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Arduino based Machine Learning and IoT Smart Irrigation System



We all depend on farmers in today's world. But is anybody aware of who the farmers rely on? They don't suffer from various irrigation issues, such as over-irrigation, under irrigation, underwater depletion, floods, etc. We are trying to build a project to solve some of the problems that will help farmers overcome the challenges. Owing to inadequate distribution or lack of control, irrigation happens because of waste water, chemicals, which can contribute to water contamination. Under irrigation, only enough water is provided to the plant, which gives low soil salinity, leading to increased soil salinity with a consequent build-up of toxic salts in areas with high evaporation on the soil surface. This requires either leaching to remove these salts or a drainage system to remove the salts. We have developed a project using IoT (Internet of Things) and ML to solve these irrigation problems (machine learning). The hardware consists of different sensors, such as the temperature sensor, the humidity sensor, the pH sensor, the raspberry pi or Arduino module controlled pressure sensor and the bolt IOT module. Our temperature sensor will predict the area's weather condition, through which farmers will make less use of field water. At a regular interval, our pH sensor can sense the pH of the soil and predict whether or not this soil needs more water. Our main aim is to automatically build an irrigation system and to conserve water for future purposes
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-4, March 2021
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijsce.D34810310421
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Arduino Based Machine Learning and IoT Smart
Irrigation System
Prakash Kanade, Jai Prakash Prasad
Abstract: We all depend on farmers in today's world. But is
anybody aware of who the farmers rely on? They don't suffer
from various irrigation issues, such as over-irrigation, under
irrigation, underwater depletion, floods, etc. We are trying to
build a project to solve some of the problems that will help
farmers overcome the challenges. Owing to inadequate
distribution or lack of control, irrigation happens because of
waste water, chemicals, which can contribute to water
contamination. Under irrigation, only enough water is provided
to the plant, which gives low soil salinity, leading to increased
soil salinity with a consequent build-up of toxic salts in areas
with high evaporation on the soil surface. This requires either
leaching to remove these salts or a drainage system to remove the
salts. We have developed a project using IoT (Internet of Things)
and ML to solve these irrigation problems (machine learning).
The hardware consists of different sensors, such as the
temperature sensor, the humidity sensor, the pH sensor, the
raspberry pi or Arduino module controlled pressure sensor and
the bolt IOT module. Our temperature sensor will predict the
area's weather condition, through which farmers will make less
use of field water. At a regular interval, our pH sensor can sense
the pH of the soil and predict whether or not this soil needs more
water. Our main aim is to automatically build an irrigation
system and to conserve water for future purposes.
Keywords: Irrigation, Automation, LeenaBOT, Arduino, soil
sensor, Robotics
On the world, agribusiness is poverty stricken in the
economy of various nations. Development is the foundation
of the economy in spite of money related movement. The
pillar of the economy is horticulture. It adds to the public
full yield. Farming meets the substance of the
comprehensive network's food and gives a couple of
unpleasant materials to organizations. Regardless, as there
are creature blocks in green environments, there would be
an enormous loss of yields. The yield will be crushed
totally. There would be a liberal portion of ranchers'
misfortunes. It is significant to shield commonplace fields or
domains from creatures to guarantee a basic segregation
from these monetary catastrophes. To address this issue, we
will structure a framework in our proposed work to protect
the passage of creatures into the home[25]. Our point behind
the standard is to make the ranch restrictive fencing, to
safeguard a basic partition in the light of animals from
misfortunes. Such restrictive fencing.
Manuscript received on January 08, 2021.
Revised Manuscript received on January 15, 2021.
Manuscript published on March 30, 2021.
* Correspondence Author
Prakash Kanade*, Researcher, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, IoT,
Jai Prakash Prasad, Professor, Don Bosco Institute of Technology,
Bangalore, India.
