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Learning Object Manipulation with Dexterous Hand-Arm Systems from Human Demonstration


Abstract and Figures

We present a novel learning and control framework that combines artificial neural networks with online trajectory optimization to learn dexterous manipulation skills from human demonstration and to transfer the learned behaviors to real robots. Humans can perform the demonstrations with their own hands and with real objects. An instrumented glove is used to record motions and tactile data. Our system learns neural control policies that generalize to modified object poses directly from limited amounts of demonstration data. Outputs from the neural policy network are combined at runtime with kinematic and dynamic safety and feasibility constraints as well as a learned regularizer to obtain commands for a real robot through online trajectory optimization. We test our approach on multiple tasks and robots.
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Learning Object Manipulation with Dexterous Hand-Arm Systems
from Human Demonstration
Philipp Ruppel, Jianwei Zhang
{ruppel, zhang}
Abstract We present a novel learning and control frame-
work that combines artificial neural networks with online tra-
jectory optimization to learn dexterous manipulation skills from
human demonstration and to transfer the learned behaviors
to real robots. Humans can perform the demonstrations with
their own hands and with real objects. An instrumented glove
is used to record motions and tactile data. Our system learns
neural control policies that generalize to modified object poses
directly from limited amounts of demonstration data. Outputs
from the neural policy network are combined at runtime
with kinematic and dynamic safety and feasibility constraints
as well as a learned regularizer to obtain commands for a
real robot through online trajectory optimization. We test our
approach on multiple tasks and robots.
Humanoid robot hands offer unique opportunities for
robotic manipulation by being ideally suited to handle a vast
number of objects and tools that were originally designed
for human hands and by potentially allowing for simple
and intuitive teaching of robots through human demonstra-
tion without requiring explicit task-specific programming of
motions or task goals. As an additional benefit, humanoid
robot hands are modeled after a system that has proven to
be extremely versatile and effective for millennia. However,
despite many recent advances in robotics and AI, control
and learning for dexterous manipulation with humanoid robot
hands in the real world remains a significant challenge.
To make teaching simple and convenient, we want to
allow humans to demonstrate tasks using their own hands
with real objects, instead of having to use teleoperation, ki-
naesthetic teaching, or additional task-specific programming
or annotation. While kinaesthetic teaching would provide
robot poses directly and teleoperation could rely on human
feedback to correct for errors and to ensure safety, our
system has to produce accurate and safe robot commands
autonomously. To apply current reinforcement learning tech-
niques to robotic manipulation, human programmers usually
have to implement task-specific rewards and simulation en-
vironments. Dynamic motion primitives can require explicit
data annotation and task-specific programming to adapt and
initiate different motion primitives. We do not want to burden
human teachers with having to perform these additional
steps and instead want our system to learn the required task
information directly from demonstration data.
Authors are with the Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg.
This work was partially supported by the German Research Foundation
(DFG) and the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in project
Crossmodal Learning, TRR-169,
Fig. 1: We learn manipulation tasks from human demon-
stration (top-left) and execute the learned behaviors on real
robots (bottom-left, middle, right).
We first record human demonstrations using an instru-
mented glove and extract motion trajectories as well as
tactile information. To efficiently learn stable control policies
that generalize to previously unseen situations, we introduce
a set of trajectory-based training and data augmentation
methods. We present and compare three different network
architectures: a feed-forward policy, a deep recurrent struc-
ture that implicitly learns hidden state information, and a
model-based approach which first learns neural models and
then trains a multimodal policy network to also consider
tactile sensations and state variables. At runtime, an online
trajectory optimizer uses abstract and hardware-independent
commands from the neural network as well as a learned
regularizer to generate joint-space commands for a particular
robot under kinematic and dynamic safety and feasibility
constraints. Optimizing trajectories over multiple time steps
allows our controller to avoid kinematic constraints and
collisions while it is still possible to do so without violating
dynamic limits or further deviating from the motion goals.
We also use trajectory optimization for stable hand tracking.
See figure 2 for an overview of our system. We test and
demonstrate our methods on four different manipulation
tasks and on three different robots.
Inverse kinematics can find joint angles for a robot arm
to reach a Cartesian goal pose, inverse dynamics computes
joint velocities or torques from Cartesian goal velocities or
forces [1] [2]. It can be desirable to optimize trajectories over
multiple time steps simultaneously to fulfill kinematic as well
as dynamic objectives and constraints. This can be accom-
plished using stochastic [3] or gradient-based [4] methods.
Schulman et al. [5] generate collision-free trajectories using
penalty terms. Mordatch et al. [6] use a special contact model
to generate trajectories for simulated manipulation problems.
Trajectory optimization for robots with many degrees of free-
dom is typically performed offline due to high computation
time. However, for certain general classes of constrained
optimization problems, it has been shown that interior-point
methods can find solutions efficiently [7] [8] [9] [10].
Reinforcement learning adjusts a policy to maximize a
reward function through trial and error. For practical prob-
lems with sparse rewards, the required numbers of trials
can be prohibitively large. It is often possible to accelerate
reinforcement learning by programming smooth task-specific
shaped reward functions. Marcin et al. use reinforcement
learning in simulated environments and a special reward
function to find finger motions for rotating a cube [11].
