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Mycorrhizal-induced growth depression in plants

  • Shanghai Natural History Museum

Abstract and Figures

As plant mutualists, one would not expect arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to cause growth depression of their host plants. The mechanism responsible for negative effects of AMF is still debated and so here we review the possible abiotic and biotic reasons for AMF-induced growth depression in plants: 1) The Phytocentric explanations, include: a) AMF and non-mycotrophic plants, b) different growth stages of plants. 2) The Mycocentric explanations, include: a) Low effective AMF species, b) The existence of vesicles, c) Genetic variability of AMF, and d) Geographic origin of AMF. 3) Unbalanced C-for-nutrient-trade, involving both partners and 4) Indirect effects of other organisms. We note deficiencies in previous studies and suggest improvements in experimental designs such as the use of realistic mixtures of AM fungal species, and growing plants in mixtures in field situations, rather than single pot studies, with and without fungi. Determining whether and how AM fungi cheat on their hosts will enable a better understanding of their roles in natural communities and their use as biofertilizers in agriculture.
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Mycorrhizal-induced growth depression in plants
Liang Jin
&Qian Wang
&Qiang Wang
&Xiaojuan Wang
&Alan C. Gange
Received: 18 January 2016 /Accepted: 4 September 2016 /Published online: 15 September 2016
#Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016
Abstract As plant mutualists, one would not expect
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to cause growth depres-
sion of their host plants. The mechanism responsible for neg-
ative effects of AMF is still debated and so here we review the
possible abiotic and biotic reasons for AMF-induced growth
depression in plants: 1) The Phytocentric explanations, in-
clude: a) AMF and non-mycotrophic plants, b) different
growth stages of plants. 2) The Mycocentric explanations,
include: a) Low effective AMF species, b) The existence of
vesicles, c) Genetic variability of AMF, and d) Geographic
origin of AMF. 3) Unbalanced C-for-nutrient-trade, involving
both partners and 4) Indirect effects of other organisms. We
note deficiencies in previous studies and suggest improve-
ments in experimental designs such as the use of realistic
mixtures of AM fungal species, and growing plants in mix-
tures in field situations, rather than single pot studies, with and
without fungi. Determining whether and how AM fungi cheat
on their hosts will enable a better understanding of their roles
in natural communities and their use as biofertilizers in
Keywords Abiotic and biotic stress .Arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi .Growth depression .Negative effect .Parasite
1 Introduction
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) comprise one of the
most important groups of micro-organisms in terrestrial
ecosystems, forming a symbiosis with more than 80 %
of vascular plants (Wang and Qiu 2006). It is generally
accepted that AMF are obligate biotrophs and have zero
fitness in the absence of a host plant (Berruti et al. 2016).
With the widely distributed external hyphae, AMF can
increase nutrient acquisition and water absorption (Smith
and Read 2008). They can also alleviate environmental
stresses (Chandrasekaran et al. 2014) and enhance plant
resistance to pests and pathogens (Yang et al. 2014).
Thus, AM symbiotic associations can influence the fitness
of individual plants (Koide and Dickie 2002), the compo-
sition of plant communities (Hartnett and Wilson 2002),
inter-specific competition (Jin et al. 2011), and productiv-
ity within terrestrial ecosystems (Klironomos et al. 2000;
Plants supply AMF with photosynthetic products, while
the fungi enhance the ability of plants to obtain nutrients,
particularly P and N (Treseder 2013; Hodge and Storer
2015). Thus, AMF can enhance the growth and survival of
host plants, as well as increasing biomass production.
However, it is not true that all host plants gain net benefits
from symbiosis with the AMF. Some of the AM fungi cause
negative effects in host plants, such as nutrient outflux
(Mariotte et al. 2013) or growth depression (Graham 2000).
As plant mutualists, this is unexpected and begs the question:
Why do some AMF appear to cheat on their host plants? Janos
(1985,1987,1996) and Smith and Smith (1996) first exam-
ined the potential for parasitism by mycorrhizal fungi in the
context of Bcheating^. Subsequently, Johnson et al. (1997)
and Gange and Ayres (1999) discussed the mutualism-
parasitism continuum, including negative effects of AMF on
*Liang Jin
Natural History Research Center, Shanghai Natural History Museum,
Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, Shanghai 200127, China
State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-Ecosystem, School of
Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University,
Lanzhou 730020, China
School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of
London, Egham, Surrey TW 200EX, UK
Symbiosis (2017) 72:8188
DOI 10.1007/s13199-016-0444-5
the performance of the host plant. A mechanistic explanation
for the negative effects of AMF on the performance of the host
plant was provided by Smith and Read (2008) and Johnson
(2010), who proposed a trade balance model, further advanced
by the review of Smith and Smith (2011). A recent paper
(Jones et al. 2015) suggests that while there may be evidence
for low-quality partners in mycorrhizal mutualisms, there is
actually little evidence for cheating by the fungi. Yet abundant
theoretical work shows that such negative effects are required
to prevent Robert Maysfamousorgy of mutual benefaction
from occurring (Holland 2015). Here, we explore the mecha-
nisms by which negative effects of mycorrhizas might occur
(and illustrated in Fig. 1), our aim being to suggest a series of
research questions that should address the question as to
whether mycorrhizal fungi can cheat on their partners. It is
generally accepted that plants and AMF symbiotically trade
the commodity that they can most readily procure - plants
trade carbon and fungi trade mineral ions and water. But the
effects of mycorrhizas are far more complex than this, so what
other factors might play a role in cheating?
2 Phytocentric explanations
2.1 AMF and non-mycotrophic plants
In natural ecosystems, there are some non-mycotrophic plants
which do not form a symbiosis with AMF, including species in
the families of Amaranthaceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae,
Polygonaceae, Urticaceae, Cyperaceae, Haemodoraceae,
Proteaceae and Restionaceae (Lambers and Teste 2013).
