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The Relationship between General Social Trust and the Accuracy of Micro-Expression Recognition


Abstract and Figures

Micro-expressions are expressions that last for a very short time and are used to express people’s epressed real emotion, usually observed in a lying situation. Previous studies have found that oxytocin is one of the physiological bases of trust, and has a certain impact on the accuracy of micro-expression recognition. In addition, oxytocin can enhance social trust and promote prosocial behavior. Therefore, we speculated that the higher the general social trust, the lower the accuracy of micro-expression recognition of others. Therefore, this study mainly explores the relationship between general social trust and micro-expression recognition accuracy. This study is a correlational study. The independent variable is general social trust, the dependent variable is accuracy of micro-expression recognition, and the covariates are gender, age and education level. Firstly, the general social trust was measured by question V24 of WVS6, and then the micro-expression recognition task was performed. Finally, the experimental data were analyzed by linear regression. The results showed that there was a significant negative association between the general social trust and the recognition accuracy of micro-expressions. These results further suggest individuals who have high general social trust may inhibit the recognition of micro-expressions to facilitate the cooperation and social cohesions.
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Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2022, 12(11), 3833-3840
Published Online November 2022 in Hans.
文章引用: 彭坤领, 彭佳敏, 吴奇(2022). 一般社会信任与微表情识别准确率之间的关系.
, 12(11),
3833-3840. DOI: 10.12677/ap.2022.1211464
彭坤领1,2彭佳敏1,2,吴 1,2*
1湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系,湖南 长沙
2湖南师范大学认知与人类行为湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙
The Relationship between General Social
Trust and the Accuracy of Micro-Expression
Kunling Peng1,2, Jiamin Peng1,2, Qi Wu1,2*
1Department of Psychology, School of Educational Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hunan
2Cognition and Human Behavior Key Laboratory of Hunan Province, Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hunan
Received: Oct. 17th, 2022; accepted: Nov. 11th, 2022; published: Nov. 18th, 2022
Micro-expressions are expressions that last for a very short time and are used to express peoples
10.12677/ap.2022.1211464 3834
repressed real emotion, usually observed in a lying situation. Previous studies have found that
oxytocin is one of the physiological bases of trust, and has a certain impact on the accuracy of mi-
cro-expression recognition. In addition, oxytocin can enhance social trust and promote prosocial
behavior. Therefore, we speculated that the higher the general social trust, the lower the accuracy
of micro-expression recognition of others. Therefore, this study mainly explores the relationship
between general social trust and micro-expression recognition accuracy. This study is a correla-
tional study. The independent variable is general social trust, the dependent variable is accuracy
of micro-expression recognition, and the covariates are gender, age and education level. Firstly,
the general social trust was measured by question V24 of WVS6, and then the micro-expression
recognition task was performed. Finally, the experimental data were analyzed by linear regres-
sion. The results showed that there was a significant negative association between the general so-
cial trust and the recognition accuracy of micro-expressions. These results further suggest indi-
viduals who have high general social trust may inhibit the recognition of micro-expressions to fa-
cilitate the cooperation and social cohesions.
