Conference PaperPDF Available

Raising Students Programming Skills Using Appiahene Gamification Model

  • Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development
  • Independent Researcher


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers an opportunity for the development of modern Teaching and Learning Materials (TLM). The use of game features in a non-gaming context 'gamification'-suggest the promise to make teaching and learning of programming more motivating and more enjoyable to students. Notwithstanding widespread commentary on its advantages and lacks, little empirical study has sought to validate the existing gamification models as a meaningful concept and provide evidence of its efficiency as a tool for motivating and engaging users in non-entertainment contexts. The aim of this paper is to propose a new model named "Appiahene Gamification Model (AGM)" for programming learning to prove that gamification has quality that when applied well would be beneficial. Qualitative method of research was used by reviewing several models and frameworks applied in gamification, to demonstrate that there is academic merit to these models. Discussions with four programming lecturers were also used; one has implemented a gamification, two are yet to experience it whilst the last have not heard about the concept. Using such qualitative methods in this paper illustrates that there is academic support for a common model design that can be used by institutions. The proposed model reflects how instructors and learners relate to their learning objectives and experience. There is a notion that gamification cannot be stagnant and linear once applied, but must be cyclical and updated to reflect changes in the learning objective, gamification elements and the experience of the users who use the application. As the success of gamification depends on the definition of objectives and experience, the clarity of such definitions will correlate to the success rate of gamification in the specific area. With proper integration of the proposed model in the field of programming, a positive impact such as motivation and greater engagement of students on the learning process can be achieved. This proposed model would have implications for a wide range of teaching and learning and identifies areas for further research. The model can also be used to formulate recommendations towards the design of gameful instruction in other fields like business.
Raising Students Programming Skills Using Appiahene Gamification
Peter Appiahene1, George Asante2, Bryce Kesse-Yaw3 and James Acquah-Hayfron4
1University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana
2University of Education Winneba, Ghana
3Berekum College of Education, Ghana
4Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Abstract: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers an opportunity for the development of modern Teaching
and Learning Materials (TLM). The use of game features in a non-gaming context ‘gamification’ – suggest the promise to
make teaching and learning of programming more motivating and more enjoyable to students. Notwithstanding widespread
commentary on its advantages and lacks, little empirical study has sought to validate the existing gamification models as a
meaningful concept and provide evidence of its efficiency as a tool for motivating and engaging users in non-entertainment
contexts. The aim of this paper is to propose a new model namedAppiahene Gamification Model (AGM)” for programming
learning to prove that gamification has quality that when applied well would be beneficial. Qualitative method of research
was used by reviewing several models and frameworks applied in gamification, to demonstrate that there is academic merit
to these models. Discussions with four programming lecturers were also used; one has implemented a gamification, two are
yet to experience it whilst the last have not heard about the concept. Using such qualitative methods in this paper illustrates
that there is academic support for a common model design that can be used by institutions. The proposed model reflects
how instructors and learners relate to their learning objectives and experience. There is a notion that gamification cannot
be stagnant and linear once applied, but must be cyclical and updated to reflect changes in the learning objective,
gamification elements and the experience of the users who use the application. As the success of gamification depends on
the definition of objectives and experience, the clarity of such definitions will correlate to the success rate of gamification in
the specific area. With proper integration of the proposed model in the field of programming, a positive impact such as
motivation and greater engagement of students on the learning process can be achieved. This proposed model would have
implications for a wide range of teaching and learning and identifies areas for further research. The model can also be used
to formulate recommendations towards the design of gameful instruction in other fields like business.
Keywords: Appiahene gamification model, computer programming skills, TLM, information and communication
technology, game based learning
1. Introduction
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers an opportunity for the development of modern
teaching and learning materials (TLM) and for improvements in curriculum design in subjects like programming.
