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Metabolite profiling of blood plasma of patients with prostate cancer


Abstract and Figures

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. It is though extremely important to search for specific markers including metabolites, which concentration in blood could be a diagnostic measure. In this regard, the metabolite profiling of blood plasma was performed with two groups of people: healthy volunteers (n=30) and patients with prostate cancer, second stage (n=40). The profiling protocol included proteins removal from blood plasma with methanol and direct analysis of metabolite fractions by mass spectrometry. Identification of the most abundant metabolites in samples was performed using an accurate mass tag and an isotope pattern methods. Cancer-specific metabolites were revealed by statistical analysis of metabolite intensities in the mass spectra. Six different metabolites were found to be cancer-specific. Two metabolites, acylcarnitine and arachidonoyl amine, have the AUC 0.97 and 0.86, respectively, which are higher than those from PSA test, 0.59. KeywordsMass spectrometry-Prostate cancer-Blood plasma metabolites
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Metabolite profiling of blood plasma of patients with prostate
Petr G. Lokhov Maxim I. Dashtiev
Sergey A. Moshkovskii Alexander I. Archakov
Received: 2 August 2009 / Accepted: 13 October 2009 / Published online: 25 October 2009
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
Abstract Prostate cancer is one of the most common
types of cancer in men. It is though extremely important to
search for specific markers including metabolites, which
concentration in blood could be a diagnostic measure. In
this regard, the metabolite profiling of blood plasma was
performed with two groups of people: healthy volunteers
(n=30) and patients with prostate cancer, second stage
(n=40). The profiling protocol included proteins removal
from blood plasma with methanol and direct analysis of
metabolite fractions by mass spectrometry. Identification of
the most abundant metabolites in samples was performed
using an accurate mass tag and an isotope pattern methods.
Cancer-specific metabolites were revealed by statistical
analysis of metabolite intensities in the mass spectra. Six
different metabolites were found to be cancer-specific. Two
metabolites, acylcarnitine and arachidonoyl amine, have
the AUC 0.97 and 0.86, respectively, which are higher than
those from PSA test, 0.59.
Keywords Mass spectrometry Prostate cancer
Blood plasma metabolites
1 Introduction
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer
in men. Rates of prostate cancer vary widely across the
world and found to be the highest in the US (IARC 2001).
The major problem is that many men who develop prostate
cancer never have symptoms, undergo no therapy, and
eventually die of other causes. A key challenge in cancer
medicine thus is to detect cancer at earlier stage as possi-
ble. The survival rate of patiences with prostate cancer
changes from 33% when it is detected at the advanced
stage to about 100% when is detected at earlier stage (Je-
mal et al. 2004). For early and accurate diagnosis of the
disease and to monitor its progression molecular bio-
markers are often used (Carini 2007). Recent advances in
biomarker discovery provide some high-throughput tech-
nologies, such as: genomics, proteomics and metabolo-
mics. Many studies employ the first two strategies
(Rajcevic et al. 2009; Ahmed 2009; He and Chiu 2003; Seo
and Ginsburg 2005; Emilien et al. 2000) here we will focus
on the metabolomics, namely metabolic profiling.
Metabolomics refers to a global analysis of the low
molecular weight molecules, known as metabolites, in cells,
tissues or fluids. Changes inmetabolite concentrations due to
a disease will add valuable information for biomarker dis-
covery. Mass spectrometry-based metabolic profiling is
nowadays a traditional method in metabolomics allowing
identification of major metabolites in biosamples with high
efficiency and sensitivity (Beecher 2003). In contrast to
classical metabolite studies that are focused only on a few
metabolites, metabolic profiling is aimed to analyze all
metabolites in sample of a given biological system. Metabolic
profiling has already found a wide application in practical
medicine, in particular, in screening newborns for the pres-
ence of congenital failures of metabolism of amino acids,
fatty acids, etc. (Piraud et al. 2003; Schulze et al. 2003; Chace
et al. 2002;2003; Chace and Kalas 2005; German et al. 2003).
Up to date, there is a clear evidence of the correlation of
prostate cancer with a concentration in the blood of
P. G. Lokhov (&)S. A. Moshkovskii A. I. Archakov
Institute of Biomedical Chemistry RAMS, Pogodinskaya Street,
10, Moscow 119121, Russia
M. I. Dashtiev
Bruker Ltd., Moscow, Russia
Metabolomics (2010) 6:156–163
DOI 10.1007/s11306-009-0187-x
metabolites, for example lysophospholipids, androgens,
serotonin, amino acids, including aspartic acid, ornithine
and sarcosine (Osl et al. 2008; Siddiqui et al. 2006; Dizeyi
et al. 2004; Lai et al. 2005; Taylor et al. 2008; Isbarn et al.
2009; Raynaud 2009; Sreekumar et al. 2009). Thus, the
prostate cancer progression is reflected in the low mass
molecules of blood plasma, and further investigations in
this direction such as metabolic profiling can provide new
insights to the cancer diagnostics.
