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Radiation damage to the gastrointestinal tract: Mechanisms, diagnosis, and management



To summarize current knowledge about gastrointestinal radiation toxicity, with emphasis on mechanisms and clinical diagnosis and management. While there has been only modest change in cancer incidence and cancer mortality rates during the past 30 years, the number of cancer survivors has more than doubled. Moreover, the recognition of uncomplicated cancer cure as the ultimate goal in oncology has intensified efforts to prevent, diagnose, and manage side effects of radiation therapy. These efforts have been facilitated by recent insight into the underlying pathophysiology. The risk of injury to the intestine is dose limiting during abdominal and pelvic radiation therapy. Delayed bowel toxicity is difficult to manage and adversely impacts the quality of life of cancer survivors. More than 200,000 patients per year receive abdominal or pelvic radiation therapy, and the estimated number of cancer survivors with postradiation intestinal dysfunction is 1.5-2 million. Worthwhile progress towards reducing toxicity of radiation therapy has been made by dose-sculpting treatment techniques. Approaches derived from an improved understanding of the pathophysiology of bowel injury, however, will result in further advances. This article discusses the mechanisms of radiation-induced bowel toxicity and reviews current principles in diagnosis and management.
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Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Radiation damage to the gastrointestinal tract: mechanisms,
diagnosis, and management
Martin Hauer-Jensen
, Junru Wang
, Marjan Boerma
, Qiang Fu
James W. Denham
Purpose of review
To summarize current knowledge about gastrointestinal
radiation toxicity, with emphasis on mechanisms and clinical
diagnosis and management.
Recent findings
While there has been only modest change in cancer
incidence and cancer mortality rates during the past
30 years, the number of cancer survivors has more than
doubled. Moreover, the recognition of uncomplicated
cancer cure as the ultimate goal in oncology has intensified
efforts to prevent, diagnose, and manage side effects of
radiation therapy. These efforts have been facilitated by
recent insight into the underlying pathophysiology.
The risk of injury to the intestine is dose limiting during
abdominal and pelvic radiation therapy. Delayed bowel
toxicity is difficult to manage and adversely impacts the
quality of life of cancer survivors. More than 200 000
patients per year receive abdominal or pelvic radiation
therapy, and the estimated number of cancer survivors with
postradiation intestinal dysfunction is 1.52 million.
Worthwhile progress towards reducing toxicity of radiation
therapy has been made by dose-sculpting treatment
techniques. Approaches derived from an improved
understanding of the pathophysiology of bowel injury,
however, will result in further advances. This article
discusses the mechanisms of radiation-induced bowel
toxicity and reviews current principles in diagnosis and
intestines, radiation injuries, radiation therapy
Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 1:23– 29. ß2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Departments of Surgery and Pathology, University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences and Surgery Service, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System,
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA,
Department of Surgery, University of Arkansas for
Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA,
Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA and
Department of Radiation Oncology,
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Correspondence to Martin Hauer-Jensen MD, PhD, Arkansas Cancer Research
Center, 4301 West Markham, Slot 725, Little Rock, AR 72205, USA
Tel: +1 501 686 7912; fax: +1 501 421 0022; e-mail:
Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care 2007, 1:23 –29
ß2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Radiation therapy is used in about 70% of cancer patients
and plays a critical role in 25% of cancer cures [1]. Even
though technical advances have made it possible to
deliver radiation to virtually any part of the body, normal
tissue radiation toxicity remains the most important
obstacle to cancer cure in patients with localized disease.
During radiation therapy of tumors in the abdomen or
pelvis, the intestine is an important normal tissue at risk.
As in other organs, intestinal radiation toxicity is classified
as acute (early) when it occurs during or within 3 months
of radiation therapy, or delayed (chronic) when it occurs
more than 3 months after radiation therapy.
Early intestinal radiation toxicity affects quality of life at
the time of treatment. The symptoms are usually tran-
sient and cease after completion of radiation therapy.
Severe acute toxicity, however, may require treatment
interruption or alteration of the original treatment plan,
thereby compromising the likelihood of tumor control.
Delayed intestinal radiation toxicity is a highly important
issue in long-term cancer survivors. It is a progressive
condition with few therapeutic options and substantial
long-term morbidity and mortality. Hence, delayed
bowel toxicity significantly affects outcome in long-term
cancer survivors.
This review article discusses mechanisms of radiation-
induced bowel toxicity and reviews contemporary
approaches for diagnosis and management.
Pathology and pathophysiology
The pathology and cellular and molecular mechanisms of
intestinal radiation injury are only discussed briefly. For a
more comprehensive description of the pathological fea-
tures, the reader is referred to reviews by Fajardo et al.
[2,3] and Carr [4], while a discussion of mechanistic
aspects can be found in [5].
Radiation injuries to normal tissues arise from a combi-
nation of three different processes: cytocidal effects
(clonogenic and apoptotic cell death); functional (non-
cytocidal) effects; and secondary effects (reactive and
downstream cellular or tissue phenomena) [6,7]. In the
intestine, acute toxicity is to a large extent a result of
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
epithelial injury, resulting in breakdown of the mucosal
barrier and mucosal inammation (intestinal mucositis).
