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Co-simulation and Verification of a Non-linear Control System for Cogging Torque Reduction in Brushless Motors


Abstract and Figures

This work aims at demonstrating the benefits of integrating co-simulation and formal verification in the standard design flow of a brushless power drive system for precision robotic applications. A sufficient condition on controller gain for system stability is derived from the system’s mathematical model, including a control algorithm for the reduction of cogging torque. Then, using co-simulation and design space exploration, fine tuning of the controller gain parameters has been executed, exploiting the results from the formal verification.
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Co-simulation and Verification of a Non-linear
Control System for Cogging Torque Reduction
in Brushless Motors?
Cinzia Bernardeschi, Pierpaolo Dini, Andrea Domenici, and Sergio Saponara
Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
Abstract. This work aims at demonstrating the benefits of integrating
co-simulation and formal verification in the standard design flow of a
brushless power drive system for precision robotic applications. A suf-
ficient condition on controller gain for system stability is derived from
the system’s mathematical model, including a control algorithm for the
reduction of cogging torque. Then, using co-simulation and design space
exploration, fine tuning of the controller gain parameters has been exe-
cuted, exploiting the results from the formal verification.
1 Introduction
Electronic power drive systems in hybrid vehicles in which mechanical and elec-
trical parts coexist with electronic controllers have very complex dynamics [28].
Standard methods in the development of such systems are based on a hi-
erarchical simulation workflow [22]: An abstract model of the system is first
described and simulated in some modeling language such as Simulink or Open
Modelica (model-in-the-loop, MIL); then the control algorithms, implemented
in the C/C++ programming language, are simulated with the rest of the system
in Matlab/Simulink (software-in-the-loop, SIL). Successively, the implemented
algorithms are run on the target processor mounted on a development board
(processor-in-the-loop, PIL) and on the target processor mounted in the de-
ployed Electronic Control Unit (ECU) that interacts with an emulated physical
plant (hardware-in-the-loop, HIL).
Special HW and SW tools have been developed to support the hardware-in-
the-loop phase (e.g., dSPACE or Speedgoat). However, HIL simulation is very
time-consuming and expensive. Most of the time, new control algorithms are
simulated at the PIL level. Moreover, most simulators available capture the
performance of controllers when the code is executed on the specific instruction
set of the processor, while they offer limited support for verification.
Finally, state space exploration of the controller during the design phase often
considers only the variation of one of a set of parameters at a time, assuming
?Work partially supported by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR)
in the framework of the CrossLab project (Departments of Excellence).
the others constant. Therefore, the coverage of the design space is often time
consuming and not exhaustive.
This work reports our experience in the application of co-simulation and
formal verification supported by the INTO-CPS framework [16] to a real case
study for the reduction of the cogging torque in brushless motors by a non-linear
control system [7]. The effect of the cogging torque is due to the interaction
between permanent magnets and the teeth of the stator slots. This is a main
issue in precision electric drive applications, which is often solved with physical
modification of the electrical machine.
The added value of the proposed approach is to include co-simulation and
formal verification, in parallel with the standard approach, for the calibration of
design parameters. Co-simulation improves flexibility because it does not require
a single modeling language for all system parts (e.g., discrete and continuous
parts), and formal verification enables proofs of correctness for fundamental
properties of the system. In this work, OpenModelica has been used to model the
physical part, while PVSio-web has been used to model the feedback linearization
control part. Moreover, The Prototype Verification System (PVS) [23] has been
used to describe the theory of the closed loop system in a formal language and
prove sufficient conditions for stability. In particular, after finding the parameter
ranges ensuring stability, co-simulation and design space exploration have been
used to find a combination of control gains optimizing power consumption and
precision according to the Pareto criterion.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reports on related work; Sec-
tion 3 describes the non-linear control technique for cogging torque reduction
and the tools used for co-simulation and formal verification. The mathematical
model of the motor and control is shown in Section 4. Section 5 shows results of
co-simulation. Section 6 shows how the PVS theorem prover can perform proofs
of properties for the non-linear control algorithm. Design space exploration is
reported in Section 7. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper.
2 Related Work
Proposals to apply formal methods to cyber-physical systems follow many dif-
ferent approaches and languages.
An important family of languages is that of hybrid automata [14], a concep-
tual model that lends itself to the integration of discrete- and continuous-time
behaviors. In particular, timed automata [1] are supported by such tools as the
UPPAAL environment [2].
Another approach is based on logic-based methods, which use various forms
of logic languages to model and analyze systems. These logic languages include
temporal logics [27, 20], normally used in conjunction with state-machine repre-
sentations, and higher-order logics [18].
KeYmaera [11] is a theorem prover, recently developed and applied suc-
cessfully for the verification of cyber-physical systems. Its language includes
conditions, non-determinism, loops, composition, and continuous dynamics, i.e.,
behaviors defined by differential equations.
In [3], the Prototype Verification System theorem prover is used to prove
basic safety properties of a nonlinear (hybrid) control system (a storage tank).
In [8], co-simulation and formal verification have been applied to a simple
autonomous vehicle. The vehicle kinematics have been simulated in Simulink,
whereas the controller has been modeled in PVS. Co-simulation and formal
verification were also applied to a bio-medical system, namely, a pacemaker and
a human heart, modeled in PVS and Simulink, respectively [4].
The Vienna Definition Method (VDM) [10] family of languages and tools, in
particular the Crescendo tool [17] have also been used extensively.
