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A review on medical advantages and chemical constituents of carica papaya linn.


Abstract and Figures

Papaya is an evergreen blossoming plant having rich characteristic thing; it is recognized to offer different therapeutic purposes of premium. The normal item is sound and delicious. The entire plant parts such as root, bark, peel, seeds, blooms, leaves, and squash are known to have helpful properties. It is utilized for the treatment of a various infections such as dengue fever, warts, corns, sinuses, skin inflammation, against diabetic, glandular tumors, blood pressure, digestive disorders, constipation, antibacterial, antifertility, anti-HIV, expel worms, invigorate regenerative organs and many, as needs be it can be seen as a nutraceutical. The present review focuses on salient features of nutritional composition, health benefits, medical advantages, and synthetic constituents of papaya.
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Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018
Online - 2455-3891
Print - 0974-2441
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Received: 30 April 2018, Revised and Accepted: 20 June 2018
Papaya is an evergreen blossoming plant having rich characteristic thing; it is recognized to offer different therapeutic purposes of premium. The
normal item is sound and delicious. The entire plant parts such as root, bark, peel, seeds, blooms, leaves, and squash are known to have helpful
properties. It is utilized for the treatment of a various infections such as dengue fever, warts, corns, sinuses, skin inflammation, against diabetic,
glandular tumors, blood pressure, digestive disorders, constipation, antibacterial, antifertility, anti-HIV, expel worms, invigorate regenerative organs
and many, as needs be it can be seen as a nutraceutical. The present review focuses on salient features of nutritional composition, health benefits,
medical advantages, and synthetic constituents of papaya.
Keyword: Papaya, Dengue fever, Antifungal activity, Anti-HIV activity.
Papaya is developed broadly in all tropical and sub-tropical parts of the
world. Papaya has been viewed as a standout among the most profitable
tropical organic products that contain beta-carotene, protein, starch,
vitamins, and minerals. The papaya is a little, scantily expanded plant, for
the most part with a solitary stem developing from 5 to 10 m tall, leaves
are extensive, 0.5 to 0.7m in width, significantly palmately lobed, with
seven projections. Papaya common items have smooth skin, green, while
young turning yellow. The normal Philippine papaya is typically pear shape
around 0.1–0.4 m long on maturity [1]. Prepared papaya feels fragile, the
skin has yellowish shading, and when opened it has a sensitive orange-
yellowish tissue with different minimal dim seeds embedded at the vacant
core interest (Fig. 1) [2].
Medical advantages of papaya
Carica papaya leaves extracts for the treatment of dengue fever
Ahmad et al. have revealed an examination that the capacity of C. papaya
departs separate evacuates against dengue fever in Asian Pacific
Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. The patient was given 25 ml of leaves
extracts twice, day by day for 5 back to back days. It was noted in the
report the platelets check, white blood cells and neutrophils lessened
from 84.0% to 46.0%. In this way, the blood tests were rechecked after
the association of leaves evacuate, watched that the platelets tally, white
blood cells, and neutrophils extended from 46.0% to 78.3%.
Patil et al. decided the impact of C. papaya departs fluid concentrate
in expanding the platelet check-in thrombocytopenic rodent
display. Watery concentrate of C. papaya leaves at a grouping of
400 mg/kg and 800 mg/kg were given to cyclophosphamide prompted
thrombocytopenic rats for a time of 15 days. Blood was pulled back
at different time interims to decide the platelet check. Likewise, the
coagulating time was resolved on the 15th day of the examination by
slender strategy. C. papaya leaf separate was found to increase the
platelet check and furthermore to diminish the coagulating time in rats.
The investigation goes for deciding the conceivable impacts of papaya
leaves in thrombocytopenia happening in dengue fever.
C. papaya health benefits for blood-related helpful issues [14-16]
Ikpeme et al. have reported an examination on the phytochemistry
and hematological capacity of the ethanol seed, leaf and mash think of
C. papaya in Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. In this examination,
it was perceived that the phytochemical substance in the seeds, leaf, and
mash of C. papaya was almost the same however in contrasting degrees.
It was likewise watched that the phytochemicals found in C. papaya by
and large improved the creation of certain blood parameters in treated
albino rats.
Antihyperglycemic effects of ethanol extracts of C. papaya [17-20]
Sasidharan et al. have revealed an examination on the phytochemicals
in C. papaya may have antihyperglycemic activity in Journal of
Natural Product Research. The ethanolic concentrates of C. papaya
and Pandanus amaryfollius were coordinated to a social occasion of
streptozotocin impelled diabetic rats to measure it’s against diabetic
effects. The examination prescribes that the phytochemical found in
C. papaya and P. amaryfollius might be in charge of the counter diabetic
well-being benefits.
