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Classification of application reviews into software maintenance tasks using data mining techniques


Abstract and Figures

Mobile application reviews are considered a rich source of information for software engineers to provide a general understanding of user requirements and technical feedback to avoid main programming issues. Previous researches have used traditional data mining techniques to classify user reviews into several software maintenance tasks. In this paper, we aim to use associative classification (AC) algorithms to investigate the performance of different classifiers to classify reviews into several software maintenance tasks. Also, we proposed a new AC approach for review mining (ACRM). Review classification needs preprocessing steps to apply natural language preprocessing and text analysis. Also, we studied the influence of two feature selection techniques (information gain and chi-square) on classifiers. Association rules give a better understanding of users’ intent since they discover the hidden patterns in words and features that are related to one of the maintenance tasks, and present it as class association rules (CARs). For testing the classifiers, we used two datasets that classify reviews into four different maintenance tasks. Results show that the highest accuracy was achieved by AC algorithms for both datasets. ACRM has the highest precision, recall, F-score, and accuracy. Feature selection helps improving the classifiers’ performance significantly.
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Classification of application reviews into software
maintenance tasks using data mining techniques
Assem Al-Hawari
&Hassan Najadat
&Raed Shatnawi
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020
Mobile application reviews are considered a rich source of information for
software engineers to provide a general understanding of user requirements and
technical feedback to avoid main programming issues. Previous researches have
used traditional data mining techniques to classify user reviews into several
software maintenance tasks. In this paper, we aim to use associative classification
(AC) algorithms to investigate the performance of different classifiers to classify
reviews into several software maintenance tasks. Also, we proposed a new AC
approach for review mining (ACRM). Review classification needs preprocessing
steps to apply natural language preprocessing and text analysis. Also, we studied
the influence of two feature selection techniques (information gain and chi-
square) on classifiers. Association rules give a better understanding of users
intent since they discover the hidden patterns in words and features that are
related to one of the maintenance tasks, and present it as class association rules
(CARs). For testing the classifiers, we used two datasets that classify reviews into
four different maintenance tasks. Results show that the highest accuracy was
achieved by AC algorithms for both datasets. ACRM has the highest precision,
recall, F-score, and accuracy. Feature selection helps improving the classifiers
performance significantly.
Keywords Associative classification .Software reviews mining .Interesting measures
Software Quality Journal
*Raed Shatnawi
Assem Al-Hawari
Hassan Najadat
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
1 Introduction
User feedback and rating are very important for both users and developers and represent a rich
source of information. Users can rate an app from one to five stars and write a review about
their experience or problems faced during downloading, upgrading, or running the app.
Moreover, users can ask developers to enhance or add features. As we can see, these feedbacks
are very important for developers in respect to software engineering (SE) maintenance tasks to
improve their apps. We have a huge amount of user feedback as text reviews. Users add
reviews every day, which makes it very difficult to track all of these reviews. This is a
challenge faced by developers; some apps have tens of thousands of reviews. These reviews
are unstructured data and may contain numbers, symbols, or even informal language. Since
these reviews are written by the users, they have the freedom to write them in their way.
In addition, some reviews have only a few specific words that indicate user intention.
Furthermore, many reviews have no useful information for developers, for example: I hate
this appor this is a great app, love it.These reviews do not provide useful information for
developers. Other reviews like This is an ok app. I still love it. Not amazing but not terrible
gives a rating by words; even it has a rating from one to five stars as well. The emotional
sentiment in the reviews has a weak correlation with the numerical score (Martens and Johann
2017). For instance, a user may rate an application as five stars while another user may write
the same review and rate the app with three stars.
To get the benefits of user reviews, data mining techniques are used to extract the
knowledge that the developers are seeking. However, reviews are shorter than any other text
or document, so it needs special mining techniques such as classification and association rule
mining. Applying text classification or categorization to documents is easier than review
classification because documents contain more words related to a specific category, and that
makes the classification process easier. Reviews have few words, which make mining the
intention of the user harder. This paper aims to mine user reviews to extract knowledge that
can be used by developers in identifying maintenance tasks.
Classification algorithms and association rules mining techniques were used to mine app
reviews to extract different maintenance tasks; Martens et al. have classified reviews to four
maintenance tasks: bug reports, feature request, user experience, and rating (Martens and
Johann 2017). While Guzman et al. have proposed seven maintenance tasks: bug report,
feature strength, feature shortcoming, user request, praise, complaint, and usage scenario
(Guzman and El-Haliby 2015). In this paper, we evaluate classification approaches on two
datasets, each one of them has reviews belonging to four main maintenance tasks. The first
dataset has the following categories: bug reports or problem discovery, feature requests,
information giving, and information seeking (Panichella et al. n.d.). The second dataset has
the following categories: problem discovery, feature request, rating, and user experience,
which includes information that can help developers to maintain their software (Maalej et al.
2016). Many researchers have implemented a text classification using word vectors that are
extracted from reviews as features, and they used the natural language processing to build a
structured dataset as a first step, then they applied some traditional classifiers to mine the
In this paper, we use the same traditional classifiers that were used in previous studies (such
as NB, J48, SVM, GBT, and random forest (RF)), and we propose to use associative
classification (AC) algorithms (such as CBA, CBA2, CMAR, CPAR). We also experiment
with a new approach (ACRM) as an associative classification algorithm. ACRM depends on
Software Quality Journal
two main interesting measures (IMs), confidence and conviction, to extract the class associ-
ation rules (CARs).
The main problem addressed in this work is the user reviewsclassification. Reviews are a
short text, which contains few words. The frequency of words that belongs to the same type of
reviews is usually low, and that makes it challenging to achieve high accuracy with multiclass
classification. Datasets should be prepared by applying preprocessing procedures based on
NLP and text.
The main contribution is to find the best classifiers to classify user reviews into software
maintenance tasks. Other contributions include:
&Evaluate new classifiers that were not used before to classify reviews into maintenance
tasks such as the AC algorithms.
&Proposing the ACRM approach as a competitive AC algorithm.
&Discovering the influence of feature selection with several classifiers concerning classifi-
cation accuracy.
&Extracting CARs that help the developers with a better understanding of usersintent.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 shows an overview of data mining
techniques, data mining in software engineering, and text classification. Section 3 summarizes
the major tenets of the relevant literature in the field. Section 4 highlights the dataset
preparation and presents the newly proposed ACRM approach in detail. Section 5 presents
the experiments as well as the results and discussion. Section 6 discusses the threats to validity
for the experiments under study. Finally, the conclusion of the study is discussed in Section 7.
2 Background
This section presents an overview of the used data mining techniques.
2.1 Association rules
Association rules were introduced in (Agrawal et al. 1993) to discover the hidden patterns in
the transaction of market data, where one transaction is a set of items. Association rules are
focused on extracting the frequent pattern from data itemsets. The extracted rules from these
frequent itemsets depend on two thresholds factors, minimum support (minsup) and minimum
confidence (minconf). Two famous algorithms are used to extract frequent itemsets, the
Apriori (Agrawal and Srikant 1994) and the FP-Growth algorithm (Han et al. 2000).
2.2 Classification
Classification aims to find the category or the class of a new instance of data by building a
model of a classifier, which predicts the class label of that instance. A classifier is built using a
training dataset, where it reads all the observations from training instances that are already
classified to build a model and then apply them to any new coming instance (Umadevi and
Marseline 2017). Each algorithm has its way to read the training instances and build the
classifier. The learning process could be either eager or lazy learning, where lazy learning
stores training and waits until it is given a test instance, so it takes less time in the training
Software Quality Journal
phase and more time in classification or predicting process. The eager learning builds a
classifier from training data then applies the model to a new instance for classification, and
that causes more time in training and less time in predicting where it does not wait for test data
to learn.
In this paper, we are focusing on some well-known classification algorithms like decision
tree, naïve Bayes, k-nearest neighbor (KNN), gradient boosting trees (GBT), random forest
(RF), support vector machine (SVM), and AC algorithms.
2.3 Associative classification
In this paper, we use the same traditional classifiers that were used in previous studies (such as
NB, J48, SVM, GBT, and RF), and we propose to use associative classification (AC)
algorithms (such as CBA, CBA2, CMAR, CPAR). On the other hand, we experiment with
our approach ACRM as an associative classification algorithm, which depends on two main
interesting measures (IMs), confidence and conviction, to extract the class association rules
AC uses the rules extracted from frequent patterns to classify the unknown example into a
specific class label. Thus, we are looking for the rules that have a strong relationship between
the frequent items and the class label. Associative classification for reviews mining (ACRM)
integrates association rule discovery and classification to build a classifier for prediction.
Based on literature, AC algorithms extract competitive classifiers compared with traditional
classifiers (Thabtah 2007).
AC and ACRM algorithms employ the following to improve its accuracy and efficiency
over traditional classifiers:
(1) Construction approach: The AC algorithms build their classifiers from class association
rules by extracting all frequent patterns using Frequent Pattern Growth (FP-Growth),
which is used to produce a dense FP-Tree. All frequent patterns are represented in the FP-
Tree, which is smaller in size than the original dataset. Also, the construction of the FP-
Tree uses only two scans for the dataset. Then, the rules are extracted using a pattern
growth method. Only a subset of rules is selected based on the occurrences of the class
values in the right hand side of the rule. This mechanism does not exist in the traditional
classifiers, because the AC algorithms do not need to extract all rules. The memory
utilization requires less space in extraction frequent patterns than constructions of
traditional classifiers due to FP-Tree compact representation.
(2) Output rules: the output of AC algorithms is in if-then rules format. The rules are simple
and easy for the users to interpret rather than traditional classifier outputs. The updating
of the output rules does not require rebuilding the classifier from beginning which
happens in NB, J48, SVM, GBT, and RF. Also, all extracted rules are above or equal
minimum confidence, which contributes in gaining a high accuracy in the predication.
Also, AC algorithms avoid generating redundant rules.
2.3.1 CBA algorithm
Classification based on association rules (CBA) algorithm was proposed in (Bing et al. 1998).
CBA depends on the highest confidence rule to classify the new tuples where the first rule
Software Quality Journal
satisfying the tuple is used to classify it. Bing et al. proposed CBA-RG algorithm to generate
all CARs with rule pruning capabilities (Bing et al. 1998). CBA-RG uses the same procedures
of the Apriori algorithm. The only difference is that CBA-RG increments the support counts of
the set of items (X) of the CAR and the CAR rule separately, while the Apriori algorithm
updates only one count.
After rule generation, CBA builds its classifier from CARs, which is generated by CBA-
RG. CBA algorithm chooses rules with high precedence from all training datasets. A rule has
higher Xprecedence than Yif:
1- Conf(X) > b,
2- Conf(X) = conf(Y), but sup(X) > sup(Y),
3- Conf(X) = conf(Y), sup(X) = sup(Y), but X generated before Y.
where Conf(X) is the confidence value of item X, and Sup(X) is the support value of item X.
CBA applies three main procedures:
&Procedure 1: Sort the generated CARs based on the precedence order.