Palensky et al. [24, 25] advocate the integration of HIL simulation with co-
simulation in the analysis of intelligent power grid systems. In [5], mixing formal
verification with simulation-based techniques is proposed to create a new formal-
verification-in-the-loop methodology.
3 Background
In this work, we refer to a three-phase permanent-magnet brushless motor, ba-
sically composed of a stator bearing three electric windings, and a rotor bearing
permanent magnets on its surface. The currents in the windings create a rotating
magnetic field that interacts with the magnets creating a torque Tem causing the
rotor to spin and transmit mechanical power to its load. The three currents are a
three-phase system characterized by the respective phasors, each defined by the
amplitude and phase shift of the corresponding current. The basic three-phase
representation can be transformed into other representations by a change of co-
ordinate frame. In the following, two coordinate frames called dqand αβ
will be used [28].
3.1 Cogging Torque in Brushless Motors
In this section we describe briefly the cogging torque phenomenon, which is an
intrinsic feature of synchronous motors. Basically the cogging torque is due to
the magnetic interaction between permanent magnets on the rotor surface and
the stator teeth. In particular, it produces a tangential force on the magnets.
The tangential force (hence, the torque) on each magnet depends on its
position with respect to nearby stator teeth, i.e., on the rotor’s angular position
θ. This force varies between opposite orientations as the magnet approaches
or recedes from each tooth, therefore it has a null mean value, as shown in
Fig. 1. The top part shows that during the movement of the rotor different
configurations occur. The lower part shows schematically that the movement of
a magnet with respect to a stator tooth generates a null mean contribution of
cogging torque.
Therefore the cogging torque can be described as an additive disturbance to
the electromagnetic torque, periodic and with zero mean. In this work we use
cogging torque
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of torque ripple due to the interaction between per-
manent magnets and stator teeth.
a result from [29] describing the cogging torque through the following Fourier
Tcog =
Tksin(kZθ+αk) (1)
In the above formula, Tkand αkare the amplitude and the phase shift relative
to the kth harmonic of the development, Z is the number of stator teeth, θis
the absolute (mechanical) angular position of the rotor and mis the number of
harmonics necessary to approximate the actual cogging torque. The formula has
been obtained through a finite element analysis (FEM) [29], in which it has also
been verified that a limited number of harmonics, in particular four, is adequate
for the mathematical description of the phenomenon.
3.2 The INTO-CPS Framework
Simulation in cyber-physical systems often takes the form of co-simulation [13],
i.e., integrated simulation of different subsystems, each modeled with a specific
formalism and simulated by a specific simulation engine. The Functional Mockup
Interface (FMI) [6] is a standard for co-simulation: sub-models implemented as
Functional Mockup Units (FMUs) are orchestrated by a master that communi-
cates with them through proxy modules (FMI wrappers) whose interfaces are
FMI-compliant. Recently, the INTO-CPS project [16] created an integrated co-
simulation framework based on FMI.
INTO-CPS also supports the possibility of looking for optimal design pa-
rameter values by using the Design Space Exploration (DSE) functionality. This
functionality allows developers to choose a set of values for each parameter and
define objective functions on simulation results. The design exploration engine
then executes one simulation for each combination of parameter values, retrieves
results, computes objective functions, and ranks the resulting values.
3.3 The Prototype Verification System
The Prototype Verification System (PVS) [23] is an interactive theorem-proving
environment whose users can define theories in a higher-order logic language
and prove theorems with respect to them. Moreover, the PVSio extension [21]
allows a PVS theory to be used as an executable model for simulation, and the
PVSio-web [26] framework extends prototypes with interactive user interfaces,
and converts stand-alone device prototypes into FMUs capable of exchanging
commands and data with any FMI-compliant co-simulation engine. The PVS
environment includes the NASALIB theory libraries [9] providing axioms and
theorems addressing many topics in mathematics, including real number analy-
sis, and it can be applied to model both the discrete and the continuous part of
the system [3].
4 Mathematical Model of Motor and Control
The behavior of the brushless motor considered in this paper is modeled by
parameters representing its physical characteristics and by a set of equations
combining the electromagnetic, mechanical, and control laws [28]. The latter have
been adapted from [7]. The electromagnetic laws are expressed in terms of d-q
phasors [28]. For simplicity, the law describing the cogging torque considers only
its first harmonic. Tables 1 and 2 show the parameters and variable magnitudes,
respectively, used in the model.
4.1 Motor Model
In the following, udand uqare the d-q components of the supplied voltage and
idand iqare the current components, while L and R are the inductance and
equivalent resistance, respectively. The supplied voltage is then:
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Value Meaning
Z 10 number of stator teeth
p 3 number of pole pairs
T14.0 N ·m amplitude of cogging torque’s first harmonic
α10.009 rad phase of cogging torque’s first harmonic
R 3.3 resistance
L 0.05 H inductance
k 0.5 Wb magnetic flux
J 0.01 kg ·m2rotational inertia
β0.01 N ·s/m friction coefficient
Table 2. Variables
Variable Meaning
id, iqdirect and quadrature components of current
ud, uqdirect and quadrature components of voltage
θ, ω angular position and speed
θdesired values of idand θ
Tem, Tcog electromagnetic and cogging torques
uq= R id
iq+ L d
dt id
eq= pω(k + Lid)
is the counter-electromotive force vector.
Equations (3) represent the useful electromagnetic torque Tem and the cog-
ging torque Tcog, and Equations 4 represent the resulting mechanical behavior.
Tem =3
Tcog = T1sin(Zθ+α1)
J ˙ω+βω =Tem +Tcog
4.2 Controller Model
The controller shown here is based on the one presented in [7] and uses a feedback
linearization technique.