C. papaya health benefits for digestive disorder [21-25]
Muss et al. have reported a study on the on the digestive disorders of
C. papaya in the journal of Biogenic Amines. Clinical trials including
volunteers with constant acid refluxes and dysfunctions in the
gastrointestinal tract were given papaya preparation. They were
contrasted with a control aggregate given a fake treatment. The
examination prescribes that gigantic change in the symptoms of acid
reflux and swelling for those under the papaya arranging when stood
out from the control gathering. The estimation of the constituents of
papaya and its health benefits were discussed in Table .1 and Table.2
Antifungal activity [26-30]
Chavez-Quintal et al. have revealed an examination on the antifungal
activity of ethanolic extracts of C. papaya L. cv. Maradol leaves and seeds
of discarded ripe and unripe fruit in Indian Journal of Microbiology.
Seed extracts indicated inhibition of fungal activity against three
phytopathogenic growths: Rhizopus sto lonifer, Fusarium spp. also,
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
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Review Article
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018, 53-57
Anjana et al.
and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Singh and Ali have reported
the antifungal movement of the methanolic concentrate of the seeds
indicated antifungal action against Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans,
and Penicillium citriniumin Indian diary of pharmaceutical sciences.
Papaya and pregnancy: Safety and side effects [31]
Adebiyi et al. have reported an investigation done in the Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the British Journal of Nutrition. In a
lab examine, the effects of prepared papaya blend (500 ml/l water)
and papaya foul latex to the uteri of pregnant Sprague Dawley rats
was diverged from a control aggregate given with water in a manner
of speaking. Results have shown that ready papaya has no threatening
or perceptible responses, while the rough latex incited convulsive
narrowing of the uterine muscles. The examination prescribes that
common usage of ready papaya and pregnancy may not represent any
noteworthy threat speak to any gigantic hazard. The unripe or semi-
ready papaya could be unsafe in pregnancy.
Antihelminthic and antiamoebic activity of C. papaya seeds
Okeniyi et al. have uncovered the ampleness of dried C. papaya seeds
against human intestinal parasitosis in the Journal of Medicinal
Food. The patient was given either dried seeds of C. papaya blended
with nectar or nectar alone. 76.7% of the individuals who were given
nectar blended with dried seeds of papaya were cleared of parasites
following 7 days while 16.7% of the individuals who took nectar alone.
This examination reasons that air-dried C. papaya seeds are strong in
treating human intestinal parasites and without critical side effects.
Anticancer and immunomodulatory activity of C. papaya [35-37]
Otsuki et al. have detailed that liquid plan of C. papaya leaf extricates
have basic improvement inhibitory activity on tumor cell lines in
the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. The examination additionally
proposes that C. papaya leaf concentrate may conceivably give way to
the treatment and anticipation of chose human illnesses, for example,
growth, different unfavorably susceptible scatters, and may likewise fill
in as immune adjuvant for antibody therapy.
Fauziya and Krishnamurthy papaya (2013) reported the anticancer
activity of papaya in CIB Tech JPharm Sic. A papaya in vitro thinks
about demonstrates that it will treat numerous disease cell line and
papaya physiochemical having anticancer exercises. Papaya is rich in
compound papain which is viable against growth. Papain separates the
fibrin disease cell divider furthermore, protein into the amino corrosive
frame. Other than papain, it, moreover, contains lycopene which
exceedingly receptive toward oxygen and free radical. Isothiocyanate
present in Papaya is powerful against lung, pancreas and prostate
cancer. These chemicals fit of restraining both arrangement and
improvement of disease cell.
Antibacterial and wound healing effect of C. papaya [38-41]
Dawkins et al. have distributed an article on the antibacterial
development of C. papaya natural product remove against fundamental
damage life shapes in the West Indian Medical Journal. They reported
seed isolates from the organic product showed obstruction of bacterial
development against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus
faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, and Shigella flexneri.
This examination prescribes that C. papaya has antibacterial effects that
could be profitable in treating perpetual skin ulcers to advance healing.
Islam et al. have reported antibacterial activity of the latex of papaya
against Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, Agrobacterium sp., and Rhizobium sp. in
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research.
Antifertility activity [42,43]
Poharkar et al. revealed that the counter fruitfulness impacts of C. papaya
were analyzed by bolstering grown-up and pregnant rodent with various
parts of the natural product in the journal herb med toxicology. No
endeavor was made to forcibly feed the creature, and the outcome showed
that the unripe fruit interfered with the estrous cycle and instigated fetus
removal. This impact vanished as the organic product wound up stale or
over riped. Chloroform concentrate of C. papaya seeds initiated long haul
azoospermia in drowsiness monkey. Papaya additionally demonstrated
the counter implantation and abortifacient effect.
