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Genetic variation and exercise-induced muscle damage: implications for athletic performance, injury and ageing


Abstract and Figures

Prolonged unaccustomed exercise involving muscle lengthening (eccentric) actions can result in ultrastructural muscle disruption, impaired excitation-contraction coupling, inflammation and muscle protein degradation. This process is associated with delayed onset muscle soreness and is referred to as exercise-induced muscle damage. Although a certain amount of muscle damage may be necessary for adaptation to occur, excessive damage or inadequate recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage can increase injury risk, particularly in older individuals, who experience more damage and require longer to recover from muscle damaging exercise than younger adults. Furthermore, it is apparent that inter-individual variation exists in the response to exercise-induced muscle damage, and there is evidence that genetic variability may play a key role. Although this area of research is in its infancy, certain gene variations, or polymorphisms have been associated with exercise-induced muscle damage (i.e. individuals with certain genotypes experience greater muscle damage, and require longer recovery, following strenuous exercise). These polymorphisms include ACTN3 (R577X, rs1815739), TNF (-308 G>A, rs1800629), IL6 (-174 G>C, rs1800795), and IGF2 (ApaI, 17200 G>A, rs680). Knowing how someone is likely to respond to a particular type of exercise could help coaches/practitioners individualise the exercise training of their athletes/patients, thus maximising recovery and adaptation, while reducing overload-associated injury risk. The purpose of this review is to provide a critical analysis of the literature concerning gene polymorphisms associated with exercise-induced muscle damage, both in young and older individuals, and to highlight the potential mechanisms underpinning these associations, thus providing a better understanding of exercise-induced muscle damage.
Proposed changes in sarcomere structure during stretch–shortening cycle movements and purely eccentric actions, focussing on α-actinin (highlighted in red and underlined). The left-hand side shows the sarcomere longitudinally in a quasi-3D model at rest, and the α-actinin elongation during purely eccentric actions, and stretch–shortening cycle movements (1). The right-hand side illustrates the sarcomere cross-section at the level of the Z-line (2). At rest, α-actinin is set to roughly 90° between the antiparallel actin filaments, while under active tension, the space between the antiparallel actin filaments increases and α-actinin is stretched to a basket-weave lattice (Gautel 2011). Alpha-actinin is thought to play a key role in the longitudinal (via the anchoring of actin filaments to the Z-line) and lateral (via costamere fibre-to-fibre interaction) transmission of muscle fibre force (Hughes et al. 2015; Yang and Xu 2012). Moreover, human type II muscle fibres from ACTN3 XX homozygotes (where α-actinin-3 deficiency is compensated by the presence of α-actinin-2) are less stiff than type II muscle fibres from ACTN3 R-allele carriers (Broos et al. 2012). Thus, it is likely that α-actinin-2 is able to store more energy than α-actinin-3 during the active stretch phase of the stretch–shortening cycle, which is released during the shortening phase (Kjær 2004; Yang and Xu 2012). We propose that stretch–shortening cycle movements increase the actin filament spacing to a greater extent compared to purely eccentric actions, thus elongating α-actinin to become almost completely straight at peak eccentric force. Individuals with α-actinin-3 deficiency (ACTN3 XX homozygotes) might, therefore, benefit from having a more elastic Z-line during stretch–shortening cycle movements compared to R-allele carriers (Broos et al. 2012), resulting in a reduced damage response to stretch–shortening movements (Venckunas et al. 2012). Figure adapted from Gautel (2011) (color figure online)
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Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
DOI 10.1007/s00421-016-3411-1
Genetic variation and exercise‑induced muscle damage:
implications for athletic performance, injury and ageing
Philipp Baumert1 · Mark J. Lake1 · Claire E. Stewart1 · Barry Drust1 ·
Robert M. Erskine1
Received: 22 December 2015 / Accepted: 3 June 2016 / Published online: 13 June 2016
© The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
particular type of exercise could help coaches/practition-
ers individualise the exercise training of their athletes/
patients, thus maximising recovery and adaptation, while
reducing overload-associated injury risk. The purpose
of this review is to provide a critical analysis of the lit-
erature concerning gene polymorphisms associated with
exercise-induced muscle damage, both in young and
older individuals, and to highlight the potential mecha-
nisms underpinning these associations, thus providing a
better understanding of exercise-induced muscle damage.
Keywords Exercise-induced muscle damage · Delayed
onset muscle soreness · Single nucleotide polymorphism ·
Creatine kinase · Elderly
ACE Angiotensin-I converting enzyme
ACTN3 Gene that encodes the α-actinin-3 protein
CCL2 Chemokine (C–C motif) ligand-2
CCR2 Chemokine (C–C motif) receptor type-2
CK Creatine kinase
COL Gene that encodes the collagen protein
IGF Insulin-like growth factor
IL Interleukin
mRNA Messenger ribonucleic acid
MyoD Myogenic differentiation factor
NF-κB Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of
activated B cells
Pax7 Paired box protein-7
ROS Reactive oxygen species
SLC30A8 Gene that encodes the solute carrier family 30
(zinc transporter) member eight protein
SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism
TNF Tumour necrosis factor
Abstract Prolonged unaccustomed exercise involv-
ing muscle lengthening (eccentric) actions can result in
ultrastructural muscle disruption, impaired excitation–
contraction coupling, inflammation and muscle protein
degradation. This process is associated with delayed
onset muscle soreness and is referred to as exercise-
induced muscle damage. Although a certain amount
of muscle damage may be necessary for adaptation to
occur, excessive damage or inadequate recovery from
exercise-induced muscle damage can increase injury
risk, particularly in older individuals, who experience
more damage and require longer to recover from muscle
damaging exercise than younger adults. Furthermore, it
is apparent that inter-individual variation exists in the
response to exercise-induced muscle damage, and there
is evidence that genetic variability may play a key role.
Although this area of research is in its infancy, certain
gene variations, or polymorphisms have been associated
with exercise-induced muscle damage (i.e. individu-
als with certain genotypes experience greater muscle
damage, and require longer recovery, following strenu-
ous exercise). These polymorphisms include ACTN3
(R577X, rs1815739), TNF (308 G>A, rs1800629), IL6
(174 G>C, rs1800795), and IGF2 (ApaI, 17200 G>A,
rs680). Knowing how someone is likely to respond to a
Communicated by Nigel A. S. Taylor.
* Robert M. Erskine
1 Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool
John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
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People who engage in unaccustomed, strenuous physical
exercise can experience stiff or sore muscles, a feeling that
is usually apparent for 24–72 h after exercise. This phe-
nomenon is known as delayed onset muscle soreness. Sev-
eral investigations have revealed that these unaccustomed
eccentric actions, during which the muscle is lengthened
while it is active, provoke stiffer and more tender muscles
compared to concentric or isometric contractions (Arm-
strong 1984; Armstrong et al. 1991). These contractions are
strongly associated with damage to skeletal muscle consist-
ing of structural disruption of sarcomeres, disturbed excita-
tion–contraction coupling and calcium signalling, leading
to an inflammatory response and the activation of several
muscle protein degradation pathways. This process has
been referred to as exercise-induced muscle damage (Hyl-
dahl and Hubal 2014; Peake et al. 2005) and is normally
accompanied by swelling, and a temporary reduction in
both maximum strength and range of motion (Baird et al.
2012; Brown et al. 1999; Clarkson et al. 1992). Circulating
muscle-specific proteins [e.g., creatine kinase (CK), myo-
globin and α-actin] are commonly used to indicate exer-
cise-induced muscle damage (Huerta-Alardín et al. 2005;
Martinez Amat et al. 2007), whereas tenascin-C is thought
to be an indicator for disruption of the overlying connective
tissue and the extracellular matrix (Flück et al. 2003).
Exercise-induced muscle damage can be divided into
the initial damage phase, which occurs during the exercise
bout, and the secondary damage phase, which is linked
with the delayed inflammatory response (Kuipers 1994;
Howatson and Van Someren 2008). These phases are even-
tually followed by muscle remodelling (Flann et al. 2011;
Thiebaud 2012; Tidball 2005). Although there is evidence
to suggest that a certain amount of muscle damage is a
positive stimulus for muscle restructuring, hypertrophy
and strength gains (Roig et al. 2008), in rare cases, strenu-
ous unaccustomed exercise can lead to exertional rhabdo-
myolysis, which is characterised by muscle fibre necrosis
(Warren et al. 2002b). Intracellular muscle contents leak
into the circulation and extracellular fluid, which can lead
to kidney failure or even to death (Knochel 1990; Clarkson
et al. 2005b). Furthermore, the response to muscle damage
seems to be age-dependent. There is evidence to suggest
that older people are more susceptible to muscle damage
compared to young adults, which is reflected by impaired
muscle regeneration and hampered remodelling (Conceição
et al. 2012; Peake et al. 2010; Snijders et al. 2009).
From the plethora of studies that have investigated exer-
cise-induced muscle damage, it is apparent that variability
in the response to muscle damaging exercise exists between
(Vincent et al. 2010; Clarkson et al. 2005b) and within
studies (Nosaka and Clarkson 1996). Variations between
studies can occur due to different study population, age,
gender and a small sample size (Eynon et al. 2013; Toft
et al. 2002). However, intra-study variation within a
homogenous cohort warrants further consideration, with
evidence to suggest that genetic variability may play a role.
Some genes have common variations in sequence, known
as polymorphisms, which, depending on where this poly-
morphism occurs within the gene, can directly affect gene
expression and ultimately the amount of protein produced.
The most common type of sequence variation is a single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), where one nucleotide
substitutes another. Another type of common sequence
variation is the insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphism,
in which a specific nucleotide sequence is present (inser-
tion) or absent (deletion) from the allele. Some polymor-
phisms can modify the protein product, thus potentially
altering function. It follows, therefore, that polymorphisms
of genes encoding key proteins in the muscle–tendon unit
(such as the ACTN3 R577X SNP) have implications for the
ability to recover from strenuous exercise, thus influencing
the risk of injury. This may be particularly relevant in elite
athlete groups, who are known to have different genetic
profiles compared to the general population (Yang et al.
2003; Myerson et al. 1999). Moreover, specific gene poly-
morphisms (e.g. COL1A1 rs1800012, COL5A1 rs12722,
rs3196378, MMP3 rs679620, rs591058 and rs650108) have
been associated with tendon/ligament injury prevalence
(e.g., Achilles tendinopathy/rupture and anterior cruciate
ligament rupture) (Bell et al. 2012; Laguette et al. 2011;
Collins and Raleigh 2009). However, very little is known
about the potential genetic association with muscle damage
and muscle regeneration in response to muscle damaging
exercise, either in young or older people, or the mecha-
nisms that underpin that association.
As older people appear to be more susceptible to exer-
cise-induced muscle damage than younger adults (Jiménez-
Jiménez et al. 2008; Manfredi et al. 1991; Fielding et al.
1991; Roth et al. 2000), older people with a genetic predis-
position to greater muscle damage, may be at a greater risk
of developing muscle–tendon unit injury (Laguette et al.
2011; September et al. 2007). As a result, these individuals
may experience prolonged disuse and therefore increased
ageing-associated muscle atrophy (i.e., sarcopaenia), which
is associated with reductions in strength and quality of life.
Knowing who requires longer to recover from a bout of
strenuous exercise, may help practitioners prescribe per-
sonalised exercise medicine to their patients, thus optimis-
ing health and reducing the risk of injury and further mus-
cle wasting. One of the greatest challenges facing exercise
genetic research is the investigation of functionally relevant
genetic variation and of their mechanisms of action. The
aims of this review are to (1) provide a critical review of
the current literature on exercise-induced muscle damage
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and, therefore, to improve our understanding of the differ-
ent phases of the responses to muscle damaging exercise;
(2) emphasise those studies that have investigated the asso-
ciation between genetic variation and muscle damage, both
in young and older people; and (3) propose mechanistic
explanations that may underpin these associations.
Genetic variation and the initial phase
of exercise‑induced muscle damage
Exercise-induced muscle damage can result in damage
to the ultrastructure of the muscle fibre (including Z-line
streaming), to the extracellular matrix, and to overextended
sarcomeres and t-tubules of skeletal muscle tissue (Brown
et al. 1997b; Kjær 2004; Friden and Lieber 1992, 2001;
Friden et al. 1981). Structural disruption of sarcomeres is
thought to be caused by the heterogeneity of sarcomere
length (Morgan 1990) and, consequently, some sarcom-
eres resist eccentric actions more than others (Allen et al.
2005; Friden et al. 1981). Prolonged strain causes weaker
sarcomeres to be stretched beyond the optimum overlap of
actin and myosin filaments (Fig. 1). This results in popped
sarcomeres and appears as a broadening, smearing or even
disruption of the Z-lines. Interestingly, the thinnest Z-lines
are detected in the faster (type II) muscle fibres, which
generate the highest shortening velocities, and the widest
Z-lines are found in slow (type I) muscle fibres (Knoll et al.
2011). Consequently, fast-twitch fibres are more sensitive
than slow twitch fibres to Z-disk streaming (Proske and
Morgan 2001; Appell et al. 1992). This mechanical damage
is one mechanism by which a prolonged loss of strength
occurs immediately after excessive strain (Cheung et al.
2003; Hyldahl and Hubal 2014; Friden and Lieber 1992).
The transmission of muscle fibre force to the tendon
(leading to joint movement) occurs not only in the longi-
tudinal direction in line with the direction of pull of the
tendon, but also in the lateral direction (between adjacent
fibres to the overlying connective tissue and extracellular
matrix) (Kjær 2004; Hughes et al. 2015). The extracellular
matrix in skeletal muscle provides structural and biochemi-
cal support to the contractile tissue, and is associated with
the inflammatory response and satellite cell activation (see
Skeletal muscle remodelling following exercise-induced
Fig. 1 Initial phase of exercise-induced muscle damage. Due to dif-
ferent abilities of each sarcomere to resist eccentric actions, some
of the sarcomeres will be stretched beyond the optimum overlap of
actin and myosin filaments, resulting in Z-line streaming (Morgan,
1990) (1). This is accompanied by increased permeability of the
sarcolemma (2). Extracellular Ca2+ influx into the muscle fibre acti-
vates different Ca2+-sensitive proteases (calpains). Calpain activation
leads to proteolysis of cytoskeletal and costameric proteins (Thiebaud
2012) (3). However, a failure of excitation–contraction coupling also
seems to play an important role in strength loss following strenuous
exercise, as murine muscle exposed to caffeine revealed an attenuated
loss of muscle strength (Warren et al. 1993) (4). Figure adapted from
Hyldahl and Hubal (2014)
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muscle damage”) (Hyldahl and Hubal 2014; Kjær 2004).
The relative proportion of different collagen subtypes in
the extracellular matrix of skeletal muscle and tendon var-
ies depending on the position and function of the connect-
ing tissues (Kjær 2004; Duance et al. 1977; Davis et al.
