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Secure Route Selection Mechanism in the Presence of Black Hole Attack with AOMDV Routing Algorithm

  • Pankaj Laddhad Institute of Tech & Management Studies,Buldana


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978-1-5386-5257-2/18/$31.00©2018 IEEE
Secure Route Selection Mechanism in the presence of
Black hole Attack with AOMDV Routing Algorithm.
Pravin R Satav
Research Scholar S. G. B. A. U.
Lecturer in Computer Engineering
Government Polytechnic Arvi
Dr. Pradeep M. Jawandhiya
Pankaj Ladhhad College of
Engineering Buldhana
Dr.Vilas M. Thakare
Professor and Head of Department
of Computer Science, S.G.B.A.U,
Abstract— The research in MANET has been carried out for
the development of various techniques which will increase the
competency of the network only. A plenty number of proposed
routing protocols are magnificent in terms of efficiency.
However, proposed protocols were generally fulfilling the set of
trusted network and not considered for adversarial network
setting, hence there is no security mechanism has been
considered. MANET is widely used in sensitive fields like
battlefield, police rescue operation and many more in such type
of sensitive field an attacker may try to gather information about
the conversation starting from the origin node to the terminal
node. Secure route selection approach for route selection in
adverse environment is discussed in this article. The results
shows that proposed algorithm, will resolve the single &
collaborative attack by increasing the computational & storage
overhead and by improving the significant PDR, achieves a
noticeable enhancement in the end to end delay.
Keywords—AOMDV, blackhole attack, MANET, routing
Number of mobile nodes form a network is known as
MANET. Wifi enable nodes are used in this network are
capable to communicate with each other. Since for the
deployment of MANET no spatial infrastructure is required.
Due to the infrastructure fewer environments, there will be a
lot of security issues in MANET, which will impact on overall
network performance [01]. Nodes present in MANET are
categorized in the three categories 1) source node 2)
intermediate node 3) destination node. Each node has to do
some responsibility in the network because; no special
infrastructure is available in the network. Starting node will
broadcast the route request for creation of route between the
source node to the destination node. Iintermediate nodes has to
perform various roles, like which will send REEP to the
received RREQs in route discovery process, and forward the
RREQ as well as the packets are transmitted to its neighbor
nodes. Ddestination node will accept the RREQ, and packets
from its neighbor node which was sent by the source node.
Means the packets have to pass through the many nodes.
While passing the packets through the number of nodes, it is
expected that trusted nodes must present in the network. There
is a possibility that some nodes are not genuine. Some nodes
always take part in routing by propagating false route
information. These types of nodes may do different activities
like modification, fabrication, eavesdropping, redirecting, and
dropping the packets and many more [02] [03]. If any node
present in the network took part in any activity, it is a serious
threat for the network. Single or multiple nodes can perform
this packet dropping activity in the network. In single black
hole attack only one is node performs the packet dropping
activity while in collaborative attack, multiple nodes are took
part in packet dropping activity [04]. Due to this type of
malicious activity by single or multiple nodes in the network
is responsible to increase in the routing overhead. By using
multipath routing protocol it can minimize this overhead.
More than one path can be discovered by the multipath routing
protocols. These multiple paths will help to develop the
automated network which will choose the secured path for
communication. Use of multipath routing algorithm will
reduce the initiation of frequent route discovery process.
Route discovery process is initiated only when all available
paths in the network are not secured or not available due to
mobility of nodes or node die due to its limited battery. Many
multipath routing algorithms are proposed for MANET
amongst those AOMDV (Ad hoc on demand multipath
distance vector) is used by number of researchers [05].
MANET has many more challenges, to overcome these
challenges various techniques are suggested. One of the
challenges of the MANET is the presence of malicious node in
the network. Various techniques for detection and prevention
of black hole attack to improve the network performance are
studied. These techniques are categorized as development of
new secure routing protocol, identification and its removal
technique. For identification and removal of malicious node as
blackhole from the network, some authors suggested the
certification based authentication techniques [06][07] , some
authors suggested the cross-layer authentication
technique[08][09], and some are suggested cluster architecture
based techniques[10]. Presence of blackhole node in the
network is the serious hazard for MANET [11][12][13].