Various protocols of the metabolic analysis of blood
plasma based on mass spectrometry coupled with liquid
(LC–MS) and gas chromatography (GC–MS) are known
(Osl et al. 2008; Gowda et al. 2008; Xue et al. 2008). A
distinct feature of our approach is a direct mass spectro-
metric analysis of metabolite fraction of blood plasma. The
main advantage of this approach is that there is no sepa-
ration prior to mass spectrometry thus reaching maximum
reproducibility for mass spectrometry data. Thus, reliable
changes in concentration of metabolites can be detected
more clearly (Dettmer et al. 2007).
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Samples of blood plasma
Blood for measurement of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
concentration in men was provided by ‘‘New Medical
Technologies’’ Ltd., Russia. ELISA (test kit ‘‘oncoELISA-
total PSA’’, AlcorBio, Russia) was chosen as a measure of
the PSA concentration. All patients signed an informed
consent to provide their blood samples for research pur-
poses. They were then examined in Clinical Cancer Center
(Voronezh, Russia) by palpation and ultrasound investi-
gation, needle biopsy and then the diagnosis was specified.
For mass spectrometry analysis 40 samples from patients
with prostate cancer stage II, T2NxMO and 30 samples
from healthy patients were selected. All patients were
55–80 years old.
The following protocol for blood sampling was used:
10 ml of blood from cubital vein were collected in glass
tubes, containing sodium citrate. In 15 min a 3.8% citrate
blood was centrifuged for 15 min and 16009gat the room
temperature. After that, 2.5 ml of plasma were aliquoted in
4 eppendorf-like tubes and then frozen and stored at -
80°C. Samples for analysis were frozen-thawed not more
than once.
2.2 Sample preparation of blood plasma for mass
For the deproteinization of blood plasma 100 ll of them
was mixed with 100 ll of water (LiChrosolv, Merck, USA)
and 800 ll of methanol (Fluka, Germany) and then incu-
bated for 10 min at 4°C. Samples with precipitated proteins
were centrifuged for 10 min at 13000 rpm (MiniSpin plus,
Eppendorf, Germany), and then supernatant was trans-
ferred to clean eppendorf tubes (Eppendorf, Germany) and
the solvent was evaporated during 3 h at 45°C in the
SpeedVac (Eppendorf, Germany). The resulting dry resi-
due was dissolved in 100 ll of 95% acetonitrile (Acros
Organics, USA) containing 0.1% formic acid (Fluka,
Germany). Samples were sonicated for better dissolution in
the Bandelin RM 40UH ultrasonic bath (Sonorex Technik,
Germany) twice for 30 s. Then, the samples were centri-
fuged again for 10 min at 13000 rpm (MiniSpin plus) and
the resulting supernatant was used for mass spectrometry
2.3 Mass spectrometry and sample processing
Mass spectrometry analysis was carried out on an elec-
trospray hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrom-
eter MicrOTOF-Q (Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Germany).
Mass spectrometer was tuned for a mass range of 250–
1500 Da for optimal signal intensity. Both positive and
negative ions were measured. Samples were delivered into
the mass spectrometer by a direct infusion with a syringe
pump (Hamilton Bonaduz, Switzerland). Accumulation time
of one measurement was 1 min at a flow rate of 3 ll/min.
Threshold for peak selection was set to S/N: 10.
Mass spectra were then processed in Data Analysis 3.4
(Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Germany). For the 25 most
intense peaks having clear isotopic distribution of posi-
tively and negatively charged metabolites the difference
between healthy and diseased patients was defined by two-
sided Wilcoxon rank sum test (Matlab, MathWorks,
USA). Two peaks were considered to relate to the same
metabolite if the mass difference does not exceed
0.01 Da. For the metabolite peaks, whose intensity sta-
tistically changing (1 -p[0.95) in the event of illness,
the average values and standard deviations for the groups
corresponding to the sick and healthy patients were cal-
culated. To determine the parameters of laboratory diag-
nosis, such as specificity and sensitivity, as well as the
construction of the ROC (Receiver Operating Character-
istic)-curve and calculating the area under the ROC-curve
(AUC) ‘‘Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS)’’ version of 10.0 (SPSS Inc., USA) was used.
These specificity and sensitivity of diagnosis based on the
intensities of the metabolites were compared with the
sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis, based on the
concentration of PSA in the blood of patients. Given the
age of patients with prostate cancer, the standard values of
the PSA concentration were taken from 0 to 5.36 ng/ml
(0–0.16 910
Blood metabolome and prostate cancer 157
2.4 Metabolite identification
For mass spectrometric peaks having the highest intensity
and having clear isotopic distribution, the correspondence
to the specific metabolites from the database ‘‘Human
Metabolome Database’’ ( (Wishart
et al. 2007) and/or Metlin (Scripps Center for Mass Spec-
trometry, USA; (Smith et al.
2005) was established. An example of the identification of
metabolite mass, chemical formula and isotopic distribu-
tion is demonstrated in Fig. 1.
3 Results and discussion
On the average 1900 metabolite’s ions were detected in
samples both from healthy and diseased patients. Typical
mass spectra are shown in Fig. 2. The spectra were then
queried against the database and the list of identified
metabolites was retrieved (Table 1). It can be seen that the
area of the most intense peaks both in positive and negative
modes correspond to the fraction of phospholipids. High
number of peaks is observed due to differences in hydro-
carbon chains of fatty acids that present in phospholipids.
