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Quantification of morphine, morphine 6-glucuronide, buprenorphine, and the enantiomers of methadone by enantioselective mass spectrometric chromatography in whole blood


Abstract and Figures

Deaths among drug addicts are frequently caused by intoxication with methadone and/or morphine. These drugs are often used in combination with other drugs, such as buprenorphine. In addition, methadone is generally used as a mixture of R- and S-enantiomers. To date, a method for separation and quantitation of these specific drugs has not been developed. The aim of this study was to develop a sensitive enantioselective method for quantitation of morphine, its active metabolite morphine 6-glucuronide, buprenorphine, and R- and S-methadone, in a single analytical run. Whole blood samples were diluted with 0.5 mol/L ammonium carbonate buffer and extracted on a Bond Elut C18 solid-phase extraction column with an automatic solid-phase extraction system. Chromatographic separation was performed on a chiral alpha-1-acid glycoprotein column with an acetonitrile/ammonium acetate buffer (10 mmol/L, pH 7.0, 22:78 v/v) mobile phase. The whole blood concentrations of the drugs were quantified by mass spectrometry using their stable isotope-labeled compounds as internal standards. The method was validated with respect to specificity, linearity, precision, limits of detection, and quantification and matrix effects. The precision (coefficient of variation) was below 15 %, and the accuracy was between 90 and 115 %. This method will be useful for routine analyses in forensic laboratories where blood samples are frequently analyzed for drugs of abuse. In some cases, sudden death from methadone overdose is caused by the enantiomeric form of the methadone, which makes the enantiomer separation capability of this method important.
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Quantification of morphine, morphine 6-glucuronide,
buprenorphine, and the enantiomers of methadone
by enantioselective mass spectrometric chromatography
in whole blood
Dorte J. Christoffersen
Charlotte Brasch-Andersen
Jørgen L. Thomsen
Martin Worm-Leonhard
Per Damkier
Kim Brøsen
Accepted: 11 March 2015
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Purpose Deaths among drug addicts are frequently
caused by intoxication with methadone and/or morphine.
These drugs are often used in combination with other
drugs, such as buprenorphine. In addition, methadone is
generally used as a mixture of R- and S-enantiomers. To
date, a method for separation and quantitation of these
specific drugs has not been developed. The aim of this
study was to develop a sensitive enantioselective method
for quantitation of morphine, its active metabolite mor-
phine 6-glucuronide, buprenorphine, and R- and S-metha-
done, in a single analytical run.
Methods Whole blood samples were diluted with
0.5 mol/L ammonium carbonate buffer and extracted on a
Bond Elut C18 solid-phase extraction column with an au-
tomatic solid-phase extraction system. Chromatographic
separation was performed on a chiral alpha-1-acid glyco-
protein column with an acetonitrile/ammonium acetate
buffer (10 mmol/L, pH 7.0, 22:78 v/v) mobile phase. The
whole blood concentrations of the drugs were quantified by
mass spectrometry using their stable isotope-labeled com-
pounds as internal standards.
Results The method was validated with respect to speci-
ficity, linearity, precision, limits of detection, and quan-
tification and matrix effects. The precision (coefficient of
variation) was below 15 %, and the accuracy was between
90 and 115 %.
Conclusions This method will be useful for routine ana-
lyses in forensic laboratories where blood samples are
frequently analyzed for drugs of abuse. In some cases,
sudden death from methadone overdose is caused by the
enantiomeric form of the methadone, which makes the
enantiomer separation capability of this method important.
Keywords Forensic analysis Enantiomeric separation
MicrOTOF-Q Solid phase extraction Drugs of abuse
Drug abuse and addiction are huge socioeconomic prob-
lems in many countries. The main cause of death among
drug addicts is intoxication with methadone and/or mor-
phine (Fig. 1), and these drugs are often used in combi-
nation with 3–4 other drugs, such as benzodiazepines or
alcohol [1].
Methadone, along with heroin/morphine, is one of the
most frequently detected drugs in Denmark, and is the
primary cause of death in post-mortem cases involving
drug addicts [6]. Methadone is a synthetic opiate used for
treating opioid dependency, and it is also used as an
analgesic in patients with severe or chronic pain. In Den-
mark, methadone is the most common drug of abuse among
patients in dependency treatment programs [1]. Methadone
&Dorte J. Christoffersen
Department of Forensic Toxicology, Institute of Forensic
Medicine, Winsløwparken 17B, 5000 Odense C, Denmark
Department of Clinical Genetics, Odense University
Hospital, Sdr. Boulevard 29, 5000 Odense C, Denmark
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology,
Odense University Hospital, Sdr. Boulevard 29,
5000 Odense C, Denmark
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University of
Southern Denmark, Winsløwparken 19, 5000 Odense C,
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Winsløwparken 17B,
5000 Odense C, Denmark
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
DOI 10.1007/s12024-015-9673-9
is generally used as a racemic mixture of R- and S- enan-
tiomers, in which, the R-enantiomer is the primary active
component and is a more potent l-opioid receptor agonist
than S-methadone. The S-enantiomer of methadone in-
creases the QT interval, and this may be associated with
torsade de pointes tachycardia and sudden death [2].
Consequently, separation of the R- and S-enantiomers for
quantitation is of relevance.
Heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a prodrug of morphine. In
addition to its use as an illicit drug of abuse, heroin is
prescribed in dependency treatment programs in many
countries [3]. It is metabolized with a very short half-life of
between 2 and 5 min, but has a prolonged pharmacody-
namic effect of several hours. Heroin is rapidly hydrolyzed
to 6-acetyl-morphine, which is subsequently metabolized
to morphine by esterases present in the blood and liver [4].
Morphine is an opioid analgesic used for the treatment
of severe pain. It is the opioid of choice in palliative and
terminal care. Morphine is predominantly cleared from the
body by metabolism to inactive morphine-3-glucuronide
(M3G) and active morphine 6-glucuronide (M6G) [5]. The
metabolites of morphine can play important roles in the
interpretation of intoxication or death involving heroin or
morphine, mostly because M6G is pharmacologically ac-
tive. It has been suggested that these metabolites have a
slightly different, and even more pronounced, respiratory
depressant action than morphine. This occurs because the
metabolites bind to a different l-receptor subtype than
morphine, and have a more pronounced effect on the res-
piratory system. Despite the fact that the structures of
methadone and morphine differ, these drugs have clinically
comparable activity, and they are both used as drugs of
abuse by drug addicts in many countries and contribute to
socio-economic problems [6,7].
Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic opioid, which is
25–50 times more potent than morphine and is used as an
alternative to methadone maintenance treatment for heroin
addiction [8].
