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A PDRR based detection technique for blackhole attack in MANET


Abstract and Figures

— An Ad hoc network is the network with no fixed infrastructure. There is no central administrator so any node can come and move in and outside of the network in a dynamic manner. This makes it more dynamic and complex which makes it more prone to attacks. They can attack either active or passive. Some effects of malicious nodes are Denial of service, Routing table overflow, Impersonation, Energy consumption, Information disclosure etc. A blackhole attack node attracts all packets by falsely claiming a fresh route to the destination node and absorbs them without forwarding them to destination. In this paper a mechanism based on PDRR is proposed to detect the blackhole attack in MANET with AODV protocol. An introduction of blackhole in MANET with QUALNET 5.0 is done, after applying the detection technique result reflects the performance degradation. This paper is intended for audience having prior knowledge about network routing protocols and its related quantitative performance metrics. AODV(AD HOC ON-DEMAND DISTANCE VECTOR) AODV is reactive protocol Routing information is collected only when it is needed, and route determination depends on sending route queries throughout the network. When a route to a new destination is needed, the node broadcasts a RREQ to find a route to the destination. Each node receiving the request caches a route back to the originator of the request, so that the RREP can be unicast from the destination along a path to that originator. A route can be determined when the RREQ reaches a node that offers reach ability to the destination (e.g., the destination itself).
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A PDRR based detection technique for blackhole
attack in MANET
Shekhar Tandan and Praneet Saurabh
Computer Science and Engineering Dept., RGPV Bhopal, Gyan Ganga College of Technology, Jabalpur
Abstract— An Ad hoc network is the network with no fixed
infrastructure. There is no central administrator so any node
can come and move in and outside of the network in a dynamic
manner. This makes it more dynamic and complex which makes
it more prone to attacks. They can attack either active or passive.
Some effects of malicious nodes are Denial of service, Routing
table overflow, Impersonation, Energy consumption,
Information disclosure etc.
A blackhole attack node attracts all packets by falsely claiming a
fresh route to the destination node and absorbs them without
forwarding them to destination.
In this paper a mechanism based on PDRR is proposed to detect
the blackhole attack in MANET with AODV protocol. An
introduction of blackhole in MANET with QUALNET 5.0 is
done, after applying the detection technique result reflects the
performance degradation.
This paper is intended for audience having prior knowledge
about network routing protocols and its related quantitative
performance metrics.
Keywords Ad hoc Network, Blackhole Attack, AODV,
QualNet 5.0, Detection Technique.
Ad hoc network has no predefined structure and no any fixed
topology. All nodes can move freely in network. There is no
any centralized control to control transmission and movement
of nodes. All the nodes in network participate in network
management task, Hence network management is done in
distributed manner. Each node in the network works both as
router and host. As all nodes are movable so this changes
topology of the network dynamically, which brings more
challenges in security of Ad hoc network
A black hole node that attracts all the packets by falsely
claiming that it has valid route to destination node. [8]
It disturbs the routing protocol by deceiving other nodes
about the routing information. A black hole node works in the
following scheme: once receiving RREQ messages, the
attacker replies RREP messages directly and claims that it is
the destination node or had valid route to destination node.
Under these circumstances, the source node sends data
packets to the black hole instead of the destination node.
When the source node transmits data packets through the
black hole, the attacker discards them without sending back a
RERR message.
AODV is reactive protocol Routing information is collected
only when it is needed, and route determination depends on
sending route queries throughout the network.
When a route to a new destination is needed, the node
broadcasts a RREQ to find a route to the destination. Each
node receiving the request caches a route back to the
originator of the request, so that the RREP can be unicast
from the destination along a path to that originator. A route
can be determined when the RREQ reaches a node that offers
reach ability to the destination (e.g., the destination itself).
Figure 1: AODV Protocol Messaging
The route is made available by unicasting a RREP back to
the origination of the RREQ. For nodes monitoring the link
status of next hops for active routes, when a link break in an
active route is detected, the broken link is invalidated and a
RERR message is typically transmitted to notify other nodes
that the loss of that link has occurred. The RERR message
indicates the destination that is no longer reachable by way of
the broken link.
