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Molecular detection of blood‐borne epithelial cells in colorectal cancer patients and in patients with benign bowel disease

International Journal of Cancer


In colorectal cancer (CRC), a proportion of patients with early stage disease still die of metastatic or recurrent disease within 5 years of “curative” resection. Detection of carcinoma cells in the peripheral circulation at presentation may identify a subgroup of patients with micro‐metastatic disease who may benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Our aim was to determine the presence and clinical significance of colon carcinoma cells in peripheral blood at the time of surgery. Preoperative peripheral blood samples were collected from 94 patients with CRC and 64 patients undergoing bowel resection for benign conditions (adenoma, diverticular disease or Crohn's colitis). Blood was also obtained from 20 normal donors not undergoing bowel surgery. Immunomagnetic beads were used to isolate epithelial cells followed by reverse transcription‐polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR) analysis of expression of cytokeratin (CK) 19, CK 20, mucin (MUC) 1 and MUC 2. Nineteen of 94 (20%) CRC patients were positive for epithelial cells in preoperative blood, including 6 with early stage disease. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis showed that detection of epithelial cells in preoperative blood was associated with reduced disease‐free and overall survival (log‐rank test, p = 0.0001). Surprisingly, circulating epithelial cells were detected in 3/30 (10%) patients resected for adenoma, and in 4/34 (12%) patients resected for benign inflammatory conditions, suggesting that cells from nonmalignant colonic epithelium may also gain entry into the bloodstream in the presence of bowel pathology. All 20 normal control bloods were negative for epithelial cells. Int. J. Cancer (Pred. Oncol.) 89:8–13, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
*, Peter J. HEWETT
, Robert E. SAGE
, Jennie L. FINCH
, Jacqueline D. NUTTALL
and Alexander DOBROVIC
Department of Haematology-Oncology, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, South Australia, Australia
Department of Surgery, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, South Australia, Australia
In colorectal cancer (CRC), a proportion of patients with
early stage disease still die of metastatic or recurrent disease
within 5 years of “curative” resection. Detection of carci-
noma cells in the peripheral circulation at presentation may
identify a subgroup of patients with micro-metastatic disease
who may benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy or radiother-
apy. Our aim was to determine the presence and clinical
significance of colon carcinoma cells in peripheral blood at
the time of surgery. Preoperative peripheral blood samples
were collected from 94 patients with CRC and 64 patients
undergoing bowel resection for benign conditions (adenoma,
diverticular disease or Crohn’s colitis). Blood was also ob-
tained from 20 normal donors not undergoing bowel surgery.
Immunomagnetic beads were used to isolate epithelial cells
followed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) analysis of expression of cytokeratin (CK) 19, CK
20, mucin (MUC) 1 and MUC 2. Nineteen of 94 (20%) CRC
patients were positive for epithelial cells in preoperative
blood, including 6 with early stage disease. Kaplan–Meier
survival analysis showed that detection of epithelial cells in
preoperative blood was associated with reduced disease-free
and overall survival (log-rank test, p0.0001). Surprisingly,
circulating epithelial cells were detected in 3/30 (10%) pa-
tients resected for adenoma, and in 4/34 (12%) patients re-
sected for benign inflammatory conditions, suggesting that
cells from nonmalignant colonic epithelium may also gain
entry into the bloodstream in the presence of bowel pathol-
ogy. All 20 normal control bloods were negative for epithelial
cells. Int. J. Cancer (Pred. Oncol.) 89:8 –13, 2000.
©2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Despite an apparently successful curative resection, about
10% of patients diagnosed with Dukes’ A and 30% with Dukes’
B colorectal tumours relapse and die of their disease within 5
years (American Joint Committee on Cancer, 1992). This find-
ing suggests that tumour cells with metastatic potential had
already escaped from the primary tumour before or at the time
of resection. Such cells may be present in the bloodstream in
very low numbers and would not be detected by conventional
means. The presence of tumour cells in the peripheral circula-
tion may be indicative of a micrometastatic process involving
distant organs and may have prognostic implications indepen-
dent of established staging factors such as the extent of lymph
node involvement.
A pilot study carried out in our unit of 27 colorectal cancer
(CRC) patients with K-ras mutant tumours, showed that immuno-
bead-PCR detection of K-ras mutant cells in peripheral blood (PB)
was significantly associated with reduced disease-free survival
(p0.0001) (Hardingham et al., 1995). However, this technique
was applicable only in the 35% of our CRC patients whose tumour
carried the K-ras mutation.
To overcome the problem of tumour-specific mutations being
present in only a proportion of tumours, we sought to use reverse
transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays for the
expression of the epithelial-specific markers cytokeratin (CK) 19,
CK 20, mucin (MUC) 1 and MUC 2 to detect epithelial-derived
tumour cells in blood. CK 19 is a member of the intermediate
filament family of cytoskeletal proteins present in simple epithe-
lium such as breast and colon and their malignant counterparts
(Moll et al., 1982). CK 20 is another member of the intermediate
filament family and has been found to be a highly specific marker
for cells of the gastrointestinal tract (Moll et al., 1992). RT-PCR
for CK 19 expression was first developed by Datta et al. (1994) to
detect breast cancer cells in bone marrow, and adopted subse-
quently by others to detect epithelial-derived tumour cells in bone
marrow (BM), blood or lymph node tissue (reviewed by Raj et al.,
1998). RT-PCR for CK 20 expression has been used to detect
colon cancer cells in PB or BM (Burchill et al., 1995; Denis et al.,
1997; Gunn et al., 1996; Soeth et al., 1996). Importantly, neither
CK 19 nor CK 20 has been found to be expressed in skin epithe-
lium (Moll et al., 1982,
The study herein describes the use of immunobead RT-PCR
with a panel of epithelial-specific expression markers to iden-
tify epithelial cells in peripheral blood before surgery for pri-
mary CRC. Follow-up survival analysis shows a significant
correlation between the presence of marker-positive cells in the
circulation and reduced disease-free survival.We have also
shown, however, that colonic mucosal cells may be shed spon-
taneously into the circulation in cases of adenoma and inflam-
matory bowel disease.
