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The Effects of Neuromarketing in Sports Businesses

  • Rose Calibration Company

Abstract and Figures

The aim of the current research is to measure the attitudes toward the neuromarketing in sports in three groups of masters of sports management, neuroscientists and marketing professionals. Three sub-scales of interest and participation in neuromarketing, consciousness and cognition, and morality were studied and compared among these three groups. The research methodology is descriptive-survey and the sample size includes 90 masters of sports management, 70 neuroscientists and neurologists and 140 professionals in marketing of the sporting goods. Data analysis about the neuromarketing in sports in three sub-scales of interest ad participation, consciousness and recognition and morality among the masters of sports management, neuroscientist and professionals of marketing had significant difference. Compared to the other groups the neuroscientists had more favorable attitude toward the interest and participation in neuromarketing in sports. Masters of sports management had less consciousness and recognition about the neuromarketing in sports in comparison to the other groups, and professionals in marketing had more concurrence than the other groups about the fact that neuromarketing is a moral method and it is not a deceptive method.
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Int. Res. J. Manag. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
International Research Journal of Management Sciences. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
Available online at
ISSN 2147-964x ©2017
The Effects of Neuromarketing in Sports Businesses
Chen Kim, Jhao Zho, Pei-Zheng Zheng
Department of Business, University of Tsinghua, China
ABSTRACT The aim of the current research is to measure the attitudes toward the
neuromarketing in sports in three groups of masters of sports management,
neuroscientists and marketing professionals. Three sub-scales of interest and participation
in neuromarketing, consciousness and cognition, and morality were studied and compared
among these three groups. The research methodology is descriptive-survey and the
sample size includes 90 masters of sports management, 70 neuroscientists and
neurologists and 140 professionals in marketing of the sporting goods. Data analysis about
the neuromarketing in sports in three sub-scales of interest ad participation, consciousness
and recognition and morality among the masters of sports management, neuroscientist
and professionals of marketing had significant difference. Compared to the other groups
the neuroscientists had more favorable attitude toward the interest and participation in
neuromarketing in sports. Masters of sports management had less consciousness and
recognition about the neuromarketing in sports in comparison to the other groups, and
professionals in marketing had more concurrence than the other groups about the fact
that neuromarketing is a moral method and it is not a deceptive method.
KEYWORDS Attitude Measurement, Neuromarketing, Sports Marketing.
In today’s world several noticeable changes are seen in different fields, especially in the
current economic conditions of the world and markets. These changes permanently affect
the global business activities and along with them they have economic and business
opportunities and threats for the societies. In the world full of changes, companies and
institutes are successful that pay attention to the fast global changes, fast marketing
changes, competitors’ state, distribution systems, group media, new technologies and
briefly pay attention to the marketing and marketing management. Companies will be
famous and reliable if they pay attention to their real mission which is the customer’s
satisfaction, and through better satisfying their needs they will surpass the competitors,
furthermore, they should be committed to their social responsibility and the social welfare
and the substantial benefits of their society (Alipour, 2012). The goal of marketers is to
understand the method of consumer’s behavior and making the right decisions
(Anonymous, 2002). Theories and models of researches about the consumers’ behavior
have changed during the current years (Bagozzi, 1999). In these models the qualitative
research methods play the most important role in determining the perception and
motivation of the consumers and the process of decision making (Richie, 1994).
It is at least four decades since the marketers talk about the costumer’s satisfaction.
Unfortunately satisfaction was a short-life phenomenon and researches show that even
the satisfied customers regularly leave the organization. There is an explanation about this
riddle in the humansmind; neuromarketing is a neurological explanation about the matter
Int. Res. J. Manag. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
that why the professionals of marketing recommend the companies and institutes to give
priority to giving pleasure to the customers than satisfying them. During the past years,
understanding the customers’ behavior has become very important, and neuromarketing
is a giant step in order to achieve this. As Martin Lindestrom states in the Buyology book,
the buying decisions are never as logical as we think and they will never be (Lawer, 2004).