2013). The contractile apparatus is connected to the extra-
cellular matrix by costameres (structural complexes com-
prising proteins such as dystrophin, focal adhesion kinase
and integrins) and by intermediate filament proteins, such
as desmin (Hughes et al. 2015). According to Ramaswamy
et al. (2011), more than 80 % of muscle force is transferred
via this lateral pathway. Thus, costameres, intermediate fil-
ament proteins and the extracellular matrix are considered
essential for the integrity of skeletal muscle and the main-
tenance of lateral force transmission. Furthermore, they
are thought to play an important role in injury prevention
by stabilising the myofilaments (Lovering and De Deyne
2004; Stauber et al. 1990; Hughes et al. 2015). The degra-
dation of cytoskeletal, costameric and extracellular matrix
proteins could negatively influence the lateral transmis-
sion of force between adjacent muscle fibres, which could,
at least in part, be the source of the prolonged decrease
of maximum strength seen following strenuous exercise
(Raastad et al. 2010).
Activation of Ca2+ proteases (calpains) appears to play
an important part in the muscle damage–repair process.
Damage to the sarcolemma results in the accumulation of
excess intracellular Ca2+, which activates different calcium-
sensitive proteases, localised predominantly at the I band
and Z disk regions of myofibrils (Belcastro et al. 1998). The
activation results in proteolysis within minutes of cytoskel-
etal and costameric proteins (Thiebaud 2012; Lovering and
De Deyne 2004; Boppart et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2008;
Allen et al. 2005), and calpain activity is still measurable
three days after exercise-induced muscle damage (Raastad
et al. 2010). This intra- and extracellular damage requires
the removal and repair of the damaged proteins, and is there-
fore followed by an inflammatory response and by activa-
tion of the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway (see “Genetic var-
iation and the secondary phase of exercise-induced muscle
damage”) (Wei et al. 2005; Tidball 2005). However, the loss
of strength after eccentric muscle contractions was reversed
by exposing murine muscle to caffeine (Balnave and Allen
1995; Warren et al. 1993). Caffeine facilitates the influx of
free intracellular Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum into the
cytosol of the muscle (Warren et al. 1993; Proske and Mor-
gan 2001). This phenomenon cannot be explained by dam-
age to the sarcomere, so it can be concluded that sarcomere
damage is not the only cause of strength loss, as impaired
ECC also appears to play a role (Cheung et al. 2003; Hyl-
dahl and Hubal 2014). Increased permeability of the sarco-
lemma, due to damaged muscle fibre structure, metabolic
disturbance, and fibre remodelling, is likely to be the main
reason for elevated plasma CK and myoglobin (Kjær 2004;
Baird et al. 2012).
A repeated bout of the same eccentric exercise causes
significantly fewer symptoms, such as a lower sensation
of pain and almost no increase in serum CK activity plus
faster recovery of muscle function (Brown et al. 1997a).
This well-established phenomenon is referred to as the
repeated bout effect and can last up to six months (Nosaka
et al. 2001). A repeated bout of strength training results
in a different expression of genes, which are involved in
pro- and anti-inflammatory responses, leading to reduced
inflammation (Gordon et al. 2012). There is also evidence
that the repeated bout effect, at least in part, is based on
restructuring of the muscle after damage (McHugh 2003).
Likewise, extracellular matrix remodelling is believed to be
associated with protection of skeletal muscle against future
damage, which is indicated by an increase in gene expres-
sion of collagen types I and III and laminin-β2 (Mackey
et al. 2011). This is thought to occur in line with muscle
remodelling of intermediate filaments and the addition of
sarcomeres in series (leading to longer fibres) (Friden et al.
1984; Armstrong 1990; Hyldahl and Hubal 2014).
Considering all of the above, candidate SNPs influenc-
ing the initial phase of contraction-induced damage are
likely to be functional SNPs of genes encoding key struc-
tural proteins within the sarcomere, the extracellular matrix
and the costameric protein complexes linking the two. The
following sections will highlight the evidence to support
this hypothesis. Table 1 summarises every candidate SNP
that has been discussed in this review.
Alpha‑actinin‑3 R577X polymorphism and the initial
phase of exercise‑induced muscle damage
Of all the polymorphisms that have been associated with
exercise-induced muscle damage, the most investigated is
the ACTN3 R577X SNP (Clarkson et al. 2005b; Deuster
et al. 2013; Pimenta et al. 2012; Seto et al. 2011; Venckunas
et al. 2012; Vincent et al. 2010) (Table 1). The protein iso-
forms, α-actinin-2 and α-actinin-3, are crucial components
of the Z-line in mammalian skeletal muscle and anchor
actin filaments to the Z-lines, cross-linking the thin fila-
ments to the adjacent sarcomeres (Mills et al. 2001; North
et al. 1999; Blanchard et al. 1989). Whilst α-actinin-2 is
ubiquitously expressed in skeletal muscle, α-actinin-3 is
only expressed in fast-twitch fibres of human skeletal mus-
cle (North and Beggs 1996; North et al. 1999). A functional
SNP (rs1815739; substitution of a C with a T nucleotide)
results in an abortive stop codon (X-allele) rather than the
expression of the amino acid arginine (R-allele) at amino
acid 577 of exon 16 on chromosome 11, resulting in an
individual being either RR, RX or XX genotype. As a con-
sequence, XX homozygotes are not able to express the
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Table 1 Gene polymorphisms associated with exercise-induced muscle damage
Gene polymorphism Subjects Exercise performed ‘Protective’ allele References
ACE (I/D) (rs4646994) Moderately active young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions D Yamin et al. (2007)
Physically active young men and women Step up exercise for 5 min followed by 15 knee
bends with a backpack weighted at 30 % of their
body weight
Heled et al. 2007
ACTN3 R577X (rs1815739) Untrained healthy young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions Clarkson et al. (2005b)
Untrained healthy young men 4 series of 20 bilateral maximal eccentric knee
R Vincent et al. (2010)
Wild type and Actn3 knockout mice Eccentric contractions on isolated extensor digito-
rum longus muscles at 30 % stretch
R Seto et al. (2011)
Professional male soccer athletes Plyometric leg exercise R Pimenta et al. (2012)
Moderately active young men Two bouts of 50 drop jumps separated by two weeks X Venckunas et al. (2012)
Male and female patients Retrospective cohort study for risk of exertional
R Deuster et al. (2013)
Female athletes Retrospective cohort study for risk of muscle injury X Iwao-Koizumi et al. (2014)
CCL2 3441(C>T) (rs3917878) Untrained healthy young males and females 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions C Hubal et al. (2010)
CCL2 289 (G>C) (rs2857656) Elite soccer players Retrospective cohort study for risk of non-contact
musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries
C Pruna et al. (2013)
CCR2 941(A>C) (rs3918358) Healthy untrained men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions A Hubal et al. (2010)
CCR2 4439 (T>C) (rs1799865) Healthy untrained men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions T Hubal et al. (2010)
CKM Ncol (A>G) (rs1803285) Moderately active young men and women Step up exercise for 5 min followed by 15 knee
bends with a backpack weighted at 30 % of their
body weight
G Heled et al. (2007)
Moderately active young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions Yamin et al. (2010)
Healthy men and women of different ages 4–21 km running race Miranda-Vilela et al. (2012)
Male and female patients Retrospective cohort study for risk of exertional
A Deuster et al. (2013)
IGF2 13790 (C>G) (rs3213221) Healthy untrained men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions C Devaney et al. (2007)
IGF2 17200 (G>A) (rs680) Healthy untrained men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions G Devaney et al. (2007)
IGF2AS 1364 (A>C) (rs4244808) Healthy untrained men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions C Devaney et al. (2007)
IGF2AS 11711 (G>T) (rs7924316) Healthy untrained men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions G Devaney et al. (2007)
IL1B 3737 (C>T) (rs4848306) Healthy untrained men 3 sets of 8 contractions at 80 % of the subject’s
maximal voluntary contraction followed by a 4th
set to voluntary failure for leg press, leg curl, and
leg extension, respectively
C Dennis et al. (2004)
IL1B 511 (C>T) (rs16944) Healthy untrained men 3 sets of 8 contractions at 80 % of the subject’s
maximal voluntary contraction followed by a 4th
set to voluntary failure for leg press, leg curl, and
leg extension, respectively
Dennis et al. (2004)
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Table 1 continued
Gene polymorphism Subjects Exercise performed ‘Protective’ allele References
(Non-) professional athletes versus control Cross-sectional study Cauci et al. (2010)
IL1B 3954 (C>T) (rs1143634) Healthy untrained men 3 sets of 8 contractions at 80 % of the subject’s
maximal voluntary contraction followed by a 4th
set to voluntary failure for leg press, leg curl, and
leg extension, respectively
T Dennis et al. (2004)
(Non-) Professional athletes versus control Cross-sectional study Cauci et al. (2010)
IL6 174 (G>C) (rs1800795) Moderately active young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions G Yamin et al. (2008)
Male and female patients Retrospective cohort study for risk of exertional
Deuster et al. (2013)
Older obese women 7 sets of 10 bilateral eccentric knee extensions with
a load corresponding to 110 % of 10-repetition
C Funghetto et al. (2013)
INS 1045 (C>G) (rs3842748) Healthy untrained men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions C Devaney et al. (2007)
MLCK 49 (C>T) (rs2700352) Untrained healthy young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions C Clarkson et al. (2005b)
MLCK 37885 (C>A) (rs28497577) Untrained healthy young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions C Clarkson et al. (2005b)
Male and female patients Retrospective cohort study for risk of exertional
C Deuster et al. (2013)
OPN 66 (T>G) (rs28357094) Healthy untrained men and women 24 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions T Barfield et al. (2014)
SLC30A8 (C>T) (rs13266634) Untrained healthy young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions T Sprouse et al. (2014)
SOD2 (C>T) (rs4880) Healthy male and female volunteers of different
4–21 km running race C Akimoto et al. (2010)
TNF 308 (G>A) (rs1800629) Moderately active young men and women 50 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions A Yamin et al. (2008)
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protein α-actinin-3 (MacArthur and North 2004; North
and Beggs 1996; North et al. 1999). A sub-section of the
population is XX homozygous, ranging from less than 1 %
in African Bantus to 18 % in Europeans, to 25 % in Asian
populations (Mills et al. 2001). Absence of α-actinin-3 does
not result in a disease phenotype due to compensatory up-
regulation of α-actinin-2 (North et al. 1999) but there is evi-
dence that this nonsense SNP affects physical performance
(Erskine et al. 2014; Niemi and Majamaa 2005; Clarkson
et al. 2005a; Moran et al. 2007).
The ACTN3 XX genotype has been associated with
smaller muscle volume (Erskine et al. 2014), slower base-
line sprint times (Niemi and Majamaa 2005; Moran et al.
2007), lower strength (Erskine et al. 2014; Clarkson et al.
2005a), and lower muscle power (Clarkson et al. 2005a;
Seto et al. 2011; Walsh et al. 2008; Moran et al. 2007;
Erskine et al. 2014). These findings are supported by Actn3
knock-out mouse models, demonstrating a shift in the
properties of fast muscle fibres towards a more oxidative
fast fibre profile, lower muscle strength, reduced mass and
decreased diameter of IIb fibres (Chan et al. 2011; MacAr-
thur et al. 2007, 2008). Strong evidence has been presented
that, as a consequence of the up-regulation of α-actinin-2 in
XX homozygotes, more calsarcin-2 is bound to α-actinin-2
and less to calcineurin (Seto et al. 2013). The binding affin-
ity of calsarcin-2, which functions as an inhibitor of cal-
cineurin activation, is greater for α-actinin-2 compared to
α-actinin-3. Consequently, a higher level of free calcineu-
rin is able to activate the downstream signalling of the
slow myogenic programme. Given the larger size, higher
force and power generating capacity, and lower fatigue
resistance of type II fibres compared to type I fibres (Bot-
tinelli et al. 1996), the evidence presented by Seto et al.
(2013) provides a mechanistic explanation for the associa-
tions between ACTN3 genotype and muscle size, strength,
power, and endurance phenotypes.
Recent investigations have suggested that α-actinin-3
may be evolutionarily optimised for the minimization of
muscle damage (Yang et al. 2003). The majority of the
human studies support the hypothesis that XX homozy-
gotes are more susceptible to strenuous exercise com-
pared to their RR or RX counterparts (Pimenta et al. 2012;
Vincent et al. 2010; Deuster et al. 2013). For instance,
ACTN3 XX homozygotes are approximately three times
more likely to develop exertional rhabdomyolysis com-
pared to people of RR or RX genotypes (Deuster et al.
2013). However, other studies have revealed no differences
between ACTN3 genotypes regarding markers of muscle
damage (Clarkson et al. 2005b), or have shown contrary
effects post-exercise (Venckunas et al. 2012) or in muscle
injury risk (Iwao-Koizumi et al. 2014). The cross-sectional
study of Clarkson et al. (2005b) revealed no differences in
strength loss but a lower baseline CK activity in the blood
in ACTN3 XX homozygotes compared to carriers of the
ACTN3 R-allele. These baseline differences in CK activity
may have been due to ACTN3 genotype-dependent differ-
ences in muscle mass (i.e., smaller muscle volume in XX
homozygotes versus R-allele carriers) (Erskine et al. 2014).
Movements with repeated stretch–shortening cycles,
eccentric followed by immediate concentric muscle con-
traction) (Venckunas et al. 2012) seem to have a different
demand profile for the muscle–tendon unit compared to
purely eccentric actions (Fig. 2) (Seto et al. 2011; Vincent
et al. 2010). Due to the fact that α-actinin is linked to both
the longitudinal and lateral transmission of force (Hughes
et al. 2015; Yang and Xu 2012), we propose that α-actinin-3
deficiency (XX genotype) with a more elastic Z-line (Broos
et al. 2012) might result in benefits to stretch–shortening
cycle movements compared to R-allele carriers. Although
stretch–shortening cycle includes an eccentric element,
contrary to the type of maximal eccentric contractions typi-
cally used in exercise-induced muscle damage studies, the
force and the eccentric phase involved in the active braking
phase of stretch–shortening cycles are generally fast and
of short duration (Nicol et al. 2006). Interestingly, muscle
activation decreases with increasing velocity in the eccen-
tric phase under the stretch–shortening cycle conditions
(Benoit and Dowling 2006), which indicates that other
non-contractile (elastic) structures, such as the extracellu-
lar matrix/tendon, might provide important contribution to
the power output by storing energy (Kjær 2004; Yang and
Xu 2012). Indeed, a highly compliant elastic musculoten-
dinous system is thought to elevate the use of elastic strain
energy in stretch–shortening cycle movements (Wilson
et al. 1991). Thus, individually performed eccentric actions
with greater longitudinal force transmission might damage
the link between the contractile structure and the Z-line,
which might activate the calpain system to a greater extent.
The transmission of muscle fibre force to the ten-
don may occur faster by the stiffer Z-line including
α-actinin-3 in the longitudinal direction (Hughes et al.
2015; Broos et al. 2012) and, also, might reduce muscle
damage in eccentric actions performed without a stretch–
shortening cycle compared to the α-actinin-3 deficient
fibres (Seto et al. 2011; Vincent et al. 2010). Head et al.
