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Lessons of ALS imaging: Pitfalls and future directions – A critical review



Background: While neuroimaging in ALS has gained unprecedented momentum in recent years, little progress has been made in the development of viable diagnostic, prognostic and monitoring markers. Objectives: To identify and discuss the common pitfalls in ALS imaging studies and to reflect on optimal study designs based on pioneering studies. Methods: A “PubMed”-based literature search on ALS was performed based on neuroimaging-related keywords. Study limitations were systematically reviewed and classified so that stereotypical trends could be identified. Results: Common shortcomings, such as relatively small sample sizes, statistically underpowered study designs, lack of disease controls, poorly characterised patient cohorts and a large number of conflicting studies, remain a significant challenge to the field. Imaging data of ALS continue to be interpreted at a group-level, as opposed to meaningful individual-patient inferences. Conclusions: A systematic, critical review of ALS imaging has identified stereotypical shortcomings, the lessons of which should be considered in the design of future prospective MRI studies. At a time when large multicentre studies are underway a candid discussion of these factors is particularly timely.
NeuroImage: Clinical 4 (2014) 436–443
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NeuroImage: Clinical
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / y n i c l
Review Article
Lessons of ALS imaging: Pitfalls and future directions —A critical
Peter Bede
a , *
, Orla Hardiman
Academic Unit of Neurology, Trinity College Dublin, Room 5.43, Biomedical Sciences Building, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 22 December 2013
Received in revised form 23 February 2014
Accepted 23 February 2014
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
a b s t r a c t
Background: While neuroimaging in ALS has gained unprecedented momentum in recent years, little progress
has been made in the development of viable diagnostic, prognostic and monitoring markers.
Objectives: To identify and discuss the common pitfalls in ALS imaging studies and to reflect on optimal study
designs based on pioneering studies.
Methods: A “PubMed”-based literature search on ALS was performed based on neuroimaging-related key-
words. Study limitations were systematically reviewed and classified so that stereotypical trends could be
Results: Common shortcomings, such as relatively small sample sizes, statistically underpowered study
designs, lack of disease controls, poorly characterised patient cohorts and a large number of conflicting
studies, remain a significant challenge to the field. Imaging data of ALS continue to be interpreted at a
group-level, as opposed to meaningful individual-patient inferences.
Conclusions: A systematic, critical review of ALS imaging has identified stereotypical shortcomings, the
lessons of which should be considered in the design of future prospective MRI studies. At a time when large
multicentre studies are underway a candid discussion of these factors is particularly timely.
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
( http: // / licenses / by-nc-nd / 3.0 / ).
1. Introduction
An exponential increase in high-impact imaging publications of
ALS has been seen in recent years. However, the majority of re-
cent systematic reviews on the topic are technique-based ( Turner
et al., 2012 ), classifying and discussing studies based on the specific
imaging method utilised, rather than highlighting common themes
and shared conclusions. Furthermore, comprehensive reviews of ALS
imaging have focused primarily on the achievements of landmark
studies, and are insufficiently critical of shortcomings, discussion of
which may contribute to improved study designs.
ALS imaging has been relatively successful as a descriptive tool,
characterising features of specific ALS phenotypes and genotypes
Abbreviations: AD, axial diffusivity; C9orf72, chromosome 9 open reading frame 72;
DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; FA, fractional anisotropy; MD, mean diffusivity; MEG,
magnetoencephalography; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; MUNE, motor unit
number estimation; PET, positron emission tomography; PNS, peripheral nervous sys-
tem; RD, radial diffusivity; ROI, region of interest; SPECT, single photon emission com-
puted tomography; TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation; VBM, voxel-based mor-
* Correspondence to: Peter Bede, Tel.: + 353 1 8964497; fax: + 353 1 2604787.
E-mail address: (P. Bede).
( Chang et al., 2005 ; Stanton et al., 2009a ; Bede et al., 2013a ). Ad-
ditionally, the anatomical bases of recent clinical observations, such
as the concept of cortical focality, neuropsychological deficits, ex-
trapyramidal dysfunction, and sensory deficits, have been elucidated.
Imaging studies of ALS have also contributed to our understanding
of active biological processes, such as confirmation of inflammatory
mechanisms ( Corcia et al., 2012 ), spread along functional connec-
tions ( Verstraete et al., 2013 ), and dysfunction of inhibitory circuits
( Douaud et al., 2011 ). Recent work has provided evidence of network
degeneration as opposed to preferential, focal white and grey mat-
ter pathology ( Douaud et al., 2011 ). Landmark studies of presymp-
tomatic genetic variants such as SOD-1 mutation carriers have high-
lighted structural and metabolic changes prior to symptom onset and
have offered unprecedented insights into the presymptomatic phase
of the disease ( Ng et al., 2008 ; Carew et al., 2011 ). PET and fMRI
studies have revealed compensatory processes, suggestive of an at-
tempted functional adaptation in the face of relentless neurodegen-
eration ( Schoenfeld et al., 2005 ).
However as in the case of Alzheimer’s disease and multiple scle-
rosis, the development of viable diagnostic, prognostic and disease
progression markers at an individual level remains as one of the pri-
mary aspirations of ALS. Despite years of research, progress on this
front has been relatively slow, results inconsistent, and the outcomes
2213-1582/ $ - see front matter
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http: // /
/ by-nc-nd / 3.0 / ).
P. Bede, O. Hardiman / NeuroImage: Clinical 4 (2014) 436–443 437
not readily transferable to the clinic. The aims of this study are to
explore the factors that have led to a large number of inconsistent re-
sults and to reflect on optimal study designs which could be utilised
in future multi-centre studies.
2. Methods
A formal literature review was conducted on PubMed with the
individual search terms ‘Imaging , ‘Neuroimaging , ‘Magnetic reso-
nance imaging , ‘Positron emission tomography , ‘Single photon emis-
sion computed tomography , ‘Diffusion tensor imaging , ‘Voxel-based
morphometry , ‘Spectroscopy in combination with ‘ALS and ‘Mo-
tor neuron disease separately. Publications were searched during a
2 month period between November 2013 and December 2013. Both
original contributions and review papers ( Turner et al. , 2009 , 2012 ,
2013 ; Bede et al., 2012 ; Bowser et al., 2011 ; Turner and Modo, 2010 ;
Foerster et al., 2013b ; Wang et al., 2011 ; Agosta et al., 2010a ; Pradat
and Dib, 2009 ; van der Graaff et al., 2009 ; Dengler et al., 2005 ; Kalra
and Arnold, 2003 ; Karitzky and Ludolph, 2001 ; Comi et al., 1999 ;
Kollewe et al., 2012 ; Kassubek et al., 2012 ; Prell and Grosskreutz,
2013 ) were selected, but only articles published in English were
reviewed. Where relevant, references of identified papers were also
evaluated. Based on the above search criteria, a total of 184 original re-
search papers and 21 review papers were identified ( Supplementary
Table 1 ). Each original contribution was individually reviewed for
author-reported and reviewer-identified study limitations, based on
which distinct trends of common methodological shortcomings were
observed. An additional objective was to identify reports of seem-
ingly inconsistent results or potentially contradicting conclusions.
