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PV Advancements & Challenges: Forecasting Techniques, Real Applications, and Grid Integration for a Sustainable Energy Future

979-8-3503-4743-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
PV Advancements & Challenges: Forecasting
Techniques, Real Applications, and Grid Integration
for a Sustainable Energy Future
Michał Jasiński
Wrocław University of Science and
Technology & VSB Technical
University of Ostrava
Wrocław Poland, Ostrava Czech
Luigi Martirano
Department of Astronautical, Electrical
and Energy Engineering (DIAEE),
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Zbigniew Leonowicz
Wrocław University of Science and
Technology & VSB Technical
University of Ostrava
Wrocław Poland, Ostrava Czech
Radomir Gono
Wrocław University of Science and
Technology & VSB Technical
University of Ostrava
Wrocław Poland, Ostrava Czech
Jan Jasiński
School No. 97 in Wroclaw
Wrocław, Poland
Abstract The rapid increase in solar power generation
requires accurate forecasting of photovoltaic (PV) energy
production for effective grid integration and energy market
participation. This paper presents state-of-the-art forecasting
techniques and models, including statistical and time series
models, machine learning models, deep learning models,
probabilistic forecasting models, and data-driven feature
engineering and selection. In addition, applications of PV energy
production forecasting in grid integration and energy market
operations such as load balancing, generation planning,
transmission and distribution planning, energy storage
optimisation, bidding strategies, and renewable energy
certificate trading are presented. Furthermore, challenges
persist in PV power generation forecasting are presented,
including data quality and availability, model uncertainty,
forecast horizon and time resolution, and integration of multiple
data sources and models. Finally, this article focusses on
providing insight into the current PV energy production
forecasting landscape and guiding future research and
development efforts to address these challenges, enhance
forecasting capabilities, and facilitate the global transition to a
more sustainable and low-carbon energy future.
Keywords—photovoltaic energy production, forecasting
techniques, grid integration, energy markets, renewable energy
The increasing deployment of photovoltaic (PV) systems
around the world is driven by the need for clean and
sustainable energy sources to combat climate change and
reduce dependence on fossil fuels [1]. As PV systems become
more prevalent, accurately forecasting their energy production
is essential for effective grid management, participation in the
energy market, and system optimisation. This section provides
an introduction to photovoltaic energy production and
highlights the importance of accurate forecasting in the
context of the integration of renewable energy and grid
stability [2]. Accurate forecasting of photovoltaic energy
production plays a vital role in several areas:
Grid management: As the share of photovoltaic energy
in the grid increases, accurate forecasts become
essential to maintain grid stability and ensure the
balance between electricity supply and demand. This
helps grid operators make informed decisions about
power generation scheduling, reserve management,
and transmission capacity allocation [3].
Energy market participation: In liberalised energy
markets, accurate forecasts of PV energy production
are crucial for market participants, including power
producers and traders, to optimise their bidding
strategies, minimise imbalance penalties, and
maximise revenues [4].
System optimisation: Accurate forecasting enables
owners and operators of photovoltaic systems to
optimise the operation and maintenance of their
systems, plan energy storage and demand response
strategies, and improve the overall efficiency and
reliability of the system [5].
Integration with other renewable energy sources:
Accurate forecasting of photovoltaic energy
production, in combination with forecasts for other
renewable energy sources such as wind and hydro, can
facilitate the efficient integration of these sources into
the energy mix, improving the resilience and
sustainability of the overall energy system [6].
In addition, a significant number of research studies have
investigated the issue of PV forecasting. Based on the
SCOPUS database, the following observation can be made
(information was presented using data indicated in 16 May
2023 in the Scopus database [7]):
There are 4775 documents that have been represented
by key words.
Since 2014 it can be noticing the huge increase in
interest in the topic (please see Fig. 1)
2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe) | 979-8-3503-4743-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEUROPE57605.2023.10194796
Authorized licensed use limited to: Technical University of Ostrava. Downloaded on December 28,2023 at 22:46:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The main interest of the researcher is indicated in
counties like China, the United States, India, Japan,
and Italy (Figure 2)
In conclusion, accurate forecasting of PV energy
production is a critical aspect of managing the integration of
photovoltaic systems into energy systems and markets. The
following sections of this paper will dive into the key factors
that influence the forecasting of PV energy production, the
various techniques and models used in forecasting, and the
applications and challenges associated with forecasting in grid
integration and energy markets.