(2015) revealed a significantly increased sarcoplasmic
reticulum Ca2+ pumping and leakage in ACTN3 XX
homozygotes, which was probably due to a higher expres-
sion of the specific Ca2+ channel sarco(endo)plasmic
reticulum calcium-adenosine-triphosphatase-1 gene, and
of the Ca2+ binding proteins, calsequestrin and sarcalu-
menin, in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Head et al. 2015).
Increased dynamics with elevated intracellular Ca2+ lev-
els during and after exertional muscle damage may lead
to increased cytoskeletal damage and membrane disrup-
tion (Zhang et al. 2008; Head et al. 2015; Quinlan et al.
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1602 Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
2010). Muscle damage induced by exclusively performed
eccentric actions might lead to increased desmin deg-
radation (Yu 2013), which results in fewer connections
with the extracellular matrix and adjacent myofibrils,
and could be an explanation for the higher susceptibil-
ity of XX homozygotes in this mode of exercise. Taken
together, the different effect of the ACTN3 R577X SNP
in diverse mode of exercises could explain the fact that
studies show mixed results. This may be why there are
differences in ACTN3 genotype frequency in short and
long distance athletes of stretch–shortening cycle-related
sports (e.g., running) (Yang et al. 2003), whereas both
short and long distance athletes in power sports, com-
monly carried out without stretch–shortening cycles
(e.g., swimming), show no difference in genotype/allele
frequency distribution (Ben-Zaken et al. 2015). This
demonstrates why future studies should not only distin-
guish between power and endurance athletes, but should
focus on sport-specific movements when investigating
the association with genetic variation.
Fig. 2 Proposed changes in sarcomere structure during stretch–
shortening cycle movements and purely eccentric actions, focus-
sing on α-actinin (highlighted in red and underlined). The left-hand
side shows the sarcomere longitudinally in a quasi-3D model at
rest, and the α-actinin elongation during purely eccentric actions,
and stretch–shortening cycle movements (1). The right-hand side
illustrates the sarcomere cross-section at the level of the Z-line (2).
At rest, α-actinin is set to roughly 90° between the antiparallel actin
filaments, while under active tension, the space between the antipar-
allel actin filaments increases and α-actinin is stretched to a basket-
weave lattice (Gautel 2011). Alpha-actinin is thought to play a key
role in the longitudinal (via the anchoring of actin filaments to the
Z-line) and lateral (via costamere fibre-to-fibre interaction) transmis-
sion of muscle fibre force (Hughes et al. 2015; Yang and Xu 2012).
Moreover, human type II muscle fibres from ACTN3 XX homozy-
gotes (where α-actinin-3 deficiency is compensated by the presence
of α-actinin-2) are less stiff than type II muscle fibres from ACTN3
R-allele carriers (Broos et al. 2012). Thus, it is likely that α-actinin-2
is able to store more energy than α-actinin-3 during the active stretch
phase of the stretch–shortening cycle, which is released during the
shortening phase (Kjær 2004; Yang and Xu 2012). We propose that
stretch–shortening cycle movements increase the actin filament spac-
ing to a greater extent compared to purely eccentric actions, thus
elongating α-actinin to become almost completely straight at peak
eccentric force. Individuals with α-actinin-3 deficiency (ACTN3 XX
homozygotes) might, therefore, benefit from having a more elas-
tic Z-line during stretch–shortening cycle movements compared to
R-allele carriers (Broos et al. 2012), resulting in a reduced damage
response to stretch–shortening movements (Venckunas et al. 2012).
Figure adapted from Gautel (2011) (color figure online)
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1 3
Myosin light chain kinase polymorphisms and the
initial phase of exercise‑induced muscle damage
Every myosin head is connected with two light chains on
the long lever arm, which are known as the essential and
the regulatory light chains. In skeletal and cardiac mus-
cles of mammals, troponin and tropomyosin have the role
of triggering the contraction following the increase in free
cytosolic Ca2+, while the regulatory light chain modulates
Ca2+ activation (Sweeney et al. 1993; Cheung et al. 2003;
Lossie et al. 2014). Repeated Ca2+ influx due to muscu-
lar contraction activates myosin light chain kinase, and
this enzyme phosphorylates the regulatory light chains. It
has been shown that regulatory light chain phosphoryla-
tion results in increased Ca2+ sensitivity (Szczesna et al.
2002), which increases the rate of force development pre-
dominantly in type II muscle fibres (Childers and McDon-
ald 2004). This might be the result of an increased number
of force-generating cross-bridges. However, the increased
force output by light chain phosphorylation might also
result in elevated muscle damage, which has been shown in
skinned fast-twitch fibres (Childers and McDonald 2004).
Two different SNPs of the myosin light chain
kinase gene [49 (C>T) (rs2700352) and 37885 (C>A)
(rs28497577)] have been investigated concerning exercise-
induced muscle damage (Clarkson et al. 2005b). T-allele
carriers of the 49 (C>T) SNP have shown increased base-
line strength in comparison to CC carriers but TT homozy-
gotes revealed increased circulatory levels of the muscle
damage biomarkers (CK and myoglobin) following eccen-
tric exercise. Furthermore, A-allele carriers of the 37885
(C>A) SNP have revealed greater muscle strength loss and
increased plasma CK following strenuous exercise. This
is in line with the findings of Deuster et al. (2013), who
showed that exertional rhabdomyolysis cases are about five
times more likely for the A-allele of the 37885 (C>A) SNP
of the myosin light chain kinase gene compared to carri-
ers of the C-allele. The mechanisms, however, are unclear.
Clarkson et al. (2005b) suggested that these SNPs may
alter regulatory light chain phosphorylation, thus leading to
higher muscle strain and subsequently greater muscle dam-
age following strenuous exercise.
Muscle‑specific creatine kinase polymorphisms and the
initial phase of exercise‑induced muscle damage
The creatine kinase enzyme is expressed in the cytosol
and mitochondria of tissues with high energy consump-
tion (e.g., skeletal muscle fibres). The cytosolic enzyme is
composed of the two subunits muscle type (M) and brain
type (B), which provide three different combination pos-
sibilities: CK-BB (predominantly in brain), CK-MB (in
cardiac muscle) and CK-MM (in skeletal muscle). Skeletal
muscle-specific CK is bound to the M-line structure and to
the sarcoplasmic reticulum of myofibrils (Wallimann et al.
1992; Brancaccio et al. 2007). In healthy individuals, most
serum CK consists of skeletal muscle CK (Brancaccio et al.
2007). Creatine kinase can leak from muscle fibres into the
circulation following the mechanical tearing of the sarco-
lemma and opening of stretch-activated channels following
contraction-induced damage, although the exact mecha-
nism is still unclear (Allen et al. 2005).
The skeletal muscle CK-encoding gene is located at the
19q13.2–13.3 region of the chromosome 19 (Nigro et al.
1987). The Ncol (A>G) SNP (rs1803285) of the mus-
cle creatine kinase gene, is mapped to the 3 untranslated
region, which means it could affect the localization, trans-
lation efficiency and stability of the mRNA, which might
mediate the location and function of the protein (Wilson
et al. 1995). Interestingly, the genes for the ryanodine
receptor 1 (Robinson et al. 2006) and myotonic dystrophy
protein kinase (Brunner et al. 1989), which are associated
with muscle function and specific myopathies, are mapped
to the same area of chromosome 19. According to Deuster
et al. (2013), Ncol GG homozygotes are present in 28.1 %
of African Americans, in 14.2 % of Caucasians, 0 % of His-
panic and 8.3 % of Asian individuals. Investigations of the
Ncol SNP of the muscle creatine kinase gene have revealed
different outcomes. In the study of Deuster et al. (2013),
GG homozygotes were reportedly 3.1 times more likely to
experience exertional rhabdomyolysis than carriers of the
A-allele. However, Heled et al. (2007) revealed that NcoI
AA homozygotes had a sixfold higher risk of being a high
responder of circulating CK to eccentric exercise than GG
or AG genotypes. Other studies do not support a role for the
Ncol SNP of the muscle creatine kinase gene in explain-
ing the CK variability between individuals (Miranda-Vilela
et al. 2012; Yamin et al. 2010). However, the mechanism
remains poorly understood and is confounded by the dif-
ferent methodological designs implemented by researchers.
Furthermore, Heled et al. (2007) and Yamin et al. (2010)
have only investigated CK response as a marker for muscle
damage. Further studies with several other muscle damage
markers such as muscle strength loss and soreness could
provide a better physiological/systems-based understand-
ing of the influence of this NcoI SNP on exertional muscle
damage. An additional restriction fragment length polymor-
phism, the TaqI SNP of the muscle creatine kinase gene,
has been shown to be in strong linkage disequilibrium with
the NcoI SNP (Miranda-Vilela et al. 2012). The TaqI 1-2
genotype has indicated a lower risk for inflammation after a
track event between 4 and 21 km, whereby the participants
could choose their preferential distance. However, no fur-
ther studies have been undertaken towards understanding a
potential role for this SNP in association with muscle dam-
age. It is possible that these SNPs change the half-life of
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1604 Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
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the CK enzyme and the intracellular concentration of CK
(Heled et al. 2007). Elevated intracellular CK concentration
might increase calpain activation, thus resulting in greater
protein degradation.
Genetic variation and the secondary phase
of exercise‑induced muscle damage
The secondary phase of muscle damage is a complex event
that has been linked to inflammation (Schoenfeld 2010),
where leucocytes infiltrate muscles with damaged fibres
and remain there for days or even weeks (Tidball 2005).
Although the results of published studies are inconsistent
(Schneider and Tiidus 2007), in vitro (Kanda et al. 2013;
Suzuki and Ford 1999) and in vivo studies (Paulsen et al.
2010) support a role for neutrophils in muscle damage. It
is assumed that neutrophils (Suzuki et al. 1996) migrate to
the region of injury in the early stage of muscle damage
(Fig. 3). Neutrophils contribute to the degradation of dam-
aged muscle tissue by producing reactive oxygen species
(ROS), which are reported to attract macrophages to the
area of trauma (McGinley et al. 2009; Nguyen and Tidball
Reactive oxygen species can directly and indirectly mod-
ulate muscle damage through several mechanisms (Toumi
et al. 2006). A potential mechanism to link oxidative stress
with calpain-mediated proteases is via ROS decreasing
plasma membrane Ca2+-adenosine-triphosphatase activity
(Siems et al. 2003), which might encourage Ca2+ accumu-
lation within the cell (Powers and Jackson 2008). Although
ROS is toxic, it may also play an important role as a sec-
ondary messenger in cell signalling and in the regulation
of gene expression resulting in ROS-mediated adaptation to
exercise (Schoenfeld 2012; Hornberger et al. 2003; Crane
et al. 2013).
In contrast to neutrophils, there is strong evidence that
macrophages and monocytes infiltrate the endomysium and
especially the perimysium of the injured area of the mus-
cle (Hubal et al. 2008; Paulsen et al. 2010). Macrophages
replace neutrophils within 24 h and remain present for up
to 14 days after exercise (Malm et al. 2000). During the
early stages of muscle damage, there is an increase of M1
macrophages (which express CD68 surface marker but not
CD163), supporting the removal of cellular debris by pro-
ducing cytotoxic levels of nitric oxide. This is followed by
a shift from M1 to M2 macrophages (CD68/CD163+),
which promote the activation of satellite cells and the
Fig. 3 The secondary phase of muscle damage. Leucocytes infiltrate
the site of myotrauma (Tidball 2005). Firstly, neutrophils migrate to
damaged muscle fibres and produce reactive oxygen species (ROS)
to degrade cellular debris (Suzuki et al. 1996) (1). Neutrophils are
substituted by macrophages within 24 h (Malm et al. 2000), with M1
macrophages removing cellular debris by producing cytotoxic levels
of nitric oxide (NO) (2). In the latter stage of muscle damage, a shift
from M1 to M2 macrophages is associated with the activation of sat-
ellite cells and the subsequent regeneration of muscle fibres (Tidball
2011) (3). Neutrophils and macrophages also express tumour necro-
sis factor (TNF), which activates the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway
(Tidball and Villalta 2010) (4). This pathway regulates proteolysis by
attaching ubiquitin polymers (Ub) to cellular debris via three different
types of enzymes (E1–E3 ligases). As a result, these ubiquitin-marked
proteins will be degraded by the 26S-proteasome complex (Reid
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1605Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
subsequent regeneration of muscle fibres (see “Skeletal
muscle remodelling following exercise-induced muscle
damage”) (Mahoney et al. 2008; Kanda et al. 2013; Tidball
and Villalta 2010; Philippou et al. 2012; Zanou and Gailly
Leucocyte accumulation and the following remodelling
appear to be gradual processes regulated by the extent of
damage (Paulsen et al. 2010, 2012). In an extreme case
of muscle damage, remodelling may become maladaptive
characterised by necrosis, incomplete healing, and fibrotic
scar tissue formation (Butterfield 2010). Cytokines play
particularly well-characterised roles in an orchestrated
regulated fashion of the activation and modulation of the
inflammatory response (Paulsen et al. 2012). Recent inves-
tigations revealed that some cytokines are also expressed
by skeletal muscle, and are therefore named myokines
(Pedersen et al. 2003). The role of cytokines in the phase
of inflammation following exercise-induced muscle dam-
age is explained in the comprehensive review of Paulsen
et al. (2012). Cytokines are classified as (1) pro-inflam-
matory cytokines [promoting inflammation, e.g. inter-
leukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)];
(2) anti-inflammatory cytokines (inhibiting inflammation,
e.g. IL-10, IL-4 and IL-13) and chemokines (abbreviated
from chemotactic cytokines), which attract leucocytes and
other cells to migrate from the blood to the region of injury
[e.g., chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2)] (Paulsen
et al. 2012; Peake et al. 2005; Suzuki et al. 2002). Muscle
cytokine expression after strenuous exercise is predomi-
nantly pro-inflammatory (Peake et al. 2005).
In addition, some cytokines such as IL-6 can act either
as a pro- or an anti-inflammatory agent, depending on the
environment (Pedersen and Febbraio 2008). The majority
of cytokines are released from several cell types including
muscle fibres, fibroblasts, neutrophils, and macrophages,
and the expression of cytokines is determined by the mode,
intensity and duration of exercise (Peake et al. 2015). Fur-
thermore, the action patterns of some of these cytokines
change during the inflammatory response. These find-
ings make it difficult to identify the specific roles of each
cytokine after exercise-induced muscle damage (Smith
et al. 2008). However, the invading neutrophils and mac-
rophages express TNF at the early phase of inflammatory
response (Philippou et al. 2012; Tidball and Villalta 2010;
Warren et al. 2002a). Tumour necrosis factor is able to acti-
vate the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway, which is one of the
main mechanisms for the cellular protein degradation in
eukaryotic cells (Murton et al. 2008; Li et al. 2005). The
ubiquitin–proteasome pathway regulates proteolysis by
attaching ubiquitin polymers to damaged proteins via three
distinct types of enzymes (known as E1–E3 ligases). Sub-
sequently, the 26S-proteasome complex degrades the ubiq-
uitin-marked protein (Reid 2005). Tumour necrosis factor
increases the gene expression of the E3 ligases, muscle ring
finger 1 (MuRF1) and muscle atrophy F-box (MAFbx; also
referred to as Atrogin1) (Li et al. 2003, 2005; Murton et al.
