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miRNAs play critical roles in response to abiotic stress by modulating cross-talk of phytohormone signaling


Abstract and Figures

One of the most interesting signaling molecules that regulates a wide array of adaptive stress responses in plants are the micro RNAs (miRNAs) that are a unique class of non-coding RNAs constituting novel mechanisms of post-transcriptional gene regulation. Recent studies revealed the role of miRNAs in several biotic and abiotic stresses by regulating various phytohormone signaling pathways as well as by targeting a number of transcription factors (TFs) and defense related genes. Phytohormones are signal molecules modulating the plant growth and developmental processes by regulating gene expression. Studies concerning miRNAs in abiotic stress response also show their vital roles in abiotic stress signaling. Current research indicates that miRNAs may act as possible candidates to create abiotic stress tolerant crop plants by genetic engineering. Yet, the detailed mechanism governing the dynamic expression networks of miRNAs in response to stress tolerance remains unclear. In this review, we provide recent updates on miRNA-mediated regulation of phytohormones combating various stress and its role in adaptive stress response in crop plants.
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Plant Cell Reports
miRNAs play critical roles inresponse toabiotic stress bymodulating
cross‑talk ofphytohormone signaling
PujaSingh1,2· PrasannaDutta1,2· DebasisChakrabarty1,2
Received: 5 April 2021 / Accepted: 10 June 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021
One of the most interesting signaling molecules that regulates a wide array of adaptive stress responses in plants are the
micro RNAs (miRNAs) that are a unique class of non-coding RNAs constituting novel mechanisms of post-transcriptional
gene regulation. Recent studies revealed the role of miRNAs in several biotic and abiotic stresses by regulating various
phytohormone signaling pathways as well as by targeting a number of transcription factors (TFs) and defense related genes.
Phytohormones are signal molecules modulating the plant growth and developmental processes by regulating gene expres-
sion. Studies concerning miRNAs in abiotic stress response also show their vital roles in abiotic stress signaling. Current
research indicates that miRNAs may act as possible candidates to create abiotic stress tolerant crop plants by genetic engi-
neering. Yet, the detailed mechanism governing the dynamic expression networks of miRNAs in response to stress tolerance
remains unclear. In this review, we provide recent updates on miRNA-mediated regulation of phytohormones combating
various stress and its role in adaptive stress response in crop plants.
Keywords Abiotic stress· Transcription regulation· Heavy metals· miRNA· Phytohormones
The harsh outer world provides enormous amount of strain
for the sessile plants to live, yet most of them survive dur-
ing these adverse environmental conditions by developing
various mechanisms to overcome such stresses. The mode
of gene regulation to combat the unavoidable abiotic stress
mainly involves the up-regulation or down-regulation of
targeted genes (Fig.1). The suppression of gene expression
happens mainly due to the presence of innumerable tiny sol-
diers residing within the plant system, which protects them
from the extreme conditions. One of these defence system
comprises of the members of the ‘small RNA world’, the
micro-RNAs (miRNAs), discovered in the early 1990s which
are highly conserved group of non-coding RNA molecules
usually 20–24 nucleotides long, functioning via inhibiting
translation or cleaving transcripts of targeted genes (Lee
etal. 1993; Wightman etal. 1993). The mature miRNAs
are produced from primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) tran-
scribed from target DNA sequences via RNA polymerase II
that mostly down-regulates the mRNAs by binding to its 3’
UTR region or sometimes to the 5’ UTR region, promoter
and coding sequence. Dicer-Like1 (DCL1) recognises the
stem loop structured single-stranded RNAs and cuts the pri-
miRNAs forming precursor microRNAs (pre-miRNAs) and
subsequently converting it to the miRNAs. These miRNAs
are then loaded into the argonaute associated micro-RNA
induced silencing complexes (miRISCs) for future process-
ing. The miRNAs tend to be present in the nucleus, nucleo-
lus, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum membrane and
control the post-transcriptional gene silencing mechanism
by commuting through those different sub-cellular compo-
nents (Makarova etal. 2016). The miRNAs are involved
for providing abiotic stress tolerance, maintaining nutrient
homeostasis and transcriptional regulation of gene expres-
sion in plants. Due to a complicated network of action, very
few miRNAs have been characterized for their role in abiotic
Communicated by Neal Stewart.
Puja Singh and Prasanna Dutta contributed equally to this work.
* Debasis Chakrabarty
1 Molecular Biology andBiotechnology Division, CSIR-
National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India
2 Academy ofScientific andInnovative Research (AcSIR),
Ghaziabad201002, India
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stress but this field is dynamically expanding nowadays with
more miRNAs being characterized.
Since, one of the major challenges for our world today is
“food security” and abiotic stress apparently adds to it by
reducing growth and productivity of plant. Thus, a detailed
study of the mode of action of miRNAs would be highly ben-
eficial in developing strategies for mitigation of a wide array
of abiotic stresses in plants. Various physical and chemical
factors such as high soil salinity, drought, flooding, extreme
temperatures, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, heavymetal (HM)
toxicityand nutrient scarcity collectively comprising the
abiotic stress affect plants worldwide (Wang etal. 2003;
Wani etal. 2016). In response to the abiotic stress, several
signaling pathways involving various phtohormones are
alsoactivated. Although miRNAs and phytohormones have
different metabolic and transduction pathways, recent studies
suggest interplay in miRNAs pathways and phytohormone
responses during a number of abiotic stresses. This interac-
tion results in overcoming various abiotic stresses either via
modulating miRNAs using phytohormones or by control-
ling phytohormonal level using miRNAs as intermediate.
So, the phytohormonal homeostasis and miRNA regulation
walk parallel during abiotic stress responses, suggesting an
interconnected network operating in regulating the genes
responsible for abiotic stress tolerance (Noman and Aqeel
2017). This review deals with the functional regulation of
phytohormones by miRNAs in response to various abiotic
stresses encountered by plants.
Linking miRNAs andphtohormones
inabiotic stress response
In nature, plants are generally exposed to multiple stresses
at the same time which triggers different responses depend-
ing on the type and intensity of stress. The responses can be
stress specific or it can also be a converged response as in
case of drought and freezing stress which results in dehydra-
tion in plants. Once a stress is perceived it is passed on to
regulators through secondary messengers which results in
production of protective effectors such as reactive oxygen
species (ROS), late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins,
protease inhibitors, chaperones and phytohormones (Patel
etal. 2019). Phytohormones are vital signaling molecules
required for mostly all biological activities of the plants
such as plant physiology, architecture, and stress adaptation
(Peleg and Blumwald 2011). Till now, auxin (AUX), ethyl-
ene (ET), gibberellic acid (GA), cytokinin (CK), abscisic
acid (ABA), brassinosteroids (BR), jasmonic acid (JA), sali-
cylic acid (SA) and strigolactones have been identified as the
characteristic plant hormones, which control transcription
factor (TF)-mediated hormonal response. Amongst these
phytohormones, ABA and ET are most important in gov-
erning abiotic stress tolerance in plants.
During abiotic stress, a number of miRNAs are also
up-regulated or down-regulated, suggesting their involve-
ment in regulating stress by targeting various genes or TFs
(Sunkar and Zhu 2004; Wani etal. 2016). The up-regulation
or down-regulation of miRNAs varies in different plant spe-
cies during different stresses; therefore, targeting the same
Fig. 1 Overview of abiotic
stress-mediated gene regulation
in plants. This figure depicts
miRNA-mediated regulation of
gene expression during various
abiotic stresses. This positive
or negative regulation results
in providing stress tolerance
to plants by involving MAPK,
calcium signaling and phyto-
Drought Salt Heat FloodingFreezing Heavy
Stress Response by Down-regulation
of genes
Stress Response by Up-regulation
of genes
Regulation of gene expression
miRNA mediated
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miRNAs for improving stress tolerance in different plant
species will have different outputs (Djami-Tchatchou etal.
