizers namely, nitrogen, phosphorous and potash, in short NPK, it may be
claimed that soil science, with heavy inputs from chemistry, was the first science that evolved
in agriculture. Social chemistry was a watershed in the history of agriculture not only for
exponential expansion in sciences in agriculture in the years to come but also for heralding
industrial incursion into agriculture. When the limitations of chemistry to address the
problems of soil deficiencies were realized, other branches of sciences began to emerge. For
example, Pasteur’s work on soil organisms and Charles Darwin’s account of complex life of
soil, and Winogradsky’s work on nitrification of organic matter, and other advances led to the
emergence of sciences like soil bacteriology, peadology (ibid).
The important shift in agricultural science occurred in the twentieth century when the
researchers began to pay more attention to plant itself rather than other agents of crop
production such as soil and other organisms. The science of plant breeding, benefitting
greatly from the advances in botany, suggested for working with plant phenotypes to increase
yields and to overcome diseases. If the early sciences in agriculture addressed the non-human
aspects of crop production, the first social sciences to gain entry into agriculture was
economics. Economics, though confined to the experimental statistics part of crop production
in the initial years, shifted the focus of researchers to efficient organization of production in
terms of cost and profit in the later stages. Resulting in the changed outlook, economists set
the agenda of productivity and efficiency for agricultural research. Alongside it also drew
strong criticism from others who argued that economics looked at ‘the output of the farm and
the factory from the same standpoint dividends’ thus leading ‘agriculture to the ranks of
industry’ (Howard, 1940: 149).
The developments in agricultural sciences were also greatly influenced by the
political economy of the World Wars which effected a significant shift in the sciences of crop
production. During the War period the factories in the Europe were engaged in the fixation of
atmospheric nitrogen for the manufacture of large quantities of explosives. These factories
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which lost major market by the end of war found a potential market for ammonia fertilizers,
as research in chemistry successfully demonstrated the potential of chemical fertilizers in
crop production. Thus began the mass production of NPK fertilizers for agricultural use, the
benefits of which were proved by science beyond doubt. The chemical fertilizers, which were
available at cheaper costs, have made phenomenal impact on the political economy of
agriculture in the world. Later, the fertilizer producing companies of Europe grew
economically to unprecedented levels and changed the course of science and research in
agriculture in the years to come. Although this was witnessed all over the world, the impact
was more prominent on developing countries’ economies.
Indian agriculture and scientific institutions
Knowledge of crop production in India precedes scientific inquiry and
experimentation that began during the British period. The knowledge and tools of agriculture
have a long history in India and are closely associated with India’s civilization. Although
historical evidence suggests at the state interventions in agriculture in terms of construction
of irrigation tanks during pre-British period, the first systematic effort at scientific
understanding of crop production in India began during the British rule. Faced with the
problem of recurring famines in India, the British administration during the late nineteenth
century looked at sciences for solutions. By this time significant advances in the agricultural
sciences have been witnessed in Europe. Embarking on the systematic application of science
in crop production the British administration appointed Voelcker, the consultant chemist with
the Royal Society of England, for suggestions on improvement of Indian agriculture.
Voelcker recommended for the development of scientific enquiry as he believed that it is the
domain of science that can explain the principles underlying good cultivation practice, and
can help to extend the applications of these principles to make fresh discoveries that benefit
agriculture. Also, the need for scientific enquiry in agriculture was highlighted by the Famine
Commissioners and the Government of India recognized that scientific enquiry into
agricultural practices was a prerequisite for agricultural improvement. It may be noted that
the initial experiments in agriculture in India were manurial experiments with fertilizers taken
up by the British in experiment stations set up as part of scientific inquiry into agriculture.
However, the first institutional attempt in agriculture in India began with the creation
of Departments of Agriculture based on the recommendations of the Famine Commission
Report of 1880. The departments, apart from carrying out famine relief works, were
mandated to conduct scientific enquiry into agriculture practices for improvement. However,
by 1890 the need for augmenting agricultural enquiry was realized with the recognition that
the Agricultural Departments were inadequate to carry out such a system of enquiry. Based
on the observations of J.A. Voelcker that ‘the Directors of Departments of Land Records and
Agriculture are primarily occupied with administrative duties, and have neither time nor the
technical acquaintance with agriculture which would enable them to devote themselves to the
subject of agricultural improvement’ (Voelcker, 1894: p310), a permanent agency for the
purpose of agriculture enquiry was set up in 1890. The recommendations of Voelcker,
consequently led to the appointment of the Imperial Agricultural Chemist in 1892, the
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Imperial Mycologist in 1901, and the Imperial Entomologist in 1903. This was the beginning
of inducting scientific approach into Indian agriculture. Any historiographic account on
science in Indian agriculture recognizes the contributions of Voelcker whose
recommendations formed basis for the establishment of the Imperial Agricultural Research
Institute in 1905 at Pusa, in Bihar (now known as Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
located at New Delhi). Similar initiatives in livestock research also began with the
establishment of the Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory (now known as Indian Veterinary
Research Institute) in 1889 at Pune.
Rise of Scientific Institutions in agriculture in India
Institutional research in agriculture in India got impetus with the establishment of
Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1929 based on the recommendations of
the Royal Commission on Agriculture. After independence it was renamed as the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Specific crop based research began to emerge with
the setting up of a number of Commodity Committees dealing with research in crops namely
cotton, lac, oil seeds, tobacco, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, and other crops. In 1965 as part
of the reorganization of the ICAR the Commodity Committees were abolished and were
merged with ICAR. All the federal funded research activities relating to crops, commodities,
animal sciences, and fisheries were brought under one umbrella. Keeping the peculiarities of
the vast and varied agro-climatic conditions of the country in mind, Regional Committees
were set up for eight agro-ecological zones. Along with the establishment of agricultural
universities, to provide education and research in agriculture, Agricultural Scientists
Recruitment Board was created to recruit agricultural scientists to work in various research
institutes and projects of the ICAR. Other major programmes such as All India Coordinated
Research Projects and National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) have been launched
subsequently to strengthen research capabilities in various agricultural research universities
across the country (Balaguru, undated).
The Present System
Over the years, Indian agricultural research system evolved into one of the largest
agricultural research systems in the world employing about 31,000 scientists engaged in
agriculture research and education (Mruthyunjaya and P Ranjitha 1998). The ICAR, the
public funded organization, directly monitors and administers research in the areas of crop,
animal and fishery sciences (refer Table 1). The agriculture research, education and training
is overwhelmingly under public sector carried out by various institutes at national, state and
zonal level spread all over the country. There are four multidisciplinary national institutes
engaged in research, teaching and training for manpower development in agriculture, animal
husbandry, fisheries and agricultural extension. They are Indian Agricultural Research
Institute (IARI), Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), National Dairy Research
Institute (NDRI), Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CFIE) and National Academy of
Agricultural Research Management (NAARM). There are forty-five central research
institutes located in various parts of the country carrying our basic and applied research in
agriculture and allied sectors. Apart from these, ICAR also promotes research schemes /
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projects related to agriculture and allied areas in collaboration with research institutions in the
country through All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs). The AICRPs are
problem oriented projects which provide common platform for scientists working on similar
problems from different institutions to exchange information and expertise on specific crop or
problem. The first AICRP was established in 1957 in maize crop and the success of this later
on led to the establishment of 61 such projects on various crops and problems. The AICRPs
are considered as vital components of agriculture research India (Alam, 2004). Similar to the
coordinated research projects there are twenty five Project Directorates in the country
entrusted with the responsibility of maintenance and supply of germplasm and monitoring
pests and diseases etc in specific crops such as rice, wheat, poultry and oil seeds. The
National Research Centers, which are seventeen in number, consist of scientists from
different disciplines working on problems related to particular crop or commodity or a
problem area of research with national relevance. The six National Bureaux established by
the ICAR collect and conserve genetic resources in plants, animals, fish and soil and
microorganisms with an aim at long term productivity.
Another key initiative of the ICAR is the establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendras
(Farm Science Centres), popularly referred to as KVKs, with an aim to assess, refine and
demonstrate agricultural technologies at the field level. There are 569 KVKs covering all the
districts in the country. They are mandated to conduct on-farm trials on various agricultural
technologies, organize frontline demonstrations to establish potential of the new technology
or practice or variety, conduct training camps for farmers to update, transfer knowledge and
skills in modern agricultural technologies and train extension personnel to orient them in
frontier technology development. Based on the recommendations of the Committee on
Independent Evaluation and Impact Assessment of KVKs. The KVKs are assigned the task of
acting as resource and knowledge centres of agricultural technology for supporting public,
private and voluntary initiatives for improving the agricultural economy of the districts.
Table 1: ICAR research institutions involved in agricultural research and education in
ICAR Research Institutions Number
National Institutes 4
National Research Centres 17
All India Coordinated Research Projects 61
Directorates/Project Directorates 25
National Bureaux 6
Krishi Vigyan Kendras 569
State Agricultural Universities 44
Central Agricultural University 1
Deemed Universities 4
Agricultural education in India
Inculcating scientific temper among young students, training them in scientific
inquiry and equipping them with skills in agricultural research were soon recognized as
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important prerequisites for furthering scientific research in agriculture. The University
Education Commission (1949) thus recommended for setting up of `Rural Universities'
(Balaguru, undated). Also, the first and second Joint Indo-American Team reports submitted
in 1955 and 1959 respectively as well as the Ford Foundation Study Team of 1959
recommended the formal teaching of agricultural sciences at university levels. On the
recommendations made by Agricultural Universities Committee constituted under the
Chairmanship of Dr Ralph W. Cummings in 1960, the ICAR developed a model act that
proposed for setting up of agricultural universities in India in collaboration with six US Land
Grant Institutions (Randhawa, 1968). The agricultural universities set up in collaboration
with the US Land Grant Colleges are Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University (collaborating
LGC (CLGC)- University of Illinois), Punjab Agricultural University (CLGC- Ohio State
University), Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (CLGC- Kansas State University),
University of Udaipur (CLGC- Ohio State University), Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa
Vidvalaya (CLGC- University of Illinois), Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
(CLGC- University of Missouri), Mysore University of Agricultural Sciences (CLGC-
University of Tennessee), and Maharashtra Agricultural University (CLGC- Pennsylvania
State University). The collaborating Land Grant Colleges trained teachers of the Indian
agricultural universities and provided equipment grant for research. Agriculture education in
India, as a specialized course, begins at the under graduation level.
Based on the recommendations of the Second Education Commission (1964-66) for
setting up at least one agricultural university in each state and as per the guidelines of the
ICAR’s Model Act in 1966, one agricultural university was set up in every state. However,
now many states have multiple universities to meet regional needs. There are at present 44
State Agricultural Universities, 4 Central Universities offering agricultural courses, and one
Central Agricultural University in the North Eastern Region (ICAR, 2011)
Since independence, agricultural science in India responded to the needs of the
country and agriculture research played a crucial role in achieving the insurmountable task of
food security to its burgeoning population. The scientific community responded to the task
with nationalist zeal and successfully demonstrated the social responsiveness of science.
Along with many divisions in ICAR crop science is the division that anchors research
programmes in food grain and non-food grain crops. The crop science division with its
network of 13 national institutes including a deemed-to-be-university, 3 bureaus, 9 project
directorates, 2 national research centres, 27 all-India coordinated research projects, and 5 all-
India network projects focuses on 6 commodity/subject-specific technical sections, namely,
(i) Food and Fodder Crops, (ii) Oilseeds and Pulses, (iii) Commercial Crops, (iv) Seeds, (v)
Plant Protection, and (vi) Intellectual Property Rights (ICAR, 2011). The crop science claims
to have developed nearly 3,300 high-yielding varieties/hybrids of field crops for different
agro-ecologies, which raised productivity in food grains by two to four folds since 1950-51.
Embarking on advanced technological development the crop sciences division of ICAR
forayed into biotechnology research as well (ICAR, 2011).
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Agricultural research and social outcomes
Any discussion on science in agriculture in India would be incomplete without a
reminiscence of the contributions of crop sciences to green revolution. Scientists and the
scientific institutions worked as a collective towards realizing the national goal of achieving
food security. The strategies evolved and disseminated to augment crop production,
comprising a set of practices like use of high yielding variety seeds responsive to fertilizers
and water, and adoption of scientific cultivation procedures, together referred to as green
revolution technology. Apart from the state policy interventions in land reforms, irrigation
infrastructure, extension system and institutional credit, minimum support price etc. the
science of crop production played a commendable role in improving productivity in a number
of crops. Biplab Dasgupta (1977) attributes the success to ‘miracle seeds’ suggesting that it is
because of the dwarf variety seeds used in the green revolution technology more yields were
possible. Phenomenal growth in productivity in crops like rice, wheat was possible because
of new seeds developed in the science of plant breeding. Ladejinsky (1973) claims that green
revolution technology transformed the traditional Indian agriculture into ‘modern’ with a
package of new practices. According to D N Dhanagare (1987) green revolution is a package,
involving both ideology and practice, of ‘large scale application of modern science and
technology to agriculture’ and hence green revolution has to be understood as a broader
ideology of rural transformation. Green revolution was viewed as a solution for rural poverty
and hunger. However, others reject such notion because green revolution was very selective
and its spread undermined long term agricultural sustainability (Bardhan, 1985). In the same
vein, through a number of empirical works they also brought forth the unintended
consequences of green revolution on the Indian social, political and economic structure to the
centre stage of development discourse which in a way contributed to the shift in the
epistemology of crop sciences in the years to come.
India’s tryst with food production begins with green revolution. Green revolution in
India stands testimony to socially responsive public policy. It may be hailed as the
benchmark for the collaborative role of research, public policy and executive. It was the state
policy that catalyzed research, development and diffusion of agricultural innovations. The
role of state institutions in research and extension was pivotal in the success of green
revolution. Many high yielding varieties and hybrids in food and non-food crops were
introduced through research by agricultural scientists working for various state funded
research stations and universities. The zeal with which these technological innovations have
been diffused was remarkable. With the concerted efforts by the scientists new high yielding,
pest/disease resistant, stress tolerant and quality varieties have been developed.