Its inputs are the desired values of current ¯
idand angular position ¯
θ, and
the feedback values of current (idand iq), angular position θ, and angular speed
Table 3. Numerical coefficients
Coefficient Value Coefficient Value
C14040 C21237529
C39/1000 C4153666659/90000
C51597813728139/27000000 C66371/300
ω. Its characteristic parameters are the gains K11 and K22, used to compute a
signal proportional to the error on the motor outputs (see [7] for details):
v2=K11 0
0 K22id¯
The control voltages udand uqare computed according to (6).
ud= Lv1+ RidLpiqω
3pk [v23pk
2J (Riqpω(Lid+ k))]
+ Zω(T1cos(Zθ+α1)) β
2pkiq+ (T1sin(Zθ+α1))])
4.3 Choice of Gain Coefficients
The values of the controller’s gain coefficients are a design choice. A standard
method to choose their values is based on linearizing the system’s dynamics
around a given operating condition. The behavior of the system under analysis
is given in matrix form by (7), where the first derivative of each controlled vari-
able is equated to the respective generating function and Edq = (ed, eq)Tis the
counter-electromotive force vector. The system’s Jacobian is the matrix of the
partial derivatives of the generating functions with respect to their variables.
The gain coefficients must then be chosen so that the real part of the Jaco-
bian’s eigenvectors is less than or equal to zero, as is well known from control
theory [15].
The four eigenvalues of the Jacobian have been computed with the Matlab
symbolic toolbox in terms of the numerical coefficients reported in Table 3 and
of the auxiliary functions Φ1and Φ2defined in (8). Note that the coefficients are
expressed as exact rational numbers.
Idq = L1
dq (Udq RdqIdq Edq )
˙ω=Tem +Tcog βω
Φ1(θ)=C1cos(10θ+ C3)/3C4
Φ2(θ)=C2cos(10θ+ C3)/15 + C5
The real parts of the eigenvalues λ1,λ2,λ3, and λ4are shown in (9) below:
Re(λ3) = Φ1(θ)
2+Φ2(θ) + qK22
2+Φ2(θ) + sK22
Re(λ2) = Φ1(θ)
2+Φ2(θ) + qK22
2+Φ2(θ) + sK22
Re(λ1) = Re(λ2)
5 Co-simulation
Figure 2 shows the architecture of the power drive system. The full system
consists of six blocks: FLC represents the controller function derived from (6) for
the reduction of the cogging torque, dq2alfa transforms the electrical values
from the d-qrepresentation to an intermediate α-βframe, alfa2abc transforms
them to the three-phase form, Motor implements the dynamic model of the
motor, abc2alfa is the transformation block from three-phase to the α-βframe
and alfa2dq is the last coordinate transformation into the d-qframe.
Fig. 2. System model in OpenModelica.
In the co-simulation, blocks relative to the modeling of the electrical machine
and coordinate transformation are implemented in OpenModelica, while the FLC
block is implemented in Misra C. Every block is exported as an FMU. The FMUs
are linked together in a multimodel created by the INTO-CPS application.
Fig. 3. Co-simulation for K11 =2500, K22 =250000 (yaxis: θ¯
θ;xaxis: time).
Figures 3 and 4 show two runs with a duration of 1 s and a step size of
5µs. The initial values of current and rotor position are 0 A and 10 rad, with
a zero set-point for rotor position. The values of the controller gains are (K11 =
2500,K22 = 250000) for the first run (Fig. 3), and (K11 =3000,K22 =
300000) for the second one.
Fig. 4. Co-simulation for K11 =3000, K22 =300000 (yaxis: θ¯
θ;xaxis: time).
6 Proofs
From the conditions for stability on the eigenvalues, we can find allowable ranges
of values for the elements of the control gain matrix. The range for K11 is found
immediately to be K11 0, while K22 requires more work.
First, let us define
X(K22, θ) = 3
2+Φ2(θ) + sK22
It can be shown that Φ1(θ)0, hence
X(K22, θ)0.
The condition on λ3, Re(λ3)0, can be rewritten as
X(K22, θ)+X(K22, θ)C60(10)
2X(K22, θ)C6+pC2
Similarly, the condition on λ2and λ1can be written as
2X(K22, θ)X(K22, θ)
X(K22, θ) C6qC2
6Φ1(θ)X(K22, θ) C6+qC2
6Φ1(θ) (12)
Finally, it can be proved that:
6Φ1(θ)X(K22, θ)C6+pC2
Let us first determine the possible ranges for the bounds of X(K22 , θ), depending
on Φ1(θ):
Let us now consider the lower bound
X(K22, θ) C6+qC2
6Φ1(θ) = c , (15)
which leads to
2+Φ2(θ)0 (16)
we get
K22 c3+Φ1(θ)3
Considering the allowable ranges in (14), we find
22 (7.37)3+(1346 1707)3
(7.37)32·(82501 + 59178) 400000
22 (38)3+(1346 1707)3
(38)32·(82501 + 59178) 417000
Discharging Assumption (16), we get two more bounds on K22, i.e.,
K22 47446
K22 173614 (19)
With a similar procedure, for the upper bound we obtain
22 (32.6)3+(1346 1707)3
(32.6)32·(82501 + 59178) 250000
22 (67)3+(1346 1707)3
(67)32·(82501 + 59178) 254000
K22 115998
K22 318168 (21)
We can finally gather the required bounds on K22 and take their intersection
to obtain a sufficient condition for stability:
400000 K22 250000
6.1 A PVS Theory
The preceding proofs have been carried out with the PVS theorem prover. The
system under study has been specified in the cogging theory:
IMPORTING trig_fnd@sincos_def, power@root, reals@quadratic
C_1: posrat = 4040
Phi_1(theta: real): real = C_1*cos(10*theta + C_3)/3 - C_4
Phi_2(theta: real): real = C_2*cos(10*theta + C_3)/15 + C_5
cubicrt(x: real): real = root(x, 3)
The theory imports library theories on trigonometry and properties of roots
and quadratic equations, then it defines the numeric coefficients as positive ra-
tional (posrat) constants, and introduces functions Φ1and Φ2. Function cubicrt
is an abbreviation for the predefined nth-root function.