2017). Hormone and abiotic stress response elements such
as heat shock-responsive element (CCA AAT ), MYB bind-
ing elements, MYC binding elements, early response to
dehydration (ERD), copper-responsive elements (CuREs),
ethylene-responsive elements (ERE) and gibberellic acid-
responsive elements (GARE) are reported in the promoter
region of miRNAs which controls the expression of effector
genes (Zhou etal. 2013). In a recent study, freezing stress
as well as exogenous application of gibberellic acid (GA),
salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) modulated
the activity of miR475b, its promoter and its targetsin Popu-
lus suaveolens suggesting a cross talk with phytohormones
during abiotic stress (Niu etal. 2016).
The highly conserved miRNAs also controls several
developmental processes which is generally a characteristic
of phytohormones. The existence of functional connection
between miRNAs and phytohormones has been established
in a plant carrying hyl1 mutation which exhibited multiple
developmental defects, reduced accumulation of miRNAs
and sensitivity to phytohormones- AUX, CK and ABA
(Han etal. 2004). A number of miRNAs are also reported
to induce the production of trans-acting small interfering
RNAs (tasiRNAs), which acts as a mobile signaling mol-
ecule (Marin etal. 2010; Si-Ammour etal. 2011). The abil-
ity of miRNAs in trans-regulation and controlling various
developmental processes makes it a prominent applicant for
coordinating various phytohormonal signaling responses
during abiotic stress.
miRNA‑Phytohormone response todrought
Drought is the condition where plant faces water deficiency
either due to reduced precipitation or less soil moisture con-
tent resulting in constant loss of water via evapo-transpira-
tion, stomatal opening, turgor pressure change and accu-
mulation of toxic chemicals inside cellular compartments.
Plants regulate this condition by monitoring the stomatal
activity, which involves presence of the key phytohormone
ABA. ABA acts by binding to its receptors andopening the
ion channels therebycausing decrease in turgor pressure
leading to stomatal closure, thus helping leaves to conserve
water inside. Aquaporins are also important factors main-
taining the transport of water and other solutes which are
regulated by the phytohormones ABA and GA. Drought
stress is a complicated combination of many other abiotic
stresses such as salinity, heat and freezing stress affecting
the overall growth and development of plant. Rapidly chang-
ing climate dynamics makes drought a serious threat to the
sustainability of food production systems throughout the
world (Kogan etal. 2020).
Small RNA sequencing studies identified the presence
of many drought-responsive miRNAs in Arabidopsis,
tomato, maize, common bean, barley and rice (Liu etal.
2008, 2017; Aravind etal. 2017; Wu etal. 2017; Ferdous
etal. 2017; Zhou etal. 2010). In response to drought
stress the relative expression of miR156, miR158,
miR159, miR165, miR167, miR168, miR169, miR171,
miR319, miR393, miR394 and miR396 was altered (Liu
etal. 2008). In Arabidopsis thaliana, the auxin signaling-
mediated miR390-TAS3-ARF2/ARF3/ARF4 pathway is
controlled by miR390 targeting the production of TAS3-
derived trans-acting small interfering RNA (tasi RNA)
which is responsible for regulating lateral root develop-
ment and polarity organisation via targeting the ARF2,
ARF3 and ARF4 transcription factors (Meng etal. 2010).
Drought stress also induces the expression of miR160
and lateral root development via miR390-mediated
changes in auxin levels (Bustos-Sanmamed etal. 2013;
Yoon etal. 2010). The adventitious and lateral root
development is increased by inducing ARF, GAMYB
and HD-ZIP transcription factors via down-regulation
of miR159 (Xue etal. 2017). Resistance towards drought
stress was observed in Arabidopsis over-expressing
ABA-responsive miR168, miR393 and miR394, confer-
ring the role of miRNA in ABA-mediated abiotic stress
adaptation (Baek etal. 2016) (Table1). Mutant studies of
the key genes involved in miRNA synthesis like DCL1,
HEN1, HYL1, HASTY and SE in Arabidopsis showed that
the hyl1, dcl1 and hen1 mutants were hypersensitive to
ABA, whereas se and hasty mutants were sensitive to
ABA, thus providing the link between miRNA and ABA
response (Lu and Fedoroff 2000; Cambiagno etal. 2021;
Zhang etal. 2008). In germinating seedlings of Arabi-
dopsis, ABA and water deficiency induces the formation
of miR159a which cleaves the transcripts for MTB33 and
MYB101. Thus, the modified cleavage-resistant MYB33
and MYB101 forms showed ABA hypersensitivity in
miR159a over-expressing lines compared to the cleav-
age-susceptible lines which were hyposensitive (Reyes
etal. Reyes and Chua 2007). Several reports suggest that
ABA induces the synthesis of miR393, miR397b and
miR402, while suppressing the expression of miR389a
in Arabidopsis (Sunkar and Zhu 2004; Reyes and Chua
2007; Liu etal. 2007; Jung and Kang 2007; Li et al.
2008; Jia etal. 2009). The miR399f over-expressing lines
in A. thaliana showed higher drought sensitivity due to
reduced ABA sensitivity (Baek etal. 2016). Also, the
ABA response is suppressed due to degradation of the
ABA INSENSITIVE 4 (ABI4) transcription factor and
the enzyme β-1,3- GLUCANASE1 (BG1) responsible
for ABA production by miR165 and miR166 (Yan etal.
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Table 1 List of miRNAs targeting various phytohormones and TFs during abiotic stress in plants
Abiotic stress/tolerance
miRNA Targeted genes Plant species and their
Functional response to
Drought stress miR393 TIR1/AFB2 Arabidopsis thaliana
Up-regulation Sunkar and Zhu (2004);
Chen etal. (2012); Liu
etal. (2008)
miR397 Laccase Up-regulation
miR167 ARF Up-regulation
miR168 AGO Up-regulation
miR156 SPL Solanum lycopersicum
Up-regulation Visentin etal. (2020)
miR393 OsTIR1,OsAFB2 Oryza sativa (Poaceae) Up-regulation Bian etal. (2012)
miR167 ARF Down-regulation
Salinity stress miR172c and miR166g-
AP2-like ethylene
responsive factor SNZ
and SAM-dependent
methyltransferase gene
Raphanus sativus (Bras-
Down-regulation Sun etal. (2015a, b)
miR160 ARFs Gossypium sp. (Malva-
Up-regulation Yin etal. (2017)
miR167 ARF 6 Up-regulation
miR169g & NF-YA TF Oryza sativa (Poaceae) Up-regulation Zhao etal. (2009)
miR1848 OsCYP51G3 Up-regulation
Cold stress miR169 NFY/MtHAP 2–1 Arabidopsis thaliana
Up-regulation Sunkar and Zhu (2004);
Liu etal. (2008)
miR172 AP2 Up-regulation
miR397 Laccase Up-regulation
miR812q CIPK10 Oryza sativa (Poaceae) Up-regulation Jeong and Green. (2013)
UV-B radiation miR160 ARF Arabidopsis thaliana
Up-regulation Zhou etal. (2007)
miR165/166 HD-ZIPIII Up-regulation
miR167 ARF Up-regulation
miR393 T1R1 Up-regulation
miR159 MYB Triticum aestivum
Up-regulation Wang etal. (2013)
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Table 1 (continued)
Abiotic stress/tolerance
miRNA Targeted genes Plant species and their
Functional response to
Hypoxia miR159 GAMYB Zea mays (Poaceae) Down-regulation Liu etal. (2012)
miR166 HD-ZIPII Up-regulation
miR167 ARF Up-regulation
miR171 SCL Arabidopsis thaliana
Up-regulation Moldovan etal. (2010)
miR159a MYB Up-regulation
Heavy metal stress Cu stress miR408 Cu ion binding protein,
laccase, Plantacyanin
Arabidopsis thaliana
Up-regulation Song etal. (2018)
Cd stress miR1535b Glyma07g38620.1 Glycine max (Fabaceae) Up-regulation Fang etal. (2013)
miR393 E3 ubiquitin ligase or
TIR1 Brassica napus (Bras-
Up-regulation Huang etal. (2010)
Al stress miR160 ARFs Oryza sativa (Poaceae) Down-regulation Lima etal. (2011); Zhou
etal. (2007)
miR393 bHLH, transport inhibitor
response 1/auxin F-box
Up-regulation Lima etal. (2011)
miR528 F-box domain and LRR
containing protein,
MAX2, L-ascorbate
oxidase, OsDCL1, Cu
binding proteins (CBP)
miR390 tasi-RNA-generating
Glycine soja (Fabaceae) Down-regulation Zeng etal. (2012)
As stress miR319 TCP Brassica juncea (Bras-
Up-regulation Srivastava etal. (2012)
miR167 ARFs Down-regulation
Cr stress miR156/157 SPL3, SPL6, SPL9,
SPL13 and SPL15 Raphanus sativus (Bras-
Down-regulation Liu etal. (2015)
miR397 LAC17 Down-regulation
miR5293 Transcription factor
HSP90-like protein
GRP94 (SHD),
cytochrome P450 90A1
Transcription factor
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2016). Hence, the mutant lines of miR165 and miR166
show both drought and ABA hypersensitivity.
