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The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) on obstructive sleep events and daytime sleepiness in adults with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Sixteen individuals (7 women/9 men) aged 40.2 ± 10.2 (range, 24.4 to 62.2 years) with maxillary transverse deficiency and OSAS (respiratory disturbance index [RDI] greater than 5) confirmed with full-night polysomnography (PSG) underwent SARME to evaluate its efficiency for OSAS treatment. Several PSG parameters and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) results were compared in selected individuals before and after they underwent SARME. An RDI reduction from 35.4 ± 38.5 to 16.0 ± 19.7 was found, corresponding to a mean decrease of 54.6 % (p = 0.0013). A 56.2 % (33.23 ± 39.5 to 14.5 ± 19.4, p = 0.001) decrease was found in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), in addition to decreases in the desaturation and microarousal rates, among other parameters. The ESS scores improved from 12.5 ± 5.3 to 7.2 ± 3.5 (p < 0.001). SARME promotes an improvement in OSAS symptoms; decreases the rates of respiratory disturbances; microarousal, and desaturation; and reduces daytime sleepiness.
Effects of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion
on obstructive sleep apnea and daytime sleepiness
Pedro Pileggi Vinha
&Alan Luiz Eckeli
&Ana Célia Faria
&Samuel Porfirio Xavier
Francisco Veríssimo de Mello-Filho
Received: 10 March 2015 /Revised: 12 May 2015 /Accepted: 2 June 2015
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Purpose The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of
surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) on
obstructive sleep events and daytime sleepiness in adults with
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).
Methods Sixteen individuals (7 women/9 men) aged 40.2±
10.2 (range, 24.4 to 62.2 years) with maxillary transverse
deficiency and OSAS (respiratory disturbance index [RDI]
greater than 5) confirmed with full-night polysomnography
(PSG) underwent SARME to evaluate its efficiency for OSAS
Results Several PSG parameters and the Epworth Sleepiness
Scale (ESS) results were compared in selected individuals
before and after they underwent SARME. An RDI reduction
from 35.4±38.5 to 16.0±19.7 was found, corresponding to a
mean decrease of 54.6 % (p=0.0013). A 56.2 % (33.23±39.5
to 14.5±19.4, p=0.001) decrease was found in the apnea-
hypopnea index (AHI), in addition to decreases in the
desaturation and microarousal rates, among other parameters.
The ESS scores improved from 12.5±5.3 to 7.2± 3.5
Conclusions SARME promotes an improvement in OSAS
symptoms; decreases the rates of respiratory disturbances;
microarousal, and desaturation; and reduces daytime
Keywords Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion .
Adults .Sleep apnea syndrome .Obstructive sleep apnea
syndrome .Disorders of excessive somnolence
SARME Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion
OSAS Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
CIEDEF Comprehensive Center for the Study of Defects
of the Face (Centro Integrado de Estudo dos
Defeitos da Face)
Teaching Hospital of the School of Medicine of
Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (Hos-
pital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de
PSG Polysomnography
ESS Epworth Sleepiness Scale
RME Rapid maxillary expansion
BMI Body mass index
TST Total sleep time
AHI Apnea-hypopnea index
RERAI Respiratory effort-related arousals index
RDI Respiratory disturbance index
PLM index Periodic limb movement index
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is characterized by
partial or complete upper airway obstruction during sleep and
affects up to one third of the adult population [1]. This syn-
drome is associated with clinical conditions such as
*Pedro Pileggi Vinha
School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Av.
Bandeirantes, 3900, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil 14049-900
School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo,
School of Dentistry, Campus USP, Ribeirão Preto, São
Paulo 14040-904, Brazil
Av. Bandeirantes, 3900, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil 14049-900
Sleep Breath
DOI 10.1007/s11325-015-1214-y
hypertension and type 2 diabetes [2,3] and has extensive
consequences, such as reduced quality of life and increased
mortality [4,5].
OSAS has multifactorial etiology that includes factors re-
lated to facial orthopedics, soft tissues, and environmental
factors. Among factors related to bone structure, the relation-
ships between OSAS and mandibular growth deficiencies,
bimaxillary retrusion, and sharp bending of the base of the
skull have already been described [69]. Regarding factors
related to soft tissues, disproportions between the tongue vol-
ume and the oral cavity and the flaccidity of the lateral pha-
ryngeal walls seem to increase the likelihood of developing
OSAS [10]. Among environmental factors, obesity has a very
significant role [11] in the genesis of OSAS.
Among orthopedic factors, maxillary transverse deficiency,
also known as maxillary atresia, has been reported as a possi-
ble etiological agent of OSAS [6,12,13]; in some cases,
maxillary transverse deficiency may be the main factor
[1318]. Maxillary transverse deficiency is defined as a
dentofacial deformity characterized by narrowing of the upper
dental arch in the transverse direction, decreased distance be-
tween the posterior teeth on opposite sides, and consequent
uni- or bilateral posterior crossbite or even normal occlusion
in the case of concomitant mandibular transverse deficiency.