For example while stepping to a bank, customers may choose services based on their
thoughts and emotions which they are not aware of, they are attracted to a service in a
blink of eye by a special provider without knowing why (Karimi, 2005).
Varian, the marketing researcher states that the existing models for describing the event
of human behavior were not enough, especially the models related to consuming. Varian
declares that the economic model chosen by the consumer, which is usually studied, is
simple and beautiful. This model is the logical starting point for different analyses, but
definitely it won’t be complete. In some cases using deeper model of consumer’s behavior
is needed for a more overt description of decision making (Eser, 2011). Using the analysis
of consuming patterns, Ross and et al provided an interesting research and they defined
the method of achieving a formation of interpersonal decisions in a market, which within
the personal balance among different interests is achieved through negotiation. This
research is a part of neuroeconomics which is conducted by the support of laboratory
researches and methods of subjective imagination. It was during the recent years when
the marketing researches and studying the consumers’ behavior paid special attention to
the neuroscience in order to answer the causes of decision making of the consumers. From
here the neuromarketing started to appear. At first the modern psychology was combined
with technology in order to describe the decision making processes in brain. Then the
theory of economic behavioral decision making was adjusted in the light of research results
of neuroscience. Recently it has been revealed that emotions have a very important role
in the process of decision making, and especially they are important in decisions which are
along with the behavior of the consumers. In studies of neuroscience when the emotional
processes are studied, it shows that emotions act preliminary and they have the first role
in making effective decisions about the concepts, and understanding the perception and
behavior of one individual. Concepts and understanding of the emotional processes are
essential and important for the progress and development of the marketing and marketing
competitions. In fact the successful labeling and advertising is related to the understanding
and progress of one emotional attraction toward the consumers (Tovino, 2005).
People intend to see the world’s need from their own perspective. This matter is used in
refining and processing the perception and deductions which are important in
environmental information extraction, because brain tries to create the most efficient
search for the possible random relationship between the multi-variable information, which
ultimately creates perception and deduction. In general, this deduction won’t be more than
a choice among the several interpretations, because at the end if the brain is forced to
process, record and register all of the created information it will possibly explode. As a
result this question comes to mind that how does the consumers’ brain process the
concepts and percepts?.
A part of the brain which is responsible for processing the signals and signs from the
primary perspective and view is the cingulate cortex. After cingulate cortex, the
information flow to the forebrain and especially to the frontal lobe. The information takes
two paths, the primary and secondary paths. The primary flows in the top of the brain and
it is route classified, and it discharges the information from the place where the objects
are placed in the space and the place in relation to the body. Also the secondary is a road
and a route which is continued through the temporal lobes and it is placed above the ear,
and it processes the visual information for classifying the thing the individual has seen.
Similarity of these two paths happens in the longitudinal axis and also among themselves,
Int. Res. J. Manag. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
because it is in fact the understanding of thesaurus which is transferred through eyes to
the brain. Neuroscientists believe that understanding and visual perception is widely the
result of expectations and statistical predictions.
Understanding and perception and concept are ways that the brain interprets the vague
clues through the most probable explorations and searches which is the result of previous
experiences. Thus the importance of neuromarketing in understanding of decisions of
human is very high. Neuromarketing as one of the branches of cognitive neuroscience is
based on the ability to depict the method of understanding the decision items and process
of decision making by the brain. This branch of marketing studies the sensors and
emotional responses of the customers to the marketing stimuli.
Thus if the marketers are able to determine that which picture of the product results in
the reaction in the frontal cortex of the brain, they will be able to improve their sell
(Kenning & Plassmann, 2005). The methods used for this purpose are psychophysics
(reaction time/detection level) and FMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging).
Researchers use FMRI in order to determine the changes of the activities of parts of the
customers’ brain and they also use the EEG in order to evaluate the activity in a special
regional spectrum of the response of brain, and they use special sensors in order to know
why the customers make a special decision and that which part of their brain tells them to
do a special thing (Kenning & Plassmann, 2005).
