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The Successes and Limitations of Contemporary Approaches to Child Protection



This chapter acknowledges the successes in child protection as well as the weaknesses and limitations that need to be addressed through the development of public health approaches. The child protection intervention framework is problematized as not delivering well enough the aims it has espoused. Global perspectives and historical developments are explored, including the similarities and differences found among approaches around the globe. We explore the difficulties experienced by contemporary systems such as: institutional and system processes and responses; dealing with poverty and neglect; the stigma associated with statutory interventions; the negative impacts of child abuse and neglect upon children, families and communities; the increasing system costs; the changing social constructions of childhood and maltreatment; the challenges of evaluating systemic outcomes and efficacy; and reform processes in child protection. This chapter challenges the philosophical underpinnings of child protection approaches and argues for reform of them through public health approaches that promote earlier intervention and prevention strategies.
Chapter 1
The Successes and Limitations of Contemporary Approaches to
Child Protection
Author/s Names
 !"
#$%&' ! 
Key Words
Overview of Child Protection Systems
*@--(see Higgins 2011;
Higgins and Katz 2008; Lonne et al. 2009), including.
Difficulty in recruiting and retaining foster and kinship carers, the costs of residential
care, and problems of placement instability; and
3)))) !-)'
Despite the evolution of—and the growth in demand for—statutory systems, there is little
evidence that the often-intrusive nature of the investigations and interventions is successful.
One common criticizm is the lack of any real interventions after an investigation (US DHHS
2009). There are no studies (and of course, designing an appropriate methodology would be
incredibly difficult) to demonstrate positive outcomes of statutory involvement, compared
with other types of intervention. As Price-Robertson et al. (2014) noted:
As these models represent country-level systems that are embedded in complex
cultural, social and historical contexts, it is not possible to determine whether these
different approaches are ‘evidence-based’, ‘promising’ or ‘untested’ (p. 4).
When children are removed into alternative/out-of-home care, research consistently shows
high levels of behavioural and emotional difficulties – which could be due to the trauma of
abuse, or to the failure of the statutory responses to adequately respond to their needs. In a
rare study looking at follow-up of a US cohort study of high-risk children known as
LONGSCAN, Campbell, Cook, LaFleur, and Keenan (2010) compared those who
experienced a Child Protection Service investigation with those who did not. They found that:
“investigation for suspected child maltreatment is not associated with relative improvements
in common, modifiable risk factors suggests that we may be missing an opportunity for
secondary prevention of maltreatment and maltreatment consequences” (p. 943). Despite
being investigated by a statutory service, the problems that these families encountered
remained—social support, family functioning, poverty, maternal education, and child
behavior problems—and were no different from families who were not investigated
(Campbell et al. 2010). And many families who come to the attention of protective authorities
feel deeply stigmatized by their experiences (see Ch 2 and Ch 12).
Re-referrals and Unmet/poorly Met Needs of Families Experiencing
One of the most significant challenges of statutory systems is the ‘churn’: the fact that the
same families, and indeed often the same children are ‘re-referred’ (i.e., are notified to a
statutory service (often through mandatory reporting mechanisms), when they have already
!H-'>,')- 6-)
('-'(  ('->$-
Successes in Statutory Child Protection Services
'132780A !$3')
Marginal Reform: Reform at the Margins
The Rationale for a Public Health Approach
$- !O.
The Problems of Demand, and the Mismatch between Incidence of Reported
Maltreatment and Underlying Prevalence
))-' -)
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 (1 (1-
788B-NSW statutory child protection service predicted in its annual report that
one in every five children in NSW would be reported to the Department at some point before
age 18 (Department of Community Services 2007). The work of Bilson et al., Cant, Harries
and Thorpe’s (2015, 2017) work in Western Australia shows higher rates for children’s
notification to child protection authorities, with truly alarming rates for Aboriginal children.
>$780=!( 6(=!
