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Acute milk-based protein-CHO supplementation attenuates exercise-induced muscle damage


Abstract and Figures

Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) leads to the degradation of protein structures within the muscle. This may subsequently lead to decrements in muscle performance and increases in intramuscular enzymes and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Milk, which provides protein and carbohydrate (CHO), may lead to the attenuation of protein degradation and (or) an increase in protein synthesis that would limit the consequential effects of EIMD. This study examined the effects of acute milk and milk-based protein-CHO (CHO-P) supplementation on attenuating EIMD. Four independent groups of 6 healthy males consumed water (CON), CHO sports drink, milk-based CHO-P or milk (M), post EIMD. DOMS, isokinetic muscle performance, creatine kinase (CK), and myoglobin (Mb) were assessed immediately before and 24 and 48 h after EIMD. DOMS was not significantly different (p > 0.05) between groups at any time point. Peak torque (dominant) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P compared with CHO and CON, and M compared with CHO. Total work of the set (dominant) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P and M compared with CHO and CON. CK was significantly lower (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P and M compared with CHO. Mb was significantly lower (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P compared with CHO. At 48 h post-EIMD, milk and milk-based protein-CHO supplementation resulted in the attenuation of decreases in isokinetic muscle performance and increases in CK and Mb.
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Acute milk-based protein–CHO supplementation
attenuates exercise-induced muscle damage
Emma Cockburn, Philip R. Hayes, Duncan N. French, Emma Stevenson, and
Alan St Clair Gibson
Abstract: Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) leads to the degradation of protein structures within the muscle. This
may subsequently lead to decrements in muscle performance and increases in intramuscular enzymes and delayed-onset
muscle soreness (DOMS). Milk, which provides protein and carbohydrate (CHO), may lead to the attenuation of protein
degradation and (or) an increase in protein synthesis that would limit the consequential effects of EIMD. This study exam-
ined the effects of acute milk and milk-based protein–CHO (CHO-P) supplementation on attenuating EIMD. Four inde-
pendent groups of 6 healthy males consumed water (CON), CHO sports drink, milk-based CHO-P or milk (M), post
EIMD. DOMS, isokinetic muscle performance, creatine kinase (CK), and myoglobin (Mb) were assessed immediately be-
fore and 24 and 48 h after EIMD. DOMS was not significantly different (p> 0.05) between groups at any time point.
Peak torque (dominant) was significantly higher (p< 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P compared with CHO and CON, and M com-
pared with CHO. Total work of the set (dominant) was significantly higher (p< 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P and M compared
with CHO and CON. CK was significantly lower (p< 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P and M compared with CHO. Mb was sig-
nificantly lower (p< 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P compared with CHO. At 48 h post-EIMD, milk and milk-based protein–
CHO supplementation resulted in the attenuation of decreases in isokinetic muscle performance and increases in CK and
Key words: isokinetic performance, DOMS, creatine kinase, myoglobin, sports drinks, eccentric exercise.
´:Les le
´sions musculaires cause
´es par l’exercice (EIMD) entraı
ˆnent la de
´gradation des structures prote
´iques dans
la fibre musculaire. Cette de
´gradation peut conduire a
`la diminution de la performance musculaire et a
`l’augmentation de
la concentration des enzymes intramusculaires et des courbatures (DOMS). Le lait, source de prote
´ines et de glucides
(CHO), contribuerait a
´nuation de la de
´gradation prote
´ique et a
`l’augmentation de la synthe
`se prote
´ique et, de ce fait,
diminuerait les effets des EIMD. Cette e
´tude se propose donc d’analyser les effets de la consommation de lait et de sup-
´ments de prote
´ines et de glucides lacte
´s (CHO-P) sur l’atte
´nuation des EIMD. Quatre groupes inde
´pendants constitue
de 6 hommes en bonne sante
´consomment de l’eau (CON), une boisson e
´tique sucre
´e, des prote
´ines et des glucides
´s (CHO-P) ou du lait (M), et ce, a
`la suite d’EIMD. Imme
´diatement avant les EIMD, puis 24 h et 48 h apre
`s, on e
lue les DOMS, la performance musculaire isocine
´tique, et les concentrations de cre
´atine kinase (CK) et de myoglobine
(Mb). D’un groupe a
`l’autre et d’un moment a
`l’autre, on n’observe pas de diffe
´rence de perception des DOMS (p>
0,05). Comparativement aux groupes CHO et CON, le moment de force de pointe du co
´dominant du groupe CHO-P est
significativement plus important 48 h apre
`s la supple
´mentation (p< 0,05); on observe le me
ˆme phe
`ne chez le groupe
M comparativement au groupe CHO. La quantite
´totale de travail effectue
´du co
´dominant durant la se
´rie d’exercices est
aussi significativement plus importante (p< 0,05) 48 h apre
`s la supple
´mentation en CHO-P et apre
`s la consommation de
M, comparativement a
`CHO et a
`CON. Comparativement a
`CHO, la concentration de CK 48 h apre
`s la supple
en CHO-P et la consommation de M est significativement moins importante (p< 0,05). Comparativement a
`CHO, la
concentration de Mb est aussi significativement plus faible 48 h apre
`s la supple
´mentation en CHO-P (p< 0,05). Quarante-
huit heures apre
`s les EIMD, la consommation de lait et de supple
´ments de prote
´ines et de glucides lacte
´s atte
´nue la dimi-
nution de performance musculaire isocine
´tique et l’augmentation des concentrations de CK et de Mb.
´s:performance isocine
´tique, DOMS, courbatures, cre
´atine kinase, myoglobine, boisson e
´tique, excentrique.
[Traduit par la Re
Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) has been shown
to be caused by activities involving eccentric muscle actions
(Byrne and Eston 2002a, 2002b; Harrison and Gaffney
2004; Semark et al. 1999; Twist and Eston 2005). EIMD
has a number of consequential effects including delayed on-
set of muscle soreness (DOMS) (MacIntyre et al. 2001;
Nosaka et al. 2002; Semark et al. 1999), increased release
of intramuscular enzymes into the plasma (Clarkson et al.
Received 4 December 2007. Accepted 30 April 2008. Published
on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 4 July
E. Cockburn,1P.R. Hayes, E. Stevenson, and
A. St Clair Gibson. Division of Sports Sciences, Northumbria
University, Newcastle, UK.
D.N. French. English Institute of Sport – North East, Gateshead,
1Corresponding author (e-mail:
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 33: 775–783 (2008) doi:10.1139/H08-057 #2008 NRC Canada
1986; Seifert et al. 2005; Sorichter et al. 2001) and most im-
portantly, in terms of sport performance, decrements in
muscle performance (Byrne and Eston 2002a, 2002b;
Harrison and Gaffney 2004; Twist and Eston 2005).
Disruption of force-generating and (or) force-transmitting
structures is thought to be one of the main mechanisms re-
sponsible for the decrements in muscle performance occur-
ring in the days following muscle-damaging exercise
(Warren et al. 2001). Changes in protein metabolism
(Fielding et al. 1991) have been suggested as a causal factor
of the ultrastructural damage observed following muscle-
damaging exercise.
