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Malnutrition in acute stroke: what are we treating?



Malnutrition is an important concern in patients with acute stroke. It is a major factor contributing to poor outcome. There are several factors that are associated with malnutrition in acute stroke. Hypermetabolism, associated with acute illness, is one of the major factors. I have examined the metabolic changes after acute stroke and the methods of assessing malnutrition in the light of the literature. The pathophysiological background of how the metabolic changes in acute stroke contribute to altered indices of nutrition has also been examined. The tools available for marking malnutrition in acute stroke are appraised on the basis of the pathobiology.
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Malnutrition in acute stroke:
whatarewe treating?
Priya Baby
Stroke is a leading cause of
death and disability worldwide
(Katan and Luft, 2018). It is
estimated that by 2030, deaths
from stroke will increase to
12million per year (Feigin et al, 2014).
Malnutrition in acute stroke is identied
as an important factor associated with
poor outcomes, including: functional
dependence; increased rate of infections,
such as pneumonia and urinary
infections; pressure ulcers; length of
hospital stay; and mortality (Gomes
et al, 2016). A quarter of patients
with stroke become malnourished
in the acute phase (Royal College
of Physicians Intercollegiate Stroke
Working Party, 2016). Several factors
contribute to a high risk of malnutrition
after stroke (National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence (NICE),
2017). Increased metabolism associated
with acute illness is one such factor.
Nurse clinicians often nd it difcult
to assess and treat malnutrition in
patients with acute stroke, and in my
experience, ghting malnutrition in
these patients is a major challenge
for nurses working in stroke units.
Hence, it is relevant for nurses to
understand the pathophysiology
of malnutrition in acute stroke and
appraise various methods to assess it.
The clinical studies undertaken to assess
and treat malnutrition should also
consider its pathophysiology to derive
Understanding malnutrition
inacute stroke
The state of malnutrition results from
an imbalance between energy intake
and requirement. Either the intake
can be low, as in a state of starvation,
or there could be a major rise in the
requirement. In starvation, the body
enters a hypometabolic state, with
minimised catabolism (McCue, 2012).
Unlike this, the acute phase of stroke
is a hypermetabolic state, due to the
high response of the immunological
and endocrine systems of the body to
the acute illness. The inammatory
response of the body to acute stroke
leads to the release of excessive
inammatory cytokines, such as
tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α),
interleukin1 (IL-1) and interleukin
6 (IL-6), both in the brain and in
the systemic circulation (Anrather
and Iadecola, 2016). This promotes
dysregulation of the neuroendocrine
axes, especially the hypothalamic–
pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis (Barugh
et al, 2014; Preiser et al, 2014), in acute
stroke. In addition, stroke itself can
cause damage to the HPA inhibitory
areas of the brain (Barugh et al, 2014).
The activation of the HPA axis causes
the release of cortisol, which is a
counter-regulatory hormone to insulin
and growth hormone (Figure1). A surge
of cortisol is largely responsible for
increased catabolism (Wang et al, 2006).
In addition to increased catabolism,
the acute phase of the illness is
also marked by a halt in anabolism
(which is the constructive aspect of
metabolism in which the body builds
complex molecules from simple ones)
by peripheral inactivation of anabolic
pathways (Van den Berghe et al,1998).
These neuroendocrine-mediated
changes in the body are responsible for
the hypermetabolic state reected in
acute stroke. When the stroke is severe,
involving large areas of the brain and
causing high disability, the amount of
cortisol released is proportionately high
(Barugh et al, 2014).
In the initial period after an acute
stroke, patients may have reduced food
consumption, especially due to anorexia
which is secondary to inammation
(Don and Kaysen, 2004), dysphagia,
motor and sensory impairments, feeding
dependence and depression, as well as
other focal decits, such as apraxia and
neglect, that affect eating (Bouziana and
Tziomalos, 2011). These will affect their
nutritional status (NICE, 2017)
Indicators for malnutrition
inacute stroke
There are several indicators used to
demonstrate malnutrition in stroke.
These include biochemical measures,
Malnutrition is an important concern in
patients with acute stroke. It is a major
factor contributing to poor outcome.