Arabidopsis thaliana is one of these plants in the Brassicaceae.
It has been reported that most of the plants in this family do not
form a symbiosis with AMF (Brundrett 2009). However, Veiga
et al. (2013) found that in some cases, A. thaliana can be colo-
nized with a mycorrhizal species (Rhizophagus irregularis). The
interaction did not bestow positive benefits on A. thaliana,but
colonized plants (Veiga et al. 2013). The reason maybe that
when AMF mycelia make contact with the roots of these plants,
costly chemical defences are produced using resources that
might otherwise have been directed to plant growth (Song
et al. 2011). In the case of non-mycotrophic plants, the roots
may perceive a need to defend against the potential colonization,
e.g., by changing morphology for physical protection or produc-
ing secondary metabolic products (e.g. Hetrick et al. 1990;
Vierheilig et al. 1996). Such growth or production requires extra
photosynthetic products and may result in growth depression if
resources are limited. It would be most instructive to pursue
more studies like the one by Veiga et al. (2013) and to challenge
a range of non-mycorrhizal plants with different AM fungi spe-
cies. Metabolomics could then be used to examine the chemical
mechanisms involved.
2.2 Seedling growth stages of plants and competition
Growth depressions may also be seen at different stages in the
life of a plant. Janoušková et al. (2011)showedthat
Fig. 1 Mechanisms of
mycorrhizal-induced growth
depression in plants
82 L. Jin et al.
Tripleurospermum inodorum plants responded positively to
mycorrhiza when grown in a nutrient-deficient soil, the re-
sponses being more significant with P uptake than with nitro-
gen uptake or growth. In contrast, growth of nearby seedlings
of this species and of the non-mycorrhizal Sisymbrium loeselii
was inhibited in the mycorrhizal treatments. Importantly, the
plants were grown in boxes in which seedlings were establish-
ing in soil containing hyphae, but not roots. This suggests that
the growth of the seedlings was depressed by nutrient deple-
tion (particularly P) in the extra radical mycelium radiating
from the large plants (Janouško et al. 2011). Further evi-
dence for this effect was provided by Del Fabbro and Prati
(2014). These authors found that seedlings of Senecio
inaequidens and S. vernalis were smaller in the presence of
AM hyphae in soil, even though no fungal colonization of the
seedlings could be detected. The results of these studies point
to an important aspect of mycorrhizal effects on the coexis-
tence of large plants and seedlings in nutrient deficient sub-
strata. Similarly, the identity of the nearby large plant is alsoan
important determinant with respect to whether AM fungi may
negatively affect the growth of seedlings. Seedlings can con-
nect to a common mycelial network in the soil and their
growth can be reduced if establishing near an adult plant of
a different species, compared with those that establish near to
a conspecific plant (Burke 2012). This further emphasizes that
future experiments need both to grow plants in mixtures, and
to take account of the identity and ages of plants in those
mixtures too.
Competition between plants is likely to be of paramount
importance in determining the outcome of the interaction be-
tween AMF and the host. For example, Allsopp and Stock
(1992) found that Aspalathus linearis was non-responsive at
low plant density, but negatively responsive to AMF at high
density. The intensity of intra specific competition and the
distribution of plant sizes in populations can be shifted by
AMF, resulting in many small individuals if colonization is
high (Ayres et al. 2006). Interspecific competition is also in-
fluenced by AMF, particularly if competing species differ in
their responsiveness to the fungi (Watkinson and Freckleton
1997). A knowledge of the responsiveness of different crops
and weeds is essential if AMF are to be of use in agricultural
situations (Daisog et al. 2012).
3 Mycocentric explanations
3.1 Low effective AMF species
It is well known that AMF species differ in their ability to be a
goodpartner for a plant, but quite what constitutes goodor
separating such measurement from environmental influences
presents many challenges (Werner and Kiers 2015). Indeed,
the frequency of poor AM partners may be very hard to
discern in natural communities, when their presence may be
masked by other, more effective fungi (Hart et al. 2013).
These mycorrhizal species may provide no or only a few ben-
efits to the host plant, such as a little P, N nutrients or water,
even though they form mycorrhizal structures within plant
roots. The inefficiency of the fungi may be due to either poor
development of fungal structures or to a lower rate of transfer
per unit area of the symbiotic interface (i.e. flux across the
interface). Hart et al. (2013) reported that there were several
low effective AMF species, including Entrophospora
colombiana,Glomus aggregatum,Glomus etunicatum,
Rhizophagus irregularis (Glomus intraradices)and
Scutellospora calospora. However, the context-dependency
of such interactions is again illustrated by the fact that there
are many reports of R. irregularis conferring beneficial effects
on plants, including increased yield (e.g. Hijri 2016), resis-
tance to pathogens (e.g. Mora-Romero et al. 2015) and toler-
ance to toxic substances, such as arsenic (e.g. Cattani et al.
2015). However, such beneficial effects can also be plant
genotype-specific (Mora-Romero et al. 2015).
It has been demonstrated that low effective AMF are wide-
ly distributed in natural habitats. Increasing the diversity of
plant species could reduce the negative effects on individual
host plants (Hart et al. 2013). Burrows and Pfleger (2002)
found that high diversity of host plants could mitigate the
growth depression of host plants with AMF. When diversity
was high, those species antagonized by AMF were less affect-
ed, implying that mycorrhizal growth responses of individual
plants may not translate to the population or community level.
We again suggest that all future experiments that seek to in-
vestigate fungal partner qualityshould take place in realistic
scenarios of plants growing in mixtures (or monocultures for
crops) rather than individuals in pots.