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
shields the gather from harming the yield of the yield of the
proposition by expanding gathering. The structure would not
be Perilous and inconvenient to creatures similarly as
people. The focal point of the endeavor is the utilization of
the installed framework to structure a brilliant assurance
system for home protection. Electric divider utilized in flow
procedure to shield the yields from the wild animals. Due to
high-control creatures, it is generally debilitated and not just
influences wild animals, it is likewise perilous to pet
animals and even people. The electrical divider is utilized to
protect the yields, however was utilized to observe the
animals in the flow methodology camera, which is
monetarily astonishing expense. In the framework, the sign
is accessible, however it sends the message just to the forest
official not to leave people in the farmland.
The machine tracks insights concerning the sensors on the
LCD and the PC. "Muhammad (2010) [3] Proposed a basic
way to deal with "Counterfeit Neural Network Controller
Automatic Irrigation Control Problem. The proposed
framework is contrasted with the ON/OFF regulator and it is
seen that the framework dependent on the ON/OFF
Controller bombs hopelessly because of its impediments.
Then again, the technique dependent on ANN has added to
the expected execution of more grounded and more solid
force. These regulators don't require past framework
encounter and have the inalienable potential to save a ton of
assets (energy and water) from ANN-based frameworks and
can deliver advanced outcomes for all types of farming
zones. Sanjukumar (2013),[4] Proposed "Advance
Technique for Automatic Motor Pumping for Agriculture
Land Purpose Based on Soil Moisture Content" was created
and effectively actualized alongside stream sensor. The
framework's principle highlights are: shut circle
programmed water system framework, control of
temperature and water use. The client can undoubtedly set
moistness levels and update the current estimation of all
boundaries on the LCD show consistently. Later on, the
gadget will likewise coordinate other fundamental soil
boundaries, to be specific soil pH and soil electrical
conductivity[24]. S Nalini Durga (2018) proposed "Brilliant
Irrigation System Based on Soil Moisture Using Iot"
Agriculture remains the area that contributes the most
noteworthy to the GDP of India. Yet, we find that
development isn't gigantic while considering innovation that
is sent in this district. There is currently a day of colossal
improvement in developments that hugy affect various
fields, for example, farming, medical services, and so forth
In our district, agribusiness is the essential occupation.
Arduino based Machine Learning and IOT Smart Irrigation System
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijsce.D34810310421
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
The significant kind of revenue for India relies upon
horticulture, so the advancement of farming is significant.
Most water system frameworks are still physically
controlled in this day and age. The customary procedures
accessible are, for example, trickle water system, sprinkler
water system, and so forth It is critical to consolidate these
strategies with IoT so we can successfully shift the
utilization of water. By having different qualities from
sensors, for example, soil dampness, water level sensors,
water quality, and so forth, IoT permits to get to data and
settle on critical dynamic cycles. Remote sensor networks
are incorporated with ZigBee in paper [6] to impart soil
dampness level and temperature esteems. Utilizing GPRS,
information is communicated to a web worker by means of a
cell organization. Utilizing graphical programming,
information following can be refined through the web.
This framework offers a component for computerizing the
way toward getting wild animals far from farmland and
furthermore gives checking to recognize approved and
approved animals and Non-approved individual. In the event
that the utilized PIR sensors sense movement, the proprietor
of the farmland is educated regarding the interruption, we
utilize Passive Infrared Sensors (PIR) to distinguish any
human body development. This data, alongside the data put
away on the cloud, can be gotten to by the individual in
control until the message is gotten. The machine at that
point tests for the quantity of PIR sensors that have gone
HIGH in the event that it is found to be a creature, if less
sensors are high it means a more modest creature and all or
the greater part of the sensors that turn high indicated it is a
bigger creature and hence proper activity is utilized to get
them far from harming the harvests. We settle on a choice
dependent on the quantity of sensors that have gone up to
computerize the creature avert gadget talked about. On the
off chance that less sensor numbers can distinguish the
movement, the essential working hypothesis is that it
implies a creature more modest in tallness, for example, a
wild pig, deer, and so forth, and we naturally turn on the
spoiled egg splash gadget, which assists with fending the
pigs off. Likewise, if the greater part or the entirety of the
PIR sensors utilized have gone high, it is normally because
of a gigantic animal, for example, the elephant, which is
another enormous risk to such farmlands, we start the
electronic sparklers to turn ON, the uproarious commotion
that prevents the bigger animals from turning on.
