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Concerns regarding the potential risks associated with learners’ misusing ChatGPT necessitate an extensive investigation into learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning. This study adopts a mixed-method approach, combining structural equation modeling techniques and interviews. It aims to examine the influencing factors of learner attitudes regarding ChatGPT-assisted language learning under the extended three-tier technology use model from an interdisciplinary perspective, including the technology acceptance model, etc. The study finds that information system quality and hedonic motivation are more significant in contributing to performance expectancy and perceived satisfaction compared to self-regulation in ChatGPT-assisted language learning. Behavioral intention is a better predictor of learning effectiveness in ChatGPT-assisted language learning than perceived satisfaction and performance expectancy. This research also examines the partial or full mediating effects of behavioral intention and performance expectancy between other variables. Although this study is limited by some aspects (e.g., the outdated version of ChatGPT-3 or ChatGPT-3.5), it holds substantial implications for future practice and research. It appeals to more attention from future developers on hedonic motivation and information services of ChatGPT and from future researchers on a more comprehensive insight into influencing factors of learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
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Factors Influencing Learner Attitudes Towards
ChatGPT-Assisted Language Learning in Higher
Qianqian Cai, Yupeng Lin & Zhonggen Yu
To cite this article: Qianqian Cai, Yupeng Lin & Zhonggen Yu (15 Oct 2023): Factors Influencing
Learner Attitudes Towards ChatGPT-Assisted Language Learning in Higher Education,
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2261725
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Published online: 15 Oct 2023.
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Factors Influencing Learner Attitudes Towards ChatGPT-Assisted Language
Learning in Higher Education
Qianqian Cai , Yupeng Lin , and Zhonggen Yu
Faculty of Foreign Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China
Concerns regarding the potential risks associated with learners’ misusing ChatGPT necessitate an
extensive investigation into learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning. This
study adopts a mixed-method approach, combining structural equation modeling techniques and
interviews. It aims to examine the influencing factors of learner attitudes regarding ChatGPT-
assisted language learning under the extended three-tier technology use model from an interdis-
ciplinary perspective, including the technology acceptance model, etc. The study finds that infor-
mation system quality and hedonic motivation are more significant in contributing to
performance expectancy and perceived satisfaction compared to self-regulation in ChatGPT-
assisted language learning. Behavioral intention is a better predictor of learning effectiveness in
ChatGPT-assisted language learning than perceived satisfaction and performance expectancy. This
research also examines the partial or full mediating effects of behavioral intention and perform-
ance expectancy between other variables. Although this study is limited by some aspects (e.g., the
outdated version of ChatGPT-3 or ChatGPT-3.5), it holds substantial implications for future practice
and research. It appeals to more attention from future developers on hedonic motivation and
information services of ChatGPT and from future researchers on a more comprehensive insight
into influencing factors of learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
Learner attitudes; ChatGPT;
language learning; factors;
higher education
1. Introduction
Researchers have been paying growing heed to artificial
intelligence (AI) chatbots in teaching and learning (Wu &
Yu, 2023). ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot devel-
oped by OpenAI, merits more attention from education
researchers (Pavlik, 2023). ChatGPT aims to cultivate inter-
actions and conversations centering on user questions and
application responses, which constitute fundamental activ-
ities in interactive learning (Rospigliosi, 2023). Pask’s (1976)
conversation theory emphasizes the significance of inter-
active dialogue in technology for interactive learning envi-
ronments, leading to a strong belief in the benefits of
artificial intelligence chatbots in educational practice.
However, concerns have emerged regarding the potential
threats and risks associated with learners’ misusing
ChatGPT (Rospigliosi, 2023). Consequently, it becomes cru-
cial to comprehend students’ attitudes towards ChatGPT.
There remains a scarcity of research exploring learner atti-
tudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning. The appli-
cation of artificial intelligence chatbots often involves specific
fields, for example, chatbot-assisted language learning (Xia
et al., 2023). However, given the strengths and weaknesses of
ChatGPT, it is undeniable that further investigation is
required to tap into the roles of ChatGPT in interactive learn-
ing environments (Rospigliosi, 2023). Researchers, students,
and instructors have opportunities to explore the learning
effectiveness and utility of software like ChatGPT within lan-
guage learning environments alongside advancements in
information technologies. Research efforts should focus on
harnessing the benefits of ChatGPT to facilitate interactive
language learning more effectively.
A systematic review of previous studies using structural
equation modelling on Chatbot verifies the research gap. On
June 5 2023, we searched the keywords “structural equation
model and “Chatbot” by “Topic” (i.e., title, keyword, and
abstract) in the Web of Science Core Collection. We
obtained 53 studies on chatbots using structural equation
modeling. Among them, there were 19 studies on commerce
(e.g., Asante et al., 2023), 14 on the service industry (e.g.,
Balakrishnan et al., 2022), six on psychology, health, and
social interaction (e.g., Svikhnushina & Pu, 2022), five on
tourism (e.g., Pillai & Sivathanu, 2020), and two on medi-
cine (e.g., Li et al., 2022). As regards the learning domain,
there were four studies on non-language specific topics,
such as the technology acceptance of Chatbot (e.g., Almahri
et al., 2020), chatbot use in visual design, chatbot uses for
knowledge sharing and student interest, and one on the
motivation of EFL learners (Ebadi & Amini, 2022).
However, there was no study on the learner attitudes
towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning. The visualiza-
tion analysis of Lin and Yu (2023a) also confirms this gap.
CONTACT Zhonggen Yu Supervisor in Faculty of International Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
The present study aims to delve into the influencing fac-
tors of learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language
learning based on the three-tier technology use model to fill
the research gaps. The variables under investigation encom-
pass information system quality, hedonic motivation, self-
regulation, perceived satisfaction, performance expectancy,
behavioral intention, and learning effectiveness. This study
adopts mixed methods that integrate structural equation
modeling and interviews. We employ seven scales to assess
the current status of these variables, and a supplementary
interview question also captures students’ opinions regarding
the strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations about lan-
guage learning assisted by ChatGPT 3.0 or 3.5. Ultimately,
the study establishes a model explaining and predicting
learner attitudes towards language learning using ChatGPT.
2. Literature review
2.1. ChatGPT
ChatGPT relies on a large language model to obtain resour-
ces and information from the internet to provide proper
suggestions and answers. It is an application using a power-
ful software system of machine learning, which is named
Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-3), created by the
organizations of Open Artificial Intelligence (Open AI)
(Rospigliosi, 2023). ChatGPT differed from traditional
search engines in its ability to sustain the conversation
through follow-up questions. This unique feature enabled
tailored responses to address users’ specific challenges,
thereby individualizing answers based on an existing corpus
(appropriability). Appropriability means that learners make
their own with ChatGPT by asking questions in their own
words and personalizing responses to their specific needs.
Moreover, ChatGPT facilitated learners’ self-reflection
(evocativeness) through question-based conversations, which
scaffolded learning, promoted awareness, and stimulated
critical thinking (Harel & Papert, 1990). Evocativeness
depicts the learning events or materials’ ability to arouse
inner thoughts. Furthermore, ChatGPT’s conversational for-
mat allowed for the integration of various meanings and
concepts (integration). Integration represents the learning
materials’ capability to integrate diverse concepts and defini-
tions with previous knowledge frameworks.
AI chatbots (e.g., ChatGPT) have also been employed in
language teaching and learning. ChatGPT is one of the most
developed AI chatbots that can offer language input, instant
feedback, and formative assessments (Huang et al., 2022). It
starts a novel and interesting way of language learning by
mimicking human conversation and interactions (Kohnke
et al., 2023). Specifically, ChatGPT can recognize the words’
meaning based on context, modify and explain language
errors, and generate diverse texts, including advertisements,
emails, etc. It can also provide definitions and examples of
the dictionary, make annotations of texts, and formulate
quizzes. Moreover, learners can use ChatGPT to make notes,
rewrite learning materials, and request explanations in both
their primary and second language (Kohnke et al., 2023).
2.2. Learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted
language learning based on the three-tier technology
use model
Personal attitudes played a pivotal role in influencing the
utilization of information technology (Liaw, 2008).
Understanding learner attitudes towards ChatGPT was cru-
cial for fostering effective learning environments. Liaw
(2008) formulated the three-tier technology use model from
an interdisciplinary perspective to illustrate user attitudes
towards information technology. The model comprised three
layers pertaining to personal attitudes towards information
technology. These layers included the personal elements
(e.g., self-regulation and motivation) and information system
quality (environmental factors) layer, the affective and cog-
nitive layer (e.g., perceived satisfaction and performance
expectancy), and the behavioral intention layer (Liaw, 2008).
Notably, Liaw and Huang (2016) discovered that students’
behavioral intention positively impacted their learning
effectiveness when utilizing e-books. Hence, when exploring
the learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language
learning, we also consider the layer of learning effectiveness
(Figure 1).
2.3. Self-regulation
Self-regulation was an individual characteristic that was crucial
for students’ learning outcomes. Self-regulation, also called
self-regulated learning, in this study means the process by
which language learners activate and maintain ChatGPT-ori-
ented behaviors, cognitions, and affects (Zimmerman &
Schunk, 2011). Self-regulated language learning was essential
for L2 learners who wished to improve their language profi-
ciency (Kohnke, 2023). Like other artificial intelligence tech-
nologies that engaged with students, chatbots could allow
learners to self-regulate their language learning process and
interaction with chatbots (Xia et al., 2023). Individual differen-
ces, such as self-regulation, influenced the interaction between
technology and humans, which was highlighted by Sharples
et al.’s (2005) activity theory (Liaw & Huang, 2016). By pro-
viding feedback, ChatGPT empowered self-regulated language
learning (Kohnke, 2023) and fostered personalized learning
Figure 1. The extended Three-Tier Technology Use Model (3-TUM) by the author. Note. Adapted from “Investigating students’ perceived satisfaction, behavioral
intention, and effectiveness of e-learning: A case study of the Blackboard system,” by Liaw (2008). Copyright 2023 by the Elsevier and Copyright Clearance Center.
for many students without limits in time and location (Wu &
Yu, 2023).