It is equally important to note that green revolution can also be considered as the best
example for what public domain research can do to a developing country like India. The
results of the research were disseminated through a nation-wide network of extension system.
As a result, from the stage of chronic food shortage, India reached the stage of exporter of
food grains. The growth rates in area, production and yield for food crops depicted in Table 2
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suggest that since 1955 India made significant strides in production and yield when compared
to area. Data reveal that, while the increase in the area under food crops has come to
stagnation since 1980s the production of food grains witnessed a steady increase. Data also
reveal the very important trend concerning the contribution of science to food crops. A
comparison of area, production and yield between 2009 and 1953 data suggest that while the
growth rate in the area under food crops is only 26.21, the growth rates in production and
yield are 361 and 265 respectively. It may be surmised that scientific research in crop
production contributed immensely to the food security of the country. In fact the agricultural
growth in India is noteworthy because since 1950s the productivity in food grains increased
by nearly 3.3 times, fruits by 1.6 times, vegetables by 2.1 times, aquaculture by 5.6 times,
milk by 1.8 times and 4.8 times in eggs (Rai, 2004).
Table 2: Area, production and yield of food crops from 1950 to 2009
Year Area Growth rate in
Production Growth rate in
Yield Growth rate in
1950-51 97.32 - 50.82 - 522 -
1955-56 110.56 13.60 66.85 31.54 605 15.90
1960-61 115.58 4.54 82.02 22.69 710 17.36
1965-66 115.1 -0.42 72.35 -11.79 629 -11.41
1970-71 124.32 8.01 108.42 49.85 872 38.63
1975-76 128.18 3.10 121.03 11.63 944 8.26
1980-81 126.67 -1.18 129.59 7.07 1023 8.37
1985-86 128.02 1.07 150.44 16.09 1175 14.86
1990-91 127.84 -0.14 176.39 17.25 1380 17.45
1995-96 121.01 -5.34 180.42 2.28 1491 8.04
2000-01 121.05 0.03 196.81 9.08 1626 9.05
2005-06 121.6 0.45 208.6 5.99 1715 5.47
2008-09 122.83 1.01 234.47 12.40 1909 11.31
Area - Million Hectares; Production - Million Tonnes; Yield - Kg/Hectare
Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation,
Agricultural Census Division, retrieved in September 2011.
The discourse on green revolution in social sciences deals with the role of the
scientific institutions, as a part of a larger discussion on the social impact of green revolution
technology. The extent of attention paid to assess the social impact of green revolution often
overlooks the contributions of science to society. The efforts of the scientific community
towards meeting the challenges of the time and the institutional mechanism that ensured
research have been either missed out or did not get due attention. It is not an exaggeration to
suggest that without the establishment of scientific institutions in agricultural research and
education and the nurturing of scientific rationality such a progress in agriculture wouldn’t
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have been possible. Often while dealing with growth in agriculture social scientists give
credit to the institutional measures in credit, irrigation and price policies disregarding the role
of scientific institutions.
It is important to recognize the contributions of crop sciences not only for realizing
the ultimate goal of achieving self sufficiency in food grain production but also for the
manner the institutions tackled the problems which cropped up during the course of
addressing the national food challenges. For example, the knowledge of crop production
borrowed from the West was not always suitable and the scientists had to work out ways for
its adaptation. Similarly, when a HYV seed variety addressed the problem of productivity,
it’s susceptibility to certain pests and diseases posed new challenges. The context of
application of scientific outcomes was a challenging task which the scientific institutions
addressed by expanding or entering into new areas of research by establishing institutions
with specific mandate.
However, a critical appraisal suggests that the process of institutionalization of
agricultural research has its epistemological basis in the empiricist-positivist tradition and has
been linear. The institutional setup in agricultural research in the country was grounded on
the borrowed methodologies and ideologies. The most important critical observation from
social scientists on green revolution is about its unintended social consequences (Ladejinsky,
1973; Dhanagare, 1987; Joshi, 1999). Studies on the social consequences of green revolution
claim that the seed-fertilizer-irrigation intensive strategy of crop production paved way for
capitalist transformation of Indian agriculture through industrial products such as chemical
fertilizers, synthetic insecticides and herbicides. Large farmers, endowed with financial
resources and access to agricultural information benefited with green revolution while the
small and marginal farmers lost out to the wild market forces. The high-cost and high-yield
green revolution technology, particularly in cereal crop cultivation, forced unsustainable
capital investments, beyond the means of a majority of small and marginal farmers pushing a
large section of small, marginal and tenant farmers into debt trap. Dhanagare (1987) observes
that, owing to the capitalist penetration of the countryside, the process of de-peasantisation
has been accelerated and consequently a large number of small and marginal farmers or poor
peasants have been pushed to the ranks of landless labourers. Green revolution technology
changed the production and productivity in the irrigation areas but it neither benefited the
non-irrigated regions nor addressed the problems related to farming in the dry regions (Joshi,
1999). Agarwal (1981) points out that ‘the fruits of green revolution technology have been
pocketed mainly by big farmers and the disparity between the rich and the poor has further
increased’. The intensive cultivation practice of green revolution demands high labour use
which only the affluent farmers can afford (Ladejinsky, 1973). D K Gill and S K Saini (1991)
report that the benefits of capital intensive green revolution were differentially distributed
across the rich and poor farmers owing to the economic inequalities. The rich farmers could
reap benefits while the poor farmers benefited only marginally because of their incapacity to
afford to adopt new technology. In some cases the green revolution 'trinity’ of chemical
fertilisers, pesticides and hybrid seeds brought the majority of peasants both into indebtedness
and into dependence on multi-nationals and the state (Omvedt, 1991).
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As a corollary, divergent views on the relevance of green revolution technology began
to emerge. It is argued that the HYV and fertilizer technology is neither feasible nor desirable
for Indian conditions (Bhatia, 1988). At another level, on the environment front, it is reported
that green revolution led to contamination and exploitation of natural resources.
Indiscriminate use of ground water for irrigation, non-judicious use of chemical fertilizers
and pesticides brought the questions of sustainable development to the agendas of researchers
in crop sciences. Moreover, issues such as susceptibility of crop varieties to new pests and
diseases, perceived inability of crop sciences to augment yield potential using conventional
crop science research tools raised concerns about the limitations of green revolution and
paved way for new scientific approaches such as molecular biology.
Asides, a number of factors related to agriculture contributed to the shift in crop
sciences from productivity-efficiency linked growth to sustainable development. Factors such
as advances in molecular biology, globalization induced trade agreements and intellectual
property rights, rise of transnational companies in agriculture, economic restructuring in the
developing countries have changed the research agendas and processes in crop sciences,
affecting the institutional context as well. Particularly, advances in molecular biology offered
opportunities for proprietary knowledge in agriculture. The formalization of world trade also
necessitated the scientific institutions in developing countries to effect compatible regimes
and innovation systems with the intellectual property regime. The shift in the nature and
priorities of research in crop sciences is critical in the evolution of science of crop production
as it marked the beginning of proprietary research, a greater amount of which is located in the
private domain. This shift is critical for social scientists too because it also effected changes
in the social relations of research/knowledge production denoting the drift from public funded
institutions to private research organizations. The shift may be found in other sciences too,
however, in crop sciences it attracts greater attention of the social researchers, particularly
those working in the area of science, technology and society studies because crop sciences
founded the basis not only for food security of the nation but also for equitable distribution
and access.
Crop science research in the contemporary context
Modern science paradigm overwhelmed other approaches towards crop production.
Working with the same paradigm, which often referred to as green revolution paradigm for
its emphasis on improved seeds, chemical fertilizers, irrigation, the agricultural research
institutions in the country in a way pushed western ideology and methodology. Referring to
the development of agricultural research in the country Rajeswari Raina (2009) contends that
when the US Land Grant Colleges model was applied in India the USAID (and the Ministry
of Agriculture, government of India) ‘decided to forget the philosophy and transfer the model
instead’. This emphasis on western methodology is often credited to have scuttled other
alternate approaches towards crop production. Such an approach has not posed great risks to
the community of farmers as long as the deliverables were located in the public domain and
farmers received them through state interventions. However, the post 1990s era marked by
liberalization of economy and revision of agriculture policies began to alter the relationship
between state and science by enabling private participation in agriculture.
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 13
The critical appraisal of science of crop production began to emerge in the post-
liberalized regime in India. The agrarian crisis witnessed in India in the post 1990s is largely
attributed to the withdrawal of state from research and extension, opening up of private
partnerships in crop science research, policy provisions for private investments in plant
breeding with adequate market safeguards for such investments. This phase also saw the
decline of public research in crop sciences as a result of change in the attitude of state
towards agriculture as it started to consider agriculture as ‘private good’. Private investments
in crop science research came into those crops which offer remunerative returns and focused
on those categories of farmers who can afford to invest. The capitalist tendencies in
agriculture research intensified the maladies of agriculture inherent within and effects were
more prominent on the vulnerable sections of farmers than before. AR Vasavi (2012), in her
book ‘Shadow Space’ provides an excellent account of retrogression which crept into rural
India and agriculture during the post liberalization period that is marked by a large number of
farmers’ suicides.
Locating the arguments in the small and marginal farmer context, the critiques of
research and development in crop sciences in post liberalization began to offer alternative
paradigms. Non-essentialist, sustainable and economically viable alternatives to the
mainstream explanations of crop production started to emerge. Non-pesticidal management,
biological and genetic diversity, sustainable practices, biosafety are some of the key notions
that gained ground in the discourse on alternatives in crop science. More critical of biosafety
of genetically modified seeds, chemical intensive agriculture and capital intensive crop
production practices the advocates of alternate practices focused attention at building science
of crop production that is farmer friendly rather than market friendly. Serious questioning of
the assumptions of mainstream crop science like soil, plant and pathogens led to an
alternative paradigm. For example, ‘system of rice intensification’ (SRI) as an approach of
rice cultivation which emerged in the precincts of civil society organizations, offers
alternative to the green revolution based seed-irrigation-fertilizer intensive cultivation.
Data for the study were collected from the members of the scientific community
located in agricultural science institutions in the country. Data from the key informants
located in institutions and universities like Indian Rice Research Institute, Directorate of Rice
Research, IARI, and state Agricultural universities and research stations in Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka and Orissa were collected through personal in-depth interviews. An online survey
was conducted with the agricultural scientists located all over the country. The respondents
were identified by accessing the information about the agriculture research
institute/university and were approached through e-mail requesting them to complete the
online questionnaire. Members of the civil society organizations who have been actively
engaged in the popularization of certain alternate knowledge based crop cultivation practices
such as SRI were also approached. Members from the scientific community working within
formal research institutions involved in testing, evolving new methods of crop cultivation
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 14
have also been approached and data were collected from them through personal in depth
The findings of the study are presented in this section of the report. They are
discussed in two parts. The first part presents the data collected from agricultural scientists
located in various agricultural research stations/universities through an online survey about
their perceptions on agricultural research in the country. The second part presents the case
study of SRI chosen as an alternate knowledge claim.
Part A: Perceptions of agricultural scientists on agricultural research in the
contemporary context
Scientific understanding of the causal factors of productivity in crops and efficiency
of crop management enabled increasing crop yields significantly. The standardized practices
of crop production have been translated into package of practices and conveyed to farmers.
The entire exercise of developing the deliverable technologies has been taking place in the
institutions of crop science established by the ICAR and other state funded institutions in the
country. The details of the growth of agricultural research in the country and the present
status are given in the earlier part of this report. It may be mentioned here that agricultural
research in the country has been the monopoly of the state and any deliverable technologies
must be coming out from the state agricultural research stations or universities. Even if any
technology is developed outside these institutions it must be duly approved by the state
funded agricultural research institutions. A technology thus approved finds place in the state
extension agenda and has a scope for receiving funds for further research.
What is important to note is that the state institutions of crop science have greater
control over the knowledge produced and disseminated in the country. In other words, these
institutions have become the centres for certifying knowledge without whose appraisal and
approval any innovative technology would not find place in the state’s extension and research
agenda. In this context it is important to understand the attitudes of the scientific community
towards the current agriculture scenario in the country, apart from agricultural science and its
problems. Sociologically speaking, the attitudes, interests and meanings held by individuals
are reflections of their socialization and culture of research. The present study made an
attempt to critically examine the perceptions of scientists working in various agricultural
research institutes/universities in the country towards alternate knowledge claims in particular
and status of agriculture in the country in general.
For this purpose, the survey was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of
statements intended to measure attitudes of scientists was developed and pre-tested. Later
through a website ( which offers posting of survey online for free, the
questionnaire was sent to the scientists located in various agricultural research
stations/universities in the country. The contact details of the scientists like e-mail id, phone
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 15
number, affiliation were obtained through internet sources. The web link to the survey was
communicated to the respondents through their e-mail. In all, 1541 scientists were
approached and about 128 mails bounced back. Later the scientists were contacted through
phone calls to persuade them to complete the survey online. The web link to the survey was
also popularized through certain specific e-groups like jaisri, KICS, etc. to reach out to as
many scientists possible. Despite such intensive effort the number of viewers of the survey
website was 227 while only 50 preferred to complete the survey. Nevertheless the responses
for the survey have been informative for that they provided intriguing insights into the issues
raised in the questionnaire. Below is the analysis of such data which proceeds with a brief
academic and institutional profile of the respondents and moves into the issues concerning
attitudes of scientists.
