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Natural antioxidants and stresses in poultry production: from vitamins to vitagenes

  • Vitagene and Health Research Centre


Commercial poultry production is associated with various stresses leading to decrease of productive and reproductive performance of growing chickens, parent birds as well as commercial layers. In general, there are four major types of stress in poultry industry: technological, environmental, nutritional and internal stresses. Growing body of evidence indicates that most of stresses in poultry production at the cellular level are associated with oxidative stress due to excess of free radical production or inadequate antioxidant protection. Therefore, dietary antioxidants are considered to be the main protective means to deal with various stresses in poultry production. Indeed, the development of the effective antioxidant solutions to decrease negative consequences of commercially- relevant stresses is an important task for poultry scientists. One of such approaches is based on possibilities of modulation of vitagenes, a family of genes responsible for animal/poultry adaptation to stress. The new concept of fighting stresses is based on an idea that supplying birds with various antioxidants via the drinking water could help them to effectively deal with stress conditions. In fact, it was proven that inclusion of vitagene-regulating compounds (carnitine, betaine, vitamin E, etc.) in water, as well as some minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and organic acids could be effective in fighting various stresses.
The Proceedings of
XXV World's Poultry Congress 2016
Invited Lecture Papers
EditorsNing Yang, Ling Lian,Jiangxia Zheng,
Xiangping Liu and Changxin Wu
Hosted by the World's Poultry Science Association,
and organized under the auspices of the World's Poultry Science Association
and the Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine.
L22 Natural antioxidants and stresses in poultry production: from vitamins to
Peter F. Surai1-5* , Vladimir I. Fisinin5-6
1Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria;2Szent Istvan University, Godollo, Hungary;
3Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine;
4Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine;
5Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia;
6All Russian Institute of Poultry Husbandry, Sergiev Posad, Russia.
*Corresponding author:
Keywords: antioxidants, poultry, stress, vitagenes
Commercial poultry production is associated with various stresses leading to decrease of productive
and reproductive performance of growing chickens, parent birds as well as commercial layers. In gener-
al, there are four major types of stress in poultry industry: technological, environmental, nutritional and
internal stresses. Growing body of evidence indicates that most of stresses in poultry production at the
cellular level are associated with oxidative stress due to excess of free radical production or inadequate
antioxidant protection. Therefore, dietary antioxidants are considered to be the main protective means to
deal with various stresses in poultry production. Indeed, the development of the effective antioxidant so-
lutions to decrease negative consequences of commercially- relevant stresses is an important task for
poultry scientists. One of such approaches is based on possibilities of modulation of vitagenes, a family
of genes responsible for animal/poultry adaptation to stress. The new concept of fighting stresses is
based on an idea that supplying birds with various antioxidants via the drinking water could help them
to effectively deal with stress conditions. In fact, it was proven that inclusion of vitagene-regulating com-
pounds (carnitine, betaine, vitamin E, etc.) in water, as well as some minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and
organic acids could be effective in fighting various stresses.
Stresses in poultry production
Commercial poultry production is associated with various stresses leading to decrease of productive
and reproductive performance of growing chickens, parent birds as well as commercial layers. In gener-
al, there are four major types of stress in poultry industry: technological, environmental, nutritional and
internal stresses (Surai and Fisinin, 2016a; 2016b; Table 1).In fact, a list of commercially-relevant stress-
es in poultry production could be quite long, but the main point is the most of the stresses suppress repro-
ductive performance of parent birds including reduced fertility and hatchability. Furthermore, stresses
are associated with impaired feed conversion, reduced average daily weight gain, immunosuppression
and increased mortality in growing birds. Growing body of evidence indicates that most of stresses in
poultry production at the cellular level are associated with oxidative stress due to excess of free radical
production or inadequate antioxidant protection (Surai, 2002; 2006; Surai and Fisinin, 2016a; 2016b).
