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Trash Classification: Classifying garbage using Deep Learning

  • Krishna Engineering College


Officials in developing countries like India usually acknowledge the need for better management. However, little efforts are done to improve the situation, and changes take a long period of time. As we know, India's population is equivalent to 17.7% of the total population. With the rise of development of smart cities across India, a Smart Garbage Management system is very necessary. Since the amount of waste is multiplying day by day. It is essential to bring the best approach to manage this problem because the generated waste exceeds 2 billion tones. The existing gms in India practices collection of domestic and industrial waste and dumping into big dumping yards. Solid waste separation is done by laborers which is not so systematic, consumes a lot of time and it is not even completely feasible due to large amounts of garbage. The purpose of this research is to build a real time application which recognizes the type of waste and categorize it into defined categories. By implementing this Trashnet classification system ,we want to reduce the physical efforts and effectively segregate the waste into different categories. The model used for this study is Convolution Neural Network (CNN), a Machine Learning algorithm which is used on a dataset containing images of garbage. This system ensures a best way for waste management and will also speed up the segregation process with higher accuracy. This study lasts with remarkable results and is successful to classify various images of waste in correct classes.
Vol 11, Issue 7,July/ 2020
ISSN NO: 0377-9254
Page No:61
Trash Classification: Classifying garbage using Deep Learning
Ishika Mittal1, Anjali Tiwari2 , Bhoomika Rana3 and Pratibha Singh4
1-3Student , CSE, ABESEC, Ghaziabad
4Professor. CSE, ABESEC, Ghaziabad, ,,
AbstractOfficials in developing countries like
India usually acknowledge the need for better
management. However, little efforts are done to
improve the situation, and changes take a long
period of time. As we know, India's population is
equivalent to 17.7% of the total population. With
the rise of development of smart cities across
India, a Smart Garbage Management system is
very necessary. Since the amount of waste is
multiplying day by day. It is essential to bring the
best approach to manage this problem because the
generated waste exceeds 2 billion tones. The
existing gms in India practices collection of
domestic and industrial waste and dumping into
big dumping yards . Solid waste separation is
done by laborers which is not so systematic,
consumes a lot of time and it is not even
completely feasible due to large amounts of
garbage. The purpose of this research is to build a
real time application which recognizes the type of
waste and categorize it into defined categories. By
implementing this Trashnet classification system
,we want to reduce the physical efforts and
effectively segregate the waste into different
categories. The model used for this study is
Convolution Neural Network (CNN), a Machine
Learning algorithm which is used on a dataset
containing images of garbage . This system
ensures a best way for waste management and
will also speed up the segregation process with
higher accuracy. This study lasts with remarkable
results and is successful to classify various images
of waste in correct classes.
KeywordsDeep Learning, Convolution neural
network, Trash net, Classification
The increasing urbanization of India poses
so many threats as with increase in population land
consumption increases, utilities increases,
consumption of food increases, use of resources
increases and more than these the quantity of waste
generated by 1.37 billion people increases. Waste
management system is a large challenge for urban
areas among most parts of countries all over the
world. A huge quality of garbage is increased each
and every day in India. It is sad to know that 5%
of this huge amount of garbage is recycled. The
only solution to this problem is to identify and
classify the garbage at the initial stage by itself.
The proper separation process of waste is
managed so as to get less amount of risks on our
health and ecosystem. Presently there is no best and
profitable system for classification of wastes. Our
point is to reduce the physical efforts and
effectively segregate the waste . Our goal is to
achieve an increase in efficiency of garbage
processing solution and to classify non-recyclable
garbage because it is very difficult to get a waste
separation process which classifies garbage with
100% accuracy and 0% loss. We need to get
proposed methods which not only provide
environmental benefits but also benefit for saving
manpower and time.