A further problem with the literature is that it is replete with
experiments involving control(non-mycorrhizal) plants be-
ing compared with inoculated individuals. In many cases, the
latter involves one species of fungus. Yet such scenarios are
most unrealistic, and such controls for the most part inappro-
priate (Partída-Martinez and Heil 2011), because uncolonized
plants are virtually absent in nature, and thus the normal
ecological outcome of the interaction between AMF and host
plant may be obscured. Such experimental designs are of
course useful when trying to elucidate the interactions be-
tween mycorrhiza and plant at the molecular level, but they
may provide a misleading ecological outcome. Future ecolog-
ical experiments need to involve combinations of fungi, to
determine whether functional redundancy or cheating exists
amongst mycorrhizal species in any particular association
(Treseder et al. 2012). Perhaps of most importance is that
molecular techniques need to be used to quantify the different
fungal species in the roots at the end of such experiments.
Fungal abundance may then be correlated with various host
plant traits, leading to testable hypotheses regarding the roles
AM depress plant growth 83
of the various species (Partída-Martinez and Heil 2011). On
the rare occasions when this has been done (Robinson Boyer
et al. 2015), relative fungal abundance has been shown to be
affected by water availability. It is highly likely that other
environmental parameters, such as nutrients, will similarly
affect the outcomes and could go a long way to explaining
the variable effects seen in previous studies (Table 1).
3.2 The existence of vesicles
Growth depressions may also be attributed to the occurrence
and functioning of the various AM structures. It is remarkable
that even today, the majority of studies express AM
colonization as total percent root length colonized,giving
little indication of the occurrence of the different kinds of
structures within roots, namely hyphae, arbuscules, vesicles,
and spores. The vesicle is one of the most obvious structures
which can be observed in tissues of plant roots. However, the
function of vesicles is still debated today. There are two opin-
ions about it. One is that vesicles have a propagule function
and can support the regrowth of intercellular hyphae when
appropriate conditions occur (García et al. 2008). More vesi-
cles were formed under stress conditions showing the tenden-
cy of AMF to invest more energy in storage structures for
survival (García et al. 2008). When adverse conditions
prevailed, such as drought stress, salt stress or high tempera-
ture, vesicles could survive in these conditions. After the con-
ditions improved, vesicles could be activated and new fungal
structures could be regenerated. The second opinion is that the
vesicles are purely storage tissue for AMF (Li 2007). No
matter which is correct, it is suggested that the existence of
vesicles may decrease the growth rate of plants (Johnson
1993), through direction of resources to these structures.
Perhaps of more interest is the observation that
R. irregularis (as G. intraradices) reduced the growth of a
non-host plant only when hyphae and vesicles were present
(Wagg et al. 2011). The reason maybe that when vesicles
grow, the fungus needs to obtain more photosynthetic prod-
ucts from the host plant, resulting in plant growth depression.
We suggest that in all future studies that report AM coloniza-
tion of plants, data for the different structures should be in-
cluded. Simply presenting total colonization may hide a lot of
useful and interesting data.
3.3 Genetic variability of AMF
Variation in the outcome of mycorrhizal colonization of plants
may be partially based on fungal genetic variability and there
can be high rates of genetic variability in AMF populations
(Koch et al. 2004). Koch et al. (2006) found that different
AMF isolates exhibited different influences on host plants
even though they belonged to the same species
(R. irregularis (G. intraradices)): some of them promoted
the growth of host plants, and some of them decreased growth.
This means that genetic variability in an AMF population can
cause a range of different outcomes of plant growth, which
could also be ecologically relevant at the ecosystem level and
be important for the development of potent AMF inocula as
successful biofertilizers (Rouphael et al. 2015). Such variabil-
ity was further emphasized by de Novais et al. (2014)who
Tabl e 1 Results of the relationship between AM fungi and C-for-nutrient trade for host plant
Plant AM fungi Nutrients Effects of AM on plant Reference
Vetiveria zizanioides Acaulospora scrobiculata,
Glomus aggregatum,
Glomus sp.
No P-supplied, + Techapinyawat et al. 2002
30, 60, 90 kg P
/ha or 0
Glomus spp., Glomus
Acaulospora spp.
Low P + Youpensuk et al. 2005
High P (25150 mg P/kg soil) or 0
Oryza sativa Rhizophagus irregularis,
Funneliformis mosseae
Limiting N (0.15, 0.23, 0.45,0.79 mM
+ Correa et al. 2014
High N (1.88, 3 mM (NH
)or 0
Wheat Paraglomus sp., Glomus sp. Conventional production + Dai et al. 2014
Organic production
Oryza sativa Glomus mosseae Low N level (20 mg pot
) More positive effects from
AM to plant in low N than
high N level
Liu et al. 2013
High N level (50 mg pot
Wheat (Triti cu m
Funneliformis ssp.,
Rhizophagus ssp.,
Claroideoglomu ssp.
Adverse soil condition More benefits under adverse
soil condition than
favourable soil conditions
Aghili et al. 2014
Favourable soil conditions
B+^means positive effects, B^means negative effects, B0^means neutral effects
84 L. Jin et al.
demonstrated that 41 AMF-plant combinations had responses
ranging from functionally compatible interactions to essential-
ly neutral with their host plants. Furthermore, Klironomos
(2003) also found that plant growth responses to different
AMF inoculation within an ecosystem can range from highly
parasitic to highly mutualistic. Clearly, genetic variability of
AM fungi is very important in determining the outcome of the
interaction with the host. Indeed, this may be as important as
fungal phylogeny itself. However, relatively few studies have
explored the importance of fungal phylogenetic effects on
growth depressions in plants (but see Mummey et al. 2009).