According to the recent literature review, heat and diet are among main means causing oxidative stress
in domestic birds that may lead to biological damage, serious health disorders, lower growth rates, and,
hence, economic losses (Estevez, 2015). Therefore, dietary antioxidants are considered to be the main
protective means to deal with various stresses in poultry production (Surai, 2002; 2006)
Antioxidant systems of the body
During evolution, living organisms have developed specific antioxidant protective mechanisms to
deal with ROS and RNS (Surai, 2002). Therefore it is only the presence of natural antioxidants in living
organisms which enable them to survive in an oxygen-rich environment. The general termantioxidant
systemsdescribes these mechanisms, which are diverse and responsible for the protection of cells from
the actions of free radicals. These systems include: Natural fat-soluble antioxidants (vitamins A, E, carot-
enoids, ubiquinones, etc.); water-soluble antioxidants (ascorbic acid, uric acid, carnitine, betaine, tau-
rine, etc.); antioxidant enzymes: glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dis-
mutase (SOD); thiol redox system consisting of the glutathione system (glutathione/glutathione reduc-
tase/glutaredoxin/glutathione peroxidase and a thioredoxin system(thioredoxin/thioredoxin peroxidase/
thioredoxin reductase). The protective antioxidant compounds are located in organelles, subcellular com-
partments or the extracellular space enabling maximum cellular protection to occur. The antioxidant sys-
tem of the body is responsible for prevention of damaging effects of free radicals in stress conditions.
Therefore, dietary supplementation of antioxidant compounds is a way to improve efficiency of poultry
production in commercial conditions associated with various stresses. Dietary-derived antioxidants relat-
ed to poultry nutrition can be divided into several groups:
·Vitamin E -main chain-breaking antioxidant in the cell, located in biological membranes and proven
to be effective in antioxidant protection. The main reason for vitamin E dietary supplementation for poul-
try and farm animals is to maintain their optimal health and high productive and reproductive perfor-
mances. It includes positive effects of vitamin E on male and female reproduction, immunocompetence,
effective growth and development, high quality of eggs and meat, decreased negative consequences of
various stresses (Surai, 2002; 2006, 2014). Extensive research and wide commercial application for a
number of years clearly shows essentiality of vitamin E in animal/poultry nutrition. Recently it has been
shown that vitamin E recycling in the cell is key for its antioxidant activity. Ascorbic acid, selenium, vi-
tamins B1 and B2 are important elements of vitamin E recycling. Therefore, if recycling is effective,
even a low vitamin E concentration, for example in the embryonic brain, can prevent lipid peroxidation
in vivo
. Dietary vitamin E supplementation is an important part of poultry nutrition (Surai, 2002). The
main source of vitamin E for poultry is a premix providing the vitamin usually in excess of dietary re-
quirement. There is a range of anti-stress premixes with an increased vitamin E content. After 90 years
of extensive research in the field of vitamin E we greatly appreciate its unique role in biological sys-
tems, in maintaining growth, development and general health of humans and animals.
·Selenium -an integral part of 25 selenoproteins participating in various antioxidant reactions in the
body. It is supplied with the diet in various forms and optimal Se status is a key for effective antioxidant
protection (Surai, 2006). It has been shown that organic Se in the form of Selenomethionine (SeMet) is
the Se form of choice for poultry breeders (Surai and Fisinin, 2014). Generally speaking, there are two
major Se sources for poultry, namely inorganic selenium (mainly selenite or selenate) and organic seleni-
um in the form of selenomethionine (SeMet; mainly as Se-Yeast or SeMet preparations). Advantages of
organic Se in poultry nutrition have been shown (Surai, 2006; Surai and Fisinin, 2014) and Se-Yeast re-
ceive a lot of attention as an effective source of organic selenium in poultry/farm animal nutrition. How-
ever, it seems likely that the level of SeMet in the yeast is the major determinant of its value as a Se
source. However, that value is still variable (usually in a range 50%~70%) and it is a difficult task to sta-
bilise and guarantee it at the level of production of Se-Yeast. Pure SeMet has some problems related to
its stability and therefore an introduction of the new stable supplemental form of Se (Seleno-hydroxy-
methionine) could be considered as a next step in improving Se nutrition of poultry.
·Carotenoids -important elements of the antioxidant system, possessing antioxidant activities and par-
ticipating directly or indirectly (for example, by recycling vitamin E or regulating expression of various
genes) in antioxidant defences. There are more than 750 carotenoids in nature and their efficiency varies
considerably. Recently, an important role of canthaxanthin in breeder nutrition has been described (Su-
rai, 2012a; 2012b). Indeed, there is a growing evidence indicating that canthaxanthin has a special role
in antioxidant defences of the developing embryo and its dietary supplementation of the breeders diet
is a way of improving hatchability.
·Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - an important antioxidant synthesized in chickens. Its dietary supplemen-
tation is shown to be effective only in stress conditions, when its requirement substantially increases.
The role of vitamin C in vitamin E recycling is a topic of great interest.
