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Size at birth and plasma leptin concentrations in adult life



To determine whether low birthweight is associated with higher plasma leptin concentrations in adult life and whether leptin contributes to the metabolic alterations in adults that are associated with reduced foetal growth. Measurement of plasma leptin concentrations in a group of 502 men and women, aged 61-73, who were born in Hertfordshire and for whom records of birth and infant weight are available. Glucose tolerance was measured with a standard 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Leptin concentrations were assayed in fasting plasma samples using a radioimmunoassay. Leptin concentrations ranged from 1.4 to 128.9 (mean 13.4) ng/ml and were higher in the 193 women than the 309 men (23.4 vs. 7.1 ng/ml). In both sexes leptin concentrations correlated positively with body mass index (r=0.65 in both men and women). Leptin concentration also correlated with fasting insulin (r=0.41) and with glucose and insulin concentrations 2 h after a glucose load (r=0.19 and 0.49). Adults with lower birth or infant weight had higher leptin concentrations than those of higher birthweight with similar degrees of obesity (P=0.02 and 0.06, respectively). Although both 2 h glucose and insulin concentrations negatively correlated with birthweight (r=-0.17, P<0.001 and r=-0.18, P<0.001, respectively), regression analysis suggested that the higher levels of leptin in adults who had low birthweight did not explain the association between low birthweight and glucose or insulin concentrations. These results suggest that adults who had had low birthweight had higher plasma concentrations of leptin than would be expected from their degree of obesity. The higher leptin concentrations, however, do not account for the association between birthsize and glucose tolerance. They may be a consequence of the altered body composition, hyperinsulinaemia, and other long-term endocrine changes associated with reduced foetal growth.
Size at birth and plasma leptin concentrations
in adult life
DIW Phillips
*, CHD Fall
, C Cooper
, RJ Norman
, JS Robinson
and PC Owens
MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK;
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether low birthweight is associated with higher plasma leptin concentrations in adult
life and whether leptin contributes to the metabolic alterations in adults that are associated with reduced foetal
DESIGN: Measurement of plasma leptin concentrations in a group of 502 men and women, aged 61 ± 73, who were
born in Hertfordshire and for whom records of birth and infant weight are available. Glucose tolerance was measured
with a standard 75 g oral glucose tolerance test.
MEASUREMENTS: Leptin concentrations were assayed in fasting plasma samples using a radioimmunoassay.
RESULTS: Leptin concentrations ranged from 1.4 to 128.9 (mean 13.4) ng=ml and were higher in the 193 women than
the 309 men (23.4 vs. 7.1 ng=ml). In both sexes leptin concentrations correlated positively with body mass index
(r0.65 in both men and women). Leptin concentration also correlated with fasting insulin (r0.41) and with glucose
and insulin concentrations 2 h after a glucose load (r0.19 and 0.49). Adults with lower birth or infant weight had
higher leptin concentrations than those of higher birthweight with similar degrees of obesity (P0.02 and 0.06,
respectively). Although both 2 h glucose and insulin concentrations negatively correlated with birthweight (r70.17,
P<0.001 and r70.18, P<0.001, respectively), regression analysis suggested that the higher levels of leptin in
adults who had low birthweight did not explain the association between low birthweight and glucose or insulin
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that adults who had had low birthweight had higher plasma concentrations of
leptin than would be expected from their degree of obesity. The higher leptin concentrations, however, do not account
for the association between birthsize and glucose tolerance. They may be a consequence of the altered body
composition, hyperinsulinaemia, and other long-term endocrine changes associated with reduced foetal growth.
Keywords: leptin; foetal growth; birthweight; glucose tolerance; insulin resistance; programming
A series of epidemiological studies in Europe and
North America have shown that people who were
small at birth have a high prevalence of impaired
glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes in adult life.
Small size at birth is also associated with insulin
resistance and an increased prevalence of the meta-
bolic or insulin resistance syndrome (glucose intoler-
ance, raised blood pressure and hypertri-
glyceridaemia) in adults.
The mechanisms under-
lying these associations are not understood, but an
increasing body of evidence suggests that resetting of
major hormonal axes controlling growth and metabo-
lism may contribute to these associations.
