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Venous thromboembolism is linked to severity of disease in COVID‐19 patients: A systematic literature review and exploratory meta‐analysis

International Journal of Clinical Practice


Purpose Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) may predispose to venous thromboembolism (VTE) and arterial thromboembolism due to excessive inflammation, hypoxia, immobilization and diffuse intravascular coagulation. The understanding of the association might be helpful in early vigilant monitoring and better management of COVID-19 patients at a high risk. Thus, in this meta-analysis we aim to assess the association of venous thromboembolism with severity of COVID-19 disease. Methods A literature search was conducted on PubMed and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials using the keywords “COVID-19 and thromboembolism” and “COVID-19 and embolism”, till 20 February 2021. Thirteen studies including 6648 COVID-19 patients were incorporated in this systematic review and exploratory meta- analysis. Results The analysis revealed nearly three times more risk of intensive care unit (ICU) care in patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) compared to non-VTE patients (RR: 2.78; 95% CI: 1.75- 4.39; p <0.001; I²: 65.1 %). Patients with pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis are at increased risk of being admitted to ICU (RR: 2.21; 95% CI: 1.86-2.61; p<0.001; I²:41.2%) and (RR: 2.69; 95 % CI: 2.37-3.06; p <0.001; I²: 0.0 %), respectively. The quality assessment indicated that the included studies were of fair quality. Conclusions Our findings suggest that venous thromboembolism either deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism may have a negative effect on the health status of COVID-19 patients. The study highlights the need to consider measures for reducing thromboembolism risk among COVID-19 patients.
Int J Clin Pract. 2021;00:e14910.  
 1 of 8
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Coronavirus disease- 2019 (COVID- 19), a viral illness caused by se-
vere acute respiratory syndrome- coronavirus- 2 (SARS- CoV- 2), can
lead to coagulation dysfunction in patients with severe COVID- 19
infection.1 Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a recurrent com-
plication in COVID- 19 patients2 and results in a poor prognosis.1
COVID- 19 may predispose to both venous and arterial throm-
boembolic disease because of excessive inflammation, hypoxia,
immobilisation and diffuse intravascular coagulation.3- 6 Many of the
hospitalised COVID- 19 patients are elderly people, suffering from
severe infectious illness and are immobile in an intensive care unit
(ICU) setting. Therefore, a relatively high incidence of VTE amongst
patients diagnosed with COVID- 19 is expected bec ause of the se-
verity of their disease and distinctive risk factors.7
However, so far, there have been only a few studies describing
VTE either deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in patients
with COVID- 19 infection.8- 1 1 A high incidence of VTE in COVID- 19
Accepted :19Septembe r2021
DOI : 10.1111 /ij cp.14910
1Centre for Translation al and Clinical
Research, Scho ol of Chemi cal & Life
Science s, Jamia Hamdard , New Delhi, India
2School of Primar y, Community and Social
Care, Keele University, Staffordshine, UK
Nidhi Bharal Ag arwal, Centre for
Translational and Clinical Research, School
of Chemic al & Life Sciences , Jamia Hamdard,
New Delhi 110062, India.
Coronavirus disease- 2019 (COVID- 19) may predispose to venous thrombo-
embolism (VTE) and arterial thromboembolism because of excessive inflammation,
hypoxia, immobilisation and diffuse intravascular coagulation. The understanding of
the association might be helpful in early vigilant monitoring and better management
of COVID- 19 patients at high risk. Thus, in this meta- analysis, we aim to assess the
association of V TE with the severity of COVID- 19 disease.
 A literature search was conducted on PubMed and Cochrane Central
Register of Controlled Trials using the keywords “COVID- 19 and thromboembolism”
and “COVID- 19 and embolism,” till 20 February 2021. Thirteen studies including
6648 COVID- 19 patients were incorporated in this systematic review and explora-
tory meta- analysis.
 The analysis revealed nearly three times more risk than intensive care unit
(ICU) care in patients with V TE compared to non- VTE patients (RR: 2.78; 95% CI:
1.75- 4.39; P < .001; I2: 65.1%). Patients with pulmonary embolism and deep vein
thrombosis are at increased risk of being admitted to ICU (RR: 2.21; 95% CI: 1.86-
2. 61; P < .001; I2: 41.2%) and (RR: 2.69; 95% CI: 2.37- 3.06; P < .001; I2: 0.0%), respec-
tively. The quality assessment indicated that the included studies were of fair quality.
Our findings suggest that VTE either deep vein thrombosis or pulmo-
nary embolism may have a negative effect on the health status of COVID- 19 patients.
This study highlights the need to consider measures for reducing thromboembolism
risk amongst COVID- 19 patients.
patients has been reported in various studies.1,12- 14 A retrospective
study reported a high prevalence of deep vein thrombosis and as-
sociated adverse outcomes in COVID- 19 patients.15 Another pro-
spective study demonstrated a ver y high incidence of deep vein
thrombosis in COVID- 19 patients requiring ICU admission.16 A co-
hort study observed a high risk for VTE in COVID- 19 patients re-
quiring ICU care.14
Several studies have demonstrated a higher incidence of VTE
in COVID- 19 patients,1,14,17,18 however, the effec t of the incidence
of VTE on the prognosis of the disease needs further exploration.
Precise knowledge of the incidence of thrombotic complications in
COVID- 19 patients is impor tant for decision- making with regards to
the intensity of thromboprophylaxis.13 The understanding of the as-
sociation might be helpful for clinicians in early vigilant monitoring
and better management of COVID- 19 patients at high risk. Thus, in
the present exploratory meta- analysis, we aimed to assess the as-
sociation of VTE with the severity of disease in COVID- 19 patients.
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis
(PRISMA) guidelines extension for scoping reviews19 was followed
for designing and reporting this systematic literature review.
We searched PubMed and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
Trials until 20 February 2021 using the keywords “COVID- 19 and
thromboembolism” and “COVID- 19 and embolism.” Grey literature
was searched on Clinical Trial Registry of India,,
Google Scholar and reference list of eligible articles.