World bank’s calculation that India’s
waste will reach 3.77 lakh tons by 2025, which
makes waste management one of the vital issues in
our country. It has been predicted that since the
growth of population reaches 9.6 billion people by
2050 . It is very difficult to deal with the lot of
waste. To further add to this problem, the world
sees India, a country which generates 1.43 lakh
tones of solid waste per day. This review gives out
various problems related to Waste management in
smart and automated cities, where the waste
collection system is not developed[16].Presently in
India, there is no automatic waste segregation
system at domestic level and so the need of the
hour is developing a tamp, cheap cost , eco-
friendly and feasible classification model for urban
Vol 11, Issue 7,July/ 2020 ISSN
NO: 0377-9254
Page No:62
Over the most recent couple of decades,
specialists and researchers have been dealing with
precisely grouping the pictures into their separate
classes. By custom, because of the need for
computational force and restricted picture datasets,
picture arrangement was difficult. However, today,
because of regularly expanding handling intensity
of the GPUs and the accessibility of enormous
datasets, it has become attainable to utilize PC
vision procedures effectively. In the field of
grouping of pictures, notable and profoundly
skilled CNN design is Alex Net [1], and ImageNet
Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
(ILSVRC) was won by it in 2012. The engineering
is nearly straightforward and not very profound,
and is, obviously, known to perform well. Alex Net
was compelling on the grounds that it began a
pattern of CNN approaches being exceptionally
famous in the ImageNet go up against and turning
into the best in class in picture arrangement.
The isolation of waste incorporates two
fundamental advances ID and partition. The
standard waste isolation procedures incorporate
weight based isolation, Trommel separators which
relies upon the molecule size, Eddy current
separators which is utilized for metal isolation, X-
Ray innovation can be utilized to separate waste
material dependent on their densities. Recognizable
proof of the waste is a significant advance before
detachment and it very well may be done
effectively with the assistance of various AI and
picture preparing calculations. Convolutional
neural systems (CNNs) are most picked for
grouping of pictures. The CNNs permits to remove
interesting characteristics from the picture and
afterward order it into foreordained classes. Some
of the researches that have been done and related to
our review are listed below:-
In paper[1], The tests were carried out on proven
CNN models in this study. The results obtained
from this research, Adam received better accuracies
in the test than Adadelta. In addition , the data
augmentation procedure was implemented to
improve classification accuracy due to small
Trashnet dataset samples. The best results were
obtained from DenseNet121 with 95% fine-tuning.
The success rate of InceptionResNetV2 model was
94% for test accuracy using fine-tuning. It was
found that deep learning models were incorporated
in the classification of recyclable waste. They have
carried out some experiments on known deep
learning models for this purpose; the performance
rate in real-time systems was poor because of the
lack of sufficient data and the images having white
color background.
In paper[2], This paper makes use of
Faster R-CNN to get proposals for regions and
identify objects. Some of the areas where they were
lacking where training of the model was not done
from scratch and instead of that use of the pre-
trained model was done. They have only used ZF
Net that has 5 convolutional layers and 3 fully-
connected layers because of which the architecture
was not good. Test was done on the given dataset
but on the real Images.
In paper[3] , This narrative literature
review evaluated global issues due to different
fractions of waste showing how several pollution
sources affect the environment, population health
and sustainable development.The findings and case
studies presented that serve as a guide for scholars
and stakeholders to measure comprehensive
impacts and to plan integrated solid waste
collection and treatment systems to enhance global
In paper[4], The proposed framework has been
determined for successful programmed isolation of
waste at the source itself, along these lines
diminishing the physical endeavors. The
framework depends on ideas of Machine Learning,
Image preparation. The goal of this undertaking is
to catch pictures of a solitary waste material and
successfully recognize and isolate it into four
classes viz. Metal, glass, paper and plastic. The
model utilized for this task is Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN), a Machine Learning calculation.
This framework will guarantee compelling
robotized squander the board and will accelerate
the procedure of isolation with no human
A novel application was proposed in this
paper[5] for measuring the cleanliness of a place,
with the use of a deep learning framework. The
application helps in localizing and classifying
waste from three meters of height in RGB images
taken by a camera facing ground. Due to the
unavailability of a waste dataset they used their
proposed acquisition to get photos. We have also
developed an annotation method to mark items for
25 different forms of waste in our dataset.. In order
to increase the accuracy of the existing system we
can attach more images other than the butt of
cigarette leaflet to their dataset.