Nutritional supplements may minimize changes in protein
metabolism rather than the initial mechanical event
(Bloomer and Goldfarb 2003). A combination of protein
and carbohydrate (CHO) has been found to be optimal for
eliciting a positive effect on protein balance. (Biolo et al.
1997; Bird et al. 2006; Elliot et al. 2006; Miller et al. 2003;
Rasmussen et al. 2000). Therefore, the consumption of a
protein–CHO (CHO-P) supplement may attenuate decre-
ments in muscle performance, and increases in intramuscular
enzymes, and DOMS.
CHO-P supplements have been shown to attenuate EIMD
more than CHO and placebo solutions (Baty et al. 2007;
Cade et al. 1991; Koller 2005; Ready et al. 1999; Saunders
et al. 2004; Seifert et al. 2005). However, these studies
have based their conclusions on measures of intramuscular
enzymes only (creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin (Mb)).
From a practical perspective it may be more important and
relevant to investigate the effects on muscle performance.
Studies that have measured muscle performance following
EIMD and observed beneficial effects have used prolonged
supplementation of amino acids (Ratamess et al. 2003;
Sugita et al. 2003). However, the only study known to date
that has used measures of muscle performance along with
other indicators of EIMD found no beneficial effect of
acute supplementation with a CHO-P drink (Wojcik et al.
The evidence for CHO-P supplements attenuating EIMD
has been contradictory. Furthermore, it is apparent that there
is limited research using muscle performance as an indirect
marker of EIMD, which from an applied perspective is cru-
cial to investigate. The majority of the research in the area
of CHO-P drinks and muscle damage has not used milk-
based drinks. Milk and milk-based drinks are readily avail-
able and are a high-quality, inexpensive (Wojcik et al.
2001) source of amino acids that result in a positive protein
balance after resistance exercise (Elliot et al. 2006). The
benefits of consuming milk-based drinks in other areas of
sport nutrition has been investigated (Karp et al. 2006;
Shirreffs et al. 2007; Wojcik et al. 2001). Previously, studies
in the field of EIMD and nutritional interventions comparing
CHO-P and CHO drinks have matched for energy intake
(Wojcik et al. 2001) or CHO content (Luden et al. 2007;
Saunders et al. 2004). This study compared commercially
available drinks in volumes that athletes could realistically
consume post exercise, which is similar to Ready et al.
(1999). The aim of this study was to investigate the use of
commercially available milk and milk-based CHO-P supple-
ments in attenuating EIMD following resistance-based ec-
centric exercise.
Materials and methods
Twenty-four healthy male participants (age 21 ± 3 years;
height 180.8 ± 5.7 cm; mass 80.2 ± 9.1kg) who regularly
competed in team sports (football, rugby, hockey and
cricket) volunteered to take part in the study. After institu-
tional ethical approval was obtained, the experimental pro-
cedures, associated risks, and benefits were explained
before participants gave their written informed consent. Par-
ticipants were fully familiarized with all testing procedures
prior to commencing the study. Participants were instructed
to maintain their habitual diet throughout and arrive at the
laboratory in a rested state, having avoided strenuous physi-
cal activity for at least 48 h and not taken any nutritional
supplements, caffeine, alcohol, or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Participants were tested at approximately the same time of
day to minimize diurnal variation.
Participants were assigned to 1 of 4 independent groups,
which were single blinded. Participants were equally
matched into groups based on concentric knee flexion peak
torque recorded from 6 leg extension–flexions during pre-
liminary testing. The groups were allocated 1 of 4 nutri-
tional supplements: (i) milk-based CHO-P, (ii) milk (M),
(iii) CHO, or (iv) water (CON). A one-way analysis of var-
iance revealed no group differences in baseline subject char-
acteristics (p> 0.05). There were no significant differences
between groups in peak torque values used for group alloca-
tion (p> 0.05).
All participants were required to attend the laboratory on
3 consecutive days. Before the initial tests on day 1, height
and mass were recorded. On each day prior to any exercise
and following a 10 min rest, a venous blood sample was col-
lected for analysis. Following this, participants rated their
level of muscle soreness on a visual analogue scale (Close
et al. 2004), completed a standardized warm-up, and carried
out isokinetic muscle performance measures. On day 1, fol-
lowing all other measures and after a rest period of ~10 min,
participants completed a bout of exercise designed to induce
acute muscle damage. Upon completing the exercise bout
they immediately consumed 500 mL of their allocated nutri-
tional supplement and again within 2 h post muscle-
damaging exercise. At 24 and 48 h post-exercise participants
had a venous blood sample collected, rated their level of
muscle soreness, completed a standardized warm-up, and
carried out isokinetic muscle performance measures only.
Nutritional supplements
The nutritional content of each drink is shown in Table 1.
The CHO-P supplement was a commercially available low-
fat chocolate milkshake designed to facilitate an athlete’s
recovery following exercise (For Goodness Shakes, My
Goodness Ltd., London, UK). This product provided protein
in the form of semi-skimmed milk and CHO in the forms of
lactose, sucrose, fructose, maltodextrin, and cellulose. The
M supplement was semi-skimmed (Rock Farm Dairy, Dur-
ham, UK) and provided CHO in the form of lactose. The
776 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 33, 2008
2008 NRC Canada
CHO supplement was a commercially available sports drink
(Lucozade Sport, GlaxoSmithKline, UK) providing CHO in
the form of glucose and maltodextrin. Drink content was
not standardized, as part of the purpose of this study was to
use commercially available drinks. Each supplement is com-
mercially available in 500 mL bottles, therefore participants
were provided with 2 standard servings (1000 mL).
Muscle-damaging exercise
Muscle damage was induced in the hamstrings. Partici-
pants completed 6 sets of 10 repetitions of unilateral
eccentric–concentric actions of the knee flexors at a test
speed of 1.05 rads–1 using a Cybex Isokinetic Dynamometer
(Cybex Norm, Cybex International, New York, N.Y.). A rest
period of 90 s was given between sets on one side of the
body and ~4 min was given to adjust the equipment before
conducting the same assessment on the contralateral leg.