The concept of neuromarketing was proposed by psychologists of Harvard University in
1990 and companies such as Google, CBS and Frito-Lay used the neuromarketing services
for evaluating the consumer’s thoughts about the advertisements or their products among
other companies (Kamali, 2000). Several reasons exist for the empty spot of
neuromarketing in the marketing science. Academically in general, neuroscience and
psychology are indicators of frightening subjects. Additionally most of the professional
marketers see the imaging technics unattainable and out of their special field. One of the
solutions for this matter is creation of interdisciplinary specialties and/or cooperation
between the business research groups and the neuroscience (Lee et al, 2007). Thus the
neuromarketing is a promising concept for a new kind of marketing which has a complete
interdisciplinary nature. It is the place where the management science, neurology,
psychology and perhaps the art connect each other and they give the possibility to the
service or product provider companies to sell one box more than other companies in the
current competitive market (Kamali, 2000).
Currently it is long passed since the time that the interdisciplinary studies find their way
among the new sciences, and generally the professionals welcome the concept of using
the beneficial functions of other special fields in their favors. Naturally the professional
marketers are not exceptional. Thus recognizing these new technics has become one of
the biggest challenges of the marketing field. With the attitude of this research toward this
matter, it tries to answer this question that how and in what way the dimensions of
neuromarketing could be used in attracting the customers and especially the customers of
sports markets and how the neuromarketing realizes these goals while it has access to the
technics which in the traditional marketing paths this goal is not attainable? Professionals
and managers of marketing, professors and neuroscientists as people who are somehow
professionals in the researches of neuromarketing, what type of attitude do they have
toward this and how is the difference between their perspectives?
The current research methodology is descriptive-comparative and three groups of
professionals such as professors’ of sports management, neuroscientists’ and marketing
professionals’ attitudes are described and compared here.
Int. Res. J. Manag. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
The current research statistical population includes all of the professors of sports
management, and professors of marketing management of universities and institutes of
higher education and neuroscientists including neurologists, physiologists, psychologists
and professionals in learning and behavior.
The sampling method is purposive sampling. A set of 450 Email addresses and addresses
were collected from the population all around the country and the questionnaires were
sent to the email addresses and the addresses. During three weeks three reminders were
sent to them in order to increase the participation of respondents and increase their
participation in the research.
Neuromarketing questionnaire in sports
This questionnaire was adjusted by Eser et al (2011). The mentioned questionnaire
consists of 14 questions measuring three sub-scales of interest and participation,
consciousness and cognition, and morality. Four questions of this questionnaire were about
morality, three questions about consciousness and cognition and 7 questions about
interest and participation. The scale of measuring the answers was a five-value scale
including items of completely agree, agree, no comment, disagree, and completely
disagree, which the score of 5 is for completely agree and the score of 1 is determined for
the item of completely disagree.
These researchers detected the most important factors of neuromarketing for construction
and validation of these tools firstly by the formation of a group of 6 individuals consisting
of two university professors, two neuroscientists, and two marketing professionals in
Turkey, and the high cost, interest and participation and moralities were the subjects of
complete agreement among the members. Then in a preliminary test the questions of
questionnaire were reviewed by 10 university professors, five neuroscientists and five
marketing professionals in order to avoid any misconceptions. At the end after conducting
some minor reformations in the questionnaire it turned to a developed assessment tool
and again it was handed to the above mentioned professionals.
The Cronbach’s alpha was used in order to determine the validity of questionnaire from
the perspective of professionals and specialists and also in order to study the reliability of
the questionnaire. The amount of achieved Cronbach’s alpha of 0.71 shows that the
questions of questionnaire have enough reliability.
Data collection
In order to collect the required data, after adjusting the questionnaire it was sent to the
respondents through Email addresses and postal addresses. For increasing the
participation of respondents three reminders were sent to them during three weeks in
order to increase their participation in the research.