Recent study in tomato showed that strigolactones act as
a molecular bridge between drought and miR156 and this
miR156 acts as a mediator of ABAdependent activity of
strigolactones on drought-affected stomata (Visentin etal.
2020) (Table1). Amongst 30 miRNAs in rice, 16 were
down-regulated and 14 were up-regulated in response to
water scarcity (Zhou etal. 2010). Over-expressing miR393
in rice resulted in early maturity and increased tiller num-
ber along with drought and salinity tolerance by regulating
the auxin receptors OsTIR1 and OsAFB2, thereby indicat-
ing the role of auxin in stress response (Bian etal. 2012)
(Fig.2). During drought stress in Arabidopsis miR167 is
up-regulated while in rice and maize miR167 is down-
regulated upon ABA treatment (Liu etal. 2008; Zou etal.
2009) (Fig.2). Drought stress in maize resulted in sup-
pression of miR167 expression but higher transcript abun-
dance of phospholipase D (PLD), suggesting that PLD is
responsible for ABA-mediated stomatal movement and that
it act as the target of miR167 (Wei etal. 2009; Zhang etal.
2005) (Table1).
miRNA‑Phytohormone response tosalinity
Salinity refers to the increased salt concentration in the
soil resulting in alteration of the osmotic potential gradi-
ent thereby hindering the normal physiology of the plants.
Elevated salt concentration reduces the soil water potential
making the process of water absorption harder for the roots
and increasing efflux of intra-cellular water causing plas-
molysis and subsequently cell death. In the past few dec-
ades a large number of salinity stress-induced miRNAs have
been reported from various species such as Zea mays, Oryza
sativa, Gossypium sp, Raphuanus sativus, Populus sp. and
Salicornia europaea (Fu etal. 2017; Macovei and Tuteja
2012; Mondal etal. 2018; Yin etal. 2017; Sun etal. 2015a,
b; Li etal. 2008; Chen etal. 2017; Feng etal. 2015).
In Raphanus sativus, the AP2-like ethylene-respon-
sive factor, SNZ and SAM-dependent methyltransferase
gene were induced by the suppression of miR172c and
miR166g-3p, under high salinity condition (Sun etal.
2015a, b) (Table1). Under high salinity stress in cotton,
expression of auxin-responsive factors ARF10, ARF 16
and ARF 17 mediated by miR160 and miR167 resulted
in enhanced salinity tolerance (Yin etal. 2017) (Table1;
Fig. 2). The osa-miR319a over-expressing Agrostis
stolonifera showed higher tolerance to drought and salin-
ity stress by regulating the TCP transcription factors (Zhou
etal. 2013). The miR169g and miR169n, regulating the
transcription factor Nuclear factor Y subunit A (NF-YA),
Table 1 (continued)
Abiotic stress/tolerance
miRNA Targeted genes Plant species and their
Functional response to
Putative galacturono-
syltransferase-like 7
Mitogen-activated protein
kinase kinase kinase 1
Transcription factor
TCP6, Ethylene-
responsive TF
rsa-miRn39 HSP81-2 Up-regulation
miR159 MYB101, SPL, MYB104 Oryza sativa (Poaceae) Down-regulation Dubey etal. (2020)
miR160 ARF16, ALMT9 Down-regulation
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were down-regulated in Triticum aestivum during drought
stress but were up-regulated in Populus trichocarpa dur-
ing salt stress (Zhao etal. 2009). This miR169n may be
regulated by the phytohormone ABA as it has a cis-acting
ABA-responsive element (ABRE) in the upstream. High
salinity induces the expression of miR169g and miR169n
in rice, which cleaves the transcription factor NF-YA by
binding to the CCAAT box region of the gene (Table1).
In rice, the miR1848 suppresses the cytochrome P enzyme
gene (OsCYP51G3) mediating BR biosynthesis, so over-
expressing miR1848 under salinity stress causes BR defi-
ciency (Xia etal. 2015) (Fig.2).
miRNA‑phytohormone response tocold
The two extreme temperature conditions, elevated heat and
freezing condition, severely affect plant growth and devel-
opment and are of particularly greater concern nowadays
due to the prevailing global warming problem. Numerous
miRNAs are reported to be expressed during cold stress in
plants (Cao etal. 2014).
In Arabidopsis, cold stress induces expression of
miR165/166, miR393, miR396 and miR408, whereas
miR156/157, miR159/319, miR164, miR394 and miR398
are transiently or mildly expressed. During cold stress in
Arabidopsis, CBF (C-repeat binding F factors) transcription
factors bind to the dehydration-responsive element (DRE)
resulting in up-regulation of cold-responsive proteins. Vari-
ous miRNAs control ABA signaling which thereby provides
tolerance to cold stress in many plants. Further studies also
suggested that cold-tolerant varieties show higher ABA
levels during cold stress as compared to the cold-sensitive
varieties (Kumar 2014). Cold stress resulted in up-regulation
of miR169, miR172 and miR397 in Arabidopsis (Table1).
Cold stress in rice resulted in expression of 18 cold-respon-
sive miRNAs most of which are generally down-regulated
at 4°C (Lv et al. 2010). Contrary to this, expression of
miR812qis up-regulated during the initial reproductive
phase in rice upon cold stress treatment (Table1). This
miR812q further targets and down-regulates CIPK10 which
is the mediator in calcium-dependent CBL-CIPK signaling
pathway (Jeong and Green 2013).
miRNA‑phytohormone response tohypoxia
Flooding or water logging condition results in lowering of
available oxygen to the plants, referred to as hypoxia resulting
in variation in transcriptome due to the metabolic shift from
aerobic to anaerobic respiration (Bailey-Serres and Voesenek
2008). Studies show increased expression of miR156g,
miR157d, miR158a, miR159a, miR172a,b, miR391 and
miR775 but decreased expression of miR395 during hypoxia
in Arabidopsis (Moldovan etal. 2010). In Arabidopsis,
miR171 regulates plant growth, root hair differentiation, light
signaling, GA signaling and transition of vegetative to floral
phase by targeting the scarecrow-like (SCL) family of gib-
berellic acid-insensitive (GAI), repressor of GAI (RGA) and
scarecrow (SCR) GRAS domain containing transcription fac-
tors (Ma etal. 2004) (Table1). During flooding condition in
maize, miR166, miR167, miR171 and miR399 were induced
whereas miR159 was down-regulated (Liu etal. 2012). The
miR159 modifies GA, ET and ABA biosynthesis by targeting
Fig. 2 Overview of miRNA
target-mediated phytohormones
crosstalk in response to abiotic
stress. During abiotic stress
various miRNAs participate
in hormone biosymthesis and
signaling. Some miRNAs
responsive to one hormone can
in turn regulate other hormones
thereby forming new connec-
tion in hormonal network. Black
I-bars indicate mutual inhibition
or repression, red T-bars indi-
cate inhibition or repression and
green arrows indicate molecular
receptor binding or activation
(Color figure online)
ARF 6/8
AUX Receptor
Mutual inhibition
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GAMYB and ACC synthase resulting in enhanced response to
defense and variation in root architecture (Zhang etal. 2008).