The pathogenesis of chronic radiation enteropathy
is complex and involves changes in most compartments
of the intestinal wall. Prominent structural features
include mucosal atrophy, intestinal wall brosis, and
vascular sclerosis. Changes in intestinal function are
dominated by malabsorption, dysmotility, and transit
abnormalities [8,9]. Intestinal brosis, stricture formation,
or stula formation are potentially life-threatening compli-
In contrast to the earlier notion that acute and delayed
tissue injury are unrelated, clinical studies [1013], pre-
clinical timedosefractionation studies [14 16], and
animal studies using modiers of acute injury [17,18]
have shown unequivocally that acute injury may contrib-
ute to development of chronic changes through direct
functional cellular effects and secondary effects [6,7,19
Incidence and prevalence
It is estimated that more than 200 000 patients in the US
undergo radiation therapy of abdominal, pelvic, or retro-
peritoneal tumors each year and are at risk for developing
early and delayed intestinal radiation injury. Symptoms
of acute bowel toxicity occur in 6080% of patients who
receive curative radiation therapy of intraabdominal or
pelvic tumors, and 515% will require treatment inter-
ruption or alteration.
Radiation therapy carries a continued, lifetime risk of
delayed complications [20]. Clinical studies published up
to the mid-1990s often reported a 3040% incidence of
chronic diarrhea and other symptoms after postoperative
therapy of rectal cancer and small-bowel obstruction in
515% [21,22]. For example, a comprehensive study of
women treated for cervical cancer reported a 10 15%
incidence of severe bowel toxicity at 20 years [23]. Mod-
ern dose-sculpting radiation therapy, as well as increased
awareness of the risk and consequences of delayed bowel
toxicity, may eventually lower the incidence of severe
late complications.
Incidence and severity of intestinal radiation toxicity
depend on many therapy-related and patient-related
factors [24]. Therapy-related factors include radiation
dose, volume of bowel irradiated, timedosefraction-
ation parameters, and use of concomitant chemotherapy
or biotherapy. Previous abdominal surgery or intra-
abdominal infections increase the risk of radiation
enteropathy [25,26,27
]. Specic comorbidities, for
example, inammatory bowel disease [28], diabetes
[29], vascular disease [30], scleroderma [31], and
tobacco smoking [32] predispose patients to complica-
tions after radiation therapy.
It is important to recognize that only a fraction of patients
suffering from postradiation intestinal dysfunction seek
medical attention. Moreover, although some manifes-
tations of toxicity may be subtle, they are nevertheless
clinically important and may have a major impact on
patientsfunctional and psychosocial quality of life.
Hence, studies in which patients have been carefully
and systematically examined show that intestinal dys-
function is present in 6090% of patients after radio-
therapy of abdominal tumors [3335]. Similarly, after
pelvic radiation therapy, more than 50% of patients have
persistent anorectal dysfunction with intermittent incon-
tinence, bleeding, or fecal urgency [3537]. Even more
subtle manifestations of bowel dysfunction, such as accel-
erated osteoporosis or anemia, may lead to signicant
morbidity, even though their relationship to radiation
treatment may not be obvious.
If the overall prevalence of delayed postradiation toxicity
in the population could be estimated accurately, bowel
toxicity would almost certainly head the list by a
considerable margin: There are currently more than
10 million cancer survivors in the US, about 50% of whom
are survivors of abdominal or pelvic cancers [38
]. If one
assumes that radiation therapy has or will be used in 70%,
and that at least 50% of these patients develop some
degree of intestinal dysfunction, a conservative estimate
of the number of patients with postradiation intestinal
dysfunction living in the US is 1.52 million.
Clinical presentation
In this section we discuss the main symptoms of radiation
damage to the small bowel and the anus/rectum.
Small bowel radiation injury
The main symptoms of early small bowel toxicity are
nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Fatigue is a non-
specic symptom, but may also be quite prominent.
Nausea occurs early during radiation therapy, while diar-
rhea and abdominal pain generally become a problem
23 weeks into the course of radiation therapy. In most
patients, the acute symptoms resolve within 24 weeks of
completing treatment.
Symptoms of delayed bowel toxicity usually present after
a latency period of between 6 months and 3 years.
Delayed radiation enteropathy, however, may develop
in direct continuity with the acute symptoms, and latency
periods of more than 30 years are not uncommon.
Delayed small bowel radiation injury is characterized
clinically by malabsorption and bowel dysmotility.
Patients often present with intermittent constipation
and diarrhea and are frequently metabolically deranged
and malnourished. Progressive intestinal wall brosis may
cause strictures, and localized areas of ischemic necrosis
may give rise to stulas. A surprising number of patients
24 Gastrointestinal symptoms
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
with small bowel injury present initially as surgical
emergencies, with acute intestinal obstruction, stulas,
or bowel perforation. Signicant bleeding is an infre-
quent manifestation of small bowel radiation injury
[39]. Polyvisceral necrosis is an exceedingly rare compli-
cation [40,41] that results from ischemic gangrene due to
central vascular injury, rather than direct radiation injury
to the intestine.
The prognosis of patients with severe delayed small
bowel radiation injury is poor. Corrective surgery is
associated with high postoperative morbidity and
mortality, and some patients require prolonged parenteral
nutrition [42
]. Most patients experience persistent or
recurrent symptoms, and about 10% die as a direct result
of radiation enteropathy [4348].
