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A Technique for Hand Gesture Recognition on Real Time Basis



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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 181 No. 9, August 2018
A Technique for Hand Gesture Recognition on Real Time
Ayushi Shrivastav
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering,
Shri Ramdeobaba College Of
Engineering and Management
Maharastra, India
Radhika Agrawal
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering,
Shri Ramdeobaba College Of
Engineering and Management
Maharastra, India
S. G. Mundada
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering,
Shri Ramdeobaba College Of
Engineering and Management
Maharastra, India
Sign gesture is a non-verbal visual language, different from
the spoken language in terms of medium of communication,
but serves the same function for hearing & speech impaired
community. Gesture Recognition, and more specifically hand
gesture recognition, is one of the typical methods used in sign
language for non-verbal communication. It is often very
difficult for the hearing & speech impaired community to
communicate their ideas and creativity to the normal humans.
This paper focuses on discussing different methods to identify
the gesture. Method for hand segmentation is discussed in
terms of the different approaches to sub-components of the
identifying the gesture. The judgement parameters are
accuracy in real time performance, processing time, processor
utilization, etc.
Hand gesture recognition, Image processing, Human
computer interaction (HCI), K-means clustering, Hand
segmentation, hand gestures
Sign language is a non-verbal language in which signs are
made by moving one or both the hands, combined with facial
expressions and postures of the body. The signs have a
particular meaning and the people who understand the
language knows what the sign stands for. It is one of widely
used communication methods by hearing & speech impaired
community. In sign language, gestures are considered to be
any specific patterns or movements of the hands, face or body
to make certain sense or meaning. In other words, gestures
can be expressed with the help of facial expressions, limb
movements or any meaningful bodily state.
A static hand gesture is a gesture which can be represented by
a single image i.e. the meaning can be delivered by particular
fixed position or posture captured in the image. The typical
input for a static gesture is a single picture representing the
gesture. A dynamic hand gesture can be said to be a series of
hand postures connected in continuous motion over a definite
period of time. These series or sequences of action are taken
from a video recorder as a video, can be real time as well, and
given as an input to the application deployed for the task of
hand gesture recognition. The video can then be processed as
frames and the gesture can be identified by applying certain
recognition patterns, such as neural network, hand
segmentation, etc.
In this paper, a methodology based on vision-based hand
gesture recognition is proposed for a dynamic input, and hand
segmentation, centroid calculation and direction tracking is
performed on the frames and a string of code bits is generated,
which is then used to recognize the gesture from already
defined database. All this is done on video by processing it
into frames, with the assumption that the continuous motion is
a gesture representing a meaning. The proposed method is
broken down into the following steps: Selection of frames,
Background segmentation using K-means algorithm, Centroid
calculation for detecting change in direction, thresh-holding
for generating string of code bits, hand gesture interpretation
and speech generation.
Hand gesture recognition methods can be broadly classified
into three categories: Glove-based, Depth-based and Vision-
based hand gesture recognition. [5][10] Glove-based hand
gesture recognition methods predict the gesture by data
extracted by the hardware called data glove. Data glove, also
known as wired glove, uses various sensors, for tactile sensing
and fine-motion control sensing, to capture information about
positioning of the hand and joints in order to extract the
gesture. S. Oniga & I. Orha[5] have implemented the
hardware based approach for gesture recognition, by using a
bracelet that captures the movement of the hand using
accelerometers and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
and then modeled, trained and simulated the desired network
using Neural Network Toolbox[6].
In vision based approach, a camera or video recorder is used
to capture and extract information about the hand position and
analyze it to understand the gesture. Y. Fang et. al. [2] uses
extended Adaboost method for hand detection and hand
segmentation is done by collecting the color of the hand from
neighborhood of features mean position. They further use the
scale-space feature detection to detect blob and ridge
structures, i.e. palm and finger structures.
Another method for hand gesture recognition is Depth-based
recognition. The Senz3d camera captures a RGB video frame
along with the associated depth data. Depth based
thresholding is performed to remove the background. Then
segmentation based on depth data is performed for the object
closest to the camera. This may also include pixels that belong
to the arm region. A color based filtering is performed on
these pixels to check if these actually represent the hand
pixels based on a predefined color model. If these are not
recognized to belong to the hand region, then the algorithm
waits for the next frame. [9]
Further, we explore the different methods for hand
segmentation, hand tracking, feature extraction and gesture
identification in dynamic gesture recognition.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 181 No. 9, August 2018
Image segmentation is typically performed to locate the hand
object in image. Proper hand segmentation background is very
crucial for the overall efficacy and the effectiveness of a hand
gesture recognition algorithm. The background is usually so
chosen that maximum variation in pixel intensities between
the hand image and background is observed, and any
occlusion of hand with other body parts is avoided. Hand
segmentation can indirectly be referred to as detecting Region
of Interest. S. Bhowmick, S. Kumar and A. Kumar[10] have
used a skin colour based hand segmentation technique that
exploits a hybrid HSV+YCbCr colour model. These colour
spaces have the advantage over RGB colour space in the sense
that colour intensity has to be varied individually for each
colour in RGB frame while on the other hand, H component
(hue) and Y component control the colour intensity in their
respective frames.