The miR166 indirectly regulates ABA signaling by targeting
HOMEODOMAIN ZIP III (HD-ZIP III) transcription factor
which further up-regulates ABI4 and b-glucosidase (BG1)
(Table1). This ABI4 activates ABA signaling genes, whereas
BG1 converts inactive conjugates into active ABA (Yan etal.
2016). The miR167 targets auxin-responsive factors (ARF),
thus playing a role in auxin signaling by controlling free auxin
levels and lateral root development (Fig.2).
miRNA‑phytohormone response toUV‑B
Among all the different radiations faced by the sessile plants
UV-B (280–320nm) has been found to severely affect the
plant growth and development, mainly due to membrane
damage via generation of reactive oxygen species (Mcken-
zie et al. 2007). In Arabidopsis, UV-B stress induced
the expression of miR156, miR157, miR159, miR319,
miR160, miR165, miR166, miR167, miR169, miR170,
miR171, miR172, miR393, miR398 and miR401 (Zhou
etal. 2007) (Table1). Under UV stress, miR160,miR165,
miR166,miR167andmiR393regulate auxin signaling path-
way by targeting various ARFs thereby affecting growth and
development of plants (Fig.2). Also miR159 is induced to
provide protection against UV-B in wheat by regulating
ABA and GA signaling pathways. During seed develop-
ment miR159 is induced by ABA which negatively regulates
MYB33 and MYB101.
miRNA‑phytohormone response toheavy
metals (HMs) stress
Heavy metals occur naturally in the environment but man-
made activities have increased HM contamination in a num-
ber of areas under crop cultivation. Heavy metals such as
Copper (Cu), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) are
essential HMs that play important role in growth and devel-
opment of plants at low concentrations but become toxic
at higher concentration (Rascio and Navari-Izzo 2011). On
Cd Al
jasmonic acid
Salicylic acid
ARF 10/16/17ARF 6/8 TIR1
Fig. 3 Schematic representation showing interaction between miR-
NAs and phytohormones during various Heavy metal stresses. An
overview of miRNA and their targets involved in regulating phytohor-
mones- auxin, cytokinin, gibberellic acid, abscisic acid, salicylic acid,
brassinosteroids and strigolactones during copper (Cu), cadmium
(Cd), aluminium (Al), arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) stress. The
upward red arrow and downward green arrow indicate up-regulation
and down-regulation, respectively. The T-bars represent inhibition
and arrow indicates activation (Color figure online)
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the contrary, cadmium (Cd), aluminium (Al), arsenic (As)
and mercury (Hg) are non-essential HMs and are toxic even
at low concentrations (Gielen etal. 2012). Although Chro-
mium (Cr) neither belongs to the category of essential or
non-essential HM, it has also been discussed in this section
because of its highly carcinogenic and toxic characteristic.
Heavy metal stress is a type of abiotic stress that affects the
growth and development of plants by hampering various
physiological and metabolic activities (Gupta etal. 2014).
Recent studies suggested the role of miRNAs under HM
stress by regulating gene expression at transcriptional and
post translational levels (Yang etal. 2013). Apart from miR-
NAs, HM stress also triggers various signaling pathways
involving hormones such as AUX, CK, ET; calcium and
MAPK signaling (Sun etal. 2010; Potters etal. 2007).
Copper (Cu) is essential for various physiological activi-
ties of plants at low concentrations but becomes hazard-
ous at higher concentrations by affecting photosynthetic
rate, membrane integrity and protein metabolism of plants
(Ding etal. 2009). Cu-deprived conditions results in reduced
expression of CSDs (copper–zinc superoxide dismutase),
PC and laccases due to up-regulation of various miRNAs
such as miR397, miR398, miR408 and miR857 (Paul etal.
2015) (Table1). The promoters of miR397 inArabidop-
sis comprises of ABRE, MYC, CBF, SA andJA elements
suggesting that miR397 might be involved in overcoming
abiotic stress (Patel etal. 2019). Also, the up-regulation of
miR408 directly or indirectly regulates GA biosynthesis,
thereby promoting cell expansion and increase in biomass
in Arabidopsis (Song etal. 2018) (Table1). A study in Chla-
mydomonas suggested the involvement of squamosa pro-
moter binding protein-like 7 (SPL7) during Cu deficiency
which activates gene by binding to GTAC motifs in the pro-
moter of miR398 (Kropat etal. 2005). Additionally, SPL7
also regulates expression of various other Cu-related miR-
NAs such as miR857(Yamasaki etal. 2009). HY5 and SPL7
regulate miR408by interacting with the promoter (Zhang
etal. 2014).
Cadmium (Cd) is amongst the most dangerous pollutants
which adversely affect plant productivity by causing chloro-
sis, wilting, reduced growth and even plant death. In Bras-
sica napus, Cd stress results in up-regulation of miR393,
miR156a, miR167a/c, miR164b, miR394a/b/c(Huang etal.
2010) and down-regulation of miR156, miR160, miR171
and miR396a (Zhou etal. 2012) (Table1). The miR393
is anticipated to target F-box genes that include E3 ubiq-
uitin ligase or transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1) that
play important role in the process of ubiquitination. Auxin
signaling is regulated by TIR1 by aggravating AUX/IAA
proteins (Chinnusamy etal. 2007). So during Cd stress, up-
regulation of miR393results in increased mRNA levels of
TIR1 thereby down-regulating auxin signaling with reduced
activity of E3 ubiquitin ligase. Thus, suggesting a cross talk
between Cd stress and auxin signaling. In soybean, Cd-
responsive miRNA, miR1535b is responsible for cleavage
of Glyma07g38620.1, thereby catalyzing de novo cytokinin
production by isopentenyl transferase (iPT). So, during Cd
stress up-regulation of Glyma07g38620.1correlates posi-
tively with the production of Cytokinin (Fang etal. 2013)
Aluminium (Al) toxicity is a major problem in acidic
soils having a pH 5.5 or lower, affecting 30–40% of world’s
fertile land (Gupta etal. 2014). It binds with –COOH and
2− groups in the cell wall of roots resulting in reduced
root length thereby interfering with the water and mineral
absorption, affecting callose deposition, imbalanced cyto-
plasmic Ca2+ levels and oxidative stress (Ma etal. 2004;
Silva 2012). Al-responsive miRNAs, miR160 and miR390
regulate root growth by means of auxin response factors
(ARFs) (Table1). During Al stress, ARF10 and ARF16 are
targeted by down-regulated miR160 thereby affecting the
development of root cap (Wang etal. 2005). The miR390
functions in tasiRNA biogenesis which targets ARF2, ARF3
and ARF4, thereby regulating lateral root emergence (Yoon
etal. 2010) (Fig.3). Al toxicity in rice results in down-regu-
lation of miR393b which functions in proteasome-mediated
protein processing. In the auxin signaling pathway, up-reg-
ulation of miR160e and targeting of ARFs are antagonistic
to miR393b. The up-regulation of miR528 upon Al stress in
rice also suggests its probable role in SCF-mediated protein
production for handling metal toxicity. Therefore, in order to
combat Al stress in rice, miR160e, miR166k and miR528 are
up-regulated whereas miR393b is down-regulated (Table1;
Arsenic (As) is a widely distributed metalloid belonging
to Class I carcinogen thatpossesses severe threat to vari-
ous organisms on Earth (Srivastava etal. 2012). Arsenic
toxicity in plants affects photosynthesis rate, carbohydrate
metabolism and increases generation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation. Till date very little
information is available about the miRNA-mediated regu-
lation of plants during arsenic stress. Detailed study will
provide information about the regulatory factors involved in
response to As toxicity at post transcriptional level. Study
in rice under arsenic stress resulted in identification of 36
new miRNAs and their mode of regulation of lipid metabo-
lism and jasmonic acid (JA) signaling upon As stress (Yu
etal. 2012). The role of jasmonic acid in response to arsenic
stress has been established very well, but there are only few
miRNAs that regulate JA biosynthesis (Singh etal. 2017;
Gupta etal. 2014). In a study, miR319 has been found to be
expressed during arsenic stress, affecting JA biosynthesis by
targeting the TCP transcription factor under As, Cd, Al and
Hg stress (Liu etal. 2012) (Fig.3). This indicates the role
of miRNAs in regulating biosynthesis of JA, thereby play-
ing a role in plant response to metal stress. During arsenic
Plant Cell Reports
1 3
stress, miR838 has a putative target lipase which mediates
oxylipin biosynthesis and further activates JA biosynthesis.