Ninety-four consecutive patients admitted for potentially cur-
ative resection of primary CRC were enrolled in the study.
Patients with overt metastatic disease were excluded. The me-
dian age of the patients was 72 years (range 32–99 years) with
a median follow-up of 445 days (range 16–1,870 days). Tu-
mours were staged according to the Dukes’ staging system.
Nonmalignant control subjects included 30 patients undergoing
resection for colorectal adenoma, 34 patients undergoing resec-
tion for inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease or diver-
ticulitis), and 20 healthy controls without bowel disease, not
undergoing surgery. Peripheral blood samples (20 ml) were
collected in dipotassium EDTA. Fresh tumour tissue was ob-
tained from CRC patients and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen for
RNA extraction. The study was approved by the Queen Eliza-
D. Kotasek’s present address is: Ashford Cancer Centre, Ashford, South
Australia 5035.
Grant sponsors: Anti-Cancer Foundation of the Universities of South
Australia; The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Research Foundation.
*Correspondence to: Haematology-Oncology Department, The Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville, South Australia 5011.
Fax: (61)882226144. E-mail:
Received 25 March 1999; Revised 27 July 1999
Int. J. Cancer (Pred. Oncol.): 89, 8–13 (2000)
©2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Publication of the International Union Against Cancer
beth Hospital Ethics of Human Research Committee and in-
formed consent was obtained in all cases.
Cell lines
The colon cancer cell lines SW48, SW480, HT29, LIM-2412,
LIM-1215, LIM-2099, LIM-2405, LIM-1899, LIM-2463 and
LIM-1863 were tested by RT-PCR for expression of the 4 epithe-
lial-specific markers. Positive cell lines were used as controls and
to optimise the RT-PCR for each of the markers. The LIM cell
lines were kindly provided by Dr R. Whitehead (Ludwig Institute
for Cancer Research, Melbourne, Australia); the remainder were
purchased from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC,
Rockville, MD). Cell lines were maintained in RPMI-1640 me-
dium with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS).
RNA extraction
RNA was extracted from tissue samples and cell lines using TRI
reagent (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) according to the manufacturer’s
Design of primers
The primers for CK-19 were designed to avoid amplification of
the pseudogene (Datta et al., 1994) and do not amplify a product
from genomic DNA at the annealing temperature used (68°C) as
previously determined (Eaton et al., 1997). Primers for CK 20,
MUC 1 and MUC 2 were designed to span introns thus avoiding
amplification from genomic DNA. All primer pairs were checked
for their suitability using the program Amplify. Oligo probe se-
quences were selected to hybridise within the amplified product.
The sequences of primers and probes are shown in Table I.
Immunobead RT-PCR
The technique for immuno-magnetic isolation of epithelial cells
from blood has been described in detail previously (Hardingham,
1998). Briefly, each 10-mL blood sample was incubated with 3
immuno-magnetic beads (Dynal, Oslo, Norway), labeled with
the epithelial-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) Ber-EP4 (Da-
kopatts, Glostrup, Denmark) for 4 hr or overnight with gentle
mixing at room temperature. Bead-rosetted cells, isolated using a
magnetic array, were lysed in a volume of 15 L containing 0.1%
Nonidet P-40, 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) and 10 units RNasin
(Promega, Madison, WI) to release RNA (Eaton et al., 1997).
Following a 70°C denaturation for 3 min, reverse transcription was
carried out by the addition of 5First Strand Buffer (250 mM
Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 375 mM KCl, 15 mM MgCl
) 200 units of
M-MLV reverse transcriptase (both from Life Technologies, Be-
thesda, MD), 750 ng random hexamers (Pharmacia, Uppsala,
Sweden), 0.6 mM of each deoxynucleotide triphosphate (Roche,
Basel, Switzerland) and sterile ultra-pure water (RNAse-free)
(Biotech International, Perth, Australia) to a volume of 30 L. The
reaction was incubated at 37°C for 60 min.
Separate PCRs for the different markers were performed on a 7
L aliquot of cDNA in a final volume of 50 L, using the
following conditions: 100 ng of each primer, 0.75 units of Taq
polymerase (Amplitaq Gold, Perkin Elmer, Foster City, CA), 5 L
of 10PCR buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 500 mM KCl, 15
mm MgCl
, 0.01% w/v gelatin) (Perkin Elmer), 200 M of each
deoxynucleotide triphosphate and sterile ultra-pure water. Cycling
parameters were as follows: an initial denaturation at 94°C for 5
min, then 1 min at 94°C, 68°C and 72°C for 45 cycles (CK 19 and
MUC 2), or 1 min at 94°C, 58°C, 72°C for 45 cycles (CK 20 and
MUC 1) with a final extension of 7 min at 72°C. Tubes spiked with
colon cancer cell line cells (100–200 cells) were used as positive
controls, whereas negative controls consisted of reagent only (no
target) RT and PCR tubes. Genomic DNA tubes were also in-
cluded to confirm that a signal was not produced from amplifica-
tion of genomic DNA. PCR products were run on a 1.5% agarose
gel, transferred to nylon membrane (Hybond N, Amersham,
Aylesbury, UK), and hybridised to a
P end-labeled internal
oligo-probe. Autoradiographs were exposed for 6–72 hr.
