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Emission characteristics and chemical composition of particulate matter emitted by typical non-road construction machinery



According to the latest China Construction Machinery Industry Yearbook 2017, forklifts, loaders and excavators are three types of construction machinery that comprise the largest proportion of construction machinery in China. To study the emission characteristics of non-road mobile machinery, three types of non-road construction machinery used in the city were selected for testing and sampling. A Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) was used to obtain instantaneous exhaust emissions, and a portable particulate sampling system was used to collect PM2.5 samples from three types of construction machinery. The elements, water-soluble ions (WSIs), organic carbon (OC)/elemental carbon (EC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analysed. The China III standards for non-road construction machinery are stricter than the China II and China I construction machinery standards, indicating that strict regulations can help reduce PM emissions from non-road construction machinery. The results show that the fraction of the chemical components including elements, WSIs, OC/EC and PAHs to particulate matter is from 67.30% to 64.10%. The SO4²⁻/NO3⁻ ratio of each test vehicle is less than 1. The CE/AE values are all greater than 1, and the exhaust particles are alkaline. The estimated concentrations of secondary organic carbon (SOC) in the particulates discharged from loaders, excavators and forklifts are 3.73 mg/m³, 0.25 mg/m³ and 0.42 mg/m³, respectively, indicating the presence of secondary aerosols. The LMW-PAHs and MMW-PAHs were the major PAH species in the particulate matter, whereas a low concentration of HMW-PAHs is considered to be more harmful to human health than the other PAHs. All the PAH BaPeq values are higher than the BaP concentrations recommended by the World Health Organization. Compared with previous study, an increase in the emission standards for non-road mobile machinery can lead to a decline in pollutant emissions. In addition, the driving conditions, engine parameters, and the age of the vehicle and of non-road construction machinery, as well as the experimental methods used to study these variables, may affect the composition of exhaust emissions.
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Original Article
Emission characteristics and chemical composition of particulate matter
emitted by typical non-road construction machinery
Qijun Zhang, Lei Yang, Chao Ma, Yanjie Zhang, Lin Wu, Hongjun Mao
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Transport Emission Control Research, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
Non-road construction machinery
Particulate matter
Chemical composition
According to the latest China Construction Machinery Industry Yearbook 2017, forklifts, loaders and excavators
are three types of construction machinery that comprise the largest proportion of construction machinery in
China. To study the emission characteristics of non-road mobile machinery, three types of non-road construction
machinery used in the city were selected for testing and sampling. A Portable Emission Measurement System
(PEMS) was used to obtain instantaneous exhaust emissions, and a portable particulate sampling system was
used to collect PM
samples from three types of construction machinery. The elements, water-soluble ions
(WSIs), organic carbon (OC)/elemental carbon (EC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were ana-
lysed. The China III standards for non-road construction machinery are stricter than the China II and China I
construction machinery standards, indicating that strict regulations can help reduce PM emissions from non-road
construction machinery. The results show that the fraction of the chemical components including elements,
WSIs, OC/EC and PAHs to particulate matter is from 67.30% to 64.10%. The SO
ratio of each test
vehicle is less than 1. The CE/AE values are all greater than 1, and the exhaust particles are alkaline. The
estimated concentrations of secondary organic carbon (SOC) in the particulates discharged from loaders, ex-
cavators and forklifts are 3.73 mg/m
, 0.25 mg/m
and 0.42 mg/m
, respectively, indicating the presence of
secondary aerosols. The LMW-PAHs and MMW-PAHs were the major PAH species in the particulate matter,
whereas a low concentration of HMW-PAHs is considered to be more harmful to human health than the other
PAHs. All the PAH BaPeq values are higher than the BaP concentrations recommended by the World Health
Organization. Compared with previous study, an increase in the emission standards for non-road mobile ma-
chinery can lead to a decline in pollutant emissions. In addition, the driving conditions, engine parameters, and
the age of the vehicle and of non-road construction machinery, as well as the experimental methods used to
study these variables, may aect the composition of exhaust emissions.
1. Introduction
Since 2013, the source analysis of PM
in the Beijing-Tianjin-
Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta cities have been stu-
died by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment(MEE). The results
showed that mobile sources are the primary source of PM
pollution in
Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai(MEE, 2018).
Generally, mobile sources can be divided into road mobile sources
(motor vehicles) and non-road mobile sources (aircrafts, ships, railway
diesel locomotives and non-road mobile machinery). In recent years,
many researchers have conducted relevant research on vehicle pollu-
tant emissions(Cheng et al., 2010;Hao et al., 2019;Zhang et al., 2016;
Zheng et al., 2018;Zhou et al., 2019). Compared with motor vehicle
research, the research on non-road mobile sources is scarce.
Non-road mobile machinery generally uses a diesel engine and
Particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC) and
carbon monoxide (CO) are the primary pollutants. The NOx and PM
emitted from diesel engines accounts for close to 70% and 90% of the
total vehicle emissions in China, respectively(MEE, 2018). Based on the
study of non-road vehicle emission inventories in the Pearl River Delta
region, diesel-based non-road vehicles have become the third largest
source of NOx emissions in the region. The emissions inventory issued
by the European Environmental Agency in 2019 shows that non-road
mobile source emissions contribute signicantly to the European at-
mospheric environment, which contributes to 17% of PM emissions
(EEA, 2019). Yan et al. predicted that non-road mobile sources will
Received 5 October 2019; Received in revised form 22 December 2019; Accepted 24 December 2019
Peer review under responsibility of Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research and Control.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Mao).
Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (2020) 679–685
Available online 30 December 2019
1309-1042/ © 2020 Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research and Control. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
gradually surpass motor vehicles as the main source of mobile pollution
after 2030 and will become the largest source of CO and HC emissions
in Asia by 2050(Yan et al., 2014). The results of air quality model si-
mulated by Dunker show that the contribution of mobile sources to
organic aerosol emissions in the Greater Houston area of the United
States in 2013 was 43%, and non-road mobile sources only contributed
to up to 18%(Dunker et al., 2019).
The particulate matter composition is important for the human
health eects research and estimation of emissions from non-road
mobile sources. Due to the need for atmospheric source analysis and
concerns about the toxicity of particulate matter in non-road diesel
engines, studying the chemical composition of particulate matter dis-
charged from non-road mobile sources (including elements, water-so-
luble ions, elemental carbon and organic carbon, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, etc.) has also become a hot research topic. Gerald et al.
used bench test with various exhaust gas treatment devices to study the
emission of PAHs from non-road engine exhausts(Z Liu et al., 2015).
Nyström et al. tested the distribution of carbonaceous particulate
matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a non-road diesel en-
gine using dierent fuels. It was found that the total mass fraction of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the particles of low-sulfur diesel
engine was 3.12 μg/g(Nyström et al., 2016). Muresan et al. measured
the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in non-road en-
gineering machinery particles to be 3.4 ± 0.9 μg/g, and the content
increased with increasing HC emissions(Muresan et al., 2015). Green
et al. compared the carbon content of non-road and diesel vehicles and
found that the EC content in the non-road vehicles was 23.7 ± 11.9%,
which was lower than the EC content of 45.5 ± 12.9% of road diesel
vehicles(Green et al., 2013).
