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Regulation of IGF2 transcript and protein expression by altered methylation in breast cancer



Breast Cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths among women worldwide. The role of epigenetics as a distinct mechanism to alter gene expression in a tissue-specific manner has emerged as an important mechanism in the pathophysiology of cancer. Present study was carried out to assess the role of methylation in regulating transcription and protein expression of Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), an oncogene with parental imprinting. Paraffin-embedded archival breast tumor and adjacent normal tissue samples were used for carrying out PCR-based methylation assay, genomic PCR, immunohistochemistry and Real-Time Reverse transcriptase PCR. A significant loss of methylation in exon 9 CpG cluster of IGF2 in breast tumor tissues was observed when compared to normal tissue (P < 0.0001). Expression of IGF2 by immunohistochemistry exhibited a mean twofold increase correlating with the hypomethylation of this specific CpG. Real-Time RT PCR showed increased transcripts in the tumor tissue supporting the IHC and methylation results. A total of 33% of tumor samples heterozygous for the ApaI IGF2 polymorphism exhibited biallelic IGF2 expression due to loss of imprinting; this was not seen in any of the normal breast tissues. Altered methylation of exonic CpG plays an important role in the enhanced transcription/expression of IGF2 in breast tumors. Methylation analysis of exon 9 CpG can be used as a biomarker for upregulation of IGF2 in breast tumor tissue and maybe developed as a diagnostic test in future.
Regulation of IGF2 transcript and protein expression
by altered methylation in breast cancer
Preetha J. Shetty Sireesha Movva Nagarjuna Pasupuleti Bhavani Vedicherlla
Kiran K. Vattam Sambasivan Venkatasubramanian Yog R. Ahuja
Qurratulain Hasan
Received: 26 March 2010 / Accepted: 9 April 2010
ÓSpringer-Verlag 2010
Purpose Breast Cancer is one of the leading causes of
cancer deaths among women worldwide. The role of epi-
genetics as a distinct mechanism to alter gene expression in
a tissue-specific manner has emerged as an important
mechanism in the pathophysiology of cancer. Present study
was carried out to assess the role of methylation in regu-
lating transcription and protein expression of Insulin-like
growth factor 2 (IGF2), an oncogene with parental
Methods Paraffin-embedded archival breast tumor and
adjacent normal tissue samples were used for carrying out
PCR-based methylation assay, genomic PCR, immunohis-
tochemistry and Real-Time Reverse transcriptase PCR.
Results A significant loss of methylation in exon 9 CpG
cluster of IGF2 in breast tumor tissues was observed when
compared to normal tissue (P\0.0001). Expression of
IGF2 by immunohistochemistry exhibited a mean twofold
increase correlating with the hypomethylation of this
specific CpG. Real-Time RT PCR showed increased
transcripts in the tumor tissue supporting the IHC and
methylation results. A total of 33% of tumor samples
heterozygous for the ApaI IGF2 polymorphism exhibited
biallelic IGF2 expression due to loss of imprinting; this
was not seen in any of the normal breast tissues.
Conclusions Altered methylation of exonic CpG plays an
important role in the enhanced transcription/expression of
IGF2 in breast tumors. Methylation analysis of exon 9 CpG
can be used as a biomarker for upregulation of IGF2 in
breast tumor tissue and maybe developed as a diagnostic
test in future.
Keywords Epigenetics IGF2 methylation
Breast cancer Loss of imprinting
Breast Cancer (BC) is a debilitating disease that affects one
of nine women in their lifetime and is the leading cause of
morbidity and mortality (Jemal et al. 2003). An estimated
1.15 million cases of BC are reported worldwide every
year. More than half of these are in industrialized countries.
The incidence is more modest in Eastern Europe, South
America, Southern Africa and Western Asia, but it is still
the commonest cancer of women in these geographic
regions (Coughlin and Dkwueme 2009). In India, it is the
second most frequent oncological disease among women,
after cervical cancer (Okonkwo et al. 2008).
BC is either familial or sporadic, and up to 5–10% are
due to the inheritance of mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2
(Claus et al. 1996); women carrying these mutations have a
P. J. Shetty S. Movva B. Vedicherlla
Y. R. Ahuja Q. Hasan
Department of Genetics, Vasavi Medical & Research Centre,
Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004, India
N. Pasupuleti
Kamineni Life Sciences, Moula-Ali, Hyderabad 500040, India
K. K. Vattam Q. Hasan (&)
Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine,
Kamineni Hospitals, L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad 500068, India
S. Venkatasubramanian
Department of Genetics, Bhagwan Mahavir Medical Research
Centre, A.C Gaurds, Hyderabad 500001, India
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
DOI 10.1007/s00432-010-0890-z
lifetime risk of 60–80% (Easton et al. 1993; Struewing
et al. 1996). However, several studies including one from
our group did not find any association of BRCA1 mutation
with sporadic BC, but BRCA1 gene silencing by methyl-
ation was found to have an important role in its etiology
(Bhavani et al. 2009; Dobrovic and Simpfendorfer 1997;
Futreal et al. 1994; Merajver et al. 1995).
The role of epigenetics as a distinct and crucial mech-
anism to regulate a variety of genes in a tissue-specific
manner has emerged as an important mechanism in the
pathophysiology of cancer (Yang et al. 2001).DNA
methylation is an essential method for the regulation of
gene expression in mammalian cells (Eden and Cedar
1994).Methylation occurs at cytosine residues within CpG
dinucleotides, and many genes are enriched with these
dinucleotides in their promoters and exons (Yagi et al.
2008). These sequences are non-methylated when the gene
is transcriptionally active and methylated when inactive
(Murrell et al. 2008).
Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is a member of the
IGF family. It is a circulating peptide hormone and locally
acting growth factor with both paracrine and autocrine
functions (Elzagheid et al. 2006; Lu et al. 2006). IGF2 gene
is localized at chromosome 11p15.5 and is flanked by the
insulin and H19 genes in a region that is known to have
differential parental methylation. This was the first auto-
somal gene identified to exhibit imprinting. IGF2 gene is
associated with CpG regions that have allele-specific DNA
methylation known as differentially methylated regions
IGF2 consists of nine exons in humans; the first few are
non-coding leader exons, while exons 6–9 encode pre-pro-
IGF2 polypeptide. There are four CpG islands within the
IGF2 gene: the first CpG island maps between the first two
untranslated exons and is found to be fully methylated on
both alleles in all tissues. The second and third CpG islands
(DMR0) map to the promoter 2, 4 (P2-P4) and the IGF2
antisense (IGF2-AS) transcripts, and this region is fully
unmethylated in all tissues; however, a subsequent study
showed that the paternal DMR0 is fully methylated con-
tradicting the previous studies (Murrell et al. 2008; Cui
et al. 2003). The final CpG island maps to exon 9, which
has previously been defined as DMR in both human and
mouse, with the paternal allele being more methylated than
the maternal allele (Feil et al. 1994). The present study is
the first to assess the methylation status of the exon 9 CpG
cluster in samples from BC and neighboring normal breast
tissue by PCR-based methylation assay. The IGF2
expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC)
and Real-time Reverse Transcriptase (RT) PCR. RT PCR
was carried out in samples identified as ApaI heterozygotes
to determine loss of imprinting (LOI) of the maternal IGF2
Materials and methods
A total of 93 archival paraffin-embedded breast cancer
tissue that had more than 70% of tumor cells on visuali-
zation with H&E staining and adjacent normal tissue
blocks with no tumor cells on H&E examination were
obtained from the pathology department of Kamineni
Hospitals, L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad, India, after obtaining
institutional ethical clearance. Consecutive tissue sections
of 4 lM were cut from paraffin blocks for DNA and RNA
isolation, as well as for carrying out IHC.
Genomic DNA isolation
DNA was isolated from the paraffin-embedded tissue sec-
tions as per the established method from our laboratory
(Mohan et al. 2006). The paraffin wax was first removed
and treated with cell lysis buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl,
10 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 2 mM EDTA, 0.4 M NaCl),
10% SDS and proteinase K solution (1 mg/ml) (Merck,
Germany). At the end of 30-min incubation, 6 M NaCl was
added to precipitate the proteins, and DNA was precipi-
tated using isopropanol. The DNA obtained was dissolved
in 100 ll of Tris EDTA (TE) buffer and was stored at
-20°C until processed.
PCR-based methylation assay
Approximately 0.5 lg of DNA obtained was incubated
with 20 units of the methylation-specific restriction endo-
nuclease HpaII (cat # ER0511; MBI, Fermentas, USA),
which recognizes the methylated sequence 50-C
CGG -30,
at 37°C for 14 h. The digested DNA was subjected to PCR
amplification with the primer sets designed by using Primer
3 plus Software (SourceForge, Inc., USA) encompassing
the CpG clusters in the exon 9 region of IGF2 gene. The
Forward Primer: 50- GAAGATGCTGCTGTGCTTCC -30
and the Reverse Primer: 50- AGTGAGCAAAACTGCCG
0were synthesized commercially at Bioserve Biotech-
nologies, Hyderabad (India). Genomic PCR without HpaII
digestion for each sample was used as internal control.
A three-step PCR by the method reported from our
group (Mohan et al. 2006) was carried out using XP ther-
mal cycler (UV Gene, UK). The PCR conditions included
an initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min, followed by
35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s, annealing at
57°C for 30 s and extension at 72°C for 45 s, final exten-
sion at 72°C for 5 min. The PCR products were then
electrophoresed on 2% agarose gel, and amplified bands
were analyzed in UV I Tech gel documentation system
(Cambridge, UK). Undigested DNA of each sample was
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
used as an internal control. All other appropriate controls
were set up with each batch of BC samples processed.
Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
The IGF2 expression was analyzed using IHC in 40 paired
tumor and adjacent normal tissue samples. A total of 80
slides were processed for IHC using the commercially
available anti-IGF2 antibody (Cat # ab9764; Abcam, Ber-
lin, Germany; 1:1000 dilutions). Staining was performed
manually by the method recently published by our group
(Movva et al. 2009). Briefly, slides were deparaffinized
using xylene and graded ethyl alcohols and then rinsed in
water. After 3% hydrogen peroxidase block for 30 min,
antigen retrieval was performed by boiling slides in antigen
retrieval solution in a microwave oven at maximum power
for 4 min and at half maximum power for 12 min, followed
by a 30-min cool-down and rinsing in wash buffer. Slides
were then sequentially treated with the following reagents
in a humidified chamber at room temperature: 10% normal
goat serum for 30 min, anti-IGF2 antibody overnight,
secondary antibody for 30 min, signal amplification and
chromogen development for 30 min each (wash buffer
steps were included between each step). Stained slides
were then counterstained with hematoxylin. Each run
included appropriate controls.
Slides were then analyzed for IGF2 expression. Semi
quantitative scoring was performed at a magnification of
9400. From each section, five regions were captured using
a charge-coupled device camera attached to Nikon E400
microscope (Japan). Expression was scored on the basis of
intensity as follows: 0, absent or no expression; 0.5, mild
expression; 1, moderate expression; 2, high expression and
3, intense expression. Two independent, unbiased scorers
who were blinded to the origin of the histological specimen
performed the analysis. Different sections from each tumor
and normal sample were scored, and a mean of that was
taken for analysis. Any discrepancies in scores were
resolved by discussion with a pathologist as described
earlier (Movva et al. 2009).
Genomic PCR and RFLP
The patient tissue DNA was used for screening heterozy-
gous samples. Genomic DNA PCR was carried out using
IGF2 exon 9 ApaI polymorphism-specific primers; For-
ward primer: 50- CTTGGACTTTGAGTCAAATTGG -30;
Reverse primer 50- GGTCGTGCCAATTACATTTCA -30
(Dai et al. 2007) followed by RFLP using ApaI Restriction
Enzyme. The A allele (not digested by ApaI) and B alleles
(Digested by ApaI) are 292 and 229 bp, respectively.
Samples that were heterozygous A/B at the ApaI poly-
morphism were selected for RNA isolation.