Akkaya et al. [12] and Li et al. [13] also learn motions
for rotating the top-facing side of a Rubik’s Cube and
combine the learned behaviors with a traditional Rubik’s
Cube solver. Rajeswaran et al. teleoperate a virtual robot
hand in a simulated environment. They use reinforcement
learning to train a policy network to imitate the demon-
strated motions using the same simulated robot hand and
to maximize additional task-specific reward functions [14].
Abbeel et al. learn cost functions from human demonstration
for controlling a car in a simplified driving simulator [15]. If
we would use current reinforcement learning techniques for
our work, human teachers would not only have to perform
demonstrations, but would also have to prepare task-specific
simulation environments with accurate object models.
Ijspeert et al. [16] capture human motions and represent
the recorded joint-space trajectories using basis functions and
an attractor term. The attractor acts as a low-pass filter and
can be tuned for smooth or accurate control. Users have
to choose between repetitive and non-repetitive basis func-
tions, and for repetitive motions, annotate phases. Repetitive
motions are executed indefinitely and have to be stopped
by the user or by a program. For a single goal position,
the entire motion primitive can be shifted by a fixed offset.
Paraschos et al. [17] learn probability distributions from sets
of joint-space trajectories to shape the transitions between
motion primitives. Automatically adapting to multiple object
poses, achieving rotational invariance, combining repetitive
and non-repetitive motions, generating accurate as well as
smooth and feasile motions, integrating additional sensor
modalities, etc., would require further extensions. It is not
always clear how these features could be integrated without
task-specific programming or annotation.
(a) Training
Robust trajectory
training method
template model
Policy network
(b) Execution
Sensor inputs
Policy network
Cartesian goal trajectories
Online trajectory
Fig. 2: Overview of our training methods (a) and of our
system during execution (b).
Several teleoperation systems have been developed for
controlling humanoid robot hands. These methods can rely
on the human operator to ensure safety and to compensate
for position offsets. Recent successful approaches mainly use
relative objectives between fingertips [18] or treat the hand
and the arm separately [19] [20]. For autonomous execution,
our controller has to not only reproduce relative motions,
but it also has to achieve accurate absolute positioning and
enforce safety and feasibility constraints.
Convolutional neural networks [21] [22] use special con-
nection patterns and weight sharing to achieve transla-
tion invariance. Weight sharing can also be used to pro-
cess unordered point sets [23].
During each demonstration, we record finger and object
motions as well as tactile sensations. Finger motions and
tactile information are captured using an instrumented glove.
We construct tactile sensors from conductive fabric and
pressure-sensitive piezo-resistive materials. One sensor is
attached to each fingertip. Human motions are recorded
using LEDs on the fingertips and hand joints, and the line
cameras of a Phasespace Impulse X2 system.
To achieve stable hand tracking without manual data clean-
up, we introduce a trajectory-based reconstruction method.
Each line sensor is modeled as a one-dimensional pin-
hole camera with position PC, orientation matrix RC, and
polynomial distortion terms di. We optimize 3D marker
positions pjto minimize a robust loss lj[24] with re-
projection error ejfor observation oj. During calibration,
we also optimize camera parameters.
jif kejk< δ
δ(kejk 1
To fill in data gaps caused by marker occlusions and to
exploit observations from other time frames as additional
evidence for the correct 3D marker positions, we add a
dynamic regularization term di,t with regularization weights
wf, wgbetween marker positions pi,t.
di,t =|pi,t pi,t+dt|2wf+|pi,tdt 2pi,t +pi,t+dt |2wg(4)
To exploit the kinematic structure of the hand, we add
an additional link regularizer li,j,t with weight wlbetween
directly connected hand markers mi,t, mj,t . We use soft
objective terms instead of hard constraints since the glove
can slightly move and stretch.
li,j,t =|mi,t mj,t mi,t+dt +mj,t+dt|2wl(5)
To accelerate convergence, we solve a sequence of
equations with exponentially increasing temporal resolu-
tion. Each previous solution is used as an initial guess
for the next subdivision step.
After recording human demonstrations and reconstructing
3D trajectories, the obtained data is used to train a neural
policy. We substitute objects and the robot with simplified
but differentiable Cartesian template models. This frees the
network from having to learn hardware-specific details about
a particular robot, and it allows us to focus our machine
learning efforts on task information. It also allows us to
train our policies directly using efficient gradient-based op-
timization. Both the objects and the hand are represented
as point sets. Hand points pt,j can be controlled by the
network through velocity commands vt,j.
dt =vt,j (6)
We provide relative position vectors of the hand and object
points, velocities vt, and if available additional state vari-
ables stand tactile measurements htas inputs It. Relative
position vectors are obtained by subtracting the arithmetic
mean of the Nhand points pt,j .
It= (ptXN
N, vt, st, ht)(7)
As in convolutional neural networks, translational invariance
is ensured by the network architecture and rotational invari-
ance is achieved through data augmentation.
A. Feed-Forward Policy Network
For simple tasks such as reach-to-grasp, which neither
require memory nor tactile perception, a simple unimodal
feed-forward policy should be sufficient. Our feed-forward
network shown in figure 3a consists of 5 densely connected
layers with 2048 input neurons, 512 neurons in each hidden
layer, and 15 output neurons. We use ReLU activation for
input and hidden layers and linear activation for the output
layer. Each output neuron controls the velocity of a hand
point along one Cartesian dimension.