Micro-Expression, Macro-Expression, Micro-Expression Recognition, General Social Trust,
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
1. 引言
有较长的持续时间(0.5 s 4 s 之间;Xia et al., 2020)与之相对,微表情则是一种持续时间非常短暂的表
情,持续时间一般少于 0.5 s (Yan et al., 2013)。它往往在个体试图隐藏或压抑自身情绪时出现,且难以自
全、临床医学、审讯和谈判等领域表现出巨大的应用价值(Wu et al., 2022; Zhang & Ognjen, 2021)。然而,
机制的基础(Takalkar et al., 2018)。宏表情识别已经是一个相当成熟的研究领域,对宏表情识别的过程研
究人员已经理解得较为深入(颜文靖等,2022),许多高效的自动识别算法也已经被付诸实践(Olufisayo, &
Serestina, 2021)。研究显示,微表情和宏表情的识别在生理基础上具有明显差异,例如,研究人员发现,
脑左半球(Shen et al., 2016)。研究人员还发现,虽然感觉运动模拟(sensor-motor simulation)会促进对宏表
情的识别(Wood et al., 2016),但其在微表情识别中的作用却完全不同,增加个体的面部模仿却会显著降
低对微表情的识别准确率,且这种抑制作用主要是由下半部脸的面部模仿导致的(吴奇等,2016; Zeng et al.,
Open Access
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素作为一种神经调节剂,广泛影响着与社会和情感过程相关的大脑区域(Ma et al., 2016; Quintana et al.,
作,并降低对他人谎言的识别能力(Pfundmair et al., 2017),且该作用对内群体更强(Xu et al., 2019)。在对
增强效果(Shahrestani et al., 2013; Leppanen et al., 2017)。而在最近的一项研究中,通过鼻内催产素给药,
特异性抑制效果,进一步支持了催产素的社会适应性(Wu et al., 2022)。这提示,催产素可能是促进了对
social trust;对大多数人的信任)是人际信任的主要形式,由内群体信任(对有一定熟悉关系的人的信任)
外群体信任(对陌生人的信任)组成(Welzel & Delhey, 2005),我们在本研究中探讨一般社会信任对总体的
2. 研究方法
2.1. 研究设计
会信任和微表情呈现时间(100 ms, 333 ms),因变量为微表情识别的准确率。其中一般社会信任为被试间
2.2. 被试
通过 G*power 软件计算样本数量,采用中等效应量 f = 0.15power = 0.95 为标准,计算后得出需要
132 名被试。我们最终招募了 132 名被试,由于部分被试未完成任务,最终保留有效 104 名被试的有效
数据(平均年龄为 24.09 ± 6.042 岁,其中 47 名男性、57 名女性),敏感性分析显示,在 power = 0.8 的情
况下,检测到的最小效应量为 f = 0.13。所有被试签署知情同意书。
2.3. 人脸材料
选用 BU-3DFE 人脸表情数据库中的 12 名模特图像(6 名黄种人,6名白种人)作为微表情识别任务的
刺激材料(Yin et al., 2006) 12 名模特在过去关于微表情的研究中被采用过,且实验结果表明他们在宏
表情的识别准确率上没有显著差异(Xie et al., 2019)。每个模特选择其表情强度被标定为高强度的六种基
本表情图像和中性表情图像,六种基本表情分别为悲伤、喜悦、惊讶、恐惧、愤怒、厌恶。并且使用 MATLAB
对所有刺激图像进行灰度归一化处理。在任务中所用的表情刺激图片为黄种人和白种人分别 42 张,共
84 张图像。将模特按照种族(白种人、亚洲人)分为四个集合,每个集合下分配三个模特,均有男、女、
亚洲人和白种人,再将四个集合分别与 100 ms 333 ms 两个时间水平形成交叉平衡的四个组合。
2.4. 微表情识别任务
微表情识别任务采用经典的 JACBART 范式进行微表情呈现(Matsumoto et al., 2000) (1):首先,
电脑显示器屏幕中央会出现一个+号,呈现 500 ms然后随机呈现一张模特的中性表情图片 1000 ms
紧接着快速呈现同一模特的基本表情图片之一,持续时间为 100 ms 333 ms目标图片出现后,再次呈
10.12677/ap.2022.1211464 3836
现该模特的中性表情图片 1000 ms。最后,让被试在六种基本表情(悲伤、快乐、惊讶、恐惧、愤怒、厌
)和以上都不是这 7个选项中选择一项与刚呈现的目标表情相对应,并作出按键反应,不限制被试的作
Figure 1. The program for the micro-expression recognition task
1. 微表情识别任务的流程
2.5. 一般社会信任的测量
采用世界价值观调查(World Values Survey 6,简称 WVS6)量表中的 V24 题测量一般社会信任。答案
采用 Aarøe 等人(2016)研究中的 11 分制计分法,其中 0表示越小心越好,10 表示大多数人可以信任,随
后,答案被归一化为 01之间的得分,较高的值表示较高的信任度。
2.6. 研究流程