Studies describing the incidence of thromboembolism according to
disease severity were included. We excluded duplicate publications,
reviews, editorials, case reports, letters, meta- analyses, protocols,
studies in a language other than English and studies not reporting
the required data. The first author (RS) searched data and screened
articles for eligibility. Senior author (RP) double checked all the in-
cluded ar ticles and any dispute was resolved by consensus.
Two reviewers (RS and RP) assessed the quality of data included in
this study using the National Institute of Health (NIH) quality as-
sessment tools developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute.20 We preferred the NIH tool because it is comprehen-
sive and widely accepted for an exhaustive assessment of data
quality. We rated the general qualit y of included studies nearly as
good, fair and poor and incorporated them within the result of the
meta- analysis.
Data were inputted into a standardised data extraction table (Excel)
and independently checked by a second reviewer (RP) for accuracy.
The following variables were ex tracted: name of the first author,
year of publication, study design, age, gender, number of patients
in ICU and non- ICU care with comorbidities as well as prognosis.
The disease was considered severe if the patient with COVID- 19 re-
quired ICU care.
We performed an explorator y meta- analysis to understand the mag-
nitude and direction of the ef fect estimate. Relative risk (RR) was cal-
culated an d presented with r espective 95% confi dence interva ls (CIs).
Mantel- Haenszel random effects meta- analysis using DerSimonian
and Laird method was used to pool RR.21 Heterogeneity between
studies was assessed using the χ2- based Cochran’s Q statistic (P < .1
We conducted a systematic review and meta- analysis of
the studies describing the incidence of venous thrombo-
embolism in COVID- 19 patients requiring intensive care
unit care.
We searched PUBMED and Cochrane Central Register
of Controlled Trials using the keywords “COVID- 19 and
thromboembolism” and “COVID- 19 and embolism” till
20 February 2021.
• We pooled dichotomous outcomes as risk ratios and
continuous outcomes as mean differences with 95%
confidence intervals, both under the random or fixed ef-
fects model.
This study highlights the need to consider measures for
reducing thromboembolism risk amongst COVID- 19
Precise knowledge of the incidence of thrombotic
complications in COVID- 19 patients is important
for decision- making with regards to the intensity of
The understanding of the association might be helpful
in early vigilant monitoring and better management of
COVID- 19 patients at high risk.
considered as the presence of heterogeneity) and I2 statistics (>50%
representing moderate heterogeneity).21 Forest plot was produced,
and subgroup analysis was conducted according to the study design.
The 95% prediction interval (PI) was calculated, which estimates the
uncertainty bounds for a new study evaluating that the same as-
sociation by considering between- study heterogeneity. Publication
bias was not assessed as a total number of studies were <10 for a
given outcome.21 P value < .05 was set as statistical significance for
comparing study level effects.
The systematic search yielded a total of 1607 publications. Out of
1607 studie s, 920 studies were f ound using the key words “COVID- 19
and thromboembolism,” and 686 studies with keywords “COVID- 19
and embolism.” One study was found from another source. After
removing duplicates, 1200 articles were found to be potential pub-
lications for screening. After the application of predefined inclusion
and exclusion criteria, a total of 13 studies were included for the
meta- analysis (Figure 1).
The incidence of VTE either deep vein thrombosis or pulmo-
nary embolism was reported in ICU care and non- ICU care in 12
studies,12,14 - 17,22- 28 and one study reported the incidence of VTE
either deep vein thrombosis or pulmonar y embolism in survivors
and non- survivors group.1 Among the 13 included studies, a total
of 6648 patients were enrolled, including 3973 males and 2675 fe-
males. The baseline characteristics of the subjects included in these
studies are provided in Table 1.
We assessed the qualit y of data in the included studies using the
NIH qualit y assessment tools. The quality assessment indicated
that most of the included studies were of fair quality. All the stud-
ies clearly stated the research question or the objective, the study
population was clearly specified and defined, all the subjects were
selected from similar populations. The detailed result of the qualit y
assessment is provided in Supplementary File 1.
In order to assess the association between VTE and disease severity,
four cohor t studies qualified for inclusion in quantitative analysis. The
pooled estimate of four cohort studies with substantial heterogeneity
revealed nearly three times more risk of ICU care requirement in pa-
tients with VTE compared to n on- VT E patients (RR: 2.78; 95% CI: 1.75-
4.39; P < .001; I2: 65.1%) (Figu res 2 and S2). The mort ality outcome was
assessed in one retrospective study indicative of a higher risk of VTE in
ICU patients (RR: 50.19; 95% CI: 3.05- 832.75; P < .001).
PRISMA flow diagram of
study selection
n, number.