Leptin, the peptide hormone encoded by the obese
(ob) gene, is involved in the regulation of growth and
Leptin is produced by adipocytes and
appears to function as a sensor of fat mass acting on
receptors in the hypothalamus.
Plasma leptin con-
centrations are closely correlated with body weight
and fat mass.
Recent data, however, suggest that
the actions of leptin and insulin are interrelated and
that leptin may play an important role in the regula-
tion of intermediary metabolism. There is evidence
that the ob gene is itself regulated by insulin both in
vivo and in vitro.
Furthermore, leptin may in¯u-
ence insulin action. A number of insulin-responsive
tissues, including liver, express variants of the ob
Exposure of cell cultures derived from
these tissues to leptin modulates insulin action.
Moreover in animal models leptin administration
selectively decreases visceral fat and enhances insulin
Plasma leptin concentrations are low in growth-
retarded or premature babies and predict weight gain
during early infancy.
Whether birthweight pre-
dicts adult levels of leptin is not known. We have
therefore studied a group of men and women to
determine whether birth or infant weight is associated
with plasma leptin concentrations in adult life and the
extent to which these correlate with adult body weight
and glucose tolerance.
*Correspondence: Dr David Phillips, MRC Environmental
Epidemiology Unit, Southampton General Hospital,
Southampton SO16 6YD, UK.
Received 9 February 1999; revised 16 April 1999; accepted
25 May 1999
International Journal of Obesity (1999) 23, 1025±1029
ß1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0307±0565/99 $15.00
In the county of Hertfordshire, from 1911 onwards,
details of all births were noti®ed by the attending
midwife. Almost all of these births took place at
home. The name and address of the baby, the date
of birth, and the birthweight were registered. A health
visitor saw the baby periodically through its ®rst year
and recorded its manner of feeding and its weight at
the age of 1 year. With the help of the National Health
Service Central Register at Southport, and the Hert-
fordshire Family Health Service Authority, we traced
men who were born during 1920 ± 1930 and women
born between 1923 and 1930 in the six districts of
East Herfordshire, who still lived there. Because of
the change of name on marriage, it is dif®cult to trace
women born before 1923.
As previously described, a group of 370 men and
285 women still living in East Hertfordshire took part
in a study of cardiovascular risk factors, which
included measurements of glucose tolerance and
blood pressure.
The subjects gave informed con-
sent and local ethical committee approval was
obtained. Initially, the men and women were inter-
viewed at home. Height was measured with a portable
stadiometer to the nearest centimetre (CMS weighing
equipment, Camden, London) and weight with a
portable SECA scale to the nearest 0.1 kg (SECA
Ltd, Birmingham, UK). Body mass index (BMI) was
calculated as the weight (kg) divided by the height (m)
squared. Subjects were classi®ed into three groups of
obesity according to whether their BMI was
<25 kg=m
, 25 ± 30 kg=m
,or >30 kg=m
and hip circumference were measured with a steel
tape measure at the level of the umbilicus and greater
trochanter, respectively. Following the home visit the
men and women were asked if they would be willing
to attend a local clinic between 9.00 and 9.30 in the
morning after an overnight fast for a standard 75 g oral
glucose tolerance test. Plasma glucose and insulin
were measured fasting, and 30 and 120 min after the
oral glucose load.
A total of 309 men and 193 women agreed and
provided fasting blood samples for the present study.
Plasma was separated and stored at 770C. We
assayed leptin in the fasting plasma by radioimmuno-
assay (human leptin RIA kit HL-81K, Linco Research
Inc., St Charles, MD). the assay coef®cient of varia-
tion was 6.9% at 2.9 ng=ml and 4.1% at 13.4 ng=ml.
Plasma glucose and insulin were measured as pre-
viously described.
Statistical analysis
Before examination of association between measure-
ments, the concentrations of glucose, insulin and
leptin were log
transformed to obtain normal distri-
butions. Linear regression was used to examine the
association between birth or infant weight and leptin
concentrations. The in¯uence of potential confound-
ing variables was examined using multiple regression.
P-values refer to analyses using continuously distrib-
uted variables.