In addition to the effects on occlusion, maxillary transverse
deficiency may cause an increase in the nasal resistance to
airflow [19] and posterior tongue displacement, thus facilitat-
ing pharyngeal collapse [14].
The most effective treatment for maxillary transverse
deficiency in children and adolescents is rapid maxillary
expansion (RME). This procedure consists of the place-
ment of an intraoral appliance supported by the posteri-
or teeth and expanding it daily by 0.4 to 0.8 mm. This
rapid opening separates the midpalatal suture and ex-
pands the oral cavity.
However, RME is only recommended for individuals who
are still growing; once the sutures of the jaws are fused, sur-
gical osteotomies are required to allow the free mobilization of
bone segments and the subsequent activation of the appliance.
Such surgery is defined as surgically assisted rapid maxillary
expansion (SARME).
First described in 1938 [20], SARME is a safe and effective
technique for treating maxillary transverse deficiency and for
obtaining space for teeth alignment because it increases the
perimeter of the upper dental arch. SARME complications are
rare and include hemorrhage, gingival recession, infections,
and tooth devitalization [20]. After the intervention, orthodon-
tic treatment is required to correct the spacing between the
maxillary central incisors. The transverse maxillary expansion
is significant and usually allows better dental accommodation,
improved occlusion, and an expanded oral cavity. We hypoth-
esized that a larger oral cavity favors better tongue position-
ing, promoting a greater posterior pharyngeal space and the
consequent reduction of the obstruction in patients with
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of SARME
on polysomnographic parameters and excessive sleepiness in
adult patients with OSAS and maxillary transverse deficiency.
This prospective clinical trial was approved by the Ethics
Committee of the Teaching Hospital of the School of Medi-
cine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (Hospital das
Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da
Universidade de São Paulo [HC-FMRP-USP], no.
01270004000-10), and all patients signed an informed con-
sent form.
The participants in this study were patients at the HC-
FMRP-USP Comprehensive Center for the Study of Defects
of the Face (Centro Integrado de Estudo dos Defeitos da Face
[CIEDEF]) and had complaints of occlusal problems, snoring,
and daytime sleepiness. The participants were consecutively
recruited from August 2011 to February 2014.
The inclusion criteria were patients with maxillary trans-
verse deficiency with a distance between premolars of less
than 36 mm, a unilateral or bilateral posterior crossbite
(Fig. 1), and OSA (respiratory disturbance index (RDI) >5)
confirmed with full-night polysomnography. Individuals with
large facial bone abnormalities or a body mass index over 35
were excluded.
OSAS was defined according to the International Classifi-
cation of Sleep Disorders 2nd ed. [21].
The full-night polysomnography (PSG) studies were per-
formed at the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory using Bi-
oLogic equipment (BioLogic Vision, Inc., Natus, San Carlos,
CA, USA). The parameters obtained included electroenceph-
alograms, electrocardiograms, electrooculograms, mental and
lower limb electromyograms, pulse oximetry, abdominal and
thoracic effort (using inductance plethysmography belts), and
nasal airflow (using a thermocouple and nasal pressure). All
technical parameters were measured in accordance with the
Manual of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2007,
using the 4B criteria for hypopnea [22]. The neurologist re-
sponsible for the PSG analysis did not know whether the tests
were being performed before or after the intervention.
Daytime sleepiness and anthropometric data, such as BMI,
neck circumference, and dental arch moldings, were collected
before and at the end of the intervention. To assess daytime
sleepiness, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) [23,24]was
used. Models of the dental arches were used to measure the
transverse gain in the upper arch. The standard measurement
was the distance between the first premolars and the first mo-
lars on each side.
Sleep Breath
A Hyrax maxillary expander appliance was installed in all
participating individuals and was usually banded on the first
premolars and first molars (Fig. 2).
All the subjects underwent the same surgical technique
performed by the same team. The surgical technique used
was a variation of the method described by Bell and Epker
in 1976; it consisted of a Le Fort I osteotomy with separation
of the pterygoid apophysis of the sphenoid bone and another
osteotomy between the upper central incisors. An osteotomy
to release the maxilla from the pterygoid plate was used
to promote a medial bone disjunction of the anterior
and posterior maxilla. This method promotes a more
parallel spacing between the sides of the maxilla; when
no disjunction is performed, the maxillary opening tends
to be more anterior [2527], which may compromise the
Five days after the surgery, the appliance was activated,
and a half-turn of the screw (0.4 mm) was performed every
12 h according tothe activation protocols for facial distraction
osteogenesis [20]. The total activation period was individual-
ized for each patient. All the patients had the crossbite issue
resolved according to the reference standard of the palatal
(internal) cusp of the upper teeth on the buccal (external) cusp
of the lower teeth; the crossbites were slightly overcorrected.
After the opening process was completed, the screws were
locked; on average, we waited 150 days to remove the
A second full-night PSG was performed 355±158 days
after surgery. We chose to perform the second PSG later (ap-
proximately 1 year after surgery) to ensure the complete
stability of the structures that had been moved and to incor-
porate any losses or relapses.
Statistical analysis
Because the PSG data were not normally distributed, the non-
parametric paired Wilcoxon test was used. For anthropometric
measurements, dental changes, and the ESS, the paired ttest
was used. All values are presented as the means± standard
deviations, and the significance level was set at p<0.05.