Discovery of malicious node in the network, by intrusion
detection system (IDS) is proposed [14]. In this system,
authors assigned the unique identification code to the
malicious node present in the network and circulate this ID
code to the all the nodes present in the network. This ID node
will be blacklisted from the routing process. This methodology
identifies and produces the assumption against misbehavior in
routing through the malicious attack. Author created a network
with black hole attack. For validating the results of the
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication and Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
proposed technique, proposed IDS scheme is applied and
calculated the performance of the network. This calculated
performance of proposed technique is compared with the
performance result after applying the existing AOMDV
routing algorithm on this network and found that the
performance of the network in both situations is same but the
malicious activities of malicious node are suspended and
recovers the 95 % of data as compared to normal routing
protocol. They suggested future work to apply this scheme to
another attack and also analyze the effect of an attack on
energy consumption of mobile nodes.
Impact of black hole attack on the network is studied [15]. To
resolve this impact from the network, feasible solution is
suggested in this article. For implementing this network they
use the AOMDV routing protocol in the network. Authors
simulate the result and found that packet delivery ratio varies
between high and low. This packet delivery ratio depends
upon the distinct security specifications like the presence of
blackhole attack and in absence of blackhole attack. They
developed the model for fixed topology and suggested to
develop the model for dynamic topology.
Black hole attack behavior and its impact on network with
AOMDV protocol is studied thoroughly in [16]. They studied
various approaches designed by researchers and found that
solutions suggested by researchers so far are suffered from one
or other hurdle. After analyzing the approaches designed so
far, authors developed the new techniques which will detect
and prevent the impact of black hole in network with
AOMDV routing protocol. After simulation of the developed
technique, they found that, this technique is not increasing the
routing or computation overhead and increases the network
performance features like throughput, packet delivery ratio by
a huge margin. This solution detects single and cooperative
black hole attack. They proposed the technique of removal of
all malicious nodes present in the network as a future work.
Removing malicious nodes from the network its saves the
energy deprived nodes from computation overhead of
implementing different approaches for a different attack.
The author studied the routing attacks in MANET [17][18].
Their study shows that impact of the presence of malicious
node in the network either in single path or multipath routing
algorithm. To overcome the impact of malicious node in
multipath AOMDV routing algorithm, proposed the approach
to select the route on which black hole node is not present.
They added a new factor to identify the faithfulness of node,
as a trusted node. By adding this factor in AOMDV routing
algorithm they planed the development of vigorous AOMDV
routing algorithm to preserve the black hole attack. They
added a new factor as a trust factor of a node.
The authors put the focus on security issues related to
designing a routing protocol are discussed [19] [20]. AODV is
very much popularly used routing protocol but it is vulnerable
to various types of attacks. Discussion of ongoing solutions
proposed for detection and removal of black, gray hole attacks
is carried out, and proposed a contemporary avenue to counter
these attacks which will fluently discover the shortest,
efficient and secure path towards the destination.
Detailed analysis of various techniques proposed by the
researchers earlier for detection and prevention of malicious
node in the network is done [21]. Their study shows the
different detection schemes fidelity, DRI, trust all are
detecting single as well as collaborative black hole attack but
each one may have a number of defects like increased storage
head, computational overhead , routing overhead and
increased in the end to end delay. For mitigating the impact of
single and collaborative black hole attack, authors proposed
the two algorithms. The proposed algorithm is implemented
and compared the results of it are compared with existing trust
schemes, fidelity, DRI, but there is no significant changes in
storage overhead, but observed that noticeable reduction in
routing and computational overhead.
After an overall study done by researchers all are stating
that no concrete solution is discovered for detecting and
preventing the presence of single & collaborative black hole
attack which will remove all defects of existing schemes.
Researchers will have the challenges to work in this area to
provide a concrete solution with minimal computational,
storage overhead, and end to end delay. Looking to this
challenge we tried to propose the new routing algorithm which
will effectively work to reduce all defects of existing scheme
and provide better performance.