In this sample of men and women, aged 61 ± 73 y
(mean 66 y), the fasting plasma leptin concentrations
ranged from 1.4 to 128.9 ng=ml (mean 13.4;
s.d. 12.4). Women had higher leptin concentrations
than men (23.4 vs 7.1 ng=ml, P<0.001). The char-
acteristics of the subjects are shown in Table 1. In
both sexes plasma leptin concentrations were posi-
tively correlated with body mass index (r0.65,
P<0.0001 in both sexes). Leptin was also positively
correlated with the ratio of the waist circumference to
hip circumference (r0.47, P<0.0001 in men and
r0.23, P0.002 in women). There was no correla-
tion between age and plasma leptin within the age
range of the subjects. In both genders leptin concen-
trations were positively correlated with plasma insulin
concentrations in blood obtained before and 120 min
after ingestion of glucose (men: before, r0.49,
P<0.0001, and after, r0.47, P<0.0001; women:
before, r0.34, P<0.0001, and after, r0.27,
P<0.001). Plasma leptin was not related to fasting
glucose (r70.07) in either gender, but was posi-
tively correlated with plasma glucose concentrations
120 min after the oral glucose load in men (r0.25,
P<0.001), but not women. The correlations between
plasma insulin and leptin concentrations remained
statistically signi®cant after adjustment for the current
body mass index (BMI).
Plasma leptin concentrations did not correlate with
birth or infant weights in either men or women.
However, in a multiple regression analysis with
leptin as the dependent variable and birthweight,
BMI and gender as independent variables, low birth-
weight signi®cantly predicted leptin concentrations
(P0.02) as did gender (P<0.001) and BMI
Table 1 Characteristics of the subjects
Men (s.d.) Women (s.d.)
No. of subjects 309 193
Age (y) 66.8 (3.2) 66.2 (2.8)
Body mass index (kg=m
) 26.9 (3.5) 27.0 (4.3)
Waist circumference 98.1 (9.6) 83.3 (9.4)
Hip circumference 104.6 (7.1) 104.3 (8.4)
Waist to hip ratio 0.94 (0.05) 0.80 (0.05)
Fasting insulin (pM)
40.9 (1.9) 48.4 (1.8)
2 h OGTT insulin (pM)
147 (2.3) 244.7 (1.9)
Fasting glucose (mM)
6.0 (1.2) 5.7 (1.1)
Fasting leptin (ng=ml)
7.1 (1.8) 23.4 (1.8)
2 h glucose (mM)
6.6 (1.4) 7.1 (1.4)
No. with IGT 51 57
No. with type 2 diabetes 19 10
IGT: impaired glucose tolerance.
Geometric s.d.
Foetal and infant growth and adult leptin
DIW Phillips
et al
(P<0.001). In similar regression analysis replacing
birthweight with weight at one year, the effect of
infant weight was weaker (P0.06). The trends with
birthweight and BMI were similar in both genders.
(Tables 2 and 3). At any level of BMI, plasma leptin
concentrations were higher in people who were smal-
ler at birth. In both genders, the highest plasma leptin
concentrations were found in people who were small
at birth and obese in adult life. They were lowest in
people who were large at birth and non-obese in adult
life. A similar trend to higher leptin concentrations in
adults who were smaller at birth was obtained after
adjusting for waist or hip circumference.
In blood samples obtained 2 h after the oral ingestion
of 75 g glucose, both glucose and insulin concentrations
correlated negatively with birthweight (r70.17,
P<0.001 and r70.18, P<0.001, respectively).
In a multiple regression model (Table 4, model 1)
with 2 h plasma glucose as the dependent variable,
and birthweight, BMI, gender and age as independent
variables, the effects of birthweight (P<0.001), BMI
(P<0.001), and age (P0.01), but not gender
(P0.07), predicted 2 h plasma glucose concentra-
tions. Plasma leptin concentration, however, was not
independently predictive of 2 h plasma glucose. In a
multiple regression model with 2 h plasma glucose as
the dependent variable and leptin concentration, birth-
weight, BMI, gender and age as independent variables,
birthweight (P<0.001), BMI (P0.002) and age
(P0.015), but not leptin, predicted 2 h plasma glu-
cose concentrations (Table 4, model 2). Similar results
were obtained with models predicting 2 h plasma insu-
lin concentrations. The weight at one year of age also
predicted 2 h glucose and insulin concentrations. How-
ever, further regression analyses showed that the rela-
tionships between infant weight and 2 h glucose or
insulin measurements were unaffected by the inclusion
of leptin concentrations in the models.