A. Overview
Solar irradiance and weather conditions have a significant
role in determining the energy performance of photovoltaic
systems, making them key factors in forecasting PV energy
production. This section discusses the key solar and weather
factors that affect PV energy production and the data sources
used to estimate them in forecasting models.
B. Solar Irradiance
Solar irradiance, the power of sunlight per unit area, is the
primary driver of PV energy production. The three main
components of solar irradiance that influence the energy
output of a photovoltaic system are [8]:
Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI): The total amount
of solar radiation received on a horizontal surface,
including both direct and diffuse components.
Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI): The amount of solar
radiation received in a direct beam, perpendicular to
the sun's rays, and unobstructed by clouds or other
atmospheric factors.
Diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI): The portion of
solar radiation received on a horizontal surface after
being scattered by the atmosphere.
C. 2.3 Weather Data and Influencing Factors
Weather conditions can significantly affect the
performance of photovoltaic systems, making them an
essential consideration in forecasting PV energy production.
Key weather factors include[9]:
Cloud cover: Clouds can block and diffuse sunlight,
reducing the availability of direct solar radiation and
leading to fluctuations in PV energy output.
Temperature: The performance of the PV system is
typically inversely related to temperature; as the
temperature increases, the efficiency of the solar cells
decreases, reducing the overall energy output.
Humidity: High levels of humidity can lead to
increased cloud cover and atmospheric scattering,
affecting the amount of solar radiation that enters the
photovoltaic system.
Snow and dust: The accumulation of snow or dust on
solar panels can reduce their efficiency and energy
output by obstructing sunlight.
Fig. 1. Documents by year that can be found in the Scopus database [7].
Fig. 2. Documents by country or territory that can be found in the Scopus
database [7].
D. Data Sources for Solar Irradiance and Weather
Various data sources can be used to estimate solar
irradiance and weather conditions for forecasting PV energy
production, including [10]:
Ground-based measurements: Ground-based sensors,
such as pyranometers and pyrheliometers, provide
local measurements of solar irradiance and weather
data. However, their spatial coverage is limited.
Satellite data: Satellite-based remote sensing offers a
broader spatial and temporal coverage of solar
irradiance and weather data. Several satellite-derived
datasets, such as NASA's POWER, ESA's CM SAF,
and NOAA's NSRDB, provide historical and near-
real-time information on solar irradiance and weather
Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models: NWP
models, such as ECMWF, GFS, and WRF, offer
weather forecasts at various spatial and temporal
resolutions, providing essential input for forecasting
PV energy production.
E. 2.5 Conclusion
Solar irradiance and weather data are critical factors that
affect the forecasting of PV energy production. Accurate
estimation of these factors, utilizing ground measurements,
satellite data, and numerical weather forecasting models, is
essential to developing reliable and robust forecasts. In the
sections below, this paper will explore the various techniques
and models used in PV energy production forecasting, as well
as their applications and challenges in grid integration and
energy markets.
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A. Overview
Numerous forecasting techniques and models have been
established for predicting PV energy production, ranging from
simple statistical methods to advanced machine learning
algorithms. This section reviews the most popular techniques
and models used in PV energy production forecasting,
highlighting their key features, advantages and limitations.
B. Statistical and Time Series Models
Statistical and time series models are widely used for
short-term PV energy production forecasting, primarily due to
their simplicity and ease of implementation. Key models in
this category include[11]:
Persistence models: Persistence models assume that
the current PV energy output will persist for a short
period in the future. Although these models are simple
and easy to implement, their accuracy tends to
decrease rapidly with increasing forecast horizons.
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
models: ARIMA models are a popular time series
analysis technique that captures the temporal
dependencies in the data. These models are relatively
easy to implement but may not be suitable for
capturing complex relationships between solar
irradiance, weather conditions, and PV energy
C. Machine Learning Models
Machine learning models have gained popularity in PV
energy production forecasting due to their ability to learn
complex relationships between input variables and energy
output. Key models in this category include[12]:
Artificial neural networks (ANNs): ANNs are inspired
by the structure and function of biological neural
networks and can model complex, nonlinear
relationships between input variables and PV energy
production. Although ANNs can achieve high
accuracy, they may require large amounts of data for
training and can be computationally intensive.