RNA extraction and purification
Total RNA was isolated from eleven tumor and normal
formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections heterozy-
gous for ApaI polymorphism using a Quick Extract FFPE
RNA Extraction Kit (cat #QFR82805, Epicentre Biotech-
nologies, Madison, Wisconsin, USA). Paraffin was removed
by extracting two times with 1 ml of xylene for 10 min
followed by rehydration through subsequent washes with
100, 90 and 70% ethanol diluted in RNase-free water. After
each step, the tissue was collected by centrifugation at
16,0009gfor 5 min. After the final 70% ethanol wash, the
pellet was dried, resuspended in 100 ll of Quick Extract
FFPE RNA Extraction solution. Then, the tubes were vor-
texed and heated in a thermocycler for 30 min at 56°C and
then for 2 min at 98°C. RNA obtained was given DNase I
treatment with the solutions provided in the kit.
Real-time reverse transcriptase PCR
(real-time RT–PCR)
RNA obtained was converted to cDNA with M-MuLV
reverse transcriptase enzyme (Fermentas, Glen Burnie,
MD, USA) using poly T primers (Bioserve Biotechnologies
Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, India). A total of 2 ll of cDNA
obtained was subjected to real-time PCR using SYBR
Green master mix (Eurogentec, Seraing,Belgium) accord-
ing to manufacturer’s instructions using b-actin primers
(Forward Primer: 50- CTGGAACGGTGAAGGTGACA -30
CA -30), which were used as a control to check the quality
of RNA as well as specific exonic primers for IGF2 (For-
ward primer: 50- GAAGATGCTGCTGTGCTTCC -30and
the Reverse Primer: 50- AGTGAGCAAAACTGCCGC -30),
which were synthesized by Bioserve Biotechnologies
(Hyderabad, India). A relative curve quantitation method
was used to determine levels of RNA among the tissue
specimens. The resulting Standard curves were used to
calculate concentrations of IGF2 based on Ct values in
different tissue specimens. Appropriate controls were used
in all the experiments.
Allele-specific IGF2 expression analysis
RNAs from the specimen found to be heterozygous were
analyzed for allele-specific Apa-I site polymorphism by
performing RT–PCR. Oligonucleotide primers used were
Forward primer: 50- CTTGGACTTTGAGTCAAATTGG -30;
Reverse primer 50- GGTCGTGCCAATTACATTTCA -30
(Dai et al. 2007). The RT–PCR products were salt-precipi-
tated and dissolved in 10 ll of TE buffer. This was followed
by ApaI digestion for assessing the biallelic transcription of
IGF2 in the samples.
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
Mean, Standard Deviation, percentages and paired t-test
were carried out using appropriate software.
The study comprised of a total 93 patients with BC, which
included 66.66% Invasive Duct Cell Carcinoma (IDC),
19.35% Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), 10.75% Infil-
trating Lobular carcinoma (ILC) and 3.22% other types of
BC (Table 1). The mean age of the patients was 46.37
(SD ±9.18) years: 73% were premenopausal, while 27%
belonged to the post-menopausal group (Table 1).
IGF2 PCR-based methylation assay for exon 9 CpG
cluster gave a 214-bp fragment, which indicates methyla-
tion, while the absence of the band indicates hypomethy-
lation (Fig. 1). A total of 84.9% (79/93) tumor samples
analyzed showed no band on the agarose gel, suggesting
that there was absence of methylation, whereas 15%
exhibited methylation (Table 2). While 96.77% (90/93)
adjacent normal breast tissues showed normal pattern of
methylation. The normal breast tissue samples were sig-
nificantly methylated (P\0.0001) when compared to
tumor tissue (85% of the tumor tissues show unmethyla-
tion) by the paired t-test (Table 2).
The IGF2 protein expression analyzed by immunohis-
tochemistry (IHC) showed cytoplasmic staining (Fig. 2).
For each section, the mean was calculated after analysis of
five areas by two independent scorers. The IGF2 expres-
sion in tumor tissue was found to range between 1 and 3,
while the adjacent normal tissue range was between 0.5
and 3. An overall mean for tumor sections was
2.189 ±0.8797, which was 1.004-fold higher than the
adjacent normal breast tissue section that had a mean of
1.185 ±0.6212. When individual pairs of tumor and nor-
mal tissues were considered, the tumor showed higher
expression in 82.5% (33/40) when compared to adjacent
normal tissue, while 12.5% (5/40) showed same expression
and 5% (2/40) normal sections had a higher expression
than the tumor sample (Fig. 3). This clearly correlated with
the results of PCR-based methylation assay but is not
correlating with any clinical aspects such as age, meno-
pausal status and type of cancer. However, it is more
commonly seen in higher grade of breast cancer and none
of the lower grade. To evaluate whether the increased
expression of IGF2 in tumor tissue observed by IHC was
due to hypomethylation of exon 9 CpG cluster, real-time
RT PCR was carried out. RT–PCR with b-actin indicated
that the RNA obtained from all the samples was of good
quality (Fig. 4a). The overall IGF2 transcript in the tumor
tissues was about 1.3-fold higher when compared to the
adjacent normal breast tissues. On further analysis, 22.3%
tumor samples were methylated and showed a mean
increase about one, while the rest of the samples (77.7%)
were unmethylated and had a mean of 1.71-fold increase.
This clearly indicates the role of methylation in the
expression of IGF2 protein. To further assess whether this
is due to LOI, RT–PCR was performed in 11 samples,
which were identified as heterozygotes for ApaI polymor-
phism. IGF2 ApaI-amplified RT–PCR products indicated
that 33.33% of the tumor samples had biallelic transcrip-
tion, confirming LOI (Fig. 4b).