This is one of the ®rst studies to examine the relation-
ship between birthsize and leptin concentrations in
adults in a population-based study. In accordance with
previous studies, we found that leptin concentrations
correlated strongly with measures of obesity in both
men and women.
These observations are consis-
tent with leptin concentrations being directly related
to the mass of adipose tissue. We also found that
leptin concentrations were higher in women than men.
However, the novel ®nding in our study was that, at
any level of adult obesity, people with low birth
weight tended to have higher concentrations of
leptin than people who were larger at birth.
As recent studies have suggested that leptin may
play a part in modulating insulin action and because
small size at birth is associated with insulin resis-
it is possible that the high leptin concentra-
tions in people who were small at birth may contribute
to the impairment of insulin action. Although we did
not have direct measurements of insulin resistance in
this study, we found that insulin but not glucose
concentrations, during the glucose tolerance test
were strongly and consistently associated with leptin
concentrations even after adjustment for obesity. This
is consistent with other studies
and suggests an
association between leptin and insulin resistance.
However, in multiple regression models examining
the association between birthsize and glucose toler-
ance or birthsize and insulin concentrations, we found
Table 4 Multiple linear regression models for variables
predicting 2 h plasma glucose in the 309 men and 193 women
born in Hertfordshire before and after the inclusion of leptin
Va ri a b l e Be t a s. e . P-v a lu e
Model 1
Body mass index (kg=m
) 0.017 0.004 <0.001
Age (y) 0.012 0.005 0.013
Sex 0.053 0.029 0.07
Birthweight (lb) 70.044 0.012 <0.001
Model 2
Body mass index (kg=m
) 0.015 0.005 0.002
Age (y) 0.012 0.005 0.015
Sex 0.024 0.05 0.6
Birthweight (lb) 70.043 0.012 <0.001
Leptin (ng=ml) 0.025 0.03 0.42
Table 3 Mean plasma leptin concentrations (ng=ml) in 193
women born in Hertfordshire between 1923 and 1930 according
to birthweight and current body mass index (BMI)
Birthweight (lb)
Adult BMI
(kg =m
)<7. 2 5 78.25 >8.25 Total
<25 14.7 13.5 13.6 14.1
(29) (24) (12) (65)
25 ± 30 24.2 23.3 22.4 23.2
(33) (26) (29) (88)
>30 45.0 38.9 30.5 38.9
(15) (14) (11) (40)
Total 24.7 23.1 22.1 23.4
(77) (64) (52) (193)
Table 2 Mean plasma leptin concentrations (ng=ml) in 309 men
born in Hertfordshire between 1920 and 1930 according to
birthweight and current body mass index (BMI)
Birthweight (lb)
Adult BMI
(kg =m
)<7. 2 5 78.25 >8.25 Total
<25 4.4 3.8 4.0 4.1
(29) (31) (33) (93)
25 ± 30 7.7 7.3 6.9 7.3
(53) (60) (59) (72)
>30 14.3 14.1 11.4 13.0
(13) (13) (18) (44)
Total 7.6 7.1 6.7 7.1
(95) (104) (110) (309)
Foetal and infant growth and adult leptin
DIW Phillips
et al
that inclusion of leptin concentration in the models did
not reduce the strength of these associations. This
argues against a causative role for leptin in the
programming of insulin resistance and glucose intol-
erance during foetal life.
It is possible that the association between birthsize
and leptin concentration re¯ects altered body compo-
sition or other physiological changes associated with
small size at birth. Because the methods of measuring
fat mass in ®eld studies are necessarily imprecise, we
may have underestimated the overall fat mass and fat
distribution in our subjects. Most studies show that
people who were small babies tend to have a lower
weight for height (BMI) in adult life than people who
were larger at birth, and that BMI increases with
increasing birthsize.
Limited data, however, sug-
gest that people who were small babies tend to have a
more truncal distribution of obesity and signi®cantly
reduced muscle mass, raising the possibility that the
body fat content of people who were small at birth is
high despite their lower BMI.