Sensitivity experiments
The lower level of detection of tumour cells by immunobead
RT-PCR was determined by spiking 100, 10 and 0 colon cancer
cell-line cells into duplicate 10-mL samples of normal donor
Statistical analysis
Survival distributions were estimated using the product-limit
method of Kaplan and Meier (1958) and the log-rank test was used
to compare survival curves (Peto and Peto, 1972). Fisher’s exact
test was used to correlate the presence of positive cells in blood
with the extent of lymph node involvement in stage C patients. All
statistical calculations were performed using Graph Pad Prism
Expression of epithelial-specific markers in primary tumours
and cell lines
To assess the suitability of the expression markers to detect
colon tumour cells, RT-PCR for each of the markers was per-
formed on RNA samples from primary colon tumours and colon
cancer cell lines. Thirteen of 14 tumours were positive for CK 19
(the negative sample was positive for the other 3 markers), 13/14
were positive for CK 20, 14/14 were positive for MUC 1 and 13/14
were positive for MUC 2 expression. In the colon cancer cell lines,
all 10 were positive for CK 19 expression, 9/10 were positive for
CK 20 (SW48 was negative), 8/10 were positive for MUC 1 (LIM
1863 and SW48 were negative) and 8/10 were positive for MUC
2 (SW48 and LIM 2405 were negative). The inability to amplify
FIGURE 1– Immunobead reverse transcription-polymerase chain re-
action (RT-PCR) sensitivity: autoradiograph showing results of im-
munobead RT-PCR for cytokeratin (CK) 20 after dilution of LIM-
2412 cells into duplicate 10-mL tubes of normal donor blood. Lane 1,
positive control (RT-PCR of 200 LIM-2412 cells in lysis mix); lanes
2 and 3, 0 cells in 10 mL blood; lanes 4 and 5, 10 cells in 10 mL blood;
lane 6, blank; lanes 7 and 8, 100 cells in 10 mL blood. The filter was
hybridised to a
P-labeled oligo-probe internal to the CK 20 primers.
Primer/probe Sequence 5–3
CK 19, CK 20 or mucin transcripts in some tumours and cell lines,
despite successful amplification of other markers using the same
cDNA, indicated that a panel of markers was necessary. Appro-
priate cell lines served as positive controls in individual RT-PCR
Sensitivity experiments
In spiking experiments we were able to detect colon cancer
cell-line cells at the level of 10 cells per 10-mL blood sample (1
cell per mL, equivalent to 1 cell per 5–10 10
white cells). A
representative result is shown in Figure 1.
Immunobead RT-PCR analysis of blood samples
Nineteen of 94 (20%) CRC patients were positive for epithelial
RT-PCR markers in peripheral blood taken before surgical resec-
tion for malignancy. A representative result is shown in Figure 2.
Two of the 19 patients were staged as Dukes’ A, 4 as Dukes’ B and
13 as Dukes’ C (Table II). Among adenoma patients 3/30 were
positive, whereas 4/34 patients undergoing bowel resection for
benign conditions were positive (Table II). None of 20 normal
volunteers were positive for epithelial markers in blood.
Statistical analysis
Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of CRC patients was performed
using recurrence, development of metastases or death from disease
as endpoints. Data from 1 patient dying from other causes was
treated as a censored observation. The log-rank test was used to
compare survival curves of CRC patients positive or negative for
epithelial cells in blood. There was a significant difference be-
tween the 2 groups, those positive for epithelial markers in pre-
operative blood showing reduced time to relapse or death from
FIGURE 3– Kaplan-Meier survival analysis: comparison of survival
data from patients positive or negative for colon cells in blood: a, all
colorectal cancer patients, p0.0001; b, Dukes’ stage C patients,
FIGURE 2– Immunobead reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for cytokeratin (CK) 19: autoradiograph of controls and
patient blood samples. Lane 1, positive control cDNA (LIM-1215); lane 2, positive control cDNA (LIM-2412); lane 3, negative RT control (no
target); lane 4, negative PCR control (no target); lane 5, genomic DNA PCR control; lanes 6–13, patients’ preoperative blood samples. Note the
positive result in lane 6 (patient 473 in Table III).
Dukes’ stage Number
of patients %
A(n16) 2 12.5
B(n47) 4 9
C(n31) 13 42
Total n94 19
Adenoma (n30) 3 10
Benign (n34) 4 12
Normal (n18) 0
disease (p0.0001, hazard ratio 3.9, 95% CI 2.99–21.34) (Fig.
There were 2 Dukes’ A patients who were positive for colon
cells in preoperative blood; 1 died of postoperative complications
at day 54, while the other was alive and disease free at last
follow-up (day 558). The 4 positive Dukes’ B patients remain
disease-free at median day 391 post-surgery (range 74604). Of
13 Dukes’ C patients in whom circulating epithelial cells were
detected, 10 have died from metastatic disease, whereas another 3
are still alive following development of metastases. Kaplan–Meier
survival analysis for stage C patients showed a significant survival
advantage for patients who were negative for circulating epithelial
cells prior to surgery, compared with patients who were positive (p
0.02, hazard ratio 2.8, 95% CI 1.1696.716) (Fig. 3b). Recruit-
ment of further patients and longer follow-up is required to deter-
mine whether detection of blood-borne epithelial cells is indepen-
dent of tumour stage as a prognostic feature. However, within
stage C patients, detection of epithelial cells in PB was indepen-
dent of the extent of lymph node involvement (1–2 nodes vs. 2
nodes, NS, Fisher’s exact test).
We have used the sensitive technique of immunobead RT-PCR
to detect epithelial cells in peripheral blood in patients about to
undergo surgical resection for colorectal malignancy or benign
bowel conditions. The prior immunobead isolation of epithelial
cells from blood enhances both the sensitivity and specificity of
RT-PCR detection and alleviates the need to use a two-stage
“nested” PCR to attain sensitivity which may result in detection of
very low level “illegitimate” transcription (Chelly et al., 1989).
The use of “nested” PCR has caused problems previously in
assessing the specificity of CK 19 as a marker for epithelial cells
(Krismann et al., 1995; Schoenfeld et al., 1994) but could be
overcome by using a one-stage PCR (Battaglia et al., 1998; Eaton
et al., 1997; Schoenfeld et al., 1994).