Dense, 2048, ReLU
Dense, 512, ReLU
Dense, 512, ReLU
Dense, 512, ReLU
Dense, 15, ReLU
Output Velocities
(a) Feed-forward policy
Input Concatenate
Dense, 2048, ReLU Dropout
Dense, 512, ReLU
Dense, 512, ReLU
Dense, 512, ReLU
Dense, 15, ReLU
Output Velocities
Dense, 32, TanH
Dense, 16, TanH
Dense, 4, TanH
(b) Recurrent policy
Conv1D, 64, TanH
Conv1D, 64, TanH
Conv1D, 64, TanH
Conv1D, 1, TanH
Tactile Output
(c) Tactile model
Dense, 32, TanH
Output State Variables
Velocities Tactile
Dense, 32, TanH
Dense, 32, TanH
Dense, Linear
(d) Object state model
Fig. 3: Neural policy and model networks.
B. Recurrent Policy Network
We enable the network to remember previous actions and
observations by adding recurrent connections as shown in
figure 3b. Inputs are shared with a recurrent branch, which
consists of three densely connected layers. The outputs of
the recurrent branch are concatenated to the inputs of the re-
current and of the feed-forward branch. We use significantly
smaller layer sizes for the recurrent branch, with 32 TanH
input units, 16 TanH hidden neurons, and four linear output
neurons, and we apply 10% dropout at the inputs.
C. Neural Object Models
We extend our template models to also simulate tactile
sensations and object state variables. To keep the training
process simple for human teachers, we learn these models
directly from demonstration data.
1) Tactile Object Model: Our tactile models map relative
fingertip positions, fingertip velocities and object state vari-
ables to simulated tactile readings. We represent the tactile
models using PointNet-inspired [23] fully convolutional neu-
ral networks with 1D convolutions over tactile sensor indices
and a filter width of 1. The architecture consists of 4 layers
with 64 convolutional TanH units in the input and hidden
layers and one linear convolutional unit in the output layer.
2) Object State Model: During human demonstration,
we measure and record additional object state variables.
At runtime, the state variables are predicted. Our neural
object state model takes relative Cartesian fingertip positions
and velocities, current values for the state variables and
tactile information as inputs. The outputs of the object state
model are added to the current values of the state variables.
The network consists of 4 densely connected layers with
32 TanH units in each input and hidden layer and one
linear output unit for each state variable.
We train our policy networks by simulating trajectories
over multiple time steps and propagating gradients back in
time. During each simulation step, the policy network Pis
called with inputs from a previous time step St. The velocity
outputs of the policy network Pare used together with our
differentiable template model Mand learned models Lto
compute new values St+dt for the state variables.
St+dt =M(St, P (St))
L(St, P (St)) (8)
State variables St,m are reset before the first simulation
step t0and at randomly selected time frames with demon-
stration data Dt,m and random perturbations. The reset
probability is computed using a constant base r, a random
exponent xand a uniformly distributed random number
generator rt. The random perturbations are composed of
a normally distributed random vector Pt,m for each point
mand a scalar random exponent ffor each trajectory
segment. We introduce exponential terms to randomly scale
the perturbations across multiple orders of magnitude to
avoid having to manually fine-tune augmentation parameters.
Rotational invariance is achieved through additional online
data augmentation, multiplying each demonstration trajectory
with a random rotation matrix R.
St,m =(R Dt,m +bfPt,m if (t=t0)(rt< bx)
t1,m otherwise. (9)
We compute a loss value from simulated and demonstrated
states over the entire simulated trajectory, propagate the
gradients back in time until reaching the start of the trajectory
or one of the random resets, and update the network weights
for all contributing time steps. The loss function computes a
weighted error over different modalities including Cartesian
positions and velocities, and if available, tactile information
and object state variables. The network weights are optimized
via a batch gradient descent method [25]. A relatively large
batch size between 128 and 512 should be used to obtain
meaningful gradients despite strong randomization and to
allow for efficient parallelization.
Even when using a feed-forward policy, our trajectory-
based training method leads to a recurrent structure. During
our experiments, we found that it is usually sufficient to
train with relatively large time steps and that doing so
reduces training time. However, at runtime, we want to
use smaller time steps to allow for fast reaction to sensor
input and to achieve smooth as well as accurate control.
Therefore, we want to reformulate our networks as differ-
ential equations and use numerical integration with differ-
ent step sizes for training and execution. Our continuous-
time network Ncomputes network outputs otand the
time derivatives of the network activations from current
activations Aand additional inputs I.
dt , ot) = N(A, I)(10)
A practical obstacle to using this approach is that in current
high-performance software libraries for implementing arti-
ficial neural networks, the network Neffectively performs
numerical integration with a fixed step size s.
(At+s, ot1) = N(At, It)(11)
For an explicit Euler step, finite differences could directly
recover the exact gradients within numerical precision. In
practice, the activations may be updated incrementally and
we obtain a gradient approximation.
dt =N(At, It)0At
The gradients can now be integrated with modified step sizes.