2.4. Hedonic motivation
Hedonic motivation was a significant personal characteristic
influencing human behavior and experiences. Motivation
represents an individual’s drive towards spontaneous actions.
Hedonic motivation in this study, by definition, is the fun,
enjoyment, or pleasure perceived from using ChatGPT for
language learning. ChatGPT has been shown to elicit a sense
of fun and pleasure among L2 learners during their inter-
action with ChatGPT (Kohnke, 2023). Moreover, Hsu et al.
(2023) demonstrated that the incorporation of expert deci-
sion-making mechanisms into AI chatbots enhanced stu-
dents’ enjoyment of the learning process. Compared with
traditional learning forms, learning through AI chatbots
resulted in higher levels of intrinsic motivation and per-
ceived enjoyment among students (Yin et al., 2021). The
hedonic motivation was crucial for ChatGPT-assisted lan-
guage learning.
2.5. Information system quality
The information system quality of AI chatbots, such as
ChatGPT, encompassed system and information quality in
the present study. We define information system quality as
the accuracy and efficiency of information and content gen-
erated by ChatGPT (DeLone & McLean, 1992). The infor-
mation system quality in this study is regarded as the extent
to which the information yielded by ChatGPT expresses the
expected meaning (Wut & Lee, 2022). The information sys-
tem quality of ChatGPT involves the quality of feedback and
response measured by their accuracy (Liaw, 2008; Tlili et al.,
2023). The response quality of ChatGPT includes the quality
of the dialogue and the accuracy of the results generated
within the interaction (Tlili et al., 2023). Additionally, the
efficiency of ChatGPT involves internet connectivity and
linking speed (Liaw, 2008). The information system quality
was pivotal in successful and effective learning using AI
2.6. Performance expectancy
In the study, performance expectancy refers to students’ per-
ceptions of how AI chatbots help attain goals in their learn-
ing performance. The performance expectancy of ChatGPT
was theoretically related to students’ perception of the infor-
mation generated by ChatGPT as valuable and beneficial
(Tlili et al., 2023). Students tended to perceive the usefulness
of a learning tool when they felt free to learn at their own
pace, access flexible options (Yin et al., 2021), and receive
individualized support (Lee et al., 2021). Further, the educa-
tional information quality of the system contributed to its
usefulness in disciplinary learning (Wut & Lee, 2022).
Students’ perceptions of fun or enjoyment were also relevant
to their perceived assistance and utility of the information
system (Al-Sharafi et al., 2022). Moreover, perceived
enjoyment and information system quality were crucial
determinants of performance expectancy in e-learning sys-
tems (Al-Fraihat et al., 2020; Salloum et al., 2019).
Therefore, we hypothesized as follows.
H1: Self-regulation positively and significantly predicts
performance expectancy in ChatGPT-assisted language learning
in higher education.
H2: Hedonic motivation positively and significantly predicts
performance expectancy in ChatGPT-assisted language learning
in higher education.
H3: Information system quality positively and significantly
predicts performance expectancy in ChatGPT-assisted language
learning in higher education.
2.7. Perceived satisfaction
Satisfaction played a crucial role in the learners’ experiences
with information technology. This study depicts perceived
satisfaction as people’s affective responses derived from their
language learning experience in ChatGPT. Perceived enjoy-
ment and usefulness were important antecedents of satisfac-
tion in digital textbook learning (Joo et al., 2017).
Specifically, the mobile-learning design with interesting and
enjoyable content of mobile learning systems could deliver
greater satisfaction (Al-Sharafi et al., 2022). Chao (2019) tes-
tified to the effect of learners’ perceptions of usefulness on
satisfaction in mobile learning. Learners tended to be
satisfied with chatbots when they met their learning needs
(Al-Sharafi et al., 2022). Other studies also unearthed the
positive effect of perceived usefulness on m-learning satisfac-
tion (Al-Emran et al., 2020; Kim-Soon et al., 2017). Further,
the quality of the information system was closely associated
with learners’ perception of satisfaction (Ashfaq et al., 2020;
Wut & Lee, 2022). Moreover, Liaw and Huang (2016)
revealed that self-regulation positively predicted the
satisfaction of learning through e-books. To explore these
predicting relationships between the above variables in
ChatGPT-assisted language learning contexts, we intended
to test the following hypotheses:
H4: Self-regulation positively and significantly predicts perceived
satisfaction in ChatGPT-assisted language learning in higher
H5: Hedonic motivation positively and significantly predicts
perceived satisfaction in ChatGPT-assisted language learning in
higher education.
H6: Information system quality positively and significantly
predicts perceived satisfaction in ChatGPT-assisted language
learning in higher education.
H7: Performance expectancy positively and significantly predicts
perceived satisfaction in ChatGPT-assisted language learning in
higher education.
2.8. Behavioral intention
Behavioral intention involves users’ intention to adopt and
use a specific technology tool. This study regards behavioral
intention as how a learner intends to adopt ChatGPT as a
language learning tool. Learners’ perception of usefulness,
also known as performance expectancy, was positively asso-
ciated with their adoption intentions of MOOCs (Ma & Lee,
2019) and their attitudes towards these technology tools
(Malik et al., 2021). Foroughi et al. (2023) also found the
influence of performance expectancy on students’ intention
to use ChatGPT in learning general courses. Furthermore,
learners’ satisfaction with intelligent chatbots could stimulate
their continuing intention to leverage these conversational
chatbots to enhance learning activities (Al-Sharafi et al.,
2022). However, Al-Emran et al. (2020) asserted that the
predictive effects of performance expectancy and perceived
satisfaction on the continual intention of m-learning were
insignificant. In view of the inconsistent findings in previous
research, we formulated the research hypotheses as follows.
H8: Performance expectancy positively and significantly predicts
behavioral intention in ChatGPT-assisted language learning in
higher education.
H9: Perceived satisfaction positively and significantly predicts
behavioral intention in ChatGPT-assisted language learning in
higher education.
2.9. Learning effectiveness
Learning effectiveness was an essential element of learner
experience that merited the attention of education research-
ers. Learning effectiveness in the study is defined as a holistic
construct that includes increasing levels of learning/ subject
mastery in ChatGPT-assisted language learning: memoriza-
tion, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation, and
creation (Chen et al., 2023). Chatbot-led learning was spot-
ted to prompt micro-learning effectiveness (Chen et al.,
2023) and facilitate the acquisition and retention of informa-
tion. Learners’ perceptions of the utility and assistance of
the information system were closely related to the learner
experience, which extended beyond satisfaction and effect-
iveness alone (Tlili et al., 2023). Moreover, Liaw and Huang
(2016) revealed a positive link between students’ behavioral
intention, perceived satisfaction, and the learning effective-
ness using e-books. Based on these findings, we would test
the following hypotheses, and the hypothesized research
model is displayed in Figure 2.
H10: Performance expectancy positively and significantly
predicts learning effectiveness in ChatGPT-assisted language
learning in higher education.
H11: Perceived satisfaction positively and significantly predicts
learning effectiveness in ChatGPT-assisted language learning in
higher education.
H12: Behavioral intention positively and significantly predicts
learning effectiveness in ChatGPT-assisted language learning in
higher education.
3. Methods
This study adopted the mixed method, with structural equa-
tion modeling techniques as the principal approaches sup-
plemented by interviews. The extended three-tier technology
use model integrated constructs of four layers: personal ele-
ments, information system quality, affective and cognitive
components, behavioral intention, and learning effectiveness.
The relationships among variables in the theoretical frame-
work were constructed based on the four layers following
Grant and Osanloo’s guideline (2014), which could be tested
by the quantitative approaches in this study. Moreover, a
supplementary interview question at the end of the quantita-
tive instruments was designed to further develop the
extended three-tier technology use model and understand
ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
3.1. Instrument adaptation and design
We adapted the existing questionnaires and designed the
entire measurement. The self-regulation scale (four items),
information system quality scale (five items), perceived satis-
faction scale (four items), behavioral intention scale (four
items), and learning effectiveness scale (five items) were
adapted from previous scales (Liaw, 2008; Liaw & Huang,
2016). The performance expectancy scale (four items) and
hedonic motivation scale (four items) were revised from
Tseng et al.’s measurements (2019). The entire measurement
Figure 2. The hypothesized model of learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
(see Appendix) was in a five-point Likert, and it included 37
items: The first part included six questions concerning the
informed consent, participants’ sex, age, education levels,
major, and frequency of using ChatGPT. The second part
represented seven subscales of the seven variables. The third
part embodied an open-ended interview question to gain
insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and recommenda-
tions for ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
We modified each subscale’s context and content accord-
ing to Stewart et al.’s (2012) framework for understanding
modifications to measures for diverse populations so that
the questionnaire could be context-specific to ChatGPT-
assisted learning. One item of self-regulation was dropped
since it was inappropriate for the learning process in
ChatGPT. Items of information system quality, perceived
satisfaction, performance expectancy, and behavioral inten-
tion were adapted through selection, modification, or
replacement to better suit the learning interface and charac-
teristics in ChatGPT. One item was added to the hedonic
motivation scale since the interesting experience was univer-
sal and contributed a great deal of hedonic motivation.
3.2. Research procedures
We revised existing measures and formulated the entire
scale following strict patterns. We used the website of
Questionnaire Star ( to pose the ques-
tionnaire and transform it into a quick response code (QR
code) and hyperlink. We adopted the rapid, convenient sam-
pling method, a commonly used data collection method for
structural equation modeling (e.g., Lin & Yu, 2023b). Before
data collection, we calculated the minimum sample size
based on the N:q rule of Kline (2023) for structural equation
modeling, i.e., the recommended sample-size-to-parameters
ratio of 20:1. Therefore, the minimum sample size of this
research was 140 for seven proposed variables. After that,
we distributed the questionnaire to the participants via social
media, including WeChat and Tencent QQ, which mirrored
the existing research (Lin & Yu, 2023b). Participants
received instructions about ChatGPT usage and functions in
advance and were advised to rate each item based on
instinct. We collected the data adhering to the ethical guide-
lines authorized by our university’s Academic Committee.