Thirdly, constructive examples of innovative methods were sought
in response to the identified stereotypical pitfalls, so that recommen-
dations for optimised ALS study designs can be presented.
3. Results
3.1. Common methodological limitations
While disease heterogeneity is an inherent challenge of the field,
common methodological study limitations can also be identified
across individual studies, such as small sample sizes, lack of dis-
ease controls, suboptimal patient characterisation, technique-driven
rather than clinical problem-driven studies, lenient statistical models
and insufficient discussion of laterality and symmetry of pathology
( Table 1 ). In addition to the methodological shortcomings of single
studies, fairly well-defined gaps in the ALS imaging literature as a
whole can also be observed, indicating pressing, yet promising re-
search opportunities ( Table 1 ).
3.2. Inconsistencies of conclusions
The above factors are likely to have contributed to the inconsis-
tencies of various studies, particularly in the degree of extra-motor
involvement, laterality of pathology and the extent of brain changes
in lower motor neuron dominant conditions. Many studies have
highlighted right precentral gyrus changes ( Kassubek et al., 2005 ;
Grossman et al., 2008 ; Agosta et al., 2007 ; Grosskreutz et al., 2006
), while others have demonstrated bilateral motor cortex pathol-
ogy ( Chang et al., 2005 ; Filippini et al., 2010 ; Verstraete et al., 2012 ;
Thivard et al., 2007 ; Bede et al., 2013c ). . Unilateral left ( Bede et al.,
2013c ) and right ( Mezzapesa et al., 2007 ) parahippocampal patholo-
gies have both been reported. Similar discrepancies can be observed
in studies of specific phenotypes. For example, relative sparing of
corticospinal tract integrity has been reported in progressive mus-
cle atrophy by some studies ( Cosottini et al., 2005b ), while others
have identified extensive diffusivity changes in the brain, concluding
that widespread CNS involvement occurs ( Prudlo et al., 2012 ). And
while some drug-response studies have captured a Riluzole effect
( Kalra et al., 2006 ), others failed to replicate this ( Bradley et al., 1999
). Accounts of extra-motor grey matter pathology also show con-
siderable variation ranging from limited frontotemporal pathology
to widespread occipital, parietal and subcortical changes. This wide
range of inconsistent findings may reflect true disease heterogeneity,
but is more likely to be a function of small sample size, inadequate
power, and consequent over-interpretation of findings.
3.3. Sample size and statistical analysis
The challenges of recruiting large patient cohorts in ALS imaging
studies are obvious due to disease-specific factors such as orthopnoea,
dyspnoea, and sialorrhoea. Yet, despite these recognised limitations,
formal power calculations are seldom carried out. Methods for power
calculations depend on the specific imaging technique utilised. Recent
evidence suggests that the number of foci reported in small VBM
studies and even in meta-analyses with few studies may often be
exaggerated ( Fusar-Poli et al., 2013 ). In contrast, whole-brain meta-
analyses of large sample sizes identify fewer foci than single studies
( Fusar-Poli et al., 2013 ). Region of interest (ROI) based studies, on the
other hand, are susceptible to strong reporting bias ( Ioannidis, 2011 ).
Methods for bias-corrected power calculations have been specifically
developed for diffusion tensor imaging ( Lauzon and Landman, 2013 ).
Sample size and power calculations for fMRI studies are relatively well
established ( Mumford, 2012 ; Desmond and Glover, 2002 ). Several
commercial software packages also exist for power calculations of
imaging studies ( Joyce and Hayasaka, 2012 ).
The number of ALS patients included in SPECT studies varies be-
tween n = 14 ( Waldemar et al., 1992 ) and n = 26 ( Abe et al., 1997 ),
and those in PET studies varies between n = 7 ( Hoffman et al., 1992 )
and n = 32 ( Cistaro et al., 2012 ). Single-centre morphometric studies
of ALS also show considerable variation in sample size; from n = 12
( Minnerop et al., 2009 ) to n = 45 ( Verstraete et al., 2012 ). Similarly,
diffusivity studies report results from a range of sample sizes; from
n = 13 ( Ciccarelli et al., 2006 ) to n = 87 ( Rajagopalan et al., 2013 ).
In general, task (paradigm) based functional MRI studies are particu-
larly small; from n = 6 ( Schoenfeld et al., 2005 ) to n = 22 ( Mohammadi
et al., 2011 ). Resting state fMRI studies are somewhat larger; from
n = 12 ( Verstraete et al., 2010a ) to n = 25 ( Douaud et al., 2011 ). Spec-
troscopy studies range from n = 8 ( Yin et al., 2004 ) to n = 70 ( Pohl
et al., 2001 ; Block et al., 2002 ). Studies of specific genotypes and
phenotypes often draw conclusions from even smaller frequently
single digit –sample sizes ( Table 2 ).
The majority of ALS imaging papers use age and gender matched
study groups. Age is sometimes included as a covariate in the anal-
yses, but gender, education and handedness are seldom considered.
The effect of gender on MR variables is well established in healthy
populations ( Chen et al., 2007 ; Menzler et al., 2011 ) and can also be
demonstrated in ALS cohorts ( Bede et al., 2013b ). Similarly, the link
between handedness and corticospinal tract / motor cortex asymme-
try has been confirmed in healthy individuals ( Herv
e et al., 2009 ). In
ALS, there is evidence that handedness may be associated with side
of onset in ALS ( Turner et al., 2011 ), therefore correction for handed-
ness in ALS imaging studies may be judicious. Moreover, neuroimag-
ing data from healthy aging cohorts also demonstrate the effect of
education on structural data, especially in older populations which
are typically studied in ALS ( Arenaza-Urquijo et al., 2013 ; Noble et al.,
2012 ). The typically small sample sizes of ALS imaging studies are
often further subdivided to characterise specific phenotypes, which is
likely to accentuate the confounding effects of the above demographic
factors even more.
438 P. Bede, O. Hardiman / NeuroImage: Clinical 4 (2014) 436–443
Table 1.
Common shortcomings for ALS imaging studies.
Common methodological limitations of individual ALS imaging studies
Technique-driven rather than clinical problem-driven studies
Confirmatory as opposed to original study designs
Small to moderate sample sizes, lack of power calculations
Inadequate discussion or interpretation of unilateral findings
Suboptimal clinical patient characterisation
Lack of comprehensive genotyping i.e. C9orf72 which may contribute to extra-motor changes
Limited imaging methods i.e. white matter only, grey matter only studies, as opposed to multifaceted, multimodal structural
/ functional, cortical / subcortical characterisation
Lack of disease controls and “ALS-mimic” controls
Correlation of brain changes with clinical measures that also heavily depend on lower motor neuron function (ALSFRS-r, tapping rates)
Lack of post-mortem validation of imaging findings
Lenient statistical models, insufficient correction for demographic factors (education, handedness, age, gender)
Reports of statistical “trends” uncorrected for multiple testing
Shortcomings of the current literature of ALS imaging
Paucity of presymptomatic studies
Paucity of classifier (diagnostic) studies
Paucity of meta-analyses
Paucity of high-field MRI studies
Lack of large, cross-platform, multi-centre studies
Lack of post-mortem imaging studies in ALS
Relative paucity of spinal cord studies
Lack of quantitative LMN
/ plexus / PNS imaging studies
Paucity of muscle imaging studies
Table 2
A selection of sample size examples from imaging studies characterising specific ALS phenotypes or genotypes. The highlighted studies also included larger reference groups of
controls or sporadic ALS patients.
