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Machine learning and datamining methods for hybrid IoT intrusion detection

Machine learning and datamining methods for
hybrid IoT intrusion detection
Abdellatif El Ghazi
TIC Lab, Information and
Communication Technology
International University in Rabat
Rabat, Morocco
Ait Moulay Rachid*
Algebra and Functional Analysis Group
Mohamed V University in Rabat*
Rabat, Morocco*
AbstractBy 2025 Internet of things will reach over 75 billion
devices which would exceed number of humans about 8.1
billion. These devices need to be secured from many threats by
implementing secure and interoperable solutions in order to
guarantee a proper functioning of the infrastructures and
systems using the IoT. This is why we proposed a hybrid
intrusion detection system installed on the cloud powering
another online and real time intrusion detection system on the
fog to monitor the communication and detect attacks before it
spreads over the network as in the case of Mirai botnet. We
will provide details of the different algorithms used to
implement this distributed system so as to detect attacks
against IoT devices.
KeywordsIDS, Cloud, Fog Computing, Machine learning,
Datamining, Honeypot.
The use of IoT in different sectors such as (health,
Transport, supply management and logistics, smart buildings
and homes), also in personal utilities and wearables, they
became omnipresent and widespread in many infrastructures
and organizations thanks to smart watch, smart TVs, sensors,
actuators ...
The internet of things is a new paradigm that connects the
physical world (houses, buildings, factories), this new
technology can be connected to the internet using sensors to
obtain measurements of (temperature, pressure, pollution rate
in the area, light, vibration), it may also determine the road
condition and help indentifying people in a house or a
building using RFID, and actuators that can control these
devices using the data collected from sensors.[1,2,3]
To benefit of the full functionalities offered by connected
devices that exchange and exploit a vast amount of data
with proprietary platforms, which requires the
implementation of solutions, capable of securing a
heterogeneous network where each sensor or actuator can
implement its own protocol especially in recent years, where
Internet of things have become the Achilles heels of
companies and organizations targeted by malware and
viruses that spread using IoT devices because of the lack of
standard and insecure protocols. [1,4,31]
We adopted the integration of IoT devices with big data
solutions and machine learning algorithms, to analyze and
process the data collected by sensors in different fields
(smart homes, smart streets) also in different types of
networks (Zigbee, Bluetooth, WIFI) to improve the security
and detect malicious devices in an environment that grows
and increases in number every day. [5]
By 2025 the number of sensors and actuators can reach 100
billion of devices with a revenue of 3 trillion dollars [6,7,46],
which sometimes use web-based protocols called web of
things giving the possibility to send data to the cloud servers
or even communicate with social networks [8,3].
This rich and uncontrollable environment gives hackers a
way to disrupt organizations by using these IoTs in their
future attacks, such as DDOS or to make money with them
by what we call crypto-mining.
To create an IDS we distinguish 3 types of analytics and
training applied:
Anomaly intrusion detector [9,11,14,15]: this system is
based on a model that is trained with normal network traffic
in order to be able to detect abnormal behaviour and evaluate
traffic that is not included in this category (port scan,
increase bandwidth usage). It can also disseminate zero day
attacks, i.e. never encountered and never known in the
training phase, which makes it difficult for attackers to
access a network without being detected since this type of
system is configured and trained for a network and
environment at its normal state. Furthermore, it can be used
to generate signatures for misuse intrusion detection systems.
Misuse intrusion detector [9,10,11,12,13] : is a system
based only on attack signatures, therefore, it cannot detect
zero day attacks and it requires recurrent updates of its
knowledge databases since we must first know how the
attacks are carried out against a network of IoT devices in
order to protect it. One of its abilities is that it is not
generating a high rate of false positives and negatives like
anomaly based detectors.