There are several factors that are
associated with malnutrition in acute
stroke. Hypermetabolism, associated
with acute illness, is one of the major
factors. I have examined the metabolic
changes after acute stroke and the
methods of assessing malnutrition in
the light of the literature. The
pathophysiological background of how
the metabolic changes in acute stroke
contribute to altered indices of nutrition
has also been examined. The tools
available for marking malnutrition in
acute stroke are appraised on the basis
of the pathobiology.
Key Words malnutrition; acute stroke;
protein energy malnutrition; nutrition
Author Priya Baby, Lecturer, College of
Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health
and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India
Accepted January 2020
This article has been subject to double-blind
peer review.
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anthropometric measures, and history-
based and physical examination-based
tools. The common biochemical
measures used include serum albumin,
prealbumin and transferrin. The
common anthropometric indices used
include mid-arm muscle circumference
(MAMC) and triceps skinfold thickness
(TSF) (Saikaley et al, 2018; Zhang et al,
2015). Tools which use a combination
of history and physical examination,
such as Mini Nutritional Assessment
(MNA), Malnutrition Universal
Screening Tool (MUST) and Subjective
Global Assessment (SGA), are also
used in the assessment of malnutrition
in acute stroke.
The changes in biochemical and
anthropometric indices during an
acute stroke are inuenced by the
inammatory and neuroendocrine
Figure 1. Dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis in acute stroke
ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; CRH, coorticotropin-releasing hormone; HPA, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal
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responses. These changes are directly
reective of the inammation and
severity of the illness.
Biochemical markers
Serum albumin is commonly used as
an indicator of nutrition in stroke. It
is an abundant protein in the body
with various physiological functions.
Serum albumin levels are inuenced
by several factors, such as renal
loss, gastrointestinal loss, decreased
production of albumin in liver diseases
and reduced plasma volumes (Gounden
and Jialal, 2018). It is also inuenced
by the body’s inammatory response
(Nazha et al, 2015). Hypoalbuminaemia
is strongly associated with systemic
inammation. Patients with acute stroke
have a coexisting inammatory state
and they develop hypoalbuminaemia
due to inammation (Dziedzic et al,
2007). Inammation results in increased
fractional catabolic rate, causing a faster
drop in the serum levels of albumin
(Don and Kaysen, 2004). Contrary
to the general notion that acute
malnutrition causes hypoalbuminaemia,
serum albumin and prealbumin levels
are not changed, even after several
weeks of experimental starvation (Lee
et al, 2015). A drop in albumin levels
during the acute phase of illness should
be attributed to the redistribution of
albumin between the extravascular
and intravascular space in response
to acute inammation (Soeters et al,
2019). Patients with acute stroke and
with low serum albumin were found
to have high cortisol levels, signifying
the association between cortisol level
and albumin (Dziedzic et al, 2012).
Hence hypoalbuminaemia should be
considered as an expression of the
Table 2. History-based and physical examination-based tools for assessing malnutrition
Tools Parameters used
Mini Nutritional Assessment (Short Form) BMI (body mass index)
History of reduced food intake
History of weight loss
Acute disease or psychological stress
Presence of dementia or depression
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool BMI (body mass index)
History of weight loss
Acute disease effect
Subjective Global Assessment History
Weight loss
Dietary intake
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Functional capacity
Physical examination
Muscle wasting
Loss of subcutaneous fat
Table 1. Commonly used biochemical markers of nutritional status
Commonly used biochemical
markers of nutrition
Albumin Negative acute phase protein: concentration falls in acute phase of illness (has an inverse
relation to inammation)
Has a half-life of 20 days
Only 5% of the total albumin is synthesised by the liver on a daily basis. Hence, daily intake is
not reected in the serum level
Prealbumin Negative acute phase protein: concentration falls in acute phase of illness (has an inverse
relation to inammation)
Is affected by kidney and thyroid functions
Transferrin Negative acute phase protein: concentration falls in acute phase of illness (has an inverse
relation to inammation)
Is affected by iron deciency/overload in the blood
Is affected by renal function and intake of oestrogen preparations
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inammatory process and the severity
of illness rather than merely being
attributed to to reduced food intake.