被试首先填写性别、年龄、教育程度等控制变量信息,然后填写 WVS6 量表的 V24 题,最后进行微
3. 结果
采用 SPSS 软件对研究数据进行回归分析。
3.1. 一般社会信任与微表情识别准确率之间的关系
首先考察一般社会信任与总体微表情识别准确率之间的关系。结果显示(1),在 95%的置信区间
中,协变量年龄(B = 0.15, SE= 0.11, β = 0.14, t = 1.41, p = 0.161)教育程度(B = 0.54, SE = 0.82, β = 0.06,
t = 0.66, p = 0.513)对微表情识别准确率的预测情况不显著,性别(B = 3.26, SE = 1.24, β = 0.25, t = 2.63,
p = 0.010)对微表情识别准确率有一定的影响。一般社会信任分数对微表情识别准确率的预测具有显著性,
B = 9.49SE = 3.32β = 0.27,回归系数检验结果显示显著(t = 2.86, p = 0.005)结果表明本研究的自
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Table 1. Relationship between overall micro-expression recognition accuracy and independent variables
1. 总体的微表情识别准确率与自变量之间的关系
非标准化系数 标准化系数 t p. B值的 95%置信区间
B SE Beta 下限 上限
一般社会信任 9.49 3.32 0.27 2.86 0.005 16.08 2.90
性别 3.26 1.24 0.25 2.63 0.010 5.71 0.80
年龄 0.15 0.11 0.14 1.41 0.161 0.06 0.37
教育程度 0.54 0.82 0.06 0.66 0.513 2.17 1.09
3.2. 不同呈现时间下一般社会信任与微表情识别之间的关系
100 ms 的呈现水平下(平均识别准确率 M = 0.41, SD = 0.09)一般社会信任不能显著预测微表情识别准
确率,B = 7.12SE = 4.68β = 0.154,回归系数检验结果显示不显著(t = 1.52, p = 0.131);在 333 ms
的呈现水平下(平均识别准确率 M = 0.49, SD = 0.08)一般社会信任能够显著预测微表情识别准确率,B =
11.78SE = 4.27β = 0.27回归系数检验结果显示显著(t = 2.76, p = 0.007)即一般社会信任与 333 ms
Table 2. Relationship between micro-expression recognition accuracy and independent variables at different time levels
2. 不同时间水平下微表情识别准确率与自变量之间的关系
非标准化系数 标准化系数 t p. B值的 95%置信区间
B SE Beta 下限 上限
100 ms
一般社会信任 7.12 4.68 0.15 1.52 0.131 16.39 2.16
性别 2.98 1.74 0.17 1.71 0.09 6.44 0.48
年龄 0.11 0.15 0.07 0.69 0.49 0.20 0.41
教育程度 1.34 1.16 0.12 1.16 0.251 3.63 0.96
333 ms
一般社会信任 11.78 4.27 0.27 2.76 0.007 20.26 3.31
性别 3.50 1.59 0.21 2.20 0.03 6.66 0.34
年龄 0.20 0.14 0.15 1.46 0.147 0.07 0.48
教育程度 0.28 1.06 0.03 0.27 0.789 1.81 2.38
3.3. 内外团体的微表情识别与一般社会信任之间的关系
3),对于内团体(平均识别准确率 M = 0.44, SD = 0.08),一般社会信任可以显著预测内团体的微表情识
别准确率,B = 11.93SE = 5.81β = 0.28,回归系数检验结果显示显著(t = 3.13, p = 0.002);对于外
团体(平均识别准确率 M = 0.45, SD = 0.08)一般社会信任不能显著预测外团体的微表情识别准确率,B =
6.97SE = 4.21β = 0.17,回归系数检验结果显示不显著(t = 1.63, p = 0.102)
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Table 3. Relationship between micro-expression recognition accuracy and independent variables in in-group and out-group
3. 内外团体的微表情识别准确率与自变量之间的关系
非标准化系数 标准化系数 t p B值的 95%置信区间
B SE Beta 下限 上限
一般社会信任 11.93 5.81 0.28 3.13 0.002 19.51 4.36
性别 4.05 3.82 0.26 2.84 0.005 6.87 1.22
年龄 0.33 1.42 0.25 2.63 0.01 0.81 0.57
教育程度 0.35 0.94 0.03 0.37 0.71 2.23 1.52
一般社会信任 6.97 4.22 0.17 1.63 0.102 15.34 1.40