Hybrid systems [9]: is a system that combines both an
anomaly detector and an abuse detector, in order to create a
system that takes advantage of the signatures generated by an
anomaly IDS to perform the basic knowledge database
update of a misuse detector system to strengthen network
However, there are two major categories of intrusion
detection systems based either on host or network monitoring
Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) : it is
installed on the network extremum to detect outside attackers
by monitoring and analyzing intercepted packets to spot
attack signatures and abnormal behaviour (misuse detection,
behaviour analysis) like we stated before. [9,11,32]
Host Intrusion detection system (HIDS): it is installed
on the machine or the host we intend to monitor, its principal
purpose is to identify insider threats and detect abnormal
actions like suspicious files or modification of logs, unknown
system calls, adding or deleting a user… [9,11,32]
To protect businesses and organizations using IoT, one of
the best solutions is integrating an hybrid IDS based on
behaviour and misuse detection system against different
types of attacks like Dos, MITM, unauthorized access and
control from the Internet, private data access, privilege
escalation, malware infection ... [4,10,25,26] using a
mechanism based on artificial intelligence, statistics, data
mining [23] and data collection to minimize false positives
and false negatives for unknown or new attacks (zero day)
and maximize the detection rate of real intrusions.
The generation of massive data by IoT devices will
require using and applying one or more artificial intelligence
algorithms to analyze data by coupling it with big data tools
such as MapReduce and Hadoop for parallel processing and
distributed storage. This article will consist of 4 sections:
Related works.
Theoretical Hybrid IDS Framework.
Metrics and evaluation.
Conclusion and implementation challenges.
To secure IoT devices a framework named EXPOSURE has
been proposed to classify domain names into benign or
malicious (Botnet, virus link, spam or phishing link), it uses
a J48 decision tree which is an implementation of the C4.5
decision tree. The framework is composed of 5 modules the
first one is a data collector that looks for malicious and
benign domain names using different sources from the
internet , a second module that works as a local data collector
for monitoring the network where EXPOSURE is installed, a
feature analyser that uses both the precedent modules, so that
to label domain names accordingly into malicious or benign,
then the result of this feature analyser is used by a machine
learner module and a classifier module. This framework
which was updated every day to keep up with threats that can
damage a network it can detect new malicious domain names
that weren‟t in the training set with an accuracy of 98.5%
and 0.9% of false positive rate. [20,21,22].
A misuse intrusion detection system was proposed using ID3
algorithm coupled with unsupervised clustering algorithm
that process the rules used by snort IDS [19] to feed them to
ID3 decision tree in order to facilitate and optimize the
classification. This combination of techniques between
supervised and unsupervised algorithms have given better
results than the naïve processing used by snort which
compares an input with the installed signatures. The old
technique might become slower if the signatures in the
database are very large.
The framework achieved a maximum speed increase of
105% and an average speed of 40.3% and a minimum of 5%
Another IDS implemented a naïve Bayes algorithm which is
known to be fast and intuitive [17]. It was tested on three
types of attacks like Dos, Scan, Unauthorized Access with an
accuracy rate respectively of 99% 96% 90%. This IDS
showed better results in term of speed and accuracy but with
too many false positives compared to a Neural Network IDS
A lightweight IDS for edge devices using SVM was
proposed to detect only DOS attacks, they used the
transmission rate of the packet field to train their model
because they remarked this attribute was increasing or
decreasing depending of the attack's type, or the execution
stage (exfiltration of data, malware update). ,
From this attribute they derived three features composed of
mean, maximum, median to avoid under-fitting.
They also created multiple features sets to test the
performance of the lightweight SVM with three different
kernels: Linear kernel, Polynomials, radial basis function.
They conducted multiple experiments to choose better
parameters for the SVM based IDS, and they have found out
that the linear lightweight SVM is much better than other
two kernels. Then they compared the performance of this
IDS using accuracy and CPU time with other lightweight
algorithms like a Genetical based SVM [33] and A-IDS [34]
and wfs-IDS [35]. their IDS outperformed other three
algorithms in accuracy and CPU time which confirmed its
lightweight property because the CPU time is less than the
mentioned three algorithms thus it will not consume more
energy and resources for an accuracy of 98.3%. The problem
with their IDS is that it has not been used on other attacks
like remote to local or unauthorized access on the edge node
which limited their IDS to detect only DOS, so it can‟t be
generalized on other attack types. [36]
To protect fog nodes and enhance IoT security an adaptive
IDS using Artificial Neural Network was created, capable of
measuring threats and self-protecting against attacks by
closing connection or asking for authentication... depending
on the threat level. They used a risk management unit at the
end of the output of their model to evaluate the risk of the
abnormal behaviour into different levels between 0 (no
attack) or secure state to level 3 which is equivalent to a fog
node being at destabilized state that can cripple the fog node
functionalities. This risk management unit utilizes the output
calculated by the Artificial Neural Network model to
evaluate the threat activity by verifying the interval of output
τ. This unit has the ability to monitor logs to check the
authenticity and the periodicity of the actions that has been
raised to the risk management unit to measure its threat
levels. They trained three models depending on the resources
they are trying to monitor, these resources include Memory
availability, buffer consumption and CPU usage.