Records identified through database
searching (n=1606)
licates records removed
Records excluded based on
exclusion criteria (n=371)
Review (n=390)
Commentary (n=220)
Summary article (n=10)
Editorial (n=89)
Studies in other language (n=2)
Case reports (n=105)
Records retrieved for more detailed evaluation
Total records included in the final analysis (n=13)
Records screened (n=1200)
Additional records identified through
other sources
Baseline characteristics
  
 
  
 
Middeldorp, 2020 Cohort 61 (14 ) 198 130 (6 6) 68 (34) 136 (69) 16 (8) 8 (4) 38 (19) Active cancer 7 (3.5)
Grillet, 2020 Retrospective 66 (13) 100 70 30 NA NA NA NA Cardiovascular Disease 39
Chronic Respiratory
T2DM 20
Malignancy 20
Zhang, 2020 Retrospective 63 (14) 143 74 (51.71) 69 (48.25) 92 (64.3) 19 (13.3) NA 32 (22.4) HTN 56 (39.2)
DM 26 (18.2)
CAD 17 (11.9)
Malignancy 7 (4.9)
Cerebal Infarction 5 (3.5)
Chronic Liver Disease 5 (3.5)
CKD 4 (2.8)
Lorant, 2020 Retrospective 64 (22) 106 70 (66) 36 (34) NA NA NA NA NA
Demelo, 2020 Cohort 6 8.1 (14. 5) 156 102 (66) 54 (34) NA NA NA NA Active Cancer 16 (10.3 )
Lodigiani, 2020 Cohort 66 388 264 (68) 124 (32) NA NA NA NA HTN 18 3 (4 7. 2)
DM 88 (22.7 )
Dyslipidemia 76 ( 19. 6)
Chronic Renal Dysfunction 61 (15 .7 )
Active Cancer 25 (6.4)
Poyiadi, 2020 Retrospective 62 (16) 328 148 (45) 180 (55) NA NA NA NA Cancer History 14
DM 38
HTN 61
Cui, 2020 Retrospective 59.9 81 37 (46) 44 (54) 9 (11) 64 (79) 8 (10) HTN 20 (25)
DM 8 (10)
CHD 10 (12)
Coronary Heart Disease 10 (12)
  
 
  
 
Bilalogu et al, 2020 Retrospective
64 3334 2014 (60 .4) 1320 (39.6) NA NA NA NA Myocadial Infarction 195
Congestive Heart failure 279
HTN 1676
Diabetes 1246
Hyperlipidemia 1285
Coronary artery disease 617
Fauvel et al, 2020 Cohort Study 64 1240 721 (58.1) 519 (41.9) NA NA NA 151 (1 2. 2) HTN 559 (45.4)
Diabetes 268 (21.7)
Dyslipidemia 316 (25.6)
Cardiovascular disease 19 (1. 6)
COPD 77 (6.2)
CKD 126 (10 .3)
Stroke 9 4 (7. 7)
Peripheral arterial disease 60 (4.9)
Atrial fibrillation 117 (9. 5)
CHF 117 (9. 5)
CAD 133 (10.7)
Malignancy 167 (13.7)
Trimaille et al, 2020 Cohort Study 62.2 289 171 (59. 2) 118 (40. 8) 236 (88.7) NA NA 24 (8.3) NA NA
Whyte et al, 2020 Cohort Study 63.5 214 129 85 NA 36 NA 31 Malignancy 16
Haemoptysis 12
Artifoni et al, 2020 Cohort Study 64 71 43 (60.6) 28 (39.4) NA NA NA NA HTN 32 (60)
Diabetes 14 (20)
Cancer 4 (6)
Note: Data are presented as median (IQR) or number (%).
Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; CHD, coronary heart disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CHF, coronary heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DM, diabetes
mellitus; HTN, hypertension; IQR , interquartile range; NA , not available; No., number; T2DM, diabetes mellitus t ype 2.
To assess the association between pulmonary embolism and disease
severity, eight studies (four cohor t and four retrospective studies)
qualified for inclusion in quantitative analysis. The pooled estimate
of four cohor t and four retrospective studies with substantial het-
erogeneity study showed that patients with pulmonary embolism
are at nearly three times increased risk of being admitted to ICU (RR:
2.21; 95% CI: 1.86- 2.61; P < .001; I2: 41.2%) (Figure 2). The subgroup
pooled analysis of four cohort studies demonstrated nearly two
times higher risk of ICU c are in patients with pulmonary embolism
(RR: 1.97; 95% CI: 1.44- 2.70; P < .001; I2: 57.6%) (Figure S2). The sub-
group pooled estimate of four retrospective studies highlighted that
patients with pulmonary embolism are around three times higher
risk of being admitted to ICU (RR: 2.39; 95% CI: 1.91- 2.99; P < .001;
I2: 37.8%) (Figure S2).
For the outcome, in order to assess the association between deep
vein thrombosis and disease severity, five studies (three cohort
studies and two retrospective studies) qualified for inclusion in
quantitative analysis. The pooled estimate of three cohort and two
retrospective studies demonstrated around three times higher risk
of deep vein thrombosis in ICU patients (RR: 2.69; 95% CI: 2.37-
3.06; P < .001; I2: 0.0%) (Figure 2). The subgroup pooled analysis of
three cohort studies highlighted a higher risk of requiring ICU care
in patient s with deep vein thrombosis (RR: 2.57; 95% CI: 1.53- 4.30;
P < .001; I2: 30.7%) (Figure S2). The subgroup pooled estimate of two
retrospective studies showed that the need for ICU care was higher
in patient s with deep vein thrombosis (RR: 2.61; 95% CI: 2.19- 3.11;
P < .001; I2: 1.1%) (Figure S2).
Recent evidence on COVID- 19 postulated that the high mort al-
ity observed among COVID- 19 patients may be partly because of
unrecognised pulmonary embolism and pulmonary in situ throm-
bosis.1,13 Several studies have demonstrated a higher incidence of
VTE in COVID- 19 patients,17, 18 however, the effect of the incidence
of VTE on the severit y of disease needs further exploration. Thus,
the present meta- analysis was conducted to assess the association
of VTE either pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis with
disease severity in COVID- 19 patients. The present meta- analysis
demonstrated a high incidence of pulmonary embolism, deep vein
thrombosis and VTE in patients requiring ICU care.
The present meta- analysis demonstrated a positive association
betwee n COVID- 19 and the incidence of pulmonar y embolism in ICU
patients. Whyte et al performed a cohort study on 214 COVID- 19
patients and revealed that the overall proportion of patients with
pulmonary embolism was 5.4%, increasing to 16.2% in ICU patients.