Most of these studies were based on fuel consumption calculations
and bench test to determine the emission factors and establish factors
estimation models. However, due to the operating conditions of non-
road construction machinery, the emissions measured by the engine test
bench cannot accurately represent the emissions obtained by actual
operating conditions. Due to the lag of emission control standards, long
operating periods, and low maintenance rate for non-road mobile ma-
chinery, it is dicult to obtain emissions from non-road mobile ma-
chinery. In order to obtain accurate emissions from non-road con-
struction machinery under actual conditions, a portable emission
measurement system (PEMS) was used to obtain non-road mobile
source emissions. In recent years, Ge Yunshan and Chen Yingjun have
been used PEMS to study the emissions of non-road mobile sources and
obtained localized emission factors(Fu et al., 2012;Zhang et al., 2015).
According to the latest China Construction Machinery Industry
Yearbook 2017(CCMA, 2017), the number of construction machinery is
approximately 7 million. Forklifts, loaders and excavators are three
types of construction machinery and representing the largest proportion
of construction machinery in China (79%). Therefore, this work studies
three types of machinery, loaders, forklifts and excavators, which are
basically the most common types of construction machinery used in
China. To study the emission characteristics of non-road mobile ma-
chinery, three types of non-road machinery used in cities were selected
for testing and sampling. A PEMS was used to obtain instantaneous
exhaust emissions, and a portable particulate sampling system was used
to collect PM
samples from three types of construction machinery (1
excavator, 1 loader, and 1 forklift) operated under dierent working
conditions. The elements, WSIs, OC/EC and PAHs were analysed. The
chemical composition of the construction machinery emissions was
studied to provide fundamental data used to control emissions from
non-road construction machinery in China.
2. Experimental method
2.1. Tested machinery and fuel
In this study, typical non-road mobile machinery (1 excavator, 1
loader, 1 forklift) were selected for testing(Table 1). During the ex-
periment, the on-line analysis was performed on vehicle exhausts and
sample collections of particulate matter obtained under three working
conditions: idling, moving and working. At the same time, a camera
was used to record the machinery working. Each working condition
lasted at least 1020 min, and the test were repeated 36 times for each
non-road construction machinery. The fuel used in this study was China
V diesel. The test fuel composition information was shown in Table 2.
2.2. Measurement system
Based on our previous tests, a portable emission measurement
system (PEMS) was used to collect the data and samples(Fig. 1)(Zhao
et al., 2019). This method can be used to obtain emission data for CO,
HC, NOx and PM in emissions produced by real world activities. The
SEMTECH-DS and SEMTECH EFM (Sensor, USA) was used to collect the
real time exhaust emissions data and recorded the exhaust gas ow. In
addition, a GPS module was used for measuring the speed, longitude,
latitude and altitude, and a temperature and humidity sensor was in-
cluded to record the ambient temperature and humidity. A portable
particle matter collection sampler (HY100WS particle sampler,
Qingdao Hengyuan) was simultaneously used to collect the exhaust
particulate matter. The PM was collected using a quartz lter (90 mm,
2500 QAT-UP, Pall Life Sciences) and a Teon lter (90 mm, Whatman,
America) to study the chemical composition of the particulate matter,
and the weight loss of these lters was ignored by strictly controlling
the sampling quality. As shown in Fig. 1, due to the high temperature of
the exhaust gas discharged from the non-road mechanical exhaust
pipes, the heating tube was used to sample particulate matter for pre-
venting the eects of condensation. After the owmeter, the exhaust
enters the high-ow particulate matter sampler through the heating
Table 1
Non-road construction machinery parameters.
Vehicle Type Fuel type Rated power Displacement Cylinder number Year Emission standard
forklift diesel 86 kW 3.76 L 4 2016 China III
excavator diesel 103 kW 6.494 L 6 2016 China III
loader diesel 125 kW 6.75 L 6 2016 China III
Table 2
Test fuel properties.
Parameter Value
Density (20 °C) (kg/m
) 835.2
Viscosity (20 °C) (m
/s) 5.794
Flash point (°C) 83.5
Sulfur content (ppm) 113
Nitrogen content(mg/kg) 25
Carbon content(%) 86.09
Hydrogen content(%) 12.67
Oxygen content(%) 0.6
Vanadium content(mg/kg) < 1
Iron content(mg/kg) < 1
Calcium content(mg/kg) < 1
Zinc content(mg/kg) < 1
Nickel content(mg/kg) < 1
Q. Zhang, et al. Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (2020) 679–685
2.3. Chemical composition analysis
The sampling lters obtained in this study were subjected to ele-
mental analysis, water-soluble ion analysis, carbon component analysis
and organic component PAH analysis. Inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS, Agilent 7500A, Agilent, USA)was used for the
elemental analysis, in which seventeen elements present in the lters
were analysed. Water-soluble ions such as Na
, and SO
were tested by an ion chromato-
graphy analyser (ICS3000 ion chromatograph, American Diane). The
organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were analysed with a
DRI MODEL2001 Thermal-optical carbon analyser developed by the
Desert Research Institute of the United States. In the thermo-optical
reection carbon analysis protocol, eight parameters (OC1, OC2,OC3,
OC4, EC1, EC2, EC3, Organic carbon Pyrolysis (OCP)) are measured
during the analysis process. OC is dened as
OC1+OC2+OC3+OC4+OPC, and EC is dened as EC1+EC2+EC3-
OCP. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected
based on the EPA TO-13A standard, and gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GC-MS, Agilent 7890b-5977A, Agilent, USA) was used to
analyse 18 kinds of PAHs present in the samples, which included
Naphthalene (NA), Acenaphthylene (ACL), Acenaphthene (AC),
Fluorene (FL), Phenanthrene (PHE), Anthracene (AN), Fluoranthene
(FA), Pyrene (PY), Benzo (a) anthracene (BaA), Chrysene (CHR), Benzo
(b) uoranthene (BbFA), Benzo (k) uoranthene (BkFA), Benzo (e)
pyrene (BeP), Benzo (a) pyrene (BaP), Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene
(DBahA), Benzo (g,h,i) perylene (BghiP), Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene (IP),
Coronene (COR).
2.4. Data processing
2.4.1. Fuel-based emission factor
The fuel-based emission factors for each operation mode and
average fuel-based emission factor for the construction machinery were
calculated using the ratio of the PM to the sum of excess CO
and CO.