27 ± 29
The results we
have obtained may therefore be explained by a rela-
tively greater fat mass in people who were small at
birth. A further possibility is that the elevated leptin
concentrations in adults who were small babies are a
consequence of altered hormonal control of ob gene
expression. There is increasing evidence that cAMP
and b-adrenoceptor agonists inhibit leptin expression,
while glucocorticoids and insulin up-regulate it.
Low birthweight is associated with adult hyperinsuli-
Moreover, there is now evidence from
animal studies and human data that growth retardation
during foetal life resets the hypothalamic ± pituitary ±
adrenal axis resulting in hypercortisolaemia.
Raised leptin concentrations in people who were
small at birth may therefore re¯ect the combination
of hyperinsulinaemia and hypercortisolaemia.
Our data imply that babies of low weight or
ponderal index at birth who are known to have low
cord blood leptin concentrations subsequently go on
to have high plasma leptin concentrations. The reason
for or the timing of this switch is not known. Because
leptin concentrations signal energy homeostasis, the
low leptin concentrations in growth-retarded newborn
infants are consistent with low energy reserves and
reduced fat deposits.
Recent evidence suggests
that catch-up growth in these babies is strongly related
to cord blood leptin concentrations and suggests that
leptin may be one of the mediators of the neuroendo-
crine response to in utero undernutrition.
After this
catch-up period, it is likely that the altered neuro-
endocrine function resulting from growth retardation
together with relative overnutrition leads to fat deposi-
tion and elevated leptin concentrations.
In summary, we have shown that people who had
low birthweight have higher leptin concentrations in
adult life than would be expected from their BMI. The
higher leptin concentrations do not appear to explain
the greater glucose intolerance associated with small
size at birth. They may however, be a consequence of
the altered body composition or other physiological
changes, which are known to be a consequence of
reduced foetal growth.
We are grateful to all the men and women in Hert-
fordshire who gave us their time. The ®eldwork was
carried out by P Harwood, S Haynes, P Howell, R
Rosenthal and S Wolfe. The study was funded by The
Medical Research Council, The Wessex Medical
Trust and The British Diabetic Association.
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Foetal and infant growth and adult leptin
DIW Phillips
et al
... These findings on the extra gain in the body fat composition explained the higher concentrations of leptin (a hormone produced by adipose tissues and associated with both obesity and type 2 diabetes) than expected from the levels of BMI in people with LBW. 32 This increased risk of central obesity in adulthood may have led to significantly higher levels of triglycerides and fasting blood glucose in association with LBW in our study. Participants with LBW in our study consistently showed greater arterial stiffness in both young adulthood and mid-adulthood. ...
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Aims: This study aimed to determine the relationship of low birth weight (LBW) with adult cardiac structure and function and investigate potential causal pathways. Methods and results: A population-based sample of 925 Australians (41.3% male) were followed from childhood (aged 7-15 years) to young adulthood (aged 26-36 years) and mid-adulthood (aged 36-50 years). Left ventricular (LV) global longitudinal strain (GLS, %), LV mass index (LVMi, g/m2.7 ), LV filling pressure (E/e'), and left atrial volume index (g/m2 ) were measured by transthoracic echocardiography in mid-adulthood. Birth weight category was self-reported in young adulthood and classified as low (≤5 lb or ≤2270 g), normal (5-8 lb or 2271-3630 g), and high (>8 lb or >3630 g). Of the 925 participants, 7.5% (n = 69) were classified as LBW. Compared with participants with normal birth weight, those with LBW had 2.01-fold (95% confidence interval: 1.19, 3.41, P = 0.009) higher risks of impaired GLS (GLS > -18%) and 2.63-fold (95% confidence interval: 0.89, 7.81, P = 0.08) higher risks of LV hypertrophy (LVMi > 48 g/m2.7 in men or >44 g/m2.7 in women) in adulthood, independent of age, sex, and any socio-economic factors. Participants with LBW significantly increased body fat from childhood to adulthood relative to their peers and had greater levels of triglycerides, fasting glucose, and arterial stiffness in adulthood. These risk factors were the strongest mediators and explained 54% of the LBW effect size on adult GLS and 33% of the LBW effect size on LVMi. The remaining of these associations was independent of any of the measured risk factors. Conclusions: Low birth weight was associated with impaired cardiac structure and function in mid-adulthood. This association was only partially explained by known risk factors.