Table 1 Types and menopausal status of patients with breast cancer included in the study
Type of cancer (n=93) IDC (n=62) DCIS (n=18) ILC (n=10) Others (n=3)
Menopausal status Pre Post Not known Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Number of women/percentage (%) 43 (69.35%) 15 (24.19%) 4 (6.45%) 11 (61.1%) 7 (38.8%) 8 (80%) 2 (20%) 3 (100%) 0 (0%)
Overall percentage (%) (66.6%) (19.35%) (10.75%) (3.22%)
Majority of breast cancer cases are in premenopausal stage, and the most common type is IDC
IDC infiltrating ductal carcinoma, DCIS duct cell carcinoma insitu, ILC infiltrating lobular carcinoma
Fig. 1 Ethidium bromide–stained IGF2 PCR products after methyl-
ation-specific PCR on 2% agarose gel. Lane 3 100-bp DNA ladder,
Lanes 1 and 4show presence of bands, which indicates methylation
of the IGF2 gene at exon 9 CpG cluster. Lanes 2 and 5absence of
bands indicate that there is no methylation of the IGF2 gene at exon 9
CpG cluster
Table 2 Methylation status of IGF2 exon 9 CpG cluster in breast
tumor as well as adjacent normal tissues indicates that most of tumors
are unmethylated
Methylation status Tumor (n=93) Normal (n=93)
Methylated 14 (15%) 90 (97%)
Unmethylated 79 (85%) 3 (3%)
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
BC is a major health problem affecting millions of women
worldwide. With industrialization and urban development,
delayed or reduced fertility, increased longevity and altered
lifestyle, the incidence of BC is rising steadily even in
developing countries. The risk of BC is higher for women
in the older age group or in the post-menopausal period,
with a considerable increase above 50 years (Cummings
et al. 2009). However, in our study, 69% of the patients
with BC belonged to the premenopausal group and had a
mean age of 46.37 ±9 years. This is similar to the report
of Okonkwo et al.who indicated that majority of breast
cancers in India occur during the premenopausal period,
which is an alarming finding (Okonkwo et al. 2008).
The most common BC is invasive duct cell carcinoma
(IDC), and reports from both India and abroad indicate that
70–89% of breast cancers are of this type (Toikkanen et al.
1997; Saxena et al. 2005; Correa 1975). In our study,
66.6% of BCs were IDC; this decreased percentage could
be because our cases were sporadic, whereas other studies
have included both familial and sporadic cases (Saxena
et al. 2005). This may indicate that the incidence of other
types of BC is more in sporadic forms.
Mounting evidence implicates that several genes
including IGF2 are involved in the etiology of breast
cancer. IGF2, a growth-promoting, mitogenic and anti-
apoptotic factor, plays a key role in the initiation and
progression of several cancers (Rosen et al. 1991). A
number of epidemiological studies have shown consistently
high circulating levels of potent mitogens such as IGFs,
which are associated with increased risk of several com-
mon cancers, including those of the prostate, lung, colo-
rectal and breast (Yu and Rohan 2000). Our study exhibits
an elevated IGF2 expression by IHC in 93% of tumor
tissue when compared to only 7% of normal tissue. This
observation supports the earlier findings of Giani et al. who
also showed an increased expression of IGF2 protein by
IHC in BC (Giani et al. 2002).
In our study, the breast tumor tissues had 1.85 mean fold
higher IGF2 expression compared to the adjacent normal
tissue. To evaluate whether this increase in expression was
due to elevated transcripts of IGF2, RT RT–PCR was
carried out. The results indicated that all the tumor samples
(mean CT =27.15) had increased levels of IGF2
Fig. 2 Breast tumor and adjacent normal tissue sections after immunohistochemistry showing localization of IGF2. Cytoplasmic expression of
IGF2 was enhanced in tumor tissue (a) when compared to the adjacent normal breast tissue (c). band dare the respective negative controls
Fig. 3 Expression profiles of
breast tumor tissues and the
adjacent normal breast tissues of
40 samples analyzed by
X-axis—samples Y-axis
intensity of the IGF2 protein
expression, which was found to
be increased in tumor tissues
when compared to the adjacent
normal samples in 92.5% cases
Fig. 4 Ethidium bromide–stained RT–PCR products on 2% Agarose
gel. ab-actin transcripts of 140 bp after RT–PCR indicating that equal
amount of RNA from each sample was used for analysis. bbiallelic
transcription of IGF2 confirming loss of imprinting in tumor tissues in
lanes 1, 3, 4 and lanes 2, 5 showing monoallelic expression
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
transcripts when compared to the adjacent normal breast
tissue samples (mean CT =29.29).
Altered methylation of IGF2 gene has been associated
with increased IGF2 expression in osteosarcoma, glio-
blastoma and adrenocortical tumors (Li et al. 2009;
Soroceanu et al. 2007; Soon et al. 2009). Since IGF2 is
known to exhibit maternal imprinting, increased IGF2
expression has been associated with LOI in both human
tumors and experimental animal models (Chen et al. 2000).
The present study reveals a significant (P\0.0001) loss of
methylation at the exon 9 CpG cluster of IGF2 gene in 85%
of breast tumor tissues when compared to 3% of adjacent
normal breast tissue. This is the first study evaluating exon
9 CpG cluster methylation in cancer. Ito et al. earlier
demonstrated that IGF2 DMR0 hypomethylation was seen
in 33% of breast cancer tissues when compared to normal
tissue from the same patient (Ito et al. 2008). This dis-
crepancy in result may be because of the different CpG
cluster selected, as well as the difference in the method
used for evaluating methylation.
In the present study, a low expression of IGF2 was seen
in all the normal breast tissue samples, despite the exon 9
CpG region being methylated; this may be due to the
paternal allele expression, which is commonly seen for
genes known to exhibit parental imprinting. The first clear
evidence that altered imprinting, leading to LOI, plays a
role in tumorigenesis was demonstrated in IGF2 and H19
genes in Wilm’s tumors (Ogawa et al. 1993; Steenman
et al. 1994). Enhanced IGF2 expression has been correlated
with LOI by altered methylation in several diseases and
adult cancers (Takano et al. 2000). It was still unclear
whether altered methylation of IGF2 gene increases its
expression because of LOI or enhanced expression of the
paternal allele in the present study.
Hence, to assess whether the increased expression was
due to LOI or due to increased paternal allele transcrip-
tion, BC samples heterozygous for ApaI polymorphism
were selected for evaluating biallelic expression of IGF2.
Samples heterozygous for ApaI polymorphism exhibited
biallelic expression of IGF2 in 33.33% of breast tumor
tissues, which was not seen in normal tissue. This clearly
indicates that LOI of the maternal allele plays a role in
the etiology of BC. Similar to our study, an earlier paper
reported biallelic expression of IGF2 predominantly in the
BC samples, while monoallelic expression was seen in
normal breast tissue (van Roozendaal et al. 1998); how-
ever, the exact percentage of BC with LOI was not
reported by them. Our results suggest that apart from LOI,
enhanced paternal allele transcription might be responsible
for the increased IGF2 transcription and expression in BC.