Pulmonary embolism was diagnosed in 3.5% patient s receiving
ward- based care. The higher incidence of pulmonary embolism in
ICU patients is consistent with previous studies (16.7%- 47%).28 A
cohort study reported a high incidence of pulmonary embolism in
the critically ill COVID- 19 patients, also it was found to be one of
the major thrombotic complications in this study.13 Therefore, pul-
monary thromboembolism may be considered in COVID- 19 patients
Relative risk of ICU
admission in venous thromboembolism
(A), pulmonary embolism (B) and deep
vein thrombosis subgroups (C)
with sudden onset of oxygenation deterioration, respiratory distress
and reduced blood pressure as these patients are of ten immobile
and present with an acute inflammatory state.29
The present meta- analysis demonstrated the positive associa-
tion between COVID- 19 ICU patients and deep vein thrombosis. A
systematic literature review of four prospective studies conducted
on patient s requiring critical care reported the rate of objectively
confirmed deep vein thrombosis which ranged from 13% to 31% and
suggested a potential role for thromboprophylaxis in patients re-
quiring critical care.30 A retrospective study reported an 18.2% inci-
dence of deep vein thrombosis in COVID- 19 ICU patients.15 Various
cohort studies have reported 32%,14 13%16 and 4.1%25 incidence of
deep vein thrombosis in COVID- 19 ICU patients.
The present meta- analysis demonstrated the positive associ-
ation between COVID- 19 ICU patients and V TE. Malas et al con-
ducted a systematic review involving 8271 SARS- CoV- 2 patients
determining the overall incidence of VTE to be 21%. Amongst ICU
patients, the VTE rate was as high as 31%. Patients who developed
VTE were at 74% increased odds of death compared to those who
did not.18 Collectively, several cohort studies have reported 47%14
and 8.3%25 incidence of V TE in COVID- 19 ICU patients. A retro-
spective study reported an incidence of 25% of VTE in COVID- 19
hospitalised patients.1
There are various mechanisms explaining the risk of VTE either
deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism or both in COVID- 19
patients. One such mechanism explains that the virus can bind to
the endothelial cells via angiotensin 2 receptors, which are most
commonly found in the alveolar epithelial cells, followed by endo-
thelial cells— a process that may ultimately damage blood vessels and
increase the risk of thrombogenicity.2 However, apart from the se-
vere COVID- 19 patients in ICUs, those hospitalised in hospital wards
share common predisposing factors for VTE, namely strict and long
isolation and subsequently immobilisation. Any severe infection can
predispose to VTE. However, it appears that in COVID- 19 additional
mechanisms might contribute to increased VTE risk, including en-
dothelial damage, microvascular thrombosis and occlusion, or even
autoimmune mechanisms.31 Another mechanism explains that the
abnormal expression of T cell- associated mRNA can lead to VTE.32
This means that older patients with more underlying diseases were
more likely to develop immune dysfunction and have a higher risk of
VTE because of their poor immunity.1
There are several limitations worth mentioning. First, most stud-
ies included a relatively small number of cases with a poor description
of patient characteristics, which limited the possibility to explore the
effects of concomitant risk factors on the incidence of V TE. Second,
the lack of r andomisation and the litt le data provided on t he incidence
of VTE stratified by use, type, dose and duration of anticoagulation
(ie, prophylactic, intermediate or therapeutic dose) precluded sub-
group analysis on the effect s of pharmacological prophylaxis. Third,
the nature of the data available in the individual studies did not allow
the meta- analysis to be stratified by some clinically relevant variables
such as thromboprophylaxis status, race and healthcare access/qual-
ity to assess their ef fect on the incidence of VTE and mortality.
To conclude, our findings suggest that VTE either deep vein
thrombosis or pulmonary embolism may have a negative ef fect
on the health status of COVID- 19 patients. However, large inci-
dence studies demonstrating the consequences of VTE are ur-
gently needed for decision- making with regards to the intensity of
No potential conflict of interest to declare in relation to this
Conception and design: Rashmi and Rizwana; Acquisition of data:
Rashmi and Rizwana; Analysis and interpretation of data: Pinki
and Ram; Drafting the manuscript: Rashmi and Pinki; Revised
manuscript critically for important intellectual content: Nilanjan
and Nidhi; Final approval of the version to be published: Nidhi and
Rizwana; Agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work
in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of
any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved:
Rashmi and Nidhi.
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sion of the ar ticle at the publisher’s website.
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Saha N, Bajpai R, A garwal NB. Venous thromboembolism is
linked to severity of disease in COVID- 19 patient s: A
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Int J Clin Pract. 2021;00:e14910. doi:10.1111/ijcp .14910
... for PE, for non-ICU and ICU patients, respectively) [ 72 -75 ]. VTE is associated with 1.37-fold increased mortality [ 76 ] and 2.5-fold increased risk of ICU admission [ 77 ]. ...
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Millions of people worldwide have chronic kidney disease (CKD). Affected patients are at high risk for cardiovascular disease for several reasons. Among various comorbidities, CKD is associated with the more severe forms of SARS-Cov-2 infection. This is particularly true for patients receiving dialysis or for kidney recipients. From the start of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, several cardiovascular complications have been observed in affected subjects, spanning through acute inflammatory manifestations, cardiovascular events, thrombotic episodes and arrythmias. Several pathogenetic mechanisms have been hypothesized, including direct cytopathic viral effects on the myocardium, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulability. This spectrum of disease can occur during the acute phase of the infection, but also after months from recovery. This review is focussed on the cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 with particular interest to their implications for the CKD population.
... Covid-19 is associated with a prothrombotic state [11][12][13][14] and has been reported to induce venous thromboembolism in up to 30% of severe cases [15]. The underlying pathophysiologic mechanism for this phenomenon is complex and appears to involve dysregulation of both cellular and plasmatic coagulation, as well as fibrinolysis [16][17][18][19]. ...