These ICT tools have changed the programming learning and practical acquisition environment as well as the
dynamics of the programing learning settings. Even though technology is increasingly prevalent in everyday
activities such as in education, business and other sectors, Africa is perceived as either lagging behind in
recognizing these opportunities or struggling with the challenges of implementing(S. Kumar & Tammelin,
2008).ICT can promote interactive and student-centered learning (Kovacic, Bubas and Zlatovic, 2007). Within a
decade, changing conceptions of learning and swift technological advances have been followed via adjustment
in teaching and learning of programming. Programming lecture halls and laboratories are increasingly turning
into blended learning environments that emphasis on active practice (Kumar and Tammelin, 2008). It is
commonly known that active learning advances the learning process and thus raises the quality of the
programming learning experience(Kumar and Tammelin, 2008). The use of game features in a non-gaming
context Connolly et al., (2012); De Schutter and Vanden Abeele (2014) ‘gamification’ Domínguez, Saenz-de-
navarrete, & Pagés (2014) – suggest the promise to make teaching and learning of programming more
motivating and more enjoyable to students. The purpose of gamification in education is to upsurge student
engagement and motivation McDaniel & Fanfarelli (2016) through the introduction of game elements such as
leaderboards, badges and levels(Paisley, 2013). Notwithstanding extensive commentary on its advantages and
lacks, little empirical study has sought to validate the existing gamification models as a meaningful concept and
provide evidence of its efficiency as a tool for motivating and engaging users in non-entertainment contexts. The
Peter Appiahene et al.
main aim of this paper is to propose a new model named after the lead author “Appiahene Gamification Model
(AGM)” for teaching programming. To also prove that gamification has quality that when applied well would be
beneficial. With a simple amendment, the model can also be implemented in other courses and also in business.
2. The concept of gamification and game-based learning
Zichermann and Cunningham (2011) defined gamification as the process of using game features and game
procedure to solve problems and engage users. Many authors Buckley & Doyle, (2016); Deterding et al. (2011);
Dicheva et al. (2016); Jacobs, (2013); Nadolny & Halabi, (2016) conceptualized the term as the adoption of game
technology and game design methods outside of the games industry but Kapp (2012) defines gamification as
simply the use of game mechanics to make teaching and learning more exciting. Even though gamification is an
evolving area and concept with inadequate literature, there’s sufficient literature on the use of video games in
learning. Using game techniques in non-gaming circumstances has been revealed to inspire people to attain
their individual goals, clear up common glitches, and direct systemic activity. In the area of education,
gamification offers the capacity for greater student engagement De Byl and Hooper (2013); Buckley and Doyle
(2016) and motivation in lecture room and online settings. Gamification gives teachers room to situate learners
in genuine environments where they can rehearse their talents and gain instant remarks on development and
accomplishments, earn credit for doing well, and overcoming a problem.
The next section talks about programming as a course of study, challenges face by students in studying the
course and some application of gamification in teaching and learning of programming done by other authors.
3. Gamification and programming subject
Computer Programming normally is the art of designing and implementing copious sets of instructions (codes)
to aid computer to accomplish a given task. These codes are considered computer programs and help the
computer to operate easily(Bebbington, 2014). The language used to program these computers is called
machine language Bledsoe and Browning (1959); Lane and Ashby (1987) and are normally binary numerals; 0 or
1 Scott and Strachey (1971)not easily understood by humans. Computer Science departments have started
facing incessant reduction in the number of under graduates with one of the reasons been difficulty in mastering
the programming skills. As core subjects, programming plays an important role in successful tertiary computer
science education. In the computer science curriculum, students cannot avoid programming(Azmi, Iahad and
Ahmad, 2015).
According to significant studies by Azmi, Iahad and Ahmad, (2015); Khaleel et al., 2015; Olsson, Mozelius and
Collin (2015); Fotaris et al. (2016); Mladenović et al. (2016), one of the greatest challenges faced by most
Computer Science students is coping with programming. Azmi et al (2015) cited difficulty in coping with
programming, lack of satisfactory skills in developing correct codes and unfamiliarity with the programming
structures as some of the challenges faced by students in programming. The work suggested frustration leads
to low participation. According to Kumar and Khurana (2012) ,lack of motivation and engagement of students in
learning programming concepts are the main reasons of disinterest in programming and proposed the
introduction of gamification in teaching practices. The results indicated a strong preference for the use of
gamification in instructing the programming knowledge as cited by(Combefis, Beresnevicius and Dagiene, 2016).