The present study is the first one to evaluate the meth-
ylation status of IGF2 exon 9 CpG cluster along with IHC
and RT–PCR, suggesting that this region may play a cru-
cial role in the etiology of breast cancer. The strength of the
present study is that the comparisons were made between
paired tumor and normal tissues taken from the same
patient. The importance of this study is that methylation of
exon 9 CpG cluster, which is close to/within DMR2 region,
may be used as a biomarker for the enhanced expression of
IGF2 in breast tumor tissue.
Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge the Pathology
Department of Kamineni Hospitals, L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad, India, for
providing the archival paraffin blocks. This work was supported by
Department of Science & Technology, Government of India [Grant #
SR/WOS-A/LS-120/2007 and Grant # SR/SO/HS-89/2004], and
Fellowship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
Government of India to SM [09/959(0001)/2009].
Conflict of interest statement We declare that we have no conflict
of interest.
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... Abnormal regulation of IGF2 leads to various types of cancers and metabolic disorders like BC, pancreatic cancer, diabetes and endocrine related disorders [24][25][26]. In particular, dysregulation in the methylation of the IGF2 gene promoters occurs in several cancers including BC [27] and this altered methylation leads to different clinical features in BC disease [28]. ...
... clinical features in BC and other diseases [31][32][33]. For example, there is a differential methylation of the IGF2 exon 9 CpG cluster, which is hypomethylated in tumor tissues but hypermethylated in normal paired tissues [28]. ...
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IGF2 is essential in breast differentiation, lactation, tumor growth, and in breast cancer (BC) development and progression. This growth factor also inhibits apoptosis and promotes metastasis and chemoresistance, contributing to more aggressive tumors. We previously demonstrated that IGF2 protein levels are higher in BC tissues from African American women than in Caucasian women. We also showed that high IGF2 protein levels are expressed in normal breast tissues of African American women while little or no IGF2 was detected in tissues from Caucasian women. Others showed that decreased DNA methylation of the IGF2 gene leads to different BC clinical features. Thus, we designed this study to determine if differentially methylated regions of the IGF2 gene correspond to IGF2 protein expression in paired (Normal/Tumor) breast tissues and in BC cell lines. Methylation analysis was performed using Sodium Bisulphite Analysis and Methylation Sensitive Restriction Enzyme digestion methods. Our results show that a unique site in the INS-IGF2 region is hypermethylated in normal breast and hypomethylated in breast cancer. We designated this region the DVDMR. Furthermore, the methylation levels in the DVDMR significantly correlated with IGF2 protein levels. This novel DMR consists of 257bp localized in the INS-IGF2 gene. We propose that methylation of DVDMR represents a novel epigenetic biomarker that determines the levels of IGF2 protein expression in breast cancer. Since IGF2 promotes metastasis and chemoresistance, we propose that IGF2 levels contribute to BC aggressiveness. Validation of IGF2 as a biomarker will improve diagnosis and treatment of BC patients.
... H19 is one of the first reported long non-coding RNAs, which is abundantly expressed in embryogenesis but repressed after birth [6]. Recently, IGF2 and/or H19 deregulation has been demonstrated to be involved in a wide variety of cancer types, such as glioma [7][8][9], breast cancer [10,11], ovarian cancer [12,13], esophageal cancer [14], colorectal cancer [15], osteosarcoma [16] and hepatocellular carcinoma [17]. Ectopic expressed H19 is reported to result in significant increase of cell growth rate in ovarian cancer cell [18], and substantial evidence suggests a close association of IGF2 expression and ovarian cancer prognosis [19][20][21]. ...
... The study was approved by the Committee for Medical Ethics, Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Central South University (registration no. CTXY-140002- 10), and registered at the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTRTNC-15007604). ...
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To investigate the association between SNPs in human IGF2/H19 gene locus and epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) risk, we performed a case-control study in 422 individuals (219 EOC patients and 203 cancer-free controls). Four SNPs (rs2525885, rs2839698, rs3741206, rs3741219) were found to be related with EOC risk. Specifically, the minor allele C of rs2525885 and allele A of rs2839698 was associated with elevated EOC genetic susceptibility under both dominant and recessive models (TC + CC vs TT: adjusted OR: 1.61, P = .031; CC vs TT + TC: adjusted OR: 4.87, P = .014; GA + AA vs GG: adjusted OR: 1.63, P = .023; AA vs GG + GA: adjusted OR: 2.43, P = .007). For rs3741206, the genotype TC + CC was associated with a significant decrease in EOC risk with the TT genotype as reference in a dominant genetic model (adjusted OR: 0.44, P = .003), while for rs3741219, genotype AA was associated with a 59% decrease in EOC risk only in the recessive model (adjusted OR: 0.41, P = .038). In the stratified analysis, an increased risk associated with the variant genotypes was observed in only subjects aged >47 years for rs2525885 (adjusted OR = 2.04, P = .024), rs2839698 (adjusted OR = 2.50, P = .047) and rs3741206 (adjusted OR = 0.37, P = .009), respectively. What's more, the TC + CC genotype of rs2525885 was significantly associated with advanced FIGO stage (III vs II, adjusted OR = 2.73, P = .040).
... Also in triplenegative breast cancers, which occur more frequently in African American patients and in younger subjects, IGF-2 is significantly expressed [72]. A very prominent methylation loss in exon 9 CpG cluster of IGF-2 in mammary cancer tissues was found in comparison with healthy tissue and immunohistochemistry revealed about twofold increase of IGF-2 [73]. The IGF-2 gene is imprinted in the cerebral subcortex in normal conditions, but LOI (loss of imprinting) of IGF-2 gene occurs in~57% of glial tumors and 2% of anaplastic astrocytomas and 13% of glioblastomas express IGF-2 mRNA levels at intensely increased levels (>50-fold the sample population) [1]. ...