·Polyphenolic compounds -a group of various plant-derived compounds comprising more than 8,000
various compounds possessing antioxidant and pro- oxidant properties in various conditions (Surai,
2014). The main problem with polyphenols, including flavonoids, is their low bio-availability. Their con-
centration in the diet could be very high, but their levels in blood is low and their concentration in target
tissues (liver, muscles, egg yolk) usually is negligible. Therefore, the main site of flavonoid action is the
gut where they can have health-promoting properties by participating in maintaining antioxidant-prooxi-
dant balance (Surai, 2006). Emerging findings suggest a large number of potential mechanisms of action
of polyphenols in preventing disease, which may be beyond their conventional antioxidant activities.
Therefore, it seems likely that antioxidant activity is not a major mechanism for possible beneficial ef-
fects of flavonoids in poultry nutrition. Indeed there is a shift in polyphenol-related research from testing
their antioxidant activities in vitro to deeper understanding their molecular mechanisms of action includ-
ing cell-signalling and gene expression. In particular, silymarin (SM), an extract from the
Silybum maria-
(milk thistle) plant containing various flavonolignans (with silybin being the major one), has re-
ceived a tremendous amount of attention over the last decade as a herbal remedy for liver treatment. In
fact, SM has been the gold standard drug to treat liver disorders of different aetiologies and milk thistle
extracts have been used as traditional herbal remedies (liver tonics) for almost 2000 years. Indeed,
protective roles of silymarin in poultry production deserves more attention (Surai, 2015d)
·Carnitine is an important element of the antioxidant system of the body (Surai, 2015b) and it has pos-
itive effects on chickens when added to the feed or supplemented via water. In fact, carnitine could be
considered a new type of antioxidant, regulating the mitochondria, a major site of free radical produc-
tion. Effects of carnitine on vita-gene expression deserves more attention. Carnitine also has immuno-
modulating properties in chickens and needs further investigation. Indeed, carnitine is synthesized in ani-
mals, including chickens, however, in stress conditions its synthesis is most likely not sufficient and
there is a need for its supplementation. In general, carnitine supplementation via drinking water is con-
sidered an effective means of improving carnitine status of the birds and their performance.
·Betaine is another new entrant into the antioxidant family participating in osmotic balance regula-
tion. It seems likely that as a source of methyl groups in the body betaine plays important roles in many
physiological processes related to stress biology.
Vitagene concept development
Since at the molecular level most stresses are associated with overproduction of free radicals and oxi-
dative stress, the development of the effective antioxidant solutions to decrease negative consequences
of commercially-relevant stresses is an important task for poultry scientists. One of such approaches is
based on possibilities of modulation of vitagenes, a family of genes responsible for animal/poultry adap-
tation to stress. The termvitagenewas introduced in 1998 by Rattan who wroteOur survival and the
physical quality of life depends upon an efficient functioning of various maintenance and repair process-
es. This complex network of the so-called longevity assurance processes is composed of several genes,
which may be called
Later vitagene concept has been further developed in medical sciences
by professor Calabrese and colleagues in 2004-2016. In accordance with Calabrese et al. (2007; 2009;
2014) the term vitagenes refers to a group of genes that are strictly involved in preserving cellular ho-
meostasis during stress conditions and the vitagene family includes heat shock proteins (HSPs), includ-
ing heme oxygenase-1 (HSP32, HO-1) and HSP70, the thioredoxin system and sirtuins. The list of po-
tential candidates to vitagene family was extended. In particular, SOD, a major inducible enzyme of the
first level of antioxidant defence, has been included into the vitagene family (Surai, 2015a; Surai and Fi-
sinin, 2015b). The products of the mentioned genes actively operate in detecting and controlling diverse
forms of stress and cell injuries. The cooperative mechanisms of the vitagene network are reviewed in re-
cently published in the aforementioned comprehensive reviews with a major conclusion indicating an es-
sential regulatory role of the vitagene network in cell and whole organism adaptation to various stresses.