Vol 11, Issue 7,July/ 2020 ISSN
NO: 0377-9254
Page No:63
In this paper[6] , the specialists took the pictures of
a solitary bit of reusing or trash and grouped it into
six classes consisting of glass, paper, metal, plastic,
cardboard, and rubbish. The models which are
utilized help vector machines (SVM) with scale-
invariant element change (SIFT) highlights and a
convolutional neural system (CNN). Their tests
indicated that the SVM performed better than the
CNN; be that as it may, the CNN was not prepared
to its full capacity because of difficulty finding
ideal hyper parameters. So one has to continue
working on the CNN to figure out why it did not
train well and to train it to achieve a good accuracy.
It is expected that it should have performed
significantly better than the SVM classifier.
This Paper[7] .Al. Convolutional neural
systems have greatly affected example
acknowledgment. Sooner than the presentation of
CNNs, highlights were physically picked and
structured and afterward followed by a classifier.
The CNN has given an additional preferred
position which permits it to consequently take in
the highlights from the preparation information.
The engineering of CNN makes it particularly
strong for picture acknowledgment. The
investigation recommends that enormous marked
informational indexes have opened up for
preparing and approval. In addition, CNN learning
calculations have been actualized on the
enormously equal designs preparing units (GPUs)
which quicken learning and derivation and hence it
gets great for picture acknowledgment [6].
This Paper[8] recommends that CNNs can be
creatively utilized for order of waste substances.
The review additionally expresses that on tuning
hyper parameters suitably, the exactness of the
CNNs can be expanded essentially. In addition, the
dataset likewise assumes a basic job for deciding
the exactness of the model. Hence, the exactness
can be expanded considerably by addition of new
pictures in current datasets [7].
This Paper[9] , proposes a Multilayer
Hybrid profound learning System to naturally sort
squander which is arranged by a people in the
urban open region. CNN-based calculation is
utilized by Multilayer Hybrid System to take out
the picture highlights and a multilayer perceptron
(MLP) strategy to join pictures and other element
data to group squanders as recyclable. This
examination breaks down an aggregate of 50
diverse waste things that are normally found in the
researched territory. Among which, 40 are
recyclable and 10 are the
others[12]. The MHS is skilled and approved
against the physically marked things,
accomplishing in general order exactness higher
than 90% under two divergent testing situations,
which broadly beats a circumstance CNN-put
together technique depending with respect to
picture just data sources. The proposed MHS is
both financially and earthly.
This Paper[10], is planned to expand a
profound learning application which recognizes
kinds of trash into refuse so as to offer recyclability
with a vision framework. Preparing and testing will
be performed with picture information comprising
various classes on divergent trash types. The
informational collection utilized during preparing
and testing will be created from one of a kind
casings taken from trash pictures. Additionally,
Fig.1 System Design for Trashnet
move learning was utilized to get shorter preparing
and test measures with higher precision. As
adjusted models, Alexnet, VGG16, Googlenet and
Resnet structures were yielded In request to
execution trial of classifiers, two unique classifiers
are utilized as Softmax and Support Vector
Machines. 6 distinctive kinds of waste pictures
Vol 11, Issue 7,July/ 2020 ISSN
NO: 0377-9254
Page No:64
were accurately arranged with the most elevated
precision with GoogleNet+SVM as 97.86%[9].
This Paper[11], This paper proposes an
answer that can recognize and characterize the
waste and sort it into the specific waste receptacle
(recyclable, natural and destructive squanders) with
no human hand. The framework utilizes profound
learning calculations to recognize and arrange the
losses into specific classification; the ordered
reused and natural squanders can be utilized for
future better purposes. This procedure will help the
earth in making progressively significant and
environmentally protected and help us to make a
rich green biological system and a promising better
The garbage collection in India still
depends on unorganized collection of waste. The
segregation process is still handled by mankind
which has many health issues, time consuming,
costly and less effective . In the existing system, all
the garbage collected from households and
industries was dumped on the outskirts of towns
and cities. Due to uncontrolled dumping of waste,
it gave rise to the problems like overflowing
landfills but also contributed a huge amount in
terms of ground waste pollution and Global
warming [11].