A number of methods in the scientific literature describe
chromatographic separation of R- and S-methadone, and in
some cases, the relevant metabolites [4,6,914]. In ad-
dition, R- and S-methadone have been quantified in com-
bination with other drugs (e.g., buprenorphine,
norbuprenorphine, and cocaine) [4,8]. Further studies de-
scribe achiral analyses of morphine and its metabolites [5,
7,1518]. Some other studies have developed methods for
Fig. 1 Structures of heroin, morphine, and methadone
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
different combinations of drugs of abuse, such as Rand
S-methadone with other drugs, or morphine and the
metabolites of morphine. However, to date, no methods
have been developed that specifically address the separa-
tion of methadone, morphine, and buprenorphine, the R-
and S-enantiomers of methadone, and the M6G metabolite
of morphine.
The aim of this study was to develop a method for
quantitation of R- and S-methadone, morphine, M6G, and
buprenorphine in whole blood samples collected from live
subjects and post-mortem. The focus was development of a
single extraction method for all the compounds of interest,
and a chromatographic system for separation and detection
of all the targets with acceptable recoveries and accuracies.
We report a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
method with automatic solid-phase extraction (SPE) that
accomplishes these goals.
Materials and methods
Study design
Standards for the method development were purchased and
prepared as described in the Materials and standards sec-
tion below. Post-mortem whole blood samples were obtained
from medicolegal autopsies at the Institute of Forensic Med-
icine, University of Southern Denmark (Odense, Denmark).
Whole blood samples were collected from live subjects who
were drug addicts and in maintenance therapy treatment at the
local drug treatment center in Odense. Blood samples for
quality control, calibration, and validation were collected
anonymously from live subjects. Samples were stabilized
with 100 mg of sodium fluoride in a 10 mL Vacutainer. The
blood was tested to ensure it was free of illicit and prescription
drugs before inclusion in the validation analyses. All post-
mortem samples were drawn from the femoral vein. The
samples were stored at -20 °C until required for analysis. The
post-mortem samples were collected in 10 mL containers
(without vacuum) containing sodium uoride (1 % mass
fraction aqueous solution). The whole blood samples from
live drug addicts and post-mortem blood samples from de-
ceased drug addicts were used in method development to test
the applicability of the method for forensic use.
Materials and standards
R/S-Methadone hydrochloride (purity [98 %) was pur-
chased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Morphine
hydrochloride (purity 98.0–101.0 %) was purchased from
Unikem (Copenhagen, Denmark). M6G (purity [98.5 %)
was purchased from Lipomed AG (Arlesheim, Switzer-
land). Buprenorphine hydrochloride (purity 98.9 %) was
purchased from Meda Pharmaceuticals (Somerset, NJ).
Stable isotope-labeled standards of all the targets [R/S-
(purity 99.2 %), morphine-D
98.6 %), morphine-6ß-D-glucuronide-D
(purity 99.5 %),
and buprenorphine-D
(purity 98.8 %) were purchased
from Cerilliant Analytical Reference Standards (Round
Rock, Texas). All standards were used as received.
Stock solutions of R/S-methadone (50:50, v/v), mor-
phine, and buprenorphine were prepared in ethanol at 1.5,
3, and 5 mg/L of each enantiomer. A stock solution of
M6G was prepared in methanol:water (1:1, v/v; 5 mg/L).
Stock solutions of R/S-methadone-D
, morphine-D
, and
were prepared in ethanol (5 mg/L). A
stock solution of morphine-6ß-D-glucuronide-D
was pre-
pared in methanol:water (1:1, v/v). Stock solution dilutions
were made with ethanol, except for M6G and its isotope-
labeled form, which were diluted with methanol:water (1:1,
v/v). Samples for external calibration of the MicrOTOF-Q
were prepared by adding diluted stock solutions to whole
The mobile phase constituents and buffers for extraction
were obtained as follows: ammonium bicarbonate (Sigma-
Aldrich); acetonitrile (VWR International, Radnor, PA),
methanol (pro analysis grade; Merck, Darmstadt, Ger-
many); 2-propanol (SupraSolv grade; Merck); aqueous
ammonia (25 % volume fraction; Merck); ethanol (puri-
ty [99.9 %.); sodium hydroxide; and acetic acid (glacial,
purity 100 %, pro analysis grade; Merck).
The high-performance liquid chromatography system
consisted of a Series 1200 LC liquid chromatograph from
Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, CA) equipped with a
vacuum degasser, a quaternary pump, an auto sampler, and
a thermostated column compartment. The mass selective
detector was a MicrOTOF-Q system from Bruker (Bil-
lerica, MA). The automatic extraction system was a Gilson
Aspec 271 SPE system (Gilson, Middleton, WI). The SPE
cartridge was an Agilent Bond Elut C18 column containing
200 mg of sorbent and with a volume of 3 mL. Chro-
matographic separation was performed with a chiral alpha-
1-acid glycoprotein analytical column (100 mm 94.0 mm
i.d., 5 lm) and an alpha-1-acid glycoprotein guard column
(10 mm 92.0 mm i.d., 5 lm) in series (both from
Advanced Separation Technologies, Whippany, NJ). The
mobile phase was acetonitrile/ammonium acetate buffer
(10 mmol/L, pH 7.0, 22:78 v/v). The flow rate was 0.6 mL/
min, the column temperature was 25 °C, and the injection
volume was 20 lL.
High-resolution mass spectrometry measurements were
performed with a Bruker Daltonics MicrOTOF-Q (Bruker).
This mass spectrometer is an orthogonal-accelerated
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
time-of-flight mass spectrometer equipped with an elec-
trospray ionization ion source. The acquisition parameters
for the system were as follows: ESI capillary voltage,
4500 V; nebulizing gas pressure, 15 MPa; drying gas flow
rate, 8L/min; and drying gas temperature, 200 °C. The
mass spectrometer was operated in positive ion mode from
50 to 1000 m/z.
Identification of the compounds of interest was based on
their masses within 0.02 Da, retention times within
±0.5 min, quality control samples within acceptance cri-
teria, internal calibration with whole blood, and internal
calibration with stable isotope-labeled compounds. The
masses and retention times of the targets are given in
Fig. 2. Data acquisition and data handling were carried out
with the MicrOTOF-Q software (Quant Analysis version
4.0 SP1 (Build 253), Bruker). The MicrOTOF-Q was tuned
before each run with a sodium formate cluster ions for
external calibration.
Calibration and sample preparation
A six-point calibration was conducted in duplicate using
whole blood samples spiked with isotope-labeled internal
standards of the target compounds. The calibration was re-
peated every month, or more frequently if the quality control
samples did not fulfill the requirements in relation to accu-
racy. The calibration curve was continuously evaluated by a
system check with solvent standards and quality control
samples in whole blood at two different concentration
levels. The solvent standard was used to perform a system
check to make sure that the chromatographic system was
operating under optimal conditions. Analyses of solvent
standards were performed at the beginning of an analysis
sequence and at the end of each run. The quality control
samples were analyzed at the beginning of every sequence
and in between samples to make sure the analyses were
within the requirements. The analysis sequence was ended
by another system check, which was compared with the first
check in the same run. The quality control samples had to
fulfill the acceptance criteria for the validation in relation to
accuracy. The calibration curve correlation and intercept
were also compared from calibration to calibration to make
sure that the calibration curve did not change over time.