Participants were instructed to provide a maximal effort dur-
ing the eccentric phase of each leg flexion. During the con-
centric phase, participants were instructed to return their leg
to the starting position with minimum effort. Pilot testing
demonstrated that this protocol, which was adapted from
previous research (Harrison and Gaffney 2004), resulted in
EIMD of the hamstrings (i.e., increased CK and decreased
isokinetic muscle performance). Previous studies have used
the non-dominant limb (Sayers and Clarkson 2001; Sayers
et al. 2000) or have not specified the use of the dominant
or non-dominant limb (Bowers et al. 2004; Cleak and Eston
1992; Harrison and Gaffney 2004; Howell et al. 1993;
Rodenburg et al. 1993), assuming that both limbs respond
similarly. To the best of our knowledge this assumption has
not been investigated, therefore both legs were tested in this
DOMS measurement
The degree of DOMS experienced was measured on a vis-
ual analogue scale. Participants were required to rate the
level of soreness, combined for both legs, that they per-
ceived to have in their hamstrings when standing from 0
(no pain–soreness) up to 10 (pain–soreness as bad as it
could be). Using similar scales, previous investigators have
shown significant increases in DOMS following EIMD
(Close et al. 2004; Semark et al. 1999; Twist and Eston
Measures of isokinetic muscle performance
Peak torque of the best repetition and total work of the set
for 6 concentric maximal-effort knee flexion repetitions
were measured sequentially on both legs at a test speed of
1.05 rads–1 using a Cybex Isokinetic Dynamometer (Cybex
Norm). Participants were required to maximally extend and
flex their leg over their maximum range of motion (ROM)
for 6 repetitions. Approximately 4 min was given to adjust
the equipment before conducting the same assessment on
the contralateral leg.
Blood sample collection and analysis
Serum CK and Mb concentrations were determined from
blood samples collected via venipuncture from a forearm
vein into a serum gel monovette (4.9 mL). The samples
were centrifuged at 3000 rmin–1 for 10 min (Allegra X-22
Centrifuge, Beckman Coulter, Bucks, UK). Thirty micro-
litres of the resulting serum was alliquoted and used for the
immediate analysis of CK (Reflotron Plus System, Bio-Stat
Diagnostic Systems, Stockport, UK). The remaining serum
was removed and stored at –20 8C for later analysis of Mb
(Myoglobin Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit, Oxford Bio-
systems Ltd., Wheatley, Oxon, UK). Absorbance was read
using an Anthos 2010 Microplate reader (Anthos Labtec In-
struments, Salzberg, Germany).
Intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation (CVs)
for CK were 3.5% and 3.7%, respectively. For Mb assays,
they were 3.9%–6.6% and 5.2%–11.8%, respectively.
Data analysis
Results are presented as means and standard error of the
mean. Mauchley’s test was used to check the sphericity of
the data. Differences in isokinetic muscle performance meas-
ures were determined using a factorial analysis of variance
(ANOVA) with repeated measures on 2 factors (day and
leg). Differences in CK, Mb, and DOMS were determined
using a factorial ANOVA with repeated measures on 1 factor
(day). Differences between groups in changes from baseline
at 24 and 48 h for each variable were analysed using one-
way ANOVAs. Significant within effects were analyzed
using Bonferonni step-wise calculation (Field 2005). Signifi-
cant between effects were analysed using a Games Howell
post-hoc test (Field 2005). Significant interaction effects
were analyzed using Tukey’s honestly significant difference
(HSD) test. Statistical significance was set at p< 0.05.
Evidence of muscle damage
For all subjects the protocol was deemed to have caused
EIMD in both legs. This was evident from reductions in iso-
kinetic muscle performance and increases in CK, Mb, and
DOMS over the 3 days of testing (Table 2).
Effects of nutritional supplement
No significant differences between groups (F3, 20 = 2.617,
p= 0.079) or significant interaction effects between day and
group (F6, 40 = 1.323, p= 0.270) were observed for DOMS
(Fig. 1).
Isokinetic muscle performance
Peak torque
A significant main effect for leg (F1, 18 = 22.115, p<
0.001) and a significant leg group interaction (F3, 18 =
5.397, p= 0.008) were found for peak torque.
There were significant decreases of peak torque for the
Table 1. Nutritional content of commercially
available beverages used in this study.
Supplement Energy
(kcal) Protein
(g) CHO
(g) Fat
CHO-P 706.8 33.4 118.2 16.4
M 480 34 49.17
CHO 280 Trace 64.Trace
Cockburn et al. 777
2008 NRC Canada
dominant leg between 0 and 48 h in the CON group only.
Post hoc tests demonstrated that for the dominant leg, peak
torque was significantly higher after 48 h in the CHO-P
group compared with the CON and CHO groups, and in the
M group compared with the CHO group (Fig. 2).
There were significant decreases of peak torque for the
non-dominant leg between 0 and 48 h in the CON group
only. Post hoc tests demonstrated that for the non-dominant
leg, peak torque was significantly higher at 48 h in the
CHO-P and M groups than in the CON group.
Total work of the set
A significant main effect for leg (F1, 18 = 30.645, p<
0.001) and significant leg group interaction (F3, 18 =
7.010, p= 0.003) were found for total work of the set.
There were significant decreases in total work of the set
Table 2. Muscle soreness, blood markers, and isokinetic muscle performance following exercise-induced muscle damage.
(h) DOMS
(cm) Creatine kinase
Peak torque
Peak torque
Total work of
set dominant
Total work of set
0.0.7±0.2 96.6±18.7 55.14±14.84 123.±3 118±3 981.±28 920.±31
24.5.1±0.4a331.8±65.7a240.56±68.73a115.±5 101±4a798.±41a718.±35a
aSignificantly different from 0 h (p< 0.05).
bSignificantly different from 0 and 24 h (p< 0.05).
Fig. 1. Muscle soreness response to exercise-induced muscle damage in the M (n= 6), CHO-P (n= 6), CHO (n= 6), and CON (n=6)
groups. No significant differences were observed (p> 0.05). CHO, carbohydrate; CHO-P, protein–CHO; CON, water; M, milk.
Fig. 2. Peak torque of the dominant leg in response to exercise-induced muscle damage in the M (n= 5), CHO-P (n= 6), CHO (n= 6), and
CON (n= 5) groups. *, significantly different from 0 h (p< 0.05); {, significantly different from CON (p< 0.05); §, significantly different
from CHO (p< 0.05). CHO, carbohydrate; CHO-P, protein–CHO; CON, water; M, milk.
778 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 33, 2008
2008 NRC Canada
within days for the dominant leg in the CON (0–24 h and 0–
48 h), CHO (24–48 h and 0–48 h), M (0–48 h), and CHO-P
(0–48 h) groups. Post hoc tests revealed that for the domi-
nant leg, total work of the set at 48 h was significantly
higher in the CHO-P and M groups than in the CHO and
CON groups (Fig. 3).
There were significant decreases in total work of the set
within days for the non-dominant leg in the CON (0–24 h
and 0–48 h), CHO (0–48 h and 24–48 h), M (0–24 h and
0–48 h), and CHO-P (0–24 h and 0–48 h) groups. Post hoc
tests revealed that for the non-dominant leg, total work of
the set at 48 h was significantly higher in the CHO-P group
than in the CON group.
Blood markers
CK analysis identified no significant main effect for
groups (F3, 18 = 2.093, p= 0.137). A significant day group
interaction effect over the 3 days of testing (F6, 36 = 3.124,
p= 0.014) was observed for CK. Post-hoc tests revealed sig-
nificantly lower CK values at 48 h in the M and CHO-P
groups than in the CHO group (Fig. 4). CK concentrations
significantly increased from 0 h to 48 h in the CON and
CHO groups only. Significant increases in CK were ob-
served between 24 and 48 h for the CHO group only.