Shafinaz Buruhanudeen, Mohamed Othman, Mazliza
Othman, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali[1] discuss about the
existing MANET Routing Protocols in paper author highlight
the important routing matrices required in evaluating the
performance of the protocol in terms of reliability and
efficiency. In paper they discuss some of the factor which
affects the routing algorithm like such as variable wireless
link quality, propagation path loss, fading; multi-user
interference, power expended and topological changes
become important issues. In paper discuss about the proactive
Hybrid routing Protocol like, ZRP.
Shekhar Tandan et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (4) , 2011, 1513-1516
Jiwen CAI,Ping YI,Ye TIAN,Yongkai ZOHU,Ning LIU
[8] has proposed & simulated some of the attacks for DSR
protocol using NS2.
Ioannis Broustis Gentian Jakllari Thomas Repantis
Mart Molle[2] discuss the performance of routing protocols
for large scale mobile adhoc network larger throughput lower
end to end delay fewer lost data packet. They perform the
simulation on DSR, TORA, AODV, LAR in the paper
discuss result derived from extended simulation and compare
the efficiency of the above four protocols using NS-2 and
Satoshi Kurosawa, Hidehisa Nakayama[3] has been
analyzed the blackhole attack which is one of the possible
attacks in ad hoc networks. In a blackhole attack, a malicious
node impersonates a destination node by sending a spoofed
route reply packet to a source node that initiates a route
discovery. By doing this, the malicious node can deprive the
traffic from the source node. In order to prevent this kind of
attack, it is crucial to detect the abnormality occurs during the
attack. After analysis he prospsed an anomaly detection
scheme using dynamic training method in which the training
data is updated at regular time intervals.
Md. Anisur Rahman, Md. Shohidul Islam[4] compared
the performance of two prominent on-demand reactive
routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks: DSR and
AODV, along with the traditional proactive DSDV protocol.
A simulation model with MAC and physical layer models
have been used to study interlayer interactions and their
performance implications. The On-demand protocols, AODV
and DSR perform better than the table-driven DSDV protocol.
Lidong Zhou[5] studied the threats an ad hoc network
faces and the security goals to be achieved. After that he
identified the new challenges and opportunities posed by this
new networking environment and explore new approaches to
secure its communication.
Rajan Shankaran, Vijay Varadharajan, Michael
Hitchens [6] presented a scheme for providing security
services for routing of control messages in an ad-hoc network.
Our focus is on on-demand routing protocols for ad-hoc
networks, specifically the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol.
In this paper an implementation of black hole in wireless
network is presented and the analysis is performed using
AODV protocol with variation in pause time and speed of
node with a simulator QualNet 5.0. The performance metric
is packet drop ratio (PDRR). After analysis of result effect of
black hole attack in network is observed and also
analysed how detection technique helps to detect them.
All simulation has been performed with QualNet 5.0[7]
In this paper work all the simulation work is performed in
Qualnet wireless network simulator version 5.0. The
movement proceeds for a specific amount of time or distance,
and the process is repeated a predetermined number of times.
We choose Min speed = 10 m/s, Max speed = 50m/s, and
pause time = 10s to 50s.
All the simulation work was carried out using TCP variants
(Reno, Lite, Tahoe) with DSR routing protocol .Network
traffic is provided by using File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
application. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) represents the File
Transfer Protocol server and client.
Wireless network which we have used have following
values for different parameter:
Mobility model Random Way Point
Minimum speed 0 mps
Maximum speed 10 mps, 20 mps, 30mps, 40 mps,
and 50 mps
Pause time 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s.
Simulation Time 200s
Coordination 1500 * 1500 m
FTP (File transfer protocol): 41 (client) to 1 (server)
Item size 512(byte)
Radio/physical layer parameters:
Radio type: 802.11b Radio
Data rate: 2Mbps
Packet reception model: Bit error rate (bpsk.ber)
MAC Protocol: 802.11
Routing Protocol: AODV
Transport Protocol: TCP
Node: 50
Node Placement: Random
Seed: 1
This work proposes a technique works on a parameter Packet
Drop Ratio (PDRR).It calculates PDRR also verifies it.
Threshold detection technique compares calculated
packet drop ratio (PDRR) against a Threshold value.
Threshold value is a maximum packet drop ratio value
without blackhole attack. Under the normal case i.e. without
attack Packet Drop Ratio (PDRR) must always be less or
equals to threshold value. Under attack case packet drop ratio
will be more than the threshold value. Thus algorithm
compares calculated packet drop ratio with a pre specified
threshold .