Then the real parts of the eigenvalues are defined. For example, the real part
of λ3is:
re_lambda_3(k_22, theta: real): real =
Phi_1(theta)/cubicrt(k_22/2 + Phi_2(theta)
+ sqrt((k_22/2 + Phi_2(theta))^2 - Phi_1(theta)^3))
+ cubicrt(k_22/2 + Phi_2(theta)
+ sqrt((k_22/2 + Phi_2(theta))^2 - Phi_1(theta)^3)) - C_6
After the real parts of the eigenvalues, the definition of function X, using an
auxiliary function a:
a(k_22, theta: real): real = k_22/2 + Phi_2(theta)
X(k_22, theta: real): real =
cubicrt(a(k_22, theta) + sqrt(sq(a(k_22, theta)) - Phi_1(theta)^3))
The definitions of the eigenvalues’ real parts have been obtained with Matlab,
and can be rewritten more compactly in terms of X. The correctness of the
rewriting is verified by proving a simple lemma:
real_lam3(k_22, theta: real): real =
Phi_1(theta)/X(k_22, theta) + X(k_22, theta) - C_6
lem_1: LEMMA
FORALL (k_22, theta: real):
real_lam3(k_22, theta) = re_lambda_3(k_22, theta)
The theory includes several lemmas corresponding to proofs of the steps
shown above. For example, it has been proved that Re(λ3)0 implies that
Xλ3,1(θ)X(K22, θ)Xλ3,2(θ), where Xλ3,1(θ) and Xλ3,2(θ) are the roots of
the quadratic equation associated with inequality 10:
X_lam3_1(theta: real): real = root(1, -C_6, Phi_1(theta), -1)
X_lam3_2(theta: real): real = root(1, -C_6, Phi_1(theta), 1)
lem_3: LEMMA
FORALL (k_22, theta: real):
real_lam3(k_22, theta) <= 0 IMPLIES
X(k_22, theta) >= X_lam3_1(theta)
AND X(k_22, theta) <= X_lam3_2(theta)
Table 4. DSE experiment 1.
Rank K22 K11 power consumption object error row
1 -250000 -2500 1461.051 248 9 2.610 011 611 13 1
2 -262000 -2620 1778.528 548 57 2.690 901 212 23 2
3 -275000 -2750 2213.324 031 29 2.818 490 551 17 3
4 -288000 -2880 2799.888 897 6 3.014 504 515 82 4
5 -300000 -3000 3539.791 604 1 3.278 982 117 31 5
6 -312000 -3120 4599.740 439 17 3.676 395 756 42 6
7 -325000 -3250 6450.851 819 19 4.398 670 957 85 7
Some proofs consist in the invocation of a single PVS command, while others
may require longish manipulations and the introduction of lemmas from prede-
fined theories. The effort results in a rigorous and reliable characterization of
the allowable ranges for design parameters.
7 Design Space Exploration
The DSE feature of INTO-CPS has been applied to analyze the behavior of
the feedback controlled system in the range of controller gains obtained in
Sect. 6. The analysis uses the Pareto method [12, 19] to rank the (K11 ,K22)
pairs for the following objective functions, where Nis the number of time sam-
ples collected in each simulation: (i) the absorbed power, power consumption =
Pk[1..N](UkIk); and (ii) the sum of the mean square errors on θand id,
object error =1
θ)2+ (id¯ıd)2). All co-simulation runs have a
duration of 1 s with a step-size of 5 µs.
Each DSE experiment can be configured with a specific search strategy in the
design space. As an example, the following paragraphs present two experiments
with different aims.
First Experiment This experiment aims at locating optimal values for K22,
under the arbitrary constraint K11 =1
100 K22. Gain K22 takes values in the range
(-325000, -250000). Table 4 shows that, when the modulus of K22 increases, the
power consumption increases, since higher absolute values of K22 correspond to
higher voltages. Also the error increases with K22. Figure 5 shows the corre-
sponding Pareto plot, where the circled numbers refer to the table rows.
Second Experiment This experiment compares the influence of the two gains
on the evaluation criteria, by considering different combinations of values for K11
and K22, taken from discrete sets: K22 {−300000,288000,275000,262000,
250000}and K11 {−2750,2500,2250,2000,1000}, performing 25 dif-
ferent simulations. From Table 5 and the corresponding plot in Fig. 6, it turns
out that K22 is the dominant factor. In fact, for each distinct value of K22 there
is a cluster of five closely spaced points corresponding to values of K11.
Fig. 5. Pareto front experiment 1.
8 Conclusions
A main theme of this work is the integration and complementarity of different
tools. In particular, finding the allowable ranges for the controller gain has relied
on Matlab and PVS. The symbolic and numerical computational capabilities
of Matlab made it possible to obtain quickly the expressions for the system’s
eigenvalues. Then, interactive theorem proving made it possible to determine the
conditions for stability on the eigenvalues, starting from the Matlab results and
performing the necessary logical steps under the continuous check for correctness
enforced by the PVS prover. Finally, co-simulation and design-space exploration
with INTO-CPS led to the final design choices.