Fig 1:Circuit Diagram
The Arduino Mega 2560 is an ATMEGA 2560 based
microcontroller module. It has 54 computerized input/yield
pins, 16 simple information sources, 4 UARTs (equipment
sequential ports), a 16 MHz gem oscillator, a USB
association, a force jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button
(of which 15 can be utilized as PWM yields).
For projects requiring more I/O lines, more sketch memory
and more RAM, the Arduino MEGA 2560 is planned. It is
the suggested board for 3D printers and activities including
mechanical technology. This gives our ventures a lot of
room and occasions to save the Arduino stage's adaptability
and viability. Utilizing Arduino Software, the Arduino Mega
2560 is modified (IDE).
Fig 2: Microcontroller
Temperature sensor (LM35):
The LM35 plan comprises of accuracy melded circuit
temperature sensors whose yield voltage is straightforwardly
tantamount to Celsius temperature.
Fig 3: Temperature sensor
Soil moisture sensor:
To check the volumetric water substance of the dirt, the
earth soddenness sensor is utilized. It is utilized to screen
soil clamminess substance to screen water framework in
nursery. To recognize the element of the clamminess content
present in the field of the water framework, a soddenness
sensor is utilized. It has a module for measurement
investigation in which we can set a reference assessment.
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-4, March 2021
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijsce.D34810310421
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Fig 4: Soil moisture sensor
GSM Modem:
It is an exceptional type of modem that perceives a SIM card
and runs on an adaptable overseer enrollment, nearly
equivalent to a cell phone.
Fig 5: GSM modem
Humidity Sensor:
The HMTC1A2 Humidity sensor module is remembered for
the structure. This incorporates the stickiness sensor
HSS1101 and the temperature sensor LM35. It has the
qualities of consistent, high exactness, snappy reaction and
extraordinary navigate. In the arrangement moistness sensor
is used to check the tenacity obvious all around the yields.
The development of dampness is an immediate result of
water vanishing from the leaves, permitting the leaves to
recoil. So the dampness development is tried and the
sprinklers are executed to accomplish the soddenness on the
harvests. The clarification behind the autonomous utilization
of temperature sensors is that temperatures over 50 ° C can't
be dictated by this model.
Fig 6: Humidity Sensor
The Bolt Cloud API offers a correspondence interface
between Bolt gadgets and any outsider system, for example,
a versatile application, web worker, python programs, and
so on The API gives natural access, following,
correspondence and utility highlights for your record
associated Bolt Devices. The Bolt Cloud API utilizes the
HTTP correspondence convention, and the HTTP GET and
HTTP POST strategies are utilized. Clients would then be
able to perform activities and recover data automatically
from Bolt gadgets utilizing conventional HTTP demands.
1. Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the development of Internet
access into ordinary articles and actual gadgets. Implanted
with hardware, Internet access, and different sorts of
equipment, (for example, sensors), these gadgets can be
observed and controlled distantly and can convey and
cooperate with others over the Internet.
2. Machine Learning
AI (ML) is the observational examination of calculations
and numerical models utilized by PC frameworks to play out
a specific errand, depending rather on examples and
deduction, without utilizing unequivocal directions. It is
viewed as a man-made reasoning sub-set. To settle on
expectations or choices without being explicitly modified to
play out the assignment, AI calculations build a numerical
model dependent on example information, known as
"preparing information". In a wide scope of utilizations, for
example, email separating and PC vision, AI calculations
are utilized where it is unthinkable or unrealistic to make a
conventional calculation to play out the assignment viably.