Sixteen individuals participated in this study, including 7
women and 9 men aged 40.2± 10.2 years old (minimum
24.4 years and maximum 62.2 years).
The ESS displayed an initial mean value of 12.5±5.3; after
the intervention, the mean value was 7.2±3.5 (p<0.001;
Fig. 3).
Table 1shows the PSG values before and after the
The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) exhibited a mean reduc-
tion of 56.2 % (pre 33.2±39.5 and post 14.5±19.4, p<0.001).
This improvement of obstructive events was observed in both
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM)
Figure 4shows that similar to the AHI, the RDI also de-
creased significantly, from 35.4±38.5 to 16.0±19.7
Fig. 1 Maxillary transverse
deficiency (a) and bilateral
posterior crossbite (b)
Fig. 2 Pre-SARME maxillary transverse deficiency (a) with a Hyrax expander in place (b) and post-SARME (c)
Sleep Breath
Table 1also shows that there was a significant decrease in
the microarousal index. The initial value was 41.5± 25.2; after
SARME, it decreased to 20.8 ±13.5 (p=0.014), reducing sleep
Another polysomnographic variable that improved signifi-
cantly was the desaturation index. A decreased index was
noted in the second PSG. The initial value of 21.3 ± 31.6
dropped to 14.8±25.9 (p=0.047).
Fig. 3 Box plot of the ESS
before and after SARME
Tabl e 1 PSG variables assessed pre- and post-SARME
Pre-SARME 95 % CI Post-SARME 95 % CI Diff % pvalue
TST (min) 363.1±50.03 330.35390.06 336.9±101.1 271.7396.5 7.21 0.519
Sleep efficiency % 82.0±11.58 74.2787.49 86.6±8.1 81.090.9 5.67 0.216
Arousal index 41.57±25.2 9.121.90 20.8±13.5 5.236.4 49.9 0.014
N1 (% TST) 12.4±5.8 8.916.00 11.8± 6.8 7.616.2 5.0 0.404
N2 (% TST) 46.4±12.2 39.654.66 47.4±7.2 43.052.6 2.2 0.606
N3 (% TST) 20.9±8.8 15.226.11 23.7±8.9 18.729.3 13.2 0.433
REM (% TST) 20.1±9.9 13.625.72 17.0±6.9 13.119.3 15.3 0.252
Supine (% TST) 44.4±26.2 23.969.94 42.5±39.8 20.271.7 4.4 0.413
Apnea index 15.7± 34.7 3.339.08 5.5±12.1 1.013.7 64.6 0.107
Hypopnea index 18.2±22.7 6.734.02 9.1± 10.9 3.616.7 49.9 0.005
AHI 33.2±39.5 14.060.92 14.5± 19.4 4.628.0 56.2 0.001
NREM AHI 28.1±30.4 11.253.39 10.8±21.3 3.430.3 61.6 0.008
REM AHI 29.1±39.3 15.766.88 17.1±19.6 6.130.8 41.0 0.013
RERAI 2.2±4.0 0.33.54 1.5±2.1 0.22.8 30.7 0.939
RDI 35.4±38.5 16.062.17 16.0±19.7 6.029.7 54.6 0.001
Desaturation Index 21.3±31.6 0.046.12 14.8±25.9 1.631.5 30.7 0.047
Minimum O
81.3±9.2 75.086.12 84.3± 5.7 80.687.6 3.6 0.803
Mean O
92.7±5.4 89.098.62 94.0± 1.6 92.894.7 1.4 0.607
PLM index 4.4±6.3 0.04.59 4.1±8.2 2.27.7 7.1 0.343
TST total sleep time, AHI apnea-hypopnea index (number of apneas and hypopneas as a function of TST), RERAI number of arousals relative to
respiratory effort as a function of TST, RDI respiratory disturbance index (AHI+RERAI), PLM periodic limb movement
Sleep Breath
Anthropometric data, BMIs and neck and waist circumfer-
ences, were also evaluated before and after SARME. Table 2
shows that these values did not change significantly.
The pre- and post-SARME models of the maxillary arch
indicated that there was an expansion of the maxillary arch
that extended the oral cavity in the transverse direction
(Table 3).
Improvements in several PSG parameters and daytime sleep-
iness in patients with OSAS who underwent SARME were
observed in this study.
Despite some studies that report improvement of OSAS in
children who undergo RME [28], we did not find any specific
study on the effects of SARME on OSAS and ESS, especially
in adult patients.
A study with younger subjects (15.8 to 39.4 years old)
shows the effect of SARME on sleep architecture, including
obstructive events, but it includes participants with or without
OSAS (only 7 of the 28 patients had an AHI >5), which blends
the sample because the PSG results were obtained from all
participants [29]. Another study, in addition to using relatively
young patients (14 to 37 years), blended expansion techniques
with and without surgical assistance (six surgically assisted
and four nonsurgically assisted), making the results difficult
to interpret. Additionally, that study used a different technique
than the one used in the present study [14]. Thus, the compar-
ison between these studies becomes inaccurate.