性别 2.44 1.57 0.16 0.16 0.125 5.55 0.68
年龄 0.02 0.14 0.01 0.14 0.893 0.29 0.25
教育程度 0.70 1.04 0.07 0.67 0.503 2.77 1.37
4. 讨论
种可能的解释是,微表情往往与欺骗或不信任等行为相关联(Wang et al., 2015),高信任的个体会主动抑
制对他人的微表情识别来促进社会联结(Irwin et al., 2009),而内团体成员作为人们主要的社会合作对象
(De Dreu & Kret, 2016),在识别其微表情时会表现出更强的抑制作用。
对于一般社会信任和不同时间水平下的微表情识别准确率的关系,结果显示,一般社会信任与 333 ms
时间水平下的微表情识别准确率呈现显著负相关关系,而与 100 ms 时间水平下的微表情识别准确率之间
的相关并不显著。我们推测,这可能是因为在 100 ms 条件下,更多是自下而上的加工,而只有在 333 ms
条件下,由个体信任所带来的自上而下的加工才能起作用(Young & Hugenberg., 2010),主动的对微表情
(Xie et al., 2019)
在过往研究中,Kosfeld 等人(2005)证明了催产素能够增加亲社会行为和信任。Wu 等人(2022)的研究
5. 结论
研究中采用了高强度微表情,然而这只是微表情的一种类型,如果将目标刺激换为低强度微表情(Zeng et
al., 2018),是否会得到一致的结果?此外,在未来的研究中,可以加入更多与微表情识别相关的控制变
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As fleeting facial expressions which reveal the emotion that a person tries to conceal, micro-expressions have great application potentials for fields like security, national defense and medical treatment. However, the physiological basis for the recognition of these facial expressions is poorly understood. In the present research, we utilized a double-blind, placebo-controlled, mixed-model experimental design to investigate the effects of oxytocin on the recognition of micro-expressions in three behavioral studies. Specifically, in Studies 1 and 2, participants were asked to perform a laboratory-based standardized micro-expression recognition task after self-administration of a single dose of intranasal oxytocin (40 IU) or placebo (containing all ingredients except for the neuropeptide). In Study 3, we further examined the effects of oxytocin on the recognition of natural micro-expressions. The results showed that intranasal oxytocin decreased the recognition speed for standardized intense micro-expressions of surprise (Study 1) and decreased the recognition accuracy for standardized subtle micro-expressions of disgust (Study 2). The results of Study 3 further revealed that intranasal oxytocin administration significantly reduced the recognition accuracy for natural micro-expressions of surprise and disgust. The present research is the first to investigate the effects of oxytocin on micro-expression recognition. It suggests that the oxytocin mainly plays an inhibiting role in the recognition of micro-expressions and there are fundamental differences in the neurophysiological basis for the recognition of micro-expressions and macro-expressions.