3. VPS (Virtual Private Server)
A virtual private worker (VPS) is a virtual worker that,
despite the fact that it is introduced on an actual machine
running different working frameworks, is seen by the client
as a committed/private worker. A private virtual worker is
otherwise called a devoted virtual worker (VDS). The
possibility of a virtual private worker can be best portrayed
as a virtual machine that, much as a different actual gadget
committed to a solitary client, meets the specific
requirements of a client. The virtual committed worker
offers a similar security and usefulness as that of a common
actual gadget. An assortment of virtual private workers,
each running its own working framework, can be introduced
on a solitary actual worker.
4. Bolt library
Jolt is a GPUs-streamlined C++ layout library. For
mainstream calculations, for example, filter, lessen, change,
and sort, Bolt is intended to give superior library executions.
The C++ Standard Template Library was displayed on the
Bolt interface (STL). A ton of the Bolt APIs and
customization methodologies will be known by designers
acquainted with STL.
Arduino based Machine Learning and IOT Smart Irrigation System
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijsce.D34810310421
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
In our venture, we are basically utilizing AI related to IoT to
achieve the undertaking including the exchange and
appropriate correspondence of information focuses. The
accompanying calculations are utilized by us here:
Polynomial Regression
Polynomial Visualizer is a mainstream information
examination/ML calculation that assists with fitting a given
informational index with a non-direct bend. To comprehend
where other information focuses may lie, the example would
then be able to be utilized.
Anomaly Detection
Location of irregularities is the strategy for finding bizarre
articles or events that change from the norm in informational
Fig 7: Implementation View
Fig 8: Result Prediction
In the current period, the issue of yield vandalization by
wild animals has become an essential social issue. Genuine
thought and a feasible understanding are required. This
endeavor accordingly passes on an excellent social
noteworthiness as it plans to handle this issue. We have
consequently constructed a framework dependent on
brilliant inserted farmland security and reconnaissance that
is ease and devours less energy also. The fundamental
objective is to evade crop misfortunes and to shield the
locale from interlopers and wild animals that represent a
significant danger to cultivating territories. Such a
framework will assist farmers with securing their manors
and fields, set aside them from essential money related
adversities, and furthermore save them from wasteful
endeavors to protect their fields. In like manner, this
framework would help them to accomplish better gather
yields, subsequently cultivating their money related
prosperity. Contingent upon different conditions, water
resources can be utilized effectively to make the plant zone
more advantageous to achieve the prerequisites of the
interest. The ideal piece of the boundaries shifts in various
seasons and at different occasions in the customized water
structure framework. Contingent upon the particular season,
water is permitted into the yield zone. The water structure in
this manner happens more in the mid-year season, less in the
turbulent season and less in the colder time of year season.
Also, particular rules, for example, plant upgrade at different
stages and environment conditions, might be considered to
choose the water prerequisite for the yield. This will
upgrade planting, setting off the monetary progression of
about our nation. Also, the water structure framework can be
interconnected with the module for the advancement of sun-
powered goals. This will obliterate the issue of solidarity not
happening in far off regions. To lead the issues of
manageability adequacy and to fulfill the need, the water
system structure can subsequently be move to another
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Prakash Kanade19+ Years of industrial experience in
Embedded system, Robotics, AI and IoT
Dr. Jai Prakash Prasad Professor of E&C with 19+
years of Teaching experience
... The primary objective is to protect agricultural lands from being destroyed by trespassers and wild animals. A system like this would aid farmers in protecting their land and belongings, save them money on farm preservation efforts, and cut down on unnecessary expenditures (Kanade & Prasad, 2021). In an effort to lessen the amount of water wasted during the irrigation process and increase its efficiency, a sensor-based autonomous irrigation program was developed. ...