2008; Bodine et al. 2001). Thus, it is thought that TNF is an
important factor in the instigation of the remodelling pro-
cess after exertional muscle damage (Murton et al. 2008).
There is evidence to suggest that muscles of older indi-
viduals exhibit higher levels of damage following strenu-
ous exercise than of younger individuals (Jiménez-Jiménez
et al. 2008; Manfredi et al. 1991; Fielding et al. 1991;
Roth et al. 2000). Biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle
revealed greater muscle damage in older men in compari-
son to younger subjects immediately after eccentric exer-
cise (Manfredi et al. 1991; Roth et al. 2000). Furthermore,
older women demonstrated a threefold greater percentage
reduction in strength 24 h after unaccustomed eccentric
exercise than younger women (Roth et al. 2000). In addi-
tion, the recovery time to baseline strength was prolonged
(up to 7 days) compared with the young sedentary sub-
jects (4 days) (Ploutz-Snyder et al. 2001). Other studies
support the finding that the secondary phase of exercise-
induced muscle damage appears to differ between older
and younger adults (Thalacker-Mercer et al. 2010; Jimé-
nez-Jiménez et al. 2008). On closer examination, neutro-
phil (Cannon et al. 1994) and both M1 and M2 macrophage
(Przybyla et al. 2006; Hamada et al. 2005) recruitment is
impaired in muscle from older individuals in the second-
ary phase of muscle damage following strenuous exer-
cise. The increase in plasma IL-6 concentration following
eccentric exercise also tends to be blunted in older versus
younger adults (Toft et al. 2002; Conceição et al. 2012).
This is further supported by findings of blunted increases
in muscle TNF and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-
β1) and larger increase of IL-1β messenger ribonucleic
acid (mRNA) expression within older muscle after eccen-
tric exercise (Przybyla et al. 2006; Hamada et al. 2005).
These findings could simply be due to the difficulty in rais-
ing levels pro-inflammatory cytokine levels over and above
the chronically elevated levels found in older people (see
Skeletal muscle remodelling following exercise-induced
muscle damage”). Alternatively, as macrophages are the
major source of TNF and TGF-β1 within the muscle fol-
lowing exercise-induced muscle damage (Tidball 2011;
Fadok et al. 1998), it is possible that lower macrophage
recruitment in older individuals would lead to lower TNF
and TGF-β1 expression and production (Hamada et al.
2005). Unaccustomed high-intensity resistance exercise
(sufficient to cause moderate muscle damage) has been
shown to induce greater nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-
enhancer of activated B (NF-κB) and heat shock protein
70 protein expression in older versus younger human
adult muscle (Thalacker-Mercer et al. 2010). Nuclear fac-
tor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B is activated
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1606 Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
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by pathways associated with muscle protein degradation
(Roubenoff et al. 2003): its activation up-regulates the
expression of muscle-specific ubiquitin ligases MAFbx and
MuRF1 (Gumucio and Mendias 2013; Patel et al. 2014).
Heat shock proteins mediate the correct folding of dena-
tured proteins which would explain the increased expres-
sion of heat shock protein 70 in accordance with increased
NF-κB activation following muscle damage (Thalacker-
Mercer et al. 2010; Morton et al. 2009) (see “Genetic vari-
ation and the initial phase of exercise-induced muscle dam-
age”). Given these compelling studies, the question arises
as to whether cytokine SNPs also play a role in muscle
damage induction or repair or both.
Interleukin‑1 polymorphisms and the secondary phase
of exercise‑induced muscle damage
The interleukin-1 (IL1) family of cytokine genes is located
together on chromosome 2, and includes IL-1α (IL1A),
IL-1β (IL1B) and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra; IL1RN)
(Dennis et al. 2004). Interleukin-1α and IL-1β are agonists
of the IL-1 receptor type I (IL-1R1) and promote inflam-
mation. In general, IL-1β acts synergistically with TNF
and induces the expression of several other pro-inflamma-
tory genes (Dinarello 2009). Following eccentric exercise
in humans, systemic levels of IL-1β increase marginally
(Peake et al. 2005), but there is an increase of local IL-1β
levels within skeletal muscle up to five days post exer-
cise (Fielding et al. 1993). In contrast, IL-1Ra acts as an
antagonist of IL-1R1, preventing the binding of IL-1α and
IL-1β with IL-1R1, respectively. Instead of IL-1β, IL-1Ra
is highly concentrated in plasma following intense physi-
cal exercise (Paulsen et al. 2012). In the absence of IL-1Ra,
the activity of IL-1 is unrestricted and leads to increased
inflammatory response (Dinarello 2009).
Different SNPs of the IL1B gene have been investigated
in relation to the response to exercise and exercise-induced
muscle damage: (1) at position 511 (C>T) (rs16944) in
the promoter region (di Giovine et al. 1992); (2) at posi-
tion +3954 (C>T) (rs1143634) in exon 5 (TaqI restriction
site polymorphism) (Bioque et al. 1995); and (3) at position
3737 (C>T) (Dennis et al. 2004; Vangsted et al. 2011).
Dennis et al. (2004) investigated the associations of selected
IL1 SNPs with the inflammatory response following a sin-
gle bout of resistance exercise. Twenty-four sedentary Cau-
casian males were recruited based on specific clusters of
IL1 SNPs (haplotypes) (+4845 IL1A, +3954 IL1B, 511
IL1B, and 3737 IL1B polymorphisms). Only participants
with the IL1B C/C (+3954) or with the T/T (3737) geno-
type showed an increased inflammatory response (changes
in inflammatory associated cytokines and M1 macrophages
number) in skeletal muscle. However, the concentration of
macrophages did not change. This leads to the assumption
that the cytokine release by each macrophage is elevated or
local production by the skeletal muscle itself is increased.
Individuals with the above-mentioned genotypes, who also
carried the C-allele of the IL1RN +2018 (T>C) SNP, dem-
onstrated a further increase of inflammatory response fol-
lowing resistance exercise.
Cauci et al. (2010) found that the IL1B +3954 (C>T)
SNP, together with the 511 (C>T), have no influence on
athletic phenotype, which is in accordance with the findings
that neither plasma IL-1β nor IL1B mRNA is influenced by
physical activity (Petersen and Pedersen 2005; Mahoney
et al. 2008). In addition, a multi-allelic insertion polymor-
phism in intron 2 of the IL-1RN gene (rs380092) contains a
variable number tandem repeat of an 86-bp length of DNA
(Mansfield et al. 1994). Allele 2 (two repeats of the 86 bp
region) of the IL1RN intron 2 variable number tandem
repeat was significantly more frequent in athletes compared
to non-athletes. In addition, there was a higher frequency
distribution of the 1/2 (allele 1 with four repeats and allele
2 with two repeats of the 86 bp region) genotype variable
number tandem repeat IL1RN in high-grade professional
athletes than in non-professional athletes. In contrast, the
frequency of IL1RN allele 2 homozygotes did not differ
between athletes and non-athletes. Unfortunately, this study
has only distinguished between professional (high-grade),
non-professional (medium-grade) athletes, and non-ath-
letes. Athlete status was not discriminated within the differ-
ent types of sport, which is necessary, as different mode of
exercises require different physical traits. However, in vitro
investigations showed that the IL1RN allele 2 has been
associated with a lower expression of IL-1Ra (Dewberry
et al. 2000), but increased production of the pro-inflam-
matory cytokine IL-1β (Santtila et al. 1998). Cauci et al.
(2010) suggested that carriers of IL1RN allele-2 displayed a
moderate increase of IL-1-dependent inflammation, which
results in benefits to athletic performance. IL1RN allele 2
might support the removal of cellular debris, promoting a
faster recovery. However, IL1RN allele 2 homozygotes may
lead to a sharp increase of inflammation, which negatively
influences the recovery or remodelling. Further investiga-
tion is necessary to confirm these findings.
Tumour necrosis factor 308 G>A polymorphism
and the secondary phase of exercise‑induced muscle
Tumour necrosis factor (formerly known as tumour necro-
sis factor-α) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine with short half-
life and low circulating levels (Reid and Li 2001; Pedersen
2011) and is associated with the occurrence of metabolic
disorders (Borst 2004). Plomgaard et al. (2005) have shown
that TNF infusion in healthy individuals alters insulin sig-
nalling transduction and subsequently induces insulin
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1607Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
resistance in skeletal muscle. Like IL-1β, systemic TNF
concentration does not change or is only slightly increased
after intense exercise (Peake et al. 2015). However, local
expression of TNF within the skeletal muscle is signifi-
cantly elevated after exercise (Peake et al. 2015). Tumour
necrosis factor is associated with up-regulation of catabolic
pathways and suppression of protein synthesis in skeletal
muscle (Ling et al. 1997), mediated by NF-κB, which
stimulates the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway (Reid and Li
2001). This is in line with Tiainen et al. (2012), who have
shown that high plasma levels of TNF are associated with
reduced physical performance in men. Furthermore, intra-
venous infusion of TNF in rats led to a significant drop in
systemic IGF-I and IGF-binding proteins 3 levels, suggest-
ing a negative influence of TNF on the IGF system (Llo-
vera et al. 1998).
The minor A-allele of the rare TNF 308 (rs1800629)
SNP is associated with increased plasma TNF concentra-
tion (Karimi et al. 2009) and with impaired improvement
of physical performance in older women following physi-
cal activity (Pereira et al. 2013). Presumably, the A-allele is
a stronger activator of TNF transcription than the G-allele
(Wilson et al. 1997). To the best of our knowledge, only
one study has investigated an association between the
TNF 308 (G>A) SNP and its association with exercise-
induced muscle damage. Interestingly, carriers of the
A-allele showed a non-significant (P = 0.06) blunting of
elevated plasma CK following eccentric exercise (Yamin
2009; Yamin et al. 2008). However, no AA homozygotes
were included in this investigation. The TNF 308 A-allele
was associated with higher plasma TNF concentration
and impaired improvements in physical fitness follow-
ing chronic exercise in older populations, while in young,
healthy individuals, A-allele carriers demonstrated blunted
CK activity in the blood after eccentric exercise. However,
CK activity was measured at the peak activity 96 h post-
exercise in Yamin et al. (2008). The blunted CK activ-
ity of TNF 308 A-allele carriers in the study by Yamin
et al. (2008) might not be attributed to the muscle damage
itself but may be caused by attenuated remodelling, such
as myoblast fusion which is accompanied by CK activ-
ity (Zalin 1972). Due to the fact that membrane damage
might be repaired in a short time (Bansal et al. 2003), other
mechanisms should be considered for the prolonged leak-
age of CK. Elevated TNF attenuates myoblast fusion and
differentiation which might impair the regeneration of the
muscle (Stewart et al. 2004). Subsequently, carriers of the
TNF 308 A-allele might have a higher susceptibility to
muscle atrophy and sarcopenia due to the impaired ability
of muscle remodelling. However, Lappalainen (2009) has
indicated some technical limitations of the assay which
might have influenced the data interpretation of Yamin
et al. (2008). Further studies are needed, which investigate
a potential association between the TNF 308 SNP and
other muscle damage markers.
Interleukin‑6 174 G>C polymorphism and the
secondary phase of exercise‑induced muscle damage
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) modulates the release of differ-
ent cytokines, such as of TNF and IL-1Ra (Steensberg
et al. 2003; Starkie et al. 2003). The human IL6 gene is
mapped to chromosome 7p21–24 with a 303 bp upstream
promoter (Fishman et al. 1998). Interleukin-6 plasma
concentration is affected by exercise duration and inten-
sity (Fischer et al. 2004), and the amount of muscle
mass involved (Ostrowski et al. 2000), particularly dur-
ing weight-bearing exercise (Catoire and Kersten 2015).
Eccentric exercise induces a delayed peak and a slower
decrease of plasma IL-6 after exercise in comparison to
other modes of exercise, such as running (Fischer 2006;
Pedersen and Fischer 2007). According to McKay et al.
(2009), IL-6 may play a role as an important signalling
molecule associated with satellite cell proliferation after
strenuous exercise. Furthermore, damaged extracellular
matrix might have an effect on IL-6 expression, as IL-6
is involved in collagen synthesis (Andersen et al. 2011).
These findings suggest that the different circulating IL-6
timescale of prolonged but non-damaging exercise and
of eccentric exercise occurs due to a different source
and function of IL-6 expression. Whilst muscle fibres,
peritendinous connective tissue (Langberg et al. 2002)
and adipose tissue (Holmes et al. 2004) all express and
release IL-6 into the circulation without activating pro-
inflammatory pathways (Pedersen 2011), eccentric exer-
cise might induce more local IL-6 expression within the
skeletal muscle with pro-inflammatory properties (Nie-
man et al. 1998, 2000). The delayed peak of plasma
IL-6 concentration after strenuous eccentric exercise
might occur due to release into the circulation follow-
ing the mechanical tearing of the sarcolemma and open-
ing of stretch-activated channels due to exertional muscle
A functional 174 G>C SNP (rs1800795) has been
detected in the promoter region of the IL6 gene. The fre-
quency distribution of the G-allele ranges between 45 and
100 % in the worldwide population (Borinskaya et al.
2013) and it is associated with an increased plasma IL-6
response in healthy people (Bennermo et al. 2004; Fishman
et al. 1998; Pereira et al. 2011). The 174 G-allele might
affect the glucocorticoid receptor and elevate the transcrip-
tional activation due to its close positioning with the recep-
tor (Yamin et al. 2008; Rein et al. 1995). This IL6 SNP
shows a somewhat ambiguous picture: according to Ruiz
et al. (2010), both GG and GC genotypes are more frequent
in elite power athletes compared to endurance athletes and
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1608 Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
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to non-athletes. There was no difference between endur-
ance athletes and the control group, which is in the line
with the findings of Yamin et al. (2008). In young individu-
als, C-allele carriers of the IL6 SNP presented higher CK
values following eccentric exercise compared with GG
homozygotes (Yamin et al. 2008; Yamin 2009). In power-
orientated sports, which are associated with muscle dam-
age during training or competition, GG homozygotes might
have benefits with faster recovery and elevated satellite
cell proliferation in the long term. However, Deuster et al.
(2013), who did not observe any association between this
IL6 SNP and exertional rhabdomyolysis, challenge this
Ageing-related declines in physical function are asso-
ciated with chronically elevated systemic IL-6 concentra-
tion (Ershler and Keller 2000; da Cunha Nascimento et al.
2015). However, Walston et al. (2005) could not confirm
any association between IL6 genotypes and serum IL-6 in
older women. Furthermore, in the study of Funghetto et al.
(2013), in older obese women, plasma CK integral (area
under the curve of CK between the different time points)
values were lower and IL-6 integral values were higher for
carriers of the C-allele after eccentric exercise. However,
there was only a moderate increase in plasma CK con-
centration and no change in IL-6 concentration, probably
resulting from the relatively low intensity of the eccentric
exercise protocol used. Of note, the interaction between
the 174 G>C SNP and obesity seems to be a complex
one (Joffe et al. 2013). Linkage disequilibrium of this
174 G>C SNP with several other SNPs on the IL6 gene
cannot be excluded (Qi et al. 2007). In diseased, obese and
older populations with chronically elevated circulating
IL-6, an increased IL-6 response might be harmful after
eccentric exercise (Funghetto et al. 2013; Bennermo et al.