It would be instructive to examine the role that phylogeny
plays in AMF-induced plant growth depression, particularly
as plants in natural communities tend to be associated with a
variety of fungal species (Davison et al. 2011).
3.4 Geographic origin of AMF
That populations of AMF from different geographic areas vary
genetically has been known for some time (Giovannetti et al.
2003). Indeed, Mummey et al. (2009) show that growth de-
pressions in plants may occur depending on the geographic
origin of the fungus. Other good examples of this type of
problem come from trials of commercial inoculants, not all
of which are successful, and which often produce undesirable
effects (Herrmann and Lesueur 2013). For example, Williams
et al. (2013) found that commercial inoculation with AMF did
not increase the growth of Podocarpus cunninghamii, but in-
concentrations in plant tissues. Furthermore, Faye et al.
(2013) found that only three out of 12 different commercial
inoculants had a beneficial effect on growth of maize. The
reason maybe that although there is little significant specificity
in the relationship between AMF and their host plants, local
adaptation occurs, whereby plants may select the most benefi-
cial partners (Werner and Kiers 2015). Because most native
AMF have co-evolved with their host plant in any given areas,
they may have a closer relationship with each other, than com-
binations that are geographically isolated. These interactions
are most likely driven by variation in local resources, primarily
soil fertility (Johnson et al. 2010). To date there are relatively
few studies that have investigated the consequence of AM
geographic origin on host plant performance, and this would
be another fruitful area for research. One example is that of
Antunes et al. (2011), in which six AMF species were collected
from cool and warm climatic conditions and used to colonize
cool-adapted Poa pratensis and warm-adapted Cynodon
dactylon grasses. With P. pratenis, five (83 %) of the cool-
adapted fungi in warm conditions resulted in growth depres-
sion, while with C. dactylon, four (67 %) warm-adapted fungi
produced growth depressions in cool conditions. This clearly
shows how abiotic conditions, such as climate and ecotype
variability of the fungi, can interact to affect plant growth.
Such problems with geographic origin or genetic variation
in AMF may well be why these fungi have yet to realise their
potential as biofertilizers (Herrmann and Lesueur 2013,but
seealsoRouphaeletal.2015). A better understanding of how
and why AMF may cause growth depressions in plants would
enable the production of inocula that can be used in a wide
variety of agricultural or horticultural situations.
4 Unbalanced C-for-nutrient-trade
C-for-nutrient trade is certainly the most obvious key factor in
predicting the outcome of AMF symbioses. It has long been
known that AM benefits to plant growth tend to be lower
when soil P is high (e.g. McArthur and Knowles 1992)and
similar effects seem to hold true for soil N (Correa et al. 2014)
(Table 1). It is now becoming clear that the cost/benefit
approach is more complex than previously thought.
Hoeksema et al. (2010) and Werner and Kiers (2015)pointed
out that AMF-host plant relations are context-dependent and
can be mediated by abiotic factors, including soil nutrients,
pH, water and sunlight. Light availability (i.e. photosynthetic
activity) has long been thought to be the limiting factor of
symbiont activity and plant growth (Reinhard et al. 1993),
though this is not always so and is dependent upon plant
identity (Stonor et al. 2014). Carbon cost analyses of plants
suggest that the effectiveness of AMF ranges from mutualistic
to parasitic depending mostly on soil nutrient supply in natural
or artificial ecosystems. It is clear that future studies of the
effects of AMF on plants should take place along gradients
of soil nutrients and that current levels of knowledge regard-
ing C/N dynamics in particular are poor (Correa et al. 2015).
Yet, a remarkable amount of the literature has involved exper-
iments that have not varied the soil nutrients, even though
natural soil levels are known to be extremely heterogeneous.
Growth depressions may be caused by AM fungi when the
demands for organic carbon (C) from the host plant outweigh
any benefits which might be produced from phosphorus or
nitrogen transfer via the common mycelial network
(Table 1). In this way, the mycorrhiza is essentially acting as
aparasiteoracheater(Johnson et al. 1997). However, the
situation is complicated greatly by there being much variation
in the qualityof the fungal partners and the degree to which
plants can control the carbon outflow to the mycorrhiza
(Grman 2012; Werner and Kiers 2015). It is also quite possible
to observe a positive or negative effect of colonization of a
plant by a fungal species (or combination), depending on the
prevailing environmental conditions and fungal abundance
(Gange and Ayres 1999). There is a real need to use molecular
techniques that quantify the amount and metabolic activity of
each fungal species over time in root systems during experi-
ments, and to relate their presence to growth effects in the
plant, linked with measurements of nutrient inflows and
AM depress plant growth 85
carbon outflows (Thonar et al. 2012). A good example of
the latter, in a controlled experiment, is the study by
Robinson Boyer et al. (2015).Wesuggestthatsimilarmo-
lecular studies be performed on plants that grow along nu-
trient gradients, so as to understand better the C for P
tradeoffs in different fungi and in different host plants.
Furthermore, it is now possible to use genetically modified
plants that allow different amounts of carbon transfer to the
fungus, enabling an understanding of the degree to which
the fungi reprogram sugar transporation in plant roots (e.g.
Manck-Gotzenberger and Requena 2016).
5 Indirect effects of other organisms
A final biotic factor that may result in growth depression as a
result of mycorrhizal colonization is through the influence of
these fungi on the insect and fungal antagonists of plants. AM
fungi generally increase the resistance of their host to attack by
insects and plant pathogens (Borowicz 2001; Koricheva et al.