Symptoms and signs of delayed radiation injury of the
colon differ somewhat from those of small bowel injury,
reecting the role of the colon in water absorption and as
fecal conduit, rather than in the uptake of nutrients.
Patients with colonic injury typically suffer from inter-
mittent diarrhea and constipation caused by brotic
strictures or pseudo-obstruction (functional obstruction
without anatomical stricture), but are not commonly
metabolically deranged.
Compared with patients with small bowel injury, the
long-term prognosis of patients with colonic injury is
more favorable, mainly because of less pronounced meta-
bolic and nutritional derangement and the expendabil-
ityof the colon.
Anorectal radiation injury
The hallmark clinical features of early radiation injury of
the anus/rectum (radiation proctopathy) are diarrhea,
tenesmus (fecal urgency with crampy pain), and hema-
tochezia (bloody stools). Even when virtually no small
bowel is included in the radiation eld during pelvic
irradiation, many patients experience symptoms from the
upper abdomen, suggesting a role for neurogenic mech-
anisms, cytokines, or other circulating factors.
Clinical manifestations of delayed radiation proctopathy
include frequent or clustered bowel movements, anal
discharge, rectal pain, urgency, tenesmus, incontinence,
and hematochezia. The clinical picture depends on what
type of injury predominates. Bleeding may be the main
symptom in patients with severe mucosal injury, rectal
pain may predominate in patients with chronic ulcers,
and urgency may be the chief complaint in patients in
which brosis causes loss of anorectal compliance. In
many instances the patient is more socially disabled by
the need to nd a lavatory quickly, that is, by urgency and
tenesmus, than by the passage of blood in the bowel
movements [49].
Delayed proctopathy often pursues a remittent course,
possibly due to exacerbation of symptoms associated with
periodic breakdown of the mucosa. In many patients,
hematochezia is at its worst 18 24 months after therapy,
but then improves spontaneously [50].
Diagnostic evaluation
In this section we discuss the diagnosis of small bowel
radiation injury and radiation proctopathy.
Small bowel radiation injury
Due to the rather well dened clinical picture and
temporal relationship to radiation therapy, acute intesti-
nal radiation toxicity seldom poses diagnostic dilemmas,
and diagnostic tests are usually not indicated. In contrast,
the diagnosis and therapy of delayed radiation entero-
pathy is less straightforward because of the multifaceted
nature of the disorder, variations among patients in terms
of the dominant pathophysiological process(es), and
tumor recurrence as a differential diagnosis. A pathophy-
siology-based approach is clearly preferable to an empiric
(trial-and-error) approach.
The manifestations of small bowel radiation injury usually
result from mucosal dysfunction (due to atrophy, reduced
activity of brush border membrane enzymes, reduced
mucosal blood ow, or impaired lymph drainage); or intes-
tinal dysmotility with bacterial overgrowth and digestive
dysfunction (due to stricture formation and neuromuscular
dysfunction). The relative signicance of these processes
varies from patient to patient, and, thus, it is important to
individualize the diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Diagnostic tests to considerin the work-up of patients with
chronic-recurrent abdominal symptoms after radiation
therapy includeimaging (e.g. computed tomography,ultra-
sonography, enteroclysis, stulogram); measurement of
intestinal transit; endoscopy; various tests for malabsorp-
tion (e.g. fecal fat excretion, lactose absorption test,
Schilling test, bile acid breath tests); tests for maldigestion
(e.g. xylose breathtest); assessment of intestinal microora;
motility studies; permeability assessment; and histopatho-
logic examination of mucosal biopsies. The goal of the
workup should be to make a diagnosis that is as precise
as possible in terms of determining the pathophysiologi-
cally importantfactors and the anatomiclocation and extent
of the pathology in the individual patient. The objective of
diagnostic work-up inpatients with colonic radiation injury
is mainly to clarify anatomical details, rule out malignancy
by colonoscopy, and delineate strictures and stulas
by appropriate radiological imaging studies.
Radiation proctopathy
As for acute radiation enteropathy, the diagnosis of acute
radiation proctopathy is usually straightforward with no
need for diagnostic studies.
Radiation damage to the gastrointestinal tract Hauer-Jensen et al. 25
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
In delayed radiation proctopathy, hematochezia is a
result of friable rectal mucosa with telangiectatic
vessels. In all patients with hematochezia, it is import-
ant to rule out lesions proximal to the rectum by
colonoscopy, even when a rm diagnosis of chronic
radiation proctopathy has been established. Radiologi-
cal contrast studies may be used to demonstrate points
of bowel xation, decreased compliance, and strictures.
Anorectal function tests, which are usually normal or
near normal during the early postradiation period, show
frequent abnormalities in the chronic phase [51]. These
tests, however, are seldom helpful in clinical decision-
In this section we discuss the management of early and
delayed radiation enteropathy, and acute and delayed
radiation proctopathy.
Early radiation enteropathy
Management of early radiation toxicity of the small bowel
and colon is symptomatic and follows general guidelines
for treating similar symptoms in other situations. Hence,
conventional antidiarrheal, antiemetic, spasmolytic, and
defoaming agents are mainstays in the management of
acute bowel toxicity.
