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A comparative study of feature extraction methods from user reviews for recommender systems


Abstract and Figures

The Recommender systems technology is being massively exploited by e-commerce giants to enhance the shopping experience of their clients which in turn helps in improving the sales of the company. Most of the recommender systems in use today are based on Collaborative Filtering (CF) in which the known preferences of a group of users are used to make recommendations or predictions for the unknown preferences of other users. Although these ratings communicate about the quality of the product, they almost most of the times fail to express the reason behind people believing the product to be of a particular quality. This information can be inferred if analyze the information rich textual reviews written by the users. In the current work, an attempt is made to study and implement various methods described in literature, to mine the product features from the user reviews associated with the product. A comparative study is presented at the end to appreciate the performance of the methods.
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A Comparative Study of Feature Extraction Methods from User
Reviews for Recommender Systems
Pradnya Bhagat
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Goa
Goa, India
Jyoti D. Pawar
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Goa
Goa, India
The Recommender systems technology is being massively exploited
by e-commerce giants to enhance the shopping experience of their
clients which in turn helps in improving the sales of the company.
Most of the recommender systems in use today are based on Col-
laborative Filtering (CF) in which the known preferences of a group
of users are used to make recommendations or predictions for the
unknown preferences of other users. Although these ratings com-
municate about the quality of the product, they almost most of the
times fail to express the reason behind people believing the product
to be of a particular quality. This information can be inferred if
analyze the information rich textual reviews written by the users.
In the current work, an attempt is made to study and implement
various methods described in literature, to mine the product features
from the user reviews associated with the product. A comparative
study is presented at the end to appreciate the performance of the
Information systems Recommender systems
ing methodologies Natural language processing;
Recommender Systems, Collaborative Filtering, User Reviews, Prod-
uct Features, POS Tagging, Apriori, Latent Dirichlet Allocation
ACM Reference Format:
Pradnya Bhagat and Jyoti D. Pawar. 2018. A Comparative Study of Feature
Extraction Methods from User Reviews for Recommender Systems. In CoDS-
COMAD ’18: The ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science
& Management of Data, January 11–13, 2018, Goa, India. ACM, New York,
NY, USA, 4 pages.
The 1990s decade saw the evolution of web as a social networking
platform where people could communicate with each other and
express their opinions publicly on a global scale. Businesses and
individuals started taking advantage from this technology by being
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CoDS-COMAD ’18, January 11–13, 2018, Goa, India
©2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6341-9/18/01. . . $15.00
able to connect to potential customers throughout the world. This
has led to the emergence of e-commerce websites that have provided
a platform to thousands of vendors to expand their business across
the globe.
Although having many advantages, it is still not possible to get
tangible experience for the products available on these websites.
It may become a challenging task to validate the description and
quality of the features through the descriptions made available by
the vendor of the product. As a result, e-commerce websites have
made it possible for the customers to share their experiences about
the products with other customers to help them in making wise
decisions. CF has proved to be the most successful technology in the
development of recommender systems till date. Most of the research
work on CF focuses on the explicit ratings specied by the users
(Ex: 1- 5 stars), or implicit indications (purchases or click-throughs).
Though these ratings indicate the quality of the product, they fail to
quantify the reason for the product achieving that particular quality.
In other words, there is no information available, presenting the
dierent features of the product and the quality of these features.
To overcome these limitations, a better methodology can be
developed if we look beyond the star ratings of the products and
take into consideration the textual reviews written against every
star rating by the customers. The reviews written by the customers
are rich sources of information about the features of a product and
their quality as perceived by the users.
In our work, an attempt is made to study the reviews written
by the customers on an e-commerce website. With respect to this
work, our scope is limited to study and implementation of dierent
methods to automatically extract product features from the text
A signicant amount of work has been done in recent years to
extract product features from the textual reviews. [
] presents an
approach to extract single noun and bi-gram features from user
reviews using a combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
and statistical methods. The approach assumes that the bigram
topics can either be made up of Noun-Noun (NN) pairs or Adjective-
Noun (AN) pairs. [
] presents an Apriori algorithm to nd frequent
itemsets from a transaction dataset. The approach has been adopted
greatly in literature[
] to discover important topics (features) from
text documents. The approach make a further assumption that if
some words repeatedly occur together or in close proximity to one
another in review sentences, that means they together form some
important feature about that product. Hence, the algorithm is able
to nd multiword features without imposing any limitation on the
CoDS-COMAD ’18, January 11–13, 2018, Goa, India P. Bhagat et al.
number of words permitted in a feature. [
] uses an unsupervised
technique of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic extraction.