To allow the robot to manipulate unmodified objects, we
train a fully convolutional neural network to detect virtual
keypoints. We use pre-trained Mobilenet [22] layers up to
the fifth separable convolutional block to compute feature
embeddings and then add two 32-channel 1x1 convolu-
tional hidden layers and a 1x1 linear convolutional output
layer with one channel for each marker ID. The output
is resampled to the size of the original input image using
bicubic interpolation and maxima in the marker channels
are interpreted as virtual marker detections.
Camera poses are calibrated using structure from motion.
We attach multiple Aruco [26] tags to the forearm of
the robot and automatically move the arm into randomly
generated poses while recording marker detections. Since
the surface of the robot and the markers is curved, we use
corner-based subpixel refinement. To calibrate the cameras,
we simultaneously optimize camera parameters and the 3D
positions of the marker corners relative to the forearm link
to minimize the reprojection error of each corner.
We translate Cartesian commands from the neural policy
network into hardware-specific joint angles through kino-
dynamic online trajectory optimization. We first simulate
Cartesian trajectories using the most recent measurements,
the policy network, and our template and neural models.
The resulting Cartesian trajectories are converted into sets
of timestamped position goals, which are combined with
additional goals and constraints to optimize robot trajecto-
ries. Each optimization step is initialized with a timeshifted
version of a previous trajectory.
For each trajectory update, we solve a non-linear op-
timization problem through sequential quadratic program-
ming using a primal-dual interior-point method. The op-
timization problem is defined by instances of different
goal classes. Each goal can specify quadratic objectives,
equality constraints, inequality constraints, and box con-
straints. Inequality constraints are automatically converted
into box constraints and equality constraints by inserting
slack variables. We finally solve a sequence of unconstrained
linear equations with objective gradients JX, equality and
inequality constraint gradients JEand JI, exponentially ad-
justed logarithmic barrier gradients BX, BS, and right-hand-
side vectors rx, re, rifor the joint variables X, Lagrange
multipliers LE, LIand slack variables SB.
JE0 0 0
JI0 0 I
0 0 I BSI
Cartesian trajectories are translated into quadratic position
goals. For each template model point pi,t with time tand
point index i, we assign a corresponding reference point
rirelative to a link pose Li,t and minimize the squared
distance di,t between both point positions.
di,t =kpi,t Li,t rik2(14)
For each joint position variable qj,t with time t, step
size dt and joint index j, we specify upper and lower joint
position limits uj, lj, a fixed trust region crelative to the last
candidate solution rj,t, as well as maximum joint velocities
vjand maximum joint accelerations aj.
max(rj,t c, lj)< qj,t < min(uj, rj,t +c)(15)
vj<qj,t+dt qj,t
dt < vj(16)
aj<qj,tdt +qj,t+dt 2qj,t
2dt < aj(17)
To prevent jumps during trajectory replacement, we con-
strain the first two keyframes of each new trajectory to match
the corresponding two keyframes of the previous trajectory.
Mechanical couplings between finger joints on underactuated
hands are modeled as additional equality constraints.
For collision avoidance, we construct a convex polyhe-
dral approximation of the workspace in Cartesian space
and approximate the shape of each link by a convex hull
around a set of spheres. Since the workspace approximation
is convex, constraining only the spheres is sufficient to
prevent collisions with the entire link bodies. We insert
pairwise linear constraints between boundary planes and link
spheres. Each boundary plane is represented by a normal nk
and a distance dk. Each sphere has a center clrelative
to a link pose Pland a radius rl.
Plcl·nk< dkrl(18)
TABLE I: Robot experiments for different tasks, robots, net-
works architectures, demonstration counts (D.) and trajectory
optimization windows (Traj.). For each experiment, we test
whether the task is performed successfully during multiple
consecutive trials (Succ.) and for different object poses (Inv.).
Task Robot Network D. Traj. Succ. Inv.
Pick Place C5 UR10e Feed-Fwd. 10 10 Yes Yes
Wiping C5 UR10e Feed-Fwd. 5 10 Yes Yes
C. Bottle C5 LBR4+ Feed-Fwd. 1 10 No n/a
C. Bottle C5 LBR4+ Recurrent 1 10 Yes Yes
C. Bottle C6 UR10 Model-B. 1 10 Yes Yes
B. Bottle C5 UR10e Feed-Fwd. 1 3, 4 No n/a
B. Bottle C5 UR10e Feed-Fwd. 1 5..10 Yes Yes
If multiple solutions can be found which fulfill the ob-
jective function almost equally well without violating any
of the constraints, we want to prefer natural hand poses
that would also be preferred by a human. We therefore
introduce a learned regularizer.
From an existing hand pose dataset [27] [28], we compute
averages and standard deviations for the joint angles and con-
struct a multivariate Gaussian distribution. For each Gaussian
with mean mi, standard deviation si, and corresponding joint
variable vi, we add a quadratic regularization term ri.
We test our methods on three different manipulation
problems: a pick-place and a wiping task, opening a chemical
bottle with a wide lid, and opening a beverage bottle with a
small lid. The experiments are performed with real objects
and robots. We use a UR10e arm with a Shadow C5 hand,
a KUKA LBR 4+ arm with a Shadow C5 hand, and a
UR10 arm with a Shadow C6 hand. An overview of our
robot experiments is given in table I.