The gender profile of the respondents indicates that 40 men and 10 women scientists
participated in the survey. Over the years the recruitment to ICAR/State agricultural
University research or faculty positions has been limited to those candidates who possess a
Masters degree in agricultural sciences. Earlier, in the first three to four decades of
establishment of agricultural research and teaching institutions in the country, candidates with
a Masters degree in basic subjects even without agricultural science degree were also eligible
to apply and compete. For example, Masters Degree holders in Botany, Economics,
Chemistry, Sociology, Mathematics and Statistics were allowed to compete with those
candidates holding a Masters degree in agricultural sciences. Later on the eligibility for
recruitment for the positions in all ICAR institutions and State agricultural universities has
been limited to Masters Degree holders in agricultural sciences from agricultural universities
in the country. Thus a Masters Degree holder in Botany or Chemistry or Economics or
Sociology became ineligible to enter into ICAR institutes or State agricultural universities.
This aspect requires a critical appreciation as it has larger implication for agriculture in the
Data on educational qualifications reveal that more than 75 percent of the respondents
hold a Ph.D. degree in agricultural sciences (refer Table 3). More than 70 percent of the
respondents have above 10 years of experience in research as well as in the present
designation (refer Table 4 and 5). Significantly about 12 percent of the respondents have
more than 30 years of experience (this also includes those who retired from service).
Considering that the designation of respondents indicates their nature and intensity of
responsibilities, data were collected from the respondents about their designations. Data
reveal a spectrum of designations ranging from Scientist/Assistant Professor to Principal
Scientist/Professor to National Fellow. Some of the respondents have retired serving at key
high positions also (refer Table 6).
Table 3: Educational Qualification
Qualification No. of Respondents (%)
M.Sc. in Agricultural Science 7 (14.29)
M.Sc. in non-Agricultural Sciences 1 (2.04)
Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences 37 (75.51)
Ph.D. in non-Agricultural Sciences 4 (8.16)
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 16
Post-Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences 6 (2.24)
Post-Doctorate in Non-Agricultural Sciences 1(2.04)
Not Answered 1(2.04)
Total Respondents 49
Table 4: Years of experience in Research
Number of Years No. of Respondents (%)
1-10 years 14 (28)
11-20 years 19 (38)
21-30 years 11 (22)
Above 30 years 6 (12)
Total 50
Table 5: Years of service in the present Designation
Number of Years No. of Respondents (%)
1-5 years 6 (12)
6-10 years 9 (18)
11-15 years 9(18)
16-20 years 10 (20)
21-25 years 9 (18)
26-30 years 1 (2)
Above 30 years 6 (12)
Total 50
Table 6: Designation
Designation No. of Respondents
Principal scientist 8
Scientist 12
Senior scientist 14
Professor 6
Associate Professor 4
Assistant Professor 2
Director/Dean 2
Research Scholar 1
National Fellow 1
Total 50
Respondents were also asked to reveal their area of specialization. After looking at the
wide range of specializations reported by the respondents it was decided to collapse them into
broad areas of specializations. Thus it may be found from data that about 24 percent belong
to plant breeding, 16 percent to agricultural economics followed by agricultural extension and
other specializations which include horticulture, innovations, etc. This suggests the fact that
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 17
data were collected from respondents belonging to varied specializations. The areas of
specialization in doctoral work is not found to be significantly different from what they are
pursuing now (refer Table 7). Some of the areas of specializations at doctoral level as
reported by the respondents include Plant breeding, Plant physiology, agricultural extension,
climate change, plant protection, soil science, Molecular biology, Agricultural Economics,
Horticulture, Post-harvest technology, etc.). As regards the details of the organization
majority of the respondents (58 percent) are located in ICAR institutes while 34 percent are
located in state agricultural universities (refer Table 8).
Table 7: Present Area of Specialization
Area of Specialization No. of respondents (%)
Agronomy 4 (8)
Agricultural Extension 5 (10)
Soil Science 2 (4)
Agricultural economics 8 (16)
Environment and climate change 4 (8)
Plant breeding and genetics 12 (24)
Plant protection 3 (6)
Water Management 4 (8)
Others* 9 (18)
Total 51
* include areas like farm machinery and power, innovations, nanocomposite
technology, horticulture, etc.
Table 8: Type of Organization
Type of organization No. of respondents (%)
State Agricultural Universities 17 (34)
ICAR institutes 29 (58)
Autonomous Research Institute 1 (2)
Other places 3 (6)
Total 50
Nature of research
Given the fact that the nature of projects in agricultural sciences are largely group
based and coordinated projects, apart from projects which are funded on individual basis,
data were collected about the nature and number of projects the respondents are currently
engaged in. Table 9 suggests that about 43 percent of the respondents are handling a project
as a principal investigator and about 59 percent of them are involved as a member of two to
four project teams. Only 9 percent have more than four independent projects and 16 percent
are involved in more than 4 projects as a group member. A majority of these projects are
related to plant breeding, followed by water conservation in various crops (more specifically
in rice using SRI methods), technology transfer (those engaged in agricultural extension
work), organic farming, SRI, issues of food security and other related topics (refer Table 10).
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 18
Table 9: Research Projects being carried out
No. of research projects No. of respondents
As a Principal Investigator (%) As s member of a project team (%)
1 project 18 (43.48) 5 (11.36)
2-4 projects 13 (28.26) 26 (59.09)
More than 4 projects 4 (8.7) 7 (15.91)
Not involved in any project 9 (19.57) 6 (13.64)
Total 46 44
These areas of research are related to the project they are currently involved in. It was
also probed about the areas of research the respondents are engaged outside the project areas.
This probing was necessary for the fact that scientists do pursue research in the area of their
interest even though it falls outside the purview of the research they are engaged as part of
the project. Often, during our personal interaction with scientists, it was highlighted that as
part of the institution’s mandate the scientists are supposed to carry out projects in the thrust
areas of institution which they call as ‘institution’s mandate’. Those who carry out funded
research as obligation to the institute do engage themselves in pursuing research in the areas
dearer to them. Some such areas are SRI, organic farming, study on causes for farmers’
suicides, agricultural extension, etc.
Table 10: Broad areas of the current research problems being handled – related to one’s
Area of research work No. of respondents
Technology transfer 6
Plant breeding 11
Climate change 3
Water conservation and water use
Food security, pro-poor farmer
Resources and capacity building
Plant protection 2
Plant physiology 1
Organic farming and SRI 6
Conservation Agriculture 1
What is the basis for arriving at certain research problems? With an intention to
understand this the respondents were asked to mention their choice against a set of statements
related to the probable sources of inspiration. As discussed, institution’s thrust area of
research has been overwhelmingly influencing the scientists to seek funding to pursue
research. This is evident from Table 11 which suggests that about 70 percent of the
respondents carry out research in the institution’s thrust area. About 59 percent of the
respondents mentioned that they draw inspiration for research through their interaction with
farmers. About 44 percent mentioned that they draw inspiration for research problem from
the gaps identified in their area of specialization, thus they seek problems from their earlier
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 19
studies or from studies conducted by others (refer Table 11). However when it comes to the
identification of research areas or sub areas, an overwhelming (about 92) percentage of
respondents observed that farmers’ concerns play a significant role (refer Table 12). This is
followed by the factors like individual’s (scientist) conviction about a given problem,
institution’s mandate and the priorities of the funding agencies which influence the selection
or identification of research problem. It may be suggested here that the concerns of the
industry seem to be playing an insignificant role in the identification of research problems.
This is evident from the responses given in Table 12 for the statement ‘concerns of the
industry play a significant role in identifying the research problem’ for which only fifty
percent of the respondents agreed. However, this requires further probing as it may be
observed that not many scientists are willing to divulge information (only 26 have responded
to this statement whereas other statements received response from nearly forty respondents).
When this fact is cross examined with the responses for a question on the sources on which
scientists rely for arriving at research problems (Table 13) it is evident that industrial
concerns and applications do influence the selection of research problems. Table 13 reveals
that about 85 percent of the respondents stated that potential for commercial application of a
research outcome as the reason for the selection of a research problem. This, however, comes
next to the preference to the statement that questions from the field influence their choice of
selection of research problem (about 95 percent).
Table 11: Source of inspiration for the research problem currently handled
Sources No. of responses (%)
Drawn from earlier studies carried out by me 11 (26.83)
Drawn from earlier studies carried out by others 4 (9.76)
Drawn from both the above sources 18 (43.9)
Some fellow scientists of the country suggested the
2 (4.88)
Some fellow scientists outside the country suggested the
1 (2.44)
Some fellow scientists suggested the problem (both
National and International)
5 (12.2)
Drawn from regular interaction with farmers 24 (58.54)
Institution's thrust area 29 (70.73)
Drawn from regular interaction with industry 6 (14.63)
Total number of respondents 41
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 20
Table 12: Reasons for identification of research areas or sub-areas
Options Agree (%) Disagree (%) No. of
Concerns of the industry play a significant
role in identifying the research problem
13 (50.00) 13 (50.00) 26
Farmers concerns play a significant role in
identifying the research problem
36 (92.31) 3 (7.69) 39
Government priorities play a significant role
in identifying the research problem
26 (74.29) 9 (25.71) 35
I generally arrive at the problem based on
my conviction
33 (84.62) 6 (15.38) 39
Institution plays a significant role in
identifying the research problem
30 (83.33) 6 (16.67) 36
Priorities of the funding agencies 23 (76.67) 7 (23.33) 30
Table 13: Reliance on sources for arriving at research questions
Options Agree (%) Disagree (%) No. of
Inadequacy in the present literature 27 (71.05) 8 (21.05) 35
Potential for commercial
33 (84.62) 3 (7.69) 36
Questions encountered in the field 37 (94.87) 1 (2.56) 38
Modern science is goal oriented and methods adopted are means to achieve the stated
objectives of the research study. Intending to measure the attitude of scientists towards the
goals of their research, a set of statements were provided in the questionnaire along with a 6
point response scale which moved from most preferred to least preferred objectives (refer
Table 14). Respondents were asked to prioritize six statements according to their choice from
1 to 6 with 1 being the most preferred to 6 being the least preferred. This was aimed at
arriving at the most preferred research objectives and least preferred research objectives.
Then the six points were collapsed into two point measurement as the first three clubbed
under the ‘most preferred’ and the last three clubbed as the ‘least preferred’ categories.
Subsequently based on the responses received, the statements were arranged in the
descending order under each category (refer Table 15 and 16).
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 21
Table 14: Objectives kept in mind while formulating the research problem
preferred (%)
Preferred (%) No. of
Leading to further research 12 (33.33) 24 (66.67) 36
Problem solving 30 (85.71) 5 (14.29) 35
Productivity 26 (68.42) 12 (31.58) 38
Publication of papers 7 (17.94) 32 (82.06) 39
Technology generation 16 (41.02) 23 (58.98) 39
Yield efficiency 26 (74.29) 9 (25.71) 35
It may be ascertained from Table 15 that the most preferred objectives of research are
problem solving (86 percent), yield efficiency (74 percent) and productivity (68 percent). The
objectives concerning publication of papers (82 percent) and leading to further research (67
percent) figure on top of the list under the least preferred objectives (Table 16). As discussed
earlier in this part, institution’s mandate plays a significant role in identifying the research
problem, it was uncertain to what extent scientists in agricultural research institutions felt
independent in pursuing research problems. When this aspect was probed it was observed that
about 66 percent of the respondents felt that they enjoy autonomy in formulating research
problems to a great extent (refer Table 17). Only 27 percent observed that they enjoy limited
autonomy in the formulation of research problem.
Table 15: Most preferred objectives
Order Item No. of respondents
1 Problem solving 30 (85.71)
2 Yield efficiency 26 (74.29)
3 Productivity 26 (68.42)
4 Technology generation 16 (41.02)
5 Leading to further research 12 (33.33)
6 Publication of papers 7 (17.94)
Table 16: Least preferred objectives
Order Item No .of respondents
1 Publication of papers 32 (82.06)
2 Leading to further research 24(66.67)
3 Technology generation 23(58.98)
4 Productivity 12 (31.58)
5 Yield efficiency 9 (25.71)
6 Problem solving 5 (14.29)
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 22
Table 17: Autonomy in formulating research problem
Extent of autonomy No. of respondents (%)
To a great extent 27 (65.85)
To a limited extent 11 (26.83)
Can't Say 2 (4.88)
I have no control over this 1 (2.44)
Total 41
Relevance of social and structural differentiation in agricultural research
In the context of emerging agrarian scenario in the country which is marked by an
overwhelming presence of farmers belonging to lower strata of social hierarchy and lower
class category as well. The swelling numbers of small and marginal farmers point towards the
impending need to streamline and orient agricultural research to the needs of these sections of
farmers. The science of crop production is founded upon the positivist epistemological
framework which considers scientific findings as universal and applicable in any given
context with moderate scope for variations. However, in the emerging context the need for
modifying the paradigm and revisiting the assumptions of farm and farmer with which the
scientific community in agricultural research stations and universities work has become
imperative. In order to know the attitude of scientists towards this emerging reality it was
attempted to know whether they consider the social differentiation of farm holdings as an
essential part of the research process. Findings suggest that an overwhelming majority of
respondents believe that this (social differentiation along caste and gender lines) is not
relevant in agricultural research. About 81, 60 and 54 percent of the respondents consider
social differentiation is irrelevant in developing new varieties, in formulating the research
problem and in taking up collaborative research projects respectively (refer Table 18).
However about 59 percent believe that social differentiation becomes essential in conducting
field demonstrations and in developing new technologies (50 percent). Similarly, it was also
attempted to know to what extent the structural differentiation of farmers along land holding
influences formulation research problem. It was found that 91 percent of the respondents felt
that structural differentiation of farmers along land holding was relevant in developing new
technologies while 81 percent felt the same with relation to conducting field demonstrations
(Table 19). On the other hand, a moderate percent of respondents (68 and 62) felt that land
holding was irrelevant in taking up collaborative projects and in developing new varieties
respectively. This high level of awareness among the scientists with relation to class
categories rather than social categories of caste and gender may be ascribed to the very strong
bearing of agricultural economics in the agricultural sciences. Agricultural economists have
been working with the class category since a long time and hence land holding has become an
essential category in research. Will it become an acceptable category for research in
agricultural sciences if farmers are categorized on the basis of caste? This may be possible
with the active involvement of sociologists and anthropologists along with agricultural
extension specialists in the departments of agricultural science. The emphasis on such
orientation is not aimed at bringing political orientation to research but to highlight the fact
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 23
that social and cultural aspects of farmers do influence their access to knowledge, disposition
to new technologies and orientation to put the technologies to better use. It may be mentioned
here that a small or marginal farmer belonging to upper castes may become the natural choice
of agricultural researchers for their various kinds of interaction rather than a dalit farmer.