Conclusion: The Public Health Approach as the Way Forward
Should the preventative approach prove successful, there is likely to be a gradual shift
away from the government-run child protection response. Much like the ideal system
proposed by proponents of the current “family support” child protection models, only
a small number of families—families that health surveillance, early intervention and
family support services are unable to help—will receive the statutory child protection
response. In many ways such a system could look much like it did before the rise of
statutory child protection agencies in the 1970s. Such a utopian system may also lead
to greater attention being placed on addressing the structural forces impacting on
families (p. 56).
Tomison’s (2001) forecast has proved correct in terms of widespread acknowledgement of
the need for prevention. However, his ideal of a ‘smaller, leaner’ statutory service has not yet
been realized. As mentioned earlier, the continued rise in notifications to statutory services
and their lack of capacity to respond effectively is one of the greatest challenges and
criticizms of the status quo. We argue that this is because the reform agenda has largely been
placed in the hands of those running the statutory service, rather than finding effective
mechanisms to share responsibility for those running primary care, universal services that
have the capacity to engage all families and truly embed child abuse prevention efforts across
a range of portfolio areas. In this book, we outline not only the ‘why’ but also the steps that
are needed for moving responsibility for child protection out of the statutory service system,
and into the community, addressing the ‘structural forces impacting on families’, supported
by whole-of-government thinking and responsibility.
)3*'' -
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6 >'U+'"-,,
),))AX7B#-N .#1
Higgins, D. J. (2011). Protecting children: Evolving systems. Family Matte:2+9308
)') 16 A7&.
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... Child abuse and neglect is a growing global problem. There is increasing international awareness of the role of preventative strategies in addressing underlying factors that contribute to abuse and neglect, such as poverty, social exclusion, and marginalisation (Featherstone et al., 2017;Higgins, Lonne, Herrenkohl, & Scott, 2019). Prevention strategies include addressing the broader social determinants of health. ...
... Given strong associations between the social determinants of health and child abuse, reducing disadvantage, promoting equity and healing intergenerational trauma is core to preventing and responding to child abuse and neglect (Featherstone et al., 2017;Higgins et al., 2019). Policies in this review related to children's health and safety, and most acknowledged the links between the social determinants of health and child abuse, especially for First Nations peoples. ...
... The use of protectionist language and approaches has been present since colonisation, where 'protection' of First Nations children involved removing them from families due to ethnocentric assumptions of 'deficits' of First Nations communities (Duthie et al., 2019;Rights & Commission, 1997). Deficitbased approaches to child protection can stigmatise families and make services less welcoming and safe (Higgins et al., 2019). At systems levels, deficit-based approaches perpetuate historic colonising policies and strategies. ...
Child abuse and neglect is an important public health issue in Australia and internationally. There is an increasing focus on preventing child abuse by addressing health, social and economic factors that make child abuse and neglect more likely. Given the complexity of factors contributing to child abuse, effective collaboration and a shared vision across all organisations, sectors and disciplines working with children is required. This review explored how responses to child abuse and neglect are conceptualised in Australian government policy. The main finding was a lack of consistent conceptualisations across policy documents and a shared language of child abuse and neglect, which presents barriers to multi-disciplinary and intersectoral collaboration. Clarification of health professionals’ roles and how they should work together is urgently required in future policy. Furthermore, although policies relating to children’s health and safety acknowledged the role of the social determinants of health in child abuse and neglect, this needs to be complemented with a coherent equity agenda across broader health, social and economic policy. Promoting equity is especially important for Australia’s First Nations communities who are disproportionately impacted by health, social and economic conditions contributing to child abuse and neglect.
... In doing so, the National Framework advocates for a public health approach which involves promoting the health and wellbeing of all children and families, with additional support and intervention for those with greater needs ( Council of Australian Governments, 2009 ). A public health approach requires health, education, and social care professionals to work together in coordinated intersectoral and multidisciplinary responses that holistically meet children and families' needs ( Higgins et al., 2019 ). In doing so, all sectors of society collectively address the broader social determinants of health (SDH) that impact upon children's health, development and safety ( Council of Australian Governments, 2009 ). ...