A. Pick-and-Place Task
The robot has to grasp an elongated box-shaped object and
place it onto a rectangular plate. Both objects are equipped
with LEDs as tracking markers. We collect a total of 10
human demonstrations. Before each demonstration, both
items are moved into different positions and orientations.
During the demonstrations, a human grasps the box and
places it onto the plate. We use the recorded trajectories
to train our feed-forward network. As training data, we use
the positions of two markers on each object, one marker
on each fingertip, and one marker on each knuckle and at
the base of the thumb. At runtime, we use observed marker
positions as inputs and pass outputs from the network to our
trajectory optimizer. The resulting motions are executed on
a UR10e arm with a Shadow C5 hand. The robot is able
to successfully perform the task even if the box, the plate,
and the hand are placed in previously unseen poses. Grasp
poses are adapted if the box is rotated. The lengths of the
Fig. 4: UR10e arm with Shadow C5 hand while performing
a pick-and-place task.
Fig. 5: UR10e with Shadow C5 hand during a wiping task.
Fig. 6: Turning the lid of a chemical bottle (feed-forward
network, LBR4+ arm, C5 hand).
trajectories are adjusted if the object positions are changed.
Figure 4 shows the robot during execution.
B. Wiping Task
We record five demonstrations of a wiping task that
requires grasping a brush, moving to a target object, and
performing oscillating cleaning motions. As for the pick-
and-place experiment, we use the feed-forward architecture
and a UR10e arm with a Shadow C5 hand. At runtime,
the robot approaches and grasps the brush, lifts it, places
it onto the target object, and performs periodic cleaning
motions, with the bristles of the brush wiping across the
surface. The task can be performed successfully for previ-
ously unseen hand, brush and target poses. Figure 5 shows
the robot during the wiping task.
C. Opening a Chemical Bottle
The robot has to turn the lid of a chemical bottle un-
til it has been loosened, grasp the lid, lift it, and place
it next to the bottle. We record a single demonstration
with tactile readings and Cartesian motion trajectories for
the fingertips and bottle position.
1) Feed-Forward Policy: We train our feed-forward ar-
chitecture with the recorded trajectories and use a KUKA
Fig. 7: Opening the chemical bottle using our recurrent
policy network (bottom), image from an overhead camera
(top-left), output of our vision network (top-right).
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time Step
Approach Turn Lid Pick Place
Fig. 8: Recurrent neural activations while opening the chem-
ical bottle, with approximate sub-task annotations.
LBR 4+ with a Shadow C5 hand for execution. For a first
test, we assume a fixed bottle pose. If the bottle is carefully
placed in the correct position, the robot performs a correct
approach motion, and the finger motions turn the lid (see
figure 6). Since the network does not possess memory and
can neither use recurrent models nor tactile information, it
is not able to determine when the lid can be lifted off and
continues to perform turning motions indefinitely.
2) Vision Network: We use our vision network described
in section VII to automatically determine the bottle position
without needing LED markers. After performing SfM-based
calibration, our marker-less tracking method delivers results
that are accurate enough for approaching the bottle and turn-
ing the lid. The object can still be detected and manipulated if
it is placed in different positions and orientations on the table.
3) Recurrent Policy Network: We use the same data as
before to train our recurrent policy network described in
section IV-B for the bottle opening task. While the feed-
forward network keeps performing turning motions indef-
initely and fails to remove the lid, our recurrent network
stops rotating the lid at an appropriate time. It then grasps
the lid, lifts it, performs a sideways motion, lowers the hand,
and places the lid next to the bottle. We execute the policy
on an LBR 4+ arm with a C5 hand. Figure 8 shows the
neural activations in the output layer of the recurrent column
over time. If we dampen the connections between the last
layer in the recurrent column and the concatenation layer,
Fig. 9: Opening a chemical bottle and removing the lid
(model-based learning, UR10, C6 hand).
Fig. 10: Turning and removing the lid of a beverage bottle
(feed-forward network, UR10e, C5 hand).
the transition from the lid-rotation phase to the pick-place
phase is delayed. The overall behavior of the network and
the speed of the finger motions remain the same. See figure 7
for photos of the robot during execution as well as an input
image and output activations of the vision network.
4) Crossmodal Model-Based Learning: We use tactile
data collected during demonstration of the bottle opening
task to train a tactile object model as described in section
IV-C.1. We also train a recurrent object state model as
described in section IV-C.2 with lid orientation as a state
variable. Using our model networks, we then train a feed-
forward policy network as described in sections IV-A and V.
During execution, we use predicted object state information
from the object state model and a mixture of predicted
and measured tactile readings. A 50-50 combination leads
to stable yet responsive behavior. We test the policy on
a UR10 arm with a Shadow C6 hand. Each fingertip is
equipped with a tactile pressure sensor. If a human touches
multiple robot fingertips, the robot hand opens, and after
removing the externally induced stimulus, the robot hand
closes again until the fingers touch the lid. Our crossmodal
model-based architecture was able to perform the bottle
opening task successfully in 10 out of 10 trials.