Data analysis
In order to describe and analyze the data, firstly by the use of the descriptive statistics,
mean, standard deviation, table and diagram, the research variables were described. Also
in order to determine the homology and congruence of the groups the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov tests were used. The ANOVA test was used for comparing the attitude of three
groups of professors of sports management, neuroscientists and marketing professionals,
and the Scheffe’s test was used for determining the difference between groups. The
significance level of the current research was 0.05.
Int. Res. J. Manag. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
The data analysis results showed that a difference exists between the attitude of professors
of sports management, neuroscientists and marketing professionals in sub-scale of
interest and participation of neuromarketing in sports (table 1).
Table 1. One-way ANOVA test.
Total Square
The results of Scheffe’s test showed that the significant difference only exists between the
mean of group of marketing professionals with neuroscientists. The difference between
the mean of these two groups was -1.585 (p≤0.05) and there was no significant difference
between the group of professors of sports management and two other groups (table 2).
Table 2. Results of testing the means (Scheffe).
1st Job
Mean Difference
Professors of
*At significance level of p≤0.05 it is meaningful.
Results achieved from the one-way ANOVA test about the sub-scale of consciousness and
cognition shows that there is a difference between the attitude of professors of sports
management, neuroscientists and marketing professionals in this sub-scale (table 3).
Table 3. Results of one-way ANOVA test.
Total Square
Results of Scheffe’s test in relation to this sub-scale showed that there is a significant
difference between the mean of group of professors of sports management with two
groups of marketing professionals (with mean difference of -2.701 and significance level
of 0.000) and neuroscientists (with mean difference of -2.444 and significance level of
0.000) but no difference exists between two groups of marketing professionals and
neuroscientists (table 4).
Table 4. Results of testing the means (Scheffe).
1st Job
2nd Job
Mean Difference
Professors of Sports
Professors of Sports
Professors of
Professors of Sports
Int. Res. J. Manag. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
*At significance level of p≤0.05 it is meaningful.
Comparing the perspective of professors of sports management, neuroscientists and
marketing professionals in sub-scale of moralities of neuromarketing in sports showed a
significant difference.
Table 5. One-way ANOVA test analysis.
Total Square
In table 5 the results of Scheffe’s test between three perspectives in sub-scale of moralities
of neuromarketing are presented.
Table 6. Results of testing the means (Scheffe).
1st Job
2nd Job
Mean Difference
Professors of Sports
Professors of Sports
Professors of
Professors of Sports
Results of the current study showed that the attitude of three groups of professors of
sports management, professionals and neuroscientists and marketers toward the
neuromarketing in sports was different from each other. This result was consistent with
the research finding of Eser et al (2011). In a similar research they concluded that a
significant difference exists between the perspectives of three groups of professors,
neuroscientists and professional marketers about the neuromarketing.
Comparing the sub-scale of interest and participation in neuromarketing of sports in three
groups of professors of sports management, neuroscientists and sports marketers showed
that a significant difference exits between these three perspectives. This difference is in a
way that it is observable in the group of neuroscientists and sports marketers, and the
results of post-hoc test show that the neuroscientists have a positive and more favorable
attitude toward this matter. This finding was predictable, because the neuroscientists are
more familiar with the applications of neuroimaging, due to their job and they have more
belief on the progress of this science in the future. In the research of Eser et al (2011) the
results also showed that the interest and participation in three mentioned groups have
significant difference but this difference is caused by the difference of attitude between
the professors and neuroscientists, in a way that the neuroscientists have more favorable
attitude toward the interest and participation. This result is different from the current
research finding, because in this research the attitude and perspective of neuroscientists
is different from the sports marketers’ and it is more favorable than theirs.