MANET has several security issues and these are
overcome by the many solutions. But there are some
limitations are not overcome. Several routing algorithms
presently working for MANET are suffers from black hole
attack. The performance of the network will be degraded in
presence of an attack. There will be more than one paths are
available on the network, amongst these paths some paths are
with malicious node and some are without malicious nodes.
For selecting an alternate path without malicious node, AODV
routing algorithms has to initiate new route discovery process
but there are many more chances that the malicious node took
part in this process and the issue of selecting secure path is not
solved [22][23]. This route discovery process may decrease
the battery power significantly. If an attack is detected in the
network then there should be some automated mechanism
which will choose the alternate path automatically which will
be reliable and secure. This will promote the use of multipath
routing algorithm for routing purpose. As the there are many
multipath routing algorithms are discovered for MANET.
AOMDV multipath routing algorithm is used to achieve &
solve the black hole attack problem by selecting an alternate
route [24]. There is a number of reasons why we are selecting
AOMDV those are as follows.
1. Less Inter-nodal coordination overheads in
2. Multiple routes are disjoint.
3. Minimal extra overhead over AODV to
compute the alternate path computes.
4. All paths are a loop-free and disjoint.
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication and Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
5. Frequently initiation of new route discovery
is not required in AOMDV required only
when all the existing paths are a break.
6. This reactive routing protocol which
establishing the paths as per requirement, by
transmitting packets to its neighbors.
7. AOMDV selects the ultimate ideal path
amongst all available paths. Optimal path
can be selected on the basis of path property
shortest and least congested path.
A. Secure Route selection algorithm in adverse environment:-
While developing, a proposed approach route reliability
parameter is added. While source node start route discovery
between sources to the destination, this proposed approach
will categories the paths as a reliable or unreliable. Routing
table structure of AOMDV contains various parameters like
destination nodes IP address, destination sequence number,
advertisement hop count, path list, expiration route. The path
list contains information on the path with its hop-count and IP
addresses. Path list consists of the combination of next hop IP
and its count. Routing table structure of existing AOMDV is
shown in table1.
Table1. Routing Table of existing AOMDV
Destination IP address
Destination sequence number
Advertisement hop count
Path list (next hop IP 1, hop-count 1),
(next hop IP 2, hop-count 2),
Expiration Route
Fig1 contains a four node network and the table 2 sows
the path list table of this network. In this existing routing
tables path list table only preliminary information is
available. For idle condition consider network does not
contain any malicious node, for such situations the
existing path list will work properly, but if any malicious
node is present in the network , then it is necessary to add
a parameters which will indicate the status of a path.
Table 2 shows the path list without stating path status.
Fig1. Four node network without any attack
Table2. Path List of fig.1
Addition of a new parameter, in the path list, ensures that the
path is reliable or not. Various paths are discovered at the time
route discovery process. Path status is reliable or not is
updated at the time of route discovery. Presence of Malicious
node in the path decides the reliability of path. If the malicious
node is discovered then the route discovery using that node is
avoided, hence only the reliable paths are discovered and
remain present in the routing table. Status of path is reliable or
not is updated in routing table by adding new parameter
path_sataus. Table 3 shows the structure of AOMDV routing
table with additional parameter.
Table.3 routing table of AOMDV with added parameter
Destination IP address
Destination sequence number
Advertisement hop count
Path list
(next hop IP 1, hop-count 1, path_status
/Reliability, Establish Time),
(next hop IP 2, hop-count 2, path_staus
/Reliability, Establish time),
Expiration Route
After adding this parameter considers that, in above network
shown in fig.1, node B will act as a malicious node then the
network structure will be shown in fig2.