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An Ontology-Based Smart Irrigation System is presented in this research with the goal of improving agricultural water management. The main issue discussed is the inefficiency of conventional irrigation techniques, which results in water waste and lower crop yields. The process used entails creating an ontology, which includes defining concepts, establishing relationships, identifying domains, and populating the ontology. In order to facilitate real-time monitoring and decision-making, the irrigation system also incorporates sensors, actuators, and data processing algorithms. The main conclusions show that the ontology-based approach boosts crop output, encourages sustainable farming practices, and enhances water consumption efficiency. The findings of this study imply that ontology-based smart irrigation systems present a viable way to deal with the problems associated with water scarcity, improve agricultural output, and reduce their negative effects on the environment. The research adds to the expanding corpus of information on intelligent irrigation systems and emphasizes the significance of implementing cutting-edge technologies for agriculture's sustainable water management.
... The aim is to develop automated irrigation systems and save water for future usage. Improvements in agricultural water efficiency and conservation are the objectives of the initiative [14]. In this, a lowcost and intelligent agricultural irrigation system is presented. ...
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The agriculture sector is one of the largest consumers of fresh water. Different types of irrigation systems are available, including center pivot, drip and sprinkler systems, and linear motion systems. However, the complex structure of existing irrigation systems and their high maintenance costs encourage Indian farmers to continue using these methods. Due to its ease of use and low energy consumption, surface irrigation is one of the most popular irrigation techniques. Although the main reasons for poor irrigation application efficiency are uneven irrigation water distribution and deep absorption, using a variety of technologies, countries are trying to increase the sustainability of agriculture. Automated irrigation systems contribute significantly to water conservation. The combination of automation and Internet of Things (IoT) improves agricultural practices. These technologies help farmers understand their crops, minimize their impact on the environment, and preserve resources. They also enable efficient monitoring of the weather, water resources, and soil. This research proposes an intelligent, low-cost field irrigation system. The proposed prototype can measure soil moisture, rain status, wind speed, water level, temperature, and humidity using a hardware sensor and unit. To decide whether to turn on or off the motor, a variety of sensors are used to get a range of readings and conclusions. They enable automatic watering when soil moisture levels are below a certain threshold, and if soil moisture is equal to the required moisture, then the irrigation process stops. Every few minutes, the sensors measure the environmental factors. Data are collected and stored on a ThingSpeak cloud server for analysis. To evaluate the data we collected, we used a variety of models, such as K-nearest neighbors (KNN), Naïve Bayes, random forest, and logistic regression. Compared to other Naïve Bayes and random forest models, the accuracy rate was 98.8%, the mean square error was 0.16, and the results of logistic regression, KNN, and SVM were in order: (98.3%/1.66), (99.3%/0.66), and (99.5%/0.5), respectively. In the end, an automated irrigation system run on IoT applications gives farmers access to remote monitoring and control, as well as information about the specifics of the irrigation field.
... By tracking the IoT-equipped wheelchairs in a clinic, the IoT asset-monitoring application makes it possible for anyone looking for a wheelchair to quickly locate the one that is closest to them. This strategy can be used to adhere to the budgetary constraints for each department's physical resources as well as numerous other medical center resources [14][15][16]. ...
... Statistics show that about 80%-90% of Iran's water consumption is consumed in the agricultural sector, and therefore, special attention is needed in the irrigated agriculture sector [7,8] . Therefore, to monitor soil moisture and smartly control water consumption, the use of soil moisture sensors is essential [9][10][11][12] . Due to the import and high cost of smart control systems, Iranian farmers' use of this technology in irrigation systems has been limited. ...