Prior to answering the questionnaires, we obtained informed
consent from all participants. We assured and declared that
participants have the right of withdrawal, confidentiality,
anonymity, and protection of their data.
We downloaded the datasheet from the website of
Questionnaire Star for further analysis. We saved the data,
including the demographic information, subscales, and an
open-ended question, in an XLS file for normality tests in
IBM SPSS 23.0. We also saved the data in the CSV format,
including only student IDs and questionnaire items, for
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-
SEM) analysis. We assessed the reliability and validity of the
entire scale and tested the hypotheses in SmartPLS 3.2.9
immediately after the normality test. Finally, we conducted a
word frequency analysis of the supplementary interview
question. Answers with little information, including “no”
and blank records, were removed. After that, we adopted
the word frequency analysis method to refine students’ per-
ception of the strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations
of ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
The word list, keywords in the context (KWIC), and
word cloud tools embedded in the AntConc 4.1.0 were used
to calculate the word frequency and yield the word cloud,
which simulated previous research (e.g., Lin & Yu, 2023b).
Word frequency analysis was selected because it is a statis-
tical analysis technique that helps identify the most fre-
quently recurring words and illuminate the core contents
and themes of a text corpus. To further develop the
extended three-tier technology use model and interpret the
disadvantages, advantages, and suggestions of ChatGPT-
assisted language learning, it is also necessary to yield the
frequently mentioned terms to understand the core topics in
a large amount of text.
3.3. Statistical approaches
First, we tested the normality of distribution by calculating
the skewness and kurtosis for every item. Kline (2015)
revealed that the normality test was the basis of further stat-
istical analysis, such as structural equation modeling. The
dataset is regarded as highly skewed when skewness’ abso-
lute value exceeds 3000 or kurtosis’ absolute value surpasses
10,000; otherwise, the dataset is considered normally distrib-
uted within an acceptable range (Kline, 2015). We used the
“Analyze-Descriptive Statistics-Explore” function in SPSS
23.0 to calculate the distribution of all scale items. After the
assumption test of normal distribution, we evaluated the
outer (measurement) and inner (structural) models. Hair
and Alamer (2022) comprehensively explained the research
process involving PLS-SEM in the context of second lan-
guage studies. The analysis procedures involved several tests,
including the Partial Least Squares Algorithm,
Bootstrapping, and the PLS-predict algorithm tests. These
tests were conducted to assess the reliability and validity of
the model, test the research hypotheses with effect sizes, test
the mediating effects of mediators, and evaluate the predict-
ive capability (Q
) and explanatory power (R
) of the
research model (out-of-sample prediction performance).
We then adopted the word list, keywords in the context
(KWIC), and word cloud tools embedded in the AntConc
4.1.0 to analyze students’ opinions on the advantages, disad-
vantages, and recommendations of ChatGPT-assisted lan-
guage learning. Before the word frequency analysis, we
translated Chinese into English and pre-processed the text
by deleting words without contributions to the semantics,
such as “the, it, and, of, be, can, to, is.” Then, we yielded
the word list and a word cloud map to help initially locate
the frequently emerged terms. After that, we executed the
keywords in the context tool to search the words with the
same meanings by typing the main form of an utterance
plus a to spot the frequencies of all terms and different
word classes relevant to the main topic, such as nouns,
verbs, and adjectives.
4. Results
4.1. Descriptive statistic results and normality tests
From March 19 2023 to May 29 2023, we obtained valid
responses from 509 participants. The sample size of 509
exceeded the minimum sample size of 140, and it was
almost good because 500 was viewed as a very good popula-
tion (Lin & Yu, 2023b). Fifty-one responses were excluded
due to “No” to the informed consent question, “Never” to
the frequency of ChatGPT use question, and casual attitudes
to the survey items, leaving 458 participants who consented
to join the investigation and used the ChatGPT. Table 1 dis-
plays the informed consent and participants’ demographic
characteristics. Given our interpersonal relationships and
research fields, we found that most of the participants were
from social sciences and engineering. Only a small percent-
age of participants belonged to science, agriculture, and
medicine, though we collected data randomly across China.
Participants were predominantly female, which reflected a
common atmosphere among social science subjects across
China. Moreover, fewer master’s students, Ph.D. students,
and others (e.g., teachers and workers) participated in the
investigation than undergraduates. The results might be
attributed to the limited size of the participants during ran-
dom sampling. Furthermore, the 20–22 years participants
responded to the survey more proactively than the other
ranges. It might be because students 20–22 years old were
more interested in evaluating their use of ChatGPT for lan-
guage learning, and they might have easier access to
Further, we implemented the normality tests for the 30
items measuring seven variables in SPSS 23.0. As a result,
the values of all items’ skewness fell within the scope of
1.45 to 0.81, and the values of all items’ kurtosis ranged
from 1.37 to 5.86. Namely, the skewness’s absolute value of
each item was lower than 3.00, and the kurtosis’s absolute
value of every item was under 10.00. It meant that the skew-
ness and Kurtosis of the whole data pool were acceptable.
The 30 items of the seven variables were normally distrib-
uted so we could further analyze and assess the structural
equation model.
4.2. Structural equation model assessment
4.2.1. The outer (measurement) model
The evaluation of the outer model involved four criteria: (1)
loadings >0.7, (2) internal consistency reliability
(Cronbach’s alpha, Composite reliability >0.7), (3) conver-
gent validity (Average Variance Extracted (AVE) >0.5),
and (4) discriminant validity (Hair & Alamer, 2022). The
results indicated that all these criteria were met. Table 2 dis-
played that the loadings were all above 0.70, which were
statistically significant at the significance level of 0.01
(Henseler et al., 2015). Therefore, the first criteria were
already met. The values of Composite reliability and
Cronbach’s alpha for all variables fell within the range of
0.70 to 0.95 (see Table 2), indicating satisfactory internal
Table 1. The demographic characteristics of participants.
Item Genre Frequency Proportion (%)
Informed consent, ChatGPT use, and careful attitudes Yes 458 89.98
No 51 10.02
Valid responses (N¼458)
Sex Female 311 67.90
Male 147 32.10
Age Under 19 years old 108 23.58
20–22 years old 213 46.51
23–25 years old 77 16.81
Over 26 years old 60 13.10
Educational levels Undergraduates 327 71.40
Master’s students 88 19.21
Ph.D. students 30 6.55
Others 13 2.84
Major Science 29 6.33
Engineering 100 21.83
Agriculture 9 1.97
Medicine 7 1.53
Arts and humanities 313 68.34
Table 2. The assessment of the outer model.
Latent variables Cronbach’s aCR AVE Items Loadings
Behavioral intention 0.91 0.94 0.79 BI1 0.89��
BI2 0.89��
BI3 0.87��
BI4 0.89��
Hedonic motivation 0.92 0.94 0.81 HM1 0.89��
HM2 0.92��
HM3 0.92��
HM4 0.86��
Learning effectiveness 0.92 0.94 0.76 LE1 0.88��
LE2 0.87��
LE3 0.87��
LE4 0.90��
LE5 0.85��
Perceived satisfaction 0.89 0.92 0.75 PS1 0.84��
PS2 0.91��
PS3 0.86��
PS4 0.86��
Performance expectancy 0.91 0.94 0.79 PE1 0.90��
PE2 0.90��
PE3 0.87��
PE4 0.89��
Self-regulation 0.88 0.92 0.73 SR1 0.87��
SR2 0.87��
SR3 0.84��
SR4 0.83��
Information system quality 0.90 0.92 0.71 ISQ1 0.77��
ISQ2 0.87��
ISQ3 0.85��
ISQ4 0.85��
ISQ5 0.87��
Note. ��p<0.01. CR: composite reliability; AVE: average variance extracted.
consistency reliability. Moreover, the values of average vari-
ance extracted (AVE) for all concepts exceeded the conser-
vative threshold of 0.50 (see Table 2), demonstrating the
convergent validity of the outer model.
Furthermore, we also evaluated the discriminant validity
using the Fornell-Larcker criterion and the heterotrait-mono-
trait ratio of correlations (HTMT). Table 3 illustrated that the
square roots of the average variance extracted for each variable
were larger than that of the inter-construct correlations
between the same concept and any other variable (Deng & Yu,
2023; Fornell & Larcker, 1981). It meant that the discriminant
validity of this study was satisfactory based on the Fornell-
Larker method. Moreover, to further verify the results above,
we yielded the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations
(HTMT), the average of the inter-item correlations of the vari-
ables relating to those within the same concept (Henseler
et al., 2015). Table 4 illustrated that most of the HTMT values
were under 0.85 (Kline, 2015), with six values (spotted in the
correlations of BI-LE, HM-ISQ, HM-PE, ISQ-PE, PE-LE, PE-
PS) under 0.90 (Hair et al., 2019), which verified the model’s
discriminant validity.
4.2.2. The inner (structural) model
After all the criteria of the outer model were met, we further
assessed the inner model and examined the relationship
among seven variables. The evaluation of the inner model
involved several standards, including a collinearity test with
the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), effect sizes and signifi-
cance levels of the paths, coefficient of determination (R
and the out-of-sample predictive power. These standards
were assessed by using the PLS-SEM method, as Hair and
Alamer (2022) described. Table 3 presented the results of
the VIF values, and it was found that all VIF values fell
below the standard of 5 (Hair et al., 2014). This demon-
strated the insignificant collinearity issues among the pre-
dictor variables in the model. Namely, the standard of
collinearity was already met.