A new concept uses deep learning
algorithms to segregate the waste at initial level
thus making waste management more powerful.
The designed method sorts the waste into different
categories with higher accuracy. This study
reviews the best and effective approach to
segregate the garbage into different types.
The proposed method mainly focuses on
identification and segregation of waste by using
deep learning algorithms like convolution neural
networks(CNN) . Usually, all the toxic wastes are
dumped with recyclable waste which causes huge
damage to land. This project proposes an idea
where to segregate the toxic waste with higher
This method work in different phrases which are as
1. Capturing of images
2. Collection of datasets
3. Pre- processing of images
4. Training data
5. Testing data
6. Evaluation of model
The phrases of system design are as follows:
a) Capturing of images:
Waste objects :- In this step , we are
considering different local areas or bins
for collection of waste images.
Stereo camera :- Stereo camera provides a
Large-scale High-resolution Outdoor
Stereo Dataset. So, In order to get clean
and proper images for the dataset . We
used a stereo camera to capture images of
different types of wastes.
Object Detector :- Object detector is a
technology which relates to computer
types of application and image processing
that detects and defines various objects
such as humans, buildings and cars from
images. The technology has power to
identify once or various types of objects
within a d image at one. So , we used this
technology to classify images into
different categories like glass, paper,
plastic, metal , cardboard .
b) Collection of Dataset:-
After capturing images, it is classified into
different types such as glass, paper, plastic ,
metal , cardboard. It is important to train the model
to get best accuracy. Initially, it is labeled and
sequential of images have taken place. Further, it
is divided into two categories: training and testing
c) Pre processing of images :-
Various functions on images at cheapest rate
of abstraction whose goal is to improve the images
dataset that conquer undesired deformation or
increase some image information important for
next processing is known as Imagepre-processing.
Pre-processing plays an essential role to get the
best result. Under this , we can perform various
operations which are as follows: batch-size,
rescale, labels, image-size, shear-range, zoom-
range, etc.
d) Training Data :-
In machine learning, a common goal is to
study and develop algorithms that learn from
previous achievements and make various
predictions on a dataset. The model is started from
Vol 11, Issue 7,July/ 2020 ISSN
NO: 0377-9254
Page No:65
fitting of a training dataset that is an example used
to fit the parameters of the model.
Training Set is passed through different layers
of the Convolutional Neural Network. Workings
of following layers are as follows:
Layer 1 called as Conv2d layer convolves
the images using 32 filters each size of 3*3.
Layer 2 again Conv2D layer also used as
convolve the images and using 64 filters each
size of 3*3.
Layer 3 is MaxPooling2D layer picks the
max value in a matrix of size of 3*3.
Layer 4 is Dropout at a rate of 0.5.
Layer 5 is flattening the output from layer 4
and this flatten passed to layer6.
Layer 6 is a hidden layer of the network
containing 250 neurons.
Layer 7 is an output layer consisting of 10
neurons of 10 types of output using soft max
e) Testing Data :-
Test data is the data that is used in the test of
a software system. Specifically identified data is
known as test data. Test data can be generated by
automation tools and we can also generate test data
by testers. Mainly in regression testing data test is
used as the same data can be used again and again.
f) Evaluation of Model :-
The evaluation of a model is an integral part of
any model development process .It helps us to find
the best suitable model to represent our data and
get the best chosen model for future work. There
and two ways in data science to check the
performance of a model: cross-validation and hold-
out. It is necessary to avoid overfitting so we use a
test set to evaluate the performance of the model.