Table 18: Social differentiation and agricultural research
Relevant (%) Irrelevant (%) No. of respondents
In conducting field demonstrations 23 (59) 16 (41) 39
In developing new technologies 20 (50) 20 (50) 40
In developing new varieties 7 (19) 30 (81) 37
In formulating the research problem 16 (40) 24 (60) 40
In taking up collaborative projects 18 (46) 21 (54) 39
Table 19: Structural differentiation and agricultural research
Relevant (%) Irrelevant (%) No. of respondents
In conducting field
29 (81) 8 (19) 37
In developing new technologies 30 (91) 3 (9) 33
In developing new varieties 10 (28) 26 (62) 36
In formulating the research
25 (74) 9 (26) 34
In taking up collaborative
10 (32) 21 (68) 31
Issues concerning agricultural research
Academic science is largely state funded in India. Agricultural science is no exception
to this. Science seeking solutions to problems faced by farmers has been on the top priority of
the state in terms of funding. During the phase of green revolution state funding to research in
agricultural sciences was the only source. However, over a period, with the changes in the
macroeconomic structure in the country and changes in the trade and commerce worldwide,
the entry of private corporate institutions into Indian agriculture is being witnessed. Since
then, research funding in agriculture began to come from both national and international
private sources as well. With an intention to know the perceptions of scientists towards
research funding and other related issues a set of questions were incorporated in the survey.
The key factors that influence perceptions of scientists towards research funding
could be: funding for the topic of their choice and sufficient funding besides the source of
funding. Data reveal that about 65 percent of the respondents are of the opinion that they
have received funding for their choice of topic. Significantly 35 percent expressed that they
have not received funding for the topic of their choice. Intending to know further, the
respondents’ perception were collected along a set of statements (refer Table 20). It may be
found from Table 20 that funding agency’s (64 percent) priorities play a significant role in
funding a research project. Nature of research project in terms of its familiarity by the
funding bodies also plays a role in funding (52 percent). Most interestingly epistemological
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 24
issues concerning research project also influence funding as is evident from the responses
presented in Table 20 in which equal number of respondents (50 percent) agreed and
disagreed with the statement that a research topic whose outcomes are difficult to evaluate or
intangible. As regards the satisfaction levels among the respondents about the research
problem they are handling 97 percent observed that they were satisfied. However 56 percent
also reported that they could have handled a better research problem than the one they are
handling now.
Table 20: Reasons for insufficient/denial of funding
Reasons for insufficient/denial of funding Agree Disagree No. of
Body which looked into the proposal do not have
adequate knowledge about the area/topic
11 (52) 10 (48) 21
Doesn't fit into the funding agency's mandate 14 (64) 8 (36) 22
Doesn't fit into the institution's mandate 11 (41) 16 (59) 27
Proposed topic doesn't fit the standard research protocols 12 (44) 15 (56) 27
Proposed topic was considered but the board felt that it
falls outside the agricultural science paradigm
9 (38) 15 (63) 24
Proposed topic was viewed as difficult to evaluate against
its outcomes as the outcomes were somewhat intangible
12 (50) 12 (50) 24
In order to understand the problems associated with agricultural research a set of
statements elicited through interaction with scientists prior to the preparation of survey and
during the pre-testing stage were given against which the responses were recorded. It may be
observed from Table 21 that 91 percent respondents were of the opinion that lack of trained
laboratory staff has been a major problem in conducting research. Similarly issues like lack
of funding for research area of one’s interest, lack of motivated students and lack of skilled
workers to conduct experiments have been highlighted by the respondents (refer Table 19).
To another question whether they were denied funding for a research topic of their interest a
majority (about 45 percent) of the respondents agreed with the statement while 39 percent
disagreed and 16 percent were non committal. The reasons for denial of funding ranged from
lack of knowledge about the research problem among the persons who evaluated to the
proposal, incompatibility with the research paradigm to its irrelevance in terms of benefits to
the farming community.
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 25
Table 21: Problems associated with the conduct of research
Problems associated with the conduct of
Agree (%)
Disagree (%) No. of respondents
Lack of funding for area of my interest 20 (71) 8 (29) 28
Lack of motivated students 21 (72) 8 (28) 29
Lack of proper feedback from farmers 10 (38) 16 (62) 26
Lack of skilled workers in the field to conduct
20 (71) 8 (29) 28
Lack of space for experimental plots and other
16 (62) 10 (38) 26
Lack of trained laboratory staff 31 (91) 3 (9) 34
Probing further on why the research problem was viewed as something that doesn’t fit
into the institution’s mandate a set of statements were given in the survey. Majority (more
than 70 percent) of the respondents disagreed with the statements which range from
incompatibility of the proposed research topic with the established research standards, goals
of research to the insignificance of research problem in terms of country’s priority (refer
Table 22) and only 30 percent agreed with the statement that the research problem was not
significant in terms of country’s priority.
Table 22: Reasons for viewing research topic/problem as something that doesn't fit into the
institution's mandate
No. of
Incompatibility of established research standards 6 (26) 17 (74) 23
Incompatibility of objectives/goals of research 6 (25) 18 (75) 24
No visible outcomes 6 (29) 15 (71) 21
Not Scientific 4 (18) 18 (82) 22
Not significant in terms of country's priorities 7 (30) 16 (70) 23
Origin of the problem is not rooted in agricultural sciences 5 (20) 20 (80) 25
Interaction with farmers
Agricultural research grew in strength in India because of its participatory nature.
However, over a period due to a number of reasons there appears to be a disconnect between
research and farming community. It is mentioned by a number of scientists in their personal
interaction with the researchers that during the pre-liberalization period or before the entry of
private players into agriculture they had a close interaction with farmers. Such interaction,
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 26
claimed to have provided them opportunity to take up issues of farmers’ concern for research
or fine tune their research priorities. In the evolving context the nature of interaction with
farmers has been changing. With an intention to know how the scientific community perceive
grasp such change, a series of questions were posed to the scientists. A majority of the
respondents (76 percent) stated that their research requires interaction with farmers and 50
percent of them suggested that they meet farmers at least once a month and 43 percent
suggested that they meet farmers once a season (refer Table 23). All the respondents
observed that they interact with farmers whenever farmers visit the research
institution/university on the occasions of kisan mela or exhibition, etc. 96 percent of the
respondents mentioned that they go to farmers whenever there is a requirement and 90
percent mentioned that farmers come to their office to discuss issues (refer Table 24).
Table 23: Intensity of interaction with farmers
Intensity of Interaction No. of respondents (%)
At least once a month 14 (50)
At least once a season 12 (43)
At least once a year 1 (3.5)
No interaction at all 1 (3.5)
Table 24: Place of interaction with farmers
Agree (%)
Disagree (%)
No. of
I make it a point to meet farmers whenever
they visit our institution on certain occasions
like kisan mela or exhibitions etc.
22 (100) 0 22
I go to farmers whenever I am in a need to
know from them
23 (96) 1 (4) 24
Farmers come to my office/lab/field 18 (90) 2 (10) 20
I interact with farmers whenever I go to
villages or 'happen' to meet farmers
22 (92) 2 (8) 24
Contact farmers over phone 15 (83) 3 (17) 18
When asked to express their opinion about the interaction outcome with farmers 97
percent noted it to be satisfactory. And probing further the respondents were asked to rate the
level of satisfaction on a set of predetermined statements (refer Table 25) on a scale of 1 to 5
with 1 being most satisfactory to 5 being least satisfactory. As majority of the respondents
(about 84 percent) observed that the interaction with farmers is satisfactory because farmers
narrate their problems during the interaction. 88 percent suggested that interaction with
farmers help them getting firsthand feedback. However, only 54 percent mentioned that
interaction derives moderate to high satisfaction as it provides them inputs for further
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 27
research. Intending to know the stage at which scientists prefer to interact with farmers
responses were collected against a set of predetermined statements on a three point scale. 71
percent of the respondents mentioned that most preferred stage of interaction with farmers is
the research problem formulation stage (refer Table 26). However, about 94 percent (most
preferred and preferred options together) observed that they prefer to interact with farmers
continuously during the experiment stage. As regards the preferred modes of interacting with
farmers about 81 percent of the respondents observed they prefer direct interaction with
farmers whereas the least preferred mode is reliance on state department personnel (39
Table 25: Outcome of interaction with farmers
Level of satisfaction – no. of respondents (%)
Most satisfactory to least satisfactory
Total no. of
1 2 3 4 5
Farmers narrate their
12 (46) 10 (38) 3 (12) 1 (4) 0 (0) 26
I get first-hand
11 (46) 10 (42) 2 (8) 0 (0) 1 (4) 24
I get inputs for further
8 (33) 5 (21) 9 (38) 2 (8) 0 (0) 24
Table 26: Stage of interaction with farmers
Preferable (%)
Preferable (%)
At the end stage to conduct field
6 (22) 9 (33) 12 (44) 27
At the research problem
formulation stage
22 (71) 9 (29) 0 (0) 31
Continuously during the
14 (47) 14 (47) 2 (7) 30
Table 27: Preferred modes of meeting farmers
farmers (%)
Rely on local
leaders to
reach out to
farmers (%)
State department
personnel help
you to reach out
to farmers (%)
come to meet
you (%)
Most preferred
26 (81.25) 2 (6.25) 1 (3.13) 3 (9.38) 32
Preferred mode 6 (19.35) 11 (35.48) 6 (19.35) 8 (25.81) 31
Least preferred
3 (9.68) 7 (22.58) 12 (38.71) 9 (29.0) 31
As mentioned, as scientists’ interaction with farmers is undergoing change and so is
the opinion of scientists about farmers. Table 28 presents data on scientists’ opinion on
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 28
farmers which was assessed against a set of predetermined statements. 93 percent view that
farmers are enthusiastic to learn and 88 percent believe that farmers receive knowledge from
scientists (refer Table 28). 56 percent disagree with the statement that farmers are not
interested in agriculture while 52 percent believe that farmers are interested only in material
given free of cost. To what extent farmers take scientists suggestions seriously? To know
scientists’ opinion on this, when the question was asked, only about 45 percent of the
respondents agreed to the statement that farmers take scientists’ suggestions seriously (refer
Table 29). Interestingly 36 percent had no idea about this. Interaction with farmers also
provides scientists an opportunity to get feedback about the research problems, suggestions
made, etc. In this regard, a question was asked about the sources on which scientists rely for
getting feedback from farmers. Data reveal that scientists prefer approaching farmers directly
(74 percent) rather than relying on state department personnel (51 percent) (refer Table 30).
Table 28: Scientists’ opinion on farmers
Farmers are enthusiastic to learn 24 (93) 2 (8) 26
Farmers are interested only in material
given free of cost
11 (52) 10 (48) 21
Farmers are not interested in agriculture 11 (44) 14 (56) 25
Farmers are not very enthused to seek
opinion from scientists
7 (29) 17 (71) 24
Farmers receive new knowledge from
21 (88) 3 (12) 24
Table 29: Scientists opinion on farmers’ reception of suggestions from scientists
No. of respondents (%)
Strongly Agree 4 (12.9)
Agree 14 (45.16)
Can't Say 11 (35.48)
Disagree 1 (3.23)
Strongly Disagree 1 (3.23)
Total 31
Table 30: Sources for getting feedback from farmers
No. of respondents (%) Total no. of
Rely on local
leaders to
reach out to
State department
personnel help
you to reach out
to farmers
Farmers give
you feedback
Most preferred
23 (74.19) 2 (6.45) 1 (3.23) 5 (16.13) 31
Preferred source 5 (16.67) 4 (13.33) 9 (30) 12 (40) 30
Least preferred
2 (7.41) 7 (25.93) 14 (51.85) 4 (14.81) 27
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 29
Reflections on contemporary agriculture in the country
In the context of rapidly changing agrarian situation in the country which is marked
by the large presence of small and marginal farmers belonging to lower strata of society,
declining state support in input delivery and extension, entry of private players into
agriculture inputs market, poor administrative monitoring mechanism and most importantly,
the resource poor (economical, social and cultural resources) farmers taking up agriculture in
a big way, it is suggested that the agricultural scientific community must respond and do the
needful. Keeping this status of agriculture in mind a series of questions were incorporated in
the survey to assess the social responsiveness of the scientists in the country.
Table 31: Relevant priorities for scientists in the current agricultural scenario
Priorities for research No. respondents (%) Total no. of
Most relevant Least relevant
Economically viable research
10 (40) 15 (60) 25
Efficiency increasing research
8 (32) 17 (68) 25
Environmentally friendly research
14 (56) 11 (44) 25
Productivity increasing research
16 (55) 13 (45) 29
Small and marginal farmer
friendly research outcomes
17 (65) 9 (35) 26
Sustainable research outcomes 19 (68) 9 (32) 28
As presented in Table 31 scientists’ perceptions towards relevant priorities in the
current agricultural scenario was assessed through a set of statements against which the
respondents were asked to respond on a six point scale. Later the scale was collapsed into two
categories as most relevant and least relevant. It may be found from Table 31 that the
responses are moderate on both the categories for the given statements. Issues pertaining to
efficiency and economically viable research outcomes have been considered as less relevant
as far as their priorities are concerned. At the same time the respondents have expressed
moderate approval with the statements which suggest for prioritizing sustainable, small and
marginal farmer friendly and environmentally friendly outcomes. Productivity appears to be
low on priority for the respondents in the evolving agrarian context.
State has been instrumental in bringing success during the green revolution phase.