Similarly, prealbumin and transferrin
are also negative acute phase proteins
whose concentrations relate inversely to
inammation in acute illness (Davis et
al, 2012); Bharadwaj et al, 2016; Lacy
et al, 2019). Thus, similar to albumin,
their use as nutritional markers in
acute stroke is jeopardised (Table 1).
In acute disease conditions, the use of
these serum markers for nutritional
adequacy is confounded by multiple
parameters, such as kidney function,
thyroid function and iron deciency
states, rendering them inefcient for
assessing and diagnosing malnutrition
(Bharadwaj et al, 2016). Hence nurses
may not be able to use these markers to
identify malnutrition.
Anthropometric indices as
markers of nutrition
Anthropometric indices, such as TSF
(which denotes fat loss) and MAMC
(which denotes muscle loss), are
also used to mark nutritional status.
The TSF is measured to the nearest
millimetre in the right arm using a
skinfold caliper. MAMC is calculated
from the mid-arm circumference
(MAC) and TSF using a standard
formula: MAMC=MAC–(3.14×TSF).
The MAC is the circumference of the
right arm at the mid-point between the
olecranon process and the acromion. It
is measured in centimetres, using a non-
stretchable tape.
As discussed earlier, the high-stress
response of the body in acute stroke
causes increased levels of cortisol,
leading to a shift in the metabolism
and increased mobilisation of fat
(Vanhorebeek and Van den Berghe,
2006), which results in loss of TSF
thickness. Loss of muscle tissue in the
acute phase of stroke is signicantly
correlated with stroke severity and
positive C-reactive protein (CRP),
signifying the inuence of inammation
(Nozoe et al, 2016). The storm of
catabolic factors, reduced anabolic
stimuli and systemic inammation lead
to muscle loss (Phillips, 2017). Thus the
anthropometric changes in the acute
phase of stroke are a reection of the
inammation and stress response of
As marking nutritional status in
the acute phase of stroke can be
confounded by many variables,
nutrition-focused physical examination
is a viable option to identify patients
who are malnourished (Bharadwaj et
al, 2016). A recent meta-analysis has
shown that malnutrition on admission
is one of the strongest risk factors for
worsened nutritional status later in the
course of illness (Chen et al, 2019). The
validated tools, such as MNA, MUST
and SGA, that use history-based and
physical examination-based data, can
identify malnourished patients on
admission and later (Foley et al, 2009).
The MNA includes 18 self-reported
questions derived from general,
anthropometric, dietary and self-
assessment. The short form of the
MNA (MNA-SF) is a screening tool
consisting of six questions (Montejano
Lozoya et al, 2017). The MUST uses
history-based and physical examination-
based parameters to calculate the
overall risk of malnutrition (Todorovic
et al, 2003). The SGA uses history-
based and physical examination-
based sub-criteria. An overall rating
for nutritional status is determined
on the basis of sub-criteria rating
assessment (Lim et al, 2016) (Table2).
NICE guidelines recommend the
use of MUST for initial and weekly
screening of patients with acute stroke.
This eliminates the bias of using only
biochemical or anthropometric indices
in assessing malnutrition. The history-
based and physical examination-based
tools consider the overall risk of
malnutrition based on the effect of the
acute illness itself.
Protein and energy
supplementation in acute stroke
Enteral supplementation of protein in
stroke does not show any improvement
in serum protein markers (Rabadi
et al, 2008; Geeganage et al, 2012).
Anthropometric indices have also
shown deterioration, despite aggressive
nutritional supplementation, in patients
with acute stroke (Nozoe et al, 2016;
Ha et al, 2010). A Cochrane analysis
of studies on enteral supplementation
in acute stroke has failed to show any
reduction in mortality or poor outcome
(Geeganage et al, 2012). NICE (2017)
and the Royal College of Physicians
Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party
(2016) do not recommend routine oral
supplementation in patients after acute
stroke. Only patients who are identied
as malnourished should be given
supplemental nutrition (NICE, 2017).