n = 4 ( Neary et al., 1990 ; Tanaka et al., 1993 ), n = 8 ( Talbot et al., 1995 ), n = 17 ( Rajagopalan et al., 2013 )
ALS-PD-Guam complex
n = 4 ( Snow et al., 1990 )
n = 10 ( Chang et al., 2005 ), n = 12 ( Cistaro et al, 2014 )
D90a-SOD1 genotype
n = 6 ( Stanton et al., 2009b ), n = 7 ( Blain et al., 2011 ; Turner et al., 2007a ), n = 10 ( Turner et al., 2005 )
C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion
in ALS
n = 9 ( Bede et al., 2013a ; Bede et al., 2013d ), n = 15 ( Cistaro et al., 2014 )
Progressive lateral sclerosis
n = 4 ( Turner et al., 2007b ), n = 6 ( Ciccarelli et al., 2009 ; Mitsumoto et al., 2007 ), n = 12 ( van der Graaff et al., 2011 ), n = 19 ( Iwata et al., 2011 )
Progressive muscular atrophy
n = 8 ( Cosottini et al., 2005a ), n = 9 ( Mitsumoto et al., 2007 ), n = 12 ( van der Graaff et al.,
2011 )
Presymptomatic studies of homozygous D90A-SOD1
n = 2 ( Turner et al., 2005 ), n = 8 ( Ng et al., 2008 ), n = 24 ( Carew et al., 2011 )
Bulbar onset ALS
n = 8 ( Ellis et al., 2001 ; Ellis et al., 1998 ), n = 12 ( van der Graaff et al., 2011 ), n = 13 ( Cistaro et al., 2012 ), n = 13 ( Bede et al., 2013c )
Spinal onset ALS
n = 8 ( Ellis et al., 2001 ; Ellis et al., 1998 ), n = 12 (
van der Graaff et al., 2011 ), n = 19 ( Cistaro et al., 2012 ), n = 20 ( Bede et al., 2013c )
3.4. Disease controls
Neurological disease controls, patients with lower motor neu-
ron syndromes ( Sperfeld et al., 2005 ), Kennedy’s disease patients
( Sperfeld et al., 2005 ), Alzheimer’s disease cohorts ( Block et al., 2002
) and poliomyelitis groups ( Dalakas et al., 1987 ) have been previ-
ously included in ALS imaging studies. However, the large majority
of ALS imaging studies utilise healthy controls as a reference group
to highlight ALS-specific changes. For the development of diagnostic
markers capable of discriminating ALS from other neurological con-
ditions, the inclusion of disease controls, especially common mimics
of ALS, is essential.
3.5. Laterality of findings
Unilateral or asymmetrical imaging findings are frequently re-
ported in ALS, yet they are seldom discussed comprehensively. Sim-
ilarly to other neurodegenerative conditions, at an individual level,
asymmetrical symptoms and brain pathology are established features
of early stage ALS ( Turner et al., 2011b ). However, few imaging stud-
ies have examined the relationship of sidedness of symptoms and
brain changes. Metabolite ratio changes in the motor cortex have
been shown to correspond to the lateralisation of clinical symptoms
( Pohl et al., 2001 ; Block et al., 2002 ). Morphometric studies report
unilateral pathological changes in the left cingulum ( Abrahams et al.,
2005 ), left middle frontal gyrus ( Kassubek et al., 2005 ), left inferior
frontal gyrus ( Agosta et al., 2007 ), left thalamus ( Chang et al., 2005 ),
left medial frontal region ( Kassubek et al., 2005 ), left insula ( Thivard
et al., 2007 ), left anterior temporal region ( Grossman et al., 2008 ), left
parahippocampal gyrus ( Bede et al., 2013c ), right parahippocampal
gyrus ( Mezzapesa et al., 2007 ), right precentral gyrus ( Kassubek et al.,
2005 ; Grossman et al., 2008 ; Agosta et al., 2007 ; Grosskreutz et al.,
2006 ), right superior temporal gyrus ( Bede et al., 2013c ; Mezzapesa
et al., 2007 ), right cerebellum ( Thivard et al., 2007 ), and right premo-
tor regions ( Grossman et al., 2008 ). Diffusivity studies have reported
unilateral pathology in the left inferior frontal lobe ( Canu et al., 2011
) and right uncinate fasciculus ( Agosta et al., 2010b ). However, sam-
ple size effects, handedness, disability profile, disease duration and
physiological CNS asymmetry are rarely considered in the interpre-
tation of these unilateral findings. This is despite the recognition of
physiological brain asymmetry in right-handed healthy populations
( Takao et al., 2011 ) and that asymmetry of the primary motor cortex
and corticospinal tract architecture is particularly well established
P. Bede, O. Hardiman / NeuroImage: Clinical 4 (2014) 436–443 439
Westerhausen et al., 2007 ). Sample size limitations, disability pro-
file and disease duration are likely to be the key factors contributing
to asymmetrical findings. It is probable that asymmetry decreases
on longitudinal follow-up. Until large meta-analyses and prospec-
tive studies with extensive data sharing are undertaken, reports on
laterality should be interpreted with caution, and emphasis should
be placed on the specific structure affected rather than the side of
3.6. Patient characterisation
Multifaceted characterisation of patients is of importance given
the unique clinical, psychological and imaging profile of specific ALS
genotypes, such as those with SOD1 mutations ( Stanton et al., 2009a ;
Blain et al., 2011 ; Turner et al., 2005 ) and those carrying the hexanu-
cleotide expansion in C9orf72 ( Bede et al., 2013a ). Imaging studies
of ALS often provide in-depth characterisation in selected domains
e.g. detailed psychological and limited genetic or post-mortem pro-
filing, or vice versa. This is frequently a function of local expertise and
is likely to improve with the shared infrastructure of international
3.7. Multimodal studies
In studies using whole-brain, functional imaging modalities, such
as PET, SPECT or fMRI, single-technique approaches may be suffi-
cient. However, in studies using region-of-interest (ROI) or segmen-
tation based MRI techniques such as VBM, DTI or cortical thickness
measurements, multimodal approaches may be superior by providing
comprehensive characterisation of disease-specific pathology. Stud-
ies combining multiple imaging techniques that evaluate multiple
measures of both grey and white matter integrity are more likely
to capture the full spectrum of network degeneration in ALS. Mul-
timodal papers have highlighted increased functional and decreased
structural connectivity in ALS, suggesting inhibitory dysfunction in
ALS ( Douaud et al., 2011 ). The benefit of using multiple imaging
parameters can be further illustrated with the use of multiple diffu-
sivity variables. Many DTI studies only use fractional anisotropy (FA)
or mean diffusivity (MD), despite the fact that these are composite
measures of eigenvalues and are not associated with the specific na-
ture of white matter pathology. Conversely, axial diffusivity (AD) and
radial diffusivity (RD) are independent variables; AD is broadly con-
sidered an axonal marker ( Sun et al., 2006 ) and RD a myelin marker
( Song et al., 2005 ). Multimodal biomarker studies are also ideal as a
method to compare the sensitivity and specificity profiles of various
techniques. For example, multimodal studies have suggested that MR
spectroscopy may be more sensitive in detecting UMN degeneration
than TMS ( Kaufmann et al., 2004 ).