These models showed an error near to zero when they were
compared to their real value.
The architecture of ANN is composed of 10 neurons in
hidden layer, an activation function using sigmoid symmetric
function, and 2 delays unit and one linear output function.
For the algorithm optimization they used levenberg
marquardt backpropagation algorithm that showed its
capability to efficiently distinguish between normal and
abnormal activity. The Framework is able to protect against
DOS, flooding with accuracy that can reach 97% and
precision of 98.4% and recall of 98.9%, with little overhead
to the fog node which can be categorized as lightweight
because it did not stress the fog node resources. [37]
To maximize detection rate the authors [47] used DNN-
KNN algorithm operating on the fog, which implemented a
binary classification model, in the first step they used DNN
to classify event into malignant or non malignant, it is
composed of one input Layer and two hidden Layers, each
of them has the same number of neurons, in the hidden
Layer they used hyperbolic tangent as activation function,
for the output Layer they used two neurons, one neuron for
the malignant activity and the other one for the normal
behaviour, they used softmax activation function in the
output Layer. if one of the neurons does not achieve a
defined limit to conclude the classification of the activity as
normal or malicious, the suspicious activity will be sent to a
feature reduction module implementing Information Gain
algorithm which selects the best features for classification,
these features are redirected to the KNN algorithm to be
finally classified, the result from the k nearest neighbor is
considered as final. The DNN-KNN algorithm showed
an accuracy rate of 99.77% and recall rate of 99.76% for the
NSL-KDD dataset. For the CICDS2017 it also showed a
higher accuracy and recall rate attaining 99.85% and
99.87% compared to other implementation using the same
Another technique to secure edge devices has been proposed,
it is composed of 3 modules, the first module is a snort IDS
that has the ability to identify and catch malicious devices,
this IDS informs a secure load balancer module about the
category and the identification of the edge device. This
secure load balancer uses a Markov model to confirm the
device category (compromised, normal) and calculate its
shifting probability, and then it uses another hidden Markov
model to decide if the edge device traffic should be diverted
to a third module which is a cloud honeypot that aims to
monitor and log all the traffic made by the suspected device.
The honeypot uses a two stage Markov model to flag an edge
device as secure if it has been classified incorrectly as
compromised by the precedent module (secure load
balancer). This framework can achieve an accuracy of 90%,
it has the ability to minimize the false positives by an online
honeypot monitoring diverted traffic of suspected edge
device to confirm if it has been misclassified, and also It
improves the IDS response by updating a database with
attacks detected within the network.[38]
The goal of our hybrid cloud-based and distributed IDS
is to minimize false positives and maximize the detection of
zero-day attacks for the signature intrusion detection system
based on online Incremental SVM [29,39] installed on a fog
architecture [28], since it is not able to detect new attacks
(zero-day). This signature based IDS will collect signatures
from a honeypot [27] installed on the internet, and an
anomaly detector system based on Artificial Neural Network
[37] that will help enhance detection rate of the online SVM
The system will be composed of 4 modules, a data
collector based on an intelligent honeypot installed on the
cloud to detect all known and also zero-day type attacks
against IoT devices like sensors, and cameras.
A second component for feature selection and reduction
tool that allows to reduce dimensionality and to minimize
inputs as well as features in order to make processing and
model creation faster and consume less memory, CPU by
using PCA coupled with MapReduce to maximize feature
reduction speed. A third module based on Artificial Neural
Network to detect anomalous behaviour and update a
database of the attacks used by the fourth module, which is
an online signature based IDS that uses a database of attacks
updated by both the online honeypot and the third module
(Artificial Neural Network) to help detect new zero day type
attacks as depicted in Fig. 1.