Indeed, cellular stress response is mediated via the regulation of pro-survival pathways and vitagene ac-
tivation with the following synthesis of a range of protective antioxidant molecules is the central event
in such an adaptation. The vitagene concept helped in developing effective strategies to fight oxidative
stress in various human diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, neuroprotection, aging and lon-
gevity, dermatology, osteoporosis and Alzheimer pathology, and other free radical-related diseases (for
review and references there see Surai and Fisinin, 2016b). Indeed, HSPs, including heme oxygenase-1
(HO-1) and HSP70, are responsible for protein homeostasis in stress conditions of poultry production
(Surai, 2015c), while the thioredoxin system is the major player in maintaining redox status of the cell
involved in protein and DNA synthesis and repair as well as in regulation of expression of many impor-
tant genes (Surai and Fisinin, 2016b). Furthermore, sirtuins regulate the biological functions of various
molecules post-translationally by removing acetyl groups from protein substrates ranging from histones
to transcription factors and orchestrate cellular stress response by maintenance of genome integrity and
protein stability. Finally, SODs belong to the first level of antioxidant defence preventing lipid and pro-
tein oxidation at the very early stages (Surai, 2015a). All the aforementioned vitagenes operate in con-
cert building a reliable system of stress detection and adequate response and are considered to be key ele-
ments in stress adaptation.
Vitagene-based concept of fighting stresses in poultry production
Recently, he vitagene concept has been successfully transferred from medical sciences to poultry sci-
ence (Fisinin and Surai, 2011; Surai and Fisinin, 2012a; 2012b; Surai, 2015a; 2015b; 2015c; 2015d; Su-
rai and Fisinin, 2015b). The new concept of fighting stresses is based on an idea that supplying birds
with various antioxidants via the drinking water could help them to effectively deal with stress condi-
tions. Indeed, a decreased feed consumption at time of stress is observed and existing feeding systems
do not allow to include anything into the feed loaded into the feed storage bins. Therefore, water-soluble
additive supplementation via drinking system is shown to be a valuable option. In fact, modern commer-
cial poultry houses are equipped with water medication systems, which can be effectively used for the
aforementioned supplementations. It was proven that inclusion of vitagene-regulating compounds (carni-
tine, betaine, vitamin E, etc.) as well as some minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and organic acids in water,
could be effective in fighting various stresses (Fisinin and Surai, 2011; Surai and Fisinin, 2012a; 2012b).
This helps at chick placement, when the antioxidant system is crucial for the digestive and immune sys-
tem development (Fisinin and Surai, 2012a; Surai and Fisinin, 2015a). In particular it was proven that in-
clusion of an anti- stress composition (PerforMax) into the drinking water at the University trial im-
proved chicken growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR; Fotina et al., 2011; Fotina et al., 2014). Using
the same anti- stress composition in commercial conditions improved FCR during a 39 day broiler
growth trial. At the end of the trial, the improvement in FCR due to the anti-stress composition during
the first three days post-hatch as well as before and after vaccination was highly significant (Velichko et
al., 2013; Velichko and Surai, 2014). The importance and efficacy of the anti-stress composition for rear-
ing birds and adult egg type parent stock (Hy-Line) at one of the biggest egg producing farms in Russia
(Borovskaya poultry farm, Tumen region) have been recently reviewed (Shatskich et al., 2015).In partic-
ular it was shown that usage of the anti-stress composition with drinking water at specific periods of the
increased stress can improve breeder's performance. In particular there was an increase by 2% of the egg
peak production and peak plateau lasted about 50 days longer than that in the control birds. It is interest-
ing to note that hen housed egg production in the control group (260.8 eggs) was higher than the target
for the line (253.4 eggs) and in the experimental group it was increased by 6 eggs. Furthermore, im-
proved egg production was associated with increased weight of the oviduct in the experimental layers. It
is also important to mention that FCR (feed per 10 eggs) was also improved by usage of the anti-stress
composition and was better than the target for the line. Notably, shell strength at age 26, 36 and 56
weeks was improved in the experimental group by 2.8, 5.6 and 5.6%, respectively. The most interesting
finding was related to a significant increase of the carotenoid level in the egg yolk of experimental birds.
Since carotenoids were not supplied with the anti-stress composition, this increase could be due to im-
proved absorption of nutrients resulting from anti- stress composition usage. This can also explain im-
proved FCR in the experimental birds. Vitamin A level in the egg yolk from the experimental layers was
also increased probably reflecting its transfer from the anti-stress composition. In particular, anti-stress
composition usage was associated with improved fertility at 16, 40, 48 and 56 weeks by 2.5; 2.7; 2.8 and
3.7%, respectively. In the same experimental group the hatch of condition chicks improved at 26, 32, 40,
48 and 56 weeks by 3.6; 2.1; 3.4; 4.9 and 4.3%, respectively (Shatskih et al., 2015). In addition, it was
shown that the anti-stress composition had an immune-modulating effect in broilers (Fotina et al., 2011)
and growing ducklings (Surai et al., 2012). Improvement of the antioxidant system via supplying an anti-
oxidant composition via the drinking water could also help dealing with various mycotoxins in feed, in-
cluding DON (Fisinin and Surai, 2012b; 2012c), ochratoxin (Fisinin and Surai, 2012d; 2012e) and T-2
toxin (Fisinin and Surai, 2021f; 2012g). Furthermore, such a technology could help fight heat stress (Su-
rai and Fotina, 2013) and immunosuppression (Fisinin and Surai, 2013a; 2013b). However, further work
is required to understand molecular mechanisms of the interactions of vitagenes with various signaling
systems and transcription factors in the cell to build an adequate adaptive response to minimize detri-
mental consequences of commercially-relevant stresses in poultry production.