... Small-for-gestational-age (SGA; birth weight and/or length Ͻ 2 SDs below the mean for gestational age), (2,72) infants have low circulating IGF1 concentrations and a reduced body fat mass at birth (18) and then undergo a period of accelerated postnatal growth during the first few years of life (1,21) with a relative increase in body fat mass from as early as 2-12 mo of age (27) and truncal fat mass during childhood (56) and in adult life (40,58). An accelerated postnatal growth rate is associated with an early increased insulin sensitivity followed by the emergence of insulin resistance (7,12,19,43,70,71) and, in particular, insulin resistance of adipose tissue in later life (33,35,36,60). ...
... Although rapid postnatal "catch-up" growth is associated with increased insulin sensitivity, people who are thin at birth and later develop obesity have the highest risk of insulin resistance in adulthood (2,3,9). There is also evidence that obesity after fetal growth restriction is associated with insulin resistance of adipose tissue (2,10,11). ...
... Many animal and human studies have established that restriction of a range of nutrients within the maternal diet throughout pregnancy results in offspring that are programmed to be at increased risk of later hypertension and metabolic disease including diabetes and obesity [87][88][89][90]. This theory has become known as the "developmental origins of health and disease" (DOHaD) hypothesis. ...
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Fatty acid regulation is an essential process for all animals. A number of studies have shown that diet affects the levels/availability of fatty acids in the body but increasingly evidence shows that disease states can alter the amounts within the body too. Fatty acid levels and availability have been altered by a number of diseases, disorders and reactions including inflammatory responses, heart disease and heart failure and wound repair. They are also essential during the growth and development stages of animals. The amount of research into the consequences of different fatty acid intake and levels in various disease states and during development has increased in both humans and animals. This review presents an overview of the research undertaken to date and highlights the importance, uses and benefits of understanding the roles of fatty acids in both the healthy animal and under differing disorders and diseases.
Intracellular cell signaling is a well understood process. However, extracellular signals such as hormones, adipokines, cytokines and neurotransmitters are just as important but have been largely ignored in other works. They are causative agents for diseases including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis so offer new, and often more approachable, targets for drug design. Aimed at medical professionals and pharmaceutical specialists, this book integrates extracellular and intracellular signalling processes and offers a fresh perspective on new drug targets. Written by colleagues at the same institution, but with contributions from leading international authorities, it is the result of close cooperation between the authors of different chapters. Readers are introduced to a new approach to disease causation by adipokines and toxic lipids. Heart disease, migraines, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis are approached from the perspective of prevention and treatment by alteration of extracellular signalling. Evidence is presented that the avoidance of toxic lifestyles can reduce the incidence of such illnesses and new therapeutic targets involving adipokines, ceramide and endocannabinoids are discussed.
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common complication of pregnancy and increases the risk of the offspring developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) later in life. Alterations in the immune system are implicated in the pathogenesis of IUGR-induced T2DM. The development of the fetal immune system is a delicate balance as it must remain tolerant of maternal antigens whilst also preparing for the post-birth environment. In addition, the fetal immune system is susceptible to an altered intrauterine milieu caused by maternal and placental inflammatory mediators or secondary to nutrient and oxygen deprivation. Pancreatic-resident macrophages populate the pancreas during fetal development, and their phenotype is dynamic through the neonatal period. Furthermore, macrophages in the islets are instrumental in islet development as they influence β-cell proliferation and islet neogenesis. In addition, cytokines, derived from β-cells and macrophages, are important to islet homeostasis in the fetus and adult and, when perturbed, can cause islet dysfunction. Several activated immune pathways have been identified in the islets of people who experienced IUGR, with alternations in the levels of IL-1β and IL-4 as well as changes in TGFβ signalling. Leptin levels are also altered. Immunomodulation has shown therapeutic benefit in T2DM and might be particularly useful in IUGR-induced T2DM.