In another study, RME (maxillary expansion without sur-
gical assistance) was used in 42 children (from 6 to 13 years
old, mean 7 years old) with OSAS; that study showed an AHI
improvement from 12.7±2.5 to 0.5±1.2 and significant im-
provements in desaturation [28]. However, these results can-
not be compared with those of the present study because of the
differences in the participant ages and in the technique used
for maxillary expansion.
However, this study and our results raise an interesting
question about the capacity of soft tissues to adapt to bone
changes and thus promote improvement of OSAS. In children
or young individuals with great tissue plasticity, soft tissues
are expected to proportionally accompany bone movement;
therefore, gains in the airspaces of the mouth and oropharynx
are expected. However, one may question whether such an
effect would occur in adults and older individuals, in whom
possible tissue laxity could negate any changes in soft tissues.
Because OSAS is predominantly found in people aged
35 years and older, is progressive, and increases in incidence
andseveritywithage[30,31], the results of interventions in
this population could be nonsignificant. Thus, only individ-
uals in the age group for which OSAS is most common were
included in the present study, and even with a mean age of
40.2±10.2 (24.4 to 62.2 years), a good response was ob-
served; consequently, significant improvements in breathing
patterns during sleep and daytime sleepiness were noted.
Regarding PSG variables, we observed significant reduc-
tions in AHI, RDI, and the desaturation and microarousal
indices after SARME. The reduction inthe number of obstruc-
tive respiratory events was greater than 50 %, and the results
were similar during REM and NREM sleep. There were no
Fig. 4 Pre- and post-SARME RDI
Tabl e 2 Anthropometric data pre- and post-SARME
Pre 95 % CI Post 95 % CI Diff % pvalue
BMI 29.8±4.4 32.127.4 29.9±5.3 32.827.1 0.5 0.667
Neck (cm) 40.8±3.3 42.539.0 40.5±3.4 42.338.6 0.7 0.415
Waist (cm) 103.8±11.2 111.699.3 105.5±11.4 42.539.0 1.6 0.235
BMI body mass index, Neck neck circumference, Wais t waist circumference
Sleep Breath
significant changes in sleep stages and sleep efficiency after
the intervention. Some sleep parameters that could influence
this analysis, such as time spent in the supine position and the
proportions of REM and NREM sleep, did not differ before
and after the intervention.
Using values obtained from a systematic review with a
meta-analysis [32], we were able to compare the AHI reduc-
tion obtained in the present study (56.24 %) with that obtained
using other surgical techniques. The mean decreases in the
AHI were 87 % for maxillo-mandibular advancement surger-
ies (nine studies), 33 % for uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty (15
studies), 18 % for laser-assisted uvuloplasty (two studies),
34 % for radiofrequency surgery (two studies), and 26 % for
palatal implants (two studies).
However, the aim of the present study was not to compare
OSAS treatment methods but to demonstrate the ability of
SARME to reduce or resolve OSAS in adults. Thus, we call
our colleaguesattention to the fact that the correction of max-
illary transverse deficiency in OSAS is an important method
for improving treatment results or even fully curing this
Regarding daytime sleepiness, a decrease in ESS scores
from 12.5± 5.3 to 7.2 ±3.5 (p0.001) was observed, indicating
a return to normal values. The possibility of a placebo effect
relative to daytime sleepiness cannot be ruled out because
such an effect is also possible with conservative treatments,
such CPAP use [33].
The distances between the first premolars and the first mo-
lars were consistent with other studies; they increased by 5.4
and 5.5 mm, respectively [34,35]. Despite the few millimeters
of linear gain obtained, this difference corresponds to an av-
erage of 15 to 25 % of the transverse gain and occurs through-
out the dental arch, which indicates an important intraoral
volume gain. Thus, we believe that the tongue will advance
into the now-enlarged oral cavity and that eventually, there
will be an important gain in the retro-lingual area of the phar-
ynx, thus decreasing the obstructive events during sleep.
The participantsanthropometric data (BMI, neck circum-
ference, and waist circumference) did not change significant-
ly, i.e., they remained relatively stable before and after the
intervention. Therefore, we believe that the improvements in
PSG patterns and sleepiness are not a result of changes in
these parameters, which are presented in Table 2.
The improvement of OSAS as a result of SARME most
likely occurs for two reasons: (1) the expanded posterior air-
way space thatresults from the tongues ability to advance into
the oral cavity as a result of the increase in the tooth and bone
perimeter promoted by surgical maxillary expansion [14,
3638] and (2) the decreased resistance to airflow through
the nose as a result of the expanded nasal cavity. Given that
increased resistance to airflow through the nose is another
factor associated with OSAS [39], the improvement in ob-
structive respiratory events after SARME is, at least in part,
secondary to the decreased nasal resistance and the expanded
internal space [25].
Another advantage of the SARME treatment for OSAS is
the possibility of combining it with other procedures, such as
maxillo-mandibular advancement, CPAP, or intraoral appli-
ances, thus reducing the discomfort caused or exacerbated
by excessive pressure or mandibular advancement.