After assessing collinearity, we analyzed the model’s
explanatory and predictive powers for outcome variables
and the effect sizes and significance levels of the 12 hypothe-
ses. We assessed the explanatory powers by R
using PLS
Algorithm analysis and the predictive powers by out-of-sam-
ple prediction performance using the “PLSpredict” proce-
dures. As Table 5 expressed, the R
values for behavioral
intention, learning effectiveness, perceived satisfaction, and
performance expectancy were 0.58, 0.75, 0.72, and 0.72,
respectively, revealing strong explanatory powers of this
model (Hair & Alamer, 2022). Regarding the out-of-sample
prediction performance, as Table 5 displays, the PLS-SEM
results in PLS were lower than or equal to that in the naïve
LM benchmark for the majority of items of behavioral
intention, learning effectiveness, perceived satisfaction, and
performance expectancy, except for the value of “LE2” and
“PE2.” Namely, the model had medium predictive powers
(Hair & Alamer, 2022).
Moreover, according to the Bootstrapping test in
SmartPLS 3.2.9, we calculated the effect sizes and signifi-
cance levels of the 12 hypotheses. As demonstrated in Table
6, information system quality and hedonic motivation
explained and predicted performance expectancy and per-
ceived satisfaction more significantly than self-regulation.
Similarly, performance expectancy had a stronger predictive
power than perceived satisfaction on behavioral intention.
Behavioral intention contributed to learning effectiveness
more than perceived satisfaction and performance expect-
ancy. Table 7 demonstrates the mediating effects of perform-
ance expectancy, perceived satisfaction, and behavioral
Table 3. The Fornell-Larcker test results.
BI 0.89
HM 0.67 0.90
LE 0.82 0.71 0.87
PS 0.71 0.77 0.72 0.87
PE 0.74 0.80 0.79 0.81 0.89
SR 0.62 0.66 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.85
ISQ 0.65 0.78 0.70 0.75 0.79 0.63 0.84
Note. Square roots of AVEs are in bold on the diagonal line; BI: behavioral
intention; HM: hedonic motivation; LE: learning effectiveness; PS: perceived
satisfaction; PE: performance expectancy; SR: self-regulation; ISQ: information
system quality.
Table 4. The Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio of correlations (HTMT).
HM 0.73
LE 0.90 0.77
PS 0.78 0.85 0.79
PE 0.81 0.88 0.86 0.90
SR 0.69 0.73 0.69 0.71 0.71
ISQ 0.71 0.85 0.77 0.84 0.86 0.71
Table 5. The assessment of the inner model.
Latent variables R
MV prediction summary
Behavioral intention BI1 2.90 0.58 0.59 0.42 0.60 0.40
BI2 2.93 0.58 0.40 0.59 0.39
BI3 2.42 0.66 0.35 0.66 0.34
BI4 2.85 0.61 0.41 0.61 0.43
Hedonic motivation HM1 2.86 NA NA NA NA NA
HM2 3.85 NA NA NA NA
HM3 3.69 NA NA NA NA
HM4 2.41 NA NA NA NA
Learning effectiveness LE1 2.84 0.75 0.56 0.46 0.56 0.46
LE2 2.97 0.64 0.38 0.63 0.40
LE3 2.93 0.61 0.43 0.62 0.41
LE4 3.52 0.56 0.48 0.56 0.47
LE5 2.58 0.55 0.43 0.55 0.42
Perceived satisfaction PS1 1.98 0.72 0.49 0.55 0.49 0.55
PS2 3.10 0.57 0.49 0.57 0.50
PS3 2.55 0.59 0.43 0.59 0.43
PS4 2.39 0.55 0.48 0.55 0.47
Performance expectancy PE1 2.91 0.72 0.44 0.54 0.44 0.55
PE2 3.07 0.48 0.56 0.47 0.57
PE3 2.42 0.49 0.55 0.51 0.52
PE4 2.73 0.44 0.59 0.45 0.57
Self-regulation SR1 2.48 NA NA NA NA NA
SR2 2.41 NA NA NA NA
SR3 2.15 NA NA NA NA
SR4 1.94 NA NA NA NA
Information system quality ISQ1 1.91 NA NA NA NA NA
Note. NA: Not applicable.
intention. An insignificant path was located from perceived
satisfaction to learning effectiveness. Consequently, behavior
intention fully mediated the effect of perceived satisfaction
on learning effectiveness. Figure 3 displays the finally estab-
lished model.
4.2.3. Qualitative findings
We adopted word lists, keywords in the context (KWIC),
and word cloud in the context tools embedded in the
AntConc 4.1.0 to gain students’ perceptions of the strengths,
weaknesses, and recommendations in language learning
assisted by ChatGPT. Table 8 depicts the four most frequent
items concerning the advantages, disadvantages, and sugges-
tions of ChatGPT for language learning. The four most fre-
quent language learning strengths in ChatGPT included (1)
convenience, (2) very good language learning experiences,
(3) efficiency, and (4) diverse resources. In contrast, the four
most frequent weaknesses represented (1) disappointing
accuracy and credibility, (2) difficult access and use, (3) stu-
dents’ overdependence, and (4) less intelligence. Participants
also mentioned ethical problems such as privacy. Moreover,
the suggestions embodied: (1) more humane, empathetic, or
smarter, (2) adding video, audio, picture, or dialogue, (3)
database or model update, and (4) popularizing use.
Moreover, critical or logical thinking, personal service, and
optimizing functions were suggested by ChatGPT-assisted
language learners. Figure 4 demonstrates the word cloud of
comments on the strengths, weaknesses, and recommenda-
tions of ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
5. Discussion
The study investigated the predictive effects of self-regula-
tion on performance expectancy and perceived satisfaction
in ChatGPT-assisted language learning. The hypotheses
examined were H1 and H4, which stated that the impact of
self-regulation on these variables would be smaller compared
to information system quality and hedonic motivation.
However, the results showed that self-regulation had limited
predictive power for perceived satisfaction and performance
expectancy in ChatGPT-assisted language learning. The find-
ing that self-regulation did not strongly influence perceived
satisfaction and performance expectancy in ChatGPT-
assisted language learning may be attributed to the highly
self-regulatory nature of the software system. ChatGPT
allows students to easily self-regulate their learning pace and
style, reducing the significance of self-regulation in influenc-
ing their satisfaction and performance expectancy. Previous
studies have recognized that self-regulation plays a crucial
role in learning outcomes across different settings
(Zimmerman, 1990). Nevertheless, in the context of
ChatGPT-assisted language learning, self-regulation did not
have a substantial impact on satisfaction and usefulness,
contradicting previous findings (Liaw & Huang, 2016).
Moreover, the study revealed that perceived satisfaction
did not directly predict the learning effectiveness of
ChatGPT-assisted language learning, aligning with studies
on e-book learning (Liaw & Huang, 2016). This unexpected
result may be attributed to various constraints and chal-
lenges faced by learners, such as difficult access and usage,
which hindered their actual language learning progress in
ChatGPT. Importantly, it should be noted that this study
was conducted during ChatGPT’s earliest period of use in
the country, which may have contributed to the unexpected
results regarding self-regulation and perceived satisfaction.
Students are still grappling with effectively harnessing
ChatGPT to enhance their language learning. Therefore,
future research and development efforts should acquire a
comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence
the success of e-learning systems, including ChatGPT (Al-
Fraihat et al., 2020). Additionally, optimizing the access and
Table 6. Results of research hypotheses.
No. Path Path coefficient
Confidence Interval
T Statistic p-Values Hypothesis Testing Results2.5% 97.5%
H1 SR !PE 0.11 0.03 0.22 2.45 0.014 Supported
H2 HM !PE 0.44 0.32 0.55 7.48 0.000 Supported
H3 ISQ !PE 0.37 0.26 0.48 6.66 0.000 Supported
H4 SR !PS 0.08 0.01 0.17 1.98 0.047 Supported
H5 HM !PS 0.24 0.09 0.38 3.33 0.001 Supported
H6 ISQ !PS 0.18 0.07 0.29 3.19 0.001 Supported
H7 PE !PS 0.43 0.29 0.56 6.00 0.000 Supported
H8 PE !BI 0.49 0.33 0.63 6.36 0.000 Supported
H9 PS !BI 0.31 0.18 0.44 4.69 0.000 Supported
H10 PE !LE 0.35 0.19 0.51 4.18 0.000 Supported
H11 PS !LE 0.07 0.05 0.20 1.13 0.260 Not supported
H12 BI !LE 0.51 0.33 0.67 5.70 0.000 Supported
Table 7. Mediating effects.
Path Indirect effect Standard deviation
Confidence Interval
T Statistic p-Values2.5% 97.5%
SR !PE !PS 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.10 2.27 0.022
HM !PE !PS 0.19 0.04 0.11 0.27 4.67 0.000
ISQ !PE !PS 0.16 0.04 0.09 0.23 4.39 0.000
PE !BI !LE 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.35 4.75 0.000
PS !BI !LE 0.16 0.04 0.08 0.24 3.95 0.000
usage of ChatGPT will be beneficial for learners in enhanc-
ing their language learning experience.
Information system quality and hedonic motivation have
been identified as crucial factors in predicting performance
expectancy in ChatGPT-assisted language learning, as stated
in hypotheses H2 and H3. Previous research conducted by
Kohnke (2023) supports this, indicating that interacting with
ChatGPT through follow-up questions leads to enjoyable
experiences for language learners. Consistent with these
findings, Li et al. (2021) have demonstrated that perceived
enjoyment directly influences learners’ performance expect-
ancy and perceived usefulness in e-learning settings.
Moreover, the quality of the information system itself plays
a significant role in shaping learners’ expectations of desired
outcomes. Al-Fraihat et al. (2020) observe a positive
association between high-quality information systems and
learners’ expectancy of desired outcomes. Additionally,
Salloum et al. (2019) uncover a similar connection between
information quality, perceived enjoyment, and learners’ per-
formance expectancy in e-learning systems.
To enhance learners’ performance expectancy in
ChatGPT-assisted language learning, it is crucial to consider
both the quality of the information system and the motiv-
ation drawn from enjoyable experiences. By ensuring a high
standard of information system quality and promoting
hedonic motivation, language learners can have higher
expectations of their performance outcomes when utilizing
Information system quality, hedonic motivation, and per-
formance expectancy have been identified as crucial
Figure 3. The established model of learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning. Note. Indicates the statistical significance of the path coefficient
at p<0.05, ��p<0.01, and ���p<0.001.