The mass range from 450–600 Da corresponds mainly to
lysoforms of phospholipids. Low molecular weight region
(\400 Da) corresponds to metabolites of different
chemical classes that are responsible for various physio-
logical functions.
The metabolites, whose intensity changes significantly
in the event of illness were identified by statistical analysis.
All of the identified differences were in the area of low
molecular metabolites, namely: 302.2442, 304.2602,
377.2680 m/zfor the positively charged metabolites and
307.0452, 367.1486, 369.1631 m/zfor the negatively
charged metabolites. For intensity data of metabolites
mean values and standard deviations were calculated
(Fig. 3).
Results of the identification for these masses are given in
Table 1. It should be noted that for masses 367.1486 and
369.1632 m/zthere are two candidates for each mass. This
is related to the fact that candidates have the same chemical
formula and, consequently, identical isotope distribution
that does not allow to differentiate them with the used in
this study a method of metabolite identification.
The cancer-specific reliable changes in metabolite
intensities allow considering them as potential markers of
disease. In order to determine the possible effectiveness of
such diagnostic data the ROC-curve was plotted using
intensities of metabolite’s mass peaks (Fig. 4). The area
under the ROC-curve is a direct indication of the efficiency
and clinical applicability of the diagnostic method. It is
widely accepted that diagnostic methods are considered to
be clinically applicable when the value for the area under
Fig. 1 Metabolite identification
using accurate mass-tag method
in combination with isotope
pattern. The measured
molecular mass of the
metabolite is queried against a
metabolite database (Human
Metabolome database) (‘1’) that
gives a list of matched
compounds with chemical
formula. Using True Isotopic
Pattern (‘2’) with Smart
Formula 3D (Bruker Daltonik
GmbH, Germany) the
theoretical isotopic distributions
were calculated for chemical
formulas of given candidates
and through the comparing them
with experimental isotopic
pattern the exact molecular
composition and name of
candidate is defined (‘3’,’4’)
158 P. G. Lokhov et al.
ROC-curve (AUC) is not less than 0.6, and to have a good
diagnostic measure when the value is greater than 0.8
(Metz 1978).
Our suggested models of the diagnostic system based on
the metabolites with masses of 302.2442 m/zand
304.2602 m/zcan be attributed to the ‘‘good’’ because they
have a values higher than 0.8. Metabolites with masses
377.2680, 367.1486, and 369.1632 m/zare not suitable for
the diagnosing of prostate cancer, because the value for the
AUC is less then 0.6 (Table 2). For the mass 307.0452 m/z
the ROC-curve was not plotted because of no data in the
group of healthy volunteers for this mass (see Fig. 3).
It should be noted that the PSA test for the same group
of patients had AUC 0.59, which is consistent with data
from other sources (0.51 and 0.54 for the test kits of Roche
and Bayer, respectively; Lein et al. 2003), and this fact
illustrate that the PSA test for the diagnosis of prostate
cancer 2nd stage is questionable.
High death rates from prostate cancer are usually due to
a long-term asymptomatic course of the disease that causes
delays in diagnosis. More than 60% of patients treated by a
physician doctor already have metastases in organs. This
risk group mostly consists of men older than 50–55 years
(Hankey et al. 1999). The metabolic profiling of blood
plasma for this target group of patients has been done and
several cancer-specific changes have been revealed.
Identified changes in the concentration of androgens in
the blood of patients with advanced prostate cancer are not
accidental. A number of studies have reported worrisome
associations between low serum testosterone and prostate
cancer. Morgentaler et al. assessed the prostate cancer
prevalence in hypogonadal men in two studies (Morgen-
taler et al. 1996; Morgentaler and Rhoden 2006). The risk
of prostate cancer detection was correlated with the
severity of androgen deficiency. Also, in a subset analysis
of 184 men, a low testosterone-to-PSA ratio was an inde-
pendent predictor of prostate cancer after adjustment for
age and PSA level (Rhoden et al. 2008). Additionally, other
studies have reported that a low serum testosterone level is
associated with pathologic stage and high Gleason score
(Imamoto et al. 2005; Schatzl et al. 2001; Yano et al.
2007). Thus, recorded in this study, the reduction of
androgens in the blood of patients with cancer is a sup-
plement previously revealed prostate cancer connection
with a low concentration of androgens in the blood.
The observed fall in steroid-like substance such as iso-
lithocholic acid in the blood of patients with advanced
prostate cancer was not shown before. The nature of this
phenomenon is difficult to interpret clearly. Perhaps the fall
of isolithocholic acid is a consequence of low levels of
androgens in the blood of a patient, that directly affects the
secretion of biliary lipids (Ohshima et al. 1996) to which
isolithocholic acid relates.
Numerous disorders have been described that lead to
disturbances in energy production and in intermediary
metabolism of the body that are characterized by the pro-
duction and excretion of unusual acylcarnitines. Determi-
nation of the qualitative pattern of acylcarnitines can be of
diagnostic and therapeutic importance. Changes in the
concentration of acylcarnitine including those observed in
cancer patients are described in Vinci et al. (2005), Sachan
and Dodson (1987), and Malaguarnera et al. (2006). This
phenomenon was studied for advanced pathologic stages
when there was a malignant cachexia. In our case, we have
an early stage of cancer and, more likely, the increase in
concentration of acylcarnitine, namely dimethylheptanoyl
Fig. 2 Mass spectrum of negatively charged metabolites of human blood plasma
Blood metabolome and prostate cancer 159
carnitine, in blood of patients with prostate cancer is
associated with the above changes in hormonal back-
ground, determined by the low level of androgens. The
correlation of testosterone concentration in blood with the
carnitine and acylcarnitine concentrations was previously
described (Marquis and Fritz 1965; Carter et al. 1980).