The fact that 20/20 normal control blood samples were negative
by immunobead RT-PCR for all 4 epithelial markers after South-
ern blot hybridisation and autoradiography, and that “spiked”
colon cancer cells were detectable at the level of 1 cell per 5–10
white blood cells, indicates that this technique is both sensitive
and specific for epithelial cells. Whereas each of the markers
appears to be expressed in primary tumours and colon cancer cell
lines with about the same frequency, it is apparent that not all are
expressed at a similar level in any one tumour (Table III), empha-
sising the need to use a panel of markers to avoid false-negative
In our study of CRC patients, the presence of epithelial-marker
positive cells in preoperative peripheral blood correlated with
reduced disease-free survival (p0.0001), suggesting that at least
some of the cells detected were metastatic colon carcinoma cells in
transit in the circulation. Only a very small percentage of carci-
noma cells that intravasate into the bloodstream are able to form
metastases since most succumb to host immunological responses
or entrapment in the microvasculature (Weiss, 1990).
Among adenoma patients, 3/30 (all 3 diagnosed with large
tubular adenomas) were positive in preresection blood. One of
these patients (896, Table III) also had a needle biopsy of the
prostate performed on the day before blood collection, so that the
presence of CK 19 and CK 20 positive cells in the peripheral blood
might be explained by the biopsy procedure (transrectal) with or
without the release of prostatic epithelial cells.
Adenomatous tissue may contain foci of cells that have pro-
gressed toward a more malignant phenotype that may spontane-
ously shed cells into the circulation. However, 4/34 patients with
benign inflammatory conditions were also positive in preoperative
blood; the pathology in all 4 cases was described as diverticulitis;
in 1 of these patients there was severe inflammation and in another,
ID Age
(years) Sex Dukes’
stage CK 19 CK 20 MUC 2 MUC 1
395 86 M A POS
NEG Died post-operative complications D 54
575 85 F A NEG NEG POS POS Alive disease free D 558
495 63 F B NEG NEG POS NAD D 604
976 51 M B NEG NEG POS NAD D 74
376 77 F B POS NEG NEG Alive disease free D 527
581 79 F B NEG POS Alive disease free D 255
478 71 M C POS NEG NEG Died recurrence D 395
334 56 M C NEG POS Died liver metastasis D 148
164 82 F C NEG POS Died liver metastasis D 793
488 83 M C POS NEG Alive with liver metastasis D 491
473 77 M C POS POS NEG Died metastatic disease D355
486 79 M C POS NEG Died metastatic disease D 191
341 74 F C NEG POS NEG Died metastatic disease D 542
117 57 F C NEG POS NEG Alive, recurrent tumor D 785
530 66 M C POS POS NEG Died metastatic disease D 345
625 82 M C POS POS Died disease D 16
195 78 M C POS NEG Died metastatic disease D 135
117 69 F C NEG POS NEG NEG Died metastatic disease D 130
218 60 F C NEG POS Died metastatic disease D 252
532 59 M NEG POS Right hemicolectomy, no recurrence D 425
896 81 M POS POS Right hemicolectomy, died met prostate ca D 385
988 76 F POS NEG POS Transanal removal, no recurrence D 302
764 74 M NEG NEG POS Subtotal colectomy, diverticulitis
914 55 F NEG POS Sigmoid colectomy, diverticulitis, micro-abscess
786 57 M NEG POS NEG NEG Sigmoid colectomy, diverticulitis
252 74 F NEG POS NEG NEG High anterior resection, diverticulitis
Not done; NAD, no abnormality detected.–
Fewer samples were tested using MUC 1 as this marker was introduced at a later stage of the
ulceration and perforation of the bowel wall. Perhaps inflammatory
changes and ulceration provide a means whereby normal colonic
mucosal cells gain access to the bloodstream.
Angiogenesis has been found to facilitate entry of tumour
cells into the circulation and has been found to be a predictor of
recurrence and survival in patients with early stage breast
(Weidner et al., 1992) and colon cancer (Frank et al., 1995).
Tumour-associated angiogenesis has also been found to occur
in adjacent normal mucosa (Fox et al., 1998) and may thus
provide a mechanism whereby normal colonic epithelial cells
gain access to the bloodstream. This mechanism may also be
relevant in the cases of large tubular adenoma in which angio-
genesis was present, as assessed by CD31 immunocytochemical
staining (data not shown).
Interestingly, the frequency of detection of circulating epithelial
cells in stage A or B patients was similar to that in patients with
adenoma or inflammatory bowel disease (Table II). None of the 5
early stage patients with circulating epithelial cells who were
followed have relapsed (Table III). Perhaps the cells detected were
normal colonic mucosal cells or tumour cells without metastatic
potential that had gained entry to the bloodstream via the newly
formed tumour-associated vasculature.
Few studies have correlated the finding of colon tumour cells in
peripheral blood with prognosis. Our earlier study of 27 patients
with K-ras mutation-positive tumours showed that patients in
whom circulating tumour cells were detected had a much poorer
prognosis than patients who were negative (p0.0001) (Hard-
ingham et al., 1995). A study of 37 CRC patients, using CK 20 as
a marker for tumour cells in bone marrow and blood, found
significantly reduced survival in the bone marrow-positive group
(regardless of the blood status) compared with the group negative
in both compartments (Soeth et al., 1997). Another study used
RT-PCR to detect carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) mRNA in
peripheral blood samples from patients with cancer, including 27
with CRC. Follow-up and survival analysis showed that the fre-
quency of cancer recurrence was significantly greater in CEA
mRNA-positive patients (Mori et al., 1998). Our present results
show, in a larger group of 94 CRC patients, that the presence of
epithelial marker-positive cells in peripheral blood before surgical
resection is predictive of shortened time to recurrence and overall
survival (p0.0001).
Previously, epithelial-specific markers were considered ap-
propriate for analysing preoperative blood for the presence of
disseminated tumour cells as there was no published evidence
to suggest that normal colon cells have access to the blood-
stream in the absence of colorectal resection. We have now
shown that nonmalignant colonic mucosal cells may be shed
into the circulation in patients with adenoma or diverticulitis. It
is feasible, therefore, that normal colonic mucosal cells may
also be circulating in CRC patients and thus the finding of
blood-borne epithelial cells in individual CRC patients needs to
be interpreted with caution.