The synthetic somatostatin analogue, octreotide, potently
ameliorates acute intestinal radiation toxicity in pre-
clinical studies [18,52], and a recent clinical study con-
rmed that the efcacy of octreotide is superior to that
of conventional antidiarrheal drugs [53]. Therefore,
patients with severe diarrhea that do not respond to
rst-line antidiarrheal medication should be considered
candidates for treatment with octreotide.
When the effect of conventional antiemetics is
unsatisfactory, 5-hydroxytryptamine (HT3, serotonin)
receptor antagonists may relieve symptoms [54]. Pro-
phylactic therapy may be considered in patients at high
to moderate risk of radiation-induced emesis [55].
Additional administration of steroids may be benecial
Delayed radiation enteropathy
Delayed radiation enteropathy, uncomplicated by intes-
tinal obstruction, perforation, or stula formation, is
usually managed nonoperatively. In general, the medical
management of patients with chronic radiation entero-
pathy should be directed at the specic underlying
abnormalities (nutritional decits, intestinal dysmotility,
bile acid malabsorption, and bacterial overgrowth),
depending on the outcome of diagnostic studies. For
example, a patient with a stricture in the distal ileum
may be helped by elective surgical resection if functional
testing before and after a course of antimicrobial therapy
rules out widespread mucosal dysfunction. A detailed
discussion of therapeutic strategies is beyond the scope of
this article, and the reader is referred elsewhere for more
comprehensive reviews [8,33,57,58].
Indications for surgery in delayed radiation enteropathy
include intestinal obstruction, perforation, stula for-
mation, and occasionally, severe bleeding and malabsorp-
tion. Due to frequent widespread radiation-induced
alterations in the intestine and mesentery and poor
nutritional status of the patient, wound healing is
delayed, and surgery carries a high risk of anastomotic
dehiscence and iatrogenic stulas. As for the medical
management of patients with delayed radiation entero-
pathy, the surgical management should be highly indi-
vidualized. Surgical options include resection of involved
intestinal segments, intestinal bypass procedures, enter-
ostomy, or in select patients stricturoplasty [59].
Surgery in patients with radiation-induced stulas is
often particularly challenging, since the surrounding
tissue often exhibits prominent inammation and radi-
ation brosis. Details regarding surgical management
of radiation-induced stulas can be found in [60].
Acute radiation proctopathy
As for radiation injury of the small bowel and colon,
management of acute radiation proctopathy is sympto-
matic and follows the general principles of treating
similar symptoms in other situations. Topical lignocaine
preparations often have a soothing effect on anorectal
irritation and loperamide will reduce tenesmus. Steroid-
containing suppositories may be helpful when inamma-
tory symptoms are severe.
Delayed radiation proctopathy
Hematochezia is frequently the main symptom of
delayed radiation proctopathy, but urgency and fre-
quency can be difcult to control and be even more
disabling than bleeding.
First-line therapy for radiation proctopathy with bleeding
is sucralfate enemas, which often have rapid and dramatic
effects [61]. The benet of sucralfate in the chronic
setting is in stark contrast to the lack of effect of this
drug in the acute setting in most studies [62 65].
In patients with hemorrhagic proctitis refractory to sucral-
fate enemas, bleeding can usually be controlled by local
(endoscopic) interventions, such as, topical formalin
application [6668] or coagulation using electrocautery
[69], laser [7073], or argon plasma beam [7477]. When
sucralfate enemas, formalin applications, and coagulation
therapy fail, or in patients with intractable pain because
of rectal ulcers, hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy may
be considered [78,79]. Several uncontrolled studies
suggest a benet of HBO in patients with severe radiation
26 Gastrointestinal symptoms
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
proctopathy [80], although a placebo-controlled assess-
ment has yet to be performed.
Surgical intervention may be considered in patients
with persistent, transfusion-dependent bleeding that
is refractory to the therapies discussed above and in
cases complicated by nonhealing ulcers, intractable
pain, or complications such as stenosis or stula
For further discussion of strategies for treating delayed
radiation proctopathy the reader is referred to other texts,
for example [81].
Over the past 20 years, many pharmacological com-
pounds, biological response modiers, nutritional supple-
ments, and diets have undergone preclinical and, to a
lesser extent, clinical testing as potential intestinal radi-
ation response modiers.
Interventions aimed at ameliorating intestinal radiation
injury fall into two conceptually different categories. The
rst is strategies that interfere with more or less radiation-
specic mechanisms of injury, for example, antioxidants,
free radical scavengers, and other cytoprotective agents.
The second, fundamentally different approach is to
modulate various pathophysiological, cellular, or molecu-
lar characteristics of the tissue to increase its radiation
tolerance or enhance its repair capacity.
For a comprehensive discussion of intestinal radiation
response modiers, the reader is referred to [5].
Due to the exponentially growing cohort of cancer
survivors and increased awareness of treatment-related
side effects, the importance of normal tissue radiation
responses is being increasingly recognized. In the US
alone, more than 200 000 patients receive abdominal or
pelvic radiation therapy each year and 1.52 million
likely suffer from chronic postradiation bowel dysfunc-
tion. The earlier notion that radiation responses are
linked exclusively to radiation-induced cell kill has
been supplanted by the recognition that functional
radiation effects, as well as secondary phenomena,
contribute to postradiation organ dysfunction. This
nding offers new opportunities for development of
pharmacological interventions to prevent or treat intes-
tinal radiation injury and for an individualized approach
to diagnosis and management of patients with post-
radiation bowel dysfunction.