Moreover, Carter et al. (1980) found significant negative
correlation between blood plasma testosterone concentra-
tions and blood plasma carnitine in animals, the fact, which
is consistent with our data.
Table 1 Results of metabolite
PC phosphatidylcholine;
PE phosphatidylethanolamine;
RN-butyl or N-propyl alpha-
methyl; MW molecular weight
adduct MW (m/z)
Matching MW from
database (Da)
common name
Wilcoxon test
(1 -p)
Positively charged metabolites
1 288.2906 287.2824 C
Sphingosine 0.51
2 302.2442 301.2253 C
Dimethylheptanoyl carnitine 1
3 304.2602 303.2562 C
NO Arachidonoyl amine 1
4 360.3225 359.3188 C
NO R-arachidonoyl amine 0.44
5 377.2680 376.2978 C
Isolithocholic acid 1
6 437.1928 436.2590 C
P 1-Oleoyl-lysophosphatidic
7 518.3269 517.3168 C
P Linolenoyl lysolecithin 0.22
8 542.3208 541.3168 C
P LysoPC 0.73
9 544.3353 543.3325 C
P LysoPC 0.58
10 780.5537 779.5464 C
P PC 0.26
11 804.5503 803.5465 C
P PC 0.57
12 806.5628 805.5621 C
P PC 0.16
13 808.5793 807.5778 C
P PC 0.38
14 828.5477 827.5465 C
P PC 0.11
15 830.5617 829.5621 C
P PC 0.13
16 832.5798 831.5778 C
P PC 0.35
Negatively charged metabolites
17 303.2238 304.2402 C
Arachidonic acid 0.10
18 307.0452 308.0410 C
P Deoxyuridine monophosphate 0.96
19 367.1486 368.1657 C
S Testosterone sulfate or
20 369.1632 370.1814 C
S Androsterone sulfate or
21 397.1911 398.1938 C
P Glycerophosphocholine 0.59
22 445.3184 446.3190 C
Dihydroxyvitamin D2 0.86
23 480.2977 481.3168 C
P LysoPC 0.47
24 530.2886 531.3319 C
P LysoPE 0.08
25 532.2867 533.3481 C
P LysoPE 0.12
26 557.4414 558.4284 C
Diglyceride 0.72
27 593.4630 594.5223 C
Diglyceride 0.94
28 792.5106 793.5985 C
P PC 0.54
29 794.5182 795.5778 C
P PC 0.05
30 816.5114 817.5621 C
P PE 0.66
31 818.5194 819.5778 C
P PE 0.81
32 820.5393 821.5929 C
P PE 0.52
33 840.4984 841.5621 C
P PE 0.62
34 842.5192 843.5778 C
P PE 0.92
35 844.5391 845.5934 C
P PE 0.84
36 850.4731 851.5465 C
P PC 0.92
37 852.4776 853.5621 C
P PC 0.91
160 P. G. Lokhov et al.
Changes of concentration of various lipids in blood of
patients are well known. Changes in lysophospholipids
level are presumably due to binding and activation by them
the specific G-protein binding receptor followed by growth
and proliferation of cancer cells. This interaction leads the
decrease of concentration of lysophospholipids in blood,
which can be used for diagnostic purposes (Murph et al.
2007; Osl et al. 2008). There are no statistical significant
changes in phospholipids revealed in our research. Proba-
bly, it is connected with lower dynamic range of direct
mass spectrometry in comparison with LC–MS used in
previous works. Also, the used early stages of cancers may
be reason why several detected phospholipids did not reach
statistical significance accepted for biomarkers (Table 1).
Required value ‘0.95’ may be reached at further progres-
sion of cancers.
Statistically reliable change of deoxyuridine mono-
phosphate is most likely associated with a known rise in the
blood of nucleotides in patients with cancer as the primary
degradation products of tRNA (Cho et al. 2009; Hsu et al.
2009; Zheng et al. 2005). Moreover, changes in concen-
trations of some nucleotides in the urine have been pro-
posed for the diagnosis of certain types of cancer (Hsu
et al. 2009; Zheng et al. 2005). Since the deoxyuridine is
detected only in the blood of prostate cancer patients, the
ROC was not plotted and the potential use of this metab-
olite as a marker of prostate cancer was not estimated as
A statistically reliable change of arachidonoyl amine is
not shown previously for patient with prostate cancer.