&Procedure 2: Selecting ordered rules for the classifier by selecting those rules, which cover
&Procedure 3: Discard those rules in the classifier that do not improve the accuracy of the
classifier, keep the rule with the lowest error rate, and discard others in the sequence.
2.3.2 CBA2 algorithm
CBA2 considers a new approach proposed in (Liu et al. 2001), where they improve the CBA
algorithm into CBA2. The previous CBA algorithm uses single minimum support in the CBA
RuleGenerator function, while CBA2 uses multiple minsup values according to class distri-
bution in the training dataset, other than that, both of them work similarly.
The value of each class (ci) minimum support (minsupi) is calculated from the frequency
distribution for each class (freqDistr(ci)) and the total minsup (t_minsup) which is given by the
user as shown in Eq. 1:
minsupi ¼tminsup freqDistr ci
ðÞ ð1Þ
By using this equation, the class with low frequencies will get a fair number of rules
comparing classes with high frequencies.
2.3.3 CMAR algorithm
Another type of associative classification algorithm is classification based on multiple associ-
ation rules (CMAR) (Li et al. 2001). There is a difference between CBA and CMAR; CBA
depends on one rule with the highest confidence to classify the tuple. CMAR uses the
weighted chi-square (Max χ2) method. CMAR follows a different way of extracting frequent
items and building classifiers. It applies the FP-Growth algorithm with a pruning strategy to
find the rules which are above minsup and minconf. The classification process in CMAR
depends on multiple rules. CMAR consumes less memory size and running time than CBA,
Software Quality Journal
but it is not always accurate than CBA. Both CBA and CMAR are more accurate than the
decision tree (Li et al. 2001).
2.3.4 CPAR algorithm
Classification based on predictive association rules (CPAR) was proposed in (Yin and Han
2003) and uses the Laplace Accuracy Method. CPAR was built to take advantage of both
associative classification and rule-based classification like C4.5, FOIL, and RIPPER. For
example, it generates less number of rules than CBA and more rules than C4.5, because
CBA generates rules using a greedy algorithm from the remaining dataset, so this rule is not
necessarily the best. CPAR chooses the closest rules to the best rule for each example.
2.4 Data mining in software engineering
Software engineering is the process of maintaining, designing, developing, and testing soft-
ware applications. It ensures that the software is built systematically, faultlessly, on schedule,
and on within budget (Ali 2017). There are several kinds of data available in software
engineering, such as graphs, facts, figures, and text. Developers need these data to achieve
software engineering goals such as finding and fixing bugs, documentation, mailing lists, cost
estimation, and source code (Periasamy and Mishbahulhuda 2017).
Software maintenance considers a crucial part of a software development lifecycle
(Brijendra and Shikha 2016). Developers depend on several sources related to software
engineering maintenance tasks. One of the most important sources of information is user
reviews, which help developers in the maintenance phase. User feedback and reviews consider
very rich texts with maintenance information. Developers need to know the perspective of the
user to see their software concerning software engineering maintenance tasks.
Researchers categorized software maintenance tasks in various ways. According to IEEE
international standards (ISO/IEC 14764 2006), software maintenance includes multiple pro-
cesses as follows:
(1) Process Implementation
(2) Problem and Modification Analysis
(3) Modification Implementation
(4) Maintenance Review/Acceptance
(5) Migration
(6) Retirement
In Problem and Modification Analysis process, software engineers analyze and classify the
modification request into two main categories: correction and enhancement. Each one of these
types is divided into two other maintenance tasks. Figure 1demonstrates maintenance tasks
according to the IEEE international standards (ISO/IEC 14764 2006).
As we can see from Fig. 1, the correction task is made to fix and solve problems and bugs in
the software and can be a preventive procedure when the developer knows the nature of the
bugs, or which part of the software holds the problems. Associative rules and classification
methods could help the developer to discover a specific pattern for these issues. The enhance-
ment task is either adaptive or perfective. The software needs to be usable and changeable to
meet the usersneeds. Developers need to know what features the user should request to make
Software Quality Journal
their software adaptive and perfective. According to these categories of software maintenance
tasks, researchers classified user reviews in various ways, but they intend to help developers to
understand and perceive user reviews and obtain the benefits of these reviews in the mainte-
nance process. We will present some of these researches and their review classification into
maintenance task categories.
Data mining techniques help developers to extract useful information from data available in
software engineering to enhance the developing process and software quality (Wang et al.
2017). The data mining tool is very effective for discovering the hidden patterns in SE data,
especially for text, where it can help developers to make decisions in any phase of testing or
designing their application. Also, they could know what kind of software defects and
weaknesses the application contains.
In (Yang and Liang 2015), user reviews were classified into two basic simple categories:
functional (FR) and non-functional requirements (NFR). Developers could extract meaningful
and practical requirements. Other researches in (Panichella et al. n.d.; Sorbo et al. 2016;
Panichella et al. 2016) used four main categories to classify user reviews into software
maintenance tasks. These categories are (1) information seeking, where the user wants to get
information or assistance from developers or other users, e.g., Iwanttoknowthathowtoadd
and delete text and pictures.(2) Information giving, when users inform the developers about
some characteristics of the application, e.g., Its simple the desktop app is great tooand Its
so useful and fast and I just love the dark theme.(3) Feature request, users in this kind of
reviews demand more features like adding a specific button to the interface or ask developers
to enhance some options. Usually, they suggest some ideas to enhance the functionality of the
software, e.g., If you add separate Tabs for video and photo well be very happy.(4)
Problem discovery, when users confronted some problems during the phase of installation and
updating. Also, users may discover bugs and issues while using the app, e.g., crashing issue
after the update i cant access this app anymore.
Maalej and Guzman classified user reviews into three categories: feedback about a feature,
feature request, and bug report (Guzman and Maalej 2014). Other researchers added a new
task called rating to include the reviews that reflect the rating of the app as words in the text. In
(Maalejetal.2016; Maalej and Nabil 2015), reviews are classified into four categories: feature
request, bug report, user experience, and rating. Reviews that are related to the user experience
category include the users opinion about the app. It expresses whether the review is negative
or positive and may include their feelings about the app.
From previous researches, we can conclude the following: the developer needs to keep
monitoring his software to provide a suitable maintenance process and necessary to consider
Modification Request
Types of
Fig. 1 Maintenance tasks according to IEEE International standards
Software Quality Journal
user reviews as the primary source of maintenance information. In this paper, we adopted two
types of researchersopinions concerning review classification. The first type is proposed in
(Panichella et al. n.d.; Sorbo et al. 2016; Panichella et al. 2016) and the second type is
proposed in (Maalej et al. 2016;MaalejandNabil2015),andweusedtwodatasets
representing these two types.
2.5 Text classification preprocessing
A user review is a short text written by the user in his way, so the text classification reviews
need some preprocessing to convert the unstructured data to structured data. In this section, we
will clarify text classification preprocessing techniques that are used to prepare the dataset for
the classification process.
Text preprocessing is a fundamental part of NLP and very necessary for text mining.
Reviews are unstructured data, incomplete, missing, and not organized. Many steps can be
applied to the text before classification; these steps should be done in the correct sequence to
produce the final input dataset into the classifier. Three main preprocessing steps used in text
classification are the following: tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming. All these
preprocessing steps aim to produce all words that exist in reviews as a matrix of word vectors
where every raw represents an independent review. After creating the text word vectors, we
can use many classification algorithms (Vijayan et al. 2017).
Word vectors contain the term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) score
(Gurusamy and Kannan 2014), which reflects the importance of the word in the document
between groups of multiple documents. tf-idf is calculated as shown in Eq. 2:
tfid t;d;DðÞ
¼tf t;dðÞ
*idf t;DðÞ ð2Þ
t(t,d) is a term frequency, which means how many times a term thas occurred in document d.
idf(t, D) (inverse document frequency) measures how the term tis significant in all documents
D. It is calculated by dividing the total number of documents Nby the number of documents
containing the term (dft), then taking the logarithm of the result, as shown in Eq. 3:
id t;DðÞ
¼log N
dft ð3Þ
The term which has a higher tf-idf in the document is the rarest and strongest term that
indicates the document damong all documents D. When a term is repeated in all documents, it
becomes less important as an indicator to a particular document. In this case, it will have a
lower tf-idf weight. Therefore, using the measured tf-idf provides the following benefits:
&Stop words have less influence on document classification since it occurs in most
&Extracting the words that have a strong indication of the document.
&Building a structured text from unstructured text, which helps researchers to use word
vectors of documents.
The first phase of preprocessing is tokenization, which is considered as a significant process in
lexical analysis. In this process, a sentence is divided into a sequence of individual words
where tokenization uses white spaces and punctuation marks to distinguish the words
Software Quality Journal
(Gurusamy and Kannan 2014). Then, we apply the stop words removal technique where all
common words that are meaningless are removed. These stop words are used to join sentences
or words. Also, the ones do not contribute to the document subject are removed, like and,
the,”“so,and always.Keeping the stop words will cause a lot of noise and an inaccurate
classification process in most cases (Ghag and Shah 2015).
The stemming phase is an essential part of preprocessing to find all these derivations that
belong to the same word. If stemming was not applied, word vectors will build a new column
for every derivation which reduces the frequency of the word and increases the dimension of
the dataset. For example, if a document has three derivations of requestword like
requesting,”“requested,and requesting,then word vectors will contain a column for each
one of these words. When stemming is applied, a new column of word vectors will be created
for requestwords including all its derivation. Many algorithms are used to apply stem, like
Table Lookup Approach, Successor Variety, N-Gram stemmers, and Affix Removal Stemmers
(Gurusamy and Kannan 2014). Stop words removal and stemming are important to reduce the
dimension of the dataset, and to get rid of data noises. In some text preprocessing, Bigram
extraction is applied, where every two sequenced words can be taken as one feature. Bigram
increases the dimension of the dataset (Ghag and Shah 2015).
3 Literature review
This section aims to give a general understanding of literature that studied the reviews to help
software engineers to understand usersintent and evaluate their apps according to user
Many researchers have analyzed app reviews to help developers discover maintenance
tasks and facilitate their job. Some researchers are interested in analyzing usersopinions and
usersemotions. Other studies are focused on reviews such as normal text and they used some
text classification methods but with different preprocessing techniques. Every app has feed-
back from users, but not all reviews are useful for software engineers. It is very important to
recognize these reviews as the authors in (Yang and Liang 2015) did. The authors in (Yang
and Liang 2015) have proposed a new approach to classify user reviews into functional and
non-functional reviews in respect to requirement information. They used NLP techniques and
extracted tf-idf values for words to build a regular expression as a classifier.
Ankit and Sunil in (Ankit and Sunil 2017) have presented a review paper about data mining
tools and techniques that can be used in software engineering areas. They tried to figure out the
software engineering areas, where the data mining techniques can be used. According to Ankit
and Sunil, several data sources can be mined using multiple mining techniques such as
documentation, source code, bug databases, mailing lists, and software repositories. Then,
they summarized the tools according to different categories, such as newly created tools,
developed prototypes, traditional data mining tools, implemented, and scripting tools. Also,
they associated these tools with software engineering data. For example, classification can be
used for documentation data, while clustering, classification, and text retrieval can be used for
source code data.