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Despite occurring with lesser incidence in comparison with Western countries, breast cancers (BC) manifest at earlier ages than in the Western World than in Southeast Asia, where thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies are highly prevalent. Cord blood analyses in Singapore revealed that Malays have higher rates of HbE and β-thalassemia than Chinese and Indians. Among Southeast Asian populations, Malays have a worse prognosis for BC with early age of onset. Peculiarly, Brunei has lowest cancer mortality rates among ASEAN countries, yet neurological cancers had the highest percentage of young adult patients. 11p15.5 genomic region includes β-globin genes in the order of 5′-ε-γG-γA-δ-β-3′ and genes which associate with pathogenesis of early age breast cancers and brain tumors such as IGF-2, SLC22A18, H19/Wilms tumor-2, ILK, TSSC3/PHLDA2, p57kip2/CDKN1C, and HRAS. β-Globin genes and tumor-proneness genes at 11p15.5 may possess haplotype interactions and proval of this hypothesis would be important for cancer prediction and prevention. In subjects with thalassemia trait (as shown by rapid and economical tests), cancer screenings may be intensified. The lack of an association in other World regions where hemoglobinopathies are prevalent (such as Middle Asia and Africa) may be due to the different types of hemoglobin mutations leading different types and levels of hemorphins, the splicing products of hemoglobins which regulate immunity.
... Moon et al. found that the expression of PHLDA2 can be used as a novel prognostic biomarker of triple-negative BC [17]. In addition, regulation of IGF2 and ARHI expression by DNA methylation was also observed in BC tissues and cell lines, as well as differences in methylation of PEG3, MEST, and GNAS between cancer and normal tissues [18][19][20][21][22][23]. All these findings imply that the methylation of imprinted genes could be a potential biomarker for assessing BC risk. ...
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Simple Summary DNA methylation alterations of imprinted genes lead to loss of imprinting, and studies have explored the mechanism of the loss of imprinting in breast cancer development. However, the association between the methylation of imprinted genes in peripheral blood and the risk of breast cancer is largely unknown. Our study is the first to identify the CpG sites of imprinted genes associated with the risk of breast cancer by utilizing HumanMethylation450 data from public datasets. We discovered and validated that peripheral blood DNA methylation of KCNQ1, KCNQ1OT1, and PHLDA2 at chromosome 11p15.4-15.5 is associated with breast cancer susceptibility. Individuals with KCNQ1OT1-region hypermethylation (>0.474) had a lower risk of breast cancer. Additionally, the methylation level of KCNQ1OT1 was also unaffected by leukocyte heterogeneity. In summary, the KCNQ1OT1 region could be a potential biomarker for breast cancer risk assessment. Abstract Methylation alterations of imprinted genes lead to loss of imprinting (LOI). Although studies have explored the mechanism of LOI in breast cancer (BC) development, the association between imprinted gene methylation in peripheral blood and BC risk is largely unknown. We utilized HumanMethylation450 data from TCGA and GEO (n = 1461) to identify the CpG sites of imprinted genes associated with BC risk. Furthermore, we conducted an independent case-control study (n = 1048) to validate DNA methylation of these CpG sites in peripheral blood and BC susceptibility. cg26709929, cg08446215, cg25306939, and cg16057921, which are located at KCNQ1, KCNQ1OT1, and PHLDA2, were discovered to be associated with BC risk. Subsequently, the association between cg26709929, cg26057921, and cg25306939 methylation and BC risk was validated in our inhouse dataset. All 22 CpG sites in the KCNQ1OT1 region were associated with BC risk. Individuals with a hypermethylated KCNQ1OT1 region (>0.474) had a lower BC risk (OR: 0.553, 95% CI: 0.397−0.769). Additionally, the methylation of the KCNQ1OT1 region was not significantly different among B cells, monocytes, and T cells, which was also observed at CpG sites in PHLDA2. In summary, the methylation of KCNQ1, KCNQ1OT1, and PHLDA2 was associated with BC risk, and KCNQ1OT1 methylation could be a potential biomarker for BC risk assessment.
... Another Preetha J. experiment (Shetty et al., 2011;Creemers et al., 2016) was designed to discuss the role of methylation in the transcription and protein expression of IGF2. The methylation of IGF2 gene in the CpG region of allele-specific DNA can be called methylation differential regions (DMRs). ...
... The gene operates in normal body tissues in pathways such as the RAS/MAPK pathway, the PI3K/AKT pathway, and the AKT/mTOR pathway (Fernandez and Torres-Alemán 2012). Studies have shown that IGF pathway involvement is present in a wide range of malignancies, including breast cancer ( Shetty et al. 2011). ...
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Background: Breast cancer which is often a cancer in women is one of the most important public health problems and 1,384,155 new cases worldwide are associated with 459,000 deaths. Breast cancer is highly heterogeneous in its pathological characteristics. Current predictions and statistics suggest that both worldwide incidence of breast cancer and related mortality are on the rise. So far, many studies have been conducted on various genes in breast cancer that can help to treat this cancer. Methods: The gene expression of KMT2D and IGF2 were investigated in 35 samples with breast cancer after genomic RNA extraction and synthesis cDNA using quantitative real-time PCR method. Result: There was no significant difference in the expression of KMT2D and IGF2 genes in breast tumor samples compared to adjacent normal samples (P > 0.05). However, this study was designed as a pilot study, and further investigations are required to confirm our findings.
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Genomic imprinting plays an important role in the growth and development of mammals. When the original imprint status of these genes is lost, known as loss of imprinting (LOI), it may affect growth, neurocognitive development, metabolism, and even tumor susceptibility. The LOI of imprint genes has gradually been found not only as an early event in tumorigenesis, but also to be involved in progression. More than 120 imprinted genes had been identified in humans. In this review, we summarized the most studied LOI of two gene clusters and 13 single genes in cancers. We focused on the roles they played, that is, as growth suppressors and anti-apoptosis agents, sustaining proliferative signaling or inducing angiogenesis; the molecular pathways they regulated; and especially their clinical significance. It is notable that 12 combined forms of multi-genes’ LOI, 3 of which have already been used as diagnostic models, achieved good sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. In addition, the methods used for LOI detection in existing research are classified into detection of biallelic expression (BAE), differentially methylated regions (DMRs), methylation, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These all indicated that the detection of imprinting genes’ LOI has potential clinical significance in cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.