1) Data Collector Using Smart Honeypot
An intelligent honeypot [24,27] will be used to collect
and store attacks in the server. Then process them in real
time in the cloud to automatically update the misuse detector
in the network where edge and IoT devices are installed in
order to predict new zero day attacks that are not able to
disseminate. This system which is inspired from a practical
implementation [24] will be composed of a hybrid honeypot
capable of extending the time of attackers connections and
sessions, so that it goes to the next step to recover the bits of
code used for the persistence of attackers and the exploitation
of IoT devices to be used for future attacks.
In order to implement this system, we will use machine
learning algorithms like the hidden Markov as well as deep
learning and reinforcement learning algorithms like Q-
This honeypot will be initially naive but gradually will
make updates to its internal knowledge database by
searching on the internet for answers wanted and desired by
attackers using platforms like shodan,, zoomeye
and also masscan to extend their sessions. These responses
collected from the Internet will then be stored in the database
to be selected afterwards by learning algorithms, to increase
further the session time and retrieve the exploitation code
Attacks and payloads sent by attackers will be stored for
future processing in order to send them to signatures
database, so that the malicious detector updates his model for
detecting new zero day attacks (unknown).
However, in order to make this process fast for the
incremental learning algorithm we will use big data tools like
MapReduce and also apply algorithms for feature reduction
like PCA to update their knowledge base of their signature.
The tools used to collect the data will be tcpdump and
Wireshark. [30]
2) Feature Selection and processing Tool
To make the online SVM IDS work faster we need to use
principal Component Analysis (PCA) [42] for feature
reduction, it‟s principally used for data optimization and
compression. We need also to use MapReduce [41] to
process the constant flow and large quantity of data captured
by the honeypot and the Artificial Neural Network IDS. We
think this combination of PCA and MapReduce will allow
the online IDS to be more adaptive and respond swiftly to
new attacks without too much delay.
However, to achieve the precedent goal we will use a
multicore machine that will calculate every summation
expressions within eigenvectors of the covariance matrix
used by the PCA :
= 1
m ( xixiT
i=1 ) ((1
m xi
i=1 )*(1
m xiT
i=1 ))
Figure 1 : Framework Architecture
This will allow MapReduce to use each core to calculate
summations separately and combine the results to calculate
the final covariance matrix [40].
3) Artificial Neural Network
To train the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), to help us
discover anomalous behaviour we will use a testbed
composed of :
Several smart bulbs.
Smart TV.
Temperature sensor.
We chose Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) to train our
model from normal and attack data captured by Wireshark.
The MLP is composed of one input Layer, one Hidden
Layer, and one output Layer as shown in Fig. 2. For the
hidden layer we will have 7 neurons, and the function
applied for activation is sigmoid function. In the input and
hidden layer we will have one bias unit noted as b. The
MLP will use feed-forward algorithm to calculate signal
value a of each neuron connection from the input layer to
hidden layer using weight 𝑤𝑖of an input 𝑥𝑖with n as the
total number of inputs, and then calculate the error in the
output layer by comparing the final signal with the expected
result. To calculate this output signal of a neuron we apply
this equation :
a = f( wixi
i=0 + b).
After calculation of the error, MLP uses backpropagation
algorithm to forward back the error to each layer to
recalculate and adjust the weights and bias to minimize the
error produced in the feed-forward step.