Table 8. Top four strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations of language learning in ChatGPT.
Freq. Strengths Freq. Weakness Freq. Recommendations
81 Convenience 49 Less accuracy and credibility 10 More humane, empathetic, or smarter
69 Very good language learning experiences 47 Difficult access and use 9 Adding video, audio, picture, or dialogue
55 Efficiency 15 Students’ overdependence 7 Database or model update
53 Diverse resources 12 Less intelligence 5 Popularize use
Figure 4. The word cloud of the comments on the strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations of ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
predictors of perceived satisfaction in ChatGPT-assisted lan-
guage learning, as stated in hypotheses H5, H6, and H7.
Furthermore, performance expectancy has been found to
partially mediate the effect of information system quality
and hedonic motivation on perceived satisfaction in
ChatGPT-assisted language learning. The existing literature
supports these findings, indicating that the information and
system quality of communication systems play a significant
role in students’ perceived satisfaction (Wut & Lee, 2022).
Additionally, students’ perception of enjoyment and fun dir-
ectly contributes to their overall satisfaction with the learn-
ing experience (Mu~
noz-Carril et al., 2021). Sayaf et al.
(2021) have also emphasized the impact of performance
expectancy on learners’ perceived satisfaction with digital
learning. Moreover, the effect of information system quality
and hedonic motivation on perceived satisfaction could also
be partially mediated by performance expectancy. This aligns
with previous research highlighting the importance of infor-
mation system quality (Al-Fraihat et al., 2020), performance
expectancy (Al-Fraihat et al., 2020), and hedonic motivation
noz-Carril et al., 2021) in shaping learner satisfaction in
technology-enhanced learning.
Performance expectancy has been found to have a stron-
ger predictive power than perceived satisfaction in terms of
behavioral intention in ChatGPT-assisted language learning,
as stated in hypotheses H8 and H9. The results indicate that
learners’ perceptions of usefulness play a more significant
role than perceived satisfaction in determining their inten-
tion to use ChatGPT for language learning. This finding is
consistent with previous research on e-book usage, where
performance expectancy was identified as a stronger pre-
dictor of behavioral intention than perceived satisfaction
(Liaw & Huang, 2016). Additionally, perceived satisfaction
has been found to partially mediate the effect of perform-
ance expectancy on the continual intention to use ChatGPT
for language learning. This is in line with the findings of
opez et al. (2021), who reveal that perceived satis-
faction can mediate the effect of performance expectancy on
MOOC user intention. These findings align with existing
research that emphasizes the significance of performance
expectancy and perceived satisfaction for students’ behav-
ioral intention in online learning environments (Al-Fraihat
et al., 2020; Al-Rahmi et al., 2019).
The behavioral intention was found to have a more sig-
nificant impact on learning effectiveness in ChatGPT-
assisted language learning than perceived satisfaction and
performance expectancy, as stated in hypotheses H10, H11,
and H12. This suggests that students’ intention to continue
using ChatGPT for language learning has a more significant
influence on their learning outcomes compared to perceived
satisfaction and performance expectancy. Research on e-
books has also shown that behavioral intention contributes
the most to learning effectiveness, followed by perceived sat-
isfaction and performance expectancy (Liaw & Huang,
2016). Although perceived satisfaction did not directly pre-
dict learning effectiveness in ChatGPT-assisted language
learning, Al-Sharafi et al. (2022) have highlighted that users’
satisfaction with a chatbot could stimulate their intention to
continue using it. Therefore, it is understandable that behav-
ioral intention fully mediated the effect of perceived satisfac-
tion on learning effectiveness in language learning using
ChatGPT. Additionally, our study found that behavioral
intention partially mediated the relationship between per-
formance expectancy and learning effectiveness in ChatGPT-
assisted language learning. These findings are consistent
with existing studies that emphasize the significance of per-
formance expectancy and behavioral intention in predicting
learning outcomes and effectiveness in e-learning (Wut &
Lee, 2022).
The findings of this research provide further confirm-
ation, enrichment, and guidance on the predictive influence
of various elements such as information system quality,
affective and cognitive factors, behavioral intention, and
learning effectiveness on learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-
assisted language learning. This study takes an interdisciplin-
ary approach, drawing on motivation, socio-cognitive theory,
theory of planned behavior, and the technology acceptance
model to explore learners’ decision-making processes regard-
ing their behaviors and attitudes towards ChatGPT-
enhanced language learning. It is worth noting that hedonic
motivation and information system quality deserve specific
attention from future developers, as optimizing learning
content and information services can enhance motivation
and support language learning in ChatGPT. The less signifi-
cant impact of self-regulation on language learners’ attitudes
towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning suggests that
future research should investigate the effect of other individ-
ual factors, such as learner interest, identity, and self-con-
cept. Furthermore, the lack of a direct effect of perceived
satisfaction on learning effectiveness emphasizes the impor-
tance of its related elements, namely performance expect-
ancy and behavioral intention, in determining learners’
effectiveness in ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
6. Conclusion
6.1. Major findings
Concerns have emerged regarding the potential threats and
risks associated with learners’ misusing ChatGPT, thereby
necessitating a further understanding of students’ attitudes
towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning. The current
research examines elements affecting learner attitudes
towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning based on the
extended three-tier technology use model from an interdis-
ciplinary perspective, including the technology acceptance
model, motivation, socio-cognitive theory, and the theory of
planned behavior. Information system quality and hedonic
motivation have greater predictive power over perceived sat-
isfaction and performance expectancy than self-regulation.
Behavioral intention better predicts learning effectiveness
than perceived satisfaction and performance expectancy.
Performance expectancy partially mediates the impact of
information system quality and hedonic motivation on per-
ceived satisfaction. Behavioral intention fully mediates the
relationship between perceived satisfaction and learning
effectiveness and partially mediates that between
10 Q. CAI ET AL.
performance expectancy and learning effectiveness in
ChatGPT-assisted language learning. The findings verify and
enrich the extended three-tier technology use model by
introducing hedonic motivation and learning effectiveness,
revealing learner attitudes and decision-making mechanisms
towards individual behaviors in the ChatGPT-assisted lan-
guage learning context.
6.2. Limitations
The current study had some limitations. First, given the lim-
ited education level of higher-education students in China
(although international students learning here also partici-
pated), the results in this study may need to be extended to
language learners at other educational levels with ChatGPT.
Second, this study is cross-section research, which cannot
tap into and reveal the dynamic and developing nature of
learning attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learn-
ing. Third, the established model has medium predictive
power. Fourth, many of the features evaluated and discussed
may have become outdated since the study was conducted
using ChatGPT-3 or ChatGPT-3.5. Therefore, future
research should overcome these limitations.
6.3. Implications for future research and practice
This study adds the learning effectiveness layer to the three-
tier technology use model of Liaw (2008) to guide the model
establishment of the influencing factors of learner attitudes
towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning in higher edu-
cation. The research findings greatly inspire practical appli-
cations relevant to the technology acceptance model,
motivation, theory of planned behavior, and social cognitive
theory, which underpins the interdisciplinary perspectives of
the three-tier technology use model (Liaw, 2007). Therefore,
the implications for future practice are multi-faceted and
require specific attention. Firstly, given the more extraordin-
ary predictive powers of information system quality and
hedonic motivation than perceived satisfaction and perform-
ance expectancy in ChatGPT-assisted language learning,
developers may prioritize these aspects to enhance language
learners’ attitudes towards ChatGPT. Learners may plan
their behavior and rationally decide whether to accept
ChatGPT to facilitate language learning according to their
attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language learning.
Secondly, as teachers have an essential role in integrating
ChatGPT into language teaching and learning, it is vital that
teachers incorporate it in basic conversational learning, guiding
students to follow appropriate learning trajectories by techni-
ques such as keyword design, questioning methods, and com-
bined use with other software. This is in accordance with the
social cognitive theory emphasizing the role of social inter-
action and learning environment in developing cognitive abil-
ity. Thirdly, operators and developers need to optimize the
functions of ChatGPT so that artificial intelligence can better
understand human emotions and conversation styles. For
example, they can tap into a model to recognize human emo-
tions and optimize its understanding accuracy based on labeled
datasets training, context information, knowledge transfer
training, and users’ feedback. Operators and developers should
also address concerns, such as rational output, regarding the
ethical implications of emotions in artificial intelligence.
Finally, researchers and developers should prioritize eth-
ical principles to maximize benefits and minimize the poten-
tial for harm of ChatGPT-assisted language learning through
effective supervision and restriction mechanisms. Ethics and
morality testing can design test cases according to the ethical
framework formulated by Kamila and Jasrotia (2023),
including data privacy and security, bias and fairness, trans-
parency and explainability, human-AI interaction, and trust
and reliability. Data privacy and security involve the protec-
tion of personal information in ChatGPT. Bias and fairness
concern the prejudices and discrimination, which requires
ChatGPT’s feedback content of daily life and sensitive indus-
tries to keep equality between men and women in employ-
ment, equality of race, or equality of color. Transparency
and explainability require more visible, understandable, and
explainable working principles, data sources, decision-mak-
ing basis, and potential impact of ChatGPT to enhance peo-
ple’s judgment. Human-AI interaction necessitates a
supporting environment in which ChatGPT complements
instead of replacing human talents. Trust and reliability are
to preserve precision and objectivity in the feedback content
to ensure the degree of trust and confidence of users or
other stakeholders in ChatGPT.