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For this purpose, a moisture sensor device was designed and constructed in February and March 2019 to determine the appropriate time to stop irrigation in furrow irrigation. Testing the device in the laboratory and its application in the Farm of the Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran (Mohammad Shahr), Iran, from April to July 2019. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of a smart sensor of soil moisture to determine the optimum depth of installation and recording of soil moisture at 10, 30, and 50 cm depths and different length ratios in furrow irrigation. Initially, calibration of the device was carried out on field soil, and based on the obtained validation, the device was transferred to the field. To achieve the goals of optimum depth of installation and optimum length, 36-meter furrows with a distance of 0.75 m were created in the field. Sensitive lengths in furrows with 0.5 L, 0.75 L, and 0.85 L ratios were selected as the starting points. The results showed that in the calibration and validation phases, the R2 values were 0.93 and 0.95, respectively, and in the calibration and validation stages, the value of nRMSE was 80 and 13.81%, indicating good model training in the calibration stage. Also, the average RE parameter in estimating soil moisture was 2.74%, indicating the high accuracy of the device in estimating soil moisture. The results also showed that if the device was installed at a depth of 30 cm from the soil surface of the furrow and at 75% from the beginning of the field, the depth and runoff losses would be minimal and irrigation adequacy would be best compared to other depths and lengths. It is expected that with optimal water consumption and timely interruption of irrigation, deep losses and runoff will be avoided, and with low water consumption, the productivity of crops will increase.
Conference Paper
Agriculture is the primary food source, pivotal in meeting the global population’s food and nutritional requirements. With the current surge in population, the challenge of feeding such a vast number becomes increasingly daunting. Smart and precision farming is a crucial solution to address this challenge effectively. Given that farming inherently relies on water, optimizing its usage is imperative. This paper thoroughly reviews various techniques for optimizing water to ensure judicious water use. The document delves into diverse strategies, encompassing crop, soil, and weather-based management and monitoring approaches geared towards efficiently utilizing water resources. Additionally, the paper explores the application of machine learning and deep learning techniques in optimizing water usage, providing a detailed analysis of the results. Serving as a comprehensive guide, this paper illuminates the multitude of tools, techniques, and methodologies that form the foundation of smart and precision farming practices.
Agriculture has a vital role in human life. Almost 60% of the population is involved in agriculture in some way, either directly or indirectly. Farmers are not interested in expanding their agricultural production day by day because there are no technologies in the old system to identify diseases in diverse crops in an agricultural setting. Crop diseases have an impact on their particular species' growth, hence early detection is essential. Many Machine Learning (ML) models have been used to detect and classify crop illnesses, but recent breakthroughs in a subset of ML known as Deep Learning (DL) look to hold a lot of promise in terms of enhanced accuracy. To effectively and precisely identify and characterize crop disease signs, the suggested method employs a convolutional neural network and a Deep Neural Network. These solutions are also evaluated using a variety of efficiency indicators. This article goes through the DL models that are used to depict crop diseases in detail. Furthermore, various research gaps have been found, allowing for increased transparency in detecting plant illnesses even before symptoms appear. The suggested methodology seeks to create a plant leaf disease detection strategy based on convolutional neural networks.
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Planning, regulating, and sustainably using water supplies to meet various demands are all critical to managing water resources. A growing water shortage puts ecosystem health and mortal needs at risk, prompting creative solutions. The main objective is to investigate how ML, along with IoT synergies, optimise resource allocation, improve predictions for water distribution, improve quality surveillance, and identify leaks, ultimately promoting sustainability as well as informed decision-making. The study highlighted the significant potential of the ML-IoT fusion in transforming water management practises. This is accomplished by undertaking a thorough analysis of the current literature, which is supported by actual case studies. This investigation will ultimately shed light on the bright future of water resource management, wherein insights based on data as well as cutting-edge technology will pave the way for a more secure and sustainable water supply.