Given the lack of literature data of arachidonoyl amine
metabolism in men, it is difficult to interpret the role of this
Fig. 3 Graphs of mean values
and standard deviations of the
ion intensities of the blood
metabolites of patients with
prostate cancer (1) and healthy
volunteers (2)
Fig. 4 ROC-curve for the models of diagnostic systems of prostate
cancer based on measurement of intensities of metabolite peaks in the
mass spectrometric profile of blood plasma. To construct the curves of
blood plasma samples, 40 prostate cancer patients and 30 healthy
volunteers were used. ROC-curves for: 1, dimethylheptanoyl carni-
tine; 2, arachidonoyl amine; 3, isolithocholic acid; 4, testosterone
sulfate/dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; 5, androsterone sulfate/5a-
dihydrotestosterone sulfate
Blood metabolome and prostate cancer 161
metabolite in prostate cancer. However, calculated AUC
for the metabolite, which is 0.86, indicates the potential use-
fulness as a marker of early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
4 Concluding remarks
In this work a mass spectrometric metabolic profiling of
blood plasma of patients with prostate cancer was carried
out. The suggested protocol allows observation of dominant
peaks from lysophospholipids, and phospholipids in the
mass spectrometric profile, which are not specific for pros-
tate cancer. However, in the low molecular weight region
two metabolites with masses 302.2442 m/z(301.2253 Da,
acylcarnitine) and 304.2602 m/z(303.2562 Da, arachido-
noyl amine), were identified as potentially suitable markers
for early diagnostic of prostate cancer with the efficiency of
significantly higher than the current PSA test.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank ‘‘New Medical
Technologies’’ Ltd. (Russia) and Clinical Cancer Center (Voronezh,
Russia) for the blood samples.
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Measured metabolite
mass (m/z)
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... [35][36][37][38][39] One of the advantages of this marker is that noninvasive methods can be used for the detection of PCa, as it can be measured in urine. [40] Regarding the complete spectrum of metabolites, so far, the most promising biomarkers for PCa diagnosis are sarcosine (area under the curve [AUC]: 0.67), [40] choline, phosphocholines (AUC: 0.982), [39] phosphorylcholines, carnitines (AUC: 0.97), [41] citrate (AUC: 0.89), [42] amino acids (lysine, glutamine, and ornithine), [43][44][45][46] arachidonoyl amine (AUC: 0.86), [41] and lysophospholipids (steroid hormone biosynthesis pathway and bile acids -sensitivity and specificity: 92%-94%). [45] The following five constituents are also important when discriminating between PCa and hyperplasia: dihydroxybutanoic acid, xylonic acid, pyrimidine, xylopyranose, and ribofuranoside, with an AUC: 0.825. ...
... [35][36][37][38][39] One of the advantages of this marker is that noninvasive methods can be used for the detection of PCa, as it can be measured in urine. [40] Regarding the complete spectrum of metabolites, so far, the most promising biomarkers for PCa diagnosis are sarcosine (area under the curve [AUC]: 0.67), [40] choline, phosphocholines (AUC: 0.982), [39] phosphorylcholines, carnitines (AUC: 0.97), [41] citrate (AUC: 0.89), [42] amino acids (lysine, glutamine, and ornithine), [43][44][45][46] arachidonoyl amine (AUC: 0.86), [41] and lysophospholipids (steroid hormone biosynthesis pathway and bile acids -sensitivity and specificity: 92%-94%). [45] The following five constituents are also important when discriminating between PCa and hyperplasia: dihydroxybutanoic acid, xylonic acid, pyrimidine, xylopyranose, and ribofuranoside, with an AUC: 0.825. ...
Metabolomics provides an abundance of information with the potential to accurately describe the physiological state of an organism. It aims to identify small molecules under physiological conditions that might serve as biomarkers and aid in the identification and treatment of health problems. Combining nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with mass spectrometry (MS) yields better identification and quantification of compounds, especially in mixtures, as well as the ability to cross-analyze data from both techniques and thereby increase the number of compounds identified. Metabolomic profiling using NMR and/or MS provides an important diagnostic tool for identifying metabolites under different conditions. This also requires a valid and reliable way to standardize the way we use it to identify biomarkers. Regarding the clinical application of metabolomics, for bladder cancer, threonine, phenylalanine, valine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, leucine, glutamate, histidine, arginine, aspartic acid, tyrosine, glutamine, and serine were found discriminative in diagnosing this entity. On the other side, sarcosine, choline, phosphocholines, phosphorylcholines, carnitines, citrate, amino acids (lysine, glutamine, and ornithine), arachidonoyl amine, and lysophospholipids were found discriminative regarding the prostate cancer diagnosis.
... Due to the severe pollution of KAN in animal husbandry, the chicken serum, milk, honey, and pork were used as actual samples to verify the sensing performance of the constructed sensor in the detection of actual samples. The pretreatment method of serum was based on previous reports (Lokhov et al., 2010); 10 mL of chicken blood plasma was placed in a refrigerator at 4 • C for standing. After stratification, the serum was obtained by centrifuging at 8000 rpm, and a certain quantity of KAN was added to the serum as well as placed in a refrigerator at 4 • C for 3 h. ...