Breast cancer, which commonly occurs in the epithelium of the mammary gland, is a malignant tumor. MicroRNAs are involved in various cancer-associated processes, and microRNA-615-5p has been identified to be decreased in the pathological tissues from patients with breast cancer. In the present study, the possible mechanism of microRNA-615-5p in the progression of breast cancer was investigated in order to identify potential novel targets for clinical treatment. Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) was identified as a predictive target gene of microRNA-615-5p using TargetScan analysis. The expression levels of microRNA-615-5p and its target gene, HSF1, were measured in breast cancer tissues and normal adjacent tissues. Additionally, the effects of microRNA-615-5p on MCF-7 breast cancer cell growth and apoptosis were examined. Furthermore, the interaction between HSF1 and microRNA-615-5p was investigated by a dual luciferase gene reporter assay. The expression levels of HSF1 were measured following transfection with microRNA-615-5p or pcDNA3.1-HSF1. Finally, the expression levels of proliferation- and apoptosis-associated factors such as B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), cyclin D1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and bcl-2-like protein 4 (Bax) were determined. The results demonstrated that lower microRNA-615-5p expression and higher HSF1 mRNA expression were present in tumor tissues compared with adjacent tissues (P<0.01). HSF1 was verified as a direct target of microRNA-615-5p using the dual luciferase gene reporter assay. In comparison with untransfected control and mimic-transfected negative control (NC) cells, MCF-7 cells transfected with microRNA-615-5p mimics exhibited reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis (P<0.01). However, the overexpression of HSF1 using a vector reversed the suppression of HSF1 induced by microRNA-615-5p mimics (P<0.01). The mRNA and protein expression levels of Bax were significantly increased, whereas those of Bcl-2, cyclin D1 and PCNA were decreased in the cells transfected with microRNA-615-5p mimics compared with the control and NC cells (P<0.01). Collectively, the present study indicated that microRNA-615-5p may mediate the progression of breast cancer by targeting HSF1.
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Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is a strong mitogenic peptide with an imprinted gene that is primarily involved in fetal development. It is highly expressed in the fetus where it is involved in fetal growth and tissue differentiation. However, postnatally, the expression of IGF2 decreases despite higher expression levels in the blood as compared with that of IGF1. In adults, the physiological function of IGF2 is poorly understood; however, the possibility of a metabolic function exists. Although the expression of IGF2 normally decreases in adults, it is overexpressed in a variety of cancers and associated with increased insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1R) receptor and insulin receptor (IR) activity. This subsequently increases the activity of downstream genes such as AKT, FOXO, and MAPK, resulting in enhanced proliferation, survival, and overall worse prognosis in patients overexpressing IGF2. As IGF1R activation has been found in several types of cancers, many different IGF1R-targeted therapies have been clinically evaluated, however, with only limited anti-cancer efficacy. In the present review, the physiological function of IGF2 will be outlined in relation to gene expression, imprinting, and signaling. Additionally, differences in physiological and aberrant signaling of IGF2 in cancer will be summarized.
Ginsenoside Rg3 is a key metabolite of ginseng and is known to inhibit cancer cell growth. However, the epigenetics of CpG methylation and its regulatory mechanism have yet to be determined. Genome-wide methylation analysis of MCF-7 breast cancer cells treated with Rg3 was performed to identify epigenetically regulated genes and pathways. The effect of Rg3 on apoptosis and cell proliferation was examined by a colony formation assay and a dye-based cell proliferation assay. The association between methylation and gene expression was monitored by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Genome-wide methylation analysis identified the "cell morphology"-related pathway as the top network. Rg3 induced late stage apoptosis but inhibited cell proliferation up to 60%. Hypermethylated TRMT1L, PSMC6 and NOX4 were downregulated by Rg3, while hypomethylated ST3GAL4, RNLS and KDM5A were upregulated. In accordance, downregulation of NOX4 by siRNA abrogated the cell growth effect of Rg3, while the effect was opposite for KDM5A. Notably, breast cancer patients with a higher expression of NOX4 and KDM5A showed poor and good prognosis of survival, respectively. In conclusion, Rg3 deregulated tumor-related genes through alteration of the epigenetic methylation level leading to growth inhibition of cancer cells.
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Recent in situ hybridization experiments have shown a high content of IGF-II mRNA in breast cancer stroma. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between IGF-II protein expression and several prognostic parameters in 75 infiltrating ductal carcinomas (IDC) of the breast. Tissue sections were evaluated for proliferative activity, IGF-II protein, ER, PgR, p53, and p21 expression using immunohistochemical procedures. The degree of stromal proliferation was assessed. Menopausal status, axillary lymph node involvement and nuclear grade were known. Thirty-five patients (44.3%) were premenopausal and 47 (62.6%) had lymph node metastases. Marked stromal proliferation was found in 34 (45.3%) specimens and high nuclear grade in 20 (26.5%). Eighteen tumors (24%) showed no IGF-II immunostaining. In the positive cases, IGF-II was detected both in the tumor stroma and in the cytoplasm of epithelial cancer cells: a high IGF-II content was found in 12 specimens (16.0%), a low content in 14 (18.7%) and a moderate content in 31 (41.3%). Twenty-four tumors (32.0%) showed high proliferative activity. Both ER and PgR were expressed in the nucleus of cancer cells: 49 tumors (65.3%) were ER positive (ER+) and 34 (45.3%) PgR positive (PgR+). p21 protein was detected in 37 tumors (49.6%) and p53 in 12 (16%). IGF-II protein was not correlated with menopausal status, lymph node metastases, nuclear grade, proliferative activity, ER or p53. In contrast, IGF-II correlated strongly with stromal proliferation (p=0.008), PgR (p=0.03) and p21 (p=0.01). This study demonstrates that in IDC of the breast IGF-II protein is expressed in the epithelium and stroma of the majority of tumors and is correlated with stromal amount, PgR and p21 expression. These preliminary results indicate that IGF-II expression in breast cancer is connected with two important regulators of breast cancer growth and differentiation.
Marja J. C. Steenman, Shirley Rainier, Craig J. Dobry, Paul Grundy, Isabelle L. Horon & Andrew P. Feinberg Nature Genetics 7,433–439 In Table 1, heading WTs with LOI, third row (NK), the last five digits (0) should be in the appropriate columns 1,2,3,4 and 5. The thin-lined boxes in Table 2 wereleft out.
A summary of the most relevant facts and hypotheses concerning breast cancer epidemiology is made. It is suggested that the statistical associations with suspected etiologic factors might be diluted by the heterogeneity of the disease. It is suggested that breast cancer is composed of several epidemiologic sub-entities determined by such factors as familial aggregation, histology and hormone profile.