These ratios are related to the amount of fuel consumed, and the ac-
tivity time is represented as(Fu et al., 2012;Hans et al., 2003)
ρρρ(0.273 0.429 0.866 )
PM AVE diesel PM PM
tCO CO HC2(1)
where EF
fuel) is the average emission factor from each
type of construction machinery. The ρ
are the concentra-
tions (g/s) of the CO
, CO, and HC in the exhaust, respectively. The
is the mass of lter before sampling and m
is the mass of lter
after sampling. CMF
is the carbon mass fraction of diesel, in which
= 86.6%(Zhu et al., 2011). CO and CO
typically account for
more than 99% of the carbon emitted in engine exhaust(Yanowitz et al.,
2.4.2. Anion and cation equivalent concentration ratio (CE/AE)
The ratio of cation equivalent concentration (CE) to anion equiva-
lent concentration (AE) is used to describe the acidity of PM
. The CE/
AE greater than 1 indicates that the particles are alkaline, and CE/AE
less than 1 indicates that the particles are acidic(Cheng et al., 2011;
Xiang et al., 2017).
+++ +
2.4.3. POC and SOC
The organic carbon consists of two parts: primary organic carbon
(POC) and secondary organic carbon (SOC). Since it is dicult to col-
lect and measure secondary organic carbon, indirect methods are used
to estimate the POC and SOC. The POC and SOC of the particles were
estimated by the minimum OC/EC ratio method(Viana et al., 2008;
Watson et al., 2008). The calculation method is as follows:
EC mi
tot (4)
where EC is the observed value of elemental carbon (ug/m
), (OC/EC)
min is the minimum ratio of OC/EC, and (OC)tot is the total organic
carbon obtained from the analysis (ug/m
2.4.4. Benzo[a]pyrene equivalent concentration
The benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (BaPeq) concentration is used to
assess the health risks of PAHs. BaPeq concentrations could be calcu-
lated using Equation (1), in which Ci is the mass concentration of the
individual PAHs, and TEFi is the toxic equivalency factor recommended
by Nisbet and Lagoy(Nisbet and Lagoy, 1992).
=∗BaPeq TEF C
2.5. Quality control
Portable emission measurement systems are highly accurate, and
the experimental pipeline should be sealed before the experiment is
performed to ensure the accuracy of the exhaust gas ow test. The in-
strument was warmed up 1 h before the start of the experiment. Before
and after the experiment, pure N
was used to calibrate the instrument
with zero calibration, and a gas mixture was used to perform the SPAN
calibration to determine the accuracy of the data obtained during the
The pre-blank quartz lters were baked in a mue furnace at 800 °C
for 2 h to remove the inuence of the carbon components in the
membrane on the analysis of the organic matter and were then placed
in a constant temperature (25 ± 1 °C) and humidity (35 ± 1%)
chamber. After 48 h equilibration, it was weighed with a METTLER
millionth scale and weighed three times in a row (each weighing in-
terval is 1 h). The dierence between the three weights should be no
more than ± 5 μg, and the average value was considered as the weight.
After sampling, the weighing method is the same, and the lters were
put in a refrigerator (4 °C) for analysis. For the instruments used in the
Fig. 1. A schematic drawing of the sampling setup.
Q. Zhang, et al. Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (2020) 679–685
o-line analysis of the lter, the analytical instruments are calibrated
and maintained according to the instrument operating procedures be-
fore and after each test cycle, and the operating specications are
strictly followed during the analysis to minimize error. The sample pre-
treatment, chemical analysis and QA/QC procedures were described in
detail in our previous work and other related studies(Fang et al., 2017;
Li et al., 2017;Liu et al., 2016;Luo et al., 2018).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. PM
emission factor
The fuel-based average emission factors of PM
for tested equip-
ment were summarized in Table 3. The EF
for the forklift
(1.25 g kg
fuel) and loader (1.64 g kg
fuel) examined in this study
was lower than that determined by previous research(Cui et al., 2017;
Zequn, 2017). This result is reasonable because the emission standards
for the non-road construction machinery examined in this study are the
latest China III standards, which are stricter than the standards used by
previous studies. For the excavator, the EF
(1.80 g kg
fuel) in
this study is higher than that dened by the China II standard used in
the Cui's study(Cui et al., 2017), which is due to the poor operating
conditions and long running time of the excavator used in this study. In
general, the EF
of China III non-road construction machinery is
typically lower than that of China II and China I construction ma-
chinery, indicating that strict regulations can help reduce PM emissions
from non-road construction machinery. Compared with the technical
guide by the MEE in 2014(MEE, 2014), all measured factors are dif-
ferent from the recommended values given in the technical guide.
Therefore, it is necessary to localize the relevant emission factors when
using technical guide for the calculating emission inventories of non-
road construction machinery.
3.2. Inorganic composition of PM
3.2.1. Elemental analysis
The chemical composition of the PM
obtained from each con-
struction machinery is shown in Fig. 2. In this study, Cd, Hg, Co, V, Ti,
Ni, Mn, Pb, Mg, Cu, K, Zn, Fe, S, Al, Na, and Ca were detected in the
. Overall, the concentrations of Ca, Na, Al, S, Fe and Zn are the
highest, and the concentrations of Cd, Hg, Co, V, Ti and Ni are the
lowest. The dierences in the individual elements present in the PM
samples may be aected by many factors, such as the engine rate
power, the gross vehicle weight, the complex reactions occurring in the
engine and the aftertreatment of the vehicle. Hu et al. (2009) classied
the total elements present in particle matter into the following groups:
oil additives (Ca and Zn), Fe, Cu, platinum group elements (PGE: Pt, Pd,
and Rh), V, Ti, mobile source air toxic (MSAT) metals (As, Cr, Pb, Mn,
and Ni), and other metals. In addition, sulfur is mainly from diesel fuel.
As the fuel quality increases, the concentration of sulfur in the exhaust
gas tends to decrease. The content of elements present in the samples
collected in this study is 2 times lower than the relevant elemental data
of China II excavator in Cui's research(Cui et al., 2017).
3.2.2. Water-soluble ions (WSIs)
As shown in Fig. 2,NO
and NH
+have the highest con-
centrations of all the water-soluble ions detected in this study. The
ions in the exhaust gas mainly come from the sulfur in the fuel
oil. In this study, the SO
ratio is 0.1170.266, which is less
than 1, meaning that these ions are derived from mobile source pollu-
tion(Liu et al., 2014).
In this study, the ratio of the water-soluble ions to PM
0.99%1.11%. Popovicheva et al. (2015) determined that the water-
soluble ions (F
) are emitted by non-road diesel
engines at a steady state and account for 0.98% of PM
. The SO
also the main component, which is similar to the results of this study.
The CE/AE values are all greater than 1, and the particles are alkaline.
This is similar to the previous research on vehicle source emissions.
3.3. Organic composition of PM
3.3.1. OC/EC
According to Han's research, the EC can be divided into Char-EC and
Soot-EC based on the analytical instruments used in dierent cracking
processes(Yongming et al., 2007). Char-EC is a residue formed by the
incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials and retains the
structural characteristics of the original fuel. Soot-EC is a gaseous
precursor formed by high temperature combustion, is highly con-
centrated and contains refractory spherical carbon particles formed by a
condensation process. Char-EC = EC1-OPC, Soot-EC = EC2+EC3. The
mean values of Char-EC/Soot-EC ratios in the PM
of the excavator,
loader and forklift exhausts are 0.23, 0.5 and 0.12, respectively, which
are less than 1.0. This is consistent with the compositional distribution
of the source emissions and is also consistent with the research per-
formed by Chow (Chow et al., 2004).