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In Covid-19, anticoagulation with heparin is often administered to prevent or treat thromboembolic events. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a severe complication of heparin treatment, caused by heparin-dependent, platelet activating anti-platelet factor 4 (PF4)/heparin antibodies. Diagnosis of HIT is based on the combination of clinical parameters, allowing to determine the pretest probability, and laboratory testing for anti-PF4/heparin antibodies and confirmatory functional assays, such as the heparin-induced platelet activation (HIPA) test. We report the case of a patient with severe Covid-19 pneumonia requiring ECMO treatment, who developed recurrent clotting of the ECMO filter and a drop in platelet count under heparin treatment. He was therefore suspected to have HIT and the anticoagulation was switched to argatroban. Despite high clinical probability and high titres of anti-PF4/heparin antibodies, the functional HIPA test was negative. Nevertheless, argatroban was continued rather than to reinstate anticoagulation with heparin. Reevaluation 7 days later then demonstrated a strongly positive functional HIPA test and confirmed the diagnosis of HIT. Under anticoagulation with argatroban the patient gradually improved and was finally weaned off the ECMO. In conclusion, this case highlights the critical importance of clinical judgement, exploiting the 4 T score, given that Covid-19 patients may present a different pattern of routine laboratory test results in HIT diagnostics. The possibility of a false negative HIPA test has to be considered, particularly in early phases of presentation. In cases of a discrepancy with high clinical probability of HIT and/or high titre anti-PF4/heparin antibodies despite a negative HIPA test, a reevaluation within 3 to 5 days after the initial test should be considered in order to avoid precipitant reestablishment of unfractionated heparin, with potentially fatal consequences.
... Although Covid-19 is predominantly an acute respiratory viral infection, it also causes thromboses. 2 These thromboses are primarily venous, although arterial thromboses have been described, 4 and there is a clear association between the presence and extent of thrombosis and the severity of the illness. [5][6][7] Hence, considerable research has focused on how the SARS-CoV-2 virus interacts with the blood clotting system 8,9 in conjunction with the endothelium 3,10 to promote thrombosis. The AstraZeneca vaccine, in particular, has also been associated with the formation of venous thromboses, 11 although at a much lower incidence. ...
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A 43-year-old woman presented with localised areas of prominent, tender superficial veins in her right arm and both legs, and chest pain, following the second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine and possible contemporaneous Covid-19 infection. Electrocardiogram, troponin and d-dimer had all been normal. However, a venous duplex ultrasound scan showed a perivenous inflammation without thrombosis in the areas of her limbs with prominent tender veins, but not elsewhere. We suggest that patients may present with prominent and tender superficial veins secondary to non-thrombotic phlebitis following Covid-19 infection or the AstraZeneca vaccine, which appears to be self-limiting. In addition, this case raises the possibility that Covid-19 infection or the AstraZeneca vaccine may directly affect cells in the vein wall, resulting in phlebitis without any evidence of thrombosis or microthrombosis. This phenomenon appears to be transient and self-limiting.
... Obstructive blood circulation may lead to thromboembolisms that can cause direct or indirect cardiac difficulties because of their close association with the lungs [19]. Endotheliitis can also be caused by a hyperinflammatory reaction in the arteries and venules [20]. Increased human angiotensin I-converting enzyme 2 receptor (hACE2-R) expression in many tissues (especially arteries) allows the virus to circulate throughout the body and infect all organs via Fig. (2). ...
Background: COVID-19) is a severe acute respiratory syndrome that has become a prominent source of morbidity and mortality around the world. With millions infected globally by the COVID-19 epidemic, long-term care for COVID-19 survivors has become a global concern. As a result, research into the long-term pulmonary and extrapulmonary consequences and complications of COVID is absolutely necessary. Purpose of study: In an attempt to better understand and mitigate the post recovery mortality, early detection of the post recovery complication might prevent the severity of the complication and can be recovered. As per cases reported, post covid extrapulmonary complications were more than pulmonary complications. However, the post covid pulmonary complications were found to be more lethal and nonrecoverable on most of the cases than extrapulmonary complications. Method: The present review is an attempt to reveal the role and importance of biomarkers associated with critical post covid pulmonary complications. COVID-19 is associated with post-covid pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary endothelial dysfunction, pulmonary aspergillosis, pulmonary mucormycosis, biomarkers and WHO, as keywords were used to retrieve updated information. PubMed, and Google Scholar were used as search engines for this. Result: There must be a better knowledge of the post-COVID-19 pulmonary problems in terms of systemic pathophysiological results to create multidisciplinary clinics to address both long-term symptoms and potential long-term consequences. This can be achieved by revealing the molecular pathogenesis that can be validated by certain biomarkers and various diagnostic techniques. Accordingly, the clinical program can be designed to treat and effectively manage the post covid pulmonary complications in early-stage to prevent mortality. Conclusion: In order to deal with the specific logistical problems given by pandemic circumstances, effective interdisciplinary collaboration models draw on experiences learned during the early phases of the pandemic. Keywords: Biomarker; COVID-19; Molecular pathogenesis; Pulmonary aspergillosis; Pulmonary fibrosis; Pulmonary mucormycosis.
... Remestemcel-L infusions were well tolerated in this case series. Thromboembolism is a serious complication in COVID-19 patients [33]. The possible pulmonary embolism reported in a single patient in this case series was an expected event given the high incidence of such events in CARDS patients generally. ...
The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) resulting from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is associated with a massive release of inflammatory cytokines and high mortality. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have anti-inflammatory properties and have shown activity in treating acute lung injury. Here, we report a case series of 11 patients with COVID-19-associated ARDS (CARDS), requiring mechanical ventilation, who were treated with remestemcel-L, an allogeneic MSC product, under individual patient emergency investigational new drug (eIND) applications. Patients were eligible if they were mechanically ventilated for less than 72 hours prior to the first infusion. Patients with pre-existing lung disease requiring supplemental oxygen or severe liver or kidney injury were excluded. Each patient received two infusions of remestemcel-L at a dose of 2 million cells/kg/infusion, 48-120 hours apart. Remestemcel-L infusions were well-tolerated in all eleven patients. At the end of the 28-days follow-up period 10 patients (91%, 95% confidence interval [CI]; 59-100%) were extubated, 9 patients (82%, 95% CI; 48-97%) remained liberated from mechanical ventilation and were discharged from the ICU and two (18%, 95 CI%; 2-52%) died. The median time to extubation was ten days. 8 patients (73%, 95% CI; 34-100%) were discharged from the hospital. C-reactive protein levels significantly declined within five days of MSC infusion. In summary, we demonstrate that in this case series remestemcel-L infusions to treat moderate to severe CARDS were safe, well-tolerated and resulted in improved clinical outcome.