Fig.2.Four node MANET with black hole attack
Table.4 Path List of Fig.2
Node Next
Hop IP
S A 1
S B 1
S-A-D A, D 2
S-B-D B-D 2
Node Next
Hop IP
/Path Status
S A 1 Reliable
S B 1 Un Reliable
S-A-D A, D 2 Reliable
S-B-D B-D 2 Un Reliable
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication and Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
S is source node, D is destination node, and B is marked as a
malicious node, in fig2. In this only one node acts as a
malicious. While discovering paths using AOMDV routing
algorithm it discovers all paths. These paths may or may not
pass through the malicious node. In above network scenario,
paths with malicious node B are also discovered in route
discovery process. Table 4 shows the discovered all routes
with and without malicious nodes. Routing table shows both
reliable and unreliable paths. Black hole detection algorithm
will mark the node B as malicious. The routes pass through
the malicious nodes are labeled as unreliable and the routes
passes excluding malicious node are labeled as reliable as
shown in table 4. These unreliable paths are never used for
secure communication. Only reliable paths are used for
communication in which malicious node is not present. But
while doing this addition of one parameter i.e path_sataus
include in the routing table, it increases the computational and
storage overhead. But it reduces the PDR and end to end
delay. Malicious nodes are responsible for dropping packets so
the PDR in such networks are very less. In above discussed
scenario, routes with malicious node are not used for
communication, since it promises the improvement in PDR is
up to the 100% , which was degraded earlier by only
malicious node and not by other reasons like queue overflow
or node mobility.
Fig.2. network having only single node acts as malicious,
Fig3 considers node B and C nodes are acting as a malicious
Fig.3.Six node MANET with two malicious nodes
In this network scenario multiple nodes are acts as a malicious
node. While discovering paths using AOMDV routing
algorithm it discovers all paths. Discovered routes with and
without malicious nodes are shown in table 5. Routing table
shows both reliable and unreliable paths, with node B &C.
Detection algorithm marks the node B & C are malicious
nodes. Route passes with these nodes are labeled as unreliable
and the routes are not passing through nodes B& C are labeled
as reliable as shown in table 5.
Table 5 Path list of fig 3.
These unreliable paths are never used for secure
communication. Reliable routes are selected for
communication since the impact of presence of multiple
malicious nodes in the network is nullified. Routing and
computational overhead is increased due to this additional
path_sataus parameter.
B. Secure Route Selection Mechanism Algorithm
1 Build a network of N Nodes (Design of Manet with
sufficient node)
2Design of Proposed AOMDV Routing Protocol with
added parameter
Firstly source node will check the availability
of reliable and recently updated path from
available paths the routing table.
if (path_status ==RP && PET = = Recently)
Select the path form routing table and transfer
the packet through that route.
Initiate the route discovery process for
discovering new reliable routes
Step:2 Creating, validating & updating the reliability
of all the paths by applying various techniques
for attack detection of single/multiple co-
operative black hole attack on the trajectory.
for( i:=1 :i<Path_List;i++)
Validate_path_Reliabilty (path[i])
For validating and updating the reliability
status of trajectory between source node to
Destination node sends a dummy packet.
If (RACKSFD = = Yes) then
Update the path status = reliable
Update the path status = UN_reliable
Step 3 In this step, proposed AOMDV routing
algorithm selects a more secure and reliable
efficient path amongst the available paths.
RP:- Reliable Path
PET:- Path Establishment Time
RACKSFD: Receives_ACK_to_Source_from Destination
Node Next
Hop IP
/Path Status
S A 1 Reliable
S B 1 Unreliable
S-A-C-D A-C-D 3 Unreliable
S-A-E-D A-E-D 3 Reliable
S-B-E-D B-E-D 3 Unreliable
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication and Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
C.Flow Chart Of Secure Route Selection Mechanism
Fig.4 shows the detailed flow of route selection algorithm
Fig4. Flow chart for Secure Route Selection Mechanism
This current research work is simulated on multipath routing
protocol AOMDV with single and collaborative black hole
attack in ns2. Number of nodes used here are 10,20,30,40 and
5o. Simulation parameters are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Simulation parameters.
Parameter Value
Chanel type Chanel/Wireless Channel
radio-propagation model Propagation/TwoRayGround
network interface type Phy/WirelessPhy
MAC type Mac/802_11
interface queue type Queue/DropTail/PriQueue
link layer type LL
antenna model Antenna/OmniAntenna
max packet in ifq 50
number of mobile nodes 10,20,30,40,50
routing protocol AOMDV
X routing protocol
dimension of topography
Y dimension of topography 500
time of simulation end 100.0
Comparative study of secure rote selection mechanism with
multipath routing algorithm AOMDV with and without
blackhole attack shows in fig.5. Additional parameter
path_status will helps the network to select only secure route
from source to destination. This additional parameter added to
the routing table increases the routing and computational
overhead. Selection secure route for communication achieves
noticeable improvement in the PDR. PDR is affected by
various parameters like presence of malicious node in network
mobility of nodes, end to end delay and queue overflow.