Mladenović et al. (2016) introduced game making course for novice programmers and examined the effect of
making games on attitude and motivation. Students sometimes finds it challenging to learn new programming
languages and Khaleel et al. (2015) tried to solve the problem by applying gamification elements in programming
with a new architecture of gamification to increase the effectiveness of learning and enhance understanding.
Knutas et al. (2014) used a case study approach by applying gamification in an online collaboration with a
programming course. Fotaris et al. (2016) also presented quasi-experimental study of applying gamification
techniques to a programming class by combining instructor feedback, real time sequence of scored quizzes, and
live coding to deliver a fully interactive learning experience. The result suggested key metrics such as attendance
and downloading of course material, was encouraging and proved that the gamified approach was motivating
and enriching for both students and instructors.
4. Methodology
The authors reviewed existing frameworks, models and architectures from selected journal papers and
conference proceedings published between 2011 and 2016. The journal and conference papers were reviewed
according to the study objectives: To identify suitable models, that can be used to apply gamification application
Peter Appiahene et al.
in the teaching and learning of programming. This was done to demonstrate that there is academic merit to
these existing frameworks and models.
The deficiencies of the existing models and frameworks was taking into consideration .The authors therefore
designed and proposed the new Appiahene Gamification Model(AGM) to take care of most of the deficiencies
of the already existing models and frameworks. Four(4) programming lecturers; one has implemented
gamification; two are yet to experience it whiles the last have not heard about the concept and ten(10)
programming students were purposefully selected. These participants were taken through how the proposed
model works and allowed the participants to analyze and make contributions about the proposed model. The
views of the participants were incorporated in the final model in figure 1 below.
5. Gamification models and frameworks
Nada et al (2015) proposed a suitable design and smooth integration of game-based scenarios into learning
environments by reusing existing standards and an engineering model-driven approach. Specifically, the work
used the methodology proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) Model Driven Architecture (MDA).
Despite the ability of the model by(Nada et al. (2015) there were certain inadequacies. For instance, the
proposed authoring tool was not ergonomic enough to easily guide the game developer or even the instructors
through the process design. The users will spend time acquainting with the tool. There is also the problem of
the emergence of new platforms containing new features and functions. In 2015, Karoui et al identify several
Mobile Learning Games (MLGs) used in educational context, in order to determine their common features and
impact on learners, and also to identify challenges in terms of design and student monitoring. The study
proposed a global MLGs model, capable of capitalizing the identified main characteristics and overcome the
recurring problems simultaneously. Methodology adopted did not take into consideration current MLGs articles
with many citations. The model for introduction of gamification into e-learning can consists of the eight elements
this according to (Urh et al., 2015). Similar work was also done by Swacha and Baszuro (2013) with emphasis on
programming. The study asserted that with proper integration of gamification in the field of e-learning a positive
impact on the learning process can be achieved. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods,
Jacobs (2013) proposed a model that seeks to bridge the gap between the various frameworks of Gamification
that exist in business. The work supported the argument that Gamification cannot be stagnant once applied but ,
must be continually updated and changed to reflect both the changing business goals and the skills of the users
who use the system. Gené and Mart (2014) proposed a Cooperative MOOC model with gamification to motivate
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC’s) students based on gamification. The model used the cooperative MOOC
model of Fidalgo et al. With reference to the cooperative MOOC model a new layer which includes gamification
elements influencing the three layers of the cooperative MOOC model was suggested.
Finally, Huang et al (2013) proposed a five-step model that can be used to apply gamification in education. The
model suggested that, once the objectives are clear, the context will help determine the salient points.