However, owing to changes in the wider context, state’s role in agriculture appears to be
declining. As regards the perceptions of scientists about the state’s role in agriculture, a
majority of the respondents strongly agree (61 percent) with the statement that state has to
take the research findings to farmers. At the same time they also strongly disagree with the
statement that state should withdraw from agriculture and leave agriculture to market players.
Interestingly the statement that ‘scientists have no role in taking the research findings to the
farmers’ receives more balanced responses from respondents (refer Table 32). Similarly when
asked to respond to the statements pertaining to the role of state in agriculture in general,
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 30
majority of the respondents (97 percent) agree with the statement that state should play an
active role in agriculture. Majority of the respondents also disagree (77 percent) with the
statement that state should withdraw from agriculture and leave it to private players (refer
Table 33). It is a fact that as a result of liberalization and economic restructuring the role of
state in agriculture research has been declining. Echoing this, majority of the respondents (56
percent) agree with the statement that the state institutions are lagging behind private research
initiatives in agriculture today. At the same time about 34 percent disagree with the statement
while 10 percent are non committal.
Table 32: Perceptions on the role of state vis-a-vis agriculture research
No. of respondents (%) No. of
Agreeable Least
It is the state which has to take the
research findings to farmers
17 (60.71) 8 (28.57) 3 (10.71) 28
Scientists have no role in taking the
research findings to the farmers
6 (21.43) 9 (32.14) 13 (46.43) 28
State should withdraw from agriculture
and leave it to private players
0 (0) 4 (14.81) 23 (85.19) 27
Table 33: Perceptions on the role of state in agriculture
Role of state in agriculture No. of respondents (%) No. of
Agree Disagree
State must play an active role 25 (96.15) 1 (3.85) 26
State must play an active role but it should
limit itself to guiding and regulating the
private efforts
11 (55) 9 (45) 20
State must leave agriculture to the market
5 (22.73) 17 (77.27) 22
Agrarian crisis
Farmers’ suicides reflect the pathological status of agriculture in the country.
Although it is difficult to single out a particular social institution, but necessarily, different
institutions that work to provide equitable space for every individual to live with dignity have
failed to perform. In this sense agricultural research and teaching institutions of the country
cannot remain as bystanders. In the light of this situation, it was attempted through the survey
to understand how the scientific community is viewing the evolving agrarian crisis in the
country and where does agricultural science stand in this unfolding scenario. To start with, it
was attempted to know whether the scientific community is aware of farmers’ suicides, for
which all the respondents expressed in positive. Regarding the sources of information about
farmers’ suicides, more than 95 percent suggested media as the main source.
Intending to know how the scientific community positions agricultural sciences in this
agrarian crisis, a set of statements were drafted against which the respondents were asked to
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 31
mark their response in agreement or disagreement. Not surprisingly majority of the
respondents were in disagreement with statements which try to link farmers’ suicides with
agricultural science research, role of state, and the role of agricultural scientists. A large
majority observed that other factors like credit and market related issues and incapability of
farmers in using technologies as the probable reasons for suicides (98 percent and 92 percent
respectively) (refer Table 34).
Table 34: Reasons for farmers’ suicides in the country
Reasons for farmers’ suicides in
the country
No. of respondents (%) Response Count
Most agreeable Least agreeable
Agricultural science research does
not address their problems
5 (22) 18 (78) 23
Farmers are not trained to use the
agricultural technologies
23 (92) 7 (8) 25
Government failed to take the
technologies to the farmers
9 (35) 12 (65) 26
Other factors like credit and
market prices are the reasons for
26 (96) 1 (4) 27
Suicides are not related to
agricultural problems
10 (37) 17 (63) 27
We as agricultural scientists have
no clue about the reasons
5 (19) 21 (81) 26
Intending to understand how scientists feel about farmers’ perception on them,
(scientists) the respondents were asked to respond to a set of statements related to the position
of agricultural scientists among farmers through agreement or otherwise. A majority of the
respondents (85 percent) disagreed with the statement that farmers have stopped relying on
agricultural scientists for suggestions implying that farmers continue to rely on agricultural
scientists (Table 35). About 54 percent believe that farmers are in need of information from
scientists but scientists are not accessible. 60 percent believe that farmers' needs are met by
agricultural department personnel who carry the information provided by the agricultural
Responding to a question on the relevance of agricultural scientists’ work in overcoming the
present agricultural situation which is not so favourable for the small and marginal farmers,
the response was mixed. Only about 40 percent stated it to be relevant while 36 percent
confirmed that it is relevant to a limited extent (Table 36).
Table 35: Position of agricultural scientists among farmers
Agree (%) Disagree (%) No. of respondents
Farmers are in need of information from
scientists but scientists are not accessible
14 (53.84) 8 (30.77) 22
Farmers have stopped relying on 2 (7.69) 22 (84.61) 24
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 32
agricultural scientists for suggestions
Farmers' needs are met by agricultural
department staff who carry the
information provided by the agricultural
15 (60) 9 (36) 24
Farmers' needs are met by private market
sources hence they don't depend on
agricultural scientists
9 (36) 12 (48) 21
Table 36: Relevance of agricultural scientists’ work in overcoming the present agrarian crisis
No. of respondents (%)
Relevant to a great extent 10 (40)
Relevant to a limited extent 9 (36)
Farmers’ needs are met by the agricultural
department staff
0 (0)
Agricultural scientists are not bothered about the
problems arising due to non-agricultural related
4 (16)
Not relevant 1 (4)
To a question on the most important problems faced by farmers in the country, a
majority of the respondents observed that high input costs, non-remunerative prices, lower
yields, irrigation water scarcity, problems with soil, losing glory for agriculture in villages,
state apathy as the key problems. When asked to identify the key problems with agricultural
research the issues such as lack of coordination, lack of funds, preoccupation with current
(positivist) paradigm, lack of sensitivity to the marginalized (poor & marginal) farmers
especially in disadvantaged areas, preoccupation with publications, lack of freedom, poor
knowledge and skill levels, lack of visibility and poor image, incorrect feedback from
farmers, too much specialization, poor management of research institutions have been
reported by the respondents. Similarly, the respondents were asked to enlist some important
contributions from government agricultural institutions. As per the responses the important
contributions of government agricultural institutions are productivity enhancement, green
revolution in the sixties and seventies, promotion of farmer-led extension, SRI, market
oriented research and outreach, standardization of package of practices and development of
protocols for value addition and public private partnerships. Respondents were also asked to
mention some important contributions from private agricultural research in the last ten years.
It was observed that the important contributions of the private research are availability of
inputs, development of micro irrigation equipments, technology from other countries (for
example, Bt cotton), hybrid seed production, new molecule of pesticides, weedicides, market
orientated research, mechanization and growth promoters.
It is often reported in many academic and popular circles that there exists a gap in the
best management practices recommended by scientists and field practices of farmers.
Intending to know how scientists perceive this, a set of statements related to different crop
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 33
cultivation practices was given. A majority of the respondents (see Table 37) observed that
farmers do not follow the recommended practices appropriately. The magnitude of
disapproval of farmers’ practices is high on pesticide dosage, fertilizer dosage, use of
machinery and tools and seed rate. However a majority (58 percent) approve of the practices
followed in land preparation. It is evident from the responses that there is a gap between the
best management practices and adoption at field level. The extent of gap was suggested to be
between 30 to 60 percent as a majority of the respondents (56 percent) reported to a question
on the extent of gap (see Table 38).
Table 37: Scientists’ perception on adoption of recommendations by farmers
Follow appropriately Do not follow appropriately Response Count
Tillage 14 (58) 10 (42) 24
Seed rate 7 (30) 16 (70) 23
Inter cultivation practices 12 (55) 10 (45) 22
Weedicides dosage 7 (33) 14 (67) 21
Fertilizer dosage 3 (13) 20 (87) 23
Pesticides dosage 2 (9) 21 (91) 23
Harvesting practices 9 (39) 14 (61) 23
Use of machinery/tools 6 (27) 16 (73) 22
Table 38: Extent of gap between recommended practices and farmers’ practices
Extent of Gap No. of respondents (%)
Less than 10% 1 (4)
Between 10% and 30% 8 (32)
Between 30% and 60% 14 (56)
Between 60% and 90% 2 (8)
Total 25
Those who demand for critical examination of present agricultural research paradigm
that is dominated by positivist methods and approach also call for participatory research
involving farmers at every stage of research. The research agendas which are oriented to
address the problems of not just productivity and efficiency but also relevant at the small and
marginal farmers’ context are being demanded by the civil society organizations, social
scientists and environmentalists. In this context scientists’ perception on farmers’ knowledge,
and yield as a parameter to evaluate success or relevance for farmers was assessed using
questions presented in Table 39 and 40. A majority of the respondents observe that farmers’
traditional knowledge is highly relevant in overcoming the problems of agriculture and
environment. A significant number of respondents also observe that farmers’ traditional
knowledge is relevant to a great extent at small and marginal farmers’ level and at socially
backward farmers’ level. However, a majority of respondents believe that farmers’ traditional
knowledge is either not relevant or relevant to a limited extent in increasing yields. At the
same time respondents also observe overwhelmingly (81 percent) that yield alone should not
be considered as parameter for recommendation to farmers. In line with the preceding
discussion on positivist paradigm of green revolution, a set of statements were given to
record the opinion of scientists about their opinion on the benefits of green revolution (see
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 34
Table 40). A large majority (88 percent) observed that green revolution increased yields
while a 62 percent disagree with the statement that green revolution added to the problems of
environment implying a positive opinion about green revolution. However, it is interesting to
note the contradiction in opinions that green revolution helped in increasing yields (56
percent) while believing that green revolution did not benefit farmers (68 percent) although it
benefitted the nation (56 percent).
Table 39: Relevance of farmers’ traditional knowledge in the present context
Relevant to a
great extent (%)
Relevant to a
limited extent (%)
Not relevant
e Count
At small and marginal
farmers' level
12 (46.15) 9 (34.62) 1 (3.85) 22
At socially backward
farmers' level
9 (33.33) 8 (29.63) 3 (11.11) 20
In increasing the yields 7 (26.92) 8 (30.77) 8 (30.77) 23
Problems of agriculture
13 (52) 10 (40) 2 (8) 25
Problems of environment
14 (51.85) 11 (40.74) 1 (3.7) 26
Table 40: Scientists’ perceptions on green revolution
No. of respondents (%) Response Count
Most agreeable Least agreeable
Added to the problems of the
9 (38) 15 (62) 24
Benefited farmers 8 (32) 17 (68) 25
Benefited nation 15 (56) 12 (44) 27
Increased yields 22 (88) 3 (12) 25
Contesting the prevailing positivist paradigm that drives agricultural research,
alternatives have begun to emerge. These alternatives claim to overcome the limitations of
green revolution based input intensive crop production by considering the environment,
sustainability at small and marginal context, and also the resource poor regions. Some of
these popular alternatives are the system of rice intensification (SRI), non-pesticidal
management (NPM) and organic farming. The common features of these alternatives are that
they basically emerge from outside the institutions of science, through active participation of
farmers and strongly advocated by civil society groups. In this context an attempt was made
to know the perception of scientists located in various agricultural research stations and
universities on these alternatives. The responses were assessed against a set of statements
related to SRI, organic farming and non-pesticidal management. Responding to the
statements on SRI an overwhelming majority observes that SRI methods are appropriate at
small and marginal farmers level and are environment friendly (92 and 84 percent
respectively). At the same time the respondents do not agree with the statements that SRI is
not scientific, and do not deliver the needs of the country (Table 41). Similar views were
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 35
echoed for organic farming and non-pesticidal management as well (see Table 42 and 43).
This implies that scientists believe in the scientificity of these claims coming from outside the
institutions of science and also that they deliver the needed at the small and marginal farmer
levels and they are environment friendly. Overwhelming majority of the respondents disagree
with the statement that claims of these alternatives cannot be trusted as there is no scientific
basis for these claims.
Table 41: Benefits of SRI as perceived by respondents
Benefits from SRI No. of respondents (%) Response Count
Most agreeable Least agreeable
They are environment friendly 21 (84) 4 (16) 25
These methods of cultivation are
appropriate for small and marginal
24 (92) 2 (8) 26
These methods have limited
applicability in the Indian context
10 (39) 16 (61) 26
They do not deliver the needs of the
7 (27) 19 (73) 26
They only work on paper but not in
5 (19) 21 (81) 26
They cannot be trusted as there is
no scientific basis for these claims
3 (12) 22 (88) 25
Table 42: Benefits of organic farming as perceived by respondents
Benefits from Organic Farming No. of respondents (%) Response Count
Most agreeable Least agreeable
They are environment friendly 24 (89) 3 (11) 27
These methods of cultivation are
appropriate for small and
marginal farmers
18 (72) 7 (28) 25
These methods have limited
applicability in the Indian context
15 (60) 10 (40) 25
They do not deliver the needs of
the country
11 (44) 14 (56) 25
They only work on paper but not
in reality
10 (40) 15 (60) 25
They cannot be trusted as there is
no scientific basis for these
4 (16) 21 (84) 25
Table 43: Benefits of Non-pesticidal management
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 36
Non-Pesticidal Management No. of respondents (%) Response Count
Most agreeable Least agreeable
They are environment friendly 23 (88) 3 (12) 26
These methods of cultivation are
appropriate for small and marginal
17 (65) 9 (35) 26
These methods have limited
applicability in the Indian context
14 (56) 11 (44) 25
They do not deliver the needs of the
11 (44) 14 (56) 25
They only work on paper but not in
9 (36) 16 (64) 25
They cannot be trusted as there is
no scientific basis for these claims
4 (16) 21 (84) 25
Moving beyond mere capturing of opinion of scientists about the benefits of
alternative technologies a set of statements were given to know the views of scientists on the
specifics of each of these technologies (see Table 44-46). It may be observed from data that
these technologies have been viewed by the respondents as water use efficient (SRI and
Organic Farming), environment friendly (all three, with high level agreement on non-
pesticidal management), small and marginal farmer friendly (with moderate agreement on
organic farming and non-pesticidal management), and yield efficient. It may be observed that
SRI has been viewed as a technology that can guarantee optimum or maximum yields while
organic farming and non-pesticidal management are believed to be not suitable as they cannot
guarantee optimum or maximum yields.