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Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is presently the aspect of cognitive and affective computing with the most attention and popularity, aided by its vast application areas. Several studies have been conducted on FER, and many review works are also available. The existing FER review works only give an account of FER models capable of predicting the basic expressions. None of the works considers intensity estimation of an emotion; neither do they include studies that address data annotation inconsistencies and correlation among labels in their works. This work first introduces some identified FER application areas and provides a discussion on recognised FER challenges. We proceed to provide a comprehensive FER review in three different machine learning problem definitions: Single Label Learning (SLL)- which presents FER as a multiclass problem, Multilabel Learning (MLL)- that resolves the ambiguity nature of FER, and Label Distribution Learning- that recovers the distribution of emotion in FER data annotation. We also include studies on expression intensity estimation from the face. Furthermore, popularly employed FER models are thoroughly and carefully discussed in handcrafted, conventional machine learning and deep learning models. We finally itemise some recognise unresolved issues and also suggest future research areas in the field.
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Facial expressions provide important information concerning one’s emotional state. Unlike regular facial expressions, micro-expressions are particular kinds of small quick facial movements, which generally last only 0.05 to 0.2 seconds. They reflect individuals’ subjective emotions and real psychological states more accurately than regular expressions which can be acted. However, the small range and short duration of facial movements when micro-expressions happen make them challenging to recognize both by humans and machines alike. In the past decade, automatic micro-expression recognition has attracted the attention of researchers in psychology, computer science, and security, amongst others. Also, a number of specialized micro-expression databases have been collected and made publicly available. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art automatic facial micro-expression recognition work. To be specific, the features and learning methods using in automatic micro-expression recognition, the existing micro-expression data sets, the major outstanding challenges, as well as possible future development directions are all discussed.
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Reports on the modulatory role of the neuropeptide oxytocin on social cognition and behavior have steadily increased over the last two decades, stimulating considerable interest in its psychiatric application. Basic and clinical research in humans primarily employs intranasal application protocols. This approach assumes that intranasal administration increases oxytocin levels in the central nervous system via a direct nose-to-brain route, which in turn acts upon centrally-located oxytocin receptors to exert its behavioral effects. However, debates have emerged on whether intranasally administered oxytocin enters the brain via the nose-to-brain route and whether this route leads to functionally relevant increases in central oxytocin levels. In this review we outline recent advances from human and animal research that provide converging evidence for functionally relevant effects of the intranasal oxytocin administration route, suggesting that direct nose-to-brain delivery underlies the behavioral effects of oxytocin on social cognition and behavior. Moreover, advances in previously debated methodological issues, such as pre-registration, reproducibility, statistical power, interpretation of non-significant results, dosage, and sex differences are discussed and integrated with suggestions for the next steps in translating intranasal oxytocin into psychiatric applications.
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Micro-expressions, as fleeting facial expressions which last no longer than 0.5 s, are of great application potentials in the fields of security, national defense and medical treatment. Previous studies have indicated that there is a robust ingroup advantage in macro-expression recognition. However, it remains unclear whether the social category of the target influences micro-expression recognition. To address this question, the present study employed facial images from White or Asian models to investigate whether there is also an ingroup advantage for micro-expression recognition. The JACBART paradigm was used for the presentation of micro-expressions. The results of the experiment on Chinese participants showed that, there was no ingroup advantage and actually there was an ingroup disadvantage for the Chinese participants: The recognition accuracy of micro-expressions of outgroup members (White targets) was actually higher than that of ingroup members (Asian targets). And the results also showed that such an intergroup bias was unaffected by the duration of microexpressions and the ingroup disadvantage remained the same even after the participants had received the training of Micro Expression Training Tool. These results demonstrated that individuals spontaneously use the social category information of the targets as a clue to recognize micro-expressions.