This study was not able to define the factors that could
predict successful OSAS treatment with SARME. Therefore,
further studies should be conducted to quantify the actual role
of maxillary transverse deficiency in the development of
OSAS and whether correction in young individuals could pre-
vent OSAS.
A major objective of this study is to include SARME as a
therapeutic alternative that can be used to treat or attenuate
OSAS and to quantify the effectiveness of this procedure in
the treatment of adults with this syndrome.
This study demonstrated that SARME was effective for
reducing OSAS in patients with maxillary transverse deficien-
cy and crossbite, reducing daytime sleepiness, and promoting
correct dental occlusion.
Acknowledgments The authors thank the São Paulo Research Foun-
dation (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
[FAPESP]) for their financial support of this study. This study was funded
by the government of the State of São Paulo through the São Paulo State
Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Ethical standards Clinical trial registered with the National Health
Council/National Ethics and Research Council (Conselho de Nacional
de Saúde/Conselho Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa [CONEP]), http://, CAAE 0127.0.004.
Conflict of interest There are no conflicts of interest or funding by the
industry or related individuals.
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Sleep Breath
... Anatomic and functional factors contribute to the multifactorial etiology of OSA. Amid the soft tissue causes associated with upper airway anatomy, there are skeletal factors described that could have a direct influence on OSA by changing the airway space [52,53]. ...
... This procedure has been used since 1938 and has become widely accepted as an effective and safe technique for maxillary expansion with minor complications [54,55]. Vinha et al. published an article about the SARME technique for the treatment of OSA in adult patients with good results regarding OSA symptoms, such as decreased rates of respiratory disturbances, desaturation, microarousal, and reduced daytime sleepiness [52]. There are consequently some negative outcomes connected to this surgical method, such as skeletal relapse, different kinds of periodontal problems, lack of movement or failure, gingival recession, pain sensation, and necrosis of the oral mucosa associated with the device [53] DOME is a method where customized distractors for each patient are first created using 3D cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). ...
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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic, sleep-related breathing disorder. It is characterized by a nocturnal periodic decrease or complete stop in airflow due to partial or total collapse of the oropharyngeal tract. Surgical treatment of OSA is constantly evolving and improving, especially with the implementation of new technologies, and this is needed because of the very heterogeneous reasons for OSA due to the multiple sites of potential airway obstruction. Moreover, all of these surgical methods have advantages and disadvantages; hence, patients should be approached individually, and surgical therapies should be chosen carefully. Furthermore, while it is well-established that oromaxillofacial surgery (OMFS) provides various surgical modalities for treating OSA both in adults and children, a new aspect is emerging regarding the possibility that some of the surgeries from the OMFS domain are also causing OSA. The latest studies are suggesting that surgical treatment in the head and neck region for causes other than OSA could possibly have a major impact on the emergence of newly developed OSA, and this issue is still very scarcely mentioned in the literature. Both oncology, traumatology, and orthognathic surgeries could be potential risk factors for developing OSA. This is an important subject, and this review will focus on both the possibilities of OMFS treatments for OSA and on the OMFS treatments for other causes that could possibly be triggering OSA.
... Vinha et al. 27 showed a significant reduction in ODI (p = 0.047). The ODI value before intervention was 21.3 (± 31.6), while after SARME, the value decreased to 14.8 (± 25.9). ...
... Studies evaluating the effects of RME on OSA is a multifactorial disease, 12 The exam should be based on the guidelines from this document. 32 The study of Vinha et al. 27 is the only document that reported and The meta-analyses demonstrated that AHI AHI: Apnoea-Hypopnea Index; ODI: Oxygen Desaturation Index; ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale; MD: mean difference; CI: confidence interval. * = The evidence has been downgraded by one level because of serious concern regarding the risk of bias. ...
Introduction The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the effects of maxillary expansion on adults with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Methods Electronic searches up to July 2021 in eight electronic databases were conducted. Study selection, data extraction, risk of bias evaluation using ROBINS-I, quality of evidence assessment using GRADE and meta-analyses were performed. Results The electronic searches yielded 1,007 studies. Following the application of the eligibility criteria, 15 articles were fully read and five studies were included. The studies evaluated the effects of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion in adults with OSA. The meta-analysis demonstrated an improvement in Apnoea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) (MD = -9.91, CI = -14.57 to -5.25), Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI) (MD = -7.95, CI = -12.23 to -3.67), and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) (MD = -4.40, CI = -6.39 to -2.40). ROBINS-I indicated serious, no information and critical risk of bias for the included studies. The quality of the evidence was very low. Conclusion The findings herein suggest that maxillary expansion could improve OSA in adults in the short term.
... 79 Mixed outcomes were found among the remaining studies. [80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87] While there is evidentiary literature to suggest that maxillary expansion in adults can result in significant reduction in AHI and improvement in subjective sleep quality, the available evidence indicated residual disease. When combined with unresolved symptoms, this may warrant further treatment. ...