In summary, the pattern of circulatory IL-6 and CK lev-
els in association with the IL6 174 G>C SNP appears
to be diametrically opposed. It might be that an elevated
IL-6 response and lower CK levels associated with the
G-allele are beneficial due to increased IL-6 production of
macrophages (Patel et al. 2010) and satellite cell prolifera-
tion (McKay et al. 2009) in a healthy population follow-
ing eccentric exercise (Yamin et al. 2008). However, the
G-allele might have a negative effect in those presenting
with chronic low-grade systemic inflammation. Without
knowing the actual source of IL-6 expression and its subse-
quent pro- or anti-inflammatory effect, cumulative plasma
IL-6 concentration is probably an inaccurate biomarker of
muscle damage (Pedersen and Febbraio 2008). The influ-
ence of the IL6 174 G>C SNP is not fully clear and
needs further investigation, particularly in conjunction with
both local and circulatory measures of IL-6 expression/
Chemokine ligand 2 and chemokine receptor
type 2 polymorphisms and the secondary phase
of exercise‑induced muscle damage
Like interleukin-6, the chemokine (C–C motif) ligand-2
(CCL2), also known as monocyte chemoattractant pro-
tein 1 (MCP1), can be classified as an exercise factor, as
it mediates systemic changes induced by chronic exercise
training (Catoire and Kersten 2015). Monocyte chem-
oattractant protein 1 receptor (CCR2) is one of the major
receptors, which binds CCL2, beside CCL7 and CCL13
(Harmon et al. 2010). CCL2 is mainly expressed within
the interstitial space between myofibres following muscle
damaging exercise, and is co-localised with macrophages
and satellite cells in the muscle (Hubal et al. 2008). Con-
centric exercise does not influence local CCL2 expression
(Hubal et al. 2008). However, in line with the findings of
Warren et al. (2005), that Ccr2-knockout mice have shown
impaired regeneration, inflammation, and fibrotic response
following freeze injury, a strong interaction between
CCL2/CCR2 and the immune response after muscle dam-
age is suggested (Hubal et al. 2008; Yahiaoui et al. 2008).
Interestingly, whilst local CCL2 mRNA expression fur-
ther increased after a second bout of eccentric exercise in
comparison to the first bout (Hubal et al. 2008), systemic
response of CCL2 decreased after repeated downhill run-
ning (Smith et al. 2007).
Hubal et al. (2010) investigated several CCL2/CCR2
SNPs in association with exercise-induced muscle damage
in the elbow flexor muscles. Following strenuous exercise,
the T-allele of the CCL2 rs3917878 (C>T) SNP was associ-
ated with a delayed recovery of maximum strength in men
and a higher CK response in women (Hubal et al. 2010).
C-allele carriers of the CCR2 (rs3918358) SNP showed a
delayed recovery of strength in females, and the C-allele
of the CCR2 (rs1799865) SNP increased soreness in both
genders (Hubal et al. 2010). The significant differences
between the alleles of these three SNPs occurred 4–10 days
following exertional muscle damage, confirming the action
pattern of CCL2/CCR2 in muscle repair/regeneration.
Furthermore, the GG genotype of the CCL2 gene variant
(rs2857656), for which significant differences were found
in pre-exercise maximum strength compared to the major
C-allele (Harmon et al. 2010), was associated with the
magnitude of muscle injury in professional soccer players
(Pruna et al. 2013). According to Hubal et al. (2010), there
were moderate associations between CCL2/CCR2 geno-
types and baseline CCL2 activity (as a product of CCL2
expression and the availability of CCR2). Higher CCL2
activity might be an advantage in the recovery period fol-
lowing muscle damage in healthy individuals due to its
ability to serve as a chemoattractant to macrophages and its
possible activation of satellite cell proliferation (Yahiaoui
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1609Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
et al. 2008). However, further investigation is needed to
identify the potential molecular mechanisms underpinning
the influence of each of these SNPs in changing CCL2
activity in response to muscle damaging exercise in elderly
and obese people, in whom chronic systemic inflammation
is already an issue.
Osteopontin 66 T>G polymorphism and the
secondary phase of exercise‑induced muscle damage
The extracellular matrix protein and pro-inflammatory
cytokine osteopontin (also known as secreted phosphopro-
tein 1) is expressed in numerous cell types including skele-
tal muscle (Kahles et al. 2014; Zanotti et al. 2011; Giachelli
et al. 1998). Whereas the earliest studies suggested that it
had a central role in bone remodelling (Rodan 1995), sub-
sequent studies suggest that osteopontin has also a role as
a chemoattractant for macrophages (Hirata et al. 2003),
and possibly neutrophils (Yang et al. 2014). Osteopontin is
virtually undetectable in resting skeletal muscle but, after
induced muscle damage in mice, osteopontin expression is
elevated 100-times compared to baseline transcription lev-
els (Hoffman et al. 2013; Hirata et al. 2003).
A common SNP in the transcriptional promoter of the
osteopontin gene (66 T>G, rs28357094), which over-
laps a specificity protein-1 transcription factor-binding
site, results in different phenotypic characteristics (Barfield
et al. 2014). The minor G-allele is associated with an 80 %
reduction in osteopontin gene expression in vitro (Gia-
copelli et al. 2004; Barfield et al. 2014) and with a 17 %
increase in baseline upper arm muscle volume in women
(Hoffman et al. 2013). Surprisingly, this increased muscle
volume did not influence muscle strength (Hoffman et al.
2013). After exercise-induced muscle damage, women car-
rying the G-allele revealed significantly elevated muscle
swelling, increased loss of muscle strength (Barfield et al.
2014) and CK values were elevated in two women with the
rare GG genotype (Hoffman et al. 2013). In contrast, the
G-allele was linked with less grip strength and with more
rapid progression in patients with Duchenne muscular
dystrophy (Pegoraro et al. 2011). Further investigations of
Barfield et al. (2014) revealed several enhancer sequences
on the osteopontin gene promoter for multiple steroid hor-
mone-binding sites (i.e. oestrogen receptor, glucocorticoid
receptor, vitamin D receptor and a potential NF-κB bind-
ing site). Oestrogen hormone treatment of modified human
myoblasts with the allele-specific osteopontin promoters
has shown that the human myoblasts with the transfected
G-allele promoter revealed a threefold increase in osteo-
pontin gene expression, whereas the T-allele construct was
unaffected by oestrogen treatment. From this, we can infer
that there may be an allele-specific interaction between
the oestrogen enhancer and the more proximal specificity
protein-1 transcription factor site leading to a hypothetical
model for sexual dimorphism (Barfield et al. 2014). Thus,
women with the G-allele seem to be more susceptible to
muscle damage. Likewise, a similar allele-specific inter-
action between the NF-κB or glucocorticoid binding site
and the specificity protein-1 transcription factor site might
explain the association between the G-allele and Duch-
enne muscular dystrophy. Barfield et al. (2014) suggest that
chronic inflammation might lead to an augmentation of the
pro-inflammatory response, which accelerates the progress
of the disease. However, the study of Barfield et al. (2014)
has several limitations. TT genotype has shown a similar
loss of force over time in both the exercised and non-exer-
cised arm following exertional muscle damage. In addition,
due to the low number of volunteers (n = 6) who com-
pleted the eccentric exercise intervention, further investiga-
tions are needed to replicate and verify these findings.
Skeletal muscle remodelling
following exercise‑induced muscle damage
Skeletal muscle regeneration is a complex process that is
mediated by satellite cells, and in which several factors are
activated to regulate muscle remodelling (Kurosaka and
Machida 2012). Satellite cells are mononucleated muscle
stem cells and are located on the outer surface of the mus-
cle fibre, between the basal lamina and sarcolemma (Hawke
and Garry 2001). Usually, satellite cells remain quiescent
but are activated following damage (Fig. 4) (Chambers and
McDermott 1996; Grobler et al. 2004). They proliferate
24–48 h later and then do one of three things: (1) return
to quiescence and restore the population of satellite cells;
(2) migrate to the site of injury and support the repair pro-
cess by increasing the nuclei-to-cytoplasm ratio; (3) fuse
with other myogenic cells to form myotubes, thus generat-
ing new fibres to replace damaged myofibres (Hawke and
Garry 2001; Grobler et al. 2004; Tidball and Villalta 2010;
Sharples and Stewart 2011).
Macrophages are essential, not only for removing tis-
sue debris, but also in the activation of satellite cells. M1
macrophages provoke myoblast proliferation (Arnold et al.
2007; Cantini et al. 2002) and, together with neutrophils,
they attract satellite cells to the site of injury by releasing
TNF (Torrente et al. 2003). M2 macrophages stimulate
the differentiation of satellite cells into mature myofibres
(Arnold et al. 2007), and in vitro studies indicate that mac-
rophages support differentiation through ultimate increases
in myogenin expression (Cantini et al. 2002). Activated
satellite cells initially up-regulate two different myogenic
regulatory factors, MyoD and myogenic factor-5 (Smith
et al. 1994). In the period of proliferation, the satellite
cells express paired box protein 7 (Pax7) and MyoD but
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1610 Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
those that return to quiescence to maintain the satellite cell
pool only express Pax7 (Tedesco et al. 2010; Al-Shanti
and Stewart 2009). However, subsequent down-regulation
of Pax7/3 induces cell differentiation. The satellite cells
exit the cell cycle and enter the early differentiation stage
where myogenic factor 6 (herculin) and myogenin are up-
regulated (Zammit 2008; Wahl et al. 2008; Le Grand and
Rudnicki 2007). Myoblasts differentiate into myocytes
and then eventually fuse and form multinucleated myofi-
bres (Le Grand and Rudnicki 2007). Recent investigations
revealed that MyoD and myogenin induce myomaker gene
transcription (Millay et al. 2013, 2014). The absence of
myomaker, which is expressed on the cell surface of myo-
blasts, leads to inhibition of myoblast fusion in mice (Mil-
lay et al. 2013). However, more information is required to
explain the roles of myomaker in muscle regeneration and
recovery following muscle damaging exercise.
The extracellular matrix provides structural and bio-
chemical support to contractile tissue and it is associated
with the inflammatory response and satellite cell activa-
tion (Hyldahl and Hubal 2014; Kjær 2004). Activated
satellite cells migrate to the site of injury along the basal
lamina (Hughes and Blau 1990), a process that is facili-
tated by the basal lamina components (i.e. collagen IV,
laminin-2 and nidogens) (Goetsch and Niesler 2011).
Components of the extracellular matrix (collagen I and
III, fibronectin and other extracellular matrix molecules)
provide a temporary scaffold to support the migration of
the activated progenitor cells (Goetsch et al. 2013). Dif-
ferent chemotactic gradients, including a large num-
ber of chemokines, also support the migration from the
niche towards the site of myotrauma, and some of these
chemokines are released from the extracellular matrix
itself (Griffin et al. 2010; Goetsch et al. 2013). Further-
more, there is evidence that synthesis of type I, III and
probably IV collagen within the endomysium and the
perimysium increase after contraction-induced damage
(Mackey et al. 2004; Koskinen et al. 2001).
Fig. 4 The cycle of skeletal muscle fibre regeneration following
exercise-induced muscle damage. This cycle is mediated by satellite
cells, which are activated following stressful physiological conditions
such as exercise-induced muscle damage (Grobler et al. 2004). Acti-
vated satellite cells initially up-regulate two different myogenic regu-
latory factors, MyoD and myogenic factor-5 and, during the prolifera-
tion, paired box protein 7 (Pax7). If satellite cells return to quiescence
and restore the population of satellite cells, MyoD will be down-reg-
ulated (i). However, subsequent cell differentiation is accompanied
with down-regulation of Pax7/3. During this early differentiation
stage, herculin and myogenin are up-regulated. Myoblasts differen-
tiate into myocytes and then eventually migrate to the site of injury
and support the repair process by increasing the nuclei-to-cytoplasm
ratio (ii). Different chemotactic gradients, including a large number
of chemokines, support the migration to the region of injury. A recent
investigation in mice revealed that the absence of myomaker, which
is expressed on the cell surface of myoblasts, leads to inhibition of
myoblast fusion (Millay et al. 2013). Alternatively, the myocytes fuse
with other myogenic cells to form myotubes, thus generating new
fibres to replace damaged myofibres (iii). Figure adapted from Tidball
(2011) and Al-Shanti and Stewart (2009)
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1611Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
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Chronic low-grade systemic inflammation (i.e. elevated
levels of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines), is a com-
mon observation in older people (Conceição et al. 2012;
Franceschi et al. 2007). In this context, basal circulating
cytokines (e.g. TNF and IL-6) and myostatin were found
to correlate inversely with grip strength of older men (Patel
et al. 2014). Although the mechanism for this inverse rela-
tionship is still unclear, it is possible that pro-inflammatory
cytokines interfere with satellite cell differentiation, accel-
erate muscle protein degradation and inhibit muscle protein
synthesis, leading to reduced muscle mass and strength.
This would also result in slower repair and reduced adapta-
tion of older skeletal muscle to resistance exercise (Peake
et al. 2010). Indeed, Dreyer et al. (2006) have counted
the numbers of satellite cells per muscle fibre 24 h after a
single bout of maximal eccentric exercise. Although both
young and older men demonstrated an increase in satellite
cell numbers, the response was significantly blunted in the
older population. However, it is still a matter of debate, if
the number of satellite cells changes during the ageing pro-
cess, and whether this is the main cause for what has been
coined anabolic resistance in the elderly.
Gene polymorphisms of the insulin‑like growth factor
family and the remodelling fsignificant gain in muscle
cross‑sectional areaollowing exercise‑induced muscle
The complex process of remodelling is influenced by growth
factors including insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and
IGF-II (Duan et al. 2010). In addition to IGF-I (IGF1) and
IGF-II (IGF2), the IGF system consists of several IGF-bind-
ing proteins, the insulin receptor, and cell surface receptors
such as the IGF-I receptor and the IGF-II receptor (Wang
et al. 2015). This system promotes satellite cell differentia-
tion and proliferation (O’Dell and Day 1998; Florini et al.
1996; Stewart and Rotwein 1996a, b; Stewart et al. 1996) and
is thought to play an important role during exercise-induced
muscle hypertrophy (Sharples and Stewart 2011; Matheny
et al. 2009). For example, transgenic mice overexpressing
Igf-I in skeletal muscle revealed a significant gain in muscle
cross-sectional area in comparison with wild type mice fol-
lowing chronic muscle overload (Paul and Rosenthal 2002).
Inactivation of the type 1 Igf receptor inhibits the presence of
newly formed nuclei in exercised transgenic mice (Fernán-
dez et al. 2002; Jiao et al. 2013; Wilson et al. 2003), while
maintaining local IGF-I concentration is considered crucial
for maintaining muscle mass and strength with advancing
age (Barton-Davis et al. 1998; Musarò et al. 2001).
Besides their role in hypertrophy, IGFs are crucial in
muscle regeneration following exercise or muscle injury
(Jiao et al. 2013; Mackey et al. 2011). Insulin-like growth
factor-I acts mainly in an autocrine and paracrine manner
to stimulate satellite cells to proliferate and differentiate.