... CAR was also shown to be predictive of worse functional impairment and higher occurrence of deep venous thrombosis and bacterial sepsis. Considering these associations, CAR could reflect more severe COVID-19 which was shown to be associated with higher occurrence of venous thrombosis [25,26]. Conversely, probably due to a baseline association with a more favorable cardiovascular risk profile, acute arterial thromboses were less frequent in patients with higher CAR. ...
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C‑reactive protein (CRP) and albumin are inflammation sensitive parameters that are regulated by interleukin‑6 inflammatory pathways. The CRP to albumin ratio (CAR) integrates these two into a potent clinical parameter whose clinical and prognostic association in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have not been well defined. We aimed to investigate the clinical and prognostic significance of CAR in the context of COVID-19 infection.We retrospectively analyzed 2309 consecutive COVID-19 patients hospitalized at a tertiary level hospital in the period from March 2020 to March 2021 who had baseline data for a CAR assessment. Findings were validated in an independent cohort of 1155 patients hospitalized from March 2021 to June 2021.The majority of patients (85.8%) had severe or critical COVID-19 on admission. Median CRP, albumin and CAR levels were 91 mg/L, 32 g/L and 2.92, respectively. Higher CAR was associated with a tendency for respiratory deterioration during hospitalization, increased requirement of high-flow oxygen treatment and mechanical ventilation, higher occurrence of bacteriemia, higher occurrence of deep venous thrombosis, lower occurrence of myocardial infarction, higher 30-day mortality and higher postdischarge mortality rates. We defined and validated four CAR prognostic categories (< 1.0, 1.0-2.9, 3.0-5.9 and ≥ 6.0) with distinct 30-day survival. In the series of multivariate Cox regression models we could demonstrate robust prognostic properties of CAR that was associated with inferior 30-day survival independently of COVID-19 severity, age and comorbidities and additionally independently of COVID-19 severity, CURB-65 and VACO index in both development and validation cohorts.The CAR seems to have a good potential to improve prognostication of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
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Objective Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common complication of severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and is associated with its prognosis. The fibrin monomer complex (FMC), a marker of thrombin generation, is reportedly useful in diagnosing acute thrombosis. To date, there has been only one report on FMC in COVID-19, and the usefulness of FMC in COVID-19 is unknown. We therefore evaluated the frequency of VTE in non-intensive-care unit COVID-19 patients in Japan and determine the clinical utility of FMC in COVID-19. Methods This was a single-center retrospective study. Laboratory test results and outcomes (thrombosis and severe progression of COVID-19) were obtained via medical record review. We assessed the relationship between FMC and VTE incidence and evaluated the association between elevated FMC levels and severe progression of COVID-19. Patients/Materials This study included 247 patients with COVID-19 who were hospitalized between December 2020 and September 2021 and had had their levels of D-dimer and FMC measured. Results Of the 247 included patients, 3 (1.2%) developed VTE. All three had elevated FMC levels on admission; however, the D-dimer level was not elevated in one case on admission. The FMC level was significantly higher in the group with severe COVID-19 progression than in the group without severe progression. A multivariate analysis showed that severe progression was associated with elevated FMC levels (odds ratio, 7.40; 95% confidence interval, 2.63-22.98; p<0.001). Conclusion FMC can be useful for diagnosing VTE in the acute phase of COVID-19. Elevated FMC was found to be associated with severity on admission and severe progression.
Introduction: COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), but there is great variation among reported incidence rates. Most previous studies have focused on hospitalized patients with COVID-19, and only a few reports are from population-based registries. Methods: We studied the 90-day incidence of VTE, associated risk factors and all-cause mortality in hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients with COVID-19 in a nationwide cohort. Data on hospitalizations and outpatient visits were extracted from two national registries with mandatory reporting linked by a unique national identification number carried by all Norwegian residents. We performed Cox proportional hazards regression to determine risk factors for VTE after infection with SARS-CoV-2. Results: Our study included 30,495 patients with positive SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction with a mean (SD) age of 41.9 (17.3) years, and 53% were males. Only 2081 (6.8%) were hospitalized. The 90-day incidence of VTE was 0.3% (95% CI: 0.21-0.33) overall and 2.9% (95% CI: 2.3-3.7) in hospitalized patients. Age (hazard ratio [HR] 1.28 per decade, 95% CI: 1.11-1.48, p < 0.05), history of previous VTE (HR 4.69, 95% CI: 2.34-9.40, p < 0.05), and hospitalization for COVID-19 (HR 23.83, 95% CI: 13.48-42.13, p < 0.05) were associated with risk of VTE. Conclusions: The 90-day incidence of VTE in hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients with COVID-19 was in the lower end compared with previous reports, with considerably higher rates in hospitalized than nonhospitalized patients. Risk factors for VTE were consistent with previously reported studies.
Since it was first detected in December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the world and affected virtually every country and territory. The pathogen driving this pandemic is SARS-CoV-2, a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus which is primarily transmissible though the air and can cause mild to severe respiratory infections in humans. Within the first year of the pandemic, the situation worsened with the emergence of several SARS-CoV-2 variants. Some of these were observed to be more virulent with varying capacities to escape the existing vaccines and were, therefore, denoted as variants of concern. This chapter provides a general overview of the course of the COVID-19 pandemic up to April 2022 with a focus on the structure, infection, transmission, and symptomology of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The main objectives were to investigate the effects of the variants of concern on the trajectory of the virus and to highlight a potential pathway for coping with the current and future pandemics.