Financial support from National Institutes of Health (grants CA71382
and CA83719).
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
been highlighted as:
of special interest
 of outstanding interest
Additional references related to this topic can also be found in the Current
World Literature section in this issue (pp. 6970).
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Radiation damage to the gastrointestinal tract Hauer-Jensen et al. 29
... 33,54 Symptoms of radiation fibrosis in the digestive system may manifest after a latency period spanning anywhere from six months to three years post-radiation, with delayed enteropathy occasionally reported even 30 years later (Table 1). 35 Acute radiation esophagitis presents as odynophagia and dysphagia, with more longterm consequences including dysmotility, oesophageal strictures, and fistula formation. 55 Nausea, abdominal pain, and dysmotility may all result from damage to the lower GI tract or thickened luminal walls. ...
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Advances in radiation techniques have enabled the precise delivery of higher doses of radiotherapy to tumours, while sparing surrounding healthy tissues. Consequently, the incidence of radiation toxicities has declined, and will likely continue to improve as radiotherapy further evolves. Nonetheless, ionizing radiation elicits tissue-specific toxicities that gradually develop into radiation-induced fibrosis, a common long-term side-effect of radiotherapy. Radiation fibrosis is characterized by an aberrant wound repair process, which promotes the deposition of extensive scar tissue, clinically manifesting as a loss of elasticity, tissue thickening, and organ-specific functional consequences. In addition to improving the existing technologies and guidelines directing the administration of radiotherapy, understanding the pathogenesis underlying radiation fibrosis is essential for the success of cancer treatments. This review integrates the principles for radiotherapy dosimetry to minimize off-target effects, the tissue-specific clinical manifestations, the key cellular and molecular drivers of radiation fibrosis, and emerging therapeutic opportunities for both prevention and treatment.
... Ionizing radiation (IR) has been increasingly used to treat multiple malignant tumors [1]. Radiotherapy planning and delivery methods have improved substantially, but toxicity to normal 'healthy' tissue is still a problem [2,3]. High doses of IR may cause fatal acute radiation syndromes and dose-dependent damage to the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, skin, cardiovascular or nervous systems [4,5]. ...
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Background Ionizing radiation (IR)-induced intestinal injury is a major side effect and dose-limiting toxicity in patients receiving radiotherapy. There is an urgent need to identify an effective and safe radioprotectant to reduce radiation-induced intestinal injury. Immunoregulation is considered an effective strategy against IR-induced injury. The purpose of this article was to investigate the protective effect of Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton (Nr-CWS), an immunomodulator, on radiation-induced intestinal damage and to explore its potential mechanism. Methods C57BL/6 J male mice exposed to 12 Gy whole abdominal irradiation (WAI) were examined for survival rate, morphology and function of the intestine and spleen, as well as the gut microbiota, to comprehensively evaluate the therapeutic effects of Nr-CWS on radiation-induced intestinal and splenetic injury. To further elucidate the underlying mechanisms of Nr-CWS-mediated intestinal protection, macrophages were depleted by clodronate liposomes to determine whether Nr-CWS-induced radioprotection is macrophage dependent, and the function of peritoneal macrophages stimulated by Nr-CWS was detected in vitro. Results Our data showed that Nr-CWS promoted the recovery of intestinal barrier function, enhanced leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5+ intestinal stem cell survival and the regeneration of intestinal epithelial cells, maintained intestinal flora homeostasis, protected spleen morphology and function, and improved the outcome of mice exposed to 12 Gy WAI. Mechanistic studies indicated that Nr-CWS recruited macrophages to reduce WAI-induced intestinal damage. Moreover, macrophage depletion by clodronate liposomes blocked Nr-CWS-induced radioprotection. In vitro, we found that Nr-CWS activated the nuclear factor kappa-B signaling pathway and promoted the phagocytosis and migration ability of peritoneal macrophages. Conclusions Our study suggests the therapeutic effect of Nr-CWS on radiation-induced intestinal injury, and provides possible therapeutic strategy and potential preventive and therapeutic drugs to alleviate it.
... Radiation induces severe ISC injury during pathological GI-ARS progression [12]. Restoring ISC function after irradiation may help re-establish intestinal homeostasis, alleviate acute GI-ARS symptoms and improve short-term survival [13]. In recent years, many antiradiation drugs target small intestine stem cells, and relevant studies have revealed their mechanisms. ...
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On the basis of the previous research, the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory was used to improve the drug composition for gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome (GI-ARS). The purpose of this study was to study the therapeutic mechanism of Liangxue-Guyuan-Yishen decoction (LGYD) on GI-ARS and to provide a new scheme for the treatment of radiation injury. Here, we investigated the effects of LGYD on intestinal stem cells (ISCs) in a GI-ARS rat model. Rat health and survival and the protective efficacy of LGYD on the intestines were analyzed. The active principles in LGYD were detected using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). ISC proliferation, intestinal epithelial tight junction (TJ) protein expression and regulatory pathways were explored using immunohistochemistry, western blotting (WB) and reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), respectively. Involvement of the WNT and MEK/ERK pathways in intestinal recovery was screened using network pharmacology analysis and validated by WB and RT-qPCR. LGYD administration significantly improved health and survival in GI-ARS rats. Pathological analysis showed that LGYD ameliorated radiation-induced intestinal injury and significantly promoted LGR5+ stem cell regeneration in the intestinal crypts, upregulated TJ protein, and accelerated crypt reconstruction in the irradiated rats. LC-MS revealed ≥13 constituents that might contribute to LGYD's protective effects. Collectively, LGYD can promote crypt cell proliferation and ISCs after radiation damage, the above effect may be related to WNT and MEK/ERK pathway.