Antisickling activity [44-47]
Mojisola et al. reported antisickling properties of C. papaya fruit pulp in
refined water, methanol, and chloroform utilizing sodium metabisulfite
in Journal of Natural product. Sickle cell sickness comes about because
of a transformation in hemoglobin inside the red platelets, where a
glutamic acid at sixth position is replaced by valine.
Hepatoprotective effect [48-50]
Sadeque et al. have revealed the hepato cautious impacts of dried
natural products of papaya against carbon tetrachloride prompted
hepatotoxicity and it contrasted and that of Vitamin-E. The outcomes
affirmed that C. papaya and Vitamin E exhibited gigantic hepato security
against CCl4 instigated hepatotoxicity, anyway C. papaya demonstrated
more tremendous changes in alkaline phosphatase level than Vitamin
E. Rajkapoor et al. reported the effect of C. papaya on hepatotoxicity
in the biological and pharmaceutical bulletin. The ethanol and aqueous
extracts of C. papaya showed remarkable hepatoprotective activity
against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity.
Antineoplastic activity [17,51,52]
Praveena et al. reported antineoplastic activity of hydroethanolic
concentrate of unripe fruit of papaya utilizing animal model in Asian
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. This examination
was embraced to screen the effect of administration of different
measurements of a hydroethanolic concentrate of the unripe product of
papaya against Dalton’s ascitic lymphoma (DAL) in Swiss albino mice.
In this examination, hydroethanolic concentrate of papaya indicated
significant antitumor activity against DAL cell line induced malignant
ascites tumor animals.
Antioxidant and Anticancer activities of Hexane fraction from
papaya male flower [53-59]
Sianipar et al. reported antioxidant and anticancer activities of hexane
fraction from papaya male flower in Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Clinical Research. The antioxidant activity was completed utilizing
the α,α-diphenyl-β- picrylhydrazyl technique and the anticancer
potential movement was completed utilizing 3-(4,5-dimethythiazol-.
Fig. 1: Carica papaya tree, flower, and ripe fruit
Table 1: Healthful estimation of 100 mg of papaya fruit [77]
Contents Green papaya Ripe papaya
Protein 600 mg 700 mg
Fat 100 mg 200 mg
Mineral 500 mg 500 mg
Carbohydrate 720 mg 570 mg
Fiber 800 mg 900 mg
Energy 32 Kcal 27 Kcal
Total carotene 2740 μm 0
Beta-carotene 888 μm 0
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018, 53-57
Anjana et al.
2-yl)- 2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide examines to check the cytotoxic
movement on WiDr (colon malignancy cell) and Vero cell (typical cell).
Phytochemical screening of the hexane portion from the male blossom
of papaya hints at solid triterpenoids and steroids, while the IC50 of
cancer prevention agent esteem was 100.81±1.180 µg/ml cytotoxic
impact demonstrates that the hexane portion of papaya male blossom
had selectivity to WiDr cell.
Antimicrobial activity of C. papaya [60-64]
Baskaran et al. assessed the subjective examination of phytochemicals
and antimicrobial action of different dissolvable concentrates of
C. papaya. The antimicrobial exercises of distinctive dissolvable
concentrates of C. papaya were tried against the Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacterial strains and growth by watching the zone of a
hindrance. The Gram-positive microorganisms utilized as a part of the
test were S. aureus, B. cereus, and Micrococcus luteus, and the Gram-
negative microorganisms were E. coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and
the fungus used in the test were Aspergillus niger, A.flavus, C.albicans,
Candida tropicalis, Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida kefyr.
Sumathi detailed (2014) phytochemical investigation and in vitro
antimicrobial action of fluid and dissolvable concentrates of C. papaya
against clinical pathogens in Int J Adv Res Biol Science. The dried
powdered plant material is subjected to dissolvable extraction
utilizing the solvents chilly water, high temperature water, and ethanol.
Antimicrobial measure of plant remove against clinical segregates by
AWD examines. Just the leaf separates demonstrated inhibitory impact
against C. albicans, though stem and root extricates were ineffectual.
Among the leaf, stem, and root separates, the leaf remove is found to
display more antimicrobial movement than the stem and root.
Anti-HIV activity of C. papaya [2,65-76]
Rashed et al. (2013) proclaimed phytochemical screening of the polar
concentrates of C. papaya Linn and the evaluation of the anti-HIV-1
advancement in J Appl Ind Sci. The methanol and watery concentrates of
C. papaya were striven for their against HIV-1 activity using the syncytia
advancement test. The outcomes have shown that C. papaya methanol
and fluid concentrates have quiet limit as debilitating to HIV-1 directors.