Notwithstanding the capabilities of this model by Huang and Soman (2013),it was also deficient in some way; It
was linear ,no evaluation and feedback was taking. The proposed model did not also considered the student
interest and no provision was made for content preparation. The users or learners do not have a say in the
development of the system. In order to overcome these drawbacks and challenges in the existing discussed
models and framework, proposes a modified model called “Appiahene Gamification Model(AGM)” shown in
figure 1 which was adapted from Huang and Soman, (2013) has been proposed.
The following part of the article presents the proposed model for teaching and learning of programming in higher
institutions .It describes the main elements of the model, how the model works and its impact on students
6. The Appiahene Gamification Model (AGM)
According to Shea, Pickett and Pelz (2003) and cited by Urh et al. (2015), effective online learning environment
should encourage: contact between students and faculty members, reciprocity and cooperation between
students, prompt feedback, time on task, active learning techniques, communication of high expectations and
respect diversity and ways of learning from each student. There are some recommendations for teachers and
organizations to organize contents in platform guidelines (Lee & Hammer, 2011; Simões et al., 2013): rapid and
positive feedback, adapting tasks to skill levels, experimentation and tasks repetition, main goal is divided into
Peter Appiahene et al.
smaller goals, different paths to the goal, use of different game mechanics, and encouraging activities despite
the current failure.
The main objective of gamification is high efficiency, effectiveness, engagement, satisfaction and motivation of
students. These objectives can be achieved through the use of the proposed Appiahene Gamification Model
(AGM) which was named after the lead author Appiahene. Programming instructors must create the
environment under which students are motivated, satisfied, effective and efficient. Evaluation and feedback
taking is an important part of the model. The model consists of the following main elements: understand the
target audience and context, stating the learning objectives, constructing the experience, preparing the content,
identifying the needed resources and materials, design and apply gamification elements and last but not the
least evaluate and take feedback. This proposed model shows that learning is a continues process Buckler (1996);
Neary (2000); Rav Sankar Venna (2013) and also in cyclic form. Continuous learning is process of life, highpoint
of the attitude and vision of the universe(Rav Sankar Venna, 2013).
Figure 1: The proposed model by authors
7. The main elements of the model
Understand the Target Audience and Context: A key factor that determines the success of programming
subject is a good under-standing of who the student is. This combined with the context, in which the
program is being delivered, will help in designing a program that empowers the student to achieve the
objective of the program. Proper analysis of the target audience will help one to determine factors like age
group, learning abilities and current skill-set.
State the Learning Objectives: Every instructor should have an objective that he/she wants to achieve at
the end of the learning process. This could include General Instructional Goals and Specific Learning Goals.
They are basically statements that define the anticipated goal of a syllabus, course, class or activity in terms
of obvious skills or knowledge that will be acquired by a student as a result of instruction. In some literature
others call it objectives, learning outcomes, learning goals.
Construct the Experience:Background or previous experience is the raw material that catalysis learning. It
acts as mental bases for the organization of new information and is the basic building block of content and
skill knowledge. In literature, the term experience and prior knowledge is often used
interchangeably(Campbell and Campbell, 2008).The instructor or game designer should engage the learners
or the users in revision of previous knowledge and experience to enable him/her prepare a proper content.
The preparation of the content is dependent on previous experience or knowledge of the learners or
users(Schauble, 1990; Pressley et al., 1992; Tobias, 1994; Campbell and Campbell, 2008).
Prepare the Content: The term content refers to the body of knowledge and information Iivari, Hirschheim
and Klein, (2004); Theoharidou and Gritazalis, (2007) that the instructor will teach and what students are
expected to learn in a given subject or course area. The main topics, subtopics, theories, activities, and facts,
are grouped within each subject or learning area under knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, that are
Peter Appiahene et al.
expected to be learned and form the basis of teaching and learning. This is to enable the learners achieve
competency or skills.
Identify the needed resources:Once content have been prepared, the instructor can easily suggest what
materials and resources and needed. This will also enable the developer or instructor know the kind of game
mechanics and elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, level, feedback , challenges, Lee et al. (2013);
Dicheva et al. (2016) and other technologies needed by the application. The ICT tools and the platform that
the application will run on are also important to consider.