The implications for future research directions in the
field of ChatGPT-assisted language learning are diverse and
require specific attention. Firstly, future researchers should
extend their studies to primary, junior high, and senior high
students, adult learners, and learners with disabilities in their
investigations. Secondly, researchers can conduct a longitu-
dinal follow-up study to capture the dynamic characteristics
of learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted language
learning over time. By providing sufficient instructions on
ChatGPT use, researchers can ensure that more students
benefit from this technology in language education. Thirdly,
experimental methods are recommended for future research-
ers to verify learner attitudes towards ChatGPT-assisted lan-
guage learning. Comparative studies on the effectiveness of
different teaching modes, such as autonomous learning,
ChatGPT-led teaching, and in-person teaching, are also war-
ranted. Fourthly, it is suggested that researchers explore the
attitudes towards ChatGPT as a language teaching tool from
teachers’ perspectives. Fifthly, incorporating other individual
and contextual variables, such as self-efficacy and teacher
support, into the models would enrich the explanatory and
predictive powers of technology acceptance and usage in
educational practice, including the use of ChatGPT (Chiu
et al., 2023).
Authors’ contributions
Qianqian Cai: Methodology, Data curation, Formal analysis, Resources,
Investigation, Software, Validation, Roles/Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing; Yupeng Lin: Data curation, Writing
review & editing; Zhonggen Yu: Conceptualization, Supervision, and
Funding acquisition.
This work is supported by the [Key Research and Application Project
of the Key Laboratory of Key Technologies for Localization Language
Services of the State Administration of Press and Publication,
“Research on Localization and Intelligent Language Education
Technology for the ‘Belt and Road Initiative”] under Grant [Number
CSLS 20230012]; and [Special fund of Beijing Co-construction Project-
Research and reform of the "Undergraduate Teaching Reform and
Innovation Project” of Beijing higher education in 2020-innovative
“multilingual þ excellent talent training system] under Grant
[Number 202010032003].
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Qianqian Cai
Yupeng Lin
Zhonggen Yu
Availability of data and material
We make sure that all data and materials support our published claims
and comply with field standards.
Data availability statement
The data that support the findings of this study are openly available
in [OSF] at [
Ethics approval statement
The study was approved by the institutional review board of Beijing
Language and Culture University. All researchers can provide written
informed consent.
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About the authors
Qianqian Cai, is presently a doctoral student majoring in applied lin-
guistics of foreign languages at Faculty of Foreign Studies, Beijing
Language and Culture University, China. She has written over 10 first-
authored articles about technology-enhanced (language) education,
which are in consideration for publication in reputable international
Yupeng Lin, is presently a postgraduate majoring in linguistic studies
and applied linguistics of foreign languages at Faculty of Foreign
Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University, China. He has writ-
ten over 20 academic articles about technology-enhanced (language)
education and published five first-authored papers in reputable inter-
national journals.
Zhonggen Yu, Professor (distinguished) and Ph.D. Supervisor in
Faculty of International Studies, Beijing Language and Culture
University, China. He is a research fellow of several academic institu-
tions. He has published over 180 articles about technology-enhanced
(language) education in distinguished journals based on rich teaching
and research experiences.
ChatGPT 用于语言学习的使用情况调查/An investigation
on the use of ChatGPT for language learning
Part 1: Informed consent and demographic information
1. 您愿意参加这项研究吗?/Would you like to participate in the
w/Yes w/No
2. 您的性别是:/Your gender is?
w/Male w/Female
3. 您的年龄是?/How old are you?
w19岁以下/below 19 years old w20-22/20-22 years old
w23-25/23-25 years old w26岁以上/26 years old and above
4. 您的年级是:/Your grade is?
w大学生/Undergraduates w硕士生/Master’s students
w博士生/Doctoral candidates w其他/Others
5. 您的专业属于:/Your major belongs to:
w理科/Science w工科/Engineering w农学类/Agriculture
w医学类/Medicine w文科/Arts and humanities
6. 您使用ChatGPT的频率是?/How often do you use ChatGPT?
w从不/Never w偶尔/Seldom w有时/Sometimes w经常/Often
Part 2: Seven subscales
w非常不符合/strongly disagree w不符合/disagree w不确定/Neutral
w符合/ agree w非常符合/strongly agree
1 ChatGPT是一款自我调节学习的工具/ ChatGPT is a self-regu-
lated learning tool.
2 ChatGPT是一款自主学习的工具/ChatGPT is an active learning
3 ChatGPT是一款便于个性化使用的学习工具/ChatGPT is a con-
venient learning tool for individual use.
4 我可以自主调节ChatGPT里面的学习内容/ Learning contents in
ChatGPT are easy to regulate by myself.
w非常不符合/strongly disagree w不符合/disagree
w不确定/Neutral w符合/agree w非常符合/strongly agree
5ChatGPT软件系统的响应速度很快/The ChatGPT software system
is very responsive.
6ChatGPT及时提供了我需要的学习内容与资源/ChatGPT provides
the learning contents and resources I need in time.
7ChatGPT提供的信息和教育服务多样化/ChatGPT provides various
information and services.
8ChatGPT的系统功能设置与操作简洁明了/System functions and oper-
ations in ChatGPT are simple and clear
9 ChatGPT提供的信息资源与服务是有启发性和价值的/ChatGPT
provides information resources and services that are enlightening
and valuable
w非常不符合/strongly disagree w不符合/disagree
w不确定/Neutral w符合/agree w非常符合/strongly agree
10 使用ChatGPT学习语言是有趣的/Using ChatGPT to learn lan-
guage is fun.
11使用ChatGPT学习是享受的/Using ChatGPT to learn is enjoyable.
12使用ChatGPT学习是快乐的/Using ChatGPT to learn is entertaining.
13使用ChatGPT学习的过程中, 我学了很多有趣的事情/I’ve learned
interesting things in ChatGPT.
w非常不符合/strongly disagree w不符合/disagree w不确定/Neutral
w符合/agree w非常符合/strongly agree
14、 我满意ChatGPT作为我的语言学习辅助工具/ I am satisfied with
using ChatGPT as a tool to enhance language learning.
15 我满意ChatGPT现有的功能与教育服务/I am satisfied with the
functions and education services available in ChatGPT.
16、 我满意ChatGPT现有的学习资源/I am satisfied with the learning
resources available in ChatGPT.
17 我满意ChatGPT的内容组织与呈现方式/I am satisfied with the
organization and presentation format of contents in ChatGPT.
w非常不符合/strongly disagree w不符合/disagree
w不确定/Neutral w符合/agree w非常符合/strongly agree
18ChatGPT为我的语言学习提供了有用的学习资源与服务/ ChatGPT
provides useful learning resources and services for language learning.
19ChatGPT有助于实现我的学习目标/ChatGPT can promote my
learning goals.
20ChatGPT有助于我快速完成学习任务/ChatGPT helps me accom-
plish learning tasks more quickly.
21ChatGPT提供的学习内容与资源有助于增长我的见识/The learn-
ing contents and resources in ChatGPT are informative.
14 Q. CAI ET AL.
w非常不符合/strongly disagree w不符合/disagree
w不确定/Neutral w符合/agree w非常符合/strongly agree
22未来我打算使用ChatGPT辅助我的语言学习/I intend to use
ChatGPT to enhance my language learning in the future
23我打算使用ChatGPT的学习内容辅助我的学习/I intend to use
the learning contents in ChatGPT to enhance my learning.
24我打算使用ChatGPT增强我的学习意愿/I intend to use ChatGPT
to enhance my learning intention.
25我打算将ChatGPT作为一个自主学习的工具/I intend to use
ChatGPT as an autonomous learning tool.
w非常不符合/strongly disagree w不符合/disagree
w不确定/Neutral w符合/agree w非常符合/strongly agree
26ChatGPT 有助于提高我的语言学习效率/ChatGPT can improve
my language learning efficiency.
27ChatGPT 有助于提高学习成绩/ChatGPT can improve my learn-
ing performance.
28ChatGPT 有助于增强学习动机/ChatGPT can enhance my learn-
ing motivation.
29 ChatGPT 有助于提升学习效能感/ChatGPT can enhance my
learning efficacy.
30 ChatGPT可以提供更多学习资源/ChatGPT can provide more
learning resources.
Part 3: an open-ended interview question
tell us about the advantages, disadvantages and suggestions of language
learning with ChatGPT.
... Recent research on ChatGPT in language education has found that, unlike traditional search engines, ChatGPT can sustain conversations and provide tailored responses, supporting learners' self-reflection and critical thinking. However, to effectively implement ChatGPT in SDLL, it is essential to consider factors like perceived usefulness, enjoyment, and alignment with learners' goals and intentions [54,55]. ...
... Cai et al. [55] find that factors like information system quality and hedonic motivation (i.e., the fun or pleasure derived from using the technology) significantly contribute to performance expectancy and perceived satisfaction in ChatGPT-assisted language learning. Behavioral intention (i.e., the degree to which learners intend to use ChatGPT for language learning) is noted as a better predictor of learning effectiveness compared to perceived satisfaction and performance expectancy [55]. ...
... Cai et al. [55] find that factors like information system quality and hedonic motivation (i.e., the fun or pleasure derived from using the technology) significantly contribute to performance expectancy and perceived satisfaction in ChatGPT-assisted language learning. Behavioral intention (i.e., the degree to which learners intend to use ChatGPT for language learning) is noted as a better predictor of learning effectiveness compared to perceived satisfaction and performance expectancy [55]. The study reveals that ChatGPT enhances SDLL by fostering engagement, autonomy, and effectiveness, contingent on the alignment of tool quality with learner intentions. ...
This exploratory analysis investigates the integration of ChatGPT in self-directed learning (SDL). Specifically, this study examines YouTube content creators' language learning experiences and the role of ChatGPT in their SDL, building upon Song and Hill's conceptual model of SDL in online contexts. Thematic analysis of interviews with 19 YouTubers and relevant video contents reveals distinct constructs of ChatGPT integrated SDL, suggesting a reconceptualization and refinement of SDL framework in consideration of generative AI. This framework emphasizes critical aspects of utilizing ChatGPT as an SDL tool on two distinct levels: (1) the interactive relationships and interplay between learners' personal traits and their ongoing learning processes (local), and (2) the evolving nature of SDL in the rapidly advancing landscape of generative AI, with socio-political-cultural foundations of AI constantly shaping the learning environment where SDL occurs (global). The study highlights the potential of ChatGPT as a tool for promoting SDLL and provides implications for the development of learning technologies and research on AI-facilitated SDL.