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India's agriculture sector employs the most people. Here it is: Agriculture employs around 60% of the Indian population and accounts for about 18% of India's GDP; yet, low productivity is due to a lack of research in this industry. Water logging, soil erosion, nitrogen shortage, and other issues plague Indian agricultural land. These are the primary causes of agriculture's low productivity. A farmer must spend a significant amount of time and money on farming, which is more extensive and time intensive than using a tractor. As a result, the cost of agriculture has increased. It is critical to use machine learning techniques and computational research to the agriculture industry in order for India to become a better quantity and quality food producer. ML approaches are particularly beneficial for building relationships and abstracting patterns between disparate data sets, as well as forecasting a realistic outcome as an output. It can be successfully implemented in the Indian agriculture sector to increase efficiency. We've talked about how machine learning techniques can be used in the Indian agriculture industry to assess soil fertility. Agriculture has long been one of the most fascinating study and analytical topics. This research aims to assess soil data based on a variety of characteristics, classify it, and increase the efficiency of each model using multiple terms and classifications. The major goal of this study and analysis is to classify soil fertility (behavior) indices by area using village-level soil fertility data.
Conference Paper
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Irrigation schedules on traditional irrigation controllers tend to disperse too much water by design and cause runoff, which results in wastage of water and pollution of water sources. Previous attempts at tackling this problem either used expensive sensors or ignored site-specific factors. In this paper, we propose Weather-aware Runoff Prevention Irrigation Control (WaRPIC), a low-cost, practical solution that optimally applies water, while preventing runoff for each sprinkler zone. WaRPIC involves homeowner-assisted data collection on the landscape. The gathered data is used to build site-specific machine learning models that can accurately predict the Maximum Allowable Runtime (MAR) for each sprinkler zone given weather data obtained from the nearest weather station. We have also developed a low-cost module that can retrofit irrigation controllers in order to modify its irrigation schedule. We built a neural network-based model that predicts the MAR for any set of antecedent conditions. The model's prediction is compared with a state-of-the-art irrigation controller and the volume of water wasted by WaRPIC is only 2.6% of that of the state-of-the-art. We have deployed our modules at residences and estimate that the average homeowner can save 38,826 gallons of water over the course of May-Oct 2019, resulting in savings of $192.
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This study on HQPM 5 quality protein maize was performed to investigate the effect of moisture content on the selected physical properties, as the knowledge about the physical properties of this grain is important for designing processing machineries. For this purpose, moisture content of grains was varied from 9% to 25%, wet basis (wb). In this study moisture content range, the average length, width, thickness, surface area, volume, geometric mean diameter and arithmetic mean diameter of quality protein maize grains increased significantly (P˂0.01) from 9.2476 to 10.2033 mm, 7.8684 to 8.2641 mm, 3.8572 to 4.7139 mm, 138.433 to 158.0703 mm 2, 107.40 to 138.83 mm3, 6.6445 to 7.0822 mm and 7.1304 to 7.5485 mm respectively, with increase of moisture content. A nonlinear significant increase of grain sphericity from 68.7438 to 76.2248 was observed in the studied moisture range. Thousand grain weight, true density, porosity and angle of repose increased linearly (P<0.01) from 223 to 253 g, 1110 to 1290 kg/m3, 22.2087 to 34.4594 and 24 to 37.03, whereas bulk density decreased linearly (P<0.01) from 982.4 to 812 kg/m3. In the considered range of moisture content, all of these physical properties exhibited moisture dependence according to linear relationships except the sphericity.
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This paper focuses on detecting freezing of gait in Parkinson’s patients using body-worn accelerometers. In this study, we analyzed the robustness of four feature sets, two of which are new features adapted from speech processing: mel frequency cepstral coefficients and quality assessment metrics. For classification based on these features, we compared random forest, multilayer perceptron, hidden Markov models, and deep neural networks. These algorithms were evaluated using a leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) cross validation to match the situation where a system is being constructed for patients for whom there is no training data. This evaluation was performed using the Daphnet dataset, which includes recordings from ten patients using three accelerometers situated on the ankle, knee, and lower back. We obtained a reduction from 17.3% to 12.5% of the equal error rate compared to the previous best results using this dataset and LOSO testing. For high levels of sensitivity (such as 0.95), the specificity increased from 0.63 to 0.75. The biggest improvement across all of the feature sets and algorithms tested in this study was obtained by integrating information from longer periods of time in a deep neural network with convolutional layers.