However, after we train our model offline we will proceed on
the online phase where we will install the MLP based IDS on
a cloud server to validate traffic classified by the online
SVM IDS as normal to make sure no new attacks have
passed undetected. Otherwise, IDS behaviour will update a
signature database after being processed by PCA. This
Figure 2 : Architecture of Neural Network
This technique will help strengthen the misuse IDS and
increase its zero-day attack detection rate.[43,44]
4) Online Incremental SVM :
To protect a network of IoT devices we will rely on an
online Incremental SVM on a fog architecture installed on
Raspberry pi. This misuse IDS will use a database that
contains attack signatures coming from an intelligent
honeypot and behavioural IDS processed by PCA to reduce
data complexity for the SVM to perform better [40]. The
SVM is a statistical supervised learning algorithm capable of
doing binary classification, it uses a decision hyperplane line
to maximize distance separation between two classes. For
higher dimensional input data x1,x2,x3,x4……..xn a kernel
function is applied K and bias b with coefficient 𝛼0,𝑖as
follows :
f(x) = sign( α0,iK(x, xi)
i=1 + b)
multiple kernel functions can be used like linear, RBF
and polynomial kernel, but for this IDS we chose linear
kernel function [45] :
K(x,𝑥𝑖) = 𝑥𝑇 𝑥𝑖
To secure IoT internal network we will first use data
𝑃𝑅0captured by the honeypot, then we will apply PCA to
reduce data dimensionality in order to create our initial
model. This misuse IDS will permanently update its attack
signatures by using an online database. To implement the
online training we will use the initial vectors 𝑆𝑉
calculated in first SVM model and add it to 𝑃𝑅1 to get
another support vectors 𝑆𝑉
1,we will follow this procedure
recursively for every sample of data untill 𝑃𝑅𝑛 in signature
database using 𝑆𝑉
𝑛−1vectors [45].The algorithm used in the
online training is as follows :
𝑖 = 𝑃𝑅𝑖+𝑆𝑉
To establish a classification method we need an approach
to measure the performance and relevance of a classification
To verify this system we need the following information:
True positive: a positive represents a sample which
was malicious and it has been well classified as malicious by
the machine learning algorithm (30: see “Table I”).
True negative: represents a sample which was
correctly classified as Begnin (820: see “Table I”,).
False positive: are the data that was incorrectly
classified as malicious even if they are Begnin (20: see
“Table I”).
False negative: represents data that was incorrectly
classified as Benign while they are malicious. (30:see “Table
Accuracy : (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN) =
In this example we found that the rate is high (94,44%),
but does not reflect the quality of the model especially that
among 60 malicious data 30 were well classified which
represent 50%. The accuracy rate is a somewhat naive
measure, it only gives a global vision of the model, but it is
not particularly relevant for unbalanced data. This is why we
will use the following metrics:
Precision: TP / TP + FP = 30/50 (60%) it means when
our model classifies a data as an attack and predicts it
correctly with a rate of 60%.
Recall or TPR Sensitivity: TP / TP + FN = 30/60
(50%) from all the data that was classified as malicious it
represents the rate of what was definitely malicious.
False positive rate (FPR): FP / FP + TN = 20/840
(2,38%) is the rate of elements that have been misclassified
among the normal data (True negative).
IoT devices are known for their limited resources such as
memory or processing time, which has forced us to use a fog
computing architecture to protect the network from attacks,
combined with cloud computing to leverage storage and
processing power to perform complex tasks such as reducing
large data features. The framework described in this article is
adaptive to new attacks especially because it gets updated
using live data captured from the internet, which gives it an
edge advantage over other types of IDS that are trained either
on data not intended for IoT devices or do not use data that
gives better results for new attacks. We tried to combine high
true positive of misuse IDS and increase detection rate by
getting better data quality captured directly from the internet
using an intelligent honeypot. We have to implement this
framework and compare its performance with other type of
IDS to make sure this misuse IDS can perform better in
detecting zero day attacks in challenging environment.
The authors would like to thank our colleagues in
mathematics and statistics laboratory at the university
Mohamed V who contributed with their insights and mastery
of the subject to assist this research
We would also like to show our gratitude to Shodan
scanning website for giving us access to their API that
helped in creating this paper.
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[47] Cristiano Antonio de Souzaa,Carlos Becker Westphall,Renato
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Santos Vieira. Hybrid approach to intrusion detection in fog-
based IoT environments, Computer Networks,Elservier,2020.
He is currently a professor since 2012 at school of energy of UIR,
and member of TICLab. he coordinates two projects,
ERASMUS+ e-VAL and MarMooc.
His research interests include :
digital analysis and optimization, cloud computing, IT security,
IoT and artificial intelligence.
Received his Master degree in software engineering from the University
Mohamed V of Rabat in 2010.
He served about 10 years as a software Engineer engineer in many companies.
He is currently pursuing Ph.D from the University Mohamed V of Rabat.
His research areas include :
Cyber Security,IoT,Machine Learning,Smart Homes.
... C83 [116] Real dataset e model uses online incremental SVM for the detection of intrusion on IoT platforms. To make sure that new forms of attacks are detected, MLP is deployed as the second layer of IDS to filter any undetected attacks by the SVM module. ...