A significant main effect for group (F3, 18 = 3.399, p=
0.040) was found for Mb. Post-hoc tests revealed that Mb
concentrations in the M and CHO-P groups were signifi-
cantly lower than in the CHO group (Fig. 5). Running a
one-way ANOVA for changes in baseline after 48 h re-
vealed a significant effect for group (F3, 18 = 3.628, p=
0.033). Post hoc tests revealed that Mb concentration in the
CHO-P group was significantly lower than in the CHO
group (p< 0.05).
The primary finding of this study indicated that milk and
milk-based protein–CHO supplementation attenuated peak
torque, total work of the set, CK, and Mb 48 h after
muscle-damaging exercise. There were no beneficial effects
Fig. 3. Total work of the set of the dominant leg in response to exercise-induced muscle damage in the M (n= 5), CHO-P (n= 6), CHO
(n= 6), and CON (n= 5) groups. *, significantly different from 0 h (p< 0.05); {, significantly different from 0 and 24 h (p< 0.05); {,
significantly different from CON (p< 0.05); §, significantly different from CHO (p< 0.05). CHO, carbohydrate; CHO-P, protein–CHO;
CON, water; M, milk.
Fig. 4. CK response to exercise-induced muscle damage in the M (n= 6), CHO-P (n= 6), CHO (n= 4), and CON (n= 6) groups. *,
significantly different from 0 h (p< 0.05); {, significantly different from 0 and 24 h (p< 0.05); §, significantly different from CHO (p<
0.05). CHO, carbohydrate; CHO-P, protein–CHO; CK, creatine kinase; CON, water; M, milk.
Cockburn et al. 779
2008 NRC Canada
of consuming milk or milk-based protein–CHO on percep-
tions of muscle soreness.
The intake of protein + CHO may have lead to the attenu-
ation of EIMD by altering protein metabolism. Protein
intake will increase amino acid availability (Tipton and
Wolfe 2001) and CHO will provide the optimal hormonal
environment by increasing insulin (Borsheim et al. 2004;
Miller et al. 2003). Together they will subsequently increase
protein synthesis (Biolo et al. 1997; Elliot et al. 2006; Miller
et al. 2003; Rasmussen et al. 2000; Roy et al. 2000; Wolfe
2001) and there may be no concomitant increases in protein
breakdown (Bird et al. 2006). In support of this it has been
shown that muscle protein synthesis is increased post eccen-
tric exercise in the context of hyperaminoacidemia (Moore
et al. 2005).
Changes in protein metabolism may have lead to the at-
tenuation of ultrastructural damage. As a consequence, myo-
fibrillar disruption, contractile protein loss and cell
membrane integrity would be better maintained. Following
resistance exercise myofibrillar protein is maintained with
the consumption of a protein–CHO supplement (Bird et al.
2006). This would subsequently lead to attenuation of peak
torque, total work of the set, CK, and Mb. To our knowl-
edge a direct relationship between muscle performance and
changes in protein metabolism has not been observed in the
literature; however, this is plausible. A relationship between
muscle performance and the percentage of desmin-negative
fibres has previously been observed (Lieber et al. 1994). It
is possible that fibres lacking desmin have undergone a de-
gree of proteolysis (Lieber et al. 1994). This explanation is
in agreement with other studies who have found beneficial
effects of protein–CHO ingestion (Cade et al. 1991; Ready
et al. 1999; Saunders et al. 2004).
There were no significant differences in the results be-
tween M and CHO-P in isokinetic muscle performance, CK,
or Mb. Both of these nutritional supplements contained sim-
ilar amounts of protein. Thus any effect on attenuating
EIMD based on protein ingestion would be similar for both
groups. The M and CHO-P supplements did differ in terms
of CHO content with CHO-P containing approximately 2.5
times more CHO. CHO increases insulin (Borsheim et al.
2004; Miller et al. 2003), which has been shown to increase
muscle amino acid uptake and synthesis and reduce protein
degradation (Ivy 2004). Previous research has indicated that
as little as 35 g of sucrose in combination with 6 g of amino
acids will promote muscle anabolism (Rasmussen et al.
2000; Tipton et al. 2001). Both the M and CHO-P supple-
ments had a greater amount of CHO than this. There may
be a ceiling effect to CHO content; therefore, any effect of
CHO on protein metabolism may have been similar for both
supplements. In addition, the different CHO solutions in
each of the drinks may have affected postprandial insulin re-
sponse, which may have influenced protein metabolism.
However, a previous study indicated that postprandial insu-
lin response was not significantly different between different
CHO solutions co-ingested with protein post resistance exer-
cise (Kreider et al. 2007). Therefore, the different CHO sol-
utions would not appear to affect protein metabolism and
thus the attenuation of EIMD differently. Furthermore, Bird
et al. (2006) have indicated that insulin does not play a role
in the regulation of myofibrillar protein degradation. This
may explain why there were no differences between the 2
groups in the measured variables.
The attenuation of EIMD following M and CHO-P
supplementation was not apparent until 48 h after muscle-
damaging exercise. Ultrastructural damage becomes pro-
gressively worse in the days following eccentric exercise,
with more damage being observed during 24–48 h after
exercise (Newham et al. 1983) or 3 days later (Friden et
al. 1983). This may partly be because protein degradation
rates do not increase until 24 h later (Lowe et al. 1995;
Wojcik et al. 2001), peaking at 48 h (Lowe et al. 1995).
During this time of increased degradation, protein synthesis
rates remain below baseline (Lowe et al. 1995). Overall,
protein balance would remain negative. This may imply
that changes in the measured variables before 48 h are not
due to ultrastructural damage via protein degradation but to
other processes that may be mechanical in nature. In sup-
port of this, urinary 3-methylhistidine excretion is not sig-
nificantly reduced until 48 h after resistance exercise with
the consumption of a CHO-essential amino acid supplement
(Bird et al. 2006). This may be why, in the present study,
Fig. 5. Mb response to exercise-induced muscle damage in the M (n= 6), CHO-P (n= 6), CHO (n= 4), and CON (n= 6) groups. §,
significantly different from CHO (p< 0.05). CHO, carbohydrate; CHO-P, protein–CHO; CON, water; M, milk; Mb, myoglobin.
780 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 33, 2008
2008 NRC Canada
the attenuation of EIMD was not observed until 48 h after
muscle-damaging exercise.