Table 44: Perceptions of scientists on claims of SRI
No. of respondents (%) Response Count
Most agreeable Least agreeable
Water use efficiency 25 (96) 1 (4) 26
Environment friendly 18 (72) 7 (28) 25
Small and marginal farmers friendly 14 (61) 9 (39) 23
Not suitable as they cannot guarantee
maximum/optimum yields
2 (8) 23(92) 25
Yield efficiency 23 (92) 2 (8) 25
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 37
Table 45: Perceptions of scientists on claims of Organic Farming
No. of respondents (%) Response
Most agreeable Least agreeable
Water use efficiency 9 (38) 15 (62) 24
Environment friendly 24 (96) 1 (4) 25
Small and marginal farmers friendly 12 (52) 11 (48) 23
Not suitable as they cannot guarantee
maximum/optimum yields
14 (56) 11 (44) 25
Yield efficiency 12 (50) 12 (50) 24
Table 46: Perceptions of scientists on claims of Non-Pesticidal Management
No. of respondents (%) Response
Most agreeable Least agreeable
Water use efficiency 6 (25) 18 (75) 24
Environment friendly 25 (96) 1 (4) 26
Small and marginal farmers friendly 11 (50) 11 (50) 22
Not suitable as they cannot guarantee
maximum/optimum yields
15 (60) 10 (40) 25
Yield efficiency 13 (54) 11 (46) 24
Specifically aiming to understand the priority areas of agricultural research in the last
ten years, the respondents were asked to express their opinion on the research projects which
were given very high priority, high priority, low priority and very low priority. Data reveal
that biotechnology related projects, and projects aimed at increasing productivity and
economic sustainability have been given very high priority, pest and disease control projects
were given high priority, soil fertility and organic fertilizers were given low priority whereas
farmer participatory research, crop based research and crop management were given very low
It is a well known fact that agricultural sciences in the country grew in strength since
independence and diversified into different specializations offering solutions to problems
related to yields, efficiency, etc. When it comes to the application and adoption of
technologies or evaluation of technologies, social science component of agricultural science
is claimed to have provided relevant support. However, in the context of agrarian crisis, the
social science specializations located in agricultural universities came under sharp criticism
for their failure to provide necessary academic as well as research support to core agricultural
science specializations. In this context, a set of questions was posed to the respondents to
assess their perception on social sciences in agricultural science research and teaching. Data
presented in Table 46 reveal that although inputs from social scientists are essential (73
percent) a significant percent of the respondents (67 percent) report that they find it difficult
to get right information from social scientists. Only about 54 percent report that they are
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 38
satisfied with the information provided by the social scientists. Similarly, Table 48 reveals
that 66 percent of the respondents agree with the statement that social sciences are weakly
placed in agricultural universities and a majority (85 percent) also agree with the statement
that social sciences enrich agricultural research and education. On a question seeking
responses on the need for close collaboration between agricultural sciences and social
sciences majority of the respondents (72 percent) agree with the statement.
Table 47: Perceptions of scientists on the inputs from social sciences in agricultural sciences
Agree (%) Disagree (%) Response count
My area of research doesn't need
any inputs from social scientists
4 (17.39) 19 (82.61) 23
My area of research needs inputs
from social scientists and I am
highly satisfied about their inputs
13 (59.09) 9 (40.91) 22
My area of research needs inputs
from social scientists but I find it
difficult to get right information
16 (69.5) 7 (30.43) 23
Table 48: Perceptions of scientists on the position of social sciences in agricultural
Agree (%) Disagree (%) Response count
Social sciences are weakly placed in
agricultural universities
8 (66.6) 4 (33.3) 12
Social sciences are well grounded in
agricultural universities
7 (50) 7 (50) 14
Social sciences do not offer a critical view
of agricultural research
7 (29.1) 17 (70.8) 24
Social sciences enrich agricultural research
and education
17 (85) 3 (15) 20
Part B: Case study – System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Rice research in India
Rice is the major food crop grown throughout India, in two or three seasons in a year.
Although rice cultivation dates back to many centuries, systematic rice research in India
began in the early 20th Century. The Bengal and Madras provinces established research
stations with a special focus on rice in 1911. A research institute specifically for Rice
research, named, Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) was established in 1946 at Cuttack.
With the establishment of the International Rice Commission (IRC) by the FAO (Food and
Agricultural Organization), research in rice got impetus and the first result was the
hybridization programme between the fertilizer responsive japonica types and tropically
adapted indica varieties. The CRRI implemented this programme for the benefit of South
East Asia on behalf of IRC and for the Indian states with support from the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR). Although the output of the programme fell short of
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 39
expectations, the concept of a regional approach to solve the rice production problems viz.,
photoperiod sensitivity, late maturity, narrow adaptability, non-responsiveness to fertilizers
was ushered in.
The opportunity to elevate the yield potential of rice by utilizing the semi-dwarf
varieties was highlighted by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, by
the mid 1960s. Thus ‘plant type’ emerged as a breeding objective. Specific shortcomings
such as limited number of semi dwarf varieties then available (e.g. TN1, DGWG, IGT etc.),
however, did not deter the scientific community in pursuing this goal. India played a key role
in adopting this strategy and in rapidly reorienting its rice breeding programmes (then based
on japonica-indica hybridization) towards the development of locally adapted semi dwarf
varieties. Establishment of the All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP) in
1965 with the responsibility for development and testing of semi dwarf varieties and related
production technologies was the next milestone in the history of rice research in India.
AICRIP capitalized upon the available research infrastructure in different states of India and
successfully introduced a national perspective in technology development and testing.
Over 85 semi-dwarf varieties with high yield potential and tolerance to various
stresses were developed and popularized during 1965-75. In 1975 AICRIP was renamed as
the Directorate of Rice Research (DRR). Research on problems with direct relevance to
production and protection received a new impetus. CRRI was identified as the appropriate
centre for the pursuit of more basic research on the rice plant and biotic and abiotic stresses in
the rainfed crop growing environment and on farm mechanization for rice cultivation. The
DRR was assigned with the responsibility of developing the technologies for irrigated
ecosystem and evaluating the technologies for all the ecosystems, through all-India
coordinated system.
The next phase of developments in technology were addressed to the most favourable
rice growing ecology- irrigated system of the country that had been benefited from the semi-
dwarf varieties. For a further enhancement in yield potential, the development and adoption
of hybrid rice technology became the focus. A national network of research centres devoted
to the development of hybrids was setup. Till now about 29 rice hybrids have been released
including six from the private sector.
Extent of rice cultivation and production
Over the decades rice cultivation and rice production has undergone major changes in
the country (see Table 49 and Table 50 on area under rice cultivation and rice production).
What has began with small incremental gains, rice production increased monumentally over
the last five decades. Although area under rice production increased by 28 percent during
1961 – 2007, the production of rice increased by 181 percent. Substantial gains in production
are possible due to scientific and technological breakthroughs achieved in rice research in the
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 40
Table 49: Harvested area of rough rice (000 ha) in India, 1961-2007
Year All India
(000 hectares)
Change over
previous year (ha)
Year All India
(000 hectares)
Change over
previous year (ha)
1961 34255 - 1991 42649 -38
1962 34934 679 1992 41775 -874
1963 35623 689 1993 42539 764
1964 36074 451 1994 42814 275
1965 35273 -801 1995 42837 23
1966 35598 325 1996 43433 596
1967 36437 839 1997 43446 13
1968 36966 529 1998 44802 1356
1969 37680 714 1999 45162 360
1970 37592 -88 2000 44712 -450
1971 37758 166 2001 44904 192
1972 36688 -1070 2002 41176 -3728
1973 38285 1597 2003 42593 1416
1974 37888 -397 2004 41907 -686
1975 39475 1587 2005 43660 1753
1976 38511 -964 2006 43814 154
1977 40283 1772 2007 43771 -43
1978 40482 199
1979 39414 -1068
1980 40152 738
1981 40708 556
1982 38262 -2446
1983 41244 2982
1984 41159 -85
1985 40912 -247
1986 41167 255
1987 38806 -2361
1988 41736 2930
1989 42167 431
1990 42687 520
Sources: 1961-69: India Directorate of Economics and Statistics. All India estimate of Rice.
(various issues)
1970-99: Agriculture Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. Agriculture. (various issues).
2000-07/08: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
Source accessed on 26-05-2011
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Table 50: Rice production (000 t) in India 1961-2007
(Estimated milled rice production figures)
Year India (000 tonnes) Change (000 tonnes) Year India (000 tonnes) Change (000 tonnes)
1961 51386 - 1991 112016 579
1962 47119 -4267 1992 109301 -2715
1963 55334 8215 1993 120447 11146
1964 58099 2765 1994 122721 2274
1965 45983 -12116 1995 115463 -7258
1966 45660 -323 1996 122605 7142
1967 56419 10759 1997 123802 1197
1968 59642 3223 1998 129115 5313
1969 60646 1004 1999 134524 5409
1970 63338 2692 2000 127465 -7059
1971 64603 1265 2001 140010 12545
1972 58868 -5735 2002 107730 -32280
1973 66077 7209 2003 132789 25059
1974 59369 -6708 2004 124698 -8091
1975 73110 13741 2005 137690 12993
1976 63052 -10058 2006 140033 2343
1977 79066 16014 2007 144647 4614
1978 80608 1542
1979 63476 -17132
1980 80312 16836
1981 79883 -429
1982 70681 -9202
1983 90155 19474
1984 87514 -2641
1985 96239 8725
1986 90836 -5403
1987 85293 -5543
1988 105734 20441
1989 110359 4625
1990 111437 1078
Sources: 1961-69: India Directorate of Economics and Statistics. All India estimate of Rice.
(various issues)
1970-99: Agriculture Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. Agriculture. (various issues).
2000-2007/08: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
Source: accessed on 26-05-2011.
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Historical background to the evolution of SRI
Rice is considered as an aquatic plant requiring submerged water level in rice fields.
Rice cultivation has traditionally been taken up in water impounded paddies and hence rice
has come to be known as water loving crop. The ability of rice to survive and grow under
submerged conditions has further given credence to this view. Hence water usage for rice
cultivation has been the highest among all cereal crops. It is estimated that about 5000 litres
of water is required to produce just 1 kg of rice. This aspect of rice cultivation is undergoing
radical changes and technologies are being aggressively pursued for more water productive
cultivation practices. System of rice intensification (SRI), direct seeding under puddled soil,
alternate wetting and drying are some of these practices. Reducing crop duration without
affecting productivity is another approach ( – vision 2025 document).
Green revolution technology gave a boost to the age old traditional myth that high
yields in rice can be realized only when it is grown in submerged field conditions. By
emphasizing on the use of good irrigation and adequate amount of chemical fertilizers, green
revolution technology provided a framework that worked well until the negative
consequences of such paradigm have been exposed by the proponents of sustainable
agriculture. Social scientists have empirically demonstrated the ill-effects of green revolution
by analysing the inter-regional and intra-regional disparities caused by green revolution in the
country. It was reported that green revolution based rice cultivation technology has been
useful for the regions where irrigation water is abundant and in the farm conditions where
farmers can provide sufficient irrigation by investing money on tube wells, pipelines, etc. The
technological framework of green revolution based rice cultivation thus excluded farmers
who have no access to sufficient water to cultivate rice, and access to credit to buy inputs,
and regions which are poorly endowed (Bhalla, 1979; Ladejinsky, 1973). It is believed that
green revolution technology served the interests of capitalist farmers, farmers in well-
endowed regions, the state (in terms of its priority to obtain adequate food grains to meet the
food security needs of the country, and also subsidised rice offered as election promise in
various states in the country), industrial units dealing with chemical fertilizers and pesticides
(including fungicides and herbicides), state electricity board, traders, millers, etc. At the same
time it has excluded the small and marginal farmers, tenant cultivators, and farmers in the
rain fed regions. On the other hand, the green revolution based rice cultivation technology has
even forced many small landholders to adapt to unsustainable and economically unviable
practice of rice cultivation. For example in trying to imitate large farmers who were
benefitted with irrigation intensive rice cultivation small and marginal farmers also resorted
to digging tube wells even in the dry regions where rice cultivation has been absent or
minimal for many decades for lack of irrigation water. Apart from the state policies like
subsidies on inputs related to rice cultivation, minimum support price for rice and subsidised
electricity, the green revolution technology also played a key role with more attention being
paid by the scientific community of the country to address the problems of rice cultivation at
the cost of other crops like pulses and oil seed crops.
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Green revolution technology in rice although increased productivity, was reported to
be undesirable because of its high water requirement. The use of nitrogenous fertilizers
though enhanced yields significantly (see Tables 49 and 50 on the All India trends in rice
productivity and area under rice cultivation) scientists observe that only 20-30 percent of
nitrogen is actually utilized in the plant growth and the balance is lost due to a variety of
means such as de-nitrification, ammonia utilization and leaching. Green revolution
technology also affected the soil properties resulting in salinisation, soil erosion, water
logging, ground water depletion and pollution. Eutrophication of soil and water bodies has
had a significant negative impact on the ecosystem and its inhabitants.
The system of Rice Intensification (SRI) which emerged as an alternative to green
revolution based rice cultivation claims to enable all sections of farmers, including the small,
marginal and tenant farmers, to cultivate rice, by using less irrigation water and other
chemical inputs. SRI questions the assumption that rice needs submerged water condition.