Recommendations and
Malnutrition should be identied and
treated. In the acute phase of stroke,
rather than individual markers of
Acute stroke causes increased
activation of the hypothalamic–
pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, resulting
in large amounts of cortisol release
The neuroendocrine and inammatory
responses of the body in acute
stroke result in hypermetabolism
The commonly used biochemical and
anthropometric markers of
malnutrition are inuenced by the
inherent metabolic changes in the
acute phase of illness
Protein and energy supplementation
during the acute phase of a stroke
may not be enough to combat the
changes in biochemical and
anthropometric markers
CPD reective questions
What is the reason for increased
metabolism in the acute phase
How does acute stroke result
How are the anthropometric indices
inuenced by increased stress and
inammation in the acute phase
Enteral supplementation of protein
and energy in the acute phase of
stroke does not adequately manage
the altered indices of malnutrition.
Explain the reason.
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malnutrition, history-based and physical
examination-based tools should be used
to identify malnourished patients.
Recent research in malnutrition
opens a new arena of treatment. It
focuses on the cause of malnutrition
rather than the markers of it. In the
case of acute events, such as stroke,
ghting resistance to anabolism and
hypercatabolism is the preferred
option (De Bandt, 2015). Multifaceted
interventions that may include anti-
inammatory diets, glycemic control,
physical activity, appetite stimulants,
anabolic agents, anti-inammatory
agents, anticytokines and probiotics,
will be necessary to blunt undesirable
aspects of inammatory response to
preserve body cell mass (Jensen, 2006;
Coelho Junior et al, 2016). In my
opinion, this area of nutrition needs
more evidence to translate into practice.
Acute stroke is an active inammatory
state, which has important implications
in nutrition. The immediate response
of the body to this acute event is highly
protective, allowing the homeostatic
mechanisms to ensure survival.
This can lead to changes in various
biochemical markers, such as albumin,
prealbumin and transferrin, that are
commonly used to denote malnutrition.
The anthropometric indices, such as
TSF and MAMC, are also affected
by the catabolic effects of the acute
response of the body to illness. Thus,
reduced food intake may not be the
only reason for malnutrition in acute
stroke. It can be recommended that
nurses should pay cautious attention
while interpreting altered biochemical
markers and anthropometric indices in
patients with acute stroke as markers
of malnutrition. History-based and
physical examination-based tools such
as MUST should be used for assessment
of malnutrition in acute stroke.
In general, future research in the
area of nutrition in acute stroke should
appreciate the importance of the acute
stress response and inammation,
and their confounding effects on the
nutritional interventions. bjnn
Acknowledgement: The author would like to thank
Gouripriya Jayasuryan, Nursing Ofcer at the
National Institute of Mental Health and
Neurosciences, Bangalore, India, for her help with
this study.
Declaration of interest: The author of this article
declares no conicts of interest.
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... Professor Zhou Lanshu analyzed the significance and value of standardizing clinical nursing standards in her works and studied its necessity combined with the actual situation of clinical work [9]. Li Xiaofeng and Chen Min et al. [10] combined with previous research results improved the traditional rescue process, integrated nursing, and traditional medical first aid process and determined seven standardized nursing processes. The standardized nursing process can achieve early evaluation and early diagnosis, make the whole first aid process orderly, avoid repeated operations and unnecessary waiting time, and ensure the timeliness of rescue [11,12]. ...