Table 1. Stresses in poultry production (Adapted from Surai and Fisinin, 2016a)
Technological stresses
Chick placement
Increased stocking density
Weighing, grading, group formation, catching, transferring to breeder houses
Prolonged egg storage, egg transportation, inadequate egg storage conditions, incorrect incubation regimes
Environmental stresses
Inadequate temperature
Inadequate ventilation and increased dust
Inadequate lightning
Nutritional stresses
Oxidised fat
Toxic metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, etc.)
Imbalance of minerals (Se, Zn, Cu, etc.) and other nutrients
Low water quality
Usage of coccidiostats and other drugs via feed or water
Internal stresses
Microbial or virus challenges
Gut dis-bacteriosis
Pipping and hatching
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This study aimed to tentatively evaluate the effects of dietary vitamin E (VE) on goose reproductive physiology through the investigation of reproductive performance, egg characteristics, antioxidant capacity, and immune status in breeding geese. A total of 480 female and 96 male Jiangnan White breeding geese were randomly assigned to four treatments with four replicates, and each replicate had 30 females and six males. Four levels of VE were successively added to four treatment diets from 48 to 54 weeks of age, representing the effects of VE deficiency (0 IU/kg), basic-dose VE (40 IU/kg), middle-dose VE (200 IU/kg), and high-dose VE (2000 IU/kg). Neither the egg-laying rate nor the healthy-gosling rate were affected by any of the VE supplementations (p > 0.05). The qualified egg rate, hatchability of fertilized eggs, and spleen index were increased by each VE supplementation (p < 0.05). Egg fertility, the concentration of plasma reproductive hormones (i.e., the follicle-stimulating hormone, estradiol, and progesterone), follicular development, and antioxidant enzyme activities—i.e., the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)—in the liver and ovary were improved by 200 IU/kg of dietary VE (p < 0.05). Plasma VE concentration, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G content were increased, whereas plasma vitamin D3 concentration was reduced by increasing dietary VE levels to 2000 IU/kg (p < 0.05). The VE deposition of yolk, the yolk color depth, and the albumen rate were increased by each VE supplementation (p < 0.05). Antioxidant enzyme activities (i.e., MDA concentration, T-AOC, SOD, and GSH) in yolk were improved by 200 IU/kg and 2000 IU/kg of dietary VE (p < 0.05), compared with 0 IU/kg. The VE deposition was significantly correlated with GSH activity and the MDA concentration in egg yolk (p < 0.05). However, the high intake of dietary VE (2000 IU/kg vs. 200 IU/kg) decreased egg fertility (p < 0.05) and reduced the antioxidant capacity in the liver and ovary (p < 0.05). The qualified egg rate was positively correlated to immunoglobulin production (p < 0.05). Egg fertility and hatchability were correlatively improved by increased antioxidant enzyme activity; decreased MDA in the liver and ovary; hatchability; and enhanced immune status (p < 0.05). To sum up, both VE deficiency and high-dose VE (2000 IU/kg) reduced reproductive performance, whereas a dose of 200 IU/kg VE achieved optimal fertility, possibly through enhancing antioxidant capacity and immune status.
Taurine (Tau), a sulphur-containing, non-proteinaceous amino acid traditionally is not considered to be essential for poultry, since it is synthesised in the body. Recent changes in breeder diet formulation associated with removal of animal-derived feed ingredients, main feed sources of Tau for poultry, make such a diet Tau-deficient. Furthermore, in stress conditions when Tau requirement is most likely increased, it could become semi-essential. In laboratory conditions with small numbers of birds and well-controlled environment and balanced diets, beneficial protective effects of dietary Tau most likely would not be observed. This was confirmed in a range of trials conducted 30–50 years ago. However, recent data related to various stress models, including heat stress, immunological challenge, increased stocking density and presence of toxicants in the diet, showed some protective effects of dietary Tau. In particular, Tau can decrease oxidative stress and inflammation (via downregulation of NF-κB) caused by the aforementioned factors in chicken liver, kidney and oviduct. Furthermore, a great body of evidence from medical sciences showing protective effect of Tau in various model systems and in clinical practices clearly indicate a need for further research in the area. Indeed, nutritional modulation of commercially relevant stresses in poultry production by using Tau deserves more attention and further investigation.