We thank Mrs. J.-X. Mi for excellent technical assistance, and
Ms. M. Colbeck and Mr. D. Beeslee for assistance with Cancer
Registry follow-up data.
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... CTC sequencing could be an effective and distinctive liquid biopsy tool to track the development of cancer and find somatic mutations that might have therapeutic or clinical significance by comparing insights of CTCs' genetic profiling associated with the progression or remissions of the clinical traits before and after therapeutic intervention [60]. For example, single-cell KRAS sequencing of CTCs in patients with prostate cancer using NanoVelcro/LCM platform noted that CTCs count was associated with the presence of KRAS mutations [61]. They reported that mutant KRAS was detected in CTCs isolated from prostatic cancer (92 %) with more than ten CTCs count whereas none of the other hematopoietic cells analyzed from the same patient had shown any such mutations [61]. ...
... For example, single-cell KRAS sequencing of CTCs in patients with prostate cancer using NanoVelcro/LCM platform noted that CTCs count was associated with the presence of KRAS mutations [61]. They reported that mutant KRAS was detected in CTCs isolated from prostatic cancer (92 %) with more than ten CTCs count whereas none of the other hematopoietic cells analyzed from the same patient had shown any such mutations [61]. It is assumed that heterozygous loss of KRAS in patients having prostatic cancer with fewer than ten CTCs had a clear reduction rate of mutations. ...
... In immuno-staining, antibodies are utilized to identify epithelial antigens on CTCs. In PCR-based methods, the focus is on detecting cancer-specific DNA mutations, DNA hypermethylation, or cancer-associated mRNA transcripts, which are more commonly used [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. Additionally, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has emerged as a technique for detecting cancer-specific aneusomy in CTCs [11], and mRNA hybridization with padlock probes has been employed to detect cancer-specific mRNA transcripts [12]. ...
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This narrative review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of circulating tumor cell (CTC) analysis and its clinical significance in patients with epithelial cancers. The review explores the advancements in CTC detection methods, their clinical applications, and the challenges that lie ahead. By examining the important research findings in this field, this review offers the reader a solid foundation to understand the evolving landscape of CTC analysis and its potential implications for clinical practice. The comprehensive analysis of CTCs provides valuable insights into tumor biology, treatment response, minimal residual disease detection, and prognostic evaluation. Furthermore, the review highlights the potential of CTCs as a non-invasive biomarker for personalized medicine and the monitoring of treatment efficacy. Despite the progress made in CTC research, several challenges such as standardization, validation, and integration into routine clinical practice remain. The review concludes by discussing future directions and the potential impact of CTC analysis on improving patient outcomes and guiding therapeutic decision-making in epithelial cancers.
... They are the third most common cancers and one of the most serious diseases in the world, accounting for ∼10% of all cancer cases [45]. According to reports, almost half of colon neoplasm patients die of metastatic disease within 5 years after diagnosis [46]. However, patients with early colon neoplasms only show subtle symptoms, which make it difficult for patients to detect cancer at an early stage. ...
Since miRNAs can participate in the posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression, they may provide ideas for the development of new drugs or become new biomarkers for drug targets or disease diagnosis. In this work, we propose an miRNA-disease association prediction method based on meta-paths (MDPBMP). First, an miRNA-disease-gene heterogeneous information network was constructed, and seven symmetrical meta-paths were defined according to different semantics. After constructing the initial feature vector for the node, the vector information carried by all nodes on the meta-path instance is extracted and aggregated to update the feature vector of the starting node. Then, the vector information obtained by the nodes on different meta-paths is aggregated. Finally, miRNA and disease embedding feature vectors are used to calculate their associated scores. Compared with the other methods, MDPBMP obtained the highest AUC value of 0.9214. Among the top 50 predicted miRNAs for lung neoplasms, esophageal neoplasms, colon neoplasms and breast neoplasms, 49, 48, 49 and 50 have been verified. Furthermore, for breast neoplasms, we deleted all the known associations between breast neoplasms and miRNAs from the training set. These results also show that for new diseases without known related miRNA information, our model can predict their potential miRNAs. Code and data are available at
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are the precursors to metastases and increased numbers of CTCs in the peripheral circulation have been shown to correlate with decreased progression-free and overall survival. Although the current clinical utility has been focused on the prognostic significance, other clinical applications are being explored, such as determining if a patient is a candidate for treatment, determining the efficacy of treatment, evaluation for resistance to therapy, prediction of metastatic site, or as an early predictor of metastases. Current methodologies are based on quantifying CTCs and include technologies based on physical, immunological, and molecular techniques. However, these have limitations, of which most of them do not have the ability to perform morphological evaluation. Using morphological evaluation, CTCs in body fluids could be used for primary diagnosis in the setting of cancer of unknown primary (CUP) or in initial or early diagnostic scenarios. Additionally, cytological specimens have been shown to be useful for ancillary testing in patients when surgical resection specimens or biopsies are not available. Evaluation of CTCs should incorporate histological, immunehistochemical, and molecular characterization to enable clinicians to obtain the comprehensive diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic information necessary to provide appropriate personalized care to cancer patients.
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Liquid biopsy is a technology that exhibits potential to detect cancer early, monitor therapies, and predict cancer prognosis due to its unique characteristics, including noninvasive sampling and real-time analysis. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and extracellular vesicles (EVs) are two important components of circulating targets, carrying substantial disease-related molecular information and playing a key role in liquid biopsy. Aptamers are single-stranded oligonucleotides with superior affinity and specificity, and they can bind to targets by folding into unique tertiary structures. Aptamer-based microfluidic platforms offer new ways to enhance the purity and capture efficiency of CTCs and EVs by combining the advantages of microfluidic chips as isolation platforms and aptamers as recognition tools. In this review, we first briefly introduce some new strategies for aptamer discovery based on traditional and aptamer-based microfluidic approaches. Then, we subsequently summarize the progress of aptamer-based microfluidics for CTC and EV detection. Finally, we offer an outlook on the future directional challenges of aptamer-based microfluidics for circulating targets in clinical applications.