9 Acknowledgments
The authors wish to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable suggestions.
The authors also thank the INTO-CPS project for providing the co-simulation
Table 5. Experiment 2.
Rank K22 K11 power consumption object error row
1 -250000 -2750 1460.478 569 4 2.609 204 754 2 1
2 -250000 -2500 1461.051 248 9 2.610 011 611 13 2
3 -250000 -2250 1461.719 784 71 2.610 992 746 16 3
4 -250000 -2000 1462.506 807 86 2.612 210 964 64 4
5 -250000 -1000 1467.166 926 01 2.622 677 806 15 5
6 -262000 -2750 1778.081 499 89 2.690 342 527 51 6
· · ·
11 -275000 -2750 2213.324 031 29 2.818 490 551 17 11
· · ·
16 -288000 -2750 2801.065 865 43 3.015 619 303 04 16
· · ·
21 -300000 -2750 3543.858 860 91 3.282 293 941 7 21
22 -300000 -2500 3548.614 530 09 3.286 233 799 06 22
23 -300000 -2250 3554.239 909 85 3.290 996 682 75 23
24 -300000 -2000 3560.979 044 03 3.296 866 120 91 24
25 -300000 -1000 3606.615 552 53 3.344 957 314 12 25
1 5
6 10
11 15
16 20
21 25
Fig. 6. Pareto front experiment 2.
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... For example, robots based on position control often maintain a massive joint torque at the expense of high energy consumption to ensure position accuracy [4]. Although advances in the modeling and control of robot motors have made the position control of robot endeffector more accurate [5,6], the contact forces are also affected by the environment. The uncontrollable contact force may cause damage to the robot or fragile touched objects such as mirrors [7] or human bodies [8]. ...
... Therefore, the goal can be transformed into using the derivative of the long-term discounted return with respect to the policy parameters ψ to continuously update the parameters until parameters maximize J(π ψ ), which is also the source of the idea of the policy gradient method. With the state-value function with initial state s in (4) and the action-value function with initial state-action pair (s,a) in (5), we can rewrite the long-term discounted return with initial state s 0 and calculate its derivative with respect to the policy parameters in (6). ...
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Robot force control that needs to be customized for the robot structure in unstructured environments with difficult-to-tune parameters guarantees robots’ compliance and safe human–robot interaction in an increasingly expanding work environment. Although reinforcement learning provides a new idea for the adaptive adjustment of these parameters, the policy often needs to be trained from scratch when used in new robotics, even in the same task. This paper proposes the episodic Natural Actor-Critic algorithm with action limits to improve robot admittance control and transfer motor skills between robots. The motion skills learned by simple simulated robots can be applied to complex real robots, reducing the difficulty of training and time consumption. The admittance control ensures the realizability and mobility of the robot’s compliance in all directions. At the same time, the reinforcement learning algorithm builds up the environment model and realizes the adaptive adjustment of the impedance parameters during the robot’s movement. In typical robot contact tasks, motor skills are trained in a robot with a simple structure in simulation and used for a robot with a complex structure in reality to perform the same task. The real robot’s performance in each task is similar to the simulated robot’s in the same environment, which verifies the method’s effectiveness.
... Each actuator was precisely modeled to reflect its response to the applied voltage, maximum achievable speed, available torque, and inertia. Additionally, we considered phenomena such as energy loss due to friction and component inertia to ensure a faithful simulation [103][104][105][106][107]. In terms of the drive control, we implemented a sophisticated system that translates user commands, such as those from a joystick, into physical actions. ...
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Driving a motorized wheelchair is not without risk and requires high cognitive effort to obtain good environmental perception. Therefore, people with severe disabilities are at risk, potentially lowering their social engagement, and thus, affecting their overall well-being. Therefore, we designed a cooperative driving system for obstacle avoidance based on a trained reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm. The system takes the desired direction and speed from the user via a joystick and the obstacle distribution from a LiDAR placed in front of the wheelchair. Considering both inputs, the system outputs a pair of forward and rotational speeds that ensure obstacle avoidance while being as close as possible to the user commands. We validated it through simulations and compared it with a vector field histogram (VFH). The preliminary results show that the RL algorithm does not disruptively alter the user intention, reduces the number of collisions, and provides better door passages than a VFH; furthermore, it can be integrated on an embedded device. However, it still suffers from higher jerkiness.
... In the literature, there are many concrete examples of the development and analysis of power electronic systems and electric drives for automotive applications and the mechatronics industry. For example, the authors of [19,20] use the MBD approach very extensively to improve the performance of the control of electric drives in the presence of the Cogging effect, analyzing the robustness and profiling the computational complexity in simulation. In [21,22], an analysis of the computational complexity of advanced control algorithms for power electronic systems based on SW MBD tools is proposed to ensure integration with real-time constraints in embedded platforms. ...