Different isoforms [IGF-IEa, IGF-IEb (in rat) and IGF-IEc
(in human)] of IGF-I are associated with muscle damage
and regeneration. Insulin-like growth factor-IEb and IGF-
IEc are also known as mechano-growth factor, because the
mRNA is expressed in response to overload or damage in
skeletal muscle. The expression of mechano-growth fac-
tor is enhanced shortly after muscle damage, which sub-
sequently promotes satellite cell activation (Hill and Gold-
spink 2003). Afterwards, increased expression of IGF-IEa
elevates myoblast fusion (Yang and Goldspink 2002; Jiao
et al. 2013). Mechano-growth factor also promotes the
activity of cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase, thus pro-
tecting against ROS during the inflammatory response to
muscle damaging exercise (Dobrowolny et al. 2005). Both
IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA increase during myoblast dif-
ferentiation, but presumably autocrine IGF-II is the pre-
dominant myogenic factor during differentiation due to its
enhanced expression, whilst IGF-II is probably elevated
to suppress IGF-I gene expression via the mTOR pathway
(Jiao et al. 2013; Wilson et al. 2003). Marsh et al. (1997)
have also shown an age-dependent decline of IGF2 gene
expression following muscle damage in rats.
As far as we are aware, only Devaney et al. (2007) have
tested the association between IGF SNPs and exercise-
induced muscle damage. Several different SNPs were
investigated, as the IGF2 gene region consists of three
genes: IGF2, IGF2 anti sense (IGF2AS), and the insulin
gene (Lee et al. 2005). The following SNPs: IGF2 (17200
G>A, rs680); IGF2 (13790 C>G, rs3213221); IGF2AS
(1364 A>C, rs4244808); IGF2AS (11711 G>T, rs7924316),
were significantly associated with exercise-induced muscle
damage. Besides an association between the IGF2 17200
(G>A, rs680) and IGF2 13790 (C>G, rs3213221) SNPs
and soreness (after 3 and 4 days), and CK activity in the
blood (both after 7 days) following muscle damaging exer-
cise, every IGF2 SNP investigated was associated with
strenuous exercise-induced muscle strength loss in men.
Only the IGF2AS 1364 (A>C, rs4244808) SNP was associ-
ated with strength loss immediately after exertional muscle
damage in both men and women. In contrast, carriers of the
insulin gene 1045 (C>G, rs3842748) SNP have shown an
increased CK activity 10 days after exercise-induced mus-
cle damage only in women.
Varying IGF-I or IGF-II levels potentially caused by
these SNPs could modulate satellite cell activation and dif-
ferentiation. For instance, the IGF1 cytosine adenine-repeat
SNP located in the promoter region of the IGF-I gene is
believed to change circulating IGF-I levels but the evi-
dence is equivocal (Vaessen et al. 2001; Rosen et al. 1998;
DeLellis et al. 2003; Allen et al. 2002). While Vaessen et al.
(2001) suggest IGF-I levels are increased by these SNPs,
other investigations found a decrease (Rosen et al. 1998)
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1612 Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
or no difference in IGF-I levels (Allen et al. 2002; DeLellis
et al. 2003).
It is remarkable that several SNPs of IGF2 were associ-
ated with a loss of muscle strength directly after exertional
muscle damage, in particular in men. It seems there must
be another process, whereby the IGF2 gene is involved in
the response to muscle damaging exercise separately from
regeneration and differentiation. Here, we would like to
highlight a new hypothesis. Insulin-like growth factor I also
plays an important role in the regulation of protein synthe-
sis, including collagen and myofibrillar protein. Local IGF-
IEa and IGF-IEc mRNA expression is positively correlated
with musculotendinous mRNA expression of COL1A1/3A1
(Boesen et al. 2013; Doessing et al. 2010) and may sub-
sequently increase collagen synthesis in the extracellular
matrix (Hansen et al. 2013). Lower circulating IGF-I lev-
els induced by IGF SNPs may negatively influence the sta-
bility of the extracellular matrix. Therefore, a subsequent
loss in the lateral transmission of force between adjacent
muscle fibres might occur, which could be the source of the
decrease in maximum strength observed immediately after
strenuous exercise. Although, to the best of our knowledge,
no direct effect of IGF-II concentration on human extracel-
lular matrix protein synthesis is known, Keller et al. (1999)
has shown that local Igf-II expression increases after injury
in murine muscle. It is therefore possible that IGF-II is
linked with exercise-induced muscle damage in human
muscle, and possibly with extracellular matrix integrity. A
direct or indirect influence of IGF-II level on extracellular
matrix integrity would, at least in part, explain the signifi-
cant strength loss after muscle damaging exercise and the
association of the IGF2 13790 (C>G, rs3213221) SNP with
the degree of injury in soccer players (Pruna et al. 2013).
Additional gene polymorphisms associated
with exercise‑induced muscle damage
The following gene polymorphisms have been associated
with exercise-induced muscle damage. However, further
investigation is necessary to attribute these polymorphisms
to a specific phase of exercise-induced muscle damage.
Angiotensin‑I converting enzyme insertion/deletion
Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) has a key role in
the interaction between the kallikrein-kinin and the renin-
angiotensin systems (Schmaier 2003). Angiotensinogen,
which is a precursor protein in the renin-angiotensin sys-
tem, is produced constitutively and released into the circu-
lation mainly by the liver (Deschepper 1994), and can be
cleaved by the protease renin, resulting in the decapeptide
angiotensin-I. The dipeptidase ACE converts angiotensin-
I to the octapeptide hormone angiotensin-II, which acts as
a vasoconstrictor (Munzenmaier and Greene 1996), and
induces skeletal muscle hypertrophy in response to mechan-
ical loading (Gordon et al. 2001). Angiotensin-I converting
enzyme also cleaves the vasodilator bradykinin (Dendorfer
et al. 2001), which supports the increase of arterial blood
pressure (Murphey et al. 2000), as well as Substance P, a
protein from the tachykinin family that functions as a neu-
rotransmitter (released by group III and IV afferent fibres)
(Harrison and Geppetti 2001; Inoue et al. 1998).
The ACE insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism
(rs4646994) was the first gene variation to be investigated
in the context of human physical performance-related
traits, and is the most investigated in the renin–angio-
tensin system (Gayagay et al. 1998; Montgomery et al.
1998). The insertion (I) allele of a 287 bp Alu sequence
within intron 16 on chromosome 17 is linked to lower ACE
activity in serum (Rigat et al. 1990) and in cardiac mus-
cle (Phillips et al. 1993; Danser et al. 1995), and reduced
bradykinin degradation (Murphey et al. 2000) compared to
carriers of the D-allele. Carriers of the I-allele are associ-
ated with greater endurance capacity (Montgomery et al.
1998; Ma et al. 2013), whereas the D-allele is associated
with greater muscular strength (Williams et al. 2005), and
elite power athlete status (Costa et al. 2009; Nazarov et al.
2001; Woods et al. 2001). However, recent investigations
have observed that this distinction is not considered suffi-
ciently specific to detect all the phenotypic effects (Lucia
et al. 2005; Rankinen et al. 2000; Thompson and Binder-
Macleod 2006).
The association between the ACE I/D polymorphism and
elite athlete status might be explained by a genotype link
with the susceptibility to exertional muscle damage and
injury. To the best of our knowledge, only two studies have
investigated the influence of the ACE I/D polymorphism on
contraction-induced damage in humans (Heled et al. 2007;
Yamin et al. 2007). Yamin et al. (2007) observed differ-
ent concentrations of circulatory CK between ACE geno-
types after eccentric exercise: II homozygotes elicited the
highest CK response, whilst DD homozygotes elicited the
lowest plasma CK activity after strenuous exercise. This
suggests that the I-allele is associated with a greater sus-
ceptibility to muscle damage, and the potential mechanism
is explained below. However, Heled et al. (2007) could not
find any association between ACE I/D polymorphism and
CK response. The different outcome is probably attributed
to the moderate-intensity exercise test and higher activ-
ity level and different ethnicities of the participants in the
study of Heled et al. (2007). It should be noted that only
CK level was investigated in both studies, which is only
one of several indirect biomarkers of exercise-induced
muscle damage.
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In rabbit studies, inhibition of ACE revealed [in combi-
nation with neutral endopeptidase inhibitor] elevated mus-
cle damage in a muscle overuse model induced by electri-
cal stimulation every second day with four sessions in total
(Song et al. 2014), which is in line with the human findings
of Yamin et al. (2007). The muscle damage was accompa-
nied by increased tachykinin, substance P and its preferred
receptor neurokinin-1 receptor expression, which suggests
that the tachykinin family may play a role in the inflam-
matory processes and pain (Song et al. 2014; Dousset et al.
2007). Substance P is widely expressed in human cells and
tissues of the peripheral and central nervous systems but it
is also found in extra neuronal cells and innervated tissues.
Substance P and neurokinin-1 receptor have been associ-
ated with the inflammatory response in smooth muscle
cells and dermal tissues but not in skeletal muscle (Renzi
et al. 2000; Luger 2002). However, elevated substance P
might result in improved remodelling, as demonstrated in
the healing of a rat Achilles tendon (Bring et al. 2012; Stey-
aert et al. 2010).
In contrast, angiotensin-II is known to be involved in
inflammatory process following muscle damage. Block-
ing of the angiotensin-II receptor type 1 improves regen-
eration of injured skeletal muscle (Bedair et al. 2008) and
suppresses ROS production following strenuous exercise in
mice (Sim et al. 2014). Furthermore, nerve growth factor
up-regulation through activation of B2 bradykinin recep-
tors is strongly associated with increased pain sensitivity
(hyperalgesia) (Murase et al. 2010; Babenko et al. 1999).
Angiotensin-I converting enzyme D-allele carriers, which
have a decreased bradykinin half-life, might have attenu-
ated nerve growth factor expression following exertional
muscle damage and therefore a decreased pain sensitivity.
Attenuated substance P and bradykinin in the inflammatory
process may explain the high frequency of D-allele carri-
ers among elite strength/power athletes (Costa et al. 2009).
Athletes with the D-allele might feel less pain and there-
fore might be able to (1) sustain high-intensity training
for longer, (2) reach the limits of their capacity in power/
strength related competition (3) or enable them to practise
more often due to a decreased sensitivity to pain. In other
sport-specific movements, such as short distance swimming
(<200 m), it is crucial to sustain a high level of intensity
accompanied with exercise-induced muscle burning (Costa
et al. 2009; Woods et al. 2001).
Another possibility might be that angiotensin-II indi-
rectly mediates skeletal muscle damage by influencing
angiogenesis in response to exercise (Vaughan et al. 2013).
It is well known that, in a damaged muscle in the days fol-
lowing eccentric exercise, resting capillary blood flow is
elevated and vasodilatation occurs (Rubinstein et al. 1998).
According to Vaughan et al. (2013), the capillary density
of skeletal muscle is lower in untrained carriers of the ACE
I-allele compared to DD homozygotes. Lower capillary
density might impair the migration of neutrophils and mac-
rophages as well as of the removal of cellular debris, which
could negatively affect the extent of muscle damage and
possibly muscle remodelling.
Mitochondrial superoxide dismutase 2 Ala16Val
Strenuous exercise results in oxidative stress, which causes
structural damage to muscle fibres and stimulates an
inflammatory response (Gomez-Cabrera et al. 2008), as
discussed in “Genetic variation and the secondary phase
of exercise-induced muscle damage”. A higher intracel-
lular concentration of antioxidants within a muscle fibre
is thought to protect against the negative impact of ROS
(Schoenfeld 2012; Peake and Suzuki 2004). Superoxide
dismutase is an antioxidant that protects cells and mito-
chondria from free radical damage by converting the anion
superoxide into hydrogen peroxide (Huang et al. 2000).
Inhibition of superoxide dismutase causes the accumula-
tion of superoxide radicals, and can lead to increased dam-
age of mitochondrial membrane and cell apoptosis (Huang
et al. 2000). The Ala16Val (rs4880, C>T) SNP of the super-
oxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial gene (SOD2), has been
associated with muscle damage susceptibility. The T-allele
is associated with reduced mitochondrial superoxide dis-
mutase efficiency against oxidative stress (Shimoda-Mat-
subayashi et al. 1996). Akimoto et al. (2010) demonstrated
that trained runners of TT genotype had an increased
plasma CK concentration after racing 4–21 km. This is in
line with Ahmetov et al. (2014), who revealed that TT car-
riers of the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase gene were
under-represented in power and strength athletes compared
to controls and athletes of low-intensity sports, such as
curling players and shooters. Interestingly, in the study of
Ben-Zaken et al. (2013), the frequency of the C-allele was
significantly higher in both endurance and power athletes
in comparison to the control group. At first glance, these
studies seem to be inconsistent with one another. On closer
inspection, both studies recruited different types of partic-
ipants. In the study of Ahmetov et al. (2014) participants
covered a wide range of different sports, whereas in Ben-
Zaken et al. (2013), only track and field related athletes
participated: 100 and 200 m sprinters and long jumpers
(power athletes); 5000 m and marathon runners (endurance
athletes). These track and field athletes perform sport-spe-
cific movements that is accompanied by stress to the mus-
culoskeletal system through repeated eccentric muscle con-
tractions performed over long periods of time, which leads
to muscle damage. The inflammation accompanying this
damage potentially produces more oxidative stress than the
endurance sports (e.g. swimming) in the study by Ahmetov
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1614 Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
et al. (2014). Therefore, the T-allele might impair the pro-
tection against oxidative stress due to the lower efficiency
of the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase gene. This may
indicate that there is a relationship between this SNP and
level of athletic performance in sports with a potential risk
of muscle damage. Unfortunately, no study has tested the
effect of the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase SNP on
exercise-induced muscle damage over the course of time.
This could provide insight into the influence of the mito-
chondrial superoxide dismutase C>T SNP on the secondary
phase of muscle damage and the subsequent remodelling.
Solute carrier family 30 member eight C>T
Ageing is often accompanied by insulin resistance due to
reduced habitual physical activity, a reduction in muscle
mass and an increase in adipose tissue (Dela and Kjaer
2006; Dela et al. 1996). Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associ-
ated with disturbed zinc homeostasis and down-regulation
of the solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter) mem-
ber eight, the product of the SLC30A8 gene (Somboon-
wong et al. 2015). Solute carrier family 30 member eight
is mainly expressed in pancreatic islet beta cells and it
transports zinc from the cytoplasm into intracellular vesi-
cles, which is crucial for insulin crystallisation, storage,
and secretion (Cheng et al. 2015; Lemaire et al. 2009;
Chimienti et al. 2006). The C-allele of the nonsynonymous
SLC30A8 (C>T) SNP (rs13266634) is strongly associated
with type 2 diabetes mellitus risk, in particular in Euro-
pean and Asian populations but not in African populations
(Cheng et al. 2015). This SLC30A8 R325W SNP is associ-
ated with, amongst others, decreased fasting systemic insu-
lin and attenuated insulin secretion in response to glucose
intake (Staiger et al. 2007; Sprouse et al. 2014; Kirchhoff
et al. 2008).