The quality control samples contained a mixture of the
target compounds (R/S-methadone, morphine, M6G, and
buprenorphine) spiked at low (QC-LOW) and high con-
centration levels (QC-HIGH). These samples were ana-
lyzed before and after each run. The concentrations of the
compounds in the quality control samples are given in
Table 2. The results of the analysis or calibration were
accepted according to the validation criteria. Interference
from the blood matrix was determined from analysis of
blank samples obtained anonymously from healthy volun-
teers (whole blood).
The extraction of whole blood was performed according
to the following procedure. Solutions containing the
R-methadone S-methadone
Accurate mass 310.2170 Da
Accurate mass 319.2730 Da
Accurate mass 468.3108 Da
Accurate mass 472.3359 Da
Accurate mass 286.1438 Da
Accurate mass 292.1814 Da
Accurate mass 462.1759 Da
Accurate mass 465.1947 Da
Fig. 2 Chromatogram of all compounds with retention times and accurate masses in blank whole blood spiked with the target analytes
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
isotope labeled internal standards of morphine-D
, M6G-
and buprenorphine-D
(10 lLofa
mixture of each isotope-labeled internal standard at the
relevant concentration) and 0.6 g of whole blood were
diluted with 1 mL of 0.5 mol/L ammonium carbonate
buffer (pH 8) and vortex-mixed briefly. The samples were
equilibrated for 10 min and then centrifuged for 10 min at
a relative centrifugal force of 34179g. Aliquots (1 mL) of
each solution were extracted with an automatic SPE sys-
tem. Before extraction, the Bond Elut C18 column was
conditioned with 2 mL of methanol, 2 mL of water, and
1 mL of ammonium carbonate buffer (0.5 mol/L, pH 8).
For extraction, 1 mL of the solution was loaded onto the
column. After application of the sample, the SPE column
was washed with 5 mL of ammonium carbonate buffer
(0.005 mol/L, pH 8). After 3 min of automatic drying of
the SPE column with nitrogen, the elution was carried out
with aqueous ammonia water in methanol (5 % volume
fraction; 2 91 mL). The eluate was evaporated to dryness
under a stream of nitrogen at 50 °C, and the residue was
reconstituted in 100 lL of the mobile phase.
Evaluation of the analytical method
Validation of the method included determination of the
specificity, linear range, intra- and interday precision, ac-
curacy, and sensitivity [limit of detection (LOD) and limit
of quantification (LOQ)]. Furthermore, a matrix effect
(suppression) study was performed [19]. The method was
validated using an in-house procedure in combination with
the procedure described by Polettini et al. [19]. The re-
covery was evaluated for all compounds of interest.
The method selectivity was used to determine if any
signals interfered with the signals of the targets or the
isotope-labeled internal standards at the specific retention
times and the actual masses of interest. Linearity was
evaluated by adding known concentrations of the four
target compounds and the four isotope-labeled internal
standards to blank whole blood samples at six concentra-
tion levels. All samples were prepared in duplicate. Sample
analyses were repeated on 4 different days and in duplicate
on each day. Calibration curves were prepared by plotting
the ratio of the peak area of the drug to the isotope-labeled
internal standard against the drug concentration. Linear
regression through all points, including the origin, and
application of a weighting of 1/xto the concentration, gave
correlation coefficients better than 0.99 in all cases.
Inter-run precision and accuracy were determined using
QC-LOW and QC-HIGH samples. Two concentration
levels of each of the compounds were tested in duplicate
daily for 15 days. The LOD was determined using three
times the standard error (SE) of the intercept, the LOQ was
determined using ten times the SE of the intercept. The
standard error is equal to the standard deviation divided by
the square root of the sample size (SE =SDHN).
The matrix effect was examined using aliquots of blank
whole blood, which were extracted and injected according
to the method described in the Calibration and sample
preparation section. The MicrOTOF-Q was outfitted with
a T-junction to allow for direct infusion of a constant
concentration of the targets, as described by Holm et al.
[10], into the eluent from the column. The infusion was
performed using a syringe pump. This continuous post-
column infusion produced a constant signal in the detector,
unless compounds that eluted from the column suppressed
or enhanced ionization [5,10,14] and led to decreased or
increased detector response, respectively. The infusion rate
was 3 lL/min. The concentrations of the infusion solutions
of morphine, M6G, R/S-methadone, and buprenorphine
were 0.09, 0.69, 0.23, and 0.14 mg/L, respectively.
The compounds of interest were separated chromato-
graphically from each other during the liquid chromatog-
raphy run (see Fig. 2for retention time). Selectivity was
assured by using accurate mass selection in the MicrOTOF-
Q system with a 0.02 Da mass window and a retention time
Chromatograms from a positive whole blood sample
from a living drug addict are shown in Fig. 3as overlays
with internal standard chromatograms. This blood sample
had the following concentrations: R-methadone, 0.15 mg/
L, S-methadone, 0.18 mg/L, morphine \LOQ, M6G \
LOQ, and buprenorphine \LOQ. Table 1shows the re-
sults from four patient samples, including whole blood
samples from drug addicts who were living and deceased.
We assumed the elution order of the R/S-enantiomers
would be similar to that described by Rodrigues-Rosas
et al. [12] because the analysis parameters were almost
identical, and because of the nature of the enantiomers.
Pure reference compounds of the enantiomers were either
not commercially available or very expensive, and there-
fore, were not used in this study.
In the present study, the mobile phase consisted of an
acetate buffer mixed with an organic phase. An earlier
study examined the difference between the use of formate
buffers and acetate buffers in a similar system and found no
difference at the applied buffer concentration of 10 mmol/
The absolute recovery of the extraction was studied for
all compounds of interest and found to be higher than 90 %
for all compounds, except for M6G, which had recoveries
around approximately 30 % (data not shown). The
extraction was performed with the use of stable
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
isotope-labeled internal standards, which compensated for
the differences in extraction efficiency. Methods using
Bond Elut C18 columns for extraction of morphine glu-
curonides have already been published elsewhere [15,16].
Interference was evaluated by analysis of drug-free
samples obtained anonymously from healthy volunteers.
The samples were spiked with isotope-labeled internal
standards. No peaks appeared at the same masses or re-
tentions times as the compounds of interest. Linearity was
examined using a six-point calibration curve prepared from
whole blood samples in duplicate. The linear range is
shown in Table 2for the different targets of interest. The
correlation coefficients were all 0.999 with acceptable
residuals (\15 %) using 1/xweighting.
Accuracy and precision of the method for morphine,
M6G, R-andS-methadone, and buprenorphine were
evaluated from duplicate analyses of the QC-LOW and QC-
HIGH samples, which were repeated daily for 15 days. The
calculated average accuracy was 90 % for morphine, 110 %
for M6G, 106 % for R-methadone, 105 % for S-methadone,
and 95 % for buprenorphine. The results are summarized in
Table 2. The intra- and interday precision of the method
were determined as relative standard deviations. The results
were below 15 % for all targets. The results for the
validation parameters were considered acceptable.