Under arsenic stress, exogenous application of AUX and
JA altered the expression of miR167, miR319 and miR854,
thus positively influencing the plant growth and regulating
crosstalk between hormones and miRNAs in response to
arsenic stress (Table1; Fig.3). Therefore, miRNAs play an
important role in JA biosynthesis which further has an active
role in response to heavy metal stress (Gupta etal. 2014).
Chromium (Cr) is the second most toxic heavy metal
which is released into the environment via anthropogenic
activities. Cr affects the growth and development of plants
by hampering the uptake of water, nutrients as well as by
interfering in photosynthesis and respiration. Cr stress in
radish (Raphanus sativus L.) resulted in differential expres-
sion of 16 novel and 54 known miRNAs. Amongst them
miR156, miR159, miR160, miR168, miR169, miR319,
miR397, miR398, miR399 and miR408 were down-reg-
ulated, whereas miR161, miR172, miR390 and miR394
were up-regulated under Cr stress (Liu etal. 2015). Studies
reported that miR156/157, miR159 and miR5293 might play
an important role in regulating Cr homeostasis as they target
various SPLs—SPL3, SPL6, SPL9, SPL13 and SPL15 in rad-
ish. Also, the expression of various genes during Cr stress
might be mediated by miR159, miR319 and miR858 by tar-
geting MYB3, 13, 101, 104 and 305. So, Cr stress in radish
is reduced by miRNA-mediated regulation of Cr stress via
targeting various transcription factors (Liu etal. 2015).
Recent study also suggested that miRNAs can regulate
Cr uptake, transportation as well as gene expression during
Cr stress. The miR5293 targets TCP6, TCP15 and TCP21
which binds to the promoter of lipoxygenase (LOX),
thereby regulating the JA biosynthesis pathway (Liu etal.
2015). The miR397a and rsa-miRn35 target laccase genes
which are involved in heavy metal sequestration. Heat
shock protein 81-2 (HSP81-2) is targeted by rsa-miRn39
which plays an important role in repairing damage caused
by Cr stress. Cr stress in plants results in generation of
ROS and to reduce this oxidative damage, plants activate
HM-responsive signaling molecules and hormones such as
ET, JA, AUX signaling F-box protein, calcium-dependent
protein kinase (CDPK), mitogen-activated protein kinase
kinase (MEKK). So, a large number of miRNAs targeting
various hormones and signaling molecules results in alle-
viating Cr toxicity in plants. Thedown-regulated miR160
in riceresults in increased expression of AUX by targeting
auxin response factor (ARF)therebypreventing Cr toxic-
ity. Similar response of osa-miR160 has been reported in
Arabidopsis in regulating root cap formation (Wanget al.
2005). Although the relation between MAPK and AUX
signaling during HM stress is not very clearly known,
IAA,ARFandPIN have been reported to be negatively
regulated by MAPK signaling (Zhao etal. 2014). Another
miRNA in rice, osa-miR159, targets and suppresses MAPK
signaling cascade, thereby inducing AUX signaling and
acting as a regulator of auxin response during Cr stress
(Dubey etal. 2020).
miRNAs regulate the expression of genes post transcription-
ally and also play an important role in various growth and
developmental processes in plants. Although under adverse
environmental conditions, these miRNAsprovide stress tol-
erance by regulating various stress-responsive genes, pro-
teins, TFs and phytohormones. The growth and development
of plants under environmental stress also involves hormonal
regulation. This review deals with the involvement of miR-
NAs in hormonal crosstalk during various abiotic stresses.
Generally, miRNAs control hormonal responses by regulat-
ing early hormone-responsive genes, thus regulating only
a part of growth and development. The miRNA regulation
also involves hormonal pathways such as brassinosteroids,
salicylic acid, plant peptide hormones, polyamines, nitric
oxide and strigolactones in addition to auxin, cytokinin, gib-
berellins, abscisic acid, ethylene and jasmonic acid. This
review also deals with the interconnection between MAPK
and calcium signaling with phytohormones during various
abiotic stresses, especially HM stress suggesting the role
of MAPK in regulation of signaling molecules at both up-
stream and down-stream.
The identification and validation of abiotic stress-respon-
sive miRNAs and their corresponding targets will help to
improve tolerance of plants against various stresses. Mostly,
the targets of miRNAs are transcription factors, suggesting
that miRNAs act as an important contributor to the regu-
latory processes but it must be experimentally validated
in order to establish the relation of miRNA with different
hormones to provide abiotic tolerance. Since the targets of
miRNAs are not conserved so, there is a need to validate the
targets of miRNAs in different plants. Reverse genetics fol-
lowed by target validation will provide appropriate reasons
for approving or disapproving their role in various abiotic
stress. Additionally, the miRNA-mediated gene silencing
may be used in future for developing transgenic crop plants
with improved abiotic stress tolerance.
The crosstalk between miRNAs and phytohormones dur-
ing abiotic stress, including HMs, is not very clearly under-
stood. Thus, detailed identification of miRNAs, interconnec-
tion between miRNAs and various metabolic and signaling
pathways as well as identification of regulatory elements
up-stream of miRNAs is required to provide a better under-
standing of the miRNA-phytohormone crosstalk. Therefore,
a more detailed study in future will be helpful to develop
better approaches for mitigating various abiotic stresses.
Plant Cell Reports
1 3
Acknowledgements Authors acknowledge Director, CSIR-National
Botanical Research Institute for providing facilities and support during
the study.This manuscript bears CSIR-NBRI communication number
Author contribution statement DC conceived, PS, PD designed and
wrote the review. PS, PD has done the literature survey and provided
idea about conceptual things. DC supervision. Editing DC, PS. All the
authors have reviewed and proofread the article.
Funding This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Regarding diseases, the sly-miR166/SlyHB module in tomatoes was found to be a negative regulatory factor for plant defense against Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) [52]. Under UV stress, MiR166 regulates auxin signaling by targeting auxin response factors (ARFs), which alters plant growth and development in response to UV stress [54]. However, there are few reports on the functional research of miR166 in alfalfa. ...
... This suggests that the expression of Msa-miR166s in leaves and roots is spatiotemporally specific after drought treatment. At the same time, the relative expression levels of target genes showed opposite trends to Msa-miR166s.The accuracy of the degradation sequencing was verified, and it can be speculated that under the regulation of exogenous nitric oxide, the expression levels of Msa-miR166s decreased, reducing the cleavage of target gene mRNA and releasing enough target gene mRNA [54,57], resulting in normal expression of target genes and enhancing drought resistance of alfalfa. Consistent with research in Tomatoes [33], Rice [35] and Arabidopsis [45] Table 5). ...