Table 2: Therapeutic uses of papaya [78]
Part Preparation Therapeutic uses
Peel Utilization of peel with a little drain and nectar Protects, soothe, and moisturize the skin
Apply peel as the face veil for around 20 min To get rid of blemishes on the skin and face
Absorb cut papaya vinegar for half a month. Expel the peel, and this
readiness can be connected with lemon juice to the scalp for 20 min
preceding shampooing
Against dandruff
Peel stewed in olive oil, almond oil, and rose oil, and the subsequent
papaya oil rubbed into the skin and use with nectar and rose water
Works as skin toner and skin cleanser
Fruit Eat new ready papaya toward the beginning of the day Indigestion, clogging, farts, enhance hunger
Apply unripe papaya squeeze on influenced zone Pimples, skin inflammation, mouth ulcer
Ripe fruit Utilized to treat mouth ulcer and toothache
Unripe fruit Prophylactic in some Asian nations.
Soup made from fish and nearly ripen fruit In Southern China, lactating moms drink the soup to enhance
drain stream
Leaves Wash the leaf and cut into little pieces squeeze the mash and channel
with the fabric
Two tablespoons serving for every day
Can cure dengue fever
Leaves of papaya Used for dressing wounds and injuries, treating nervous pains,
and elephantoid growths
Root A decoction shaped by heating up the external piece of the roots Cure of dyspepsia
The sinapism prepared from the root of the plant Beneficial in treating the tumors of uterus
Root infusion Used for syphilis in Africa and reduce urine concretions
Seeds Crisp or dry pulverized seeds Bacteriostatic, bactericidal, and fungicidal
Take half ground papaya seed with warm water early in the prior day
breakfast, take after 2 h with 50 ml castor oil and 350 ml drain on a
void stomach, and take this for 2–4 days
Expel intestinal worms
Flowers The blossoms from the plant Utilized as a part of treating jaundice
Latex Latex of plant Utilized as a part of curing psoriasis and ringworm in Cuba. It
is additionally utilized as a neighborhood sterile in numerous
parts of the world. Papaya latex, likewise utilized as dyspepsia
Table 3: Some restorative employments of papaya plant as
specified in antiquated Ayurveda literature [79,80]
Parts Medicinal aid
Latex Anthelmintic soothes dyspepsia, cure looseness of
the bowels, agony of consumes and topical utilize,
draining hemorrhoids, stomachic, whooping hack
Ripe Fruits Stomachic, stomach related, carminative, diuretic,
looseness of the bowels and interminable the runs,
expectorant, calming and tonic, eases stoutness,
draining heaps, and injuries of the urinary tract
Unripe fruit Purgative, diuretic, dried juice decreases developed
spleen and liver, utilized as a part of snakebite to
evacuate harm, abortifacient, and antibacterial action
Seeds Carminative, emmenagogue, vermifuge,
abortifacient, counter aggravation, as glue in the
treatment of ringworm and psoriasis, antifertility
operators in guys.
Seed Juice Draining heaps and amplified liver and spleen
Root Abortifacient, diuretic, checking unpredictable
seeping from the uterus, heaps, antifungal movement
Leaves Youthful leaves as vegetable, jaundice (fine glue),
urinary protestations and gonorrhea (implantation),
dressing wounds (crisp leaves), antibacterial
action, vermifuge in colic, fever, beriberi, fetus
removal (imbuement), and asthma (smoke)
Flowers Jaundice, emmenagogue, febrifuge, and pectoral
Stem bark Jaundice, hostile to hemolytic action, sore
teeth (inward bark), against parasitic action
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 9, 2018, 53-57
Anjana et al.
Nutritional value of papaya plant
Papaya is a sensibly surveyed standard thing has high nutritive respect.
It is low in calories and rich in normal vitamins and minerals. The
relative low calories content effects this most needed to ordinary thing
for hefty individuals who are into weight diminish organization. The
nutritional values and the chemical constituents of papaya plant were
tabulated in Table.3 and Table.4 respectively.
Papaya plant is fundamentally utilized as the food ingredient all
through the world in light of its foods grown from the ground nutritive
esteem. From the above examinations about the papaya plant exhibits
that its leaves, seeds, roots, blossoms, ready, and unripe fruit juices
were used as a customary drug. By the conventional cases, papaya is
a capable pharmaceutical. Critical measure of work has been done
on the biological activities and the uses of substance constituents,
consequently broad examination on its pharmacodynamics, energy,
appropriate institutionalization, clinical trials are expected to abuse the
healing utility to fight diverse disorders.
We sincerely thank the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,
for their continuous support and cooperation to carry out this work.
All authors contributed equally to this work.
The authors have none to declare.