The LOD was 0.007 mg/L for R- and S-methadone,
0.002 mg/L for morphine, 0.008 mg/L for M6G, and
0.004 mg/L for buprenorphine (Table 2). The LOQ was
0.02 mg/L for R- and S-methadone, 0.005 mg/L for mor-
phine, 0.03 mg/L for M6G, and 0.01 mg/L for buprenor-
phine. The working calibration range using the lowest
calibration point was 0.02 mg/L for morphine, 0.04 mg/L
for M6G, 0.05 mg/L for R- and S-methadone, and 0.04 mg/
L for buprenorphine. Results below these concentrations
were not included in for quantitation, but are reported as
\LOQ. Samples above the highest calibration point were
diluted and reanalyzed. The LOQs obtained for the whole
blood samples were below the toxic concentrations of the
compounds of interest, and in most of the cases, were also
below the therapeutic concentrations. Therefore, this
method could be used for routine analyses in forensic
Matrix effects may reduce or even eliminate the signal
of the substance of interest. Consequently, we tested for ion
suppression or enhancement in extracted blanks in the
matrix. These were injected into the system while mor-
phine, M6G, R/S-methadone, and buprenorphine in solu-
tion were infused at a constant rate through a T-junction at
the inlet of the MicrOTOF-Q. The results were compared
with those obtained for injection of the mobile phase [5,10,
R-methadone S-methadone
Time (min)
Fig. 3 Results from a positive whole blood sample from a living drug
addict, which contained R-methadone at 152.8 lg/L, S-methadone at
184.6 lg/L, morphine at \LOQ, and M6G at \LOQ. The figure
shows an overlay of two chromatograms—the internal standard
chromatogram and the sample chromatogram
Table 1 Application of the method to whole blood samples from four cases
Samples Morphine (mg/L) M6G (mg/L) R-methadone (mg/L) S-methadone (mg/L) Buprenorphine (mg/L)
Case 1 Dead drug addict 1.27 0.52 0.64 0.31 \LOQ
Case 2 Dead drug addict \LOQ \LOQ 0.62 0.52 \LOQ
Case 3 Living drug addict \LOQ \LOQ 0.16 0.19 \LOQ
Case 4 Living drug addict 0.25 2.65 0.26 0.17 \LOQ
Blood samples were collected from deceased drug addicts and living drug addicts. The results are the average of duplicate analyses
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
14]. Matrix-associated suppression was noted at around
7.5 min. However, this was an acceptable distance from the
compounds of interest, which had retention times of ap-
proximately 1.9, 9.5, 13.0, 13.7, and 16.6 min (see Fig. 4).
A degree of ion suppression was observed around the
retention time of M6G (1.8 min), with a suppression of
approximately 50 %. This suppression was acceptable be-
cause of the stability of the measurement, and the use of
isotope-labeled internal standards, which produced very
stable calibration and quality control determinations. Pre-
vious studies also indicated that use of isotopes as internal
standards was effective in minimizing the influence of
matrix effects [11,19]. The degree of ion suppression is
shown in Fig. 4as an example for trace levels of morphine.
All other compounds of interest were determined without
any ion suppression or enhancement at their retention time.
The ion suppression was mostly observed at the beginning
of the analysis or chromatogram, which was in accordance
with this observation.
The results of the validation studies in Table 2demon-
strated that the method had acceptable accuracies and
The developed highly sensitive enantioselective mass
spectrometric method could be used to quantify combina-
tions of morphine, M6G, R- and S-methadone, and
buprenorphine in a single run. Such a method is useful
because of its applicability in forensic toxicology, where
the combination of these compounds is highly relevant.
The applicability of the method was shown using whole
blood samples from living and deceased drug addicts.
Previous studies have detailed methods for different drug
combinations or the enantioselective separation alone, but
none of these methods have been for the specific combi-
nation of drugs detailed above, or for sensitive enantiomer
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time [min]
Blank whole blood
Retention time
Fig. 4 Example of matrix
effect detection in a blank whole
sample containing traces of
Table 2 Validation parameters with inter- and intra-day variation and calibration data for morphine, M6G, R-methadone, S-methadone, and
buprenorphine in whole blood
Target LOW *QC3 HIGH *QC5 Calibration LOQ
Mean RSD (%) Accuracy (%) Mean RSD (%) Accuracy (%) Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L)
Between day variation (inter day)
Morphine 0.05 4 90 0.5 3 90 0.02–1.0 0.005
M6G 0.08 0 110 0.6 2 110 0.04–0.8 0.03
R-methadone 0.125 2 106 0.5 1 106 0.05–2.1 0.02
S-methadone 0.125 1 105 0.5 0 105 0.05–2.1 0.02
Buprenorphine 0.08 3 94 0.6 3 94 0.04–0.8 0.01
With-in day variation (intra day)
Morphine 0.05 6 90 0.5 7 90 0.02–1.0 0.005
M6G 0.08 15 110 0.6 13 110 0.04–0.8 0.03
R-methadone 0.125 5 106 0.5 7 106 0.05–2.1 0.02
S-methadone 0.125 8 105 0.5 11 105 0.05–2.1 0.02
Buprenorphine 0.08 11 94 0.6 8 94 0.04–0.8 0.01
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
separation. The developed method can be used extract
morphine, M6G, R- and S-methadone, and buprenorphine
from whole blood samples from live subjects and from
post-mortem blood of varying viscosity (Fig. 3). The
method is successful even with clotted and decomposed
blood, which is often a challenge in forensic toxicology.
The assay was able to quantify morphine over a range of
0.02–1.0 mg/L in whole blood, M6G over a range of
0.04–0.8 mg/L, R- and S-methadone over a range of
0.05–2.1 mg/L per enantiomer, and buprenorphine over a
range of 0.04–0.8 mg/L in a single run with high accuracy
and stability. Linearity of the calibration curve in whole
blood was in accordance with the acceptance criteria with a
correlation coefficient better than 0.99 for all compounds,
and the achieved linearity was stable over time.
The specific determination of the enantiomeric form of
methadone is interesting and important because sudden
death of drug addicts can occur in methadone maintenance
programs or in illicit use of methadone, and might be ex-
plained by side effects caused by the S-enantiomer. In one
study, analysis of a cohort of patients treated with metha-
done showed that cytochrome P450 2B6 could slow the
metabolism of S-methadone and increase the risk of sudden
death from cardiac arrhythmias caused by stereoselective
blocking of the hERG gene, which codes for a subunit of
the potassium ion channels that are involved in regulation
of cardiac muscle [2]. Therefore, discrimination between
R- and S-methadone might be of importance in interpre-
tation of forensic toxicology reports. An earlier study [9]
showed that the R/Sratio varied considerably from subject
to subject, therefore, measurements of the total amount of
methadone in plasma do not necessarily reflect the amount
of active opioid present. In this study, R-methadone con-
centrations were significantly higher than S-methadone
concentrations [9]. In the present study, we also observed
concentration differences between R- and S-methadone in
the few samples analyzed.