Rice in SRI cultivation requires only humid conditions than the submerged conditions. Thus,
it saves on the irrigation costs by reducing the irrigation water requirement. It also enables
farmers to increase the extent of rice cultivation on account of reduced irrigation water
consumption in SRI method. Reduction in water consumption under SRI method helps
farmers of all sections to grow rice crop. Pattern of use of ground water in the dry regions
indicates that the affluent farmers use electric motors to irrigate rice crop, resulting in
depletion of ground water, leading to environmental hazards. The advocates of SRI method
suggest that SRI method of cultivation is environment friendly as it requires less water when
compared to conventional method of rice cultivation. The above advantages of SRI place it as
an alternative to green revolution technology. Moreover, SRI is promoted by the civil society
organizations rather than the government organizations which supported the dissemination
and adoption of green revolution technology.
The SRI technology has emerged as an alternative technological paradigm to the
conventional green revolution based technology. It is considered as a civil society initiative.
The civil society groups, mostly in the form of non-governmental organizations, have been
spreading the success of SRI in various countries across the globe. The initiatives of the civil
society organizations are based on the ideology of equity and access to technology to all. This
argument assumes greater significance in the context of food security and food grain
production. The scientific community have been, time and again, highlighting the limits to
growth under conventional green revolution based technological paradigm. Moreover, with
the adverse implications of green revolution on inter-regional disparities and intra-regional
disparities an alternate technology based food grain production system that provides answers
to the conventional green revolution based system and at the same time equitable, and
accessible to all kinds of farmers and sustainable is solicited. Recognizing that SRI fits into
these criteria, it has been advocated and propagated by the civil society and some state led
organizations in a notable way. At this juncture, crop scientists have come out with an
alternative technological paradigm called SRI in addressing the negative consequences of
green revolution technology in Rice. SRI technology was first developed in Madagascar by
Fr. Henri de Laulani, a Jesuit priest, for the benefit of poor farmers in his country. Fr. Henri
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experimented over a decade along with the farmers on the principles of rice cultivation and
developed the practices for rice cultivation completely different from the conventional
method. The potential of this method has been realized and later this was implemented in
many countries including South Asian countries like Sri Lanka, China and India. In India, it
is being promoted by different civil society and state organizations in states like Tamil Nadu,
Orissa, and Andhra Pradesh.
SRI based rice cultivation follows a set of practices which have been resolved through
trial and error over a period. They are:
Transplanting of very young seedlings between 8 and 15 days old to preserve
potential for tillering and rooting (unlike transplanting seedlings between 21 to 40
days old in conventional method).
Planting seedlings singly very carefully and gently rather than in clumps in the
conventional method.
Spacing of seedlings widely, with hills 20-30 cm apart, set out in a square pattern
rather than in rows in conventional method.
Using specially designed manual weeders to remove weeds and to aerate the top soil
at the same time, whereas in conventional method, herbicides are applied to control
the weeds.
Keeping the soil moist rather than in the submerged conditions in conventional
method, up to the stage of flowering and grain production.
Use of organic manure or compost to improve the soil quality, whereas in
conventional method, inorganic synthetic fertilizers are applied.
SRI technology suggests for careful plantation of 8-15 day old seedlings singly as
compared to the practice of 25-30 days in conventional method. It is claimed that
transplanting of young seedlings avoids desiccation and trauma to the roots and does not
interrupt the plant growth. Plants can absorb adequate amount of water and minerals. The
pattern of plantation facilitates the easy operation of mechanical weeder. Before planting the
seedlings, the square pattern of the field is made ready through another mechanical input
called marker, which makes the planting easier in specified pattern. It is claimed that because
of the square planting pattern, SRI gives nearly 40-50 and even more tillers per plant. As a
result, rice under SRI method grows better and healthier when compared to conventional
method. Because of its planting pattern which suggests for maintaining space between and
across the rows, plant gets proper air and minerals from the soil and hence plant yields more.
SRI method of rice cultivation also differs from conventional rice in the application of
chemical fertilizers and manual weeding. SRI suggests for the use of organic manure for
better yield than chemical fertilizers as suggested in conventional method (WWF – ICRISAT
Project, 2010).
Introduction of SRI technology in India:
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SRI technology is not altogether new to India. In the early 1960’s RH Richharia of the
Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, proposed a scheme for clonal propagation of rice
that involves separation of 10-12 days old seedlings and multiplying pure seed. But this effort
was ignored for a long time by the researchers. SRI was introduced in India in 2000 when
researchers at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) initiated experiments
involving SRI principles in collaborative project on growing rice with less water. T. M.
Thiyagarajan of TNAU, Coimbatore, heard about SRI in 2000 and represented India at the
2002 International Conference on SRI. Following Thiyagarajan’s participation, Norman
Uphoff, from Cornell University, U.S. visited India in May 2002, to present the prospects of
SRI technology to agricultural officials in the southern states of A.P. and Tamil Nadu (WWF-
ICRISAT Project, 2010).
In the year 2003 a package of SRI practices was evolved and tested in 200 farmers’
fields through Tamil Nadu state government initiative to compare the performance of SRI
and conventional cultivation in Cauvery and Tamiraparani river basins. Andhra Pradesh has
witnessed spread of SRI technology after Alapati Satyanarayana, who was the then Director
of Extension, ANGRAU, visited Sri Lanka in the year 2003. SRI method has spread in India
only after organic farmers like Narayana Reddy and Ramaswamy experimented and
experienced super yields. Narayana Reddy considers SRI as ‘the innovation in his life time’
(Prasad, 2006).
SRI is considered as an innovation in rice production because it offers different
explanation of rice plant and water usage from that of conventional and green revolution
technology. At one level if conventional agriculture is considered as the innovation by the
community and green revolution technology as a scientific innovation, SRI may be
considered as civil society innovation. The civil society views SRI as a pro-poor innovation
(Prasad, 2006). In the words of Norman Uphoff (2008), SRI is a designer innovation, which
is more accessible to poor farmers than input-dependant technologies that require capital and
logistical support.
SRI practices are stated to be positively oriented with reference to climate change. It
is estimated that 24-30 percent of the world’s accessible fresh water resources (rivers, lakes
and aquifers) are used to irrigate rice. By 2025, 15-20 million of the world’s 79 million
hectares of irrigated rice low lands, which provide three-quarters of the world’s rice supply,
are expected to suffer from water scarcity. By adapting SRI method it is suggested that water
use for irrigated rice cultivation will be reduced by 25-50 percent. Due to the effects of global
warming and climate change, agriculture is being affected by extreme weather events and
adverse trends such as flooding, drought, cyclones, etc. Advocates of SRI point out that SRI
method of rice cultivation can help reducing methane gas emissions, one of the major green
house gases contributing to global warming. Thus SRI makes rice production more climate
secure (Uphoff, 2008).
An undated ‘Fact Sheet’ published by WWF-ICRISAT (World Wide Fund for
Nature- International Crops Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics) based on the inputs
from partner organizations and individuals claims the following about SRI method of rice
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cultivation in Andhra Pradesh. ‘Grain yields obtained in farmers’ fields (2003-04) showed
very few cases where SRI yields were lesser than conventional cultivation. SRI performed
well with all the existing high-yielding varieties (HYVs). Grain number/panicle increase
varied from 38-66 percent, with an overall average increase of 48 percent when compared
with conventional flooding. Grain yield advantage with SRI ranged from 21-30 percent, with
overall increase of 25 percent. SRI practice which involves little use of chemicals in the form
of fertilizers/pesticides was found to cost less for the farmer, ranging from 6-19 percent with
a pooled average of 11 percent. Gross incomes grew by an average of 28 percent, narrowly
ranging between 27-32 percent in respect of SRI. Net income was higher by 65 percent. Cost
benefit ratio increased from 41to 60 percent, with a pooled average of 49 percent increase
over the conventional system of rice cultivation. Pest and disease incidence was found
relatively lower in SRI plots as compared to those that used the conventional system,
especially with reference to stem-borer/leaf-folder/brown plant-hopper’ (http://www.sri- accessed on 25-05-2011). Few successful
initiatives of certain state agricultural departments and civil society organizations on SRI at
the field level have attracted the interest of the scientific community. Such research has
resulted in numerous publications in newsletters and international academic journals (Basu
and Leeuwis, 2012).
The epistemological conundrum
SRI posed considerable threat to the dominant green revolution paradigm in the recent
past. SRI as a civil society innovation differs from modern agriculture that relies on scientists
in the laboratories and on experiment stations. SRI eschews linear models of agricultural
research and development in favour of a more participatory, reciprocal style and considers
farmers not just as adopters but as key partners. Norman Uphoff (2008) calls SRI technology
as post modern agriculture, because a) it is evolved with a greater participation of farmers
and non-scientists in the process of innovation and evaluation and b) it didn’t emanate from
formal-science but evolved as a civil society innovation.
SRI raises both epistemological and ontological questions on rice plant. The
assumption that rice is an aquatic plant is seriously contested by the proponents of SRI and
they prove that rice could be grown even under semi wet conditions. This ontological
question has greater implications as it is believed that rice requires continuous water logging
conditions for effective yields which put greater stress on environment as well as on farmers
involved in cultivation of rice. The epistemological assumptions of green revolution on soil,
chemical fertilizers and irrigation water have been questioned through successful
demonstration of superiority of SRI over conventional green revolution based rice cultivation.
Given the promises of high yields, low water requirement is believed to have motivated the
scientific community to advocate SRI as a pro-poor innovation.
In this context, the study attempted to understand how SRI as a rice cultivation
practice has been viewed by different actors who have been contesting each others’ claims.
The study also made an attempt to decipher the bases of contestations and analyse them from
sociology of science and technology framework.
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Scientific discourse on SRI
Literature on SRI, both in its support and rebuttal, is abundant. Since its spread to a
number of countries in the world and reportage of its advantages over conventional
agriculture espoused through BMPs (best management practices) in various academic and
non-academic journals by scientists and civil society activists, SRI has been attracting strong
opposition from the scientific community located in premier international and national
agricultural universities. For example ‘SRI is characterized as ‘voodoo science,’ said to be
based on unconfirmed field observations (UFOs), with the high yields reported being
described as a ‘consequence of measurement error’ (Thakur, 2010).
Suggesting the plausible reasons for such opposition towards SRI, Basu and Leeuwis
(2012) mention that the introduction of SRI ‘bypassed the normal procedures for the
introduction of new agricultural technologies. The general practice for agricultural extension
in India is that the release of new management packages or technologies (e.g. crop varieties)
to farmers involves quite a few formal procedures. Experimentation with a new variety or a
new methodology of crop cultivation has to be approved by the ICAR in New Delhi. Then it
will be sent for trial in different agro-climatic zones in India. Only when trials yield positive
results can the packages be released for commercial use and wider extension activities. This
whole process of research evaluation usually takes considerable time to reach the ultimate
beneficiaries. But in the case of SRI extension, we witness a radical deviation from this
regular practice’. The other reason given by Basu and Leeuwis (2012) is that ‘SRI had not
originated from the regular channels, as it had been developed by a priest in Madagascar,
reportedly with a lot of farmer input’.
Apart from these reasons a number of articles have come from scientists from premier
agricultural institutions questioning the veracity of the claims on SRI. They have attempted to
show the results from SRI as unscientific, sporadic and due to extraneous reasons. They even
went to the extent of suggesting that funding for SRI testing and evaluation is a waste of
resources. Here in the following part, a glimpse of academic contestation on SRI is provided.
It is recognized by the advocates of SRI that it introduces a paradigm shift for
agriculture, a shift from emphasizing plant breeding and external inputs to better utilization of
local resources and better skills. Quoting the experience on experiment with SRI in Mali,
Styger and others (2011) suggest that of the most important outcomes from the three year SRI work is the impact on
farmers’ and technicians’ thinking about how things are done in agriculture. Many SRI
technical guidelines contradict those from research institutes and the agriculture
service, and often also clash with what farmers think works best. To cite some
examples: (1) farmers in Mali believe that using more water to flood their rice fields
will give higher yields; (2) similarly, it is currently recommended, and believed, that a
higher plant density will increase yields; (3) researchers, extension personnel and
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farmers are convinced that larger applications of chemical fertilizer will give better
results; and (4) many farmers focus on the perceived desirability of new varieties and
complain that their seeds are old and less productive, despite the fact that they already
possess the best varieties available on the market. Experience shows that many of these
assumptions are not true. In Mali, the SRI results surprised nearly every technician and
every farmer, not only as regards yields but also in the challenges to conventional
wisdom about how farming is currently done. We observed that once exposed to SRI
ideas and results, farmers and technicians become more open to new ideas, more
venturesome and creative in their thinking.
A key proponent of SRI, Norman Uphoff (2008) recalls that
‘...since World War II, agricultural innovations have usually followed a linear
sequence in which advances in scientific knowledge are made and then transformed
into technological advances. These are then disseminated through extension
(government) or market (private sector) mechanisms to users, called adopters. SRI as
an innovation follows an earlier pattern where, conversely, technology preceded
science, similar to the sequence seen in the emergence of air travel and transport’.
Karki (2010) in his work on SRI reviews these contestations against and for SRI. He
mentions that scientists have raised questions about the claims on yield benefits. To quote
Scientists such as Dobermann (2004), McDonald et al. (2006), Sheehy (2004), Moser
& Barrett (2003), Sinclair (2004) have raised the questions regarding the yield
benefits of SRI. Dobermann (2004) reports that intermittent irrigation in SRI practice
bear short and long term risks. He further reports that SRI favors rice growth on poor
soils but it is likely to have little potential for improving rice production in intensive
irrigated systems on more favorable soils. McDonald et al. (2006) found no empirical
evidence that SRI fundamentally changes the physiological yield potential of rice.
Sheehy (2004) has found no major role of SRI in improving rice yields in his
experiments carried out in China and reported that the extraordinary high yields may
be due to experimental error. But Stoop & Kassam (2005) reacted to Sheehy (2004)
as their research being scientifically and methodologically flawed, and therefore the
validity of their conclusions to be questioned. Moser & Barrett (2003) raised issue
regarding high labor requirement to practice SRI. But Uphoff (2004) clarifies it with
saying that SRI can be more labor-intensive initially but once the farmers have
mastered the methods, it becomes labor saving.