The method is able to extract the main topics and the correspond-
ing important words from the reviews. [
] presents a probabilistic
approach for mining user preferences from reviews and mapping
them onto numerical ratings based on Naive Bayes classier. [
attempts a statistical approach to identify polarity of nouns where
no sentiment word is explicitly associated with the nouns. [
] pro-
poses a domain independent approach to predict intensity of the
sentiments expressed.
The experimental work carried out consists of studying various
methods described in the literature to extract product features
from a corpus of text reviews and making a comparison based on
the features retrieved. The dataset [
] used in the experiments is
sourced from which is limited to the category Mobile
Cell Phones and Other Related Accessories.
3.1 Feature Extraction using Noun Occurrence
An analysis of the dataset unveiled that most of the product fea-
tures occur as nouns in the review dataset. Hence, as a preliminary
method we consider all the nouns as the features in the dataset. The
challenge here is, along with the product feature nouns, there are
many other nouns that occur in the product reviews which in no
way represent product features (non-feature nouns). For example, if
we consider the following sentence:
Example 1: My family loved the look of the cellphone.
After Parts of Speech (POS) [9] [10] tagging we get:
My_PRP family_NN loved_VBD the_DT look_NN of_IN the_DT
We can observe that, there are three nouns in the given sentence;
family,look and cellphone. While we want to retain look and cell-
phone in our result set, since they form the features of a particular
item belonging to Mobile phones and accessories category, the noun
family clearly does not constitute as a product feature in the given
dataset. Further observation of the dataset revealed that frequency
of occurrence of feature nouns is considerably more than the fre-
quency of occurrence of non-feature nouns. Hence, we eliminate
the non-feature nouns by retaining only those nouns which appear
more number of times than a specied threshold. As the nal result
set, we extract the top 25 nouns from the generated nouns based
on the occurrence frequency.
3.2 Single Word Feature Extraction Using
Occurrence Patterns (SW-FEOP)
It is observed that most of the feature nouns occur in close proximity
to sentiment words [
]. This pattern is not followed by non-feature
nouns. For example, consider a sentence:
Example 2: My friend suggested me to buy this awesome phone
because it has an excellent camera.
After POS tagging, we get:
My_PRPS friend_NN suggested_VBD me_PRP to_TO buy_VB this_DT
awesome_JJ phone_NN because_IN it_PRP has_VBZ an_DT
excellent_JJ camera_NN.
The nouns occurring in the above sentence are; friend,phone
and camera. As can be seen, phone has an adjective awesome as-
sociated with it and camera has an adjective excellent associated
with it. Since the reviewer wants to describe the phone, he will use
some sentiment words to express his opinions about the features
of the product. On the other hand, if words like friend,neighbor or
relative occur also in the review, there will hardly be any sentiment
words associated with them. This information can be utilized to
dierentiate feature nouns from non-feature nouns. Hence, in this
method only the nouns which are associated with sentiment words
in the reviews are extracted. The top 25 most occurring nouns from
the results generated are considered in the nal result set.
3.3 Bi-gram Feature Extraction Using
Occurrence Patterns (B-FEOP)
This method tries to extract bi-word features from the review set
[4]. Consider the following two sentences as example:
Example 3: The camera mode of the mobile is good.
The front camera of the mobile is good.
POS tagging of these sentences gives us:
The_DT camera_NN mode_NN of_IN the_DT mobile_NN is_VBZ
The_DT front_JJ camera_NN of_IN the_DT mobile_NN is_VBZ
As can be seen in the rst sentence, camera_NN mode_NN forms
one topic, which is formed by a noun followed by a noun. In the
second sentence, the words front_JJ camera_NN form one topic
which is formed by an adjective and a noun occurring consecutively.
Hence, to produce a set of bi-gram topics, all bi-grams from the
global review set which conform to one of following basic POS
co-location patterns are extracted:
(1) A noun followed by a noun (NN) such as camera mode.
An adjective followed by a noun (AN) such as front camera.