The metabolites of morphine might play an important
role in the interpretation of intoxication or death involving
heroin or morphine, mostly because M6G is pharmaco-
logically active. It has been suggested that this metabolite
have a slightly different, and even more pronounced, res-
piratory depressant action than morphine because it binds
to a different l-receptor subtype and produces a more
pronounced effect on the respiratory system [7,15]. In
addition, the ratio between metabolite and parent drug
could be used to determine if the morphine use has been
acute or chronic.
In forensic toxicology, where analysis or quantification
is performed on material from both live individuals and the
deceased, there are numerous potential interfering sub-
stances because of the nature of the biological matrix (i.e.,
whole blood). These interferences can include endogenous
matrix components, metabolites, and products of decom-
position (putrefaction and degradation). After death the
composition of body fluids can change, and so does fluid
distribution. Death leads to cell lysis, and endogenous and
exogenous bacteria cause putrefaction. Quantitative ana-
lysis of blood is affected by variable degrees of sedimen-
tation, coagulation, hemolysis, putrefaction, and
contamination with tissue fluids, and therefore, the sam-
pling site is of huge importance when sampling and in-
terpreting the results. Validation of a method for precise
quantification in post-mortem cases is a difficult process,
because degradation of the sample might have already af-
fected the drug concentration, and the samples may vary
considerably from case to case because of differences in
putrefaction or partial decomposition. Therefore, in post-
mortem cases, the results are only approximate even if the
method performance is good with reference to precision
and accuracy [19]. Robust methods for forensic analysis
are highly desirable, and the use of exact mass in mass
spectrometry provides the opportunity to select for com-
pounds of interest instead of having a complex chro-
matograph with many interferences. Matrix effects were
observed in the present method to some degree, and mostly
occurred for compounds with relatively short retention
times (e.g., M6G). The use of isotope-labeled internal
standard in the method helped prevent instability problems
because of matrix effects, and the method was stable with
acceptable accuracies for all compounds.
Development of a method for determining the concen-
trations of morphine and methadone and their metabolites
is of considerable importance. There is often an overlap
between concentrations in fatal and nonfatal intoxications
with morphine and methadone, which arises from numer-
ous factors, including tolerance, the time between exposure
and death, use of supportive care, loss of tolerance from a
period of opioid abstinence, state of health of the deceased,
and post-mortem redistribution and changes in concentra-
tion after death. Methadone has a slightly higher degree of
post-mortem redistribution than morphine In addition,
post-mortem drug concentrations can vary depending on
the sampling site, and in general, central sites have higher
concentrations than peripheral sites. Therefore, samples are
traditionally taken of femoral blood in forensic cases, and
this was selected as the sampling site for the present study.
In forensic toxicology, the concentrations of morphine
or other drugs are usually determined in whole blood
samples, rather than in plasma or serum samples, which are
used in clinical studies. To support the assumption that
whole blood samples are suitable for this type of analysis,
one study has shown that the plasma/whole blood distri-
bution of morphine is close to 1.0 [20].
Forensic Sci Med Pathol
Key points
1. A method for the quantification of morphine, morphine
6-glucuronide, R- and S-methadone was developed.
2. This method complies, is validated, and is acceptable
and suitable for use for routine purposes.
3. This method is applicable for forensic analysis of drugs
of abuse in whole blood from both living and deceased
4. Enantiomeric separation with this method will be
useful for determining the cause of sudden death in
medico-legal autopsies where there is no other toxico-
logical explanation.
Acknowledgments The authors thank laboratory technician Helle
Terp for excellent technical assistance. The study was financially
supported by The Region of Southern Denmark, Grant Number
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Forensic Sci Med Pathol
... For diclofenac, extensive intestinal glucuronidation by microsomes (Bläsig et al., 1973) with >95% glucuronides formation (Herz and Bläsig, 1974), are consistent with it undergoing through HER instead of EHR. In addition, the recycle properties of ezetimibe reported in human (Christoffersen et al., 2015) was consistent with the proposed HER hypothesis. As over 80% of ezetimibe was converted into glucuronides in intestine (Christoffersen et al., 2015) with a second peak in its PK profile attributable to hepatic recycling. ...
... In addition, the recycle properties of ezetimibe reported in human (Christoffersen et al., 2015) was consistent with the proposed HER hypothesis. As over 80% of ezetimibe was converted into glucuronides in intestine (Christoffersen et al., 2015) with a second peak in its PK profile attributable to hepatic recycling. Therefore, for compounds with extensive intestinal glucuronidation and hepatic recycling, HER will fully explain their pharmacokinetic behaviors. ...
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Many orally administered phenolic drugs undergo enterohepatic recycling (EHR), presumably mediated by the hepatic phase II enzymes. However, the disposition of extrahepatically generated phase II metabolites is unclear. This paper aims to determine the new roles of liver and intestine in the disposition of oral phenolics. Sixteen representative phenolics were tested using direct portal vein infusion and/or intestinal perfusion. The results showed that certain glucuronides were efficiently recycled by liver. OATP1B1/1B3/2B1 were the responsible uptake transporters. Hepatic uptake is the rate-limiting step in hepatic recycling. Our findings showed that the disposition of many oral phenolics is mediated by intestinal glucuronidation and hepatic recycling. A new disposition mechanism ‘Hepatoenteric Recycling (HER)”, where intestine is the metabolic organ and liver is the recycling organ, was revealed. Further investigations focusing on HER should help interpret how intestinal aliments or co-administered drugs that alter gut enzymes (e.g. UGTs) expression/activities will impact the disposition of phenolics.
... As outlined earlier, the notorious lack of well-validated standards of highest optical purity is still a considerable drawback for reliable peak assignments and quantitation (Landagaray et al. 2016;Naile et al. 2016;Hasan et al. 2017;Ulrich et al. 2018). Furthermore, enantioselective analyses today are an integrated part of toxicological and mechanistic studies aiming at enzyme/pollutant interactions and at deepened insight into the effects of chiral drugs and other bioactive chemicals (Joseph et al. 1986;Nikolic et al. 2009;Newmeyer et al. 2014;Christoffersen et al. 2015;Chai et al. 2016;McTier et al. 2016;Hambuchen et al. 2017;Bedewy et al. 2018). The absolute structure information of enantiomeric pure target substances is an important information for the identification of retention properties, elution sequence for the chromatographic separation and consequently for the evaluation of potential biological effects and toxicity. ...