Attenuations of CK and Mb are in agreement with pre-
vious work (Cade et al. 1991; Ratamess et al. 2003; Ready
et al. 1999; Saunders et al. 2004; Seifert et al. 2005; Sugita
et al. 2003). However, to our knowledge, this is the first
study that has demonstrated attenuated peak torque, total
work of the set, CK, and Mb following acute milk and
milk-based protein–CHO consumption when EIMD was in-
duced by resistance exercise. A similar study previously
conducted found no beneficial effects of protein–CHO in-
gestion on a number of measures of EIMD including iso-
kinetic muscle performance (Wojcik et al. 2001). This was
in the context of increased protein breakdown due to eccen-
tric exercise. They stated that only modest damage was in-
duced (Wojcik et al. 2001). This may indicate that our trial
resulted in greater changes in CK, DOMS, and isokinetic
muscle performance, which may explain the differences
It was apparent that M and CHO-P had no significant ef-
fects on DOMS. It has been suggested that functional and
biochemical measures are preferred when comparing group
differences in EIMD (Rodenburg et al. 1993). DOMS is sub-
jective (Rodenburg et al. 1993), which may be the reason
for no observed differences between groups. EIMD was
only induced in the hamstrings. The hamstrings are only a
small muscle group in relation to the whole body, which
may have effected individual perceptions of DOMS.
The results indicate that the intake of CHO alone had no
beneficial effect on attenuating EIMD. This is partly in
agreement with Dalton et al. (1999) who found CHO intake
had no beneficial effect on EIMD as indicated by measure-
ments of CK. This is an interesting finding, as athletes tradi-
tionally consume CHO when recovering from exercise
(Millard-Stafford et al. 2005). This indicates that athletes
may be better off consuming milk or a milk-based protein–
CHO supplement after eccentric exercise. It is interesting to
note that based on CK and Mb data, CHO consumption ap-
peared to exacerbate the damage. However, it has previously
been stated that differences in CK levels do not provide in-
formation on the differences in the magnitude of EIMD
(Friden and Lieber 2001).
Participants were required to maintain their normal diet to
replicate free living. The limitation of this is that diet was
not strictly controlled. However, it would be expected that
participants with high protein intake would be equally dis-
tributed across groups. Furthermore, both groups consuming
protein and CHO demonstrated similar patterns of results.
This would be unlikely if participants with high habitual
protein intakes were allocated into one group.
In this study, a combination of protein and CHO appears
to be the key nutritional factor for attenuating EIMD. The
results indicate that an athlete may benefit from milk or a
milk-based protein–CHO drink. This would apply to athletes
starting on a new training programme involving a high
component of eccentric exercise or those increasing training
intensity of exercise involving eccentric muscle actions. It
would allow for subsequent training and competing to be
performed at a closer to optimal level and may lead to
hastened recovery, although further research is required to
clarify this.
In conclusion, milk and milk-based protein–CHO drinks
consumed immediately after resistance-based eccentric
muscle-damaging exercise lead to the attenuation of EIMD
48 h later. This may be due to altered protein metabolism
attenuating the disruption of muscle protein structures and
thus changes in peak torque, total work of the set, CK, and
Mb. There were no significant differences between these
groups. A future comparative study is required where treat-
ments are provided on an equicaloric basis and matched for
macronutrient composition to make unequivocal conclusions
on the value of one treatment over the others.
My Goodness Ltd. provided the CHO–protein product. No
finance was provided for conducting the study.
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... The physiological markers creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin (Mb) are often used to assess muscle damage [42][43][44]. For instance, Gordon III et al. [42] and Cockburn et al. [43] demonstrated significant increases in Mb and CK compared to baseline in the subsequent days following a strenuous exercise bout. ...
... The physiological markers creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin (Mb) are often used to assess muscle damage [42][43][44]. For instance, Gordon III et al. [42] and Cockburn et al. [43] demonstrated significant increases in Mb and CK compared to baseline in the subsequent days following a strenuous exercise bout. Likewise, Crosier et al. [45] reported similar findings, with CK and Mb concentrations significantly elevated 24 and 48 h after a strenuous quadriceps exercise protocol. ...
... An adapted overload protocol previously demonstrated to induce extensive muscle damage was used to elicit blood marker responses [42,43,82,85]. The overload protocol consisted of a series of concentric and eccentric muscle actions of the quadriceps on the isokinetic dynamometer. ...
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(1) There is growing concern surrounding the adverse effects of prolonged sitting on health, yet its impact on post-exercise recovery remains relatively unexplored. This study aimed to better understand the potential influence of habitual prolonged sitting on recovery time and the unfavorable impact prolonged sitting may have on time to recovery, as assessed by muscle damage and inflammatory markers and an isokinetic dynamometer. (2) Nine college-age men (mean age ± SD = 22.1 ± 3.1 years, body mass = 80.9 ± 15.7 kg, height = 171 ± 9.0 cm, Body Mass Index (BMI) = 27.6 ± 4.9 kg·m2) participated in an exhaustive exercise protocol. Creatine Kinase (CK), Myoglobin (Mb), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), White Blood Cell Count (WBC), Peak Torque (PT), and muscle soreness were measured at baseline and 0, 24, 48, and 72 h post-exercise. Dietary and exercise logs were maintained during the 5-day testing procedure. (3) No significant differences were observed in muscle damage markers (CK [p = 0.068] and Mb [p = 0.128]), inflammatory markers (CRP [p = 0.814] and WBC [p = 0.140]), or PT [p = 0.255]) at any time point. However, a significant positive correlation was found between daily sitting time and the percent increase in CK concentration from 0 h to 72 h (r = 0.738, p = 0.023). Strong correlations were also noted between prolonged sitting and percent change in Mb concentration at 48 h (r = 0.71, p = 0.033) and 72 h (r = 0.889, p = 0.001). There was a significant two-way interaction for time × velocity (p = 0.043) for PT with a simple main effect for time at 60°·s−1 (p = 0.038). No significant associations were detected between daily carbohydrate or protein intake and recovery markers (p > 0.05). (4) The findings suggest minimizing daily sitting time may expedite and potentially aid muscle recovery after an intense exercise bout, although further research is warranted to validate these findings.
... Consuming cow's milk after damaging exercise has been shown to enhance performance recovery, including measures of force (6-9), speed (9-11), agility, team sport related running (10) and counter movement jump height (9,11). Additionally, drinking cow's milk can result in decreased levels of creatine kinase (6,9), myoglobin (6) and reduced delayed onset of muscle soreness (9) in the days after exercise. Together, these results suggest that cow's milk is a viable option for enhancing recovery from EIMD (12). ...
... Participants received verbal encouragement to resist the downward movement of the dynamometer arm to ensure a constant maximal effort was given throughout the protocol. Similar isokinetic protocols, of various volumes, have been used to investigate the effects of milk-based beverages (6)(7)(8)(9), and other nutritional interventions (24,25). There was no significant difference between the sheep's milk and cow's milk trials for total work completed during the muscle damage protocol (24.2 ± 6.5 kJ and 25.0 ± 5.1 kJ, respectively; P = 0.52). ...
... The lack of difference between beverages may indicate one of two things: that neither beverage improved recovery, or that both improved recovery equally. The use of cow's milk as our control was based on the body of evidence that suggests that cow's milk or cow's milk-based beverages are useful nutritional supplements for athletes recovering from EIMD (6)(7)(8)(9)(10). It is worth noting that our cow's milk beverage provided just 1 g less protein, and similar amounts of carbohydrate, than the milk used by others (6,(8)(9)(10)(11) and therefore it may be expected to provide similar benefits. ...