There are candidate topics that need to be ltered out to avoid
including ANs that are actually opinionated single-noun topics; for
example, excellent camera also forms an adjective-noun pair, but is
a single-noun topic (camera) and not a bi-gram topic. To achieve
this, the bi-grams whose adjective is found to be a sentiment word
(e.g. excellent, good, great, lovely, terrible, horrible etc.) are excluded
using an English opinion lexicon [6].
3.4 Feature Extraction using Frequent Itemset
Generation (FEFIG)
The method attempts to extract topics using Apriori frequent item-
set generation algorithm [1]. The algorithm works in two steps:
In the rst step, it nds all frequent itemsets from the trans-
actions that satisfy a user specied minimum support.
In the second step, it generates rules from the discovered
frequent itemsets.
To generate topics from the reviews, we break down the reviews
into sentences and consider every sentence as one transaction. Next,
A Comparative Study of Feature Extraction Methods from User Reviews for Recommender SystemsCoDS-COMAD ’18, January 11–13, 2018, Goa, India
after applying the pre-processing steps, we keep only the nouns
and the adjectives from every sentence, since nouns and adjectives
are observed to be the terms representing features of the product.
The assumption is such that, the features from all the nouns and
adjectives will be the most frequently occurring terms (items) and
hence will have higher support. So, to nd the frequently occurring
terms, we need only the rst step of the Apriori algorithm, i.e. to
nd the frequent itemsets which are candidate features. The results
of applying the Apriori algorithms on our dataset is given below.
The support threshold applied is 2% while generating the results
and the top 25 item sets are extracted as the nal result set.
3.5 Feature Extraction using Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (FELDA)
In this method the statistical model Latent Dirichlet Allocation [
is used in which a document is considered to have a set of topics.
The model represents documents as mixtures of topics that are
made up of words with certain probabilities.
As it is seen in the above methods, adjectives and nouns are
the only parts of speech that constitute to product features in the
dataset. Hence, to get better results, only the adjectives and nouns
from reviews are retained and LDA is applied. Since in our dataset
we already know the topic and are only interested in nding im-
portant words constituting that topic, we set the number of topics
parameter to one.
Table 1 displays the results of experimented methods on the stated
]. Only the most frequently occurring top 25 features
obtained using the experimented methods are considered for the
comparative study.
Manual evaluation is be used to evaluate the success rate of the
methods. The features obtained using the experimented methods
are reviewed manually and are divided into two categories; fea-
tures that constitute to product features and features obtained that
do not contribute to the product features in the Cell Phones and
Accessories category. The success rate of the methods is explained
with the help of a graph in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Performance of methods experimented
Table 1: Features obtained using experimented methods
1 battery battery battery life battery battery
2 button bit battery pack button cable
3 cable case belt clip cable car
4 car charge car charger case case
5 case charger cell phone case
phone charge
6 charge cover customer service charger charger
7 charger deal external battery device device
8 color design few days easy easy
9 cover device galaxy note good good
10 day feature galaxy s3 great great
11 device t galaxy s4 iphone iphone
12 headset job home button little little
13 iphone part iphone 4s nice nice
14 phone phone new trent other phone
15 port plastic only thing phone port
16 power price phone case power power
17 price product power bank price price
18 problem protector power button product product
19 product quality same time protector protector
20 protector review samsung galaxy quality quality
21 quality screen screen protector screen review
22 review side sound quality screen
protector screen
23 screen thing usb cable thing speaker
24 thing time usb port time time
25 time way wall charger usb usb
The work compares performance of ve feature extraction methods
on a real world dataset [
]. As can be concluded, FENO being the
simplest detects only single word features. Being a basic method,
it does not guarantee high quality results. The second method
SW-FEOP, tries to improve upon the rst method by adding an
additional constraint of a sentiment word being associated with
the noun. As can be seen from Figure 1, this method delivers better
performance compared to all other methods. The third method
B-FEOP tries to nd multi-word features by considering NN and
AN pairs. It identies that a product feature is mostly preceded
by an adjective which may or may not be a sentiment word. FE-
FIG is based on Apriori algorithm and is able to nd multiword
features without any length limitation. Since Apriori algorithm
makes multiple passes on the data to nd the itemsets, this method
is considerably slower than all other methods. FELDA tries to nd
topics using LDA. Since it considers every word as an independent
entity, we get only single word topics using this method.