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This research introduces a model-based approach for the analysis and control of an onboard charger (OBC) system for contemporary electrified vehicles. The primary objective is to integrate the modeling of SiC/GaN MOSFETs electrothermal behaviors into a unified simulation framework. The motivation behind this project stems from the fact that existing literature often relies on finite element method (FEM) software to examine thermal dynamics, necessitating the development of complex models through partial derivative equations. Such intricate models are computationally demanding, making it difficult to integrate them with circuit equations in the same virtual environment. As a result, lengthy wait periods and a lack of communication between the electrothermal models limit the thorough study that can be conducted during the design stage. The selected case study for examination is a modular 1ϕ (single phase) onboard computer (OBC). This system comprises a dual active bridge (DAB) type DC/DC converter, which is positioned after a totem pole power factor correction (PFC) AC/DC converter. Specifically, the focus is directed toward a 7 kW onboard computer (OBC) utilizing high-voltage SiC/GaN MOSFETs to ensure optimal efficiency and performance. A systematic approach is presented for the assessment and selection of electronic components, employing circuit models for the totem pole power factor correction (PFC) and dual active bridge (DAB) converter. These models are employed in simulations closely mimicking real-world scenarios. Furthermore, rigorous testing of the generated models is conducted across a spectrum of real-world operating conditions to validate the stability of the implemented control algorithms. The validation process is bolstered by a comprehensive exploration of parametric variations relative to the nominal case. Notably, each simulation adheres to the recommended operational limits of the selected components and devices. Detailed data sheets encompassing electrothermal properties are provided for contextual reference.
... Looking ahead, the future of deep learning in the IoT appears promising, especially in the realms of automotive, industrial, automation, and mechatronics applications. In the automotive sector, the potential for deep learning to enhance autonomous driving systems, advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), and predictive maintenance stands as a critical area for development [138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152]. Similarly, in industrial and manufacturing settings, the integration of deep learning holds the promise of optimizing production processes, predicting equipment failures, and improving overall operational efficiency. ...
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The internet of things (IoT) has emerged as a pivotal technological paradigm facilitating interconnected and intelligent devices across multifarious domains. The proliferation of IoT devices has resulted in an unprecedented surge of data, presenting formidable challenges concerning efficient processing, meaningful analysis, and informed decision making. Deep-learning (DL) methodologies, notably convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and deep-belief networks (DBNs), have demonstrated significant efficacy in mitigating these challenges by furnishing robust tools for learning and extraction of insights from vast and diverse IoT-generated data. This survey article offers a comprehensive and meticulous examination of recent scholarly endeavors encompassing the amalgamation of deep-learning techniques within the IoT landscape. Our scrutiny encompasses an extensive exploration of diverse deep-learning models, expounding on their architectures and applications within IoT domains, including but not limited to smart cities, healthcare informatics, and surveillance applications. We proffer insights into prospective research trajectories, discerning the exigency for innovative solutions that surmount extant limitations and intricacies in deploying deep-learning methodologies effectively within IoT frameworks.
... Comparably, industries across the board are now vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks due to the incorporation of software components in mechatronics, which combines electronics, software, and mechanics [10][11][12][13]. Automation in digital networks across several industries has increased the risk of cyber-attacks, which might have major operational and financial consequences [14][15][16][17]. The continuous shift in the automotive industry toward connected and automated vehicles has highlighted how important cybersecurity is for protecting user privacy and vehicle management systems. ...
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In recent decades, an exponential surge in technological advancements has significantly transformed various aspects of daily life. The proliferation of indispensable objects such as smartphones and computers underscores the pervasive influence of technology. This trend extends to the domains of the healthcare, automotive, and industrial sectors, with the emergence of remote-operating capabilities and self-learning models. Notably, the automotive industry has integrated numerous remote access points like Wi-Fi, USB, Bluetooth, 4G/5G, and OBD-II interfaces into vehicles, amplifying the exposure of the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus to external threats. With a recognition of the susceptibility of the CAN bus to external attacks, there is an urgent need to develop robust security systems that are capable of detecting potential intrusions and malfunctions. This study aims to leverage fingerprinting techniques and neural networks on cost-effective embedded systems to construct an anomaly detection system for identifying abnormal behavior in the CAN bus. The research is structured into three parts, encompassing the application of fingerprinting techniques for data acquisition and neural network training, the design of an anomaly detection algorithm based on neural network results, and the simulation of typical CAN attack scenarios. Additionally, a thermal test was conducted to evaluate the algorithm’s resilience under varying temperatures.
... The research on other properties of the module and the inverter-level by integrating the modules will be investigated and reported in the future. Furthermore, this paper should also provide references for co-simulation and formal verification of power electronic systems in the future [26][27][28]. The proposed multi-physics simulation scheme and the optimization algorithm can also be applied to high-voltage power modules by identifying the packaging structure parameters and performing the multi-objective MOGWO optimization algorithm to determine the optimal structure parameters by trading off and obtaining the Pareto front [29]. ...
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With the development of power modules for high voltage, high temperature, and high power density, their size is becoming smaller, and the packaging insulation experiences higher electrical, thermal, and mechanical stress. Packaging insulation needs to meet the requirement that internal electric field, temperature, and mechanical stress should be as low as possible. Focusing on the coupling principles and optimization design among electrical, thermal, and mechanical stresses in the power module packaging insulation, a multi-objective optimization design method based on Spice circuit, finite element field numerical calculation, and multi-objective gray wolf optimizer (MOGWO) is proposed. The packaging insulation optimal design of a 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET half-bridge power module is presented. First, the high field conductivity characteristics of the substrate ceramic and encapsulation silicone of the packaging insulation material were tested at different temperatures and external field strengths, which provided the key insulation parameters for the calculation of electric field distribution. Secondly, according to the mutual coupling principles among electric–thermal–mechanical stress, the influence of packaging structure parameters on the electric field, temperature, and mechanical stress distribution of packaging insulation was studied by finite element calculation and combined with Spice circuit analysis. Finally, the MOGWO algorithm was used to optimize the electric field, temperature, and mechanical stress in the packaging insulation. The optimal structural parameters of the power module were used to fabricate the corresponding SiC MOSFET module. The fabricated module is compared with a commercial module by the double-pulse experiment and partial discharge experiment to verify the feasibility of the proposed design method.