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Natural antioxidants play important roles in maintaining chicken health, productive and reproductive performance of breeders, layers, rearing birds, and growing broilers. There is a wide range of antioxidant molecules in the body: vitamin E, carotenoids, selenium, ascorbic acid, coenzyme Q, carnitine, taurine, antioxidant enzymes, etc. In the body all antioxidants work together to create the antioxidant network called "antioxidant systems" with Se being the "chief-executive." Analysis of the current data on selenium roles in antioxidant defenses in poultry clearly showed its modulatory effect at the level of breeders, developing embryos, newly hatched chicks, and postnatal chickens. On the one hand, Se is involved in the expression and synthesis of 25 selenoproteins, including GSH-Px, TrxR, and SepP. On the other hand, Se affects non-enzymatic (vitamin E, CoQ, and GSH) and enzymatic (SOD) antioxidant defense mechanisms helping build strong antioxidant defenses. Se efficiency depends on the level of supplementation and form of dietary Se, organic Se sources being more effective modulators of the antioxidant systems in poultry than sodium selenite. Moreover, Se levels in eggs from some wild avian species are close to those found in chicken eggs after 0.3 ppm organic Se supplementation and a search for most effective dietary form of organic Se is a priority in poultry nutrition. Antioxidant/prooxidant (redox) balance of the gut and the role/interactions of Se and microbiota in maintaining gut health would be a priority for future poultry research.
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Commercial poultry production is associated with various stresses responsible for decreasing productive and reproductive performance of growing chicks, breeders and commercial layers. A growing body of evidence shows that most of stresses in poultry production at the cellular level are associated with oxidative stress. Recently, a concept of the cellular antioxidant defense has been revised with special attention paid to cellular redox status maintenance and cell signaling. In fact, antioxidant systems of the living cell are based on three major levels of defense and superoxide dismutase (SOD) is shown to belong to the first level of the antioxidant defense network. Cellular antioxidant defenses are shown to include several options and vitagene activation in stress conditions is considered as a fundamental adaptive mechanism. The vitagene family includes various genes regulating synthesis of protective molecules including thioredoxins, sirtuins, heat shock proteins and SOD. However, by the time of writing no comprehensive review on the roles and effects of SOD in poultry biology has appeared. Therefore, the aim of this review is a critical analysis of the role of SOD in poultry biology with specific emphasis to its functions as an essential part of the vitagene network. From the analysis of the recent data related to SOD in poultry physiology and adaptation to stresses it is possible to conclude that: a) SOD as important vitagene is the main driving force in cell/body adaptation to various stress conditions. Indeed, in stress conditions additional synthesis of SOD is an adaptive mechanism to decrease ROS formation; b) If the stress is too high SOD activity is decreased and apoptosis is activated; c) there are tissue-specific differences in SOD expression which also depends on the strength of such stress-factors as heat, heavy metals, mycotoxins and other stressors; d) SOD is shown to provide an effective protection against lipid peroxidation in chicken embryonic tissues and semen; e) SOD is shown to be protective in heat and cold stress, toxicity stress as well as in other oxidative-stress related conditions in poultry production; f) there are complex interactions inside the antioxidant network of the cell/body to ensure an effective maintenance of homeostasis in stress conditions. Indeed, in many cases, nutritional antioxidants (vitamin E, selenium, carotenoids, phytochemicals, etc.) in the feed can increase SOD expression; g) nutritional means of SOD upregulation in stress conditions of poultry production and physiological and commercial consequences await further investigation; h) vitagene upregulation in stress conditions is emerging as an effective means for stress management