But comparing the sub-scale of consciousness and recognition of neuromarketing in sports
in three groups of professors of sports management, neuroscientists and sports marketers
showed that a significant difference exists, and it is in a way that the attitude of all of the
three groups is different from each other. Marketing professionals had a more favorable
Int. Res. J. Manag. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 01-09, 2017
attitude toward the consciousness and recognition about the neuromarketing in sports
than the professors of sports management. On the other hand the neuroscientists also had
a different and more favorable attitude toward the consciousness and recognition about
the neuromarketing in sports than the professors of sports management. Thus the amount
of consciousness and recognition about the method of neuromarketing researches in sports
in group of professors of sports management is less than the two other groups.
Eser et al (2011) also came to the same conclusion. They showed that more consciousness
and recognition in the three above mentioned groups had significant difference as such
the neuroscientists had more consciousness and recognition than the professors about this
matter. This result was consistent with the current research finding. It seems that the
reason that the professors of sports management have less information than other groups
about the method of neuromarketing researches is that the management field is a wide
area and sports management is a concept that includes a wide range of subjects related
to the sports sciences. Although the sports marketing has been at the center of attention
in this field, up to now no researches have been observed about the sports marketing by
the use of neuromarketing technics in the country. Thus very few conducted researches in
this field by the researchers are the main causes of their unfamiliarity with this subject.
Findings of this research showed that the sub-scale of morality in neuromarketing in sports
in three groups of professors of sports management, neuroscientists and sports marketers
is different as such the marketing professionals have a positive and more favorable attitude
than the two other groups. This finding is also consistent with the research results of Eser
et al. They also concluded that the moralities in three groups of professors, marketers and
neuroscientists have significant difference and the marketing professionals have a more
favorable attitude toward this matter than the professors. This matter that the marketing
professionals show a more favorable attitude toward the moralities in neuromarketing was
not far-fetched. Paying attention to the ethics and maintaining the honesty in the
marketing is one of the basic principles. They are obliged to pay attention to these
principles in their profession. Thus, the marketing professionals consider the methods used
in the marketing as ethics according to the code of conduct.
Up to now few studies in the field of neuromarketing has been in the form of conceptual
studies. It is recommended that the future studies survey and study the applicable method
of this matter.
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Conference Paper
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The Relationship between Entrepreneurial and Five major personality traits Among sport management graduate students in Esfahan Introduction Nowadays, a paucity of existing evidence indicates emotional intelligence (EI) plays a substantial role in creating entrepreneurial and there have been attempts in this area. Purpose Present study aimed to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial rate and five major personality traits among sport management graduate students in Esfahan. It’s the first time such a study’s been accomplished in Iran’s student population. Methods The methodology of this study is based on descriptive data collection and its correlation. It is also practical according to the objectives. Regarding the gathered data, 140 of physical education graduate students were considered of whom 103 individuals were selected using Kirsches and Morgan chart to form the random sample. Among these 103 students, 86 of them answered to the questionnaires. . Data collection materials included Moghimi and Ramezan questionnaire with 17 questions, Likert scale 5 which was focused on investigating entrepreneurial. The other data collection tool was neo questionnaire, Likert scale 5 which searched through the five personality traits of neuroticism, extraversion, opened to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. The reliabilities of applied questionnaires are respectively 0.795 and 0.83. The face and content validity of the mentioned questionnaires were examined and confirmed by 15 university professors. A descriptive statistics was used in order to investigate the measures of dispersion and central tendency and at inferential levels, appropriate statistical analyses like Kalmograove-smirnove(to assure that distribution is normal). A Levin test was done for variance congruity. Correlation coefficient, multiple and simple regression for variance statistical analysis was applying by SPSS software, version 18. Results Our results clearly revealed that there is a significant relation between entrepreneurial and all studied personality traits except for the agreeableness. Conclusion The results of present research are converged with previous study’s and confirm the fact that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between entrepreneurial rate and personality. However, due to the novelty of research, it would be essential to put this research under consideration for other educational levels and students.