Liu et al. showed that the proportion of the OC and EC emitted by
non-road-source diesel engines is related to the engine load, fuel sulfur
content, and sampling temperature(Zifei et al., 2005). The OC/EC ratio
obtained in this study ranged from 1.9 to 3.4 with an average of 2.3.
This result is similar to that of the Chow et al. study, in which the value
of the OC/EC ratio was greater than 2, and secondary organic carbon
generation was identied.
Organic carbon consists of two parts: primary organic carbon (POC)
and secondary organic carbon (SOC)(Anita et al., 2010;Oen et al.,
2006). POC is generally considered to be from a single emission source,
while SOC is primarily produced by VOCs and gas-particle conversion.
Many studies have been conducted on SOC concentrations emitted by
vehicles(Deng et al., 2017;May et al., 2014;Roth et al., 2020). EC is
mainly derived from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and
biomass, and elemental carbon is also one of the sources of CO
in the
long-term carbon cycle(Campa et al., 2009). In our study, the OC/EC
ratio of the particulate matter was greater than 2, indicating the pre-
sence of a secondary aerosol. Based on the experimental analysis re-
sults, the (OC/EC)
was 1.9 in this study. The estimated concentra-
tions of SOC in the particulates discharged from the loaders, excavators
and forklifts are 3.73 mg/m
, 0.25 mg/m
and 0.42 mg/m
, respec-
3.3.2. PAHs
18 kinds of PAHs were detected in the particulate matter evaluated
in this study, of which uorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, uor-
anthene, pyrene, benzo(b)uoranthene and benzo(g,h,i)perylene ac-
counted for a higher proportion of approximately 77%88% of PAH
emissions. For the loader, the average of the BaA/(BaA + CHR), IP/
(IP + BghiP), and FA/(FA + PY) ratios were 0.47, 0.53, and 0.33,
respectively. The ratios of the PAHs in the loader exhaust obtained in
this study are similar to those reported by Liu et al. and Cui et al.(Cui
Table 3
Average fuel-based emission factors on dierent emission standards (g·kg
China I China II China III
Forklift 2.4
Excavator 2.32
Loader 2.9
Technical guide
3.16 1.36 1.12
Zequn (2017).
This study.
Cui et al. (2017).
Technical guide for estimating inventories of non-road mobile pollution
sources, MEE.
Q. Zhang, et al. Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (2020) 679–685
et al., 2017;ZLiu et al., 2015).
Based on the number of rings, the PAHs can be divided into lower
molecular weight PAHs (LMW-PAHs) containing 2 rings and 3 rings,
middle molecular weight PAHs (MMW-PAHs) containing 4 rings and
higher molecular weight PAHs (HMW-PAHs) containing 5 rings, 6 rings
and 7 rings. As shown in Fig. 2, LMW-PAHs and MMW-PAHs were the
major PAH species (collectively representing approximately
77.3%88.3% of the total PAHs found in the particulate matter). The
results of this study and those of Li's research on diesel engine parti-
culate matter PAHs are mainly concentrated in the results of LMW and
MMW(Li, 2013). Although the concentration of HMW-PAHs is low, due
to their lipophilicity, HMW-PAHs are considered to be more harmful to
human health than the other PAHs(Tsai et al., 2004).
The Benzo [a] pyrene equivalent (BaPeq) concentration value of
PAHs was shown in Fig. 3. The total BaPeq for loader, excavator and
forklift were 0.20, 0.24 and 0.15 μg BaP/m
. All the PAH BaPeq values
calculated in this study for the loader, excavator and forklift are higher
than the BaP concentrations recommended by the World Health Orga-
nization (1 ng/m
). Due to the adverse eects and health hazards of
carbonaceous compositions, elements and PAHs, the PM emissions from
non-road construction machinery require urgent control.
Fig. 2. The chemical composition of the PM
obtained from each construction machinery. (a) elements, (b) WSIs, (c) OC/EC and (d) PAHs.
Fig. 3. The Benzo [a] pyrene equivalent concentration value of PAHs.
Q. Zhang, et al. Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (2020) 679–685
3.4. Comparisons with previous study
The average source proles of PM
obtained from the construction
machinery evaluated in this study are summarized in Table 4, and the
average source proles previously reported are also summarized for
comparison. As shown in Table 4, the average fractions of the total
chemical components of the tested loader, excavator, and forklift
samples collected in this study are lower than those determined by Cui's
research, whereas the total fraction is higher than that determined for
shing ship engine(Wen et al., 2018). This mainly occurred because the
emission standard of the non-road construction machinery evaluated in
this study is the China III stage, and the Cui research used a China II
stage standard excavator. The use of more strict emission standards for
non-road mobile machinery can lead to a decline in pollutant emissions.
In comparison, the total elements and carbonaceous and PAHs
fractions determined in this study are lower than those reported by Cui,
whereas the WSI fraction determined in this study is higher than that
reported by Cui. The proportion of WSIs measured in this study was
signicantly lower than those emitted from the shing ship engine. The
ship engine emissions contained a high concentration of sulfate species,
which could be the result of the dierent sulfur components in the
diesel fuels. The OC and EC fractions of the PM evaluated in our study
are higher than those reported by Wen(Wen et al., 2018), which might
be the result of the poor fuel quality and engine operational condition
of the shing ship. Marine diesel may be directly discharged without
sucient combustion, thus resulting in the ship exhaust having a lower
concentration of EC; however, black smoke is still clearly emitted by
ships. In addition, the driving conditions, engine parameters, and ve-
hicle age of non-road construction machinery and the experimental
methods used to study emissions may aect the composition of exhaust
4. Conclusion
Three typical non-road construction machinery were tested to study
on the PM emissions and chemical components(elements, WSIs, OC/EC
and PAHs). The results indicated that strict regulations can help reduce
PM emissions from non-road construction machinery. Compared with
previous reports, all measured EFs were dierent from the re-
commended values given in the technical guide from MEE. More at-
tention needed to be paid to the localization of EFs for the calculating
emission inventories.
The chemical composition of non-road construction machinery ex-
haust particles was similar to that of diesel vehicle exhaust particles.
The fraction of the chemical components including elements, WSIs, OC/
EC and PAHs to particulate matter is from 67.30% to 64.10%. The OC/
EC ratio of the particulate matter was greater than 2, indicating the
presence of a secondary aerosol. The estimated concentrations of SOC
in the particulates discharged from the loaders, excavators and forklifts
were 3.73 mg/m
, 0.25 mg/m
and 0.42 mg/m
, respectively. All the
PAH BaPeq values were higher than the BaP concentrations of World
Health Organization (1 ng/m
). The PM emissions from non-road
construction machinery required urgent control for the harmful eects
and health hazards of carbonaceous compositions, elements and PAHs.
Finally, the operating conditions, engine parameters, and vehicle
age of non-road construction machinery and the experimental methods
may aect the composition of exhaust emissions. At the same time,
these chemical components played an important role in atmospheric
source analyses and air quality impact studies. More studies must be
conducted to clarify each non-road construction machinery type's
emission characteristics in real-world conditions.