... JID: COLEGN [m5G;September 14, 2022;14:17 ] In contrast to the absence of nurses' and midwives' public health roles and responsibilities within policy, there is very clear legislative guidance for the mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect in every Australian jurisdiction ( Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2020 ). However, reporting of cases of abuse is only a small part of a public health response to child abuse and neglect where the main focus is prevention and early intervention ( Higgins et al., 2019 ). This means most of nurses' and midwives' work to address child abuse and neglect should be located within prevention and early intervention components of a public health approach. ...
... Firstly, it inhibits effective intersectoral and multidisciplinary collaboration which is core to effective delivery of a public health response to child abuse and neglect . Child abuse and neglect are more prevalent in families experiencing multiple challenges which requires coordinated interventions across sectors and disciplines ( Higgins et al., 2019 ). Many factors contribute to effective collaboration, but one key factor is whether professionals have clear understandings of their own and other disciplines' roles ( Franzén, Nilsson, Norberg, & Peterson, 2020 ;Massi et al., 2021 ). ...
Background Child abuse and neglect need to be addressed through a public health approach that prioritises prevention and early intervention. Nurses and midwives are core to this public health response, yet little is known about how their roles are described in Australian policy. Aim To explore how nurses’ and midwives’ roles in a public health response to child abuse and neglect are described in Australian policies about child protection, health, welfare, or development. Methods This policy review used Internet searching to identify Australian policy documents relating to child protection, health, welfare, or development published from 2009 to 2021. Data were analysed using deductive coding and content analysis. Findings Nurses’ and midwives’ contributions to a public health response to child abuse and neglect were either absent or described in scant detail within Australian policy. The information that was available represented only a portion of nursing and midwifery practices from a limited range of practice contexts. Discussion A lack of visibility and clarity of nurses’ and midwives’ roles in policy raises many challenges. This includes a lack of guidance for interdisciplinary collaboration, educational preparation of nurses and midwives, and appropriate resourcing for their interventions. Further research is urgently needed to guide future best-practice policy and practices for nurses’ and midwives’ contributions to a public health response to child abuse and neglect. Conclusion An enhanced representation of nurses’ and midwives’ roles in Australian policy is required to guide a public health approach that promotes better outcomes for all children.
... Supporting often means navigating wicked social problems across system levels, and this is best approached using a collaborative response inclusive of the child's community (Lonne et al., 2020). One key challenge is that service responses are often fragmented and siloed, leading to missed opportunities for early intervention or identification of child maltreatment, lack of strategic communications, and unnecessary duplication of services (Higgins et al., 2019). These collaborative challenges can also add complexity to professionals' experiences of mandatory reporting, such as when negotiating with key stakeholders (colleagues, families, and child protection services) which highlights different interprofessional perspectives and power imbalances (Kuruppu et al., 2023;McTavish et al., 2017). ...
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Health and allied health professionals are uniquely positioned to collaborate in prevention, early intervention and responses to child maltreatment. Effective collaboration requires comprehensive interprofessional education (IPE), and inadequate collaboration across sectors and professions continually contributes to poor outcomes for children. Little is known about what interprofessional preparation health and allied health professionals receive before initial qualification (preservice) that equips them for interprofessional collaboration and provision of culturally safe care in child protection. This scoping review aimed to identify what is known internationally about IPE in child protection for preservice health and allied health professionals. Thirteen manuscripts reporting 12 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the synthesis. Key characteristics of the educational interventions are presented, including target disciplines, core content and their learning objectives and activities. Findings demonstrated primarily low-quality methodologies and educational interventions that had not been replicated beyond their initial context. Many educational interventions did not provide comprehensive content covering the spectrum of prevention, early intervention and responses for all types of child maltreatment, and/or did not clearly indicate how IPE was achieved. Key challenges to delivering comprehensive interprofessional child protection include lack of institutional support and competing priorities across disciplines who must meet requirements of separate regulatory bodies. Consequently, there is a need for further development and robust evaluation of educational interventions to explore how interprofessional collaborative skills for child protection can be developed and delivered in preservice health and allied health professional education.
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This study aims to provide a national focus for reforms to the child protection and youth justice systems by examining the nature of recommendations from 61 reports and inquiries into these systems between the years of 2010 and 2022.