Conference Paper
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Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship of emotional intelligence and the level of swim skill in women. Method: The method was of descriptive- correlative and all the girl swimmers at professional, semi- professional, recreational and amateur’s levels and were 14-25 years old in 2012. The present study consisted of 431 swimmers in various levels including professional 30 peoples, semiprofessional 42 peoples, recreational 204 peoples and amateurs 169 peoples; these peoples were used to choose the sample by aimed and available sampling method. Correlation coefficient test was used to analyze the data. Result: The findings showed that observed at level of p  0.05 showed a positive and significant correlation between emotional intelligence and four domains of awareness of own and other’s emotions, controlling the emotions and feelings, regulating own and other’s relations, optimism and positive attitude with the significant correlation between controlling the emotions and feelings and the age of girl swimmers. Conclusion: Nowadays for improving the performances of sport, it could be used the knowledge of emotions and feelings. Also in the point of view the abilities of emotional intelligence in the sport has an important role. Key words: emotional intelligence, swim skills wom
Conference Paper
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This study aims to understand the factors associated with the Iranian Premier League players took legal awareness. In this study descriptive-analytical method is used, because this method can be described and documented and analysis and interpretation of the characters and situations and problems that happened before payment. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to analyze the assumptions and the variety of descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, and a variety of tables and charts have been used. In this study, ninety-five percent levels were used as a measure of rejection of the hypothesis. Questionnaires were chosen as a means of gathering information, a questionnaire was designed by the researcher and the validity and reliability were confirmed by ten professors. The questionnaire contains two types of questions, questions related to the variables used to identify the sample group and the main questions related to the legal awareness of the players, the legal knowledge questions in three areas: issues related to disciplinary regulations, rights-based issues, discussing contracts and consent has prepared a questionnaire designed by the researcher and the validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by ten professors. The results showed Premier League players are aware of their rights and education, marital status, disciplinary history and chronological age has an impact on the knowledge of players' salaries.
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Apoptosis is very important in regulation of immune system and any disorder in this process leads to major disease, such as cancer, autoimmune disease and neurodegenerative disorders like ischemia, Alzheimer. The main rout in apoptosis involves caspase signalling pathway. As caspase-9 function as an initiator in the caspase-cascade, so inhibition of this caspase can stop apoptosis or slow down it. Computational-drug design can be utilized to predict theoretically active and potent inhibitors for target macromolecules. Among all drug design software, Autodock and Ligandscout for docking and pharmacophore screening respectively are helpful software to achieve target inhibitors object. We used these methods to identify potent substrate inhibitors of caspase-9. How to cite the article: M. Amanlou, S. M. Mostafavi, In sillico screening to aim computational efficient inhibitors of caspase-9 by ligand-based pharmacophore modeling, Medbiotech J. 2017; 1(1): 34-41,
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Caspases are enzymes which are the main pathway for apoptosis. Any irregulation in their functions causes increase or decrease cell death which result in autoimmune or cancer respectively. Structure-based pharmacophore drug discovery method was used to discover selective inhibitors for Caspase-9 as the initiator Caspase through effective pathway in Alzheimer's disease, through virtual screening. A pharmacophore model was developed by investigating essential interactions between the reported potent inhibitors employing a docking analysis methodology. After pharmacophore virtual screening, 9 compounds from both National Cancer Institute (NCI) and ZINC databases were filtered as potent inhibitors of Caspase-9. The efficiency of the discovered compounds was further monitored by docking studies.