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Sl No. Synthetic segments Molecular
1 Decylene 140 C10H2O
2 Trans-Geranylacetone 194 C13H22O
3 Methyl tridecanoate 228 C14H28O2
4 Palmitic acid 256 C16H32O2
5 Methyl tetradecanoate 242 C15H30O2
6 Myristic acid 228 C14H28O2
7 Methyl palmitate 270 C17H34O2
8 Hexadecanoic acid 256 C16H32O2
9 Methyllinolelaidate 294 C19H34O2
10 Methyl cis-6-octadecenoate 296 C19H36O2
11 Stearic acid, methyl ester 298 C19H38O2
12 Oleic acid 282 C18H34O2
13 Stearic acid 284 C18H36O2
14 15-Tetracosenoic acid 380 C25H48O2
15 Methyl heptacosanoate 424 C28H56O2
16 trans-13-Docosenoic acid 338 C22H42O2
17 Methyl erucate 352 C23H44O2
18 Methyl behenate 354 C23H46O2
19 Heneicosanoic acid, methyl
340 C22H44O2
20 Farnesyl cyanide 410 C30H50
C. papaya: Carica papaya
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... After reviewing titles and abstracts, 333 references were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria: a) not endemic in the Philippines, b) not indigenous people from the Philippines, c) flowers, and d) fauna. As a result, this review included 40 academic articles with 17 experimental research [3,9-12,20-31], 20 reviews [4,6,8, 23,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47], and 3 published reports [48][49][50]. The identified articles were published in journals devoted to various academic disciplines, including food research, complementary medicine, indigenous knowledge, and environmental research. ...
... Papaya has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties due to its high vitamin A, B, and C content and proteolytic enzymes such as papain and chymopapain [45]. It treats various ailments, including dengue fever, warts, skin inflammation, diabetes, glandular tumors, high blood pressure, digestive disorders, and constipation [33]. ...
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Medicinal fruits as adjunct therapy are promising for acute and chronic diseases. However, the role of these fruits remains largely unexplored. This study reviewed the evidence-based efficacy of these fruits used by indigenous people in the Philippines. Indigenous knowledge on using medicinal fruits was searched in the Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Health Library database. Medical research databases [Medline, Scopus, GreenFILE, ProQuest, HERDIN, and JSTOR] were queried from inception to April 2022. Searches were in English and Filipino language publications. A narrative synthesis was conducted and 30 articles from the Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Health Library database identified the medicinal fruits used among indigenous people in the Philippines. Moreover, 40 articles that included 17 experimental research, 20 reviews, and 3 published reports pointed to the evidence-based effectiveness of these fruits. According to this review, the medicinal fruits included were scientifically evaluated for their medicinal properties, including their anti-oxidant and phytochemical attributes. However, the scientific evidence from previous literature indicated that most experiments constituted in vitro and animal models. Traditional medicine and scientific evidence revealed the protective effects of these fruits against various ailments. Since there were not many human intervention trials available, researchers can study the potential health effects of these therapeutic fruits by using human models in the future. Due to the various health benefits of these indigenous fruits, it is essential to explore their disease-fighting capabilities and convert them into nutraceuticals or functional food ingredients.
... Papaya was rich in carotenoids, phenolics, vitamins A, C, E, and B pantothenic acid, minerals, particularly potassium and magnesium, folate, fiber, tannins, and cysteine proteinases, which had various beneficial health effects, including an alternative anthelmintic property (Anjana et al., 2018;Pathak et al., 2017;Santos et al., 2014). Despite their minimal presence, tannins offer various health benefits (Chukwuka et al., 2013). ...
... Carica papaya, commonly known as papaya, is widely available in all the tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world. Rich in flavonoids, alkaloids, and cyanogenetic compounds, papaya is used in traditional medicine for its antimalarial activity, treatment of jaundice, and removal of cancerous growths among other therapeutic activities [17][18][19][20]. Lantana camera, an important medicinal plant with several medicinal properties, is used in several folk and traditional therapeutic systems. ...
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Differently expressed genes (DEGs) across cervical (CC), endometrial (EC), and vulvar carcinoma (VC) may serve as potential biomarkers for these progressive tumor conditions. In this study, DEGs of cervical (CC), endometrial (EC), and vulvar carcinoma (VC) were identified by microarray analysis. The interaction network between the identified 124 DEGs was constructed and analyzed to identify the hub genes and genes with high stress centrality. DEGs, namely, CDK1 and MMP9, were found to show highest degree and highest stress centrality respectively from the gene interaction network of 124 nodes and 1171 edges. DEG CDK1 is found to be overlapping in both cervical and endometrial carcinomic conditions while DEG MMP9 is found in vulvar carcinomic condition. Further, as it is studied that many phytochemicals play an important role as medicinal drugs, we have identified phytochemicals from few widely available medicinal plants and performed comprehensive computational study to identify a multi-targeted phytochemical against the identified DEGs, which are crucially responsible for the progression of these carcinomic conditions. Virtual screening of the phytochemicals against the target DEG protein structures with PDB IDs 4Y72 and 1GKC resulted in identifying the multi-targeted phytochemical against both the proteins. The molecular docking and dynamics simulation studies reveal that luteolin can act as a multi-targeted agent. Thus, the interactional and structural insights of luteolin toward the DEG proteins signify that it can be further explored as a multi-targeted agent against the cervical, endometrial, and vulvar carcinoma.