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As computer networks keep growing at a high rate, achieving confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information system is essential. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) have been widely used to monitor and secure networks. The two major limitations facing existing intrusion detection systems are high rates of false-positive alerts and low detection rates on zero-day attacks. To overcome these problems, we need intrusion detection techniques that can learn and effectively detect intrusions. Hybrid methods based on machine learning techniques have been proposed by different researchers. These methods take advantage of the single detection methods and leverage their weakness. Therefore, this paper reviews 111 related studies in the period between 2012 and 2022 focusing on hybrid detection systems. The review points out the existing gaps in the development of hybrid intrusion detection systems and the need for further research in this area.
... They use Random Forest to select important dataset features and Classification and Regression Trees (CART) to classify different attack classes. Rachid and Ghazi [21] proposed a cloud system for real-time intrusion detection and monitoring communication and attacks before they spread across the network. Alalade [22] used Extreme Learning Machine and Artificial Immune System ...
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The detection of intrusions in IoT networks is essen- tial to maintain the availability and integrity of data transmitted and generated by devices connected to these networks. This is primarily when the data originates from critical activities, such as activities in the military, financial, industrial, and health sectors. Machine learning techniques have been adopted to create ways to detect or improve the accuracy of existing models for automatic intrusion detection. However, it is difficult to find in the literature an accurate intrusion detection technique in an IoT environment, as there are different types of attacks that can happen in different ways. Therefore, to solve this problem, this work proposes applying Fuzzy OPF (Optimum-Path Forest) as a new detection algorithm for any threat that escapes the regular traffic of an IoT network. We evaluate our proposed approach by using five different ML algorithms: Linear Discriminant Analysis, Support Vector Machine, Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Optimum-Path Forest. Experimental results analysis showed that our proposed model outperforms well-known algorithms in the literature regarding the Accuracy, Recall, and F1 metrics.
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Detection of intrusions in Internet of Things networks is essential to maintain the availability and integrity of the data generated and transmitted by connected devices. Such a procedure is paramount when the data originate from critical activities, such as military, financial, industrial, and health sectors. In the last decades, machine learning (ML)-based approaches have become one of the most suitable and adopted procedures for the task, providing automatic, fast, and accurate results. Despite such success, the literature still presents a gap regarding valid applications of intrusion detection in the IoT environments, which usually stands for a challenging task composed of different types of attacks. In this context, this work applies a recent technique based on graphs and logic fuzzy, namely Fuzzy Optimum-Path Forest (Fuzzy OPF), to detect threats that escape an IoT network's regular traffic. We evaluate our model against five well-known ML algorithms, i.e., Linear Discriminant Analysis, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbors, and the standard Optimum-Path Forest. Experimental results show that Fuzzy OPF outperforms the baselines considering accuracy, recall, and F1 metrics. As a result, the Fuzzy OPF proposal for intrusion detection had a hit rate of 98 and 99%.
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Currently, the Internet of Things is spreading in all areas that apply computing resources. An important ally of the IoT is fog computing. It extends cloud computing and services to the edge of the network. Smart environments are becoming real and possible through IoT and fog computing. However, they are not free from security threats and vulnerabilities. This makes special security techniques indispensable. Security is one of the biggest challenges to ensuring an optimal IoT and Fog environment. Combined with the significant damage generated by application attacks, this fact creates the need to focus efforts in this area. This need can be proven through existing reviews of the state-of-the-art that pointed out several open aspects that need greater research effort. In this way, this article presents a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) considering the context of intrusion detection and prevention in environments based on fog computing and IoT. This review addresses more than 100 studies that were included after going through an extensive inclusion/exclusion process, with well-defined criteria. From these studies, information was extracted to build a view of the current state-of-the-art and answer the research questions of this study. In this way, we identify the state-of-the-art, open questions and possibilities for future research.