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Introduction When consumed after eccentric exercise, cow's milk has been shown to improve recovery and alleviate symptoms of exercise induced muscle damage. Although currently less commercially available than cow's milk, sheep's milk may offer similar or greater benefits for recovery as it is higher in protein and energy; however, the effect of sheep's milk in any exercise context has not been explored. This study compared the effects of a sheep's milk beverage and a cow's milk beverage on recovery from strenuous eccentric exercise. Additionally, the effects of each beverage on satiety and gastrointestinal comfort were assessed. Methods Ten healthy males completed baseline measures of perceived muscle soreness and maximal voluntary concentric, eccentric, and isometric quadriceps force of one leg before completing 200 maximal eccentric knee extensions on an isokinetic dynamometer. Measures were repeated 0.5, 24, 48 and 72 h post-eccentric exercise. After 0.5 h measures, participants consumed either 450 ml of chocolate flavored sheep's milk or chocolate flavored cow's milk. Following a washout period, participants completed a second trial on the contralateral leg and consumed the other beverage. Additionally, a satiety and gastrointestinal comfort questionnaire was completed before and after each beverage was consumed. Results Eccentric exercise brought about a significant decrease in muscle function over time (all P < 0.012). No difference between treatments (all P > 0.097) was found. Measures of muscle soreness increased over time (all P < 0.002), however no difference was observed between treatments (all P > 0.072). Only sheep's milk altered perceived satiety, however, only the response to “How full do you feel” differed between treatments (P = 0.04). Discussion The results of this study suggest that consuming sheep's milk may provide similar benefits as cow's milk when recovering from exercise-induced muscle damage. While these findings provide initial support for the use of sheep's milk in a muscle recovery context, further research is warranted to confirm these findings. Given its superior nutritional profile, greater impact on satiety and lower environment impact, sheep's milk may be a more efficient post-exercise recovery beverage, compared to cow's milk.
... The impact of ingested milk protein on the management of EIMD is equivocal. Cockburn and colleagues examined EIMD following unilateral leg flexions in trained males with postexercise milk consumption, proving 34 g of protein attenuated the decrement in maximal strength and rise in serum creatine kinase concentration ([CK]) compared with carbohydrate ingestion (Cockburn et al. 2008). Subsequent studies demonstrated that consuming half the quantity of milk (17 g of protein) is sufficient to attenuate symptoms of EIMD (Cockburn et al. 2012(Cockburn et al. , 2013. ...
... A statistical power analysis was conducted using G * Power 3.1 to determine the study sample size. The power calculation was based on a similar study by Cockburn et al. (2008), which reported a significant difference in the change in isokinetic MVC from baseline between milk protein and carbohydrate groups of 25%. The calculation revealed that five participants per group (20 total) were required to have 80% power to detect significant between-group differences when using a dependent t test with 0.05 two-sided significance level. ...
... We demonstrate that a single bout of habitual-type leg-based resistance exercise induces mild muscle damage without impairing maximal strength. In contrast with previous research (Cockburn et al. 2008(Cockburn et al. , 2010Rankin et al. 2015;Draganidis et al. 2017), we report no attenuative impact of milk protein ingestion on EIMD. Exercise elevated [CK], reduced pain threshold, and prolonged muscle soreness more so in males than females, although changes in muscle swelling, flexibility, and strength were comparable between sexes. ...
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Milk-based proteins are a common choice of post-exercise nutrition to enhance exercise recovery and adaptation. Peri-exercise milk protein ingestion may attenuate exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD), which is a particular risk to untrained individuals. However, most research has been conducted with males and due to potential sex differences in EIMD, research with both sexes is required. This parallel-group randomised controlled trial examined the impact of milk-protein ingestion on recovery from EIMD. Untrained males and females performed a single bout of leg-based resistance exercise and consumed a milk protein (MILK-PRO: n = 4 male, n = 8 female) or isoenergetic control (CON: n = 4 male, n = 8 female) supplement over 4 days post-exercise (17 doses total). Maximum strength was assessed ≥3 wk pre- and 72 and 168 h post- exercise and measures of leg circumference, range of motion, muscle soreness, pressure-pain threshold (PPT), and serum creatine kinase concentration ([CK]) were conducted pre and immediately, 24, 48, 72, and 168 h post-exercise. Resistance exercise induced mild muscle damage that was not attenuated with MILK-PRO relative to CON. Peak increases in [CK] and reductions in PPT were greater in males compared with females. Changes in other markers were comparable between sexes. In conclusion, moderate resistance exercise in naïve individuals induces muscle damage without compromising muscle strength. We support sex differences in EIMD and emphasise the need for further research with both sexes. Milk protein ingestion was not beneficial for recovery from EIMD, thus alternative management strategies should be investigated.
... Moreover, Konopkaet al. (64) and Keller et al.(65), have suggested that the vitamin K2 (coagulation vitamin) and coenzyme Q10, contained in JNDS, are required for muscle dysfunction associated with structural and alteration of skeletal muscle mitochondria, which controls the metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS), Ca 2+ homeostasis, and apoptosis during the aging of skeletal muscles. Several studies have further emphasized that the coenzyme-Q10 is essential for the health of virtually all human tissues (epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous) and organs (66)(67)(68)(69)(70)(71)(72)(73)(74)(75) and was well explained in the earlier study (36). ...
... Therefore, JNDS especially combined with vitamin-K2, coenzyme Q 10, boswellic acids, and curcumin mixed with protein powers of soy and whey, seems to be rapidly effective even in comparison with other supplementary products, as mentioned above, on the signs/symptoms of KOA. It acts quickly in a large number of patients (74) including subjects with a main inflammatory component and those with a degenerative component (associated with different types and levels of pain) along with the maintenance of appropriate levels of biomarkers such as TNF-α, IL-10, CRP, CK-MM, and Aldo-A in their serum. ...
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Background This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of Jumpstart Nutrition® dietary supplement (JNDS) for enhancing the skeletal muscle metabolism and function of older adults with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) by evaluating the biomarkers of aberrant levels of serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-10 (IL-10), C-reactive protein (CRP), creatine kinase-muscle (CK-MM), and aldolase-A (Aldo-A). Methods This twelve-week registry included 54 patients treated with JNDS mainly comprised of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin-K2, coenzyme-Q10, boswellic acid, and curcumin mixed with soy and whey protein (experimental group) and 51 patients treated with symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis (SYSADOA) (control group) for KOA confirmed with radiological images. At week 0 and week 12 for both the groups evaluated, the non-fasting serum levels of TNF-α, IL-10, CRP, CK-MM, and Aldo-A by using appropriate kits. Results At week-twelve, the respective values of area under the ROC curves of the studied biomarkers for pooled experimental cohorts were 0.928, 0.907, 0.908, 0.927, and 0.988 having the significance of accuracy (R-square):66.28%, 47.25%, 70.39%, 65.13%, and 68.00%, indicating a satisfactory treatment policy, their mean± SD, and risk ratio, all exhibited highly significant differences (p<0.0001) and KOA-gradation was upgraded between≥2 and ≥3 from≥4 as per the Kellgren-Lawrence scale compared to the control. Fewer patients had to use emergency medications (p<0.05). Conclusions Results suggest that JNDS may be effectively used to strengthen the skeletal muscle metabolism and function of elderly patients with KOA confirmed with the stabilization of studied biomarkers as an alternative to the treatment of SYSAD correlated with ROC curves and the Kellgren-Lawrence scale.