The implementation of this project starts with
recognition of an image and then classifying that
4.1 Convolution Neural Network
CNN is a type of Deep Learning algorithm which
accepts input in the form of images , and it will
assign importance to various aspects in the dataset
and be able to metamorphose one from another.
The comparison to various classification algorithms
for pre-processing required in CNN is much less. In
primitive methods with limited training, ConvNets
have the ability to learn these training methods.
The system designed by ConvNet is defined as a
corresponding connection pattern of Neurons in the
Human Brain and inspired by the organization of
the Visual Cortex. A collection of such fields is
used to overlap to cover the entire visual area.
4.2 Dataset Used
A good dataset provides a model to train
in an efficient way. In this project, we used a
different dataset to train our model with
configuration. Datasets used in this study are
mentioned in Table 1 :
Table I Description of various datasets used
Resolution of
Size of
Size of
Name of
512 *384
Glass, paper,
and metal
3.Trash net
Organic and
4.Real images
and metal
In the below graphs, we are trying to show the
training accuracy against validation accuracy. As
shown in graph, corresponding decrease of losses
in training and validation dataset with the increase
in accuracies.
Training Vs Test Accuracy
Fig. 2 A graph which shows variation between
Training acc and test acc of dataset 1
Training Vs test Loss
Fig. 3 A graph which shows variation between
Training and test loss of dataset 1
Training Vs test accuracy
ng acc
Fig. 4 A graph which shows variation between
Training acc and test acc of dataset 2
Training Vs Test Loss
Fig. 5 A graph which shows variation between
Training and test loss of dataset 2
Training Vs Test Accuracy
ng acc
Fig. 6 A graph which shows variation between
Training acc and test acc of dataset 3
Training Vs test Loss
g loss
Fig. 7 A graph which shows variation between
Training and test loss of dataset 3
Training Vs test accuracy
Test acc
Fig. 8 A graph which shows variation between
Training acc and test acc of dataset 4
Vol 11, Issue 7,July/ 2020 ISSN
NO: 0377-9254
Page No:67
Fig. 9 A graph which shows variation between
Training acc and test loss of dataset 4
We have resized the pictures size to
decrease complexity, reducing the size of the batch
to more appropriate for dataset size. After applying
the deep learning technique CNN to classify the
wastes in different categories. The proposed
method is trained and validated against the labeled
pictures to achieve classification accuracy under
testing scenarios, which performs a CNN-based
model relying on image inputs. In this project, the
implementation part is done by using tensorflow
which is a deep learning software. Here, we used
three dataset which gives following accuracy:
Table II Result accuracy
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3
Dataset 4
This project indeed has a very vast scope not
only in India but Globally too because the
project is very effective in segregating the
waste this segregation will finally lead to
protecting our environment and people’s
health which is major problem in today’s
Project can be further improved in many
A: It is obvious that after a certain period
of time the bin will get full. Using
modules such as wifi and proximity
sensors etc. the data that bin is filled
completely can be sent to the concerned
authority who can then be alerted to see
and empty the bin.
B: Work can also be extended in
introducing a robot in the bin which
automatically dumps the bin when it finds
it to be full.
The proposed thought predominantly centers on the
recognizable proof and order of the waste that is
very nearly dumping in squander canister.
Generally, landfill is used to dump the
unsegregated waste and made to rot
which takes several years in the case of non-
biodegradable waste and the blending of poisonous
hurtful squanders will debase the land assets and
water resources [14]. This task proposes a thought
where the machine all alone can distinguish the
loss without human intercession dependent on the
arrangement of datasets, independent of its shape
and size, effectively and order them [8]. Our
proposed framework can learn without anyone else
and hence can constantly refresh itself if there
should arise an occurrence of new materials. The
points of interest to the proposed framework would
incorporate simple disintegration, lesser wellbeing
risks and quicker procedure that requires just an
underlying venture and is programmed. Tweaked
CNN structures were utilized in the proposed
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... digunakan untuk mengubah ukuran skala nilai citra menjadi antara 0 dan 1 (Wulandari et al., 2023) sehingga data dari tiap citra akan seragam rentang nilainya. Parameter shear_range=0.2 digunakan untuk menerapkan transformasi geser secara acak dengan rentang nilai sampai 0.2 (Mittal et al., 2020), rotation_range=30 digunakan untuk menerapkan rotasi citra dengan skala 0-30 derajat secara acak. Penggunaan fill_mode='nearest' digunakan untuk pengisian area citra yang hilang atau kosong dengan nilai disekitarnya, zoom_range=0.2 ...