Although many studies have demonstrated the good performances of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches for reference evapotranspiration modeling, the applicability of AI approaches for actual crop evapotranspiration (ET) modeling still remains uncertain, especially in plastic mulched croplands. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the applicability of two different artificial intelligence approaches, including support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network optimized by genetic algorithm (GANN), in modeling actual ET in a rainfed maize field under non-mulching (CK) and partial plastic film mulching (MFR). A field experiment was conducted for continuous measurements of ET, meteorological variables, leaf area index (LAI) and plant heights (hc) under both CK and MFR during maize seasons of 2011–2013. The meteorological data containing minimum, maximum, mean air temperature, minimum, maximum, mean relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and crop data including LAI and hc during maize growing seasons of 2011–2012 were used to trained the SVM and GANN models by using two different input combination, and data of 2013 were used to validate the performances of the models. The results indicated that SVM1 and GANN1 models with meteorological and crop data as input could accurately estimate maize ET, which confirmed the good performances of SVM and GANN models for maize ET estimation. The performances of SVM2 and GANN2 models only with meteorological data as input were relatively poorer than those of SVM1 and GANN1 models, but the estimated results were acceptable when only meteorological data were available. Due to the optimizing of the genetic algorithm, the GANN models performed a slightly better than the SVM models under both CK and MFR, and can be highly recommended to model ET.
A two-year experiment with sweet cherry (P. avium L. cv Prime Giant) trees was carried out to ascertain which of the following commonly used soil and plant water indicators is most effective for deficit irrigation scheduling: Ψstem (midday stem water potential), MDS (maximum daily branch shrinkage), gs (stomatal conductance), θv (soil volumetric water content), Ψm (soil matric potential). For this, soil and plant water relations, as well as the physiological and agricultural responses of trees to three different irrigation treatments, were evaluated. The irrigation treatments imposed were: i) a control treatment (CTL) irrigated at 110% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) throughout the growing season, ii) a regulated deficit irrigation treatment (RDI), which met 100% ETc at preharvest and during floral differentiation and 55% ETc during the postharvest period and iii) a treatment based on normal farming practices (FRM). MDS was the first indicator to detect water stress, while Ψm showed the highest sensitivity postharvest, when it was closely related with Ψstem. Consequently, a multiple linear regression equation based on average Ψm at a depth of 25 and 50 cm, and mean daily air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) was established to estimate Ψstem. The estimated Ψstem explained 84% of the variance in the measured Ψstem. Hence, the equation proposed can be used as a tool to estimate Ψstem and for irrigation scheduling. Based on the relation MDS vs. Ψstem and the observed agronomic response, a postharvest threshold value of −1.3 MPa is proposed for deficit irrigation management in ‘Prime Giant’ cherry trees.
Accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ET 0) is of importance for regional water resource management. The present study proposed two artificial intelligence models, random forests (RF) and generalized regression neural networks (GRNN), for daily ET 0 estimation. Meteorological data including maximum/minimum air temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind speed during 2009 ∼ 2014 from two stations in southwest China were used to train and test the RF and GRNN models by using two input combinations, including complete data and only temperature and extraterrestrial radiation (R a) data. The k-fold test was adopted to test the performance of models according to temporal and spatial criteria and data set scanning procedures. The results indicated that both local and external RF and GRNN models performed well for estimating daily ET 0 , and RF was slightly better than GRNN generally. The high fluctuations in the accuracy ranges justify the importance of applying k-fold test for assessing the model performance, which could avoid drawing partially valid conclusions from model assessments based on simple data set assignment. Overall, both temperature-based RF and GRNN models can accurately estimate daily ET 0 , which is helpful for irrigation scheduling in southwest China.