A large longitudinal multimodal ALS study utilising DTI, MUNE,
MRS and TMS has concluded that MUNE changes considerably over
time in comparison with other markers (DTI, TMS) that showed less
significant longitudinal changes ( Mitsumoto et al., 2007 ). Multimodal
studies are also optimal cross-validation platforms, establishing novel
imaging approaches such as whole-brain MRS against more recog-
nised techniques ( Govind et al., 2012 ). Whole brain MR spectroscopy
demonstrated that metabolic changes along the corticospinal tracts
correlate with more established measures of CST integrity ( Stagg et al.,
2013 ). Multimodal approaches are also essential in diagnostic, clas-
sifier analyses. Discriminant analyses utilising multiple imaging vari-
ables have been consistently shown to improve the sensitivity and
specificity of group classification ( Filippini et al., 2010 ).
3.8. Presymptomatic studies
Very few studies have examined presymptomatic carriers of ALS
causing mutations to date ( Ng et al., 2008 ; Carew et al., 2011 ; Turner
et al., 2005
). In a large spectroscopy study of presymptomatic SOD1
carriers, metabolic changes were detected in the spinal cord prior
to development of symptoms ( Carew et al., 2011 ). A landmark DTI
study of asymptomatic SOD1 carriers identified decreased fractional
anisotropy and increased radial diffusivity in the posterior limb of
the internal capsule compared to healthy SOD1 negative controls ( Ng
et al., 2008 ). These pioneering studies should help to pave the way
for future studies, so this relatively arcane, presymptomatic phase
of ALS, representing a crucially important diagnostic and therapeutic
window, can be explored.
3.9. Multicentre ALS imaging studies
The Neuroimaging Society in ALS (NISALS) had its founding meet-
ing in 2010 attracting considerable technical, clinical, psychology,
and imaging expertise from various centres around the world. The
challenges, objectives and potential benefits of multicentre collab-
oration in ALS imaging have been candidly discussed ( Turner et al.,
2011a ). Another example of a multicentre ALS imaging and biomarker
initiative is the SOPHIA 99 Consortium of the European Union Neu-
rodegenerative Disease Research Programme (JPND). The obvious ad-
vantage of such collaborations is generating large patient numbers
of relatively rare ALS phenotypes. The challenges of such initiatives
include harmonisation across different scanner field-strengths and
manufacturers, funding and authorship issues, time contribution of
participating individuals, data management, storage and protection,
ethics approvals, etc. Despite these difficulties however, multicentre
neuroimaging is routinely used in clinical trials of multiple sclerosis
drugs with established cross-platform harmonisation and calibration
protocols ( Moraal et al., 2009 ). Multicentre MR studies have also
been successfully conducted in Alzheimer’s disease, as evidenced by
the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). The cross
platform calibration of ADNI, utilising travelling MRI phantoms has
been comprehensively described ( Gunter et al., 2009 ). By contrast,
few cross-platform ALS imaging studies have been published to date.
A large two-centre imaging study of ALS and ALS-FTD has been con-
ducted in Germany using identical scanners and imaging protocol
( Schuster et al., 2013 ), and the First NISALS coordinated DTI project is
currently underway with the participation of 12 European and North
American centres.
3.10. Meta-analyses
While meta-analyses could potentially presage the sort of infor-
mation large multicentre studies can offer, surprisingly few meta-
analyses have been carried out in ALS. An individual patient data (IPD)
meta-analysis of DTI data of 221 ALS patients and 187 healthy controls
suggested that corticospinal tract DTI alone lacked diagnostic speci-
ficity ( Foerster et al., 2013a ). However, a voxel-based meta-analysis
of DTI date from eight studies, comprising 143 ALS patients and 145
healthy controls highlighted bilateral corticospinal tract changes in
the posterior limb of the internal capsule as well as bilateral frontal
and cingulate diffusivity changes ( Li et al., 2012 ). A meta-analysis of 5
VBM studies demonstrated that right precentral grey matter atrophy
is an important feature of ALS ( Chen and Ma 2010 ). The data reposito-
ries of multicentre MRI initiatives of ALS, such as NISALS and SOPHIA,
will be ideal platforms for individual patient data meta-analyses.
3.11. Correlative studies
A number of ALS imaging studies have sought to correlate com-
mon clinical variables with various MRI measures. Decreased corti-
cospinal tract FA ( Thivard et al., 2007 ; Cosottini et al., 2005a ) has
been associated with decreased ALSFRS-r ( Cedarbaum et al., 1999 ),
composite upper motor neuron scores ( Stanton et al., 2009a ; Filippini
et al., 2010 ; Blain et al., 2011 ) and disease progression rates ( Ciccarelli
440 P. Bede, O. Hardiman / NeuroImage: Clinical 4 (2014) 436–443
et al. , 2006 , 2009 ; Agosta et al., 2010b ). Grey matter density measures
( Grosskreutz et al., 2006 ; Bede et al., 2013c ) and NAA / Cr ratios ( Siv
et al., 2010 ) have been correlated with disability scores. In addition
to motor variables, cognitive ( Grossman et al., 2008 ; Sarro et al., 2011
) and behavioural ( Tsujimoto et al., 2011 ) deficits have also been
correlated to structural changes in ALS.
Despite the abundance of clinically-correlated neuroimaging stud-
ies in ALS, important conceptual factors must be considered. The
ALSFRS-r is heavily influenced by lower motor neuron degenera-
tion which is not captured by current imaging technology. Correla-
tion of disease duration with structural changes is relatively difficult
to interpret, as progression rates vary considerably at an individual
level. Contrary to the conclusions of some studies, imaging should
not be proposed as an alternative clinical assessment tool. Clinical
disability scales and neuropsychological tests can be easily and rou-
tinely applied in a clinic room, home or bedside setting. They reflect
on key functional aspects of the disability and with minimal train-
ing, excellent inter-rater and test–retest reliability can be achieved.
The role of imaging in ALS on the other hand points beyond simpli-
fied clinico-structural correlations and could be regarded as a sensi-
tive and objective descriptive tool, able to capture subtle, phenotype-
defining pathology in cross-sectional and longitudinal, group-level
and individual-level analyses.
3.12. Diagnostic applications
There is considerable interest in developing imaging technology
that can discriminate ALS from non-ALS and mimic syndromes at in-
dividual level. Discriminant analyses of diffusivity measures ( Ben
Bashat et al., 2011 ), machine-learning and support vector machine
classifier-analyses ( Wang and Summers, 2012 ), are increasingly used
in other neurodegenerative conditions ( Orr
u et al., 2012 ) and show
considerable promise in the interpretation of individual imaging data.
In ALS, a discriminant analysis, combining radial diffusivity, fractional
anisotropy and voxel-based morphometry, achieved study group clas-
sification with 92% sensitivity, 88% specificity, and 90% accuracy
( Filippini et al., 2010 ). The use of the disease state classifier ma-
chine learning approach (support-vector machine) on resting-state
fMRI data achieved over 71% accuracy for disease state classification
( Welsh et al., 2013 ).