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Data dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan melalui Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah tumpukan sampah hampir 30 Ton pada 2021 dengan sumber sampah terbanyak berasal dari produksi sampah rumah tangga dan kegiatan industri. Cara menyelesaikan masalah pengolahan sampah adalah melalui kegiatan pengolahan sampah yang lebih efektif, salah satunya dengan melakukan klasifikasi jenis sampah menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan klasifikasi jenis sampah berdasarkan citra sampah dengan metode CNN menggunakan arsitektur VGG-16 menggunakan dataset Garbage Classification dari situs Kaggle. Arsitektur VGG-16 pada penelitian ini menggunakan 16 lapisan layer yang terdiri atas 13 lapisan layer konvolusi dan 3 lapisan fully-connected. Pelatihan model menggunakan library tensorflow dengan rasio split data 7:1.5:1.5 untuk data latih, data test dan data validasi. Model CNN arsitektur VGG-16 sebagai metode transfer learning dimodifikasi dengan penambahan beberapa lapisan diantaranya pooling layer dengan GlobalAveragePooling2D, dense layer dengan aktivasi ReLU, dan dense layer dengan aktivasi softmax sebagai lapisan full connected layer. Hasil dari pelatihan mendapatkan nilai accuracy sebesar 82.89% dan nilai val_accuracy sebesar 84.62%. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pemerintah dalam melakukan pengolahan sampah dalam bentuk yang lebih stabil dan tidak mencemari lingkungan serta mengurangi jumlah sampah yang harus ditimbun.
... Researchers could attain an accuracy of 79%, according to the study's final findings. According to [31], India generates more than 2 billion tons of waste annually, while solid waste is separated by laborers in an inefficient manner that is both time-consuming and impractical. To distinguish the type of garbage and classify it into predetermined categories, authors created a real-time system. ...
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Effective waste management and recycling are essential for sustainable development and environmental conservation. It is a global issue around the globe and emerging in Saudi Arabia. The traditional approach to waste sorting relies on manual labor, which is both time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to errors. Nonetheless, the rapid advancement of computer vision techniques has paved the way for automating garbage classification, resulting in enhanced efficiency, feasibility, and management. In this regard, in this study, a comprehensive investigation of garbage classification using a state-of-the-art computer vision algorithm, such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), as well as pre-trained models such as DenseNet169, MobileNetV2, and ResNet50V2 has been presented. As an outcome of the study, the CNN model achieved an accuracy of 88.52%, while the pre-trained models DenseNet169, MobileNetV2, and ResNet50V2, achieved 94.40%, 97.60%, and 98.95% accuracies, respectively. That is considerable in contrast to the state-of-the-art studies in the literature. The proposed study is a potential contribution to automating garbage classification and to facilitating an effective waste management system as well as to a more sustainable and greener future. Consequently, it may alleviate the burden on manual labor, reduce human error, and encourage more effective recycling practices, ultimately promoting a greener and more sustainable future.
Recently, the importance of waste management has increased not only in India but also worldwide, the impact of which is creating serious mess in today’s world. Some of the stats are showing that around 10 to 15 million tons garbage is making its way from the most of the metro cities in India. The Recycling phase is the most basic step due to which it enables cost effective recycling and which is harmless for environment. With the increasing development in the country, Smart Garbage Classification System is a necessity. Solid waste separation is done by laborer’s which is not effective, can lead to errors and it is not feasible due to ever increasing garbage. The purpose here is to build a fully functional model that can recognize the waste type and categorize it into different categories. The model here implemented include VGG16 (Visual Geometric Group), also studied VGG19, Inception3 and AlexNet for the same purpose. During this study, it shows that VGG16 outperformed all other models. This chapter will ensure a better way for waste management thereby leading to increase in segregation speed and with best outcomes. With the integration of algorithms based on deep learning, the garbage classification problem can be effectively solved for the target database.