The future work plan consists of improving upon the existing
feature extraction methods. The sentiments corresponding to fea-
tures and the intensity of the sentiments associated also needs to
be studied. Based on this, we propose to improve upon the exist-
ing recommender system algorithms by adding the dimension of
context to the recommendation algorithms.
CoDS-COMAD ’18, January 11–13, 2018, Goa, India P. Bhagat et al.
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... A documentword matrix contains the number of occurrences of words present in the document. Topic modelling assumes each document as a mixture of topics with certain probability and is generally unsupervised (Bhagat and Pawar 2018). To improve its result, semi-supervised and supervised approach can be used. ...
... This method uses Apriori frequent itemset generation algorithm to find itemsets which occur frequently from the transactions that satisfy a user specified minimum support. Then, from the discovered frequent itemsets, rules are generated (Bhagat and Pawar 2018). ...
... LDA technique can be leveraged to build opinion models (Lim and Buntine 2014), topic based segmentation (John et al. 2016). Table 1 shows comparison of the four most used topic modelling techniques (Blei 2012;Bhagat and Pawar 2018; Sharma et al. 2017;Divya et al. 2013;Lee et al. 2010;Jelodar et al. 2019;Wu et al. 2010;Lu et al 2011): ...
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These days users are able to save their time and effort by purchasing products online via various e-commerce websites. Their experience with a product exists in the form of textual reviews/feedbacks provided by them. Recommender systems offer personalized choices to users by capturing their interests and preferences. Through this paper identification of underlying topics using existing topic modeling techniques in user provided reviews of Moto e5 mobile on e-commerce website Amazon has been done and these techniques contrasted. Topic modeling is unsupervised learning technique used to identify hidden topics from a document (all the reviews of a product in this paper’s context). Coherence score, a measure of goodness of a topic reflecting the quality of human judgment compares these techniques. The higher the coherence score, the topic is more coherent. Experiments performed reveal that LDA technique performed better on the scrapped dataset.
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... Then, the initial word base was obtained. As for the interpretability of finally found topics, the initial word base was processed by the bi-gram algorithm (Bhagat & Pawar, 2018). Common collocation phrases were selected as corpus content for analysis, namely word1_word2 phrases. ...
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With the rapid application of blended learning around the world, a large amount of literature has been accumulated. The analysis of the main research topics and development trends based on a large amount of literature is of great significance. To address this issue, this paper collected abstracts from 3772 eligible papers published between 2003 and 2021 from the Web of Science core collection. Through LDA topic modeling, abstract text content was analyzed, then 7 well-defined research topics were obtained. According to the topic development trends analysis results, the emphasis of topic research shifted from the initial courses about health, medicine, nursing, chemistry and mathematics to learning key elements such as learning outcomes, teacher factors, and presences. Among 7 research topics, the popularity of presences increased significantly, while formative assessment was a rare topic requiring careful intervention. The other five topics had no significant increase or decrease trends, but still accounted for a considerable proportion. Through word cloud analysis technology, the keyword characteristics of each stage and research focus changes of research were obtained. This study provides useful insights and implications for blended learning related research.
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Automatically identifying informative reviews is increasingly important given the rapid growth of user generated reviews on sites like Amazon and TripAdvisor. In this paper, we describe and evaluate techniques for identifying and recommending helpful product reviews using a combination of review features, including topical and sentiment information, mined from a review corpus.
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User generated reviews are now a familiar and valuable part of most e-commerce sites since high quality reviews are known to influence purchasing de-cisions. In this paper we describe work on the Reviewer's Assistant (RA), which is a recommendation system that is designed to help users to write better reviews. It does this by suggesting relevant topics that they may wish to discuss based on the product they are reviewing and the content of their review so far. We build on prior work and describe an unsupervised topic extraction module for the RA system that enhances the system's ability to automatically adapt to new content categories and application domains. Our main contribution includes the results of a controlled, live-user study to show that the RA system is capable of supporting users to create reviews that enjoy higher quality ratings than Amazon's own high quality reviews, even without using manually created topic models.