2009). However, this is not always the case, especially with
sucking insects, where AMF can lead to increases in insect
performance. However, remarkably few studies have followed
the effects of AM fungi on insect population dynamics in the
field (but see Ueda et al. 2013). Barber et al. (2013) found that
pollinators exhibited taxon-specific responses, with honey-
bees, bumblebees, and Lepidoptera all responding differently
to AMF treatments. Koricheva et al. (2009) hint at different
responses amongst insect feeding guilds, which is to be ex-
pected from controlled experiments. Gange et al. (2003)dem-
onstrated that some AM fungal combinations increased para-
sitism by insects, some decreased it, while others had no ef-
fect. To date, no study has examined the effects of AMF on
insect community structure and the population dynamics of
herbivorous species. Without such knowledge, it is impossible
to say whether AMF effects on plants exhibit negative feed-
back as a result of enhanced populations of herbivores causing
growth depressions. Thus, long-term studies of mycorrhizal-
plant-insect interactions in field situations are urgently
Acknowledgments This study was supported by National Natural
Science Foundation of China (31270558) and the Research Funds for
the Introduction of Talents of Shanghai Science and Technology
Museum. We are grateful to the anonymous referees whose comments
greatly improved the manuscript.
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88 L. Jin et al.
... This apparently contradictory effect has been attributed to a disequilibrium between the higher photosynthate demand of mycorrhizal roots to fulfil the fungal needs and the nutritional benefits provided by the fungus, particularly at early stages of the interaction. Such a disequilibrium might, in consequence, provoke a slowing down of plant growth reviewed in Jin et al. (2017). This effect has been also observed in other experiments with combined application of biochar and mycorrhiza (Akhter et al., 2015;LeCroy et al., 2013) and also attributed to a carbon drainage towards the fungus. ...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are symbiotic organisms that contribute significantly to plant mineral nutrition, mainly phosphate. However, their benefits are constricted by the availability of phosphate in the soil, and thus they are recalcitrant as amendment in highly fertilized soils. Biochars are by-products of the pyrolysis of biomass in the absence of oxygen. They can improve soil properties and act as a source of nutrients for plants. However, depending on their origin, the final composition of biochars is extremely variable and thus, their efficiency unpredictable. In order to gain mechanistic insights into how the combined application of biochars and AM fungi contribute to plant phosphate nutrition and growth, we used gene expression analyses of key symbiotic marker genes. We compared for this analysis two biochars originated from very different feedstocks (chicken manure and wheat straw) on tomato plants with or without the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis. Our results show that the synergy between AM fungi and biochars as P biofertilizers is greatly governed by the origin of the biochar that determines the speed at which phosphate is released to the soil and absorbed by the plant. Thus, chicken manure biochar quickly impacted on plant growth by readily releasing P, but it turned out detrimental for symbiosis formation, decreasing colonization levels and expression of key symbiotic plant marker genes such as SlPT4 or SlFatM. In contrast, wheat straw biochar was inferior at improving plant growth but stimulated the establishment of the symbiosis, producing plants with the same concentration of phosphate as those with the chicken manure. Taken together, slow P releasing biochars from plant residues appears to be a more promising amendment for long terms experiments in which biofertilizers such as AM fungi are considered. Furthermore, our results indicate that implementing plant transcriptomic analyses might help to mechanistically dissect and better understand the effects of biochars on plant growth in different scenarios.
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An experiment was conducted with two-year-old ‘Fino 95’ lemon plants (Citrus limon Burm. f. cv. Fino) grafted on C. macrophylla (Citrus macrophylla Wester) to study the effects of salinity on plants inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Half of the inoculated (+AM) and non-inoculated (−AM) plants were irrigated with half-strength Hoagland solution, and the remainder were inoculated with half-strength Hoagland solution + 30 mM NaCl. Ninety-eight days later, results showed that AMF had alleviated the negative effect of salinity on growth. Inoculation with AMF provided some protection against the damage that salinity caused on cellular membranes and improved the plant water status and turgor under saline conditions (Ψx and Π increased by 16% and 48%, respectively). The responses of mineral nutrition to salinity and AMF treatments were complex. P concentrations in the leaves and roots of +AM plants were lower than in those of −AM plants, but inoculation improved Ca2+ (by 20%), Mg2+ (24%), Fe2+ (21%), and Zn2+ (7%) nutrition in roots and also the Mg2+/Na+ ratio in leaves (33%), reducing the antagonistic effect of Na+ on Mg2+ nutrition in salt-treated plants. AMF could protect plants against salt stress through the maintenance of the gas exchange capacity and due to a better antioxidant response. All these positive effects of AMF contributed to mitigating the harmful effects of salinity stress on the plant growth performance of lemon trees grafted on C. macrophylla rootstock under salinity conditions.
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Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi assemble passively over time via biotic and abiotic mechanisms. In degraded soils, AM fungal communities can assemble actively when humans manage mycorrhizas for ecosystem restoration. We investigated mechanisms of urban AM fungal community assembly in a 2‐yr green roof experiment. We compared AM fungal communities in inoculated and uninoculated trays to samples from two potential sources: the inoculum and air. Active inoculation stimulated more distinct and diverse AM fungal communities, an effect that intensified over time. In the treatment trays, 45% of AM fungal taxa were detected in the inoculum, 2% were detected in aerial samples, 23% were detected in both inoculum and air, and 30% were not detected in either source. Passive dispersal of AM fungi likely resulted in the successful establishment of a small number of species, but active inoculation with native AM fungal species resulted in an immediate shift to a diverse and unique fungal community. When urban soils are constructed or modified by human activity, this is an opportunity for intervention with AM fungi that will persist and add diversity to that system.