... In a nuclear emergency, the intestine can be severely damaged by radiation at high doses, and the outcome of the treatment can directly determine the outcome of the patient [2]. In about 50% of patients treated with radiation therapy for clinical abdominopelvic tumors, radiation damage to the bowel would occur as a bad effect [3]. In order to prevent and control intestinal radiation damage, researchers have done and found some effective compounds, such as sulfur-containing compounds, biogenic amines, estrogens and their derivatives, natural drugs (such as polysaccharides, coumarins, alkaloids, etc.) and cytokines [4,5]. ...
This study aimed to develop an exosome-coated polydatin (PD) nanoparticles (exo-PD) for improving the water solubility and bioavailability of polydatin and explore its salutary effects on intestinal radiation injury. Exosomes (exo) were extracted from the medium of human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSc). Mice were divided into control group, irradiation (IR) group, irradiation+PD (IR+PD) group, irradiation+exo (IR+exo) group and irradiation+exo-PD (IR+exo-PD) group. The results of characterization of protein markers, particle size, morphology and cellular uptake ability confirmed that exosomes were effectively isolated using ultracentrifugation. Compared with the IR group, exo-PD improved cell viability, prolonged survival of mice, improved leukocyte count and reduced diarrhea rate. Histological results showed that the exo-PD group had significant improvements in small intestinal villus length and crypt number and less crypt cell damage. exo-PD could reduce IL-1α and IL-6 levels, reduced γ-H2AX expression, increased mitochondrial membrane potential, enhanced oxidative phosphorylation, and delayed cellular senescence. exo-PD could alleviate intestinal injury by improving mitochondrial function through PI3K-AKT pathway. The exo-PD was able to reduce radiation damage to intestinal cells and could be a potential candidate for salvage of intestinal radiation damage.
... Because of the rapid turnover rate of luminal cells in the GI tract, acute radiation toxicity to the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon is very common [6], manifesting within weeks of initiation of therapy and spontaneously resolving within the year [7][8][9]. Chronic toxicity to the luminal GI tract is less likely to be reversible, has a variable latency of symptom onset ranging from within 1 year of treatment initiation to years later, and is a risk for radiationassociated malignancy in the distal colon [7,9,10] (Fig. 2). ...
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Contemporary cancer treatment involves multi-modal therapeutics, and external beam ionizing radiation is utilized in approximately 50% of cases. Radiotherapy destroys cancer cells both directly via apoptosis and indirectly by disrupting cellular mitosis. Healthy tissues may be inadvertently exposed to radiation in the treatment process, leading to cellular damage and subsequent toxicity. Purpose of Review Provide an overview of intrabdominal and pelvic radiation fibrosis syndrome, focusing on clinical application in the cancer rehabilitation setting. Recent Findings While cancer cells are the primary target of radiation, surrounding normal cells and tissues are also affected. Patient co-morbidity, concomitant use of chemotherapies and immunotherapies for cancer treatment, and radiation dose are the most significant predictors of radiation toxicity based on current research. Dose-dependent tissue injury from radiation develops because of the inflammatory response and resulting ischemia that may progress to fibrosis. Radiotherapy toxicity to organs in the abdomen and pelvis can impact digestive health and fertility and increase the risk of radiation-associated malignancy, primarily in the bladder and distal colon. Summary Given the negative impact on quality of life and mortality in patients with radiation fibrosis syndrome, clinicians should be aware of its predictors, signs, and symptoms to ensure early recognition of radiation toxicity. Herein, we present part 2 of the visceral complications of radiation fibrosis syndrome, addressing radiation-related toxicity in the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
... Sources of ionizing radiation exposure include medical procedures, naturally occurring radioactive materials such as radon, cosmic radiation, industrial and occupational exposure, nuclear accidents and military activities [7,11,12]. ...
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Background: The gut microbiota is relatively stable; however, various factors can precipitate an imbalance that is known to be associated with various diseases. We aimed to conduct a systematic literature review of studies reporting the effects of ionizing radiation on the composition, richness, and diversity of the gut microbiota of animals. Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane library databases. The standard methodologies expected by Cochrane were utilized. Results: We identified 3531 non-duplicated records and selected twenty-nine studies after considering the defined inclusion criteria. The studies were found to be heterogeneous, with significant differences in the chosen populations, methodologies, and outcomes. Overall, we found evidence of an association between ionizing radiation exposure and dysbiosis, with a reduction of microbiota diversity and richness and alterations in the taxonomic composition. Although differences in taxonomic composition varied across studies, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Alistipes, and Akkermancia most consistently reported to be relatively more abundant after ionizing radiation exposure, whereas Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Lactobacillus were relatively reduced. Conclusions: This review highlights the effect of ionizing exposure on gut microbiota diversity, richness, and composition. It paves the way for further studies on human subjects regarding gastrointestinal side effects in patients submitted to treatments with ionizing radiation and the development of potential preventive, therapeutic approaches.