Other authors studied the emotions in the reviews to discover the correlation between
emotion and software nature (Martens and Johann 2017; Williams and Mahmoud 2017a;Li
et al. 2017). Martens et al. studied the emotional sentiment in user reviews and how useful for
software engineers (Martens and Johann 2017). They found a weak correlation between
Software Quality Journal
sentiments and user ratings, but when reviews are classified to maintenance tasks, the
sentiment becomes more influential and increases the classification accuracy. In (Williams
and Mahmoud 2017a), 1000 tweets were collected from software systems and were used to
classify the reviews into three categories of negative sentiment (bug report, frustrated with
update, and unsatisfied with update), and three categories for the positive sentiment (satisfac-
tion, anticipation, and excitement). NB, SVM, and SentiStrength were used to classify the
reviews. NB and SVM got a higher accuracy than SentiStrength. Li et al. studied the main
topics that are of interest to users like performance, battery, stability, usability, memory, price,
and security (Li et al. 2017). They created a dataset from 900 reviews that were extracted from
the Google play market and identified the topics of comparative reviews using wordstf-idf
values and some NLP techniques.
Many researchers studied review classification with respect to maintenance tasks. Different
maintenance tasks were used as a class label. Guzman et al. have classified user reviews into
seven categories (bug report, feature strength, feature shortcoming, user request, praise,
complaint, usage, and scenario) (Guzman and El-Haliby 2015). They used the ensemble of
four classifiers (NB, Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, and SVM). They found that neural
networks have achieved the best classification accuracy with a precision of 74%, recall of
59%, and F-measure of 64%. Williams and Mahmoud used NB and SVM to classify the
reviews into bugs, feature requests, and others (Williams and Mahmoud 2017b). They used the
wordstf-idf values in the classification process. Their dataset was extracted from tweets of
three applications (Minecraft, WhatsApp, and Snapchat). Ciurumelea et al. (Ciurumelea et al.
2018) have built a tool that classifies reviews based on pre-specified categories and provide
evidence of complaints in each category. The percentage of complaints helps the developers of
the app to prioritize the complaints of users. The authors in (Palomba et al. 2015;Palomba
et al. 2018) have studied the accommodation of user requests that are extracted from the
reviews of 100 Android apps. The work found that the developers accommodate the requests
and the ratings of apps increased as a result. The authors have proposed a tractability approach
from code changes to reviews. This tracking can be utilized to support release planning. In
addition, the authors have provided a tool, CRISTAL, which supports the findings of the
research. The tool helps development teams manage the changes that increase user satisfaction.
Bakiu and Guzman (Bakiu and Guzman 2017) have focused their research on finding user
reviews that give information about the usability and user experience of apps. The authors
extracted features from user reviews and then applied sentiment analysis and mapped the
discovered features to sentiments. The mapping helps in finding the user satisfaction of
features in the app. Villarroel et al. (Villarroel et al. 2016) built a tool to classify user
reviews into informative (e.g., bug, feature) and non-informative categories. The tool
also clusters related reviews for easy inclusion in the next release of the app. The
authors used random forest trees to classify user reviews and the DBSCAN for
clustering. The data consists of 1000 reviews from 200 Android apps. In Panichella
et al. (Panichella et al. n.d.), the authors have proposed a classification of app reviews
into maintenance and evolution categories using NLP, text analysis, and sentiment
analysis. The combination of these methods showed better results than an individual
technique in the classification of user reviews in five classifiers, J48, SVM, logistic
regression, naïve Bayes, and AdTree. The methodology was conducted on seven
Apple store and Google play apps. Zhou et al. (Zhou et al. 2020)haveproposed
an approach to classify, cluster, and link software reviews to app integration. The
approach allocates user reviews into clusters of similar user reviews.
Software Quality Journal
Authors in (Panichella et al. n.d.; Sorbo et al. 2016) have presented four main categories for
review classification: information giving, information seeking, bug reports, and feature re-
quests. They used NLP, text analysis, and sentiment analysis to prepare a dataset for classi-
fication. Sorbo et al. in (Sorbo et al. 2016) proposed the SURF approach, which classifies
reviews into their related topics besides the maintenance tasks. Many classifiers were used as
in (Panichella et al. n.d.) such as NB, SVM, logistic regression, J48, and AdTree. The authors
have conducted many experiments with variations in the training dataset and preprocessing
techniques. The experiments have resulted in different precision, recall, and F-measure values.
J48 was the best classifier with precision and recall of 75%, and 74%, respectively (using NLP,
text analysis, and sentiment analysis). They sampled 20% of the dataset as a training set.
Table 1shows the classification results of the classifiers used in (Panichella et al. n.d.)when
they used all the features that were extracted by NLP, sentiment analysis, and text analysis.
While Table 2shows the classification results for each maintenance task category obtained by
J48. We can notice that app users have a strong linguistic pattern when they write a review
about a bug or a problem because problem discovery has the highest recall. On the other hand,
feature request has a low F-measure value, which indicates that users ask for new features
using several ways, which makes it difficult to discover the linguistic pattern in these reviews.
Authors such as in (Maalej et al. 2016; Guzman and Maalej 2014; Maalej and Nabil 2015)
have classified user reviews into the following categories: bug report (or problem discovery),
feature request, user experience, and rating. They worked on the same dataset. Decision tree,
NB, and maximum entropy (MaxEnt) were used in (Maalej et al. 2016; Maalej and Nabil
2015). They used the NB classifier with different NLP techniques (bag of words (BOW), stop
words removal, lemmatization, star rating, tenses, and sentiment). Some experiments have
combined two or more of the previous techniques to find the best preprocessing technique with
the NB. They split the dataset into 70:30, i.e., 70% of the data was allocated for training set
with ten cross-validations. They applied two different classification methods: binary classifi-
cation and multiclass classification as shown in Table 3.
Table 3shows that the authors in (Maalej et al. 2016) have achieved good results with
binary classification. The reviews were classified into two classes (e.g., feature request, not
feature request). Whereas for the multiclass, the results were very poor because of the
imbalance in the dataset. The rating reviews are about 67% of the dataset. The average F-
measure value for the NB, decision tree, and MaxEnt were 0.53, 0.54, and 0.12, respectively.
In our study, we use the multiclass classification method after balancing the dataset, since we
study all types of reviews together.
In conclusion, review classification is different from one researcher to another in respect to
software maintenance tasks. Different techniques can be used for dataset preparation like NLP
techniques, sentiments, and text analysis. According to previous works, the best classifiers that
are used in review classification are NB and J48. In our study, we are using NB and J48 in all
Table 1 Classification results of Panichella et al. in (Panichella et al. n.d.)
Classifiers Precision Recall F-measure
NB 0.69 0.68 0.65
SVM 0.67 0.68 0.66
Logistic regression 0.45 0.42 0.43
J48 0.75 0.74 0.72
AdTree 0.79 0.72 0.67
Software Quality Journal
classification experiments. In addition, we will use associative classification algorithms to
classify user reviews into maintenance tasks. We will use two datasets in our experiments; the
first one was reported in (Panichella et al. n.d.) and the second dataset was reported in (Maalej
et al. 2016). In the next section, we will discuss both datasets in more detail.
4 Dataset preparation and methodology
4.1 Dataset preparation
In this paper, we used two datasets in our experiments. We chose these two datasets because
many researchers have used them with several classification algorithms and they are available.
Also, they contain several categories of software maintenance tasks that are suitable for
multiclass classification, and these categories are different in both datasets. This section will
show where these datasets are collected from and what dataset preprocessing phases are
applied. Moreover, this section highlights the problems and challenges encountered during
the dataset preparation.
4.1.1 Dataset collection and description
The first dataset was taken from (Panichella et al. n.d.) and collected by Panichella et al. We
obtained this dataset from Dr. Sebastiano Panichella via email. This dataset contains reviews of
the Angry Birds, Dropbox, and Evernote app, which were taken from ApplesAppStore;
other reviews were taken from Androids Google Play store such as Tripadvisor, PicsArt,
Pinterest, and WhatsApp. They created their truth dataset with 1390 reviews from all previ-
ously mentioned apps. They classified the reviews into four classes related to the software
maintenance task as shown in Table 4. We indicate to this dataset in this paper as Pan
Table 2 Results by category for the J48 algorithm from (Panichella et al. n.d.)
Classifiers Precision Recall F-measure
Feature request 0.70 0.22 0.34
Problem discovery 0.87 0.77 0.82
Information seeking 0.71 0.68 0.70
Information giving 0.68 0.90 0.78
Weighted average 0.75 0.74 0.72
Table 3 F-measures of the classifiers used by Maalej et al. in (Maalej et al. 2016)
Classifiers Classification method Bug report Feature request User experiment Rating Avg.
NB Binary 0.79 0.71 0.81 0.83 0.79
Multiclass 0.62 0.42 0.5 0.58 0.53
Decision tree Binary 0.73 0.68 0.78 0.78 0.72
Multiclass 0.62 0.47 0.53 0.54 0.54
Maximum entropy Binary 0.66 0.65 0.6 0.69 0.65
Multiclass 0.14 0.00 0.29 0.04 0.12
Software Quality Journal
This dataset comes as an Excel file, which consists of two attributes. The first one
represents the texts of the reviews, and the second attributes represent the class label as one
of the maintenance tasks categories. Also, there is another file related to this dataset, which
contains the linguistic patterns extracted from these reviews.
The second dataset is used in (Maalej et al. 2016) and prepared by Maalej et al. It is
available at the Hamburg University website, a direct link for this dataset can be found on
( The truth dataset contains 3691
reviews from different Googles app store and Apples app store. We indicate this dataset in
the paper as the maalej dataset.Table 5shows the classes of these reviews.
This dataset exists as an Excel file as well. But it has several attributes that represent
different data about the reviews. The first attribute represents the texts of the reviews, where
each review has the following attributes: review tasks (class) as a text, star rating score, and the
number of the past tenses, future, and present as a numerical data. Also, the sentiment score of
each review from one to five, and the number of words for each review as numerical data.
4.1.2 Dataset preprocessing
Using different text preprocessing techniques will create a different dataset, where different
words will form the final shape of a structured dataset. We applied different sequential
preprocessing steps for each dataset according to (Panichella et al. n.d.; Maalej et al. 2016),
and we follow the same preprocessing steps that applied in the previous works, to get the same
classification results for the classifier that were applied in these previous studies and compare it
with the performance of other classifiers as well. The two datasets have reported different
feature selection techniques, and therefore, we report all feature selections in (Panichella et al.
n.d.;Maalejetal.2016) to repeat the work and to test the use of other algorithms in addition to
the ones previously reported in (Panichella et al. n.d.;Maalejetal.2016).