... This intention, in turn, leads to their actual usage of the tool for educational purposes (Duong, Bui, et al., 2023). In a study on ChatGPT adoption as an assisted language learning tool in higher education, performance expectancy was found to be a significant driver of learning effectiveness (Cai et al., 2023). ...
... The theoretical contributions of the study are multifaceted and extend the current understanding of technology adoption in educational settings, particularly concerning GAI tools like ChatGPT. Previous research on ChatGPT adoption within higher education predominantly focuses on motivational theories/models (Cai et al., 2023;Strzelecki, 2023), often neglecting the cognitive aspects of student decisionmaking about ChatGPT. Theories such as the TPB and the BRT have been independently employed across various disciplines. ...
The rapid emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) heralds a significant shift, opening new frontiers in how education is delivered. This groundbreaking wave of technological advancement is poised to redefine traditional learning, promising to enhance the educational landscape with unprecedented levels of personalized learning and accessibility. Despite GAI’s progressive infiltration into various educational strata, limited empirical research exists on its impact on students’ learning performance. Drawing on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT), this study investigates the determinants affecting students’ use of ChatGPT and its influence on learning performance. The data were collected from 357 university students and were analyzed using the PLS-SEM technique. The results supported the role of ChatGPT in positively affecting students’ learning performance. In addition, the results showed that reasons for and against adoption are pivotal in shaping students’ attitudes. ChatGPT use is found to be significantly affected by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Besides the theoretical contributions, the findings offer various implications for stakeholders and underscore the necessity for educational institutions to foster a conducive environment for GAI adoption, addressing ethical and technical concerns to optimize learning experiences.
... Understanding the role of motivation in technology acceptance has practical implications for educators, developers, and policymakers involved in the integration of text-based GAI tools in EFL learning environments (Baskara, 2023;Cai et al., 2023). Tailoring strategies to enhance motivational factors could lead to increased acceptance and usage of such technology, ultimately enhancing the overall learning experience (Lai et al., 2023). ...
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Grounded in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), this study investigates the interplay between key UTAUT2 constructs and motivation modeled by Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in shaping English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ behavioral intention and actual use of generative AI tools. Accordingly, three research questions were devised, including (1) What are the structural relationships between the UTAUT2 constructs for EFL learners to accept and use generative AI for English learning? (2) Does EFL learners’ SDT motivation influence their behavioral intention toward and actual use of generative AI? and (3) What are the moderating effects of EFL learners’ SDT motivation toward their acceptance and use of generative AI? A comprehensive survey involving 620 Chinese undergraduates assessed their technology acceptance and SDT motivation of generative AI tools in the EFL learning context. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were employed to analyze the data. Results indicate robust model fit indices, both with and without considering moderating effects. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, habit, and SDT motivation serve as significant predictors of EFL learners’ behavioral intention towards generative AI tools, while price value does not demonstrate a significant impact on behavioral intention. Additionally, behavioral intention and SDT motivation jointly and significantly predict EFL learners’ actual use of the technology. Importantly, introducing SDT motivation as a moderator unveils additional insights. Facilitating conditions exerts a significant influence on both behavioral intention and actual use, indicating a significant moderating effect of SDT moderation on these two pathways. Moreover, SDT motivation also significantly moderates the relationships between facilitating conditions and behavioral intention as well as between facilitating conditions and actual use, adding depth to our understanding of the nuanced interplay between motivation and technology acceptance of generative AI tools. The study concludes with insightful discussions on the findings, acknowledging the robust contributions and highlighting areas for future research to further enrich our understanding of EFL learners’ adoption of generative AI tools in the context of UTAUT2 with SDT moderation.
... The above review suggests that reliance can possibly provide more insights about students' ChatGPT practices than frequency of use, especially when the influence of students' attitudes towards ChatGPT, AI literacy, critical usage and goal orientations are also examined. These factors have been prominent in discourses surrounding ChatGPT (e.g., Cai et al., 2023;Dans, 2023;Eiskovits & Stubbs, 2023;Hasanein & Sobaih, 2023;Heikkilä, 2023). ...
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Although ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art, large language model, seems to be a disruptive technology in higher education, it is unclear to what extent students rely on this tool for completing different tasks. To address this gap, we asked university students (N=490) recruited via CloudResearch to rate the extent to which they rely on ChatGPT for completing 13 tasks identified in a previous pilot study. Five distinct profiles emerged: ‘Versatile low reliers’ (38.2%) were characterised by low overall self-reported reliance across the tasks, while ‘all-rounders’ (10.4%) had high overall self-reported reliance. The ‘knowledge seekers’ (16.5%) scored particularly high on tasks such as content acquisition, information retrieval and summarising of texts, while the ‘proactive learners’ (11.8%) on tasks such as obtaining feedback, planning and quizzing. Finally, the ‘assignment delegators’ (23.1%) relied on ChatGPT for drafting assignments, writing homework and having ChatGPT write their assignment for them. The findings provide a nuanced understanding of how students rely on ChatGPT for learning.
ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, has gained considerable attention as a transformative yet controversial tool for enhancing teaching and learning experiences. Several reviews and numerous articles have been written about harnessing ChatGPT in education since its release on November 30, 2022. Besides summarising its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) as identified in previous systematic reviews of ChatGPT research, this systematic review aims to develop a new understanding of its influence on student engagement by synthesising the existing related research using a three-dimensional framework comprising behavioural, emotional, and cognitive aspects. We searched relevant databases and included 72 empirical studies published within one year of ChatGPT’s initial release. The findings reveal robust but narrowly focused evidence related to behavioural engagement (i.e., work with ChatGPT) and disengagement (i.e., academic dishonesty). The evidence related to the emotional aspect is mixed, with instances of both engagement (e.g., satisfaction and interest/fun) and disengagement (e.g., disappointment and worry/anxiety). There is broad but weak evidence regarding cognitive engagement (e.g., increased understanding and positive self-perception) and disengagement (e.g., reduced critical thinking and overreliance). Our review uncovers several under-explored indicators of student engagement, pointing to the need for further research. Specifically, future studies could focus on students’ study habits and attendance (behavioural engagement), social interaction (emotional engagement), and self-regulation and critical thinking (cognitive engagement) in ChatGPT-supported learning environments.
The aim of present study was to measure the relationship of UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) variables regarding AI technology and AI-based applications acceptance in education sector. Research was carried out by using PRISMA (Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis) guidelines. The relevant studies were searched from major databases that included a) Scopus, and b) Web of Science. Initial search retrieved 309 titles, and 30 relevant articles and conference papers were selected following the search process. Data was analysed using CMA (Comprehensive Meta-analysis) and Meta-Essential software. Findings exhibit that the relationship between UTAUT variables and BI to accept AI and AI-based applications in education was high (PE → BI), medium (EE → BI, SI → BI), and low (FC → BI). The magnitude of the relationship of TAM constructs remained high for all paths (PU → AT, PEOU → AT, PU → BI, and PEOU → BI). Theoretically, this meta-analysis provided a panoramic picture of two leading technology acceptance models regarding the acceptance/adoption of AI and AI-based technology in education sector. This meta-analysis provided a way forward for researchers to extend research on AI-based applications including ChatGPT, intelligent tutoring, AI-based robots, AI-based Chatbots, and AI-based voice assistants. Practically, findings are useful for IT companies, and decision makers of educational institutes in designing and implementing AI and AI-based applications.
Little is known about the dark side of ChatGPT adoption in the higher education context; the current study, therefore, adopts the stressor-strain-outcome model to examine how compulsive use of ChatGPT and its consequences, such as loneliness and social avoidance (stressors), lead to the increased level of psychological distress (strain), which, in turn, negatively has the detrimental impacts on student life satisfaction and academic performance (outcomes). Moreover, the recent study also aims to test the moderating role of technostress in the strain-outcome relationship. Drawing on the sample of 2709 higher education students collected across 16 universities in Vietnam using a stratified random sampling approach, results reveal a positive correlation between compulsive use of ChatGPT, loneliness, social avoidance, and psychological distress. Furthermore, psychological distress mediates the relationship between compulsive ChatGPT use, diminished life satisfaction, and reduced academic performance. The study also shows a series of indirect effects of compulsive ChatGPT use on academic performance through sequential mediation pathways involving loneliness and social avoidance. Noticeably, the current research reveals that technostress not only reinforces the negative impacts of psychological distress on student life satisfaction and academic performance but also weakens the positive effect of student life satisfaction and academic performance. Based on the findings of this research, some practical and interventional recommendations are provided.
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AI chatbots, e.g. ChatGPT, are becoming increasingly popular in education as a means to enhance student learning experiences and improve teaching efficiency. This study utilizes NVivo 12 Plus to examine the role of AI chatbots in education, ethical considerations, and sentimental analysis regarding the utilization of ChatGPT in education. ChatGPT has revolutionized education, but their use raises ethical concerns. They can enhance language learning, but may lead to plagiarism and information overload. Students may not develop discrimination skills and may rely on ChatGPT, leading to concerns about academic dishonesty and a failure to develop cognitive and analytical skills. The use of ChatGPT in clinical education also raises accountability and liability concerns regarding the use of patient information for educational purposes. Guidelines should be established to ensure privacy rights are upheld. Finally, the positive sentiment category was populated by predominantly positive sentiments, followed by neutral and negative sentiments. Future research on ChatGPT in education should focus on its application effectiveness in various educational settings and ethical considerations.