Credit author statement
Qijun Zhang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing-Original
draft preparation, Writing-Reviewing and Editing. Lei Yang: Data
curation, Software. Chao Ma: Visualization, Investigation. Yanjie
Zhang: Validation. Lin Wu: Supervision. Hongjun Mao: Funding ac-
quisition, Methodology, Writing-Reviewing and Editing.
This study was supported by the Tianjin Education Commission
Research Project (2017KJ053), Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin
(18JCYBJC23700, 16JCYBJC22600), Opening Foundation of Ministry
of Education Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and Environmental
Criteria (2017-01) and Tianjin Chengjian University Doctoral
Foundation Project.
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Table 4
Comparison of the average chemical composition of PM
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Loader Excavator Forklift Excavator
(China II)
(Cui et al.,
et al.,
Element Al 0.0475 0.1635 0.1242 0.852
Ca 0.2391 0.2615 0.3671 0.241 0.317
Cd 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.000
Co 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.001
Cu 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.042 0.107
Fe 0.1630 0.2006 0.2323 0.815 0.267
Hg 0.0276 0.0701 0.0540
K 0.0227 0.0225 0.0229 0.197 0.037
Mg 0.0129 0.0322 0.0285 0.106 0.053
Mn 0.0019 0.0028 0.0026 0.013 0.006
Na 0.0533 0.0586 0.0560 0.245 0.082
Ni 0.0006 0.0003 0.0001 0.015 0.001
Pb 0.0041 0.0034 0.0033 0.011 0.000
S 0.0327 0.0498 0.0322
Ti 0.0004 0.0011 0.0010 0.008
V 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.001 0.0001
Zn 0.0244 0.0292 0.0237 0.027 0.013
0.0290 0.0680 0.0150 0.098
0.0990 0.1140 0.1090
0.3870 0.4020 0.2720 0.278 0.254
0.0450 0.1070 0.0500 0.193 1.770
0.0280 0.0490 0.0320
0.3810 0.3050 0.3410 0.044 0.446
0.0280 0.0060 0.0480
0.0050 0.0120 0.0120
0.1020 0.1200 0.1100
Carbonaceous OC 50.7690 42.4400 41.7020 39.2 35.5
EC 14.7600 21.9500 20.4280 33.3 6.6
PAHs NA 0.0002 0.0001 0.0002 0.008
ACL 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.005
AC 0.0012 0.0001 0.0002 0.001
FL 0.0017 0.0009 0.0015 0.002
BghiP 0.0016 0.0007 0.0013 0.003
IP 0.0018 0.0006 0.0012 0.001
DBahA 0.0003 0.0000 0.0002
BbFA 0.0019 0.0014 0.0013
COR 0.0006 0.0000 0.0002
PHE 0.0075 0.0052 0.0068 0.005
AN 0.0015 0.0014 0.0012 0.001
FA 0.0037 0.0046 0.0013 0.026
BaA 0.0008 0.0009 0.0007 0.007
CHR 0.0010 0.0009 0.0007 0.008
PY 0.0074 0.0135 0.0115 0.028
BaP 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0004
BeP 0.0006 0.0004 0.0004
BkFA 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.001
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Q. Zhang, et al. Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (2020) 679–685
... In the field of construction machinery, classified as NRMM, along with agricultural machinery, some studies have reported the measurement of real working emission (RWE) data under actual vehicle conditions using a PEMS [17][18][19][20] . Kim and Lee measured exhaust emission data using a PEMS under actual working conditions (no load and load conditions) of an excavator and analyzed the correlation between engine load and major factors of exhaust emissions to estimate CO 2 emissions 16 . ...
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Recently, diesel engine emissions have been designated as a first-class carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). As such, problems with diesel engine emissions continue to increase around the world. This study aimed to analyze the emissions (CO, NOx, PM) of agricultural tractors during farming operations in order to build a reliable national inventory of air pollutant emissions. Emission data were collected using a portable emission measurement system during actual agricultural operation. The load factor (LF) of the engine was calculated using the collected engine information, the emission factor was analyzed using the LF and the measured emission. The LF was significantly different from the current standard value of 0.48, which is used in Korea to calculate exhaust emissions. The deviation ratio of the emission factor was 0.039 ~ 56.59 compared to Tier-4 emission regulation standards. Under many conditions, the calculated emission factor was higher than the emission limit. Thus, this study provides useful information for emission inventory construction through emission calculation under actual conditions and suggests the need to realize the currently applied emission factor.
... The imperative of the world to minimize fuel consumption confers diesel engines to be the most efficient combustion engine and is, so far, the best choice for industrial applications (Chidambaranathan et al., 2023;Mustayen et al., 2022;Pierce et al., 2019). According to US Energy Information Administration (US EIA) in 2021, the flexibility of diesel engines in their operation allows global adaptation to markets such as passenger and commercial vehicles (García-Contreras et al., 2021;Li et al., 2021), military equipment, electrical generators (Fadel et al., 2022), and construction equipment Feng et al., 2023;Hu et al., 2019;Li et al., 2023;Zhang et al., 2020. Recent trends demand urgency as its growth also signifies the development of its age-old problem, emissions. ...
The regeneration ability of diesel particulate filter (DPF) may not meet the immense power demand of construction equipment. Furthermore, few research addresses the emission control technologies for construction equipment. Therefore, this study aims to provide the potential application of diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and particle oxidation catalyst (POC) in terms of reducing PM, gaseous pollutants, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emitted from the exhaust of diesel engines without losing power. The results showed an absence of reaction on engine power when DOC + POC was installed due to the open-flow channel of the POC. Moreover, POC reduced the PM emissions by 92.4%–93.1% and for gaseous pollutants, CO was reduced by 87.2%–93.3% while HC showed 80.7%–100%. Against DPF, the PM filtration of the POC is lower however, the two Euro III diesel engines still met the Euro V standards for PM, CO, and HC. For new POC condition, a minimum of 80.9% PAH removal efficiency was shown by both engines, while lower percentages were displayed for the remaining conditions. Although, the data suggest that the POC utilized did not wane, but rather an incomplete combustion occurred which lowered the PAH removal efficiency of the other conditions. Nevertheless, the DOC + POC still managed a 33.0%–57.0% PAH mass reduction. Lastly, following the high-performance results of the engines, the same was seen on the excavator as 86.5–96.7% of PM were removed from the raw exhaust while testing its idle and action mode.
... [34][35][36] Moreover, construction and mining workers may be exposed to PAHs from exhaust generated by construction and mining machinery. [37][38][39] Our "agriculture, forestry, and fisheries" group exhibited high PAH levels. The excess fractions and ORs for 1-OHP, 1-OHPHE, and 2-OHFLU were high in this group; in particular, there was a significant difference in urinary 1-OHP concentrations compared to the reference group. ...