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Abstract Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the relationship between club nature, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial marketing and the performance of sport club managers. Methodology: This study was practical due to its subjectives and was descriptivecorrelational due to its methodology. Statistical population was consisted of managers of Tehran sport clubs among whom 700 individuals were selected using cluster sampling. Herein, we used questionnaires of marketing from Butcher et al(2008), club nature of Khazai (1392), entrepreneurial orientation of Mohammadi(1390) and performance of Fazel(1390). For data analysis on an inferential statistics level, partial least squares (PLS) was used to test hypothesis and the goodness of fit of the model. Results: Results showed that there is a casual meaningful relationship between club nature, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial marketing and the performance of sport club managers. In the modern days of marketing, old-fashioned traditional methods of marketing are no longer meeting all the needs of market and results affirmed that novel methods are required. Conclusion: In today's competitive market, world, traditional marketing does not meet the needs and results have shown that more novel methods of marketing are more effective. Moreover, according to research model, entrepreneurial marketing can improve the function and individualize the company from other competitors. Based on the previous studies, novel marketing strategies would assist managers to create positive progress in the organization
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In this study, a new silica gel based adsorbent was fabricated and its ability in separation and quantification of alkanes mixture was investigated. Silica gel (SiO 2) is a polar absorbent which is mainly used to separate polar compounds. Also, the carbon materials such as activated carbon and recently carbon nanotube (CNTs), have been widely used for separation of nonpolar materials. Carbon nanotubes are nanosized carbon-based sorbents that have a high surface area and a large aspect ratio and are known to be stable at high temperatures. It is, therefore, conceivable to use of their unique properties in gas chromatography. Optimization of gas chromatography with modified and unmodified columns was investigated by full factorial design. According to the results of proposed design, the temperature, flow rate and carrier gas are known to be important factors affecting performance. In this work, a MWCNT-Silica gel nanocomposite was prepared by Sol-Gel process and it was used as stationary phase in gas chromatography for separation of alkanes mixture. In first part, ability of silica gel adsorbent was studied and then results were compared with new MWCNT-Silica gel nanocomposite. Finally, a quantitative investigation was done on a LPG sample and propane, 2-methylpropane, n-butane, 2,2-dimethylpropane, 2-methylbutane and n-pentane were measured by standard addition. Finally, the greatest difference between the response profiles in modified and unmodified column was determined.
Conference Paper
Introduction: Nowadays, science has admitted the power and influence of people’s personality and is exploring the place of their excitements and feelings in their activities, actions and human characters. Methods: The present study is descriptive according to gathering data method and is practical according to the objectives. Statistic population of the research is composed of sport club managers of Isfahan. To determine the sample size, we used Kirsches and Morgan chart so the sampling was of type of stratified random. The tool used to gather data was Petrides and Furnham emotional intelligence questionnaire. Analyzing the gathered data was accomplished at both descriptive and inferential levels. At descriptive level, we used indexes of central tendency (frequency, percent, chart, mean) and indexes of dispersion (standard deviation, variance); and for inferential level proper methods like Kolmogorov-Smirnov (to make sure of normal distribution), Levene’s test (for equality of variance and analyzing variances) were administered using software SPSS version 18. Result and Discussion: The results for investigating demographic characteristics, for the items of sex, club type, educational major and educational degree showed meaningful differences and confirmed the study’s hypothesis, except for service record which showed no meaningful difference. Conclusion: Emotional intelligence as a newfound feature may predict and reveal unpredictable issues. If this claim would be proven, it could have significant practical uses in sport society. Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Demographic Characteristics, Sport Club, Managers
In this work, a facile low-temperature hydrothermal method accompanied with a moderate annealing process is introduced to synthesis highly crystalized lead-free piezoelectric 0.94(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-0.06BaTiO3 (BNBT) nanofibers where sodium ions in the native (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 (BNT) lattice are substituted with larger barium ions. The BNBT nanofibers are typically 150 – 200 nm in diameter composed of a confirmed pure perovskite phase with the orientation of (101) along the fiber length direction. A rhombohedral lattice structure was verified by transmission electron microscopy measurements after introducing barium to BNT structure. Solid-state ²³Na NMR evidenced a reduced disorder in the primary A site of the BNBT as compared to the BNT, along with the formation of additional Na environments, which were assigned to an inhomogeneous distribution of Ba in the system. A significant piezoelectric constant of d33 = ~26±2 pm/V in the diameter direction was found for these BNBT nanofibers.