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In the Internet of Things (IoT) systems, information of various kinds is continuously captured, processed, and transmitted by systems generally interconnected by the Internet and distributed solutions. Attacks to capture information and overload services are common. This fact makes security techniques indispensable in IoT environments. Intrusion detection is one of the vital security points, aimed at identifying attempted attacks. The characteristics of IoT devices make it impossible to apply these solutions in this environment. Also, the existing anomaly-based methods for multiclass detection do not present acceptable accuracy. We present an intrusion detection architecture that operates in the fog computing layer. It has two steps and aims to classify events into specific types of attacks or non-attacks, for the execution of countermeasures. Our work presents a relevant contribution to the state of the art in this aspect. We propose a hybrid binary classification method called DNN-kNN. It has high accuracy and recall rates and is ideal for composing the first level of the two-stage detection method of the presented architecture. The approach is based on Deep Neural Networks (DNN) and the k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) algorithm. It was evaluated with the public databases NSL-KDD and CICIDS2017. We used the method of selecting attributes based on the rate of information gain. The approach proposed in this work obtained 99.77% accuracy for the NSL-KDD dataset and 99.85% accuracy for the CICIDS2017 dataset. The experimental results showed that the proposed hybrid approach was able to achieve greater precision about classic machine learning approaches and the recent advances in intrusion detection for IoT systems. In addition, the approach works with low overhead in terms of memory and processing costs.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a mean to share resources (memory, storage computational power, data, etc.) between computers and mobile devices, as well as buildings, wearable devices, electrical grids, and automobiles, just to name few. The IoT is leading to the development of advanced information services that will require large storage and computational power, as well as real-time processing capabilities. The integration of IoT with emerging technologies such as Fog Computing can complement these requirements with pervasive and cost-effective services capable of processing large-scale geo-distributed information. In any IoT application, communication availability is essential to deliver accurate and useful information, for instance, to take actions during dangerous situations, or to manage critical infrastructures. IoT components like gateways, also called Fog Nodes, face outstanding security challenges as the attack surface grows with the number of connected devices requesting communication services. These Fog nodes can be targeted by an attacker, preventing the nodes from delivering important information to the final users or to perform accurate automated actions. This paper introduces an Anomaly Behavior Analysis Methodology based on Artificial Neural Networks, to implement an adaptive Intrusion Detection System (IDS) capable of detecting when a Fog node has been compromised, and then take the required actions to ensure communication availability. The experimental results reveal that the proposed approach has the capability for characterizing the normal behavior of Fog Nodes despite its complexity due to the adaptive scheme, and also has the capability of detecting anomalies due to any kind of sources such as misuses, cyberattacks or system glitches, with high detection rate and low false alarms.
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The technological landscape of intelligent transport systems (ITS) has been radically transformed by the emergence of the big data streams generated by the Internet of Things (IoT), smart sensors, surveillance feeds, social media, as well as growing infrastructure needs. It is timely and pertinent that ITS harness the potential of an artificial intelligence (AI) to develop the big data-driven smart traffic management solutions for effective decision-making. The existing AI techniques that function in isolation exhibit clear limitations in developing a comprehensive platform due to the dynamicity of big data streams, high-frequency unlabeled data generation from the heterogeneous data sources, and volatility of traffic conditions. In this paper, we propose an expansive smart traffic management platform (STMP) based on the unsupervised online incremental machine learning, deep learning, and deep reinforcement learning to address these limitations. The STMP integrates the heterogeneous big data streams, such as the IoT, smart sensors, and social media, to detect concept drifts, distinguish between the recurrent and non-recurrent traffic events, and impact propagation, traffic flow forecasting, commuter sentiment analysis, and optimized traffic control decisions. The platform is successfully demonstrated on 190 million records of smart sensor network traffic data generated by 545,851 commuters and corresponding social media data on the arterial road network of Victoria, Australia.
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Automated signature generation for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) for proactive security of networks is a promising area of research. An IDS monitors a system or activities of a network for detecting any policy violations or malicious actions and produces reports to the management system. Numerous solutions have been proposed by various researchers so far for intrusion detection in networks. However, the need to efficiently identifying any intrusion in the network is on the rise as the network attacks are increasing exponentially. This research work proposes a deep learning-based system for hybrid intrusion detection and signature generation of unknown web attacks referred as D-Sign. D-Sign is capable of successfully detecting and generating attack signatures with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. It has been for attack detection and signature generation of web-based attacks. D-Sign has reported significantly low False Positives and False Negatives. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed system identifies the attacks proactively than other state-of-the-art approaches and generates signatures effectively thereby causing minimum damage due to network attacks.
