Pınar Çelik

Pınar Çelik
Akdeniz University · Serik Faculty of Management



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Publications (34)
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Sustainability consciousness (SC) is a crucial determinant for the successful execution of sustainability initiatives. The changing of citizens' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors is an essential component in attaining sustainable development (SD). Ensuring a sustainable future hinges on cultivating a durable sense of awareness among citizens. The...
Bu çalışmada Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Turizm İşletmeciliği Anabilim Dalında yazılmış lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik analizini gerçekleştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada Yükseköğretim Kurumu Ulusal Tez Merkezinde kayıtlı 65’i yüksek lisans ve 39’u doktora tezi olma üzere toplam 104 lisansüstü tez çalışması incelenmiştir. Veril...
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Araştırmada, bumerang çalışan olan otel işletmeleri yöneticilerinin bumerang çalışan olma nedenleri süreçleri araştırılmıştır. Gönüllü geri dönüş literatüründeki temel tartışmalardan türeyen bumerang kavramı ise ilke olarak 1990’ların sonu itibariyle akademik literatürde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Eskiden çalıştığı işletmeden çeşitli sebeplerle ayr...
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, turizm işletmelerinde çalışan yöneticilerin “dijitalleşme” algısını metaforlar aracılığı ile belirlemektir. Dijitalleşme, gelir yaratmak, işi geliştirmek (sadece süreçleri değil) ve dijital bilginin merkezinde olduğu bir dijital kültür yaratmak için dijital teknolojilerin ve verilerin kullanılması anlamına gelmektedir. Konaklam...
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The fact that destinations have increased their market share via supporting the current market with new products has also stated in studies carried out on this subject. While halal tourism is seen as an attractive and new market, in recent times destinations have increased their efforts to support in this market with other special new products to...
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Her geçen gün büyüyen turizm sektöründe potansiyel ziyaretçilerin seçim yapabileceği alternatif destinasyonların sayısı da artmaktadır. Yeni destinasyonların pazara hızla girmesi ile birlikte destinasyonlar arası rekabet artmaktadır. Buna paralel olarak destinasyon rekabet gücünü artırma ve turistin destinasyona tekrar ziyaretini sağlama konusunda...
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Tourist cards, which help tourists to gain a unique experience of destination, offer a range of benefits and advantages to users in terms of time and cost savings and it is also important to the success of destinations. A tourist card is an important destination marketing tool that combining various services and activities that are provided at the...
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The technological advancement lead to change in tourists’ travel and enrichment of their experiences. One of the most important reasons for this change is Industry 4.0, also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Location-based tourist guide applications have begun to be developed, especially in the presence of global positioning system (GPS) and...
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The flexibility of working hours is an important competitive tool in reducing labour costs for businesses. Since the workload in hotel business changes during the day, the enterprises regulate working and rest periods of workers according to their density of business and apply a flexible working model which is expressed as "entracte work". The purp...
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In many societies, it’s accepted that marriage is the very important part of human life. Couples want to keep their wedding ceremony as the most valuable memory during their life. Wedding tourism is one of the newest trends of tourism marketing within the framework of experience marketing. This market, known as marriage tourism or wedding tourism,...
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Endüstrileşme süreci bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri ile günümüzde dördüncü kez evrilme sürecine girmiştir. Turizm endüstrisi de inovasyonlara ve teknolojilere hızla ayak uyduran dinamik bir endüstri olmasından dolayı Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileri turizm endüstrisinde uygulama alanı bulmuştur. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin turizm amaçlı kullanılmasıyl...
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Businesses have turned to flexible applications in working life in order to be able to adapt and survive in increasing global competition. In terms of labour, permanent and secure employment has now been replaced by short-term, temporary, irregular, precarious and low-paid forms of employment. In some businesses, working and rest periods of workers...
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Revisiting intention to tourism destinations has become an important issue for the strategic management and marketing of destinations. Destinations are now aware of the necessity that they need to attractive product features to increase tourists revisiting and recommendation to others. The purpose of the study is to put the tourist's destination pe...
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Turizm sektörünün küreselleşmesi ülkeler arasında destinasyon rekabetçiliğinin artmasına neden olmuştur. Ülkeler, rekabet avantajı sağlamak ve mevcut rekabet avantajlarını korumak için kendi resmi sosyal medya hesapları yoluyla destinasyon tanıtımı ve pazarlamasına başlamıştır. Facebook gibi sosyal medya platformları, düşük maliyetle küresel çapta...
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Günümüz yaşam şartları insanları yeni hobilere ve turizm türlerine yönlendirmektedir. Bu bağlamda, son yıllarda kelebek gözlemciliği ve fotoğrafçılığı önemli bir hobi haline gelmesi ile birlikte yeni bir alternatif turizm türü ortaya çıkmıştır. Türkiye bu turizm türü açısından avantajlı bir konuma sahiptir. Türkiye çeşitli jeolojik ve iklimsel kara...
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One of the changes in the tourism and services sector since the early 1980s is the globalization of tourism. The globalization of the tourism sector has revealed the importance of destinations. The countries that want to increase their share of tourism revenues have begun to pay more attention to the destinations. This lead the destination competit...
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In recent years there has been a great increase in the number of researches dealing with trust in different disciplines. The reason of this increase is as modern societies become more and more complicated and disciplines pay more attention to reasons of human behaviour. One of the sectors that human behaviour has a vital and important role is touri...
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zet Duygusal emek işletmelerin arzuladığı daha iyi performans, müşteri tatmini ve iyi imaj gibi olumlu sonuçlara imkân sağlaması nedeniyle başta hizmet sektörü olmak üzere birçok sektörde uygulanan önemli bir stratejidir. Yapılan çalışmalar duygusal emeğin sonuçlarının her sektöre göre farklılık gösterdiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Daha önce hastane, h...
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The countries attempt to gain competitive advantage and strategic position in the tourism marketplace because tourism industry has strong contribution to the national income of the countries. Therefore, tourism industry has a dynamic structure in terms of being competitiveness. As a result of this highly intense competitive environment, new destina...
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There has been a growing focus on innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in tourism industry. Innovation has been playing an increasing role in hospitality industry, and is especially important for the SMEs as well as travel agencies. However, innovation research has been applied to SMEs in hospitality industry on a limited extent....
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Tourists and tourism enterprises need to play an active role to overcome the environmental issues because global environmental issues (climate change, impurity, depletion of ozone layer, so on) and adverse effect of these issues on nature has been increased. In addition, tourists and tourism enterprises need to be informed about natural surrounding...
Conference Paper
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Mobbing can differ due to the people's personel characteristics. Generally "A Type" persons, shows the characteristics such as; aggresiveness, passion, competition, work addiction, rashness, impatience. And also "B Type" persons have the characteristics such as; silence, patience, tolerance, disregarding,etc... A and B type persons differ from each...


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