Support Vector Machines (SVMs): SVMs are a
powerful supervised learning technique that can be
used for regression tasks, such as PV energy
production forecasting. SVMs are relatively robust to
noise and outliers but may require careful selection of
hyperparameters and kernel functions.
Random Forests (RFs): RFs are an ensemble learning
method that combines multiple decision trees to
improve prediction accuracy and reduce overfitting.
RFs are known for their robustness and ability to
handle large data sets with multiple input variables,
making them suitable for forecasting PV energy
D. Probabilistic Forecasting Models
Probabilistic forecasting models provide not only point
forecasts, but also uncertainty estimates, which can be crucial
for decision-making in grid management and energy markets.
Key approaches in this category include[13]:
Quantile regression: Quantile regression models
estimate the conditional quantiles of the response
variable, providing a more comprehensive view of the
forecast distribution and associated uncertainties.
Bayesian methods: Bayesian methods combine prior
knowledge with observed data to generate
probabilistic forecasts. These methods can provide
uncertainty estimates and accommodate different
sources of information, making them suitable for
forecasting PV energy production.
E. Data-Driven Feature Engineering and Selection
Feature engineering and selection play a vital role in the
performance of PV energy production forecasting models, as
they can help capture the most relevant information from solar
irradiance and weather data[14]. Key approaches in this
category include the following:
Domain-specific feature engineering: Creating new
features based on domain knowledge, such as
aggregating solar irradiance data over different time
scales or calculating clear-sky indices, can help
improve the predictive power of forecasting models.
Data-driven feature selection: Techniques such as
recursive feature elimination, LASSO regression, and
mutual information-based methods can help identify
the most relevant features for PV energy production
forecasting, reducing model complexity, and
improving prediction accuracy.
F. Hybrid and Ensemble Models
Hybrid and ensemble models combine multiple
forecasting techniques or models to improve prediction
accuracy and reduce the impact of individual model
limitations. Key approaches in this category include[15]:
Model stacking: Model stacking involves training
multiple base models and using their predictions as
input for a meta-model that generates the final forecast.
This approach can help capture the strengths of
different models and improve overall prediction
Weighted averaging: Weighted averaging combines
the predictions of multiple models by assigning
weights to each model based on its performance. This
approach can help reduce the impact of poor-
performing models and improve overall forecast
G. Conclusion
Various forecasting techniques and models are available
for PV energy production forecasting, each with its strengths
and limitations. Choosing the most suitable model depends on
factors such as the forecast horizon, data availability, and the
desired level of accuracy. In the next section, this paper will
discuss the applications and challenges of PV energy
production forecasting in grid integration and energy markets.
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A. Overview
Accurate PV energy production forecasting is crucial for
the successful integration of solar power into the energy grid
and for effective participation in energy markets. This section
discusses the various applications of PV energy production
forecasting and the challenges faced in grid integration and
energy market operations.
B. 4.2 Grid Integration Applications
Reliable photovoltaic energy production forecasting plays
a key role in several aspects of grid integration, including [16]:
Load balancing and generation scheduling: Accurate
PV energy production forecasts help grid operators
balance supply and demand by effectively scheduling
generation resources, ensuring grid stability and
minimising operational costs.
Transmission and distribution planning: The forecasts
for PV energy production inform the operators of the
transmission and distribution systems of the expected
solar generation, allowing them to manage the network
more efficiently and accommodate higher levels of
solar penetration.
Energy storage optimization: Forecasting solar energy
production helps optimise the operation of energy
storage systems, determining the optimal charging and
discharging schedules to maximise the value of stored
C. Energy Market Applications
PV energy production forecasting is essential for solar
power producers participating in energy markets, as it can[17]:
Improve bidding strategies: Accurate forecasts of
photovoltaic energy production enable solar power
producers to submit more competitive offers in energy
markets, increasing their revenues and market share.
Reduce imbalance penalties: Solar power producers
that deviate from their scheduled generation may be
subject to financial penalties. Accurate PV energy
production forecasts help minimise these penalties by
reducing the discrepancies between the scheduled and
actual generation.