Pan dataset Three main preprocessing steps were applied to this dataset as applied in
(Panichella et al. n.d.):
Table 4 Pan dataset reviews classes
Tasks (class) Review number
Feature request 192
Problem discovery 494
Information giving 603
Information seeking 101
Total 1390
Table 5 Maalej dataset review classes
Tasks (class) Review number
FR (feature request) 252
BR/PD (bug report/problem discovery) 370
UE (user experience) 607
RT (rating) 2461
total 3691
Software Quality Journal
&Text analysis (TA): In this phase, we applied stop word removal (using the English
standard stop word list), stemming using English Snowball Stemmer, tokenization, and
then weighting the resulting words by calculating tf-idf value for each word. The resulting
of this phase is a weighted word vector.
&Natural language processing (NLP): When users write their reviews, usually they follow
duplicate linguistic patterns. For example, when a user asks for a new feature, he says:
you should add a more options for font typesor please, it would be better if you make it
black.These two sentences have different syntax, but these two syntaxes may be repeated
from other users when they ask for new features or options. Therefore, it is very important
to discover and recognize the syntax of the sentence to get to know the users intent. We
can notice the following from the first sentence: youis subject, shouldis the auxiliary
of the main verb, addis the main verb for user intent, and font typesis a feature that
user desires. We applied a mapping process between these linguistic patterns and the
reviews to find the linguistic syntax for each review if it existed. The resulting of this phase
is the existential linguistic pattern in each review.
&Sentiment analysis (SA): Three sentiment analysis degrees were used: positive, negative,
and neutral. Sentiment analysis employs an important approach in the maintenance
requests. The author intentions can be exploited to help developers in discovering various
types of informative reviews. The user frequently includes negative words in the review to
expose to a problem related to the app, while using neutral words in the review refers to
asking for new features. In (Williams and Mahmoud 2017c), they used sentiment analysis
to classify the reviews into three categories of a negative sentiment (bug report, frustrated
with update, and unsatisfied with update) and other three categories for a positive
sentiment (satisfaction, anticipation, and excitement). In our work, RT reviews indicate
to how much users love or hate the app, so the following rules have appeared: (good),
(app, love), (awesome), (best), (better), (easy), (excellent). Some rules have a future verb
with great,”“good,and love.Other rules have specific sentiment score like
(future_range1, sentiScore_range8), (pastt_range1, sentiScore_range9), where scores 8
and 9 have highly positive sentiment.
We combined these three preprocessing techniques to produce the final structured dataset,
which is ready for the classification process. Figure 2depicts the preprocessing steps on
d Dataset)
Fig. 2 Preprocessing procedures on Pan dataset
Software Quality Journal
Maalej dataset We applied the same preprocessing steps that were applied in (Maalej et al.
2016), as follows:
&Natural language processing: This phase includes the following techniques: stop word
removal, stemming, and bigrams. tf-idf is calculated for the resulting words to produce a
word vectors matrix.
&Metadata: which contains the following features:
(1) Star rating from 1 to 5 which is given by the user.
(2) The number of tenses in each review, past, present, and future. The past tense in user
reviews is used for feature description or reporting. On the other hand, the future tense is
used for solving problems or suggests some case assumptions. We assume that tenses
that are used in reviews reflect in somehow the user intent.
(3) Sentiment strength: negative strength from 5to1 and positive strength from 1 to 5 are
also included in the dataset.
We applied the previous preprocessing steps on the Maalej dataset and combined all extracted
features into one dataset to be ready for the classification process.
4.2 Methodology
Our methodology is shown in Fig. 3; we apply different preprocessing techniques on both
datasets (Pan and Maalej dataset) to convert the reviews into a structured dataset. Then, we
train different classification algorithms using the KEEL software (Triguero et al. 2017)andthe
RapidMiner studio (Arunadevi et al. 2018;Mansetal.2014). We start with feature extraction
using some NLP techniques, and we use some traditional algorithms besides AC algorithms
for classification processes.
4.2.1 Feature selection
In the preprocessed phase, we extract all words and other features (sentiments score and
bigrams). The produced dataset contains poor features and effective features for the classifi-
cation process. For instance, some words exist only in one or two reviews. These words have
less influence from the words with five to ten frequency. The word vectors contain all the
words of the reviews, and that could produce a huge size of the dataset with thousands of
words depending on the length and the number of reviews.
We will apply the feature selection technique in some of our experiments using information
gain (IG) and chi-square. Several researchers used IG for features ranking and selection like
(Ding and Fu 2018;Zdravevskietal.2015; Alhaj et al. 2016; Pratiwi and Adiwijaya 2018;
Shen et al. 2017). To measure the relevance of attribute Xin class Y, we apply Eq. 4. (Pratiwi
and Adiwijaya 2018)
where H(Y) is calculated by Eq. 5. It represents the entropy of the class and H(Y/X)isthe
conditional entropy of class given attribute (Pratiwi and Adiwijaya 2018).
Software Quality Journal
Unstructured Data
Text Analysis
Weight ing (tf-
Bigram (Maalej
the results
Structured Data
(Final Features)
Fig. 3 The methodology followed in this study
Software Quality Journal
Chi-square measures the correlation between the feature fkand the class cias shown in Eq. 6.
(Vora and Yang 2017)
Chisquare fk;ciðÞ¼ NXDCYðÞ2
where Nis the total number of reviews. Xis the number of reviews in class cithat
contains the feature fk.Bis the number of reviews that contains the feature fkin other
classes. Cis the number of reviews in class cithat do not contain feature fk.Dis the
number of reviews that do not contain the feature fkin other classes. Each feature has
a score for each class as shown in Eq. 3, then all features are ranked according to
max (chi-square (fk,ci)).
4.2.2 The proposed approach: associative classification for reviews mining
We designed our proposed approach ACRM using RapidMiner. In this section, we will
discuss the approachs workflow and the differences between ACRM and other associative
classifications. Figure 4shows the workflow.
The following sub-processes represent ACRM approach:
(1) FP-Growth: After data preprocessing, we get a binomial dataset, then we apply
the FP-Growth algorithm on this dataset. The output of FP-Growth represents the
frequent itemsets of the training data, which will be used to generate the rules in
the next step. We should specify the minimum support value for the FP-Growth
based on chosen
CARs Extraction
using conf & conv Appl ying Rules on Text
Reviews (test set)
Rules generation
Fig. 4 ACRM workflow
Software Quality Journal
(2) Rules generation from the training dataset: In this step, we generate the rules according to
a specific confidence value from all the frequent itemsets.
(3) Applying rules to reviews text: In this sub-process, the extracted rules are tested against the
items that belong to a specific review from the test set. This process is considered as a
mapping between the rule and review items. For instance, the X, Y Z means if items
(words) in the LHS of the rule exist in reviews items, then the rule satisfies the review. Our
approach depends on two IMs to extract the rules. We chose the rules with maximum
confidence and maximum conviction values separately that satisfy each review. The rule
with high confidence is not necessary has the highest conviction value and that leads to
producing two different groups of rules according to confidence and conviction values.
(4) CARs extraction: In this process, we extract the rules that satisfy the following form (X,
Y..Zclass label) while the remaining are filtered out.
We tried many experiments for IMs as we will explain in section five. We found that using
confidence as a first measure then conviction gives us the best CARs for the classification
process. Therefore, confidence is more intuitive than the conviction in the case of generating
rules from reviews items. If we have two rules for a different class label and they have the
same confidence value, this will cause misleading in the classification process. However, if we
have other IM, we can use it to determine the class label of that review. The following
pseudocode represents this sub-process:
For each review
For each group of rules with the same class label that satisfy the review.
Find rule with maximum conf and rule with maximum conviction.
End for
End for
(5) Classification Process using extracted CARs: We build the classifier from CARs,
which is calculated from the confidence measure where CAR with maximum confi-
dence classifies the rule to its class label; if two CARs have the same value, we use
conviction value.
Comparing AC algorithms with ACRM Table 6illustrates the major differences between AC
algorithms in respect to interesting measures (IMs) and the algorithms that are used to produce
frequent itemsets.
Table 6 AC algorithm comparison
AC algorithms Frequent items IMs
ACRM FP-Growth Confidence, conviction
CBA Apriori Support, confidence (Bing et al. 1998)
CBA2 Apriori Support, confidence (Liu et al. 2001)
CMAR FP-Growth Chi-square test (χ2) (Li et al. 2001)
CPAR Generates rules directly, using FOIL algorithm Laplace (Yin and Han 2003)
Software Quality Journal
ACRM has the following specifications:
(a) It uses the FP-Growth algorithm, which is more efficient and less time consuming than
the Apriori algorithm (Dharmaraajan and Dorairangaswamy 2016).
(b) It uses confidence and conviction to build the classifier, but it gives the priority to
confidence to adopt the CARs for the classification process.
5 Experiments and results
The purpose of this study is to find the best classifiers to classify user reviews into software
maintenance tasks and to propose the ACRM approach. We conduct several experiments with
different classifiers.
5.1 Choosing minimum support value
Minimum support is a parameter that is used to generate the frequent itemsets. When the minsup
value is too low, we will get a huge number of meaningless frequent itemsets and that leads to
building many CARs. On the other hand, low minsup requires a long execution time. If the minsup
value is too high, few rules will satisfy the review (Bai et al. 2018). From the former idea, choosing
minimum support value depends on the nature of the frequency of the items. In this study, reviews
are short text, which usually contain a specific number of words. Therefore, the probability for
repeating a specific word in the same review or other reviews is not usually high. The minimum
support value for reviews dataset should be lower than news articles and documents, which have
more repeated words.
To know the proper minsup value for the reviews dataset, we run the ACRM approach with Pan
dataset using different minsup values. For each value, we apply ten cross-validations. From Fig. 5,
we notice that if we increase the minsup above 0.0125, the accuracy will go down. If we decrease
minsup under 0.007, the number of frequent items will decrease and the accuracy will go down as
well. Generally, the minimum support value that is suitable for the review text is very low. The best
minsup = [0.0070.0125] because the frequencies of the important terms are usually low in app
reviews. Therefore, we use minsup = 0.01 with all associative classification algorithms used in the
5.2 Choosing K value of the KNN algorithm
KNN algorithms need to specify Kvalue. We apply KNN several times on Pan dataset K=(130),
with ten cross-validations for each Kvalue. Figure 6shows the classification accuracy of KNN with
multiple Kvalues. When the Kvalue is bigger than 14, the accuracy decreases. In contrast, the best
value is 11 when KNN gives the best accuracy. It is extremely fundamental to find the best Kvalue
because the KNN algorithm searches the training set to find the kclosest examples to the unclassified
example, and then it classifies the unknown example by a majority vote of the closest neighbors
class label. We use the Euclidian distance to calculate the similarity between the new example and its
neighbors. Hence, we are using K= 11 in all our experiments.
Software Quality Journal
5.3 What are the best interesting measures used in ACRM approach
This experiment aims to find the most suitable interesting measures (IMs) for reviews
classification that will be used in our approach. We need two IMs to run ACRM, so
we try different IMs (confidence, conviction, Laplace, lift) on Pan dataset as shown in
Table 7. We notice that there are some results close to each other. Overall, the best
results were when we use confidence and conviction. Using conf-conviction couple
has the best F-score and accuracy (0.771, 0.791), respectively. Hence, in all our
experiments, we use confidence and conviction for review classification.