... Herb parts (fruit, seeds, and leaves) are consumed as well as utilised as a pharmacological treatment for pain and illness [2]. Based on nutritional ratings and % Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for pro-vitamin A, ascorbic acid, potassium, folate, and fibre, papaya was classified in the top five nutritionally advantageous fruits (together with guava, watermelon, grapefruit, and kiwifruit) among 38 common fruits [3] Papaya fruits, like many other tropical fruits, are high in antioxidants such as polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, protein, starch and carotenoids [4,5]. Because of their propensity to donate hydrogen or electrons and generate stable radical intermediates, phenolic compounds are known to behave as antioxidants. ...
...  Seeds and leaves are given as a remedy for any type of disease [88]. ...
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The total population has been developing dramatically; be that as it may, right now, the decisions for male contraception are restricted. This study investigates continuous explores of male contraceptives. This study article is primarily based on the thought of contraception that must be needed toward the increasing population and giving the ideal strategy to control the fertility of humans and animals. This review featured the recent oral male contraceptives that may be revolutionary products in our world as means of contraception. The audit article considers that these contraceptives are customarily utilized for their spermicidal activities and their fundamental hormones of the awkwardness for fertility and the mechanism of activity of the impact of the antifertility of contraceptives. The present study offers up-to-date data gathered on the contraceptives used for anti-fertility activity in males. The goal of this study is to spotlight the work on the anti-fertility effect of contraceptives. Therefore these products can provide options and lowering fertility would be higher than different contraceptives. This article can also assist investigators in developing the newer contraceptive preparation for anti-fertility activity in males. The innovations in this field are important to focus on current, more intense medication having a less detrimental effect on the body function and that can be administrable on its entity, less expensive, and quite reversible.
... It's also used in many diseases like constipation, metabolic syndrome, glandular tumors, expel worms, and sinuses. It also has anti-HIV, antifertility, and antibacterial properties [26,27]. ...
Background Peptic ulcer (PU) is a collective term used for a group of chronic manifestations that affect mucosal integrity of stomach and/or duodenal lining. It is characterized by pain, perforations, bloating, nausea, blood in stool or vomit, loss of appetite and weight loss. Purpose Although a number of conventional treatment approaches such as antihistaminics, proton pump inhibitors, prostaglandins, antacids and antimicrobial agents are available for the management of PU, but they all are associated with various side effects. Herbal drugs are alternative remedies for the treatment of various pharmacological conditions and are generally considered to be much safer as compared to synthetic drugs. The present review summarizes the different phytoconstituents that have been explored for their antiulcer potential in various preclinical studies. Methods Literature search was conducted across four electronic databases (Google, PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus) for potentially relevant literature. Search was performed using various key words such as “peptic ulcer”, “herbal drugs”, “anti-ulcer”, “anti-ulcer plants”, “phytomedicine for peptic ulcer”, and “plant derived drugs for peptic ulcer”. Further studies were screened through examination of abstracts, reference sections and well on the basis of previously published review articles. Results A number of natural products are reported to exhibit antiulcer property in various animal studies and some of them are currently being used in various herbal formulations. Prominent phytoconstituents exhibiting anti-ulcerogenic activity include friedelin (Maytenus robusta Reissek); squalene (Muntingia calabura L.); brasiliensic acid (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess.); shogaol (Zingiber officinale Roscoe); allitridin (Allium sativum L.); rutin (Stryphnodendron rotundifolium Mart.); ligustilide (Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels); curcumin (Curcuma longa L.); and rosmarinic acid (Ocimum tenuiflorum L.). Conclusion Phytoconstituents have been reported to exhibit antiulcer property by targeting various enzymes, inflammatory mediators and/or by other pathways. Although they have shown promising results in preclinical studies, however, further research is required to ensure their safety and efficacy in human beings.