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User opinions and reviews are an important part of the modern web and all major e-commerce sites typically provide their users with the ability to provide and access customer reviews across their product catalog. Indeed this has become a vital part of the service provided by sites like Amazon and TripAdvisor, so much so that many of us will routinely check appropriate product reviews before making a purchase decision, regardless of whether we intend to purchase online or not. The importance of reviews has highlighted the need to help users to produce better reviews and in this paper we describe the development and evaluation of a Reviewer's Assistant for this purpose. We describe a browser plugin that is designed to work with major sites like Amazon and to provide users with suggestions as they write their reviews. These suggestions take the form of topics (e.g. product features) that a reviewer may wish to write about and the suggestions automatically adapt as the user writes their review. We describe and evaluate a number of different algorithms to identify useful topics to recommend to the user and go on to describe the results of a preliminary live-user trial.
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Merchants selling products on the Web often ask their customers to review the products that they have purchased and the associated services. As e-commerce is becoming more and more popular, the number of customer reviews that a product receives grows rapidly. For a popular product, the number of reviews can be in hundreds or even thousands. This makes it difficult for a potential customer to read them to make an informed decision on whether to purchase the product. It also makes it difficult for the manufacturer of the product to keep track and to manage customer opinions. For the manufacturer, there are additional difficulties because many merchant sites may sell the same product and the manufacturer normally produces many kinds of products. In this research, we aim to mine and to summarize all the customer reviews of a product. This summarization task is different from traditional text summarization because we only mine the features of the product on which the customers have expressed their opinions and whether the opinions are positive or negative. We do not summarize the reviews by selecting a subset or rewrite some of the original sentences from the reviews to capture the main points as in the classic text summarization. Our task is performed in three steps: (1) mining product features that have been commented on by customers; (2) identifying opinion sentences in each review and deciding whether each opinion sentence is positive or negative; (3) summarizing the results. This paper proposes several novel techniques to perform these tasks. Our experimental results using reviews of a number of products sold online demonstrate the effectiveness of the techniques.
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Identifying domain-dependent opinion words is a key problem in opinion mining and has been studied by several researchers. However, existing work has been focused on adjectives and to some extent verbs. Limited work has been done on nouns and noun phrases. In our work, we used the feature-based opinion mining model, and we found that in some domains nouns and noun phrases that indicate product features may also imply opinions. In many such cases, these nouns are not subjective but objective. Their involved sentences are also objective sentences and imply positive or negative opinions. Identifying such nouns and noun phrases and their polarities is very challenging but critical for effective opinion mining in these domains. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been studied in the literature. This paper proposes a method to deal with the problem. Experimental results based on real-life datasets show promising results.
Building a successful recommender system depends on understanding both the dimensions of people's preferences as well as their dynamics. In certain domains, such as fashion, modeling such preferences can be incredibly difficult, due to the need to simultaneously model the visual appearance of products as well as their evolution over time. The subtle semantics and non-linear dynamics of fashion evolution raise unique challenges especially considering the sparsity and large scale of the underlying datasets. In this paper we build novel models for the One-Class Collaborative Filtering setting, where our goal is to estimate users' fashion-aware personalized ranking functions based on their past feedback. To uncover the complex and evolving visual factors that people consider when evaluating products, our method combines high-level visual features extracted from a deep convolutional neural network, users' past feedback, as well as evolving trends within the community. Experimentally we evaluate our method on two large real-world datasets from, where we show it to outperform state-of-the-art personalized ranking measures, and also use it to visualize the high-level fashion trends across the 11-year span of our dataset.
We propose a novel Probabilistic Rating infErence Framework, known as Pref, for mining user preferences from reviews and then mapping such preferences onto numerical rating scales. Pref applies existing linguistic processing techniques to extract opinion words and product features from reviews. It then estimates the sentimental orientations (SO) and strength of the opinion words using our proposed relative-frequency-based method. This method allows semantically similar words to have different SO, thereby addresses a major limitation of existing methods. Pref takes the intuitive relationships between class labels, which are scalar ratings, into consideration when assigning ratings to reviews. Empirical results validated the effectiveness of Pref against several related algorithms, and suggest that Pref can produce reasonably good results using a small training corpus. We also describe a useful application of Pref as a rating inference framework. Rating inference transforms user preferences described as natural language texts into numerical rating scales. This allows Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms, which operate mostly on databases of scalar ratings, to utilize textual reviews as an additional source of user preferences. We integrated Pref with a classical CF algorithm, and empirically demonstrated the advantages of using rating inference to augment ratings for CF.