Fig. 5 Accuracy based on multiple minsup values
Fig. 6 KNN accuracy based on multiple kvalues
Software Quality Journal
5.4 PAN dataset
5.4.1 Classification with all features
Table 8presents the classification results using precision, recall for each software maintenance
task. In addition, we use the overall precision, recall, F-score, and accuracy of all classifiers
used in this experiment. The preprocessing phase produces 1900 features.
We notice that NB, KNN, and RF have the lowest overall F-score. NB gives a good result
when the dependency degree is high between the elements. In this experiment, NB was used
for review classification and reviews have a low dependency between its words. In addition,
important words that belong to the same type of reviews have a low frequency as well, so NB
gave low F-score results. While KNN depends on the closest neighbors for classification, it
faces difficulty in similarity calculation between the items of the reviews, where most tf-idf
values for most words are low and the dimension of the dataset is big.
CPAR, ACRM, and GBT have the highest F-score value of all. CPAR has the highest F-
score with 0.795, while the ACRM approach has the highest accuracy with 0.791. Figure 7
shows the average performance of all classifiers. We notice that the associative classifiers have
a better performance with respect to precision. ACRM and CPAR generate strong rules that
discover the hidden patterns between the items, and these rules were more influential in the
Table 7 ACRM with multiple IMs
IMs Precision Recall F-score Accuracy
Conf-conviction 0.806 0.745 0.774 0.791
Conf-Laplace 0.806 0.741 0.772 0.788
Conf-lift 0.805 0.742 0.772 0.792
Conviction-conf 0.784 0.771 0.777 0.788
Conviction-Laplace 0.800 0.750 0.774 0.788
Conviction-lift 0.799 0.751 0.774 0.789
Lift-conf 0.646 0.630 0.638 0.657
Laplace-conf 0.810 0.736 0.771 0.791
Laplace-conviction 0.803 0.741 0.772 0.793
Laplace-lift 0.803 0.741 0.771 0.795
Table 8 Classification of reviews using all features (Pan dataset)
Classifier FR IGv IS PD Mean F-score ACC
Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec
J48 0.70 0.67 0.77 0.79 0.71 0.72 0.83 0.81 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.77
NB 0.46 0.61 0.64 0.55 0.85 0.17 0.58 0.71 0.63 0.51 0.56 0.58
KNN 0.41 0.19 0.58 0.74 0.57 0.45 0.66 0.62 0.56 0.50 0.53 0.59
ACRM 0.70 0.64 0.82 0.77 0.92 0.66 0.78 0.92 0.81 0.75 0.78 0.79
CBA 0.76 0.58 0.74 0.83 0.83 0.24 0.80 0.90 0.78 0.64 0.70 0.77
CBA 2 0.69 0.74 0.80 0.79 0.61 0.33 0.81 0.88 0.73 0.68 0.70 0.78
CPAR 0.77 0.58 0.80 0.89 0.81 0.78 0.95 0.60 0.81 0.78 0.80 0.77
CMAR 0.92 0.36 0.57 0.96 0.50 0.03 0.95 0.60 0.73 0.49 0.59 0.67
SVM 0.84 0.53 0.70 0.85 0.71 0.32 0.78 0.79 0.76 0.62 0.68 0.74
GBT 0.82 0.55 0.72 0.90 0.85 0.74 0.90 0.78 0.82 0.74 0.78 0.79
RF 0.25 0.01 0.44 0.99 0.25 0.01 0.91 0.11 0.46 0.28 0.35 0.46
Software Quality Journal
classification process than the rules generated by J48. J48 has higher precision, recall, F-score,
and accuracy than CMAR, KNN, and NB. CBA and CMAR have a large difference between
precision and recall. GBT has the highest precision value of all with 0.833, then come CPAR
and ACRM, which have precision value with 0.8144 and 0.8057, respectively. GBT has lower
recall value than CPAR, ACRM, and ACRM, so it has less ability to mark the true reviews
into its correct class. RF was the worse classifier in this experiment.
&FR: Feature request reviews have the highest precision with CMAR (0.92), but it has a low
recall value (0.36). This means that among the reviews that are labeled as feature requests,
92% of them are true feature requests. But all reviews that are truly feature request, only
36% of them are labeled as feature requests. So CMAR has less ability to predict the actual
feature requests. We have five classifiers that have precision above 0.75 and they are CBA,
CMAR, CPAR, SVM, and GBT. In addition, four classifiers have a recall value above
0.60 and they are ACRM, J48, NB, and CPAR. The other classifiers have a weak
classification of the true FR reviews as FR reviews. In general, there is an imbalance
between precision value and the recall value for all classifiers. Recall values for all
classifiers except CBA2 were very low; this means that users can ask developers for
new features in several different patterns, making it difficult to recognize the common
patterns. Also, this result can be explained by the low number of feature requests in the
&IGv: Information giving reviews have the highest precision with ACRM (0.822), where it
has a good recall value with 0.774. ACRM has a good balance between the precision and
recall values, which makes it a decent classifier to predict IGv reviews. While CMAR has
the highest recall with 0.964, but it has a low precision value with 0.568. RF has the lowest
value of all.
&IS: Information seeking reviews have the highest precision with ACRM (0.91). The next
highest precision is for GBT with 0.85 and NB with 0.85 as well. CPAR has the highest
recall value with 0.78. GBT and J48 come after with 0.74 and 0.72, respectively, while the
rest have recall under 0.50.
&PD: problem discovery (bugs report) reviews have the highest precision with CMAR
(0.9466), but CMAR has the lowest recall with 0.60. ACRM has the highest recall with
All features
Pre Rec F-score ACC
Fig. 7 Average performance for all classifiers (Pan dataset)
Software Quality Journal
0.918; this means from all reviews that are truly PD reviews, about 92% of them were
labeled as PD reviews. The CARs generated by ACRM could discover the recurrent
patterns that users are following when they write a review about a bug or a problem.
In conclusion, we notice from the previous analysis that ACRM, CPAR, and GBT are the
best classifiers for this experiment, where ACRM has the highest accuracy with 0.791, and
GBT has the highest precision. The worst classifier was FR, NB, and KNN.
We conduct this experiment with the same preprocessing steps that were applied in (Panichella
et al. n.d.). We combined the features from text analysis (stop word removal and stemming),
sentiment analysis, and NLP (linguistic patterns). We will compare the results of this experiment
with the results of the best classifiers in (Panichella et al. n.d.), i.e., J48. Table 9shows the precision
and recall values for J48 in (Panichella et al. n.d.), where it has used different sizes of the training set
(20%, 40%, and 60%) with ten cross-validations, and combining the three text preprocessing
techniques (text analysis, sentiment, and NLP). The performance results in our experiment with
J48 are relatively close to the ones with the same preprocessing steps (pre = 0.75, rec = 0.748).
ACRM and CPAR achieve better performance than J48.
5.4.2 Classification using feature selection
In this experiment, we discuss the impact of the feature selection techniques on reviews
classification. We applied feature selection to keep the strong features that carry influence on
the classification process. We applied two feature selection techniques, we used information
gain (IG) and chi-square. We extracted the top 10% features after applying feature selection.
Feature selection using information gain Feature selection aims to observe classifiers
behavior after removing inefficient words and features. Table 10 shows the classifi-
cation results when applying the IG feature selection. We notice that CPAR, ACRM,
and GBT have the highest F-score with 0.799, 0.785, and 0.766, where the accuracy
was 0.802, 0.797, and 0.796 respectively. ACRM, CPAR, and GBT have close F-
score and accuracy values, but they have different precision and recall at classes
level. They have the highest values even after the feature selection process. J48 comes
next with F-score (0.759) and accuracy (0.777). CBA, CBA2, CMAR, and RF have
high precision and low recall (same behavior even without feature selection). AC
algorithms have the best precision among the classifiers, which means they have a
strong ability to predict the correct class.
From Table 8, we see that NB and KNN have noticeable improvements. For instance, NB
F-score was 0.564 when all the features existed; F-score rises to 0.718 with feature selection,
because feature selection removes the weak features that are independent of each other; and
this serves the way how the NB algorithm works. Feature selection with the use of IG also
improves the performance of the precision value for all classifiers. This means using feature selection
Table 9 Performance results of J48 in the related work
Training set size Pre Rec
J48-20 0.752 0.742
J48-40 0.743 0.721
J48-60 0.743 0.721
Software Quality Journal
reduces false-positive reviews. RF has an interesting improvement with precision value after the
feature selection was applied, where it grows from 0.46 to 0.83. Associative classification algorithms
are less affected by noise in the dataset; words and features that are not related to reviews do not
influence AC algorithms, especially, ACRM and CPAR. Associative classification algorithms
depend on the most influential rules to build the classifiers while RF, KNN, and NB, depend on
all features in the classification process, so it is necessary to apply feature selection techniques when
we use them in the reviewsclassification process.
Feature selection using chi-square Table 11 represents the classification results for all classi-
fiers when we use the chi-square as a feature selection technique. CPAR and ACRM have the
highest F-score with 0.787 and 0.777 and accuracy with 0.787 and 0.788, respectively. GBT comes
next with F-score (0.767) and accuracy (0.77).
Using IG and chi-square enhances the classification performance, but IG gives a higher
performance in most cases, as it is shown in Fig. 8. The median value of the F-score after
applying the chi-square selection is higher and shows better values.
Overall, feature selection improves the performance of classifiers, as shown in Fig. 8,wheremost
of the inefficient features that are considered as outliers were removed from the dataset. Feature
selection shows improvements on the median of the F-score as shown in the boxplots. To confirm
the findings, we have conducted a Wilcoxon signed-rank test to find the significance and the effect
(Cliffs delta) of the improvements when feature selection is used to improve the prediction models
(Cliff 1993). Table 12 shows the comparison between two models, before and after the feature
selection technique. The significance values (i.e., pvalue) that are less than 0.05 show that the
differences are statistically significant. Therefore, from the results in Table 12, we notice significant
improvements when feature selection is used on software review classification. Cliffs delta shows
the effect of the differences. The minus values are showing the direction in favor of feature selection
over using all features. The delta values that are different from 0 show a large effect. We can notice
that the IG feature selection has more effect than the chi-square method.
We can summarize our findings from the experiments on the Pan dataset as follows:
&The F-score and the accuracy of software maintenance tasks are not dominant for a
particular task; some classifiers give good classification for specific kinds of reviews,
but it is not necessary to be the best one for others.