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Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized the portable and stationary energy industry and are finding widespread application in sectors such as automotive, consumer electronics, renewable energy, and many others. However, their efficiency and longevity are closely tied to accurately measuring their SOC and state of health (SOH). The need for precise algorithms to estimate SOC and SOH has become increasingly critical in light of the widespread adoption of lithium-ion batteries in industrial and automotive applications. While the benefits of lithium-ion batteries are undeniable, the challenges related to their efficient and safe management cannot be overlooked. Accurate estimation of SOC and SOH is crucial for ensuring optimal battery management, maximizing battery lifespan, optimizing performance, and preventing sudden failures. Consequently, research and development of reliable algorithms for estimating SOC and SOH have become an area of growing interest for the scientific and industrial community. This review article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art in SOC and SOH estimation algorithms for lithium-ion batteries. The most recent and promising theoretical and practical techniques used to address the challenges of accurate SOC and SOH estimation will be examined and evaluated. Additionally, critical evaluation of different approaches will be highlighted: emphasizing the advantages, limitations, and potential areas for improvement. The goal is to provide a clear view of the current landscape and to identify possible future directions for research and development in this crucial field for technological innovation.
This paper presents preliminary work on theories supporting partial differentiation of scalar fields, which will be based upon, and add to, the large library of mathematical theories supported by the Prototype Verification System theorem-proving environment. These theories include mathematical analysis of functions of one real-valued variable, but not, currently, theories on partial differentiation. In this paper, the issue of defining partial derivatives in the strongly typed, higher-order language of PVS is discussed, and a straightforward, pragmatic approach is proposed, introducing the formalizations of some basic concepts.
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Self-propelled wheelchairs are challenging to drive on off-road routes or require enormous physical effort in situations where the gradient exceeds 8%. For most people, these situations are too strenuous and therefore impractical. This work presents an innovative plug-and-play system to electrify a manual wheelchair. With the constraint of not irreversibly modifying the original wheelchair, a mechanical system is developed to allow motors to turn the rear wheels by friction. Torque and power requirements have been derived by modeling and simulating in Matlab the physical system. To manufacture a working prototype, a control system using standard components is devised, and object-oriented firmware is developed with the C++ programming language. The result is a plug-and-play portable kit that can be adapted to wheelchairs of any size, and the expandable Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) makes it ready to expand the audience that can use it.
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The paper presents a precise and efficient model of Double-Side Cooled (DSC) SiC MOSFET, which incorporates the dynamics of both electrical and thermal variables. It offers a suitable computational complexity for simulating transients in complex power converters. The objective is to define a model that enables multi-scale time simulations and facilitates rapid power converter design in system-level tools such as Simulink. Additionally, the model aims to achieve simulation accuracy comparable to device-level models for the next generation of SiC MOSFETs. The paper demonstrates the complete test bench measurement procedure for the device. This procedure is essential for experimentally extrapolating the intrinsic characteristics and developing a model-reduction approach based on electro-thermal modeling. The approach strikes a balance between computational complexity and level of detail. The proposed model has been seamlessly integrated into Simulink to simulate a 3-phase inverter for several grid cycles at the grid frequency. To evaluate the model's validity, the predicted inverter performance is compared with experimental measurements. These simulations require significantly less time compared to those based on LTspice models.
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This work addresses the problem of mitigating the effects of the cogging torque in permanent magnet synchronous motors, particularly brushless motors, which is a main issue in precision electric drive applications. In this work, a method for mitigating the effects of the cogging torque is proposed, based on the use of a nonlinear automatic control technique known as feedback linearization that is ideal for underactuated dynamic systems. The aim of this work is to present an alternative to classic solutions based on the physical modification of the electrical machine to try to suppress the natural interaction between the permanent magnets and the teeth of the stator slots. Such modifications of electric machines are often expensive because they require customized procedures, while the proposed method does not require any modification of the electric drive. With respect to other algorithmic-based solutions for cogging torque reduction, the proposed control technique is scalable to different motor parameters, deterministic, and robust, and hence easy to use and verify for safety-critical applications. As an application case example, the work reports the reduction of the oscillations for the angular position control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor vs. classic PI (proportional-integrative) cascaded control. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is suitable to be implemented in low-cost embedded control units. (PDF) Cogging Torque Reduction in Brushless Motors by a Nonlinear Control Technique. Available from: [accessed Oct 03 2019].
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This work addresses the problem of mitigating the effects of the cogging torque in permanent magnet synchronous motors, particularly brushless motors, which is a main issue in precision electric drive applications. In this work, a method for mitigating the effects of the cogging torque is proposed, based on the use of a nonlinear automatic control technique known as feedback linearization that is ideal for underactuated dynamic systems. The aim of this work is to present an alternative to classic solutions based on the physical modification of the electrical machine to try to suppress the natural interaction between the permanent magnets and the teeth of the stator slots. Such modifications of electric machines are often expensive because they require customized procedures, while the proposed method does not require any modification of the electric drive. With respect to other algorithmic-based solutions for cogging torque reduction, the proposed control technique is scalable to different motor parameters, deterministic, and robust, and hence easy to use and verify for safety-critical applications. As an application case example, the work reports the reduction of the oscillations for the angular position control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor vs. classic PI (proportional-integrative) cascaded control. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is suitable to be implemented in low-cost embedded control units.