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Introduction Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) belong to the Glomeromycota clade and can form root symbioses with 80% of Angiosperms, including crops species such as wheat, maize and rice. By increasing nutrient availability, uptake and soil anchoring of plants, AMF can improve plant’s growth and tolerance to abiotic stresses. AMF can also reduce symptoms and pathogen load on infected plants, both locally and systemically, through a phenomenon called mycorrhiza induced resistance (MIR). There is scarce information on rice mycorrhization, despite the high potential of this symbiosis in a context of sustainable water management in rice production systems. Methods We studied the symbiotic compatibility (global mycorrhization & arbuscules intensity) and MIR phenotypes between six rice cultivars from two subspecies (indica: IR64 & Phka Rumduol; japonica: Nipponbare, Kitaake, Azucena & Zhonghua 11) and three AMF genotypes (Funneliformis mosseae FR140 (FM), Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198 (RIR) & R. intraradices FR121 (RIN)). The impact of mycorrhization on rice growth and defence response to Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae (Xoo) infection was recorded via both phenotypic indexes and rice marker gene expression studies. Results All three AMF genotypes colonise the roots of all rice varieties, with clear differences in efficiency depending on the combination under study (from 27% to 84% for Phka Rumduol-RIN and Nipponbare-RIR combinations, respectively). Mycorrhization significantly (α=0.05) induced negative to beneficial effects on rice growth (impact on dry weight ranging from -21% to 227% on Azucena-FM and Kitaake-RIN combinations, respectively), and neutral to beneficial effects on the extent of Xoo symptoms on leaves (except for Azucena-RIN combination which showed a 68% increase of chlorosis). R. irregularis DAOM197198 was the most compatible AMF partner of rice, with high root colonisation intensity (84% of Nipponbare’s roots hyphal colonisation), beneficial effects on rice growth (dry weight +28% (IR64) to +178% (Kitaake)) and decrease of Xoo-induced symptoms (-6% (Nipponbare) to -27% (IR64)). Transcriptomic analyses by RT-qPCR on leaves of two rice cultivars contrasting in their association with AMF show two different patterns of response on several physiological marker genes. Discussion Overall, the symbiotic compatibility between rice cultivars and AMF demonstrates adequate colonization, effectively restricting the nutrient starvation response and mitigating symptoms of phytopathogenic infection.
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Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important oil and cash crop. An efficient utilization of saline–alkali soil resources, the development of peanut planting in saline–alkali soil, and obtaining high and stable yield have become urgent needs to ensure peanut production. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been reported to develop the potential productivity of host plants and improve their salt resistance and tolerance. However, there is still limited research on promoting the growth and morphology of peanut roots. Therefore, in this study, seeds of salt-tolerant peanut variety “HY 25” were coated with commercial AMF inoculant before being planted in saline–alkali and normal soils to investigate the effects of AMF on peanut root growth and rhizosphere soil. The results showed that root morphological characteristics were significantly increased by the use of AMF at the podding stage in saline–alkali soil and from the flowering and pegging stage to the maturity stage in normal soil. Of note, the total root volume of peanut inoculated with AMF significantly increased by 31.57% during the podding stage in saline–alkali soil. Meanwhile, AMF significantly increased the phosphatase and invertase activities in the peanut rhizosphere of saline–alkali soil from the flowering stage to maturity stage and soil CAT activity at the maturity stage (41.16~48.82%). In normal soil, soil phosphatase and urease activities were enhanced by AMF at the flowering stage and the podding stage, respectively. AMF also increased the contents of soil organic matter, available phosphorus, and hydrolysable nitrogen, but decreased soil EC in saline–alkali soil. In addition to the significant increase in soil available phosphorus content, AMF had no significant effect on the physical and chemical properties of the soil and other soil nutrients in normal soil. AMF significantly increased pod biomass and yield in saline–alkali soil and normal soil, and improved their agronomic characteristics. In conclusion, peanut seeds coated with AMF improved the root morphological characteristics of peanuts and improved the physical and chemical properties in peanut rhizosphere, especially in saline–alkali soil. The process of rhizosphere soil nutrient transformation was also enhanced. Finally, AMF improved plant agronomic traits to increase the pod yield (16.5~21.9%). This study provides the theoretical basis and technical support for the application of AMF in peanut production in saline–alkali soil.
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Mountain ranges have been previously suggested to act as natural barriers to plant invasion due to extreme environmental conditions. However, how arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) affect invasion into these systems has been less explored. Here, we investigated how changes in AMF communities affect the performance of Galinsoga quadriradiata in mountain ranges. We performed a greenhouse experiment to study the impact of inoculations of AMF from different elevations on the performance and reproduction of invaders and how competition with native plants changes the effects of invader–AMF interactions. We found strong evidence for a nuanced role of AMF associations in the invasion trajectory of G. quadriradiata, with facilitative effects at low elevations and inhibitory effects at high elevations. Galinsoga quadriradiata performed best when grown with inoculum collected from the same elevation but performed worst when grown with inoculum collected from beyond its currently invaded range, suggesting that AMF communities can help deter invasion at high elevations. Finally, the invasive plants grown alone experienced negative effects from AMF, while those grown in competition experienced positive effects, regardless of the AMF source. This suggests that G. quadriradiata lowers its partnerships with AMF in stressful environments unless native plants are present, in which case it overpowers native plants to obtain AMF support during invasion. Finally, our results indicate that invader–AMF interactions can inhibit invasive range expansion at high elevations, and biotic interactions, in addition to harsh environmental conditions, make high-elevation mountain ranges natural barriers against continued invasion.