... Vinha et al., found that surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion in adults significantly reduced the respiratory disturbance index by an average of 54.6% (p = 0.0013). The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) in that study was significantly reduced by 56.2% (33.23 ± 39.5 to 14.5 ± 19.4, p = 0.001), and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) scores also increased from 12.5 ± 5.3 to 7.2 ± 3.5 (p < 0.001) [21]. In another study of mandibular and maxillary expansion in children, Remy et al. found that OSA symptoms significantly improved after nine months, with the AHI significantly decreased by 53% overall and 63% in the youngest participants [22]. ...
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In addition to mandibular advancement devices, dental expansion appliances are an important clinical approach for achieving an increased intra-oral space that promotes airflow and lessens the frequency or severity of apneic events in patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It has been thought that dental expansion in adults must be preceded by oral surgery; however, in this paper, we examine the results of a new technique for slow maxillary expansion without any surgical procedures. The palatal expansion device, DNA (Daytime-Nighttime Appliance), was reviewed in this retrospective study, particularly regarding its effects on measurements of transpalatal width, airway volume, and apnea-hypopnea indices (AHI) as well as its common modalities and complications. The DNA effectively reduced AHI by 46% (p = 0.00001) and significantly increased both airway volume and transpalatal width (p < 0.00001). After DNA treatment, 80% of patients showed some improvement in AHI scores with 28% of patients having their OSA symptoms completely resolved. Compared to the use of mandibular appliances, this approach is intended to create a sustained improvement in airway management that can reduce or eliminate dependence on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or other OSA treatment devices.
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) describes obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) as a sleep-related breathing disorder that involves a decrease or complete halt in airflow despite an ongoing effort to breathe. This causes multiple episodes of hyperarousal or wakefulness from sleep, which leads to a decrease in the quality of sleep, leading to daytime sleepiness, increased affinity to accidents, and cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and stroke. It is measured using the apnea-hypopnea index, that is, the number of sleep arousals in a given night. Possible risk factors for the disease include obesity (body mass index of ≥30), older age, Down’s syndrome, family history of OSA, and abnormal craniofacial features. Treatment options include continuous positive airway pressure, weight loss, oral devices, surgeries of the soft palate and/or genioglossus muscle, and maxilla-mandibular advancements. This review aims to address the oral diagnosis and dental treatment of OSA.
Ortodontik düzensizlikler içerisinde en sık karşılaşılan problemlerden birisi de maksiller transvers yetersizliktir. Bu problem çocuklarda ve ergenlerde ortopedik uygulamalar ve ortodontik kuvvetler ile düzeltilebilir. İskeletsel olgunluğunu tamamlanmış hastalarda maksiller transvers düzensizliğin tedavisi daha zor hale gelmektedir. Bu hastalarda cerrahi destekli hızlı üst çene genişletmesi (SARPE) sıklıkla uygulanırken son dönemlerde komplikasyon riski daha az olan ve uygulama kolaylığı bulunan mini vida destekli hızlı üst çene genişletme (MARPE) uygulaması dikkat çekmektedir. Bu derlemedeki amacımız iskeletsel olgunluğunu tamamlamış hastalarda SARPE ve MARPE uygulamalarıyla ilgili genel bir bakış açısı kazandırmak ve hastalar için en uygun tedavi seçeneğini belirlemede bir kılavuz oluşturabilmektir.
Objective Pharyngeal opening pressure (PhOP) is a measure of upper airway collapsibility that can be obtained during drug‐induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) titration. However, the stability of PhOP over the course of sedation during DISE remains unclear. This study aims to compare repeat measures of PhOP over the course of DISE. Study Design Single arm prospective study. Setting Single tertiary care institution. Methods Patients had 2 CPAP titrations while undergoing DISE. Collected data included patient demographics, PhOP, patient sedation index (PSI), and duration of and between CPAP titrations. t Tests, test‐retest coefficient analysis, and repeated measures correlation were performed. Results Twenty‐five patients completed the study between 2022 and 2023 with 22 patients having sedation depth (PSI) recording. Most were male (76%), obese (average body mass index: 30.24 kg/m ² ), with severe obstructive sleep apnea (average apnea‐hypopnea index: 39.8 events/hr). Test‐retest analysis showed good‐excellent correlation between PhOP values (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.892, P < .0001, n = 25). Average time between CPAP titrations was 15 minutes to 6 seconds. Over that time, PhOP increased by an average of 0.72 cmH 2 O ( P = .06, n = 25) and PSI decreased by 9.5 units ( P = .01, n = 22). Repeated measures correlation showed a weak negative correlation between PhOP and PSI ( r = −.45, P = .03, n = 22). Conclusion The results showed repeatability of PhOP values over the course of DISE. When adjusted for sedation depth (PSI), deeper sedation was weakly associated with greater PHOP. However, the magnitude of this change was small and we conclude that PhOP remains relatively stable over the course of DISE (Effects of Lung Volume on Upper Airway Patency During DISE [DISE‐Pulm], NCT05350332, ).