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Background Alfalfa is a perennial forage crop of high importance, but its cultivation is often affected by drought stress. Currently, the investigation of drought-related small RNAs is a popular research topic to uncover plant drought resistance mechanisms. Among these small RNAs, microRNA166 (miR166) is associated with drought in numerous plant species. Initial small RNA sequencing studies have shown that miR166 is highly responsive to exogenous nitric oxide (NO) and drought. Therefore, analyzing the expression of Msa-miR166 under nitric oxide and drought treatment is significant. Result Bioinformatics analysis revealed that the miR166 family is widely distributed among plants, ranging from mosses to eudicots, with significant distribution differences between species. The evolutionary degree of Msa-miR166s is highly similar to that of Barrel medic (Medicago truncatula) and Soybean (Glycine max), but significantly different from the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). It is suggested that there are no significant differences in miR166s within the species, and members of Msa-miR166s can form a typical stem-loop. The lowest level of exogenous nitric oxide was observed in Msa-miR166s under drought stress, followed by individual drought, and the highest level was observed after removing endogenous nitric oxide. Conclusion In response to short-term drought, Msa-miR166s down-regulate expression in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Exogenous nitric oxide can reduce the expression of Msa-miR166s in response to short-term drought. These findings suggest that Msa-miR166e-5p is responsive to environmental changes. The expression levels of target genes showed an opposite trend to Msa-miR166s, verifying the accuracy of Degradome sequencing in the early stage. This suggests that alfalfa experiences drought stress when regulated by exogenous nitric oxide, targeting HD ZIP-III, FRI, and CoA ligase genes. Additionally, the expression of Msa-miR166s in response to drought stress varies between leaves and roots, indicating spatiotemporal specificity.
... ABA regulates stomatal opening and closure [32,33], thus impacting plant transpiration, and it also mediates the content of ROS by regulating calcium ion (Ca 2+ ) channels in guard cells [34,35]. In addition to ABA, other phytohormones such as ethylene (ET), auxin (indole-acetic acid, IAA), cytokinin (CK), salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), gibberellic acid (GA), and benzylaminopurine (BA) also interact and cross-talk with ABA in response to drought stress [36,37]. The genes involved in phytohormone metabolism, biosynthesis, degradation, and signal transduction, as well as those induced, regulated, and activated in response to drought stress, have been extensively studied [36,38]. ...
... Plant hormones play crucial roles in regulating plant growth and development in different environments [36,37]. It has been established that abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins, and cytokinins function as plant growth regulators in response to water stress [63]. ...
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Drought stress is a common environmental challenge that plants face, severely constraining plant growth and reducing crop yield and quality. Several studies have highlighted distinct responses between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. However, the mechanisms underlying flax tolerance to abiotic stress, such as drought, remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics and the genome-wide gene expression of oil flax and fiber flax in response to drought stress. The results revealed that drought stress caused significant wilting of flax leaves. Within the first 24 h of stress, various physiological and biochemical characteristics exhibited rapid responses. These included fresh weight, relative water content (RWC), proline, soluble protein, soluble sugar, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT) in the leaves or roots of flax. Additionally, drought stress led to a significant rise in lignin content in fiber flax. In addition, the transcriptome analysis demonstrated genome-wide variations in gene expression induced by drought stress. Specifically, genes associated with photosynthesis, proline biosynthesis, and phytohormone metabolism exhibited significant differences in expression levels under stress conditions in flax. These findings highlight the rapid response of flax to drought stress within a short-term period. Our experiment also revealed that, although there were variations in the levels of small compound content or gene expression between Longya10 and Fany under drought stress, most stress-resistance responses were similar. Furthermore, the results provide additional evidence supporting the existence of mechanisms underlying the response to drought stress in plants.
... The discernment of stress-responsive miRNAs offers valuable insights into their pivotal role in enhancing plants' mechanisms for stress tolerance [10]. An exploration of bibliographic databases indicates many studies on alterations in plant miRNA expression prompted by biotic and abiotic stressors [11]. ...
The functionalities of microRNAs (miRNAs) and their target genes toward stress in plants have been revealed to humans due to the extensive work conducted in the last decade. A tissue-specific change in the regulation of miRNAs occurs as a result of plant stress. In this study, an optical biosensor has been used to measure the concentration of various miRNAs that involve plant stress response in tomatoes after applying drought, salinity, and temperature stresses to the plant. To carry out the experiments, plants were cultivated in a greenhouse environment. To apply drought conditions in plants, they were stressed by withholding water at various levels of field capacity. Saline irrigation water was used to apply salinity. Cold and heat stresses were applied to study the effects of temperature. The concentration of several plant miRNAs, including miRNA-167, miRNA-172, miRNA-393, and miRNA-396, in plant samples was measured after applying the stresses to the plants. After creating a database in which the plant miRNA concentrations were the inputs while the plant stress level was the model output, the artificial neural network was utilized to learn the patterns between the inputs and output. The results indicated that an artificial neural network with an architecture of 4-8-4 could predict the severity of the plant stress with the MSE and R2 values of 0.070 and 0.94, respectively. This shows that combining optical biosensors and machine learning techniques could detect the stress level in stress conditions with acceptable specificity and sensitivity.
... Phytohormones are small signaling molecules that help plants regulate their growth and development, and auxins are one of the most essential and prominent groups [48][49][50]. More than 80% of microorganisms in the rhizosphere can generate IAA, which is a key regulator for stimulating plant development [51]. ...
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Developing multi-functional, environmentally friendly biofertilizers can help reduce chemical fertilizer usage. This study examined single and combined application effects of four plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains: AF124 (Rhizobium daejeonense), AF74 (Enterobacter cloacae), AF96 (Pseudomonas putida), and AF42 (Enterobacter cloacae), isolated from alkaline salt-stressed soils from Afghanistan. Physiological features such as nitrogen (N2) fixation, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), organic acid production, and P and K solubilization of bacteria in single or combined cultures in vitro were examined. A single application of AF124 and AF74 showed significantly higher IAA production than the combined application of dual, triple, and quadruple PGPR treatments. Regarding acetylene reduction activity, an N2-fixation activity indicator, a single application of AF124 showed the highest value, followed by a triple application of AF124 + AF96 + AF42. The P-solubilization activity and organic acid production were lower in the single application of AF124 but higher with other strains in the combined applications, which resulted in the secretion of multiple organic acids into the medium. The highest solubilized K value was obtained from the quadruple application compared to other treatments. In the rice inoculation test, all single and combined PGPR treatments increased its growth parameters, such as root length and root and shoot dry biomass. The present results indicate that these four PGPR strains can potentially contribute to developing multi-functional bio-fertilizer formulations.
... Plants use complicated various of mechanisms, which implicate numerous interaction pathways, to treat stress. A number of these mechanisms contain the regulation of plant hormones, transcription factors, and miRNA; as the transmission and power of signal factors 18,41 . Within the current study, two heat tolerant and one heat-sensitive cucumber genotypes were selected to spot their physical responses to high-temperature exposure. ...
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Global warming is a critical challenge limiting crop productivity. Heat stress during cucumber growing stages caused deterioration impacts on the flowering, fruit, and yield stages. In this study, “inbred line 1 and hybrid P1 × P2” (heat-tolerant) and “Barracuda” (heat-sensitive) were utilized to determine the heat tolerance in summer season. The heat injury index was used to exhibit the heat tolerance performance. The heat injury index for heat tolerant (HT) genotypes, on leaves (HIIL%) and female flowers (HIIF%), was less than 25 and 15 % in HT, compared to heat sensitive (HS) was more than 75 and 85%, respectively. Moreover, the content of leaf chlorophyll, proline, brassinosteroid (BRs), abscisic acid content (ABA), the activity of catalase (CAT, EC 1.11. 1.6), peroxidase (POD, EC and superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC increased with the heat stress responses in HT plants. Expression pattern analyses of eight genes, related to POD (CSGY4G005180 and CSGY6G015230), SOD (CSGY4G010750 and CSGY1G026400), CAT (CsGy4G025230 and CsGy4G025240), and BR (CsGy6G029150 and CsGy6G004930) showed a significant increase in HT higher than in HS plants. This study furnishes valuable markers for heat tolerance genotypes breeding in cucumber and provides a basis for understanding heat-tolerance mechanisms.