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Background: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are occupational and environmental pollutants generated by the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Exposure to PAHs can occur in various occupations. In this study, we compared PAH exposure levels among occupations based on 4 urinary PAH metabolites in a Korean adult population. Methods: The evaluation of occupational exposure to PAHs was conducted using Second Korean National Environmental Health Survey data. The occupational groups were classified based on skill types. Four urinary PAH metabolites were used to evaluate PAH exposure: 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP), 2-naphthol (2-NAP), 1-hydroxyphenanthrene (1-OHPHE), and 2-hydroxyfluorene (2-OHFLU). The fraction exceeding the third quartile of urinary concentration for each PAH metabolite was assessed for each occupational group. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for exceeding the third quartile of urinary PAH metabolite concentration were calculated for each occupational group compared to the "business, administrative, clerical, financial, and insurance" group using multiple logistic regression analyses. Results: The "guard and security" (OR: 2.949; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.300-6.691), "driving and transportation" (OR: 2.487; 95% CI: 1.418-4.364), "construction and mining" (OR: 2.683; 95% CI: 1.547-4.655), and "agriculture, forestry, and fisheries" (OR: 1.973; 95% CI: 1.220-3.191) groups had significantly higher ORs for 1-OHP compared to the reference group. No group showed significantly higher ORs than the reference group for 2-NAP. The groups with significantly higher ORs for 1-OHPHE than the reference group were "cooking and food service" (OR: 2.073; 95% CI: 1.208-3.556), "driving and transportation" (OR: 1.724; 95% CI: 1.059-2.808), and "printing, wood, and craft manufacturing" (OR: 2.255; 95% CI: 1.022-4.974). The OR for 2-OHFLU was significantly higher in the "printing, wood, and craft manufacturing" group (OR: 3.109; 95% CI: 1.335-7.241) than in the reference group. Conclusions: The types and levels of PAH exposure differed among occupational groups in a Korean adult population.
Tire wear is one of the major sources of traffic-related particle emissions, however, laboratory data on the components of tire wear particles (TWPs) is scarce. In this study, ten brands of tires, including two types and four-speed grades, were chosen for wear tests using a tire simulator in a closed chamber. The chemical components of PM2.5 were characterized in detail, including inorganic elements, water-soluble ions (WSIs), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Inorganic elements, WSIs, OC, and EC accounted for 8.7 ± 2.1%, 3.1 ± 0.7%, 44.0 ± 0.9%, and 9.6 ± 2.3% of the mass of PM2.5, respectively. The OC/EC ratio ranged from 2.8 to 7.6. The inorganic elements were dominated by Si and Zn. The primary ions were SO42- and NO3-, and TWPs were proven to be acidic by applying an ionic balance. The total PAHs content was 113 ± 45.0 μg g-1, with pyrene being dominant. In addition, the relationship between the chemical components and tire parameters was analyzed. Inorganic elements and WSIs in TWPs were more abundant in all-season tires than those in winter tires, whereas the content of PAHs was the opposite. The mass fractions of OC, Si, and Al in the TWPs all showed increasing trends with increasing tire speed grade, but the PAHs levels showed a decreasing trend. Ultimately, to provide more data for further research, a TWPs source profile was constructed considering the tire weighting factor.
Particle matter (PM) is a complex mixture of particles suspended in the air, mainly caused by fuel combustion from vehicles and industry, and has been related to pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. The Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley in Colombia is the second most populous urban agglomeration in the country and the third densest in the world, composed of ten municipalities. Examining the physicochemical properties of PM is crucial in comprehending its composition and its effects on human health, as it varies based on the socioeconomic dynamics specific to each city. This study characterized the PM collected from the north, south, and central zones to evaluate its chemical composition and morphology. Different elements such as silicon, carbon, aluminum, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, and copper and the presence of unburned fuel, motor oil, and silicon fibers were identified. In vitro and in silico studies were conducted to evaluate the toxicity of the PM, and it was found that the PM collected from the central zone had the greatest impact on cell viability and caused DNA damage. The in silico study demonstrated that PM has concentration-dependent proarrhythmic effects, reflected in an action potential duration shortening and an increased number of reentries, which may contribute to the development of cardiac arrhythmias. Overall, the results suggest that the size and chemical composition of ambient PM can induce toxicity and play an important role in the generation of arrhythmias.
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Formation of organic aerosol (OA) and ozone were simulated for the greater Houston area in September 2013 and 2028 (summer conditions) using the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx). We also simulated the background concentrations in the absence of US anthropogenic emissions. The 1.5-dimensional volatility basis set scheme was used to represent formation of primary and secondary OA (POA and SOA). The path-integral method for source apportionment was successfully extended to OA formation using the same numerical approach previously used for ozone and then applied to apportion the anthropogenic increment of OA and ozone to six emission source categories. The anthropogenic increment is the difference between the 2013 or 2028 simulation and the background simulation. Averaged over 21 air monitoring sites in Houston, point sources make the largest contribution to monthly average SOA and OA (25%–37%, depending on year) and to monthly maximum 8-h ozone (21%–26%). Onroad and then nonroad sources are the next most important in 2013, but their contributions diminish by 2028. The sources’ contributions to SOA correlate much more strongly with their NOx emissions than with their emissions of organic precursor species. Anthropogenic emissions enhance OA formation from biogenic emissions, and this enhancement is 46% and 48% of the total OA concentration in Houston in 2013 and 2028, respectively. Point sources make the largest contribution to the enhancement. Additional results for a larger regional area covering Texas and nearby states are also presented.
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Three-way catalyst (TWC) converter is one of the most important after-treatment device for modern light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs), which can efficiently control exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), total hydrocarbons (THC) and nitrogen oxides (NOX). Nevertheless, a considerable part of in-use taxis in Beijing would operate with TWC purposely removed, which have been indicated by vehicular on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems. In light of high vehicle-use intensity for taxis, we recruited three China 4 non-TWC taxis and three China 4 normal taxis in a comparative experimental test by using a portable emissions measurement system (PEMS). The results indicated that non-TWC taxis emitted significantly higher emissions of air pollutants than normal taxis with TWC functioning. For example, average emission factors of non-TWC vehicles were comparable to emission levels of China 1 LDGVs measured in previous studies. By contrast, emissions from normal China 4 taxis were all below China 4 emission limits. Furthermore, an operating mode binning method and a micro-trip approach have been employed to link vehicle emissions with driving conditions. For non-TWC taxis, we identified strong correlations of all pollutant categories between emission factors and average speed. However, such correlations for normal taxis were less strong, in particular for CO and THC emissions that were hardly sensitive to speed changes. This phenomenon indicates that the role of traffic conditions in affecting real-world emissions would become weaker when TWC can effectively mitigate emissions. This paper highlights the importance of in-use emission inspection to avoid any "high emitters" that have violated regulation enforcement. © 2017 Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research and Control.