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Integration of the internet into the entities of the different domains of human society (like smart homes, health care, smart grids, manufacturing processes, product supply chains, and environmental monitoring) is emerging as a new paradigm called the Internet of Things (IoT). However, the ubiquitous and wide-range IoT networks make them prone to cyber attacks. One of the main types of attack is denial of service (DoS), where the attacker floods the network with a large volume of data to prevent nodes from using the services. An intrusion detection mechanism is considered a chief source of protection for information and communications technology. However, conventional intrusion detection methods need to be modified and improved for application to the Internet of Things owing to certain limitations, like resource-constrained devices, the limited memory and battery capacity of nodes, and specific protocol stacks. In this paper, we develop a lightweight attack detection strategy utilizing a supervised machine learning–based support vector machine (SVM) to detect an adversary attempting to inject unnecessary data into the IoT network. Simulation results show that the proposed SVM-based classifier, aided by a combination of two or three incomplex features, can perform satisfactorily in terms of classification accuracy and detection time.
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The IOT Internet of things is rapidly moving towards reality. It is broadly applied to plenty of areas which includes healthcare, smart homes, smart cities, energy management, logistics and to forth. Smart homes are distinct class of IOT environments with a variety of connected heterogeneous devices. Daily life entities connected to the internet are enriched with the capabilities of identifying, sensing and processing. The heterogeneous entities require to execute mutual performance of activities effectively & rapidly. However, with the huge growth of connected devices, the ability of interoperation among devices is going to be a challenge. In this paper a state of the art on interoperability in smart homes is presented. The detailed discussion is given on numerous feature of connectivity protocols used for interoperation, limitation of existing solutions encounters in research.
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In the last few years, many smart objects found in the physical world are interconnected and communicate through the existing internet infrastructure which creates a global network infrastructure called the Internet of Things (IoT). Research has shown a substantial development of solutions for a wide range of devices and IoT platforms over the past 6-7 years. However, each solution provides its own IoT infrastructure, devices, APIs, and data formats leading to interoperability issues. Such interoperability issues are the consequence of many critical issues such as vendor lock-in, impossibility to develop IoT application exposing cross-platform, and/or cross-domain, difficulty in plugging non-interoperable IoT devices into different IoT platforms, and ultimately prevents the emergence of IoT technology at a large-scale. To enable seamless resource sharing between different IoT vendors, efforts by several academia, industry, and standardization bodies have emerged to help IoT interoperability, i.e., the ability for multiple IoT platforms from different vendors to work together. This paper performs a comprehensive survey on the state-of-the-art solutions for facilitating interoperability between different IoT platforms. Also, the key challenges in this topic is presented.
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In the era of big data, with the increasing number of audit data features, human-centered smart intrusion detection system (IDS) performance is decreasing in training time and classification accuracy, and many SVM-based intrusion detection algorithms have been widely used to identify an intrusion quickly and accurately. This paper proposes the FWP-SVM-GA (feature selection, weight, and parameter optimization of support vector machine based on the genetic algorithm) algorithm based on the characteristics of the genetic algorithm (GA) and the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The algorithm first optimizes the crossover probability and mutation probability of GA according to the population evolution algebra and fitness value; then, it subsequently uses a feature selection method based on the genetic algorithm with an innovation in the fitness function that decreases the SVM error rate and increases the true positive rate. Finally, according to the optimal feature subset, the feature weights and parameters of SVM are simultaneously optimized. The simulation results show that the algorithm accelerates the algorithm convergence, increases the true positive rate, decreases the error rate, and shortens the classification time. Compared with other SVM-based intrusion detection algorithms, the detection rate is higher and the false positive and false negative rates are lower.
Along with the rapid development of the IoT, the security issue of the IoT devices has also been greatly challenged. The variants of the IoT malware are constantly emerging. However, there is lacking of an IoT malware analysis architecture to extract and detect the malware behaviors. This paper addresses the problem and propose an IoT behavior analysis and detection architecture. We integrate the static and dynamic behavior analysis and network traffic analysis to understand and evaluate the IoT malware’s behaviors and spread range. The experiment on Mirai malware and several variants shows that the architecture is comprehensive and effective for the IoT malware behavior analysis as well as spread range monitoring.