Design and Apply Gamification Elements: The gamification process in education comes down to the
elements that are applied to the learning program. This is where the actual design of the game application
and elements is done. As mentioned earlier, gamification is the addition of game-like-elements, also called
game mechanics, in non-game settings. Game mechanics can either be self-elements or social-elements.
Evaluation and Feedback Taking: Evaluation involves the systematic collection of information about the
activities, characteristic and outcomes of an activity or action, in order to determine its worth or merit on
the individual Dart, Petheram and Straw, (1998). The aim is to determine the relevance and level of
achievement of the already stated objectives and also test the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and
sustainability Figge and Hahn (2004)of the application of gamification in learning programming. The
outcome of this evaluation is used as a feedback to assist in defining new learning objectives.
In all these the student or the user is put at the center of the whole process according to the proposed model.
This is the student centered learning approach(Gibbs, 1981; McCombs and Whisler, 1997; Arends, 2014).
Student-centered learning, also called learner-centered education, generally includes methods and techniques
of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the instructor to the learner and in this case the user.
Originally, student-centered learning aims to design learner autonomy and independence Scharle and Szabó,
(2000); Benson and Voller, (2014) by putting responsibility of the learning pace and methodology in the hands
of the students. The student is therefore involved in every process of the learning. In this case, the instructor is
not perceived as the reservoir of academic knowledge feeding the student with ideas.
8. Conclusion and future work
Some of the challenges by faced by most Computer Science students are how to cope with programming. Azmi
et al (2015) cited difficulties coping with programming during first year at university, lacking satisfactory skills in
designing correct codes and unfamiliarity with the programming structures as some of the challenges faced by
students in programming. The existing models did not put the user at the center of the whole process and has
failed to address the challenges faced by students in studying programming. The proposed Appiahene
Gamification Model(AGM) model which is cyclic in nature with users at the center is envisage to solve these
challenges cited by Azmi, Iahad and Ahmad (2015) .The interaction between the users and each of the
components is bi-directional which makes it unique and would be preferred by game designers, instructors and
learners .The model includes important elements in game design which when applied well can upsurge student
engagement and motivation in the study of programming. In the future the model would be empirically tested
to prove its feasibility in the study of programming and other areas of life.
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... These practices have been manifested in Canada, Finland, the United States of America (UK) and among other developed regions (see also Osatuyi et al., 2017). Despite these advantages, there is a lack of knowledge on how gamification is utilised in developing country context to motivate and engage users (see Omotosho, Tyoden, Ayegba & Ayoola, 2019;Appiahene et al., 2017). Hence the main research question: RQ: What is the extent of gamification research in the developing country context? ...
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Despite advances in information technology, studies suggest that there is little knowledge of how developing countries are applying gamification in agriculture, education, business, health, and other domains. Thus, from a systematic review, this chapter examines the extent of gamification research in the developing country context. In this chapter, 56 articles were reviewed, and the search was done in the Scopus database. This chapter explains the idea of game design elements in information systems and provides real-world examples of gamified systems outcomes from developing countries. The authors conclude with directions for future research to extend our knowledge of gamification and advance the existing methodologies, domains, and theories.
... According to Appiahene et al. (2017), the main objective of gamification is high efficiency, effectiveness, engagement, satisfaction, and motivation of students. According to the authors, these objectives can be achieved through the use of their proposed Appiahene Gamification Model (AGM), which was named after the lead author Appiahene. ...
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Gamification has been proposed as a way to make teaching and learning more engaging for students. Despite numerous research on the influence of gamification on learning, few empirical studies have attempted to use the concept in the teaching and learning of languages. This study investigated the effectiveness of gamification in the study of languages among students in colleges of education in Ghana. The study was conducted using the "Appiahene Gamification Model" (AGM). Using a sample of sixty (60) students, this study looked into the effects of incorporating gamification into language learning. The learners were randomly divided into two groups: an experimental group of thirty (30) students and a control group of thirty (30) learners. The results revealed that using gamification to improve students' writing and speaking of various languages had a positive influence on them. It was also shown that students who utilized gamification to help their learning in languages performed better on average than those who did not. The study suggested Gamification application would have implications for a wide range of teaching and learning scenarios, as well as opportunities for additional investigation. The research concept and findings can be utilized to provide recommendations for the design of interactive education in different fields of study.