Undersea and hyperbaric medical society (UHMS) has approved the use of HBOT for 14 different medical conditions (Mechem CC, Manaker S, Traub S. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. UpToDate. Accessed June 2019. 12). The advent of HBOT has proved to be beneficial in conditions requiring direct involvement of oxygen for healing purpose such as problem wounds and burn injuries or alleviating the effects of medical conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning, air embolism etc. Administration of HBOT is prescribed by Undersea and hyperbaric medical society (UHMS) for 14 different medical conditions. HBOT is often advised to be used as an auxiliary treatment plan in order to improve the overall outcome of treatment. In this chapter, the rationale for utilization of HBOT in 14 approved medical conditions has been briefly discussed along with the prescribed protocols for each condition. It must be noted that the protocols may vary slightly depending upon the clinical history or treatment requirements of the patient.
Radiation therapy, one of the most effective therapies to treat cancer, is highly toxic to healthy tissue. The delivery of radiation at ultra-high dose rates, FLASH radiation therapy (FLASH), has been shown to maintain therapeutic anti-tumor efficacy while sparing normal tissues compared to conventional dose rate irradiation (CONV). Though promising, these studies have been limited mainly to murine models. Here, we leveraged enteroids, three-dimensional cell clusters that mimic the intestine, to study human-specific tissue response to radiation. We observed enteroids have a greater colony growth potential following FLASH compared with CONV. In addition, the enteroids that reformed following FLASH more frequently exhibited proper intestinal polarity. While we did not observe differences in enteroid damage across groups, we did see distinct transcriptomic changes. Specifically, the FLASH enteroids upregulated the expression of genes associated with the WNT-family, cell-cell adhesion, and hypoxia response. These studies validate human enteroids as a model to investigate FLASH and provide further evidence supporting clinical study of this therapy. Insight Box Promising work has been done to demonstrate the potential of ultra-high dose rate radiation (FLASH) to ablate cancerous tissue, while preserving healthy tissue. While encouraging, these findings have been primarily observed using pre-clinical murine and traditional two-dimensional cell culture. This study validates the use of human enteroids as a tool to investigate human-specific tissue response to FLASH. Specifically, the work described demonstrates the ability of enteroids to recapitulate previous in vivo findings, while also providing a lens through which to probe cellular and molecular-level responses to FLASH. The human enteroids described herein offer a powerful model that can be used to probe the underlying mechanisms of FLASH in future studies.
Purpose: Severity scoring systems for ionizing radiation-induced gastrointestinal injury have been used in animal radiation models, human studies involving the use of radiation therapy, and radiation accidents. Various radiation exposure scenarios (i.e., total body irradiation, total abdominal irradiation, etc.) have been used to investigate ionizing radiation-induced gastrointestinal injury. These radiation-induced GI severity scoring systems are based on clinical signs and symptoms and gastrointestinal-specific biomarkers (i.e., citrulline, etc.). In addition, the time course for radiation-induced changes in blood citrulline levels were compared across various animal (i.e., mice, minipigs, Rhesus Macaque, etc.) and human model systems. Conclusions: A worksheet tool was developed to prioritize individuals with severe life-threatening gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome, based on the design of the Exposure and Symptom Tool addressing hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome, to rescue individuals from potential gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome injury. This tool provides a triage diagnostic approach to assist first-responders to assess individuals suspected of showing gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome severity to guide medical management, hence enhancing medical readiness for managing radiological casualties.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify patient-related factors that influence the risk of serious late complications of pelvic radiation therapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The records of 3,489 patients treated with radiation therapy for International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage I or II carcinoma of the cervix were reviewed for information about patient characteristics, treatment details, and outcomes. Any complication occurring or persisting more than 3 months after treatment that required hospitalization, transfusion, or an operation or caused severe symptoms or the patient’s death was considered a major late complication. Complication rates were calculated actuarially. The median duration of follow-up was 85 months, and 99% of patients were followed for at least 3 years or until they died. RESULTS: Heavy smoking was the strongest independent predictor of overall complications (multivariate hazard ratio, 2.30; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.84 to 2.87). The most striking influence of smoking was on the incidence of small bowel complications (hazard ratio for smokers of one or more packs per day, 3.25; 95% CI, 2.21 to 4.78). Hispanics had a significantly lower rate of small bowel complications than whites, and blacks had higher rates of bladder and rectal complications than whites. Thin women had an increased risk of gastrointestinal complications, and obese women were more likely to have serious bladder complications. CONCLUSION: Complications of pelvic radiation therapy are strongly correlated with smoking, race, and other patient characteristics. These factors should be considered before the results of clinical studies are generalized to different cultural and racial groups.