3.13. Future directions
The purpose of ALS imaging is twofold. The first is to further
progress our understanding of disease pathology and pathophysi-
ology, in which group analysis is appropriate; and the second is to
develop an imaging based technology that enhances individualised
diagnostic accuracy beyond best clinical practice. Based on the crit-
ical appraisal of the shortcomings and achievements of recent ALS
imaging studies, optimised study recommendations can be outlined.
ALS imaging studies should ideally encompass genetically, neuropsy-
chologically, electrophysiologically, and pathologically characterised
patient cohorts, a healthy reference group and disease controls. Mul-
tiple complementary imaging techniques should be ideally utilised
in the same study to provide multifaceted grey and white matter as-
sessments. The effect of demographic variables, such as age, gender,
education and handedness, should be strictly accounted for, and com-
parisons of ALS sub-cohorts should be corrected for disease duration
and disability. Correlative studies should take the network degen-
eration aspect of ALS into account and assess network integrity as
opposed to selected grey or white matter measures. Individual pa-
tient data meta-analyses are required prior to initiating harmonised
multicentre studies, which in turn are eagerly awaited and are likely
to generate sufficiently large sample sizes for meaningful data inter-
From a technological standpoint, high-field MRI scanners i.e. 7 T
systems are increasingly available, promising unprecedented resolu-
tion and detailed spectroscopic evaluation. Nonetheless, only a few
ALS studies have been carried out on these systems to date ( Verstraete
et al., 2010 ; Kwan et al., 2012 ). Similarly, no post-mortem MRI stud-
ies have been conducted in ALS, a method increasingly used in other
neurodegenerative conditions. Quantitative muscle MRI is another
relatively overlooked field of ALS biomarker research ( Bryan et al.,
1998 ). Whole-brain MRS is a particularly promising technique and
its potential in ALS is far from being fully explored ( Stagg et al., 2013 ).
Despite a number of very successful spinal cord MRI studies ( Valsasina
et al., 2007 ), quantitative spinal imaging methods seem surprisingly
underutilised in ALS11. Finally, the emergence of combined PET / MRI
scanners and access to magnetoencephalography (MEG) are other
exciting developments which are likely to contribute to our under-
standing of ALS pathophysiology.
4. Conclusions
A critical review of ALS imaging has identified stereotypical short-
comings, the lessons of which should be considered in the design
of future prospective MRI studies. At a time when large multicentre
studies are underway a candid discussion of these factors is particu-
larly timely.
Author contributions
Peter Bede and Orla Hardiman have drafted and reviewed the
manuscript for intellectual content.
Conflict of interest statement
We have no conflicts of interests to disclose.
Role of the funding source
The sponsors of the study had no role in study design, data anal-
ysis or interpretation, writing or decision to submit the report for
Peter Bede has received research funding from the Elan Fellowship
in Neurodegeneration and the Health Research Board (HRB-Ireland).
Professor Hardiman’s research group has also received funding from
the Health Research Board (HRB-Ireland), the European Community’s
Seventh Framework Programme ( FP7 / 2007-2013 ) under grant agree-
ment no. [ 259867 ] (EUROMOTOR) and the EU-Joint Programme For
Neurodegeneration (JPND) SOPHIA project.
Appendix A. Supplementary Material
Supplementary material associated with this article can be
found, in the online version, at http: // / 10.1016 /
j.nicl.2014.02.011 .
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... There exist several studies that report cross-sectional differences and longitudinal changes in diffusion MRI metrics in ALS (see reviews 5,6,7 ). Prior studies have shown the potential of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for early diagnosis of ALS before the development of clinical signs 8 . ...
... Despite the extensive work done to date in diffusion imaging in ALS, published ndings include numerous inconsistencies and limitations that have prevented the emergence of diffusion imaging as a tool in clinical diagnosis or as a biomarker of disease progression 5,7 . The diagnostic accuracy of dMRI lacks su cient discrimination 6 , especially with a DTI model. ...
... The diagnostic accuracy of dMRI lacks su cient discrimination 6 , especially with a DTI model. This is likely due to limited data quality leading to distortions, intra-group heterogeneity, statistically underpowered study designs, substantial methodological differences between studies, and poorly characterized patient cohorts 7 . The inconsistency of results has limited progress in developing viable MRI-based diagnostic, prognostic, and progression biomarkers 7 . ...
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We demonstrate high sensitivity for detecting longitudinal change as well as diagnostic sensitivity in ALS by applying recent advances in MRI data acquisition and analysis to multimodal brain and cervical spinal cord data. We acquired high quality diffusion MRI data from the brain and cervical cord, and high quality T1 data from the brain, of 20 participants with ALS and 20 healthy control participants. Ten participants with ALS and 14 healthy control participants, and 11 participants with ALS and 13 healthy control participants were re-scanned at 6-month and 12-month follow-up visits respectively. We analyzed cross-sectional differences and longitudinal changes in brain diffusion metrics and cortical thickness to identify white and gray matter areas affected by the disease. We also used fixel-based microstructure measures, i.e. fiber density and fiber cross-section, that are found more sensitive to longitudinal changes. Combining the brain metrics with our previously reported diffusion and cross-sectional area measures of the spinal cord, we demonstrate improved disease diagnostic accuracy and sensitivity through multimodal analysis of cross-sectional data, including high sensitivity for diagnosis of lower motor neuron-predominant ALS. Fiber density and cross-section provided the greatest sensitivity for change in our longitudinal dataset. We demonstrate evidence of progression in a cohort of 11 participants with slowly progressive ALS, including in participants with very slow change in ALSFRS-R (less than 0.5 points per month). More importantly, we demonstrate that longitudinal change is detectable at a six-month follow-up visit. Our findings suggest that fixel-based measures may serve as potential biomarkers of disease progression in clinical trials. We also provide a comprehensive list of affected areas both in the white matter and cortical gray matter, and report correlations between ALSFRS-R and the fiber density and cross-section.
... There exist several studies that report cross-sectional differences and longitudinal changes in brain dMRI metrics in ALS (see reviews in ref. [5][6][7]. Prior studies have shown the potential of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for early diagnosis of ALS before the development of clinical signs 8 . The degree of directionality of diffusion (anisotropic behavior) measured by Fractional Anisotropy (FA) is useful for assessing degeneration in tissue structure in patients without upper motor neuron (UMN) signs 9 but is not sufficiently sensitive at the single-patient level. ...
... The need for biomarkers of disease progression is wellrecognized in ALS clinical research. The universally used functional outcome measure, ALSFRS-R, has several shortcomings that are well-documented in reviews of ALS research [5][6][7] . Fluid biomarkers, most notably neurofilament light (NfL), have received considerable interest but have not yet shown sufficient sensitivity to change over the time course of most clinical trials. ...