Table 10 Classification results using IG (Pan dataset)
Classifier FR IGv IS PD Mean F-score ACC
Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec
J48 0.69 0.66 0.77 0.79 0.78 0.74 0.83 0.83 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.78
NB 0.81 0.79 0.58 0.84 0.65 0.58 0.86 0.65 0.72 0.71 0.72 0.72
KNN 0.82 0.30 0.62 0.90 0.62 0.69 0.81 0.59 0.72 0.62 0.66 0.68
ACRM 0.70 0.66 0.84 0.78 0.91 0.68 0.79 0.92 0.81 0.76 0.79 0.80
CBA 0.76 0.59 0.73 0.83 0.92 0.23 0.81 0.89 0.80 0.64 0.71 0.77
CBA 2 0.74 0.77 0.79 0.80 0.85 0.29 0.81 0.90 0.80 0.69 0.74 0.79
CPAR 0.81 0.59 0.78 0.89 0.83 0.77 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.77 0.80 0.80
CMAR 0.87 0.52 0.63 0.95 0.86 0.31 0.94 0.66 0.82 0.61 0.70 0.73
SVM 0.84 0.51 0.64 0.96 0.75 0.40 0.93 0.64 0.79 0.62 0.70 0.73
GBT 0.83 0.46 0.67 0.94 0.92 0.71 0.93 0.72 0.84 0.71 0.77 0.80
RF 0.97 0.19 0.54 0.98 0.88 0.21 0.94 0.52 0.83 0.48 0.61 0.64
Software Quality Journal
Table 11 Classification results when using chi-square (Pan dataset)
Classifier FR IGv IS PD Mean F-score ACC
Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec
J48 0.6719 0.6898 0.7809 0.7708 0.74 0.7551 0.8235 0.8235 0.7541 0.7598 0.7569 0.776
NB 0.6569 0.6979 0.7541 0.603 0.5294 0.63 0.6564 0.7692 0.6492 0.675 0.6619 0.6764
KNN 0.8293 0.3542 0.6029 0.9326 0.8679 0.46 0.8371 0.5814 0.7843 0.582 0.6682 0.6853
ACRM 0.6633 0.6806 0.8455 0.749 0.8846 0.69 0.7853 0.9227 0.7947 0.7606 0.7773 0.7878
CBA 0.7838 0.6042 0.7425 0.8315 0.8519 0.23 0.804 0.9005 0.7955 0.6415 0.7103 0.7738
CBA 2 0.6943 0.6979 0.7835 0.7996 0.8286 0.29 0.8061 0.9027 0.7781 0.6726 0.7215 0.7801
CPAR 0.75 0.5714 0.7614 0.8671 0.8652 0.7857 0.8684 0.8326 0.8113 0.7642 0.787 0.7872
CMAR 0.8462 0.5156 0.6311 0.9419 0.825 0.33 0.9331 0.6629 0.8088 0.6126 0.6972 0.732
SVM 0.780 0.427 0.600 0.97 0.886 0.39 0.956 0.547 0.806 0.584 0.6776 0.69
GBT 0.8272 0.4739 0.678 0.93 0.922 0.71 0.919 0.723 0.8367 0.709 0.7679 0.77
RF 0.9333 0.145 0.537 0.971 0.952 0.2 0.944 0.5384 0.8419 0.4640 0.5983 0.6348
Software Quality Journal
&AC algorithms have a better average performance than J48, KNN, RF, SVM, and NB.
&ACRM, CPAR, and GBT have the highest performance in all the experiments.
&ACRM has the strongest balancing between the precision and recall values.
&Feature selection improves the performance of the classifiers, where NB and KNN have a
significant improvement. Associative classification algorithms have resulted in a little improve-
ment because they are less affected by inefficient features,andtheydependonthestrongestrules
in the classification process.
&Feature selection using IG improves the precision value for all classifiers.
&IG feature selection is better than chi-square for reviewsclassification.
5.4.3 Rules for review classification
We have found the following rules of importance to users:
&IGv reviews express usersopinions about some app characteristics. Some couple of
words, when coming together within a review, indicate to be an IGv review (LHS of the
CARs) like (need, find), (recommend, high), (idea, great), and (need, when). So these sets
of words are considered to be the LHS of the rules alongside IGv as the RHS of the rule.
&FR reviews have strong words that are related to improving the app and request features,
such as the pairs (would, able), (please, add), (would, better), (add, option), (app, feature),
(app, wish), and (improve). We notice that these words express user intent for feature
request; for instance, when a user uses wishthus mean he has a request for an option.
Fig. 8 Classifier performance before and after feature selection
Table 12 The Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and the Cliffs delta values before and after IG feature selection
F-score Accuracy
All-IG All-ch_sq All-IG All-ch_sq
Z2.49 1.87 1.60 2.58
pvalue (2-tailed) 0.01 0.06 0.11 0.01
Cliffsdelta 0.27 0.16 0.26 0.13
Software Quality Journal
&PD reviews usually indicate something wrong that is occurring about using the app. The
strongest CARs have words and couples like (crash) (crash, app), (fix), (please fix)
(update, when), (problem), (issue), (bug). We notice when pleasecome with fix
indicate to PD, but if it comes with addindicate to FR. When a word like (load) comes
with PD rules, this means many of PD reviews have loading issues.
&IS reviews usually appear with question words, like (why, what, how), because user intent
is obtaining information and clarifications about some features or characteristics. In
addition, it has a syntax pattern like ([something] results|app).
5.5 Maalej dataset
The Maalej dataset has a big difference between the numbers of classes, as shown in Table 5.
We have 2461 out of 3691 reviews that belong to rating reviews which represent around 67%
of the dataset. The rest of the dataset represents the reviews that belong to three classes. Rating
reviews are the least important reviews to study because these reviews demonstrate the users
love or hate for the review. The minority classes (FR, PD, and UE) are the most demanding.
Maalej et al.s experiments depend on the binary classification to analyze reviews because the
multiclass classification grants poor results, and that returns to the majority class, which is a
rating class (Maalej et al. 2016).
In our study, we use this dataset to find the performance of the classifiers with a variety of
software maintenance tasks using multiclass classification. We will balance the dataset
according to the minority class, which is the feature request class. We will take 252 reviews
from each class randomly and create a balanced dataset for multiclass classification. Then, we
can compare the algorithms according to review multiclass classifications.
In this section, we discuss the impact of the bigram feature as a preprocessing step. Hence,
we apply three experiments, one without including bigram features in the preprocessing phase
and the other two experiments with bigram features (the top 10% and 20% of the selected
features). Since using the bigram feature produces a large number of features (every two-
sequence words as one feature), we need to apply feature selection to reduce the noise in the
5.5.1 Classification without bigram features and feature selection
In this experiment, we exclude the bigram feature, i.e., the word vectors that have single words
only. After we applied preprocessing procedures, we get 2008 features for the classification
process. Table 13 represents the classification results using precision and recall for each
classifier. In addition, we report the precision, recall, F-score, and accuracy of all classifiers.
ACRM has the highest mean precision, recall, F-score, and accuracy (0.7746, 0.773,
0.7737, 0.7729), respectively. In other words, ACRM has the least number of false-positive
and false-negative reviews. Thus, 77.4% of all reviews of a predicted specific label are
classified correctly and 77.3% of the true reviews are classified into its correct class. Also, it
generates rules that are more influential in the classification process than the rules generated
from other AC algorithms. CPAR has F-score close to ACRM with 0.7706 but with low
accuracy (0.724). RF comes the second with an accuracy value of 0.744 and comes third with
precision value. KNN, NB, SVM, and J48 have the lowest performance results as shown in
Software Quality Journal
Table 13 Classification results of reviews using all features (Maalej dataset)
Classifier PD RT FR UE Mean F-score ACC
Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec Pre Rec
J48 0.5714 0.7778 0.7395 0.631 0.7771 0.5119 0.6972 0.7857 0.6963 0.6766 0.6863 0.6767
NB 0.5083 0.6071 0.5806 0.5 0.4786 0.4881 0.6781 0.627 0.5614 0.5556 0.5585 0.5555
KNN 0.4025 0.377 0.6033 0.5794 0.3333 0.3294 0.5267 0.5873 0.4665 0.4683 0.4674 0.4683
ACRM 0.7778 0.7778 0.8297 0.754 0.7611 0.6825 0.795 0.877 0.7746 0.7728 0.7737 0.7729
CBA 0.6643 0.754 0.7051 0.6548 0.7054 0.6746 0.7247 0.7103 0.6999 0.6984 0.6991 0.6988
CBA 2 0.6572 0.7381 0.7033 0.6865 0.6818 0.6548 0.7511 0.7063 0.6983 0.6964 0.6973 0.6968
CPAR 0.7066 0.737 0.8053 0.7811 0.7746 0.6846 0.797 0.8797 0.7709 0.7706 0.7707 0.7241
CMAR 0.6421 0.7805 0.7944 0.6217 0.7205 0.6818 0.7679 0.8018 0.7313 0.7215 0.7264 0.6769
SVM 0.7038 0.5753 0.5141 0.7936 0.619 0.464 0.776 0.6904 0.65346 0.6309 0.642 0.6309
GBT 0.638 0.7976 0.6422 0.833 0.8106 0.5436 0.898 0.7023 0.7473 0.7192 0.733 0.7193
RF 0.7218 0.7619 0.7716 0.6706 0.6474 0.71428 0.853 0.8293 0.7485 0.74404 0.7462 0.7441
Software Quality Journal
Fig. 9. CMAR has a higher F-score value than CBA and CBA2, while CBA and CBA2 have
higher accuracy than CMAR.
The results of the classification in the four classes of reviews are provided as follows:
&PD: ACRM has the best precision with 0.7778, while GBT has the best recall with 0.796
but low precision with 0.638, then ACRM and J48 come next with 0.7778. ACRM is the
best classifier to detect the problem discovery reviews, where precision and recall are
balanced and high.
&RT: ACRM has the highest precision value with 0.8297, and it has a recall value of 0.754.
GBT has the highest recall value with 0.833, and it has a precision value of 0.642. This
means ACRM has the least number of false-positive RT reviews, and GBT has the least
number of false-negative reviews. ACRM is the best classifier to detect the problem
discovery reviews, where precision and recall are balanced and high.
&FR: GBT has the highest precision value with 0.81, but low recall value with 0.543; so
GBT has the least number of false-positive FR reviews. RF has the highest recall with
0.741. CPAR, ACRM, and CMAR come next recall values (0.6846, 0.6825, and 0.681)
&UE: CPAR and ACRM have the highest recall value with 0.877 and 0.879, respectively,
and they have precision values of 0.795 and 0.797. Thus, CPAR and ACRM are the best to
predict the actual UE reviews. GBT and RF have the highest precision value with 0.898
and 0.853; thus, GBT and RF have the least number of false-positive FR reviews.
In conclusion, we notice from the previous analysis that ACRM has the strongest balancing
between the precision and recall values, which makes it get the highest main of precision,
recall, F-score, and accuracy. The worst classifier was NB and KNN in this experiment.
5.5.2 Classification with bigram features
We get 10,122 features when we extract bigram features from all reviews in the
preprocessing phase. This huge number of features includes many inefficient features.
All features
Pre Rec F-score ACC
Fig. 9 The average performance for all classifiers (Maalej dataset)
Software Quality Journal
In the preprocessing phase, all words and features from text analysis are included in
the word vectors matrix, even the inefficient words that have a frequency equal to one
or two in all reviews. We apply two experiments on this dataset with the extraction of
bigram features, where we use feature selection based on IG with using the top 10%
features and the top 20% features. Tables 14 and 15 represent the classification
performance for all classifiers according to precision, recall, F-score, and accuracy
with the top 20% and top 10% features. We exclude the CMAR algorithm since it
takes a very long execution time compared with all other classifiers.