Algorithm for Detection of Blackhole attack
Step1:[Calculate packet delivery ratio (PDR) for all the
Step2:[Computation of Packet Drop Ratio(PDRR) ]
Step3:[Maximum PDRR value for AODV without blackhole
attack is chosen as a threshold.(here 0.05)]
Step4: [Check PDR of current simulation if less than
threshold then system is free from attack. Otherwize there is
blackhole attack.]
if ( PDRR > THRESHOLD ) then
Message("System is under Blachole Attack");
Message("System is free from Attack");
Shekhar Tandan et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (4) , 2011, 1513-1516
After applying the detection technique the following results
obtained shown in table for both the cases
i) variation in pause time, and ii) variation in node speed.
With Blackhole Without Blackhole
(%) PDRR
(%) PDR
(%) PDRR
10 0.85 0.15 0.96 0.04
20 0.86 0.14 0.95 0.05
30 0.86 0.14 0.99 0.01
40 0.79 0.21 0.98 0.02
50 0.78 0.22 0.98 0.02
With Blackhole Without Blackhole
(%) PDRR
(%) PDR
(%) PDRR
10 0.87 0.13 0.98 0.02
20 0.89 0.11 0.99 0.01
30 0.86 0.14 0.98 0.02
40 0.77 0.23 0.98 0.02
50 0.84 0.16 0.99 0.01
After analyzing fig.2 it is observed that for AODV without
attack PDRR is initially 4% for pause time 10, It is maximum
5% for pause time 20. PDRR is lowest for pause time 30 and
for remaining pause time it is 2%.
For AODV with attack PDRR is initially 15% for pause time
10, It is 14% for pause time 20 and 30. For other pause time it
is increasing. Packet drop is maximum for pause time 50.
Pause Time Vs PDRR
AODV with Attack 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.21 0.22
AODV Without
0.04 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.02
10 20 30 40 50
Fig.2. Pause time Vs PDRR
From above Fig.2 it is estimated that PDRR effect in AODV
without attack are less and for AODV with attack changes by
increasing or decreasing the pause time. There is much PDRR
in case of AODV with Attack.
Node Speed Vs PDRR
AODV with Attack 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.23 0.16
AODV without
0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01
10 20 30 40 50
Fig.3: Node Speed Vs PDRR
For AODV without attack PDRR is 2% for node speed 10, 30,
and 40.For node speed 20 and 50 it is 1%. For AODV with
attack PDRR is initially 13% for node speed 10.It is
minimum 11% for node speed 20 and maximum 23% for
node speed 40.
From above Fig.3 it is estimated that PDRR effect in AODV
without attack are less and for AODV with attack changes by
increasing or decreasing the node speed. There is much
PDRR in case of AODV with Attack.
After observing the results it is found that the under attack
case system has PDRR always greater to threshold. Hence
detection is supported.
This paper presents a detection analysis with black hole
attack by using AODV routing protocol in different scenario.
This analysis is performed in wireless ad hoc network.
After completion of all simulation results were analyzed in
graph. It is observed that AODV without attack gives better
result in all situations.After observing the results it is found
that under attack case system has more packet drop ratio it is
always greater to threshold. Hence detection is supported.
The work can be extended by nitty-gritty study of routing
protocols in a fault tolerant approach with proper simulation
set up with parallel real time environment for mobile and
wireless ad hoc networks.
This paper is for introduction and detection of blackhole
attack as a part of future work, this work can be extended for
implementation of prevention technique for blackhole attack.
As part of future work it can simulate Routing protocols by
using other protocols with the help of other different
parameters in wide network
Shekhar Tandan et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (4) , 2011, 1513-1516
[1] Existing MANET Routing Protocols and Metrics used Towards the
Efficiency and Reliability- An Overview Shafinaz Buruhanudeen,
Mohamed Othman, Mazliza Othman, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on
Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on
Communications, 14-17 May 2007, Penang, Malaysia 1-4244-1094-
0/07©2007 IEEE.
[2] Charles E.Perkins. Ad hoc Networking, Addison-Wedey, 2001
[3] Satoshi Kurosawa, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato, Abbas Jamalipour,
and Yoshiaki Nemoto, “Detecting Blackhole Attack on AODV-based
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Dynamic Learning Method”.