Another method that can be used for hand detection is
background subtraction. Rather than detecting the ROI, the
background is subtracted by applying clustering algorithms
[1]. The proposed method uses K-means algorithm for the
Tracking in computer vision refers to the technique which
constantly monitors the consecutive positions/locations of the
region of interest (ROI). [10] The Region of Interest in this
case is hand we’re tracking. In order to find the gesture
trajectory, the centroid / center of gravity (CoG) of the
segmented hand is found out first. The centroid can be found
out by moment calculation. A moment is a gross characteristic
of a contour computed by integrating or summing over all of
the pixels of the contour.
The problem statement is divided into two modules: Gesture
recognition, when the input is video, and Speech conversion
of the identified gesture. For Speech conversion, a text-to-
speech API is used. A combination of direction and codebit is
used to identify the gesture. The gesture recognition method
involves selecting frames, calculating direction & codebit of
the gesture, detecting change in gesture (in case of multiple
gesture) and passing the identified gesture to speech-to-text
API. The preprocessing steps involve selecting frames from
the video, detecting codebit and direction of the gesture,
calculating least square error between frames and then
identifying the gesture/string of gestures.
Fig1. Flowchart of the proposed algorithm
3.1. Splitting of video into frames
This video is preprocessed by splitting into frames and these
frames are used to calculate gestures. Each frame has a unique
frame_id, and using the frame_rate found out by inbuilt
openCV method, total number of frames in the video is
calculated. First frame per minute is selected and the proposed
algorithm is applied on the selected frames. The number of
frames is calculated by using the formula :
3.2. Hand detection & Background
For this step, K-means cluster can be used to form two
clusters, i.e. a background cluster and a hand cluster. The K-
means clustering algorithm is an iterative technique which is
used to segment the image into K clusters. An initial set of
centroid seeds are picked randomly and rest are assigned to its
closest seed. After each assignment, the assigned centroid is
updated by adding in the coordinates of the new point.
Assigning all points to a set of successively updated centroids
constitutes one iteration of k-means algorithm. Each iteration
consists of a re-assignment of all points, until no point can be
moved to a centroid closer than the one for the cluster it is
already a member of. Every time a point is re-assigned, its old
centroid must be down dated and its new centroid must be
The RGB image is converted to a black and white image by
clustering the pixels and changing the pixel’s color depending
IF ERROR <= 60
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 181 No. 9, August 2018
on its cluster. If the pixel belongs to the hand cluster, the color
of this pixel is changed to white, and if it belongs to the
background cluster, the color is changed to black. So,
applying K-means clustering, with k=2, on the image will
result in a black and white image with two clusters, one is the
hand region and the other cluster would contain the
background region. The background cluster is discarded and
hand cluster is used to perform further pre-processing steps.
Centroid Calculation & Finger Detection
Using the first frame as the input, the centroid of the hand is
calculated using image moment, which is the weighted
average of pixel’s intensities of the image[1]. The centroid is
calculated by first calculating the image moment using this
where Mij is image moment, I(x, y) is the intensity at
coordinate (x, y).
Equation (1) is used to calculate moments used for the
calculation of coordinates of the centroid.
By using equation (2), coordinates of centroid are computed.
̅ , y
̅) are the coordinate of centroid and M00 is the area for
binary image.
For peak detection, the concept of convex hull is used. The
palm is separated from the hand by creating a palm mask, i.e.
eroding the fingers away from the hand mask, by successive
erosion and dilation morphological operations. Then by using
convexity defects, the center of the hand and the number of
fingers are detected.
Direction observation
Centroid calculated for each frame is used to observe any
change in direction of the gesture. Consecutive frames and
change in centroid of the frame are observed. If change in
direction is observed, and if the change is in x co-ordinate,
and the change is positive, then the direction is taken to be
right and if it is negative, the change is taken to be left.
Similarly, the change in y coordinate is also observed and
according to the sign of the change, the direction is assigned
as up or down. This change in direction is stored and used
later to detect the gesture.
Thresh-holding and conversion into code
Now, in order to classify the raised and folded fingers i.e.
significant and insignificant peaks among the detected peaks,
the distances of the peaks from the centroid are used. For
classifying the peaks, distance of each peak from the centroid
is calculated using city block distance. Now, a threshold, Th,
is set. If the distance > Th, the code bit value would be set to 1
and if the distance < Th the value would be set to zero. These
values would indicate whether the finger is open or close. If
the value is 1, it indicates that the finger is open; and if the bit
generated is 0, the finger is considered to be closed.