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The influenza A virus subtypes H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 are prevalent in pig populations worldwide. All scientific data point towards swine as the key host species for new human influenza pandemics, which have been suggested to evolve in pigs from viral genes of avian, human and porcine origin. Therefore, it is of major importance to record the evolution of swine influenza viruses in pigs, and in particular monitor hallmarks of adaptation to humans. The scope of this thesis was to increase the understanding of the genetics of swine influenza virus (SIV), and to investigate the importance of different viral gene markers in association with differences in pathogenicity of two viruses of H1N2 subtype in pigs. The results from this study demonstrate, for the first time, natural reassortment in H1N2 viruses in the pig populations of Sweden. These H1N2 viruses have an avian-like SIV H1N1 hemagglutinin (HA) and a European H3N2 SIV-like neuraminidase (NA). Nucleotide sequence comparison revealed significant differences between the two consecutive H1N2 isolates. To be able to understand the genotypic differences observed in the genomes of these H1N2s, and to identify the genetic markers responsible for the differences, a reverse genetic system was developed. Four recombinant SIV H1N2 viruses were constructed that displayed differences in virulence in mice, r1021 (more virulent) and r9706 (less virulent), as well as the same viruses with swapped PB1 segments. Interestingly, the current findings showed that the replacement of the PB1segment of r9706 by that of r1021 increases the virulence of the virus that replicate with higher titer in mice lungs, while the opposite is true when PB1 r9706 is introduced into r1021. This study demonstrates that differences in virulence of swine influenza virus subtype H1N2 are attributed at least in part to the PB1 segment. The findings presented in this thesis support the observations concerning the continuous reassortment processes of SIVs in pigs, resulting in repeated and independent emergence of certain HA/NA combinations. This may lead to emergence of new viral variants of severe pathogenicity of pigs. Continuous and efficient surveillance and further detailed genetic and phenotypic analysis can help to identify such novel viral variants, having more potential to cross species barriers and to pose health risks even to humans and to other host species A disturbing trend in antimicrobial-antiviral resistance is the advent of “superbugs” which often complicates the treatment of flu-immunocompromised patients. To this must be added the numerous hospitalizations and increased morbidity from contaminated meats, vegetables, seafood’s, and dairy products. Many of the emerging types of avian flus [e.g. H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, A (H10N8) ] have a very serious haemorrhagic component to them which complicates effective treatment. Any new, effective treatment against severe flu infections should be able to prevent these types of haemorrhages, particularly in the lungs. Government resources are being overstretched and often remain powerless to combat flu plaque-like assaults.
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Objective: This study was undertaken to screen the effect of administration of various doses of hydroethanolic extract of unripe fruit of Carica papaya L. (HEECP) against Dalton’s ascitic lymphoma (DAL) in Swiss albino mice.Methods: DAL cells were injected intraperitoneally (1×106 cells) to each mouse and divided into various groups. The animals were treated with various doses (200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg) of HEECP. A standard drug (5-fluorouracil, 20 mg/kg/day) was also used. The animals were evaluated for hematological and biochemical parameters and were compared with the same parameters in the standard by collecting blood from a retro-orbital blood vessel of mice. Results: The life spans of the animals were increased. In the DAL tumor control group, the average life span of animals was found to be 45% whereas, 200 and 400 mg/kg of test drug showed increase in life span to 67% and 75%, respectively. Platelets count was significantly (p<0.001) decreased in cancer control group and was brought back to normal after treatment. Conclusion: These observations suggest that the extract possesses antineoplastic effect against DAL.
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Five aromatic constituents of essential oils (cineole, citral, geraniol, linalool and menthol) were tested for antimicrobial activity against eighteen bacteria (including Gram-positive cocci and rods, and Gram-negative rods) and twelve fungi (three yeast-like and nine filamentous). In terms of antibacterial activity linalool was the most effective and inhibited seventeen bacteria, followed by cineole, geraniol (each of which inhibited sixteen bacteria), menthol and citral aromatic compounds, which inhibited fifteen and fourteen bacteria, respectively. Against fungi the citral and geraniol oils were the most effective (inhibiting all twelve fungi), followed by linalool (inhibiting ten fungi), cineole and menthol (each of which inhibited seven fungi) compounds.