... These practices have been manifested in Canada, Finland, the United States of America (UK) and among other developed regions (see also Osatuyi et al., 2017). Despite these advantages, there is a lack of knowledge on how gamification is utilised in developing country context to motivate and engage users (see Omotosho, Tyoden, Ayegba & Ayoola, 2019;Appiahene et al., 2017). Hence the main research question: RQ: What is the extent of gamification research in the developing country context? ...
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Despite advances in information technology, studies suggest that there is little knowledge of how developing countries are applying gamification in agriculture, education, business, health, and other domains. Thus, from a systematic review, this chapter examines the extent of gamification research in the developing country context. In this chapter, 56 articles were reviewed, and the search was done in the Scopus database. This chapter explains the idea of game design elements in information systems and provides real-world examples of gamified systems outcomes from developing countries. The authors conclude with directions for future research to extend our knowledge of gamification and advance the existing methodologies, domains, and theories.
... According to Appiahene et al. (2017),the main objective of gamification is high efficiency, effectiveness, engagement, satisfaction and motivation of students. According to the authors, these objectives can be achieved through the use of their proposed Appiahene Gamification Model (AGM) which was named after the lead author Appiahene. ...
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Gamification has been suggested to make teaching and learning more motivating and more enjoyable to students. Notwithstanding numerous studies on gamification impact on learning, little empirical studies have sought to apply the concept in the teaching and learning of French Language. This study explores effectiveness of gamification in the study of French Language in educational curriculum by using the "Appiahene Gamification Model" (AGM). This study investigated the potential impacts of integrating gamification into the study of a language using 40 tertiary students. The students were randomly grouped into Experimental Group (20) and Control Group (20). The results show that, the use of gamification in improving the writing and speaking of French Language was impactful on the students. It was also revealed that, on average the performance of students who used the Gamification to support their learning in French was higher than those who did not use them. The proposed Gamification application would have implications for a wide range of teaching and learning; and identifies areas for further research. The model and the findings of the study can be used to formulate recommendations towards the design of gameful instruction in other study areas.
This study aimed to identify the effect of using the gamification strategy on academic achievement and motivation towards learning problem-solving skills in computer and information technology course. A quasi-experimental method was adopted. The study population included tenth-grade female students in Al-Badi’ah schools in Riyadh. The sample consisted of 54 students divided into two equal groups: control group and experimental group. The study tools comprised an achievement test and the motivation scale. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the two groups in the academic achievement test in favor of the experimental group, with a large effect size of the gamification seen on academic achievement. The results also showed that there were no differences between the two groups in the motivation scale, with a small effect size of the gamification on student motivation. One of the most important recommendations of this study was encouraging the use of the gamification strategy in teaching the computer course to help boost students’ achievement levels and applying the gamification in the classroom for prolonged periods to achieve higher student-motivation scales. This study also proposes conducting additional more research studies to gauge the effects of gamification on covering different variables and spanning various subjects and grade levels. Keywords: Gamification, academic achievement, motivation, problem-solving skills, programming, computer, e-learning
This formative research study is an attempt to develop a design model for gamified learning experiences situated in real-life educational contexts. This chapter reports on the overall gamification model with the emphasis on the contexts and their interactions. With this focus, this chapter aims to posit an alternative perspective to existing gamification design praxis in education which mainly focuses on separate game elements, by arguing that designing a gamified learning experience needs a systematic approach with considerations of the interrelated dimensions and their interplays. The study was conducted throughout the 2014-15 academic year, and the data were collected from two separate groups of pre-service teachers through observations and document collections (n=118) and four sets of interviews (n=42). The results showed that gamification design has intertwined components that form a fuzzy design model: GELD. The findings also support the complex and the dynamic nature of gamified learning design, and the need for a more systematic approach to design and development of such experiences.