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Commercial poultry production is associated with various stresses decreasing productive and reproductive performance of birds. A growing body of evidence indicates that most of stresses in poultry production at the cellular level are associated with oxidative stress due to excess of free radical production or inadequate antioxidant protection. Recently, a concept of the cellular antioxidant defence has been revised with a special attention paid to cell signalling. Antioxidant systems of the living cell are based on three major levels of defence and include several options and vitagene activation in stress conditions is considered as a fundamental adaptive mechanism. The vitagene family includes various genes responsible for synthesis of protective molecules such as thioredoxins, SOD, sirtuins and heat shock proteins (HSP). Indeed, HSP70, HSP90 and HSP32 (heme oxygenase) are among important elements of the antioxidant system network. However, by the time of writing no comprehensive review on the roles and effects of HSPs in poultry biology has appeared. Therefore, the aim of this review is a critical analysis of the role of HSPs in poultry biology with specific emphasis to their functions as an essential part of the vitagene network. From the analysis of the recent data related to HSPs in poultry physiology and adaptation to stresses it is possible to conclude that: a) HSPs as important vitagenes are the main driving force in cell/body adaptation to various stress conditions. Indeed, in stress conditions synthesis of most cellular proteins decreases while HSP expression is usually significantly increased; b) HSPs as cellular chaperones are responsible for proteostasis and involved in protein quality control in the cell to prevent misfolding or to facilitate degradation, making sure that proteins are in optimal structure for their biological activities; c) there are tissue-specific differences in HSP expression which also depends on the strength of such stress-factors as heat, heavy metals, mycotoxins and other toxicants; d) HSP70, HSP90 and HSP32 are shown to be protective in heat stress, toxicity stress as well as in other oxidative stress-related conditions in poultry production; e) molecular mechanisms of HSP participation in acquisition of thermotolerance need further detailed investigation; f) there are complex interactions inside the antioxidant network of the cell/body to ensure an effective maintenance of homeostasis in stress conditions. Indeed, in many cases nutritional antioxidants (vitamin E, ascorbic acid, selenium) in the feed can decrease oxidative stress and as a result HSP expression could be decreased as well; g) regulating effects of various phytochemicals on HSPs need further investigation; h) protective effects of HSPs in the immune system in stress conditions await practical applications in poultry production; i) nutritional means of additional HSP upregulation in stress conditions of poultry production and physiological and commercial consequences await investigation; j) vitagene upregulation in stress conditions is emerging as an effective means for stress management.
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During last decades there has been a growing interest in the potential uses of L-carnitine (LC) as a medicinal agent as well as a nutritional/dietary supplement. In addition to a great interest from medical sciences, carnitine received a substantial attention from pig and poultry industry.The molecular mechanisms accounting for the positive effect of LC on many physiological parameters in farm animals and poultry are not yet fully understood but many protective effects of LC reported in literature, have been postulated to be related to its antioxidant action. However, by the time of writing no comprehensive review on this subject has appeared.Based on the analysis of the recent publications it could be concluded that antioxidant action of carnitine is related to: 1. Its direct scavenging free radicals; 2. Chelating catalytic metals-promoters of reactive oxidative species (ROS), such as Fe and Cu; 3. Maintaining mitochondria integrity in stress conditions and preventing ROS formation; 4. Inhibiting ROS-generating enzymes, such as XO and- NAPDH oxidases; 5. Affecting redox-signaling via activation of Nrf2 and PPARα and inhibition of NF-κB with additional synthesis of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, GSH-Px, GR, GST, CAT, etc.) and small antioxidant molecules (GSH); 6. Regulating vitagenes and synthesis of HSPs, sirtuins, thioredoxins and other antioxidant molecules. It seems likely that in biological system in vivo all the aforementioned mechanisms are involved and their interactions provide an important place for carnitine to be a crucial part of the integrated antioxidant systems of the animal and human body. Therefore, Carnitine participation in redox signaling and affecting transcription factors (Nrf2, PPARα, NF-κB, etc.) as well as activating the vitagene network are main mechanisms responsible for antioxidant action of LC and its derivatives. Taking into account low carnitine content in grains and poultry and pig diet formulations with limited amounts of animal proteins, carnitine requirement and possible inadequacy in commercial poultry and pig nutrition should receive more attention. Furthermore, protective roles of carnitine in stress conditions of commercial poultry and pig production are difficult to overestimate. Therefore, a development of carnitine-containing antioxidant compositions supplying via drinking water seems to be an important way forward in decreasing the detrimental consequence of various stresses in poultry and pig production.