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Most colorimetric methods based on nanozymes need to have excellent performance under acidic condition, so they are currently facing some challenges in the field of food hazard detection. Herein, a facile and rapid colorimetric sensor for kanamycin (KAN) detection in foods under neutral condition has been designed using the peroxidase‐mimic activity of porous nanozyme like Co3O4 nanodisk. Further investigations showed that the interaction mechanism between porous Co3O4 nanodisk and substrates belongs to a ping–pong model, and the inhibition type of KAN on the peroxidase‐mimic activity is noncompetitive inhibition. The constructed sensor has good sensitivity for KAN with the limit of 57 nM, and the color changes can be discerned visually when KAN exceeds 0.5 µM. Besides, the colorimetric sensor obtains excellent recovery results in chicken serum, milk, honey, and pork, which shows that the proposed sensing strategy can provide a rapid and convenient detection method for KAN in foods under neutral condition. Practical Application The established sensing strategy can rapidly distinguish whether KAN residue exceeds the permissible level within 10 min, which meets the requirement for on‐site monitoring of antibiotics in foods, and also open up a new idea for other hazards detection under neutral condition.
... Low false positive detection is very attractive in practice regarding the implications of a diagnosis of breast cancer and referring the patient to the oncology service, with tremendous burden in terms of complexity of health services, costs, and impact to the patient in vain (2,59). In addition, the general performance of the test through the ROC analysis, showed that this HER2 classifier had AUC values of 0.81 and 0.94 for training with the IHC and IHC + FISH sets respectively, a very positive scenario since values between 0.8-0.9 are considered very good for complex and high-throughput detection, such as in blood biochemical profiling (60,61). ...
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The immunohistochemical (IHC) evaluation of epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) for the diagnosis of breast cancer is still qualitative with a high degree of inter-observer variability, and thus requires the incorporation of complementary techniques such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to resolve the diagnosis. Implementing automatic algorithms to classify IHC biomarkers is crucial for typifying the tumor and deciding on therapy for each patient with better performance. The present study aims to demonstrate that, using an explainable Machine Learning (ML) model for the classification of HER2 photomicrographs, it is possible to determine criteria to improve the value of IHC analysis. We trained a logistic regression-based supervised ML model with 393 IHC microscopy images from 131 patients, to discriminate between upregulated and normal expression of the HER2 protein. Pathologists' diagnoses (IHC only) vs. the final diagnosis complemented with FISH (IHC + FISH) were used as training outputs. Basic performance metrics and receiver operating characteristic curve analysis were used together with an explainability algorithm based on Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values to understand training differences. The model could discriminate amplified IHC from normal expression with better performance when the training output was the IHC + FISH final diagnosis (IHC vs. IHC + FISH: area under the curve, 0.94 vs. 0.81). This may be explained by the increased analytical impact of the membrane distribution criteria over the global intensity of the signal, according to SHAP value interpretation. The classification model improved its performance when the training input was the final diagnosis, downplaying the weighting of the intensity of the IHC signal, suggesting that to improve pathological diagnosis before FISH consultation, it is necessary to emphasize subcellular patterns of staining.
... Metabolomics offers quick and indepth observations of any perturbations in the phenotype of a biological system (Dunn et al., 2011). Thus it is widely being used for biomar-ker discovery, diagnostic and prognostic purposes (Florian et al., 1995a;Florian et al., 1995b;Lokhov et al., 2010). However, metabolomics studies of fluorosis are very scarce. ...
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Drinking water is the main source of fluoride intake for the human body and its regulated consumption helps in decreasing dental caries. However, excessive fluoride consumption over a prolonged time period causes fluorosis disease which adversely affects many tissues and organs of the body. This paper describes the evaluation of chronic intoxication of fluoride on human serum metabolome. The untargeted metabolomics approach using UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS is applied for metabolomic profiling, whereas the estimation of fluoride in serum samples was carried out using This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( the ion-selective electrode (ISE). Fluoride concentration was found to be 0.16-1.25 mg/L in serum samples of 39 fluorosis patients and 0.008-0.045 mg/L in 20 healthy samples. A total of 47 metabo-lites were identified based on the high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis. A volcano plot was generated to discriminate features that are significantly different between the fluorosis and healthy groups at the probability of 0.05 and fold change ! 2. Among all identified metabolites, intensities of ten differential identified metabolites including inosine, a-linolenic acid, guanosine, octanoyl-L-carnitine, His-Trp, phytosphingosine, lauroyl-L-carnitine, hydrocortisone, deoxyinosine and dode-canedioic acid have been found altered in disease samples compared to healthy controls. Major pathways identified based on these metabolites include energy metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, purine degradation pathway, elevated protein degradation, and increased x-6 fatty acid linoleate signatures were observed. Ó 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
... Metabolomics offers quick and in-depth observations of any perturbations in the phenotype of a biological system (Dunn et al., 2011). Thus it is widely being used for biomarker discovery, diagnostic and prognostic purposes (Florian et al., 1995a;Florian et al., 1995b;Lokhov et al., 2010). However, metabolomics studies of fluorosis are very scarce. ...