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a malignant disease with an incidence of over 1.8 million new cases per year worldwide. CRC outcome is closely related to the respective stage of CRC and is more favorable at less advanced stages. Detection of early colorectal adenomas is the key to survival. In spite of implemented screening programs showing efficiency in the detection of early precancerous lesions and CRC in asymptomatic patients, a significant number of patients are still diagnosed in advanced stages. Research on CRC accomplished during the last decade has improved our understanding of the etiology and development of colorectal adenomas and revealed weaknesses in the general approach to their detection and elimination. Recent studies seek to find a reliable non-invasive biomarker detectable even in the blood. New candidate biomarkers could be selected on the basis of so-called liquid biopsy, such as long non-coding RNA, microRNA, circulating cell-free DNA, circulating tumor cells, and inflammatory factors released from the adenoma into circulation. In this work, we focused on both genetic and epigenetic changes associated with the development of colorectal adenomas into colorectal carcinoma and we also discuss new possible biomarkers that are detectable even in adenomas prior to cancer development.
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Blood contains a diverse cell population of low concentration hematopoietic as well as non-hematopoietic cells. The majority of such rare cells may be bone marrow-derived progenitor and stem cells. This paucity of circulating rare cells, in particular in the peripheral circulation, has led many to believe that bone marrow as well as other organ-related cell egress into the circulation is a response to pathological conditions. Little is known about this, though an increasing body of literature can be found suggesting commonness of certain rare cell types in the peripheral blood under physiological conditions. Thus, the isolation and detection of circulating rare cells appears to be merely a technological problem. Knowledge about rare cell types that may circulate the blood stream will help to advance the field of cell-based liquid biopsy by supporting inter-platform comparability, making use of biological correct cutoffs and "mining" new biomarkers and combinations thereof in clinical diagnosis and therapy. Therefore, this review intends to lay ground for a comprehensive analysis of the peripheral blood rare cell population given the necessity to target a broader range of cell types for improved biomarker performance in cell-based liquid biopsy.
Introduction: Metastasis is the main cause of cancer-associated death in colorectal cancer (CRC). The presence of circulating tumor cells (CTC) in the blood is associated with an increased risk of recurrence and poor prognosis. The clinical significance of CTCs as a novel biomarker has been extensively studied in the last decade. It has been shown that CTC detection applies to early cancer detection. The presence of CTCs is associated with metastatic spread and poor survival and is also useful as a marker for therapy response. Areas covered: We summarize the role of CTC in CRC, their clinical significance, current methods for CTC detection and challenges as well as future perspectives of CTC research. Expert commentary: The clinical significance of CTC in CRC patients is well established. Although insightful, the available marker-based approaches hampered our understanding of the CTCs and their biology, as such approaches undermined the heterogeneity of these cell populations. New technologies expand the marker-based detection to multi biomarker-based approaches together with recent technological advances in microfluidics for single cell enrichment and analysis.
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Objectives: There is a significant unmet need for a blood test with adequate sensitivity to detect colorectal cancer (CRC) and adenomas. We describe a novel circulating tumor cell (CTC) platform to capture colorectal epithelial cells associated with CRC and adenomas. Methods: Blood was collected from 667 Taiwanese adults from 2012 to 2018 before a colonoscopy. The study population included healthy control subjects, patients with adenomas, and those with stage I-IV CRC. CTCs were isolated from the blood using the CellMax platform. The isolated cells were enumerated, and an algorithm was used to determine the likelihood of detecting adenoma or CRC. Nominal and ordinal logistic regression demonstrated that CTC counts could identify adenomas and CRC, including CRC stage. Results: The CellMax test demonstrated a significant association between CTC counts and worsening disease status (Cuzick's P value < 0.0001) with respect to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. The test showed high specificity (86%) and sensitivity across all CRC stages (95%) and adenomatous lesions (79%). The area under the curve was 0.940 and 0.868 for the detection of CRC and adenomas, respectively. Discussion: The blood-based CTC platform demonstrated high sensitivity in detecting adenomas and CRC, as well as reasonable specificity in an enriched symptomatic patient population. Translational impact: If these results are reproduced in an average risk population, this test has the potential to prevent CRC by improving patient compliance and detecting precancerous adenomas, eventually reducing CRC mortality.
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Objective: The study set out to assess the feasibility of using Parsortix circulating tumour cell (CTC) extraction and CytoFoam Disc cell block immunohistochemistry to diagnose metastatic carcinoma from blood samples in a National Health Service district general hospital. Methods: Blood samples were taken from 50 patients with metastatic carcinoma and 50 healthy volunteers and processed, using a previously published method, to extract CTCs and collect them in a cell block for routine formalin fixed paraffin sectioning and immunohistochemistry. The extracted cells were compared with the patients' routine diagnostic samples. Results: The samples from the 50 carcinoma patients showed cytokeratin positive cells in 19 cases. In eight of these the cytokeratin positive cells had a similar immunoprofile to the carcinoma in the conventional biopsy or cytology specimen. Some carcinoma patients also had circulating cytokeratin positive cells that were probably benign epithelial cells, and circulating megakaryocytes. Both of these types of cells were also found in healthy volunteers. Processing and initial examination could be completed in 2 days. The full processing cost was approximately £316 per case. Conclusions: CTCs could be extracted from the blood of some patients with metastatic carcinoma and formed into a formalin fixed cell block for routine paraffin processing and immunohistochemistry. The specificity of this approach is constrained by the observation that some patients with metastatic carcinoma had circulating cytokeratin positive cells that were probably benign, and these were also found in healthy volunteers. Circulating megakaryocytes were present in carcinoma patients and healthy volunteers. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Axillary lymph node status has been the most important prognostic factor in operable breast carcinoma, but it does not fully account for the varied disease outcome. More accurate prognostic indicators would help in selection of patients at high risk for disease recurrence and death who are candidates for systemic adjuvant therapy. Our recent findings indicated that microvessel density (count or grade) in invasive breast carcinoma (a measure of tumor angiogenesis) is associated with metastasis and thus may be a prognostic indicator. This study was designed to further define the relationship of microvessel density with overall and relapse-free survival and with other reported prognostic indicators in breast carcinoma. In a prospective, blinded study of 165 consecutive patients, the microvessels within primary invasive breast carcinoma were highlighted by immunocytochemical staining to detect factor VIII-related antigen. Using light microscopy, we counted microvessels per 200x field in the most active areas of neovascularization and graded microvessel density. These findings were correlated, by univariate and multivariate analyses, with overall and relapse-free survival, axillary node status, and other prognostic indicators (median follow-up, 51 months). There was a highly significant (P < or = .001) association of microvessel density with overall survival and relapse-free survival in all patients, including node-negative and node-positive subsets. All patients with breast carcinomas having more than 100 microvessels per 200x field experienced tumor recurrence within 33 months of diagnosis, compared with less than 5% of the patients with breast carcinoma having 33 or fewer microvessels per 200x field. Moreover, microvessel density was the only statistically significant predictor of overall survival among node-negative women (P < .001). Only microvessel density (P < .001) and histologic grade (P = .04) showed statistically significant correlations with relapse-free survival in the node-negative subset. Microvessel density in the area of the most intense neovascularization in invasive breast carcinoma is an independent and highly significant prognostic indicator for overall and relapse-free survival in patients with early-stage breast carcinoma (I or II by International Union Against Cancer criteria). Such an indicator would be useful in selection of those node-negative patients with breast carcinoma who are at high risk for having occult metastasis at presentation. These patients could then be given systemic adjuvant therapy.