Fig.5 Impact of single and collaborative Blackhole Attack on
Packet Delivery Ratio Attack
Nowadays MANET is globally accepted due to it is
easy to implement anywhere and having additional features.
MANET helps the user to create an ad-hoc network anywhere
instantly, but creating and working smoothly with these
MANET is a challenging task. To overcome these challenges
this paper proposed modification in the structure of AOMDV
routing table. Additional parameter path_status is added for
labeling the paths status. Simulation results show that, only
reliable multiple paths are used for communication. This
scheme significantly resolves the impact of single and
collaborative black hole nodes. It achieves the up to the 100%
PDR at the same time it increases the computational & storage
As a future work we are going to apply the same
algorithm for detection of one & various another kind of
attack individually and in combination too, to resolve all types
of attacks from the MANET and provide a robust solution for
secured routing algorithm. By Adding another parameter in
the routing table we can discover the energy efficient routing
algorithm with security measure with and without considering
the various factors like mobility, etc.
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... Increasing the volume of exchange routing tables in the network topology causes significant overheads that can also promote fake routes by DAO. This saturation inhibits new legal paths and affects network capacity and the possibility of memory overflow [100]. ...
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IPv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL) has been developed as a routing agent in low-power and lossy networks (LLN), where nodes’ resource constraint nature is challenging. This protocol operates at the network layer and can create routing and optimally distribute routing information between nodes. RPL is a low-power, high-throughput IPv6 routing protocol that uses distance vectors. Each sensor-to-wire network router has a collection of fixed parents and a preferred parent on the path to the Destination-oriented directed acyclic graph (DODAG) graph’s root in steady-state. Each router part of the graph sends DODAG information object (DIO) control messages and specifies its rank within the graph, indicating its position within the network relative to the root. When a node receives a DIO message, it determines its network rank, which must be higher than all its parents’ rank, and then continues sending DIO messages using the trickle timer. As a result, DODAG begins at the root and eventually extends to encompass the whole network. This paper is the first review to study intrusion detection systems in the RPL protocol based on machine learning (ML) techniques to the best of our knowledge. The complexity of the new attack models identified for RPL and the efficiency of ML in intelligent and collaborative threats detection, and the issues of deploying ML in challenging LLN environments underscore the importance of research in this area. The analysis is done using research sources of “Google Scholar,” “Crossref,” “Scopus,” and “Web of Science” resources. The evaluations are assessed for studies from 2016 to 2021. The results are illustrated with tables and figures.
... The figure shows that AODV and Probabilistic AODV network does not perform well in such challenging scenario. The PDR in AODV and probabilistic AODV protocols are also degraded up to 10 Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved. ...
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The existence of a non-cooperative or black hole node as an intermediate node in a mobile network can degrade the performance of the network and affects the trust of neighbor nodes. In this paper, a trust-aware routing protocol is defined for improving the routing reliability against black hole attacks. A new Trust aware and fuzzy regulated AODV (TFAODV) protocol is investigated in this work as an improvement over the existing AODV protocol. The session-driven evaluation of stability, communication-delay, and failure-ratio parameters are conducted for evaluating the trust of nodes. The fuzzy rules apply to these parameters for computing the degree of trust. This trust vector isolates the attack-suspected and trustful nodes. The proposed TFAODV protocol used the trustful mobile nodes as the intermediate path nodes. The proposed protocol has been experimented with in the NS2 simulation environment. The analytical results are obtained in terms of PDR ratio, Packet Communication, Loss rate parameters. The comparative results are derived against the AODV, Probabilistic AODV, PDS-AODV, PSAODV, and Juneja et al. protocols. The analysis is performed on different scenarios varied in terms of network density, degree of stability, and the number of attackers. The simulation results ensured the proposed TFAODV protocol has improved the PDR ratio and reduced the communication loss significantly against these state-of-art protocols.