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Objective: This research was to detect the treatment rate and prognosis of elderly patients with acute stroke in emergency department by the optimization of emergency care applying meta-analysis. Methods: The online databases including PubMed, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, China knowledge Network Database (CNKI), China VIP Database, Wanfang Database, and China Biomedical Literature Database (CBM) were searched. The retrieval time limit was set from the establishment of the database to the present. The data were extracted independently by two investigators. The bias of per publication was assessed following Cochrane manual 5.1.0 standard. RevMan5.4 statistical software was used to analyze the collected data by meta. Results: The 8 randomized controlled trials included in this meta-analysis all reported patients' baseline status. The meta-analysis of the rescue time of the study group and the control group (CH2 = 1507.80, df = 4, P ≤ 0.001, and I2 = 100%) showed that the emergency nursing with optimized emergency procedures can shorten the rescue of elderly acute stroke patients in the emergency department time. There are 6 literatures reporting the case fatality rate (Chi2 = 1.12, df = 5, P = 0.95 > 0.05, and I2 = 0%), and the death rate of the study group was not higher than that of the control group (Z = 4.4 and P < 0.0001). The use of optimized first aid can reduce mortality in elderly patients with acute stroke. Six articles on disability rate reported the heterogeneity of disability rate (CH2 = 2.88, df = 5, P = 0.72 > 0.05, and I2 = 0%), indicating that the disability rate in the study group was lower than that in the control group (Z = 3.91 and P < 0.0001), indicating that emergency nursing by optimizing emergency procedures can reduce the disability rate of elderly stroke patients in emergency department. Conclusion: Optimizing the emergency care process can effectively improve the emergency rate and prognosis of elderly patients with acute stroke in emergency department; however, further research with higher methodological quality and longer intervention time are needed to verify later.
... One of these factors is hypoalbuminemia 9 . Any fluctuations in the levels of serum albumin can severely affect the course of disease, its severity and outcome 10 described in many studies 11,12 . A normal serum albumin level is not only associated with good outcome 13 but can also reduce the risk of in hospital mortality. ...
Background: Stroke is a serious public health issue and third leading cause of death worldwide. Hypoalbuminemia is commonly found factor in patients of stroke and is also associated with severe disease as well as pro inflammatory patterns of serum protein electrophoresis. Therefore, further research for understanding the role of Hypoalbuminemia in stroke is important to devise strategies for better management of stroke. Aim : To determine the frequency of hypoalbuminemia in acute ischemic stroke patients based on stroke severity. Methods: This descriptive cross- sectional study was conducted in Shifa International hospital stroke unit for 6 months from May 15, 2018 till Nov 15, 2018. Data was collected from 100 patients using purposive sampling. After taking consent from patient or attendant, the demographic data was collected on a structured proforma. Baseline serum albumin and stroke severity using the NIHSS score was also assessed. All data was entered and analysed using SPSS 21. After descriptive analysis, post stratified Chi Square test was applied for gender and age categories. Results: The mean age of patients was 63.60 ± 11.87 years with 57(57%) male and 43(43%) female cases. The mean serum albumin level was 4.03 ± 0.94 with minimum and maximum values as 1.50 and 5.5. Among cases with minor, moderately severe and with severe stroke, 6(37.5%) cases, 18(25.7%) cases and 6(42.9%) cases had Hypoalbuminemia. The frequency of hypoalbuminemia was statistically same with respect to severity of stroke, p-value > 0.05. Conclusion: This study concludes that the frequency of hypoalbuminemia in acute ischemic stroke patients was diagnosed in almost one third cases, however, no statistical association could be found. Hence, screening for hypoalbuminemia should be done for better management of stroke patients. Keywords: Storke, NIHSS score, serum albumin, hypoalbuminemia, mortality
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Hypoalbuminemia is associated with inflammation. Despite being addressed repeatedly in the literature, there is still confusion regarding its pathogenesis and clinical significance. Inflammation increases capillary permeability and escape of serum albumin, leading to expansion of interstitial space and increasing the distribution volume of albumin. The half‐life of albumin has been shown to shorten, decreasing total albumin mass. These 2 factors lead to hypoalbuminemia despite increased fractional synthesis rates in plasma. Hypoalbuminemia, therefore, results from and reflects the inflammatory state, which interferes with adequate responses to events like surgery or chemotherapy, and is associated with poor quality of life and reduced longevity. Increasing or decreasing serum albumin levels are adequate indicators, respectively, of improvement or deterioration of the clinical state. In the interstitium, albumin acts as the main extracellular scavenger, antioxidative agent, and as supplier of amino acids for cell and matrix synthesis. Albumin infusion has not been shown to diminish fluid requirements, infection rates, and mortality in the intensive care unit, which may imply that there is no body deficit or that the quality of albumin “from the shelf” is unsuitable to play scavenging and antioxidative roles. Management of hypoalbuminaemia should be based on correcting the causes of ongoing inflammation rather than infusion of albumin. After the age of 30 years, muscle mass and function slowly decrease, but this loss is accelerated by comorbidity and associated with decreasing serum albumin levels. Nutrition support cannot fully prevent, but slows down, this chain of events, especially when combined with physical exercise.