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The secretion and nature of mucins produced from a panel of recently available new gastric and colon carcinoma cell lines (LIM1839, LIM1215, LIM1863, LIM1899, LIM2099, LIM2405, LIM2408, LIM2412, LIM2463), as well as other colon (LS174T, HT29, HT29-SB, COLO533, COLO206), breast (T47D, MCF-7, BT20, ZR75-1) and ovarian (COLO316) tumor cell lines, was investigated. ELISA and Western blotting of the culture supernatants with novel anti-MUC1 and anti-MUC2 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for mucin core proteins showed their secretion by most of these cell lines. In addition, mucins produced by these cell lines expressed the tumor-associated carbohydrate detected by MAb 3E1.2 (glycolylsialyl-Tn, mammary serum antigen or MSA) and the Tn or T antigens reactive with lectin SSA-M. SSA-M detected MUC1 or MUC2 captured by MAbs BC2 or CCP58, while 3E1.2 only detected MUC1-associated carbohydrate, indicating that the MAb may react with a conformationally dependent epitope, or that the sialyl/glycolyl-transferases involved in MSA production may be sequence specific. In addition, the BC2/SSA-M and CCP58/SSA-M assays detected mucins in some samples which were not detected by BC2/BC2 or CCP58/CCP58 dual determinant assays, indicating that this format may be more appropriate for the detection of tumor-associated mucins in body fluids. These new cell lines and assays should be of use in the investigation of mucin core proteins, particularly LIM2463 and LIM1839 which express significant quantities of both MUC1 and MUC2.
Using in vitro amplification of cDNA by the polymerase chain reaction, we have detected spliced transcripts of various tissue-specific genes (genes for anti-Müllerian hormone, beta-globin, aldolase A, and factor VIIIc) in human nonspecific cells, such as fibroblasts, hepatoma cells, and lymphoblasts. In rats, erythroid- and liver-type pyruvate kinase transcripts were also detected in brain, lung, and muscle. The abundance of these "illegitimate" transcripts is very low; yet, their existence and the possibility of amplifying them by the cDNA polymerase chain reaction provide a powerful tool to analyze pathological transcripts of any tissue-specific gene by using any accessible cell.
Background: Axillary lymph node status has been the most important prognostic factor in operable breast carcinoma, but it does not fully account for the varied disease outcome. More accurate prognostic indicators would help in selection of patients at high risk for disease recurrence and death who are candidates for systemic adjuvant therapy. Our recent findings indicated that microvessel density (count or grade) in invasive breast carcinoma (a measure of tumor angiogenesis) is associated with metastasis and thus may be a prognostic indicator. Purpose: This study was designed to further define the relationship of microvessel density with overall and relapse-free survival and with other reported prognostic indicators in breast carcinoma. Methods: In a prospective, blinded study of 165 consecutive patients, the microvessels within primary invasive breast carcinoma were highlighted by immunocytochemical staining to detect factor VIII-related antigen. Using light microscopy, we counted microvessels per 200x field in the most active areas of neovascularization and graded microvessel density. These findings were correlated, by univariate and multivariate analyses, with overall and relapse-free survival, axillary node status, and other prognostic indicators (median follow-up, 51 months). Results: There was a highly significant (P < or = .001) association of microvessel density with overall survival and relapse-free survival in all patients, including node-negative and node-positive subsets. All patients with breast carcinomas having more than 100 microvessels per 200x field experienced tumor recurrence within 33 months of diagnosis, compared with less than 5% of the patients with breast carcinoma having 33 or fewer microvessels per 200x field. Moreover, microvessel density was the only statistically significant predictor of overall survival among node-negative women (P < .001). Only microvessel density (P < .001) and histologic grade (P = .04) showed statistically significant correlations with relapse-free survival in the node-negative subset. Conclusions: Microvessel density in the area of the most intense neovascularization in invasive breast carcinoma is an independent and highly significant prognostic indicator for overall and relapse-free survival in patients with early-stage breast carcinoma (I or II by International Union Against Cancer criteria). Implications: Such an indicator would be useful in selection of those node-negative patients with breast carcinoma who are at high risk for having occult metastasis at presentation. These patients could then be given systemic adjuvant therapy.