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With the rapid growth in the number of both non-road and on-road diesel vehicles, the adverse effects of particulate matter (PM) and its constituents on air quality and human health have attracted increasing attentions. However, studies on the characteristics of PM and its composition emitted from diesel vehicles are still scarce, especially under real-world driving conditions. In this study, six excavators and five trucks that provided a wide range of emission standards and operation modes were tested, and PM emissions and their constituents – including organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), water-soluble ions (WSIs), elements, and organic species like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), n-alkanes, and hopanes – as well as steranes were analyzed and characterized. The average emission factors for PM (EFPM) from excavator and truck emissions were 829 ± 806 and 498 ± 234 mg kg−1 fuel, respectively. EFPM and PM constituents were significantly affected by fuel quality, operational mode, and emission standards. A significant correlation (R2 = 0. 79, p < 0. 01) was found between EFPM for excavators and the sulfur contents in fuel. The highest average EFPM for working excavators was 904 ± 979 mg kg−1 fuel as a higher engine load required in this mode. From pre-stage 1 to stage 2, the average EFPM for excavators decreased by 58 %. For trucks, the average non-highway EFPM at 548 ± 311 mg kg−1 fuel was higher than the highway EFPM at 497 ± 231 mg kg−1 fuel. Moreover, the reduction rates were 63.5 and 65.6 % when switched from China II and III to China IV standards, respectively. Generally, the PM composition emitted from excavators was dominated by OC (39. 2 ± 21. 0 %) and EC (33. 3 ± 25. 9 %); PM from trucks was dominated by EC (26. 9 ± 20. 8 %), OC (9. 89 ± 12 %), and WSIs (4. 67 ± 5. 74 %). The average OC ∕ EC ratios for idling and working excavators were 3 to 4 times higher than those for moving excavators. Although the EFPM for excavators and trucks was reduced with the constraint of regulations, the element fractions for excavators increased from 0.49 % in pre-stage 1 to 3.03 % in stage 2, and the fraction of WSIs for the China IV truck was 5 times higher than the average value of all other-level trucks. Furthermore, as compared with other diesel vehicles, wide ranges were found for excavators of the ratios of benzo[a]anthracene ∕ (benzo[a]anthracene + chrysene) (0.26–0.86), indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene ∕ (indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene + benzo[ghi]perylene) (0.20–1.0), and fluoranthene ∕ (fluoranthene + pyrene) (0.24–0.87), which might be a result of the complex characteristics of the excavator operation modes. A comparison of our results with those in the literature revealed that on-board measurement data more accurately reflect actual conditions. Although the fractions of the 16 priority PAHs in PM from the excavator and truck emissions were similar, the equivalent concentrations of total benzo[a]pyrene of excavators were 31 times than that for trucks, implying that more attention should be paid to non-road vehicle emissions.
We evaluated the secondary aerosol formation from two current technology flex fuel vehicles (FFVs) equipped with gasoline direct injection engines when operated on different fuel formulation on a chassis dynamometer. This study explored the influence of ethanol fueling and aromatic concentration on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production by utilizing two E10 fuels with different aromatic levels and two higher ethanol blends (i.e., E30 and E78). The diluted emissions from both FFVs were photooxidized in a 30 m³ mobile atmospheric chamber with two distinct initial conditions, while the vehicles operated over cold-start and hot-start LA92 test cycles. Testing revealed that one vehicle did not produce secondary aerosol when emissions were photooxidized with a single precursor oxidant. However significant SOA formation occurred in the presence of an anthropogenic volatile organic carbon surrogate and NOx mixture in the chamber, despite the fact that both vehicles had similar primary particulate emission levels. The secondary aerosol formed in an urban airshed was mainly composed of ammonium nitrate and significantly exceeded primary tailpipe PM emissions. Cold-start operation from both vehicles led to greater secondary aerosol production compared to hot-start LA92 operation. SOA production showed a strong relationship with the tailpipe non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emissions and overall reduced with higher ethanol blending in the fuel. The impact of aromatics was clear, with the higher aromatic E10 fuel showing higher SOA formation than the lower aromatic E10 fuel.
Vehicle emissions are affected by factors such as vehicle type, fuel quality, and engine repair. Therefore, mobile source profiles should be established based on a characteristic fleet for a specific region. This study characterised the chemical composition of PM 2.5 emitted from motor vehicles that are commonly used in Xi'an through dynamometer tests. The tested fleet included light duty diesel vehicles (LDDVs; eight sample sets), heavy duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs; six sample sets), light duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs; eight sample sets), one natural gas vehicle (NGV; four sample sets) and one methanol vehicle (MV; two sample sets). Similarities and differences among the source profiles were compared and evaluated. Overall, carbon species (13.14–59.11%) were the major components of PM 2.5 for each type of vehicle, and the content of organic carbon (OC) was generally higher than that of elemental carbon (EC). Moreover, NO 3⁻ (18.577–220.062 mg·g ⁻¹ ) was the dominant water-soluble ion and the Ca ²⁺ (2.429–17.209 mg·g ⁻¹ ) and Na ⁺ (1.966–20.798 mg·g ⁻¹ ) contents in PM 2.5 were high. In terms of elements, the PM 2.5 emitted from various types of vehicles consisted of abundant Al (2.183–94.949 mg·g ⁻¹ ), Fe (0.567–12.297 mg·g ⁻¹ ), and Zn (0.659–5.195 mg·g ⁻¹¹ ). In addition, the PM 2.5 profiles were significantly affected by fuel type. In general, emissions from the LDGVs and NGV exhibited higher contents of OC (477.0–479.1 mg·g ⁻¹ ). The greatest fractions of water-soluble ions (32.94%) and total elements (11.74%) were observed in emissions from the NGV and MV, respectively. For the same type of vehicle, the OC/EC ratio was possibly dependent on the emission standards. The PM 2.5 emitted from the LDDVs with stricter emission standards exhibited higher OC/EC ratios, whereas the OC/EC ratios displayed a decreasing trend for the LDGVs under more stringent emission standards.
Emissions from ship exhaust have been recognized as an important source of air pollution in coastal areas. To investigate the impacts of engine type, fuel and operating conditions on polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) emissions, particle matter (PM 2.5 ) samples emitted from an inland-river bulk freighter (BF) using marine diesel oil (MDO) and an ocean-going passenger vessel (PV) using heavy fuel oil (HFO) were collected under five operation conditions (preheating, leaving, cruising, entering and berthing). The concentrations of 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 12 nitro-PAHs (NPAHs) and 4 oxygenated-PAHs species were determined. The concentrations of ΣPAHs, ΣNPAHs and ΣOPAHs measured on the BF and PV exhausts ranged from 1.95 to 417 μg/m ³ , 86.5 to 6.89 × 10 ³ ng/m ³ and 2.00–102 μg/m ³ , respectively. Both ships showed a high proportion of four-ring PAHs, while the BF had more three-ring PAHs (34.00–70.38%) and the PV had more five-ring PAHs (30.02–35.95%). The calculation of indicatory PACs are able to increase the precision of source appointment. The emission factors (EFs) of PACs under maneuvering (including preheating, leaving, entering and berthing) was much higher than those under cruising, which might be due to the engine load, fuel consumption, and secondary reactions. Compared with HFO, combustion with MDO decreased the power-based ΣPAH EFs by 82–99%, power-based ΣNPAH EFs by 86–98%, and power-based ΣOPAHs EFs by 50–82%. These data highlight the importance of quantifying and monitoring ship emissions in close proximity to port area, and are useful for enhancing the relevant databases and improving the accuracy of ship emission inventories.