Karki, in an effort to evaluate the adoption and potential environmental benefits of
SRI, conducted a case study in Morang district of Eastern Nepal. He reports that with SRI
methods, the cost of chemical fertilizers was reduced by 48 percent, seed requirement was
reduced by 90 percent, and the cost of pesticide was reduced by 99 percent. In addition, the
farmers in the study area found to have achieved 118 percent increase in rice yield with SRI
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methods compared to non-SRI methods (ibid). He also claims that the effect of SRI on
climate gases particularly CH4 and N2O was positive. He notes that
Significant effect of SRI on the fluxes of CH4 and N2O was observed. The emission of
CH4 from SRI soil exhibited 4 times less than that of non-SRI soil whereas N2O flux
from SRI soil was 5 times less than non-SRI soils. Similarly, the GWP (global
warming potential) of CH4 and N2O emissions were significantly reduced with SRI
treatments. It is well known that agriculture releases significant amount of CH4 and
N2O into the atmosphere and that the global warming induced by the concentration
of such GHGs is a matter for great environmental concern nowadays. SRI practices
not only help to minimize CH4 emissions but also reduce N2O emissions. SRI
practice was found to have double benefits: increase yield and have potential to
reduce climate gas emission to the atmosphere (Karki, 2010)
Zhao and others (2010) based on the field experiments conducted in 2006 ‘to
investigate the impacts of modified rice cultivation systems on: grain yield, N uptake,
ammonia volatilization from rice soil and N use efficiency (ANUE, agronomic N use
efficiency; and PFP, partial factor productivity of applied N)’ through a comparison of rice
production trials ‘using modified methods of irrigation, planting, weeding and nutrient
management (SRI) with traditional flooding (TF) report that
on average, grain yields under SRI were 24% higher than that with TF. Ammonia
volatilization was increased significantly under SRI compared with TF and the
average total amount of ammonia volatilization loss during the rice growth stage
under SRI was 22% higher than TF. With increases in application rate, N uptake by
rice increased, and the ratio of N in the seed to total N in the plant decreased.
Furthermore, results showed that higher ANUE was achieved at a relatively low N
fertilizer rate (80 kg ha-1 N) with SRI. Results of these studies suggest that SRI
increased rice yield and N uptake and improved ammonia volatilization loss from rice
soil com-pared with TF. Moreover, there were significant interactions between N
application rates and cultivation methods. We conclude that it was the most
important to adjust the amount of N application under SRI, such as reducing the
amount of N application. Research on effects of N fertilizer on rice yield and
environmental pollution under SRI may be worth further studying (Zhao, et al. 2010).
Mahajan, Gulshan and P.S. Sarao, (2009) observed in their experiment aimed at
evaluating the performance of SRI against conventional transplanting method that
significant phenotypic changes occurred in plant structure and function but no
significant yield differences were observed in SRI system in comparison to
conventional transplanting system. During 2006, no significant yield differences were
observed in SRI system in comparison to conventional transplanting system. The SRI
system gave 79.8 q/ha grain yield when the nursery date was kept same and 78.4 q/ha
grain yield when transplanting date was kept same against 78.9 q/ha in conventional
transplanting method. During 2007, varietal performance was studied in SRI system.
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SRI transplanting (10 days old seedling) resulted 11.8 and 27.9 per cent increase in
yield over conventional transplanting method and SRI direct seeding method,
respectively. The cultivar 17A/R10 showed superiority in SRI transplanting system
(10 days old seedlings) as compared to cultivar PR-115 and HRI-152, respectively in
terms of grain yield (Mahajan, Gulshan and P.S. Sarao, 2009).
Thakur (2010) observes that ‘significantly large contributions to the literature have
documented enhanced rice productivity, water saving and higher returns with SRI
management’. He further adds that there have also been attempts at comparing SRI practices
with BMPs (Best Management Practices). However, raising the methodological issues, he
wonders whether ‘it is justified to compare two systems which are based on different
philosophies and agronomic management principles with different target groups of farmers
simply in terms of yield’.
Barah (2009) reports that SRI has proven ability to increase rice production by 26 per
cent or more depending on the extent of adherence to its basic principles. He claims that ‘SRI
saves up to 40 per cent water due to alternate drying and wetting system, which is considered
a unique advantage of SRI. The farmers are convinced of the benefits of SRI and hence its
adoption is spreading in larger spatial dimensions’.
Questioning the critics of SRI who claim that ‘little agronomic research had been
done on the new rice methodology to support some of the claims made for it when these were
first presented’, Uphoff (2012) observes that ‘there were indeed few published articles in the
peer-reviewed literature’. Uphoff (2012) points at the fact that
in the peer reviewed literature it was argued that SRI should not even be investigated,
that spending any resources on evaluating SRI would be a waste. Thus, researchers
were steered away from studying SRI, and donors were advised against funding such
studies. Further, there was a bias in some journals against publishing SRI papers...
This created a ‘Catch-22’ situation, where funding was needed to do proper
evaluations of the innovation, but funding for this was simultaneously discouraged
until evaluations had been done.
The statements from Uphoff and Thakur clearly indicate the prevalence of non-
scientific approach within the establishment of modern science about SRI and other
alternatives. It was observed in the interviews with scientists that they view the ‘claims of
SRI and other alternatives like organic farming as unverified claims having no scientific
bases. When it was probed whether they have arrived at these after scientific scrutiny, it was
stated that ‘our conviction tells us that higher yields are possible only through the BMPs
advocated by agronomists and any claims above these cannot be trusted’.
It was also observed that most of the scientists have an ‘opinion’ on alternative
technologies, including SRI, whose basis is no different from that of a lay person. What
prevents these scientists from disproving the claims of SRI scientifically? Many scientists
responded to this saying that the institution in which they are working has no such mandate
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although they are interested to do so. Even if someone is interested to take up, they are
apprehensive about the prospects of funding. It was a general feeling that if any proposal for
such research comes from top it is easy to get funds for research. Otherwise not many are
interested in risking their career in going about a research study which is not to the likening
of the head of the institution or division. Some of the scientists who have developed curiosity
for such alternate claims as SRI or organic farming expressed their inability due to the
‘culture of science’ in the agricultural research institutions. A young scientist observes that
‘for our career growth it is important for us to focus on research projects which can get
funding without much difficulty’. There is also a feeling that from time to time there is a shift
in the ‘popularity’ of research areas. Unfortunately, sometimes the ‘popular research areas’
are mooted by international research and other agencies and if the scientists at the top level
are convinced about them then funding would be channelled to such areas of research.
Continuing the probing, when it was asked, whether SRI would have greater acceptance for
research funding had it been pushed by international agencies and the response was
overwhelmingly confirmative.
However, despite these issues some scientists from research institutions worked from
the beginning on SRI and it may be said that their enthusiasm led to considerable scientific
scrutiny on SRI in India. However, each of their experience is a learning to know how the
culture of science operates in scientific institutions. It was observed that ‘extra-scientific’
factors play a significant role in research in the institutions of science. One of them is
personality orientation. ‘Persons at the top’ and their specializations and interests of research,
their convictions do matter in the research project initiations, approvals and support for
A favourable person at the top, external funding (international), a tie up with
renowned funding or collaborative agency, had been reported as the factors which influenced
the initial work of some scientists’ work on SRI. They all claim that because of their personal
conviction, they were enthused to try out SRI. Others suggested that the person at the top
introduced them into the new research area. How was the reaction of their colleagues? The
scientists recalled the scepticism about such projects. It was revealed that SRI was hotly
contested in the lobbies of these institutions, research seminars, funding board meetings, etc.
However, over a period this opposition to SRI weakened as the discussion on SRI became
intense in journals. Publication of findings in reputed journals has been one of the key factors
in moulding the attitude of peer group towards SRI. Apart from this, invitation to present
findings in international level and national level seminars was another factor that influenced
the opinion of peer group members on SRI.
A retired scientist who pursued rigorous research on SRI contends that he went about
giving doctoral research topics to his students on SRI even when there was strong opposition
to SRI in the academic circles. This observation points at the pressures of research that
operate in a research institution. It is important to withstand such pressures. He asserts that
because he was convinced about the science of SRI he could strongly argue for research on
SRI. Later on with huge funding from external sources, the credibility of research on SRI
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 53
among the peer group members was established. In a way it suggests that the acceptance of a
research concept among peer group members is dependent upon the fellowships offered to
students, funding from external sources etc. which in turn help in establishing the topic in
agricultural research centres. Surely taking up research topics that raise critical questions at
the dominant paradigm and still finding place in the agricultural research institutions is
nothing but inviting hurdles. SRI is a case in point here. As may be noted from the Basu and
Leeuwis (2012) statement, it is difficult for some of the alternate knowledge claims to make
to the scientific discourse.
The aim of the study was to understand the extent to which agricultural science in the
state funded agricultural institutions is responsive to the fast paced developments occurring in
the larger social milieu. If it is responsive, to what extent do the technological developments
taking shape outside the precincts of scientific institutions find place in the research agendas
of the agricultural researchers of these institutions. Also, how the institution of science i.e.
crop science research in this context, offers space for multiple approaches which strive to
enable farm security at the small and marginal holdings level. Based on these objectives, the
study was undertaken and embarked on mapping the culture of science that facilitate or
hinder agricultural research in the country.
The findings from the study suggest that there appears to be a general agreement in
the scientific community cutting across disciplines vis-a-vis the concerns of farmers in the
country. This is evident when the views are shared during the in-depth interviews and also as
presented in the survey analysis. However, there also appears to be certain epistemological
issues along with structural factors which make it difficult for the scientists to pursue research
on the alternate technologies. This is amply evident in the case study on SRI. Given the
normative framework within which agricultural science research is carried out, any
expectation of critical admission and also the pursuit of research in that direction will be
unrealistic. It is therefore believed that there is a need for reflexivity in agricultural sciences.
Based on the observations in the study it may be said that the agricultural scientific
community is not always against pursuing research in the areas of interest to small and
marginal farmers. However, it is admitted that the norms that govern research funding and
priorities set by the institutions often act as hurdles. For example, some scientists admit that
certain research questions they have in mind, how relevant they may be, given the space and
time, may not fit into the research mandates of the institutions. This raises the concerns on
science becoming dogmatic. Openness, flexibility, freedom with accountability may be the
need of the hour.
Farmers today are totally different from that of the green revolution era. The
demographic profile of farming community is fast changing. Present day farmers’ socio-
economic conditions, age, gender and disposition towards agriculture is completely different
from that of the farmers of green revolution period. It is a reality that as upper castes,
educated, young men in villages have distanced from agriculture, or disinclined to be
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 54
engaged in agriculture (Jodhka, 2012) new sections of farmers are emerging. The notions of
ideal farm or ideal farmer held by the agricultural scientist need to be revisited so as to devise
new research questions and problems.
From the point of view of politics of knowledge, it may be suggested that
technological developments arising out of agricultural institutions are privileged as against
the conventional/traditional knowledge. Also, the technological developments taking shape
outside the agricultural research institutions, however significant they may be, are seldom
researched or subjected to scientific scrutiny by the scientific community. Of course there
have been attempts in this direction but they have largely been isolated and individual efforts
which were received with great scepticism by the institutions (the case of SRI is an example).
Scientists from agricultural institutions often observe that the technologies developed outside
the institutions of science have no scientific validity. These technologies often were
rubbished without subjecting them to scientific scrutiny. Without any attempt to prove or
disprove the claims of technological developments, how these can be labelled as un-scientific
is the question. Also subjecting the claims of non-linear methods of science to linear
positivistic methodological tests may be incorrect.
A very preliminary understanding of the research problem reveals that there is a lack
of institutional thrust to focus on the alternatives to mainstream models of knowledge
generation in crop sciences. Empiricist, positivist methodologies dictate the standards of
merit of a practice, thus nullifying any innovation outside it. It is being felt that the
institutional response to it should be democratic, liberal, constructivist and inclusive.
Critical examination of scientific practices in agricultural sciences and the
institutional priorities involved in agricultural research has been attempted by social
scientists. Such attempts, however, have been confined to the ‘technological deterministic’
perspective. Presenting a comprehensive view on the engagement of social scientists with the
dynamics of agrarian relations across time Surinder Singh Jodhka (2012) observes that ‘mode
of production debate’ took centre stage during 1970s and early 1980s. He observes that
economic restructuring witnessed during 1990s ‘marginalised agriculture in the development
discourse on India’ (Jodhka, 2012). Also, attempts at understanding the scientific practices,
methodologies from a ‘social constructivist’ (MacKenzie and Wajcman 1999) point of view
have been missing. Democratization of science (Visvanathan, 2007) is the need of the hour
when the global agriculture is going to be controlled by few transnational corporations who
are equipped with ideology, policy and proprietary rights. As Visvanathan emphasizes,
democratization of science should be extended to include alternate sciences as well (ibid).
The pilot data would be used to develop a larger collaborative project with scientists
working in agricultural institutions and civil society organizations. It is also proposed to
approach the research funding agencies of social sciences and sciences for a larger project. It
is hoped to come out with publishable paper with critical insights from the data. The project
outcomes are believed to stimulate further research of the investigators and also the students
to take up doctoral study in the area.
UPE-II Research Projects- R-46, CRR & PKB-June 2013 55
The study was conducted within a timeframe which was insufficient is getting considerable
number of responses for the online survey. With great difficulty it was possible to convince a
small number of respondents completing the survey. It may be found from part A of the
results that the number responses declined from fifty to twenties as we move down the survey
questions. If we could get complete responses from a sizeable number of respondents data
might offer more plausible explanations.
This particular research project enabled us to explore issues of science which have been
either overlooked or escaped the attention for a long time. With the funding from UPE it was
possible to make a beginning on this topic. The funding enabled us to establish contacts and
develop a network of scientists working on similar themes, both in social sciences as well as
crop sciences.
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