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The phenomenon of MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) is increasingly experienced and is challenged by very low completion rates. There are a large number of students who drop out of the course, so it is necessary to find new ways to motivate these students and get them to complete the course. This paper proposes a model to motivate MOOC’s students based on gamification using the most attractive and addictive elements of games in environments that are not for play.
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Learning of programming and, more generally, of computer science concepts is now reaching the public at large. It is not only reserved for people who studied informatics (computer science) or programming anymore. Teaching programming to schoolchildren presents many challenges: the big diversity in ability and aptitude levels; the big amount of different tools; the time-consuming nature of programming; and of course the difficulty to motivate schoolchildren to keep them busy with hard work. There are various platforms that offer to learn coding and programming, in particular game-based platforms, which are more and more popular. These latter exploits of the gamification process focused on increase in motivation and engagement of the learners. This paper reviews the main kinds of online platforms to learn programming and more general computer science concepts, and illustrates the review with concrete platforms examples.
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Conventional taught learning practices often experience difficulties in keeping students motivated and engaged. Video games, however, are very successful at sustaining high levels of motivation and engagement through a set of tasks for hours without apparent loss of focus. In addition, gamers solve complex problems within a gaming environment without feeling fatigue or frustration, as they would typically do with a comparable learning task. Based on this notion, the academic community is keen on exploring methods that can deliver deep learner engagement and has shown increased interest in adopting gamification – the integration of gaming elements, mechanics, and frameworks into non-game situations and scenarios – as a means to increase student engagement and improve information retention. Its effectiveness when applied to education has been debatable though, as attempts have generally been restricted to one-dimensional approaches such as transposing a trivial reward system onto existing teaching materials and/or assessments. Nevertheless, a gamified, multi-dimensional, problem-based learning approach can yield improved results even when applied to a very complex and traditionally dry task like the teaching of computer programming, as shown in this paper. The presented quasi-experimental study used a combination of instructor feedback, real time sequence of scored quizzes, and live coding to deliver a fully interactive learning experience. More specifically, the “Kahoot!” Classroom Response System (CRS), the classroom version of the TV game show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”, and Codecademy’s interactive platform formed the basis for a learning model which was applied to an entry-level Python programming course. Students were thus allowed to experience multiple interlocking methods similar to those commonly found in a top quality game experience. To assess gamification’s impact on learning, empirical data from the gamified group were compared to those from a control group who was taught through a traditional learning approach, similar to the one which had been used during previous cohorts. Despite this being a relatively small-scale study, the results and findings for a number of key metrics, including attendance, downloading of course material, and final grades, were encouraging and proved that the gamified approach was motivating and enriching for both students and instructors.
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Background. Digital badges are used in games and simulations for purposes such as incentivizing learning, identifying progress, increasing time on task, and credentialing. Designing effective badges is complicated by psychological factors mediating the processes of recognizing, orienting toward, and acquiring badges. Aim. This article analyzes digital badges through mechanics and psychology. This approach involves understanding the underlying logics of badges as well as the experiential nature of badges-in-use. The proposed model provides additional insight about badges and recommends design strategies to complement existing scholarship. Procedure. This article examines an existing model of completion logic for digital badges. This model is expanded upon by pairing these formal mechanics with relevant psychological theory, summarizing key principles that pertain to how people interact with badges. It then considers three dimensions of badgesin- use—social, cognitive, and affective—reviewing examples and analyzing the relationship of badging to debriefing. Outcome. Understanding the relationships between formal completion logics and the psychological experience of badging allows designers to better design, deploy, and critique badging systems, leading to more effective implementations within simulation and gaming contexts. A design matrix and a series of design recommendations for badging are derived from the presented perspectives.