D. Opening a Beverage Bottle
The feed-forward architecture is trained to open a beverage
bottle with a smaller lid. We use a single demonstration with
trajectories of 21 hand markers at the fingertips and joints,
and two markers on the bottle. At runtime, the bottle markers
are located using the tracking system, and the generated
motions are executed on a UR10e arm with a Shadow C5
TABLE II: Average tracking errors for different trajectory
lengths while following Cartesian goal trajectories generated
by our recurrent network for opening the chemical bottle.
Trajectory Length 3 4 5 7 10
MSE 0.0014 0.0005 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002
hand. See figure 10 for different states during execution. The
robot is able to successfully turn the lid. After the lid has
been screwed off, it falls onto the table. While the chemical
bottle requires a recurrent structure to initiate a final pick-
and-place phase, the beverage bottle task can be considered
successfully solved by the simpler feed-forward architecture.
If we set the window size of the trajectory optimizer to 3,
the fingers push the bottle instead of turning the lid. With a
trajectory length of 5 or above, the lid is turned successfully.
E. Trajectory Optimization
Table II shows mean squared tracking errors for different
trajectory lengths while opening the chemical bottle. The
first two time frames are constrained to match a previous
trajectory to allow for smooth trajectory replacement. For
each time step, the non-linear problem is solved to conver-
gence. Optimizing only a single new robot pose or very short
trajectories leads to high tracking errors. The errors quickly
decrease if the trajectory length is increased.
F. Training Time
The neural networks are trained using Tensorflow [29] on
an NVIDIA GTX 1080. While the feed-forward network and
the model-based approach can learn successful manipulation
policies in about 30 minutes, the recurrent network requires
approximately three hours of training.
The components of our system are implemented as ROS
[30] nodes and libraries. For neural networks, we use ten-
sorflow [29], Python [31], and Keras [32]. The trajectory
optimizer, calibration tools, and the trajectory reconstruction
method are implemented in C++ using Eigen [33] for linear
algebra. Robot models and states are exchanged as MoveIt
[34] objects. For execution, we used roscontrol [35], FRI
[36], ur modern driver [37], ur robot driver, the etherCAT
interface of the C6 hand, and a custom driver for the C5 hand.
We introduced a novel learning and control framework
that allows human teachers to train humanoid robotic ma-
nipulators by demonstrating tasks using their own hands
with real objects. We successfully tested our approach
on multiple tasks and robots.
Three neural network architectures were presented. A
feed-forward policy network was able to successfully learn
a pick-place, a cleaning, and a bottle-opening task. A
different bottle-opening task could not be finished by the
feed-forward network. Our recurrent networks completed
the bottle opening task by learning to automatically tran-
sition from a periodic turning motion to a final pick-and-
place motion. Our trajectory-based training and data aug-
mentation methods allow the system to learn stable neural
policies that can automatically adapt to modified object
poses from limited amounts of data. As demonstrated by
the pick-place and the wiping task, our system can not only
produce approach motions but also learn to automatically
generate trajectories between objects.
We found that it is possible to learn local object models
which are sufficiently accurate for model-based policy op-
timization directly from demonstration data. In contrast to
previous work based on reinforcement learning, our method
does not require the user to program task-specific reward
functions or simulation environments. By substituting the
robot with simplified but differentiable template models, we
were able to use efficient gradient-based training, and we
could focus our machine learning efforts on task information.
Our trajectory optimizer is fast enough for online control
of hand-arm systems with many degrees of freedom. If
only a single robot state is optimized at a time, as in
inverse kinematics, tracking errors increase and the robot
consistently fails during a bottle opening task. We also
use trajectory optimization to achieve stable hand track-
ing. At runtime, unmodified objects can be manipulated
via learned keypoints. To prefer natural hand poses, we
introduced a learned regularizer.
While our policy networks already accept point lists as
input, we are currently using only small numbers of points
from the motion tracking system or from neural keypoint
detectors. In future work, we want to use point clouds from
depth cameras or raw color images. Tactile perception on our
instrumented gloves could be improved with high-resolution
matrix sensors and we would like to further investigate
methods for using tactile information. It would also be
interesting to test our system on a larger number of tasks.
We plan to further improve our software and to develop
it into a set of public open-source packages.
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... One of the main difficulties in the development of anthropomorphic robotic hands is the creation of mechanical systems that can replicate the kinematics and dynamics of the human hand [6]. The human hand has more than 20 degrees of freedom (DoF), allowing it to perform a wide variety of movements and postures [7]. ...
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This article presents a study on the neurobiological control of voluntary movements for anthropomorphic robotic systems. A corticospinal neural network model has been developed to control joint trajectories in multi-fingered robotic hands. The proposed neural network simulates cortical and spinal areas, as well as the connectivity between them, during the execution of voluntary movements similar to those performed by humans or monkeys. Furthermore, this neural connection allows for the interpretation of functional roles in the motor areas of the brain. The proposed neural control system is tested on the fingers of a robotic hand, which is driven by agonist–antagonist tendons and actuators designed to accurately emulate complex muscular functionality. The experimental results show that the corticospinal controller produces key properties of biological movement control, such as bell-shaped asymmetric velocity profiles and the ability to compensate for disturbances. Movements are dynamically compensated for through sensory feedback. Based on the experimental results, it is concluded that the proposed biologically inspired adaptive neural control system is robust, reliable, and adaptable to robotic platforms with diverse biomechanics and degrees of freedom. The corticospinal network successfully integrates biological concepts with engineering control theory for the generation of functional movement. This research significantly contributes to improving our understanding of neuromotor control in both animals and humans, thus paving the way towards a new frontier in the field of neurobiological control of anthropomorphic robotic systems.