... More recently, and of greater practical relevance to the general public, studies have taken a food first approach by examining the efficacy of functional foods to promote exercise recovery. For instance, bovine milk (6,7) and tart cherry juice (8,9) ingestion was shown to confer beneficial outcomes in terms of reducing muscle soreness, the better maintenance of muscle function, and ameliorating the rise in putative blood markers of muscle damage (i.e., creatine kinase, CK) inflammation and oxidative stress following muscle damaging exercise. These data have provided the impetus for investigating the efficacy of alternative functional foods to promote exercise recovery across multiple populations. ...
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Introduction As a popular food snack rich in protein, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients, almond nut consumption is widely associated with improvements in cardiometabolic health. However, limited data exists regarding the role of almond consumption in improving exercise recovery. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate the impact of chronic almond snacking on muscle damage and cardiometabolic health outcomes during acute eccentric exercise recovery in mildly overweight, middle-aged, adults Methods Using a randomized cross-over design, 25 mildly overweight (BMI: 25.8 ± 3.6 kg/m²), middle-aged (35.1 ± 4.7 y) males (n = 11) and females (n = 14) performed a 30-min downhill treadmill run after 8-weeks of consuming either 57 g/day of whole almonds (ALMOND) or an isocaloric amount (86 g/day) of unsalted pretzels (CONTROL). Muscle soreness (visual analogue scale), muscle function (vertical jump and maximal isokinetic torque) and blood markers of muscle damage (creatine kinase (CK) concentration) and inflammation (c-reactive protein concentration) were measured pre and post (24, 48, and 72 h) exercise. Blood biomarkers of cardiometabolic health (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol), body composition and psycho-social assessments of mood (POMS-2 inventory), appetite and well-being were measured pre and post intervention. Results Downhill running successfully elicited muscle damage, as evidenced by a significant increase in plasma CK concentration, increased perception of muscle soreness, and impaired vertical jump performance (all p < 0.05) during acute recovery. No effect of trial order was observed for any outcome measurement. However, expressed as AUC over the cumulative 72 h recovery period, muscle soreness measured during a physical task (vertical jump) was reduced by ~24% in ALMOND vs. CONTROL (p < 0.05) and translated to an improved maintenance of vertical jump performance (p < 0.05). However, ALMOND did not ameliorate the CK response to exercise or isokinetic torque during leg extension and leg flexion (p > 0.05). No pre-post intervention changes in assessments of cardiometabolic health, body composition, mood state or appetite were observed in ALMOND or CONTROL (all p > 0.05). Conclusion Chronic almond supplementation alleviates task-specific perceived feelings of muscle soreness during acute recovery from muscle damaging exercise, resulting in the better maintenance of muscle functional capacity. These data suggest that almonds represent a functional food snack to improve exercise tolerance in mildly overweight, middle-aged adults.
... For instance, milk has been investigated as a cheap and readily available recovery drink with a nutrient profile that includes a rich source of protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals. Studies have reported that milk ingestion attenuated the decline in peak torque, and reduced muscle soreness during post-exercise recovery in trained individuals (Cockburn et al., 2008;Rankin et al., 2015). Moreover, tart cherry juice ingestion was shown to attenuate markers of inflammation and oxidative stress following muscle damaging exercise, likely due to the antioxidant and inflammatory effects of vitamins C and E, and high carotenoid content (Bowtell et al., 2011;Connolly et al., 2006). ...
We aimed to investigate the impact of pistachio nut consumption on muscle soreness and function following exercise-induced muscle damage. Using a randomised cross-over design, male team-sport players (n = 18) performed a 40-minute downhill treadmill run to induce muscle damage, which was conducted after 2-wks of consuming either control (CON, water), a standard dose of daily pistachios (STD, 42.5 g/d) or a higher dose of daily pistachios (HIGH, 85 g/d). Lower limb muscle soreness (visual analogue scale), muscle function (maximal voluntary isokinetic torque and vertical jump), and blood markers of muscle damage/inflammation (creatine kinase, C-reactive protein, myoglobin, superoxide dismutase) were measured pre (baseline) and post (24, 48, and 72 h) exercise. No trial order effects were observed for any outcome measurement across trials. Mean quadriceps soreness (non-dominant leg) during exercise recovery was reduced (p < 0.05) in HIGH vs. CON (mean difference (95%CI): 13(1-25) mm). Change in soreness in the dominant quadriceps was not different between HIGH vs. CON (p = 0.06; mean difference (95%CI): 13(-1 to 26 mm)). No main effects of time or trial were observed for mean soreness of hamstrings, or on isokinetic torque of knee extensors or knee flexors, during recovery. Serum creatine kinase concentration peaked at 24 h post-damage (mean(SEM): 763(158)µg/L) from baseline (300(87)µg/L), but had returned to baseline by 72 h post (398(80)µg/L) exercise in all trials, with no trial or trial × time interaction evident. These data suggest that high dose pistachio nut ingestion may provide some alleviation of muscle soreness, but no effect on muscle function, following modest muscle damage.
... As a matter of fact, taking nutritional, liquid, and ergogenic supplements, which have an important place in the healing process, can shorten the recovery period and increase its quality (Armstrong & Johnson, 2018). In a study, it was reported that chocolate milk taken after training increased the protein synthesis in the cell, decreased the pain threshold level, and increased the amount of creatine kinase (Cockburn, Hayes, & French, 2008;Nedelec, Mccall, & Carling, 2013). Muscle damage, pain, tenderness, and stiffness peak 48-72 hours after training. ...
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High intensity exercise, physical recovery methods, cortisol, ACTH, CRH, endorphin.