Drinking water is the main source of fluoride intake for the human body and its regulated consumption helps in decreasing dental caries. However, excessive fluoride consumption over a prolonged time period causes fluorosis disease which adversely affects many tissues and organs of the body. This paper describes the evaluation of chronic intoxication of fluoride on human serum metabolome. The untargeted metabolomics approach using UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS is applied for metabolomic profiling, whereas the estimation of fluoride in serum samples was carried out using the ion-selective electrode (ISE). Fluoride concentration was found to be 0.16-1.25 mg/L in serum samples of 39 fluorosis patients and 0.008–0.045 mg/L in 20 healthy samples. A total of 47 metabolites were identified based on the high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis. A volcano plot was generated to discriminate features that are significantly different between the fluorosis and healthy groups at the probability of 0.05 and fold change ≥ 2. Among all identified metabolites, intensities of ten differential identified metabolites including inosine, α-linolenic acid, guanosine, octanoyl-L-carnitine, His-Trp, phytosphingosine, lauroyl-L-carnitine, hydrocortisone, deoxyinosine and dodecanedioic acid have been found altered in disease samples compared to healthy controls. Major pathways identified based on these metabolites include energy metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, purine degradation pathway, elevated protein degradation, and increased ω-6 fatty acid linoleate signatures were observed.
1. A new assessment method for duck footpad dermatitis (FPD) evaluation was developed, combining visual and histological characters using the images and sections of 400 ducks' feet at 340 d of age. All ducks were graded as G0 (healthy), G1 (mild), G2 (moderate) and G3 (severe) according to the degree of FPD.2. To reveal the potential biomarkers in serum related to duck FPD, non-targeted metabolomics and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis were used to explore differential metabolites in each group.3. There were 57, 91 and 210 annotated differential metabolites in groups G1, G2 and G3 compared with G0, which meant that the severity of FPD increasedin line with the number of metabolites. Four metabolites, L-phenylalanine, L-arginine, L-leucine and L-lysine, were considered potential biomarkers related to FPD.4. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that the FPD was mainly involved in glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the pentose phosphate pathway and amino acid metabolism. These are related to production metabolism and can affect the physiological activities of ducks, which might explain the decrease in production performance.
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Despite key advances in the treatment of prostate cancer (PCa), a proportion of men have de novo resistance, and all will develop resistance to current therapeutics over time. Aberrant lipid metabolism has long been associated with prostate carcinogenesis and progression, but more recently there has been an explosion of preclinical and clinical data which is informing new clinical trials. This review explores the epidemiological links between obesity and metabolic syndrome and PCa, the evidence for altered circulating lipids in PCa and their potential role as biomarkers, as well as novel therapeutic strategies for targeting lipids in men with PCa, including therapies widely used in cardiovascular disease such as statins, metformin and lifestyle modification, as well as novel targeted agents such as sphingosine kinase inhibitors, DES1 inhibitors and agents targeting FASN and beta oxidation.
Purpose To identify metabolites in humans that can be associated with the presence of malignant disturbances of the prostate. Methods In the present study, we selected male patients aged between 46 and 82 years who were considered at risk of prostate cancer due to elevated levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) or abnormal results on the digital rectal examination. All selected patients came from two university hospitals (Hospital Universitario del Valle and Clínica Rafael Uribe Uribe) and were divided into 2 groups: cancer (12 patients) and non-cancer (20 patients). Cancer was confirmed by histology, and none of the patients underwent any previous treatment. Standard protocols were applied to all the collected blood samples. The resulting plasma samples were kept at -80°C, and a profile of each one was acquired by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) using established experiments. Multivariate analyses were applied to this dataset, first to establish the quality of the data and identify outliers, and then, to model the data. Results We included 12 patients with cancer and 20 without it. Two patients were excluded due to contamination with ethanol. The remaining ones were used to build an Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) model (including 15 non-cancer and 10 cancer patients), with acceptable discrimination (Q2 = 0.33). This model highlighted the role of lactate and lipids, with a positive association of these two metabolites and prostate cancer. Conclusions The primary discriminative metabolites between patients with and without prostate cancer were lactate and lipids. These might be the most reliable biomarkers to trace the development of cancer in the prostate.
The biomolecular corona that forms on nanomedicines in different physiological and pathological environments confers a new biological identity. How the recipient biological system's state can potentially affect nanomedicine corona formation, and how this can be modulated, remains obscure. With this perspective, this review summarizes the current knowledge about the content of biological fluids in various compartments and how they can be affected by pathological states, thus impacting biomolecular corona formation. The content of representative biological fluids is explored, and the urgency of integrating corona formation, as an essential component of nanomedicine designs for effective cargo delivery, is highlighted.