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Aim: To evaluate the burden and predictors of thromboembolic complications in a large real-life cohort of hospitalized patients with established coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 4014 consecutive adult patients admitted to a tertiary-level institution because of COVID-19 from March 2020 to March 2021 for the presence of venous and arterial thrombotic events. Results: Venous-thromboembolic (VTE) events were present in 5.3% and arterial thrombotic events in 5.8% patients. The majority of arterial thromboses occurred before or on the day of admission, while the majority of VTE events occurred during hospitalization. The majority of both types of events occurred before intensive care unit (ICU) admission, although both types of events were associated with a higher need for ICU use and prolonged immobilization. In multivariate logistic regression, VTE events were independently associated with metastatic malignancy, known thrombophilia, lower mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, higher D-dimer, lower lactate dehydrogenase, longer duration of disease on admission, bilateral pneumonia, longer duration of hospitalization, and immobilization for at least one day. Arterial thromboses were independently associated with less severe COVID-19, higher Charlson comorbidity index, coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, history of cerebrovascular insult, aspirin use, lower C reactive protein, better functional status on admission, ICU use, immobilization for at least one day, absence of hyperlipoproteinemia, and absence of metastatic malignancy. Conclusion: Among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, venous and arterial thromboses differ in timing of presentation, association with COVID-19 severity, and other clinical characteristics.
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Background Studies have suggested that there is increased risk of thromboembolism (TE) associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, overall arterial and venous TE rates of COVID-19 and effect of TE on COVID-19 mortality is unknown. Methods We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating TE in COVID-19. We searched PubMed, Cochrane, and Embase for studies published up to June 12, 2020. Random effects models were used to produce summary TE rates and odds ratios (OR) of mortality in COVID-19 patients with TE compared to those without TE. Heterogeneity was quantified with I². Findings Of 425 studies identified, 42 studies enrolling 8271 patients were included in the meta-analysis. Overall venous TE rate was 21% (95% CI:17–26%): ICU, 31% (95% CI: 23–39%). Overall deep vein thrombosis rate was 20% (95% CI: 13–28%): ICU, 28% (95% CI: 16–41%); postmortem, 35% (95% CI:15–57%). Overall pulmonary embolism rate was 13% (95% CI: 11–16%): ICU, 19% (95% CI:14–25%); postmortem, 22% (95% CI:16–28%). Overall arterial TE rate was 2% (95% CI: 1–4%): ICU, 5% (95%CI: 3–7%). Pooled mortality rate among patients with TE was 23% (95%CI:14–32%) and 13% (95% CI:6–22%) among patients without TE. The pooled odds of mortality were 74% higher among patients who developed TE compared to those who did not (OR, 1.74; 95%CI, 1.01–2.98; P = 0.04). Interpretation TE rates of COVID-19 are high and associated with higher risk of death. Robust evidence from ongoing clinical trials is needed to determine the impact of thromboprophylaxis on TE and mortality risk of COVID-19. Funding None.
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Aims: While pulmonary embolism (PE) appears to be a major issue in COVID-19, data remain sparse. We aimed to describe the risk factors and baseline characteristics of patients with PE in a cohort of COVID-19 patients. Methods and results: In a retrospective multicentre observational study, we included consecutive patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Patients without computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA)-proven PE diagnosis and those who were directly admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) were excluded. Among 1240 patients (58.1% men, mean age 64 ± 17 years), 103 (8.3%) patients had PE confirmed by CTPA. The ICU transfer and mechanical ventilation were significantly higher in the PE group (for both P < 0.001). In an univariable analysis, traditional venous thrombo-embolic risk factors were not associated with PE (P > 0.05), while patients under therapeutic dose anticoagulation before hospitalization or prophylactic dose anticoagulation introduced during hospitalization had lower PE occurrence [odds ratio (OR) 0.40, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.14-0.91, P = 0.04; and OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.06-0.18, P < 0.001, respectively]. In a multivariable analysis, the following variables, also statistically significant in univariable analysis, were associated with PE: male gender (OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.003-1.069, P = 0.04), anticoagulation with a prophylactic dose (OR 0.83, 95% CI 0.79-0.85, P < 0.001) or a therapeutic dose (OR 0.87, 95% CI 0.82-0.92, P < 0.001), C-reactive protein (OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.01-1.04, P = 0.001), and time from symptom onset to hospitalization (OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.006-1.038, P = 0.002). Conclusion: PE risk factors in the COVID-19 context do not include traditional thrombo-embolic risk factors but rather independent clinical and biological findings at admission, including a major contribution to inflammation.
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Coagulopathy in COVID-19 is a burning issue and strategies to prevent thromboembolic events are debated and highly heterogeneous. The objective was to determine incidence and risk factors of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in COVID-19 inpatients receiving thromboprophylaxis. In this retrospective French cohort study, patients hospitalized in medical wards non-ICU with confirmed COVID-19 and adequate thromboprophylaxis were included. A systematic low limb venous duplex ultrasonography was performed at hospital discharge or earlier if deep venous thrombosis (DVT) was clinically suspected. Chest angio-CT scan was performed when pulmonary embolism (PE) was suspected. Of 71 patients, 16 developed VTE (22.5%) and 7 PE (10%) despite adequate thromboprophylaxis. D-dimers at baseline were significantly higher in patients with DVT (p < 0.001). Demographics, comorbidities, disease manifestations, severity score, and other biological parameters, including inflammatory markers, were similar in patients with and without VTE. The negative predictive value of a baseline D-dimer level < 1.0 µg/ml was 90% for VTE and 98% for PE. The positive predictive value for VTE was 44% and 67% for D-dimer level ≥ 1.0 µg/ml and ≥ 3 µg/ml, respectively. The association between D-dimer level and VTE risk increased by taking into account the latest available D-dimer level prior to venous duplex ultrasonography for the patients with monitoring of D-dimer. Despite thromboprophylaxis, the risk of VTE is high in COVID-19 non-ICU inpatients. Increased D-dimer concentrations of more than 1.0 μg/ml predict the risk of venous thromboembolism. D-dimer level-guided aggressive thromboprophylaxis regimens using higher doses of heparin should be evaluated in prospective studies.