Dear Sir, I read with interest a recently published “perspective in your journal on “A roadmap of craniofacial growth modification for children with sleep disordered breathing: a multidisciplinary approach” [1]. As I feel that some of your regular readers will not be conversant with the orthodontic literature around this subject, I felt it would be worth raising a few issues about the poor quality of the evidence base for several statements made in this article. Given the lack of evidence-based recommendations for treatment and the frequent misquoting of the literature mentioned above, I believe that this published “perspective” should be treated with a degree of skepticism by Doctors and Dentists when discussing orthodontic interventions for children under their care. You will note above that I have referenced a recent white paper published by the American Association of Orthodontists [2]. This paper was written by medical and dental experts in sleep medicine and dental sleep medicine to create a document designed to offer guidance on the suggested role of the specialty of orthodontics in the management of obstructive sleep apnea in children and adults.
Craniofacial modification by orthodontic techniques is increasingly incorporated in the multidisciplinary management of sleep disordered breathing in children and adolescents. With increasing application of orthodontics to this clinical population it is important for healthcare providers, families, and patients to understand the wide range of available treatments. Orthodontists can guide craniofacial growth depending on age; therefore, it is important to work with other providers for a team-based approach to sleep-disordered breathing. From infancy to adulthood the dentition and craniofacial complex change with growth patterns that can be intercepted and targeted at critical timepoints. This article proposes a clinical guideline for application of multi-disciplinary care with emphasis on dentofacial interventions that target variable growth patterns. We also highlight how these guidelines serve as a roadmap for the key questions that will influence future research directions. Ultimately the appropriate application of these orthodontic techniques will not only provide an important therapeutic option for children and adolescents with symptomatic sleep disordered breathing but may help also mitigate or prevent its onset.
Background: Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) is an established method to treat transverse maxillary hypoplasia in skeletally mature adult patients. SARPE affects the surrounding soft tissue. In addition, effects on the airway and breathing have been described. Aim of this study was to assess the effects of SARPE on the nasal soft tissue and the upper airway by means of three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: This retrospective study used preoperative and postoperative cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans and three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry. Ten skeletally adult patients (4 male, 6 female; mean age 27.68 years) with transverse maxillary hypoplasia were included. Patients had undergone SARPE procedure, performed by the same surgical team using the same technique. Nasal soft tissue changes were analyzed, using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry records taken preoperatively (t0) and at the postoperative checkup appointment (t1). The upper airway was assessed using CBCT scans for surgical planning (t0) and the first scan taken after SARPE (t1). Results: In stereophotogrammetry, it was shown that only a few soft tissue nasal parameters increased significantly and SARPE leads to mainly clinically irrelevant changes in nasal soft tissue. In CBCT, only a significant increase in nasopharyngeal airway volume was found. Discussion: Results were in alignment with literature. The effects of SARPE on the nasal soft tissue are mostly statistically insignificant and clinically irrelevant. Airway volume significantly increased in the nasopharyngeal area. Further research on SARPE effects should be conducted to reinforce SARPE as a treatment option for sleep apnea patients.
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Objectives: To evaluate, by using cone beam computed tomography, the skeletal, dental, oropharyngeal (OP) airway volume, and nasal passage (NP) volume changes that occur after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). Materials and methods: Two groups were selected, each with 35 patients (15 males, 20 females), an RME group (mean age, 14.02 ± 1.46 years) and a control group (mean age, 14.10 ± 1.44 years). The RME group consisted of patients with maxillary constriction who were treated with Hyrax palatal expanders, and the control group comprised age- and sex-matched patients who underwent comprehensive orthodontic treatment without the use of a rapid maxillary expander. Results: All of the transverse skeletal (medial orbital width, lateral nasal width, maxillary width, and mandibular width) and interdental (intermolar, interpremolar, and intercanine) parameters were significantly enlarged in the RME group. A statistically significant increase in airway variables was seen in both groups between pretreatment (T0) and final records (T1). The mean increase of NP airway volume for the RME group (1719.9 ± 1510.7 mm(3)) was twofold compared with the control group (813.6 ± 1006.7 mm(3)), and no intergroup significant difference was found for the OP volume. Conclusions: Rapid maxillary expansion creates a significant increase in nasal passage airway volume but no significant change in the oropharyngeal airway volume.
Introduction: Recent evidence suggests that rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is an effective treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in children with maxillary constriction. Nonetheless, the effect of RME on pharyngeal airway pressure during inspiration is not clear. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate changes induced by the RME in ventilation conditions using computational fluid dynamics. Methods: Twenty-five subjects (14 boys, 11 girls; mean age 9.7 years) who required RME had cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images taken before and after the RME. The CBCT data were used to reconstruct 3-dimensional shapes of nasal and pharyngeal airways. Measurement of airflow pressure was simulated using computational fluid dynamics for calculating nasal resistance during exhalation. This value was used to assess maximal negative pressure in the pharyngeal airway during inspiration. Results: Nasal resistance after RME, 0.137 Pa/(cm(3)/s), was significantly lower than that before RME, 0.496 Pa/(cm(3)/s), and the maximal negative pressure in the pharyngeal airway during inspiration was smaller after RME (-48.66 Pa) than before (-124.96 Pa). Conclusion: Pharyngeal airway pressure during inspiration is decreased with the reduction of nasal resistance by the RME. This mechanism may contribute to the alleviation of OSAS in children.