Facilitate the trading of renewable energy certificates
(REC). Accurate forecasting of solar energy
production can improve the transparency and
efficiency of REC trading, providing a better
understanding of the renewable energy generation
D. Challenges in PV Energy Production Forecasting
Despite advances in forecasting techniques and models,
several challenges remain in forecasting photovoltaic energy
production, including [18]:
Data quality and availability: Accurate solar irradiance
and weather data are critical for forecasting PV energy
production. However, data quality and availability
problems, such as missing values, measurement errors,
and spatial and temporal resolution limitations, can
affect the accuracy of forecasting models.
Model uncertainty: All forecasting models are subject
to inherent uncertainties, which can stem from model
assumptions, parameter estimation errors, or
limitations in capturing complex relationships between
input variables and PV energy production.
Forecast horizon and temporal resolution: Forecast
accuracy tends to decrease as the forecast horizon and
temporal resolution increase, making it challenging to
provide accurate long-term and high-resolution
Integration of multiple data sources and models:
Combining data from different sources and integrating
multiple forecasting models can be challenging due to
differences in data formats, spatial and temporal resolutions,
and model output.
E. Conclusion
PV energy production forecasting is essential for grid
integration and energy market operations, with applications
ranging from load balancing and generation scheduling to
bidding strategies and REC trading. While significant
progress has been made in developing accurate forecasting
models and techniques, challenges related to data quality and
availability, model uncertainty, forecast horizon, and data and
model integration persist. Future research and development
efforts should focus on addressing these challenges and
improving the overall reliability and accuracy of PV energy
production forecasts.
In this article, we discussed the importance of forecasting
PV power generation for successful integration of solar power
into the grid and effective participation in energy markets. We
provided an overview of various forecasting techniques and
models, including statistical and time series models, machine
learning models, deep learning models, probabilistic
forecasting models, and data-driven feature engineering and
selection. In addition, we explored the applications and
challenges of forecasting solar photovoltaic production in grid
integration and energy market operations. As solar energy
continues to play an increasingly important role in the global
energy mix, the need for accurate forecasting of PV energy
production becomes even more critical. Although significant
progress has been made in developing and refining forecasting
techniques and models, there are still challenges to be
addressed, such as data quality and availability, model
uncertainty, forecast horizon and temporal resolution, and
integration of multiple data sources and models. Future R&D
efforts should focus on addressing these challenges,
improving the overall reliability and accuracy of PV power
generation forecasts, and leveraging advances in data
acquisition, processing and analysis to enhance forecasting
capabilities. In this way, we can facilitate the effective
integration of solar energy into the power grid and energy
markets, supporting the global transition to a more sustainable
and low-carbon energy future.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Technical University of Ostrava. Downloaded on December 28,2023 at 22:46:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 3. PV system in children point of view own elaboration of Jan
Jasiński – co-author of paper.
Furthermore, promotion of the topic of PV forecasting
should be included in the next generation. Fig. 3 is an example
of work done by school pupil who shows how the PV
installation should look like in any green area that could be
use to put RES energy. As the view of new installation become
more and more popular not only on roofs the presented PV
system is independently located in green area.
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Power electronics is the enabling technology for the grid-integration of large-scale renewable energy generation, which provides high controllability and flexibility to energy generation, conversion, transmission, and utilization. However, power electronics also brings several challenges to the conventional power grids, e.g., reducing the system inertia. Advanced control strategies have been developed to enhance the energy conversion process. In this article, the grid-integration structure and control for renewable energy are discussed with the focus on large-scale wind, solar photovoltaic, and energy storage systems. Future research and development trends for these technologies are also presented. ABSTRACT | Grid-integration of renewable energy requires efficient and reliable power conversion stages, particularly with an increasing demand of high controllability and flexibility seen from the grid side. Underpinned by advanced control and information technologies, power electronics converters play an essential role in large-scale renewable energy generation. However, the use of power converters has also exposed several challenges in conventional power grids, e.g., reducing the system inertia. In this article, the grid integration using power electronics is presented for large-scale renewable energy generation. Technical issues and requirements are discussed with a special focus on grid-connected wind, solar photovoltaic, and energy storage systems. Additionally, the core of the energy generation and conversion-control for individual power converters (e.g., general current control) as well as for the system level (e.g., coordinated operation of large-scale energy systems) is briefly discussed. Future research perspectives are then presented that further advance large-scale renewable energy generation technologies through incorporating more power electronics systems.