... The role of miRNAs in many biological processes, such as development of roots, leaves, stems, and flower parts, is well established. miRNAs also play an important role in abiotic stress mitigation by modulating their abundance and controlling target mRNA or forming miRNA-protein complexes, which results in changes in the timing, transcript abundance, and tissue-specific expression of abiotic stress responsive mRNAs in tissues [30][31][32]. ...
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To combat drought stress in rice, a major threat to global food security, three major quantitative trait loci for ‘yield under drought stress’ (qDTYs) were successfully exploited in the last decade. However, their molecular basis still remains unknown. To understand the role of secondary regulation by miRNA in drought stress response and their relation, if any, with the three qDTYs, the miRNA dynamics under drought stress was studied at booting stage in two drought tolerant (Sahbaghi Dhan and Vandana) and one drought sensitive (IR 20) cultivars. In total, 53 known and 40 novel differentially expressed (DE) miRNAs were identified. The primary drought responsive miRNAs were Osa-MIR2919, Osa-MIR3979, Osa-MIR159f, Osa-MIR156k, Osa-MIR528, Osa-MIR530, Osa-MIR2091, Osa-MIR531a, Osa-MIR531b as well as three novel ones. Sixty-one target genes that corresponded to 11 known and 4 novel DE miRNAs were found to be co-localized with the three qDTYs, out of the 1746 target genes identified. We could validate miRNA-mRNA expression under drought for nine known and three novel miRNAs in eight different rice genotypes showing varying degree of tolerance. From our study, Osa-MIR2919, Osa-MIR3979, Osa-MIR528, Osa-MIR2091-5p and Chr01_11911S14Astr and their target genes LOC_Os01g72000, LOC_Os01g66890, LOC_Os01g57990, LOC_Os01g56780, LOC_Os01g72834, LOC_Os01g61880 and LOC_Os01g72780 were identified as the most promising candidates for drought tolerance at booting stage. Of these, Osa-MIR2919 with 19 target genes in the qDTYs is being reported for the first time. It acts as a negative regulator of drought stress tolerance by modulating the cytokinin and brassinosteroid signalling pathway.
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Heavy metal pollution threatens plant growth and development as well as ecological stability. Here, we synthesize current research on the interplay between plants and their microbial symbionts under heavy metal stress, highlighting the mechanisms employed by microbes to enhance plant tolerance and resilience. Several key strategies such as bioavailability alteration, chelation, detoxification, induced systemic tolerance, horizontal gene transfer, and methylation and demethylation, are examined, alongside the genetic and molecular basis governing these plant–microbe interactions. However, the complexity of plant–microbe interactions, coupled with our limited understanding of the associated mechanisms, presents challenges in their practical application. Thus, this review underscores the necessity of a more detailed understanding of how plants and microbes interact and the importance of using a combined approach from different scientific fields to maximize the benefits of these microbial processes. By advancing our knowledge of plant–microbe synergies in the metabolism of heavy metals, we can develop more effective bioremediation strategies to combat the contamination of soil by heavy metals.
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Following the 2014 report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Earth surface has been warming up since the mid-18th century. From the late 1970s, Earth warmed up intensively, leading to unusual environmental, economic and social events. An intensive 19th century’s, Earth warming has speeded up ice melting and sea level rise, increased water shortage and drought intensity. Expected drought intensification and expansion would reduce crop production, deteriorating food security and intensifying poor population’s hunger. Since climate warming is continuing, we estimate long-term interaction between global warming and high-resolution drought tendencies and its consequences for global and regional food security. This paper develops and investigates satellite-derived 38-year high-resolution drought data sets and evaluate their trends, during 1981-2018. Drought was estimated using satellite-based Vegetation Health (VH) method. The results indicated that for the entire globe, hemispheres and the main grain-producing countries (China, USA and India) drought has not intensified and expanded during 38-year, while the global temperature anomaly has strongly increased. Since drought has not intensified and expanded during strong global warming, food security in the next few years is likely to remain at the level of the most recent decade.
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are one of the most critical epigenetic regulators of gene expression which modulate a spectrum of development and defence response processes in plants. Chromium (Cr) contamination in rice imposes a serious concern to human health as rice is used as staple food throughout the world. Although several studies have established the differential response of miRNAs in rice during heavy metal (arsenic, cadmium) and heat or cold stress, no report is available about the response of miRNAs during Cr stress. In the present study, we identified 512 and 568 known miRNAs from Cr treated and untreated samples, respectively. Expression analysis revealed that 13 conserved miRNAs (miR156, miR159, miR160, miR166, miR169, miR171, miR396, miR397, miR408, miR444, miR1883, miR2877, miR5072) depicted preferential up- or down-regulation (> 4-fold change; P value < 0.05). Target gene prediction of differentially expressed miRNAs and their functional annotation suggested the important role of miRNAs in defence and detoxification of Cr though ATP-binding cassette transporters (ABC transporters), transcription factors, heat shock proteins, auxin response, and metal ion transport. Real-time PCR analysis validated the differential expression of selected miRNAs and their putative target genes. In conclusion, our study identifies and predicts miRNA-mediated regulation of signalling pathway in rice during Cr stress.
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The “small RNA world” discovered by plant biologists has acquired a central, regulatory role in diverse and fundamental processes including genome stability, gene expression and defense. The microRNAs (miRNAs) are a group of small noncoding RNAs found in both animals and plants. Since their discovery in Arabidopsis thaliana, plant miRNAs have been identified and their target genes are characterized in various plant species. While some miRNAs are functionally conserved across plant species, studies have also shown that miRNAs respond to environmental stresses in a stress-, tissue-, and genotype-dependent manner. During abiotic stress, miRNAs function by regulating target genes within the miRNA–target gene network and by controlling signaling pathways. Both stress-induced and stress-inhibited miRNAs constitute a controlling mechanism for fine tuning the positive or negative regulators of different stress-regulated pathways. These properties suggest that miRNA-based genetic modifications have the potential to enhance abiotic stress tolerance in crops. Furthermore, consequent to stress perception, epigenetic changes facilitate miRNA regulation of several transcription factors, which are common to drought, salt and heavy metal stress. With the rapid advancement in methods of whole genome sequencing, several new and novel miRNAs are being identified and research efforts are underway to decipher the “microRNAome”—a comprehensive view of miRNA-mediated gene regulatory networks in plants. The horizon of ‘regulatory RNA’ field is expanding, and new developments will certainly enhance our understanding of microRNA interactome under stress conditions. In this article, we discuss the perspective of microRNA regulation of salt, drought and heavy metal stress with an emphasis on shared mechanisms and provide an understanding of their potential roles in plant adaptation to abiotic stress conditions.
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miR408 is highly conserved among different plant species and targets transcripts encoding copper-binding proteins. The function of miR408 in reproductive development remains largely unclear despite it being known to play important roles during vegetative development in Arabidopsis. Here, we show that transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing MIR408 have altered morphology including significantly increased leaf area, petiole length, plant height, flower size, and silique length, resulting in enhanced biomass and seed yield. The increase in plant size was primarily due to cell expansion rather than cell proliferation, and was consistent with higher levels of myosin gene expression and gibberellic acid (GA) measured in transgenic plants. In addition, photosynthetic rate was significantly increased in the MIR408-overexpressing plants, as manifested by higher levels of chloroplastic copper content and plastocyanin (PC) expression. In contrast, overexpression of miR408-regulated targets, Plantacyanin and Laccase 13, resulted in reduced biomass production and seed yield. RNA-sequencing revealed that genes involved in primary metabolism and stress response were preferentially enriched in the genes upregulated in MIR408-overexpressing plants. These results indicate that miR408 plays an important role in regulating biomass and seed yield and that MIR408 may be a potential candidate gene involved in the domestication of agricultural crops.