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number
of investigations regarding insulin resistance and muscle
function in people without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Insu-
lin resistance is not only associated with lower force and
muscle mass in young and old individuals with diabetes
(Andreassen et al. 2009; Andersen et al. 2004), but also in
both young (Gysel et al. 2014) and older (Barzilay et al.
2009) healthy people. Insulin signalling increases blood
flow and protein synthesis at rest, and suppresses the break-
down of proteins after resistance exercise, thus improving
net muscle protein balance in particular with amino acid
delivery and availability (Biolo et al. 1999; Fujita et al.
2006). Furthermore, exercise-induced muscle damage has
been associated with impaired glycogen synthesis (Cos-
till et al. 1990) and reduced glucose uptake (Nielsen et al.
2015; Asp et al. 1996), probably due to muscle damage
reducing muscle insulin sensitivity (Kirwan et al. 1991).
This could be due to increased TNF expression attenuating
insulin signalling transduction, subsequently inducing insu-
lin resistance in skeletal muscle (Plomgaard et al. 2005)
and suppressing the activation of glucose transporter type 4
in muscle fibres (Asp et al. 1995).
Sprouse et al. (2014) reported that the TT genotype of
the SLC30A8 SNP was associated with lower biomarkers of
muscle damage (reduced soreness, strength loss and plasma
CK and myoglobin levels) following eccentric contrac-
tions of the elbow flexor muscles in men. By increasing the
catabolic pathway, lower insulin levels can lead to a nega-
tive net protein balance (Woolfson et al. 1979; Sacheck
et al. 2007). Therefore, carriers of the SLC30A8 C-allele
might need longer times to recover from strenuous exer-
cise. Further studies should investigate if SLC30A8 geno-
type-dependent insulin production is associated with the
acute and chronic adaptations to resistance exercise, with
regard to muscle protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy,
Exercise-induced muscle damage provokes a prolonged
loss of muscle strength, and both elevated soreness and
circulating muscle-specific protein levels. The grade and
actual time-course of strength loss, soreness and of the
inflammation response after exercise is variable. Several
factors that are well documented can influence the response
to muscle damaging exercise, such as exercise mode, inten-
sity or duration (Smith et al. 1989), micro nutrition (Owens
et al. 2014; Bhat and Ismail 2015; Barker et al. 2013)
and muscle (group) intervention (Clarkson and Hubal
2002). Nevertheless, within-study variability is often seen
in response to strenuous exercise (Nosaka and Clarkson
Several studies have reported differences in SNP-spe-
cific gene activity resulting in different expression of the
coding proteins, which may influence the susceptibly to
exercise-induced muscle damage (Seto et al. 2011). Indi-
viduals, who are high responders to exercise-induced
muscle damage (i.e. demonstrate a greater loss of muscle
strength and higher circulating levels of CK or myoglobin)
might have a higher predisposition to injury (Kibler et al.
1992; Clansey et al. 2012). This is in line with the observa-
tion that history of one type of muscle injury increases the
risk of developing other types of muscle injuries (Orchard
2001; Freckleton and Pizzari 2013). The same principle
may apply to high responders to exercise-induced muscle
damage in a squad of athletes performing the same exer-
cise training together. High responders, who might need a
longer recovery time after a strength training intervention
in comparison to others in the same squad, might have a
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1615Eur J Appl Physiol (2016) 116:1595–1625
1 3
higher potential for musculotendinous injuries due to over-
training. Both presumptions may result in an increased
dropout rate of athletes with specific genotype profiles due
to higher rates of (overtraining) injury extending over sev-
eral years (Kibler et al. 1992). It would be interesting to
investigate if a high responder to exercise-induced mus-
cle damage is a low/high responder to chronic resistance
Eccentric resistance exercise training is a potent method
of inducing muscle hypertrophy (Seynnes et al. 2007;
Norrbrand et al. 2008), and may therefore be prescribed
to older people to counter sarcopenia (Reeves et al. 2004;
Morse et al. 2007). However, the increased susceptibility to
muscle damage following eccentric exercise in older peo-
ple (Ploutz-Snyder et al. 2001) might lead to an increased
risk of over-use injuries and impaired recovery from injury
(Brooks and Faulkner 1990; McArdle et al. 2004). Fur-
thermore, if certain older individuals are genetically pre-
disposed to experience relatively more exercise-induced
muscle damage than age-matched individuals with a pro-
tective genetic profile, these people are at an even greater
risk of injury. Thus, a different form of exercise may be
more appropriate for these individuals. The identification
of both young and older high-risk individuals would, there-
fore, allow more personalised exercise prescriptions to help
reduce the risk of injuries and maintain/improve quality of
Association studies can potentially reveal new mecha-
nisms of genes. For instance, several IGF2 SNPs have been
associated with strength loss immediately after muscle
damaging exercise, which cannot exclusively be explained
by satellite cell differentiation (Devaney et al. 2007). It is
interesting that (1) certain genotypes of several IL6 gene
SNPs appear to be beneficial in healthy individuals regard-
ing muscle damage response, but are disadvantageous
in chronic disease and ageing; (2) sex-specific genotype
associations with exercise-induced muscle damage have
been reported (Devaney et al. 2007; Sprouse et al. 2014).
Further investigations are necessary to uncover genotype–
phenotype interactions and, in particular, the interaction of
specific polymorphisms. A specific polygenic profile might
help to explain the inter-individual variance in the response
to both acute eccentric damaging exercise and chronic
strength training.
Moreover, the ACTN3 R577X SNP has been associ-
ated with different responses to muscle damaging exercise,
according to the mode of damaging exercise. It is likely
that stretch–shortening cycle-related movements place dif-
ferent demands on the musculotendinous system compared
to exercises, which are performed without stretch–short-
ening cycles, thus explaining the equivocal findings con-
cerning the association between this SNP and exercise-
induced muscle damage (see “Alpha-actinin-3 R577X
polymorphism and the initial phase of exercise-induced
muscle damage”). Consequently, we recommend that
future studies distinguish between exercise-induced muscle
damage caused by eccentric contractions with or without
stretch–shortening cycles. Furthermore, real-world modes
of exercise should be incorporated into studies investigat-
ing the genetic association with exertional muscle damage
in both young and older people. Not only will this improve
our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning the
deteriorated response of ageing muscle to exercise, but also
it will help in prescribing more practical exercise therapies
to poor exercise responders, young or old.
Understanding the causes and consequences of these
genetic associations with exercise-induced muscle dam-
age may eventually allow the identification of individu-
als, who are at high-risk of developing specific injuries.
For instance, those who are genetically more predisposed
to muscle damage, and who require longer recover from
strenuous exercise, are at greater risk of developing over-
use injuries. Knowing how someone is likely to respond
to a particular type of exercise would help coaches tailor
the training and nutrition of their athletes (moving from
a one size fits all to an individualised approach), thus
maximising recovery and positive adaptation, and reduc-
ing the risk of injury. It would also help general practi-
tioners prescribe personalised exercise medicine to older
individuals, who may normally be prescribed resistance
type training to counter the effects of sarcopenia, but are
already at a higher risk of suffering from exercise-induced
muscle damage due to chronically elevated systemic
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea-, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
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... Synergy has been observed between IL-6 and IL-17 in inhibiting cellular apoptosis; therefore, promoting the development of chronic inflammation, tumor growth, viral persistence, as well as autoimmune diseases [33]. IL-6 plays a key role in bone resorption and cell apoptosis and is involved in collagen synthesis [34]. In the context of knee ligament injuries, it should be mentioned that in vitro studies have shown that cyclic stretching of human tendon fibroblasts increased IL-6 secretion and a similar phenomenon may also be expected in pathological conditions of tendons or ligaments [35]. ...
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Sport injuries, including the anterior crucial ligament rupture (ACLR) seem to be related to complex genetic backgrounds, including the genes responsible for inflammatory response. This review and meta-analysis investigated the contribution of the polymorphisms of genes encoding inflammatory cytokines and their receptors to the risk of ACLR. The scientific databases Science Direct, EBSCO host, Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar were screened (completed on 14th June 2023) according to the established inclusion/exclusion criteria (only fully accessible, original, human case–control studies written in English concerning the effect of interleukin genes’ polymorphisms on the occurrence of ACL injury were included) and statistical meta-analysis using R version 4.0.3 was performed. The PRISMA methodology was used to review articles. The review protocol was registered under the number CRD42024514316 in the Prospero database. Eighty-nine studies were identified and narrowed down to three original case–control studies used for the meta-analysis. The studies analyzed Polish, South African, and Swedish cohorts, altogether 1282 participants. The candidate polymorphisms indicated in the studies involved IL6 rs1800795, IL6R rs2228145 and IL1B rs16944. The systematic review showed the relationships between IL6 rs1800795 polymorphism and ACLR in the Polish subpopulation, and IL6R rs2228145 and IL1B rs16944 in the South African subpopulations. The meta-analysis revealed that the IL6 rs1800795 CG genotype was over-represented (OR = 1.30, 95% CI 1.02–1.66), while the CC genotype was under-represented (OR = 0.75, 95% CI 0.54–1.03) in ACLR subjects, but no significant impact of IL6R rs2228145 was shown. Additionally, a tendency of the IL1B rs16944 CT genotype to be protective (OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.70–1.14), while the TT to be a risk genotype (OR 1.19, 95% CI 0.84–1.68) was observed. Thus, the relationship between the interleukin receptor IL6R rs2228145 and ACLR risk was not confirmed. however, the impact of genes coding pleiotropic IL6 rs1800795 on the incidences of ACLR was clear and the effect of pro-inflammatory IL1B rs16944 was possible.
... Given the main week effects, correlation coefficients were unable to be calculated for effect size. Thus, the correlation coefficient was set at 0.5 for all measures, which is considered to be conservative when dealing with missing data (Baumert et al., 2016). For effect size calculations, the values of ≤0.2, ≥0.5 and ≥0.8 were considered small, moderate and large, respectively (Cohen, 1988). ...
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The purposes of this study were to quantify the physiological response to the initial two-week preseason period in elite male rugby league (RL) athletes, and to determine if a repeated bout effect (RBE) occurs. Eighteen RL players were monitored for the initial two-week preseason period. Blood samples were collected on days (D)1, D2, D4, D5, D8, D9, D11 and D12 to measure creatine kinase (CK). Neuromuscular power was assessed on D1, D5, D8 and D12. During field-based sessions, the external training load was quantified using global positioning system technology, whilst the internal load was quantified using the training impulse and the session rating of perceived exertion. Resistance-based gym session volume was quantified by total repetitions x weight lifted. Perceived measures of fatigue and muscle soreness were assessed on all training days. Two-way (day x week) repeated measures analysis of variance and Bonferroni’s corrected post-hoc tests identified significant changes. There were no significant changes in CK activity (649.2 ± 255.0 vs. 673.8 ± 299.1 µL; p = 0.63) or internal training load measures from week 1 to week 2. External training load measures including total distance (4138.1 ± 198.4 vs. 4525.0 ± 169.2 m; p < 0.001) and repeated high-intensity efforts (12.6 ± 1.8 vs. 17.5 ± 1.8 au; p < 0.001) significantly increased in week 2 compared to week 1. Internal training loads and CK activity did not change in response to an increase in external training loads during the initial preseason. The current results provide support for a ‘real world’ perspective of the RBE phenomenon that may be more applicable for team sport practitioners.
... Consequently, the expression of the cytosine nucleotide is preferred in joints and cartilage 65 . When the GDF5 gene is upregulated, it leads to the expression of the cytosine allele of the SNP 66 . ...
... Tus, individual diferences were often only refected in the depicted variance and were partly ignored, resulting in little knowledge about the individual regulation of blood-based biomarkers. For some markers, however, such as CK, it has already been shown that there are individuals with a stronger or weaker response due to diferent genetic variants, which lead to a difering stability of the muscular sarcolemma [7]. A detailed knowledge of the individual response pattern would then allow a better interpretation of the respective measurement of the biomarker. ...
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The high interindividual variability of exercise response complicates the efficient use of blood-based biomarkers in sports. To address this problem, a useful algorithm to characterize the individual regulation and predictive value of different candidate markers will be developed. Forty-nine participants completed two identical exercise trials. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after, 3 hours after, and 24 hours after completion of exercise. Plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL-) 1RA, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-15, creatine kinase (CK), cortisol, c-reactive protein (CRP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were measured. Individualized regulation was analyzed using k-means clustering and a Group Assignment Quality (GAQ) score. Regression trees with a bootstrapped-aggregated approach were used to assess the predictive qualities of the markers. For most of the markers studied, a distinction can be made between individuals who show a stronger or weaker response to a particular endurance training program. The regulation of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and CK exhibited a high degree of stability within the individuals. Regarding the predictive power of the markers, for all dependent variables, the most accurate predictions were obtained for cortisol and IL-8 based on the baseline value. For CK, a good prediction of recovery of maximal strength and subjective feeling of exhaustion can be made. For IL-1RA and TBARS, especially their reregulation can be predicted if the baseline level is known. Focusing individual variations in biomarker responses, our results suggest the combined use of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and CK for the personalized management of stress and recovery cycles following endurance exercise.
... Previous studies have also shown that resistance training and aerobic exercise increase plasma creatine kinase levels [21]. Creatine kinase concentrations vary depending on gender and race and also with the type of sport where eccentric exercise causes more muscle damage than concentric contractions of the same strength [22,23]. ...
... A more balanced load may contribute to the prevention of overload injuries, which is an assumption that must be confirmed in future controlled trials with prospective longitudinal research designs. However, self-reported muscle soreness, which may be considered a precursor of muscle injuries [16], can be assessed in the short term. The primary aim of this proof-of-concept study was therefore to investigate if muscle load feedback can improve the muscle load balance, muscle load level, and muscle soreness of strength training practitioners, while the secondary aim was to evaluate the user experience and motivational effect of the application. ...
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Muscle overload injuries in strength training might be prevented by providing personalized feedback about muscle load during a workout. In the present study, a new muscle load feedback application, which monitors and visualizes the loading of specific muscle groups, was developed in collaboration with the fitness company Gymstory. The aim of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of this feedback application in managing muscle load balance, muscle load level, and muscle soreness, and to evaluate how its actual use was experienced. Thirty participants were randomly distributed into ‘control’, ‘partial feedback’, and ‘complete feedback’ groups and monitored for eight workouts using the automatic exercise tracking system of Gymstory. The control group received no feedback, while the partial feedback group received a visualization of their estimated cumulative muscle load after each exercise, and the participants in the complete feedback group received this visualization together with suggestions for the next exercise to target muscle groups that had not been loaded yet. Generalized estimation equations (GEEs) were used to compare muscle load balance and soreness, and a one-way ANOVA was used to compare user experience scores between groups. The complete feedback group showed a significantly better muscle load balance (β = −18.9; 95% CI [−29.3, −8.6]), adhered better to the load suggestion provided by the application (significant interactions), and had higher user experience scores for Attractiveness (p = 0.036), Stimulation (p = 0.031), and Novelty (p = 0.019) than the control group. No significant group differences were found for muscle soreness. Based on these results, it was concluded that personal feedback about muscle load in the form of a muscle body map in combination with exercise suggestions can effectively guide strength training practitioners towards certain load levels and more balanced cumulative muscle loads. This application has potential to be applied in strength training practice as a training tool and may help in preventing muscle overload.