Individuals born small have an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Altered food preferences in these subjects seem to play a role; however, limited evidence is available on the association between being born small-for-gestational-age (SGA) at term and food intake in adolescence. Alterations in leptin, ghrelin and dopamine levels are suggested mechanisms linking SGA with later food intake. From a large prospective Danish National Birth Cohort, we compared dietary intake of adolescents being born SGA with normal-for-gestational-age (NGA) adolescents. Intake of foods and nutrients was assessed by a validated food frequency questionnaire in a subsample of 15,607 14-year-old individuals born at term. SGA was defined by birth weight (BW) <10th percentile ( n =1470) and NGA as BW between 10 and 90th percentile ( n =14,137) according to sex and gestational age-specific BW standard curves. Girls born SGA had a 7% (95% CI: 3–12%, P =0.002) higher intake of added sugar and a 2–8% lower intake of dietary fibre, vegetables, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and total n −6, compared with NGA girls ( P <0.05). Adjusting for parental socio-occupational status, maternal smoking and diet in pregnancy did not substantially change the differences in dietary intake, except from dietary fibre, which were no longer statistically significant. No significant differences in dietary intake between SGA and NGA boys were found. In summary, girls born SGA had an unfavourable dietary intake compared with NGA girls. These differences persisted after controlling for potential confounders, thus supporting a fetal programming effect on dietary intake in girls born SGA at term. However, residual confounding by other factors operating early in childhood cannot be excluded.
Whilst overweight and obesity result in significant health problems in childhood and adulthood, their origins may lie in earlier life experiences from the nutritional environment of the periconceptional, in utero and postnatal periods. Epidemiological data from human populations show that changes in maternal nutrition during different phases of pregnancy affects the long term health of offspring. Importantly in the context of contemporary populations, maternal overnutrition and obesity also influence offspring health and may induce long term changes which predispose offspring to insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic syndrome in later life. Although changes in maternal nutrition can alter fetal adiposity without overall changes in birthweight, obese mothers are more likely to have large for gestational age babies and these offspring are more prone to becoming overweight and obese in later life. In addition to the effects of the maternal nutritional environment, accelerated growth in the early postnatal period, particularly when proceeded by fetal growth restriction, can be detrimental to long term health and increase the risks of obesity and Type 2 diabetes, consequences similar to those following rapid and early increases in body mass index in childhood. Key pathways of fetal programming include those mediated through glucocorticoids, with their vital role in developmental regulation of adipose tissue, appetite regulation and energy homeostasis regulated by the hypothalamus, and the neurohormones insulin and leptin influencing the actions of neuropeptides in the hypothalamic nuclei. A better understanding of these processes may provide opportunities for the prevention of obesity and improved public health.
Spatial Organization: The Geographer’s View of the World.
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To measure serum leptin concentrations in the Polynesian population of Western Samoa and to examine epidemiological associations of leptin with anthropometric, demographic, behavioural, and metabolic factors in this population with a high prevalence of obesity and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Cross sectional study, leptin concentration being measured in a subgroup of a population based sample. 240 Polynesian men and women aged 28-74 years were selected to cover the full range of age, body mass index, and glucose tolerance. Serum leptin, insulin, and glucose concentrations; anthropometric measures; physical activity; and area of residence. Leptin concentrations were correlated with body mass index (r = 0.80 in men, 0.79 in women) and waist circumference (r = 0.82 in men, 0.78 in women) but less so with waist to hip ratio. At any body mass index, leptin concentration was higher in women than men (geometric mean adjusted for body mass index 15.3 v 3.6 pg/l, P < 0.001). Leptin concentration also correlated with fasting insulin concentration (r = 0.63 in men, 0.64 in women) and insulin concentration 2 hours after a glucose load (r = 0.58 in men, 0.52 in women). These associations remained significant after controlling for body mass index; effects of physical activity and of rural or urban living on leptin concentration were eliminated after adjusting for obesity, except values remained high in urban men. 78% of variance in leptin was explained by a model including fasting insulin concentration, sex, body mass index, and a body mass index by sex interaction term. Similar results were obtained if waist circumference replaced body mass index. The strong relation of leptin with obesity is consistent with leptin production being proportional of mass to adipose tissue. The relation with insulin independent of body mass index suggests a possible role for leptin in insulin resistance or hyperinsulinaemia.