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There is considerable interest in the role of the neuropeptide oxytocin in promoting social cohesion both in terms of promoting specific social bonds and also more generally for increasing our willingness to trust others and/or to conform to their opinions. These latter findings may also be important in the context of a modulatory role for oxytocin in improving the efficacy of behavioral therapy in psychiatric disorders. However, the original landmark studies claiming an important role for oxytocin in enhancing trust in others, primarily using economic game strategies, have been questioned by subsequent meta-analytic approaches or failure to reproduce findings in different contexts. On the other hand, a growing number of studies have consistently reported that oxytocin promotes conformity to the views of groups of in-group individuals. Most recently we have found that oxytocin can increase acceptance of social advice given by individual experts without influencing their perceived trustworthiness per se, but that increased conformity in this context is associated with how much an expert is initially trusted and liked. Oxytocin can also enhance the impact of information given by experts by facilitating expectancy and placebo effects. Here we therefore propose that a key role for oxytocin is not in facilitating social trust per se but in conforming to, and learning from, trusted individuals who are either in-group members and/or perceived experts. The implications of this for social learning and use of oxytocin as an adjunct to behavioral therapy in psychiatric disorders are discussed.
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Micro-expressions, as fleeting facial expressions, are very important for judging people’s true emotions, thus can provide an essential behavioral clue for lie and dangerous demeanor detection. From embodied accounts of cognition, we derived a novel hypothesis that facial feedback from upper and lower facial regions has differential effects on micro-expression recognition. This hypothesis was tested and supported across three studies. Specifically, the results of Study 1 showed that people became better judges of intense micro-expressions with a duration of 450 ms when the facial feedback from upper face was enhanced via a restricting gel. Additional results of Study 2 showed that the recognition accuracy of subtle micro-expressions was significantly impaired under all duration conditions (50, 150, 333, and 450 ms) when facial feedback from lower face was enhanced. In addition, the results of Study 3 also revealed that blocking the facial feedback of lower face, significantly boosted the recognition accuracy of subtle and intense micro-expressions under all duration conditions (150 and 450 ms). Together, these results highlight the role of facial feedback in judging the subtle movements of micro-expressions.
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Facial expression recognition plays a crucial role in a wide range of applications of psychotherapy, security systems, marketing, commerce and much more. Detecting a macro-expression, which is a direct representation of an ‘emotion,’ is a relatively straight-forward task. Playing a pivotal role as macro-expressions, micro-expressions are more accurate indicators of a train of thought or even subtle, passive or involuntary thoughts. Compared to macro-expressions, identifying micro-expressions is a much more challenging research question because their time spans are narrowed down to a fraction of a second, and can only be defined using a broader classification scale. This paper is an all-inclusive survey-cum-analysis of the various micro-expression recognition techniques. We analyze the general framework for micro-expression recognition system by decomposing the pipeline into fundamental components, namely face detecting, pre-processing, facial feature detection and extraction, datasets, and classification. We discuss the role of these elements and highlight the models and new trends that are followed in their design. Moreover, we provide an extensive analysis of micro-expression recognition systems by comparing their performance. We also discuss the new deep learning features that can, in the near future, replace the hand-crafted features for facial micro-expression recognition. This survey has been developed, focusing on the methodologies applied, databases used, performance regarding recognition accuracy and comparing these to distil the gaps in the efficiencies, future scope, and research potentials. Through this survey, we intend to look into this problem and develop a comprehensive and efficient recognition scheme. This study allows us to identify open issues and to determine future directions for designing real-world micro-expression recognition systems.
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The hormone oxytocin modulates various aspects of social behaviors and even seems to lead to a tendency for gullibility. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of oxytocin on lie detection. We hypothesized that people under oxytocin would be particularly susceptible to lies told by people of the opposite sex. After administration of oxytocin or a placebo, male and female participants were asked to judge the veracity of statements from same- vs. other-sex actors who either lied or told the truth. Results showed that oxytocin decreased the ability of both male and female participants to correctly classify other-sex statements as truths or lies compared to placebo. This effect was based on a lower ability to detect lies and not a stronger bias to regard truth statements as false. Revealing a new effect of oxytocin, the findings may support assumptions about the hormone working as a catalyst for social adaption.