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Rose-Hulman is competing in EcoCAR2, a three year competition where teams design, build, and test a hybridvehicle architecture. Teams are required to generate vehicle models that will be used throughout the life of the competition. The model is used to choose a hybrid architecture, design a robust control scheme, implement fault mitigation strategies, and optimize vehicle performance. Modelling techniques include Model-in-the- Loop, Software-in-the-Loop, and Hardware-in-the-Loop. This paper will discuss the techniques developed to build a model that can be actively used for the life of the three year competition and maintained across the MIL, SIL, and HIL modelling levels.
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It is essential to find new ways of enabling experts in different disciplines to collaborate more efficient in the development of ever more complex systems, under increasing market pressures. One possible solution for this challenge is to use a heterogeneous model-based approach where different teams can produce their conventional models and carry out their usual mono-disciplinary analysis, but in addition, the different models can be coupled for simulation (co-simulation), allowing the study of the global behavior of the system. Due to its potential, co-simulation is being studied in many different disciplines but with limited sharing of findings. Our aim with this work is to summarize, bridge, and enhance future research in this multidisciplinary area. We provide an overview of co-simulation approaches, research challenges, and research opportunities, together with a detailed taxonomy with different aspects of the state of the art of co-simulation and classification for the past five years. The main research needs identified are: finding generic approaches for modular, stable and accurate coupling of simulation units; and expressing the adaptations required to ensure that the coupling is correct.
This paper presents our on-going work on developing a flexible framework for formal co-simulation of human-centred cyber-physical systems. The framework builds on and extends an existing prototyping toolkit, adding novel functionalities for automatic generation of user interface prototypes equipped with a standard FMI-2 co-simulation interface. The framework is developed in JavaScript, and uses a flexible templating mechanism for converting stand-alone device prototypes into Functional Mockup Units (FMUs) capable of exchanging commands and data with any FMI-compliant co-simulation engine. Two concrete examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the framework.
This paper presents a proof-of-concept application of an approach to system development based on the integration of formal verification and co-simulation. A simple autonomous vehicle has the task of reaching an assigned straight path and then follow it, and it can be controlled by varying its turning speed. The correctness of the proposed control law has been formalized and verified by interactive theorem proving with the Prototype Verification System. Concurrently, the system has been co-simulated using the Prototype Verification System and the MathWorks Simulink tool: The vehicle kinematics have been simulated in Simulink, whereas the controller has been modeled in the logic language of the Prototype Verification System and simulated with the interpreter for the same language available in the theorem proving environment. With this approach, co-simulation and formal verification corroborate each other, thus strengthening developers’ confidence in their analysis.
Smart grids link various types of energy technologies, such as power electronics, machines, grids, and markets, via communication technology, which leads to transdisciplinary, multidomain systems. Simulation packages for assessing the system integration of components typically cover only one subdomain, while greatly simplifying the others. Cosimulation overcomes this by coupling subdomain models that are described and solved within their native environments, using specialized solvers and validated libraries. This article discusses the state of the art and conceptually describes the main challenges for simulating intelligent power systems. The article "Cosimulation of Intelligent Power Systems: Fundamentals, Software Architecture, Numerics, and Coupling," published in the March 2017 issue of this magazine [88], covered the fundamental concepts of this topic, and this follow-up article covers the applied aspects of the subject.
This paper presents a methodology, with supporting tool, for formal modeling and analysis of software components in cyber-physical systems. Using our approach, developers can integrate a simulation of logic-based specifications of software components and Simulink models of continuous processes. The integrated simulation is useful to validate the characteristics of discrete system components early in the development process. The same logic-based specifications can also be formally verified using the Prototype Verification System (PVS), to gain additional confidence that the software design complies with specific safety requirements. Modeling patterns are defined for generating the logic-based specifications from the more familiar automata-based formalism. The ultimate aim of this work is to facilitate the introduction of formal verification technologies in the software development process of cyber-physical systems, which typically requires the integrated use of different formalisms and tools. A case study from the medical domain is used to illustrate the approach. A PVS model of a pacemaker is interfaced with a Simulink model of the human heart. The overall cyber-physical system is co-simulated to validate design requirements through exploration of relevant test scenarios. Formal verification with the PVS theorem prover is demonstrated for the pacemaker model for specific safety aspects of the pacemaker design.
Smart grids link various types of energy technologies-such as power electronics, machines, grids, and markets-via communication technology, which leads to a transdisciplinary, multidomain system. Simulation packages for assessing system integration of components typically cover only one subdomain, while simplifying the others. Cosimulation overcomes this by coupling subdomain models that are described and solved within their native environments, using specialized solvers and validated libraries. This article discusses the state of the art and conceptually describes the main challenges for simulating intelligent power systems. This article, part 1 of 2 on this subject, covers fundamental concepts. Part 2 will appear in a future issue of IEEE Electrification Magazine and cover applications.
Conference Paper
We describe INTO-CPS, a project that aims to realise the goal of integrated tool chains for the collaborative and multidisciplinary engineering of dependable Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). Challenges facing model-based CPS engineering are described, focussing on the semantic diversity of models, management of the large space of models and artefacts produced in CPS engineering, and the need to evaluate effectiveness in industrial settings. We outline the approach taken to each of these issues, particularly on the use of semantically integrated multi-models, links to architectural modelling, code generation and testing, and evaluation via industry-led studies. We describe progress on the development of a prototype tool chain from baseline tools, and discuss ongoing challenges and open research questions in this area.