... Robot teaching by human demonstration [1][2][3][4] could potentially lead to a general solution for automating work that humans currently have to perform themselves. In order to maximize the set of tasks that can be economically automated, it would be desirable to minimize the difference between working with one's own hands and programming a robot to perform the same tasks, using physical interaction between human hands and objects or tools as a programming language. ...
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We present a thin and elastic tactile sensor glove for teaching dexterous manipulation tasks to robots through human demonstration. The entire glove, including the sensor cells, base layer, and electrical connections, is made from soft and stretchable silicone rubber, adapting to deformations under bending and contact while preserving human dexterity. We develop a glove design with five fingers and a palm sensor, revise material formulations for reduced thickness, faster processing and lower cost, adapt manufacturing processes for reduced layer thickness, and design readout electronics for improved sensitivity and battery operation. We further address integration with a multi-camera system and motion reconstruction, wireless communication, and data processing to obtain multimodal reconstructions of human manipulation skills.
... 作を選択することが重要となる.本論文では観察に基づいた学習によって物体に対して複数のありうる動作を想 起する手法を提案する.想起した複数の動作候補は,次の step で実行動作を決定するための選択肢として利用さ れる. いくつかの関連研究において,ロボットに物体操作方法を学習させ,未知のシーンに対して動作を想起させる アプローチが提案されている.ロボットに特定のシーンに対する人の動作を学習させて類似シーンで模倣した動 作を実行させる研究 (Saigusa et al., 2022) (Ruppel and Zhang, 2020) ...
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This paper proposes a method for a robot to recall multiple action candidates for an object by learning object manipulations based on observation of human actions. When learning, multiple answers to a single input in supervised regression manner, it is usually necessary to map all correct answers to the same input. However, only one action can be observed for an object at a time in observing object manipulations, and other possible actions are not always observed for the identical object. It is, therefore, important to automatically share various observed actions between similar-shaped objects by recognizing common shape cues among individual objects. The proposed method learns the code descriptions of object shapes by a variational auto-encoder (VAE) with an object image as input data, and the code descriptions of actions by a conditional VAE with object shape as a condition and an action as input data. Since the action is unknown recall target, it is desirable to obtain the code description of the action from only the object shape during recalling. The distribution of the code description of actions conditioned by input object shape on the obtained code description space is obtained by marginalization of the distribution learned by the encoder part of CVAE. However, since this marginalization is difficult to analytically and numerically operate, a deep regression model that “imitates” this marginal distribution is trained by using a maximum likelihood method based on sampling. Common actions of similar-shaped objects are shared among the similar objects in this “marginalization by imitation” process. Various possible actions for the input object shape can be recalled by repeatedly sampling from the imitated marginal distribution. This paper describes the results of experiment using actual object images and manipulation actions, and demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
... The approach has also been used to teach walking patterns to a biped robot in [42] to simulate human-like walking. In [86], a custom glove was used to capture hand position and tactile information to record demonstration data performed directly by a human. The data was then used to obtain object model representations and optimize the policy to perform the task. ...
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With the fast improvement of machine learning, reinforcement learning (RL) has been used to automate human tasks in different areas. However, training such agents is difficult and restricted to expert users. Moreover, it is mostly limited to simulation environments due to the high cost and safety concerns of interactions in the real world. Demonstration Learning is a paradigm in which an agent learns to perform a task by imitating the behavior of an expert shown in demonstrations. It is a relatively recent area in machine learning, but it is gaining significant traction due to having tremendous potential for learning complex behaviors from demonstrations. Learning from demonstration accelerates the learning process by improving sample efficiency, while also reducing the effort of the programmer. Due to learning without interacting with the environment, demonstration learning would allow the automation of a wide range of real world applications such as robotics and healthcare. This paper provides a survey of demonstration learning, where we formally introduce the demonstration problem along with its main challenges and provide a comprehensive overview of the process of learning from demonstrations from the creation of the demonstration data set, to learning methods from demonstrations, and optimization by combining demonstration learning with different machine learning methods. We also review the existing benchmarks and identify their strengths and limitations. Additionally, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the paradigm as well as its main applications. Lastly, we discuss our perspective on open problems and research directions for this rapidly growing field.
... A novel architecture and framework to teach the Shadow hand the manipulation tasks demonstrated by humans wearing a data glove was proposed in ref. [104]. The data received is fed to the artificial neural network with trajectory optimisation to perform various manipulation tasks. ...
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In recent years, human hand‐based robotic hands or dexterous hands have gained attention due to their enormous capabilities of handling soft materials compared to traditional grippers. Back in the earlier days, the development of a hand model close to that of a human was an impossible task but with the advancements made in technology, dexterous hands with three, four or five‐fingered robotic hands have been developed to mimic human hand nature. However, human‐like manipulation of dexterous hands to this date remains a challenge. Thus, this review focuses on (a) the history and motivation behind the development of dexterous hands, (b) a brief overview of the available multi‐fingered hands, and (c) learning‐based methods such as traditional and data‐driven learning methods for manipulating dexterous hands. Additionally, it discusses the challenges faced in terms of the manipulation of multi‐fingered or dexterous hands.