The development of a sensitive method for the detection of breast carcinoma micrometastases in axillary lymph nodes is reported. The method was based on amplification of MUC1 mRNA, which encodes a core protein of polymorphic epithelial mucin, by a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Total RNA, which was extracted from a breast carcinoma cell line (MCF-7), primary breast carcinomas, and axillary lymph nodes, was subjected to analysis of MUC1 mRNA expression by the RT-PCR method. MUC1 mRNA expression was detected by RT-PCR in MCF-7 cells and in all 15 primary breast carcinomas but not in control lymph nodes taken from patients with benign diseases. A serial dilution study revealed that MUC1 RT-PCR was a very sensitive method, detecting one MCF-7 cell per 1,000,000 lymph node cells. The detection sensitivity of MUC1 RT-PCR method was compared with that of immunohistochemical staining of an epithelial marker (polymorphic epithelial mucin). Fifty axillary lymph nodes were obtained from 15 patients with primary breast carcinomas, and metastasis in each lymph node was investigated by both methods. The immunohistochemical method demonstrated metastasis in nine lymph nodes, and MUC1 mRNA was detected in all of them. Of the 41 lymph nodes that were diagnosed to be devoid of metastasis by immunohistochemistry, MUC1 mRNA was expressed by 6 but not by the other 35, indicating the presence of micrometastases in these 6 lymph nodes that could be detected only by the MUC1 RT-PCR method. The MUC1 RT-PCR method is more sensitive than immunohistochemistry for the detection of micrometastases in axillary lymph nodes. This new method would be of practical value in selecting the patients at high risk for relapse from those who are histologically lymph node negative.
The dissemination of cancer cells is a prerequisite in the development of micrometastases and solid metastases. Our previous examinations of these cells were based on immunocytological staining of tumor-associated antigens and cytokeratins. We have now developed a highly sensitive and specific detection method based on a nested reverse-transcriptase-polymerase-chain reaction (RT-PCR) of cytokeratin-20 (CK-20) mRNA. Using this method, we examined the bone marrow of 57 patients with colorectal cancer and detected increasing numbers of CK-20-positive samples, depending on the UICC stage. Some 35% of all bone-marrow samples tested positive for CK-20: none were found in colorectal cancer stage I, 24% were in stage II, 31% in stage III and 71% in stage IV. Investigation of bone-marrow specimens of patients with pancreatic cancer showed that 4 out of 11 patients were positive for CK-20 mRNA. To confirm that sample positivity for CK-20 expression was due to disseminated tumor cells, we examined bone marrow from a control group (n = 16) without apparent carcinoma. In this group, 15 out of 16 donors were CK-20-negative, while one donor with familial adenomatous polyposis showed a CK-20-specific signal.© 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In lifetesting, medical follow-up, and other fields the observation of the time of occurrence of the event of interest (called a death) may be prevented for some of the items of the sample by the previous occurrence of some other event (called a loss). Losses may be either accidental or controlled, the latter resulting from a decision to terminate certain observations. In either case it is usually assumed in this paper that the lifetime (age at death) is independent of the potential loss time; in practice this assumption deserves careful scrutiny. Despite the resulting incompleteness of the data, it is desired to estimate the proportion P(t) of items in the population whose lifetimes would exceed t (in the absence of such losses), without making any assumption about the form of the function P(t). The observation for each item of a suitable initial event, marking the beginning of its lifetime, is presupposed. For random samples of size N the product-limit (PL) estimate can be defined as follows: List and label the N observed lifetimes (whether to death or loss) in order of increasing magnitude, so that one has \(0 \leqslant t_1^\prime \leqslant t_2^\prime \leqslant \cdots \leqslant t_N^\prime .\) Then \(\hat P\left( t \right) = \Pi r\left[ {\left( {N - r} \right)/\left( {N - r + 1} \right)} \right]\), where r assumes those values for which \(t_r^\prime \leqslant t\) and for which \(t_r^\prime\) measures the time to death. This estimate is the distribution, unrestricted as to form, which maximizes the likelihood of the observations. Other estimates that are discussed are the actuarial estimates (which are also products, but with the number of factors usually reduced by grouping); and reduced-sample (RS) estimates, which require that losses not be accidental, so that the limits of observation (potential loss times) are known even for those items whose deaths are observed. When no losses occur at ages less than t the estimate of P(t) in all cases reduces to the usual binomial estimate, namely, the observed proportion of survivors.
Many studies have shown that survival following surgery for solid tumors, such as colorectal and breast, is influenced by the extent of local invasion and the presence of distant metastases, and staging systems based on that are still the main prognostic indicator of survival. However, 20-30% of patients with early stage disease, without evidence of lymph node or distant dissemination, relapse and die within 5 yr of "curative" resection. The inference is that occult or micrometastatic disease was already present at the time of resection, or that tumor cells with metastatic potential were released into the blood stream as a result of surgery. Detection of circulating tumor cells at diagnosis in early stage patients would imply that the disease is more advanced than indicated by conventional staging. These patients might then be offered adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy post surgery.
The authors have recently identified a new cytokeratin (CK) polypeptide, CK 20, whose expression is almost entirely confined to the gastric and intestinal epithelium, urothelium, and Merkel cells. Seven monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for CK 20 were raised and characterized by applying immunoblotting and immunocytochemical screening. All of them reacted on frozen tissue sections. A further MAb, IT-Ks20.8, recognized CK 20 in sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. A total of 711 cases of primary and metastatic cancer, mostly carcinomas, were analyzed immunohistochemically for CK-20 expression, using CK-20 specific guinea-pig antibodies and MAbs. The expression spectrum of CK 20 in carcinomas resembled that seen in the corresponding normal epithelia of origin. CK-20 positivity was seen in the vast majority of adenocarcinomas of the colon (89/93 cases), mucinous ovarian tumors, transitional-cell and Merkel-cell carcinomas and frequently also in adenocarcinomas of the stomach, bile system, and pancreas. Most squamous cell carcinomas in general and most adenocarcinomas from other sites (breast, lung, endometrium), nonmucinous tumors of the ovary, and small-cell lung carcinomas were essentially or completely negative. The authors propose to use CK 20 as a diagnostic marker valuable in distinguishing different types of carcinomas, notably when presenting as metastases.