Maxillary transverse deficiencies (MTD) cause malocclusions. Rapid maxillary expansion treatment is commonly used treatment for correcting such deficiencies and has been found to be effective in improving respiration and sleep architecture in children with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). However, thus far, the effect of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) treatment on sleep architecture and breathing of normal subjects has not been assessed. We hypothesised that sleep quality will improve after maxillary expansion treatment. The objective of this study is to access the effect of maxillary expansion treatment on sleep structure and respiratory functions in healthy young adults with severe MTD. This is a prospective and exploratory clinical study. Twenty-eight consecutive young adult patients (15 males and 13 females, mean age 20·6 ± 5·8 years) presenting with severe MTD at the orthodontic examination were recruited into the study. All the participants underwent a standardised SARME procedure (mean expansion 6·5 ± 1·8 and 8·2 ± 1·8 mm, intercanine and intermolar distance, respectively) to correct malocclusion caused by MTD. An overnight in-laboratory polysomnography, before and after the treatment, was performed. The mean follow-up time was 9 months. The main outcome parameters were the changes in sleep architecture, including sleep stages, arousals, slow-wave activity (SWA) and respiratory variables. Before surgery, young adult patients with MTD presented no evidence of sleep breathing problems. At baseline sleep recording, 7 of 28 (25%) had apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) ≥ 5 events per hour. No negative effect of the SARME was observed in questionnaires or sleep laboratory parameters. In the patients with a higher baseline AHI (AHI ≥ 5 h of sleep), we observed a reduction in AHI after surgical treatment (P = 0·028). SARME did not have a negative effect on any sleep or respiration parameters in healthy young individuals with MTD. It normalised the breathing index in the patients with a mild AHI index.
The aim of this prospective study was to use cone-beam computed tomography to assess the dimensional changes of the upper airway in orthodontic patients with maxillary constriction treated by rapid maxillary expansion. Fourteen orthodontic patients (mean age, 12.9 years; range, 9.7-16 years) were recruited. The patients with posterior crossbite and constricted maxilla were treated with rapid maxillary expansion as the initial part of their comprehensive orthodontic treatments. Before and after rapid maxillary expansion cone-beam computed tomography scans were taken to measure the retropalatal and retroglossal airway changes in terms of volume, and sagittal and cross-sectional areas. The transverse expansions by rapid maxillary expansion were assessed between the midlingual alveolar bone plates at the maxillary first molar and first premolar levels. The measurements of the before and after rapid maxillary expansion scans were compared by using paired t tests with the Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons. After rapid maxillary expansion, significant and equal amounts of 4.8 mm of expansion were observed at the first molar (P = 0.0000) and the first premolar (P = 0.0000) levels. The width increase at the first premolar level (20.0%) was significantly greater than that at the first molar level (15.0%) (P = 0.035). As the primary outcome variable, the cross-sectional airway measured from the posterior nasal spine to basion level was the only parameter showing a significant increase of 99.4 mm(2) (59.6%) after rapid maxillary expansion (P = 0.0004). These results confirm the findings of previous studies of the effect of rapid maxillary expansion on the maxilla. Additionally, we found that only the cross-sectional area of the upper airway at the posterior nasal spine to basion level significantly gains a moderate increase after rapid maxillary expansion.
/st> The authors conducted a systematic review to consolidate the current knowledge regarding craniofacial morphological characteristics associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in nonsyndromic pediatric patients. /st> The authors included clinical studies in which participants were younger than 18 years, polysomnography was performed to determine the presence and severity of OSAS and the study group was compared with a control group or normative growth center data. The authors excluded studies with syndromic participants or participants who had received orthodontic treatment, orthognathic treatment or both previously. /st> The authors identified nine articles. They conducted a meta-analyses of the data from all but one of the studies to evaluate the eight most common cephalometric variables in children with OSAS. The I values were 79.53 percent for the angle from the basion point to the sella nasion (SN) line, 89.54 percent for the angle between the SN and palatal plane lines and 96.82 percent for the angle between the mandibular plane and SN lines (MP-SN). Therefore, for these three variables, the authors conducted a random-effect model meta-analysis. For the remaining five variables (MP-SN, the angle from SN to Apoint, the angle from SN to B point [SNB], the angle from A point to nasion point to B point [ANB] and the angle from articulare point to gonion point to gnathion point), I values were all less than 40 percent, and therefore the authors conducted a fixed-effects model meta-analysis. Three of the evaluated cephalometric variables (MP-SN, SNB and ANB) had statistically significant differences in comparison with those in a control group. Although the values of these variables were increased in children with OSAS, results of the meta-analysis should be considered cautiously owing to the limited number of cephalometric variables included. Practical Implications Dentists who identify patients with a craniofacial morphology consistent with pediatric OSAS (retrusive chin, steep mandibular plane, vertical direction of growth and a tendency toward Class II malocclusion) should inquire further into their patients' medical histories. When the craniofacial morphology is accompanied by a history of snoring, inability to breathe through the nose, significant allergies, asthma or obesity, the dentist should refer the patient to an otolaryngologist for assessment.