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.5, No.3, PP.338–346,
Nov. 2007
[4] Md. Anisur Rahman, Md. Shohidul Islam, Alex Talevski,
“Performance Measurement of Various Routing Protocols in Ad-hoc
Network”, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer
Scientists 2009 Vol I.
[5] Lidong Zhou, Zygmunt J. Haas “Securing Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE
network, special issue on network security, November/December,
[6] Rajan Shankaran, Vijay Varadharajan, Michael Hitchens, “Securing
the Ad Hoc Dynamic Source Routing Protocol” IEEE 2006 .
[7] Scalable Network Technology, “QualNet5.0 simulator” tutorial and
QualNet Forum
[8] Jiwen CAI,Ping YI,Ye TIAN,Yongkai ZOHU,Ning LIU “The
simulation and comparison of routing attack on DSR protocols” IEEE
Shekhar Tandan et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (4) , 2011, 1513-1516
... Security involves the identification of possible attacks and susceptibilities or unauthorized access which confrontations the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of any system [8]. Attacks can be gathered into passive and active attacks [10]. A passive attack is very durable to discover as it determines valuable material by snooping on to the routing traffic without disturbing or operating the routing protocol. ...
... In this category of attacks vital material about links are suspended or false routing data is announced to disturb the network [10]. ...
... Here a compromised node efforts to waste the battery volume of the victim by advancing unnecessary packets or by endorsing an extensive long route [10]. ...
... For the policy, protection, detection and response (PPDR) architecture, Saurabh et al. [78] described the combination of protection, detection, reaction and restoration. This architecture views the protection of information security as the basis, which is also regarded as the process of the activity. ...
... However, it cannot be applied in every system. Through the rational choice of emergency response measures explained in Saurabh et al. [78], the maximum benefits can be obtained at a minimal cost, thus reducing or even eliminating the negative effects of adverse events, which is helpful for achieving the network security objectives of the information organization. However, the cost and the final benefits are hard to predict. ...
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Recently, an increasing number of cyber-attacks in the medical field has resulted in great losses in the health care industry, since medical information plays an essential role in human health. To introduce a comprehensive survey about possible cyber-attacks and solutions for these attacks, our paper first presents a brief overview of the necessary background of the dataflow in the medical domain and then identifies the vulnerabilities in each stage of the dataflow. Then, according to the weaknesses identified in the medical system, a classification of cyber-attacks is presented. Additionally, the paper presents research on previous work that focuses on solving these cyber-attacks and identifies the strengths and limitations of the solutions for each attack. More importantly, for data storage assurance, our paper discusses several cybersecurity architectures for the medical domain from the existing literature. The countermeasures from previous papers and architectures that are still weak in terms of resource depletion, attack reduction, applicability, etc. are addressed. Finally, the paper discusses and recommends solutions for future work to decrease cyber-attacks in the medical field so that human health can be guaranteed.
... In [5], [12], the blackhole attack is analysed and a mechanism based on Packet Drop Ratio (PDRR) [14] is used to detect the blackhole attack in MANET with AODV protocol. The analysis of network survivability in the presence of node misbehaviours and failures is discussed in [19]. ...
... The concept of analyzing the Packet Drop Ratio (PDRR) to detect the abnormal behavior of the nodes to detect the black hole attack is reported in [5], where PDRR is the performance metric. The authors have calculated a maximum Packet Drop Ratio for an attack free network and set it as the threshold value. ...
Routing in Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a complex task, because the nodes in the DTN no longer exist, so security from denial of service (DoS) attack is a milestone. Clustering-based routing algorithms have been developed for DTN in recent years; however, the loss of packets as well as the energy consumption is still high, so that the security of the network system is compromised. In this article, a novel award-reward protocol is proposed for routing in DTN, which can enhance the security by reducing the loss of packets and require less energy for transmission. The proposed protocol has four phases; the first phase is for topology management, where the k-means algorithm is employed. In the second phase, the trust level of every node is calculated by sending and receiving sample packets. In the third phase, an award-reward value is defined for every node based on the trust level and in the last phase, the path for the transmission is selected based on the award-reward value.