As outlined earlier, the notorious lack of well-validated standards of highest optical purity is still a considerable drawback for reliable peak assignments and quantitation (Landagaray et al. 2016; Naile et al. 2016; Hasan et al. 2017; Ulrich et al. 2018). Furthermore, enantioselective analyses today are an integrated part of toxicological and mechanistic studies aiming at enzyme/pollutant interactions and at deepened insight into the effects of chiral drugs and other bioactive chemicals (Joseph et al. 1986; Nikolic et al. 2009; Newmeyer et al. 2014; Christoffersen et al. 2015; Chai et al. 2016; McTier et al. 2016; Hambuchen et al. 2017; Bedewy et al. 2018). The absolute structure information of enantiomeric pure target substances is an important information for the identification of retention properties, elution sequence for the chromatographic separation and consequently for the evaluation of potential biological effects and toxicity. Therefore, the preparation or separation, as well as the determination of the absolute configuration of enantiomeric pure compounds, is a crucial prerequisite of such complex scientific endeavours. Very powerful methods, although with limited sensitivity, can be employed absolute structure elucidations and/or mechanistic studies. These elucidation methods include X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry, refractive index and vibrational circular dichroism.
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Opioids such as heroin, fentanyl, raw opium, and morphine have become a serious threat to the world population in the recent past, due to their increasing use and abuse. The detection of these drugs in biological samples is usually carried out by spectroscopic and/or chromatographic techniques, but the need for quick, sensitive, selective, and low-cost new analytical tools has pushed the development of new methods based on selective nano-sensors, able to meet these requirements. Modern sensors, which utilize ‘next-generation’ technologies like nanotechnology, have revolutionized drug detection methods, due to easiness of use, their low cost, and their high sensitivity and reliability, allowing the detection of opioids at trace levels in raw, pharmaceutical, and biological samples (e.g., blood, urine, saliva, and other biological fluids). The peculiar characteristics of these sensors not only have allowed on-site analyses (in the field, at the crime scene, etc.), but they are nowadays replacing the gold standard analytical methods in the laboratory, even if a proper method validation is still required. This paper reviews advances in the field of nanotechnology and nano-sensors for the detection of commonly abused opioids, both prescribed (i.e., codeine and morphine) and illegal narcotics (i.e., heroin and fentanyl analogues).
Buprenorphine is one of the most commonly used pain-killing drugs due to its lengthy duration of action and high potency. However, excessive usage of buprenorphine can be harmful to one's health and prolonged use might result in addiction. Additionally, an increasing number of cases have been documented involving the illegal use of buprenorphine. Therefore, a variety of effective and reliable methods for pretreatment and determination of buprenorphine and its main metabolite norbuprenorphine have been established. This review aims to update the current state of pretreatment and detection techniques for buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine from January 2010 to March 2022. Pretreatment methods include several traditional extraction methods, solid-phase extraction, QuECHERS, various micro-extraction techniques, etc. while analytical methods include LC-MS, LC coupled with other detectors, GC-MS, capillary electrophoresis, electrochemical sensors, etc. The pros and cons of various techniques were compared and summarized, and the prospects were provided. • HIGHLIGHTS • Progress in pretreatment and detection methods for buprenorphine is demonstrated. • Pros and cons of different pretreatment and analysis methods are compared. • New materials (such as nanomaterials and magnetic materials) used in buprenorphine pretreatment are summarized. • Newly emerged environmental-friendly methods are discussed.
Isntroduction Increasing numbers of drug of abuse users worldwide, combined with polyconsumption and appearance of new psychoactive drugs, have become a potential public health problem. Besides the sale of traditional herbal substances, there is evidence of the expansion of an active market for synthetic drugs and the non-medical use of prescription ones. Forensic, regulatory and health emergency organizations routinely need to use sensitive and specific analytical assays to identify and quantify drugs and the products resulting from the associations due to polyconsumption in biological samples. The appropriate choice of the sample for toxicological analyses and the preparation technique of the selected sample coupled to the chromatographic method applied are highly critical steps. Objective This paper aims to updating knowledge on the analysis of drugs of abuse in biological matrices. Methodology: a narrative review of forensic analytic methodologies (sample preparation and chromatography analysis) for drugs, including options on different samples such as blood, urine, hair, bones, oral fluid and others. Results and Discussions An in-depth analysis is provided on variables of sample preparation techniques employed in recent years, drug concentrations in conventional and alternative specimens and characteristics of chromatographic analyses and mass spectrometry. Conclusion The method to be chosen by the toxicologist depends on factors such as the purpose of analysis, analyte characteristics, sample feasibility and the availability of analytical techniques. To overcome the challenges posed in drug analysis, future research efforts should be directed towards the development of multidrug methods with the application of miniaturized and automated sample preparation techniques.
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For the first time, a sensitive electrochemical sensor using a glassy carbon electrode modified with CMK-5 Ordered mesoporous carbon was fabricated for simultaneous analysis of morphine and methadone. Modern electrochemical FFT-SWV techniques and partial least-squares as a multivariable analysis were used in this method. CMK-5 nanostructures were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and Raman spectroscopy. Variables such as accumulation time and pH for the proposed sensor were optimized before quantitative analysis. To train the proposed sensor, standard mixtures of morphine (MOR), and methadone (MET) were prepared in the established linear ranges of the analyzes. The results obtained from training samples were used for PLS modeling. The efficiency of the model was determined using test and real matrix samples. The root mean square error of prediction and the squared correlation coefficients (R2p) for MET and MOR were estimated to be 0.00772 and 0.00892 and 0.948 to 0.990, respectively. The recoveries in urine samples were reported to be 97.0 and 105.6% for both MOR and MET, respectively.
Methadone, a µ-opioid receptor agonist, is widely used in pain-relieving and treating opioid dependence. If not strictly controlled, as an opioid substitute, it can lead to abuse and cause more severe withdrawal responses than heroin. Also, overdose or abuse of this drug in clinical use may provide severe side effects such as apnea, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest, and even death. For these reasons, simple, rapid, and efficient methods have been developed for the pretreatment of methadone. This review presents a comprehensive conclusion of the pretreatment methods used for methadone in various sample matrices, focusing on the developments since 2015. Traditionally used pretreatment methods like solid-phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction are discussed and newly developed methods like solid-phase microextraction and liquid-liquid microextraction along with new materials applied are focused.
The boundary of the chiral environmental, forensic and bioanalysis has been critically presented in this review. Important advances regarding chiral screening technology and their impact on method development and applications have been pointed out. The complexity of merging high efficiency enantioselectivity separation with the selected sample matrix and the intended goal of the analysis is not a trivial task and in many cases the application of the method is the main novelty. Regardless of the complexity of new applications on chiral separation analysis, the trend is towards reaching higher levels of detectability and lower sample volumes. An assorted variety of methods applications in environmental and bioanalysis, including demand in forensic analysis is herein concisely discussed.
This article covers current methods and applications in chiral analysis from 2010 to 2020 for biosamples in clinical research and forensic toxicology. Sample preparation for aqueous and solid biological samples prior to instrumental analysis were discussed in the article. GC, HPLC, capillary electrophoresis and sub/supercritical fluid chromatography provide the efficient tools for chiral drug analysis coupled to fluorescence, UV and MS detectors. The application of chiral analysis is discussed in the article, which involves differentiation between clinical use and drug abuse, pharmacokinetic studies, pharmacology/toxicology evaluations and chiral inversion. Typical chiral analytes, including amphetamines and their analogs, anesthetics, psychotropic drugs, β-blockers and some other chiral compounds, are also reviewed.