ACRM, NB, and RF have the best accuracy and F-score values with (0.762,
0.7699, 0.766), (0.7643, 0.7629, 0.766), respectively. NB has the highest accuracy
when we are using bigram features in the processed dataset with the top 20%. The
performance of NB has improved noticeably. For instance, the F-score value has
increased from 0.5585 to 0.7699. This is because the linguistic patterns become more
obvious when we take every two sequenced words together as one feature, and that
increases the dependency between the features, and that increases the ability of NB to
be more accurate when calculating the probability of dependency between the fea-
tures. KNN is still the worst, and there are no improvements. CPAR has the highest
F-score (0.7773) but with low accuracy (0.7164).
ACRM, RF, and NB have the highest precision, recall, F-score, and accuracy. ACRM is
considered the best classifier when we add bigram features with the top 10%. At the same time,
NB shows improvement from 0.5585 to 0.7678. KNN is still the worst, and there are no
To conclude all classifiersperformance, we present a boxplot of the performance
of the classifiers according to F-score in three cases (without bigram feature, with
bigram (top 20%), and with bigram (top 10%) as shown in Fig. 10). The median
values for each set of classifiers show better results with bigram features (20% and
10%). The distribution of the classifier values is very wide without bigram. The
classifiers are more consistent when used with bigram features than otherwise. To
confirm the findings, we conducted a Wilcoxon signed-rank test to find the signifi-
cance and the effect (Cliffs delta) of the improvements when bigram features are
used to improve the prediction models. Table 16 shows the comparisons between two
models, with and without a bigram feature. The significance values that are less than
0.05 show that the differences are statistically significant. Therefore, we notice
significant improvements when feature selection is used on software review
Table 14 Classification results for the top 20% of the selected features using bigram features
Classifier Precision Recall F-score ACC
J48 0.7051 0.6875 0.6962 0.6875
NB 0.7777 0.7698 0.7737 0.7699
KNN 0.4813 0.4802 0.4807 0.4802
ACRM 0.7641 0.7645 0.7643 0.7629
CBA 0.7239 0.7173 0.7206 0.7181
CBA 2 0.7072 0.7014 0.7043 0.7018
CPAR 0.7771 0.7776 0.7773 0.7164
SVM 0.7779 0.745 0.761 0.745
GBT 0.7583 0.73 0.744 0.73
RF 0.7665 0.7668 0.7666 0.7669
Software Quality Journal
classification. Cliffs delta shows the effect of the differences. The minus values are
showing the direction in favor of feature selection over using all features. The delta
values are different from 0 and show a large effect. Therefore, feature selection has
effect in improving classifiers.
We notice that most of the classifiers have stable behavior with little improvement after
using bigram feature, except NB. NB has the worst performance without bigram feature; then,
it shows a better performance using bigram feature because bigram feature has a strong
influence on the dependency between the features, i.e., every two sequenced words are
connected as one feature. In general, ACRM, CPAR, and RF have a high performance in all
three cases.
We can summarize the results of the experiments to Maalej dataset as follows:
&ACRM has the highest mean precision, recall, F-score, and accuracy, without using bigram
features and feature selection.
&The classification performance of the NB is highly increased with bigram features.
&ACRM, NB, CPAR, and RF have the highest F-score values when using bigram features.
&Best F-score and accuracy values were with bigram features when using ACRM with the
top 10% of the selected features, where F-score = 0.7819 and accuracy = 0.7808.
Table 15 Classification results for the top 10% of the selected features using bigram features
Classifier Precision Recall F-score ACC
J48 0.6937 0.6825 0.6881 0.6824
NB 0.7686 0.7679 0.7682 0.7678
KNN 0.4612 0.4633 0.4622 0.4643
ACRM 0.7823 0.7815 0.7819 0.7808
CBA 0.7225 0.7192 0.7208 0.7193
CBA 2 0.7128 0.7113 0.712 0.7113
CPAR 0.7575 0.7586 0.758 0.7115
SVM 0.7499 0.7192 0.734 0.7192
GBT 0.7591 0.729 0.743 0.6824
RF 0.775 0.7728 0.7739 0.7728
Fig. 10 Comparing classifiers with bigram feature with top 20% and top 10% of the selected features
Software Quality Journal
5.5.3 Rules for review classification
We have found the following rules of importance to users:
&PD reviews have words indicating issues happening in the app, like (app, crash), (app,
time, crash), (app, updat, fix), (fix, problem). We use star rating and tenses in preprocessed
data, so we get the following LHS from CARs as well: (ratingg_range1, bug),
(ratingg_range1, crash) these two rules mean when words crashand bugcome with
a review and star rating = 1 then the review is more likely to be a PD review. In addition,
we have (future_range1, fix, download), (future_range1, updat, problem); as rule conclu-
sion, this means when a future verb comes with updateand download,the review is
classified as a PD review.
&FR reviews have common words in LHS of the CARs like (feature), (add, option),
(improve); some rules indicate that users are politely asking the developer for a feature
or an option like (would, nice) (would, love) (please, option). Some CARs related to rating
stars, such as (ratingg_range1, feature), which means when star rating = 1 and review has
featureword, then the review is more likely to be an FR review.
&UE reviews indicate what the user is discovering when they are using the app, and it is
considered as preventive information for software engineers. We notice the following
rules: (future_range1, whi), (future_range1, how), (future_range1, updat), (future_range1,
when); all these rules contain a word come with a future verb. Also, we have (video),
(voice); these words indicate that usersinterest is about the quality or the characteristics of
the video and voice.
&RT reviews in Maalej dataset indicate how much users love or hate the app, so
the following rules have appeared: (good), (app, love), (awesome), (best), (better),
(easy), (excellent). Some rules have a future verb with great,”“good,and
love.Other rules have specific sentiment score like (future_range1,
sentiScore_range8), (pastt_range1, sentiScore_range9), where scores 8 and 9 have
a highly positive sentiment.
6 Threats to validity
Threats to internal validity concern the truth in datasets under research. The datasets
are provided by other researchers. The researchers followed an error-prone human
judgement. The reviews were classified into different maintenance tasks by at least
two annotators. However, the reviews were validated to assure that both annotators
had a similar assignment. The authors in (Panichella et al. n.d.) calculated the
Table 16 The Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and Cliffs delta values with and without bigram features
` F-score Accuracy
All-20% All-10% All-20%
Z2.49 2.09 2.29 2.29
pvalue (2-tailed) 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02
Cliffsdelta 0.35 0.32 0.34 0.21
Software Quality Journal
disagreement in annotations and found it was about 5%. The authors in (Maalej et al.
2016) took several measures to mitigate the internal threats in review classification.
The authors created how-to guide to define review types. The annotators should agree
on one classification to consider it.
The external validity is about the generalizability of the results. In this research, we
replicated previous works in (Panichella et al. n.d.;Maalejetal.2016) and we added
more machine learners to extend the works further. In addition, we conducted feature
selection and found improvements on classifiers after the feature selection. However,
the machine learning algorithms considered in this research do not cover all possible
machine learning such as unsupervised learning. The feature selection techniques do
not represent every possible technique and therefore the conclusions are limited to
these techniques. The reviews were extracted from large apps that represent different
domains of application such as social media, games, businesses, cloud storage sys-
tems, and media. The apps come from Google Play Store and Apple Store. These
stores cover over 75% of the app market (Maalej et al. 2016). The reviewing style
considered in this research may not apply to other stores such as Amazon store. In
addition, all reviews considered in this study were written in the English language and
more assumptions may be considered when applied to other natural languages.
7 Conclusions and future work
In this paper, an ACRM approach was developed to enable the automatic classification of app
reviews into software maintenance tasks. This work required preprocessing techniques using
NLP and text analysis to build a structured dataset from app reviews. We used two datasets to
apply our experiments. We adopted several preprocessing steps to extract useful features for
the classification process as a first stage. Then, as a second stage, we used feature selection
techniques such as IG and chi-square to remove inefficient features. As the third stage comes
along, we used several classifiers (J48, NB, KNN, and AC algorithms) to the best classifier for
classifying app reviews. As the fourth stage, we identified the best CARs to be used to classify
the app reviews.
Overall, AC algorithms have a better average performance than J48, KNN, and
NB. The best classifiers were ACRM approach and CPAR algorithm in all the
experiments that were applied on Pan dataset. Also, ACRM has the strongest
balancing between the precision and recall values. Using AC algorithms was very
efficient with respect to review classification, where it facilitates rules extraction for
developers to specify user intent. Feature selection using IG and chi-square shows
significant improvements compared with classifiers using all features. The IG effect
size was better than chi-square on review classification. The use of 20% and 10% of
bigram also shows significant improvement in review classification compared with
classifiers without bigram. In Maalej dataset, the best F-score and accuracy values
were for bigram features when using ACRM with the top 10% of the selected
As for future work, it is recommended that the study can be expanded by combining more
text preprocessing techniques (e.g., using different stemming algorithms). Additionally, we
intend to apply other data mining techniques such as clustering to investigate other ways to
understand user reviews.
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Assem Radi Al-Hawari obtained his Bachelors Degree in Computer Science at Mutah University,
Karak,Jordan, and hold an M.Sc. in Computer Science at Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid,
Jordan,2019. His MastersthesiswasClassification of Application Reviews into Software Engineerings
Maintenance Tasks Using Data Mining Techniques. His interests are data mining, text mining, machine learning
with python and image processing.
Hassan Najadat is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Jordan University of Science and Technol-
ogy. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from North Dakota State University, ND, USA, in 2005. His
research interests include analyzing datasets using data mining techniques to develop intelligence applications in
text mining, sentiment analysis, health information, accounting information systems, educational data mining,
security, and data envelopment analysis. He has published more than 50 papers on data mining including the
books Classification of brain diseases using MRI texture: Decision Tree and Genetic Algorithmand Mining
Data Envelopment Analysis using Clustering Approach: for Heterogeneous Decision Making Units.
Software Quality Journal
Raed Shatnawi received the M.Sc. degree in software engineering in 2004 and the PhD degree in Computer
Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of
Software Engineering at Jordan University of Science and Technology. He has published many papers in high-
ranked journals and conferences (IEEE, ScienceDirect, and Interscience). He has reviewed papers for the Journal
of Systems and Software,Empirical Software Engineering,andInformation Sciences, and many international
conferences. His main interests are in software metrics, software refactoring, software maintenance, and open-
source systems development.
Software Quality Journal
... The use of these rules is advantageous, as they are easily interpretable by experts who can analyze them and make decisions with computational aid. Due to its inherent interpretability, several areas have used it, such as medical [1] [2] [3], security [4] [5] and software [6] [7]. ...