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Sustainable horticulture development is a priority area considering climate change, especially in the context of reduced water supply. The search for ways to regulate the resistance of fruit trees to stressors is an urgent issue for the world community. The use of beneficial microorganisms to inoculate plant roots helps reduce the use of synthetic substances and is an alternative for sustainable horticulture. The purpose of the study is to identify the specific features of the effect of root inoculation by mycorrhizal fungi on the reaction of sweet cherries to develop strategies for managing the production of fruit products. The study was conducted during 2018- 2020 in the sweet sweet cherry orchard of the southern steppe subzone of Ukraine. Such research methods as field, laboratory, biochemical, physiological, and statistical were used. The regularities of the influence of mycorrhizal fungi on the total moisture content and water-holding capacity of sweet cherry leaves were examined. In the first year of studies on endomycorrhizal root inoculation, these indicators were higher compared to the control group. The positive effect of endo-ectomycorrhiza on the waterholding capacity of sweet cherry leaves was elucidated. The total leaf surface and the content of green pigments in the leaves were determined as one of the main indicators of the photosynthetic potential of a fruit crop. The effect of inoculation of sweet cherry roots by mycorrhizal fungi on the ratio of chlorophylls (a/b) in leaves was established. The parameters of the content of total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in sweet cherry leaves were determined. The use of mycorrhizal fungi increases the adaptive properties of sweet cherry trees to stressful factors, namely, arid conditions in the south of Ukraine. The research results can be used by fruit producers to improve climate-optimised technologies, which will substantially reduce risks and possible economic losses, and preserve biodiversity
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Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) constitute a ubiquitous group of soil microorganisms, affecting plant and soil microorganism growth. Various crop management practices can have a significant impact on the AM association. This study investigated the AMF inoculation contribution on growth and productivity of two-rowed barley crop by identifying the underlying mechanisms both in conventional and organic cropping systems. A two-year field trial was set up as a split-plot design with 2 main plots [AMF inoculation: with (AMF+) and without (AMF−)] and five sub-plots (fertilization regimes: untreated, 100% recommended dose of fertilizer in organic and inorganic form, and 60% recommended dose of fertilizer in organic and inorganic form) in three replications. According to the results, AMF+ plants presented higher plant height and leaf area index (LAI), resulting in increased biomass and, as a result, higher seed yield. With regard to the quality traits, including the nitrogen and phosphorus uptake and their utilization indices, the AMF inoculated plants showed higher values. Furthermore, the level of fertilization, particularly in an inorganic form, adversely affected AMF root colonization. Consequently, it was concluded that substitution of inorganic inputs by organic, as well as inputs reduction, when combined with AMF inoculation, can produce excellent results, thus making barley crop cultivation sustainable in Mediterranean climates.
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Investigating the microbial communities associated with invasive plant species can provide insights into how these species establish and thrive in new environments. Here, we explored the fungal species associated with the roots of the invasive species Anthemis cotula L. at 12 sites with varying elevations in the Kashmir Himalaya. Illumina MiSeq platform was used to identify the species composition, diversity, and guild structure of these root-associated fungi. The study found a total of 706 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) belonging to 8 phyla, 20 classes, 53 orders, 109 families, and 160 genera associated with roots of A. cotula, with the most common genus being Funneliformis. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) constituted the largest guild at higher elevations. The study also revealed that out of the 12 OTUs comprising the core mycobiome, 4 OTUs constituted the stable component while the remaining 8 OTUs comprised the dynamic component. While α-diversity did not vary across sites, significant variation was noted in β-diversity. The study confirmed the facilitative role of the microbiome through a greenhouse trial in which a significant effect of soil microbiome on height, shoot biomass, root biomass, number of flower heads, and internal CO2 concentration of the host plant was observed. The study indicates that diverse fungal mutualists get associated with this invasive alien species even in nutrient-rich ruderal habitats and may be contributing to its spread into higher elevations. This study highlights the importance of understanding the role of root-associated fungi in invasion dynamics and the potential use of mycobiome management strategies to control invasive species.
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For a single plant species under the same environmental conditions, the interaction with arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and their contribution to plant growth varies among AMF isolates, with bothinter and intraspecific variability. The present study evaluated the functional variability of 41 isolates of20 species and eight genera of AMF for root colonization, growth promotion, and P uptake of corn andobserved the relationship of this functional variability with the isolates genetic variability revealed byPCR-RFLP analysis. All the isolates abundantly colonized the corn roots, but only 23 promoted highershoot dry mass and P leaf content. The cluster analysis based on functional variability data separated theisolates Acaulospora morrowiae (Am2), Acaulospora sp. (Aca), A. colombiana (Ac3, Ac4, and Ac5), Gigasporaalbida (Gia1), Gi. margarita (Gim4 and Gim5), Gi. rosea (Gir), Rhizophagus clarus (Rc2, Rc3, Rc4, Rc5, andRc6), Claroideoglomus etunicatum (Ce4), R. manihotis (Rm), Scutellospora calospora (Sc), S. heterogama(Sh2, Sh3, Sh4, and Sh5) and S. pellucida (Sp3) from the others at the distance of 80% functional similarity.These were considered efficient in promoting functional symbiosis in corn while the other isolates wereconsidered inefficient. The cluster analysis obtained by the PCR-RFLP technique was partly coherent withthe species classification based on spore morphology. The isolates of R. clarus fell into one cluster andthe isolates of the Gigaspora and Scutellospora genera (Gigasporaceae family) were clustered in a secondcluster, without the ability to separate the species of these genera.