Opioids represent a broad family of compounds that can be used in several indications: analgesics, antitussives, opioid substitution therapy (e.g. methadone, buprenorphine...). When these products are misused, they are often addictive. Thus, we aimed to develop an analytical method able to rapidly quantify several opiates and opioids (6-monoacetylmorphine, buprenorphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine, 2-ethyl-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine, ethylmorphine, heroin, methadone, morphine, nalbuphine, naloxone, norbuprenorphine, norcodeine, norpropoxyphene, oxycodone and propoxyphene) in whole blood by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography combined with high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS). The validated assay requires only 100 µL of the blood sample. The sample is prepared by a rapid liquid-liquid extraction using 5% zinc sulfate (W/V), methanol and acetonitrile. Calibration curves range from 0.98 to 1000 µg/L, except for buprenorphine (0.39-100 µg/L) and norbuprenorphine (0.20-100 µg/L). Inter- and intra-analytical accuracy was less than 15%. Therefore, we describe the development and full validation of an accurate, sensitive and precise assay using UHPLC-HRMS for the analysis of opioids in whole blood. After validation, this new assay is successfully applied on a routine laboratory application basis.
Methadone inhibits the cardiac potassium channel hERG and can cause a prolonged QT interval. Methadone is chiral but its therapeutic activity is mainly due to (R)-methadone. Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments using cells expressing hERG showed that (S)-methadone blocked the hERG current 3.5-fold more potently than (R)-methadone (IC 50 s (half-maximal inhibitory concentrations) at 371C: 2 and 7 lM). As CYP2B6 slow metabolizer (SM) status results in a reduced ability to metabolize (S)-methadone, electrocardiograms, CYP2B6 genotypes, and (R)-and (S)-methadone plasma concentrations were obtained for 179 patients receiving (R,S)-methadone. The mean heart-rate-corrected QT (QTc) was higher in CYP2B6 SMs (*6/*6 genotype; 439725 ms; n ¼ 11) than in extensive metabolizers (non *6/*6; 421725 ms; n ¼ 168; P ¼ 0.017). CYP2B6 SM status was associated with an increased risk of prolonged QTc (odds ratio ¼ 4.5, 95% confidence interval ¼ 1.2–17.7; P ¼ 0.03). This study reports the first genetic factor implicated in methadone metabolism that may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. This risk could be reduced by the administration of (R)-methadone.
Body fluids and tissues in 16 methadone (MTD)-associated fatalities were investigated to find out whether analysis of MTD and its metabolite 2-ethylidine-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) following enantioselective separation of both compounds may assist in the interpretation of MTD findings. Individual case histories were shortly described. R- and S-MTD as well as R- and S-EDDP concentrations were determined by chiral LC-MS/MS. In all cases under investigation total MTD was present in sufficient quantities to kill or to contribute to death; concentrations were highest in lungs (MTD) and kidneys (EDDP). It appears that both MTD and EDDP undergo postmortem redistribution. In three cases, only the pharmacologically active R-MTD isomer was present. R-MTD mainly contributing to the drug's pharmacological effects, the enantiomeric ratio of MTD and EDDP may indicate whether MTD intoxication might have contributed to death or not. Further, it may be helpful to establish whether racemic MTD or enantiomerically pure R-MTD has been administered last, especially if R/S-ratios of MTD and EDDP significantly differ. It could be shown, that in vivo racemization occurs for neither MTD nor EDDP in any body fluid or tissue sample. Significantly higher MTD R/S-ratios in femoral and heart blood were present in individuals having participated in a MTD maintenance program. Overall, R/S-ratios of MTD and EDDP allow a more detailed interpretation of analytical results in MTD-associated deaths. Thus, determination of MTD and EDDP by enantioselective methods and calculation of their R/S-ratios should be favored.
We developed a method based on liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry to quantify individual enantiomers of methadone and its primary metabolite, R/S-2-ethyl-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolinium (EDDP), in postmortem blood and brain tissue. Samples were prepared with a Tecan Evo robotic system. Precipitation was followed by solid-phase extraction, evaporation and reconstitution in the mobile phase. Enantiomers were fully separated with liquid chromatography on a chiral α(1)-acid glycoprotein column. A Quattro micro mass spectrometer was used for detection in the positive ion mode with an electrospray source. The lower limit of quantification in brain tissue was 0.005 mg/kg for methadone and 0.001 mg/kg for EDDP enantiomers; the maximum precision was 17% for both compounds; accuracy ranged from 94 to 101%. In blood, the limit of quantification was 0.001 mg/kg for all compounds, the total relative standard deviation was <15%, and the accuracy varied from 95 to 109%. Brain (n = 11) and blood (n = 15) samples were analyzed with intermediate precision that varied from 7.5 to 15% at 0.005 mg/kg and from 6.8 to 11.3% at 0.25 mg/kg for all compounds. Method development focused on producing a clean extract, particularly from brain samples. The method was tested on authentic brain and femoral blood samples.
The frequency of medico-legally examined fatal poisonings in 2007 among drug addicts was investigated in five Nordic countries; Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The number of deaths, age, sex, place of death, main intoxicant, and other drugs present in blood samples were recorded to obtain national and comparable Nordic data, as well as data to compare with earlier studies in 2002, 1997, and 1991. Norway had the highest incidence of drug addict deaths by poisoning followed by Denmark, with 8.24 and 6.92 per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively. The death rates in Finland (4.02), Iceland (4.56), and Sweden (3.53) were about half that of Norway and Denmark. Compared with earlier studies, the death rates were unchanged in Denmark and Norway, but increased in Finland, Iceland, and Sweden. In all countries, fewer deaths (29-35%) were recorded in the capital area compared with earlier studies. Females accounted for 11-19% of the fatal poisonings. Iceland deviates with a more equal distribution between men and women (40%). Deaths from methadone overdoses increased in all Nordic countries, and methadone was the main intoxicant in Denmark in 2007, accounting for 51% of the poisonings. In Norway and Sweden, heroin/morphine was still the main intoxicant with a frequency of 68% and 48%, respectively. In Iceland, 3 deaths each were due to heroin/morphine and methadone, respectively. Finland differs from other Nordic countries in having a high number of poisonings caused by buprenorphine and very few caused by heroin/morphine. The total number of buprenorphine deaths in Finland doubled from 16 in 2002 to 32 in 2007, where it constituted 25% of deaths. The general toxicological screening program showed widespread multi-drug use in all countries. The median number of drugs per case varied from 3 to 5. The most frequently detected substances were heroin/morphine, methadone, buprenorphine, tramadol, amphetamine, cocaine, tetrahydrocannabinol, benzodiazepines and ethanol.
A hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HILIC-TOFMS) method for the quantification and confirmation of morphine (M), codeine (C), morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) and codeine-6-glucuronide (C6G) is presented. The method was validated in terms of specificity, selectivity, extraction recovery, accuracy, repeatability, linearity and matrix effect. After a straightforward sample preparation by solid phase extraction (SPE) the compounds were analyzed directly without the need for hydrolysis, solvent transfer, evaporation or reconstitution. The HILIC technique provided good chromatographic separation which was critical for isomers M3G and M6G. The analytes were detected after electrospray ionization (ESI) in positive mode with mass accuracies below 2 mDa using a 5-mDa window. A measurement range of 50-5000 ng/ml was applied for calibration using deuterated analogs as internal standards. The precision of the method was 5.7% and 10.2% (RSD) within and between days, respectively. The applicability of the method was demonstrated with authentic urine samples known to contain codeine and/or morphine and their intact glucuronide conjugates. Identification of the analytes was based on in-source collision induced dissociation (ISCID), applying three diagnostic ions with accurate mass.
Some heroin addicts persistently fail to benefit from conventional treatments. We aimed to compare the effectiveness of supervised injectable treatment with medicinal heroin (diamorphine or diacetylmorphine) or supervised injectable methadone versus optimised oral methadone for chronic heroin addiction. In this multisite, open-label, randomised controlled trial, we enrolled chronic heroin addicts who were receiving conventional oral treatment (>or=6 months), but continued to inject street heroin regularly (>or=50% of days in preceding 3 months). Randomisation by minimisation was used to assign patients to receive supervised injectable methadone, supervised injectable heroin, or optimised oral methadone. Treatment was provided for 26 weeks in three supervised injecting clinics in England. Primary outcome was 50% or more of negative specimens for street heroin on weekly urinalysis during weeks 14-26. Primary analysis was by intention to treat; data were adjusted for centre, regular crack use at baseline, and treatment with optimised oral methadone at baseline. Percentages were calculated with Rubin's rules and were then used to estimate numbers of patients in the multiple imputed samples. This study is registered, ISRCTN01338071. Of 301 patients screened, 127 were enrolled and randomly allocated to receive injectable methadone (n=42 patients), injectable heroin (n=43), or oral methadone (n=42); all patients were included in the primary analysis. At 26 weeks, 80% (n=101) patients remained in assigned treatment: 81% (n=34) on injectable methadone, 88% (n=38) on injectable heroin, and 69% (n=29) on oral methadone. Patients on injectable heroin were significantly more likely to have achieved the primary outcome (72% [n=31]) than were those on oral methadone (27% [n=11], OR 7.42, 95% CI 2.69-20.46, p<0.0001; adjusted: 66% [n=28] vs 19% [n=8], 8.17, 2.88-23.16, p<0.0001), with number needed to treat of 2.17 (95% CI 1.60-3.97). For injectable methadone (39% [n=16]; adjusted: 30% [n=14]) versus oral methadone, the difference was not significant (OR 1.74, 95% CI 0.66-4.60, p=0.264; adjusted: 1.79, 0.67-4.82, p=0.249). For injectable heroin versus injectable methadone, a significant difference was recorded (4.26, 1.63-11.14, p=0.003; adjusted: 4.57, 1.71-12.19, p=0.002), but the study was not powered for this comparison. Differences were evident within the first 6 weeks of treatment. Treatment with supervised injectable heroin leads to significantly lower use of street heroin than does supervised injectable methadone or optimised oral methadone. UK Government proposals should be rolled out to support the positive response that can be achieved with heroin maintenance treatment for previously unresponsive chronic heroin addicts. Community Fund (Big Lottery) Research section, through Action on Addiction.
We investigated toxicological and pharmacogenetic factors that could influence methadone toxicity using postmortem samples. R- and S-methadone were measured in femoral blood from 90 postmortem cases, mainly drug users. The R-enantiomer concentrations significantly exceeded that of the S-enantiomers (Wilcoxon's test, p < 0.001). The samples were divided into four groups according to other drugs detected (methadone only, methadone and strong analgesics, methadone and benzodiazepines, or methadone and other drugs). There was no significant difference in any of the R-methadone/total methadone ratios among the four groups. The median R/S ratio was 1.38, which tends to be higher than that reported for the plasma of living subjects. In addition, we investigated whether small nucleotide polymorphisms in the MDR1 gene that encode the drug transporter P-glycoprotein were associated with the concentrations of R- and S-methadone and its metabolite 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine. No significant association was detected.
A liquid chromatography-photodiode array (LC-PDA) method using a chiral analytical column was developed to determine the plasma levels of enantiomers of methadone and its chiral metabolite, 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP), without the standard compounds of R-form or S-form enantiomers. This method was established by the characteristics of recombinant cytochrome P-450 (CYP) isozymes, where CYP2C19 prefers to metabolize R-methadone and CYP2B6 prefers to metabolize S-methadone. We incubated the racemic methadone standard with either enzyme for 24 h. We identified the retention times of R- and S-methadone to be around 10.72 and 14.46 min, respectively. Furthermore, we determined the retention times of R- and S-EDDP to be approximately 6.76 and 7.72 min, respectively. No interferences were shown through the retention times of morphine, buprenorphine and diazepam. With the high recovery rate of a solid-phase extraction procedure, this method was applied in analyzing plasma concentrations of seven methadone maintenance patients where R- and S-methadone and R- and S-EDDP were 233.4 +/- 154.9 and 185.9 +/- 136.3 ng/mL and 84.4 +/- 99.4 and 37.6 +/- 22.9 ng/mL, respectively. These data suggest that the present method can be applied for routine assay for plasma methadone and EDDP concentrations for patients under treatment.
A hybrid quadrupole linear ion-trap mass spectrometer using an electrospray ionisation ion source coupled to a HPLC system has been used to develop a method which can accurately measure morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) in plasma, whole blood and post-mortem blood following solid-phase extraction. The method can also qualitatively detect various other opioids and related compounds including: codeine, dihydrocodeine (and metabolites), noscapine, papaverine and 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM). The method has been favourably compared to an existing laboratory method using a now discontinued radio-immunoassay technique. The advantage of measuring the glucuronides directly rather than following deconjugation by beta-glucuronidase has also been shown. Detection and quantification of compounds was achieved using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) incorporating the use of deuterated morphine and M3G as internal standards. Precision and accuracy was determined to be less than 10% at both high and low levels for all analytes and the calibration curve was deemed linear over an acceptable range. Recovery in blood was greater than 90% and ion suppression/enhancement was shown to be less than 15%. This method was applied to over 130 post-mortem cases involving the use of heroin, prescribed morphine and codeine. The range of concentrations of morphine, M3G and M6G was large (particularly in heroin and prescribed morphine cases), reflecting the many different factors involved with therapeutic use or fatal opiate poisonings, including tolerance associated with regular use, variable dose regimens and co-administration of other drugs. Detection of other constituents of the opium poppy such as noscapine and papaverine and metabolites of diacetylmorphine in the blood (6-AM) was useful in determining the source of the morphine (i.e. illicit heroin) and the rapidity of death after administration.