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Background: To investigate deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we performed a single institutional study to evaluate its prevalence, risk factors, prognosis, and potential thromboprophylaxis strategies in a large referral and treatment center. Methods: We studied a total of 143 patients with COVID-19 from January 29, 2020 to February 29, 2020. Demographic and clinical data, laboratory data, including ultrasound scans of the lower extremities, and outcome variables were obtained, and comparisons were made between groups with and without DVT. Results: Of the 143 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 (age 63±14 years, 74 [51.7%] men), 66 patients developed lower extremity DVT (46.1%: 23 [34.8%] with proximal DVT and 43 [65.2%] with distal DVT). Compared with patients who did not have DVT, patients with DVT were older and had a lower oxygenation index, a higher rate of cardiac injury, and worse prognosis, including an increased proportion of deaths (23 [34.8%] versus 9 [11.7%]; P=0.001) and a decreased proportion of patients discharged (32 [48.5%] versus 60 [77.9%]; P<0.001). Multivariant analysis showed an association only between CURB-65 (confusion status, urea, respiratory rate, and blood pressure) score 3 to 5 (odds ratio, 6.122; P=0.031), Padua prediction score ≥4 (odds ratio, 4.016; P=0.04), D-dimer >1.0 μg/mL (odds ratio, 5.818; P<0.014), and DVT in this cohort, respectively. The combination of a CURB-65 score 3 to 5, a Padua prediction score ≥4, and D-dimer >1.0 μg/mL has a sensitivity of 88.52% and a specificity of 61.43% for screening for DVT. In the subgroup of patients with a Padua prediction score ≥4 and whose ultrasound scans were performed >72 hours after admission, DVT was present in 18 (34.0%) patients in the subgroup receiving venous thromboembolism prophylaxis versus 35 (66.0%) patients in the nonprophylaxis group (P=0.010). Conclusions: The prevalence of DVT is high and is associated with adverse outcomes in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism may be protective in patients with a Padua protection score ≥4 after admission. Our data seem to suggest that COVID-19 is probably an additional risk factor for DVT in hospitalized patients.
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Aim An increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) has been reported. Whether COVID-19 increases the risk of VTE in non-ICU wards remains unknown. We aimed to evaluate the burden of asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in COVID-19 patients with elevated D-dimer levels. Method In this prospective study consecutive patients hospitalized in non-intensive care units with diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia and D-dimer > 1000 ng/mL were screened for asymptomatic DVT with complete compression doppler ultrasound (CCUS). The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Results The study comprised 156 patients (65.4% male). All but three patients received standard doses of thromboprophylaxis. Median days of hospitalization until CCUS was 9 (IQR 5–17). CCUS was positive for DVT in 23 patients (14.7%), of whom only one was proximal DVT. Seven patients (4.5%) had bilateral distal DVT. Patients with DVT had higher median D-dimer levels: 4527 (IQR 1925-9144) ng/ml vs 2050 (IQR 1428-3235) ng/ml; p < 0.001. D-dimer levels > 1570 ng/mL were associated with asymptomatic DVT (OR 9.1; CI 95% 1.1–70.1). D-dimer showed an acceptable discriminative capacity (area under the ROC curve 0.72, 95% CI 0.61–0.84). Conclusion In patients admitted with COVID-19 pneumonia and elevated D-dimer levels, the incidence of asymptomatic DVT is similar to that described in other series. Higher cut-off levels for D-dimer might be necessary for the diagnosis of DVT in COVID-19 patients.
Background Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is characterised by dyspnoea and abnormal coagulation parameters, including raised D-dimer. Data suggests a high incidence of pulmonary embolism (PE) in ventilated patients with COVID-19. Objectives To determine the incidence of PE in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and the diagnostic yield of Computer Tomography Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA) for PE. We also examined the utility of D-dimer and conventional pre-test probability for diagnosis of PE in COVID-19. Patients/methods Retrospective review of single-centre data of all CTPA studies in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 identified from Electronic Patient Records (EPR). Results There were 1477 patients admitted with COVID-19 and 214 CTPA scans performed, of which n = 180 (84%) were requested outside of critical care. The diagnostic yield for PE was 37%. The overall proportion of PE in patients with COVID-19 was 5.4%. The proportions with Wells score of ≥4 (‘PE likely’) was 33/134 (25%) without PE vs 20/80 (25%) with PE (P = 0.951). The median National Early Warning-2 (NEWS2) score (illness severity) was 5 (interquartile range [IQR] 3–9) in PE group vs 4 (IQR 2–7) in those without PE (P = 0.133). D-dimer was higher in PE (median 8000 ng/mL; IQR 4665–8000 ng/mL) than non-PE (2060 ng/mL, IQR 1210–4410 ng/mL, P < 0.001). In the ‘low probability’ group, D-dimer was higher (P < 0.001) in those with PE but had a limited role in excluding PE. Conclusions Even outside of the critical care environment, PE in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 is common. Of note, approaching half of PE events were diagnosed on hospital admission. More data are needed to identify an optimal diagnostic pathway in patients with COVID-19. Randomised controlled trials of intensified thromboprophylaxis are urgently needed.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and is responsible for the ongoing 2019-2020 pandemic. Venous thromboembolism (VTE), a frequent cardiovascular and/or respiratory complication among hospitalized patients, is one of the known sequelae of the illness. Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are often elderly, immobile, and show signs of coagulopathy. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume a high incidence of VTE among these patients. Presently, the incidence of VTE is estimated at around 25% of patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit for COVID-19 even under anticoagulant treatment at prophylactic doses. In this review, we discuss present knowledge of the topic, the unique challenges of diagnosis and treatment of VTE, as well as some of the potential mechanisms of increased risk for VTE during the illness. Understanding the true impact of VTE on patients with COVID-19 will potentially improve our ability to reach a timely diagnosis and initiate proper treatment, mitigating the risk for this susceptible population during a complicated disease.