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Currently in Ethiopia, pollution and environmental damage brought on by waste increased along with industrialization, urbanization, and global population levels. Waste sorting, which is still done improperly from the household level to the final disposal site, is a prevalent issue. Real-time and accurate waste detection in image and video data is a crucial and difficult task in the intelligent waste management system. Accurately locating and classifying these wastes is challenging, particularly when there are various types of waste present. So, a single-stage YOLOv4-waste deep neural network model is proposed. In this study, a deep learning algorithm for object detection using YOLOv4 and YOLOv4-tiny is trained and evaluated. A total of 3529 waste images are divided into 7 classes, which include, cardboard, glass, metal, organic, paper, plastic, and trash. Each model uses three various inputs throughout the testing phase, including input images, videos, and webcams. Experiments with hyper-parameters on subdivision values and mosaic data augmentation were also done in the YOLOv4-tiny model. The outcome demonstrates that YOLOv4 performs better than YOLOv4-tiny for object detection specifically for waste detection. The outcome shows that YOLOv4 performs better than YOLOv4-tiny for object detection, even if YOLOv4-tiny’s scores are higher in terms of computing speed. The best results from the YOLOv4 model reach mAP 91.25%, precision 0.91, recall 0.88, F1-score 0.89, and Average IoU 81.55%, while the best YOLOv4-tiny results are mAP 82.02%, precision 0.75, recall 0.76, F1-score 0.75, and Average IoU 63.59%. This research also proves that the models with smaller subdivision values and using a mosaic have optimal performance.
Conference Paper
Waste accumulation in urban areas is of growing concern due to the problems of its collection, proper management, and disposal. Inefficient management and lack of separation of disposable waste negatively impacts humans. In addition, the mixing of disposable and non-disposable waste reduces the recycling rate. Therefore, there is a need for a smart waste management system that leads to the efficient disposal and recycling of waste in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. This paper presents a deep learning-based smart waste management system that can classify and segregate waste and help recycle it. Initially, a custom network is proposed to classify the waste into five categories: organic, plastic, metal, glass, and paper. The transfer learning approach reduces the training time and can perform better, and does not need much training data. Therefore, a transfer learning approach using trained MobileNetV2, Xception, EfficientNetB7, ResNet152V2, and DenseNet201 is presented in this paper. These models are evaluated using various quantitative parameters. It is observed that MobileNetV2 classified waste at 96% accuracy, whereas other models performed slightly better with 97% classification accuracy. However, the custom model achieved the least performance at 81.64%. Further analysis of transfer learning models showed that MobileNetV2 has minimum trainable parameters making it most suitable for waste classification. This model can be used to develop an intelligent bin that can segregate waste in real time, enhancing the recycling rate.
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As industrialization, urbanization, and global population levels increased, so did the pollution and environmental degradation because of the waste. The common problem related to waste is the waste sorting that is still improperly handled from the household level to the final disposal site. The solution offered in this research is using deep learning algorithm for object detection using YOLOv4 and YOLOv4-tiny with Darknet-53. The dataset consists of 3870 waste images divided into 4 classes like glass, metal, paper, and plastic. At the testing stage, each model uses 3 different inputs such as images, videos, and webcams. In the YOLOv4-tiny model, experiments hyperparameter were also carried out on subdivision values and mosaic data augmentation. The result proves that YOLOv4 have better performance than YOLOv4-tiny for object detection, although in terms of computational speed the YOLOv4-tiny's scores are better. The best results from the YOLOv4 model reach mAP 89.59%, precision 0.76, recall 0.90, F1-score 0.82, and Average IoU 64.01%, while the best YOLOv4-tiny results are mAP 81, 84%, precision 0.59, recall 0.83, F1-score 0.69, and Average IoU 48.35%. This research also proves that the models with smaller subdivision values and uses a mosaic have an optimal performance.