... Satav et al. [29] had proposed a modified AOMDV routing and collaborative black hole nodes. This method attains 100 % of PDR but there is increase in storage and computational cost. ...
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Providing security to the Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is one of the demanding and critical tasks in recent days, due to its dynamic nature. For this reason, the various routing protocols and security mechanisms are developed for the traditional networks. Nonetheless, it still lacks the limitation of increased computational complexity, inefficient security, reduced throughput, and increased delay. To solve these problems, this paper developed a new system, namely, Secure Cryptography based Clustering Mechanism (SCCM) for MANET. It comprised the following stages: secure routing, encryption, signature generation, signature verification, and decryption. After forming the network, the connection between the mobile nodes was formed. After that, the secured routing was created between the source and destination by implementing the AOMDV routing protocol. Then, the original packet was converted into an unknown format by employing an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption mechanism. Consequently, the signature for the encrypted packet was generated and forwarded to the destination via the Region Head (RH) and other gateway nodes. When the destination node received the packet, it performed the signature verification process for verifying whether the packet is valid or invalid. If it were valid, the receiver would accept the data and decrypt it by using the ECC decryption mechanism; otherwise, it would reject the packet and report to the base station. The simulation results evaluated the performance of the proposed security mechanism by using various measures and compared it with other techniques for proving the superiority.
... Similarly, number of schemes come up to identify the malicious node by various research scholars. A scheme proposed by the authors of [17] to identify a malicious node involves voting for a node is performed by each node in the network to classify it either as genuine or malicious node depending upon the positive or negative votes for a node whereas in [18] authors have used one dedicated field in the packet format for reliable route discovery and achieved a PDR of 100%. However, adding his extra field has increased the computation and storage overhead in the network. ...
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Vehicular Ad-hoc network (VANET) is a very promising and upcoming technology used for traffic management and for facilitating road safety along with entertainment system. Implementation of VANET requires building trust among the vehicle owners. Without developing trust, it cannot make any vehicle owners to be a part of vehicular network and without active participation of vehicle owners, V ANETs cannot be completely implemented. Therefore, providing security and maintaining the owner's privacy has become a major issue in V ANETs. To provide better security and maintain privacy, one should understand the various possible attacks on the network and the nature of their behavior. Various research papers over the years have discussed about V ANET architecture, Application areas, Challenges and security issues. Most of the papers discuss about the security services and the related work on security but a deeper understanding on each type of attacks on network will help any researcher to develop a security mechanism and the proposed solution can work optimally against one or multiple security attacks. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on various attacks and the proposed solutions by the various researchers and also analysis and comparison of results for the simulated proposed solutions.
... Similarly, number of schemes come up to identify the malicious node by various research scholars. A scheme proposed by the authors of [17] to identify a malicious node involves voting for a node is performed by each node in the network to classify it either as genuine or malicious node depending upon the positive or negative votes for a node whereas in [18] authors have used one dedicated field in the packet format for reliable route discovery and achieved a PDR of 100%. However, adding his extra field has increased the computation and storage overhead in the network. ...
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a dynamic wireless network without any infrastructures. It is vulnerable to many types of attacks. Thus, security has turned out to be an important factor to facilitate secured communication between mobile nodes in a wireless environment. Recently, many routing protocols have been established. But most of them do not consider the security criteria in their designing. So, practically any node can maliciously disrupt communication of other nodes. Hence, a new approach is proposed in this paper to provide reliable and secure data transmission in MANETs under possible blackhole attacks based on modified ad-hoc on-demand multipath distance vector (AOMDV) protocol. We divide the message into multiple paths to the destination and use homomorphic encryption scheme for cryptography technique. The performance of the proposed scheme is stable with very high packet delivery ratio while that of AOMDV is found to be vulnerable with the intrusion of malicious nodes in the network. Simulation results show that, compared to the original AOMDV scheme, our proposed scheme improves considerably the packet delivery ratio and network throughput in the presence of malicious nodes.