Loss of heterozygosity data from familial tumors suggest that BRCA1, a gene that confers susceptibility to ovarian and early-onset breast cancer, encodes a tumor suppressor. The BRCA1 region is also subject to allelic loss in sporadic breast and ovarian cancers, an indication that BRCA1 mutations may occur somatically in these tumors. The BRCA1 coding region was examined for mutations in primary breast and ovarian tumors that show allele loss at the BRCA1 locus. Mutations were detected in 3 of 32 breast and 1 of 12 ovarian carcinomas; all four mutations were germline alterations and occurred in early-onset cancers. These results suggest that mutation of BRCA1 may not be critical in the development of the majority of breast and ovarian cancers that arise in the absence of a mutant germline allele.
This paper reports the results of a collaborative linkage study involving 214 breast cancer families, including 57 breast-ovarian cancer families; this represents almost all the known families with 17q linkage data. Six markers on 17q, spanning approximately 30 cM, were typed in the families. The aims of the study were to define more precisely the localization of the disease gene, the extent of genetic heterogeneity and the characteristics of linked families and to estimate the penetrance of the 17q gene. Under the assumption of no genetic heterogeneity, the strongest linkage evidence was obtained with D17S588. Multipoint linkage analysis allowing for genetic heterogeneity provided evidence that the predisposing gene lies between the markers D17S588 and D17S250, an interval whose genetic length is estimated to be 8.3 cM in males and 18.0 cM in females. This position was supported over other intervals by odds of 66:1. The location of the gene with respect to D17S579 could not be determined unequivocally. Under the genetic model used in the analysis, the best estimate of the proportion of linked breast-ovarian cancer families was 1.0 (lower LOD -- 1 limit 0.79). In contrast, there was significant evidence of genetic heterogeneity among the families without ovarian cancer, with an estimated 45% being linked. These results suggest that a gene(s) on chromosome 17q accounts for the majority of families in which both early-onset breast cancer and ovarian cancer occur but that other genes predisposing to breast cancer exist. By examining the fit of the linkage data to different penetrance functions, the cumulative risk associated with the 17q gene was estimated to be 59% by age 50 years and 82% by age 70 years. The corresponding estimates for the breast-ovary families were 67% and 76%, and those for the families without ovarian cancer were 49% and 90%; these penetrance functions did not differ significantly from one another. 42 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.
We have examined the imprinting of the insulin−like growth factor II gene (IGF2) in ten normal kidney samples from children with renal embryonal neoplasms. In kidney samples from nine children with normal growth profiles, IGF2 mRNA was transcribed monoallelically, consistent with normal imprinting of the gene. But in one child who had generalized somatic overgrowth, IGF2 was transcribed from both alleles in her kidney, peripheral blood leukocytes and Wilms' tumour. These findings suggest that a defect in genomic imprinting can occur constitutionally, leading to growth abnormalities and predisposition to Wilms' tumour.
BACKGROUND The age-specific proportion of breast and ovarian cancer in the general population that is likely to be due to a breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility gene(s) is estimated. In addition, the age-specific penetrance of ovarian cancer for women predicted to be carriers of a susceptibility gene is calculated using population-based data.METHODS Data are from the Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study, a population-based, case–control study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, which includes 4730 breast cancer cases aged 20 to 54 years. Information regarding the occurrence of breast and ovarian cancer was collected for mothers and sisters of the cases during an in-home interview. The probability of being a breast cancer susceptibility gene carrier was calculated for each of the breast cancer cases using information on the family history of breast cancer. The calculated risk of ovarian cancer in the first-degree relatives of breast cancer cases with a high probability of being a gene carrier is compared with that seen in first-degree relatives of breast cancer cases with a low probability of being a gene carrier and used to calculate the proportion of ovarian cancer cases that are likely to be due to a breast/ovarian susceptibility gene(s) as well as the age-specific risk of developing ovarian cancer for gene carriers.RESULTSApproximately 10% of ovarian cancer cases and 7% of breast cancer cases in the general population are estimated to be carriers of a breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility gene; these women are found primarily in families characterized by multiple cases of the early onset of breast cancer. The proportion of breast cancer cases predicted to be attributable to the gene decreases markedly with age; approximately 33% of cases age 20–29 years compared with approximately 2% of cases age 70–79 years. The proportion of ovarian cancer cases predicted to be due to the susceptibility gene ranges from 14% among patients diagnosed in their 30s to 7% among those diagnosed in their 50s. Carriers are predicted to have at least 15 times the age-specific risk of ovarian cancer of noncarriers. Among women predicted to carry the gene, the cumulative risk of developing ovarian cancer by the age of 59 years is approximately 10%.CONCLUSIONS The estimates provided may prove helpful to clinicians until such time as large scale population-based screening for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility genes is possible. Cancer 1996;77:2318-24.
Several protooncogenes and suppressor genes and a variety of growth factors and their receptors have been shown to be mutated, deleted, or activated in human breast cancer. These changes may account for the unregulated growth of breast carcinoma cells. Insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I, IGF-II) belong to a family of polypeptides with growth promoting properties and structural homology to insulin. They exert their mitogenic effects by binding to the IGF-I receptor and activating its tyrosine protein kinase. Other proteins that specifically bind the IGFs include the plasma membrane IGF-II receptor, which also binds lysosomal hydrolases, and several IGF-binding proteins which may serve to modulate IGF interactions with receptors. Breast cancer cell lines express IGF-I and IGF-II receptors and different patterns of binding proteins. IGF-I and IGF-II are each mitogenic for subsets of breast cancer cell lines. This effect is inhibited by antibodies directed against the IGF-I receptor. In breast tumors, IGF-I is expressed by stromal cells, but not carcinoma cells; it is not expressed by breast cancer cell lines. IGF-I is therefore a potential paracrine regulator of breast cancer cell growth. Similarly, IGF-II is expressed in breast tumors, predominantly in stromal cells, but sometimes also in carcinoma cells and in a subset of cell lines. Thus, IGF-II is also a potential paracrine regulator of breast cancer cell growth; in addition, it can be an autocrine regulator in some breast cancer cells.
DNA methylation plays an important role in the regulation of gene expression during development. Methyl moieties at CpG residues suppress transcription by affecting DNA—protein interactions, thus altering the accessibility of genes to trans-acting factors in the cell. Because it works in cis, this mechanism is important in the control of X inactivation and genomic imprinting.