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Background: Dengue is an infectious disease associated with high mortality and morbidity. Being a viral disease, there is no specific drug available for treatment. There are some reports that Carica papaya leaf extract may improve the clinical condition of dengue patients; however, to support this, at present, there is no systematically searched and synthesized evidence available. Objectives: This systematic review and meta-analysis was designed to search the available evidence related to the efficacy and safety of C. papaya leaf extract in dengue and to synthesize the evidence in meaningful form through meta-analysis so that inference can be drawn. Materials and methods: Randomized controlled trials related to the efficacy and safety of C. papaya leaf extract in dengue were searched from PubMed, Cochrane Clinical Trial Registry and Google Scholar. The primary endpoint was mortality, and secondary endpoints were increase in platelet count, hospitalization days, and Grade 3 and 4 adverse events. Data related to primary and secondary endpoints were pooled together and analyzed by review manager (Review Manager (RevMan) Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, Denmark) software. The random effect model was used. The bias was analyzed by the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Results: Total four trials enrolling 439 subjects were included in the analysis. Of 439 subjects, data of 377 subjects were available for analysis. C. papaya leaf extract was found to be associated with increase in platelet count in the overall analysis (mean difference [MD] =20.27 [95% confidence interval (CI) 6.21-34.73; P = 0.005]) and analysis after 4(th) day (MD = 28.25 [95% CI 14.14-42.37; P < 0.0001]). After 48 h, there was no significant difference between C. papaya and control group (MD = 13.38 [95% CI - 7.71-34.51; P = 0.21]). There was significant decrease in hospitalization days in the C. papaya group (MD = 1.90 [95% CI 1.62-2.18; P < 0.00001]). Because of nonavailability of data in published clinical trials, mortality, and adverse events cannot be pooled. Conclusion: C. papaya leaf extract can be considered as a potential candidate for increase in platelet count in patients of dengue, however; there is need of high-quality evidence in the form of large clinical trials before a decision related to the use of such extract is made.
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Carica papaya leaves have been used traditionally to treat indigestion, as a vermifuge. Carica papayaleaves have also been shown to possess anti-tumor and immunomodulatory effects. The current study aims at determining the effect of Carica papaya leaves aqueous extract in increasing the platelet count in thrombocytopenic rat model. Aqueous extract of Carica papaya leaves at concentration of 400mg/kg and 800mg/kg were given to cyclophosphamide induced thrombocytopenic rats for a period of fifteen days. Blood was withdrawn at various time intervals to determine the platelet count. Also, the clotting time was determined on the 15th day of the study by capillary method. Carica papaya leaf extract was found to increase the platelet count and also to decrease the clotting time in rats. The study aims at determining the possible effects of papaya leaves in thrombocytopenia occurring in dengue fever.
Objective: This study examined the antioxidant and anticancer potential activities of the hexane fraction from the male flower of Carica papaya L., which is long been known to be a very important source of nutraceutical and pharmaceutical.Methods: Standard fractioned (fraction) method with phytochemical screening. The antioxidant activity was carried out using the α,α-diphenyl-β- picrylhydrazyl method and the anticancer potential activity was carried out using 3-(4,5-dimethythiazol-. 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay to check the cytotoxic activity on WiDr (colon cancer cell) and Vero cell (normal cell).Result: Phytochemical screening of the hexane fraction from the male flower of papaya shows a strong sign of triterpenoids and steroids; while the IC50 of antioxidant value was 100.81±1.180 μg/ml. Cytotoxic effect shows that the hexane fraction of papaya male flower had selectivity to WiDr cell (colon cancer cell).Conclusion: This study provides evidence that C. papaya L. male flower possesses antioxidant activity, as well as cytotoxic and chemopreventive properties. It might be beneficial as medicinal plant as an antioxidant and anticancer nutraceutical and pharmaceutical sources.
Introduction: Dengue is a rapidly expanding global health problem. Approximately 2.5 billion people live in dengue-risk regions with about 100 million new cases each year worldwide. The cumulative dengue diseases burden has attained an unprecedented proportion in recent times with sharp increase in the size of human population at risk. The management of dengue virus infection is essentially supportive and symptomatic and no specific treatment is available for increasing the fallen platelets, which have a significant role in causing the mortality of dengue patient.This study was conducted to evaluate the platelet increasing efficacy of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) in patients with dengue fever (DF). Aim: The administration of Carica papaya leaf extract should significantly increase the platelet count in cases of thrombocytopenia associated with dengue, preventing the patient to go in DHF or DSS conditions. Material and methods: A Multi-centric, Double blind, Placebo controlled, Randomized, prospective study was conducted in 300 patients across 5 centres', to evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Carica Papaya Leaf Extract, as empirical therapy for thrombocytopenia associated with dengue fever. The subjects were randomized into two groups, as control and intervention group. Both the groups were managed by the standard management guidelines for dengue except steroid administration. In addition to this, the intervention group received CPLE tablet three times daily for five days. All of them were followed daily with platelet monitoring. This study has been registered in the clinical trial registry-India (CTRI Registration number: CTRI/2015/05/005806). Results: The results indicate that CPLE had significant increase(p< 0.01) in the platelet count over the therapy duration, in dengue fever patients, confirming CPLE accelerates the increase in platelet count compared to the control group. There were few adverse events related to GI disturbance like nausea and vomiting which were similar in both groups. Conclusions: Thus this study concluded that Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) does significantly increase the platelet count in patients with thrombocytopenia associated with dengue with fewer side effects and good tolerability.