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Learning programming is difficult and it presents a great challenge for both students and teachers. The goal is to increase success rate for novice programmers. Students lose their confidence and motivation when they encounter difficulties such as programming environment, language syntax knowledge, problem understanding and debugging. Programming languages are artificial and require high level of abstraction, which is not easy for young students. It is also common knowledge that many adults have more difficulties with learning programming than children. In order to make the difference, we introduced game making course for university undergraduate novice programmers and examined the effect of making games on attitude and motivation for elementary and high school children as well. The objective of using games in this context is to make students learn something serious and difficult like programming while doing something fun like making and playing games. Teachers with a strong understanding of the subject matter they teach are more likely to produce successful students.
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The popularity of computer science education triggered a dramatic rise in the number of tertiary institutions offering computer science courses. Nevertheless, many employers complain that graduates do not have the required skills. Lately, the higher education sector has faced a continuous decrease in the number of students choosing to study computer science courses, and some of the reasons for this rejection are related to the difficulties in mastering computer science skills. As core subjects in a computer science major, programming language subjects play an important role in successful tertiary computer science education. The embedding of gamification in programming courses has been identified as a potential technique that could maximize student participation and have a positive impact on learning. This research aims to provide an overview of how the embedding of gamification in online collaborative learning can enhance participation among novice programming students. The main findings from this review include the identification of the important participation elements for programming students in the online collaborative learning environment, a list of game elements embedded in online collaborative learning to facilitate participation among programming students, and suggestions regarding suitable gamification approaches for programming courses.
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Courses in virtual learning environments can leave recently enrolled participants in a state of loneliness, confusion and boredom. . What course content is essential in the course, where can more information be found and which assignments are mandatory? Research has stated that learner control and motivation are crucial issues for successful online education. This paper presents and discusses visualisation as a channel to improve learner’s control and understanding of programming concepts and gamification as a way to increase study motivation in virtual learning environments. Data has been collected by evaluation questionnaires and group discussions in two courses partly given in the Moodle virtual learning environment. One course is on Game based learning for Bachelor’s programmes, the other is a course on e-learning for university teachers. Both the courses have used progress bars to visualise students’ study paths and digital badges for gamification. Results have also been discussed with teachers and pedagogues at a department for computer and systems sciences. Furthermore, two visualisation prototypes have been designed, developed and evaluated in programming lectures. Findings indicate that visualisation by progress bars is a good way to improve course participants’ overview in online environments with rich and multifaceted content. To what degree the visualisation facilitates the course completion is hard to estimate, and like students have different learning styles, they also seem to have different visualisation needs. Gamification by digital badges seems to have various motivational impacts in different study groups and in traditional university programmes the traditional grades seem to be the main carrots. Finally, it seems that software visualisation might be a promising path to enhance programming education in the 21st century.
Background. The use of game-based learning strategies in higher education has shown promise to increase student motivation and achievement. Although studies have begun to explore the structuring of courses as a game, little is known on who benefits the most from this type of instructional environment. Aim. This research study explored the impact of a large lecture course designed with game-based learning on participation and achievement. Game elements included narrative, quests, points, feedback, and badges. Method. 71 undergraduate students participated in a case study utilizing a mixed methods approach. Measures included course achievement, course participation, and a survey on beliefs and practices. Results. Findings indicated students in a large course structured with game-based learning maintained high participation and persistence in meeting course requirements. In addition, overall achievement was not significantly correlated with age, gender, learning style, or game use, contradicting the research literature on game-based learning. Conclusions. The use of game-based learning is beneficial for engaging all students in large lecture courses, but more work is needed in determining which strategies are most effective for learning.
‘Gamification’ is the implementation of game elements into non-game settings. In education, the purpose of gamification is to increase student engagement and motivation through the introduction of game elements such as leaderboards, badges and levels. Currently there is limited research into gamification in education and much of the research has focused on young children and ‘play’ or the implementation of gaming into classes, often technology based classes. This study explores the effectiveness of gamification in tertiary management education which may have implications for a wide range of tertiary education fields and identifies areas for further research.