Monoamine transporters (MATs) are responsible for the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, modulating the concentration of these essential brain neurotransmitters and thus regulating behavior, mood, and cognitive functions. The study of the role of various genes in complex physiological processes is a promising area of neurobiology and sport physiology. Here, we summarize mounting evidence linking specific genetic variants of MAT genes to various aspects of sport performance. For example, the allele 10 of the dopamine transporter gene (DAT), the allele L of the serotonin transporter gene (SERT) and single-nucleotide polymorphism rs1805065 (Thr99Ile) of the noradrenaline transporter gene (NET) appear to correlate with higher performance in athletes due to resistance to stress, maintenance of motivation and cognitive behavioral competencies – qualities necessary for achieving success in sport. Thus, physiological performance in various sports may be partially genetically determined and controlled by the MAT genes.
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Introduction Eccentric exercise has often been reported to result in muscle damage, limiting the muscle potential to produce force. However, understanding whether these adverse consequences extend to a broader, functional level is of apparently less concern. In this study, we address this issue by investigating the acute and delayed effects of supramaximal isotonic eccentric exercise on neuromuscular function and motor performance of knee extensors during tasks involving a range of strength profiles, proprioception, and balance. Methods Fifteen healthy volunteers (23.2 ± 2.9 years old) performed a unilateral isotonic eccentric exercise of the knee extensors of their dominant lower limb (4 × 10 reps at 120% of one Repetition Maximum (1RM)). The maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVC), rate of force development (RFD), force steadiness of the knee extensors, as well as knee joint position sense and mediolateral (MLI) and anteroposterior stability (API) of the dominant lower limb, were measured pre-, immediately, and 24 h after the eccentric exercise. The EMG amplitude of the vastus medialis (VM) and biceps femoris (BF) were concomitantly evaluated. Results MVC decreased by 17.9% immediately after exercise ( P < 0.001) and remained reduced by 13.6% 24 h following exercise ( P < 0.001). Maximum RFD decreased by 20.4% immediately after exercise ( P < 0.001) and remained reduced by 15.5% at 24 h ( P < 0.001). During the MVC, EMG amplitude of the VM increased immediately after exercise while decreasing during the RFD task. Both values returned to baseline 24 h after exercise. Compared to baseline, force steadiness during submaximal isometric tasks reduced immediately after exercise, and it was accompanied by an increase in the EMG amplitude of the VM. MLI and knee joint position sense were impaired immediately after isotonic eccentric exercise ( P < 0.05). While MLI returned to baseline values 24 h later, the absolute error in the knee repositioning task did not. Discussion Impairments in force production tasks, particularly during fast contractions and in the knee joint position sense, persisted 24 h after maximal isotonic eccentric training, revealing that neuromuscular functional outputs were affected by muscle fatigue and muscle damage. Conversely, force fluctuation and stability during the balance tasks were only affected by muscle fatigue since fully recovered was observed 24 h following isotonic eccentric exercise.
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The human ACTN3 gene encodes α-actinin-3, an actin-binding protein with a pivotal role in muscle structure and metabolism. A common genetic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at codon 577 of the ACTN3 results in the replacement of an arginine (R) with a stop codon (X). The R allele is a normal functional version of the gene, whereas the X allele contains a sequence change that completely stops production of functional α-actinin-3 protein. The ACTN3 R577X polymorphism was found to be associated with power athletic performance especially among track and field athletes. The aim of the current study was to compare allelic and genotype frequencies of the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism among runners and swimmers specializing in different distances, and >non-athletic controls. One hundred and thirty-seven runners, 91 swimmers and 217 controls, participated in the study. Runners were assigned to two subgroups according to their event specialty—long-distance runners (LDR) and short-distance runners (SDR). Swimmers were also assigned to two subgroups according to their main swimming event—long-distance swimmers (LDS) and short-distance swimmers (SDS). Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral EDTA-treated anti-coagulated blood using a standard protocol. Genotypes were determined using the Taqman allelic discrimination assay. Runners’ genotype and allele differed significantly between LDR, SDR, and controls, with the lowest prevalence of RR genotype and R allele among LDR. XX genotype and X allele prevalence was significantly higher among LDR compared to the other groups (p < 0.01 for all). On the other hand, swimmers’ genotype and allele frequencies did not differ significantly between subgroups (LDS and SDS). Yet, LDS had significantly higher RR genotype and R allele frequencies compared to LDR. The findings suggest that while ACTN3 R577X polymorphism is a genetic polymorphism that may distinguish between SDR and LDR, it cannot differentiate significantly between SDS and LDS. Trial Registration NCT01319032 Key Points ACTN3 R577X polymorphism is largely associated with running events specialization, with high prevalence of RR genotype and R allele frequency among short-distance runners compare to long-distance runners. Unlike in running, ACTN3 R577X polymorphism is not associated with swimming specialization. The inability of the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism to distinguish between swimmers specializing in different events, presumably since other factors such as body physique, technique, tactics, etc., are more likely to determine such a distinction.
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Macrophages (MPs) are important for skeletal muscle regeneration in vivo and may exert beneficial effects on myogenic cell growth through mitogenic and antiapoptotic activities in vitro. However, MPs are highly versatile and may exert various, and even opposite, functions depending on their activation state. We studied monocyte (MO)/MP phenotypes and functions during skeletal muscle repair. Selective labeling of circulating MOs by latex beads in CX3CR1(GFP/+) mice showed that injured muscle recruited only CX3CR1(lo)/Ly-6C(+) MOs from blood that exhibited a nondividing, F4/80(lo), proinflammatory profile. Then, within muscle, these cells switched their phenotype to become proliferating antiinflammatory CX3CR1(hi)/Ly-6C(-) cells that further differentiated into F4/80(hi) MPs. In vitro, phagocytosis of muscle cell debris induced a switch of proinflammatory MPs toward an antiinflammatory phenotype releasing transforming growth factor beta1. In co-cultures, inflammatory MPs stimulated myogenic cell proliferation, whereas antiinflammatory MPs exhibited differentiating activity, assessed by both myogenin expression and fusion into myotubes. Finally, depletion of circulating MOs in CD11b-diphtheria toxin receptor mice at the time of injury totally prevented muscle regeneration, whereas depletion of intramuscular F4/80(hi) MPs at later stages reduced the diameter of regenerating fibers. In conclusion, injured skeletal muscle recruits MOs exhibiting inflammatory profiles that operate phagocytosis and rapidly convert to antiinflammatory MPs that stimulate myogenesis and fiber growth.
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Background Accumulating but inconsistent data about the role of rs13266634 variant of SLC30A8 in type 2 diabetes have been reported, partly due to small sample sizes and non-identical ethnicity. Material/Methods We searched PubMed and Cochrane Library to identify eligible studies and extract data of baseline characteristics, genotype count, odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval (CI). Both adjusted OR with 95% CI and genotype counts were employed to assess the association. Genotype data were further pooled to provide estimates under different genetic models and the most appropriate model was determined. Sensitivity and cumulative analysis were conducted to assure the strength of results. Results Fifty-five datasets of 39 studies (including 38 of 24 with genotype count) were included. Significant associations were found in allelic contrasts using adjusted ORs and raw genotype count, respectively, overall in Asian and European populations (overall: OR=1.147/1.157, 95% CI 1.114–1.181/1.135–1.180; Asian: OR=1.186/1.165, 95% CI 1.150–1.222/1.132–1.198; European: OR=1.100/1.151, 95% CI 1.049–1.153/1.120–1.183; All p=0.00), but not in African populations (African: OR=1.255/1.111, 95% CI 0.964–1.634/0.908–1.360, p=0.091/0.305). Further analysis with genotype count under different genetic models all showed that individuals with CC genotype had 33.0% and 16.5% higher risk of type 2 diabetes than those carrying TT and CT genotypes, respectively, under the most likely codominant model. Cumulative analysis indicated gradually improved precision of estimation after studies accumulated. Conclusions Our results suggest that rs13266634 may be an important genetic factor of type 2 diabetes risk among Asian and European but not African populations.
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Cytokines are important mediators of various aspects of health and disease, including appetite, glucose and lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity, skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy. Over the past decade or so, considerable attention has focused on the potential for regular exercise to counteract a range of disease states by modulating cytokine production. Exercise stimulates moderate to large increases in the circulating concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL- 10, IL-1 receptor antagonist, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, and smaller increases in tumor necrosis factor-α, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, IL-1β, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, IL-12p35/p40 and IL-15. Although many of these cytokines are also expressed in skeletal muscle, not all are released from skeletal muscle into the circulation during exercise. Conversely, some cytokines that are present in the circulation are not expressed in skeletal muscle after exercise. The reasons for these discrepant cytokine responses to exercise are unclear. In this review, we address these uncertainties by summarizing the capacity of skeletal muscle cells to produce cytokines, analyzing other potential cellular sources of circulating cytokines during exercise, and discussing the soluble factors and intracellular signaling pathways that regulate cytokine synthesis (e.g., RNA-binding proteins, microRNAs, suppressor of cytokine signaling proteins, soluble receptors). Copyright © 2015 International Society of Exercise and Immunology. All rights reserved.
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Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that is well established as a vital factor in determining the risk of coronary heart disease and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Moreover, accumulating evidences have shown that oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) can promote IL-6 expression in macrophages. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanism of how ox-LDL upregulates IL-6 expression remains largely unexplained. We found that the expression of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), and IL-6 was upregulated at both the messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein levels in a dose-dependent manner when treated with 0, 25, 50, or 100 μg/mL of ox-LDL for 48 h in THP-1 macrophages. Moreover, overexpression of IGF2 significantly upregulated NF-κB and IL-6 expressions in THP-1 macrophages. However, the upregulation of NF-κB and IL-6 expressions induced by ox-LDL were significantly abolished by IGF2 small interfering RNA (siRNA) in THP-1 macrophages. Further studies indicated the upregulation of IL-6 induced by ox-LDL could be abolished when treated with NF-κB siRNA in THP-1 macrophages. Ox-LDL might upregulate IL-6 in the cell and its secretion via enhancing NF-κB in an IGF2-dependent manner in THP-1 macrophages.
Background/aims: Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have well-recognized familial tendencies, but the genetic basis of this clinical observation remains unknown. The cytokine interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is a potent anti-inflammatory protein that can prevent immune-mediated bowel inflammation in animals. We have previously characterized a polymorphism within the gene for this cytokine and others in the genes for the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 1 alpha, interleukin 1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. The aim of this study was to determine whether inflammatory bowel disease was associated with particular alleles of these polymorphic cytokine genes. Methods: The allelic frequencies of these polymorphic cytokine genes were determined in patients with ulcerative colitis (n = 113), Crohn's disease (n = 78), and healthy controls (n = 261). Results: Allele 2 of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist was significantly over-represented in the ulcerative colitis patients: 35% versus 24% in controls (P = 0.007). Carriage of at least one copy of this allele gave an odds ratio of 2.0 for ulcerative colitis compared with controls. This association with allele 2 of interleukin 1 receptor antagonist was greatest in patients with total colitis and was not seen in Crohn's disease. There were no associations between UC and any of the other cytokine genes examined. Conclusions: This observation provides evidence that interleukin-1 receptor antagonist may have a role in determining the genetic susceptibility to and pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis.
Current evidence indicates that the physiological functions of inflammatory cells are highly sensitive to their microenvironment, which is partially determined by the inflammatory cells and their potential targets. In the present investigation, interactions between neutrophils, macrophages and muscle cells that may influence muscle cell death are examined. Findings show that in the absence of macrophages, neutrophils kill muscle cells in vitro by superoxide-dependent mechanisms, and that low concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) protect against neutrophil-mediated killing. In the absence of neutrophils, macrophages kill muscle cells through a NO-dependent mechanism, and the presence of target muscle cells causes a three-fold increase in NO production by macrophages, with no change in the concentration of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Muscle cells that are co-cultured with both neutrophils and macrophages in proportions that are observed in injured muscle show cytotoxicity through a NO-dependent, superoxide-independent mechanism. Furthermore, the concentration of myeloid cells that is necessary for muscle killing is greatly reduced in assays that use mixed myeloid cell populations, rather than uniform populations of neutrophils or macrophages. These findings collectively show that the magnitude and mechanism of muscle cell killing by myeloid cells are modified by interactions between muscle cells and neutrophils, between muscle cells and macrophages and between macrophages and neutrophils.
Diabetes mellitus is associated with disturbed zinc homeostasis and down-regulation of zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8); these changes contribute to the defective biosynthesis, storage, and secretion of insulin. Previous studies have reported an improvement in diabetic status and insulin levels in diabetic rats that underwent moderate exercise training, but the mechanisms underlying this effect remain unclear. Evidence shows that exercise training increases the zinc content in the muscle, liver, and kidney of diabetic rats and increases the expression of several types of zinc transporters in the rat hippocampus. We hypothesised that moderate exercise training may increase serum and pancreatic zinc levels, as well as pancreatic ZnT8 expression, in diabetic rats. Wistar rats were divided into 3 equally sized groups: sedentary normal control, sedentary diabetic, and exercise-trained diabetic groups. Diabetes was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. The 6-week exercise training intervention involved 30min of moderate-intensity running on a treadmill once daily (5days/week). At the end of the study, the concentrations of serum and pancreatic zinc were determined using atomic absorptive spectrophotometry. Pancreatic ZnT8 expression was analysed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Diabetes caused reductions in the serum and pancreatic zinc levels and pancreatic ZnT8 expression. Following moderate exercise training, there was a significant increase in all of these parameters. The ability of moderate exercise training to ameliorate the reductions in serum and pancreatic zinc levels and pancreatic ZnT8 expression can partly explain the beneficial effects of exercise training in diabetes. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Vitamin D is known to have a biological role in many extra skeletal tissues in the body including muscle. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with preferential atrophy of type II fibres in human muscle. Vitamin D at physiological concentrations is known to protect cells against oxidative damage. In this study we examined whether vitamin D deficiency induces muscle oxidative stress in a rat model and further if pre or post treatment of C2C12 muscle cells with vitamin D offers protection against oxidative stress induced muscle proteolysis. Protein carbonylation as a marker of protein oxidation was increased in both the deficient muscle and vehicle-treated C2C12 cells. Vitamin D deficiency led to an increase in activities of the glutathione-dependent enzymes and decrease in SOD and catalase enzymes in the rat muscle. Higher nitrate levels indicative of nitrosative stress were observed in the deficient muscle compared to control muscle. Rehabilitation with vitamin D could reverse the alterations in oxidative and nitrosative stress parameters. Increase in total protein degradation, 20S proteasomal enzyme activity, muscle atrophy gene markers and expression of proteasome subunit genes induced by oxidative stress were corrected both by pre/post treatment of C2C12 muscle cells with vitamin D. Increase in SOD activity in the presence of vitamin D indicates antioxidant potential of vitamin D in the muscle. The data presented indicates that vitamin D deficiency leads to mild oxidative stress in the muscle which may act as a trigger for increased proteolysis in the vitamin D deficient muscle. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.