The direct role of hormones on leptin synthesis has not yet been studied in cultured adipose cells or tissue from lean and obese subjects. Moreover, this hormonal regulation has never been addressed in human visceral fat, although this site plays a determinant role in obesity-linked disorders. In this study, we investigated the hormonal control of ob expression and leptin production in cultured visceral adipose tissue from lean and obese subjects. We more particularly focused on the interactions between glucocorticoids and insulin. We also briefly tackled the role of cAMP, which is still unknown in man. Visceral (and subcutaneous) adipose tissues from eight obese (body mass index, 41 +/- 2 kg/m2) and nine nonobese (24 +/- 1 kg/m2) subjects were sampled during elective abdominal surgery, and explants were cultured for up to 48 h in MEM. The addition of dexamethasone to the medium increased ob gene expression and leptin secretion in a time-dependent manner. Forty-eight hours after dexamethasone (50 nmol/L) addition, the cumulative integrated ob messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and leptin responses were, respectively, approximately 5- and 4-fold higher in obese than in lean subjects. These responses closely correlated with the body mass index. The stimulatory effect of the glucocorticoid was also concentration dependent (EC50 = approximately 10 nmol/L). Although the maximal response was higher in obese than in lean subjects, the EC50 values were roughly similar in both groups. Unlike dexamethasone, insulin had no direct stimulatory effect on ob gene expression and leptin secretion. Singularly, insulin even inhibited the dexamethasone-induced rise in ob mRNA and leptin release. This inhibition was observed in both lean and obese subjects, whereas the expected stimulation of insulin on glucose metabolism and the accumulation of mRNA species for the insulin-sensitive transporter GLUT4 and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase occurred in lean patients only. This inhibitory effect was already detectable at 10 nmol/L insulin and was also observed in subcutaneous fat. Although a lowering of intracellular cAMP concentrations is involved in some of the effects of insulin on adipose tissue, this cannot account for the present finding, because the addition of cAMP to the medium also decreased ob mRNA and leptin secretion (regardless of whether dexamethasone was present). In conclusion, glucocorticoids, at physiological concentrations, stimulated leptin secretion by enhancing the pretranslational machinery in human visceral fat. This effect was more pronounced in obese subjects due to a greater responsiveness of the ob gene and could contribute to the metabolic abnormalities associated with central obesity by para/endocrine actions of hyperleptinemia on adipocytes and liver. Unlike dexamethasone, insulin had no direct stimulatory effect on ob gene expression and leptin secretion, and even prevented the positive response to dexamethasone by a cAMP-independent mechanism that remained functional despite insulin resistance.
Recent studies have shown that reduced fetal growth is associated with the development of the insulin resistance syndrome in adult life. The mechanisms are not known. However increased activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) may underlie this association; the axis is known to be reset by fetal growth retardation in animals, and there is evidence in humans of an association between raised HPAA activity and the insulin resistance syndrome. We have, therefore, examined the relations among size at birth, plasma cortisol concentrations, and components of the insulin resistance syndrome in a sample of healthy men. We measured 0900 h fasting plasma cortisol and corticosteroid-binding globulin levels in 370 men who were born in Hertfordshire, UK, between 1920-1930 and whose birth weights were recorded. Fasting plasma cortisol concentrations varied from 112-702 nmol/L and were related to systolic blood pressure (P = 0.02), fasting and 2-h plasma glucose concentrations after an oral glucose tolerance test (P = 0.0002 and P = 0.04), plasma triglyceride levels (P = 0.009), and insulin resistance (P = 0.006). Plasma cortisol concentrations fell progressively (P = 0.007) from 408 nmol/L in men whose birth weights were 5.5 lb (2.50 kg) or less to 309 nmol/L among those who weighed 9.5 lb (4.31 kg) or more at birth, a trend independent of age and body mass index. These findings suggest that plasma concentrations of cortisol within the normal range could have an important effect on blood pressure and glucose tolerance. Moreover, this study provides the first evidence that intrauterine programming of the HPAA may be a mechanism underlying the association between low birth weight and the insulin resistance syndrome in adult life.