... The generalization from VR devices to robot end-effector [13,14] Data glove Compact and lightweight Less applicable to 2-finger grasping [15,16] Motion capture system Highly accurate Affected by occlusion, expensive [17] In this paper, we present a gripper-like exoskeleton for a grasping demonstration. Our exoskeleton design is a hybrid of existing devices, including teleoperation exoskeletons and offline devices for grasping demonstration. ...
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Learning from demonstration (LfD) is a practical method for transferring skill knowledge from a human demonstrator to a robot. Several studies have shown the effectiveness of LfD in robotic grasping tasks to improve the success rate of grasping and to accelerate the development of new robotic grasping tasks. A well-designed demonstration device can effectively represent human grasping motion to transfer grasping skills to robots. In this paper, an improved gripper-like exoskeleton with a data collection system is proposed. First, we present the mechatronic details of the exoskeleton and its motion-tracking system, considering the manipulation flexibility and data acquisition requirements. We then present the capabilities of the device and its data collection system, which collects the position, pose and displacement of the gripper on the exoskeleton. The collected data is further processed by the data acquisition and processing software. Next, we describe the principles of Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and Gaussian mixture regression (GMR) in robot skill learning, which are used to transfer the raw data from demonstrations to robot motions. In the experiment, an optimized trajectory was learned from multiple demonstrations and reproduced on a robot. The results show that the GMR complemented with GMM is able to learn a smooth trajectory from demonstration trajectories with noise.
... was optimized at 10 Hz with the latest operator intention prediction and vigilance estimation results. As the foundation of our implementation, a primal-dual interior-point solver, proposed in Ruppel and Zhang (2020), was used to solve the optimization problem. One example trajectory during the experiment is shown in Figure 4. ...
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In human-robot collaboration scenarios with shared workspaces, a highly desired performance boost is offset by high requirements for human safety, limiting speed and torque of the robot drives to levels which cannot harm the human body. Especially for complex tasks with flexible human behavior, it becomes vital to maintain safe working distances and coordinate tasks efficiently. An established approach in this regard is reactive servo in response to the current human pose. However, such an approach does not exploit expectations of the human’s behavior and can therefore fail to react to fast human motions in time. To adapt the robot’s behavior as soon as possible, predicting human intention early becomes a factor which is vital but hard to achieve. Here, we employ a recently developed type of brain-computer interface (BCI) which can detect the focus of the human’s overt attention as a predictor for impending action. In contrast to other types of BCI, direct projection of stimuli onto the workspace facilitates a seamless integration in workflows. Moreover, we demonstrate how the signal-to-noise ratio of the brain response can be used to adjust the velocity of the robot movements to the vigilance or alertness level of the human. Analyzing this adaptive system with respect to performance and safety margins in a physical robot experiment, we found the proposed method could improve both collaboration efficiency and safety distance.
The recent wealth of discoveries in deep learning has coincided with the development of specialized automatic differentiation frameworks which can efficiently propagate gradients through repeating structures in artificial neural networks. For model-based approaches, automatic differentiation still performs relatively poorly and it is common to formulate gradients manually or to focus on low-dimensional problems. To accelerate research into model-based control of high-DOF robots such as humanoids with articulated hands and to enable hybrid approaches that combine model-based methods with deep learning, we develop a novel automatic differentiation framework that can evaluate gradients of robot models around previous candidate solutions multiple times faster than state-of-the-art methods.Keywordsautomatic differentiationmachine learningrobot control
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We use reinforcement learning (RL) to learn dexterous in-hand manipulation policies that can perform vision-based object reorientation on a physical Shadow Dexterous Hand. The training is performed in a simulated environment in which we randomize many of the physical properties of the system such as friction coefficients and an object’s appearance. Our policies transfer to the physical robot despite being trained entirely in simulation. Our method does not rely on any human demonstrations, but many behaviors found in human manipulation emerge naturally, including finger gaiting, multi-finger coordination, and the controlled use of gravity. Our results were obtained using the same distributed RL system that was used to train OpenAI Five. We also include a video of our results: .
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Squared planar markers have become a popular method for pose estimation in applications such as autonomous robots, unmanned vehicles and virtual trainers. The markers allow estimating the position of a monocular camera with minimal cost, high robustness, and speed. One only needs to create markers with a regular printer, place them in the desired environment so as to cover the working area, and then registering their location from a set of images. Nevertheless, marker detection is a time-consuming process, especially as the image dimensions grows. Modern cameras are able to acquire high resolutions images, but fiducial marker systems are not adapted in terms of computing speed. This paper proposes a multi-scale strategy for speeding up marker detection in video sequences by wisely selecting the most appropriate scale for detection, identification and corner estimation. The experiments conducted show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods without sacrificing accuracy or robustness. Our method is up to 40 times faster than the state-of-the-art method, achieving over 1000 fps in 4 K images without any parallelization.