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Among the inherently interpretable learning algorithms are associative classifiers, which are induced in steps. Regarding the ranking step, it is carried out using objective measures in order to sort the rules. Generally, the CSC method is used based on the two standard measures of association rules (support and confidence). However, several measures are available in the literature, leading to a secondary problem, as there is no measure that is suitable for all explorations. In this context, new proposals have emerged, one of which aims to aggregate a set of measures in order to use them simultaneously. The idea is to reduce the need to choose a single measure, also considering different aspects (semantics) for ranking the rules. Works in this context have been proposed. However, they present problems in relation to the performance and/or interpretability of the generated models. In them it is possible to observe an inverse relationship between performance and interpretability, i.e., when model performance is high, interpretability is low (and vice versa). Therefore, this work presents a rule ranking method via aggregation of objective measures, named AC.Rank<sub>A</sub> , to be incorporated into associative classifiers induction flows, aiming to obtain models that present a better balance between performance and interpretability. The method was evaluated by comparing several induction flows when ranking takes place via CSC (baseline) and via AC.Rank<sub>A</sub> . The results demonstrate that AC.Rank<sub>A</sub> can maintain the performance of the models, but with better interpretability.
... The main advantages of the SPLE are reduced time-to-market, reduced cost and improved quality. Therefore increasing the concept of reusability of SPL in Component Based Software Development (CBSD) to reduce time and cost for high quality productivity [15][16][17]. The SPLE consists of two parts that are domain engineering (by specifying commonalities and variability in product families, it establishes a reusable platform) and application engineering (it takes responsibility of product mining utilizing a plat-form for domain engineering and a mix of product development's related processes, such as requirement engineering and application design) [18,19]. ...
... As a result, businesses often seek customer scores and feedback after users download a mobile application, to gain insights into their experience. However, managing and processing a large volume of unstructured user evaluations can be challenging for businesses (Al-Hawari et al., 2020). Mbama et al. (2018) proposed that brand trust, perceived usability, service quality, and employeecustomer engagement are key factors influencing customer experience and loyalty. ...
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The purpose of this study is to employ a novel mixed method to better understand the differences in the customer service experience of the digital banking services in South Korea and the Philippines. Data mining techniques and customer journey mapping analysis were utilized to understand the proposed issues. The results indicate that there are four critical significant points of digital banking services between South Korea and the Philippines including the number of touchpoints, speed of results, registration requirements, and touchpoint deviations. Potential causes and implications are discussed in this article. The contribution of this study is using mixed approach to understand the issues which related to bank marketing in the digital era. Additionally, this study also enriches the investigations of customer service experience in banking across different countries. Overall, the findings of this study benefit the development of digital banking services, especially in the Asia Pacific countries.
... As far as supervised classification algorithms are concerned, they are data-driven behavioral models with a categorical response from a finite set of classes, that are used to classify input data showing similarities with those used in training. A typical application of these Machine Learning approaches is in the field of predictive maintenance [18][19][20][21][22], to classify the conditions of the monitored device. ...
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This paper proposes a method for cable failure detection in Cable Driven Parallel Robots (CDPR) which is based on the exploitation of the load observer (LO) concept together with machine learning algorithms. By just exploiting the dynamic model of each actuator in the conditions of no load, a LO is designed for each motor to estimate the presence of a load coupled through a cable. Since the load instantaneously goes to zero for the motor with a broken cable, a simple but effective and robust signature of failure can be inferred, to provide reliable detection even in the case of various model mismatches. Additionally, the LO is not computationally demanding since just motor measurements are required, thus avoiding any direct measurement (and a dynamic model as well) on the end-effector. The detection of a failure in made through supervised classification algorithms based on artificial intelligence. The training of the machine learning algorithm is based on an “hybrid” approach: the dataset includes several failure cases which are numerically generated through a system digital twin developed through the multibody system theory, together with measurements of the real system in non-failing conditions. Different classification algorithms are considered, together with different sets of input variables to be fed to the classifier. Two numerical examples are proposed, by showing the method capability in handling both fully actuated and redundantly actuated CDPRs under cable failure.
... Recent studies have revealed that user feedback provides crucial insights into user requirements, ideas for improvement, user sentiments towards specific features, and valuable descriptions of user experiences (Al-Hawari, Najadat, & Shatnawi, 2021;Puspaningrum, Siahaan, & Fatichah, 2018). In this study, we extract user reviews and loan features from FinTech loan applications available on the Google Play Store. ...
Lower regulatory hurdles and ease of penetration has made FinTech lending grow rapidly across the world. Using around 2.19 million reviews from users of FinTech loan applications registered in Google Play Store in India, we investigate users' experience on FinTech lending. Our text analytics-based results indicate that around 20 percent of the negative experience is associated with fraud. FinTech lending firms that emerged during the COVID crisis are perceived more fraudulent compared to pre-COVID firms, highlighting FinTech lenders’ exploitation when borrowers are more vulnerable. The results are robust for fake reviews. Our study suggests that regulators should be wary of rapidly growing FinTech lending market.
... User responses to digital banks are expressed in the form of user reviews on various media. However, companies have difficulty tracking all reviews due to their unstructured and highly varied nature [6]. Furthermore, Martens [7] states in his research that users' emotional sentiment is weakly correlated with app ratings, proving that ratings are not an accurate representation of customer sentiment. ...
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Online products generate vast amounts of user feedback data, which has become crucial for companies to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. This paper proposes the FPQA-UFD (framework to analyze product quality based on user feedback data) using data mining algorithms, natural language processing, multi-classification methods, and statistical analysis, providing detailed data support for product development teams' decision-making. The framework effectively extracts information from user feedback, accurately dividing 305,311 user feedback data into 44 effective topics and extracting explanatory keywords. A multi-classification experiment achieved a classification accuracy and recall rate of 83%. This study offers valuable insights for businesses and academia to enhance decision-making and software development through user feedback analysis.
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Mobile apps for healthcare (mHealth apps for short) have been increasingly adapted to help users manage their health or to get healthcare services. User feedback analysis is a pertinent method that can be used to improve the quality of mHealth apps. The objective of this paper is to use supervised machine learning algorithms to evaluate the quality of mHealth apps according to the ISO/IEC 25010 quality model based on user feedback. For this purpose, a total of 1682 user reviews have been collected from 86 mHealth apps provided by Google Play Store. Those reviews have been classified initially into the ISO/IEC 25010 eight quality characteristics, and further into Negative, Positive, and Neutral opinions. This analysis has been performed using machine learning and natural language processing techniques. The best performances were provided by the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) classifier with an accuracy of 82.00% in classifying user reviews according to the ISO/IEC 25010 quality characteristics. Moreover, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classified the collected user reviews into Negative, Positive, and Neutral with an accuracy of 90.50%. Finally, for each quality characteristic, we classified the collected reviews according to the sentiment polarity. The best performance results were obtained for the Usability, Security, and Compatibility quality characteristics using SGD classifier with an accuracy equal to 98.00%, 97.50%, and 96.00%, respectively. The results of this paper will be effective to assist developers in improving the quality of mHealth apps.
Conference Paper
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We present a novel tool, AUREA, that automatically classifies mobile app reviews, filters and facilitates their analysis using fine grained mobile specific topics. We aim to help developers analyse the direct and valuable feedback that users provide through their reviews, in order to better plan maintenance and evolution activities for their apps. Reviews are often difficult to analyse because of their unstructured textual nature and their frequency, moreover only a third of them are informative. We believe that by using our tool, developers can reduce the amount of time required to analyse and understand the issues users encounter and plan appropriate change tasks.
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Classification is an important task in the day to day life. In this paper we have analyzed the performance of various classifiers like K-nearest neighbor, Naïve bayes, generalized liner model, Gradient boosted trees, deep learning with H2O. The classifiers are checked against four synthesized datasets. This experiment is carried out in the Rapidminer tool. In the observation of the results Deep learning with H2O outperforms the other classifiers in most of the case. The results are clearly discussed.
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Sentiment analysis in a movie review is the needs of today lifestyle. Unfortunately, enormous features make the sentiment of analysis slow and less sensitive. Finding the optimum feature selection and classification is still a challenge. In order to handle an enormous number of features and provide better sentiment classification, an information-based feature selection and classification are proposed. The proposed method reduces more than 90% unnecessary features while the proposed classification scheme achieves 96% accuracy of sentiment classification. From the experimental results, it can be concluded that the combination of proposed feature selection and classification achieves the best performance so far.
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High-utility itemset mining (HUIM) is an emerging area of data mining and is widely used. HUIM differs from the frequent itemset mining (FIM), as the latter considers only the frequency factor whereas the former has been designed to address both quantity and profit factors to reveal the most profitable products. The challenges of generating the HUI include exponential complexity in both time and space. Moreover, the pruning techniques of reducing the search space which is available in FIM because of their monotonic and anti-monotonic properties cannot be used in HUIM. In this paper, we propose a novel selective database projection based high-utility itemset mining algorithm (SPHUI-Miner). We introduce an efficient data format, named HUI-RTPL, which is an optimum and compact representation of data requiring low memory. We also propose two novel data structures, viz, selective database projection utility list (SPU-List) and Tail-Count list to prune the search space for HUI mining. Selective projections of the database reduce the scanning time of the database making our proposed approach more efficient. It creates unique data instances and new projections for data having less dimensions thereby resulting in faster HUI mining. We also prove upper bounds on the amount of memory consumed by these projections. Experimental comparisons on various benchmark datasets show that the SPHUI-Miner algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of computation time, memory usage, scalability, and candidates generation.
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In recent software development and distribution scenarios, app stores are playing a major role, especially for mobile apps. On one hand, app stores allow continuous releases of app updates. On the other hand, they have become the premier point of interaction between app providers and users. After installing/updating apps, users can post reviews and provide ratings, expressing their level of satisfaction with apps, and possibly pointing out bugs or desired features. In this paper we empirically investigate—by performing a study on the evolution of 100 open source Android apps and by surveying 73 developers—to what extent app developers take user reviews into account, and whether addressing them contributes to apps’ success in terms of ratings. In order to perform the study, as well as to provide a monitoring mechanism for developers and project managers, we devised an approach, named CRISTAL, for tracing informative crowd reviews onto source code changes, and for monitoring the extent to which developers accommodate crowd requests and follow-up user reactions as reflected in their ratings. The results of our study indicate that (i) on average, half of the informative reviews are addressed, and over 75% of the interviewed developers claimed to take them into account often or very often, and that (ii) developers implementing user reviews are rewarded in terms of significantly increased user ratings.
In the current mobile app development, novel and emerging DevOps practices (e.g., Continuous Delivery, Integration, and user feedback analysis) and tools are becoming more widespread. For instance, the integration of user feedback (provided in the form of user reviews) in the software release cycle represents a valuable asset for the maintenance and evolution of mobile apps. To fully make use of these assets, it is highly desirable for developers to establish semantic links between the user reviews and the software artefacts to be changed (e.g., source code and documentation), and thus to localize the potential files to change for addressing the user feedback. In this paper, we propose RISING ( R eview I ntegration via cla S sification, cluster I ng, and linki NG ), an automated approach to support the continuous integration of user feedback via classification, clustering, and linking of user reviews. RISING leverages domain-specific constraint information and semi-supervised learning to group user reviews into multiple fine-grained clusters concerning similar users’ requests. Then, by combining the textual information from both commit messages and source code, it automatically localizes potential change files to accommodate the users’ requests. Our empirical studies demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline work in terms of clustering and localization accuracy, and thus produces more reliable results.