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Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters (ND) are the main causes of power outages in the electric grid. It is necessary to strengthen the electrical power system’s resilience during these catastrophic occurrences, and microgrids may be seen as the best way to achieve this goal. In this paper, two different energy system scenarios were proposed for increasing the resiliency of the electric power system during random outages. In the first scenario, a diesel generator (DG) was used to deliver energy to key loads during grid disruptions, in conjunction with a utility electric grid (UEG) and local electric load (ELL). A grid-connected ad hoc microgrid (MG) with a photovoltaic (PV) system, a battery energy storage (BES) system, and local electric loads made up the second scenario. The PV system and the BES system were used to supply the key loads with electricity during the outage. The major aim of this research was to compare the two resilient-based systems from the perspectives of technology, economics, and the environment. Given that it requires greater resilience than the other loads during severe weather, a hospital load on Indonesia’s Lombok Island was chosen as the critical load. The objective function considers the system’s predefined constraints to reduce the overall net present cost (NPC) and the cost of energy in order to maximize the system resilience (COE). The Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) Grid simulated a 3-day outage in August 2021, and the results demonstrated that the resiliency enhancement for both scenarios was nearly identical. The first scenario resulted in fewer CO2 emissions; however, the second scenario delivered lower operating costs and COE. The simulation’s findings showed that system 1 created an annual emission of 216.902 kg/yr while system 2 only produced an emission of 63.292 kg/yr. This study shows that since RES-based MGs don’t burn fossil fuels to generate power, they are more environmentally friendly resources.
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Advancements in renewable energy technology have significantly reduced the consumer dependence on conventional energy sources for power generation. Solar energy has proven to be a sustainable source of power generation compared to other renewable energy sources. The performance of a photovoltaic (PV) system is highly dependent on the amount of solar penetration to the solar cell, the type of climatic season, the temperature of the surroundings, and the environmental humidity. Unfortunately, every renewable’s technology has its limitation. Consequently, this prevents the system from operating to a maximum or optimally. Achieving a precise PV system output power is crucial to overcoming solar power output instability and intermittency performance. This paper discusses an intensive review of machine learning, followed by the types of neural network models under supervised machine learning implemented in photovoltaic power forecasting. The literature of past researchers is collected, mainly focusing on the duration of forecasts for very short-, short-, and long-term forecasts in a photovoltaic system. The performance of forecasting is also evaluated according to a different type of input parameter and time-step resolution. Lastly, the crucial aspects of a conventional and hybrid model of machine learning and neural networks are reviewed comprehensively.
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In general, reliable PV generation prediction is required to increase complete control quality and avoid potential damage. Accurate forecasting of direct solar radiation trends in PV power production could limit the influence of uncertainties on photovoltaics, enhance organizational dependability, and maximize the utilization factor of the PV systems for something such as an energy management system (EMS) of microgrids. This paper proposes an intelligent prediction of energy production level in large PV plants through AUTO-encoder-based Neural-Network (AUTO-NN) with Restricted Boltzmann feature extraction. Here, the solar energy output may be projected using prior sun illumination and meteorological data. The feature selection and prediction modules use an AUTO encoder-based Neural Network to improve the process of energy prediction (AUTO-NN). Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) can be used during a set of regulations for development-based feature extraction. The proposed model’s result is evaluated using various constraints. As a result, the proposed AUTO-NN achieved 58.72% of RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), 62.72% of n-RMSE (Normalized Root Mean Square Error), 48.04% of Max-AE (Maximum Absolute Error), 48.66% of (Mean Absolute Error), and 46.76% of (Mean Absolute Percentage Error).