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Quality of group communication using mobile ad-hoc networks depends on various factors like channel fading, signal quality, path loss, transmission and reception power of mobile nodes, mobility, link life and battery backup. Different layers are involved in communication, but the behavior of these layers is isolated with each other and overall network performance may effect from their operations. A cross-layer approach can extract the critical information from multiple layers which can be further utilized to enhance the overall network performance and Quality of Service (QoS). In this paper, Cross-layer Multicast Routing (CLMR) is introduced to enhance the QoS using a tree-based multicast routing protocol. In order to achieve QoS, optimization of the tree operations and tree management cost has been done. CLMR exploits the functionality of PHY layer, Application layer and Routing Layer for QoS oriented communication. Performance of CLMR is analyzed using Multicast Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MAODV) routing protocol under various parameters, i.e. Throughput, Delay, Packet Delivery Ratio, Link Cost and Energy Consumption.
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Most existing trust-based security schemes for MANETs consider packet loss an indicator of possible attacks by malicious nodes. There may be several reasons for packet losses, such as interference, queue overflow, and node mobility. Identifying the real underlying cause of a packet loss event is important for any security solution. To detect truly malicious nodes, it is necessary to carry out a fine-grained analysis to determine the underlying cause of such loss. Without such analysis, the performance of any security solution may degrade, due to the punishment of innocent nodes while actual malicious nodes may remain undetected. Therefore, approaches are required that can correctly identify the reason of packet losses and can react accordingly. In this paper, we present a scheme able to correctly identify malicious nodes, using network parameters to determine whether packet losses are due to queue overflows or node mobility in MANETs. The contributions of this paper include a fine-grained analysis (FGA) scheme for packet loss and the development of a comprehensive trust model for malicious node identification and isolation. Our proposed FGA scheme is evaluated in terms of effectiveness and performance metrics under different network parameters and configurations. The experimental results show that our proposed trust model achieves a significant reduction in false positives rate and an increase in the rate of detection of truly malicious nodes as compared to traditional non-FGA schemes.
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Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing is an extensively accepted routing protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Network. The inadequacy of security considerations in the design of AODV makes it vulnerable to black hole attack in which, malicious nodes attract data packets and drop them instead of forwarding. Among the existing black hole detection schemes, just a few strategies detect both single and collaborative attacks and that too with much routing, storage and computational overhead. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to detect single and collaborative black hole attacks, with reduced routing and computational overhead. The proposed D-MBH algorithm detects single and multiple black hole nodes using an additional route request with nonexistent target address, computes a threshold ADSN, creates a black hole list and invokes the proposed D-CBH algorithm. Using ADSN, black hole list and next hop information extracted from RREP, the D-CBH algorithm creates a list of collaborative black hole nodes.
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This paper presents a novel concept for designing an efficient security solution that can protect wireless ad hoc networks from heterogeneous attacks. This proposed Secure Routing Protocol against Heterogeneous Attacks (SRPAHA) protocol effectively detects and defends the collaborative malicious node without the need of expensive signatures. Finally, this methods had been validated through numerous simulation scenarios that synthetically generates the data sets and verifies using various parameters such as Route Acquisition Time, Throughput (or packet delivery ratio), Routing Overhead and Average End-to-End Delay. Moreover, the results of this work provide better performances as compared to existing security schemes in-terms of security, less communication overhead.
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are widely used in military and civilian applications. The dynamic topology of MANETs allows nodes to join and leave the network at any point of time. This general characteristic of MANET has rendered it susceptible to security attacks. The black hole attack is a well known severely occurring security threat in wireless mobile ad hoc networks. A black hole is a malicious node that spuriously replies for any route request without having any active route to the specified destination. It then absorbs all the data packets and drops them fully or sometimes partially so that the destination node will not be able to get the data packets results in affecting the PDR (packet delivering ratio) to a great extent. Sometimes the Black Hole Nodes cooperate with each other with the same aim of dropping packets these are known as cooperating Black Hole nodes and the attack is known as Cooperative Black Hole attack. This proposed work used a modified AODV for that we used a technique for detecting a cooperative black hole attack using crosschecking with True-Link concept. True-Link is a timing based countermeasure to the cooperative black hole attack. The proposed algorithm improves the results as compared to existing system.