Vulnerability is not a fixed state; people and families can move in and out of experiencing vulnerability throughout their lives. All families are at risk of experiencing vulnerability at some point, which means that social workers and other professionals must be equipped with the skills to effectively provide them with support. Working with Families Experiencing Vulnerability: A Partnership Approach provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to family-centred practice for the social work, human services, health and education professions. This edition has been comprehensively revised and features new chapters on working with families affected by natural disasters, families experiencing poverty, Māori families, LGBTQIA+ families and families where a parent has an intellectual disability. Emphasis is placed on promoting a rights-based, relational approach to working with children and young people, who are most at risk of experiencing vulnerability. Each chapter includes case studies, reflective questions and activities.
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Nurses and midwives can be instrumental to global efforts to address child abuse and neglect through a public health approach of prevention and early intervention. However, there is limited understanding of nurses’ and midwives’ roles, and no international or local guidelines to inform and evaluate their safeguarding practices. The aim of this modified Delphi study was to build consensus on the nature and scope of nursing and midwifery practice in safeguarding children in Australia. Sixty-four statements located within seven clusters were developed from a literature review and nursing and midwifery practice standards. Participants ( N = 102) were nurses and midwives working with children in diverse contexts. They were asked to indicate the importance of each statement to their practice setting. Consensus (80%) was achieved on all statements in Round Two. Findings highlight that participating nurses and midwives agreed safeguarding children is a core component of their practice in diverse child-focussed settings. Findings can inform ongoing discussions about development of nursing and midwifery practice standards and guide effective workforce preparation, education, support and resourcing. Further research about ongoing development of nursing and midwifery roles in safeguarding children is essential to explore how to most effectively mobilise these professions to prevent child abuse and neglect.
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Researchers and practitioners in the field of child maltreatment often consider child abuse and neglect as a single or repeated series of isolated events. However, such an approach fails to acknowledge that some children's development is characterised by repeated incidents of maltreatment over a prolonged period of time. It also fails to address the cumulative impact of repeated victimisation on children's physical, psychological and developmental outcomes. In this paper, the experience of maltreatment is explored using data from a statutory child protection service, and a new conceptual approach for describing chronic maltreatment is proposed.
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Neglect of children is a significant social issue worldwide and is typically the most frequently reported form of maltreatment in Western nations, with its severe forms sometimes resulting in significant illness and disablement or death. Yet, paradoxically, it remains ‘neglected’ and largely in the shadow of physical and sexual abuse, often being viewed as less serious despite the real-life consequences of its insidious and compounding nature and the lasting damage it causes to intergenerational familial relationships and the life outcomes of those affected. This chapter explores the many complex forms of child neglect, its causes and impacts and the strategies to prevent it. In particular, a critical standpoint is taken in analysing the rationale and merits of mandatory reporting of neglect and their effects, systemically and for children.
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In this paper, cumulative harm is defined, past approaches that have contributed to conceptualising maltreatment as an isolated event are discussed. Possible indicators of chronic maltreatment are highlighted and the potential for chronic maltreatment to have a cumulative impact on children is demonstrated using a case example. The paper focuses on the Victorian context, but the issues of cumulative harm and chronic child maltreatment have relevance to policy-makers and practitioners in other jurisdictions.
This paper analyses a fourteen-year period of Western Australian data from the client information system of the Department for Child Protection and Family Support. Western Australia saw a large increase in the number of children in state care similar to trends across Australia as a whole. The study shows the following trends: changes in response to 'referrals' with particular increases in the number of findings of neglect and increasing proportions of these followed swiftly by entry to care; changes in patterns of entry to care with more children under one-year-old entering; increased length of stay of children in care; and, the high incidence of Aboriginal children entering and remaining in care. The data demonstrate unequivocally that increased 'referrals' are not associated with increased substantiations of harm or 'acts of commission with dangerous intent', but that neglect assessed early in the lives of children was the major precipitant for entry to care and particularly so for Aboriginal infants.