Treatment of the neovascular lesions of chronic radiation proctitis (CRP) has been described using argon and Nd:YAG lasers. The KTP laser is an Nd:YAG driven unit with a wavelength of 532 nm. Its energy is absorbed by hemoglobin and has a shallow (1-2 mm) depth of penetration which makes it Ideal for obliteration of vascular lesions. To determine the safety and efficacy of endoscopic KTP laser therapy for bleeding in CRP, we studied 13 patients who had received KTP treatment for CRP. The median follow-up was 15 (range 1-26) months. Eleven patients had been treated with radiation therapy for prostate cancer, 2 for uterine cancer. Ten patients reported dally hematochezia, while 3 had bleeding 2-3 times per week. Two required transfusions (3 and 13 units), 8 required iron supplementation. Eight patients had bleeding that limited social interactions. An average of 2 (range 1-5) sessions were performed using 4-8 watts of power and mean energy of 816 joules (range 204-2430). Eleven patients had rectal, while 2 had rectal and sigmoid involvement with CRP. Following therapy, 10 reported rare to no bleeding, 2 continued to have bleeding < 1 time per week, and one had minimal improvement after 4 sessions and will continue therapy. None required transfusions, one required iron supplementation until his death from prostate cancer. One patient required local therapy for rectal pain after laser therapy. There were no other short or long-term complications. We conclude that KTP laser therapy Is safe and effective for control of bleeding from the neovascular lesions of CRP.
The Nd:YAG laser was used to treat a patient bleeding from the rectosigmoid as a result of radiation injury related to therapy for cervical carcinoma. Successful laser therapy was performed after a diverting colostomy failed to control persistent bleeding. Further surgical procedures were not required. Characteristics of Nd:YAG laser as compared with those of the carbon dioxide and argon lasers are considered. (Obstet Gynecol 9:65S, 1982) (C) 1982 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
BACKGROUND The authors of this study previously evaluated pelvic irradiation–induced late side effects in patients with localized prostatic carcinoma 4 years after external irradiation by administering a validated self-assessment questionnaire (QUFW94), and compared the results with those of age-matched controls. The current study was designed to evaluate prospectively the patients' problems 8 years after radiotherapy and to compare them with those reported by the same controls.METHODS The questionnaire was sent out at a mean of 8 years (range, 72–104 months) after irradiation to 120 patients and 125 controls. For analysis of sexual function, the patient group was divided into two subgroups, one treated with radiotherapy only (RT) and one group treated with radiotherapy plus castration (RT+A). A value of >1 on a 0–10 scale indicated that the patient was having a problem.RESULTSThe mean age was 73 years for both patients and controls. No changes in urinary problems were seen between the 4-year and the 8-year follow-up in the 2 groups. Sixty percent and 54% of the patients (P = 0.096) and 24% and 31% of the controls (P = 0.988) reported urinary problems at the 4-year and 8-year follow-ups, respectively. No changes in gastrointestinal late side effects in the patient group were seen between the 4-year (65%) and the 8-year (62%) follow-ups (P = 0.490). However, there was a decrease in intestinal problems in the control group between the 4-year (12%) and the 8-year (9%) follow-ups (P = 0.001). The sexual problems did not change during the two periods, in the patient groups or in the control groups. Fifty-six percent and 65% of the RT group (P = 0.052), 67% and 54 % of the RT + A group (P = 0.555), and 27% and 33 % of the control group (P = 0.243) indicated some kind of sexual problem at the 4-year and 8-year follow-ups, respectively.CONCLUSIONS The amount of pelvic irradiation–induced urinary late side effects, intestinal late side effects, and sexual function, evaluated with a self-assessment questionnaire, did not change between 4 and 8 years after RT. The age-matched controls reported no change in urinary or sexual problems despite advanced age, but there was a reported decrease in intestinal problems. Cancer 1999;85:678–88. © 1999 American Cancer Society.
Background: A commonly held belief is that patients with collagen vascular diseases (CVD) have a greater risk of radiation therapy complications than patients without CVD. This impression is based on anecdotal reports, however. Methods: A group of 61 patients with CVD were compared with a matched control group of 61 patients without CVD. The CVD group included 39 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 13 with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 4 with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) (SSc), 4 with dermatomyositis, and 1 with polymyositis. The control group was matched with respect to age, sex, tumor site and histologic characteristics, treatment aim, general treatment method, radiation therapy technique, site irradiated, radiation dose, date of treatment, and follow-up. Results: Overall, there was no significant difference between the CVD and control groups in terms of acute (11% versus 7%, respectively) or late complications (10% versus 7%, respectively). This was also true when only patients who were treated definitively were considered. Furthermore, none of the patients treated palliatively had complications. Three patients in the CVD group had fatal complications, compared with none in the control group. RA was associated with a slight increase in late complications in the definitively treated patients, whereas SLE was associated with a slight increase in acute reactions. No significant acute or late reactions were observed in the patients with SSc, dermatomyositis, or polymyositis. Conclusions: In general, these differences are less than expected and not statistically significant. Consequently, from these data, the authors could not show a significant increase in radiation therapy complications for patients with CVD.
The alimentary canal extends from the mouth to the anus. It comprises the upper aerodigestive tract (oral cavity and pharynx), the esophagus, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract proper (stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum, and anus). In radiation therapy, toxicities of the small intestine, colon, and rectum are more important in terms of quantitative and clinical significance than toxicities of the proximal GI tract. Therefore, this review will largely address the radiation response of the small bowel, colon, and rectum. Although the mechanisms and pathophysiology of radiation injury in these segments of the GI tract are similar in many respects, there are also anatomical and physiological differences that result in unique features of radiation toxicity and strategies for modulation in each segment.