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Background Various scales have been used to perform a quick and first level nutritional assessment, and the MNA is one of the most used and recommended by experts in the elderly in all areas. This scale has a short form, the MNA-SF, revised and validated in 2009, which has two versions: the BMI-MNA-SF contains the first six items of the full scale including Body Mass Index while the CC-MNA-SF includes Calf Circumference instead of BMI. Objective To evaluate the predictive ability for nutritional status of the two versions of the MNA-SF against the MNA in free-living elderly in the province of Valencia. Methods Cross-sectional study of 660 free-living elderly in the province of Valencia selected in 12 community centres using stratified sampling by blocks. Inclusion criteria: being aged 65 or over, living at home, having functional autonomy, residing in the province of study for more than one year, regularly attending community centres and voluntarily wanting to take part. Results Of the 660 subjects studied, 319 were men (48.3%) and 341 (51.7%) women with a mean age of 74.3 years (SD = 6.6). In terms of nutritional assessment, using the BMI-MNA-SF and the CC-MNA-SF we found that 26.5% and 26.2% were at risk of malnutrition and 0.9% and 1.5% were malnourished respectively. With the full MNA, 23.3% were at risk of malnutrition. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients indicate a high association between the full MNA score and the MNA-SFs scores (BMI-MNA-SF: ρ = 0.78p
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Inflammatory markers are increased systematically and locally (e.g., skeletal muscle) in stroke patients. Besides being associated with cardiovascular risk factors, proinflammatory cytokines seem to play a key role in muscle atrophy by regulating the pathways involved in this condition. As such, they may cause severe decrease in muscle strength and power, as well as impairment in cardiorespiratory fitness. On the other hand, physical exercise (PE) has been widely suggested as a powerful tool for treating stroke patients, since PE is able to regenerate, even if partially, physical and cognitive functions. However, the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of physical exercise in poststroke patients remain poorly understood. Thus, in this study we analyze the candidate mechanisms associated with muscle atrophy in stroke patients, as well as the modulatory effect of inflammation in this condition. Later, we suggest the two strongest anti-inflammatory candidate mechanisms, myokines and the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, which may be activated by physical exercise and may contribute to a decrease in proinflammatory markers of poststroke patients.
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Malnutrition is an independent risk factor for patient morbidity and mortality and is associated with increased healthcare-related costs. However, a major dilemma exists due to lack of a unified definition for the term. Furthermore, there are no standard methods for screening and diagnosing patients with malnutrition, leading to confusion and varying practices among physicians across the world. The role of inflammation as a risk factor for malnutrition has also been recently recognized. Historically, serum proteins such as albumin and prealbumin (PAB) have been widely used by physicians to determine patient nutritional status. However, recent focus has been on an appropriate nutrition-focused physical examination (NFPE) for diagnosing malnutrition. The current consensus is that laboratory markers are not reliable by themselves but could be used as a complement to a thorough physical examination. Future studies are needed to identify serum biomarkers in order to diagnose malnutrition unaffected by inflammatory states and have the advantage of being noninvasive and relatively cost-effective. However, a thorough NFPE has an unprecedented role in diagnosing malnutrition.
Inspired by the ABIM Foundation's Choosing Wisely® campaign, the “Things We Do for No Reason” series reviews practices which have become common parts of hospital care but which may provide little value to our patients. Practices reviewed in the TWDFNR series do not represent “black and white” conclusions or clinical practice standards, but are meant as a starting place for research and active discussions among hospitalists and patients. We invite you to be part of that discussion.
Stroke is the second leading cause of death and a major cause of disability worldwide. Its incidence is increasing because the population ages. In addition, more young people are affected by stroke in low- and middle-income countries. Ischemic stroke is more frequent but hemorrhagic stroke is responsible for more deaths and disability-adjusted life-years lost. Incidence and mortality of stroke differ between countries, geographical regions, and ethnic groups. In high-income countries mainly, improvements in prevention, acute treatment, and neurorehabilitation have led to a substantial decrease in the burden of stroke over the past 30 years. This article reviews the epidemiological and clinical data concerning stroke incidence and burden around the globe.