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This paper focuses on mobile ad hoc network's routing vulnerability and compares network performance under several attacks. First of all, we put forward an enhanced type of black hole based on current research. Secondly, we implement this attack on DSR protocol, using network simulator 2, and another two attack patterns-passive black hole and RREQ flooding attack for comparison. Finally, the authors evaluate these attack patterns' impact and draw the conclusion that flooding attack is more dangerous than black hole attacks and active black hole bring about larger damage.
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Algorithm (TORA) have been implemented. In this paper, a comprehensive attempt has been made to compare the performance of two prominent on-demand reactive routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks: DSR and AODV, along with the traditional proactive DSDV protocol. A simulation model with MAC and physical layer models have been used to study interlayer interactions and their performance implications. The On-demand protocols, AODV and DSR perform better than the table-driven DSDV protocol. Although DSR and AODV share similar on-demand behavior, the differences in the protocol mechanics can lead to significant performance differentials. The performance differentials have been analyzed by varying network load, mobility, and network size.
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Ad hoc networks are a new wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. Unlike traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. Instead, hosts rely on each other to keep the network connected. Military tactical and other security-sensitive operations are still the main applications of ad hoc networks, although there is a trend to adopt ad hoc networks for commercial uses due to their unique properties. One main challenge in the design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. In this article, we study the threats on ad hoc network faces and the security goals to be achieved. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. In particular, we take advantage of the inherent redundancy in ad hoc networks-multiple routes between nodes-to defend routing against denial-of-service attacks. We also use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly secure and highly available key management service, which terms the core of our security framework
Ad hoc networks are to computing devices what Yahoo Personals are to single people: both help individuals communicate productively with strangers while maintaining security. Under the rules of ad hoc networking--which continue to evolve--your mobile phone can, when placed in proximity to your handheld address book, establish a little network on its own and enable data sharing between the two devices. In Ad Hoc Networking, Charles Perkins has compiled a series of technical papers about networking on the fly from a variety of laboratories and experts. The collection explains the latest thinking on how mobile devices can best discover, identify, and communicate with other devices in the vicinity. In this treatment, ad hoc networking covers a broad swath of situations. An ad hoc network might consist of several home-computing devices, plus a notebook computer that must exist on home and office networks without extra administrative work. Such a network might also need to exist when the people and equipment in normally unrelated military units need to work together in combat. Though the papers in this book are much more descriptive of protocols and algorithms than of their implementations, they aim individually and collectively at commercialization and popularization of mobile devices that make use of ad hoc networking. You'll enjoy this book if you're involved in researching or implementing ad hoc networking capabilities for mobile devices. --David Wall Topics covered: The state-of-the-art in protocols and algorithms to be used in ad hoc networks of mobile devices that move in and out of proximity to one another, to fixed resources like printers, and to Internet connectivity. Routing with Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), and other resource-discovery and routing protocols; the effects of ad hoc networking on bandwidth consumption; and battery life.
Conference Paper
Ad hoc routing protocols are challenging to design and the need for security services further complicates the situation. So far the proposals for routing in ad hoc networks offer no security mechanisms at all, or have only partial solutions for protecting the routing. In this paper, we present a scheme for providing security services for routing of control messages in an ad hoc network. Our focus is on on-demand routing protocols for ad hoc networks, specifically the dynamic source routing protocol
This paper analyzes the blackhole attack which is one of the possible attacks in ad hoc networks. In a blackhole attack, a malicious node impersonates a destination node by sending a spoofed route reply packet to a source node that initiates a route discovery. By doing this, the malicious node can deprive the traffic from the source node. In order to prevent this kind of attack, it is crucial to detect the abnormality occurs during the attack. In conventional schemes, anomaly detection is achieved by defining the normal state from static training data. However, in mobile ad hoc networks where the network topology dynamically changes, such static training method could not be used efficiently. In this paper, we propose an anomaly detection scheme using dynamic training method in which the training data is updated at regular time intervals. The simulation results show the effectiveness of our scheme compared with conventional scheme.
The simulation and comparison of routing attack on DSR protocols
  • Cai Jiwen
  • Y I Ping
  • Tian Ye
  • Zohu Yongkai
  • Liu Ning
Jiwen CAI,Ping YI,Ye TIAN,Yongkai ZOHU,Ning LIU "The simulation and comparison of routing attack on DSR protocols" IEEE 2009