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We are interested in identifying the material category, e.g. glass, metal, fabric, plastic or wood, from a single image of a surface. Unlike other visual recognition tasks in computer vision, it is difficult to find good, reliable features that can tell material categories apart. Our strategy is to use a rich set of low and mid-level features that capture various aspects of material appearance. We propose an augmented Latent Dirichlet Allocation (aLDA) model to combine these features under a Bayesian generative framework and learn an optimal combination of features. Experimental results show that our system performs material recognition reasonably well on a challenging material database, outperforming state-of-the-art material/texture recognition systems.
Conference Paper
Waste recycling is very important in terms of economy and climate balance of the world. For this reason, classifying recyclable garbage is an important goal for humanity and Deep Learning models can be used for this purpose. In this study, we tested well-known Deep Learning models to provide the most efficient approach. In this study, Densenet121, DenseNet169, InceptionResnetV2, MobileNet, Xception architectures were used for Trashnet dataset and Adam and Adadelta were used as the optimizer in neural network models. Based on the findings obtained in this study, Adam provided better test accuracies compared to Adadelta. Besides, the data augmentation process was applied to increase classification accuracy because of limited samples of the Trashnet dataset. As a result of the conducted experiments, the best results were found in the DenseNet121 using fine-tuning with a test accuracy rate of 95%. A similar success rate was also found in the InceptionResNetV2 model using fine-tuning with a test accuracy of 94%.
Mechanical recycling of electronic scrap oriented towards overall materials recovery from obsolete electronics is being implemented worldwide. The main reason is that the amount of electronic scrap is increasing and that the content of the precious metals present is decreasing. In this context, an effective liberation of various materials like metals and plastics is a crucial step towards mechanical separation. In addition, classification of electronic scrap is also important to be able to provide an appropriate feed material for the subsequent separation process. In the present study, liberation and its impact on the separation of personal computer (PC) scrap and printed circuit board (PCB) scrap has been investigated in detail. A special equipment functioning as a shape separator and an aspirator was used for the classification of electronic scrap.
We present a generic objectness measure, quantifying how likely it is for an image window to contain an object of any class. We explicitly train it to distinguish objects with a well-defined boundary in space, such as cows and telephones, from amorphous background elements, such as grass and road. The measure combines in a Bayesian framework several image cues measuring characteristics of objects, such as appearing different from their surroundings and having a closed boundary. These include an innovative cue to measure the closed boundary characteristic. In experiments on the challenging PASCAL VOC 07 dataset, we show this new cue to outperform a state-of-the-art saliency measure, and the combined objectness measure to perform better than any cue alone. We also compare to interest point operators, a HOG detector, and three recent works aiming at automatic object segmentation. Finally, we present two applications of objectness. In the first, we sample a small number windows according to their objectness probability and give an algorithm to employ them as location priors for modern class-specific object detectors. This greatly reduces the number of windows evaluated by the expensive class-specific model. In the second application, we use objectness as a complementary score in addition to the class-specific model, which leads to fewer false positives.
Classification of Trash for Recyclability Status
  • Gary Thung
  • Mindy Yang
Gary Thung and Mindy Yang, "Classification of Trash for Recyclability Status," CS 229, Stanford University, 2016.Available:
Comparing Deep Learning And Support Vector Machines for Autonomous Waste Sorting
  • E George
  • Maria Sakr
  • Ahmad Mokbel
  • Mia Nasr Darwich
  • Ali Khneisser
  • Hadi
George E Sakr, Maria Mokbel, Ahmad Darwich, Mia Nasr Khneisser and Ali Hadi, "Comparing Deep Learning And Support Vector Machines for Autonomous Waste Sorting" in Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET), IEEE International, November 2 -4, 2016.
  • Conf
Conf. Internet Things Appl. IOTA 2016, 2016, pp. 143147.