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AIM: Fourteen urinary nucleosides, primary degradation products of tRNA, were evaluated to know the potential as biological markers for patients with colorectal cancer. METHODS: The concentrations of 14 kinds of urinary nucleosides from 52 patients with colorectal cancer, 10 patients with intestinal villous adenoma and 60 healthy adults were determined by column switching high performance liquid chromatography method. RESULTS: The mean levels of 12 kinds of urinary nucleosides (except uridine and guanosine) in the patients with colorectal cancer were significantly higher than those in patients with intestinal villous adenoma or the healthy adults. Using the levels of 14 kinds of urinary nucleosides as the data vectors for principal component analysis, 71% (37/52) patients with colorectal cancer were correctly classified from healthy adults, in which the identification rate was much higher than that of CEA method (29%). Only 10% (1/10) of patients with intestinal villous adenoma were indistinguishable from patients with colorectal cancer. The levels of m1G, Pseu and m1A were positively related with tumor size and Duke’s stages of colorectal cancer. When monitoring the changes in urinary nucleoside concentrations of patients with colorectal cancer associated with surgery, it was found that the overall correlations with clinical assessment were 84% (27/32) and 91% (10/11) in response group and progressive group, respectively. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that urinary nucleosides determined by column switching high performance liquid chromatography method may be useful as biological markers for colorectal cancer. Keywords: Nucleosides, Biological markers, Colorectal cancer, High performance liquid chromatography Citation: Zheng YF, Yang J, Zhao XJ, Feng B, Kong HW, Chen YJ, Lv S, Zheng MH, Xu GW. Urinary nucleosides as biological markers for patients with colorectal cancer. World J Gastroenterol 2005; 11(25): 3871-3876
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The human metabolome is best understood by analogy to the human genome, i.e. where the human genome is the set of all genes in a human, the human metabolome is the set of all metabolites in a human. Whereas the science of genomics is based upon a genome, the science of metabolomics is grounded in a metabolome. To continue the genome/metabolome analogy, it should be apparent that any published human genome is a statistical approximation as it is derived from a limited number of individuals, and that ultimately any individual has a unique genome. Similarly, the human metabolome is a statistical approximation of the total human metabolic potential. Furthermore, just as the human genome is differentiable from other genomes, for instance, the Xenopus or Caenothus genomes, there is a human metabolome that defines the human biochemical potential that is different from that of Xenopus or Caenothus. While the vitamins and essential amino acids are the most obvious unique characteristics of the human metabolome they are not, by any means, the only defining features. By its definition, the metabolome is the comprehensive set of all potential metabolites that can be expressed in any human under all conditions, the high-water mark of human biochemical potential.
Blood plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly negatively correlated (r = −0.91, P<0.05) with blood plasma carnitine concentrations among dairy bulls of varying fertility levels. Blood plasma testosterone was positively correlated with spermatozoa total carnitine (r = 0.32), spermatozoa acylcarnitines (r = 0.35), and sperm motility (r = 0.49), whereas blood plasma carnitine concentration was negatively correlated with spermatozoa acylcarnitines (r = −0.48), spermatozoa total carnitine (r = −0.36), and sperm motility (r = −0.39). Furthermore, the concentrations of total carnitine (r = 0.67), free carnitine (r = 0.75), and acylcarnitines (r = 0.60) of spermatozoa were positively correlated with sperm motility ratings. Bulls exhibiting the highest fertility levels also had the higher concentration of blood plasma testosterone and lower concentration of blood plasma carnitine. Although several correlation coefficients are not statistically significant, they compare favorably with published values and support the biological importance of these blood plasma constituents as they are related to spermatozoa carnitines and their function in maintaining sperm motility and thus fertility.
Objective. —To determine the prevalence of occult prostate cancer in men with low serum total testosterone or free testosterone levels.Design. —Retrospective analysis of a consecutive series of men.Setting. —Academic teaching hospital.Patients. —Seventy-seven men with low total testosterone or free testosterone levels, with normal results of digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels of 4.0 ng/mL or less. The mean age was 58 years.Interventions. —Sextant prostate needle biopsies with ultrasound guidance.Main Outcome Measures. —Results of prostate needle biopsies, transrectal ultrasound, prostate volume, PSA level, PSA density, total and free testosterone levels.Results. —Prostate cancer was identified in 14% (11/77) of the entire group and in 10 men (29%) aged 60 years or older. The median age for men with cancer was 64 years. Histologic examination showed Gleason scores of 6 or 7 for all cancers. No significant differences were noted between the cancer and benign groups with regard to PSA level, PSA density, prostate volume, total testosterone level, or free testosterone level.Conclusions. —A high prevalence of biopsy-detectable prostate cancer was identified in men with low total or free testosterone levels despite normal PSA levels and results of digital rectal examination. These data suggest that (1) digital rectal examination and PSA levels are insensitive indicators of prostate cancer in men with low total or free testosterone levels, and (2) PSA levels may be altered by naturally occurring reductions in serum androgen levels.
Over the past decade laboratories that test for metabolic disorders have introduced tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), which is more sensitive, specific, reliable, and comprehensive than traditional assays, into their newborn-screening programs. MS/MS is rapidly replacing these one-analysis, one-metabolite, one-disease classic screening techniques with a one-analysis, many-metabolites, many-diseases approach that also facilitates the ability to add new disorders to existing newborn-screening panels. During the past few years experts have authored many valuable articles describing various approaches to newborn metabolic screening by MS/MS. We attempted to document key developments in the introduction and validation of MS/MS screening for metabolic disorders. Our approach used the perspective of the metabolite and which diseases may be present from its detection rather than a more traditional approach of describing a disease and noting which metabolites are increased when it is present. This review cites important historical developments in the introduction and validation of MS/MS screening for metabolic disorders. It also offers a basic technical understanding of MS/MS as it is applied to multianalyte metabolic screening and explains why MS/MS is well suited for analysis of amino acids and acylcarnitines in dried filter-paper blood specimens. It also describes amino acids and acylcarnitines as they are detected and measured by MS/MS and their significance to the identification of specific amino acid, fatty acid, and organic acid disorders. Multianalyte technologies such as MS/MS are suitable for newborn screening and other mass screening programs because they improve the detection of many diseases in the current screening panel while enabling expansion to disorders that are now recognized as important and need to be identified in pediatric medicine.