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ChatGPT can revolutionize education by enhancing student engagement and making learning more personalized. Drawing on UTAUT2, this study investigated determinants of intention to use ChatGPT for educational purposes. Data were gathered from 406 Malaysian students and analyzed using a hybrid approach including "partial least squares" (PLS) and "fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis" (fsQCA). PLS showed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation , and learning value significantly influence the intention to use ChatGPT. Furthermore, we found that personal innovativeness and information accuracy negatively moderate the associations between ChatGPT use and its determinants. While PLS demonstrated that social influence, facilitating conditions, and habit do not affect ChatGPT use, fsQCA revealed that all factors might affect the intention to use ChatGPT. fsQCA suggested that eight combinations of factors may lead to high ChatGPT use. The results hold various implications for ChatGPT developers, instructors, and universities and provide insights for accelerating ChatGPT adoption.
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Cite this article (APA): Lin, Y. P., & Yu, Z. G. (2023). Extending technology acceptance model to higher-education students’ use of digital academic reading tools on computers. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20, 34. // Abstract: Digital academic reading tools on computers bring multiple benefits to higher-education students. Through structural equation modeling methods, this study contributes to the following findings: (1) Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and lecturers’ positive responses significantly predict students’ positive attitudes toward digital academic reading tools on computers; (2) perceived ease of use, lectures’ positive responses, and expectations of academic achievement are significantly positive predictors of students’ perceived usefulness of these tools; (3) attitudes and expectations of academic achievement significantly predict students’ positive intentions to use these tools; (4) academic experience significantly predicts students’ negative attitudes toward these tools; (5) perceived ease for collaborative learning and self-efficacy are significantly positive predictors of students’ perceived ease of using these tools. Findings in this study may contribute to understanding the external factors influencing students’ acceptance and use of digital academic reading tools on computers with a substantial explanatory power of the proposed model (R2=64.70–84.20%), which may benefit researchers, instructors, students, and technology designers
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Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are gaining increasing popularity in education. Due to their increasing popularity, many empirical studies have been devoted to exploring the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes. The proliferation of experimental studies has highlighted the need to summarize and synthesize the inconsistent findings about the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes. However, few reviews focused on the meta‐analysis of the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes. The present study performed a meta‐analysis of 24 randomized studies utilizing Stata software (version 14). The main goal of the current study was to meta‐analytically examine the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes and the moderating effects of educational levels and intervention duration. The results indicated that AI chatbots had a large effect on students' learning outcomes. Moreover, AI chatbots had a greater effect on students in higher education, compared to those in primary education and secondary education. In addition, short interventions were found to have a stronger effect on students' learning outcomes than long interventions. It could be explained by the argument that the novelty effects of AI chatbots could improve learning outcomes in short interventions, but it has worn off in the long interventions. Future designers and educators should make attempt to increase students' learning outcomes by equipping AI chatbots with human‐like avatars, gamification elements and emotional intelligence. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots have been gaining increasing popularity in education. Studies undertaken so far have provided conflicting evidence concerning the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes. There has remained a paucity of meta‐analyses synthesizing the contradictory findings about the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes. What this paper adds This study, through meta‐analysis, synthesized these recent findings about the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes. This study found that AI chatbots could have a large effect on students' learning outcomes. This study found that the effects of AI chatbots were moderated by educational levels and intervention duration. Implications for practice and/or policy AI chatbot designers could make AI chatbots better by equipping AI chatbots with human‐like avatars, gamification elements and emotional intelligence Practitioners and/or teachers should draw attention to the positive and negative effects of AI chatbots on students. Considering the importance of ChatGPT, more research is required to develop a better understanding of the effects of ChatGPT in education. More research is needed to examine the mechanisms underlying the effects of AI chatbots on students' learning outcomes.
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In this technology review, we explore the affordances of the generative AI chatbot ChatGPT for language teaching and learning. In addition to this, we also present debates and drawbacks of ChatGPT. Finally, we present the digital competencies teachers and learners require to use this chatbot ethically and effectively to support language learning.
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Unlabelled: As information technologies develop, social networking services have gradually gained attention from both researchers and practitioners. However, little is known about the technology adoption of social networking from the perspective of hedonic motivation. For this purpose, this study applied the hedonic motivation system adoption model (HMSAM) to TikTok and incorporated two innovative factors, i.e., perceived boredom and personal innovativeness. Via structural equation modeling (SEM), this study used SmartPLS 4.0.8 to analyze 246 valid responses from Chinese university students via an online survey. The results showed that the research model was adequate for the adoption of TikTok. Curiosity and perceived boredom significantly mediated the positive relationships between perceived ease of use and behavioral intention. Additionally, the educational level moderated the relationship between joy and focused immersion. The results of this study provided insights for future researchers and innovative teaching. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10639-023-11749-x.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been progressing constantly and being more visible in different aspects of our lives. One recent phenomenon is ChatGPT, a chatbot with a conversational artificial intelligence interface that was developed by OpenAI. As one of the most advanced artificial intelligence applications, ChatGPT has drawn much public attention across the globe. In this regard, this study examines ChatGPT in education, among early adopters, through a qualitative instrumental case study. Conducted in three stages, the first stage of the study reveals that the public discourse in social media is generally positive and there is enthusiasm regarding its use in educational settings. However, there are also voices who are approaching cautiously using ChatGPT in educational settings. The second stage of the study examines the case of ChatGPT through lenses of educational transformation, response quality, usefulness, personality and emotion, and ethics. In the third and final stage of the study, the investigation of user experiences through ten educational scenarios revealed various issues, including cheating, honesty and truthfulness of ChatGPT, privacy misleading, and manipulation. The findings of this study provide several research directions that should be considered to ensure a safe and responsible adoption of chatbots, specifically ChatGPT, in education.
Purpose – This study aims to analyse the ethical implications associated with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and to examine the potential ethical ramifications of AI technologies. Design/methodology/approach – This study undertakes a thorough examination of existing academic literature pertaining to the ethical considerations surrounding AI. Additionally, it conducts in-depth interviews with individuals to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI technology operating as autonomous ethical agents. A total of 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the data were transcribed using grounded theory methodology. Findings – The study asserts the importance of fostering an ethical environment in the progress of AI and suggests potential avenues for further investigation in the field of AI ethics. The study finds privacy and security, bias and fairness, trust and reliability, transparency and human–AI interactions as major ethical concerns. Research limitations/implications – The implications of the study are far-reaching and span across various domains, including policy development, design of AI systems, establishment of trust, education and training, public awareness and further research. Notwithstanding the potential biases inherent in purposive sampling, the constantly evolving landscape of AI ethics and the challenge of extrapolating findings to all AI applications and contexts, limitations may still manifest. Originality/value – The novelty of the study is attributed to its comprehensive methodology, which encompasses a wide range of stakeholder perspectives on the ethical implications of AI in the corporate sector. The ultimate goal is to promote the development of AI systems that exhibit responsibility, transparency and accountability. Keywords Artificial intelligence, Ethics, Privacy, Trust, Fairness
Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the online shopping experience. However, there is limited information on consumers' interaction with AI elements embedded in electronic commerce (e-commerce) platforms and the behavioral outcomes of such interactions. AI application studies have focused on consumers' reluctance to use AI-powered services due to failed machine-human conversations. On the contrary, this study exploits the bright side of AI applications in e-commerce. It applies the stimuli-organism-response (S-OR) paradigm to examine the effects of AI elements on consumer engagement attitudes, beyond purchase intentions, towards e-commerce platforms. Specifically, it examined the impact of chatbot efficiency, image search functionality, recommendation system efficiency, and automated after-sales service on consumer engagement. Furthermore, the study examined the moderating role of consumers' attention to the social comparison of consumption choices on the relationships between the AI capability elements and consumer engagement. The partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach was employed in analyzing 464 responses collected via an online survey from consumers of different e-commerce platforms. The findings indicate that AI capability elements, directly and indirectly, attract consumers' observable engagement behaviors. Also, attention to social comparison dampens the positive effects of chatbot efficiency and automated after-sales service on behavioral engagement. In contrast, it positively moderates the impact of recommendation system efficiency. The study contributes to academia by introducing consumers' * Corresponding author Asante et al.: Artificial Intelligence Elements and Consumer Engagement Page 8 attention to social comparison to advance the understanding of consumer engagement with AI applications in e-commerce. Practitioners can gain insight into improving consumer experience on e-commerce platforms.
Purpose: The application of artificial intelligence chatbots is an emerging trend in educational technology studies for its multi-faceted advantages. However, the existing studies rarely take a perspective of educational technology application to evaluate the application of chatbots to educational contexts. This study aims to bridge the research gap by taking an educational perspective to review the existing literature on artificial intelligence chatbots. Design/methodology/approach: This study combines bibliometric analysis and citation network analysis: a bibliometric analysis through visualization of keyword, authors, organizations and countries and a citation network analysis based on literature clustering. Findings: Educational applications of chatbots are still rising in post-COVID-19 learning environments. Popular research issues on this topic include technological advancements, students’ perception of chatbots and effectiveness of chatbots in different educational contexts. Originating from similar technological and theoretical foundations, chatbots are primarily applied to language education, educational services (such as information counseling and automated grading), health-care education and medical training. Diversifying application contexts demonstrate specific purposes for using chatbots in education but are confronted with some common challenges. Multi-faceted factors can influence the effectiveness and acceptance of chatbots in education. This study provides an extended framework to facilitate extending artificial intelligence chatbot applications in education. Research limitations/implications: The authors have to acknowledge that this study is subjected to some limitations. First, the literature search was based on the core collection on Web of Science, which did not include some existing studies. Second, this bibliometric analysis only included studies published in English. Third, due to the limitation in technological expertise, the authors could not comprehensively interpret the implications of some studies reporting technological advancements. However, this study intended to establish its research significance by summarizing and evaluating the effectiveness of artificial intelligence chatbots from an educational perspective. Originality/value: This study identifies the publication trends of artificial intelligence chatbots in educational contexts. It bridges the research gap caused by previous neglection of treating educational contexts as an interconnected whole which can demonstrate its characteristics. It identifies the major application contexts of artificial intelligence chatbots in education and encouraged further extending of applications. It also proposes an extended framework to consider that covers three critical components of technological integration in education when future researchers and instructors apply artificial intelligence chatbots to new educational contexts.