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Elevated respiratory muscle work is encountered during strenuous exercise, acute and chronic respiratory disorders and during inspiratory pressure-threshold loading (ITL). ITL can induce respiratory muscle damage, evidenced by increases in fast and slow skeletal troponin-I (sTnI). However, other blood markers of muscle damage have not been measured. We investigated respiratory muscle damage following ITL using a skeletal muscle damage biomarkers panel. Seven healthy men (33±2 years) undertook 60 min of ITL at a resistance equivalent to ~0% (Sham ITL) and 70% of their maximal inspiratory pressure two weeks apart. Serum was collected before and at 1, 24, and 48 h after each ITL session. Creatine kinase muscle-type (CKM), myoglobin, fatty acid-binding protein-3 (FABP3), myosin light chain-3, and fast and slow sTnI were measured. Two-way ANOVA revealed time x load interaction effects (P<0.05) for CKM, slow and fast sTnI. All of these were higher for 70% compared to Sham ITL. CKM was higher at 1 and 24 h, fast sTnI at 1 h, while slow sTnI was higher at 48 h. There were main effects of time (P<0.01) for FABP3 and myoglobin, but no time x load interaction effects. Hence, CKM and fast sTnI could be used to assess respiratory muscle damage immediately (1 h), while CKM and slow sTnI could be used to assess respiratory muscle damage 24 and 48 h following conditions that elevate inspiratory muscle work. The specificity of these markers for different time points needs further exploration in other protocols that cause elevated inspiratory muscle work.
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Recovery from prolonged strenuous exercise requires that depleted fuel stores be replenished, that damaged tissue be repaired and that training adaptations be initiated. Critical to these processes are the type, amount and timing of nutrient intake. Muscle glycogen is an essential fuel for intense exercise, whether the exercise is of an aerobic or anaerobic nature. Glycogen synthesis is a relatively slow process, and therefore the restoration of muscle glycogen requires special considerations when there is limited time between training sessions or competition. To maximize the rate of muscle glycogen synthesis it is important to consume a carbohydrate supplement immediately post exercise, to continue to supplement at frequent intervals and to consume approximately 1.2 g carbohydrate·kg -1 body wt·h -1. Maximizing glycogen synthesis with less frequent supplementation and less carbohydrate can be achieved with the addition of protein to the carbohydrate supplement. This will also promote protein synthesis and reduce protein degradation, thus having the added benefit of stimulating muscle tissue repair and adaptation. Moreover, recent research suggests that consuming a carbohydrate/protein supplement post exercise will have a more positive influence on subsequent exercise performance than a carbohydrate supplement.
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A study of a sample provides only an estimate of the true (population) value of an outcome statistic. A report of the study therefore usually includes an inference about the true value. Traditionally, a researcher makes an inference by declaring the value of the statistic statistically significant or nonsignificant on the basis of a P value derived from a null-hypothesis test. This approach is confusing and can be misleading, depending on the magnitude of the statistic, error of measurement, and sample size. The authors use a more intuitive and practical approach based directly on uncertainty in the true value of the statistic. First they express the uncertainty as confidence limits, which define the likely range of the true value. They then deal with the real-world relevance of this uncertainty by taking into account values of the statistic that are substantial in some positive and negative sense, such as beneficial or harmful. If the likely range overlaps substantially positive and negative values, they infer that the outcome is unclear; otherwise, they infer that the true value has the magnitude of the observed value: substantially positive, trivial, or substantially negative. They refine this crude inference by stating qualitatively the likelihood that the true value will have the observed magnitude (eg, very likely beneficial). Quantitative or qualitative probabilities that the true value has the other 2 magnitudes or more finely graded magnitudes (such as trivial, small, moderate, and large) can also be estimated to guide a decision about the utility of the outcome.
The authors investigated the effects of postexercise carbohydrate-protein- anti-oxidant (CHO+P+A) ingestion on plasma creatine kinase (CK), muscle soreness, and subsequent cross-country race performance. Twenty-three runners consumed 10 mL/kg body weight of CHO or CHO+P+A beverage immediately after each training session for 6 d before a cross-country race. After a 21-d washout period, subjects repeated the protocol with the alternate beverage. Postintervention CK (223.21 ± 160.71 U/L; 307.3 ± 312.9 U/L) and soreness (medians = 1.0, 2.0) were significantly lower after CHO+P+A intervention than after CHO, despite no differences in baseline measures. There were no overall differences in running performance after CHO and CHO+P+A interventions. There were, however, significant correlations between treatment differences and running mileage, with higher mileage runners having trends toward improved attenuations in CK and race performance after CHO+P+A intervention than lower mileage runners. We conclude that muscle damage incurred during training was attenuated with postexercise CHO+P+A ingestion, which could lead to performance improvements in high-mileage runners.
The purpose of this study was to examine the time-course and relationships of technetium-99m (99mTc) neutrophils in muscle, interleukin-6 (IL-6), myosin heavy chain fragments (MHC), eccentric torque, and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following eccentric exercise in humans. Twelve male subjects completed a pre-test DOMS questionnaire, performed a strength test and had 100 ml blood withdrawn for analysis of plasma IL-6 and MHC content. The neutrophils were separated, labelled with 99mTc, and re-infused into the subjects immediately before the exercise. Following 300 eccentric repetitions of the right quadriceps muscles on an isokinetic dynamometer, the subjects had 10 ml of blood withdrawn and repeated the eccentric torque exercise tests and DOMS questionnaire at 0, 2, 4, 6, 20, 24, 48, 72 h, and 6 and 9 days. Bilateral images of the quadriceps muscles were taken at 2, 4, and 6 h. Computer analysis of regions of interest was used to determine the average count per pixel. The 99mTc neutrophils and IL-6 increased up to 6 h post-exercise (P < 0.05). The neutrophils were greater in the exercised muscle than the non-exercised muscle (P < 0.01). The DOMS was increased from 0 to 48 h, eccentric torque decreased from 2 to 24 h, and MHC peaked at 72 h post-exercise (P < 0.001). Significant relationships were found between IL-6 at 2 h and DOMS at 24 h post-exercise (r=0.68) and assessment of the magnitude of change between IL-6 and MHC (r=0.66). These findings suggest a relationship between damage to the contractile proteins and inflammation, and that DOMS is associated with inflammation but not with muscle damage.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of amino acid supplementation on muscular strength, power, and high-intensity endurance during short-term resistance training overreaching. Seventeen resistance-trained men were randomly assigned to either an amino acid (AA) or placebo (P) group and underwent 4 weeks of total-body resistance training consisting of two 2-week phases of overreaching (phase 1: 3 X 8-12 repetitions maximum [RM], 8 exercises; phase 2: 5 X 3-5RM, 5 exercises). Muscle strength, power, and high-intensity endurance were determined before (T1) and at the end of each training week (T2-T5). One repetition maximum squat and bench press decreased at T2 in P (5.2 and 3.4 kg, respectively) but not in AA, and significant increases in 1RM squat and bench press were observed at T3-T5 in both groups. A decrease in the ballistic bench press peak power was observed at T3 in P but not AA. The fatigue index during the 20-repetition jump squat assessment did not change in the P group at T3 and T5 (fatigue index = 18.6 and 18.3%, respectively) whereas a trend for reduction was observed in the AA group (p = 0.06) at T3 (12.8%) but not T5 (15.2%; p = 0.12). These results indicate that the initial impact of high-volume resistance training overreaching reduces muscle strength and power, and it appears that these reductions are attenuated with amino acid supplementation. In addition, an initial high-volume, moderate-intensity phase of overreaching followed by a higher intensity moderate-volume phase appears to be very effective for enhancing muscle strength in resistance-trained men.