The establishment of the air pollutant emission inventory of urban motor vehicles is the key to control motor vehicle pollution; therefore, the purpose of this paper is to develop an air pollutant emission inventory of urban motor vehicles in Chengdu. The IVE model localization including the actual measurement correction was completed, the motor vehicle emission factors on various types of roads in Chengdu's different development areas were calculated, and the 1 km × 1 km on-road mobile source emission inventory for the year of 2016 was established in the bottom-up method based on the collected data on road network, traffic flow, vehicle driving cycle, the vehicle population in Chengdu, etc. The inventory showed that the CO, VOCs, NO x , SO 2, PM 10 and NH 3 emissions of Chengdu's on-road mobile sources had reached 432.2 kt, 44.8 kt, 72.4 kt, 0.4 kt, 11.3 kt and 6.2 kt respectively in 2016. Light-duty vehicle, medium-duty vehicle, and heavy-duty vehicle were the major contributors to CO emissions, and their CO emissions accounted for 44%, 14% and 11% of the total CO emission respectively; VOCs mainly came from light-duty vehicle, motorcycle, and heavy-duty truck, the VOCs emissions of which accounted for 49%, 19% and 10% of the total VOCs emission respectively; NO x and SO 2 mainly came from light-duty vehicle and heavy-duty truck, the NO x emissions of which accounted for 25% and 48% of the total NO x emission, and the SO 2 emissions of which accounted for 70% and 14% of the total SO 2 emission respectively; in addition, the heavy-duty truck caused PM 10 emission accounting for 78% of the total PM 10 emission, while the light-duty vehicle caused NH 3 emission accounting for 81% of the total NH 3 emission. The spatial distribution of on-road mobile source pollutant emissions showed that emissions were concentrated in the downtown with a decreasing trend from the downtown to the suburbs and the outer suburbs. Based on the 95% confidence intervals, the uncertainties of CO, VOCs and NOx emission estimations were relatively low with relative errors ranging from - 68% to 87%, 58%–84% and 97%–75%. Considering the uncertainties of the traffic flows and emission factors, the on-road mobile source emission inventory shall be further improved to provide important scientific research supporting for the prevention and control of air pollution in Chengdu. © 2019 Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research and Control
PM2.5 (particulate matter) samples from ship emissions were collected using the portable dilution tunnel sampler in a Chinese port city. A fishing boat, three navigation processes (departing, cruising and arriving) of a roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) passenger ship and a freighter vessel were tested for seven source profiles during on-board sampling campaigns. The chemical composition properties of profiles were obtained based on carbonaceous material (organic carbon and element carbon), elements and water-soluble ions (NH4⁺, NO3⁻ and SO4²⁻). Unique characteristic of each source profile was evaluated by COD and RMSD values. The results showed that PM2.5 from ships shared similar signatures in which OC (30.4%–46.1%), EC (6.6%–24.0%) and SO4²⁻ (1.1%–5.9%) comprised a large amount. Heavy metals such as Ni and V can be regarded as trace markers for heavy fuel oil burning in the ship emissions. COD and RMSD values between each pair of profiles revealed differences of source profiles. The fishing boat (FH) source had prominent differences from the rest source profiles, besides, the freighter sources were similar with the ferry main engine (FME) source. For navigation processes, it was found that arriving process can be clearly distinguished from the other two processes. Analyses of relative non-cancer and cancer risks of PM-bound heavy metals indicated that Cr heavily contributed to both non-cancer risk and cancer risk of heavy metals (above 75%) for fishing boats and freighters. The Cr, Co and Ni played important roles in risk of FME. The relative risk influences of Co increased and those of Cr decreased from departure to arrival of FME. Besides, the As showed more serious cancer risk in FAE and FMEA.
PM2.5 characteristics and source apportionment were comprehensively investigated in the petrochemical industry city of Zibo in northern China during one year. The results showed that the annual average PM2.5 concentration was 164.61 ± 79.14 μg/m³ with the highest level in winter and the lowest in summer. The concentrations of the carbonaceous aerosol, water-soluble inorganic ions, water-soluble organic acids, crustal elements and trace elements were 36.98 ± 22.49 μg/m³, 78.05 ± 42.68 μg/m³, 0.45 ± 0.28 μg/m³, 9.20 ± 6.11 μg/m³ and 1.76 ± 1.24 μg/m³, respectively. S was the most abundant element in the area, which was combined with high concentration Cl⁻, suggesting the influence of coal combustion. There were a high OC/EC ratio (6.68), a pronounced fractions of Ca²⁺ (1.87%) and a Ni/V ratio of 2.48 in PM2.5, indicating the impact of petrochemical industry and its downstream enterprises. EFs showed that Al, Na, Mg, Ca, Ti and Fe originated from crust sources, while Cl, S, K, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Sr, Cd, Ba and Pb were related to the human activities. Six source factors were identified by positive matrix factorization (PMF) model with an order of soil dust (29.2%) > secondary formation (25.7%) > coal combustion (16.1%) > petrochemical industry (14.9%) > biomass burning (11.3%) > vehicular emission (2.8%). These provided a significant insight into PM2.5 characteristics and had important implications for PM2.5 control strategies in Zibo and other petrochemical industry cities.
In this study 15 fly ash samples were collected from 15 large-scale coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) in China. The samples were then re-suspended through PM2.5 and PM10 inlets and analyzed for the contents of 39 inorganic elements (IEs) using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results show that the particle size distributions for the 15 FAs samples exhibited bimodal patterns. The Ʃ39IEs (g g–1) for the PM2.5 (0.292–0.564) in all the 15 CFPPs were higher than that of PM10 (0.269–0.403). Except for Cu, all the other 38 IEs were more enriched in the PM2.5 with the PM2.5/PM10 ratios being 1.06–1.73. Considering 13 heavy metals, the same orders occurred between PM2.5 and PM10 with Al >> Cr > Zn > Mn > Cu > V > Pb > Sn > Co > As > Sb > Tl > Cd. More attention should be paid to the high contents of Cr in both PM2.5 (1310 mg g–1) and for PM10 (1240 mg g–1) from all 15 CFPPs. 23 IEs for PM10 and 26 IEs for PM2.5 had the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) values higher than 0, indicating different pollution levels for them. On the other hand, there was moderate to extreme levels of pollution for Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, Sn, Sb, Tl, Cd and Al based on Igeo values. The element profiles for PM2.5 or PM10 from 15 CFPPs were similar based on low coefficients of divergence for PM2.5 (0.254 ± 0.038) and PM10 (0.244 ± 0.054) according to the comparison between any two CFPPs. Most elements with low relative enrichment factors (REF) as less than 0.70 or 0.70–1.30 indicated no or weak condensation occurred for them during coal combustion, while Cr, Cu, Zn, Sn, W and Pb had REF values higher than 1.30 indicated that significant condensation occurred for these elements.