Background & aims: Stroke is a common cause of death and disability worldwide. Among stroke patients, malnutrition is a significant problem that contributes to poor outcome. Clinical evidence is required to identify risk factors for malnutrition and to adopt appropriate management strategies during early stroke intervention. Thus, we performed a meta-analysis of potential risk factors related to malnutrition in stroke patients. Methods: We systemically searched relevant observational studies in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (CBLD), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and VIP Database of Chinese periodicals from January 1990 to September 2017 in any language. Patients included in this study were adults who suffered from stroke. Stata 12.0 and Review Manager 5.1 software were used to pool useful data and calculate odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We also performed heterogeneity and sensitivity analyses, and evaluated publication bias. Results: Twenty-nine observational studies involving 8838 participants who met our inclusion criteria were incorporated into the meta-analysis, and thirteen risk factors related to malnutrition were studied. The following variables probably correlated with an increased risk of malnutrition in stroke patients: malnutrition on admission (OR = 8.34, 95% CI = 4.60-15.10, P < 0.00001), dysphagia (OR = 2.60, 95% CI = 2.24-3.03, P < 0.00001), previous stroke (OR = 3.04, 95% CI = 2.35-3.95, P < 0.00001), diabetes mellitus (OR = 1.79, 95% CI = 1.35-2.38, P < 0.0001), tube feeding (OR = 5.43, 95% CI = 3.99-7.37, P < 0.00001) and reduced level of consciousness (OR = 2.82, 95% CI = 2.12-3.75, P < 0.00001). The factors alcohol consumption, hypertension, male sex, depressed mood, pneumonia and infection need to be re-evaluated. Conversely, smoking was most likely not associated with post-stroke malnutrition. Conclusions: Our meta-analysis has revealed a variety of risk factors for malnutrition during hospital stay among stroke patients. Early identification of these factors is warranted for improving patient outcomes.
The immune response to acute cerebral ischemia is a major factor in stroke pathobiology and outcome. While the immune response starts locally in occluded and hypoperfused vessels and the ischemic brain parenchyma, inflammatory mediators generated in situ propagate through the organism as a whole. This “spillover” leads to a systemic inflammatory response first, followed by immunosuppression aimed at dampening the potentially harmful proinflammatory milieu. In this overview we will outline the inflammatory cascade from its starting point in the vasculature of the ischemic brain to the systemic immune response elicited by brain ischemia. Potential immunomodulatory therapeutic approaches, including preconditioning and immune cell therapy will also be discussed.
Background: Lower leg muscle wasting is common in stroke patients; however, patient characteristics in the acute phase are rarely studied. This study aimed to examine the relationship between changes in quadriceps muscle thickness and disease severity, nutritional status, and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels after acute stroke. Methods: Thirty-one consecutive patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage or ischemic stroke had quadriceps muscle thickness measured in the paretic and nonparetic limbs within 1 week after admission (first week) and 2 weeks after the first examination (last week) using ultrasonography. We also determined the relationship between the percentage change in muscle thickness and disease severity, nutritional status, and CRP levels on admission. Results: There was a significant correlation between changes in muscle thickness for both paretic and nonparetic sides and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores (paretic limb: r = -.46, P = .01; nonparetic limb: r = -.54, P = .002, respectively); however, there was no significant correlation with nutritional status on admission. Quadriceps muscle thickness was reduced more in the CRP-positive (≥.3 mg/dL) patients than in the CRP-negative (<.3 mg/dL) patients in the nonparetic limb (positive: -21.4 ± 12.1, negative: -11.4 ± 16.4%; P = .039), but not in the paretic limb (positive: -23.4 ± 9.0, negative: -19.1 ± 15.7; P = .27). Conclusions: A high NIHSS score and a positive CRP on admission were both significantly correlated with decreased quadriceps muscle thickness after acute stroke. Nutritional status on admission was not correlated with changes in quadriceps muscle thickness for these patients.