Contemporary approaches to child protection are dominated by individualized forensically focused interventions that provide limited scope for more holistic preventative responses to children at risk and the provision of support to struggling families and communities. However, in many jurisdictions, it is frequently shown, often through public inquiries and program reviews, that investigatory and removal approaches are failing in critically important ways, particularly regarding reducing the inequities that underpin neglect and abuse. Consequently, there have been increasing calls for a public health model for the protection of children, although there is often a lack of clarity as to what exactly this should entail. Yet, there are opportunities to learn from public health approaches successfully used in the field of injury prevention. Specifically, we advocate for the use of Haddon’s Matrix, which provides a detailed theoretical and practical framework for the application of a comprehensive and integrated public health model to guide intervention program design and responses to child protection risk factors. A broad overview of the application of Haddon’s Matrix’s principles and methods is provided with examples of program and intervention design. It is argued that this framework provides the range of interventions necessary to address the complex social and structural factors contributing to inequity and the maltreatment of children. It also provides the foundation for a holistic and integrated system of prevention and intervention to contribute to system-level change and address child maltreatment.
In this special issue, we invited contributors to explore the theoretical, conceptual, and empirical foundations of the public health model, as it applies to child maltreatment prevention, drawing on the most rigorous science and proposing integrated models of practice and policy that have the potential to make a difference at scale. Programs and frameworks described herein offer a collection of core strategies structured around the public health model, with the most vulnerable families and their communities in mind. The articles draw attention to the potential for efficacious and cost-effective family and community-based prevention programs designed to improve and sustain positive outcomes for the most vulnerable. In the first article, Jones Harden, Buhler, and Fernandez provide a comprehensive review of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs designed for families of young children but also applicable to those who are older. In the article that follows, Molnar, Beatriz, and Beardslee emphasize importance of community-level prevention models and call for a three-pronged approach to public health prevention that focuses on knowledge development, community engagement, and program sustainability. Pickering and Sanders summarize evidence from trials of Triple-P, a widely used prevention system that reflects a multifaceted public health model of the sort we envision. Finally, Scott, Lonne, and Higgins focus on commonalities between the field of injury prevention and child maltreatment prevention, calling attention to what can be learned for community-level interventions and child welfare engagement. As a collection, these articles show the promise of public health prevention and touch on the challenges that must be overcome to successfully scale and sustain programs over time often with modest resources.
Based on a Freedom of Information request with data from 75 per cent of all English children’s services departments covering over half a million children, this paper shows that 22.5 per cent of children born in the 2009–10 financial year were referred to children’s social care before their fifth birthday. Three-quarters of them were at some point assessed, almost two-thirds found to be in need and a quarter formally investigated. These findings show the full extent of children’s involvement in children’s social care before the age of five. One in every nine children born in 2009–10 was suspected by social workers of being abused and this high level of involvement is only justifiable if it is demonstrably reducing harm and promoting well-being of children—an outcome which is contested. Early Help’s introduction was associated with high proportions of children being referred and assessed and rapidly increasing numbers of investigations, thus questioning its ability to prevent entry to the child protection system. The paper calls for a change from the current emphasis on individualised and investigative approaches to child protection in order to provide an effective and humane response to children, the majority of whom live in families affected by high levels of deprivation and poverty.
The need for services that respond to the ‘maltreatment’ of children and to the struggles of families is at the core of social service systems in all developed nations. While these child and family welfare systems confront similar problems and incorporate common elements, there are substantial differences in philosophy, organization, and operation across international settings and models. In this new collection of essays, Nancy Freymond and Gary Cameron have brought together some of the finest international minds to provide an original and integrated discussion of child protection, family service, and community caring models of child and family welfare. The volume not only examines child protection and family service approaches within Western nations – including Canada, the United States, England, the Netherlands, France, and Sweden – it is also the first comparative study to give equal attention to Aboriginal community caring models in Canada and New Zealand. The comparisons made by the essays in this volume allow for a consideration of constructive and feasible innovations in child and family welfare and contribute to an enriched debate around each system. This book will be of great benefit to the field for many years to come.