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Poultry and poultry meat are particularly susceptible to oxidative reactions. Oxidation processes have been for decades the focus of animal and meat scientists owing to the negative impact of these reactions on animal growth, performance, and food quality. Lipid oxidation has been recognized a major threat to the quality of processed poultry products. The recent discoveries on the occurrence of protein oxidation in muscle foods have increased the scientific and technological interest in a topic that broadens the horizons of food biochemistry into innovative fields. Furthermore, in recent years we have witnessed a growing interest in consumers on the impact of diet and oxidation on health and aging. Hence, the general description of oxidative reactions as harmful phenomena goes beyond the actual impact on animal production and food quality and reaches the potential influence of oxidized foods on consumer health. Likewise, the current antioxidant strategies aim for the protection of the living tissues, the food systems, and a potential health benefit in the consumer upon ingestion. Along these lines, the application of phytochemicals and other microelements (Se, Cu) with antioxidant potential in the feeds or directly in the meat product are strategies of substantial significance. The present paper reviews in a concise manner the most relevant and novel aspects of the mechanisms and consequences of oxidative reactions in poultry and poultry meat, and describes current antioxidant strategies against these undesirable reactions. © 2015 Poultry Science Association Inc.
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Commercial egg production is associated with various stresses decreasing productive and reproductive performance of layers. A growing body of evidence indicates that most of stresses in poultry production at the cellular level are associated with oxidative stress due to excess of free radical production or inadequate antioxidant protection. Recently, a concept of the cellular antioxidant defence has been revised with a special attention paid to cell signalling. Indeed, in animals, redox signalling pathways use reactive oxygen species (ROS) to transfer signals from different sources to the nucleus to regulate a number of various functions including growth, differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. The vitagene concept of fighting stresses emerged as a new direction in a nutritional research. Indeed, by improving the adaptive ability of animals to stress it is possible tosubstantially decrease negative consequences of various stresses in poultry and farm animal production. The analysis of recently published data clearly showed that the anti-stress composition developed on the vitagene concept and supplied with drinking water is an effective means in fighting stresses in poultry production.
Commercial poultry production is associated with various stresses affecting productive and reproductive performance of birds and their health status. Recently the vitagene concept has received substantial attention. In fact, the term vitagenes refers to a group of genes that are responsible for preserving cellular homeostasis in stress conditions. These genes play a crucial role in cell and whole organism adaptation to stress by regulating additional synthesis of stress resistance proteins, including heat shock proteins, thioredoxins, sirtuins and superoxide dismutase. Among four major types of stress, nutritional stresses have a special place, being detrimental for productive and reproductive performances of poultry. In particular, mycotoxins are unavoidable contaminants of poultry feed and at molecular level they cause oxidative stress in the body. Oxidised fat and nutrient imbalances are also detrimental for gut health, immunity, growth and development of chickens. Internal stresses, including peak of egg production and vaccinations are also of great importance for poultry production. Therefore, the development of the effective antioxidant solutions to decrease negative consequences of nutritional and internal stresses is an important task for poultry scientists. One of such approaches is based on the vitagene concept which will be considered in this review.
Commercial poultry production is associated with various stresses affecting productive and reproductive performance of birds and their health status. In general, there are four major types of stress in poultry industry: technological, environmental, nutritional and internal stresses. This review considered main technological stresses: chick placement, increased stocking density, chicken weighing, grading and group formation in rearing houses, as well as bird transferring to breeder houses. The following paper analysed consequences of such environmental stresses as temperature stress and high levels of dust and ammonia in poultry houses. It has been proven that most of the aforementioned stresses suppress reproductive performance of parent birds, including reduced fertility and hatchability. Furthermore, stresses are associated with impaired feed conversion, reduced average daily weight gain, immunosuppression and increased mortality in growing birds. A growing body of evidence indicates that most of stresses in poultry production at the cellular level are associated with oxidative stress due to excess of free radical production or inadequate antioxidant protection. Therefore, the development of the effective nutritional solutions to decrease negative consequences of commercially-relevant stresses is an important task for poultry scientists. One of such approaches is based on vitagene concept which will be considered in the second part of the review.
Animal feed provides a range of antioxidants that help the body building an integrated antioxidant system responsible for a prevention of damaging effects of free radicals and products of their metabolism. Vitamin E is considered to be the main chain-breaking antioxidant located in the membranes and effectively protecting them against lipid peroxidation. Recently, various polyphenol compounds, especially flavonoids, have received substantial attention because of their antioxidant activities in various in vitro systems. However, it was shown that flavonoid compounds are poorly absorbed in the gut and their concentrations in target tissues are too low to perform an effective antioxidant defences. The aim of the present paper is to review existing evidence about possible roles of various plant extracts provided with the diet in animal/poultry nutrition with a specific emphasis to their antioxidant activities.