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Background Recent advances in MRI acquisitions and image analysis have increased the utility of neuroimaging in understanding disease-related changes. In this work, we aim to demonstrate increased sensitivity to disease progression as well as improved diagnostic accuracy in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with multimodal MRI of the brain and cervical spinal cord. Methods We acquired diffusion MRI data from the brain and cervical cord, and T1 data from the brain, of 20 participants with ALS and 20 healthy control participants. Ten ALS and 14 control participants, and 11 ALS and 13 control participants were re-scanned at 6-month and 12-month follow-ups respectively. We estimated cross-sectional differences and longitudinal changes in diffusion metrics, cortical thickness, and fixel-based microstructure measures, i.e. fiber density and fiber cross-section. Results We demonstrate improved disease diagnostic accuracy and sensitivity through multimodal analysis of brain and spinal cord metrics. The brain metrics also distinguished lower motor neuron-predominant ALS participants from control participants. Fiber density and cross-section provided the greatest sensitivity to longitudinal change. We demonstrate evidence of progression in a cohort of 11 participants with slowly progressive ALS, including in participants with very slow change in ALSFRS-R. More importantly, we demonstrate that longitudinal change is detectable at a six-month follow-up visit. We also report correlations between ALSFRS-R and the fiber density and cross-section metrics. Conclusions Our findings suggest that multimodal MRI is useful in improving disease diagnosis, and fixel-based measures may serve as potential biomarkers of disease progression in ALS clinical trials.
... While there is a considerable number of brain neuroimaging studies in ALS, the exploration of the brainstem and the spinal cord has been limited to only a few studies, primarily due to technical difficulties [28]. This is in striking contrast to the significant role these structures play as major determinants of patients' symptoms and level of disabilities. ...
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Background Respiratory complications resulting from motor neurons degeneration are the primary cause of death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Predicting the need for non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in ALS is important for advance care planning and clinical trial design. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of quantitative MRI at the brainstem and spinal cord levels to predict the need for NIV during the first six months after diagnosis. Methods Forty-one ALS patients underwent MRI and spirometry shortly after diagnosis. The need for NIV was monitored according to French health guidelines for 6 months. The performance of four regression models based on: clinical variables, brainstem structures volumes, cervical spinal measurements, and combined variables were compared to predict the need for NIV within this period. Results Both the clinical model (R² = 0.28, AUC = 0.85, AICc = 42.67, BIC = 49.8) and the brainstem structures’ volumes model (R² = 0.30, AUC = 0.85, AICc = 40.13, BIC = 46.99) demonstrated good predictive performance. In addition, cervical spinal cord measurements model similar performance (R² = 0.338, AUC = 0.87, AICc = 37.99, BIC = 44.49). Notably, the combined model incorporating predictors from all three models yielded the best performance (R² = 0.60, AUC = 0.959, AICc = 36.38, BIC = 44.8). These findings are supported by observed positive correlations between brainstem volumes, cervical (C4/C7) cross-sectional area, and spirometry-measured lung volumes. Conclusions Our study shows that brainstem volumes and spinal cord area are promising measures to predict respiratory intervention needs in ALS.
... A neuroscience subfield with particularly low bench-to-bedside translation and only exiguous therapeutic options are motor neuron diseases (MND), including entities such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (4,14,15). In these mostly fatal diseases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become among the most important paraclinical tools for diagnostic workup (16)(17)(18)(19). Although unspecific to MND; MRI can present with certain patterns of brain and spinal cord atrophy as well as signal changes in the corticospinal tract and motor cortex ( Figure 1). ...
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Background and objectives Animal models for motor neuron diseases (MND) such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are commonly used in preclinical research. However, it is insufficiently understood how much findings from these model systems can be translated to humans. Thus, we aimed at systematically assessing the translational value of MND animal models to probe their external validity with regards to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features. Methods In a comprehensive literature search in PubMed and Embase, we retrieved 201 unique publications of which 34 were deemed eligible for qualitative synthesis including risk of bias assessment. Results ALS animal models can indeed present with human ALS neuroimaging features: Similar to the human paradigm, (regional) brain and spinal cord atrophy as well as signal changes in motor systems are commonly observed in ALS animal models. Blood-brain barrier breakdown seems to be more specific to ALS models, at least in the imaging domain. It is noteworthy that the G93A-SOD1 model, mimicking a rare clinical genotype, was the most frequently used ALS proxy. Conclusions Our systematic review provides high-grade evidence that preclinical ALS models indeed show imaging features highly reminiscent of human ALS assigning them a high external validity in this domain. This opposes the high attrition of drugs during bench-to-bedside translation and thus raises concerns that phenotypic reproducibility does not necessarily render an animal model appropriate for drug development. These findings emphasize a careful application of these model systems for ALS therapy development thereby benefiting refinement of animal experiments. Systematic review registration, identifier: CRD42022373146.
... There is a paucity of studies examining the integrity of hippocampal white matter projections, but metabolic alterations have not characterised to date. The integrative evaluation of structural, metabolic, and diffusivity metrics may help to establish the chronology of pathological processes, contrast the detection sensitivity of various imaging metrics, and assess the biomarker potential of radiological indices [63][64][65][66]. ...
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Background: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has been overwhelmingly applied to motor regions to date and our understanding of frontotemporal metabolic signatures is relatively limited. The association between metabolic alterations and cognitive performance in also poorly characterised. Material and methods: In a multimodal, prospective pilot study, the structural, metabolic, and diffusivity profile of the hippocampus was systematically evaluated in patients with ALS. Patients underwent careful clinical and neurocognitive assessments. All patients were non-demented and exhibited normal memory performance. 1H-MRS spectra of the right and left hippocampi were acquired at 3.0T to determine the concentration of a panel of metabolites. The imaging protocol also included high-resolution T1-weighted structural imaging for subsequent hippocampal grey matter (GM) analyses and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for the tractographic evaluation of the integrity of the hippocampal perforant pathway zone (PPZ). Results: ALS patients exhibited higher hippocampal tNAA, tNAA/tCr and tCho bilaterally, despite the absence of volumetric and PPZ diffusivity differences between the two groups. Furthermore, superior memory performance was associated with higher hippocampal tNAA/tCr bilaterally. Both longer symptom duration and greater functional disability correlated with higher tCho levels. Conclusion: Hippocampal 1H-MRS may not only contribute to a better academic understanding of extra-motor disease burden in ALS, but given its sensitive correlations with validated clinical metrics, it may serve as practical biomarker for future clinical and clinical trial applications. Neuroimaging protocols in ALS should incorporate MRS in addition to standard structural, functional, and diffusion sequences.
... Also, the association of such MRI features to clinical disability has been systematically assessed (9). However, there is a lack of a comprehensive and systematic overview summarizing potential neuroimaging biomarkers for MND diagnosis facilitating diagnostic workup for (neuro-)radiologists (10). ...
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Objectives The lack of systematic evidence on neuroimaging findings in motor neuron diseases (MND) hampers the diagnostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thus, we aimed at performing a systematic review and meta-analysis of MRI features in MND including their histopathological correlation. Methods In a comprehensive literature search, out of 5941 unique publications, 223 records assessing brain and spinal cord MRI findings in MND were eligible for a qualitative synthesis. 21 records were included in a random effect model meta-analysis. Results Our meta-analysis shows that both T2-hyperintensities along the corticospinal tracts (CST) and motor cortex T2*-hypointensitites, also called “motor band sign”, are more prevalent in ALS patients compared to controls [OR 2.21 (95%-CI: 1.40–3.49) and 10.85 (95%-CI: 3.74–31.44), respectively]. These two imaging findings correlate to focal axonal degeneration/myelin pallor or glial iron deposition on histopathology, respectively. Additionally, certain clinical MND phenotypes such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) seem to present with distinct CNS atrophy patterns. Conclusions Although CST T2-hyperintensities and the “motor band sign” are non-specific imaging features, they can be leveraged for diagnostic workup of suspected MND cases, together with certain brain atrophy patterns. Collectively, this study provides high-grade evidence for the usefulness of MRI in the diagnostic workup of suspected MND cases. Systematic review registration, identifier: CRD42020182682.