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The disruption of fossil fuel supply chains due to the war in Ukraine has resulted in the need for an urgent reorganisation of the energy supply system, the cost of which has created a substantial increase in electricity prices in many markets. In light of the above, the need for the development of a renewable energy market has become stronger than ever; hence, the authors of this study have oriented their efforts towards investigating the development of the renewable energy market in countries bordering the line of armed conflict in Ukraine, i.e., Poland—strongly dependent on traditional forms of energy production—and Lithuania. The primary objective of the paper is to review the literature on wind energy, which is necessary to establish the current role of this energy dimension in the renewable energy market in the energy systems of Poland and Lithuania. Therefore, this review paper is oriented towards a review and evaluation of the available thematic literature and industry studies, as well as conclusions related to the number and direction of research topics in the area of the explored issues. The basic finding of this review is that the reviewed literature and studies are most strongly oriented towards a general assessment of the ongoing energy transition in the world, in which the thread of the assessment of the energy situation in Poland and Lithuania, including the thread of the analysis of wind energy, is part of broader assessments, most often regarding EU countries. The wind energy of the countries included in the scope of the review is not discussed comprehensively. The gap identified in this respect relates in particular to the aspect of wind energy development potential concerning solutions targeted at the individual consumer. In quantitative terms, studies addressing wind energy in Lithuania represent a lower percentage of the thematic literature acquired for the review. In the area of noted niches, the need for research and analysis is recommended to increase the information supply for developing the renewable energy market in Poland and Lithuania. In doing so, it is important to explore the technical and technological solutions (with a focus on the individual customer) and the economic aspects of wind installations from a micro and macro perspective. In addition, there is a lack of sufficient studies revealing the position of public opinion regarding the development of this dimension of the RES market and the direction of its changes. This is an important problem—particularly in Poland, where the so-called distance law constantly blocks the development of this dimension of RES and where the need to develop energy from renewable sources is particularly urgent.
Renewable energy technologies have left an indelible impression on the global electrical market by supplying customers with uninterrupted electricity. Utilizing renewable energy sources to satisfy the load requirements of electric vehicle charging stations is one of the most significant areas of study in developing nations. This research investigates the technical and financial viability of grid and renewable-powered energy systems for an environmentally sustainable electric vehicle charging station in three distinct regions across India. The presented setup is subjected to an economic analysis for satisfying the charging requirement of the electric vehicle load. The system is designed in such a way that the power exchange takes place between the grid network and different components of the energy system. The assigned places are selected so that wind and solar prospects are contrary in these areas. The charging hours of electric vehicles are different in the specific sites. The optimal sizing of the system component is performed to minimize the levelized cost of electricity and total net present cost while keeping the probability of power supply failure within acceptable limits using a novel metaheuristic-based optimization algorithm i.e., modified salp swarm algorithm. The achievement of the designed system demonstrates that New Delhi has a lower total net present cost of $ 14853.63 and levelized cost of electricity of 0.0051 $/kWh. The optimum number of solar panels and wind turbines needed to meet the EV load demand in the New Delhi region is 120 with 325 W rated capacity and 310 with 650 W rated capacity. The optimal solution for the hybrid system consists of 64.5% wind energy, 33.5% solar energy and 1.94% grid purchase with annual electricity production is 5,91,117 kWh. Similarly, the optimum values of the total net present cost and levelized cost of electricity for the city of Ahmedabad are 222762.80 $ and 0.023 kWh, respectively. The total net present cost and levelized cost of electricity in the Madurai area are 37.44% and 8.17% higher than in the New Delhi region, respectively. The envisaged system could help to reduce the dependence on the overstrained grid, especially in developing nations.
This paper presents a first step in the field of probabilistic forecasting of co-located wind and photovoltaic (PV) parks. The effect of aggregation is analyzed with respect to forecast accuracy and value at a co-located park in Sweden using roughly three years of data. We use a fixed modelling framework where we post-process numerical weather predictions to calibrated probabilistic production forecasts, which is a prerequisite when placing optimal bids in the day-ahead market. The results show that aggregation improves forecast accuracy in terms of continuous ranked probability score, interval score and quantile score when compared to wind or PV power forecasts alone. The optimal aggregation ratio is found to be 50%–60% wind power and the remainder PV power. This is explained by the aggregated time series being smoother, which improves the calibration and produces sharper predictive distributions, especially during periods of high variability in both resources, i.e., most prominently in the summer, spring and fall. Furthermore, the daily variability of wind and PV power generation was found to be anti-correlated which proved to be beneficial when forecasting the aggregated time series. Finally, we show that probabilistic forecasts of co-located production improve trading in the day-ahead market, where the more accurate and sharper forecasts reduce balancing costs. In conclusion, the study indicates that co-locating wind and PV power parks can improve probabilistic forecasts which, furthermore, carry over to electricity market trading. The results from the study should be generally applicable to other co-located parks in similar climates.