A string of code bits are obtained and this indicates the code
of the input image which will be used for mapping the gesture
to the meaning of the gesture.
3.3. Finding error between frames
For each frame, error is calculated using the least squared
error formula. This calculated error is compared with its
previous frame. If the error is less than 60% it is ignored. If it
is more than 60%, it indicates that there is a change in gesture
and the next frame is treated as a different gesture and is sent
for processing of code bits.
3.4. Mapping of code with words/characters
and speech as output
The code obtained in the above step is used to find a matching
code in the stored code-word pair, where each code
corresponds to characters/words i.e. the meaning of the
gesture. The word is extracted from the code-word pair and
passed as text to speech conversion API, thus giving the
speech as output.
Vision-based, glove-based and depth-based are widely
used in hand gesture recognition. But the recognition method
based on vision is hard to work well in bad conditions. And
the recognition method based on glove also has an
embarrassing situation. Although this method owns the
advantages of less input data, high speed, and it can get 3D
information about hands or fingers movement directly. It
could also recognize a lot of hand gestures on time [1]. Being
a newly developed distance measuring hardware, the depth
camera gives a depth image that could reflect the 3d feature
directly, which is not affected by the factors such as
illumination, shadow and color. Even if there is a covered part
between two objects, by using different distance information
which we’ve got from the depth image, different parts of the
covered object can be separated. But at this time, depth
camera is too expensive to apply.
However, the recognition method based on glove is not able
to leave the support of equipment. It’s impossible for users to
wear bloated gloves all the time in nature condition. This
obvious disadvantage destines its useless, so we need to
develop a new technology to solve it. Depth-based recognition
method has a high robust. And because it has the
characteristics of real-time identification and high precision, it
is a promising research direction. But depth camera based on
the technologies such as time of flight (TOF), structure light,
3d laser scanning is so expensive that its utility has been
Sensitive to
intensity of
Independent of
Image intensity.
Forms clusters at
run time.
as Region
Convex Hull
Easy to
Every point in the
contour need not
be accessed
Does not
detect fingers
that are half
using slope
Detects more
number of
fingertips as
compared to
Need to
access each
point in the
contour of
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 181 No. 9, August 2018
convex hull.
Detects half
folded fingers
In this study of human hand gesture recognition, hand
tracking using centroid and observing direction change were
applied on the hand to detect the gesture. From this outline
information, the co-ordinates of the centroid and the fingertips
of the hand were obtained and the intervening differences
were calculated. The time taken for detection was minimal
and almost real-time. The limited number of gesture sets that
we were able to detect, proved to be the only stumbling block,
but we hope to circumvent this problem by further refining
our algorithm in the future. Overall, this proposed method
proved to be a considerable success when compared with
standard methods in terms of accuracy. A further work can be
carried out to show the efficiency of the system in terms of
broad range of implementations.
[1] M. Panwar (Centre for Development of Advanced
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[2] Y. Fang et. al. 2007, ‘A REAL-TIME HAND GESTURE
[3] T. Nguyen & H. Huynh, ‘Static Hand Gesture
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[4] M. Quraishi et. al., ‘A Novel Human Hand Finger
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[5] S. Oniga & I. Orha, ‘Intelligent Human-Machine
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[6] L. Chen et. al., ‘A Survey on Hand Gesture Recognition’,
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[8] M. Tao & L. Ma, ‘A Hand Gesture Recognition Model
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ISSN:2278-9359 (Volume-2, Issue-3)
... Sign Language is the non-verbal way of communication usually used by people having hearing impairment. In sign language, gestures are considered to be any specific patterns or movements of the hands, face or body to make certain expressions [10].Gestures can be expressed with the help of facial expressions, limb movements or any meaningful bodily state [8]. Gesture can be static or dynamic. ...
... The tips are correlated with the centre of the palm to identify the respective gesture. Skin color is mostly used for hand recognition various color models suggested in [13] are cbcr color space, RGB color Space, HS (Hue , Saturation value)color space, Normalized RGB & HSV .Trong-Nguyen, Nguyen [3] used skin color, Md Iqbal Quraishi, Krishna Gopal Dhal, J Paul Choudhury [4] used YCbCr color, S. Bhowmick, S. Kumar and A. Kumar [10] have a hybrid HSV+YCbCr colour model for detecting the hand, [3]filling the gaps and mapping to stored dataset. [4] used neural networks for identifying gesture. ...