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Oryza glaberrima is the second edible rice in the genus Oryza. It is grown in the African countries. miRNAs are regulatory molecules that are involved in every domains of gene expression including salinity stress response. Although several miRNAs have been reported from various species of Oryza, yet none of them are from this species. Salt treated (200 mM NaCl for 48 h) and control smallRNA libraries of RAM-100, a salt tolerant genotype, each with 2 replications generated 150 conserve and 348 novel miRNAs. We also used smallRNAseq data of NCBI of O. glaberrima to discover additional 246 known miRNAs. Totally, 29 known and 32 novel miRNAs were differentially regulated under salinity stress. Gene ontology and KEGG analysis indicated several targets were involved in vital biological pathways of salinity stress tolerance. Expression of selected miRNAs as indicated by Illumina data were found to be coherent with real time-PCR analysis. However, target gene expression was inversely correlated with their corresponding miRNAs. Finally based upon present results as well as existing knowledge of literature, we proposed the miRNA-target modules that were induced by salinity stress. Therefore, the present findings provide valuable information about miRNA-target networks in salinity adaption of O. glaberrima.
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Small RNAs play an important role in regulating plant responses to abiotic stress. Depending on the method of salt application, whether sudden or gradual, plants may experience either salt shock or salt stress, respectively. In this study, small RNA expression in response to salt shock and long-term salt stress in parallel experiments was described. Cotton small RNA libraries were constructed and sequenced under normal conditions, as well as sudden and gradual salt application. A total of 225 cotton microRNAs (miRNAs) were identified and of these 24 were novel miRNAs. There were 88 and 75 miRNAs with differential expression under the salt shock and long-term salt stress, respectively. Thirty one transcripts were found to be targets of 20 miRNA families. Eight targets showed a negative correlation in expression with their corresponding miRNAs. We also identified two TAS3s with two near-identical 21-nt trans-acting small interfering RNA (tasiRNA)-Auxin Response Factors (ARFs) that coaligned with the phases D7(+) and D8(+) in three Gossypium species. The miR390/tasiRNA-ARFs/ARF4 pathway was identified and showed altered expression under salt stress. The identification of these small RNAs as well as elucidating their functional significance broadens our understanding of post-transcriptional gene regulation in response to salt stress.
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Salinization is one of the major factors that threaten the existence of plants worldwide. Populus euphratica has been deemed to be a promising candidate for stress response research because of its high capacity to tolerate extreme salt stress. We carried out a genome-wide transcriptome analysis to identify the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) response to salt shock and elucidate the early salt tolerance mechanisms in P. euphratica. Both hierarchical clustering and DEG analysis demonstrated a predominant variation from time-course rather than NaCl intensity within 24 hours salt shock. Among the identified 1,678 salt-responsive DEGs, 74.1% (1,244) have not been reported before. We further created an integrated regulatory gene network of the salt response in P. euphratica by combining DEGs, transcription factors (TFs), Helitrons, miRNAs and their targets. The prominent pathways in this network are plant hormone transduction, starch and sucrose metabolism, RNA transport, protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum, etc. In addition, the network indicates calcium-related genes play key roles in P. euphratica response to salt shock. These results illustrated an overview of the systematic molecular response in P. euphratica under different intensities of salt shock and revealed the complex regulatory mechanism.
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Background Abiotic stresses cause severe loss of crop production. Among them, drought is one of the most frequent environmental stresses, which limits crop growth, development and productivity. Plant drought tolerance is fine-tuned by a complex gene regulatory network. Understanding the molecular regulation of this polygenic trait is crucial for the eventual success to improve plant yield and quality. Recent studies have demonstrated that microRNAs play critical roles in plant drought tolerance. However, little is known about the microRNA in drought response of the model plant tomato. Here, we described the profiling of drought-responsive microRNA and mRNA in tomato using high-throughput next-generation sequencing. Results Drought stress was applied on the seedlings of M82, a drought-sensitive cultivated tomato genotype, and IL9–1, a drought-tolerant introgression line derived from the stress-resistant wild species Solanum pennellii LA0716 and M82. Under drought, IL9–1 performed superior than M82 regarding survival rate, H2O2 elimination and leaf turgor maintenance. A total of four small RNA and eight mRNA libraries were constructed and sequenced using Illumina sequencing technology. 105 conserved and 179 novel microRNAs were identified, among them, 54 and 98 were differentially expressed upon drought stress, respectively. The majority of the differentially-expressed conserved microRNAs was up-regulated in IL9–1 whereas down-regulated in M82. Under drought stress, 2714 and 1161 genes were found to be differentially expressed in M82 and IL9–1, respectively, and many of their homologues are involved in plant stress, such as genes encoding transcription factor and protein kinase. Various pathways involved in abiotic stress were revealed by Gene Ontology and pathway analysis. The mRNA sequencing results indicated that most of the target genes were regulated by their corresponding microRNAs, which suggested that microRNAs may play essential roles in the drought tolerance of tomato. Conclusion In this study, numerous microRNAs and mRNAs involved in the drought response of tomato were identified using high-throughput sequencing, which will provide new insights into the complex regulatory network of plant adaption to drought stress. This work will also help to exploit new players functioning in plant drought-stress tolerance. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3869-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Post-transcriptional gene silencing mediated by microRNAs (miRNAs) modulates numerous developmental and stress response pathways. For the last two decades, HASTY (HST), the ortholog of human Exportin-5, has been considered as a candidate protein that exports plant miRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Here, we report HST functions in the miRNA pathway independent of its cargo-exporting activity in Arabidopsis. We found that Arabidopsis mutants with impaired HST shuttling present normal subcellular distribution of miRNAs. Interestingly, protein-protein interaction and microscopy assays showed that HST directly interacts with the microprocessor core component DCL1 through its N-terminal domain. Moreover, mass-spectrometry analysis revealed that HST also interacts, independently of its N-terminal domain, with the mediator complex subunit MED37. Further experiments showed that HST could act as a scaffold to facilitate the recruitment of DCL1 to genomic MIRNA loci by stabilizing the DCL1-MED37 complex, which in turn promotes the transcription and proper processing of pri-miRNAs. In summary, our results suggest that HST is likely associated with the formation of the miRNA biogenesis complex at MIRNA genes, promoting the transcription and processing of pri-miRNAs, rather than with the direct export of processed miRNAs from the nucleus.
miR156 is a conserved microRNA whose role and induction mechanisms under stress are poorly known. Strigolactones are phytohormones needed in shoots for drought acclimation. They promote stomatal closure ABA‐dependently and independently; however, downstream effectors for the former have not been identified. Linkage between miR156 and strigolactones under stress has not been reported. We compared ABA accumulation and sensitivity as well as performances of wt and miR156‐overexpressing (miR156‐oe) tomato plants during drought. We also quantified miR156 levels in wt, strigolactone‐depleted and strigolactone‐treated plants, exposed to drought stress. Under irrigated conditions, miR156 overexpression and strigolactone treatment led to lower stomatal conductance and higher ABA sensitivity. Exogenous strigolactones were sufficient for miR156 accumulation in leaves, while endogenous strigolactones were required for miR156 induction by drought. The “after‐effect” of drought, by which stomata do not completely re‐open after rewatering, was enhanced by both strigolactones and miR156. The transcript profiles of several miR156 targets were altered in strigolactone‐depleted plants. Our results show that strigolactones act as a molecular link between drought and miR156 in tomato, and identify miR156 as a mediator of ABA‐dependent effect of strigolactones on the after‐effect of drought on stomata. Thus, we provide insights into both strigolactone and miR156 action on stomata. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.