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Biotrophic microbes feeding on plants must obtain carbon from their hosts without killing the cells. The symbiotic Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonizing plant roots do so by inducing major transcriptional changes in the host that ultimately also reprogram the whole carbon partitioning of the plant. AM fungi obtain carbohydrates from the root cortex apoplast, in particular from the periarbuscular space that surrounds arbuscules. However, the mechanisms by which cortical cells export sugars into the apoplast for fungal nutrition are unknown. Recently a novel type of sugar transporter, the SWEET, able to perform not only uptake but also efflux from cells was identified. Plant SWEETs have been shown to be involved in the feeding of pathogenic microbes and are, therefore, good candidates to play a similar role in symbiotic associations. Here we have carried out the first phylogenetic and expression analyses of the potato SWEET family and investigated its role during mycorrhiza symbiosis. The potato genome contains 35 SWEETs that cluster into the same four clades defined in Arabidopsis. Colonization of potato roots by the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis imposes major transcriptional rewiring of the SWEET family involving, only in roots, changes in 22 of the 35 members. None of the SWEETs showed mycorrhiza-exclusive induction and most of the 12 induced genes belong to the putative hexose transporters of clade I and II, while only two are putative sucrose transporters from clade III. In contrast, most of the repressed transcripts (10) corresponded to clade III SWEETs. Promoter-reporter assays for three of the induced genes, each from one cluster, showed re-localization of expression to arbuscule-containing cells, supporting a role for SWEETs in the supply of sugars at biotrophic interfaces. The complex transcriptional regulation of SWEETs in roots in response to AM fungal colonization supports a model in which symplastic sucrose in cortical cells could be cleaved in the cytoplasm by sucrose synthases or cytoplasmic invertases and effluxed as glucose, but also directly exported as sucrose and then converted into glucose and fructose by cell wall-bound invertases. Precise biochemical, physiological and molecular analyses are now required to profile the role of each potato SWEET in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.
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Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) constitute a group of root obligate biotrophs that exchange mutual benefits with about 80% of plants. They are considered natural biofertilizers, since they provide the host with water, nutrients and pathogen protection, in exchange for photosynthetic products. Thus, AMF are primary biotic soil components which, when missing or impoverished, can lead to a less efficient ecosystem functioning. The process of re-establishing the natural level of AMF richness can represent a valid alternative to conventional fertilization practices, with a view to sustainable agriculture. The main strategy that can be adopted to achieve this goal is the direct re-introduction of AMF propagules (inoculum) into a target soil. Originally, AMF were described to generally lack host- and niche-specificity, and therefore suggested as agriculturally suitable for a wide range of plants and environmental conditions. Unfortunately, the assumptions that have been made and the results that have been obtained so far are often worlds apart. The problem is that success is unpredictable since different plant species vary their response to the same AMF species mix. Many factors can affect the success of inoculation and AMF persistence in soil, including species compatibility with the target environment, the degree of spatial competition with other soil organisms in the target niche and the timing of inoculation. Thus, it is preferable to take these factors into account when “tuning” an inoculum to a target environment in order to avoid failure of the inoculation process. Genomics and transcriptomics have led to a giant step forward in the research field of AMF, with consequent major advances in the current knowledge on the processes involved in their interaction with the host-plant and other soil organisms. The history of AMF applications in controlled and open-field conditions is now long. A review of biofertilization experiments, based on the use of AMF, has here been proposed, focusing on a few important factors that could increase the odds or jeopardize the success of the inoculation process.
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A great diversity of plants and fungi engage in mycorrhizal associations. In natural habitats, and in an ecologically meaningful time span, these associations have evolved to improve the fitness of both plant and fungal symbionts. In systems managed by humans, mycorrhizal associations often improve plant productivity, but this is not always the case. Mycorrhizal fungi might be considered to be parasitic on plants when net cost of the symbiosis exceeds net benefits. Parasitism can be developmentally induced, environmentally induced, or possibly genotypically induced. Morphological, phenological, and physiological characteristics of the symbionts influence the functioning of mycorrhizas at an individual scale. Biotic and abiotic factors at the rhizosphere, community, and ecosystem scales further mediate mycorrhizal functioning. Despite the complexity of mycorrhizal associations, it might be possible to construct predictive models of mycorrhizal functioning. These models will need to incorporate variables and parameters that account for differences in plant responses to, and control of, mycorrhizal fungi, and differences in fungal effects on, and responses to, the plant. Developing and testing quantitative models of mycorrhizal functioning in the real world requires creative experimental manipulations and measurements. This work will be facilitated by recent advances in molecular and biochemical techniques. A greater understanding of how mycorrhizas function in complex natural systems is a prerequisite to managing them in agriculture, forestry, and restoration.
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An increasing human population requires more food production in nutrient-efficient systems in order to simultaneously meet global food needs while reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have the potential to enhance crop yield, but their efficiency has yet to be demonstrated in large-scale crop production systems. This study reports an analysis of a dataset consisting of 231 field trials in which the same AMF inoculant (Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 197198) was applied to potato over a 4-year period in North America and Europe under authentic field conditions. The inoculation was performed using a liquid suspension of AMF spores that was sprayed onto potato seed pieces, yielding a calculated 71 spores per seed piece. Statistical analysis showed a highly significant increase in marketable potato yield (ANOVA, P < 0.0001) for inoculated fields (42.2 tons/ha) compared with non-inoculated controls (38.3 tons/ha), irrespective of trial year. The average yield increase was 3.9 tons/ha, representing 9.5 % of total crop yield. Inoculation was profitable with a 0.67-tons/ha increase in yield, a threshold reached in almost 79 % of all trials. This finding clearly demonstrates the benefits of mycorrhizal-based inoculation on crop yield, using potato as a case study. Further improvements of these beneficial inoculants will help compensate for crop production deficits, both now and in the future.
Despite an upsurge in national and international debate on environmental issues since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, fungi, vital to the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, are rarely mentioned. This volume helps redress this imbalance by considering fungi in the context of the impact of humankind's activity on their habitats. The presentation of experimental evidence is a major feature of the volume. Contributions on the effects of global warming, UV-B radiation, atmospheric and terrestrial pollutants, deforestation in the tropics, loss of biodiversity, genetic engineering and chaos theory ensure a topical and balanced coverage, with both ecological and physiological viewpoints being represented. This timely review will be of interest to all mycologists and those ecologists concerned with environmental change.