Full-text available
Sign Language is one of the most common approaches of communication usually used by people having hearing and speech impairment. These languages consist of well-defined set of gestures or pattern and sequence of actions that conveys meaningful words and sentences. The paper presents different algorithms and techniques for automation of single hand gesture detection and recognition using vision based methods. The paper uses basic structure of hand and properties like centroid for detecting the pattern formed by the fingers and thumb and assigning code bits i.e. converting each gesture into a set of 5 digits representation and motion is detected using movement of centroid in each frame. The paper uses techniques like K-means Clustering or Thresholding for background elimination; Convex Hull or a proposed algorithm for peak detection and text to speech API for conversion of words/sentences corresponding to gestures to speech. Combinations of different techniques like thresholding and convex hull or Clustering and proposed algorithm is implemented and results are compared.
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Human computer interaction (HCI) and sign language recognition (SLR), aimed at creating a virtual reality, 3D gaming environment, helping the deaf-and-mute people etc., extensively exploit the use of hand gestures. Segmentation of the hand part from the other body parts and background is the primary need of any hand gesture based application system; but gesture recognition systems are often plagued by different segmentation problems, and by the ones like co-articulation, movement epenthesis, recognition of similar gestures etc. The principal objective of this paper is to address a few of the said problems. In this paper, we propose a method for recognizing isolated as well as continuous English alphabet gestures which is a step towards helping and educating the hearing and speech-impaired people. We have performed the classification of the gestures with artificial neural network. Recognition rate (RR) of the isolated gestures is found to be 92.50% while that of continuous gestures is 89.05% with multilayer perceptron and 87.14% with focused time delay neural network. These results, when compared with other such system in the literature, go into showing the effectiveness of the system.
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Due to the rapid increase of number of industrial or domestic systems that must be controlled it is clear that new, more natural methods of control are needed. This paper presents an intelligent human machine interface based on hand's gesture recognition. The gestures based control system is composed by two subsystems that communicated via radio waves. The first subsystem is a bracelet that captures the movement of the hand using accelerometers. The second subsystem is the control box on which the data processing takes place. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are used to add learning capabilities and adaptive behavior to intelligent interfaces that can be used even by elderly or impaired people. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation is an easy an attractive way for hardware implementation. The desired network is modeled, trained and simulated using Neural Network Toolbox. Many networks architecture trained with different methods could be simulated and the network that is best performing for given application is chosen for hardware implementation using System Generator tool developed by Xilinx Inc. This also allows the easy generation of Hardware Description Language (HDL) code from the system representation in Simulink. This HDL design can then be synthesized for implementation in the Xilinx family of FPGA devices.
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In recent years, several researches are being done to improve the means by which human to machine interaction. With the development of input devices like keyboard, mouse and pen are not sufficient due to this limitation direct use of hand gesture as an input device to provide natural human to machine interaction. The objective of this paper is to implement the vision based hand gesture recognition system to control the movement of robot. We can use of Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) for extract the keypoint from the gesture image capture by single sensing device. Space incompatibility of SIFT keypoint causes bag of feature approach was introduced. Then use the vector quantization will map the keypoint extracted from SIFT into unified dimensional histogram vector after the K-mean clustering. The histogram vectors as an input to multiclass SVM classifier for recognize the gesture. Generate the grammar apply to the robot to control the movements (Left, Right, Straight ward, Backward, stop) of robot.
Computers are widely used in all fields. However, the interaction between human and machine is done mainly through the traditional input devices like mouse, keyboard etc. To satisfy the requirements of users, computers need other ways to interact more conveniently, such as using speech or body language (e.g. gestures, posture). In this paper, we propose a new method supporting hand gesture recognition in the static form, using artificial neural network. The proposed solution has been tested with high accuracy (98%) and is promising.
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Hand gesture recognition has become one of the key techniques of human-computer interaction (HCI). Many researchers are devoted in this field. In this paper, firstly the history of hand gesture recognition is discussed and the technical difficulties are also enumerated. Then, we analyze the definition of hand gesture and introduce the basic principle of it. The approaches for hand gesture recognition, such as vision-based, glove-based and depth-based, are contrasted briefly in this paper. But the former two methods are too simple and not natural enough. Currently, the new finger identification and hand gesture recognition technique with Kinect depth data is the most popular research direction. Finally, we discuss the application prospective of hand gesture recognition based on Kinect.
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Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) using intelligent artificial computing interface is a fast emerging and revolutionary field of study of computer vision. This present study is concerned with making computers responsive to human gestures and postures. In this paper a simple alternative method for hand gesture recognition system has been proposed. The system takes various fingers postures and try to recognize them using machine learning. A pattern of gestures is trained and tested to show the results using linear artificial neural network.
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Noida), 'Hand Gesture Recognition based on Shape Parameters
  • M Panwar
M. Panwar (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Noida), 'Hand Gesture Recognition based on Shape Parameters'