... Connectome-based analyses of multiparametric MRI have already demonstrated their potential as a tool for patient stratification and as a prognostic biomarker in ALS to predict disease progression (154). PET/MRI is able to provide a multiparametric protocol, where a multimodal composite score may combine the aforementioned PET and MR techniques to address specific questions [e.g., (168)]-for a review see (169). ...
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Neuroimaging assessment of motor neuron disease has turned into a cornerstone of its clinical workup. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), as a paradigmatic motor neuron disease, has been extensively studied by advanced neuroimaging methods, including molecular imaging by MRI and PET, furthering finer and more specific details of the cascade of ALS neurodegeneration and symptoms, facilitated by multicentric studies implementing novel methodologies. With an increase in multimodal neuroimaging data on ALS and an exponential improvement in neuroimaging technology, the need for harmonization of protocols and integration of their respective findings into a consistent model becomes mandatory. Integration of multimodal data into a model of a continuing cascade of functional loss also calls for the best attempt to correlate the different molecular imaging measurements as performed at the shortest inter-modality time intervals possible. As outlined in this perspective article, simultaneous PET/MRI, nowadays available at many neuroimaging research sites, offers the perspective of a one-stop shop for reproducible imaging biomarkers on neuronal damage and has the potential to become the new gold standard for characterizing motor neuron disease from the clinico-radiological and neuroscientific perspectives.
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by the loss of upper and lower motor neurons. Presently, three FDA-approved drugs are available to help slow functional decline for patients with ALS, but no cure yet exists. With an average life expectancy of only two to five years after diagnosis, there is a clear need for biomarkers to improve the care of patients with ALS and to expedite ALS treatment development. Here, we provide a review of the efforts made towards identifying diagnostic, prognostic, susceptibility/risk, and response fluid biomarkers with the intent to facilitate a more rapid and accurate ALS diagnosis, to better predict prognosis, to improve clinical trial design, and to inform interpretation of clinical trial results. Over the course of 20 + years, several promising fluid biomarker candidates for ALS have emerged. These will be discussed, as will the exciting new strategies being explored for ALS biomarker discovery and development.
Background: Motor capacity is crucial in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) clinical trial design and patient care. However, few studies have explored the potential of multimodal MRI to predict motor capacity in ALS. This study aims to evaluate the predictive value of cervical spinal cord MRI parameters for motor capacity in ALS compared to clinical prognostic factors. Methods: Spinal multimodal MRI was performed shortly after diagnosis in 41 ALS patients and 12 healthy participants as part of a prospective multicenter cohort study, the PULSE study (NCT00002013-A00969-36). Motor capacity was assessed using ALSFRS-R scores. Multiple stepwise linear regression models were constructed to predict motor capacity at 3 and 6 months from diagnosis, based on clinical variables, structural MRI measurements, including spinal cord cross-sectional area (CSA), anterior-posterior, and left-to-right cross-section diameters at vertebral levels from C1 to T4, and diffusion parameters in the lateral corticospinal tracts (LCSTs) and dorsal columns. Results: Structural MRI measurements were significantly correlated with the ALSFRS-R score and its sub-scores. And as early as 3 months from diagnosis, structural MRI measurements fit the best multiple linear regression model to predict the total ALSFRS-R (R2 = 0.70, p value = 0.0001) and arm sub-score (R2 = 0.69, p value = 0.0002), and combined with DTI metric in the LCST and clinical factors fit the best multiple linear regression model to predict leg sub-score (R2 = 0.73, p value = 0.0002). Conclusions: Spinal multimodal MRI could be promising as a tool to enhance prognostic accuracy and serve as a motor function proxy in ALS.
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a multisystemic neurodegenerative disease in which degenerative processes are not exclusively restricted to the upper and lower motor neurons. Herein, imaging and neuropathological evidence for involvement of the cerebellum, which to date is not thought to be involved in ALS, is reviewed. Evidence for involvement of the cerebellum in ALS comes from several neuropathological studies. Especially ubiquitinated forms of TDP-43 and ubiquitinated p62-positive inclusions were frequently observed. The widely used transgenic SOD1-G93A ALS mice model showed prominent cerebellar immunostaining of pERK and alterations of tau expression. Studies using advanced MRI techniques demonstrated that several cerebral areas, including the cerebellum, were recruited in order to compensate for functional motor decline. Functional MRI, voxel based morphometry, and diffusion-tensor imaging showed these cerebellar alterations as being of functional and structural nature.
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The last 30 years have seen a major advance in the understanding of the clinical and pathological heterogeneity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and its overlap with frontotemporal dementia. Multiple, seemingly disparate biochemical pathways converge on a common clinical syndrome characterized by progressive loss of upper and lower motor neurons. Pathogenic themes in ALS include excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroinflammation, altered energy metabolism, and most recently RNA mis-processing. The transgenic rodent, overexpressing mutant superoxide dismutase-1, is now only one of several models of ALS pathogenesis. The nematode, fruit fly and zebrafish all offer fresh insight, and the development of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived motor neurons holds promise for the screening of candidate therapeutics. The lack of useful biomarkers in ALS contributes to diagnostic delay, and the inability to stratify patients by prognosis may be an important factor in the failure of therapeutic trials. Biomarkers sensitive to disease activity might lessen reliance on clinical measures and survival as trial endpoints and reduce study length. Emerging proteomic markers of neuronal loss and glial activity in cerebrospinal fluid, a cortical signature derived from advanced structural and functional MRI, and the development of more sensitive measurements of lower motor neuron physiology are leading a new phase of biomarker-driven therapeutic discovery.
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To evaluate whether biases may influence the findings of whole-brain structural imaging literature. Forty-seven whole-brain voxel-based meta-analyses including voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies in neuropsychiatric conditions were included, for a total of 324 individual VBM studies. The total sample size, the overall number of foci, and different moderators were extracted both at the level of the individual studies and at the level of the meta-analyses. Sample size ranged from 12 to 545 (median n = 47) per VBM study. The median number of reported foci per study was six. VBM studies with larger sample sizes reported only slightly more abnormalities than smaller studies (2% increase in the number of foci per 10-patients increase in sample size). A similar pattern was seen in several analyses according to different moderator variables with some possible modulating evidence for the statistical threshold employed, publication year and number of coauthors. Whole-brain meta-analyses (median sample size n = 534) found fewer foci (median = 3) than single studies and overall they showed no significant increase in the number of foci with increasing sample size. Meta-analyses with ≥10 VBM studies reported a median of three foci and showed a significant increase with increasing sample size, while there was no relationship between sample size and number of foci (median = 5) in meta-analyses with <10 VBM studies. The number of foci reported in small VBM studies and even in meta-analyses with few studies may often be inflated. This picture is consistent with reporting biases affecting small studies. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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There have been a large number of case-control studies using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The objective of this study was to perform an individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis for the estimation of the diagnostic accuracy measures of DTI in the diagnosis of ALS using corticospinal tract data. MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Cochrane databases (1966-April 2011) were searched. Studies were included if they used DTI region of interest or tractography techniques to compare mean cerebral corticospinal tract fractional anisotropy values between ALS subjects and healthy controls. Corresponding authors from the identified articles were contacted to collect individual patient data. IPD meta-analysis and meta-regression were performed using Stata. Meta-regression covariate analysis included age, gender, disease duration, and Revised Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale scores. Of 30 identified studies, 11 corresponding authors provided IPD and 221 ALS patients and 187 healthy control subjects were available for study. Pooled area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.75 (95% CI: 0.66-0.83), pooled sensitivity was 0.68 (95% CI: 0.62-0.75), and pooled specificity was 0.73 (95% CI: 0.66-0.80). Meta-regression showed no significant differences in pooled AUC for each of the covariates. There was moderate to high heterogeneity of pooled AUC estimates. Study quality was generally high. Data from 19 of the 30 eligible studies were not ascertained, raising possibility of selection bias. Using corticospinal tract individual patient data, the diagnostic accuracy of DTI appears to lack sufficient discrimination in isolation. Additional research efforts and a multimodal approach that also includes ALS mimics will be required to make neuroimaging a critical component in the workup of ALS.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal motor neuron disease for which a precise cause has not yet been identified. Standard CT or MRI evaluation does not demonstrate gross structural nervous system changes in ALS, so conventional neuroimaging techniques have provided little insight into the pathophysiology of this disease. Advanced neuroimaging techniques - such as structural MRI, diffusion tensor imaging and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy - allow evaluation of alterations of the nervous system in ALS. These alterations include focal loss of grey and white matter and reductions in white matter tract integrity, as well as changes in neural networks and in the chemistry, metabolism and receptor distribution in the brain. Given their potential for investigation of both brain structure and function, advanced neuroimaging methods offer important opportunities to improve diagnosis, guide prognosis, and direct future treatment strategies in ALS. In this article, we review the contributions made by various advanced neuroimaging techniques to our understanding of the impact of ALS on different brain regions, and the potential role of such measures in biomarker development.
• We performed positron emission tomography using 18F-6-fluorodopa on four Guamanians with an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis syndrome, eight Guamanians with parkinsonism, and seven clinically normal Guamanians; the results were compared with those of nine Vancouver control subjects. The Guamanian subjects had all been exposed to similar Chamorro life-styles. The scans were analyzed using a graphic method that calculates a constant for whole striatal 18F-6-fluorodopa uptake. The parkinsonian subjects all had significantly reduced striatal 18F-6-fluorodopa uptake. The group with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis had significantly reduced uptake that was intermediate between that of the control group and the parkinsonian group. Two Guamanian normal subjects had reduced striatal 18F-6-fluorodopa uptake. The nigrostriatal dopaminergic lesion in Guamanian parkinsonism is similar to that found in idiopathic parkinsonism. The nigrostriatal lesions in the subjects with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the Guamanian normal subjects are examples of subclinical neuronal damage demonstrable in living subjects with positron emission tomography.
Recently, a GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the C9ORF72 gene, located on chromosome 9p21 has been demonstrated to be the commonest cause of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and to account for 5 to 10 % of apparently sporadic ALS. Relatively little is known about the brain metabolism profile of patients carrying the expansion. Our aim was to identify the [(18)F]FDG PET profile in ALS patients with the C9ORF72 expansion (C9ORF72-ALS). Fifteen C9ORF72-ALS patients were compared with 12 patients with ALS and comorbid frontotemporal dementia (FTD) without the C9ORF72 expansion (ALS-FTD) and 30 cognitively normal patients with ALS without mutations of ALS-related genes (sALS). The three groups were then cross-matched to 40 neurologically normal controls. All patients underwent FDG PET within 4 months of diagnosis. The C9ORF72-ALS patients compared with the sALS patients showed significant hypometabolism in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, insula, caudate and thalamus, the left frontal and superior temporal cortex, and hypermetabolism in the midbrain, bilateral occipital cortex, globus pallidus and left inferior temporal cortex. The ALS-FTD patients compared with the sALS patients showed more limited hypometabolic areas, including the orbitofrontal, prefrontal, anterior cingulate and insular cortex, and hypermetabolic areas, including the bilateral occipital cortex, the left precentral and postcentral cortex and superior temporal gyrus. The C9ORF72-ALS patients compared with the ALS-FTD patients showed hypometabolism in the left temporal cortex. ALS patients with the C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion had a more widespread central nervous system involvement than ALS patients without genetic mutations, with or without comorbid FTD, consistent with their more severe clinical picture.
Our objective was to explore neuroanatomical differences between female and male ALS patients in the context of sexual dimorphism in healthy controls. Fourteen female ALS patients, 13 male ALS patients, 22 healthy male controls and 20 healthy female controls were recruited into a comprehensive neuroimaging study. Cortical thickness measurements and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were utilized to explore gender-specific anatomical vulnerability. DTI analysis across all study groups revealed higher fractional anisotropy in association with male gender in the brainstem, cerebellum, fornix, thalamus, anterior forceps and corticospinal tracts accounting for diagnosis and age. While females showed a trend of higher age-adjusted cortical thickness in the right parieto-occipital and left mid-frontal regions, males demonstrated higher cortical thickness in the left lingual and left superior temporal regions, accounting for diagnosis. Significant multifocal white matter differences have also been identified between healthy male and female controls. In conclusion, sexual dimorphism is an overlooked and potentially confounding factor in admixed ALS neuroimaging studies. Our results suggest that gender is an additional dimension of disease heterogeneity in ALS. Given the significant pre- and post-morbid gender differences, we feel that ALS imaging studies should be controlled for gender or, alternatively, single gender studies should be considered.
To characterize the nature and extent of basal ganglia involvement in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) genotypes in vivo. Forty-four healthy controls and 39 patients with ALS were included in the study. Thirty patients with ALS had a negative C9orf72 status and 9 patients with ALS carried the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion. High-resolution T1-weighted MRI data were used for model-based subcortical registration and segmentation. Fifteen subcortical structures were studied with both volumetric and vertex-wise approaches. Changes in basal ganglia diffusivity parameters were also assessed. Using age as a covariate, patients with ALS who were C9orf72 repeat negative showed significant volume reductions in the left caudate nucleus (p = 0.01), left hippocampus (p = 0.007), and right accumbens nucleus (p = 0.001) compared with healthy controls. Vertex-wise shape analyses revealed changes affecting the superior and inferior aspects of the bilateral thalami, the lateral and inferior portion of the left hippocampus, and the medial and superior aspect of the left caudate. Basal ganglia pathology was more extensive in patients with ALS carrying the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion. ALS is associated with widespread basal ganglia involvement. Caudate nucleus, hippocampus, and nucleus accumbens atrophy are key features of ALS. Dysfunction of frontostriatal networks is likely to contribute to the unique neuropsychological profile of ALS, dominated by executive dysfunction, apathy, and deficits in social cognition. Our quantitative imaging findings are consistent with postmortem studies and indicate that subcortical gray matter structures should be included in future biomarker studies of ALS.